Hello everyone,
I have noticed my 2009 TDI wagon cranking longer than usual and then when it feels like it is about to start I stop turning the key and it does not start. Sometimes I have to try 3 or 4 times and eventually it will go. After a week of starting like that the car will not crank or make any noise at all when I turn the key. If I do not try and start it for a while I may hear one click that sounds like it is coming from the relay in the front but then if I try again there is no noise from the engine bay at all while turning over. beside what I figure is the fuel system when turning the key to the first position. I have attached an auto-scan and there is an 00927 code that has to do with the Terminal 30 relay in the under hood fuse box. Any thoughts?
I appreciated the help!
I have noticed my 2009 TDI wagon cranking longer than usual and then when it feels like it is about to start I stop turning the key and it does not start. Sometimes I have to try 3 or 4 times and eventually it will go. After a week of starting like that the car will not crank or make any noise at all when I turn the key. If I do not try and start it for a while I may hear one click that sounds like it is coming from the relay in the front but then if I try again there is no noise from the engine bay at all while turning over. beside what I figure is the fuel system when turning the key to the first position. I have attached an auto-scan and there is an 00927 code that has to do with the Terminal 30 relay in the under hood fuse box. Any thoughts?
I appreciated the help!
VCDS -- Windows Based VAG/VAS Emulator Running on Windows 11 x64
VCDS Version: (x64) HEX-V2 CB: 0.4643.4
Data version: 20231027 DS351.0
VIN: 3VWML81K19M357945 License Plate:
Chassis Type: 1K (1K0)
Scan: 01 02 03 08 09 15 16 17 19 25 42 44 46 4F 52 56 62 72
VIN: 3VWML81K19M357945
01-Engine -- Status: Malfunction 0010
02-Auto Trans -- Status: OK 0000
03-ABS Brakes -- Status: OK 0000
04-Steering Angle -- Status: OK 0000
08-Auto HVAC -- Status: OK 0000
09-Cent. Elect. -- Status: Malfunction 0010
15-Airbags -- Status: OK 0000
16-Steering wheel -- Status: OK 0000
17-Instruments -- Status: Malfunction 0010
19-CAN Gateway -- Status: OK 0000
25-Immobilizer -- Status: OK 0000
42-Door Elect, Driver -- Status: Malfunction 0010
44-Steering Assist -- Status: Malfunction 0010
46-Central Conv. -- Status: Malfunction 0010
4F-Centr. Electr. II -- Status: OK 0000
52-Door Elect, Pass. -- Status: OK 0000
56-Radio -- Status: OK 0000
62-Door, Rear Left -- Status: OK 0000
72-Door, Rear Right -- Status: OK 0000
Address 01: Engine (CBE) Labels: 03L-906-022-CBE.clb
Part No SW: 03L 997 030 H HW: 03L 906 022 J
Component: R4 2.0l TDI G001AG 9983
Revision: 12H01--- Serial number: VWX7Z0I424L0JC
Coding: 0350078
Shop #: WSC 11361 004 1048576
VCID: 33330FE0F73BD802E21-8066
VINID: 0E69DD70805B04974314724414FB388CC3
1 Fault Found:
008213 - Intake Manifold Flap Position Sensor (Bank 1)
P2015 - 000 - Implausible Signal - MIL ON
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 11100000
Fault Priority: 2
Fault Frequency: 35
Reset counter: 255
Mileage: 130481 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2000.00.00
Time: 14:07:27
Freeze Frame:
RPM: 0 /min
Speed: 0.0 km/h
Voltage: 12.54 V
Lambda: -11.0 %
Lambda: 4.7 %
Bin. Bits: 00001110
Voltage: 3.800 V
Readiness: 1 1 0 0 0
Address 02: Auto Trans Labels: 02E-927-770.clb
Part No SW: 02E 300 052 HW: 02E 927 770 AJ
Component: GSG DSG AG6 440 8938
Revision: 04844002 Serial number: 00000904091419
Coding: 0000020
Shop #: WSC 00066 000 00000
VCID: 51FF65686DE78A12F0D-8004
No fault code found.
Address 03: ABS Brakes (-----) Labels:. 1K0-907-379-60EC1F.clb
Part No SW: 1K0 907 379 CE HW: 1K0 907 379 AE
Component: ESP MK60EC1 H35 0120
Revision: 00H35001
Coding: 113B600D49270001881406E8921E0042B100
Shop #: WSC 25113 002 1048576
VCID: 77ABFBF0AFC3F4221E9-8022
No fault code found.
Address 08: Auto HVAC Labels: 1K0-820-047.lbl
Part No SW: 1K0 820 047 JE HW: 1K0 820 047 JE
Component: Climatic PQ35 143 1313
Revision: 00143033 Serial number: 00000000000000
Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000
VCID: 70B9C0ECC6ADA31ADF3-8024
No fault code found.
Address 09: Cent. Elect. Labels:. 3C0-937-049-30-M.lbl
Part No SW: 3C8 937 049 D HW: 3C8 937 049 D
Component: Bordnetz-SG H54 2602
Revision: 00H54000 Serial number: 00000009498982
Coding: 14898F2340041500070000001C000000000873075C000120000000000000
Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000
VCID: 323D0AE40821D10AE97-8066
Subsystem 1 - Part No: 1K1 955 119 E Labels: 1KX-955-119.CLB
Component: Wischer 020609 021 0501
Coding: 00038805
Shop #: WSC 00000
1 Fault Found:
00927 - Terminal 30 (Right)
011 - Open Circuit - Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00101011
Fault Priority: 1
Fault Frequency: 1
Reset counter: 37
Mileage: 132346 km
Time Indication: 0
Freeze Frame:
Voltage: 12.30 V
Address 15: Airbags Labels: 1K0-909-605.lbl
Part No SW: 1K0 909 605 AD HW: 1K0 909 605 AD
Component: 07 AIRBAG VW8R 036 8900
Revision: 06036000 Serial number: 003EVM00A1PK
Coding: 0012343
Shop #: WSC 00066 000 00000
Subsystem 1 - Serial number: 6332MSME47130D032
Subsystem 2 - Serial number: 6342MSME74426D0FN
Subsystem 3 - Serial number: 6351HSME00250727X
Subsystem 4 - Serial number: 6361HSME00252708Z
Subsystem 5 - Serial number: 63727SME1C204874+
Subsystem 6 - Serial number: 63827SME1C1E487AI
No fault code found.
Address 16: Steering wheel Labels: 1K0-953-549-MY9.lbl
Part No SW: 1K0 953 549 CP HW: 1K0 953 549 CP
Component: J0527 053 0111
Coding: 0001032
Shop #: WSC 00066 000 00000
VCID: 025D9A24F801A18A397-8056
No fault code found.
Address 17: Instruments
Cannot be reached
Address 19: CAN Gateway Labels:. 1K0-907-530-V4.clb
Part No SW: 1K0 907 530 T HW: 1K0 907 951
Component: J533 Gateway H06 0071
Revision: H06 01 Serial number: 180409F2000342
Coding: ED807F06000203002002
Shop #: WSC 00066 000 00000
VCID: 382938CCEE5D3B5AD73-806C
No fault code found.
Address 25: Immobilizer Labels: 1K0-920-xxx-25.clb
Part No SW: 1K0 920 854 D HW: 1K0 920 854 D
Component: IMMO 3HL 1222
Revision: V0002000 Serial number: VWX7Z0I424L0JC
Shop #: WSC 57104 004 1048576
VCID: 2C01149C2A0587FAA3B-8078
No fault code found.
Address 42: Door Elect, Driver Labels:. 1K0-959-701-MIN3.clb
Part No SW: 1K0 959 701 AC HW: 1K0 959 793 N
Component: J386 TUER-SG FT 1519
Revision: 72009005 Serial number: 00000764998518
Coding: 0001205
Shop #: WSC 00066 000 00000
VCID: 6FBBC390DB93BCE2C69-803A
3 Faults Found:
01552 - Motor for Central Locking; Drivers Door (V56); Lock
012 - Electrical Fault in Circuit - Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00101100
Fault Priority: 3
Fault Frequency: 57
Reset counter: 27
Mileage: 0 km
Time Indication: 0
00928 - Locking Module for Central Locking; Front Driver Side (F220)
008 - Implausible Signal - Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00111000
Fault Priority: 3
Fault Frequency: 28
Reset counter: 31
Mileage: 0 km
Time Indication: 0
00105 - Signal Central Locking SAVE/LOCK Drivers Side
008 - Implausible Signal - Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00101000
Fault Priority: 3
Fault Frequency: 200
Reset counter: 36
Mileage: 0 km
Time Indication: 0
Address 44: Steering Assist Labels: 1K0-909-14x-GEN3.clb
Part No: 1K0 909 144 E
Component: EPS_ZFLS Kl. 70 2501
Revision: 00H15000
Shop #: WSC 02069 000 90108
VCID: 2C01149C2A0587FAA3B-8078
1 Fault Found:
00778 - Steering Angle Sensor (G85)
000 - - - MIL ON
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 11100000
Fault Priority: 2
Fault Frequency: 1
Reset counter: 255
Time Indication: 0
Freeze Frame:
Battery Volts: 12.2 V
Temperature: 7.0°C
Count: 2
Steering Angle: 0.00°
Count: 0
SteerAng n.Init
Address 46: Central Conv. Labels:. 1K0-959-433-MAX.clb
Part No SW: 1K0 959 433 CA HW: 1K0 959 433 CA
Component: KSG PQ35 G2 020 0204
Revision: 00020000 Serial number: 00000000000000
Coding: 139007885283281B0904058FB0880F0488FCA0
Shop #: WSC 57104 004 1048576
VCID: 71BFC5E8CDA7AA12D0D-8024
Subsystem 1 - Component: Sounder n.mounted
Subsystem 2 - Component: NGS n.mounted
Subsystem 3 - Component: IRUE n.mounted
1 Fault Found:
00332 - Control Circuit for Tank Flap
007 - Short to Ground
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 01100111
Fault Priority: 4
Fault Frequency: 47
Reset counter: 252
Time Indication: 0
Address 4F: Centr. Electr. II (J533) Labels:. 1K0-907-532.clb
Part No SW: 1K0 907 532 HW: 1K0 907 951
Component: J533 Gateway H06 0071
Revision: H06 01 Serial number: 180409F2000342
Coding: 050B0500
Shop #: WSC 00066 000 00000
VCID: 6695A6B4F8697DAAB5F-8032
Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 8R0 959 591 HW: 8R0 959 591
Component: J245EE16SKB10 H01 0180
Serial number: 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJ
Subsystem 2 - Part No SW: 8R0 959 591 HW: 8R0 959 591
Component: J394EE16SKB10 H01 0180
Serial number: 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJ
No fault code found.
Address 52: Door Elect, Pass. Labels:. 1K0-959-702-MIN3.clb
Part No SW: 1K0 959 702 AC HW: 1K0 959 792 N
Component: J387 TUER-SG BT 1519
Revision: 72009005 Serial number: 08122702515203
Coding: 0001204
Shop #: WSC 00066 000 00000
VCID: 70B9C0ECC6ADA31ADF3-8024
No fault code found.
Address 56: Radio Labels: 1K0-035-1xx-56.clb
Part No SW: 1K0 035 180 M HW: 1K0 035 180 M
Component: Radio DE2 016 0020
Revision: 00016000 Serial number: VWZ4Z7J3168239
Coding: 0040401
Shop #: WSC 00066 000 00000
VCID: 2A0D128420F199CA517-807E
No fault code found.
Address 62: Door, Rear Left Labels:. 1K0-959-703-GEN3.clb
Part No SW: 1K0 959 703 AH HW: 1K0 959 795 T
Component: J388 TUER-SG HL 1401
Revision: 12006001 Serial number: 00000003957376
Coding: 0001168
Shop #: WSC 00066 000 00000
VCID: 76B5F6F4A4C98D2A05F-8022
No fault code found.
Address 72: Door, Rear Right Labels: None
Part No SW: 3C0 959 704 C HW: 3C0 959 794 D
Component: J389 TUER-SG HR 1509
Revision: 12008001 Serial number: 00000007145014
Coding: 0001168
Shop #: WSC 08224 016 263172
VCID: 2B0317802F0B80C2AA1-807E
No fault code found.
End----(Elapsed Time: 01:30, VBatt start/end: 11.7V/12.1V. VIgn 12.0V)-----
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