Yes and no. Your does have an Adaptation Channel for it:
IDE00259-ENG104054 -- Idle RPM correction - Idle Speed Offset
However, I'm near certain you won't be able to change it. It probably requires a Security Access code that not generic like it is on older TDIs and isn't known (at least to me).
Now, I have answers to my own questions:
1. Can you increase idle RPM in Engine adaptation on a VW GTI MK7 with EA888 gen 3 engine? Yes
2. "Unlike TDIs, most Gasoline engine controllers after (roughly) model year 2005 will not allow modifications to the idle speed.", it it true? This statement is not true with VW MK7 with EA888 Gen 3 (Gas engine, non TDI).
Here are steps what I have taken:
1. Pop up the hood.
2. Connect my standalone OBD2 scanner, start the car engine running (idle of course).
3. Using the standalone OBD2 scanner device to scan and clear engine module fault code if there is any.
4. Stop and then restart engine after clearing the fault, plug in connector.
5. Launch app, Application->Controller Channels Map, select Whole Vehicle, Output to Raw Hex, Check Adaptations option, Then click Go, wait until done. This is for restoring to previous state in case adaptation goes wrong.
6. Back out all the way to the main menu, click "Select"->01 Engine->Security Access, enter 27971, the code was accepted. Note, Before try 27971, I entered 20103, which was refused. Despite warning says
"...allow only one access attempt... wait 10 minutes...", I did not wait 10 minutes, immediately enter 27971, which was accepted.
7. Then back to menu, select Adaptations->Idle Speed Adjustment, default is 0 RPM/min, I set to 50 RPM/min, then click do it. The new value 50 was accepted.
Exit app, re-enter to Adaptations, the stored value and new value shown are 50 /Min, the change appears to be persistent.
I did attempt to change from 50 to 100 following the same process, it will not change to 100, stay with 50, which indicates only allow delta increase of maximum 50 rpm/min from defaut delta idle rpm of 0 /min (stored value). The logic appears ignoring any RPM increase if stored value + new value > 50 / min, clicking do it will do nothing.
Thanks for all inputs, as a new bee with , I enjoy this forum discussion.