Hey Sheldon,
I've been in many an auto forum over the years.
In nearly all instances that the main contributors 'get into it' w/me over political and MORAL issues, they act like 'combatants', just like you have shown yourself to be.
The last forum, I got permanently banned from, but not b/c I was being mean or not contributing.
It was b/c they opened an ELECTION INTERFERENCE THREAD, and didn't like me telling the TRUTH in it, and calling them on their sh*t.
Interestingly, when the election was over, they removed all traces of the 3 threads that involved ELECTION INTERFERENCE.
Thing about is, that forum is CANADIAN OWNED, so their activities amounted to espionage.
It's obvious that the homo who is Canada's PM was told to do that by the globalist 'cabal'.
Anyone who knows anything, knows that the social media is both a surveillance platform as well as a mind-control platform.
Funny thing is, that two-faced Canadian shill (Castro wannabe) recently flew down to the USA and sucked-up to DT...how sad!
Anyway, my point is, every time I've run into people like you in the forums over the years, it turns out that they are either 'working for the enemy' or they are just
stupid sheeple who are totally brainwashed and have no idea what the TRUTH really is.
Considering how useful is, one would think that the forum members would be more responsible and 'cultured' in that regard, not showing these colors.
But apparently, the same sh*theads float around on all these social media brainwashing forums.
At least Uwe made a valuable contribution to me in this thread.
Incidentally Uwe, I'm not going to get into it w/you over the FSM debate.
It's been around a long time.
It's been litigated in many nations.
It's another one of those POLITICAL THINGS that would churn and churn, with no value coming to any of the observers.
If you want to get a good start on knowing my view, you can read all the litigation, lobbying and other political endeavors that have occurred in the USA under the guise of 'RIGHT TO REPAIR'.
Find attached a page out of my original GULF SERVICE MANUAL that was FREELY PROVIDED by Gulf Oil, back in the 60's-70's.
It had ALL the PERTINENT information needed to fix nearly all vehicles what were found on the roads in the USA.
Now compare that with what we have today.
Like I said, I'm not going to get into it with you, b/c nothing good will come from it