Hello, I have an acquaintance with a 2013 Porsche Cayenne that wants some things coded on their car. I know that Porsches are not officially supported but I was wondering if this model can be coded at all. Thanks in advance.
Thank you very much!!Open the RossTech folder, in the Autoscan text document
remove semicolons ( ; ) before Porsche.
The Porsche will now appear in the vehicle drop-down list.
ZF,Lamborghini Huracan NAR (2013 >),00
ZL,Lamborghini Urus (2018 >),00
;9P,Porsche Cayenne,01,02,03,05,06,08,09,11,13,15,16,17,18,19,1C,22,29,32,34,36,37,39,3C,46,47,55,56,57,64,65,68,69,6C,6D,6E,75,76,77
;92,Porsche Cayenne,01,02,03,08,10,15,16,17,18,19,34,36,40,42,44,51,52,53,55,61,62,6D,72
;A2,Porsche Cayenne NAR,01,02,03,08,10,15,16,17,18,19,34,36,40,42,44,51,52,53,55,61,62,6D,72
;97,Porsche Panamera,00
;A7,Porsche Panamera NAR,00
UY,MAN TGE Panel Van (2017 >),00 "
VCDS -- Windows Based VAG/VAS Emulator Running on Windows 11 x64
VCDS Version: (x64) HEX-NET2 CB: 0.4643.5
Data version: 20240429 DS355.0
VIN: WP1ZZZ92ZDLA21202 License Plate:
Chassis Type: 92-N/A (92 - Porsche Cayenne)
Scan: 01 02 03 08 10 15 16 17 18 19 34 36 40 42 44 51 52 53 55 61
62 6D 72
Address 01: Engine (J623-CRCA) Labels: None
Part No SW: 7P5 907 401 D HW: 4G0 907 401
Component: 3.0TDI EDC17 H37 0002
Revision: 53H37--- CVN: B187F94E
Coding: 2F2A4012A32E03020000
Shop #: WSC 31414 790 00001
ASAM Dataset: EV_ECM30TDI0117P5907401D 001003
VCID: 353C4D3D15CAD4D2B45-8060
VINID: 9E006AAAA242A9471108108008868C06A4
No ASAM data for: "EV_ECM30TDI0117P5907401D" (VW52)
2 Faults Found:
14585 - ROD - Unknown Error Code
- 00 [01101101]
Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
Freeze Frame:
Fault Priority: 2
Fault Frequency: 1
Mileage: 221153 km
Date: 2024.05.02
Time: 11:31:54
10586 - ROD - Unknown Error Code
- 00 [00100000]
Intermittent - Not Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
Freeze Frame:
Fault Priority: 6
Fault Frequency: 1
Mileage: 221153 km
Date: 2024.05.02
Time: 11:31:54
Readiness: 0 0 0 0 0
Address 02: Auto Trans (J217) Labels:. 0C8-927-7XX-V1.clb
Part No SW: 0C8 927 749 CM HW: 0C8 927 749 CM
Component: AL1000 AISIN 001 2101
Serial number: CVN: D46398CC
Coding: 00B568
Shop #: WSC 31414 790 00001
ASAM Dataset: EV_TCMAL991031 002112
VCID: 0154E9ED1182A87258D-8054
No ASAM data for: "EV_TCMAL991031" (VW37)
No fault code found.
Address 03: ABS Brakes (J104) Labels:* 7P0-907-379.clb
Part No SW: 7P0 907 379 L HW: 7P0 907 379 A
Component: MK25A H36 0434
Revision: -------- Serial number: 414320010EC815 Dataset Number: A001
Coding: DB7C33690B810563DB7ECC66D05CA0503700
Shop #: WSC 00256 168 00001
ASAM Dataset: EV_MK25AXT 008001
ROD: EV_ESPMK25A00800.rod
VCID: 46DE3AF1782C4F4A2DF-8012
No fault code found.
Address 08: Auto HVAC Labels: None
Part No SW: 7P5 907 040 AG HW: 7P5 907 040 AG
Component: BKE_VORN 21 1620
Revision: 02013000 Serial number: 00000000002313
Coding: 0880960900000000
Shop #: WSC 00256 168 00001
ASAM Dataset: BKE__ 120007
VCID: 78A284094258E9BA6F3-802C
Component: BE_DISKRET 0000 0000
Serial number: 0000000000
Component: BE_DISKRET 0000 0000
Serial number: 0000000000
Subsystem 3 - Part No: 7P5 927 127 CG
011 X008
Subsystem 6 - Part No: 7P5 927 127 CG
011 X008
No ASAM data for: "BKE__" (VW52)
1 Fault Found:
33537 - ROD - Unknown Error Code
- 00 [00001000]
Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
Freeze Frame:
Fault Priority: 1
Fault Frequency: 105
Reset counter: 33
Mileage: 3584 km
Date: 2099.05.01
Time: 17:48:54
Address 10: Park/Steer Assist (----) Labels: None
Part No SW: 7P5 919 475 C HW: 7P5 919 475 C
Component: ParkAssistant H08 0004
Revision: -------- Serial number: 11931214801535
Coding: 000002
Shop #: WSC 00256 168 00001
ASAM Dataset: ParkAssistant8K 080003
VCID: 42D626E15404736A017-8016
No ASAM data for: "ParkAssistant8K" (VW52)
No fault code found.
Address 15: Airbags (J234) Labels:| 7P0-959-655.clb
Part No SW: 7P0 959 655 C HW: 7P0 959 655 C
Component: VW10Airbag50Q H05 0025
Revision: -------- Serial number: 003L0003G4RV Dataset Number: 7P5003p____ 0249
Coding: 000000000000000000000000000000003051
Shop #: WSC 00256 168 00001
ASAM Dataset: EV_AirbaVW10BPAVW526 001001
ROD: EV_AirbaVW10BPAVW526_001.rod
VCID: 41D429ED5102687218D-8014
Crash sensor for side airbag: driver side:
Serial number: 3575LRB40531C4LG599$
Front Passenger's Side Airbag Crash Sensor:
Serial number: 3585LRB404P1C4LI2HBR
Rear Side Airbag Crash Sensor (on driver's side):
Serial number: 3515RRB406318BCIA0F
Passenger side rear thorax airbag crash sensor:
Serial number: 3525RRB406118BCI91AW
Crash sensor for front airbag: driver side:
Serial number: 3555NRB40124UE20QOU1
Crash sensor for front airbag: front passenger side:
Serial number: 3565NRB40144UE20MHDJ
No fault code found.
Address 16: Steering wheel Labels: None
Part No SW: 7P5 953 507 EG HW: 7P5 953 507 EG
Component: KLSM 011 1100
Revision: ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ Serial number: X0001LET000BB Dataset Number: ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ
Coding: 936B03
Shop #: WSC 00256 168 00001
ASAM Dataset: E2_KLSM 000034
VCID: 055CFDFD05AA8452645-8050
No ASAM data for: "E2_KLSM" (VW52)
No fault code found.
Address 17: Instruments Labels: None
Part No SW: 7P5 920 904 AB HW: 7P5 920 904 AB
Component: KIE2 V6_Dÿÿÿÿ 005 4512
Revision: 00000000 Serial number: 000927
Coding: 5C038D52BA9100
Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000
ASAM Dataset: Kombiinstrument 000014
VCID: 77A087354F46E6C2669-8022
No ASAM data for: "Kombiinstrument" (VW52)
5 Faults Found:
40967 - ROD - Unknown Error Code
- 00 [10001000]
MIL ON - Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
Freeze Frame:
Fault Priority: 4
Reset counter: 3
Mileage: 560643 km
Time: 00:00:00
40998 - ROD - Unknown Error Code
- 00 [10001000]
MIL ON - Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
Freeze Frame:
Fault Priority: 8
Reset counter: 3
Mileage: 560643 km
Time: 00:00:00
41030 - ROD - Unknown Error Code
- 00 [10001000]
MIL ON - Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
Freeze Frame:
Fault Priority: 2
Reset counter: 3
Mileage: 560643 km
Time: 00:00:00
41512 - ROD - Unknown Error Code
- 00 [10001000]
MIL ON - Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
Freeze Frame:
Fault Priority: 7
Reset counter: 3
Mileage: 583681 km
Date: 2124.02.11
Time: 20:36:13
41591 - ROD - Unknown Error Code
- 00 [10001000]
MIL ON - Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
Freeze Frame:
Reset counter: 3
Mileage: 560643 km
Time: 00:00:00
Address 19: CAN Gateway Labels: None
Part No SW: 7PP 907 530 P HW: 7PP 907 530 P
Component: zentr Gateway 220 1042
Revision: 00000000 Serial number: 2341B565812514 Dataset Number: 00000000000 0000
Coding: 0011
Shop #: WSC 00256 168 00001
ASAM Dataset: CAN/CAN Gateway A4.1
VCID: 5F90CF95C7B63E820E9-800A
No ASAM data for: "CAN/CAN Gateway" (VW52)
1 Fault Found:
12656659 - ROD - Unknown Error Code
- 00 [00001000]
Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
Freeze Frame:
Fault Priority: 0
Fault Frequency: 76
Reset counter: 3
Mileage: 1040767 km
Date: 2080.11.05
Time: 21:48:61
Address 34: Level Control (J197) Labels:. 7P0-907-553.clb
Part No SW: 7P0 907 553 S HW: 7P0 907 553 S
Component: PASM H01 1700
Revision: 00000000 Serial number: 00000121530480
Coding: 42510000
Shop #: WSC 00256 168 00001
ASAM Dataset: EV_PASMConti 001004
ROD: EV_PASMConti.rod
VCID: 47C037F57F265642D69-8012
No fault code found.
Address 42: Door Elect, Driver (J386) Labels:. 4H0-959-793.clb
Part No SW: 4H0 959 793 P HW: 4H0 959 793 P
Component: TSG FA H02 0302
Revision: -------- Serial number: 0000031739636
Coding: 010E022070A04300138C0000
Shop #: WSC 00256 168 00001
VCID: 46DE3AF178AC4F4A2DF-8012
1 Fault Found:
01333 - Door Control Module; Rear Left (J388)
004 - No Signal/Communication - Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00100100
Fault Priority: 6
Fault Frequency: 1
Reset counter: 76
Mileage: 221153 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2024.05.02
Time: 11:32:04
Address 52: Door Elect, Pass. (J387) Labels:. 4H0-959-792.clb
Part No SW: 4H0 959 792 M HW: 4H0 959 792 M
Component: TSG BF H02 0302
Revision: -------- Serial number: 0000031767038
Coding: 010E022070A04300138C0000
Shop #: WSC 00256 168 00001
VCID: 42D626E15484736A017-8016
1 Fault Found:
01333 - Door Control Module; Rear Left (J388)
004 - No Signal/Communication - Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00100100
Fault Priority: 6
Fault Frequency: 1
Reset counter: 76
Mileage: 221153 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2024.05.02
Time: 11:32:04
Address 53: Parking Brake (J540-) Labels:| 7P0-907-801.clb
Part No SW: 7P0 907 801 F HW: 7P0 907 801 F
Component: EPB H51 1201
Revision: 00000000 Serial number: C1252300369 Dataset Number: A001
Coding: 01030100
Shop #: WSC 00256 168 00001
ASAM Dataset: EV_ParkbA7 000006
ROD: EV_ParkbA7.rod
VCID: 363E4A3108CCDFCABDF-8062
Slave 3:
1 Fault Found:
0033 - Dynamic Start Assist Function Not Available
C10DE 00 [00001000] - -
Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
Freeze Frame:
Fault Frequency: 1
Reset counter: 78
Mileage: 221153 km
Date: 2024.05.01
Time: 11:44:54
Voltage: 14.2 V
Address 55: Headlight Range Labels: None
Part No SW: 7P5 907 381 B HW: 7P5 907 381 B
Component: SWSG_RE 1.2 0900
Revision: 3476883 Serial number: 12052921007491 Dataset Number: XXXXXXXXXXX 0900
Coding: 1E840C
Shop #: WSC 31414 790 00001
ASAM Dataset: SWSG_RE 020003
VCID: 3A265E013CD43BAA597-806E
No ASAM data for: "SWSG_RE" (VW52)
No fault code found.
Address 62: Door, Rear Left (J388) Labels:. 4H0-959-795.clb
Part No SW: 4H0 959 795 J HW: 4H0 959 795 J
Component: TSG HL H02 0302
Revision: -------- Serial number: 0000031588304
Coding: 010E002021A0230013880000
Shop #: WSC 00256 168 00001
VCID: 42D626E15484736A017-8016
No fault code found.
Address 72: Door, Rear Right (J389) Labels:. 4H0-959-795.clb
Part No SW: 4H0 959 795 J HW: 4H0 959 795 J
Component: TSG HR H02 0302
Revision: -------- Serial number: 0000031588158
Coding: 010E002021A0230013880000
Shop #: WSC 00256 168 00001
VCID: 42D626E15484736A017-8016
No fault code found.
End----------(Elapsed Time: 02:52, VBatt start/end: 12.4V/12.4V)-----------
Hard to say what's going on there since there is no 09 in this scan, probably because the line in the Auto-Scan file doesn't specify 09..when I go to 09. Central Electronics and enter security access code 20113 it says that the code is incorrect
Indeed, the Auto-Scan file does not specify 09. If I ever get the chance to test another Cayenne I will send another Auto-Scan, the more the merrier. Edit: grammar.Hard to say what's going on there since there is no 09 in this scan, probably because the line in the Auto-Scan file doesn't specify 09..
;92,Porsche Cayenne,01,02,03,08,10,15,16,17,18,19,34,36,40,42,44,51,52,53,55,61,62,6D,72