I'm using VCDS for the first time so I'm a total newbie at this.
To start off with, this is my Auto-Scan:
I'm trying to read meas. block 115 to compare specified boost pressure vs actual. However, 115 shows up as N/A for me:
It says "Label File: None". Is this a concern?
I tried going through the label files and I believe VCDS should be using 058-907-55x-AEBN.LBL for my car. Is this right?
If it is, block 114-4 doesnt show me "Wastegate Valve,Duty Cycle" either.
What am I missing here and need to do differently?
I'm using VCDS for the first time so I'm a total newbie at this.
To start off with, this is my Auto-Scan:
Windows Based VAG/VAS Emulator
Version: Release 1.2
Workshop Code: 000 00000
Self-Diagnosis Log
Monday, 31 January 2022, 18:55:15:53867
VIN Number: License Plate:
Mileage: Repair Order:
Chassis Type: 8D - Audi A4 B5
Scan: 01,02,03,08,15,16,17,25,35,37,45,55,56,57,67,75,76,77
Address 01: Engine Labels: None
Controller: 8D0 907 557 P
Component: 1.8L R4/5VT MOTR HS D02
Coding: 06201
Shop #: WSC 06335
VCID: 3D0D689C2469
No fault code found.
Readiness: 0000 0100
Address 03: ABS Brakes Labels: 8E0-614-111-ABS.LBL
Controller: 8E0 614 111 A
Component: ABS/EDS 5.3 QUATTRO D10
Coding: 0273004284
Shop #: BB 24334
VCID: 1C4B85189FB3
No fault code found.
Address 08: Auto HVAC Labels: 8D0-820-043-1D.LBL
Controller: 8D0 820 043 N
Component: A4 KLIMAAUTOMAT D54
Coding: 00140
Shop #: WSC 06335
VCID: 2B2956C4CA1D
No fault code found.
Address 15: Airbags Labels: 8D0-959-655-AI8.LBL
Controller: 8D0 959 655 K
Component: Airbag Front+Seite 0002
Coding: 00104
Shop #: WSC 06335
VCID: 3E0F6F90296F
No fault code found.
Address 17: Instruments Labels: 8D0-919-xxx-17.LBL
Controller: 8D0 919 911
Component: B5-KOMBIINSTR. VDO D15
Coding: 03242
Shop #: WSC 00000
VCID: EAA713C08567
No fault code found.
Address 35: Centr. Locks Labels: 8D0-862-257.LBL
Controller: 8L0 862 257 N
Component: CV-Pump D11
Coding: 16140
Shop #: WSC 06325
VCID: 40F31168539B
9 Faults Found:
01367 - Central Locking Pump Run Time Exceeded (Likely Leak)
35-00 - -
01371 - Alarm triggered by Door Contact Switch; Driver's Side
35-00 - -
01374 - Alarm triggered by Terminal 15
35-00 - -
01370 - Alarm triggered by Interior Monitoring
35-00 - -
01368 - Alarm triggered by Luggage Compartment Switch
35-00 - -
01362 - Close Switch for Tailgate/Trunk (F124)
29-00 - Short to Ground
00991 - Interior Lights
28-00 - Short to Plus
00955 - Key 1
09-00 - Adaptation Limit Surpassed
00956 - Key 2
09-00 - Adaptation Limit Surpassed
Address 45: Inter. Monitor Labels: 4B0-951-173.LBL
Controller: 4B0 951 173
Component: Innenraumueberw. D03
Coding: 00101
Shop #: WSC 08316
VCID: E0B371E8735B
No fault code found.
Address 56: Radio Labels: 8D0-035-1xx-56.LBL
Controller: 8N0 035 186 A
Component: Radio D03
Coding: 00113
Shop #: WSC 06335
No fault code found.
End --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I'm trying to read meas. block 115 to compare specified boost pressure vs actual. However, 115 shows up as N/A for me:
It says "Label File: None". Is this a concern?
I tried going through the label files and I believe VCDS should be using 058-907-55x-AEBN.LBL for my car. Is this right?
If it is, block 114-4 doesnt show me "Wastegate Valve,Duty Cycle" either.
What am I missing here and need to do differently?
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