In other news , it is deplorable to read that Germany went back to coal. It is absolutely stunning to look at the situation and see how stupid sanctions dictated agains Russia affects Europe as a whole , not only Germany. Meanwhile , Russia plans to divert more than half of their entire gas/oil production to Asia /China/India with threefold increase i production since sanctions have been applied.. So it seems to me that unless europeans come back to their senses , the following years will be a walk back in time economy /money power/standard of living wise. Perhaps it s time to think about moving towards the future in Asia , cause surely as hell Europe will lose it s luster sooner than later and be the the laughing stock of the entire world . Here you have a booming economy in Europe and all of a sudden you re on your ass because you can t stand Russia or being dictated by a foreing power what to do. Meanwhile , nearly 10 months later after being the most sanctioned country ever , Russia s doing well...Europe is not helping defeat Russia , it actually opened their eyes and i predict that with the flow of cheap energy from it , Asia/India will rise to be the new Europe/America sooner than we think..The sanctions are not diplomacy/politics , this is already lunacy on the part of whomever is responsible for the well being of Europe. I don t understand how nobody seem to care about this.