That relay is not using a lower voltage. Just saying. It is true on hybrid and electric vehicles, but trust me, you ( I mean you) don’t get a chance to be messing with it, it is well burried.
I did not look to see if the voltage going to 28,32,34 and 39 has gone up from the 2+volts it was showing before I removed controller. I will check it tomorrow. I imagine it had to change and go up otherwise the fuel pump would not have primed properly to start the vehicle. Ill let you know after I check it out.
Ok I will go along with that. How about a lower amperage. Usually that is, not always. I agree. The slave circuit in this case uses running voltage. the relay is buried deep? I already have the out of its home in the firewall behind wiper arms. yes it was buried in there pretty good. That was my first thought. That the was fried or corrupted. I will dig into the module tomorrow and get that sorted. Did you happen to notice the new scan?