Passat B8 DQ250 DSG calibration



Active Member
Nov 23, 2024
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VCDS Serial number
I'm about to do a DSG calibration for my 2016 Passat B8 estate with DQ250 transmission.
The current wiki page instructions for this procedure are for older version of VCDS, so they do not apply anymore.

The nevest VCDS has totally different approach to do the calibration for the transmission, including the following selectable actions:
IDE00498-Resetting of all adaptation values
IDE02903-Basic setting of transmission
IDE02909-Start double clutch fast adaptation
IDE07863-Calibration of synchro-points

The main reason for doing this is that, mainly after starting the car and the first time getting it moving, it does not matter if it's reversing or going forward, it feels that the car clutch engages at a different point than where the car is expecting it to engage. So, it basically launches a bit when initially getting moving.
It shifts without a problem, and, for example, when I stop at traffic lights and get going again, it does not behave this way.
The transmission had an oil change just a moment ago. The clutch isn't slipping, so in other ways, it's working like it's expected to.

With the current way, the software has the capability to calibrate the transmission.
Which/What of the above actions should I execute?
And in which order?
And is there a test/calibration drive needed to do after any of these actions?

I currently have an HEX-CAN interface, is this adequate to execute these tasks?

Thanks for any possible comments and advice.


Ross-Tech Employee
Ross-Tech Employee
Jan 29, 2014
Reaction score
16.4905° S, 151.7375° W

We have Basic Settings Procedures for many transmissions. To ensure we provide you with the correct procedure, we will need an Auto-Scan of the vehicle in question.

Thank you,

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Reactions: Uwe


Active Member
Nov 23, 2024
Reaction score
VCDS Serial number
Could not do a scan just for this, but this is an older scan, when it had some issues with the steering angle sensor, which is now although sorted.
I hope this is enought for this need.
Windows Based VAG/VAS Emulator Running on Windows 8 x64
 VCDS Version: Release 23.11.0(x64) Data version: 20231027 DS351.0
 Dealer/Shop Name:
 Workshop Code: 000 00000 000000
 Self-Diagnosis Log
 VIN: WVWZZZ3CZGE076154 License Plate: ENX-163
 Mileage: 199234km-123798mi Repair Order:
 Chassis Type: 3C-VW48 (5Q0)
 Scan: 01 02 03 05 08 09 10 13 15 16 17 18 19 2B 42 44 52 55 5F 6D
 VIN: WVWZZZ3CZGE076154 Mileage: 199234km-123798miles
 01-Engine -- Status: Malfunction 0010
 02-Auto Trans -- Status: OK 0000
 03-ABS Brakes -- Status: Malfunction 0010
 05-Acc/Start Auth. -- Status: Malfunction 0010
 08-Auto HVAC -- Status: Malfunction 0010
 09-Cent. Elect. -- Status: Malfunction 0010
 10-Park/Steer Assist -- Status: Malfunction 0010
 13-Auto Dist. Reg -- Status: Malfunction 0010
 15-Airbags -- Status: OK 0000
 16-Steering wheel -- Status: OK 0000
 17-Instruments -- Status: OK 0000
 18-Aux. Heat -- Status: Malfunction 0010
 19-CAN Gateway -- Status: Malfunction 0010
 2B-Steer. Col. Lock -- Status: OK 0000
 42-Door Elect, Driver -- Status: OK 0000
 44-Steering Assist -- Status: Malfunction 0010
 52-Door Elect, Pass. -- Status: Malfunction 0010
 55-Headlight Range -- Status: Malfunction 0010
 5F-Information Electr. -- Status: OK 0000
 6D-Trunk Elect. -- Status: OK 0000
 A5-Frt Sens. Drv. Assist -- Status: Malfunction 0010
 BB-Door Rear Drv -- Status: OK 0000
 BC-Door Rear Pass -- Status: OK 0000
Time: 18:51:10
Self-Diagnosis Log
 Page 2
 VIN: WVWZZZ3CZGE076154 License Plate: ENX-163
 Address 01: Engine (J623-CRLB) Labels:. 04L-907-309-V1.clb
 Part No SW: 04L 906 026 ET HW: 04L 907 309 R
 Component: R4 2.0l TDI H22 1990
 Revision: B5H22--- CVN: 49FF1F44
 Coding: 011D003A03641D083000
 Shop #: WSC 11200 205 00000
 ASAM Dataset: EV_ECM20TDI01104L906026ET 002002
 ROD: EV_ECM20TDI01104L906026ES_002_VW48.rod
 VCID: 000482849B675891C3-8054
 VINID: 9E69EAAAA0D3A975401C604510D01BE1D0
 2 Faults Found:
 17158 - Implausible Data Received from ESP Control Module
 U0416 00 [00101100] - -
 Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
 Freeze Frame:
 Fault Priority: 6
 Fault Frequency: 6
 Mileage: 198477 km
 Date: 2024.08.25
  Engine RPM: 1262.00 /min
 Normed load value: 49.8 %
 Vehicle speed: 0 km/h
 Coolant temperature: 86 °C
 Intake air temperature: 67 °C
 Ambient air pressure: 990 mbar
 Voltage terminal 30: 14.400 V
 Unlearning counter according OBD: 40
 Drivetrain coordinator: ACC fault status-Bits 0-7: 0
 Drivetrain coordinator: ACC fault status-Bits 0-7: 0
 Drivetrain coordinator: brake fault status-Bits 0-7: 4
 Drivetrain coordinator: brake function status-Bits 0-7: 0
 Drivetrain coordinator: brake function status-Bits 0-7: 0
 Acceleration: 0.129 m/s2
 7150 - Implausible Data Received from Steering Angle Sensor Module (G85)
 U0428 00 [00101000] - -
 Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
 Freeze Frame:
 Fault Priority: 6
 Fault Frequency: 6
 Mileage: 198477 km
 Date: 2024.08.25
 Time: 18:51:10
 Engine RPM: 1212.50 /min
 Normed load value: 47.8 %
 Vehicle speed: 0 km/h
 Coolant temperature: 86 °C
 Intake air temperature: 67 °C
Self-Diagnosis Log
 VIN: WVWZZZ3CZGE076154 License Plate: ENX-163
Readiness: 0 0 0 0 0
Unlearning counter according OBD: 40
Page 3
  Ambient air pressure: 990 mbar
 Voltage terminal 30: 14.400 V
  CAN status - engine control module-Bits 0-7: 0
 Cruise Control System (CCS): status-Bits 0-7: 7
 Address 02: Auto Trans (J743) Labels: 0D9-927-770.clb
 Part No SW: 0D9 300 041 A HW: 02E 927 770 AQ
 Component: DQ250-6F MQB H53 4801
 Revision: 06253104 Serial number: TFK01508252149 CVN: 000098E9
 Coding: 0014
 Shop #: WSC 05311 115 00066
 ASAM Dataset: EV_TCMDQ250021 001001
 ROD: EV_TCMDQ250021.rod
 VCID: 1628C4DCE9E3C62109-8042
 No fault code found. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Self-Diagnosis Log
 Page 4
 VIN: WVWZZZ3CZGE076154 License Plate: ENX-163
 Address 03: ABS Brakes (J104) Labels: 5Q0-907-379-IPB-V1.clb
 Part No SW: 3Q0 907 379 AB HW: 3Q0 907 379 G
 Component: ESC H42 0723
 Revision: 00000000 Serial number: 62545000001500
 Coding: 0FEC6A8F34270B720778060541C749F0562CD0E0608292F13862F078C202
 Shop #: WSC 00015 115 08193
 ASAM Dataset: EV_Brake1UDSContiMK100IPB 034036
 ROD: EV_Brake1UDSContiMK100IPB_034.rod
 VCID: 7AF0F06CFDBB02418D-802E
 5 Faults Found:
 0292 - Steering angle sensor
 B1168 04 [00001000] - Internal System Fault
 Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
 Freeze Frame:
 Fault Priority: 2
 Fault Frequency: 3
 Reset counter: 254
 Mileage: 198477 km
 Date: 2024.08.25
 Time: 18:51:10
 16401 - Tire Pressure Warning
 C102D 00 [00001000] - -
 Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
 Freeze Frame:
 Fault Priority: 2
 Fault Frequency: 1
 Reset counter: 34
 Mileage: 198463 km
 Date: 2024.08.25
 Time: 18:19:14
 16412 - Display for Tire Pressure Monitoring
 C1146 02 [10001001] - Signal Failure
 MIL ON - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
 Freeze Frame:
 Fault Priority: 2
 Fault Frequency: 3
 Reset counter: 254
 Mileage: 198477 km
 Date: 2024.08.25
 Time: 18:51:20
 16413 - Display for Tire Pressure Monitoring
 C1146 02 [10001001] - Signal Failure
 MIL ON - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
 Freeze Frame:
 Fault Priority: 2
 Fault Frequency: 3
 Reset counter: 254
 Mileage: 198477 km
Self-Diagnosis Log
 Page 5
 VIN: WVWZZZ3CZGE076154 License Plate: ENX-163
 Date: 2024.08.25
 Time: 18:51:20
 16418 - Display for Tire Pressure Monitoring
 C1146 02 [00001000] - Signal Failure
 Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
 Freeze Frame:
 Fault Priority: 2
 Fault Frequency: 3
 Reset counter: 39
 Mileage: 198477 km
 Date: 2024.08.25
 Time: 18:51:20
 Address 05: Acc/Start Auth. (J518) Labels:| 5Q0-959-435.clb
 PartNoSW:3Q0959435C HW:3Q0959435C
 Component: VWKESSYMQB 036 0709
 Revision: 00036000 Serial number: 0378966778 Dataset Number: V03935225QE 0001
 Coding: 0F00000703
 Shop #: WSC 05311 115 00309
 ASAM Dataset: EV_KessyHellaMQBAB 004032
 ROD: EV_KessyHellaMQBAB.rod
 VCID: 3A70306CBD3BC241CD-806E
 2 Faults Found:
 65794 - Function Restricted due to Insufficient Voltage
 U1400 00 [00001000] - -
 [New feature! Extended UDS fault detail is only supported by current gen. interfaces]
 Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
 Freeze Frame:
 Fault Priority: 6
 Fault Frequency: 2
 Reset counter: 23
 Mileage: 197648 km
 Date: 2024.02.08
 Time: 12:46:58
 221700 - Sensor for Rear Lid/Hatch Opening
 B1303 31 [00001001] - No Signal
 Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
 Freeze Frame:
 Fault Priority: 2
 Fault Frequency: 1
 Reset counter: 5
 Mileage: 173393 km
 Date: 2023.01.25
 Time: 20:08:25
Self-Diagnosis Log
 Page 6
 VIN: WVWZZZ3CZGE076154 License Plate: ENX-163
 Address 08: Auto HVAC (J255) Labels:| 5G0-907-044.clb
 PartNoSW:5G1907044J HW:5G1907044J
 Component: Climatronic H04 1202
 Revision: 00001K10 Dataset Number: 0000
 Coding: 12020104204101011115500C0010180A
 Shop #: WSC 00015 115 08193
 ASAM Dataset: EV_ACClimaBHBVW37X 005137
 ROD: EV_ACClimaBHBVW37X_005_VW37.rod
 VCID: 2F661138767917E96A-807A
 Fresh air blower control module (front): A/C pressure/coolant temperature sensor: Air quality sensor:
Humidity sensor: exterior:
    4 Faults Found:
 328452 - Motor for Rear Temperature Flap
 B108E 71 [00001000] - Actuator Stuck
 Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
 Freeze Frame:
 Fault Priority: 2
 Fault Frequency: 13
 Reset counter: 36
 Mileage: 196057 km
 Date: 2024.01.08
 Time: 18:47:25
 Voltage terminal 30: 14.4 V
 Outside temperature: -6.0 °C
 Inside temperature: 22.8 °C
 Rear temperature flap: actual value: 0.0 %
 Rear temperature flap: actual value: 179
 Rear temperature flap: specified value: 184
 263425 - Air Quality Sensor
 B10AF 04 [00001000] - Internal System Fault
 Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
 Freeze Frame:
 Fault Priority: 3
 Fault Frequency: 10
 Reset counter: 7
 Mileage: 193128 km
 Date: 2023.11.16
 Time: 23:38:00
 Voltage terminal 30: 14.5 V
 Outside temperature: -6.0 °C
 System run time-Engine running time: 40 s
 System run time-Terminal 15 on: 40 s
Time: 12:45:38
Self-Diagnosis Log
 Page 7
 VIN: WVWZZZ3CZGE076154 License Plate: ENX-163
 1048838 - Functional Limitation due to Energy Management
 B10CD 00 [00001000] - -
 Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
 Freeze Frame:
 Fault Priority: 6
 Fault Frequency: 1
 Reset counter: 22
 Mileage: 197648 km
 Date: 2024.02.08
  Voltage terminal 30: 11.5 V
 CAN input signal(s) status-Transport mode: On
 CAN input signal(s) status-Static current measuring mode: OFF
 CAN input signal(s) status-Windshield wiper: OFF
 CAN input signal(s) status-Energy management deactivation stage: Deactivation stage 1
 CAN input signal(s) status-Wipe wash: OFF
 CAN input signal(s) status-Rear window heater actual value: OFF
 CAN input signal(s) status-Back-up lamp: OFF
 CAN input signal(s) status-Actual value of windshield heater: OFF
 263682 - Exterior Air Quality/Humidity Sensor
 B137A 31 [00001000] - No Signal
 Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
 Freeze Frame:
 Fault Priority: 3
 Fault Frequency: 13
 Reset counter: 39
 Mileage: 197154 km
 Date: 2024.01.28
 Time: 12:13:50
 Voltage terminal 30: 14.5 V
 Outside temperature: -0.5 °C
 System run time-Engine running time: 255 s
 System run time-Terminal 15 on: 255 s
Wiper motor control module:
Coding: 0E4DDD
Self-Diagnosis Log
 Page 8
 VIN: WVWZZZ3CZGE076154 License Plate: ENX-163
 Address 09: Cent. Elect. (J519) Labels:| 5Q0-937-08X-HV1.clb
 Part No SW: 5Q0 937 086 AK HW: 5Q0 937 086 AK
 Component: BCM PQ37BOSCH 028 0162
 Revision: -------- Serial number: 86583008150641 Dataset Number: V03935225VC 0001
 Coding: 00011E46C2C102FF57C44014001C572C1C80000000000000000000000000
 Shop #: WSC 00015 115 08193
 ASAM Dataset: EV_BodyContrModul1UDSBosc 015002
 VCID: 030E8D888A714389DE-8056
  Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 3G1 955 119 A HW: 3G1 955 119 Labels: 5QX-955-119-V1.CLB
 Component: WWS 150802 042 0607
 Serial number: 150818024131
  Rain/Light Recognition Sensor:
 Subsystem 2 - Part No SW: 5Q0 955 547 A HW: 5Q0 955 547 A Labels: 5Q0-955-547.CLB
 Component: RLHS 037 0059
 Serial number: S5Y15M09D16H23M39S35
 Coding: 90A8DD
 Light switch:
 Subsystem 3 - Part No SW: 3G0 941 633 H HW: 3G0 941 633 H
 Component: E1 - LDS MQB H01 0032
 Serial number: 03 06 2015 10000547
 Humidity sensor: interior:
 4 Faults Found:
 131586 - Function Restricted due to Insufficient Voltage
 U1400 00 [00001000] - -
 Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
 204290 - Remote key 1
 B1479 18 [00001000] - Current Too Low
 Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
 Freeze Frame:
 Fault Priority: 4
 Fault Frequency: 1
 Reset counter: 40
 Mileage: 195349 km
 Date: 2023.12.25
 Time: 15:33:39
 Terminal 15 status: OFF
 Terminal 50 status: OFF
 CAN-Bus_aktiv: OFF
 Status Bremslichtschalter (HW): OFF
 Status Bremslichtschalter (CAN): OFF
 OFF: Not operated
 Position lamps: Not operated
204546 - Remote key 2
Self-Diagnosis Log
 Page 9
 VIN: WVWZZZ3CZGE076154 License Plate: ENX-163
 Automatic high beam assist: Not operated
 Low beam: Not operated
 Parking light left: Not operated
 Parking light right: Not operated
 last_wakeup: Pin A31 Lock/Unlock Taster: Tankklappenrückmeldung
 Voltage: 12.5 V
 Outside temperature: -50.0 °C
  B147A 18 [00001001] - Current Too Low
 Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
 Freeze Frame:
 Fault Priority: 4
 Fault Frequency: 1
 Reset counter: 0
 Mileage: 184420 km
 Date: 2023.07.11
 Time: 13:41:58
 Terminal 15 status: OFF
 Terminal 50 status: OFF
 CAN-Bus_aktiv: OFF
 Status Bremslichtschalter (HW): OFF
 Status Bremslichtschalter (CAN): OFF
 OFF: Not operated
 Position lamps: Not operated
 Automatic high beam assist: Not operated
 Low beam: Not operated
 Parking light left: Not operated
 Parking light right: Not operated
 last_wakeup: Pin A31 Lock/Unlock Taster: Tankklappenrückmeldung
 Voltage: 12.6 V
 Outside temperature: -50.0 °C
 203016 - Unlock Switch in Rear Lid Handle
 B140B 29 [00001000] - Signal Implausible
 Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
Self-Diagnosis Log
 Page 10
 VIN: WVWZZZ3CZGE076154 License Plate: ENX-163
 Address 10: Park/Steer Assist (J791) Labels:| 5Q0-919-298.clb
 Part No SW: 5QA 919 298 HW: 5Q0 919 298 C
 Component: PLA 3.0 12KH08 0161
 Serial number: 000305183615253 Dataset Number: V03935223VR 0001
 Coding: 0271061851
 Shop #: WSC 05311 115 00066
 ASAM Dataset: EV_EPHVA2CAU3700000 009017
 ROD: EV_EPHVA2CAU3700000_009_VW37.rod
 VCID: 0D1AABB0DC3505F9B8-8058
 4 Faults Found:
 1081105 - Switch for Parking Aid
 B107F 11 [00001000] - Short to Ground
 Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
 Freeze Frame:
 Fault Priority: 4
 Fault Frequency: 3
 Reset counter: 39
 Mileage: 199192 km
 Date: 2024.08.30
 Time: 13:02:37
 13679372 - Databus
 U1123 00 [00001000] - Received Error Message
 [New feature! Extended UDS fault detail is only supported by current gen. interfaces]
 Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
 Freeze Frame:
 Fault Priority: 6
 Fault Frequency: 7
 Reset counter: 39
 Mileage: 198477 km
 Date: 2024.08.25
 Time: 18:51:10
 13637426 - Databus
 U1123 00 [00001000] - Received Error Message
 [New feature! Extended UDS fault detail is only supported by current gen. interfaces]
 Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
 Freeze Frame:
 Fault Priority: 6
 Fault Frequency: 6
 Reset counter: 39
 Mileage: 198477 km
 Date: 2024.08.25
 Time: 18:51:10
 13679386 - Databus
 U1123 00 [00001000] - Received Error Message
 [New feature! Extended UDS fault detail is only supported by current gen. interfaces]
 Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
 Freeze Frame:
 Fault Priority: 6
Fault Frequency: 6
Self-Diagnosis Log
 Page 11
 VIN: WVWZZZ3CZGE076154 License Plate: ENX-163
  Reset counter: 39
 Mileage: 198477 km
 Date: 2024.08.25
 Time: 18:51:10
Control Module temperature: 38 °C
Self-Diagnosis Log
 Page 12
 VIN: WVWZZZ3CZGE076154 License Plate: ENX-163
 Address 13: Auto Dist. Reg (J428) Labels:| 3Q0-907-572.clb
 PartNoSW:3Q0907572B HW:3Q0907572B
 Component: ACC BOSCH MQB H04 0192
 Dataset Number: V03935222ZA 0001
 Coding: 320067C351FFC428949C804D
 Shop #: WSC 05311 115 00066
 ASAM Dataset: EV_ACCBOSCHVW48X 001008
 VCID: 346C1E549F5F343117-8060
 10 Faults Found:
 2052 - Databus
 U1123 00 [00001000] - Received Error Message
 [New feature! Extended UDS fault detail is only supported by current gen. interfaces]
 Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
 Freeze Frame:
 Fault Priority: 4
 Fault Frequency: 7
 Reset counter: 39
 Mileage: 198477 km
 Date: 2024.08.25
 Time: 18:51:09
  Voltage terminal 15: 14.0 V
 Velocity_vehicle_reference: 0.00 m/s
 Longitudinal_acceleration_vehicle_reference: 0.00 m/s2
 Status_ACC_System: ACC_Off_MainSwitch_Off
 0795 - Databus
 U1123 00 [00001000] - Received Error Message
 [New feature! Extended UDS fault detail is only supported by current gen. interfaces]
 Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
 Freeze Frame:
 Fault Priority: 4
 Fault Frequency: 6
 Reset counter: 39
 Mileage: 198477 km
 Date: 2024.08.25
 Time: 18:51:10
 Control Module temperature: 38 °C
 Voltage terminal 15: 13.9 V
 Velocity_vehicle_reference: 0.00 m/s
 Longitudinal_acceleration_vehicle_reference: 0.00 m/s2
 Status_ACC_System: ACC_irreversible error
 0803 - Databus
 U1123 00 [00001000] - Received Error Message
 [New feature! Extended UDS fault detail is only supported by current gen. interfaces]
 Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
 Freeze Frame:
Self-Diagnosis Log
 Page 13
 VIN: WVWZZZ3CZGE076154 License Plate: ENX-163
 Fault Priority: 4
 Fault Frequency: 6
 Reset counter: 39
 Mileage: 198477 km
 Date: 2024.08.25
 Time: 18:51:10
 Control Module temperature: 38 °C
 Voltage terminal 15: 14.1 V
 Velocity_vehicle_reference: 0.00 m/s
 Longitudinal_acceleration_vehicle_reference: 0.00 m/s2
 Status_ACC_System: ACC_irreversible error
 2101 - Databus
 U1123 00 [00001000] - Received Error Message
 [New feature! Extended UDS fault detail is only supported by current gen. interfaces]
 Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
 Freeze Frame:
 Fault Priority: 4
 Fault Frequency: 6
 Reset counter: 39
 Mileage: 198477 km
 Date: 2024.08.25
 Time: 18:51:09
 Control Module temperature: 38 °C
 Voltage terminal 15: 14.0 V
 Velocity_vehicle_reference: 0.00 m/s
 Longitudinal_acceleration_vehicle_reference: 0.00 m/s2
 Status_ACC_System: ACC_Off_MainSwitch_Off
 0836 - Databus
 U1123 00 [00001000] - Received Error Message
 [New feature! Extended UDS fault detail is only supported by current gen. interfaces]
 Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
 Freeze Frame:
 Fault Priority: 6
 Fault Frequency: 254
 Reset counter: 39
 Mileage: 173228 km
 Date: 2023.01.23
 Time: 14:21:40
 Control Module temperature: 22 °C
 Voltage terminal 15: 11.3 V
 Velocity_vehicle_reference: 0.00 m/s
 Longitudinal_acceleration_vehicle_reference: 0.00 m/s2
 Status_ACC_System: ACC_Off_MainSwitch_Off
 1538 - Sensor for Automatic Distance Control
 C110B F0 [00001000] - Limited Visibility
 [New feature! Extended UDS fault detail is only supported by current gen. interfaces]
Control Module temperature: 8 °C
Self-Diagnosis Log
 Page 14
 VIN: WVWZZZ3CZGE076154 License Plate: ENX-163
 Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
 Freeze Frame:
 Fault Priority: 4
 Fault Frequency: 1
 Reset counter: 15
 Mileage: 197390 km
 Date: 2024.02.01
 Time: 15:51:54
  Voltage terminal 15: 13.8 V
 Velocity_vehicle_reference: 9.16 m/s
 Longitudinal_acceleration_vehicle_reference: 0.56 m/s2
 Status_ACC_System: ACC_StandBy
 1542 - Sensor for Automatic Distance Control
 C110B F0 [00001000] - Limited Visibility
 [New feature! Extended UDS fault detail is only supported by current gen. interfaces]
 Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
 Freeze Frame:
 Fault Priority: 4
 Fault Frequency: 1
 Reset counter: 15
 Mileage: 197390 km
 Date: 2024.02.01
 Time: 15:51:54
 Control Module temperature: 8 °C
 Voltage terminal 15: 13.8 V
 Velocity_vehicle_reference: 9.16 m/s
 Longitudinal_acceleration_vehicle_reference: 0.56 m/s2
 Status_ACC_System: ACC_StandBy
 1127 - Databus
 U1121 00 [00001000] - Missing Message
 [New feature! Extended UDS fault detail is only supported by current gen. interfaces]
 Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
 Freeze Frame:
 Fault Priority: 6
 Fault Frequency: 1
 Reset counter: 36
 Mileage: 199114 km
 Date: 2024.08.28
 Time: 18:01:59
 1219 - Databus
Control Module temperature: 28 °C
 Voltage terminal 15: 12.5 V
 Velocity_vehicle_reference: 0.00 m/s
 Longitudinal_acceleration_vehicle_reference: 0.00 m/s2
 Status_ACC_System: ACC_StandBy
Self-Diagnosis Log
 Page 15
 VIN: WVWZZZ3CZGE076154 License Plate: ENX-163
 U1121 00 [00001000] - Missing Message
 [New feature! Extended UDS fault detail is only supported by current gen. interfaces]
 Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
 Freeze Frame:
 Fault Priority: 6
 Fault Frequency: 1
 Reset counter: 35
 Mileage: 198828 km
 Date: 2024.08.27
 Time: 18:09:42
 Control Module temperature: 36 °C
 Voltage terminal 15: 14.5 V
 Velocity_vehicle_reference: 16.59 m/s
 Longitudinal_acceleration_vehicle_reference: 0.13 m/s2
 Status_ACC_System: ACC_StandBy
 2068 - Databus
 U1123 00 [00001000] - Received Error Message
 [New feature! Extended UDS fault detail is only supported by current gen. interfaces]
 Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
 Freeze Frame:
 Fault Priority: 6
 Fault Frequency: 6
 Reset counter: 39
 Mileage: 198477 km
 Date: 2024.08.25
 Time: 18:51:10
 Control Module temperature: 38 °C
 Voltage terminal 15: 14.0 V
 Velocity_vehicle_reference: 0.00 m/s
 Longitudinal_acceleration_vehicle_reference: 0.00 m/s2
 Status_ACC_System: ACC_reversible_error
Crash sensor for side airbag: driver side:
Coding: 2D2D2D
Self-Diagnosis Log
 Page 16
 VIN: WVWZZZ3CZGE076154 License Plate: ENX-163
 Address 15: Airbags (J234) Labels:| 5Q0-959-655.clb
 Part No SW: 3Q0 959 655 BB HW: 3Q0 959 655 BB
 Component: Airbag VW20 013 0195
 Revision: -------- Serial number: 003STPGH2XH+ Dataset Number: 3G0003V____ 0037
 Coding: 88CCC000008000005C5400CC000800000065
 Shop #: WSC 05314 000 00001
 ASAM Dataset: EV_AirbaVW20TS6VW48X 001116
 ROD: EV_AirbaVW20TS6VW48X.rod
 VCID: 7F060178E6992769BA-802A
  Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: ----------- HW: 454 003 108 15
 Component: SideSensor_Df 008 0887
 Serial number: 3576U00000011B48161+
 Coding: 2D2D2D
 Front Passenger's Side Airbag Crash Sensor:
 Subsystem 2 - Part No SW: ----------- HW: 454 003 108 15
 Component: SideSensor_Pf 008 0887
 Serial number: 3586U000000A6A58161D
  Rear Side Airbag Crash Sensor (on driver's side):
 Subsystem 3 - Part No SW: ----------- HW: 454 802 608 15
 Component: SideSensor_Dr 301 0148
 Serial number: 3516R127CF9070000009
 Coding: 2D2D2D
 Passenger side rear thorax airbag crash sensor:
 Subsystem 4 - Part No SW: ----------- HW: 454 803 008 15
 Component: SideSensor_Pr 301 0148
 Serial number: 3526R4650F8070000002
 Coding: 2D2D2D
 Crash sensor for front airbag: driver side:
 Subsystem 5 - Part No SW: ----------- HW: 454 801 808 15
 Component: FrontSensor_D 304 0149
 Serial number: 3556VF9A8D607000000W
 Coding: 2D2D2D
 No fault code found. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
No fault code found.
Self-Diagnosis Log
 Page 17
 VIN: WVWZZZ3CZGE076154 License Plate: ENX-163
 Address 16: Steering wheel (J524) Labels:| 5Q0-953-549.clb
 Part No SW: 3Q0 953 521 AM HW: 5Q0 953 569 B
 Component: Lenks.Modul 100 0205
 Revision: FF034034 Serial number: 20150908500238 Dataset Number: 3G0094V____ 0001
 Coding: 0410
 Shop #: WSC 00015 115 00001
 VCID: 7BFEF568F2813B4996-802E
 Address 17: Instruments (J285) Labels:| 5G0-920-XXX-17.clb-SRI3
 PartNoSW:3G0920751A HW:3G0920751A
 Component: KOMBI 301 6421
 Coding: 07A409182F84000800886B011001000000000000
 Shop #: WSC 00015 115 00001
 ASAM Dataset: EV_DashBoardVDDMQBAB 009046
 ROD: EV_DashBoardVDDMQBAB_009_VW26.rod
 VCID: 234EED082AB1A389FE-8076
 No fault code found. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Coding: 9309
1 Fault Found:
Self-Diagnosis Log
 Page 18
 VIN: WVWZZZ3CZGE076154 License Plate: ENX-163
 Address 18: Aux. Heat (J364) Labels:| 5Q0-963-272.clb
 PartNoSW:5Q0963272E HW:5Q0963272E
 Component: STH-MQB 007 0072
  Shop #: WSC 00015 115 00001
 ASAM Dataset: EV_AuxilParkiHeateWOS 002018
 ROD: EV_AuxilParkiHeateWOS.rod
 VCID: 38742A648337D0513B-806C
 Auxiliary heating remote control:
 Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 5Q0 963 513 A HW: 5Q0 963 513 A
 Component: R149 T91-LIN 003 0301
 Serial number: 00000000000001209076
  0040 - Shutdown by Battery Management Module
 B1381 00 [00001000] - -
 Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
 Freeze Frame:
 Fault Priority: 7
 Fault Frequency: 1
 Reset counter: 23
 Mileage: 197686 km
 Date: 2024.02.09
 Time: 14:46:46
 Parking heater: operating condition: OFF
 Coolant temperature of parking heater: -18 °C
 Coolant temperature: -22 °C
 Engine running status: not detected
 Fuel level: 14 l
 Heating performance: 0 W
Serial number: 29150001583530095323
Self-Diagnosis Log
 VIN: WVWZZZ3CZGE076154 License Plate: ENX-163
 Address 19: CAN Gateway (J533) Labels:| 5Q0-907-530-V1.clb
 Part No SW: 5Q0 907 530 AF HW: 5Q0 907 530 M
 Component: GW MQB High 212 2227
 Revision: -------- Serial number: 01091510801297 Dataset Number: 3G0067V____ 2213
 Coding: 030300045F017300FB00025A1C0F00010001070000000000000000000000
 Shop #: WSC 131071 1023 2097151
 GVL: 01543C0008000600408C90000004C80000000000000000000000000000000000
 ASAM Dataset: EV_GatewConti 013020
 ROD: EV_GatewConti_013.rod
 VCID: 75EAE350D4A56D39E0-8020
 Multifunction steering wheel control module:
Page 19
  Subsystem 2 - Part No SW: 5G0 959 442 K HW: 5G0 959 442 K Labels: 3C8-959-537.CLB
 Component: E221__MFL-DC1 H16 0040
  Coding: 2FFFFF
 Battery Monitoring Control Module:
 Subsystem 3 - Part No SW: 3Q0 915 181 A HW: 3Q0 915 181 A
 Component: J367-BDMHella H04 8050
 Serial number: 5414707503
 Analog clock:
 Subsystem 4 - Part No SW: 3G0 919 204 C HW: 3G0 919 204 C
 Component: Analoguhr 209 2002
 1 Fault Found:
 131699 - Control unit for information electronics 1
 U1054 00 [00001000] - No Communication
 [New feature! Extended UDS fault detail is only supported by current gen. interfaces]
 Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
 Freeze Frame:
 Fault Priority: 2
 Fault Frequency: 1
 Reset counter: 27
 Mileage: 197812 km
 Date: 2024.02.12
 Time: 19:19:40
 Terminal 30 power supply: 11.6 V
 Terminal 15: OFF
No fault code found.
Self-Diagnosis Log
 Page 20
 VIN: WVWZZZ3CZGE076154 License Plate: ENX-163
 Address 2B: Steer. Col. Lock (J764) Labels:| 1EA-905-861.clb
 Part No SW: 3Q0 905 861 HW: 3Q0 905 861
 Component: ELV-MQBB H05 0031
 Serial number: 15000072149004
 Coding: 0800000000000000
 Shop #: WSC 00015 115 08193
 ASAM Dataset: EV_ELVMarquMQBB 001007
 ROD: EV_ELVMarquMQBB_VW37.rod
 VCID: 71E2D740A0CD41193C-8024
 Address 42: Door Elect, Driver (J386) Labels:| 5QX-959-X93-42.clb
 PartNoSW:5Q0959593E HW:5Q0959593B
 Component: TSG FS 020 0041
 Serial number: 180815BHI05141 Dataset Number: V03935272KC 0001
 Coding: 003F1B20D000020000001000
 Shop #: WSC 131071 1023 2097151
 ASAM Dataset: EV_DCUDriveSideEWMAXKLO 006003
 VCID: 438E4D88CAF183899E-8016
 No fault code found. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Self-Diagnosis Log
 Page 21
 VIN: WVWZZZ3CZGE076154 License Plate: ENX-163
 Address 44: Steering Assist (J500) Labels:| 5Q0-909-143.clb
 PartNoSW:5Q0909143K HW:5Q0909143E
 Component: MQB_PP_APA 204 2033
 Revision: 00000000 Serial number: 0000366613 Dataset Number: 3G0074V____ 0137
 Coding: 01010010005001
 Shop #: WSC 00015 115 00309
 ASAM Dataset: EV_SteerAssisVWBSMQBA 008027
 ROD: EV_SteerAssisVWBSMQBA_008.rod
 VCID: 3B7E3568B201FB49D6-806E
 1 Fault Found:
 5263361 - Function Limitation due to Missing Initialization
 B2020 00 [00001000] - -
 [New feature! Extended UDS fault detail is only supported by current gen. interfaces]
 Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
 Freeze Frame:
 Fault Priority: 4
 Fault Frequency: 7
 Reset counter: 39
 Mileage: 198477 km
 Date: 2024.08.25
 Time: 18:51:10
 Write only channel
 Address 52: Door Elect, Pass. (J387) Labels:| 5QX-959-X92-52.clb
 PartNoSW:5Q0959592E HW:5Q0959592B
 Component: TSG BFS 020 0041
 Serial number: 200815BHK11933 Dataset Number: V03935268PR 0001
 Coding: 003F1120D000020000001000
 Shop #: WSC 131071 1023 2097151
 ASAM Dataset: EV_DCUPasseSideEWMAXKLO 006003
 VCID: 4280488CD5EB8A8195-8016
 1 Fault Found:
 65639 - Motor for Window Regulator
 B1487 29 [00001000] - Signal Implausible
 Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
 Freeze Frame:
 Fault Priority: 3
 Fault Frequency: 2
 Reset counter: 39
 Mileage: 199171 km
 Date: 2024.08.30
 Time: 11:47:08
Self-Diagnosis Log
 Page 22
 VIN: WVWZZZ3CZGE076154 License Plate: ENX-163
 Address 55: Headlight Range (J745) Labels:| 7P6-907-357.clb
 PartNoSW:7P6907357C HW:7P6907357B
 Component: AFS-ECU H01 0110
 Revision: -------- Serial number: --------------
 Coding: 039A00004F200200
 Shop #: WSC 05311 000 08193
 ASAM Dataset: EV_HeadlRegulAFSMQBMLB 001001
 ROD: EV_HeadlRegulAFSMQBMLB_VW48.rod
 VCID: 3F864178A619E769FA-806A
 Left LED Headlamp Power Output Stage 1:
 Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 7PP 941 572 AB HW: 7PP 941 572 A Labels: 3D0-941-329.CLB
 Component: LED LeiMo li. H09 0003
 Coding: E02400
 Right LED Headlamp Power Output Stage 1:
 Subsystem 2 - Part No SW: 7PP 941 572 AB HW: 7PP 941 572 A Labels: 3D0-941-329.CLB
 Component: LED LeiMo re. H09 0003
 Coding: E02400
 Left Headlamp Power Output Stage:
 Subsystem 3 - Part No SW: 3G0 941 329 _ HW: 3G0 941 329 _ Labels: 3D0-941-329.CLB
 Component: LeiMo links H02 0003
 Coding: E02400
 Right Headlamp Power Output Stage:
 Subsystem 4 - Part No SW: 3G0 941 329 _ HW: 3G0 941 329 _ Labels: 3D0-941-329.CLB
 Component: LeiMo rechts H02 0003
 Coding: E02400
 2 Faults Found:
 13705995 - Databus
 U1123 00 [00001000] - Received Error Message
 [New feature! Extended UDS fault detail is only supported by current gen. interfaces]
 Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
 Freeze Frame:
 Fault Priority: 6
 Fault Frequency: 7
 Reset counter: 29
 Mileage: 197994 km
 Date: 2024.02.12
 Time: 22:14:02
 13705992 - Databus
 U1123 00 [00001000] - Received Error Message
 [New feature! Extended UDS fault detail is only supported by current gen. interfaces]
 Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
 Freeze Frame:
 Fault Priority: 6
 Fault Frequency: 6
 Reset counter: 39
 Mileage: 198477 km
No fault code found.
Time: 18:51:09
Self-Diagnosis Log
 Page 23
 VIN: WVWZZZ3CZGE076154 License Plate: ENX-163
 Date: 2024.08.25
 Address 5F: Information Electr. (J794) Labels:| 5G0-035-MIB-STD2.clb
 Part No SW: 3Q0 035 846 HW: 3Q0 035 846
 Component: MU-S-N-ER 820 0627
 Serial number: Dataset Number: 5G0CV1v____ 0001
 Coding: 02840201FF00000051110001000808001F0100C4012001008F
 Shop #: WSC 131071 1023 2097151
 ASAM Dataset: EV_MUStd4CDELP 001001
 VCID: 6ED8CC3CB1F35EE121-803A
 Display and control head 1 for information electronics:
 Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 3G0 919 605 D HW: 3G0 919 605 D
 Component: ABT_Std-2_Nav H43 4064
 Serial number: VWZ6Z9R2550276
 Data carrier:
 Subsystem 2 - Part No SW: V03 825 254 AJ HW: -----------
 Component: ECE DL3 2023 --- 1910
 Serial number: --------------------
 Address 6D: Trunk Elect. (J605) Labels:| 5Q0-959-107.clb
 PartNoSW:5Q0959107G HW:5Q0959107G
 Component: HDSG-Modul H12 0250
 Revision: -------- Serial number: 30205142500000 Dataset Number: V03935218Q 0001
 Coding: 0208
 Shop #: WSC 00015 115 08193
 ASAM Dataset: EV_DeckLidCONTIAU736 001011
 ROD: EV_DeckLidCONTIAU736_VW37.rod
 VCID: 3C7C3674B70FFC71DF-8068
 No fault code found. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Self-Diagnosis Log
 VIN: WVWZZZ3CZGE076154 License Plate: ENX-163
 Address A5: Frt Sens. Drv. Assist (R242) Labels:| 3Q0-980-65X-A5.clb
 Part No SW: 3Q0 980 654 HW: 3Q0 980 654
 Component: MQB_B_MFK H04 0010
 Serial number: 08091511K11361 Dataset Number: 3G0HL1V____ 1211
 Coding: 000408020000040100221344C050A10010000E200040
 Shop #: WSC 00015 115 08193
 ASAM Dataset: EV_MFKBoschMQBB 001001
 ROD: EV_MFKBoschMQBB_001_VW36.rod
 VCID: 74ECDE54DFDF7431D7-8020
 5 Faults Found:
 1123205 - Databus
 U1123 00 [00001000] - Received Error Message
 [New feature! Extended UDS fault detail is only supported by current gen. interfaces]
 Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
 Freeze Frame:
 Fault Priority: 6
 Fault Frequency: 3
 Reset counter: 33
 Mileage: 196618 km
 Date: 2024.01.23
 Time: 09:22:06
 Control Module temperature: 11 °C
 Outside temperature: 2.5 °C
 Vehicle speed: 6.29 km/h
 System run time: 4.7 s
 Voltage terminal 15: 13.1 V
 mid: 02 D9
 Status of camera: operational
 Engine_Running_Info: 1
 Software_Info_4: 0
 Software_Info_3: 1
 Software_Info_2: 0
 Software_Info_1: 0
 1123206 - Databus
 U1123 00 [00001000] - Received Error Message
 [New feature! Extended UDS fault detail is only supported by current gen. interfaces]
 Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
 Freeze Frame:
 Fault Priority: 6
 Fault Frequency: 3
 Reset counter: 33
 Mileage: 196618 km
 Date: 2024.01.23
 Time: 09:22:06
 Outside temperature: 2.5 °C
Page 24
 Control Module temperature: 11 °C
  Vehicle speed: 6.29 km/h
 System run time: 4.7 s
Voltage terminal 15: 13.1 V
Software_Info_4: 0
Self-Diagnosis Log
 Page 25
 VIN: WVWZZZ3CZGE076154 License Plate: ENX-163
  mid: 02 D8
 Status of camera: operational
 Engine_Running_Info: 1
  Software_Info_3: 1
 Software_Info_2: 0
 Software_Info_1: 0
 1123173 - Databus
 U1123 00 [00001000] - Received Error Message
 [New feature! Extended UDS fault detail is only supported by current gen. interfaces]
 Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
 Freeze Frame:
 Fault Priority: 6
 Fault Frequency: 6
 Reset counter: 39
 Mileage: 198477 km
 Date: 2024.08.25
 Time: 18:51:10
 Control Module temperature: 37 °C
 Outside temperature: 22.5 °C
 Vehicle speed: 0.00 km/h
 System run time: 12.1 s
 Voltage terminal 15: 13.9 V
 mid: 02 DD
 Status of camera: operational
 Engine_Running_Info: 1
 Software_Info_4: 0
 Software_Info_3: 1
 Software_Info_2: 0
 Software_Info_1: 0
 1123080 - Databus
 U1123 00 [00001000] - Received Error Message
 [New feature! Extended UDS fault detail is only supported by current gen. interfaces]
 Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
 Freeze Frame:
 Fault Priority: 6
 Fault Frequency: 6
 Reset counter: 39
 Mileage: 198477 km
 Date: 2024.08.25
 Time: 18:51:10
 Control Module temperature: 37 °C
 Outside temperature: 22.5 °C
 Vehicle speed: 0.00 km/h
 System run time: 12.1 s
 Voltage terminal 15: 13.9 V
 mid: 02 A8
Self-Diagnosis Log
 Page 26
 VIN: WVWZZZ3CZGE076154 License Plate: ENX-163
 Status of camera: operational
 Engine_Running_Info: 1
 Software_Info_4: 0
 Software_Info_3: 1
 Software_Info_2: 0
 Software_Info_1: 0
 1122664 - Databus
 U1121 00 [00001000] - Missing Message
 [New feature! Extended UDS fault detail is only supported by current gen. interfaces]
 Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
 Freeze Frame:
 Fault Priority: 6
 Fault Frequency: 1
 Reset counter: 36
 Mileage: 199114 km
 Date: 2024.08.28
 Time: 18:01:59
 Control Module temperature: 29 °C
 Outside temperature: 18.5 °C
 Vehicle speed: 0.00 km/h
 System run time: 219.3 s
 Voltage terminal 15: 12.3 V
 mid: 01 F7
 Status of camera: operational
 Engine_Running_Info: 1
 Software_Info_4: 0
 Software_Info_3: 1
 Software_Info_2: 0
 Software_Info_1: 0
 Address BB: Door Rear Drv (J388) Labels:* None
 PartNoSW:5Q0959595E HW:5Q0959595B
 Component: TSG HFS 020 0041
 Serial number: 200815BHK08194 Dataset Number: V03935272KD 0001
 Coding: 000E11200100020000001000
 Shop #: WSC 29325 001 1048576
 ASAM Dataset: EV_DCURearDriveMAXKLO 006003
 VCID: 458A5390C4C5BDB9B0-8010
 No fault code found. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Self-Diagnosis Log
 Page 27
 VIN: WVWZZZ3CZGE076154 License Plate: ENX-163
 Address BC: Door Rear Pass (J389) Labels:* None
 PartNoSW:5Q0959595E HW:5Q0959595B
 Component: TSG HBFS 020 0041
 Serial number: 200815BHK08191 Dataset Number: V03935272QC 0001
 Coding: 000E11200100020000001000
 Shop #: WSC 29325 001 1048576
 ASAM Dataset: EV_DCURearPasseMAXKLO 006003
 VCID: 458A5390C4C5BDB9B0-8010
 No fault code found.
End-------------------------(Elapsed Time: 06:43)--------------------------


Benevolent Dictator
Jan 29, 2014
Reaction score
VCDS Serial number


Verified VCDS User
Apr 13, 2015
Reaction score
Milwaukee, Wisconsin USA
VCDS Serial number
I hope this is enought for this need.
This scan is difficult to read ; I believe you used the "print" function to generate this scan. Please use the copy and paste option , better still , follow these instructions:



Active Member
Nov 23, 2024
Reaction score
VCDS Serial number
I guess the issue is not that important then?

Quite lovely approach for this.

My garage is else where from where I live. And at times life has means to affect how can one spend the time available.
So unfortunately I've not had the time available to drive to my garage and do a full scan just for this. So instead I used a scan few months back.
The car does not have any errors what comes to the transmission, which was the main reason I decided to try is a scan few months back would do.


Active Member
Nov 23, 2024
Reaction score
VCDS Serial number
Okay, so here is a fresh new scan from the car in question.

VCDS -- Windows Based VAG/VAS Emulator Running on Windows 10 x64
VCDS Version: (x64)
Data version: 20240919 DS356.3

VIN: WVWZZZ3CZGE076154   License Plate:

Chassis Type: 3C-VW48 (5Q0)
Scan: 01 02 03 05 08 09 10 13 15 16 17 18 19 2B 42 44 52 55 5F 6D
          A5 BB BC

VIN: WVWZZZ3CZGE076154   Mileage: 205803km-127880miles

01-Engine -- Status: OK 0000
02-Auto Trans -- Status: OK 0000
03-ABS Brakes -- Status: Malfunction 0010
05-Acc/Start Auth. -- Status: Malfunction 0010
08-Auto HVAC -- Status: Malfunction 0010
09-Cent. Elect. -- Status: OK 0000
10-Park/Steer Assist -- Status: OK 0000
13-Auto Dist. Reg -- Status: Malfunction 0010
15-Airbags -- Status: OK 0000
16-Steering wheel -- Status: OK 0000
17-Instruments -- Status: Malfunction 0010
18-Aux. Heat -- Status: OK 0000
19-CAN Gateway -- Status: OK 0000
2B-Steer. Col. Lock -- Status: OK 0000
42-Door Elect, Driver -- Status: OK 0000
44-Steering Assist -- Status: OK 0000
52-Door Elect, Pass. -- Status: OK 0000
55-Headlight Range -- Status: Malfunction 0010
5F-Information Electr. -- Status: OK 0000
6D-Trunk Elect. -- Status: OK 0000
A5-Frt Sens. Drv. Assist -- Status: OK 0000
BB-Door Rear Drv -- Status: OK 0000
BC-Door Rear Pass -- Status: OK 0000
Address 01: Engine (J623-CRLB)       Labels:. 04L-907-309-V1.clb
   Part No SW: 04L 906 026 ET    HW: 04L 907 309 R
   Component: R4 2.0l TDI   H22 1990 
   Revision: B5H22---    CVN: 49FF1F44
   Coding: 011D003A03641D083000
   Shop #: WSC 11200 205 00000
   ASAM Dataset: EV_ECM20TDI01104L906026ET 002002
   ROD: EV_ECM20TDI01104L906026FL.rod
   VCID: 000482849B675896CB-8054
   VINID: 9E69EAAAA0D3A975401C604510D01BE1D0

No fault code found.
Readiness: 0 0 0 0 0

Address 02: Auto Trans (J743)       Labels: 0D9-927-770.clb
   Part No SW: 0D9 300 041 A    HW: 02E 927 770 AQ
   Component: DQ250-6F MQB  H53 4801 
   Revision: 06253104    Serial number: TFK01508252149 CVN: 000098E9
   Coding: 0014
   Shop #: WSC 05311 115 00066
   ASAM Dataset: EV_TCMDQ250021 001001
   ROD: EV_TCMDQ250021.rod
   VCID: 1628C4DCE9E3C62601-8042

No fault code found.

Address 03: ABS Brakes (J104)       Labels: 5Q0-907-379-IPB-V1.clb
   Part No SW: 3Q0 907 379 AB    HW: 3Q0 907 379 G
   Component: ESC           H42 0723 
   Revision: 00000000    Serial number: 62545000001500
   Coding: 0FEC6A8F34270B720778060541C749F0562CD0E0608292F13862F078C202
   Shop #: WSC 00015 115 08193
   ASAM Dataset: EV_Brake1UDSContiMK100IPB 034036
   ROD: EV_Brake1UDSContiMK100IPB_034_VW37.rod
   VCID: 7AF0F06CFDBB024685-802E

1 Fault Found:
16401 - Tire Pressure Warning
          C102D 00 [00001000] - -
          Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Priority: 2
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Reset counter: 102
                    Mileage: 203971 km
                    Date: 2024.10.27
                    Time: 12:35:29

Address 05: Acc/Start Auth. (J518)       Labels:| 5Q0-959-435.clb
   Part No SW: 3Q0 959 435 C    HW: 3Q0 959 435 C
   Component: VWKESSYMQB    036 0709 
   Revision: 00036000    Serial number: 0378966778 Dataset Number: V03935225QE 0001
   Coding: 0F00000703
   Shop #: WSC 05311 115 00309
   ASAM Dataset: EV_KessyHellaMQBAB 004032
   ROD: EV_KessyHellaMQBAB.rod
   VCID: 3A70306CBD3BC246C5-806E

1 Fault Found:
221700 - Sensor for Rear Lid/Hatch Opening
          B1303 31 [00001001] - No Signal
          Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Priority: 2
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Reset counter: 35
                    Mileage: 202816 km
                    Date: 2024.10.06
                    Time: 12:30:58

Address 08: Auto HVAC (J255)       Labels:| 5G0-907-044.clb
   Part No SW: 5G1 907 044 J    HW: 5G1 907 044 J
   Component: Climatronic   H04 1202 
   Revision: 00001K10    Dataset Number: 0000
   Coding: 12020104204101011115500C0010180A
   Shop #: WSC 00015 115 08193
   ASAM Dataset: EV_ACClimaBHBVW37X 005137
   ROD: EV_ACClimaBHBVW37X_005_VW37.rod
   VCID: 2F661138767917EE62-807A

   Fresh air blower control module (front):

   A/C pressure/coolant temperature sensor:

   Air quality sensor:

   Humidity sensor: exterior:

4 Faults Found:
328452 - Motor for Rear Temperature Flap
          B108E 71 [00001001] - Actuator Stuck
          Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Priority: 2
                    Fault Frequency: 12
                    Reset counter: 91
                    Mileage: 202251 km
                    Date: 2024.10.02
                    Time: 23:07:03

                    Voltage terminal 30: 14.2 V
                    Outside temperature: 16.0 °C
                    Inside temperature: 20.5 °C
                    Rear temperature flap: actual value: 24
                    Rear temperature flap: actual value: 0.0 %
                    Rear temperature flap: specified value: 243

263425 - Air Quality Sensor
          B10AF 04 [00001000] - Internal System Fault
          Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Priority: 3
                    Fault Frequency: 2
                    Reset counter: 109
                    Mileage: 204612 km
                    Date: 2024.11.02
                    Time: 15:27:23

                    Voltage terminal 30: 14.3 V
                    Outside temperature: 4.0 °C
                    System run time-Engine running time: 36 s
                    System run time-Terminal 15 on: 36 s

65544 - Button(s) or Switch(es) in Operating Device
          B1312 07 [00001000] - Mechanical Failure
          Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Priority: 2
                    Fault Frequency: 3
                    Reset counter: 138
                    Mileage: 204488 km
                    Date: 2024.11.02
                    Time: 14:03:39

                    Voltage terminal 30: 14.6 V
                    Outside temperature: 1.5 °C
                    Pressing a button-Defrost: Not operated
                    Pressing a button-Recirculating air: Not operated
                    Pressing a button-Rear window defogger: Not operated
                    Pressing a button-AC: Not operated
                    Pressing a button-Left heated seat: Not operated
                    Pressing a button-Right heated seat: Not operated
                    Pressing a button-OFF: Not operated
                    Pressing a button-Parking heater: Not operated
                    Pressing a button-AUTO: Not operated
                    Pressing a button-SYNC: Not operated
                    Pressing a button-Menu: operated
                    Pressing a button-Footwell air distribution: Not operated
                    Pressing a button-Upper body vent air distribution: Not operated
                    Pressing a button-Air distribution up: Not operated
                    Pressing a button-AC MAX: Not operated

263682 - Exterior Air Quality/Humidity Sensor
          B137A 31 [00001000] - No Signal
          Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Priority: 3
                    Fault Frequency: 39
                    Reset counter: 135
                    Mileage: 202251 km
                    Date: 2024.10.02
                    Time: 23:07:06

                    Voltage terminal 30: 14.3 V
                    Outside temperature: 16.0 °C
                    System run time-Engine running time: 44 s
                    System run time-Terminal 15 on: 44 s

Address 09: Cent. Elect. (J519)       Labels:| 5Q0-937-08X-HV1.clb
   Part No SW: 5Q0 937 086 AK    HW: 5Q0 937 086 AK
   Component: BCM PQ37BOSCH 028 0162 
   Revision: --------    Serial number: 86583008150641 Dataset Number: V03935225VC 0001
   Coding: 00011E46C2C102FF57C44014001C572C1C80000000000000000000000000
   Shop #: WSC 00015 115 08193
   ASAM Dataset: EV_BodyContrModul1UDSBosc 015002
   ROD: EV_BCMBOSCH_015.rod
   VCID: 030E8D888A71438ED6-8056

   Wiper motor control module:
   Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 3G1 955 119 A    HW: 3G1 955 119   Labels: 5QX-955-119-V1.CLB
   Component: WWS    150802  042 0607
   Serial number:         150818024131
   Coding: 0E4DDD

   Rain/Light Recognition Sensor:
   Subsystem 2 - Part No SW: 5Q0 955 547 A    HW: 5Q0 955 547 A  Labels: 5Q0-955-547.CLB
   Component: RLHS  037 0059
   Serial number: S5Y15M09D16H23M39S35
   Coding: 90A8DD

   Light switch:
   Subsystem 3 - Part No SW: 3G0 941 633 H    HW: 3G0 941 633 H
   Component: E1 - LDS MQB  H01 0032
   Serial number: 03 06 2015  10000547

   Humidity sensor: interior:

1 Fault Found:
204546 - Remote key 2
          B147A 18 [00001000] - Current Too Low
          Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear

Address 10: Park/Steer Assist (J791)       Labels:| 5Q0-919-298.clb
   Part No SW: 5QA 919 298     HW: 5Q0 919 298 C
   Component: PLA 3.0 12KH08 0161 
   Serial number: 000305183615253 Dataset Number: V03935223VR 0001
   Coding: 0271061851
   Shop #: WSC 05311 115 00066
   ASAM Dataset: EV_EPHVA2CAU3700000 009017
   ROD: EV_EPHVA2CAU3700000_009_VW37.rod
   VCID: 0D1AABB0DC3505FEB0-8058

No fault code found.

Address 13: Auto Dist. Reg (J428)       Labels:| 3Q0-907-572.clb
   Part No SW: 3Q0 907 572 B    HW: 3Q0 907 572 B
   Component: ACC BOSCH MQB H04 0192 
   Dataset Number: V03935222ZA 0001
   Coding: 320067C351FFC428949C804D
   Shop #: WSC 05311 115 00066
   ASAM Dataset: EV_ACCBOSCHVW48X 001008
   VCID: 346C1E549F5F34361F-8060

5 Faults Found:
0836 - Databus
          U1123 00 [00001000] - Received Error Message
          [New feature! Extended UDS fault detail is only supported by current gen. interfaces]
          Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Priority: 6
                    Fault Frequency: 254
                    Reset counter: 143
                    Mileage: 202564 km
                    Date: 2024.10.05
                    Time: 08:47:11

                    Control Module temperature: 5 °C
                    Voltage terminal 15: 11.4 V
                    Velocity_vehicle_reference: 0.00 m/s
                    Longitudinal_acceleration_vehicle_reference: 0.00 m/s²
                    Status_ACC_System: ACC_StandBy

1538 - Sensor for Automatic Distance Control
          C110B F0 [00001000] - Limited Visibility
          [New feature! Extended UDS fault detail is only supported by current gen. interfaces]
          Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Priority: 4
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Reset counter: 135
                    Mileage: 205574 km
                    Date: 2024.11.23
                    Time: 21:33:13

                    Control Module temperature: 14 °C
                    Voltage terminal 15: 14.4 V
                    Velocity_vehicle_reference: 10.15 m/s
                    Longitudinal_acceleration_vehicle_reference: 0.34 m/s²
                    Status_ACC_System: ACC_Off_MainSwitch_Off

1396 - Sensor for Automatic Distance Control
          C110B F0 [00001000] - Limited Visibility
          [New feature! Extended UDS fault detail is only supported by current gen. interfaces]
          Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Priority: 4
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Reset counter: 135
                    Mileage: 205577 km
                    Date: 2000.00.00
                    Time: 00:00:00

                    Control Module temperature: 13 °C
                    Voltage terminal 15: 12.2 V
                    Velocity_vehicle_reference: 0.00 m/s
                    Longitudinal_acceleration_vehicle_reference: 0.00 m/s²
                    Status_ACC_System: ACC_Init

1542 - Sensor for Automatic Distance Control
          C110B F0 [00001000] - Limited Visibility
          [New feature! Extended UDS fault detail is only supported by current gen. interfaces]
          Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Priority: 4
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Reset counter: 135
                    Mileage: 205575 km
                    Date: 2024.11.23
                    Time: 21:34:06

                    Control Module temperature: 14 °C
                    Voltage terminal 15: 14.3 V
                    Velocity_vehicle_reference: 10.72 m/s
                    Longitudinal_acceleration_vehicle_reference: 2.38 m/s²
                    Status_ACC_System: ACC_Off_MainSwitch_Off

1397 - Sensor for Automatic Distance Control
          C110B F0 [00001000] - Limited Visibility
          [New feature! Extended UDS fault detail is only supported by current gen. interfaces]
          Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Priority: 4
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Reset counter: 135
                    Mileage: 205577 km
                    Date: 2000.00.00
                    Time: 00:00:00

                    Control Module temperature: 13 °C
                    Voltage terminal 15: 12.2 V
                    Velocity_vehicle_reference: 0.00 m/s
                    Longitudinal_acceleration_vehicle_reference: 0.00 m/s²
                    Status_ACC_System: ACC_Init

Address 15: Airbags (J234)       Labels:| 5Q0-959-655.clb
   Part No SW: 3Q0 959 655 BB    HW: 3Q0 959 655 BB
   Component: Airbag VW20   013 0195 
   Revision: --------    Serial number: 003STPGH2XH+ Dataset Number: 3G0003V____ 0037
   Coding: 88CCC000008000005C5400CC000800000065
   Shop #: WSC 05314 000 00001
   ASAM Dataset: EV_AirbaVW20TS6VW48X 001116
   ROD: EV_AirbaVW20TS6VW48X.rod
   VCID: 7F060178E699276EB2-802A

   Crash sensor for side airbag: driver side:
   Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: -----------    HW: 454 003 108 15
   Component: SideSensor_Df  008 0887
   Serial number: 3576U00000011B48161+
   Coding: 2D2D2D

   Front Passenger's Side Airbag Crash Sensor:
   Subsystem 2 - Part No SW: -----------    HW: 454 003 108 15
   Component: SideSensor_Pf  008 0887
   Serial number: 3586U000000A6A58161D
   Coding: 2D2D2D

   Rear Side Airbag Crash Sensor (on driver's side):
   Subsystem 3 - Part No SW: -----------    HW: 454 802 608 15
   Component: SideSensor_Dr  301 0148
   Serial number: 3516R127CF9070000009
   Coding: 2D2D2D

   Passenger side rear thorax airbag crash sensor:
   Subsystem 4 - Part No SW: -----------    HW: 454 803 008 15
   Component: SideSensor_Pr  301 0148
   Serial number: 3526R4650F8070000002
   Coding: 2D2D2D

   Crash sensor for front airbag: driver side:
   Subsystem 5 - Part No SW: -----------    HW: 454 801 808 15
   Component: FrontSensor_D  304 0149
   Serial number: 3556VF9A8D607000000W
   Coding: 2D2D2D

No fault code found.

Address 16: Steering wheel (J524)       Labels:| 5Q0-953-549.clb
   Part No SW: 3Q0 953 521 AM    HW: 5Q0 953 569 B
   Component: Lenks.Modul   100 0205 
   Revision: FF034034    Serial number: 20150908500238 Dataset Number: 3G0094V____ 0001
   Coding: 0410
   Shop #: WSC 00015 115 00001
   VCID: 7BFEF568F2813B4E9E-802E

No fault code found.

Address 17: Instruments (J285)       Labels:| 5G0-920-XXX-17.clb-SRI3
   Part No SW: 3G0 920 751 A    HW: 3G0 920 751 A
   Component: KOMBI         301 6421 
   Coding: 07A409182F84000800886B011001000000000000
   Shop #: WSC 00015 115 00001
   ASAM Dataset: EV_DashBoardVDDMQBAB 009046
   ROD: EV_DashBoardVDDMQBAB_009_VW26.rod
   VCID: 234EED082AB1A38EF6-8076

1 Fault Found:
16777022 - Function Restricted due to Interrupted Communications
          U1110 00 [00001000] - -
          [New feature! Extended UDS fault detail is only supported by current gen. interfaces]
          Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Priority: 6
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Reset counter: 143
                    Mileage: 205767 km
                    Date: 2024.11.28
                    Time: 20:53:01

Address 18: Aux. Heat (J364)       Labels:| 5Q0-963-272.clb
   Part No SW: 5Q0 963 272 E    HW: 5Q0 963 272 E
   Component: STH-MQB       007 0072 
   Coding: 9309
   Shop #: WSC 00015 115 00001
   ASAM Dataset: EV_AuxilParkiHeateWOS 002018
   ROD: EV_AuxilParkiHeateWOS.rod
   VCID: 38742A648337D05633-806C

   Auxiliary heating remote control:
   Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 5Q0 963 513 A    HW: 5Q0 963 513 A
   Component: R149 T91-LIN  003 0301
   Serial number: 00000000000001209076

No fault code found.

Address 19: CAN Gateway (J533)       Labels:| 5Q0-907-530-V1.clb
   Part No SW: 5Q0 907 530 AF    HW: 5Q0 907 530 M
   Component: GW MQB High   212 2227 
   Revision: --------    Serial number: 01091510801297 Dataset Number: 3G0067V____ 2213
   Coding: 030300045F017300FB00025A1C0F00010001070000000000000000000000
   Shop #: WSC 131071 1023 2097151
   GVL: 01543C0008000600408C90000004C80000000000000000000000000000000000
   ASAM Dataset: EV_GatewConti 013020
   ROD: EV_GatewConti_013.rod
   VCID: 75EAE350D4A56D3EE8-8020


   Multifunction steering wheel control module:
   Subsystem 2 - Part No SW: 5G0 959 442 K    HW: 5G0 959 442 K  Labels: 3C8-959-537.CLB
   Component: E221__MFL-DC1  H16 0040
   Serial number: 29150001583530095323
   Coding: 2FFFFF

   Battery Monitoring Control Module:
   Subsystem 3 - Part No SW: 3Q0 915 181 A    HW: 3Q0 915 181 A
   Component: J367-BDMHella  H04 8050
   Serial number: 5414707503         

   Analog clock:
   Subsystem 4 - Part No SW: 3G0 919 204 C    HW: 3G0 919 204 C
   Component: Analoguhr  209 2002

No fault code found.

Address 2B: Steer. Col. Lock (J764)       Labels:| 1EA-905-861.clb
   Part No SW: 3Q0 905 861     HW: 3Q0 905 861
   Component: ELV-MQBB      H05 0031 
   Serial number: 15000072149004
   Coding: 0800000000000000
   Shop #: WSC 00015 115 08193
   ASAM Dataset: EV_ELVMarquMQBB 001007
   ROD: EV_ELVMarquMQBB_VW37.rod
   VCID: 71E2D740A0CD411E34-8024

No fault code found.

Address 42: Door Elect, Driver (J386)       Labels:| 5QX-959-X93-42.clb
   Part No SW: 5Q0 959 593 E    HW: 5Q0 959 593 B
   Component: TSG FS        020 0041 
   Serial number: 180815BHI05141 Dataset Number: V03935272KC 0001
   Coding: 003F1B20D000020000001000
   Shop #: WSC 131071 1023 2097151
   ASAM Dataset: EV_DCUDriveSideEWMAXKLO 006003
   VCID: 438E4D88CAF1838E96-8016

No fault code found.

Address 44: Steering Assist (J500)       Labels:| 5Q0-909-143.clb
   Part No SW: 5Q0 909 143 K    HW: 5Q0 909 143 E
   Component: MQB_PP_APA    204 2033 
   Revision: 00000000    Serial number: 0000366613 Dataset Number: 3G0074V____ 0137
   Coding: 01010010005001
   Shop #: WSC 00015 115 00309
   ASAM Dataset: EV_SteerAssisVWBSMQBA 008027
   ROD: EV_SteerAssisVWBSMQBA_008_VW48.rod
   VCID: 3B7E3568B201FB4EDE-806E

No fault code found.

Address 52: Door Elect, Pass. (J387)       Labels:| 5QX-959-X92-52.clb
   Part No SW: 5Q0 959 592 E    HW: 5Q0 959 592 B
   Component: TSG BFS       020 0041 
   Serial number: 200815BHK11933 Dataset Number: V03935268PR 0001
   Coding: 003F1120D000020000001000
   Shop #: WSC 131071 1023 2097151
   ASAM Dataset: EV_DCUPasseSideEWMAXKLO 006003
   VCID: 4280488CD5EB8A869D-8016

No fault code found.

Address 55: Headlight Range (J745)       Labels:| 7P6-907-357.clb
   Part No SW: 7P6 907 357 C    HW: 7P6 907 357 B
   Component: AFS-ECU       H01 0110 
   Revision: --------    Serial number: --------------
   Coding: 039A00004F200200
   Shop #: WSC 05311 000 08193
   ASAM Dataset: EV_HeadlRegulAFSMQBMLB 001001
   ROD: EV_HeadlRegulAFSMQBMLB_VW48.rod
   VCID: 3F864178A619E76EF2-806A

   Left LED Headlamp Power Output Stage 1:
   Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 7PP 941 572 AB    HW: 7PP 941 572 A  Labels: 3D0-941-329.CLB
   Component: LED LeiMo li.  H09 0003
   Coding: E02400

   Right LED Headlamp Power Output Stage 1:
   Subsystem 2 - Part No SW: 7PP 941 572 AB    HW: 7PP 941 572 A  Labels: 3D0-941-329.CLB
   Component: LED LeiMo re.  H09 0003
   Coding: E02400

   Left Headlamp Power Output Stage:
   Subsystem 3 - Part No SW: 3G0 941 329 _    HW: 3G0 941 329 _  Labels: 3D0-941-329.CLB
   Component: LeiMo links  H02 0003
   Coding: E02400

   Right Headlamp Power Output Stage:
   Subsystem 4 - Part No SW: 3G0 941 329 _    HW: 3G0 941 329 _  Labels: 3D0-941-329.CLB
   Component: LeiMo rechts  H02 0003
   Coding: E02400

3 Faults Found:
13705995 - Databus
          U1123 00 [00001000] - Received Error Message
          [New feature! Extended UDS fault detail is only supported by current gen. interfaces]
          Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Priority: 6
                    Fault Frequency: 13
                    Reset counter: 133
                    Mileage: 202391 km
                    Date: 2024.10.03
                    Time: 20:00:33

5538298 - LED Headlamp; Left
          C1177 F0 [00001000] - Over-Temp Protection Active
          Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Priority: 6
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Reset counter: 131
                    Mileage: 205504 km
                    Date: 2024.11.19
                    Time: 20:30:18

5538554 - LED Headlamp; Right
          C1178 F0 [00001000] - Over-Temp Protection Active
          Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Priority: 6
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Reset counter: 131
                    Mileage: 205504 km
                    Date: 2024.11.19
                    Time: 20:34:23

Address 5F: Information Electr. (J794)       Labels:| 5G0-035-MIB-STD2.clb
   Part No SW: 3Q0 035 846     HW: 3Q0 035 846
   Component: MU-S-N-ER     820 0627 
   Serial number:                Dataset Number: 5G0CV1v____ 0001
   Coding: 02840201FF00000051110001000808001F0100C4012001008F
   Shop #: WSC 131071 1023 2097151
   ASAM Dataset: EV_MUStd4CDELP 001001
   ROD: EV_MUStd4CDELP_VW26.rod
   VCID: 6ED8CC3CB1F35EE629-803A

   Display and control head 1 for information electronics:
   Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 3G0 919 605 D    HW: 3G0 919 605 D
   Component: ABT_Std-2_Nav  H43 4064
   Serial number: VWZ6Z9R2550276     

   Data carrier:
   Subsystem 2 - Part No SW: V03 825 254 AJ    HW: -----------
   Component: ECE DL3 2023  --- 1910
   Serial number: --------------------

1 Fault Found:
7169 - Function Restricted due to Missing Message(s)
          U1111 00 [00001000] - -
          [New feature! Extended UDS fault detail is only supported by current gen. interfaces]
          Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Priority: 6
                    Fault Frequency: 2
                    Reset counter: 138
                    Mileage: 204488 km
                    Date: 2024.11.02
                    Time: 14:03:22

                    Voltage terminal 30: 14.7 V
                    BAP-BAP_Function_ID: 16

Address 6D: Trunk Elect. (J605)       Labels:| 5Q0-959-107.clb
   Part No SW: 5Q0 959 107 G    HW: 5Q0 959 107 G
   Component: HDSG-Modul    H12 0250 
   Revision: --------    Serial number: 30205142500000 Dataset Number: V03935218Q  0001
   Coding: 0208
   Shop #: WSC 00015 115 08193
   ASAM Dataset: EV_DeckLidCONTIAU736 001011
   ROD: EV_DeckLidCONTIAU736_VW48.rod
   VCID: 3C7C3674B70FFC76D7-8068

No fault code found.

Address A5: Frt Sens. Drv. Assist (R242)       Labels:| 3Q0-980-65X-A5.clb
   Part No SW: 3Q0 980 654     HW: 3Q0 980 654
   Component: MQB_B_MFK     H04 0010 
   Serial number: 08091511K11361 Dataset Number: 3G0HL1V____ 1211
   Coding: 000408020000040100221344C050A10010000E200040
   Shop #: WSC 00015 115 08193
   ASAM Dataset: EV_MFKBoschMQBB 001001
   ROD: EV_MFKBoschMQBB_001_VW36.rod
   VCID: 74ECDE54DFDF7436DF-8020

No fault code found.

Address BB: Door Rear Drv (J388)       Labels:* None
   Part No SW: 5Q0 959 595 E    HW: 5Q0 959 595 B
   Component: TSG HFS       020 0041 
   Serial number: 200815BHK08194 Dataset Number: V03935272KD 0001
   Coding: 000E11200100020000001000
   Shop #: WSC 29325 001 1048576
   ASAM Dataset: EV_DCURearDriveMAXKLO 006003
   ROD: EV_DCURearDriveMAXKLO.rod
   VCID: 458A5390C4C5BDBEB8-8010

No fault code found.

Address BC: Door Rear Pass (J389)       Labels:* None
   Part No SW: 5Q0 959 595 E    HW: 5Q0 959 595 B
   Component: TSG HBFS      020 0041 
   Serial number: 200815BHK08191 Dataset Number: V03935272QC 0001
   Coding: 000E11200100020000001000
   Shop #: WSC 29325 001 1048576
   ASAM Dataset: EV_DCURearPasseMAXKLO 006003
   ROD: EV_DCURearPasseMAXKLO.rod
   VCID: 458A5390C4C5BDBEB8-8010

No fault code found.

End-------------------------(Elapsed Time: 06:28)--------------------------