What is Jack talking about? 0x01-08-000

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Jan 29, 2014
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So you will see where it is being asked to get some reading from a car, for example:

Please log 0x01-08-000 at idle for 30 seconds just the raw numbers no graph.

Please log 0x01-04-000 at idle for 30 seconds just the raw numbers no graph.

In a nut shell, 0xAA-BB-CCC breaks down as:

0x, ignore, tech babble speak for nerds. Sometimes the 0x won't be there in the first place, I do not use the 0x term.
AA = Control module address. Every control module has a 2 digit address, 01 is Engine, 15 is Airbag or 56 is Radio.
BB = Function. When you connect to any given control module, you then can perform some function. Measuring Blocks, Basic Settings, Login and so on. The function buttons in VCDS has the 2 digit code right there on them.
CCC = What group/channel/value is needed for the function you are doing.

Ignore the "0x" part, so now we have 01-08-000

01 = Engine
08 = Measuring Blocks
000 = Group number

Another way you may see something listed is 15-08-003.4

15 = Airbag
08 = Measuring Blocks
003.4 = Group 003, 4th field

If you see items in brackets, it tends to refer to a button in the VCDS software, so 15-08-003.4, or as Jack would say, 0x15-08-003.4, you may see this:

[Meas. Blocks - 08]

Group 003, field 4.

This is mentioned on our world famous video on how to use the Ross-Tech wiki:

Jump to the 2:06 mark to see this in action.
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very helpful because I certainly had NOOO idea what that meant when people referred to it, so now I can be more involved!

My AC is not working, I just bought the HEXCAN from you guys Friday, really praying that with the forums help we can pin point the issue, my audi is only 4 years old with just over 50k so of course it is just out of warranty and all AUDI wants to do is their "guided fault finding" :-(


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May 2, 2014
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Alexandria/fairfax county VA
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I thought 0x was a prefix used as an identifier for hexadecimal.

so unless the identifiers are in hex, it would not belong in the reference.

are the controller references in hex? I think not, because the controller referenced above would be F, not 15.


Gone But Not Forgotten
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Jan 29, 2014
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Montgomery, NY, USA
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In the short hand version try this people to get proficient.

To verify readiness!

01 engine - 15 check readiness status. ( 0x01-15 Q )

To perform tests on some CAN cars for readiness script!

0x01-04-200 and hold gas and break after selecting on, perform count down, or each test individual to isolate each system in 01 engine.

01 = engine address then when in ECU ( 0x01 )

01 = ID of engine ( 0x01-01 )

02 = check DTC ( 0x01-02 )

03 = output tests. ( 0x01-03 )

04 = basic settings ( basics should never be entered while car is running unless you know what you are doing for a channel. ) ( 0x01-04 Q)

Throttle valve tests never should be entered when running but key on engine off. ( 01-04-060,063 additional for auto with kick down ) ( 0x01-04-060 Q) ( 063 ) ( 098 )

05 = erase DTC ( 0x01-02-05 ) In actual VAG1551 ( 0x01-05 Q )

06 = end output ( 0x01-06 Q )

07 = code ECU ( 0x01-07- + value Q )

08 = measuring blocks ( 0x01-08-000/255 )

09 = individual measuring block ( 0x01-09-000/255 )

10 = adaptation ( 0x01-10-000/255 )

11 = login for security access 0x01-11- + value input 00000 )

15 = readiness ( 0x01-15 )

16 = login for security access ( 0x01-16- + value input 00000 )


Most tests require gas and brake except 070,071,077,037,041 but some depending on the ECU support take over with brake and gas pressed.
Some require a sweet spot RPM like OXS heaters @ 3500

01-04-108 ( Additional AUX brake booster pump ) NOTE: ( Engine not running and press brake until test commences holding..... then displays result of vacuum pump in 4th field )

These following tests while running!

01-04-071-ON ( LDP Test )

01-04-070-ON ( EVAP )

01-04-077-ON ( Secondary air test ) ( It is normal for this test to abort and may need to be done last on some controllers, however, always check DTC's after test )

01-04-028-ON ( Knock sensor test )

01-04-094/096-ON ( Vario cam timing test )

01-04-030-ON ( Heated OXS bin bits spec 111 front and 110 for rear )

01-04-034/035-ON ( Forward OXS test )

01-04-036-ON ( Rear OXS test )

01-04-037/038-ON ( Age test OXS )

01-04-041/042-ON ( Heater circuit resistance display )

01-04-043/044-ON ( Additional OXS test )

01-04-046-ON ( CAT test )

On stubborn cars!~
Additional tests can be seen from blocks 210 on up in ME7.1.1
Most use the standard Bosch test method for binary displays in field 4 last 3 bits ( 100 pass or 111/001/101 Testing active, FAILED TEST/NOT PREFORMED or DTC present )
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Verified VCDS User
May 2, 2014
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Alexandria/fairfax county VA
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so for the hex-confused.

0x0F in binary is 00001111 which would be 15 in normal base ten, how we count money and everything with our fingers .

0x15 in binary is 00011001 which is 21 in base ten...

hence the need for the 0x prefix to make clear what is meant.


Gone But Not Forgotten
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Jan 29, 2014
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Montgomery, NY, USA
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Red face

so for the hex-confused.

0x0F in binary is 00001111 which would be 15 in normal base ten, how we count money and everything with our fingers .

0x15 in binary is 00011001 which is 21 in base ten...

hence the need for the 0x prefix to make clear what is meant.

Nope it is an assigned address word in Hex ( 0x0F ) We're not counting money here......pretty sure we are not playing baseball with ten innings either.

Uwe covered this though.

They are indeed in hexadecimal. 0x0F is Digital (typically satellite) Radio, not Airbags.

Click through the tabs on this screen and it will become very obvious.



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May 2, 2014
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Alexandria/fairfax county VA
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So the bottom line of all this excursion is that there is a valid reason for the 0x prefix.

to find the valid index, you need to be consistent in the numbering system, and the 0x says to treat the following as hexadecimal representations.

Jack, your example could have incorporated Uwe's response had it included one or more of the hex-specific index numbers. examples which avoid any of the hex digit values over 9 [A,B,C,D,E,F] serve to reinforce the notion that the 0x is just tech-babble.

The talk of bases has nothing to do with baseball, but the numbering system.

Hexadecimal is base 16, the numbers we use for money ( and to count innings) is base 10

(but you probably think I am babbling in binary)

Jetta 97

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Maybe this can explain you what Jack doing:



Gone But Not Forgotten
Professional VCDS User
Jan 29, 2014
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Montgomery, NY, USA
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Maybe this can explain you what Jack doing:

Yeah I use a HEX editor Marin, but not for this specific short hand writing purpose.

So the bottom line of all this excursion is that there is a valid reason for the 0x prefix.

to find the valid index, you need to be consistent in the numbering system, and the 0x says to treat the following as hexadecimal representations.

Jack, your example could have incorporated Uwe's response had it included one or more of the hex-specific index numbers. examples which avoid any of the hex digit values over 9 [A,B,C,D,E,F] serve to reinforce the notion that the 0x is just tech-babble.

The talk of bases has nothing to do with baseball, but the numbering system.

Hexadecimal is base 16, the numbers we use for money ( and to count innings) is base 10

(but you probably think I am babbling in binary)

Well personally I was taught that way from day one.
The reason I was given is this............and I agree with it.
The starting address word....... should always start with a Hex 0x ......It was done to identify a controller first.......... then the lead functions or tests going forward in it in HEX or DEC for inputs.


15 could be airbag or it could mean readiness
02 could mean Trans or check DTC's
03 could mean ABS or it could mean outputs
05 could mean access/authorization or clear DTC's
etc etc............

0x15 ( airbag ) 08 ( measuring blocks ) 001 ( channel one )

It was done by VWAG to increase efficiency and keep the testing data cryptic to the average person when seeing the data......so they didn't understand.

I just think you over analyze things Mike.......
My observation is that you politely try to use a process to look smart or discredit someone else.......an example of it I witnessed in the DPF thread first hand and I think it's happening now in this thread.
I brought up baseball being a wise ass.
So go ahead rip me up beating a dead horse ............whether directly, or passively like the SS does.

Oh and I should add that in the past I was getting lazy not installing the 0x in my short VAG.
"Shame on you Jack"
I was slapped with some words to remind me.......... as if French Blueberry Crêpes were smeared in my face as to why I should be doing it.
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May 2, 2014
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Alexandria/fairfax county VA
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I never seek to discredit anyone. what would be the point of that?

only to share an observation which may improve the accuracy from including another data point or another point of view.

or to ask a question which may improve my understanding.

and I welcome being given the opportunity to learn something new, or correct some point I think I know, but is incorrect.

I have found that if you know everything (or think you do), it is hard to learn something new.

I learned quite a bit from the DPF discussion, thanks again for that series of exchanges.

The point of this minor discussion is that prefix.

Changing the subject, what do you think of this: http://forums.ross-tech.com/showthread.php?3198-alternative-DSG-fluids


Gone But Not Forgotten
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Jan 29, 2014
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Montgomery, NY, USA
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I never seek to discredit anyone. what would be the point of that?

only to share an observation which may improve the accuracy from including another data point or another point of view.

or to ask a question which may improve my understanding.

and I welcome being given the opportunity to learn something new, or correct some point I think I know, but is incorrect.

I have found that if you know everything (or think you do), it is hard to learn something new.

I learned quite a bit from the DPF discussion, thanks again for that series of exchanges.

The point of this minor discussion is that prefix.

Changing the subject, what do you think of this: http://forums.ross-tech.com/showthre...ive-DSG-fluids

Please stop doing it then, because what you have done is exactly that, and that's just how I feel about it as do others.
I don't know everything that's for sure.....kind of feel dumb here considering the much smarter people I'm surrounded by.
Wish I could write better, and have come a long way I think........ considering my impairments.
That's my weakness......and I really hate bullshit or drama tied to it when all I am truly trying to do is share something helpful.
I will be the first to capitulate if I am wrong or proven wrong.
I like to think outside normal boundaries people restrict there mind to....... based on what they were taught.

I will have a look at your DSG fluids.


Verified VCDS User
May 2, 2014
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Alexandria/fairfax county VA
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Gee, Jack,

I am sorry I offended or insulted you.

I truly mis-understood.

I will try to be more tactful in any future posts.

Anyone else I have offended, please let me know.


Gone But Not Forgotten
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Jan 29, 2014
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Montgomery, NY, USA
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Now back to readiness for geeks ........

Early ME 5.xx short VAG Readiness for ABA and AAA 96-99

Key On not running.
0x01-07- Same data default eeprom Key off 1 minute.
0x01-10-00 Clear ADP default Key off 1 minute
0x01-02-05 Read/Clear DTC's
0x01-04-098 ADP TV wait until unit stops buzzing 30 seconds! Then Key off 1 minute.
0x01-02 check DTC's if none commence if not sort conditions.
* Proceed*
0x01-08-098 Verify ADP-ok for TV.
* Proceed*
Engine running at idle and clear out with a couple blips of TV before testing.
0x01-04-053 LDP if supported field 4 0000100 desired as passed. ( separate vacuum line test not N80 )
0x01-04-151 EVAP shared byte with LDP for readiness monitor same desired value in binary. ( N80 Test )
0x01-04-160 SAI test 00000100
0x01-04-103 Getting tired will finish later on.


Gone But Not Forgotten
Professional VCDS User
Jan 29, 2014
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Montgomery, NY, USA
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All models............2005> ON CAN

When doing 071 LDP Readiness 2005> please be driving the car, in a low gear steady speed and RPM at least 2500 to do this test & to be sure sufficient vacuum is present.

It is important that no atmospheric change over or throttle blips are exhibited during a basic settings command for this test being aborted/interrupted!

NostraJackAss Has Spoken!


Verified VCDS User
May 16, 2014
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Melbourne, Australia
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Gee, Jack,

I am sorry I offended or insulted you.

I truly mis-understood.

I will try to be more tactful in any future posts.

Anyone else I have offended, please let me know.

mike: You certainly haven't offended me, and I suspect that you haven't offended Jack either:) (although I have never met the man - so I'm not sure of his general demeanor).

Personally, I find the exchange of ideas on this topic interesting. The way that folk indicate hexadecimal notation when writing numbers seems to differ - I'm not sure if there is a generational influence at play here, or if the difference is country related. Personally, I tend to use the prefix "hex" as in hex01, but I've noticed that Jack (and a few others here) prefer to use "0x". I doesn't really matter which is used, but I think that it's important to use some form of prefix so that the reader understands that the number doesn't use the more-normal decimal base. I guess it's sometimes obvious when hexadecimal is used in those instances where the number is higher than 9, because of the alpha, but this isn't the case in the lower numbers - especially if the "higher nibble" (first number in the Byte) isn't zero.

So as a general rule, it's good to see a prefix of some sort (I thnk) because it indicates that the reader should switch his/her thinking to another numbering syatem and it demonstrates that the author has taken the trouble to make the distinction to help in the reader"s understanding- as jack ALWAYS appears to do!

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Gone But Not Forgotten
Professional VCDS User
Jan 29, 2014
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Montgomery, NY, USA
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mike: You certainly haven't offended me, and I suspect that you haven't offended Jack either:) (although I have never met the man - so I'm not sure of his general demeanor).

Personally, I find the exchange of ideas on this topic interesting. The way that folk indicate hexadecimal notation when writing numbers seems to differ - I'm not sure if there is a generational influence at play here, or if the difference is country related. Personally, I tend to use the prefix "hex" as in hex01, but I've noticed that Jack (and a few others here) prefer to use "0x". I doesn't really matter which is used, but I think that it's important to use some form of prefix so that the reader understands that the number doesn't use the more-normal decimal base. I guess it's sometimes obvious when hexadecimal is used in those instances where the number is higher than 9, because of the alpha, but this isn't the case in the lower numbers - especially if the "higher nibble" (first number in the Byte) isn't zero.

So as a general rule, it's good to see a prefix of some sort (I thnk) because it indicates that the reader should switch his/her thinking to another numbering syatem and it demonstrates that the author has taken the trouble to make the distinction to help in the reader"s understanding- as jack ALWAYS appears to do!


Mike is an okay guy he just likes to stir up controversy & sometimes with disinformation in a technical thread; which if it hurts the masses I must call it out........I like his threads even if they antagonize me to a degree......Some I enjoy a lot.

I prefer facts over fiction or his perceived speculation, which is why if you read his threads I have participated &" they are good threads" .; when it seems to be his slant toward pushing a part/bullshit service verse correcting an issue......... I set the record to what I believe are the facts.

Usually it's all in good fun and people find the reading entertaining and for the ones it doesn't........... click off it I say.

The DPF thread and his AC threads are a fun informant read, because he gets frustrated when I point out those facts......

I am not always right & I respect everyone's opinion when they say here is mine and why ......the guy who doesn't back it up with facts to make a good argument or as to why for their thought process, I am merciless........:D

My love to hate is always evenly distributed.

NostraJackAss Has Spoken!
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