2010 Touareg TDI Stop/Start switch inop.



Verified VCDS User
Apr 22, 2017
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Long time no see. Picked up this Touareg recently. The remote has a new battery and the remote functions work fine as well as the keyless access. The Start/Stop button doesn't do anything when I press it. Not even a message on the dash. The illumination does work so it must be getting some power. The button cover is broken, but I don't want to waste $25 replacing that if the switch itself is bad.

Scan shows,

00184 - Control Circuit for Engine Start/Stop Switch
007 - Short to Ground

To isolate the problem being in the switch or the wiring, can I disconnect it, erase the code and see if it returns? If it does, the switch is OK and there is a wiring problem on the circuit? How can I see Live Data that would show when I'm pressing the button?

FULL SCAN at: https://app.box.com/s/o3y7fsa0v3u4x4k5map432mjyhdj7l20


Verified VCDS User
Apr 22, 2017
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I've also read somewhere that the Start/Stop switch can be coded out. Will I be able to tell from the scan if that is the case, and if so, how to activate it again?


Verified VCDS User
Oct 9, 2016
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Democratic People's Republic of Commifornia, USA
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Full scan in-line for everyone. Note to @atikovi: we don't generally like clicking links to view scans. ;)

VCDS -- Windows Based VAG/VAS Emulator Running on Windows 10 x64
VCDS Version: (x64)
Data version: 20240919 DS356.3

VIN: WVGFK7A97AD000626   License Plate:
Mileage: 296120km-184000mi   Repair Order:


Chassis Type: A9 (6N0)
Scan: 01 02 03 05 08 09 15 16 17 19 22 2E 37 46 47 55 56 65 68 6C
          6D 6E 76 77

VIN: WVGFK7A97AD000626   Mileage: 296120km-184000miles

01-Engine -- Status: Malfunction 0010
02-Auto Trans -- Status: OK 0000
03-ABS Brakes -- Status: Malfunction 0010
04-Steering Angle -- Status: OK 0000
05-Acc/Start Auth. -- Status: Malfunction 0010
08-Auto HVAC -- Status: OK 0000
09-Cent. Elect. -- Status: OK 0000
15-Airbags -- Status: OK 0000
16-Steering wheel -- Status: OK 0000
17-Instruments -- Status: Malfunction 0010
19-CAN Gateway -- Status: Malfunction 0010
22-AWD -- Status: OK 0000
2E-Media Player 3 -- Status: OK 0000
37-Navigation -- Status: OK 0000
42-Door Elect, Driver -- Status: Malfunction 0010
46-Central Conv. -- Status: Malfunction 0010
47-Sound System -- Status: OK 0000
52-Door Elect, Pass. -- Status: OK 0000
55-Headlight Range -- Status: OK 0000
56-Radio -- Status: OK 0000
62-Door, Rear Left -- Status: OK 0000
65-Tire Pressure -- Status: Malfunction 0010
68-Wiper Electr. -- Status: OK 0000
6C-Back-up Cam. -- Status: OK 0000
6D-Trunk Elect. -- Status: OK 0000
6E-Ctrl Head Roof -- Status: OK 0000
72-Door, Rear Right -- Status: OK 0000
76-Park Assist -- Status: Malfunction 0010
77-Telephone -- Status: OK 0000
Address 01: Engine (CAT)       Labels:. 059-907-401-CAT1.clb
   Part No SW: 7L0 907 401 T    HW: 7L0 907 401 K
   Component: 3.0TDI FSA  G000AG  0140 
   Revision: 33H02---    Serial number: VWX3Z0I6869638
   Coding: 0421002A590F0168
   Shop #: WSC 35244 003 1048576
   VCID: 3C7DC2CC7CBA7276D7-5120
   VINID: 9E65D66C74491D1500000182188EE087CE

1 Fault Found:
009263 - Particulate Filter (Bank 1)
               P242F - 000 - Restricted/Clogged
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 01100000
                    Fault Priority: 2
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Reset counter: 255
                    Mileage: 296126 km
                    Time Indication: 0
                    Date: 2024.11.17
                    Time: 11:27:57

             Freeze Frame:
                    RPM: 0 /min
                    Speed: 0.0 km/h
                    (no units): 0.0
                    Pressure: 0 mbar
                    (no units): 0.45
                    Temperature: 11.8°C
                    Temperature: 11.7°C

Readiness: 0 0 0 0 1

Address 02: Auto Trans        Labels: 09D-927-750.clb
   Part No SW: 09D 927 750 LD    HW: 09D 927 750 HE
   Component: AL 750 6A           3405 
   Revision: 00H75000    Serial number:               
   Coding: 0004984
   Shop #: WSC 35244 003 1048576
   VCID: 7BFF01D03934B54E9E-513C

No fault code found.

Address 03: ABS Brakes        Labels: 7L0-907-379-MK25E1.clb
   Part No SW: 7L0 907 379 P    HW: 7L0 614 517 C
   Component: ESP ALLRAD MK25E1   0304 
   Revision: 00H53001   
   Coding: 0004354
   Shop #: WSC 31414 790 00001
   VCID: 4689A024357638A6B1-8012

1 Fault Found:
00668 - Supply Voltage Terminal 30
            002 - Lower Limit Exceeded - Intermittent
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 00100010
                    Fault Priority: 2
                    Fault Frequency: 4
                    Reset counter: 165
                    Mileage: 296062 km
                    Time Indication: 0
                    Date: 2024.11.08
                    Time: 15:32:48

             Freeze Frame:
                    Count: 64
                    Count: 6145
                    Count: 128
                    Count: 255

Address 05: Acc/Start Auth.        Labels: None
   Part No SW: 7L0 909 137 C    HW: 7L0 909 137 C
   Component: 2G Kessy            6850 
   Revision: 00H22072    Serial number: VWX3Z0I6869638
   Coding: 0147688
   Shop #: WSC 31414 790 00001
   VCID: 336FE9F056E4BD0E06-8066

   Subsystem 1 - Part No: XXXXXXXXXXX
   Component: ELV                 XXXX

1 Fault Found:
00184 - Control Circuit for Engine Start/Stop Switch
            007 - Short to Ground
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 01100111
                    Fault Priority: 3
                    Fault Frequency: 0
                    Reset counter: 39
                    Time Indication: 0
                    Date: 2024.11.06
                    Time: 20:00:40

Address 08: Auto HVAC        Labels: 7L6-907-040.clb
   Part No: 7L6 907 040 AL
   Component: CLIMAtronic R/L     4537 
   Coding: 0023030
   Shop #: WSC 31414 790 00001
   VCID: 7AF104D4310E8C4685-802E

No fault code found.

Address 09: Cent. Elect.        Labels:. 7Lx-937-049-V2.clb
   Part No SW: 7L6 937 049 AF    HW: 7L6 937 049 AF
   Component: J519                2004 
   Revision: -0004---    Serial number: --------------
   Coding: 230008002F00BC000000000000000000
   Shop #: WSC 31414 790 00001
   VCID: 0005763C57D2D696CB-8054

No fault code found.

Address 15: Airbags        Labels: 7L0-959-655.lbl
   Part No SW: 7L0 959 655 A    HW: 7L0 959 655 A
   Component: J234__0D VW8T       0270 
   Revision: 92013027    Serial number: 003C6000FJNZ 
   Coding: 0012356
   Shop #: WSC 31414 790 00001
   VCID: 3B7FC1D07EB4754EDE-806E

   Subsystem 1 - Part No: 7L0 959 339 E
   Component: BF-Gewichtsens. 007 0009

   Subsystem 2 - Serial number: 3V612         

No fault code found.

Address 16: Steering wheel        Labels: 7L6-953-549.lbl
   Part No: 7L6 953 549 F
   Component: J527                3601 
   Coding: 0010011
   Shop #: WSC 31414 790 00001
   VCID: 4281BC34195E04869D-8016

No fault code found.

Address 17: Instruments        Labels: 7L6-920-xxx-7L6.lbl
   Part No SW: 7L6 920 990 P    HW: 7L6 920 990 P
   Component: J285 KOMBI-INST.    9833 
   Revision: KHH06V43   
   Coding: 0007201
   Shop #: WSC 31414 067 57207
   VCID: 4689A024317638A6B1-8012

2 Faults Found:
00470 - Company Comfort Databus in Single Wire
            011 - Open Circuit
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 01101011
                    Fault Priority: 2
                    Fault Frequency: 60
                    Reset counter: 165
                    Mileage: 296062 km
                    Time Indication: 0
                    Date: 2024.11.06
                    Time: 20:01:32

00446 - Function Limitation due to Under-Voltage
            002 - Lower Limit Exceeded - Intermittent
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 00100010
                    Fault Priority: 6
                    Fault Frequency: 6
                    Reset counter: 205
                    Mileage: 296062 km
                    Time Indication: 0
                    Date: 2024.11.08
                    Time: 15:32:45

Address 19: CAN Gateway        Labels:. 6N0-909-901-7L.clb
   Part No SW: 6N0 909 901     HW: 7L6 920 990 P
   Component: J533  GW-K-CAN TP20 9833 
   Coding: 77E2F7D9CB846002
   Shop #: WSC 31414 067 57207
   VCID: 70E526FC6372C6163B-8024

1 Fault Found:
00470 - Company Comfort Databus in Single Wire
            011 - Open Circuit
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 01101011
                    Fault Priority: 2
                    Fault Frequency: 60
                    Reset counter: 165
                    Mileage: 296062 km
                    Time Indication: 0
                    Date: 2024.11.06
                    Time: 20:01:32

Address 22: AWD        Labels: None
   Part No: 0AD 927 755 BG
   Component: TRANSFERCASE        0126 
   Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000
   VCID: 010373385BD8DF9EC4-513C

No fault code found.

Address 2E: Media Player 3 (J650)       Labels:. 5N0-035-342.lbl
   Part No SW: 5N0 035 342 B    HW: 5N0 035 342 B
   Component: SG EXT.PLAYER H13 0090 
   Revision: A1001003    Serial number: 7667515619   
   Coding: 020000
   Shop #: WSC 31414 790 00001
   VCID: 264900A45136D8A691-8072

No fault code found.

Address 37: Navigation (J0506)       Labels:. 1T0-035-680.clb
   Part No SW: 7L6 035 684 B    HW: 7L6 035 684 B
   Component: RNS-MID       H02 0362 
   Revision: AB001001    Serial number: VWZ6Z7J5222048
   Coding: 000500000100002600
   Shop #: WSC 31414 790 00001
   VCID: 356BD7E89C90A33E28-8060

2 Faults Found:
02635 - Tuner Not Enabled/Activated
            000 - - - Intermittent
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 00100000
                    Fault Priority: 7
                    Fault Frequency: 35
                    Reset counter: 205
                    Mileage: 296056 km
                    Time Indication: 0
                    Date: 2024.11.07
                    Time: 10:00:33

00446 - Function Limitation due to Under-Voltage
            002 - Lower Limit Exceeded - Intermittent
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 00100000
                    Fault Priority: 5
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Reset counter: 202
                    Mileage: 296062 km
                    Time Indication: 0
                    Date: 2024.11.08
                    Time: 15:32:52

Address 46: Central Conv.        Labels: 7L0-959-933.clb
   Part No: 7L6 959 933 A
   Component: 4M HSG              0601 
   Coding: 0000085
   Shop #: WSC 31414 790 00001
   VCID: 4085B63C105216968B-4B00

   Subsystem 1 - Part No: 7L0 959 701 P
   Component: Tuersteuergeraet FS 6304

   Subsystem 2 - Part No: 7L0 959 702 P
   Component: Tuersteuergeraet BF 6304

   Subsystem 3 - Part No: 7L0 959 703 D
   Component: Tuersteuergeraet HL 0201

   Subsystem 4 - Part No: 7L0 959 704 D
   Component: Tuersteuergeraet HR 0201

3 Faults Found:
01134 - Alarm Horn (H12)
            004 - No Signal/Communication
00470 - Company Comfort Databus in Single Wire
            011 - Open Circuit
00120 - Outside Warning Light/Door exit Light Driver Side
            012 - Electrical Fault in Circuit - Intermittent

Address 47: Sound System        Labels: 7Lx-035-4xx-47.lbl
   Part No SW: 7L6 035 466 C    HW: 7L6 035 466 C
   Component: DSP 10 Kanal        0020 
   Revision: 00H05001    Serial number: 75835000744905
   Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000
   VCID: 346DEAEC57EABA361F-8060

No fault code found.

Address 55: Headlight Range        Labels: 7L6-907-357-A.lbl
   Part No SW: 7L6 907 357 C    HW: 7L6 907 357 C
   Component: AFS-Steuergeraet    0136 
   Revision: 00H04000    Serial number:               
   Coding: 1290435
   Shop #: WSC 31414 790 00001
   VCID: 3B7FC1D07EB4754EDE-806E

   Subsystem 1 - Part No: 7L6 941 329 B  Labels: 3D0-941-329.CLB
   Component: AFS-Lst.-Modul l    0004 
   Coding: 00000019

   Subsystem 2 - Part No: 7L6 941 329 B  Labels: 3D0-941-329.CLB
   Component: AFS-Lst.-Modul r    0004 
   Coding: 00000019

No fault code found.

Address 56: Radio (J0506)       Labels:. 1T0-035-680.clb
   Part No SW: 7L6 035 684 B    HW: 7L6 035 684 B
   Component: RNS-MID       H02 0362 
   Revision: AB001001    Serial number: VWZ6Z7J5222048
   Coding: 000500000100002600
   Shop #: WSC 31414 790 00001
   VCID: 356BD7E89C90A33E28-8060

2 Faults Found:
02635 - Tuner Not Enabled/Activated
            000 - - - Intermittent
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 00100000
                    Fault Priority: 7
                    Fault Frequency: 35
                    Reset counter: 205
                    Mileage: 296056 km
                    Time Indication: 0
                    Date: 2024.11.07
                    Time: 10:00:33

00446 - Function Limitation due to Under-Voltage
            002 - Lower Limit Exceeded - Intermittent
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 00100000
                    Fault Priority: 5
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Reset counter: 202
                    Mileage: 296062 km
                    Time Indication: 0
                    Date: 2024.11.08
                    Time: 15:32:52

Address 65: Tire Pressure        Labels:. 7L6-907-273.lbl
   Part No SW: 7L6 907 273 E    HW: 7L6 907 273 E
   Component: J0502 RDK           0006 
   Revision: 00004006    Serial number: 00000700014894
   Coding: 0040008D8D0000000000000000
   Shop #: WSC 31414 790 00001
   VCID: 3A71C4D4718E4C46C5-806E

4 Faults Found:
01467 - Front Left Tire Pressure Sensor (G222)
            004 - No Signal/Communication - MIL ON
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 11100100
                    Fault Priority: 3
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Reset counter: 162
                    Mileage: 296064 km
                    Time Indication: 0
                    Date: 2024.11.09
                    Time: 12:08:26

             Freeze Frame:
                    (no units): 46.0

01468 - Front Right Tire Pressure Sensor (G223)
            004 - No Signal/Communication - MIL ON
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 11100100
                    Fault Priority: 3
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Reset counter: 162
                    Mileage: 296064 km
                    Time Indication: 0
                    Date: 2024.11.09
                    Time: 12:08:26

             Freeze Frame:
                    (no units): 49.0

01469 - Rear Left Tire Pressure Sensor (G224)
            004 - No Signal/Communication - MIL ON
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 11100100
                    Fault Priority: 3
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Reset counter: 162
                    Mileage: 296064 km
                    Time Indication: 0
                    Date: 2024.11.09
                    Time: 12:08:26

             Freeze Frame:
                    (no units): 52.0

01470 - Rear Right Tire Pressure Sensor (G225)
            004 - No Signal/Communication - MIL ON
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 11100100
                    Fault Priority: 3
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Reset counter: 162
                    Mileage: 296064 km
                    Time Indication: 0
                    Date: 2024.11.09
                    Time: 12:08:26

             Freeze Frame:
                    (no units): 55.0

Address 68: Wiper Electr.        Labels: 7L0-955-119-V2.clb
   Part No: 7L6 955 119 B
   Component: J400__ Front Wiper  5301 
   Coding: 0001397
   Shop #: WSC 31414 790 00001
   VCID: 3973DBD87088475ECC-806C

   Subsystem 2 - Part No: 1K0 955 559 AH  Labels: 1K0-955-559-AG.CLB
   Component: RLS     080709 054  0402 
   Coding: 00208941
   Shop #: WSC 31414 

No fault code found.

Address 6C: Back-up Cam.        Labels: 5N0-907-441.clb
   Part No SW: 7L6 907 441 B    HW: 7L6 907 441 B
   Component: J772__Rearview      0033 
   Revision: 00H13000    Serial number:    PA8 J960698
   Coding: 0100001
   Shop #: WSC 31414 790 00001
   VCID: 346DEAEC57EABA361F-8060

No fault code found.

Address 6D: Trunk Elect.        Labels: 7L6-959-107.clb
   Part No SW: 7L6 959 107 B    HW: 7L6 959 107 B
   Component: J605  HECKKLAPPE    1310 
   Revision: --H05---    Serial number: --------046629
   Coding: 0122110
   Shop #: WSC 31414 790 00001
   VCID: 3A71C4D4718E4C46C5-806E

No fault code found.

Address 6E: Ctrl Head Roof        Labels: None
   Part No SW: 7L6 919 044 AD    HW: 7L6 919 044 AD
   Component: J702  Dachdisplay   0401 
   Revision: 1030006S    Serial number: 00000000124807
   Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000
   VCID: 79F31BD83008875E8C-802C

No fault code found.

Address 76: Park Assist        Labels: Redir Fail!
   Part No: 7L0 919 283 F
   Component: 0L Einparkhilfe     1108 
   Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000
   VCID: 3973DBD87488475ECC-806C

1 Fault Found:
01629 - Sensor for Parking-Aid; Front Left (G255)
            014 - Defective - Intermittent

Address 77: Telephone        Labels: 5P0-862-335.lbl
   Part No SW: 1Z0 035 729 C    HW: 1Z0 035 729 C
   Component: FSE_2P8x        H35 0170 
   Revision: 00000000    Serial number: 00000005075946
   Coding: 0012077
   Shop #: WSC 01052 444 51243
   VCID: 3875DEDC4B825E5633-806C

No fault code found.

End-------------------------(Elapsed Time: 03:47)--------------------------


Verified VCDS User
Oct 9, 2016
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Democratic People's Republic of Commifornia, USA
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So first off, you are correct about the "short to ground" issue. That usually means the control module isn't seeing power flow OUT to the relevant component, in this case, the switch itself. If it really is only $25 to replace (with a GENUINE switch, right??!!!), then I'd say load the parts cannon and fire away. Yours is damaged anyway, so it won't hurt to replace it.

I also see this error which probably isn't related, but might cause you other issues down the line. It indicates a wiring issue somewhere in-line with your instrument cluster:
Address 17: Instruments        Labels: 7L6-920-xxx-7L6.lbl
   Part No SW: 7L6 920 990 P    HW: 7L6 920 990 P
   Component: J285 KOMBI-INST.    9833 
   Revision: KHH06V43   
   Coding: 0007201
   Shop #: WSC 31414 067 57207
   VCID: 4689A024317638A6B1-8012

2 Faults Found:
00470 - Company Comfort Databus in Single Wire
            011 - Open Circuit
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 01101011
                    Fault Priority: 2
                    Fault Frequency: 60
                    Reset counter: 165
                    Mileage: 296062 km
                    Time Indication: 0
                    Date: 2024.11.06
                    Time: 20:01:32


And finally, you've got errors for all (4) TPMS sensors as well as a few battery voltage errors. I'd look into the health of both if I were you, though these are definitely unrelated to your Start/Stop switch issue.
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Apr 22, 2017
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Note to @atikovi: we don't generally like clicking links to view scans. ;)]
Maybe my memory is off, but I recall being told not to post the whole scan line by line as it takes up so much space. Next time I'll have it directly in the thread.

If it really is only $25 to replace (with a GENUINE switch, right??!!!), then I'd say load the parts cannon and fire away. Yours is damaged anyway, so it won't hurt to replace it.
$25 is just to replace the broken button cover. A genuine new switch is around $150

And finally, you've got errors for all (4) TPMS sensors as well as a few battery voltage errors. I'd look into the health of both if I were you, though these are definitely unrelated to your Start/Stop switch issue.
Have a set of cheap TPMS sensors from Ebay on order. I'd think the clogged DPF would be a bigger concern, no?


Verified VCDS User
Oct 9, 2016
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Democratic People's Republic of Commifornia, USA
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$25 is just to replace the broken button cover. A genuine new switch is around $150

In that case, time to get a wiring diagram <--- clickable link and start verifying the wiring to/from that switch.

Have a set of cheap TPMS sensors from Ebay on order. I'd think the clogged DPF would be a bigger concern, no?

You're likely going to regret trying to cheap out on electronic parts for a German vehicle. Did you notice that "eBay" turned into a clickable link? I can't tell you how many times we've seen C.R.A.P. <--- hover your mouse over that for a definition cause issues for people around here. When it comes to electrical/electronic parts, best to stick with dealer or OE parts from reputable vendors.

As for the DPF, is it actually clogged? Thanks to DieselGate, VW made their software very "sensitive" to anything that MIGHT be an issue. It would be a good idea to remove it and check, but I'm not concerned just because one single code is present.


Verified VCDS User
Dec 16, 2014
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Westbury, UK
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Maybe my memory is off, but I recall being told not to post the whole scan line by line as it takes up so much space
You should always post the whole scan, best way is to use the forum editor </> icon which will open a popup to paste the scan into and also create the code tags that wrap the scan into a manageable size on the forum.
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Verified VCDS User
Nov 9, 2022
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ON, Canada
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As for the DPF, is it actually clogged?
It's not really.... but it is full beyond the level at which it will allow him to just do a simple regen due to the fact that the vehicle has been driven with critical failed components and repairs were ignored... as such, the autonomous active regens were not taking place for a long time..... I know this, because of other information he's supplied on other forums.
Last edited:


Verified VCDS User
Apr 22, 2017
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You're likely going to regret trying to cheap out on electronic parts for a German vehicle. Did you notice that "eBay" turned into a clickable link? I can't tell you how many times we've seen C.R.A.P. <--- hover your mouse over that for a definition cause issues for people around here. When it comes to electrical/electronic parts, best to stick with dealer or OE parts from reputable vendors.
$30 vs. spending more than 10% of what I just paid for truck to get OE sensors? No thanks. Will put a piece of black electrical tape over the warning light first. And I just typed "Ebay", not sure why there is a link to some weird Ebay song. I didn't add that.

As for the DPF, is it actually clogged? Thanks to DieselGate, VW made their software very "sensitive" to anything that MIGHT be an issue. It would be a good idea to remove it and check, but I'm not concerned just because one single code is present.
The only thing I'm concerned about is the CEL is on so it wouldn't pass an emissions inspection.

I know this, because of other information he's supplied on other forums.
Oh great! I have a follower stalker.


Verified VCDS User
Nov 9, 2022
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ON, Canada
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Oh great! I have a follower stalker.
You sure do have a fan bud... I love watching you load up the cannon with your diagnostic approaches. :D


Verified VCDS User
Oct 9, 2016
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Democratic People's Republic of Commifornia, USA
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$30 vs. spending more than 10% of what I just paid for truck to get OE sensors? No thanks. Will put a piece of black electrical tape over the warning light first. And I just typed "Ebay", not sure why there is a link to some weird Ebay song. I didn't add that.

That link was auto-added by the forum because eBay is the most common source of frustration around here. As much as I hate the attitude that goes with it, there is quite a bit of truth in the phrase "German vehicles are pay-to-play". C.R.A.P. parts from eBay, AliExpress, etc. almost always cause more problems than they purport to solve. Fortunately, we don't have MOT in the USA, so if the eBay sensors HAPPEN to work, or if you're happy with the tape-over-the-light solution, then by all means, be happy. ;)
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Verified VCDS User
Apr 22, 2017
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I disconnected the switch and removed it to take apart. Found nothing obvious, just went over the internal contacts with a cleaning brush and reassembled. Plugged it in and it now works like it should. Maybe some terminal fretting on the pins of the connector? Anyway, off to order a switch button cap on E b a y.

But of course something else came up in the engine after re-scanning. Codes for the glow plug controller.

VCDS -- Windows Based VAG/VAS Emulator Running on Windows 10 x64
VCDS Version: (x64)
Data version: 20240919 DS356.3

VIN: WVGFK7A97AD000626   License Plate:
Mileage: 296120km-184000mi   Repair Order:


Chassis Type: A9 (6N0)
Scan: 01 02 03 05 08 09 15 16 17 19 22 2E 37 46 47 55 56 65 68 6C
          6D 6E 76 77

VIN: WVGFK7A97AD000626   Mileage: 296120km-184000miles

01-Engine -- Status: Malfunction 0010
02-Auto Trans -- Status: OK 0000
03-ABS Brakes -- Status: OK 0000
04-Steering Angle -- Status: OK 0000
05-Acc/Start Auth. -- Status: OK 0000
08-Auto HVAC -- Status: OK 0000
09-Cent. Elect. -- Status: OK 0000
15-Airbags -- Status: OK 0000
16-Steering wheel -- Status: OK 0000
17-Instruments -- Status: Malfunction 0010
19-CAN Gateway -- Status: Malfunction 0010
22-AWD -- Status: OK 0000
2E-Media Player 3 -- Status: OK 0000
37-Navigation -- Status: Malfunction 0010
42-Door Elect, Driver -- Status: Malfunction 0010
46-Central Conv. -- Status: Malfunction 0010
47-Sound System -- Status: OK 0000
52-Door Elect, Pass. -- Status: OK 0000
55-Headlight Range -- Status: OK 0000
56-Radio -- Status: Malfunction 0010
62-Door, Rear Left -- Status: OK 0000
65-Tire Pressure -- Status: Malfunction 0010
68-Wiper Electr. -- Status: OK 0000
6C-Back-up Cam. -- Status: OK 0000
6D-Trunk Elect. -- Status: OK 0000
6E-Ctrl Head Roof -- Status: OK 0000
72-Door, Rear Right -- Status: OK 0000
76-Park Assist -- Status: Malfunction 0010
77-Telephone -- Status: OK 0000
Address 01: Engine (CAT)       Labels:. 059-907-401-CAT1.clb
   Part No SW: 7L0 907 401 T    HW: 7L0 907 401 K
   Component: 3.0TDI FSA  G000AG  0140 
   Revision: 33H02---    Serial number: VWX3Z0I6869638
   Coding: 0421002A590F0168
   Shop #: WSC 35244 003 1048576
   VCID: 3C7DC2CC7CBA7276D7-5120
   VINID: 9E65D66C74491D1500000182188EE087CE

3 Faults Found:
009263 - Particulate Filter (Bank 1)
               P242F - 000 - Restricted/Clogged
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 01100000
                    Fault Priority: 2
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Reset counter: 255
                    Mileage: 296126 km
                    Time Indication: 0
                    Date: 2024.11.17
                    Time: 11:27:57

             Freeze Frame:
                    RPM: 0 /min
                    Speed: 0.0 km/h
                    (no units): 0.0
                    Pressure: 0 mbar
                    (no units): 0.45
                    Temperature: 11.8°C
                    Temperature: 11.7°C

001612 - Glow Plug Control Module
               P064C - 000 -  - Intermittent
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 00100000
                    Fault Priority: 2
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Reset counter: 255
                    Mileage: 296126 km
                    Time Indication: 0
                    Date: 2024.11.18
                    Time: 14:33:11

             Freeze Frame:
                    RPM: 0 /min
                    Speed: 0.0 km/h
                    Voltage: 10.94 V
                    Temperature: 17.1°C
                    Temperature: 18.9°C
                    Absolute Pres.: 989.4 mbar
                    Torque: 0.0 Nm

001612 - Glow Plug Control Module
               P064C - 001 -  - Intermittent
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 00100001
                    Fault Priority: 2
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Reset counter: 255
                    Mileage: 296126 km
                    Time Indication: 0
                    Date: 2024.11.18
                    Time: 14:33:11

             Freeze Frame:
                    RPM: 0 /min
                    Speed: 0.0 km/h
                    Voltage: 10.94 V
                    Temperature: 17.1°C
                    Lambda: 14.1 %
                    Temperature: 18.9°C

Readiness: 0 0 0 0 1

Address 02: Auto Trans        Labels: 09D-927-750.clb
   Part No SW: 09D 927 750 LD    HW: 09D 927 750 HE
   Component: AL 750 6A           3405 
   Revision: 00H75000    Serial number:               
   Coding: 0004984
   Shop #: WSC 35244 003 1048576
   VCID: 7BFF01D03934B54E9E-513C

No fault code found.

Address 03: ABS Brakes        Labels: 7L0-907-379-MK25E1.clb
   Part No SW: 7L0 907 379 P    HW: 7L0 614 517 C
   Component: ESP ALLRAD MK25E1   0304 
   Revision: 00H53001   
   Coding: 0004354
   Shop #: WSC 31414 790 00001
   VCID: 4689A024357638A6B1-8012

No fault code found.

Address 05: Acc/Start Auth.        Labels: None
   Part No SW: 7L0 909 137 C    HW: 7L0 909 137 C
   Component: 2G Kessy            6850 
   Revision: 00H22072    Serial number: VWX3Z0I6869638
   Coding: 0147688
   Shop #: WSC 31414 790 00001
   VCID: 336FE9F056E4BD0E06-8066

   Subsystem 1 - Part No: XXXXXXXXXXX
   Component: ELV                 XXXX

No fault code found.

Address 08: Auto HVAC        Labels: 7L6-907-040.clb
   Part No: 7L6 907 040 AL
   Component: CLIMAtronic R/L     4537 
   Coding: 0023030
   Shop #: WSC 31414 790 00001
   VCID: 7AF104D4310E8C4685-802E

No fault code found.

Address 09: Cent. Elect.        Labels:. 7Lx-937-049-V2.clb
   Part No SW: 7L6 937 049 AF    HW: 7L6 937 049 AF
   Component: J519                2004 
   Revision: -0004---    Serial number: --------------
   Coding: 230008002F00BC000000000000000000
   Shop #: WSC 31414 790 00001
   VCID: 0005763C57D2D696CB-8054

No fault code found.

Address 15: Airbags        Labels: 7L0-959-655.lbl
   Part No SW: 7L0 959 655 A    HW: 7L0 959 655 A
   Component: J234__0D VW8T       0270 
   Revision: 92013027    Serial number: 003C6000FJNZ 
   Coding: 0012356
   Shop #: WSC 31414 790 00001
   VCID: 3B7FC1D07EB4754EDE-806E

   Subsystem 1 - Part No: 7L0 959 339 E
   Component: BF-Gewichtsens. 007 0009

   Subsystem 2 - Serial number: 3V612         

No fault code found.

Address 16: Steering wheel        Labels: 7L6-953-549.lbl
   Part No: 7L6 953 549 F
   Component: J527                3601 
   Coding: 0010011
   Shop #: WSC 31414 790 00001
   VCID: 4281BC34195E04869D-8016

No fault code found.

Address 17: Instruments        Labels: 7L6-920-xxx-7L6.lbl
   Part No SW: 7L6 920 990 P    HW: 7L6 920 990 P
   Component: J285 KOMBI-INST.    9833 
   Revision: KHH06V43   
   Coding: 0007201
   Shop #: WSC 31414 067 57207
   VCID: 4689A024317638A6B1-8012

1 Fault Found:
00470 - Company Comfort Databus in Single Wire
            011 - Open Circuit
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 01101011
                    Fault Priority: 2
                    Fault Frequency: 2
                    Reset counter: 165
                    Mileage: 296126 km
                    Time Indication: 0
                    Date: 2024.11.18
                    Time: 14:41:37

Address 19: CAN Gateway        Labels:. 6N0-909-901-7L.clb
   Part No SW: 6N0 909 901     HW: 7L6 920 990 P
   Component: J533  GW-K-CAN TP20 9833 
   Coding: 77E2F7D9CB846002
   Shop #: WSC 31414 067 57207
   VCID: 70E526FC6372C6163B-8024

1 Fault Found:
00470 - Company Comfort Databus in Single Wire
            011 - Open Circuit
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 01101011
                    Fault Priority: 2
                    Fault Frequency: 2
                    Reset counter: 165
                    Mileage: 296126 km
                    Time Indication: 0
                    Date: 2024.11.18
                    Time: 14:41:37

Address 22: AWD        Labels: None
   Part No: 0AD 927 755 BG
   Component: TRANSFERCASE        0126 
   Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000
   VCID: 010373385BD8DF9EC4-513C

No fault code found.

Address 2E: Media Player 3 (J650)       Labels:. 5N0-035-342.lbl
   Part No SW: 5N0 035 342 B    HW: 5N0 035 342 B
   Component: SG EXT.PLAYER H13 0090 
   Revision: A1001003    Serial number: 7667515619   
   Coding: 020000
   Shop #: WSC 31414 790 00001
   VCID: 264900A45136D8A691-8072

No fault code found.

Address 37: Navigation (J0506)       Labels:. 1T0-035-680.clb
   Part No SW: 7L6 035 684 B    HW: 7L6 035 684 B
   Component: RNS-MID       H02 0362 
   Revision: AB001001    Serial number: VWZ6Z7J5222048
   Coding: 000500000100002600
   Shop #: WSC 31414 790 00001
   VCID: 356BD7E89C90A33E28-8060

2 Faults Found:
02635 - Tuner Not Enabled/Activated
            000 - - - Intermittent
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 00100000
                    Fault Priority: 7
                    Fault Frequency: 43
                    Reset counter: 205
                    Mileage: 296056 km
                    Time Indication: 0
                    Date: 2024.11.07
                    Time: 10:00:33

00446 - Function Limitation due to Under-Voltage
            002 - Lower Limit Exceeded - Intermittent
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 00100000
                    Fault Priority: 5
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Reset counter: 202
                    Mileage: 296062 km
                    Time Indication: 0
                    Date: 2024.11.08
                    Time: 15:32:52

Address 46: Central Conv.        Labels: 7L0-959-933.clb
   Part No: 7L6 959 933 A
   Component: 4M HSG              0601 
   Coding: 0000085
   Shop #: WSC 31414 790 00001
   VCID: 4085B63C105216968B-4B18

   Subsystem 1 - Part No: 7L0 959 701 P
   Component: Tuersteuergeraet FS 6304

   Subsystem 2 - Part No: 7L0 959 702 P
   Component: Tuersteuergeraet BF 6304

   Subsystem 3 - Part No: 7L0 959 703 D
   Component: Tuersteuergeraet HL 0201

   Subsystem 4 - Part No: 7L0 959 704 D
   Component: Tuersteuergeraet HR 0201

3 Faults Found:
01134 - Alarm Horn (H12)
            004 - No Signal/Communication
00470 - Company Comfort Databus in Single Wire
            011 - Open Circuit
00120 - Outside Warning Light/Door exit Light Driver Side
            012 - Electrical Fault in Circuit - Intermittent

Address 47: Sound System        Labels: 7Lx-035-4xx-47.lbl
   Part No SW: 7L6 035 466 C    HW: 7L6 035 466 C
   Component: DSP 10 Kanal        0020 
   Revision: 00H05001    Serial number: 75835000744905
   Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000
   VCID: 346DEAEC57EABA361F-8060

No fault code found.

Address 55: Headlight Range        Labels: 7L6-907-357-A.lbl
   Part No SW: 7L6 907 357 C    HW: 7L6 907 357 C
   Component: AFS-Steuergeraet    0136 
   Revision: 00H04000    Serial number:               
   Coding: 1290435
   Shop #: WSC 31414 790 00001
   VCID: 3B7FC1D07EB4754EDE-806E

   Subsystem 1 - Part No: 7L6 941 329 B  Labels: 3D0-941-329.CLB
   Component: AFS-Lst.-Modul l    0004 
   Coding: 00000019

   Subsystem 2 - Part No: 7L6 941 329 B  Labels: 3D0-941-329.CLB
   Component: AFS-Lst.-Modul r    0004 
   Coding: 00000019

No fault code found.

Address 56: Radio (J0506)       Labels:. 1T0-035-680.clb
   Part No SW: 7L6 035 684 B    HW: 7L6 035 684 B
   Component: RNS-MID       H02 0362 
   Revision: AB001001    Serial number: VWZ6Z7J5222048
   Coding: 000500000100002600
   Shop #: WSC 31414 790 00001
   VCID: 356BD7E89C90A33E28-8060

2 Faults Found:
02635 - Tuner Not Enabled/Activated
            000 - - - Intermittent
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 00100000
                    Fault Priority: 7
                    Fault Frequency: 43
                    Reset counter: 205
                    Mileage: 296056 km
                    Time Indication: 0
                    Date: 2024.11.07
                    Time: 10:00:33

00446 - Function Limitation due to Under-Voltage
            002 - Lower Limit Exceeded - Intermittent
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 00100000
                    Fault Priority: 5
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Reset counter: 202
                    Mileage: 296062 km
                    Time Indication: 0
                    Date: 2024.11.08
                    Time: 15:32:52

Address 65: Tire Pressure        Labels:. 7L6-907-273.lbl
   Part No SW: 7L6 907 273 E    HW: 7L6 907 273 E
   Component: J0502 RDK           0006 
   Revision: 00004006    Serial number: 00000700014894
   Coding: 0040008D8D0000000000000000
   Shop #: WSC 31414 790 00001
   VCID: 3A71C4D4718E4C46C5-806E

4 Faults Found:
01467 - Front Left Tire Pressure Sensor (G222)
            004 - No Signal/Communication - MIL ON
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 11100100
                    Fault Priority: 3
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Reset counter: 162
                    Mileage: 296064 km
                    Time Indication: 0
                    Date: 2024.11.09
                    Time: 12:08:26

             Freeze Frame:
                    (no units): 46.0

01468 - Front Right Tire Pressure Sensor (G223)
            004 - No Signal/Communication - MIL ON
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 11100100
                    Fault Priority: 3
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Reset counter: 162
                    Mileage: 296064 km
                    Time Indication: 0
                    Date: 2024.11.09
                    Time: 12:08:26

             Freeze Frame:
                    (no units): 49.0

01469 - Rear Left Tire Pressure Sensor (G224)
            004 - No Signal/Communication - MIL ON
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 11100100
                    Fault Priority: 3
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Reset counter: 162
                    Mileage: 296064 km
                    Time Indication: 0
                    Date: 2024.11.09
                    Time: 12:08:26

             Freeze Frame:
                    (no units): 52.0

01470 - Rear Right Tire Pressure Sensor (G225)
            004 - No Signal/Communication - MIL ON
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 11100100
                    Fault Priority: 3
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Reset counter: 162
                    Mileage: 296064 km
                    Time Indication: 0
                    Date: 2024.11.09
                    Time: 12:08:26

             Freeze Frame:
                    (no units): 55.0

Address 68: Wiper Electr.        Labels: 7L0-955-119-V2.clb
   Part No: 7L6 955 119 B
   Component: J400__ Front Wiper  5301 
   Coding: 0001397
   Shop #: WSC 31414 790 00001
   VCID: 3973DBD87088475ECC-806C

   Subsystem 2 - Part No: 1K0 955 559 AH  Labels: 1K0-955-559-AG.CLB
   Component: RLS     080709 054  0402 
   Coding: 00208941
   Shop #: WSC 31414 

No fault code found.

Address 6C: Back-up Cam.        Labels: 5N0-907-441.clb
   Part No SW: 7L6 907 441 B    HW: 7L6 907 441 B
   Component: J772__Rearview      0033 
   Revision: 00H13000    Serial number:    PA8 J960698
   Coding: 0100001
   Shop #: WSC 31414 790 00001
   VCID: 346DEAEC57EABA361F-8060

No fault code found.

Address 6D: Trunk Elect.        Labels: 7L6-959-107.clb
   Part No SW: 7L6 959 107 B    HW: 7L6 959 107 B
   Component: J605  HECKKLAPPE    1310 
   Revision: --H05---    Serial number: --------046629
   Coding: 0122110
   Shop #: WSC 31414 790 00001
   VCID: 3A71C4D4718E4C46C5-806E

No fault code found.

Address 6E: Ctrl Head Roof        Labels: None
   Part No SW: 7L6 919 044 AD    HW: 7L6 919 044 AD
   Component: J702  Dachdisplay   0401 
   Revision: 1030006S    Serial number: 00000000124807
   Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000
   VCID: 79F31BD83008875E8C-802C

No fault code found.

Address 76: Park Assist        Labels: Redir Fail!
   Part No: 7L0 919 283 F
   Component: 0L Einparkhilfe     1108 
   Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000
   VCID: 3973DBD87488475ECC-806C

1 Fault Found:
01629 - Sensor for Parking-Aid; Front Left (G255)
            014 - Defective - Intermittent

Address 77: Telephone        Labels: 5P0-862-335.lbl
   Part No SW: 1Z0 035 729 C    HW: 1Z0 035 729 C
   Component: FSE_2P8x        H35 0170 
   Revision: 00000000    Serial number: 00000005075946
   Coding: 0012077
   Shop #: WSC 01052 444 51243
   VCID: 3875DEDC4B825E5633-806C

No fault code found.

End-------------------------(Elapsed Time: 03:44)--------------------------

I did replace glow plugs 1 and 3 yesterday because my Autel scanner found codes for them that never showed on Vagcom,

They did test bad after removing them. This morning at about 50° it took 10-15 seconds of cranking to start. I'll create a new thread if I can't figure it out first.