I'll take your mental instability and raise you:
J338 is the throttle body itself not a clutch unit end of story.
oh.. not sure what that guy is talking about then. this is all he said trying to help
So MY13 S5 3.0T 6MT.
Date: 2024.03.19
Is the date set wrong in your car? Go to the CAR menu then SETUP then date/time. If it's wrong, fix that, because it makes the log misleading.
VBatt start/end: 11.9V/11.8V. VIgn 11.9V
That's not good. Battery is sub 12V, which always makes for questionable events. If the car sits for extended duration (I drive mine every day as it's my daily), you might need to look to have a trickle charger to keep the battery from going low while the car sits unused.
Voltage terminal 30: 11.882 V
The are showing that low voltage level as well. In one of your earlier ones, the voltage was as low as 11.2V. That's too low. But I do find it curious that the sometimes report different values for terminal voltage 30 and for battery voltage.
Comms errors all over the place. You could have voltage issues causing modules to not function correctly. You could have wiring issues. You could have a bad module trashing the comms lines. They seem intermittent or flaky, as there could interact with every module. So more likely voltage or wiring.
6516 - Throttle Valve Controller
P1545 00 [01100101] - Malfunction
6519 - Throttle Position Sensor (G69)
P0122 00 [10100101] - Signal too Low
6522 - Throttle Body (J338)
P1559 00 [01100000] - Fault in basic settings
6536 - Throttle Actuator (J338)
P1579 00 [00100101] - Adaptation Not Started
10935 - Neutral Gear Sensor
P15A0 00 [00100101] - Electrical Malfunction
13827 - Gear Reconition Sensor
P181B 00 [00100101] - Electrical Malfunction
16719 - Gear Reconition Sensor
P181C 00 [00100101] - Implausbile Signal
So your errors are all centered around two objects, the J338 throttle valve and F36/F194/G476 clutch related sensor and switches (I assume that's what the other three are referencing, since this is a 6MT).
The J338 is a simple closed system. It has a 6-pin connector:
1 - violet/white - G187 angle sensor 1
2 - gray/yellow - 5V to angle sensors
3 - white/green - G186 motor connection 1
4 - gray/brown - G188 angle sensor 2
5 - brown/black - G186 motor connection 2
6 - brown - ground to angle sensors
So the angle sensors are basic potentiometers, reporting a voltage level between the voltages presented at 2 and 6. The sensors are inverted, so one changes from near 0 to near 5 while the other changes from near 5 to near 0, as the throttle plate is moved.
Could be the J338 is toast, or the circuits for it are toast, or the wiring is toast. The J338 is a very basic electrical config; should be simple enough to test. has output tests; it could be the is not able to actuate the motor.
The clutch sensor unit is also a 6-pin connector:
1 - brown - ground to chassis
2 - green/gray - F194 signal to J623
3 - blue/gray - G476 signal to J623
4 - black/blue - 12v from fuse 10 in column black on driver's end of dash
5 - violet/gray - F36 signal to J540
6 - black/red - 12v from fuse 4 in column brown on driver's end of dash
So checking both fuses would be relevant. Those fuses will only be powered with ignition on.