I dont speak with absolute certainty here but I am happy impart what I do think i know !!
A tune or a remap on an should not make any difference to extracting data from one electronic component and then write that data to a another.
However, Some Tuners, Mappers do lock the to protect their work from software pirates. Speak to the
Ebay guy and ask if this is the case ??
VAG group are about the only VM that will allow the dealer tool to code in a used
Equally a Software update with may override what is in your and return it to Factory !! Then that can be cloned !!
Rather than
Ebay which is great but no personal "touch" - Google a Tuner, Mapper near you and go meet him ??
There is a 50% chance he is bang on right !!
Are you fixing problems that you dont have ??