So you will see where it is being asked to get some reading from a car, for example:
In a nut shell, 0xAA-BB-CCC breaks down as:
0x, ignore, tech babble speak for nerds. Sometimes the 0x won't be there in the first place, I do not use the 0x term.
AA = Control module address. Every control module has a 2 digit address, 01 is Engine, 15 is Airbag or 56 is Radio.
BB = Function. When you connect to any given control module, you then can perform some function. Measuring Blocks, Basic Settings, Login and so on. The function buttons in VCDS has the 2 digit code right there on them.
CCC = What group/channel/value is needed for the function you are doing.
Ignore the "0x" part, so now we have 01-08-000
01 = Engine
08 = Measuring Blocks
000 = Group number
Another way you may see something listed is 15-08-003.4
15 = Airbag
08 = Measuring Blocks
003.4 = Group 003, 4th field
If you see items in brackets, it tends to refer to a button in the VCDS software, so 15-08-003.4, or as Jack would say, 0x15-08-003.4, you may see this:
[Meas. Blocks - 08]
Group 003, field 4.
This is mentioned on our world famous video on how to use the Ross-Tech wiki:
Jump to the 2:06 mark to see this in action.
Please log 0x01-08-000 at idle for 30 seconds just the raw numbers no graph.
Please log 0x01-04-000 at idle for 30 seconds just the raw numbers no graph.
In a nut shell, 0xAA-BB-CCC breaks down as:
0x, ignore, tech babble speak for nerds. Sometimes the 0x won't be there in the first place, I do not use the 0x term.
AA = Control module address. Every control module has a 2 digit address, 01 is Engine, 15 is Airbag or 56 is Radio.
BB = Function. When you connect to any given control module, you then can perform some function. Measuring Blocks, Basic Settings, Login and so on. The function buttons in VCDS has the 2 digit code right there on them.
CCC = What group/channel/value is needed for the function you are doing.
Ignore the "0x" part, so now we have 01-08-000
01 = Engine
08 = Measuring Blocks
000 = Group number
Another way you may see something listed is 15-08-003.4
15 = Airbag
08 = Measuring Blocks
003.4 = Group 003, 4th field
If you see items in brackets, it tends to refer to a button in the VCDS software, so 15-08-003.4, or as Jack would say, 0x15-08-003.4, you may see this:
[Meas. Blocks - 08]
Group 003, field 4.
This is mentioned on our world famous video on how to use the Ross-Tech wiki:
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