Is this a 0D5 or 0D6 transmission?
Firstly, regardless of anything I would go through powertrain related ’s/’s on
Erwin to see if there is anything related to your complaint already being addressed in one of them. Also to check for software updates.
You will need to read the factory service documentation.
That being said, in case this is a 0D5 or 0D6 transmission, and
only if it is a 0D5 or 0D6 transmission:
1: Make sure fluid type is correct. Either the correct fluid from ZF or the fluid from Audi. Neither are cheap but the ZF one is cheaper.
2: Make sure the fluid level is correct. This is screwed up more often than not because people, including dealer techs dont read.
For example, for the 0D6:
The coolant hose to or from the transmission heat exchanger needs to be clamped off. After initial filling and going through the gears with the prescribed intervals and the set to the correct settings (usual mistake #1) the transmission needs to cool down to (from memory) about 30°C. Then, with the engine idling (usual mistake #2) and the vehicle level (usual mistake #3) and the fluid temp within prescribed temperature range, you fill it to the underside off the fill plug hole, put the fill plug back and then shut off the engine (usual mistake #4). The torque converter drains as soon as the engine is shut off, which makes a big difference in the amount of fluid in the transmission.
The above is for the 0D6 transmission, i assume a 0D5 is similar, but you’re not doing any of this without reading the factory service documentation so no guarantees.
After, and really
after doing 1 and 2:
Run the ‘quick adaptation’ in the basic settings of the transmission. Transmission (and engine?) needs to be at operating temperature, engine idling, foot ond the brake and gearbox in D, then start the basic setting and wait for it to finish before releasing the brake. It takes about a full minute to complete. Then shut off the ignition for a full minute.
Do not run the basic setting without confirming/double checking step 1 and 2 first.
Everything I mentioned here is from memory so take it as purely informative.