thanks so far.
the crc is horrific for me

but i keep trying to understand it
i tried your code and the "klemmen status" seems to work. but i still don´t get a speed signal there...
as far as i know, the speed signal hast to be 20ms cycle time ? in your code its delayed 100ms
don´t know if i have the newest version

if i change the delay do 20ms it didnt work.
i have another solution for the "klemmen status" thing....i use gateway++steering column+key, so in this setup i don´t have to think about klemmen status...
i tried to send door open signal, which has no crc as far as i know...but this doenst work....argh
theres a thing i don´t understand: maybe the gateway blocks everything because it sends messages like: therese no system, theres no eninge , theres no door etc etc.
if i send a door open for example. i surely have to send:
-"hello, door is here, everything is fine"
-"driver door open"
just the signal "driver door open" will be ignored becose the gateway blocks it with: "error door "
and for a guilty speed signal there are more messages needed than just the speed value itself ?
i can´t send pm here because i am propably not a regular member because i got no serial number

maybe there is another way to contact you ?