The best way to post pictures is to upload them to some photo-hosting site. If you don't use a photo-hosting site, try, you don't need to create an account there, you can just drag & drop pictures to it, and they have apps to upload pictures straight from your phone as well.
Once you've uploaded a picture, you'll have a URL for it. Put that URL in between IMG tags in your post, like this:
Or like this:
That will give you a nice photo in your post, kinda like this:
PS, H/T to @Quintus Rotam :
Once you've uploaded a picture, you'll have a URL for it. Put that URL in between IMG tags in your post, like this:
Or like this:
That will give you a nice photo in your post, kinda like this:
PS, H/T to @Quintus Rotam :
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