Thanks for splitting this off into a Solar/Home automation thread Uwe
Home automation
I've been at the home automation thing for a while. I think it started in roughly 2014 with the first chicken coop. I wanted light bulbs to cycle on/off automatically and then we needed the door to open/close when we weren't home or there was snow/ice making it less than convenient to deal with it. Then, the chicken water froze in the first winter so we obviously needed a heater but that ended up being smart/z-wave and on a schedule. Automated things really took off when I started gardening followed shortly by indoor growing however early days were on Wink hubs.
In roughly 2019 I switched to Hubitat and that's where the official snowball began. I could bore everyone to death with the rules and schemes for everything from virtual thermostats that trigger heaters, fans and dehumidifiers to a light bulb that turns on when the washer is done.
House Solar
We didn't have Solar until 2021 but we fully committed. The initial house system was intended to cover 98% of our annual usage so it ended up being a solar ground mount garden. We had to move the actual food garden and the chickens got relocated to a significantly more efficient coop; 3 SMA string inverters and 44 total 445W bifacial panels. The inverters are limited to 17.7kW AC (19.5kW DC).
The only failure here was that we did not start with the serious energy efficient upgrades prior to solar. I ASSumed that replacing ICE vehicles with EVs (we only had the e-golf at this time) would have offset all of the future home energy savings. Nope! In the first 12 rolling months with two EVs we managed to cut our annual total usage from roughly 23,000 kWh per year to 18,000 kWh primarily due to the heat pump dryer, heat pump hot water heater and replacing an inefficient bathroom heater with an air sourced heat pump.
In hindsight, we could have gone a lot smaller on the house meter/system!
The long term goal is to replace the natural gas furnace with a whole house air sourced heat pump ... so that may resolve my overproduction "problem" however I should wait until something fails. At this point our annual natural gas consumption is down to 33 MCF or less than $500 USD. Just a few years ago it was well over 90 MCF per year. We were consumption pigs!
Garage Solar
Yep, I just said we make too much power but... we expanded anyway. The garage already had a separate electric meter/bill with a 200A service so we added a "small" 5kW PV system to the SW side of that roof in 2023. This one is more future proof (net metering with virtual meter aggregation can't last forever in PA) so we went with a Sok-Ark string inverter which will make it real easy to add any 48V batteries later.
Drone shot from roughly August of 2023:
Why does the garage have that missing tooth? We kept the DC at 5K so WPP wouldn't force us to purchase another transformer. Wrong. I'm not gonna turn this into a power police rant, or math out how many years that set back the ROI, but I ended up with massive 50kVA pole mount transformer this time. Since 50kVA is the residential limit in my area I view this as a new challenge!
Bootleg Solar
I think bootleg solar is in that Fight Club area, so it may not be wise to talk about it in public forum, but I will say that those tiny off grid shed panels got an upgrade due to the 50kVA challenge.
Life Goals
Use as much homegrown power as possible when the sun shines! In addition I'm extremely grid aware so we rarely pull large power from the grid when demand is high. EV charging is rarely over 2kW from the grid during the day, I blast the AC at 68F all morning in the summer so that it barely needs to cycle after 4PM, the hot water tank is maxed out early in the day, etc. The full circle of home automation and solar make this very easy.