**Vehicle has Active Info Display, MIB2 Discover Media Navigation, Adaptive Cruise Control, and OEM Euro Taillights Retrofitted**
AutoScan: 3VW6T7AU5KM017532
AutoScan: 3VW6T7AU5KM017532
VCDS -- Windows Based VAG/VAS Emulator Running on Windows 10 x64
VCDS Version: (x64) HEX-V2 CB: 0.4543.4
Data version: 20210226 DS325.0
VIN: 3VW6T7AU5KM017532 License Plate:
Mileage: 30675km-19060mi Repair Order:
Chassis Type: AU-VW37 (3Q0)
Scan: 01 02 03 05 08 09 13 14 15 17 19 29 2B 32 39 3C 42 44 47 4B
52 5F 75 A9 D6 D7
VIN: 3VW6T7AU5KM017532 Mileage: 30675km-19060miles
01-Engine -- Status: OK 0000
02-Auto Trans -- Status: OK 0000
03-ABS Brakes -- Status: OK 0000
05-Acc/Start Auth. -- Status: OK 0000
08-Auto HVAC -- Status: OK 0000
09-Cent. Elect. -- Status: OK 0000
13-Auto Dist. Reg -- Status: OK 0000
14-Susp. Elect. -- Status: OK 0000
15-Airbags -- Status: OK 0000
17-Instruments -- Status: OK 0000
19-CAN Gateway -- Status: OK 0000
29-Left Light -- Status: OK 0000
2B-Steer. Col. Lock -- Status: OK 0000
32-Differential Locks -- Status: OK 0000
39-Right Light -- Status: OK 0000
3C-Lane Change -- Status: OK 0000
42-Door Elect, Driver -- Status: OK 0000
44-Steering Assist -- Status: OK 0000
47-Sound System -- Status: OK 0000
4B-Multifunc. Module -- Status: OK 0000
52-Door Elect, Pass. -- Status: OK 0000
5F-Information Electr. -- Status: OK 0000
75-Telematics -- Status: OK 0000
A9-Struct. Borne Sound -- Status: OK 0000
D6-Light Ctrl Left 2 -- Status: OK 0000
D7-Light Ctrl Right 2 -- Status: OK 0000
Address 01: Engine (J623-DKFA) Labels: None
Part No SW: 5G0 906 259 Q HW: 06K 907 425 J
Component: 2.0l R4 TFSI H13 2313
Revision: --H13---
Coding: 092500124444012F0000
Shop #: WSC 12345 123 61029
ASAM Dataset: EV_ECM20TFS0205G0906259Q 001003
ROD: EV_ECM20TFS0205G0906259Q.rod
VCID: 3C223D3A36E0D5BB93B-8068
No fault code found.
Readiness: 1110 1101
Address 02: Auto Trans (J743) Labels:. 0BH-927-711.clb
Part No SW: 0GC 300 020 G HW: 0GC 927 711 H
Component: GSG DQ381 H06 2403
Revision: 00H06V08
Coding: 0014
Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000
ASAM Dataset: EV_TCMDQ381061 001
ROD: EV_TCMDQ381061_VW37.rod
VCID: 2616FF52D86C7F6BD5F-8072
No subsystems:
No fault code found.
Address 03: ABS Brakes (J104) Labels: 5Q0-907-379-IPB-V1.clb
Part No SW: 5Q0 614 517 DR HW: 5Q0 614 517 BM
Component: ESC H45 0108
Revision: 00000000 Serial number: 50299000000142
Coding: 01FA6BA150212173807C020360C56880D60A840140061676144150D1D0874B0B0000000012121212B835351919323200
Shop #: WSC 00046 000 00000
ASAM Dataset: EV_Brake1UDSContiMK100IPB 038007
ROD: EV_Brake1UDSContiMK100IPB_038.rod
VCID: 045285DA0E906D7BABB-8050
No fault code found.
Address 05: Acc/Start Auth. (J518) Labels:| 5Q0-959-435.clb
Part No SW: 3Q0 959 435 L HW: 3Q0 959 435 L
Component: VWKESSYMQB 037 1204
Revision: 00037000 Serial number: 0504327142
Coding: 132C1C0723
Shop #: WSC 12345 123 61029
ASAM Dataset: EV_KessyHellaMQBAB 004046
ROD: EV_KessyHellaMQBAB.rod
VCID: 43D046C64B1EAA43D21-8016
No fault code found.
Address 08: Auto HVAC (J301) Labels:| 5G0-907-426.clb
Part No SW: 5GM 907 426 G HW: 5GM 907 426 G
Component: AC Manuell H03 2001
Revision: 00001K05
Coding: 00020004100110001000004010010004
Shop #: WSC 00066 790 00235
ASAM Dataset: EV_ACManueBHBVW37X 004134
ROD: EV_ACManueBHBVW37X_004.rod
VCID: 4CC26DFA6640653B23B-8018
Fresh air blower control module (front):
A/C pressure/coolant temperature sensor:
No fault code found.
Address 09: Cent. Elect. (J519) Labels:. 5Q0-937-08X-V2.clb
Part No SW: 5Q0 937 087 BA HW: 5Q0 937 087 BA
Component: BCM PQ37BOSCH 036 0265
Revision: -------- Serial number: C86421021902UU
Coding: 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Shop #: WSC 00066 790 00075
ASAM Dataset: EV_BodyContrModul1UDSBosc 019001
VCID: 7BA0FE26736E1283DA1-802E
Wiper motor control module:
Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 5G1 955 119 A HW: 5G1 955 119 Labels: 5QX-955-119-V1.CLB
Component: WWS 181213 043 0551
Serial number: 97022066190112044150
Coding: 1E4DFD
Rain/Light Recognition Sensor:
Subsystem 2 - Part No SW: 5Q0 955 559 B HW: 5Q0 955 559 B Labels: 5Q0-955-547.CLB
Component: RLS 050 0105
Serial number: S7Y19M01D22H10M07S23
Coding: 21A8DD
Sunroof control module:
Subsystem 3 - Part No SW: 5GD 959 591 A HW: 5GD 959 591 A
Component: J245 PS60.006 H07 0170
Serial number: 03691623460711181415
Coding: 181803
Steering Column Switch:
Subsystem 4 - Part No SW: 5Q1 953 521 M HW: 5Q1 953 569
Component: Lenks.Modul H03 0170
Serial number: 0300280220190C200182
No fault code found.
Address 13: Auto Dist. Reg (J428) Labels:| 3Q0-907-572.clb
Part No SW: 5Q0 907 572 P HW: 3QF 907 572 A
Component: ACC BOSCH MQB H11 0682
Coding: B514E70141FFCF28949D812560400600000000000000000004
Shop #: WSC 12345 123 61029
ASAM Dataset: EV_ACCBOSCHVW416 002008
ROD: EV_ACCBOSCHVW416_002_VW37.rod
VCID: 44D245DA4E10AD7BEBB-8010
No fault code found.
Address 14: Susp. Elect. (J250) Labels: 5Q0-907-376.clb
Part No SW: 5Q0 907 376 B HW: 5Q0 907 376 A
Component: DAEMPFUNGS-SG H17 0121
Serial number: 17121841350490
VCID: 382A212A02D8F99B773-806C
No fault code found.
Address 15: Airbags (J234) Labels:| 5Q0-959-655.clb
Part No SW: 5Q0 959 655 J HW: 5Q0 959 655 J
Component: AirbagVW20 010 0830
Serial number: 003GCR0B15H6
Coding: 8CCCFC00000000005000001AC24800000065
Shop #: WSC 00066 790 00080
ASAM Dataset: EV_AirbaVW20SMEVW37X 002144
ROD: EV_AirbaVW20SMEVW37X_VW37.rod
VCID: 47C852D67F2686630E9-8012
Seat occupied recognition passenger side:
Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 4M0 959 339 B HW: 4M0 959 339 B
Component: BF-Gewichtss. H13 0022
Serial number: IBH00000000000AYO3H5
Coding: 303131
Crash sensor for side airbag: driver side:
Subsystem 2 - Part No SW: ----------- HW: 480 002 012 18
Component: SideSensor_Df 001 0887
Serial number: 3570000000001779B63G
Coding: 2D2D2D
Front Passenger's Side Airbag Crash Sensor:
Subsystem 3 - Part No SW: ----------- HW: 480 002 012 18
Component: SideSensor_Pf 001 0887
Serial number: 35800000000EA30D363P
Coding: 2D2D2D
Rear Side Airbag Crash Sensor (on driver's side):
Subsystem 4 - Part No SW: ----------- HW: 480 402 811 18
Component: SideSensor_Dr 003 6149
Serial number: 35100019F2D2FA65773I
Coding: 2D2D2D
Passenger side rear thorax airbag crash sensor:
Subsystem 5 - Part No SW: ----------- HW: 480 401 312 18
Component: SideSensor_Pr 004 6149
Serial number: 3520001042B72233350A
Coding: 2D2D2D
Crash sensor for front airbag: driver side:
Subsystem 6 - Part No SW: ----------- HW: 480 402 901 19
Component: FrontSensor_D 004 6149
Serial number: 3550001102BFCBB6866H
Coding: 2D2D2D
Crash sensor for front airbag: front passenger side:
Subsystem 7 - Part No SW: ----------- HW: 480 402 901 19
Component: FrontSensor_P 004 6149
Serial number: 35600010E2BFCBB275EX
Coding: 2D2D2D
No fault code found.
Address 17: Instruments (J285) Labels:| 5G0-920-XXX-17.clb-SRI3
Part No SW: 5G1 920 791 B HW: 5G1 920 791 B
Component: KOMBI 403 4191
Coding: 07BD111AFD88CF8502897F2B50000402A0000000
Shop #: WSC 12345 123 61029
ASAM Dataset: EV_DashBoardVDDMQBAB 009058
ROD: EV_DashBoardVDDMQBAB_009_VW26.rod
VCID: 2B000E66C38E42030A1-807E
No fault code found.
Address 19: CAN Gateway (J533) Labels:| 3Q0-907-530-V1.clb
Part No SW: 3Q0 907 530 AA HW: 3Q0 907 530 C
Component: GW MQB High 521 5366
Serial number: 28021900841918
Coding: 030100047F085900FB00006B9C0F00010001070000000000000000000000
Shop #: WSC 00046 123 12345
ASAM Dataset: EV_GatewNF 013025
ROD: EV_GatewNF_VW37.rod
VCID: 6E86C772301C772B6DF-803A
Component: 0-00-0d-00-04
Multifunction steering wheel control module:
Subsystem 2 - Part No SW: 5G0 959 442 AE HW: 5G0 959 442 AE Labels: 3C8-959-537.CLB
Component: E221__MFL-DC1 H11 0052
Serial number: 29180002004060018354
Coding: 2F0000
Battery Monitoring Control Module:
Subsystem 3 - Part No SW: 5Q0 915 181 K HW: 5Q0 915 181 K
Component: J367-BDMHella H10 9070
Serial number: 7472476400
No fault code found.
Address 29: Left Light (J1018) Labels: 8V0-907-399.clb
Part No SW: 8V0 907 399 D HW: 8V0 907 399 D
Component: LCM_MLBevoH08 0014
ASAM Dataset: EV_LCMLeftHELLAAU736 001012
VCID: 47C852D67F2686630E9-8012
No fault code found.
Address 2B: Steer. Col. Lock (J764) Labels:* 5Q0-905-861.clb
Part No SW: 2Q0 905 861 A HW: 2Q0 905 861 A
Component: ELV-MQBB H08 0021
Serial number: 18000393684016
Coding: 0800000000000000
Shop #: WSC 00066 790 00080
ASAM Dataset: EV_ELVMarqMQBA0 002002
VCID: 313C1C0EE1A228D330D-8064
No fault code found.
Address 32: Differential Locks (J492) Labels:* 0CQ-907-554.clb
Part No SW: 0CQ 907 554 P HW: 0CQ 907 554 P
Component: Quersperre H55 8043
Serial number: HA1-00015.01.19
Coding: 0001
Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000
ASAM Dataset: EV_LockElectHA1VW37X 001007
ROD: EV_LockElectHA1VW37X.rod
VCID: 52FE7382846433CB697-8006
No fault code found.
Address 39: Right Light (J1023) Labels: 8V0-907-399.clb
Part No SW: 8V0 907 399 D HW: 8V0 907 399 D
Component: LCM_MLBevoH08 0014
ASAM Dataset: EV_LCMRightHELLAAU736 001012
VCID: 47C852D67F2686630E9-8012
No fault code found.
Address 3C: Lane Change (J1086) Labels:| 5Q0-907-686.clb
Part No SW: 5Q0 907 686 C HW: 5Q0 907 686 C
Component: HRE_Master H12 0081
Serial number: 0507418209
Coding: 01011103
Shop #: WSC 00066 790 00235
ASAM Dataset: EV_HREntryHella 001028
ROD: EV_HREntryHella_VW37.rod
VCID: 3D24303E2DFADCB3A45-8068
Lane change assistance control module 2:
Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 5Q0 907 685 C HW: 5Q0 907 685 C
Component: HRE_Slave H12 0081
Serial number: 0508238817
Coding: 010111
No fault code found.
Address 42: Door Elect, Driver (J386) Labels:| 5QX-959-X93-42.clb
Part No SW: 5Q4 959 593 M HW: 5Q4 959 593 F
Component: TSG FS 006 0247
Serial number: 42038904301151
Coding: 003F13205000040000000000
Shop #: WSC 01383 790 50316
ASAM Dataset: EV_DCU2DriveSideMAXHCONT 001005
VCID: 4FF87AF697565E23469-801A
Rear Driver Side Door Control Module:
Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 5Q4 959 811 F HW: 5Q4 959 811 F Labels: 5QX-959-81X-V1.CLB
Component: Fond FHSG DRV 010 0004
Serial number: 00000000000001807006
Coding: 011000
No fault code found.
Address 44: Steering Assist (J500) Labels:| 5Q0-909-144.clb
Part No SW: 5QN 909 144 A HW: 5QN 909 144 A
Component: EPS_MQB_ZFLS 507 5081
Coding: 951F0100
Shop #: WSC 12345 123 61029
ASAM Dataset: EV_SteerAssisMQB 015157
ROD: EV_SteerAssisMQB_015.rod
VCID: 50FA798A8A6841DB5F3-8004
No fault code found.
Address 47: Sound System (J525) Labels:| 5Q0-035-456.clb
Part No SW: 5Q0 035 456 A HW: 5Q0 035 456 A
Component: MIB2_lite_amp H40 0200
Revision: 00000001 Serial number: VWZ8Z1JMD043JFM
Coding: 1200000000AAAAAA000000000000
Shop #: WSC 12345 123 61029
ASAM Dataset: EV_AMPMst12C1Gen2ALPI 001003
ROD: EV_AMPMst12C1Gen2ALPI.rod
VCID: 2E060772F09C372B2DF-807A
No fault code found.
Address 4B: Multifunc. Module (J745) Labels:| 3Q0-907-338-V2.clb
Part No SW: 3Q0 907 338 C HW: 3Q0 907 338 C
Component: FCM MQB Low 002 0345
Serial number: 06021900841253
Coding: 000000050900214A07110F00030000000000000000000000000000000000
Shop #: WSC 00066 790 00235
ASAM Dataset: EV_MultiModulContiVW48X 002006
ROD: EV_MultiModulContiVW48X_002_VW37.rod
VCID: 3534281E15CA04F36C5-8060
No fault code found.
Address 52: Door Elect, Pass. (J387) Labels:| 5QX-959-X92-52.clb
Part No SW: 5Q4 959 592 M HW: 5Q4 959 592 F
Component: TSG BFS 006 0247
Serial number: 46038905701665
Coding: 003F17205C00040000000000
Shop #: WSC 12345 123 61029
ASAM Dataset: EV_DCU2PasseSideMAXHCONT 001005
VCID: 4EC667F2905C572B4DF-801A
Rear Passenger Door Control Module:
Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 5Q4 959 812 F HW: 5Q4 959 812 F Labels: 5QX-959-81X-V1.CLB
Component: Fond FHSG PSG 010 0004
Serial number: 00000000000001797407
Coding: 091000
No fault code found.
Address 5F: Information Electr. (J794) Labels:| 5G0-035-MIB-STD2.clb
Part No SW: 3Q0 035 876 B HW: 3Q0 035 876 B
Component: MU-S-NS-US 851 0867
Serial number:
Coding: 027310020000000051220002001808009F0503F401200005C6
Shop #: WSC 00046 123 12345
ASAM Dataset: EV_MUStd4CDELP 001001
VCID: 333016061BBE1AC3421-8066
Display and control head 1 for information electronics:
Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 5G6 919 605 C HW: 5G6 919 605 C
Component: ABT_Std-2 252 8130
Serial number: VWZ6ZMW0595325
Data carrier:
Subsystem 2 - Part No SW: 5NA 919 866 AQ HW: -----------
Component: NAR 2020/21 --- 1410
Serial number: --------------------
No fault code found.
Address 75: Telematics (J949) Labels:| 5QE-035-285.clb
Part No SW: 5QE 035 285 A HW: 5QE 035 285 A
Component: OCULowMQBUS 009 0570
Coding: 02730002C2823A017F1E06000000
Shop #: WSC 00066 790 00080
ASAM Dataset: EV_OCULowMQB 001006
VCID: 43D046C64B1EAA43D21-8016
No fault code found.
Address A9: Struct. Borne Sound (J869) Labels: 4H0-907-159.clb
Part No SW: 5G0 907 159 G HW: 4H0 907 159 A
Component: SAS-GEN 2 H07 0001
Serial number: 181203202602
ASAM Dataset: EV_SoundActuaGen2AU64X 003010
ROD: EV_SoundActuaGen2AU64X.rod
VCID: 323E1302E4A413CB497-8066
No fault code found.
Address D6: Light Ctrl Left 2 (A31) Labels: 7PP-941-572.clb
Part No SW: 7P5 941 572 A HW: 7P5 941 572 A
Component: LED1L H06 0002
ASAM Dataset: EV_LEDMinMaxL_KEBODAVW481 001003
VCID: 392C242E39D2E09388D-806C
No fault code found.
Address D7: Light Ctrl Right 2 (A27) Labels: 7PP-941-572.clb
Part No SW: 7P5 941 572 A HW: 7P5 941 572 A
Component: LED1R H06 0002
ASAM Dataset: EV_LEDMinMaxR_KEBODAVW481 001003
VCID: 392C242E39D2E09388D-806C
No fault code found.
End----------(Elapsed Time: 01:45, VBatt start/end: 14.5V/14.5V)-----------
;SW:5G0-906-259-Q HW:06K-907-425-J --- Engine
;Component:2.0l R4 TFSI H13 2313, Coding:092500124444012F0000
;VCDS Version: Release 21.3.0 (x64) Data version: 20210226 DS325.0
;VCID: 3C223D3A36E0D5BB93B-8068
IDE00011,Vehicle Identification Number (VIN),3VW6T7AU5KM01753,
IDE00018,Voltage terminal 15,13.887, V
IDE00019,Voltage terminal 30,14.414, V
IDE00021,Engine RPM,820, /min
IDE00025,Coolant temperature,96, °C
IDE00030,Status of actuator test,not active,
IDE00075,Vehicle speed,0, km/h
IDE00076,Status of initial fuel filling,was not yet started,
IDE00078,Time since engine start,409, s
IDE00083,Throttle valve position (absolute),11.8, %
IDE00084,Absolute load value,16, %
IDE00085,Normed load value,5.1, %
IDE00086,Accelerator pedal position,15, %
IDE00090,selected gear,Shifting process active,
IDE00097,OBD - requirements for which this vehicle is designed,OBD + OBD II,
IDE00102,Control Module temperature,69.0, °C
IDE00148,Mean injection time,0.5, ms
IDE00149,Ignition angle of current cylinder: actual value,-4.12, °
IDE00150,Pressure in brake servo unit,1.150, bar
IDE00151,Oil fill level,80, mm
IDE00155,Ignition timing angle retard cylinder 1,0.00, °
IDE00156,Ignition timing angle retard cylinder 2,0.00, °
IDE00157,Ignition timing angle retard cylinder 3,0.00, °
IDE00158,Ignition timing angle retard cylinder 4,0.00, °
IDE00167,Exhaust temperature 1 bank 1,306.8, °C
IDE00172,A/C compressor torque,0.00, Nm
IDE00173,Cruise Control System: specified speed,0.00, km/h
IDE00174,Camshaft adjustment: exhaust: bank 1: specified value,7.5, °
IDE00175,Camshaft adjustment: exhaust: bank 1: actual value,7.2, °
IDE00178,Camshaft adjustment intake bank 1: specified value,10.0, °
IDE00179,Camshaft adjustment intake bank 1: actual value,10.2, °
IDE00182,Camshaft adaptation intake bank 1: phase position,0.0, °
IDE00184,Camshaft adaptation exhaust bank 1: phase position,-2.6, °
IDE00186,Fuel low pressure: actual value,6.666, bar
IDE00187,Coolant temperature at engine start,93.0, °C
IDE00188,Fuel high-pressure: actual value,87.6, bar
IDE00189,Activation of fuel pump electronics,75.92, %
IDE00190,Charge air pressure: specified value,0.844, bar
IDE00191,Charge air pressure: actual value,0.841, bar
IDE00192,Coolant temperature at radiator outlet: actual value,51.9, °C
IDE00193,Coolant temperature at engine outlet: specified value,96.0, °C
IDE00194,Coolant temperature at radiator output: specified value,-48.0, °C
IDE00195,Coolant temperature difference between engine and radiator,44.2, °C
IDE00196,Engine oil temperature,94.0, °C
IDE00199,Mean engine air mass,9, kg/h
IDE00200,Average vehicle speed,0.00, km/h
IDE00201,High fuel pressure: specified value,87.8, bar
IDE00202,Low fuel pressure: specified value,7.001, bar
IDE00252,Brake system vacuum pump,Pump off,
IDE00304,Fuel level,10, l
IDE00322,Status of basic setting,not active,
IDE00323,Security Access: Number of invalid keys,0,
IDE00348,Intake air temperature,62, °C
IDE00349,Throttle valve position: normed,2, %
IDE00350,Air mass: specified value,9, kg/h
IDE00355,Cruise Control System (CCS): status,passive,
IDE00357,Fuel temperature,103.5, °C
IDE00358,Limitation: torque,333.5, Nm
IDE00371,Fuel consumption,0.88, l/h
IDE00375,Generator: load signal,32.28, %
IDE00380,Coolant fan 1: activation,33.98, %
IDE00381,Coolant fan 2: activation,33.59, %
IDE00392,Accelerator pedal: sensor voltage 1,0.757, V
IDE00393,Accelerator pedal: sensor voltage 2,0.386, V
IDE00396,Charge air pressure actuator: acknowledgment,3.721, V
IDE00400,Intake manifold Runner Control (IMRC): activation,100.00, %
IDE00401,Intake manifold Runner Control (IMRC): acknowledgment,100.00, %
IDE00404,Throttle valve: activation,18.34, %
IDE00405,Crankshaft speed (RPM),816, /min
IDE00406,Camshaft RPM,0, /min
IDE00407,Rail pressure regulation: status,Regulated operation via quantity control valve,
IDE00408,Engine mount 1,not active,
IDE00409,Engine mount 2,not active,
IDE00412,Starter control: terminal 50,not active,
IDE00413,Starter control: Interlock- or P/N-signal,00,
IDE00414,Starter control: relay 1,00,
IDE00415,Starter control: relay 2,00,
IDE00416,Starter control: terminal 50 feedback,01,
IDE00417,Starter control: shut-off conditions 1,00 01,
IDE00432,Particle filter: time since last regeneration,8731, min
IDE00434,Particle filter: soot mass calculated,0.00, g
IDE00436,Particle filter: kilometers since last regeneration,6553.5,
IDE00445,Unlearning counter according OBD,255,
IDE00450,Operating instruction,---,
IDE00451,Currently running routine,Unknown (0),
IDE00472,Mean injection quantity,7, mg/stroke
IDE00474,Ambient air pressure,84, kPa abs
IDE00476,Fuel Metering Valve,29.44, %
IDE00477,Torque request: sum of auxiliary aggregate,7.6, Nm
IDE00478,Engine-drag torque,9.6, Nm
IDE00482,Limitation: torque of clutch protection,1024.0, Nm
IDE00495,Calculated oil temperature,94.0, °C
IDE00496,Oil pressure switch valve activation,Low pressure,
IDE00497-MAS00627,Status of oil pressure switches-Oil pressure switch for high pressure,Open,
IDE00497-MAS00628,Status of oil pressure switches-Oil pressure switch for low pressure,closed,
IDE00556,Outside temperature,18, °C
IDE00559,Current of oxygen sensor bank 1 sensor 1 (broadband sensor),0.992 Lambda / -0.020 mA,
IDE00560-MAS04121,Oxygen sensor bank 1 sensor 2 (jump sensor)-Voltage,0.705, V
IDE00560-MAS04122,Oxygen sensor bank 1 sensor 2 (jump sensor)-Short term adaptation of mixture formation,99.2, %
IDE00582,Specified value of equivalence ratio,0.992, Lambda
IDE00583,Throttle valve specified value,2, %
IDE00584,Distance driven since erasing DTC memory,0, km
IDE00585,Dist. driven with exh. Malfunction Indicator Lamp activated,0, km
IDE00588,Fuel tank fill level,20.0, %
IDE00589,Fuel pressure,8710, kPa rel
IDE00592,Status of oxygen sensor control,Closed loop, / using O2 sensors ,
IDE00593,Ignition timing adjustment cylinder 1,-1.0, Degrees
IDE00594,Absolute intake pressure,25, kPa abs
IDE00595,Allocation of oxygen sensors,B1S1 B1S2 ,
IDE00597,Long term adaptation of mixture formation bank 1,1.6, %
IDE00601,Monitoring status since erasing DTC memory,,
IDE00602,Monitoring status in current driving cycle,,
IDE00603,Number of driving cycles since erasing DTC memory,0,
IDE00604,Short term adaptation of mixture formation bank 1,1.6, %
IDE00608,Fuel type,Gasoline,
IDE00612,Target position of EVAP canister valve,0.0, %
IDE00727,Test steps still to be performed,0,
IDE00787,Cause for cancellation,0,
IDE00949-ENG98517,Hide cylinder-Cylinder 1,not active,
IDE00949-ENG98491,Hide cylinder-Cylinder 10,not active,
IDE00949-ENG98492,Hide cylinder-Cylinder 11,not active,
IDE00949-ENG98493,Hide cylinder-Cylinder 12,not active,
IDE00949-ENG98518,Hide cylinder-Cylinder 13,not active,
IDE00949-ENG98519,Hide cylinder-Cylinder 14,not active,
IDE00949-ENG98520,Hide cylinder-Cylinder 15,not active,
IDE00949-ENG98494,Hide cylinder-Cylinder 16,not active,
IDE00949-ENG98521,Hide cylinder-Cylinder 2,not active,
IDE00949-ENG98522,Hide cylinder-Cylinder 3,not active,
IDE00949-ENG98523,Hide cylinder-Cylinder 4,not active,
IDE00949-ENG98495,Hide cylinder-Cylinder 5,not active,
IDE00949-ENG98524,Hide cylinder-Cylinder 6,not active,
IDE00949-ENG98496,Hide cylinder-Cylinder 7,not active,
IDE00949-ENG98497,Hide cylinder-Cylinder 8,not active,
IDE00949-ENG98498,Hide cylinder-Cylinder 9,not active,
IDE00968,Compressor speed,0, /min
IDE01076-MAS00109,Time since ignition off-Hours,0, H
IDE01076-MAS00110,Time since ignition off-Minutes,0, min
IDE01076-MAS00111,Time since ignition off-Seconds,0, s
IDE01098,Test of knock sensors: short trip result,Test not started,
IDE01196,Dynamic factor O2 sensors bank 1 or bank 3 before cat. conv.,0.000,
IDE01266,Coolant shut-off valve,Open,
IDE01369,Intake manifold runner control (IMRC): offset closed,0.000, V
IDE01377,Throttle valve adapter: actual value,2.4, °
IDE01378,Fuel high pressure: control deviation,-0.2, bar
IDE01385,Wear index,0.00000018,
IDE01405-MAS05513,Starter activation: status-Bit 0,OK,
IDE01405-MAS05514,Starter activation: status-Bit 1,Before starter activation,
IDE01405-MAS05515,Starter activation: status-Bit 2,Before starter activation,
IDE01407,Particle filter: fuel consumption since last regeneration,655.35, l
IDE01638,Result O2 sensor aging test bank 1 or 3 before cat. conv.,Test not started,
IDE01644,Oxygen sensor voltage B1 downstream CAT,0.164, V
IDE01649,Throttle valve position 1,0.615, V
IDE01650,Throttle valve position 2,12, %
IDE01665,Result of test of camshaft adjustment intake bank 1,Test not started,
IDE01667,Result of test of camshaft adjustment outlet bank 1,Test not started,
IDE01670,Short trip status for oil pressure control,Test not started,
IDE01671,Starter control: clutch switch,depressed,
IDE01672,Starter control: automatic start,not possible,
IDE01673-MAS05513,Starter control: readiness bits-Bit 0,Mechanical test of starter not complete,
IDE01673-MAS05514,Starter control: readiness bits-Bit 1,Test of starter relay switching contacts not complete,
IDE01673-MAS05515,Starter control: readiness bits-Bit 2,Test of starter relay activation not complete,
IDE01673-MAS05516,Starter control: readiness bits-Bit 3,Test of terminal 50R return measuring line not completed,
IDE01673-MAS05517,Starter control: readiness bits-Bit 4,Test of starter request double injection complete,
IDE01673-MAS05518,Starter control: readiness bits-Bit 5,Test of PN signal not complete,
IDE01673-MAS05519,Starter control: readiness bits-Bit 6,Test of interlock switch complete,
IDE01673-MAS05520,Starter control: readiness bits-Bit 7,Test of clutch pedal switch complete,
IDE01677,Result: oxygen sensor test operational readiness B1 downstream CAT,Test not started,
IDE01683-MAS05304,Valve stroke switch of AVS from small to large-Cylinder 1,switched,
IDE01683-MAS05305,Valve stroke switch of AVS from small to large-Cylinder 2,switched,
IDE01683-MAS05306,Valve stroke switch of AVS from small to large-Cylinder 3,switched,
IDE01683-MAS05307,Valve stroke switch of AVS from small to large-Cylinder 4,switched,
IDE01683-MAS05308,Valve stroke switch of AVS from small to large-Cylinder 5,switched,
IDE01683-MAS05309,Valve stroke switch of AVS from small to large-Cylinder 6,switched,
IDE01683-MAS05310,Valve stroke switch of AVS from small to large-Cylinder 7,switched,
IDE01683-MAS05311,Valve stroke switch of AVS from small to large-Cylinder 8,switched,
IDE01684-MAS05304,Valve stroke switch of AVS from large to small-Cylinder 1,switched,
IDE01684-MAS05305,Valve stroke switch of AVS from large to small-Cylinder 2,switched,
IDE01684-MAS05306,Valve stroke switch of AVS from large to small-Cylinder 3,switched,
IDE01684-MAS05307,Valve stroke switch of AVS from large to small-Cylinder 4,switched,
IDE01684-MAS05308,Valve stroke switch of AVS from large to small-Cylinder 5,switched,
IDE01684-MAS05309,Valve stroke switch of AVS from large to small-Cylinder 6,switched,
IDE01684-MAS05310,Valve stroke switch of AVS from large to small-Cylinder 7,switched,
IDE01684-MAS05311,Valve stroke switch of AVS from large to small-Cylinder 8,switched,
IDE01685,Result of test of valve stroke switch AVS,Test not started,
IDE01773,Misfire totalizer,0,
IDE01774,Status misfire recognition,active,
IDE01775,Misfires per 1000 revolutions of cylinder 1,0,
IDE01776,Misfires per 1000 revolutions of cylinder 2,0,
IDE01777,Misfires per 1000 revolutions of cylinder 3,0,
IDE01778,Misfires per 1000 revolutions of cylinder 4,0,
IDE01870,Oxygen sensor after catalytic converter: operating status,Bank 1: sensor 1 OK,
IDE01873,Test of catalytic converter: measured value,0.000,
IDE01874,Test of catalytic converter: result,Test not started,
IDE01876,Adaptation of loss torque,-0.3, Nm
IDE01878,Adaptation of throttle valve,Test of closing springs ended,
IDE01880,Accelerator pedal position 2,15, %
IDE01881,Adaptation of kick-down shifting point,4.126, V
IDE01884,Camshaft adjustment intake bank 1: activation,41.33, %
IDE01886,Number of high pressure incursions,0,
IDE01894,Charge press. ctrl.: adapt. higher than max. threshold,0.00, %
IDE01895,Charge pressure control: less than min. threshold adaptation,0.00, %
IDE01901,Lost torque adaptation: idle,6.2, Nm
IDE01905,Average of ignition timing angle delay adjustment,18.37, °
IDE01906,Dynamic average of ignition timing angle delay adjustment,-3.37, °
IDE01912,Oxygen sensor B1: sensor 1: specified value,0,
IDE01913,Number of oxygen sensor dynamic tests: bank 1 sensor 1,0,
IDE01922,Vehicle distance driven,30675, km
IDE01923,Control module distance driven,30764, km
IDE01924,Load shift flaps: actual value,closed,
IDE01925,Load shift flaps: specified value,closed,
IDE01926,Adaptation of intake manifold runner flaps,Cancel: prerequisites have not been met,
IDE01928,Close cam shaft angle at quantity control valve,43.5, °
IDE01929,Open cam shaft angle at quantity control valve,4.6, °
IDE01931,High pressure pump injection volume control deviation,-3, mg/stroke
IDE01932,High pressure pump injection volume,3, mg/stroke
IDE01975,Numb.of misfir.: cylinder 1,0,
IDE01976,Numb.of misfir.: cylinder 2,0,
IDE01977,Numb.of misfir.: cylinder 3,0,
IDE01978,Numb.of misfir.: cylinder 4,0,
IDE01986,Contact for tank leak test,Open,
IDE02116,Exhaust gas temperature before catalytic converter,406.3, °C
IDE02119,Long term adaptation of oxygen sensor control: bank 1,0.0, %
IDE02229,Exhaust gas temperature sensor 1,1110.0, °C
IDE02756,Number of manual engine starts,3222,
IDE02757,Number of automatic engine starts,499,
IDE02832,Coolant circulation pump: activation,10.00, %
IDE03008-MAS04415,Stop process prevented-Ambient air pressure,not active,
IDE03008-MAS04416,Stop process prevented-Sporadic function prevention,not active,
IDE03008-MAS04417,Stop process prevented-Poor start detection,not active,
IDE03008-MAS04590,Stop process prevented-Mixture adaptation,not active,
IDE03008-MAS06602,Stop process prevented-Engine temperature,not active,
IDE03008-MAS06604,Stop process prevented-Start/stop sensors:,active,
IDE03008-MAS06605,Stop process prevented-Regeneration Mode,not active,
IDE03008-MAS06606,Stop process prevented-Brake under pressure too low,not active,
IDE03010-IDE00924,Number of prevented stop processes-Steering angle,119,
IDE03010-MAS01627,Number of prevented stop processes-Steering,1337,
IDE03010-MAS02040,Number of prevented stop processes-Anti-play protection,1,
IDE03010-MAS04415,Number of prevented stop processes-Ambient air pressure,0,
IDE03010-MAS04416,Number of prevented stop processes-Sporadic function prevention,138,
IDE03010-MAS04417,Number of prevented stop processes-Poor start detection,0,
IDE03010-MAS04589,Number of prevented stop processes-Diagnosis of exhaust system,0,
IDE03010-MAS04590,Number of prevented stop processes-Mixture adaptation,170,
IDE03010-MAS04591,Number of prevented stop processes-Air system diagnosis,0,
IDE03010-MAS04592,Number of prevented stop processes-Hybrid battery performance too low,0,
IDE03010-MAS04593,Number of prevented stop processes-Auxiliary equipment power consumption too high,0,
IDE03010-MAS04595,Number of prevented stop processes-Deceleration takeover active,0,
IDE03010-MAS04805,Number of prevented stop processes-Clutch protection K0,0,
IDE03010-MAS04870,Number of prevented stop processes-Thermostat testing not completed,0,
IDE03010-MAS05758,Number of prevented stop processes-Driving situation,833,
IDE03010-MAS06602,Number of prevented stop processes-Engine temperature,749,
IDE03010-MAS06605,Number of prevented stop processes-Regeneration Mode,0,
IDE03010-MAS06606,Number of prevented stop processes-Brake under pressure too low,0,
IDE03010-MAS08032,Number of prevented stop processes-DTC memory entry in engine control module,0,
IDE03010-MAS09416,Number of prevented stop processes-Learning function active,0,
IDE03010-MAS11563,Number of prevented stop processes-hood open,14,
IDE03010-MAS11835,Number of prevented stop processes-Function locked due to frequent stalling,0,
IDE03010-MAS12085,Number of prevented stop processes-Brake pedal information: plausibility,255,
IDE03010-MAS12864,Number of prevented stop processes-Slow traffic detected,0,
IDE03010-MAS13643,Number of prevented stop processes-E machine output too low,0,
IDE03010-MAS13644,Number of prevented stop processes-Engine protection active,0,
IDE03010-MAS13645,Number of prevented stop processes-Fuel gelling protection active,0,
IDE03010-MAS13661,Number of prevented stop processes-Exhaust treatment diagnosis,0,
IDE03010-MAS16918,Number of prevented stop processes-Restriction in start system,0,
IDE03011-MAS01627,Number of requested start processes-Steering,0,
IDE03011-MAS04369,Number of requested start processes-Engine temperature too high,0,
IDE03011-MAS04370,Number of requested start processes-Engine temperature too low,0,
IDE03011-MAS04416,Number of requested start processes-Sporadic function prevention,0,
IDE03011-MAS04592,Number of requested start processes-Hybrid battery performance too low,0,
IDE03011-MAS04593,Number of requested start processes-Auxiliary equipment power consumption too high,0,
IDE03011-MAS04595,Number of requested start processes-Deceleration takeover active,0,
IDE03011-MAS06606,Number of requested start processes-Brake under pressure too low,5,
IDE03011-MAS06607,Number of requested start processes-SCR System requires restart,0,
IDE03011-MAS09730,Number of requested start processes-CAT heating,0,
IDE03011-MAS11563,Number of requested start processes-hood open,0,
IDE03011-MAS11834,Number of requested start processes-Rolling vehicle,0,
IDE03011-MAS13644,Number of requested start processes-Engine protection active,0,
IDE03011-MAS13645,Number of requested start processes-Fuel gelling protection active,0,
IDE03011-MAS16918,Number of requested start processes-Restriction in start system,0,
IDE03108,Result of test of oxygen sensors bank 1,Test not started,
IDE03235,Neutral position sensor: current transmission angle,20.00, °
IDE03236,Neutral position sensor: adapted transmission angle,-179.96, °
IDE03246,Neutral position sensor: upper adaptation value,0.000, V
IDE03247,Neutral position sensor: lower adaptation value,0.000, V
IDE03262,Adapt of angle sensor 1 f throttle valve,0.503, V
IDE03263,Adapt of angle sensor 2 f throttle valve,4.491, V
IDE03264,Adaptation of angle sensor 1 throttle valve: emerg. air gap,0.806, V
IDE03265,Adaptation of angle sensor 2 throttle valve: emerg. air gap,4.185, V
IDE03267,Intake air temperature: unconditioned voltage,0.918, V
IDE03276,Charge air pressure sensor: unconditioned voltage,1.372, V
IDE03277,Intake manifold Runner Control (IMRC): unconditioned voltage,3.823, V
IDE03328,Transmission neutral position sensor voltage,0.000, V
IDE03361,Driver intention torque,17.8, Nm
IDE03362,Requested transmission torque,1024.0, Nm
IDE03375,Adaptation status of neutral position sensor,1,
IDE03377,Coolant temp at radiator output: unconditioned voltage,2.238, V
IDE03582,Temperature sensor for engine temperature management,-48.0, °C
IDE03585,System status for the start/stop function master,No release by coordinator,
IDE03587-IDE02697,Stopping requirements for active participants-Multifunction unit control module,not active,
IDE03587-MAS00124,Stopping requirements for active participants-Air Conditioning,not active,
IDE03587-MAS00127,Stopping requirements for active participants-brakes,not active,
IDE03587-MAS00506,Stopping requirements for active participants-Adaptive Cruise Control,not active,
IDE03587-MAS00832,Stopping requirements for active participants-Convertible top control module,not active,
IDE03587-MAS01090,Stopping requirements for active participants-Transmission,not active,
IDE03587-MAS01106,Stopping requirements for active participants-Level control system,not active,
IDE03587-MAS01490,Stopping requirements for active participants-Energy management,active,
IDE03587-MAS01627,Stopping requirements for active participants-Steering,not active,
IDE03587-MAS02237,Stopping requirements for active participants-Body computer 1/ veh. elec sys CM / cent elec.,not active,
IDE03587-MAS02569,Stopping requirements for active participants-All-wheel drive electronics,not active,
IDE03587-MAS03757,Stopping requirements for active participants-Quattro Sport,not active,
IDE03587-MAS05129,Stopping requirements for active participants-Motor,not active,
IDE03587-MAS06709,Stopping requirements for active participants-Keyless operation,not active,
IDE03587-MAS08785,Stopping requirements for active participants-Parking aid,not active,
IDE03587-MAS13018,Stopping requirements for active participants-Front sensor for drivers assistant systems,not active,
IDE03588-IDE02697,System malfunctions for active participants start/stop-Multifunction unit control module,not active,
IDE03588-MAS00124,System malfunctions for active participants start/stop-Air Conditioning,not active,
IDE03588-MAS00127,System malfunctions for active participants start/stop-brakes,not active,
IDE03588-MAS00506,System malfunctions for active participants start/stop-Adaptive Cruise Control,not active,
IDE03588-MAS00832,System malfunctions for active participants start/stop-Convertible top control module,not active,
IDE03588-MAS01090,System malfunctions for active participants start/stop-Transmission,not active,
IDE03588-MAS01106,System malfunctions for active participants start/stop-Level control system,not active,
IDE03588-MAS01490,System malfunctions for active participants start/stop-Energy management,not active,
IDE03588-MAS01627,System malfunctions for active participants start/stop-Steering,not active,
IDE03588-MAS02237,System malfunctions for active participants start/stop-Body computer 1/ veh. elec sys CM / cent elec.,not active,
IDE03588-MAS02569,System malfunctions for active participants start/stop-All-wheel drive electronics,not active,
IDE03588-MAS03757,System malfunctions for active participants start/stop-Quattro Sport,not active,
IDE03588-MAS05129,System malfunctions for active participants start/stop-Motor,not active,
IDE03588-MAS06709,System malfunctions for active participants start/stop-Keyless operation,not active,
IDE03588-MAS08785,System malfunctions for active participants start/stop-Parking aid,not active,
IDE03588-MAS13018,System malfunctions for active participants start/stop-Front sensor for drivers assistant systems,not active,
IDE03589-MAS01161,Error status for start-stop related sensors-Communication malfunction,not active,
IDE03589-MAS11563,Error status for start-stop related sensors-hood open,not active,
IDE03589-MAS11868,Error status for start-stop related sensors-Driver door status,not active,
IDE03589-MAS12097,Error status for start-stop related sensors-driver door open,active,
IDE03589-MAS12098,Error status for start-stop related sensors-Start/Stop deactivated with button,not active,
IDE03589-MAS12099,Error status for start-stop related sensors-Clutch signal error,not active,
IDE03589-MAS12100,Error status for start-stop related sensors-Brake or speed signal error,not active,
IDE03589-MAS12101,Error status for start-stop related sensors-Steering signal error,not active,
IDE03692-MAS05513,Monitoring status Onboard Diagnosis camshaft and knock sensor-Bit 0,Test of camshaft adjustment bank 2 outlet not complete,
IDE03692-MAS05514,Monitoring status Onboard Diagnosis camshaft and knock sensor-Bit 1,Test of camshaft adjustment bank 1 outlet complete,
IDE03692-MAS05515,Monitoring status Onboard Diagnosis camshaft and knock sensor-Bit 2,Test of camshaft adjustment bank 2 intake not complete,
IDE03692-MAS05516,Monitoring status Onboard Diagnosis camshaft and knock sensor-Bit 3,Test of camshaft adjustment bank 1 intake complete,
IDE03692-MAS05517,Monitoring status Onboard Diagnosis camshaft and knock sensor-Bit 4,Test of knock sensor 4 not complete,
IDE03692-MAS05518,Monitoring status Onboard Diagnosis camshaft and knock sensor-Bit 5,Test of knock sensor 3 not complete,
IDE03692-MAS05519,Monitoring status Onboard Diagnosis camshaft and knock sensor-Bit 6,Test of knock sensor 2 not complete,
IDE03692-MAS05520,Monitoring status Onboard Diagnosis camshaft and knock sensor-Bit 7,Test of knock sensor 1 complete,
IDE03693-MAS05513,Monitoring status of additional Onboard Diagnosis-Bit 0,Test of brake light switch not complete,
IDE03693-MAS05514,Monitoring status of additional Onboard Diagnosis-Bit 1,Test of clutch switch not complete,
IDE03693-MAS05515,Monitoring status of additional Onboard Diagnosis-Bit 2,Test of idle control not complete,
IDE03693-MAS05516,Monitoring status of additional Onboard Diagnosis-Bit 3,Test of coolant temperature sensor not complete,
IDE03693-MAS05517,Monitoring status of additional Onboard Diagnosis-Bit 4,Test of throttle valve potentiometer not complete,
IDE03693-MAS05518,Monitoring status of additional Onboard Diagnosis-Bit 5,Thermostat testing not completed,
IDE03693-MAS05519,Monitoring status of additional Onboard Diagnosis-Bit 6,Test of charge pressure control complete,
IDE03693-MAS05520,Monitoring status of additional Onboard Diagnosis-Bit 7,Test of CCS switch complete,
IDE03693-MAS05521,Monitoring status of additional Onboard Diagnosis-Bit 8,Test of oxygen adaptation bank 1 complete,
IDE03711,Mass flow through throttle valve,6, kg/h
IDE03767,Engine status,Idle,
IDE03795,Camshaft adjustment: exhaust: bank 1: activation,48.02, %
IDE03806,Oxygen sensor bank 1 sensor 1: status,1,
IDE03807,O2 Sensor B1-S2: Status,1,
IDE03816,Exhaust flap bank 1,Open,
IDE03818,Heated oxygen sensor bank 1: sensor 2: resistance,398, Ohm
IDE03819,Heated oxygen sensor bank 1: sensor 2: activation,62.11, %
IDE03820,Heated oxygen sensor bank 1: sensor 1: resistance,162, Ohm
IDE03821,Heated oxygen sensor bank 1: sensor 1: activation,30.86, %
IDE03832,Oxygen sensor B1: sensor 2: response time,0, ms
IDE03834,Oxygen sensor bank 1 sensor 2: response time filtered,0, ms
IDE03836,Result of O2 sensor aging test bank 1 after cat. conv.,Test not started,
IDE03892,Fuel high pressure sensor: unconditioned voltage,1.742, V
IDE03918,Engine reverse rotation recognition,not detected,
IDE03919,Oxygen regulation operability and status,On,
IDE03920,Oxygen adaptation status,Condition not met,
IDE03921,Mixture adaptation factor at partial load,0.00, %
IDE03922,Mixture adaptation factor at idle speed,1.93, %
IDE03923,Adaptive long-term value of mix. condition after cat. conv,0.00000,
IDE03924,Relay for reserve coolant pump: status,not activated,
IDE03928,Counter for fuel entry in oil,0,
IDE03930,Charge pressure actuator: operating status,Operating mode,
IDE03931,Charge pressure actuator: actual position,0.19, %
IDE03932,Charge pressure actuator: specified position,99.90, %
IDE03933,Charge pressure actuator: specified value,0.00, %
IDE03934,Charge pressure actuator: adaptation for lower stop,3.726, V
IDE03935,Charge air pressure actuator: adaptation for upper stop,0.726, V
IDE03953,Oxygen control: adaptation value at partial load: bank 1,0.00, %
IDE03957,Throttle valve angle: specified value,2.4, °
IDE03963,Low fuel pressure adaptation value for EFP,0, mbar
IDE03966,Transmission neutral position sensor PWM signal,0.00, %
IDE03998,Clutch Position Sensor,99.61, %
IDE04002,Charge air pressure control,BP_A act:84, kPa
IDE04010,Engine torque: normalized,5, %
IDE04011,Nominal torque,350, Nm
IDE04110,Additional inputs and outputs,,
IDE04405,Mixture variation in adapted part load range 1,0.00, %
IDE04409,Intake manifold pressure: corrected,0.257, bar
IDE04410,Intake manifold pressure: specified value,0.258, bar
IDE04412,Pressure upstream of throttle valve: corrected,0.841, bar
IDE04415,Oxygen sensor control factor with with pre-control correction,2.51, %
IDE04420,Secondary air system activation,Atmosphere/off,
IDE04629,AVS operating condition,Test runs,
IDE04630,AVS valve stroke position: current,AVS Stroke,
IDE04632-MAS05304,AVS error status of last switch-over standard stroke direction-Cylinder 1,OK,
IDE04632-MAS05305,AVS error status of last switch-over standard stroke direction-Cylinder 2,OK,
IDE04632-MAS05306,AVS error status of last switch-over standard stroke direction-Cylinder 3,OK,
IDE04632-MAS05307,AVS error status of last switch-over standard stroke direction-Cylinder 4,OK,
IDE04632-MAS05308,AVS error status of last switch-over standard stroke direction-Cylinder 5,OK,
IDE04632-MAS05309,AVS error status of last switch-over standard stroke direction-Cylinder 6,OK,
IDE04632-MAS05310,AVS error status of last switch-over standard stroke direction-Cylinder 7,OK,
IDE04632-MAS05311,AVS error status of last switch-over standard stroke direction-Cylinder 8,OK,
IDE04633-MAS05304,AVS error status of last switch-over AVS stroke direction-Cylinder 1,OK,
IDE04633-MAS05305,AVS error status of last switch-over AVS stroke direction-Cylinder 2,OK,
IDE04633-MAS05306,AVS error status of last switch-over AVS stroke direction-Cylinder 3,OK,
IDE04633-MAS05307,AVS error status of last switch-over AVS stroke direction-Cylinder 4,OK,
IDE04633-MAS05308,AVS error status of last switch-over AVS stroke direction-Cylinder 5,OK,
IDE04633-MAS05309,AVS error status of last switch-over AVS stroke direction-Cylinder 6,OK,
IDE04633-MAS05310,AVS error status of last switch-over AVS stroke direction-Cylinder 7,OK,
IDE04633-MAS05311,AVS error status of last switch-over AVS stroke direction-Cylinder 8,OK,
IDE04634,AVS switch-over meter for reg activation of curr. drive cycle,0,
IDE04635,AVS switch-over meter: total,34269,
IDE04636,AVS overflow meter for all switch-overs,1,
IDE04637,Engine temperature control actuator,0.00, %
IDE04638,Transmission coolant valve,Open,
IDE04677,Oxygen sensor 1 bank 1: lambda actual value,0,
IDE04680,Oxygen sensor 1 bank 1: voltage raw value O2 signal,1.953, V
IDE04713,Active brake system status,Not operated,
IDE04814,Transmission oil cooler valve,Open,
IDE04937,Sensor for engine block temperature: raw value,-48.0, °C
IDE05140,Intake manifold pressure raw value,0.257, bar
IDE05259,Gear position sensor: raw value,0.00, %
IDE05260,Gear position sensor: current value,Neutral,
IDE05261,Gear position sensor: last valid value,Neutral,
IDE05262,Gear position sensor: gear position valid,invalid,
IDE05310,Charge air pressure control valve position: target value,99.90, %
IDE05311,Charge air pressure control valve position: actual value,0.19, %
IDE05312,Charge air pressure control valve uncond voltage sensor,3.7207, V
IDE05313,Charge air pressure control valve activation pulse duty factor,-14.80, %
IDE05314-ENG112584,Status of charge air pressure control valve basic setting-LV_BPA_AD_REQ[0],00000000 ,
IDE05315,Charge air pressure control valve voltage: position closed,3.7256, V
IDE05316,Charge air pressure control valve voltage: position open,0.7257, V
IDE05317-ENG112583,Charge air pressure control valve adaptation performed-LV_BPA_AD_ASA_SUC[0],00000000 ,
IDE05508,Adaptation val cyl 1 with slow diagnosis,0.000,
IDE05509,Adaptation val cyl 3 with slow diagnosis,0.000,
IDE05510,Adaptation val cyl 4 with slow diagnosis,0.000,
IDE05511,Adaptation val cyl 2 with slow diagnosis,0.000,
IDE05512,Adaptation val cyl 1 with fast diagnosis,0.000,
IDE05513,Adaptation val cyl 3 with fast diagnosis,0.000,
IDE05514,Adaptation val cyl 4 with fast diagnosis,0.000,
IDE05515,Adaptation val cyl 2 with fast diagnosis,0.000,
IDE05593,Secondary air injection sensor 1,0.000, bar
IDE05622-ENG125277,Status of tank leak diagnosis with electrical diagnostic pump-STATE_DMTL_EOL,255,
IDE06006,Idle speed specified value,820, /min
IDE06059,Particulate filter: oil ash mass,0.00, g
IDE06192,Knock sensor: cylinder 2: voltage,0.244, V
IDE06193,Knock sensor: cylinder 3: voltage,0.473, V
IDE06194,Knock sensor: cylinder 4: voltage,0.288, V
IDE06195,Knock sensor: cylinder 1: voltage,0.267, V
IDE06296-ENG104200,Activation of oxygen control after main cat-Lambda probe 2: bank 1: status,00000000 ,
IDE06307-MAS00106,Stop prevention history data-Year,2021,
IDE06307-MAS00107,Stop prevention history data-Month,3,
IDE06307-MAS00108,Stop prevention history data-Day,10,
IDE06307-MAS00109,Stop prevention history data-Hours,10,
IDE06307-MAS00110,Stop prevention history data-Minutes,42,
IDE06307-MAS00111,Stop prevention history data-Seconds,31,
IDE06307,Stop prevention history data,not active,
IDE06307,Stop prevention history data,not active,
IDE06307,Stop prevention history data,not active,
IDE06307,Stop prevention history data,not active,
IDE06307,Stop prevention history data,not active,
IDE06307,Stop prevention history data,not active,
IDE06307,Stop prevention history data,not active,
IDE06307,Stop prevention history data,not active,
IDE06307,Stop prevention history data,not active,
IDE06307,Stop prevention history data,not active,
IDE06307,Stop prevention history data,not active,
IDE06307,Stop prevention history data,not active,
IDE06307,Stop prevention history data,not active,
IDE06307,Stop prevention history data,not active,
IDE06307,Stop prevention history data,not active,
IDE06307,Stop prevention history data,not active,
IDE06307,Stop prevention history data,Engine temperature,
IDE06307,Stop prevention history data,not active,
IDE06307,Stop prevention history data,not active,
IDE06307,Stop prevention history data,not active,
IDE06307,Stop prevention history data,not active,
IDE06307,Stop prevention history data,not active,
IDE06307,Stop prevention history data,not active,
IDE06307,Stop prevention history data,not active,
IDE06307,Stop prevention history data,not active,
IDE06307,Stop prevention history data,not active,
IDE06307,Stop prevention history data,not active,
IDE06307,Stop prevention history data,not active,
IDE06307,Stop prevention history data,not active,
IDE06308-MAS00106,Start request history data-Year,2127,
IDE06308-MAS00107,Start request history data-Month,15,
IDE06308-MAS00108,Start request history data-Day,31,
IDE06308-MAS00109,Start request history data-Hours,31,
IDE06308-MAS00110,Start request history data-Minutes,63,
IDE06308-MAS00111,Start request history data-Seconds,63,
IDE06308,Start request history data,Auxiliary equipment power consumption too high,
IDE06308,Start request history data,hood open,
IDE06308,Start request history data,Steering,
IDE06308,Start request history data,Fuel gelling protection active,
IDE06308,Start request history data,Restriction in start system,
IDE06308,Start request history data,Deceleration takeover active,
IDE06308,Start request history data,CAT heating,
IDE06308,Start request history data,SCR System requires restart,
IDE06308,Start request history data,Hybrid battery performance too low,
IDE06308,Start request history data,Rolling vehicle,
IDE06308,Start request history data,Brake under pressure too low,
IDE06308,Start request history data,Engine temperature too low,
IDE06308,Start request history data,Engine temperature too high,
IDE06308,Start request history data,Engine protection active,
IDE06308,Start request history data,Sporadic function prevention,
IDE06386,Oil level: static measurement,129, mm
IDE06387,Oil level: last valid dynamic value,148, mm
IDE06388,Oil level: condition for static measurement fulfilled,Condition not met,
IDE06389,Oil level: maximum value,153, mm
IDE06390,Oil level: minimum value,148, mm
IDE06391,Oil temperature sensor 2,94.0, °C
IDE06392,Oil temperature sensor 2: raw value,65.535, V
IDE06393,Oil level: dynamic average value,148, mm
IDE06394,Sensor 1 for secondary air pressure: unconditioned voltage,1.885, V
IDE06395,Fuel low pressure sensor: unconditioned voltage,4.995, V
IDE06396,Coolant temperature at engine outlet: unconditioned voltage,0.862, V
IDE06397,Temperature sensor for engine temp. management: target value,96.0, °C
IDE06398,Temperature sensor for engine temp. management: uncond. voltage,0.862, V
IDE06399,Manifold absolute pressure sensor: unconditioned voltage,0.615, V
IDE06425-IDE02766,Dynamometer mode: functional-Malfunction status,No malfunction,
IDE06425-MAS06026,Dynamometer mode: functional-Activation stages,not activated,
IDE06432,Oxygen sensor 1 bank 1 signal status,active,
IDE06444,Oxygen sensor before cat bank 1 (LSB) voltage,1.987, V
IDE06567,Frequency counter deactivate start/stop function,2826,
IDE06568,Stop prevention by driver frequency counter,5161,
IDE06569,Frequency counter vehicle standstill,15507,
IDE06573,Long-term adaptation of intake manifold injection,0.00, %
IDE06574,Long-term adaptation of intake manifold injection in idle,0.00, mg/stroke
IDE06610,Frequency counter vehicle standstill with stop,550,
IDE06703-IDE12714,Drivetrain coordinator: ACC fault status-ACC is active despite EPB deceleration,No,
IDE06703-MAS14977,Drivetrain coordinator: ACC fault status-ACC active: although TSK passive,No,
IDE06703-MAS14978,Drivetrain coordinator: ACC fault status-Start off or stop request at stopping speed not set,No,
IDE06703-MAS14979,Drivetrain coordinator: ACC fault status-Start off and stop request sent simultaneously,No,
IDE06703-MAS14980,Drivetrain coordinator: ACC fault status-ACC active: although limiter active,No,
IDE06703-MAS14981,Drivetrain coordinator: ACC fault status-ACC reactivates itself after locking,No,
IDE06703-MAS14982,Drivetrain coordinator: ACC fault status-ACC sends undefined signals,No,
IDE06703-MAS14983,Drivetrain coordinator: ACC fault status-ACC active although main switch off,No,
IDE06703-MAS14984,Drivetrain coordinator: ACC fault status-ACC is active despite driver braking,No,
IDE06703-MAS14985,Drivetrain coordinator: ACC fault status-ACC is active despite ESP/ASR passive sampling,No,
IDE06704-MAS14986,Drivetrain coordinator: brake fault status-Deceleration sensor not available,No,
IDE06704-MAS14987,Drivetrain coordinator: brake fault status-Deceleration sensor malfunction,No,
IDE06704-MAS14988,Drivetrain coordinator: brake fault status-ESP system error,No,
IDE06704-MAS14989,Drivetrain coordinator: brake fault status-ESP system malfunction due to inaccurate engine torque,No,
IDE06704-MAS14990,Drivetrain coordinator: brake fault status-ESP indicates TSK message consistency error,No,
IDE06704-MAS14991,Drivetrain coordinator: brake fault status-TSK/ESP handshake error,No,
IDE06704-MAS14992,Drivetrain coordinator: brake fault status-ESP automatic engagement malfunction,No,
IDE06704-MAS14993,Drivetrain coordinator: brake fault status-Brake light implausible,No,
IDE06705-MAS05179,Drivetrain coordinator: brake function status-ABS intervention,No,
IDE06705-MAS05180,Drivetrain coordinator: brake function status-ESP intervention,No,
IDE06705-MAS05181,Drivetrain coordinator: brake function status-EDL intervention,No,
IDE06705-MAS05186,Drivetrain coordinator: brake function status-ASR intervention,No,
IDE06705-MAS05187,Drivetrain coordinator: brake function status-MSR intervention,No,
IDE06705-MAS05192,Drivetrain coordinator: brake function status-Driver braking,No,
IDE06705-MAS05195,Drivetrain coordinator: brake function status-HDC active,No,
IDE06705-MAS15001,Drivetrain coordinator: brake function status-ESP invokes TSK braking,No,
IDE06705-MAS15002,Drivetrain coordinator: brake function status-EPB active,No,
IDE06705-MAS15003,Drivetrain coordinator: brake function status-ASP intervention,No,
IDE06705-MAS15004,Drivetrain coordinator: brake function status-ADS intervention,No,
IDE06705-MAS15006,Drivetrain coordinator: brake function status-Stopping distance reduction2 warning jolt,No,
IDE06705-MAS15007,Drivetrain coordinator: brake function status-ESP sampled passive (ESP off),No,
IDE06705-MAS15008,Drivetrain coordinator: brake function status-ASR sampled passive (ASR off),No,
IDE06705-MAS15009,Drivetrain coordinator: brake function status-ESP recognizes vehicle at rest,No,
IDE06705-MAS15010,Drivetrain coordinator: brake function status-ACC stopping distance control active,No,
IDE06706,ACC variants,ACC,
IDE06707,CCS Switch,ACC operating unit,
IDE06709,ACC variants (coding),ACC,
IDE06710,Cruise control system: permanent deactivation,No switch-off occurs,
IDE06726,Timing deviation after chain replacement: intake bank 1,-0.56, °
IDE06728,Timing deviation after chain replacement: exhaust bank 1,-2.88, °
IDE06730,Timing deviation after other repairs: intake bank 1,0.00, °
IDE06732,Timing deviation after other repairs: exhaust bank 1,0.00, °
IDE06734,Timing deviation: current value intake bank 1,0.00, °
IDE06736,Timing deviation: current value exhaust bank 1,-2.81, °
IDE06738,Chain elongation: no. of valid initial values: intake bank 1,1,
IDE06740,Chain elongation: no. of valid initial values: exhaust bank 1,5,
IDE06742,Chain elongation: initial values valid: intake bank 1,not active,
IDE06744,Chain elongation: initial values valid: exhaust bank 1,active,
IDE07001,Piston-cooling jets: activation,On,
IDE07008,Tank leak: number no leak detected,0,
IDE07011,Tank leak: number communication errors to engine control,0,
IDE07014,Tank leak: number very small leaks detected,0,
IDE07019,Number of ignitions direct injection,44668899,
IDE07020,Number of ignitions intake manifold injection,0,
IDE07023,Misfires per 1000 revolutions of cyl. 1 intake manif. injection,0,
IDE07024,Misfires per 1000 revolutions of cyl. 2 intake manif. injection,0,
IDE07025,Misfires per 1000 revolutions of cyl. 3 intake manif. injection,0,
IDE07026,Misfires per 1000 revolutions of cyl. 4 intake manif. injection,0,
IDE07027,Heat quantity that was transported via the catalytic converter,6.229e+009, J
IDE07031,Oil pressure switch for piston-cooling jets: status,Open,
IDE07242,Heater support pump: spec. value,10.00, %
IDE07548,Engine temp. mangmt. actuator: specified value of angle,70.00, °
IDE07549,Engine temp. mangmt. actuator: actual value of angle,69.50, °
IDE07550,Engine temp. management actuator: raw value,1182,
IDE07551,Engine temp. management actuator: duty cycle activation,0.00, %
IDE07552,Engine temper.managem.actuator adaptation: result adaptation,Adaptation successfully finished,
IDE07553,Engine temperature management actuator: after-run stop,3958,
IDE07554,Engine temperature management actuator: stop open,141,
IDE07564,Required torque adjustment by idling regulator,0.2, Nm
IDE07571,Engine torque,8.0, Nm
IDE07572,High pressure regulation: adaptation value,0.59, mg
IDE07574,Long-term fuel trim bank 1 at idle,0.13, mg/stroke
IDE07575,Driver intention torque,0.2, Nm
IDE07576,Lost torque adaptation driving mode,-10.9, Nm
IDE07577,Lost torque adaptation A/C compressor and driving mode,4.9, Nm
IDE07598-MAS00320,Cruise control switch actuation-Main switch,operated,
IDE07598-MAS00325,Cruise control switch actuation-Set,Not operated,
IDE07598-MAS00326,Cruise control switch actuation-Resume,Not operated,
IDE07598-MAS01632,Cruise control switch actuation-Status,OK,
IDE07598-MAS02309,Cruise control switch actuation-Accelerate,Not operated,
IDE07598-MAS02310,Cruise control switch actuation-DELAY,Not operated,
IDE07598-MAS05172,Cruise control switch actuation-Cancel,Not operated,
IDE07598-MAS05806,Cruise control switch actuation-Main switch hardware,Not operated,
IDE07598-MAS05807,Cruise control switch actuation-Coding,plausible,
IDE07598-MAS05809,Cruise control switch actuation-Limit function,not selected,
IDE07598-MAS05812,Cruise control switch actuation-Limit button,Not operated,
IDE07598-MAS05813,Cruise control switch actuation-Main switch CAN,Not operated,
IDE07598-MAS05842,Cruise control switch actuation-Large increment,Not operated,
IDE07598-MAS05843,Cruise control switch actuation-Control component verified,Yes,
IDE07599-MAS01505,Drivetrain coord: cause of shutdown in cruise cntr and ACC mode-Engine off,No,
IDE07599-MAS03849,Drivetrain coord: cause of shutdown in cruise cntr and ACC mode-Crash signal,No,
IDE07599-MAS04795,Drivetrain coord: cause of shutdown in cruise cntr and ACC mode-main switch off,No,
IDE07599-MAS05135,Drivetrain coord: cause of shutdown in cruise cntr and ACC mode-Open or no gear selected,No,
IDE07599-MAS05136,Drivetrain coord: cause of shutdown in cruise cntr and ACC mode-Hill descent control,No,
IDE07599-MAS05190,Drivetrain coord: cause of shutdown in cruise cntr and ACC mode-Parking brake or hand brake actuated,No,
IDE07599-MAS05192,Drivetrain coord: cause of shutdown in cruise cntr and ACC mode-Driver braking,No,
IDE07599-MAS05196,Drivetrain coord: cause of shutdown in cruise cntr and ACC mode-Speed signal error,No,
IDE07599-MAS05814,Drivetrain coord: cause of shutdown in cruise cntr and ACC mode-CAN communication error,No,
IDE07599-MAS05815,Drivetrain coord: cause of shutdown in cruise cntr and ACC mode-CAN signal error,No,
IDE07599-MAS05816,Drivetrain coord: cause of shutdown in cruise cntr and ACC mode-ESP control response error,No,
IDE07599-MAS05817,Drivetrain coord: cause of shutdown in cruise cntr and ACC mode-RPM limitation,No,
IDE07599-MAS05818,Drivetrain coord: cause of shutdown in cruise cntr and ACC mode-Transmission coding not plausible,No,
IDE07599-MAS05819,Drivetrain coord: cause of shutdown in cruise cntr and ACC mode-ACC active during braking,No,
IDE07599-MAS05820,Drivetrain coord: cause of shutdown in cruise cntr and ACC mode-ACC error,No,
IDE07599-MAS05821,Drivetrain coord: cause of shutdown in cruise cntr and ACC mode-Braking intervention too weak,No,
IDE07599-MAS05822,Drivetrain coord: cause of shutdown in cruise cntr and ACC mode-Braking control not available,No,
IDE07599-MAS05823,Drivetrain coord: cause of shutdown in cruise cntr and ACC mode-Speed signal error during initialization,No,
IDE07599-MAS05824,Drivetrain coord: cause of shutdown in cruise cntr and ACC mode-Emer. engine operation,No,
IDE07599-MAS05825,Drivetrain coord: cause of shutdown in cruise cntr and ACC mode-Engine control module fault,No,
IDE07599-MAS05826,Drivetrain coord: cause of shutdown in cruise cntr and ACC mode-Torque reduction due to fault,No,
IDE07599-MAS05827,Drivetrain coord: cause of shutdown in cruise cntr and ACC mode-Diagnosis requirements not met,No,
IDE07599-MAS05828,Drivetrain coord: cause of shutdown in cruise cntr and ACC mode-Brake excess temperature,No,
IDE07599-MAS05829,Drivetrain coord: cause of shutdown in cruise cntr and ACC mode-Brake light fault,No,
IDE07599-MAS05830,Drivetrain coord: cause of shutdown in cruise cntr and ACC mode-CCS deactivated due to fault in control component,No,
IDE07599-MAS05831,Drivetrain coord: cause of shutdown in cruise cntr and ACC mode-ACC deactivated due to fault in control component,No,
IDE07599-MAS05832,Drivetrain coord: cause of shutdown in cruise cntr and ACC mode-Coding error,No,
IDE07599-MAS05833,Drivetrain coord: cause of shutdown in cruise cntr and ACC mode-ESC error,No,
IDE07599-MAS05834,Drivetrain coord: cause of shutdown in cruise cntr and ACC mode-Brake pedal fault,No,
IDE07599-MAS05835,Drivetrain coord: cause of shutdown in cruise cntr and ACC mode-Clutch pedal fault,No,
IDE07599-MAS05836,Drivetrain coord: cause of shutdown in cruise cntr and ACC mode-Acceleration monitoring error,No,
IDE07599-MAS05837,Drivetrain coord: cause of shutdown in cruise cntr and ACC mode-ACC control response error,No,
IDE07605,Cruise control system: temporary deactivation,No switch-off,
IDE07669,Oxygen sensor 2 Bank 1 after cat operation readiness Status,active,
IDE07901,Error counter bad fuel,0,
IDE07904-ENG118117,Brake test switch status-actuated__activated,Not operated,
IDE07904-ENG114825,Brake test switch status-Ident_32,0,
IDE07905-ENG118117,Brake light switch status-actuated__activated,Not operated,
IDE07905-ENG114825,Brake light switch status-Ident_32,0,
IDE07906-ENG118117,Upper clutch switch: status-actuated__activated,Not operated,
IDE07906-ENG114825,Upper clutch switch: status-Ident_32,0,
IDE07945-MAS00334,Status of intermittent monitoring-Catalytic converter monitoring,not completed successfully,
IDE07945-MAS00335,Status of intermittent monitoring-Monitoring of catalytic converter at operating temperature,completed successfully,
IDE07945-MAS00336,Status of intermittent monitoring-Monitoring of tank ventilation system,not completed successfully,
IDE07945-MAS00337,Status of intermittent monitoring-Monitoring of secondary air system,not completed successfully,
IDE07945-MAS00338,Status of intermittent monitoring-Monitoring of A/C system refrigerant,completed successfully,
IDE07945-MAS00339,Status of intermittent monitoring-Monitoring of oxygen sensor,not completed successfully,
IDE07945-MAS00340,Status of intermittent monitoring-Monitoring of oxygen sensor heater,completed successfully,
IDE07945-MAS00341,Status of intermittent monitoring-Monitoring of Exhaust Gas recirc. (EGR),not completed successfully,
IDE08071-ENG119931,Remote start cancellation reason store 1-LF_ST_REQ_EXT_DVC_DEAC_1,0,
IDE08072-ENG119932,Remote start cancellation reason store 2-LF_ST_REQ_EXT_DVC_DEAC_2,0,
IDE08073-ENG119933,Remote start cancellation reason store 3-LF_ST_REQ_EXT_DVC_DEAC_3,0,
IDE08074-ENG119934,Remote start cancellation reason store 4-LF_ST_REQ_EXT_DVC_DEAC_4,0,
IDE08075-ENG119935,Remote start cancellation reason store 5-LF_ST_REQ_EXT_DVC_DEAC_5,0,
IDE08495,Activation radiator shutter result,0.00, %
IDE08805,EVAP valve diag. activation condition at minimal load,0.068, counts
IDE08806,EVAP valve diag. activation condition at maximum load,587, mbar
IDE10366,Chg. press. ctrl. valve: sensor voltage max. value,3.762, V
IDE10380,Knock sensor average voltage bank 1,0.195, V
IDE10551-MAS05304,Pre-ignition counter for oxygen shift-Cylinder 1,0,
IDE10551-MAS05305,Pre-ignition counter for oxygen shift-Cylinder 2,0,
IDE10551-MAS05306,Pre-ignition counter for oxygen shift-Cylinder 3,0,
IDE10551-MAS05307,Pre-ignition counter for oxygen shift-Cylinder 4,0,
IDE10551-MAS05308,Pre-ignition counter for oxygen shift-Cylinder 5,0,
IDE10551-MAS05309,Pre-ignition counter for oxygen shift-Cylinder 6,0,
IDE10551-MAS05310,Pre-ignition counter for oxygen shift-Cylinder 7,0,
IDE10551-MAS05311,Pre-ignition counter for oxygen shift-Cylinder 8,0,
IDE10552-MAS05304,Pre-ignition counter for torque reduction-Cylinder 1,0,
IDE10552-MAS05305,Pre-ignition counter for torque reduction-Cylinder 2,0,
IDE10552-MAS05306,Pre-ignition counter for torque reduction-Cylinder 3,0,
IDE10552-MAS05307,Pre-ignition counter for torque reduction-Cylinder 4,0,
IDE10552-MAS05308,Pre-ignition counter for torque reduction-Cylinder 5,0,
IDE10552-MAS05309,Pre-ignition counter for torque reduction-Cylinder 6,0,
IDE10552-MAS05310,Pre-ignition counter for torque reduction-Cylinder 7,0,
IDE10552-MAS05311,Pre-ignition counter for torque reduction-Cylinder 8,0,
IDE10553-MAS05304,Pre-ignition counter: cylinder suppress. pre-ignition-Cylinder 1,0,
IDE10553-MAS05305,Pre-ignition counter: cylinder suppress. pre-ignition-Cylinder 2,0,
IDE10553-MAS05306,Pre-ignition counter: cylinder suppress. pre-ignition-Cylinder 3,0,
IDE10553-MAS05307,Pre-ignition counter: cylinder suppress. pre-ignition-Cylinder 4,0,
IDE10553-MAS05308,Pre-ignition counter: cylinder suppress. pre-ignition-Cylinder 5,0,
IDE10553-MAS05309,Pre-ignition counter: cylinder suppress. pre-ignition-Cylinder 6,0,
IDE10553-MAS05310,Pre-ignition counter: cylinder suppress. pre-ignition-Cylinder 7,0,
IDE10553-MAS05311,Pre-ignition counter: cylinder suppress. pre-ignition-Cylinder 8,0,
IDE10554-MAS05304,Pre-ignition counter: cylinder suppress. glow ignition-Cylinder 1,0,
IDE10554-MAS05305,Pre-ignition counter: cylinder suppress. glow ignition-Cylinder 2,0,
IDE10554-MAS05306,Pre-ignition counter: cylinder suppress. glow ignition-Cylinder 3,0,
IDE10554-MAS05307,Pre-ignition counter: cylinder suppress. glow ignition-Cylinder 4,0,
IDE10554-MAS05308,Pre-ignition counter: cylinder suppress. glow ignition-Cylinder 5,0,
IDE10554-MAS05309,Pre-ignition counter: cylinder suppress. glow ignition-Cylinder 6,0,
IDE10554-MAS05310,Pre-ignition counter: cylinder suppress. glow ignition-Cylinder 7,0,
IDE10554-MAS05311,Pre-ignition counter: cylinder suppress. glow ignition-Cylinder 8,0,
IDE10710-ENG125936,Exhaust warning light: triggering contr. module-Blinking_MIL_due_to_misfire_is_causing_catalyst_damage,No,
IDE10710-ENG130107,Exhaust warning light: triggering contr. module-MIL Request from Transmission Control Module,No,
IDE10710-ENG125937,Exhaust warning light: triggering contr. module-MIL_request_register_ident,0,
IDE10710-ENG130099,Exhaust warning light: triggering contr. module-MIL-Request from All Wheel Drive Control Module,No,
IDE10710-ENG130102,Exhaust warning light: triggering contr. module-MIL-Request from Battery Energy Control Module,No,
IDE10710-ENG06494,Exhaust warning light: triggering contr. module-MIL-Request from Battery Energy Control Module 48V,No,
IDE10710-ENG130110,Exhaust warning light: triggering contr. module-MIL-Request from Brake System Control Module,No,
IDE10710-ENG130100,Exhaust warning light: triggering contr. module-MIL-Request from Brake System Control Module 2,No,
IDE10710-ENG130103,Exhaust warning light: triggering contr. module-MIL-Request from Drive Motor Control Module,No,
IDE10710-ENG130109,Exhaust warning light: triggering contr. module-MIL-Request from Drive Motor Control Module 2,No,
IDE10710-ENG06495,Exhaust warning light: triggering contr. module-MIL-Request from Drive Motor Control Module 48V,No,
IDE10710-ENG130105,Exhaust warning light: triggering contr. module-MIL-Request from Engine Control Module,No,
IDE10710-ENG130106,Exhaust warning light: triggering contr. module-MIL-Request from Engine Control Module 2,No,
IDE10710-ENG130111,Exhaust warning light: triggering contr. module-MIL-Request from HVAC Control Module,No,
IDE10710-ENG130108,Exhaust warning light: triggering contr. module-MIL-Request from Transmission Control Module 2,No,
IDE10922,Pump current of tank leakage diag.: corrected & filtered,0.000, mA
IDE10970-MAS11563,Number of prevented stop processes-hood open,0,
IDE10970-MAS11835,Number of prevented stop processes-Function locked due to frequent stalling,16,
IDE10970-MAS12085,Number of prevented stop processes-Brake pedal information: plausibility,14,
IDE10989-MAS00106,Immobilizer: historic data-Year,2021,
IDE10989-MAS00107,Immobilizer: historic data-Month,2,
IDE10989-MAS00108,Immobilizer: historic data-Day,13,
IDE10989-MAS00109,Immobilizer: historic data-Hours,20,
IDE10989-MAS00110,Immobilizer: historic data-Minutes,48,
IDE10989-MAS00111,Immobilizer: historic data-Seconds,32,
IDE10989,Immobilizer: historic data,not active,
IDE10989,Immobilizer: historic data,Brake pedal information: plausibility,
IDE10989,Immobilizer: historic data,not active,
IDE10994,Poor start counter at start-stop,0,
IDE11115,Start/stop driver request: counter restart by starter,40,
IDE11116,Start/stop driver request: counter internal-motor restart,58,
IDE11598,Tank deaeration valve diagnosis: unweighted input value,0.000, counts
IDE11599,Tank deaeration valve diagnosis: weighted output value,0.000, counts
IDE11600,Tank tightness: ambient temperature,-48.00, °C
IDE11919,Lock time for cooling down of secondary air pump,0, s
IDE12137,Tank fill level diagnostic reference value,10.0, l
IDE12138,Fuel consumption per driving cycle,20.81, l/100km
IDE12210,Particle filter: water mass,0.0, g
IDE13084,Particle filter: high level moisture buildup,1000.0, g
IDE13085,Particle filter: high level of soot buildup,6.40, g
IDE13086,Particle filter: maximum soot build-up reached,8.00, g
IDE13087,Particle filter: maximum ash build-up reached,30.00, g
IDE13088,Particle filter: maximum ash loading ratio reached,5.000, counts
IDE13089,Particle filter: high soot accumulation ratio,3.000, counts
IDE13090,Particle filter: maximum soot loading ratio reached,4.000, counts
IDE13091,Particle filter: ash loading ratio,1.000, counts
IDE13092,Particle filter: soot accumulation ratio,0.000, counts
ENG102981,AC compressor: speed increase,00000000 ,
ENG103860,AC request: speed increase,00000000 ,
ENG103042,Accelerator pedal sender: learned end stop,4.126, V
ENG103719,Accelerator position,0.00, %
ENG101488,ACF: load,0.04614,
ENG103474,Activation of oil pressure switching valve,00000001 ,
ENG121286-ENG121430,Active Powertrain Warm-up Features Off-cycle Credit Vehicle Data-Active Engine Warm-up Timer (Lifetime),683, s
ENG121286-ENG121431,Active Powertrain Warm-up Features Off-cycle Credit Vehicle Data-Active Engine Warm-up Timer (Recent),16777216, s
ENG121286-ENG121463,Active Powertrain Warm-up Features Off-cycle Credit Vehicle Data-Active Transmission Warm-up Timer (Lifetime),4294967295, s
ENG121286-ENG121464,Active Powertrain Warm-up Features Off-cycle Credit Vehicle Data-Active Transmission Warm-up Timer (Recent),2650800127, s
ENG103323,Additional water pump,00000001 ,
ENG101828,Air mass,6.97, kg/h
ENG104264,Alternator load,650, W
ENG103910,Ambient temperature,16.50, °C
ENG112539,AR_THR_AD_ADD_MMV,-0.0107, cm²
ENG103165,Battery voltage,14.4, V
ENG07601,Bypasstool_a2l_name,ORIGINAL A2L,
ENG07600,Bypasstool_manipulation_bit,not active,
ENG101413,Calibration Identification,5G0259Q 2313AXA,
ENG99697,Calibration Verification Number,01 9F C6 3B,
ENG128780,CAM_DIF_VCP[EX_1],-0.547, °
ENG128781,CAM_DIF_VCP[IN_1],0.094, °
ENG102002,CAM_OFS_IVVT_IN[1],0.000, °
ENG112540,CAM_PHA_ENG[GES_EX][CBK_1],7.391, °
ENG112541,CAM_PHA_ENG[GES_IN][CBK_1],9.461, °
ENG101169,CAM_PHA_OFS_MAF[IN][1],0.000, °
ENG112542,CAM_SP_IND_VCP[EX_1],7.000, °
ENG112543,CAM_SP_IND_VCP[IN_1],10.000, °
ENG112544,CAM_VCP[EX_1],7.492, °
ENG112545,CAM_VCP[IN_1],10.063, °
ENG103849,Cat. ageing: bank 1: actual,0.000,
ENG102214,CPU_LOAD,52.2, %
ENG99084,Cycle flags: (completed cycles): cat: lambda probe heater,9,
ENG100943,Cycle flags: (completed cycles): lambda probes: EGR,0,
ENG99495,Cycle flags: (completed tests): lambda adaption:,8,
ENG103597,Cycle flags:(completed cycles):lambda probes:sec.air sys.,56,
ENG101652,Cylinder shut-off: cylinder suppression,00000000 ,
ENG112560,DIST_ACT_MIL_SAE,0, km
ENG112561,DIST_DTC_CLR_SAE,0, km
ENG103766,DIST_ENG_RUN_IN,0.3, m
ENG100531,DIST_ST,3.07635e+007, m
ENG13501,Distance Traveled Since Evap Monitoring Decision,511, km
ENG103712,EFPPWM_MIN_AD,0.000, %
ENG115973,Engine Exhaust Flow Rate,9.8, kg/h
ENG20102,Engine Friction - Percent Torque,3.0, %
ENG104044,Engine load,5.468750, %
ENG102494,Engine speed: actual,800, /min
ENG102783,Engine: operating status,IS,
ENG99752,Error flags: (completed cycles): cat: lambda probe heater,0,
ENG101275,Error flags: (completed cycles): lambda probes: EGR,0,
ENG104132,Error flags: (completed cycles): lambda probes:sec.air sys.,0,
ENG101942,ESI (extended service intervals) oil warning threshold,62.38, mm
ENG112562,FAC_AR_THR_AD,0.000, %
ENG104194,FAC_H_RNG_LAM_AD[1],0.000, %
ENG104151,FAC_L_RNG_LAM_AD[1],0.000, %
ENG100298,FAC_LAM_CP,1.591, %
ENG100108,FAC_LAM_LIM[1],1.419, %
ENG99722,FAC_LAM_TCO_A[1],0.000, %
ENG103521,FAC_LAM_TCO_B[1],0.000, %
ENG103641,FAC_LAM_TCO_C[1],0.000, %
ENG101578,FAC_LAM_TCO_D[1],0.000, %
ENG100685,FAC_LAM_TCO_E[1],0.000, %
ENG102306,FAC_TPS_1_SAE,12.109375, %
ENG102292,FAC_TPS_1_SAE,12.500000, %
ENG99630,Fan control relay: fan run-on,2,
ENG101437,Fan request from air conditioner,0.0, %
ENG128786,FTL_SAE,20.00000033, %
ENG104248,Fuel consumption signal,11919, µl
ENG101667,Fuel pump: adaption value,0.000, %
ENG100969,Fuel pump: fuel pressure: I-controller,0.000, %
ENG115974-ENG55378,Fuel Rate-Engine Fuel Rate,0.16, g/s
ENG115974-ENG116137,Fuel Rate-Vehicle Fuel Rate,0.16, g/s
ENG100250,Fuel regulating valve: duty cycle,29.623, %
ENG101692,Fuel supply system: high-pressure regulator,-95.8671, hPa
ENG114828,FUP_EFP_MES,6665.24, hPa
ENG103553,FUP_EFP_ST_H,0, hPa
ENG101056,FUP_EFP_ST_L,0, hPa
ENG99950,FUP_EFP_STOP_H,0, hPa
ENG100784,FUP_EFP_STOP_L,0, hPa
ENG102108,FUP_H,87582.1, hPa
ENG112563,FUP_H_SAE,8650.0, kPa
ENG103368,Gearbox -CAN bus messages,126847,
ENG99170,Height correction,844.27, hPa
ENG103575,High-pressure system: regulator,-0.74, mg
ENG103879,High-pressure system: regulator: mobile part,-4.58, mg
ENG102603,High-pressure system: status,MFP_CTL,
ENG101567,Idling speed stabilisation: duty cycle/AC compressor torque,0.0, Nm
ENG101946,Idling stabilisation: operating status,00000000 ,
ENG100345,IGA_ADJ_KNK[0],0.000, °
ENG103593,IGA_ADJ_KNK[1],0.000, °
ENG103360,IGA_ADJ_KNK[2],0.000, °
ENG99404,IGA_ADJ_KNK[3],0.000, °
ENG100425,IGA_IGC[0],-3.000, °
ENG101655,IGA_IGC[1],-2.250, °
ENG100410,IGA_IGC[2],-2.250, °
ENG100407,IGA_IGC[3],-3.375, °
ENG112564,IGA_IGC_SAE,-4.5, °
ENG101741,Intake air temperature,61.50, °C
ENG100634-ENG119860,In-use Per Tr: 16 or 20 cou sec O2 Sens Mon Com Enc Cou B 2-Completion Condition Counts,17920, counts
ENG100634-ENG119872,In-use Per Tr: 16 or 20 cou sec O2 Sens Mon Com Enc Cou B 2-Conditions Encountered Counts,1, counts
ENG100634-ENG102823,In-use Per Tr: 16 or 20 cou sec O2 Sens Mon Com Enc Cou B 2-Ignition Cycle Counter,35333, counts
ENG100634-ENG99988,In-use Per Tr: 16 or 20 cou sec O2 Sens Mon Com Enc Cou B 2-OBD Monitoring Conditions Encountered Counts,7169, counts
ENG100634-ENG119377,In-use Per Tr: 16 or 20 cou sec O2 Sens Mon Com Enc Cou B 2-Raw Data,46 00 00 01 8A 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 8A 00 00 00 00 02 E7 01 8A 01 5F 00 99 00 37 00 58 00 00 01 8A 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 8A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00,
ENG125209,KNKS_ERR_REL[0],0.0586, V
ENG99674,Lambda controller: bank 1 (averaged value),1.628, %
ENG101381,Lambda probe 1: bank 1: status,00000001 ,
ENG101039,Lambda probe 1: bank 1: status,00000000 ,
ENG102886,Lambda probe 1: bank 1: status,00000000 ,
ENG104200,Lambda probe 2: bank 1: status,00000000 ,
ENG101336,Lambda probe 2: bank 1: status,00000000 ,
ENG99661,Lambda probe ageing: bank 1: dynamic factor,0.0000,
ENG100478,Lambda probe correction: duty cycle offset: bank 1,0.00000,
ENG103776,Lambda probe heater: bank 1: probe 2: short trip result,00000000 ,
ENG102380,Lambda probe heater: resistance: bank 1: probe 2,445, Ohm
ENG99353,Lambda probe voltage: bank 1: probe 1 (broadband probe),1.963, V
ENG102763,Lambda probes actual: bank1,0.9922,
ENG104114,Lambda probes specified: bank1,0.9922,
ENG127734,Life_cycle_data_start_requirement_development,Front Axle Lift System,
ENG127734,Life_cycle_data_start_requirement_development,All-wheel drive electronics,
ENG127734,Life_cycle_data_start_requirement_development,Air Conditioning,
ENG127734,Life_cycle_data_start_requirement_development,Level control system,
ENG127734,Life_cycle_data_start_requirement_development,Multifunction unit control module,
ENG127734,Life_cycle_data_start_requirement_development,Quattro Sport,
ENG127734,Life_cycle_data_start_requirement_development,Parking aid,
ENG127734,Life_cycle_data_start_requirement_development,Convertible top control module,
ENG127734,Life_cycle_data_start_requirement_development,Front sensor for drivers assistant systems,
ENG127734,Life_cycle_data_start_requirement_development,12 volt vehicle electrical system,
ENG127735,Life_cycle_data_stop_prohibition_development,not active,
ENG127735,Life_cycle_data_stop_prohibition_development,not active,
ENG127735,Life_cycle_data_stop_prohibition_development,not active,
ENG127735,Life_cycle_data_stop_prohibition_development,not active,
ENG127735,Life_cycle_data_stop_prohibition_development,not active,
ENG127735,Life_cycle_data_stop_prohibition_development,not active,
ENG127735,Life_cycle_data_stop_prohibition_development,12 volt vehicle electrical system,
ENG127735,Life_cycle_data_stop_prohibition_development,not active,
ENG127735,Life_cycle_data_stop_prohibition_development,not active,
ENG127735,Life_cycle_data_stop_prohibition_development,not active,
ENG127735,Life_cycle_data_stop_prohibition_development,not active,
ENG127735,Life_cycle_data_stop_prohibition_development,not active,
ENG127735,Life_cycle_data_stop_prohibition_development,not active,
ENG127735,Life_cycle_data_stop_prohibition_development,not active,
ENG127735,Life_cycle_data_stop_prohibition_development,not active,
ENG127735,Life_cycle_data_stop_prohibition_development,not active,
ENG127735,Life_cycle_data_stop_prohibition_development,not active,
ENG127733,Life_cycle_data_system_failure,not active,
ENG127733,Life_cycle_data_system_failure,not active,
ENG127733,Life_cycle_data_system_failure,not active,
ENG127733,Life_cycle_data_system_failure,not active,
ENG127733,Life_cycle_data_system_failure,not active,
ENG127733,Life_cycle_data_system_failure,not active,
ENG127733,Life_cycle_data_system_failure,not active,
ENG127733,Life_cycle_data_system_failure,not active,
ENG127733,Life_cycle_data_system_failure,not active,
ENG127733,Life_cycle_data_system_failure,not active,
ENG127733,Life_cycle_data_system_failure,not active,
ENG127733,Life_cycle_data_system_failure,not active,
ENG127733,Life_cycle_data_system_failure,not active,
ENG127733,Life_cycle_data_system_failure,not active,
ENG127733,Life_cycle_data_system_failure,not active,
ENG127733,Life_cycle_data_system_failure,not active,
ENG122702,LMVDes_v_Max_Man_Lim_VW,511.992, km/h
ENG122703,LMVLim_v_Auth_Max_Out_VW,325.0000, km/h
ENG100402,LOIL_SUM_SRV_INTL,53148.13, mm
ENG99162,LV_ACC_RED_CMD,00000000 ,
ENG102235,LV_ATB_ACT_1,00000000 ,
ENG102541,LV_ATB_ACT_2,00000000 ,
ENG99095,LV_CAN_HOOD_SWI,00000000 ,
ENG128787,LV_CMD_RCL_OPEN,00000000 ,
ENG07619,LV_ECRAS_FB_DIAG_POS_RESP[1],00000000 ,
ENG103049,LV_EFPPWM_AD_STOP,00000001 ,
ENG101712,LV_ENG_RUN_IN,00000000 ,
ENG100267,LV_ENG_RUN_IN_EXT_ADJ,00000000 ,
ENG103319,LV_ERR_VLFT_1_SWI[1],00000000 ,
ENG103549,LV_ERR_VLFT_1_SWI[2],00000000 ,
ENG103191,LV_ERR_VLFT_1_SWI[3],00000000 ,
ENG101989,LV_ERR_VLFT_1_SWI[4],00000000 ,
ENG102313,LV_ERR_VLFT_STND_SWI[1],00000000 ,
ENG103044,LV_ERR_VLFT_STND_SWI[2],00000000 ,
ENG103443,LV_ERR_VLFT_STND_SWI[3],00000000 ,
ENG100487,LV_ERR_VLFT_STND_SWI[4],00000000 ,
ENG112471,LV_IGK,00000001 ,
ENG100044,LV_LOIL_L_WARN,00000000 ,
ENG103492,LV_LOIL_L_WARN_ACT,00000000 ,
ENG103908,LV_LOIL_L_WARN_TMP,00000000 ,
ENG103716,LV_POIL_SWI_H,00000000 ,
ENG100912,LV_POIL_SWI_L,00000001 ,
ENG112586,LV_PWR_RLY[0],00000001 ,
ENG36574,LV_ST_PROT_ACT_ERR,00000000 ,
ENG102417,LV_TPS_AD_ACT,00000000 ,
ENG103996,LV_TPS_AD_REQ,00000000 ,
ENG112587,LV_VCP_AD_END,00000001 ,
ENG102523,MAF,94.23, mg/stroke
ENG99288,MAF_DIF_CAM_OFS_AD_SQ_TOT,0.000, kg²/h²
ENG112588,MAP_MES_SAE,24, kPa
ENG103346,MFF_ADD_LAM_AD[1],0.00, mg/stroke
ENG126493,MFF_MPL_ADD_LAM_AD[1][1],0.00, mg/stroke
ENG101360,Misfire detection active,00000000 ,
ENG102335,Misfires all cylinders per 1000 rpm,0,
ENG128796,N_SP_IS_CLC,820, /min
ENG103004,N_TCHA,14794.9, /min
ENG112590,N_TOOTH,821, /min
ENG107737-ENG112538,NC_NR_DIAG_RBM-NC Value,203,
ENG126111,NL_PRE[0],0.19707, V
ENG126112,NL_PRE[1],0.38567, V
ENG126113,NL_PRE[2],0.25826, V
ENG126114,NL_PRE[3],0.35378, V
ENG119936,O2L_MAX_CAT_GAP_AFL_MV[1],0.00000, g
ENG119937,O2L_MAX_CAT_GAP_AFR_MV[1],0.00000, g
ENG99157,PRS_SA_DIF,0.00, hPa
ENG02464,PRS_UP_THR_MES,840.95, hPa
ENG112591,PSN_EDGE_REL_AD_CAM_EX[1][1],-1.5625, °
ENG112592,PSN_EDGE_REL_AD_CAM_IN[1][1],0.6250, °
ENG114830,PSN_EDGE_REL_AD_CAM_SAVE_EX[1][1],-1.5625, °
ENG114831,PSN_EDGE_REL_AD_CAM_SAVE_EX[1][2],-4.0625, °
ENG114832,PSN_EDGE_REL_AD_CAM_SAVE_IN[1][1],0.6250, °
ENG114833,PSN_EDGE_REL_AD_CAM_SAVE_IN[1][2],-0.2500, °
ENG128797,PV,0.00, %
ENG102195,PV_AV_1,0.00, %
ENG99137,PV_AV_2,0.00, %
ENG101068,PV_AV_H,0.00, %
ENG112593,PWM_ACT_VCP[EX_1],90.002, %
ENG112594,PWM_ACT_VCP[IN_1],90.002, %
ENG101350,PWM_ETC,-19.565, %
ENG112595,PWM_HLD_VCP[EX_1],47.931, %
ENG112596,PWM_HLD_VCP[IN_1],41.498, %
ENG112597,PWM_PAS_VCP[EX_1],9.534, %
ENG112598,PWM_PAS_VCP[IN_1],9.534, %
ENG101201,Radiator fan 1: run-on: status,600W,
ENG102359,Radiator fan 2: run-on: status,NO_ECF,
ENG102377,Ready and error flags,173,
ENG121344-ENG121493,Run Time for Stop-Start and Coasting Off-cycle Credit Vehicle Data-Engine Off Coasting Timer (Lifetime),4294967295, s
ENG121344-ENG121494,Run Time for Stop-Start and Coasting Off-cycle Credit Vehicle Data-Engine Off Coasting Timer (Recent),4294967295, s
ENG121344-ENG121497,Run Time for Stop-Start and Coasting Off-cycle Credit Vehicle Data-Engine Running Coasting Timer (Lifetime),4294967295, s
ENG121344-ENG121498,Run Time for Stop-Start and Coasting Off-cycle Credit Vehicle Data-Engine Running Coasting Timer (Recent),16777215, s
ENG121344-ENG121502,Run Time for Stop-Start and Coasting Off-cycle Credit Vehicle Data-Idle Stop-Start Timer (Lifetime),0, s
ENG121344-ENG121503,Run Time for Stop-Start and Coasting Off-cycle Credit Vehicle Data-Idle Stop-Start Timer (Recent),16777216, s
ENG112599,RVC_AV,69.50, °
ENG112601,RVC_SP,70.00, °
ENG112600,RVCPWM,0.000, %
ENG103381,Shut-off time,0.40, s
ENG109006-ENG100882,Spark_efficiency_deviation_at_idle_maximum-EFF_IGA_CST_QUO_IS_MAX,255, %
ENG109007-ENG99938,Spark_efficiency_deviation_at_part_load_maximum-EFF_IGA_CST_QUO_PL_MAX,19, %
ENG102971,Start adaption: temperature adaption factor 1,1.000000,
ENG102489,Start adaption: temperature adaption factor 2,1.000000,
ENG100723,Start adaption: temperature adaption factor 3,1.000000,
ENG100919,Starter control: interlock switch,00000000 ,
ENG109090,STATE_SW_MVB,SCGA0510 CB60050,
ENG112609,T_ACT_MIL_SAE,0, min
ENG112494,T_AST_SAE,472, s
ENG104148,T_COOL_LOIL,448.8, ms
ENG112613,T_DTC_CLR_SAE,7, min
ENG102790,T_EFP_MEM_H,0.00, s
ENG102123,T_EFP_MEM_L,0.00, s
ENG109299,T_ES,0, min
ENG112616,T_ES_DC,0, min
ENG99463,T_ES_H,0, s
ENG128802,T_IGK,655.35, s
ENG99398,T_POP_COC_INTER_1,0.0, s
ENG102747,T_PWL,0.0, s
ENG128803,T_PWL_CAN,2.3, s
ENG112636,T_SWI_VVL_ACR,67.8, ms
ENG101325,T_TEMP_SIG_LOIL,63.3, ms
ENG99126,T_VS_TOL_LOCK,0, min
ENG125440,TAA,17.000, °C
ENG102048,Tank breather valve: duty cycle,0.000000, %
ENG101339,Tank breather valve: short trip result,0.0000, kg/h
ENG100439,Tank level,00000000 ,
ENG112610,TCO_1_FIRST_ST,93, °C
ENG112611,TCO_1_ST,93, °C
ENG112612,TCO_1_SYS,96, °C
ENG103434,TCO_A_LAM_AD_WUP[1],-5.25, °C
ENG100381,TCO_B_LAM_AD_WUP[1],9.75, °C
ENG101581,TCO_C_LAM_AD_WUP[1],24.75, °C
ENG100354,TCO_D_LAM_AD_WUP[1],35.25, °C
ENG101973,TCO_E_LAM_AD_WUP[1],45.00, °C
ENG128800,TCO_MDL[STUCK_L_COOL_MON],37.320, °C
ENG124460,TCO_MDL[TH],51.367, °C
ENG100390,TCO_MIN_INTER_LAM_AD_WUP[1],96.00, °C
ENG100853,TCO_MIN_LAM_AD_WUP[1],50.25, °C
ENG102279,TCS/ESP: specified torque,17.34, Nm
ENG99857,TCS: status,00000000 ,
ENG36581,TEG_DYN_LS_DOWN[0],287.7875, °C
ENG101250,TEG_DYN_LS_UP[0],403.8500, °C
ENG36582,TEG_DYN_UP_CAT[0],268.1000, °C
ENG36583,TEMP_CAT_DYN_MDL[0],321.2250, °C
ENG36584,TEMP_CAT_STAT_MDL[0],357.6000, °C
ENG112614,TEMP_CAT_UP_1_SAE,311.5, °C
ENG114837,TFPA,106, °C
ENG114838,TFU_HPP,103.50, °C
ENG99608,Throttle valve adjuster: adaption status,ST_CHK_END,
ENG101411,Throttle valve angle,2.400, °
ENG102845,Throttle valve deviation,-3.699, %
ENG126115,TI_1_MES_MPI[0],0.000, ms
ENG126116,TI_1_MES_MPI[1],0.000, ms
ENG126117,TI_1_MES_MPI[2],0.000, ms
ENG126118,TI_1_MES_MPI[3],0.000, ms
ENG126119,TI_MES_4[PLS_1][0],0.548, ms
ENG126120,TI_MES_4[PLS_1][1],0.524, ms
ENG126121,TI_MES_4[PLS_1][2],0.544, ms
ENG126122,TI_MES_4[PLS_1][3],0.548, ms
ENG126123,TI_MES_4[PLS_2][0],0.000, ms
ENG126124,TI_MES_4[PLS_2][1],0.000, ms
ENG126125,TI_MES_4[PLS_2][2],0.000, ms
ENG126126,TI_MES_4[PLS_2][3],0.000, ms
ENG126127,TI_MES_4[PLS_3][0],0.000, ms
ENG126128,TI_MES_4[PLS_3][1],0.000, ms
ENG126129,TI_MES_4[PLS_3][2],0.000, ms
ENG126130,TI_MES_4[PLS_3][3],0.000, ms
ENG128801,TIA_CHA_DOWN_MV,63.352, °C
ENG125276,TIG_MES_SAE[IM],62, °C
ENG103351,Time since engine start,736.0, s
ENG112634,TLTS_MES[TCE],96.719, °C
ENG112635,TMAG_VCP,94, °C
ENG114839,TPS_ETC,2.400, °
ENG99274,TPS_SP,2.414, °
ENG103021,TQ_CONV,0.00, Nm
ENG128804,TQI_ADD_ACT,25.15625, Nm
ENG101426,TQI_GS_FAST_INC,0.00, Nm
ENG128805,TQI_N_TCHA_MAX,1023.96875, Nm
ENG115975-ENG116124,Transmission Actual Gear-Transmission Actual Gear Ratio,0.000,
ENG115975-ENG116108,Transmission Actual Gear-Transmission Actual Gear Ratio Supported,Not available,
ENG115975-ENG116105,Transmission Actual Gear-Transmission Actual Gear Status,NEUT,
ENG115975-ENG116116,Transmission Actual Gear-Transmission Actual Gear Status Supported,available.,
ENG102329,TTIP_MES_LS_UP[1],720.0000, °C
ENG100355,V_FUP_EFP_MV,4.995, V
ENG100739,V_PVS_1_BAS,0.7568, V
ENG114840,V_PVS_KD,0.000, V
ENG99514,VBOOST,65.0, V
ENG103201,VCV_CLOSE_RNG,33.8, °
ENG115976,Vehicle Odometer,30675.5, km
ENG121352-ENG121535,Vehicle Operation Data - Distance/Fuel Used-Total Distance Traveled (Lifetime),47.9, km
ENG121352-ENG121536,Vehicle Operation Data - Distance/Fuel Used-Total Distance Traveled (Recent),1677721.6, km
ENG121352-ENG121545,Vehicle Operation Data - Distance/Fuel Used-Total Fuel Consumed (Lifetime),2013271.24, l
ENG121352-ENG121546,Vehicle Operation Data - Distance/Fuel Used-Total Fuel Consumed (Recent),36742102.22, l
ENG121353-ENG121499,Vehicle Operation Data - Engine Run/Idle Time-Fueled Engine Operation Ignition Cycle Counter (Lifetime),16777221, counts
ENG121353-ENG121500,Vehicle Operation Data - Engine Run/Idle Time-Fueled Engine Operation Ignition Cycle Counter (Recent),1107296256, counts
ENG121353-ENG121504,Vehicle Operation Data - Engine Run/Idle Time-Ignition Counter (Lifetime),16777221, counts
ENG121353-ENG121505,Vehicle Operation Data - Engine Run/Idle Time-Ignition Counter (Recent),16777216, counts
ENG121353-ENG121543,Vehicle Operation Data - Engine Run/Idle Time-Total Engine Run Time (Lifetime),3724545517, s
ENG121353-ENG121544,Vehicle Operation Data - Engine Run/Idle Time-Total Engine Run Time (Recent),687865857, s
ENG121353-ENG121557,Vehicle Operation Data - Engine Run/Idle Time-Total Idle Engine Run Time (Lifetime),3724542989, s
ENG121353-ENG121558,Vehicle Operation Data - Engine Run/Idle Time-Total Idle Engine Run Time (Recent),3741319169, s
ENG121354-ENG121495,Vehicle Operation Data - PKE/EOE-Engine Output Energy (Lifetime),1677733.7, kWh
ENG121354-ENG121496,Vehicle Operation Data - PKE/EOE-Engine Output Energy (Recent),345610654.8, kWh
ENG121354-ENG121525,Vehicle Operation Data - PKE/EOE-Positive Kinetic Energy (Lifetime),22, km/h²
ENG121354-ENG121526,Vehicle Operation Data - PKE/EOE-Positive Kinetic Energy (Recent),16777216, km/h²
ENG121355-ENG121533,Vehicle Operation Data - PSA-Total City Propulsion System Active Time (Lifetime),1098, s
ENG121355-ENG121534,Vehicle Operation Data - PSA-Total City Propulsion System Active Time (Recent),4194304000, s
ENG121355-ENG121559,Vehicle Operation Data - PSA-Total Idle Propulsion System Active Time (Lifetime),3724542989, s
ENG121355-ENG121560,Vehicle Operation Data - PSA-Total Idle Propulsion System Active Time (Recent),3741319169, s
ENG121355-ENG121561,Vehicle Operation Data - PSA-Total Propulsion System Active Time (Lifetime),3724545517, s
ENG121355-ENG121562,Vehicle Operation Data - PSA-Total Propulsion System Active Time (Recent),16777217, s
ENG102311,Vehicle speed: filtered,0.000, km/h
ENG112639,VLS_DOWN_SAE[1],0.345, V
ENG128806,VOL_FLOW_CHA_UP_RED_MV,0.002045, m³/s
ENG101929,VP_TPS_1,0.6152, V
ENG102985,VP_TPS_2,4.3750, V
ENG100421,VP_TPS_AD_EL_BOL_1,0.5029, V
ENG103444,VP_TPS_AD_EL_BOL_2,4.4914, V
ENG101674,VP_TPS_AD_LIH_1,0.8057, V
ENG99507,VP_TPS_AD_LIH_2,4.1846, V
Elapsed Time: 01:11
;SW:0GC-300-020-G HW:0GC-927-711-H --- Auto Trans
;Component:GSG DQ381 H06 2403, Coding:0014
;VCDS Version: Release 21.3.0 (x64) Data version: 20210226 DS325.0
;VCID: 2616FF52D86C7F6BD5F-8072
IDE00018,Voltage terminal 15,14.0, V
IDE00019,Voltage terminal 30,14.2, V
IDE00021,Engine RPM,817, /min
IDE00022-ENG103074,Transmission input speed-Transmission Input Speed Sensor,819, /min
IDE00023,Transmission output speed,0, /min
IDE00024-ENG98981,ATF temperature-Transmission fluid temperature,45, °C
IDE00075-ENG99967,Vehicle speed-Vehicle Speed Sensor,0.00, km/h
IDE00086,Accelerator pedal position,0.0, %
IDE00091-ENG101172,Status of starter lock-Status Engine Starter Lock,Activating,
IDE00094,Kick-down status,OFF,
IDE00095-ENG101643,Status of selector lever lock-Status Shift Lock,active,
IDE00096-ENG100569,Selector lever position-Shift Position,Position P Stop,
IDE00101-ENG103259,Engine specified torque during transmission intervention-Calculated engine preset torque,1040.0, Nm
IDE00102-ENG102028,Control Module temperature-Control modul temperature,45, °C
IDE00130-ENG103124,Transmission specified idle RPM-Idle Speed Commanded Value,0, /min
IDE00322-ENG100540,Status of basic setting-Basic Settings Status,0,
IDE00451-ENG103018,Currently running routine-Current Test Routine,0,
IDE00872-ENG102188,Current of main pressure valve-Oil Pressure Actual Current,1200.0, mA
IDE00970-ENG114816,Coolant fan activation: actual value-Radiator fan activation actual value,34.0, %
IDE00972,Idle speed increase,OFF,
IDE01588-ENG101855,Driving direction-M015 SvnNAbRichtung,not known,
IDE01716-ENG103234,Terminal 50 status-Status terminal 50,OFF,
IDE02211,Brake pressure,0.00, bar
IDE02221,Engine torque: qualification,valid,
IDE02713-ENG98471,Brake lamp switch-Brake Light Switch,Not operated,
IDE02714,Brake test switch,Not operated,
IDE02715-ENG103190,Validity of brake pressure-Brake Pressure State,valid,
IDE02716,Tiptronic source,via CAN,
IDE02717-ENG102076,Tiptronic upshift-Tiptronic Up,OFF,
IDE02718-ENG101063,Tiptronic downshift-Tiptronic Down,OFF,
IDE02719-ENG99606,Selector lever position made plausible-Shift Position Plausible,P,
IDE02720-ENG103810,Transmission input speed (RPM) shaft 1-Transmission Input Speed Shaft 1,0, /min
IDE02721-ENG100916,Transmission input speed (RPM) shaft 2-Transmission Input Speed Shaft 2,0, /min
IDE02722-ENG101964,Transmission output speed (RPM) shaft 1-Transmission Output Speed Shaft 1,0, /min
IDE02723-ENG100382,Transmission output speed (RPM) shaft 2-Transmission Output Speed Shaft 2,0, /min
IDE02724,Direction of rotation shaft 1,not known,
IDE02725,Direction of rotation shaft 2,not known,
IDE02726-ENG100799,E-Pump: power supply-Voltage Supply Electric Motor,14.2, V
IDE02727-ENG99192,Shift Lock Solenoid Specified Status-Shift Lock Desired State,active,
IDE02728-ENG101668,Shift lock indicator lamp-Indicator Light Shift Lock,Indicator lamp off,
IDE02735-ENG100209,Display of driving mode in instrument panel-Display Driving Position,P,
IDE02736-ENG100252,Display of gear in instrument panel-Display Driving Gear,no gear engaged,
IDE02738-ENG100412,Selector lever illumination-Display Shift Lighting,P,
IDE02740-ENG99750,Temperature of friction lining for clutch 1-Temperatur_Friction_Lining_Clutch_1,44, °C
IDE02741-ENG102724,Temperature of friction lining for clutch 2-Temperatur_Friction_Lining_Clutch_2,44, °C
IDE02742,Oil pressure actual value,1.22, bar
IDE02775-ENG101304,Status of basic setting data-State Of Basic Adjustmentdata,valid,
IDE02776-ENG102757,Pressure of partial transmission 1 specified value-Pressure Transmission Part 1 Commanded Value,2.50, bar
IDE02777-ENG101539,Pressure of partial transmission 1 actual value-Pressure Transmission Part 1 Actual Value,1.22, bar
IDE02779-ENG100646,Pressure of partial transmission 2 specified value-Pressure Transmission Part 2 Commanded Value,2.50, bar
IDE02780-ENG103741,Pressure of partial transmission 2 actual value-Pressure Transmission Part 2 Actual Value,1.22, bar
IDE02782-ENG103418,Current of valve for partial transmission 1 specified value-Current Valve Transmission Part 1 Commanded Value,412.4, mA
IDE02783-ENG99260,Current of valve for partial transmission 1 actual value-Current Valve Transmission Part 1 Actual Value,411.0, mA
IDE02786-ENG101222,Current of valve for partial transmission 2 specified value-Current Valve Transmission Part 2 Commanded Value,383.3, mA
IDE02787-ENG101614,Current of valve for partial transmission 2 actual value-Current Valve Transmission Part 2 Actual Value,381.0, mA
IDE02790-ENG104124,Specified torque clutch 1-Clutch 1 Commanded Torque,-100.00, Nm
IDE02791-ENG101742,Actual torque clutch 1-Clutch 1 Actual Torque,-100.00, Nm
IDE02792-ENG101464,Specified position clutch 1-Clutch 1 Commanded Position,0.00, bar
IDE02793-ENG102450,Actual position clutch 1-Clutch 1 Actual Position,-0.12, bar
IDE02796-ENG103463,Current of valve for clutch 1 specified value-Current Valve Clutch 1 Commanded Value,50.0, mA
IDE02797-ENG100730,Current of valve for clutch 1 actual value-Current Valve Clutch 1 Actual Value,51.0, mA
IDE02800-ENG100171,Specified torque clutch 2-Clutch 2 Commanded Torque,-100.00, Nm
IDE02802-ENG102780,Actual position clutch 2-Clutch 2 Actual Position,-0.14, bar
IDE02805-ENG99237,Current of valve for clutch 2 specified value-Current Valve Clutch 2 Commanded Value,50.0, mA
IDE02806-ENG103118,Current of valve for clutch 2 actual value-Current Valve Clutch 2 Actual Value,51.0, mA
IDE02820,Transmission mileage,30538.2, km
IDE02821-ENG101653,Pressure Supply Specified Pressure/Threshold 1-Pressure Supply Commanded Value Threshold 1,1.22, bar
IDE02823-ENG100173,Identification of selector lever-Identification Selector Lever,5Q1 713 VL4,
IDE02824-ENG99279,Main status of abort code basic setting-Basic Settings Main Status,0,
IDE02825-ENG100313,Substatus of abort code basic setting-Basic Settings Sub Status,0,
IDE02827-ENG103491,Installation information steering wheel paddles-Application Info Steering Paddels,58,
IDE02828-ENG103640,Installation information brakes-Application Info Breaksystem,58,
IDE02829-ENG103127,Installation information steering column module-Application Info Steering Modul,58,
IDE02830-ENG100103,Installation information gateway-Application Info Gateway,58,
IDE02858-ENG100590,Status of basic setting data: gear selector-State Of Basic Adjustmentdata Gearpositioner,Valid basic calibration,
IDE02859-ENG99797,Status of basic setting data for clutch-State Of Basic Adjustmentdata Clutch,Valid basic calibration,
IDE02861-ENG103083,Mechatronic identification-Baudatum,190131,
IDE02861-ENG98675,Mechatronic identification-Construction version,N2,
IDE02861-ENG99175,Mechatronic identification-Kassel,K,
IDE02861-ENG104192,Mechatronic identification-Kennung der Mechatronik-Montagelinie,D05,
IDE02861-ENG103830,Mechatronic identification-Lfd.-Nr,1371,
IDE02861-ENG103525,Mechatronic identification-Teilenummer (3 letzten + Index),0GCE_,
IDE02862-ENG103213,Production data transmission-Aggregatekennzeichnung (Getriebe),006,
IDE02862-ENG103083,Production data transmission-Baudatum,190131,
IDE02862-ENG104019,Production data transmission-Getriebekennbuchstabe,TSX,
IDE02862-ENG99175,Production data transmission-Kassel,K,
IDE02862-ENG101707,Production data transmission-Kennung der Montagelinie,D07,
IDE02862-ENG103830,Production data transmission-Lfd.-Nr,1488,
IDE02864-ENG99505,Actual position of gear positioner A-Gearpositioner A Actual Position,-10.12, mm
IDE02865-ENG104121,AD value 1 of actual position of gear actuator A-Gearpositioner A Actual Position AD Value 1,2964,
IDE02867-ENG103746,Specified current of gear Solen.val. A-Gearpositioner A Valve Commanded Current,0.0, mA
IDE02868-ENG102455,Actual current of gear Solen.val. A-Gearpositioner A Valve Actual Current,0.0, mA
IDE02872-ENG102218,Actual position of gear adjuster B-Gearpositioner B Actual Position,0.24, mm
IDE02873-ENG101728,AD value 1 of actual position of gear actuator B-Gearpositioner B Actual Position AD Value 1,2045,
IDE02875-ENG101174,Specified current of gear Solen.val. B-Gearpositioner B Valve Commanded Current,0.0, mA
IDE02876-ENG99266,Actual current of gear Solen.val. B-Gearpositioner B Valve Actual Current,0.0, mA
IDE02880-ENG103036,Actual position of gear positioner C-Gearpositioner C Actual Position,-0.09, mm
IDE02881-ENG99453,AD value 1 of actual position of gear actuator C-Gearpositioner C Actual Position AD Value 1,2046,
IDE02883-ENG103740,Specified current of gear Solen.val. C-Gearpositioner C Valve Commanded Current,0.0, mA
IDE02884-ENG99821,Actual current of gear Solen.val. C-Gearpositioner C Valve Actual Current,0.0, mA
IDE02888-ENG103826,Actual position of gear positioner D-Gearpositioner D Actual Position,-9.48, mm
IDE02889-ENG100525,AD value 1 of actual position of gear actuator D-Gearpositioner D Actual Position AD Value 1,1247,
IDE02891-ENG101968,Specified current of gear Solen.val. D-Gearpositioner D Valve Commanded Current,793.0, mA
IDE02892-ENG99541,Actual current of gear Solen.val. D-Gearpositioner D Valve Actual Current,797.0, mA
IDE02989-ENG100843,Status of torque requirements on engine-State Of Torque Demand Engine,OFF,
IDE03107-ENG126246,Kilometers at last basic setting-Kilometer At Last Basic Adjustment,19150, km
IDE03152-ENG104154,Neutral due to driver registr. proced. cond.: cause-Driver Registration Procedure Condition Cause,00 00,
IDE03153-ENG102498,Driver logon procedure: number of activations-Driver Registration Procedure Activation Counter,7,
IDE03155-ENG99516,GE clutch data: Status-GE Clutch Data Status,Data for basic calibration valid,
IDE03156-ENG102903,Last change to GE clutch data: odometer reading-Last Changing GE Clutch Data Km,19150, km
IDE03160-ENG100046,Remaining Clutch Quick Adaptations Kiss Point-Remaining Clutch Fastadaption Kisspoint,0,
IDE03163-ENG103608,Protect. function temp. clutch 1 warn. level 1 number-Protective Function Temperature Clutch 1 Warning 1 Numbers,0,
IDE03164-ENG101576,Protect. function temp. clutch 1 warn. level 2 number-Protective Function Temperature Clutch 1 Warning 2 Numbers,0,
IDE03165-ENG102133,Protective function temp. clutch 1 protect. level 1 number-Protective Function Temperature Clutch 1 Protection 1 Numbers,0,
IDE03167-ENG102425,Protect. function temp. clutch 2 warn. level 1 number-Protective Function Temperature Clutch 2 Warning 1 Numbers,0,
IDE03168-ENG100182,Protect. function temp. clutch 2 warn. level 2 number-Protective Function Temperature Clutch 2 Warning 2 Numbers,0,
IDE03169-ENG104175,Protective function temp. clutch 2 protect. level 1 number-Protective Function Temperature Clutch 2 Protection 1 Numbers,0,
IDE03171-ENG102987,Driving strategy transmission mileage-Q002 Total Driving Time,30684.7, km
IDE03172-ENG100789,Driving Strategy Percentage Driving in D or S w/Cruise-Q003 Driving Time Ecological,10, %
IDE03173-ENG103567,Driving Strategy Percentage Driving in S w/o cruise-Q004 Driving Time Sporty,5, %
IDE03174-ENG100415,Driving strategy driving portions in Tiptronic-Q005 Driving Time Manual,85, %
IDE03180-ENG103176,Number of standard trips-General Denominator,797,
IDE03181-ENG102823,Number of ignition cycles-Ignition Cycle Counter,0,
IDE04612-ENG101246,Clutch temperature air / splash oil-Centrifugal oil temperature,0, °C
IDE05303-ENG99893,Actual torque clutch 2-Clutch 2 Actual Torque,-100.00, Nm
IDE05987-ENG110524,Engine stop prohibitions-Basic setting,not active,
IDE05987-ENG28506,Engine stop prohibitions-Demontagestellung,not active,
IDE05987-ENG28505,Engine stop prohibitions-Drucksensorausfall,not active,
IDE05987-ENG28507,Engine stop prohibitions-Eingeschränkte Fahrfunktion / Notlauf / Liegenbleiber,not active,
IDE05987-ENG110508,Engine stop prohibitions-km-Stand des letzten Stoppverbots,0.0, km
IDE05987-ENG28638,Engine stop prohibitions-Motorstoppverbote Anzahl Stoppverbote,0,
IDE05987-ENG110525,Engine stop prohibitions-Stop prohibition via application,not active,
IDE05987-ENG28504,Engine stop prohibitions-Temperaturbedingung,not active,
IDE05987-ENG122385,Engine stop prohibitions-unsortierte Gangsteller im Stand,not active,
IDE05988-ENG110505,Pressure of clutch 2: actual value-Clutch_2_actual_value,-0.14, bar
IDE05989-ENG110503,Pressure of clutch 1: actual value-Clutch_1_actual_value,-0.12, bar
IDE05990-ENG110506,Pressure of clutch 2: specified value-Clutch_2_commanded_value,0.00, bar
IDE05991-ENG110504,Pressure of clutch 1: specified value-Clutch_1_commanded_value,0.00, bar
IDE06241-ENG120892,Uneven road surface recognition: total driving portion-Drivingpart_of_roug_road_detection_total,0.0, %
IDE06243-ENG120894,Longest active distance with uneven road surface recognition-Longest_active_mileage_of_rough_road_detection,0, km
IDE06425,Dynamometer mode: functional,not activated,
IDE11135-ENG127823,Capacity protection function: clutch 2 number-Protective_Function_Capacity_Clutch_2_Numbers,139,
IDE11136-ENG127822,Capacity protection function: clutch 1 number-Protective_Function_Capacity_Clutch_1_Numbers,158,
IDE12712-ENG36173,Mileage at last initialization clutch friction coefficient model-Mileage of setting resetting gearbox mileage,0.0, km
IDE12713-ENG36135,Clutch friction coefficient model mileage-Gearbox mileage,30538.2, km
IDE13738-ENG36678,Function test auxiliary hydraulic pump for transmission oil status-Abbruchgrund,Do not cancel,
IDE13738-ENG36798,Function test auxiliary hydraulic pump for transmission oil status-Hauptdruck,0.00, bar
IDE13738-ENG101241,Function test auxiliary hydraulic pump for transmission oil status-Speed,0, /min
IDE13947-ENG36805,Mileage since last activation: uneven road surface recognition-Kilometer_at_last_ activation_rough_road_detection,655340, km
IDE14615-MAS18568,Adapted loaded position: standardized (gear 1-R)-Adapted loaded position: standardized gear 1,-10.55, mm
IDE14615-MAS18569,Adapted loaded position: standardized (gear 1-R)-Adapted loaded position: standardized gear 2,-10.57, mm
IDE14615-MAS18570,Adapted loaded position: standardized (gear 1-R)-Adapted loaded position: standardized gear 3,10.85, mm
IDE14615-MAS18571,Adapted loaded position: standardized (gear 1-R)-Adapted loaded position: standardized gear 4,9.82, mm
IDE14615-MAS18572,Adapted loaded position: standardized (gear 1-R)-Adapted loaded position: standardized gear 5,9.12, mm
IDE14615-MAS18573,Adapted loaded position: standardized (gear 1-R)-Adapted loaded position: standardized gear 6,8.70, mm
IDE14615-MAS18574,Adapted loaded position: standardized (gear 1-R)-Adapted loaded position: standardized gear 7,-8.82, mm
IDE14615-MAS18575,Adapted loaded position: standardized (gear 1-R)-Adapted loaded position: standardized gear R,-10.09, mm
IDE14616-MAS18576,Adapted synchronized position: standardized (gear 1-R)-Adapted synchronized position: standardized gear 1,-2.66, mm
IDE14616-MAS18577,Adapted synchronized position: standardized (gear 1-R)-Adapted synchronized position: standardized gear 2,-2.55, mm
IDE14616-MAS18578,Adapted synchronized position: standardized (gear 1-R)-Adapted synchronized position: standardized gear 3,2.52, mm
IDE14616-MAS18579,Adapted synchronized position: standardized (gear 1-R)-Adapted synchronized position: standardized gear 4,2.31, mm
IDE14616-MAS18580,Adapted synchronized position: standardized (gear 1-R)-Adapted synchronized position: standardized gear 5,1.78, mm
IDE14616-MAS18581,Adapted synchronized position: standardized (gear 1-R)-Adapted synchronized position: standardized gear 6,1.75, mm
IDE14616-MAS18582,Adapted synchronized position: standardized (gear 1-R)-Adapted synchronized position: standardized gear 7,-1.54, mm
IDE14616-MAS18583,Adapted synchronized position: standardized (gear 1-R)-Adapted synchronized position: standardized gear R,-1.96, mm
IDE14617-MAS18584,Adapted neutral position: standardized (gear actuator A-D)-Adapted neutral position: standardized for gear actuator A,-0.08, mm
IDE14617-MAS18585,Adapted neutral position: standardized (gear actuator A-D)-Adapted neutral position: standardized for gear actuator B,-0.16, mm
IDE14617-MAS18586,Adapted neutral position: standardized (gear actuator A-D)-Adapted neutral position: standardized for gear actuator C,0.12, mm
IDE14617-MAS18587,Adapted neutral position: standardized (gear actuator A-D)-Adapted neutral position: standardized for gear actuator D,0.07, mm
IDE80001-ENG100467,Analysis 1-Snapshot 1 Failure ID,66,
IDE80002-ENG102386,Analysis 2-Snapshot 1 Mileage,17670, km
IDE80003-ENG101467,Analysis 3-Snapshot 1 Counter,15,
IDE80004-ENG110548,Analysis 4-Snapshot 1 Oil Pressure Actual Value,1.5, bar
IDE80005-ENG103330,Analysis 5-Snapshot 1 Shift Position Plausible,N,
IDE80006-ENG99650,Analysis 6-Snapshot 1 Main Status Vehicle Clutch Fahrzeugzustand,WARTE_DRUCK,
IDE80006-ENG102000,Analysis 6-Snapshot 1 Main Status Vehicle Clutch Kupplungshauptzustand,New,
IDE80007-ENG101090,Analysis 7-Snapshot 1 Commanded Gear,GANG_1,
IDE80008-ENG100048,Analysis 8-Snapshot 1 Preselection Gear,GANG_R,
IDE80009-ENG102100,Analysis 9-Snapshot 1 Transmission Input Speed,0, /min
IDE80010-ENG101565,Analysis 10-Snapshot 1 Transmission Output Speed Shaft 1,0, /min
IDE80011-ENG100379,Analysis 11-Snapshot 1 Transmission Speed Shaft 1,0, /min
IDE80012-ENG103459,Analysis 12-Snapshot 1 Transmission Speed Shaft 2,0, /min
IDE80013-ENG99331,Analysis 13-Snapshot 1 Gearpositioner A Actual Value,-10.08, mm
IDE80014-ENG99512,Analysis 14-Snapshot 1 Gearpositioner B Actual Value,0.00, mm
IDE80015-ENG100338,Analysis 15-Snapshot 1 Gearpositioner C Actual Value,0.00, mm
IDE80016-ENG100656,Analysis 16-Snapshot 1 Gearpositioner D Actual Value,-8.96, mm
IDE80017-ENG99158,Analysis 17-Snapshot 1 Gearpositioner A Valve Actual Current,0, mA
IDE80018-ENG101917,Analysis 18-Snapshot 1 Gearpositioner B Valve Actual Current,0, mA
IDE80019-ENG102153,Analysis 19-Snapshot 1 Gearpositioner C Valve Actual Current,0, mA
IDE80020-ENG100002,Analysis 20-Snapshot 1 Gearpositioner D Valve Actual Current,0, mA
IDE80021-ENG102762,Analysis 21-Snapshot 1 Clutch 1 Actual Pressure,0.0, bar
IDE80022-ENG100347,Analysis 22-Snapshot 1 Clutch 2 Actual Pressure,0.0, bar
IDE80023-ENG99119,Analysis 23-Snapshot 1 Current Valve Clutch 1 Actual Value,50, mA
IDE80024-ENG101123,Analysis 24-Snapshot 1 Current Valve Clutch 2 Actual Value,50, mA
IDE80025-ENG103611,Analysis 25-Snapshot 1 Accelerator Pedal Position,20.0, %
IDE80026-ENG101503,Analysis 26-Snapshot 1 Engine torque,200, Nm
IDE80027-ENG101521,Analysis 27-Snapshot 1 Current Valve Transmission Part 1 Actual Value,410, mA
IDE80028-ENG103949,Analysis 28-Snapshot 1 Current Valve Transmission Part 2 Actual Value,380, mA
IDE80029-ENG103070,Analysis 29-Snapshot 1 Voltage Terminal 15,11.7, V
IDE80030-ENG101050,Analysis 30-Snapshot 1 Voltage Supply Electric Motor,11.6, V
IDE80031-ENG102899,Analysis 31-Snapshot 1 Transmission Fluid Temperature,34, °C
IDE80032-ENG99872,Analysis 32-Snapshot 1 Maximum Temperature Clutch 1 Clutch 2,34, °C
IDE80033-ENG103098,Analysis 33-Snapshot 2 Failure ID,172,
IDE80034-ENG101047,Analysis 34-Snapshot 2 Mileage,29530, km
IDE80035-ENG99915,Analysis 35-Snapshot 2 Counter,0,
IDE80036-ENG110549,Analysis 36-Snapshot 2 Oil Pressure Actual Value,1.5, bar
IDE80037-ENG99369,Analysis 37-Snapshot 2 Shift Position Plausible,P,
IDE80038-ENG99350,Analysis 38-Snapshot 2 Main Status Vehicle Clutch Fahrzeugzustand,FAP,
IDE80038-ENG102372,Analysis 38-Snapshot 2 Main Status Vehicle Clutch Kupplungshauptzustand,Neutral,
IDE80039-ENG101369,Analysis 39-Snapshot 2 Commanded Gear,GANG_R,
IDE80040-ENG103638,Analysis 40-Snapshot 2 Preselection Gear,GANG_1,
IDE80041-ENG103367,Analysis 41-Snapshot 2 Transmission Input Speed,1600, /min
IDE80042-ENG102476,Analysis 42-Snapshot 2 Transmission Output Speed Shaft 1,0, /min
IDE80043-ENG102699,Analysis 43-Snapshot 2 Transmission Speed Shaft 1,0, /min
IDE80044-ENG101900,Analysis 44-Snapshot 2 Transmission Speed Shaft 2,0, /min
IDE80045-ENG100935,Analysis 45-Snapshot 2 Gearpositioner A Actual Position,-9.92, mm
IDE80046-ENG102046,Analysis 46-Snapshot 2 Gearpositioner B Actual Position,0.16, mm
IDE80047-ENG100712,Analysis 47-Snapshot 2 Gearpositioner C Actual Position,-0.16, mm
IDE80048-ENG101670,Analysis 48-Snapshot 2 Gearpositioner D Actual Position,-9.60, mm
IDE80049-ENG102288,Analysis 49-Snapshot 2 Gearpositioner A Valve Actual Current,0, mA
IDE80050-ENG103952,Analysis 50-Snapshot 2 Gearpositioner B Valve Actual Current,0, mA
IDE80051-ENG99664,Analysis 51-Snapshot 2 Gearpositioner C Valve Actual Current,0, mA
IDE80052-ENG100255,Analysis 52-Snapshot 2 Gearpositioner D Valve Actual Current,795, mA
IDE80053-ENG102973,Analysis 53-Snapshot 2 Clutch 1 Actual Pressure,0.0, bar
IDE80054-ENG100122,Analysis 54-Snapshot 2 Clutch 2 Actual Pressure,0.0, bar
IDE80055-ENG103189,Analysis 55-Snapshot 2 Current Valve Clutch 1 Actual Value,95, mA
IDE80056-ENG103616,Analysis 56-Snapshot 2 Current Valve Clutch 2 Actual Value,50, mA
IDE80057-ENG102447,Analysis 57-Snapshot 2 Accelerator Pedal Position,0.0, %
IDE80058-ENG103198,Analysis 58-Snapshot 2 Engine torque,-12, Nm
IDE80059-ENG100322,Analysis 59-Snapshot 2 Current Valve Transmission Part 1 Actual Value,405, mA
IDE80060-ENG99335,Analysis 60-Snapshot 2 Current Valve Transmission Part 2 Actual Value,375, mA
IDE80061-ENG101449,Analysis 61-Snapshot 2 Voltage Terminal 15,9.8, V
IDE80062-ENG99916,Analysis 62-Snapshot 2 Voltage Supply Electric Motor,9.9, V
IDE80063-ENG104157,Analysis 63-Snapshot 2 Transmission Fluid Temperature,15, °C
IDE80064-ENG101948,Analysis 64-Snapshot 2 Maximum Temperature Clutch 1 Clutch 2,16, °C
IDE80071-ENG127839,Analysis 71-FID event memory entry 1,FF FF,
IDE80071-ENG127848,Analysis 71-FID event memory entry 10,FF FF,
IDE80071-ENG127849,Analysis 71-FID event memory entry 11,FF FF,
IDE80071-ENG127850,Analysis 71-FID event memory entry 12,FF FF,
IDE80071-ENG127840,Analysis 71-FID event memory entry 2,FF FF,
IDE80071-ENG127841,Analysis 71-FID event memory entry 3,FF FF,
IDE80071-ENG127842,Analysis 71-FID event memory entry 4,FF FF,
IDE80071-ENG127843,Analysis 71-FID event memory entry 5,FF FF,
IDE80071-ENG127844,Analysis 71-FID event memory entry 6,FF FF,
IDE80071-ENG127845,Analysis 71-FID event memory entry 7,FF FF,
IDE80071-ENG127846,Analysis 71-FID event memory entry 8,FF FF,
IDE80071-ENG127847,Analysis 71-FID event memory entry 9,FF FF,
IDE80072-ENG127830,Analysis 72-Temperature hybrid time in range 0,5892.4, s
IDE80073-ENG127869,Analysis 73-Temperature hybrid time in range 1,1829619.5, s
IDE80074-ENG127870,Analysis 74-Temperature hybrid time in range 2,731788.5, s
IDE80075-ENG127871,Analysis 75-Temperature hybrid time in range 3,13566.2, s
IDE80076-ENG127872,Analysis 76-Temperature hybrid time in range 4,0.0, s
IDE80077-ENG127873,Analysis 77-Temperature hybrid time in range 5,0.0, s
IDE80080-ENG127878,Analysis 80-Temperature hybrid maximum,108, °C
IDE80081-ENG114824,Analysis 81-Clutch 1 temperature time in range 0,1817223.4, s
IDE80082-ENG114820,Analysis 82-Clutch 1 temperature time in range 1,732038.0, s
IDE80083-ENG114814,Analysis 83-Clutch 1 temperature time in range 2,24649.9, s
IDE80084-ENG114813,Analysis 84-Clutch 1 temperature time in range 3,4245.0, s
IDE80088-ENG111618,Analysis 88-Clutch 1 temperature maximum,328, °C
IDE80089-ENG114807,Analysis 89-Clutch 2 temperature time in range 0,2048119.8, s
IDE80090-ENG114811,Analysis 90-Clutch 2 temperature time in range 1,523269.6, s
IDE80091-ENG114805,Analysis 91-Clutch 2 temperature time in range 2,5665.5, s
IDE80092-ENG114817,Analysis 92-Clutch 2 temperature time in range 3,920.6, s
IDE80096-ENG111619,Analysis 96-Clutch 2 temperature maximum,397, °C
IDE80101-ENG102219,Analysis 101-Betriebszeit Motor (Drehzahlbereich 1),277.2, H
IDE80101-ENG103682,Analysis 101-Betriebszeit Motor (Drehzahlbereich 2),235.4, H
IDE80101-ENG101200,Analysis 101-Betriebszeit Motor (Drehzahlbereich 3),15.6, H
IDE80101-ENG100226,Analysis 101-Betriebszeit Motor (Drehzahlbereich 4),3.9, H
IDE80101-ENG102223,Analysis 101-Betriebszeit Motor (Drehzahlbereich 5),0.6, H
IDE80102-ENG102381,Analysis 102-Anzahl erfolgreiche Einlegevorgänge 1-Gang,20227,
IDE80102-ENG99964,Analysis 102-Anzahl erfolgreiche Einlegevorgänge 2-Gang,23850,
IDE80102-ENG100231,Analysis 102-Anzahl erfolgreiche Einlegevorgänge 3-Gang,37331,
IDE80102-ENG104160,Analysis 102-Anzahl erfolgreiche Einlegevorgänge 4-Gang,33230,
IDE80102-ENG102663,Analysis 102-Anzahl erfolgreiche Einlegevorgänge 5-Gang,25678,
IDE80102-ENG99465,Analysis 102-Anzahl erfolgreiche Einlegevorgänge 6-Gang,18089,
IDE80102-ENG103205,Analysis 102-Anzahl erfolgreiche Einlegevorgänge 7-Gang,8130,
IDE80102-ENG103678,Analysis 102-Anzahl erfolgreiche Einlegevorgänge R-Gang,4136,
IDE80103-ENG103574,Analysis 103-Anzahl nicht erfolgreiche Einlegevorgänge 1-Gang,0,
IDE80103-ENG103754,Analysis 103-Anzahl nicht erfolgreiche Einlegevorgänge 2-Gang,0,
IDE80103-ENG99560,Analysis 103-Anzahl nicht erfolgreiche Einlegevorgänge 3-Gang,0,
IDE80103-ENG101116,Analysis 103-Anzahl nicht erfolgreiche Einlegevorgänge 4-Gang,16,
IDE80103-ENG99083,Analysis 103-Anzahl nicht erfolgreiche Einlegevorgänge 5-Gang,0,
IDE80103-ENG99508,Analysis 103-Anzahl nicht erfolgreiche Einlegevorgänge 6-Gang,0,
IDE80103-ENG101966,Analysis 103-Anzahl nicht erfolgreiche Einlegevorgänge 7-Gang,0,
IDE80103-ENG103519,Analysis 103-Anzahl nicht erfolgreiche Einlegevorgänge R-Gang,0,
IDE80104-ENG100464,Analysis 104-Anzahl Gangspringer 1-Gang,0,
IDE80104-ENG103518,Analysis 104-Anzahl Gangspringer 2-Gang,0,
IDE80104-ENG101484,Analysis 104-Anzahl Gangspringer 3-Gang,0,
IDE80104-ENG102434,Analysis 104-Anzahl Gangspringer 4-Gang,0,
IDE80104-ENG100828,Analysis 104-Anzahl Gangspringer 5-Gang,0,
IDE80104-ENG99747,Analysis 104-Anzahl Gangspringer 6-Gang,0,
IDE80104-ENG102967,Analysis 104-Anzahl Gangspringer 7-Gang,0,
IDE80104-ENG100893,Analysis 104-Anzahl Gangspringer R-Gang,0,
IDE80105-ENG100707,Analysis 105-Betriebszeit Kupplung 1 (Temperaturbereich 1),504.8, H
IDE80105-ENG101697,Analysis 105-Betriebszeit Kupplung 1 (Temperaturbereich 2),203.3, H
IDE80105-ENG100556,Analysis 105-Betriebszeit Kupplung 1 (Temperaturbereich 3),6.8, H
IDE80105-ENG100205,Analysis 105-Betriebszeit Kupplung 1 (Temperaturbereich 4),1.2, H
IDE80106-ENG103428,Analysis 106-Betriebszeit Kupplung 2 (Temperaturbereich 1),568.9, H
IDE80106-ENG101321,Analysis 106-Betriebszeit Kupplung 2 (Temperaturbereich 2),145.4, H
IDE80106-ENG100639,Analysis 106-Betriebszeit Kupplung 2 (Temperaturbereich 3),1.6, H
IDE80106-ENG103433,Analysis 106-Betriebszeit Kupplung 2 (Temperaturbereich 4),0.3, H
IDE80107-ENG101291,Analysis 107-Betriebszeit Kupplung 1 (Momentenbereich 1),94.0, H
IDE80107-ENG104169,Analysis 107-Betriebszeit Kupplung 1 (Momentenbereich 2),65.1, H
IDE80107-ENG100021,Analysis 107-Betriebszeit Kupplung 1 (Momentenbereich 3),8.8, H
IDE80107-ENG101292,Analysis 107-Betriebszeit Kupplung 1 (Momentenbereich 4),3.2, H
IDE80107-ENG99418,Analysis 107-Betriebszeit Kupplung 1 (Momentenbereich 5),0.0, H
IDE80108-ENG99240,Analysis 108-Betriebszeit Kupplung 2 (Momentenbereich 1),56.1, H
IDE80108-ENG99973,Analysis 108-Betriebszeit Kupplung 2 (Momentenbereich 2),31.2, H
IDE80108-ENG103238,Analysis 108-Betriebszeit Kupplung 2 (Momentenbereich 3),6.0, H
IDE80108-ENG101007,Analysis 108-Betriebszeit Kupplung 2 (Momentenbereich 4),3.0, H
IDE80108-ENG101190,Analysis 108-Betriebszeit Kupplung 2 (Momentenbereich 5),0.0, H
IDE80117-MAS02330,Analysis 117-SPECIFIED condition,OFF,
IDE80117-MAS02331,Analysis 117-ACTUAL condition,Sensor ein,
IDE80118-ENG36197,Analysis 118-Snapshot 1 auxiliary transmission fluid pump motor actual speed,800, /min
IDE80119-ENG36200,Analysis 119-Snapshot 1 auxiliary transmission fluid pump motor electronics temperature,34, °C
IDE80120-ENG36199,Analysis 120-Snapshot 1 auxiliary transmission fluid pump motor current,1800, mA
IDE80121-ENG30203,Analysis 121-GOP current limitation failure status,OFF,
IDE80121-ENG30204,Analysis 121-GOP rotor position sensor failure status,OFF,
IDE80122-ENG36203,Analysis 122-Snapshot 1 auxiliary transmission fluid pump motor voltage terminal 30,11.7, V
IDE80123-ENG36198,Analysis 123-Snapshot 1 auxiliary transmission fluid pump motor commanded speed demand estimation,800, /min
IDE80124-ENG36201,Analysis 124-Snapshot 1 auxiliary transmission fluid pump motor oil pressure,1.26, bar
IDE80125-MAS02330,Analysis 125-SPECIFIED condition,OFF,
IDE80125-MAS02331,Analysis 125-ACTUAL condition,OFF,
IDE80126-ENG36204,Analysis 126-Snapshot 2 auxiliary transmission fluid pump motor actual speed,0, /min
IDE80127-ENG36206,Analysis 127-Snapshot 2 auxiliary transmission fluid pump motor electronics temperature,14, °C
IDE80128-ENG36205,Analysis 128-Snapshot 2 auxiliary transmission fluid pump motor current,0, mA
IDE80129-ENG30203,Analysis 129-GOP current limitation failure status,OFF,
IDE80129-ENG30204,Analysis 129-GOP rotor position sensor failure status,OFF,
IDE80130-ENG36208,Analysis 130-Snapshot 2 auxiliary transmission fluid pump motor voltage terminal 30,10.1, V
IDE80131-ENG36204,Analysis 131-Snapshot 2 auxiliary transmission fluid pump motor actual speed,0, /min
IDE80132-ENG36207,Analysis 132-Snapshot 2 auxiliary transmission fluid pump motor oil pressure,0.00, bar
IDE80133-ENG36202,Analysis 133-Snapshot 1 auxiliary transmission fluid pump motor valve actual current,0, mA
IDE80134-ENG36202,Analysis 134-Snapshot 1 auxiliary transmission fluid pump motor valve actual current,0, mA
IDE80137-ENG36819,Analysis 137-Mode A FID event memory entry 1,FF FF,
IDE80137-ENG36820,Analysis 137-Mode A FID event memory entry 2,FF FF,
IDE80137-ENG36821,Analysis 137-Mode A FID event memory entry 3,FF FF,
IDE80137-ENG36822,Analysis 137-Mode A FID event memory entry 4,FF FF,
IDE80276-ENG127854,Current vehicle odometer reading-Current vehicle mileage,30675, km
IDE80277-ENG127828,Neutral due to driver's workplace oper: veh odom.read.-Driver registration procedure condition vehicle mileage,0, km
IDE80278-ENG127882,Driver logon procedure: vehicle odometer reading-Driver registration procedure vehicle mileage,29530, km
IDE80279-ENG127826,Driver logon procedure: cause-Driver registration procedure cause,1,
IDE80280-ENG127827,Driver logon procedure: wave-Driver registration procedure shaft,0,
IDE80282-ENG114823,Clutch 1 Adaption basic charac. point 0 moment-Clutch 1 adaption basic characteristic point 0 torque,0.0, Nm
IDE80283-ENG114819,Clutch 1 Adaption basic charac. point 1 moment-Clutch 1 adaption basic characteristic point 1 torque,100.0, Nm
IDE80284-ENG114822,Clutch 1 Adaption basic charac. point 2 moment-Clutch 1 adaption basic characteristic point 2 torque,420.0, Nm
IDE80285-ENG114815,Clutch 1 Adaption basic charac. point 3 moment-Clutch 1 adaption basic characteristic point 3 torque,500.0, Nm
IDE80287-ENG127832,Clutch 1 Friction value correction factor-Clutch 1 frictional correction factor,100.0, %
IDE80288-ENG114818,Clutch 1 Characteristic line shift-Clutch 1 characteristic shift,0.00, mm
IDE80289-ENG114806,Clutch 2 Adaption basic charac. point 0 moment-Clutch 2 adaption basic characteristic point 0 torque,0.0, Nm
IDE80290-ENG114810,Clutch 2 Adaption basic charac. point 1 moment-Clutch 2 adaption basic characteristic point 1 torque,100.0, Nm
IDE80291-ENG114821,Clutch 2 Adaption basic charac. point 2 moment-Clutch 2 adaption basic characteristic point 2 torque,420.0, Nm
IDE80292-ENG114809,Clutch 2 Adaption basic charac. point 3 moment-Clutch 2 adaption basic characteristic point 3 torque,500.0, Nm
IDE80294-ENG127876,Clutch 2 Friction value correction factor-Clutch 2 frictional correction factor,100.0, %
IDE80295-ENG114808,Clutch 2 Characteristic line shift-Clutch 2 characteristic shift,0.00, mm
IDE80296-ENG127853,Clutch 1 adaption kiss point part 1 success counter-Clutch 1 adaption part 1 positive case counter,254,
IDE80297-ENG127883,Clutch 1 Adaption kiss point part 1: vehicle odometer reading-Clutch 1 adaption part 1 vehicle mileage,30610, km
IDE80298-ENG127880,Clutch 2 adaption kiss point part 1 success counter-Clutch 2 adaption part 1 positive case counter,607,
IDE80299-ENG127884,Clutch 2 Adaption kiss point part 1: vehicle odometer reading-Clutch 2 adaption part 1 vehicle mileage,30610, km
IDE80303-ENG127833,Overall software description-Software full name,K24,
IDE80305-ENG125922,Parameter set description-Data set name,FL_0GC300020G_2403_MlDO.par,
IDE80307-ENG127879,Clutch 1 Adaption kiss point part 1: remaining fast adaptations-Clutch 1 adaption part 1 remaining fastadaptions,0,
IDE80308-ENG127881,Clutch 2 Adaption kiss point part 1: remaining fast adaptations-Clutch 2 adaption part 1 remaining fastadaptions,0,
ENG98625-ENG103724,Accelerator position: qualification-Accelerator pedal position: qualification,OK,
ENG100091,Ambient temperature,13, °C
ENG26477,Anzahl Launch Control Anfahrt,93,
ENG26429-ENG130284,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 1 DKSW-Call-Stack-Element 0,E4 63 0E 00,
ENG26429-ENG130285,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 1 DKSW-Call-Stack-Element 1,E4 63 0E 00,
ENG26429-ENG130286,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 1 DKSW-Call-Stack-Element 2,E4 63 0E 00,
ENG26429-ENG130287,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 1 DKSW-Call-Stack-Element 3,E4 63 0E 00,
ENG26429-ENG30200,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 1 DKSW-Data_Extended 1,F1 02 01 04,
ENG26429-ENG36152,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 1 DKSW-Data_Extended 2,2,
ENG26429-ENG36153,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 1 DKSW-Data_Extended 3,0,
ENG26429-ENG30201,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 1 DKSW-Data_Extended 4,0,
ENG26429-ENG30202,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 1 DKSW-Data_Extended 5,0,
ENG26429-ENG36154,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 1 DKSW-Data_Extended 6,4,
ENG26429-ENG130283,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 1 DKSW-Gesamt-Software-Version,K24,
ENG26429-ENG28937,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 1 DKSW-Häufigkeit,1,
ENG26429-ENG130295,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 1 DKSW-Klemme 15-Spannung,5.2, V
ENG26429-ENG130296,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 1 DKSW-Klemme 30-Spannung,5.2, V
ENG26429-ENG130297,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 1 DKSW-Mechatroniktemperatur,33, °C
ENG26429-ENG98689,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 1 DKSW-Odometer reading,627210, km
ENG26429-ENG130291,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 1 DKSW-Reset Quelle,10,
ENG26429-ENG112343,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 1 DKSW-Reset Status,0,
ENG26429-ENG130293,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 1 DKSW-Reset Typ,1,
ENG26429-ENG130300,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 1 DKSW-Status des Eintrags,BB,
ENG26429-ENG130299,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 1 DKSW-Uds-Lesestatus des Eintrages,0,
ENG26430-ENG130284,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 2 DKSW-Call-Stack-Element 0,00 00 00 00,
ENG26430-ENG130285,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 2 DKSW-Call-Stack-Element 1,00 00 00 00,
ENG26430-ENG130286,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 2 DKSW-Call-Stack-Element 2,00 00 00 00,
ENG26430-ENG130287,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 2 DKSW-Call-Stack-Element 3,00 00 00 00,
ENG26430-ENG30200,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 2 DKSW-Data_Extended 1,00 00 00 00,
ENG26430-ENG36152,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 2 DKSW-Data_Extended 2,0,
ENG26430-ENG36153,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 2 DKSW-Data_Extended 3,0,
ENG26430-ENG30201,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 2 DKSW-Data_Extended 4,0,
ENG26430-ENG30202,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 2 DKSW-Data_Extended 5,0,
ENG26430-ENG36154,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 2 DKSW-Data_Extended 6,0,
ENG26430-ENG130283,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 2 DKSW-Gesamt-Software-Version,,
ENG26430-ENG28937,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 2 DKSW-Häufigkeit,0,
ENG26430-ENG130295,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 2 DKSW-Klemme 15-Spannung,51.0, V
ENG26430-ENG130296,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 2 DKSW-Klemme 30-Spannung,51.0, V
ENG26430-ENG130297,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 2 DKSW-Mechatroniktemperatur,215, °C
ENG26430-ENG98689,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 2 DKSW-Odometer reading,655350, km
ENG26430-ENG130291,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 2 DKSW-Reset Quelle,0,
ENG26430-ENG112343,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 2 DKSW-Reset Status,0,
ENG26430-ENG130293,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 2 DKSW-Reset Typ,0,
ENG26430-ENG130300,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 2 DKSW-Status des Eintrags,FF,
ENG26430-ENG130299,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 2 DKSW-Uds-Lesestatus des Eintrages,1,
ENG26431-ENG130284,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 3 DKSW-Call-Stack-Element 0,00 00 00 00,
ENG26431-ENG130285,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 3 DKSW-Call-Stack-Element 1,00 00 00 00,
ENG26431-ENG130286,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 3 DKSW-Call-Stack-Element 2,00 00 00 00,
ENG26431-ENG130287,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 3 DKSW-Call-Stack-Element 3,00 00 00 00,
ENG26431-ENG30200,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 3 DKSW-Data_Extended 1,00 00 00 00,
ENG26431-ENG36152,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 3 DKSW-Data_Extended 2,0,
ENG26431-ENG36153,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 3 DKSW-Data_Extended 3,0,
ENG26431-ENG30201,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 3 DKSW-Data_Extended 4,0,
ENG26431-ENG30202,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 3 DKSW-Data_Extended 5,0,
ENG26431-ENG36154,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 3 DKSW-Data_Extended 6,0,
ENG26431-ENG130283,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 3 DKSW-Gesamt-Software-Version,,
ENG26431-ENG28937,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 3 DKSW-Häufigkeit,0,
ENG26431-ENG130295,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 3 DKSW-Klemme 15-Spannung,51.0, V
ENG26431-ENG130296,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 3 DKSW-Klemme 30-Spannung,51.0, V
ENG26431-ENG130297,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 3 DKSW-Mechatroniktemperatur,215, °C
ENG26431-ENG98689,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 3 DKSW-Odometer reading,655350, km
ENG26431-ENG130291,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 3 DKSW-Reset Quelle,0,
ENG26431-ENG112343,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 3 DKSW-Reset Status,0,
ENG26431-ENG130293,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 3 DKSW-Reset Typ,0,
ENG26431-ENG130300,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 3 DKSW-Status des Eintrags,FF,
ENG26431-ENG130299,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 3 DKSW-Uds-Lesestatus des Eintrages,1,
ENG26432-ENG130284,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 4 DKSW-Call-Stack-Element 0,00 00 00 00,
ENG26432-ENG130285,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 4 DKSW-Call-Stack-Element 1,00 00 00 00,
ENG26432-ENG130286,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 4 DKSW-Call-Stack-Element 2,00 00 00 00,
ENG26432-ENG130287,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 4 DKSW-Call-Stack-Element 3,00 00 00 00,
ENG26432-ENG30200,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 4 DKSW-Data_Extended 1,00 00 00 00,
ENG26432-ENG36152,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 4 DKSW-Data_Extended 2,0,
ENG26432-ENG36153,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 4 DKSW-Data_Extended 3,0,
ENG26432-ENG30201,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 4 DKSW-Data_Extended 4,0,
ENG26432-ENG30202,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 4 DKSW-Data_Extended 5,0,
ENG26432-ENG36154,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 4 DKSW-Data_Extended 6,0,
ENG26432-ENG130283,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 4 DKSW-Gesamt-Software-Version,,
ENG26432-ENG28937,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 4 DKSW-Häufigkeit,0,
ENG26432-ENG130295,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 4 DKSW-Klemme 15-Spannung,51.0, V
ENG26432-ENG130296,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 4 DKSW-Klemme 30-Spannung,51.0, V
ENG26432-ENG130297,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 4 DKSW-Mechatroniktemperatur,215, °C
ENG26432-ENG98689,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 4 DKSW-Odometer reading,655350, km
ENG26432-ENG130291,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 4 DKSW-Reset Quelle,0,
ENG26432-ENG112343,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 4 DKSW-Reset Status,0,
ENG26432-ENG130293,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 4 DKSW-Reset Typ,0,
ENG26432-ENG130300,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 4 DKSW-Status des Eintrags,FF,
ENG26432-ENG130299,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 4 DKSW-Uds-Lesestatus des Eintrages,1,
ENG26433-ENG130284,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 5 DKSW-Call-Stack-Element 0,00 00 00 00,
ENG26433-ENG130285,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 5 DKSW-Call-Stack-Element 1,00 00 00 00,
ENG26433-ENG130286,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 5 DKSW-Call-Stack-Element 2,00 00 00 00,
ENG26433-ENG130287,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 5 DKSW-Call-Stack-Element 3,00 00 00 00,
ENG26433-ENG30200,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 5 DKSW-Data_Extended 1,00 00 00 00,
ENG26433-ENG36152,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 5 DKSW-Data_Extended 2,0,
ENG26433-ENG36153,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 5 DKSW-Data_Extended 3,0,
ENG26433-ENG30201,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 5 DKSW-Data_Extended 4,0,
ENG26433-ENG30202,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 5 DKSW-Data_Extended 5,0,
ENG26433-ENG36154,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 5 DKSW-Data_Extended 6,0,
ENG26433-ENG130283,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 5 DKSW-Gesamt-Software-Version,,
ENG26433-ENG28937,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 5 DKSW-Häufigkeit,0,
ENG26433-ENG130295,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 5 DKSW-Klemme 15-Spannung,51.0, V
ENG26433-ENG130296,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 5 DKSW-Klemme 30-Spannung,51.0, V
ENG26433-ENG130297,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 5 DKSW-Mechatroniktemperatur,215, °C
ENG26433-ENG98689,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 5 DKSW-Odometer reading,655350, km
ENG26433-ENG130291,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 5 DKSW-Reset Quelle,0,
ENG26433-ENG112343,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 5 DKSW-Reset Status,0,
ENG26433-ENG130293,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 5 DKSW-Reset Typ,0,
ENG26433-ENG130300,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 5 DKSW-Status des Eintrags,FF,
ENG26433-ENG130299,Ausgabe der Abschalt- und Resetdaten 5 DKSW-Uds-Lesestatus des Eintrages,1,
ENG99187,CAN version,0,
ENG98482-ENG99180,Checksum of flash-Calibration Checksumme,79 F6 30 28,
ENG98482-ENG100495,Checksum of flash-Cboot Checksumme,F0 51 F1 13,
ENG98482-ENG100117,Checksum of flash-Checksumme ECU + CAL,FC 49 A8 E8,
ENG98482-ENG102221,Checksum of flash-ECU Checksumme,82 53 78 C0,
ENG101012,Clutch 1 adaption basic characteristic point 0 position,2.34, bar
ENG102187,Clutch 1 adaption basic characteristic point 1 position,4.41, bar
ENG99501,Clutch 1 adaption basic characteristic point 2 position,13.32, bar
ENG99792,Clutch 1 adaption basic characteristic point 3 position,14.00, bar
ENG103827,Clutch 1 adaption basic characteristic range 1 quick adaptions remaining km,0, km
ENG99333,Clutch 1 adaption basic characteristic range 2 quick adaptions remaining km,0, km
ENG102537,Clutch 1 adaption basic characteristic range 3 quick adaptions remaining km,0, km
ENG110529,Clutch 1 adaption kiss point part 1 fault cause,00 00 00 00,
ENG110528,Clutch 1 adaption kiss point part 1 fault cause cumulative,00 00 00 00,
ENG110530,Clutch 1 adaption kiss point part 1 fault counter,0,
ENG104250,Clutch 2 adaption basic characteristic point 0 position,2.17, bar
ENG100941,Clutch 2 adaption basic characteristic point 1 position,4.14, bar
ENG99957,Clutch 2 adaption basic characteristic point 2 position,12.68, bar
ENG99481,Clutch 2 adaption basic characteristic point 3 position,14.00, bar
ENG102732,Clutch 2 adaption basic characteristic range 1 quick adaptions remaining km,0, km
ENG101931,Clutch 2 adaption basic characteristic range 2 quick adaptions remaining km,0, km
ENG100136,Clutch 2 adaption basic characteristic range 3 quick adaptions remaining km,0, km
ENG110535,Clutch 2 adaption kiss point part 1 fault cause,00 00 00 00,
ENG110534,Clutch 2 adaption kiss point part 1 fault cause cumulative,00 00 00 00,
ENG110536,Clutch 2 adaption kiss point part 1 fault counter,0,
ENG102882,Clutch adaptation kiss-point fast adaptation remaining km tr,0, km
ENG103186,Clutch center central plate temperature,46, °C
ENG107241-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_Clutch_1C0-Koeffizient,48.071,
ENG107242-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_Clutch_1C1-Koeffizient,68.885,
ENG107243-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_Clutch_1C2-Koeffizient,-56.129,
ENG107244-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_Clutch_1C3-Koeffizient,36.041,
ENG107245-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_Clutch_2C0-Koeffizient,93.071,
ENG107246-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_Clutch_2C1-Koeffizient,71.039,
ENG107247-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_Clutch_2C2-Koeffizient,-109.007,
ENG107248-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_Clutch_2C3-Koeffizient,17.010,
ENG107249-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_Cool_C0-Koeffizient,713.930,
ENG107250-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_Cool_C1-Koeffizient,359.544,
ENG107251-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_Cool_C2-Koeffizient,0.221,
ENG107252-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_Cool_C3-Koeffizient,-17.146,
ENG107253-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_Cool_C4-Koeffizient,-1.246,
ENG107254-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_Cool_Qmax-Koeffizient,25.425,
ENG107255-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_CutOff_ OddC0-Koeffizient,226.924,
ENG107256-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_CutOff_ OddC1-Koeffizient,-0.105,
ENG107257-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_CutOff_ OddC2-Koeffizient,42.617,
ENG107258-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_CutOff_Even_C0-Koeffizient,156.285,
ENG107259-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_CutOff_Even_C1-Koeffizient,-0.082,
ENG107260-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_CutOff_Even_C2-Koeffizient,27.850,
ENG107261-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_CutOff_Even_C3-Koeffizient,0.271,
ENG107262-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_CutOff_Even_C4-Koeffizient,55.497,
ENG107263-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_CutOff_OddC3-Koeffizient,-0.062,
ENG107264-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_CutOff_OddC4-Koeffizient,7.821,
ENG107265-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_FlwC0_Even_ABw-Koeffizient,671.429,
ENG107266-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_FlwC0_Even_AFw-Koeffizient,894.603,
ENG107267-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_FlwC0_Even_BBw-Koeffizient,682.174,
ENG107268-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_FlwC0_Even_BFw-Koeffizient,896.651,
ENG107269-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_FlwC0_OddABw-Koeffizient,682.044,
ENG107270-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_FlwC0_OddAFw-Koeffizient,883.314,
ENG107271-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_FlwC0_OddBBw-Koeffizient,710.783,
ENG107272-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_FlwC0_OddBFw-Koeffizient,887.752,
ENG107273-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_FlwC1_Even_ABw-Koeffizient,38.360,
ENG107274-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_FlwC1_Even_AFw-Koeffizient,54.430,
ENG107275-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_FlwC1_Even_BBw-Koeffizient,41.360,
ENG107276-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_FlwC1_Even_BFw-Koeffizient,58.087,
ENG107277-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_FlwC1_OddABw-Koeffizient,30.997,
ENG107278-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_FlwC1_OddAFw-Koeffizient,63.756,
ENG107279-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_FlwC1_OddBBw-Koeffizient,20.818,
ENG107280-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_FlwC1_OddBFw-Koeffizient,53.793,
ENG107281-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_FlwC2_Even_ABw-Koeffizient,11.811,
ENG107282-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_FlwC2_Even_AFw-Koeffizient,7.439,
ENG107283-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_FlwC2_Even_BBw-Koeffizient,13.019,
ENG107284-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_FlwC2_Even_BFw-Koeffizient,9.431,
ENG107285-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_FlwC2_OddABw-Koeffizient,10.195,
ENG107286-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_FlwC2_OddAFw-Koeffizient,13.508,
ENG107287-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_FlwC2_OddBBw-Koeffizient,5.681,
ENG107288-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_FlwC2_OddBFw-Koeffizient,8.272,
ENG107289-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_FlwC3_Even_ABw-Koeffizient,2.499,
ENG107290-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_FlwC3_Even_AFw-Koeffizient,7.513,
ENG107291-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_FlwC3_Even_BBw-Koeffizient,-1.615,
ENG107292-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_FlwC3_Even_BFw-Koeffizient,-8.435,
ENG107293-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_FlwC3_OddABw-Koeffizient,-32.155,
ENG107294-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_FlwC3_OddAFw-Koeffizient,-34.296,
ENG107295-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_FlwC3_OddBBw-Koeffizient,-54.059,
ENG107296-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_FlwC3_OddBFw-Koeffizient,3.483,
ENG107297-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_Line_C0-Koeffizient,-6.246,
ENG107298-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_Line_C1-Koeffizient,1208.077,
ENG107299-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_Line_C2-Koeffizient,-42.857,
ENG107300-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_Line_C3-Koeffizient,0.042,
ENG107301-ENG103334,Coefficient vmd_k_Line_C4-Koeffizient,1.000,
ENG99212,Common highside 1 specified condition,Common Highside soll eingeschaltet werden,
ENG99878,Common highside 2 specified condition,Common Highside soll eingeschaltet werden,
ENG103403,Converter Loss Torque,1.9, Nm
ENG100625,Coolant temperature,99, °C
ENG26438-ENG36192,Daten des Lebensdauermodells der K1-Reibarbeit gewichtet,723.0, mJ
ENG26438-ENG36193,Daten des Lebensdauermodells der K1-Reibarbeit gewichtet HR,116754.5, J
ENG26438-ENG36194,Daten des Lebensdauermodells der K1-Reibarbeit ungewichtet,723.0, mJ
ENG26438-ENG36195,Daten des Lebensdauermodells der K1-Reibarbeit ungewichtet HR,116754.5, J
ENG26438-ENG30210,Daten des Lebensdauermodells der K1-Reibwertkorrekturfaktor Lebensmodell,0.0, %
ENG26439-ENG36192,Daten des Lebensdauermodells der K2-Reibarbeit gewichtet,618.0, mJ
ENG26439-ENG36193,Daten des Lebensdauermodells der K2-Reibarbeit gewichtet HR,421976.6, J
ENG26439-ENG36194,Daten des Lebensdauermodells der K2-Reibarbeit ungewichtet,618.0, mJ
ENG26439-ENG36195,Daten des Lebensdauermodells der K2-Reibarbeit ungewichtet HR,421976.6, J
ENG26439-ENG30210,Daten des Lebensdauermodells der K2-Reibwertkorrekturfaktor Lebensmodell,0.0, %
ENG104016,Designation VWDQ-Lib,K23D02,
ENG98602,Driver intention torque,0.0, Nm
ENG100746,Driving strategy: sport factor,0.0, %
ENG99932,Engine coding info,69,
ENG98756,Engine torque,18.0, Nm
ENG104230,Engine torque loss,18.0, Nm
ENG106287-ENG104036,Enriched maximum temperature clutch 1-Erreichte Maximaltemperatur Kupplung 1,328, °C
ENG106287-ENG103379,Enriched maximum temperature clutch 1-Erreichte Maximaltemperatur Kupplung 2,397, °C
ENG123019-ENG99024,Fahrgeschwindigkeit vom Getriebe-Vehicle speed from transmission,0.0, km/h
ENG100414,Gangsteller A Adaption Neutralposition,-0.5, mm
ENG100089,Gangsteller B Adaption Neutralposition,-0.2, mm
ENG103055,Gangsteller C Adaption Neutralposition,0.0, mm
ENG101354,Gangsteller D Adaption Neutralposition,0.6, mm
ENG110510,Gear actuator adaption engaged position G1,-9.0, mm
ENG110511,Gear actuator adaption engaged position G2,-9.3, mm
ENG110512,Gear actuator adaption engaged position G3,9.7, mm
ENG99484,Gear actuator adaption engaged position G4,9.7, mm
ENG110513,Gear actuator adaption engaged position G5,8.5, mm
ENG110514,Gear actuator adaption engaged position G6,8.8, mm
ENG110515,Gear actuator adaption engaged position G7,-9.6, mm
ENG110516,Gear actuator adaption engaged position GR,-8.7, mm
ENG110517,Gear actuator adaption synchro position G1,-2.6, mm
ENG110518,Gear actuator adaption synchro position G2,-2.3, mm
ENG110519,Gear actuator adaption synchro position G3,2.2, mm
ENG99198,Gear actuator adaption synchro position G4,2.7, mm
ENG110520,Gear actuator adaption synchro position G5,1.3, mm
ENG110521,Gear actuator adaption synchro position G6,1.7, mm
ENG110522,Gear actuator adaption synchro position G7,-1.7, mm
ENG110523,Gear actuator adaption synchro position GR,-1.2, mm
ENG26442-ENG30213,Gear_ratio_control-Status 1-Gang,Übersetzung i.O.,
ENG26442-ENG30214,Gear_ratio_control-Status 2-Gang,Übersetzung i.O.,
ENG26442-ENG30215,Gear_ratio_control-Status 3-Gang,Übersetzung i.O.,
ENG26442-ENG30216,Gear_ratio_control-Status 4-Gang,Übersetzung i.O.,
ENG26442-ENG30217,Gear_ratio_control-Status 5-Gang,Übersetzung i.O.,
ENG26442-ENG30218,Gear_ratio_control-Status 6-Gang,Übersetzung i.O.,
ENG26442-ENG30219,Gear_ratio_control-Status 7-Gang,Übersetzung i.O.,
ENG26442-ENG30220,Gear_ratio_control-Status R-Gang,Übersetzung i.O.,
ENG26442-ENG36209,Gear_ratio_control-Übersetzung 1-Gang,14.166,
ENG26442-ENG36210,Gear_ratio_control-Übersetzung 2-Gang,8.587,
ENG26442-ENG36211,Gear_ratio_control-Übersetzung 3-Gang,5.507,
ENG26442-ENG36212,Gear_ratio_control-Übersetzung 4-Gang,3.847,
ENG26442-ENG36213,Gear_ratio_control-Übersetzung 5-Gang,2.933,
ENG26442-ENG36214,Gear_ratio_control-Übersetzung 6-Gang,2.355,
ENG26442-ENG36215,Gear_ratio_control-Übersetzung 7-Gang,1.981,
ENG26442-ENG36216,Gear_ratio_control-Übersetzung R-Gang,12.116,
ENG26443-ENG36155,Grenzwertvorgaben der Grundeinmessung Gangsteller-Max-Wert der GS-15-Endlage Seite_A,7.7, mm
ENG26443-ENG36156,Grenzwertvorgaben der Grundeinmessung Gangsteller-Max-Wert der GS-15-Endlage Seite_B,-76.8, mm
ENG26443-ENG36157,Grenzwertvorgaben der Grundeinmessung Gangsteller-Max-Wert der GS-15-Synchronlage Seite_A,-48.6, mm
ENG26443-ENG36158,Grenzwertvorgaben der Grundeinmessung Gangsteller-Max-Wert der GS-15-Synchronlage Seite_B,-30.7, mm
ENG26443-ENG36159,Grenzwertvorgaben der Grundeinmessung Gangsteller-Max-Wert der GS-26-Endlage Seite_A,7.7, mm
ENG26443-ENG36160,Grenzwertvorgaben der Grundeinmessung Gangsteller-Max-Wert der GS-26-Endlage Seite_B,-76.8, mm
ENG26443-ENG36161,Grenzwertvorgaben der Grundeinmessung Gangsteller-Max-Wert der GS-26-Synchronlage Seite_A,-48.6, mm
ENG26443-ENG36162,Grenzwertvorgaben der Grundeinmessung Gangsteller-Max-Wert der GS-26-Synchronlage Seite_B,-30.7, mm
ENG26443-ENG36163,Grenzwertvorgaben der Grundeinmessung Gangsteller-Max-Wert der GS-73-Endlage Seite_A,7.7, mm
ENG26443-ENG36164,Grenzwertvorgaben der Grundeinmessung Gangsteller-Max-Wert der GS-73-Endlage Seite_B,-76.8, mm
ENG26443-ENG36165,Grenzwertvorgaben der Grundeinmessung Gangsteller-Max-Wert der GS-73-Synchronlage Seite_A,-48.6, mm
ENG26443-ENG36166,Grenzwertvorgaben der Grundeinmessung Gangsteller-Max-Wert der GS-73-Synchronlage Seite_B,-30.7, mm
ENG26443-ENG36167,Grenzwertvorgaben der Grundeinmessung Gangsteller-Max-Wert der GS-R4-Endlage Seite_A,7.7, mm
ENG26443-ENG36168,Grenzwertvorgaben der Grundeinmessung Gangsteller-Max-Wert der GS-R4-Endlage Seite_B,-76.8, mm
ENG26443-ENG36169,Grenzwertvorgaben der Grundeinmessung Gangsteller-Max-Wert der GS-R4-Synchronlage Seite_A,-48.6, mm
ENG26443-ENG36170,Grenzwertvorgaben der Grundeinmessung Gangsteller-Max-Wert der GS-R4-Synchronlage Seite_B,-30.7, mm
ENG26443-ENG36174,Grenzwertvorgaben der Grundeinmessung Gangsteller-Min-Wert der GS-15-Endlage Seite_A,79.3, mm
ENG26443-ENG36175,Grenzwertvorgaben der Grundeinmessung Gangsteller-Min-Wert der GS-15-Endlage Seite_B,-5.1, mm
ENG26443-ENG36176,Grenzwertvorgaben der Grundeinmessung Gangsteller-Min-Wert der GS-15-Synchronlage Seite_A,33.3, mm
ENG26443-ENG36177,Grenzwertvorgaben der Grundeinmessung Gangsteller-Min-Wert der GS-15-Synchronlage Seite_B,51.2, mm
ENG26443-ENG36178,Grenzwertvorgaben der Grundeinmessung Gangsteller-Min-Wert der GS-26-Endlage Seite_A,79.3, mm
ENG26443-ENG36179,Grenzwertvorgaben der Grundeinmessung Gangsteller-Min-Wert der GS-26-Endlage Seite_B,-5.1, mm
ENG26443-ENG36180,Grenzwertvorgaben der Grundeinmessung Gangsteller-Min-Wert der GS-26-Synchronlage Seite_A,33.3, mm
ENG26443-ENG36181,Grenzwertvorgaben der Grundeinmessung Gangsteller-Min-Wert der GS-26-Synchronlage Seite_B,51.2, mm
ENG26443-ENG36182,Grenzwertvorgaben der Grundeinmessung Gangsteller-Min-Wert der GS-73-Endlage Seite_A,79.3, mm
ENG26443-ENG36183,Grenzwertvorgaben der Grundeinmessung Gangsteller-Min-Wert der GS-73-Endlage Seite_B,-5.1, mm
ENG26443-ENG36184,Grenzwertvorgaben der Grundeinmessung Gangsteller-Min-Wert der GS-73-Synchronlage Seite_A,33.3, mm
ENG26443-ENG36185,Grenzwertvorgaben der Grundeinmessung Gangsteller-Min-Wert der GS-73-Synchronlage Seite_B,51.2, mm
ENG26443-ENG36186,Grenzwertvorgaben der Grundeinmessung Gangsteller-Min-Wert der GS-R4-Endlage Seite_A,79.3, mm
ENG26443-ENG36187,Grenzwertvorgaben der Grundeinmessung Gangsteller-Min-Wert der GS-R4-Endlage Seite_B,-5.1, mm
ENG26443-ENG36188,Grenzwertvorgaben der Grundeinmessung Gangsteller-Min-Wert der GS-R4-Synchronlage Seite_A,33.3, mm
ENG26443-ENG36189,Grenzwertvorgaben der Grundeinmessung Gangsteller-Min-Wert der GS-R4-Synchronlage Seite_B,51.2, mm
ENG26444-ENG36171,Grenzwertvorgaben der Grundeinmessung Kupplung-Max-Wert des Kisspoints Kupplung_1,240.6, bar
ENG26444-ENG36172,Grenzwertvorgaben der Grundeinmessung Kupplung-Max-Wert des Kisspoints Kupplung_2,240.6, bar
ENG26444-ENG36190,Grenzwertvorgaben der Grundeinmessung Kupplung-Min-Wert des Kisspoints Kupplung_1,307.2, bar
ENG26444-ENG36191,Grenzwertvorgaben der Grundeinmessung Kupplung-Min-Wert des Kisspoints Kupplung_2,281.6, bar
ENG99720,Height info,827, mbar
ENG98604,Hill factor driving strategy,0.0, %
ENG99596,Indicated engine torque without external interventions,16.0, Nm
ENG99582,Intake air temperature,63, °C
ENG110538,Kupplung 2 Adaption Kupplungsendlage (KEL) geschlossen,15.00, bar
ENG110539,Kupplung 2 Adaption Kupplungsendlage (KEL) offen,0.00, bar
ENG110556-ENG110541,Leak oil compensation K1-Abbruch Zähler K1 Drucküberwachung,63,
ENG110556-ENG110542,Leak oil compensation K1-Abbruch Zähler K1 Solldruckintegral zu groß,0,
ENG110556-ENG110543,Leak oil compensation K1-Abbruch Zähler K1 Solldruckintegral zu klein,3515,
ENG110556-ENG120771,Leak oil compensation K1-Erfolgreiche K1 Leckölkompensationen,1666,
ENG110557-ENG110545,Leak oil compensation K2-Abbruch Zähler K2 Drucküberwachung,24,
ENG110557-ENG110546,Leak oil compensation K2-Abbruch Zähler K2 Solldruckintegral zu groß,0,
ENG110557-ENG110547,Leak oil compensation K2-Abbruch Zähler K2 Solldruckintegral zu klein,1,
ENG110557-ENG110544,Leak oil compensation K2-Erfolgreiche K2 Leckölkompensationen,5563,
ENG107605-ENG98675,Mechatronics-ID_Dev.-Construction version,N2,
ENG107605-ENG104192,Mechatronics-ID_Dev.-Kennung der Mechatronik-Montagelinie,D05,
ENG107605-ENG103525,Mechatronics-ID_Dev.-Teilenummer (3 letzten + Index),0GCE_,
ENG111613-ENG101555,Motordrehmoment Begrenzung-Engine torque limitation,316.0, Nm
ENG104079,Odometer state: last chng GE clutch mov press. char. curve,4294967295, km
ENG105329-ENG101124,Operating time CU (temp range 1-6) / operating time CU (temp-Betriebszeit STG (Temperaturbereich 1),1.6, H
ENG105329-ENG100216,Operating time CU (temp range 1-6) / operating time CU (temp-Betriebszeit STG (Temperaturbereich 2),508.2, H
ENG105329-ENG103067,Operating time CU (temp range 1-6) / operating time CU (temp-Betriebszeit STG (Temperaturbereich 3),203.3, H
ENG105329-ENG101168,Operating time CU (temp range 1-6) / operating time CU (temp-Betriebszeit STG (Temperaturbereich 4),3.8, H
ENG105329-ENG104150,Operating time CU (temp range 1-6) / operating time CU (temp-Betriebszeit STG (Temperaturbereich 5),0.0, H
ENG105329-ENG100130,Operating time CU (temp range 1-6) / operating time CU (temp-Betriebszeit STG (Temperaturbereich 6),0.0, H
ENG100188,Reached maximum temperature control module,108, °C
ENG123020-ENG102793,Rollwiderstand-Road Resistance,0.3, %
ENG103000,Run time complete system,716.9708, H
ENG102748,Selector lever error flags,00 00,
ENG100909,Snapshot 1 Info current ECM3 error 0,0,
ENG100722,Snapshot 1 Info current ECM3 error 1,0,
ENG103157,Snapshot 1 Info old ECM3 error 0,0,
ENG99098,Snapshot 1 Info old ECM3 error 1,0,
ENG102200,Snapshot 2 Info current ECM3 error 0,0,
ENG101765,Snapshot 2 Info current ECM3 error 1,0,
ENG101738,Snapshot 2 Info old ECM3 error 0,0,
ENG101881,Snapshot 2 Info old ECM3 error 1,0,
ENG101057,Specified idle speed,820, /min
ENG100803,Speed: output,0, /min
ENG100141,Transmission coding info,24,
ENG106780-ENG103213,Transmission-ID_Dev.-Aggregatekennzeichnung (Getriebe),006,
ENG106780-ENG101707,Transmission-ID_Dev.-Kennung der Montagelinie,D07,
ENG103964,Veh. odometer state: last change of GE gear selector data,19150, km
ENG101346,Version info driving strategy,FBJRMSHEH.039,
ENG109959-ENG101914,vmd_i_FlwVlvCurMin_mA_EvenA-vmd i FlwVlvCurMin mA EvenA,487,
ENG109960-ENG104144,vmd_i_FlwVlvCurMin_mA_EvenB-vmd i FlwVlvCurMin mA EvenB,494,
ENG109961-ENG101870,vmd_i_FlwVlvCurMin_mA_OddA-vmd i FlwVlvCurMin mA OddA,470,
ENG109962-ENG102688,vmd_i_FlwVlvCurMin_mA_OddB-vmd i FlwVlvCurMin mA OddB,495,
ENG109963-ENG103264,vmd_i_NulFlw_mA_Even_ABw-vmd i NulFlw mA Even ABw,703,
ENG109964-ENG100102,vmd_i_NulFlw_mA_Even_AFw-vmd i NulFlw mA Even AFw,883,
ENG109965-ENG103659,vmd_i_NulFlw_mA_Even_BBw-vmd i NulFlw mA Even BBw,716,
ENG109966-ENG100519,vmd_i_NulFlw_mA_Even_BFw-vmd i NulFlw mA Even BFw,870,
ENG109967-ENG99410,vmd_i_NulFlw_mA_OddABw-vmd i NulFlw mA OddABw,696,
ENG109968-ENG99443,vmd_i_NulFlw_mA_OddAFw-vmd i NulFlw mA OddAFw,833,
ENG109969-ENG100167,vmd_i_NulFlw_mA_OddBBw-vmd i NulFlw mA OddBBw,702,
ENG109970-ENG99387,vmd_i_NulFlw_mA_OddBFw-vmd i NulFlw mA OddBFw,870,
ENG109971-ENG103334,vmd_k_Line_PmaxKoeffizient vmd_k_Line_Pmax-Koeffizient,24.455,
ENG109005,Voltage Common Highside 1,14.2, V
ENG99955,Voltage Common Highside 2,14.3, V
Elapsed Time: 00:40
;SW:5Q0-614-517-DR HW:5Q0-614-517-BM --- ABS Brakes
;Component:ESC H45 0108, Coding:01FA6BA150212173807C020360C56880D60A840140061676144150D1D0874B0B0000000012121212B835351919323200
;VCDS Version: Release 21.3.0 (x64) Data version: 20210226 DS325.0
;VCID: 045285DA0E906D7BABB-8050
IDE00323,Security Access: Number of invalid keys,0,
IDE00609-MAS01155,Communication status of data bus 1-Control module,Engine Electronics,
IDE00609-MAS01156,Communication status of data bus 1-Communication status,active,
IDE02270-IDE00086,CAN input signal(s) status-Accelerator pedal position,0, %
IDE02270-IDE02049,CAN input signal(s) status-Trailer detected,Malfunction,
IDE02270-IDE02713,CAN input signal(s) status-Brake lamp switch,Not operated,
IDE02270-MAS00025,CAN input signal(s) status-Driver seat belt switch,not connected,
IDE02270-MAS00218,CAN input signal(s) status-Driver door,closed,
IDE02270-MAS00314,CAN input signal(s) status-Clutch Pedal Switch,operated,
IDE02270-MAS00364,CAN input signal(s) status-Shift lever / selector lever position,Neutral,
IDE02270-MAS01281,CAN input signal(s) status-Back-up lamp,OFF,
IDE02270-MAS02357,CAN input signal(s) status-Vehicle identification,AU17532,
IDE02270-MAS03992,CAN input signal(s) status-Clutch pedal switch: interlock position,active,
IDE02271-IDE03311,CAN output signal(s) status-Emergency braking display,not active,
IDE02271-IDE03660,CAN output signal(s) status-Longitudinal acceleration,0.00000, m/s²
IDE02486,Data logger triggering,not active,
IDE02492,Start/Stop Function: coding information,Start-stop function in control module active,
IDE02986-IDE04431,Indicator lamps-ASR and ESP indicator lamp,OFF,
IDE02986-IDE04451,Indicator lamps-Tire press monitoring display indictor lamp,OFF,
IDE02986-IDE04498,Indicator lamps--AUTO HOLD- Indicator Lamp,Not available due to specific system,
IDE02986-IDE04771,Indicator lamps-Indicator lamp for electro-mechanical parking brake malfunction,Not available due to specific system,
IDE02986-MAS00253,Indicator lamps-ABS indicator lamp,OFF,
IDE02986-MAS00556,Indicator lamps-Electromechanical parking brake indicator lamp,Not available due to specific system,
IDE02986-MAS01206,Indicator lamps-Hill descent control indicator lamp,Not available due to specific system,
IDE02986-MAS02925,Indicator lamps-Brake system indicator lamp,OFF,
IDE02986-MAS03234,Indicator lamps-ESP_off indicator lamp,OFF,
IDE03008-IDE04446,Stop process prevented-Hill descent control,not active,
IDE03008-IDE05181,Stop process prevented-Emerg.brake,not active,
IDE03008-IDE06139,Stop process prevented-AUTO HOLD slippage recognition,not active,
IDE03008-MAS04485,Stop process prevented-ESP function deactivation,not active,
IDE03008-MAS04513,Stop process prevented-ABS control module pump running,not active,
IDE03008-MAS04515,Stop process prevented-Roll back detection,not active,
IDE03008-MAS07931,Stop process prevented-Retaining function unavailable,not active,
IDE03008-MAS07932,Stop process prevented-Inclination limit,not active,
IDE03009-IDE04446,Start process requested-Hill descent control,not active,
IDE03009-IDE06139,Start process requested-AUTO HOLD slippage recognition,not active,
IDE03009-MAS02515,Start process requested-System malfunction,not active,
IDE03009-MAS04485,Start process requested-ESP function deactivation,not active,
IDE03009-MAS04515,Start process requested-Roll back detection,not active,
IDE03010-IDE04446,Number of prevented stop processes-Hill descent control,0,
IDE03010-IDE05181,Number of prevented stop processes-Emerg.brake,1,
IDE03010-IDE06139,Number of prevented stop processes-AUTO HOLD slippage recognition,0,
IDE03010-MAS04485,Number of prevented stop processes-ESP function deactivation,488,
IDE03010-MAS04513,Number of prevented stop processes-ABS control module pump running,306,
IDE03010-MAS04515,Number of prevented stop processes-Roll back detection,0,
IDE03010-MAS07931,Number of prevented stop processes-Retaining function unavailable,9,
IDE03010-MAS07932,Number of prevented stop processes-Inclination limit,1980,
IDE03011-IDE04446,Number of requested start processes-Hill descent control,0,
IDE03011-IDE06139,Number of requested start processes-AUTO HOLD slippage recognition,0,
IDE03011-MAS02515,Number of requested start processes-System malfunction,0,
IDE03011-MAS04485,Number of requested start processes-ESP function deactivation,3,
IDE03011-MAS04515,Number of requested start processes-Roll back detection,0,
IDE03127-MAS00106,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Year,2021,
IDE03127-MAS00106,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Year,2021,
IDE03127-MAS00106,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Year,2021,
IDE03127-MAS00106,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Year,2021,
IDE03127-MAS00106,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Year,2021,
IDE03127-MAS00107,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Month,2,
IDE03127-MAS00107,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Month,3,
IDE03127-MAS00107,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Month,3,
IDE03127-MAS00107,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Month,2,
IDE03127-MAS00107,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Month,3,
IDE03127-MAS00108,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Day,26,
IDE03127-MAS00108,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Day,26,
IDE03127-MAS00108,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Day,2,
IDE03127-MAS00108,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Day,2,
IDE03127-MAS00108,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Day,2,
IDE03127-MAS00109,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Hours,16,
IDE03127-MAS00109,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Hours,23,
IDE03127-MAS00109,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Hours,16,
IDE03127-MAS00109,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Hours,16,
IDE03127-MAS00109,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Hours,22,
IDE03127-MAS00110,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Minutes,53,
IDE03127-MAS00110,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Minutes,51,
IDE03127-MAS00110,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Minutes,55,
IDE03127-MAS00110,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Minutes,44,
IDE03127-MAS00110,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Minutes,21,
IDE03127-MAS00111,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Seconds,7,
IDE03127-MAS00111,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Seconds,3,
IDE03127-MAS00111,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Seconds,19,
IDE03127-MAS00111,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Seconds,1,
IDE03127-MAS00111,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Seconds,58,
IDE03127,Prevented stop processes (ring memory),ESP function deactivation,
IDE03127,Prevented stop processes (ring memory),ESP function deactivation,
IDE03127,Prevented stop processes (ring memory),ESP function deactivation,
IDE03127,Prevented stop processes (ring memory),ESP function deactivation,
IDE03127,Prevented stop processes (ring memory),ESP function deactivation,
IDE03128-MAS00106,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Year,2019,
IDE03128-MAS00106,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Year,2020,
IDE03128-MAS00106,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Year,2126,
IDE03128-MAS00106,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Year,2019,
IDE03128-MAS00106,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Year,2000,
IDE03128-MAS00107,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Month,2,
IDE03128-MAS00107,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Month,0,
IDE03128-MAS00107,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Month,9,
IDE03128-MAS00107,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Month,5,
IDE03128-MAS00107,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Month,14,
IDE03128-MAS00108,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Day,0,
IDE03128-MAS00108,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Day,3,
IDE03128-MAS00108,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Day,26,
IDE03128-MAS00108,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Day,0,
IDE03128-MAS00108,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Day,14,
IDE03128-MAS00109,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Hours,17,
IDE03128-MAS00109,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Hours,30,
IDE03128-MAS00109,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Hours,0,
IDE03128-MAS00109,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Hours,22,
IDE03128-MAS00109,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Hours,18,
IDE03128-MAS00110,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Minutes,19,
IDE03128-MAS00110,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Minutes,62,
IDE03128-MAS00110,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Minutes,0,
IDE03128-MAS00110,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Minutes,29,
IDE03128-MAS00110,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Minutes,36,
IDE03128-MAS00111,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Seconds,0,
IDE03128-MAS00111,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Seconds,14,
IDE03128-MAS00111,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Seconds,62,
IDE03128-MAS00111,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Seconds,48,
IDE03128-MAS00111,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Seconds,26,
IDE03128,Requested start processes (ring memory),Initial value,
IDE03128,Requested start processes (ring memory),Unknown (6),
IDE03128,Requested start processes (ring memory),Unknown (6),
IDE03128,Requested start processes (ring memory),Unknown (6),
IDE03128,Requested start processes (ring memory),Initial value,
IDE03207,Hardware version for suppliers,Texas_Instruments,
IDE03212,Start/stop conditions,Stop release,
IDE03213,Start/stop enable,No release by coordinator,
IDE03527-IDE02070,CAN signals-Wake-up cause,1,
IDE03527-IDE02445,CAN signals-Transmission type,24,
IDE03651,Bleed brake system (rework bleeding),0.00, s
IDE03680-IDE00018,Supply voltages-Voltage terminal 15,On,
IDE03680-IDE01232,Supply voltages-Supply voltage for external components,5.005, V
IDE03680-IDE04444,Supply voltages-Terminal 30 voltage for pump,0.014, V
IDE03680-IDE04445,Supply voltages-Terminal 30 voltage for valves,14.566, V
IDE03680-IDE04500,Supply voltages-Terminal 30 voltage for logic,OFF,
IDE04422-IDE04442,Brake system sensor-Vacuum sensor,-827, mbar
IDE04422-IDE04450,Brake system sensor-Brake pressure sensor 1,0.30, bar
IDE04422-IDE04494,Brake system sensor-Brake pressure sensor 1: uncond voltage 1,Not available due to specific system,
IDE04422-IDE04495,Brake system sensor-Brake pressure sensor 1: uncond voltage 2,Not available due to specific system,
IDE04422-MAS00179,Brake system sensor-Brake lamp switch,Not operated,
IDE04422-MAS02152,Brake system sensor-EPB clutch pedal travel,Not available due to specific system,
IDE04425-IDE00920,Left front ABS wheel speed sensor-Front left wheel speed,0.0, km/h
IDE04425-IDE04435,Left front ABS wheel speed sensor-Air gap,Malfunction,
IDE04425-IDE04436,Left front ABS wheel speed sensor-Minimum division value,Condition not met,
IDE04425-IDE04437,Left front ABS wheel speed sensor-Maximum division value,Condition not met,
IDE04425-IDE04438,Left front ABS wheel speed sensor-Average division value,Condition not met,
IDE04425-IDE04440,Left front ABS wheel speed sensor-Validity of direction of rotation,invalid,
IDE04425-IDE04441,Left front ABS wheel speed sensor-Validity of gap information,invalid,
IDE04425-MAS01466,Left front ABS wheel speed sensor-Direction of rotation,Not available due to specific system,
IDE04426-IDE00921,Right front ABS wheel speed sensor-Wheel speed: right front,0.0, km/h
IDE04426-IDE04435,Right front ABS wheel speed sensor-Air gap,Malfunction,
IDE04426-IDE04436,Right front ABS wheel speed sensor-Minimum division value,Condition not met,
IDE04426-IDE04437,Right front ABS wheel speed sensor-Maximum division value,Condition not met,
IDE04426-IDE04438,Right front ABS wheel speed sensor-Average division value,Condition not met,
IDE04426-IDE04440,Right front ABS wheel speed sensor-Validity of direction of rotation,invalid,
IDE04426-IDE04441,Right front ABS wheel speed sensor-Validity of gap information,invalid,
IDE04426-MAS01466,Right front ABS wheel speed sensor-Direction of rotation,Not available due to specific system,
IDE04427-IDE00922,Left rear ABS wheel speed sensor-Left rear wheel speed,0.0, km/h
IDE04427-IDE04435,Left rear ABS wheel speed sensor-Air gap,5,
IDE04427-IDE04436,Left rear ABS wheel speed sensor-Minimum division value,Condition not met,
IDE04427-IDE04437,Left rear ABS wheel speed sensor-Maximum division value,Condition not met,
IDE04427-IDE04438,Left rear ABS wheel speed sensor-Average division value,Condition not met,
IDE04427-IDE04440,Left rear ABS wheel speed sensor-Validity of direction of rotation,valid,
IDE04427-IDE04441,Left rear ABS wheel speed sensor-Validity of gap information,valid,
IDE04427-MAS01466,Left rear ABS wheel speed sensor-Direction of rotation,forward,
IDE04428-IDE00923,Right rear ABS wheel speed sensor-Right rear wheel speed,0.0, km/h
IDE04428-IDE04435,Right rear ABS wheel speed sensor-Air gap,4,
IDE04428-IDE04436,Right rear ABS wheel speed sensor-Minimum division value,Condition not met,
IDE04428-IDE04437,Right rear ABS wheel speed sensor-Maximum division value,Condition not met,
IDE04428-IDE04438,Right rear ABS wheel speed sensor-Average division value,Condition not met,
IDE04428-IDE04440,Right rear ABS wheel speed sensor-Validity of direction of rotation,valid,
IDE04428-IDE04441,Right rear ABS wheel speed sensor-Validity of gap information,valid,
IDE04428-MAS01466,Right rear ABS wheel speed sensor-Direction of rotation,Reverse,
IDE04442-IDE00009,Vacuum sensor-Date of manufacture,KW 46 2018,
IDE04442-IDE00010,Vacuum sensor-Serial number,07 79 71 C4 7F,
IDE04442-IDE00104,Vacuum sensor-DTC,0,
IDE04442-IDE02955,Vacuum sensor-System status,available.,
IDE04442-IDE03205,Vacuum sensor-Manufacturer code,0,
IDE04442,Vacuum sensor,-827, mbar
IDE04442-MAS12759,Vacuum sensor-Type of individual vacuum sensor,2,
IDE04443-IDE02241,Slip control system sensor-Lateral acceleration sensor 1,-0.07848, m/s²
IDE04443-IDE02538,Slip control system sensor-Longitude Acceleration Sensor,0.00981, m/s²
IDE04443-IDE04429,Slip control system sensor-Lateral acceleration sensor 1: offset,-0.29430, m/s²
IDE04443-IDE04430,Slip control system sensor-Longitudinal acceleration sensor: offset,0.00000, m/s²
IDE04443-IDE04449,Slip control system sensor-Rotation rate sensor 1: Z-axis,0.089, °/s
IDE04443-IDE04460,Slip control system sensor-Steering angle sensor: offset straight line running,-1.575, °
IDE04443-MAS00815,Slip control system sensor-Steering angle sensor,-1.575, °
IDE04446-IDE01599,Hill descent control-Incline,0, %
IDE04446-IDE02955,Hill descent control-System status,Not available due to specific system,
IDE04446-IDE03664,Hill descent control-Button for driving program,not activated,
IDE04446-MAS03095,Hill descent control-Function status,not active,
IDE04452-IDE03662,Brake system button-ASR/ESP button,Not operated,
IDE04452-IDE03663,Brake system button--AUTO HOLD- Button,Not operated,
IDE04452-IDE03664,Brake system button-Button for driving program,Not operated,
IDE04452-IDE04432,Brake system button-Tire Pressure Monitoring Display Button,Not operated,
IDE04452-IDE04769,Brake system button-Electro-mechanical parking brake button: status,Not available due to specific system,
IDE04456-IDE02955,Brake disk drying-System status,available.,
IDE04456-IDE04775,Brake disk drying-Odometer reading of last activation,26814, km
IDE04456-MAS01282,Brake disk drying-Wiper,not active,
IDE04456-MAS03095,Brake disk drying-Function status,not active,
IDE04461-IDE03208,Internal measured values-Software version for suppliers,MXARAG00015,
IDE04461-IDE03649,Internal measured values-Fill/bleed brake system,not completed successfully,
IDE04461-IDE03659,Internal measured values-Roller test bench mode,not active,
IDE04461-MAS01481,Internal measured values-Temperature in control module,54, °C
IDE04461-MAS04484,Internal measured values-Flashloader version, TSCBAF00003,
IDE04499-IDE02955,Sensor for roof rack recognition-System status,Not available due to specific system,
IDE04499-MAS03095,Sensor for roof rack recognition-Function status,not detected,
IDE04508-IDE02955,Hydraulic brake booster-System status,available.,
IDE04508-IDE04442,Hydraulic brake booster-Vacuum sensor,-826, mbar
IDE04508-IDE04450,Hydraulic brake booster-Brake pressure sensor 1,0.30, bar
IDE04508-MAS03095,Hydraulic brake booster-Function status,not active,
IDE04508-MAS04002,Hydraulic brake booster-Low intake manifold pressure,576, mbar
IDE04644-IDE02955,Roll-over protection-System status,Not available due to specific system,
IDE04644-IDE04775,Roll-over protection-Odometer reading of last activation,0, km
IDE04644-MAS03095,Roll-over protection-Function status,not active,
IDE04765-IDE02955,Counter steer support-System status,available.,
IDE04765-IDE03735,Counter steer support-Steering torque,0, Nm
IDE04765-IDE04775,Counter steer support-Odometer reading of last activation,30592, km
IDE04765-MAS03095,Counter steer support-Function status,not active,
IDE04774-IDE02955,Vehicle and trailer stabilization-System status,Not available due to specific system,
IDE04774-IDE04775,Vehicle and trailer stabilization-Odometer reading of last activation,0, km
IDE04774-MAS03095,Vehicle and trailer stabilization-Function status,not active,
IDE04939-IDE02955,Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)-System status,available.,
IDE04939-IDE04248,Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)-Left front tire pressure diffusion indicator,248,
IDE04939-IDE04249,Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)-Right front tire pressure diffusion indicator,248,
IDE04939-IDE04250,Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)-Left rear tire pressure diffusion indicator,253,
IDE04939-IDE04251,Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)-Right rear tire pressure diffusion indicator,253,
IDE04939-IDE04432,Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)-Tire Pressure Monitoring Display Button,Not operated,
IDE04939-IDE04946,Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)-Odometer reading at last adaptation,30173, km
IDE04939-IDE04947,Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)-Odometer reading of last warning,30164, km
IDE04939-MAS04538,Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)-Odometer reading two adaptations ago,29621, km
IDE04939-MAS04539,Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)-Odometer reading three adaptations ago,29621, km
IDE04939-MAS04540,Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)-Odometer reading four adaptations ago,28385, km
IDE04939-MAS04541,Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)-Odometer reading of next-to-last warning,28374, km
IDE04939-MAS04542,Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)-Odometer reading of third-to-last warning,23245, km
IDE04939-MAS04543,Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)-Odometer reading of fourth-to-last warning,23075, km
IDE04939-MAS04544,Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)-Left front flat tire indicator,252,
IDE04939-MAS04545,Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)-Right front flat tire indicator,252,
IDE04939-MAS04546,Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)-Left rear flat tire indicator,255,
IDE04939-MAS04547,Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)-Right rear flat tire indicator,255,
IDE06425-IDE02766,Dynamometer mode: functional-Malfunction status,No malfunction,
IDE06425-MAS06026,Dynamometer mode: functional-Activation stages,not activated,
IDE06591-ENG118150,Pump load counter-Comp_Rotatation_of_pump_motor,27562,
IDE06591-ENG118152,Pump load counter-Load_on_feeding_side_of_Pump,262347,
IDE06591-ENG118151,Pump load counter-Load_on_suction_side_of_Pump,9182,
IDE06591-ENG118153,Pump load counter-Pump_motor_start_counter,7102,
IDE07280-IDE04775,Multiple collision brake-Odometer reading of last activation,0, km
IDE07280-IDE06609,Multiple collision brake-Odometer reading of last deactivation,0, km
IDE07280-MAS00106,Multiple collision brake-Year,2126,
IDE07280-MAS00106,Multiple collision brake-Year,2126,
IDE07280-MAS00106,Multiple collision brake-Year,2126,
IDE07280-MAS00107,Multiple collision brake-Month,14,
IDE07280-MAS00107,Multiple collision brake-Month,14,
IDE07280-MAS00107,Multiple collision brake-Month,14,
IDE07280-MAS00108,Multiple collision brake-Day,0,
IDE07280-MAS00108,Multiple collision brake-Day,0,
IDE07280-MAS00108,Multiple collision brake-Day,0,
IDE07280-MAS00109,Multiple collision brake-Hours,30,
IDE07280-MAS00109,Multiple collision brake-Hours,30,
IDE07280-MAS00109,Multiple collision brake-Hours,30,
IDE07280-MAS00110,Multiple collision brake-Minutes,62,
IDE07280-MAS00110,Multiple collision brake-Minutes,62,
IDE07280-MAS00110,Multiple collision brake-Minutes,62,
IDE07280-MAS00111,Multiple collision brake-Seconds,62,
IDE07280-MAS00111,Multiple collision brake-Seconds,62,
IDE07280-MAS00111,Multiple collision brake-Seconds,62,
IDE07280-MAS07659,Multiple collision brake-Frequency counter for multi-collision brake active,0,
IDE07280-MAS07660,Multiple collision brake-Frequency counter for multi-collision brake deactivated,0,
IDE07280-MAS07661,Multiple collision brake-Frequency counter function deactivated by driver,0,
IDE07280-MAS07662,Multiple collision brake-Mileage reading of the last deactivation by driver,0, km
IDE80101,Analysis 101,A3 32 38 35 31 36 32 39 38 30 39 33 30 30 30 30 35 31 39 31 32 39 30 30 30 38 45 2F 02 27 3E 45 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00,
IDE80102-ENG122580,Analysis 102-value_1_percentaged,92.1816, %
IDE80102-ENG122579,Analysis 102-value_1_quantity,0,
IDE80102-ENG122582,Analysis 102-value_2_percentaged,89.0568, %
IDE80102-ENG122581,Analysis 102-value_2_quantity,0,
IDE80102-ENG122584,Analysis 102-value_3_percentaged,94.9158, %
IDE80102-ENG122583,Analysis 102-value_3_quantity,1401,
IDE80102-ENG122586,Analysis 102-value_4_percentaged,90.2286, %
IDE80102-ENG122585,Analysis 102-value_4_quantity,2478,
IDE80102-ENG122588,Analysis 102-value_5_percentaged,95.3064, %
IDE80102-ENG122587,Analysis 102-value_5_quantity,602,
IDE80102-ENG122590,Analysis 102-value_6_percentaged,94.9158, %
IDE80102-ENG122589,Analysis 102-value_6_quantity,1221,
IDE80103-MAS00976,Analysis 103-Counter,0,
MAS00121-IDE02955,Electronic Differential Lock-System status,available.,
MAS00121-IDE04504,Electronic Differential Lock-Calculated left front brake temperature,13.0, °C
MAS00121-IDE04505,Electronic Differential Lock-Calculated right front brake temperature,13.0, °C
MAS00121-IDE04506,Electronic Differential Lock-Calculated left rear brake temperature,13.0, °C
MAS00121-IDE04507,Electronic Differential Lock-Calculated right rear brake temperature,13.0, °C
MAS00121-MAS00179,Electronic Differential Lock-Brake lamp switch,Not operated,
MAS00121-MAS01853,Electronic Differential Lock-Left front,available.,
MAS00121-MAS01854,Electronic Differential Lock-Right front,available.,
MAS00121-MAS01855,Electronic Differential Lock-Left rear,available.,
MAS00121-MAS01856,Electronic Differential Lock-Right rear,available.,
MAS00121-MAS03095,Electronic Differential Lock-Function status,not active,
MAS00911-IDE02955,All Wheel Drive (AWD)-System status,Not available due to specific system,
MAS00911-IDE04502,All Wheel Drive (AWD)-Haldex clutch: status,No malfunction detected,
MAS00911-IDE04943,All Wheel Drive (AWD)-Haldex clutch,Fully open,
MAS00911-MAS01464,All Wheel Drive (AWD)-Emergency running mode,not active,
MAS00911-MAS04730,All Wheel Drive (AWD)-Degree of blockage,0, Nm
MAS02138-IDE02955,Hill-start assistant-System status,available.,
MAS02138-MAS00025,Hill-start assistant-Driver seat belt switch,not connected,
MAS02138-MAS00218,Hill-start assistant-Driver door,closed,
MAS02138-MAS00988,Hill-start assistant-Reverse gear,not selected,
MAS02138-MAS03095,Hill-start assistant-Function status,not active,
MAS02426-MAS00580,Text display in instrument cluster-Electromechanical parking brake text 1,0,
MAS02426-MAS03359,Text display in instrument cluster-Text,0,
MAS02672-IDE02955,Start-stop-System status,available.,
MAS02672-IDE03214,Start-stop-Engine stop using start-stop function,not active,
MAS02672-IDE03215,Start-stop-Engine start using start-stop function,not active,
MAS02672-MAS00025,Start-stop-Driver seat belt switch,not connected,
MAS08072-MAS13685,Driving profile selection-Actual value of downhill driving assistant,0,
MAS08072-MAS13686,Driving profile selection-Actual value uphill driving assistant,0,
MAS08072-MAS13687,Driving profile selection-Actual value of differential lock,0,
MAS08072-MAS13688,Driving profile selection-ESC actual value,0,
MAS08072-MAS13689,Driving profile selection-Compatibility of downhill driving assistant,Yes,
MAS08072-MAS13690,Driving profile selection-Compatibility of uphill driving assistant,Yes,
MAS08072-MAS13691,Driving profile selection-Compatibility of differential lock,Yes,
MAS08072-MAS13692,Driving profile selection-ESC compatibility,Yes,
MAS08072-MAS13693,Driving profile selection-Spec. value of downhill driving assistant,0,
MAS08072-MAS13694,Driving profile selection-Spec. value of uphill driving assistant,0,
MAS08072-MAS13695,Driving profile selection-Spec. value of differential lock,0,
MAS08072-MAS13696,Driving profile selection-ESC spec. value,0,
MAS08072-MAS13697,Driving profile selection-System status of downhill driving assistant,available.,
MAS08072-MAS13698,Driving profile selection-System status uphill driving assistant,Not available,
MAS08072-MAS13699,Driving profile selection-System status of differential lock,Not available,
MAS08072-MAS13700,Driving profile selection-ESC system status,available.,
MAS08072-MAS13701,Driving profile selection-Switchover status of downhill driving assistant,Shifting carried out,
MAS08072-MAS13702,Driving profile selection-Switchover status of uphill driving assistant,Shifting carried out,
MAS08072-MAS13703,Driving profile selection-ESC switchover status,Shifting carried out,
MAS08072-MAS13704,Driving profile selection-Switchover status_differential lock,Shifting carried out,
ENG26281-IDE01011,HBV_Event_Counter-Data record,0,
Elapsed Time: 00:12
;SW:3Q0-959-435-L HW:3Q0-959-435-L --- Acc/Start Auth.
;Component:VWKESSYMQB 037 1204, Coding:132C1C0723
;VCDS Version: Release 21.3.0 (x64) Data version: 20210226 DS325.0
;VCID: 43D046C64B1EAA43D21-8016
IDE00019,Voltage terminal 30,14.454, V
IDE00021,Engine RPM,812.0, /min
IDE00021-MAS02248,Engine RPM-Signal state,valid,
IDE00030,Status of actuator test,not active,
IDE00075,Vehicle speed,0.0, km/h
IDE00075-MAS02248,Vehicle speed-Signal state,valid,
IDE00096-MAS02248,Selector lever position-Signal state,Up-to-date,
IDE00096,Selector lever position,OK,
IDE00322,Status of basic setting,Basic setting ended,
IDE00323,Security Access: Number of invalid keys,0,
IDE02406,Key number of last identified ID sensor,ID sensor 1,
IDE02407,Status of vehicle locking,Vehicle unlocked,
IDE02408-MAS00218,Individual door locking: status-Driver door,closed,
IDE02408-MAS00219,Individual door locking: status-Front Passenger Door,closed,
IDE02408-MAS00220,Individual door locking: status-Left rear door,closed,
IDE02408-MAS00221,Individual door locking: status-Right rear door,closed,
IDE02409,ID-sensor 1 authentication: status,No response,
IDE02410,ID-sensor 2 authentication: status,No response,
IDE02411,ID-sensor 3 authentication: status,No response,
IDE02412,ID-sensor 4 authentication: status,No response,
IDE02413,Door handle touch sensor: last operation,Driver door,
IDE02414-MAS00080,Driver exterior door handle touch sensor-Coding information,coded,
IDE02414-MAS02176,Driver exterior door handle touch sensor-Approach to the inside,not active,
IDE02414-MAS02177,Driver exterior door handle touch sensor-Actuation to the inside,not active,
IDE02414-MAS02178,Driver exterior door handle touch sensor-Approach to the outside,not active,
IDE02414-MAS02179,Driver exterior door handle touch sensor-Actuation to the outside,not active,
IDE02414-MAS02451,Driver exterior door handle touch sensor-Pulling actuation: outside door handle,not active,
IDE02415-MAS00080,Front passenger exterior door handle touch sensor-Coding information,coded,
IDE02415-MAS02176,Front passenger exterior door handle touch sensor-Approach to the inside,not active,
IDE02415-MAS02177,Front passenger exterior door handle touch sensor-Actuation to the inside,not active,
IDE02415-MAS02178,Front passenger exterior door handle touch sensor-Approach to the outside,not active,
IDE02415-MAS02179,Front passenger exterior door handle touch sensor-Actuation to the outside,not active,
IDE02415-MAS02451,Front passenger exterior door handle touch sensor-Pulling actuation: outside door handle,not active,
IDE02416-MAS00080,Left rear outside door handle touch sensor-Coding information,Not coded,
IDE02416-MAS02176,Left rear outside door handle touch sensor-Approach to the inside,not active,
IDE02416-MAS02177,Left rear outside door handle touch sensor-Actuation to the inside,not active,
IDE02416-MAS02178,Left rear outside door handle touch sensor-Approach to the outside,not active,
IDE02416-MAS02179,Left rear outside door handle touch sensor-Actuation to the outside,not active,
IDE02416-MAS02451,Left rear outside door handle touch sensor-Pulling actuation: outside door handle,not active,
IDE02417-MAS00080,Right rear outside door handle touch sensor-Coding information,Not coded,
IDE02417-MAS02176,Right rear outside door handle touch sensor-Approach to the inside,not active,
IDE02417-MAS02177,Right rear outside door handle touch sensor-Actuation to the inside,not active,
IDE02417-MAS02178,Right rear outside door handle touch sensor-Approach to the outside,not active,
IDE02417-MAS02179,Right rear outside door handle touch sensor-Actuation to the outside,not active,
IDE02417-MAS02451,Right rear outside door handle touch sensor-Pulling actuation: outside door handle,not active,
IDE02418,Proximity sensor driver door: number of triggers,22,
IDE02419,Proximity sensor frt.pass. door: number of triggers,176,
IDE02420,Proximity sensor left rear door: number of triggers,0,
IDE02421,Proximity sensor right rear door: number of triggers,0,
IDE02422-MAS01482,Driver door handle: version information-Hardware version,31,
IDE02422-MAS01483,Driver door handle: version information-Software version,17,
IDE02422-MAS04065,Driver door handle: version information-EEPROM,AA,
IDE02423-MAS01482,ass. door handle: version information-Hardware version,31,
IDE02423-MAS01483,ass. door handle: version information-Software version,17,
IDE02423-MAS04065,ass. door handle: version information-EEPROM,AA,
IDE02424-MAS01482,Left rear door handle: version information-Hardware version,00,
IDE02424-MAS01483,Left rear door handle: version information-Software version,00,
IDE02424-MAS04065,Left rear door handle: version information-EEPROM,00,
IDE02425-MAS01482,Right rear door handle: version information-Hardware version,00,
IDE02425-MAS01483,Right rear door handle: version information-Software version,00,
IDE02425-MAS04065,Right rear door handle: version information-EEPROM,00,
IDE02426-MAS02398,Key number last identified in left exterior area-ID sensor 1,Yes,
IDE02426-MAS02399,Key number last identified in left exterior area-ID sensor 2,No,
IDE02426-MAS02400,Key number last identified in left exterior area-ID sensor 3,No,
IDE02426-MAS02401,Key number last identified in left exterior area-ID sensor 4,No,
IDE02427-MAS02398,Key number last identified in right exterior area-ID sensor 1,Yes,
IDE02427-MAS02399,Key number last identified in right exterior area-ID sensor 2,No,
IDE02427-MAS02400,Key number last identified in right exterior area-ID sensor 3,No,
IDE02427-MAS02401,Key number last identified in right exterior area-ID sensor 4,No,
IDE02428-MAS02398,Key number last identified in rear exterior area-ID sensor 1,Yes,
IDE02428-MAS02399,Key number last identified in rear exterior area-ID sensor 2,No,
IDE02428-MAS02400,Key number last identified in rear exterior area-ID sensor 3,No,
IDE02428-MAS02401,Key number last identified in rear exterior area-ID sensor 4,No,
IDE02429-MAS02398,Key number last identified in interior area-ID sensor 1,Yes,
IDE02429-MAS02399,Key number last identified in interior area-ID sensor 2,No,
IDE02429-MAS02400,Key number last identified in interior area-ID sensor 3,No,
IDE02429-MAS02401,Key number last identified in interior area-ID sensor 4,No,
IDE02430-MAS02398,Key number last identified in luggage compartment area-ID sensor 1,No,
IDE02430-MAS02399,Key number last identified in luggage compartment area-ID sensor 2,No,
IDE02430-MAS02400,Key number last identified in luggage compartment area-ID sensor 3,No,
IDE02430-MAS02401,Key number last identified in luggage compartment area-ID sensor 4,No,
IDE02466,Play protection activation counter driver door,0,
IDE02467,Play protection activation counter frt.pass. door,0,
IDE02468,Play protection activation counter left rear door,0,
IDE02469,Play protection activation counter right rear door,0,
IDE02482,72h-Signaling counter driver door,0,
IDE02483,72-hour signaling counter frt.pass. door,0,
IDE02484,72h-Signaling counter left rear door,0,
IDE02485,72h-Signaling counter right rear door,0,
IDE02486,Data logger triggering,not active,
IDE02495,Service-Key: Number of activations,210,
IDE02496,Service-Key: Number of Timeouts,0,
IDE02497,Service-Key: Number of incomplete messages,0,
IDE02569-MAS02240,Terminal S: line status-Steering column lock specified value,On,
IDE02569-MAS02241,Terminal S: line status-Steering column lock actual value,On,
IDE02569-MAS02242,Terminal S: line status-Electronic central electric actual value,On,
IDE02570-MAS02240,Terminal 15: line status-Steering column lock specified value,On,
IDE02570-MAS02241,Terminal 15: line status-Steering column lock actual value,On,
IDE02570-MAS02242,Terminal 15: line status-Electronic central electric actual value,On,
IDE02571-MAS02240,Terminal 50: line status-Steering column lock specified value,OFF,
IDE02571-MAS02241,Terminal 50: line status-Steering column lock actual value,OFF,
IDE02572-MAS02350,Starter button: status-Switch contact 1,Not operated,
IDE02572-MAS02351,Starter button: status-Switch contact 2,Not operated,
IDE02579,Park selector lever position,Engaged and locked,
IDE02581,Drive train uncoupling,decoupled,
IDE02582-MAS00179,Brake activation: switch status-Brake lamp switch,OFF,
IDE02582-MAS02248,Brake activation: switch status-Signal state,valid,
IDE02582-MAS02253,Brake activation: switch status-Brake test switch,OFF,
IDE02589,Rotary latch status,to,
IDE02590-MAS02256,External vehicle locking: SPECIFIED condition-SPECIFIED condition of lock per remote/key,unlocked,
IDE02590-MAS02257,External vehicle locking: SPECIFIED condition-SPECIFIED condition of fuse per remote/key,Vehicle not secured,
IDE02760-MAS02240,Terminal 15 redundancy: line status-Steering column lock specified value,On,
IDE02760-MAS02241,Terminal 15 redundancy: line status-Steering column lock actual value,On,
IDE02760-MAS02242,Terminal 15 redundancy: line status-Electronic central electric actual value,On,
IDE03008-MAS05971,Stop process prevented-Missing from ECM,not active,
IDE03008-MAS06116,Stop process prevented-Antenna malfunction of a go-relevant antenna,not active,
IDE03008-MAS06118,Stop process prevented-ID sensor not found,not active,
IDE03008-MAS06119,Stop process prevented-CAN Signal: read coil operation is set,not active,
IDE03009-MAS12704,Start process requested-System error if motor stops,not active,
IDE03010-MAS05971,Number of prevented stop processes-Missing from ECM,38,
IDE03010-MAS06116,Number of prevented stop processes-Antenna malfunction of a go-relevant antenna,0,
IDE03010-MAS06118,Number of prevented stop processes-ID sensor not found,15,
IDE03010-MAS06119,Number of prevented stop processes-CAN Signal: read coil operation is set,5,
IDE03011-MAS12704,Number of requested start processes-System error if motor stops,2,
IDE03127-MAS00106,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Year,2020,
IDE03127-MAS00106,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Year,2021,
IDE03127-MAS00106,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Year,2020,
IDE03127-MAS00106,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Year,2020,
IDE03127-MAS00106,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Year,2020,
IDE03127-MAS00107,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Month,2,
IDE03127-MAS00107,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Month,7,
IDE03127-MAS00107,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Month,8,
IDE03127-MAS00107,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Month,7,
IDE03127-MAS00107,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Month,7,
IDE03127-MAS00108,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Day,28,
IDE03127-MAS00108,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Day,11,
IDE03127-MAS00108,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Day,3,
IDE03127-MAS00108,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Day,17,
IDE03127-MAS00108,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Day,17,
IDE03127-MAS00109,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Hours,16,
IDE03127-MAS00109,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Hours,16,
IDE03127-MAS00109,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Hours,14,
IDE03127-MAS00109,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Hours,4,
IDE03127-MAS00109,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Hours,17,
IDE03127-MAS00110,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Minutes,18,
IDE03127-MAS00110,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Minutes,46,
IDE03127-MAS00110,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Minutes,49,
IDE03127-MAS00110,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Minutes,27,
IDE03127-MAS00110,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Minutes,9,
IDE03127-MAS00111,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Seconds,27,
IDE03127-MAS00111,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Seconds,23,
IDE03127-MAS00111,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Seconds,21,
IDE03127-MAS00111,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Seconds,29,
IDE03127-MAS00111,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Seconds,11,
IDE03127-MAS02886,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Last prohibited stop,ID sensor not found,
IDE03127-MAS02888,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Penultimate prohibited stop,ID sensor not found,
IDE03127-MAS02890,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Third-last prohibited stop,ID sensor not found,
IDE03127-MAS02892,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Fourth last prohibited stop,ID sensor not found,
IDE03127-MAS02894,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Fifth-last prohibited stop,ID sensor not found,
IDE03128-MAS00106,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Year,2000,
IDE03128-MAS00106,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Year,2021,
IDE03128-MAS00106,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Year,2020,
IDE03128-MAS00106,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Year,2000,
IDE03128-MAS00106,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Year,2000,
IDE03128-MAS00107,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Month,0,
IDE03128-MAS00107,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Month,11,
IDE03128-MAS00107,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Month,0,
IDE03128-MAS00107,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Month,0,
IDE03128-MAS00107,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Month,2,
IDE03128-MAS00108,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Day,4,
IDE03128-MAS00108,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Day,0,
IDE03128-MAS00108,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Day,0,
IDE03128-MAS00108,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Day,0,
IDE03128-MAS00108,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Day,4,
IDE03128-MAS00109,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Hours,0,
IDE03128-MAS00109,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Hours,13,
IDE03128-MAS00109,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Hours,0,
IDE03128-MAS00109,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Hours,17,
IDE03128-MAS00109,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Hours,0,
IDE03128-MAS00110,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Minutes,0,
IDE03128-MAS00110,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Minutes,38,
IDE03128-MAS00110,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Minutes,0,
IDE03128-MAS00110,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Minutes,0,
IDE03128-MAS00110,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Minutes,9,
IDE03128-MAS00111,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Seconds,49,
IDE03128-MAS00111,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Seconds,42,
IDE03128-MAS00111,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Seconds,0,
IDE03128-MAS00111,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Seconds,0,
IDE03128-MAS00111,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Seconds,0,
IDE03128,Requested start processes (ring memory),Empty,
IDE03128,Requested start processes (ring memory),System error if motor stops,
IDE03128,Requested start processes (ring memory),System error if motor stops,
IDE03128,Requested start processes (ring memory),Empty,
IDE03128,Requested start processes (ring memory),Empty,
IDE03212,Start/stop conditions,Stop release,
IDE03213,Start/stop enable,No release by coordinator,
IDE03527-MAS04444,CAN signals-Wake-up,not active,
IDE03527-MAS05102,CAN signals-Driver information: emergency shutdown,not active,
IDE03527-MAS05103,CAN signals-Driver information: roll warning,not active,
IDE03527-MAS08112,CAN signals-Drive readiness,not active,
IDE03527-MAS09771,CAN signals-Driver information comfort switching,not active,
IDE03527-MAS10894,CAN signals-Hybrid error,not active,
IDE03527-MAS10895,CAN signals-Driver information key position copy workshop,not active,
IDE04042-ENG123041,ID sensor history data-Scan 1: Scan_origin_en,UID_MONITORING,
IDE04042-ENG123040,ID sensor history data-Scan 1: Scan_trigger_en,UID_SEARCH,
IDE04042-ENG123042,ID sensor history data-Scan 1: Single_scan_en,INTERIOR_WITH_TRUNK,
IDE04042-ENG123043,ID sensor history data-Scan 1: Trigger_Information_u8,A2,
IDE04042-ENG123045,ID sensor history data-Scan 2: Scan_origin_en,KEY_MINDER,
IDE04042-ENG123044,ID sensor history data-Scan 2: Scan_trigger_en,ENTRY_WITHOUT_PROXIMITY,
IDE04042-ENG123046,ID sensor history data-Scan 2: Single_scan_en,DRIVER_FRONT,
IDE04042-ENG123047,ID sensor history data-Scan 2: Trigger_Information_u8,A4,
IDE04042-ENG123049,ID sensor history data-Scan 3: Scan_origin_en,PASSIVE_GO,
IDE04042-ENG123048,ID sensor history data-Scan 3: Scan_trigger_en,GO_AUTHENTIFICATION_REQUEST,
IDE04042-ENG123050,ID sensor history data-Scan 3: Single_scan_en,INTERIOR_WITH_TRUNK,
IDE04042-ENG123051,ID sensor history data-Scan 3: Trigger_Information_u8,62,
IDE05204,Manufacturer production data door handle drivers door,1F 07 21 9A 51,
IDE05205,Manufacturer production data door handle front pass.door,1F 07 21 9A 51,
IDE05206,Manufacturer production data door handle left rear,00 00 00 00 00,
IDE05207,Manufacturer production data door handle right rear,00 00 00 00 00,
IDE07028,Time until shut-off terminal S,1800, s
IDE07159-MAS01155,Control module switch-off: counter-Control module,0,
IDE07159-MAS05583,Control module switch-off: counter-Data bus,0,
IDE07290-MAS08119,Conditions for turning on the ignition-Request active,Condition not met,
IDE07290-MAS08136,Conditions for turning on the ignition-Enabling Steering Column Lock,Condition not met,
IDE07290-MAS08137,Conditions for turning on the ignition-Enabling immobilizer,Condition not met,
IDE07290-MAS08138,Conditions for turning on the ignition-No active error mode,Condition met,
IDE07290-MAS08139,Conditions for turning on the ignition-Key signature validity,Condition met,
IDE07359,Dimming of starter button lighting,20,
IDE08440,Recommendation energy management,no restriction,
IDE80258,Immobilizer status,Electronic steering locking device installed,
IDE80258-MAS00106,Immobilizer status-Year,2011,
IDE80258-MAS00107,Immobilizer status-Month,1,
IDE80258-MAS00108,Immobilizer status-Day,1,
IDE80258-MAS00109,Immobilizer status-Hours,0,
IDE80258-MAS00110,Immobilizer status-Minutes,7,
IDE80258-MAS00111,Immobilizer status-Seconds,21,
IDE80258-MAS02349,Immobilizer status-Learn mode,Adapted,
IDE80258-MAS06793,Immobilizer status-Number of adapted keys,02,
MAS00025,Driver seat belt switch,not connected,
MAS00464-MAS00106,Standard - ambient data 1-Year,2021,
MAS00464-MAS00107,Standard - ambient data 1-Month,3,
MAS00464-MAS00108,Standard - ambient data 1-Day,10,
MAS00464-MAS00109,Standard - ambient data 1-Hours,12,
MAS00464-MAS00110,Standard - ambient data 1-Minutes,36,
MAS00464-MAS00111,Standard - ambient data 1-Seconds,13,
MAS00464-MAS00468,Standard - ambient data 1-Unlearning counter,215,
MAS00464-MAS00711,Standard - ambient data 1-Odometer reading,30675, km
MAS01493,Engine running,active,
MAS03554,Clutch pedal operation,Yes,
MAS03607,Engine stop active in Start/Stop mode,active,
MAS04004,Transmission code,OK,
MAS05104,Driver request: start engine,not active,
MAS08076,Exiting the vehicle,Condition met,
MAS08788,Driving Cycle,Condition not met,
MAS08790,Driver absence,Condition met,
MAS09771,Driver information comfort switching,No switch-off,
ENG125217,Active_requirement_light_lag,not activated,
ENG102274,Control Module Voltage,14.465, V
ENG125220-MAS00106,History last automatic terminal switch off-Year,2021,
ENG125220-MAS00106,History last automatic terminal switch off-Year,2021,
ENG125220-MAS00106,History last automatic terminal switch off-Year,2021,
ENG125220-MAS00106,History last automatic terminal switch off-Year,2021,
ENG125220-MAS00106,History last automatic terminal switch off-Year,2021,
ENG125220-MAS00107,History last automatic terminal switch off-Month,1,
ENG125220-MAS00107,History last automatic terminal switch off-Month,1,
ENG125220-MAS00107,History last automatic terminal switch off-Month,1,
ENG125220-MAS00107,History last automatic terminal switch off-Month,1,
ENG125220-MAS00107,History last automatic terminal switch off-Month,1,
ENG125220-MAS00108,History last automatic terminal switch off-Day,4,
ENG125220-MAS00108,History last automatic terminal switch off-Day,4,
ENG125220-MAS00108,History last automatic terminal switch off-Day,4,
ENG125220-MAS00108,History last automatic terminal switch off-Day,4,
ENG125220-MAS00108,History last automatic terminal switch off-Day,4,
ENG125220-MAS00109,History last automatic terminal switch off-Hours,11,
ENG125220-MAS00109,History last automatic terminal switch off-Hours,11,
ENG125220-MAS00109,History last automatic terminal switch off-Hours,15,
ENG125220-MAS00109,History last automatic terminal switch off-Hours,13,
ENG125220-MAS00109,History last automatic terminal switch off-Hours,14,
ENG125220-MAS00110,History last automatic terminal switch off-Minutes,52,
ENG125220-MAS00110,History last automatic terminal switch off-Minutes,5,
ENG125220-MAS00110,History last automatic terminal switch off-Minutes,36,
ENG125220-MAS00110,History last automatic terminal switch off-Minutes,52,
ENG125220-MAS00110,History last automatic terminal switch off-Minutes,42,
ENG125220-MAS00111,History last automatic terminal switch off-Seconds,15,
ENG125220-MAS00111,History last automatic terminal switch off-Seconds,43,
ENG125220-MAS00111,History last automatic terminal switch off-Seconds,15,
ENG125220-MAS00111,History last automatic terminal switch off-Seconds,34,
ENG125220-MAS00111,History last automatic terminal switch off-Seconds,14,
ENG125220-ENG125227,History last automatic terminal switch off-Mileage_shutoff_reason_n,29522, km
ENG125220-ENG125230,History last automatic terminal switch off-Mileage_shutoff_reason_n-1,29522, km
ENG125220-ENG125233,History last automatic terminal switch off-Mileage_shutoff_reason_n-2,29522, km
ENG125220-ENG125236,History last automatic terminal switch off-Mileage_shutoff_reason_n-3,29522, km
ENG125220-ENG125239,History last automatic terminal switch off-Mileage_shutoff_reason_n-4,29522, km
ENG125220-ENG125225,History last automatic terminal switch off-shutoff_reason_n,Energy management,
ENG125220-ENG125228,History last automatic terminal switch off-shutoff_reason_n-1,Energy management,
ENG125220-ENG125231,History last automatic terminal switch off-shutoff_reason_n-2,Energy management,
ENG125220-ENG125234,History last automatic terminal switch off-shutoff_reason_n-3,Energy management,
ENG125220-ENG125237,History last automatic terminal switch off-shutoff_reason_n-4,Energy management,
ENG129040-ENG129151,History_of_last _reset_reason-Last_1_reset_reason,ECUEXT_RR_WDGM_TEST_LATE,
ENG129040-ENG129152,History_of_last _reset_reason-Last_2_reset_reason,ECUEXT_RR_WDGM_TEST_EARLY,
ENG129040-ENG129153,History_of_last _reset_reason-Last_3_reset_reason,SBC_POWER_ON_RESET,
ENG129040-ENG129154,History_of_last _reset_reason-Last_4_reset_reason,SBC_POWER_ON_RESET,
ENG129040-ENG129155,History_of_last _reset_reason-Last_5_reset_reason,SBC_POWER_ON_RESET,
ENG129040-ENG129156,History_of_last _reset_reason-Last_6_reset_reason,ECUEXT_RR_WDGM_TEST_LATE,
ENG129040-ENG129157,History_of_last _reset_reason-Last_7_reset_reason,ECUEXT_RR_WDGM_TEST_EARLY,
ENG129040-ENG129158,History_of_last _reset_reason-Last_8_reset_reason,SBC_POWER_ON_RESET,
ENG129040-ENG129159,History_of_last _reset_reason-Last_9_reset_reason,ECUEXT_RR_WDGM_TEST_LATE,
ENG129040-ENG124545,History_of_last _reset_reason-Last_reset_reason,SBC_UNDERVOLTAGE_RESET,
ENG26926-ENG32070,lf_shutdowns-Mileage_lf_shutdown_n,21561, km
ENG26926-ENG32071,lf_shutdowns-Mileage_lf_shutdown_n-1,0, km
ENG26926-ENG32072,lf_shutdowns-Mileage_lf_shutdown_n-2,0, km
ENG26926-ENG32073,lf_shutdowns-Mileage_lf_shutdown_n-3,0, km
ENG120048,Overtemperaturecounter for ADRIMA,0,
ENG129034-ENG129129,power_state_door_handle-power_state_hl,not active,
ENG129034-ENG129130,power_state_door_handle-power_state_hr,not active,
ENG129030,Request_steering_column_lock_terminal_approval,not requested,
ENG129033,s_anf_klemmenfreigabe_wfs,not requested,
ENG126972,s_klemmenfreigabe_wfs,No enabling,
ENG26348-ENG30036,Scan_cycle_data-Mileage_n,30516, km
ENG26348-ENG30037,Scan_cycle_data-Mileage_n-1,29231, km
ENG26348-ENG30038,Scan_cycle_data-Mileage_n-10,27793, km
ENG26348-ENG30039,Scan_cycle_data-Mileage_n-11,27793, km
ENG26348-ENG30040,Scan_cycle_data-Mileage_n-12,27750, km
ENG26348-ENG30041,Scan_cycle_data-Mileage_n-13,27652, km
ENG26348-ENG30042,Scan_cycle_data-Mileage_n-14,27652, km
ENG26348-ENG30043,Scan_cycle_data-Mileage_n-15,26999, km
ENG26348-ENG30044,Scan_cycle_data-Mileage_n-16,26999, km
ENG26348-ENG30045,Scan_cycle_data-Mileage_n-17,26999, km
ENG26348-ENG30046,Scan_cycle_data-Mileage_n-18,26999, km
ENG26348-ENG30047,Scan_cycle_data-Mileage_n-19,26634, km
ENG26348-ENG30048,Scan_cycle_data-Mileage_n-2,29231, km
ENG26348-ENG30049,Scan_cycle_data-Mileage_n-3,28613, km
ENG26348-ENG30050,Scan_cycle_data-Mileage_n-4,28613, km
ENG26348-ENG30051,Scan_cycle_data-Mileage_n-5,28582, km
ENG26348-ENG30052,Scan_cycle_data-Mileage_n-6,28582, km
ENG26348-ENG30053,Scan_cycle_data-Mileage_n-7,28583, km
ENG26348-ENG30054,Scan_cycle_data-Mileage_n-8,28043, km
ENG26348-ENG30055,Scan_cycle_data-Mileage_n-9,28043, km
ENG26348-ENG30077,Scan_cycle_data-Retry_count_n -6,9,
ENG125222-ENG129123,Selective_catalytic_reduction-SCR_install_state,not installed,
ENG129035-ENG129136,service_key_internal_status-checksum_comparison_service_key2,not OK.,
ENG129031,Steering_column_lock_terminal_approval,No enabling,
ENG125218,Suppression_ignition_message,not activated,
ENG129036,To_block_terminal_upshift,not active,
ENG129037,Trigger_terminal_deactivation_central_locking,not activated,
ENG129038,Valid_time_control_section_diagnostics,0, s
ENG08630-ENG09176,WFS_key_signature-signature_key_1,01 A8,
ENG08630-ENG09177,WFS_key_signature-signature_key_2,02 78,
ENG08630-ENG09178,WFS_key_signature-signature_key_3,00 00,
ENG08630-ENG09179,WFS_key_signature-signature_key_4,00 00,
ENG08630-ENG09180,WFS_key_signature-signature_key_5,00 00,
Elapsed Time: 00:18
;SW:5GM-907-426-G HW:5GM-907-426-G --- Auto HVAC
;Component:AC Manuell H03 2001, Coding:00020004100110001000004010010004
;VCDS Version: Release 21.3.0 (x64) Data version: 20210226 DS325.0
;VCID: 4CC26DFA6640653B23B-8018
IDE00019,Voltage terminal 30,14.5, V
IDE00021,Engine RPM,800, /min
IDE00025,Coolant temperature,99, °C
IDE00030,Status of actuator test,not active,
IDE00075,Vehicle speed,0, km/h
IDE00198,Refrigerant pressure,8.6, bar
IDE00322,Status of basic setting,was not yet started,
IDE00767,No. of unscheduled ECU resets,5,
IDE00965,Compressor shut-off condition,A/C off or fan control switch in 0 position,
IDE00966,Compressor current: actual value,0.000, A
IDE00967,Compressor current: specified value,0.000, A
IDE00968,Compressor speed,900, /min
IDE00969,Compressor load,0.0, Nm
IDE00970,Coolant fan activation: actual value,34.0, %
IDE00971,Coolant fan activation: specified value,0.0, %
IDE00973,Outside temperature,18.0, °C
IDE00974,Outside air temperature internally calculated,15.0, °C
IDE00982,Temperature downstream of evaporator,39.3, °C
IDE00987,Blower voltage: specified value,0.0, V
IDE00989,Blower status,not active,
IDE00992,Recirculation flap specified value,Fresh air,
IDE01046,Temperature flap: actual value,25,
IDE01046,Temperature flap: actual value,0.0, %
IDE01047,Temperature door - Specified value,24,
IDE01048,Temperature flap: cold stop,29,
IDE01049,Temperature flap: warm stop,234,
IDE01059,Air distribution flap: actual value,6.0, %
IDE01059,Air distribution flap: actual value,43,
IDE01060,Air distribution flap: specified value,43,
IDE01063,Status of recirculation air,Fresh air,
IDE01066,Convertible top status,to,
IDE01076,Time since ignition off,9, min
IDE01217-MAS01447,Left heated seat stage-Act.val.,0,
IDE01217-MAS01448,Left heated seat stage-Target value,0,
IDE01218-MAS01447,Right heated seat stage-Act.val.,0,
IDE01218-MAS01448,Right heated seat stage-Target value,0,
IDE01226,Blower voltage: actual value,0.0, V
IDE01227,Blower current,0.00, A
IDE01232,Supply voltage for external components,5.1, V
IDE01264,Remaining time of parking heater/ventilation operation,0, min
IDE01287-MAS01260,Counter of compressor switch-offs-Shut-off from Engine Control Module (ECM) via CAN,5273,
IDE01287-MAS01265,Counter of compressor switch-offs-Speed shut-off,173,
IDE01419,Compressor shut-off condition: last,Low pressure event,
IDE01420,Compressor shut-off requirement: penultimate,Outside air temperature too low,
IDE01421,Compressor shut-off requirement: antepenultimate,Low pressure event,
IDE01442-MAS01533,Pressing a button-Defrost,Not operated,
IDE01442-MAS01534,Pressing a button-Recirculating air,Not operated,
IDE01442-MAS01535,Pressing a button-Rear window defogger,Not operated,
IDE01442-MAS01550,Pressing a button-AC,Not operated,
IDE01442-MAS01554,Pressing a button-Left heated seat,Not operated,
IDE01442-MAS01556,Pressing a button-Right heated seat,Not operated,
IDE01442-MAS01560,Pressing a button-OFF,Not operated,
IDE01442-MAS01577,Pressing a button-Parking heater,Not operated,
IDE01442-MAS02015,Pressing a button-AUTO,Not operated,
IDE01442-MAS02192,Pressing a button-SYNC,Not operated,
IDE01442-MAS03196,Pressing a button-Menu,Not operated,
IDE01442-MAS03830,Pressing a button-Footwell air distribution,Not operated,
IDE01442-MAS03831,Pressing a button-Upper body vent air distribution,Not operated,
IDE01442-MAS03832,Pressing a button-Air distribution up,Not operated,
IDE01442-MAS04605,Pressing a button-AC MAX,Not operated,
IDE01443,Left push-and-rotary knob counter,6,
IDE01444,Right push-and-rotary knob counter,130,
IDE02270-IDE00002,CAN input signal(s) status-Transport mode,OFF,
IDE02270-IDE01211,CAN input signal(s) status-Static current measuring mode,OFF,
IDE02270-IDE01268,CAN input signal(s) status-Windshield wiper,OFF,
IDE02270-IDE01457,CAN input signal(s) status-Energy management deactivation stage,Deactivation stage 0,
IDE02270-MAS01269,CAN input signal(s) status-Wipe wash,OFF,
IDE02270-MAS01277,CAN input signal(s) status-Rear window heater actual value,OFF,
IDE02270-MAS01281,CAN input signal(s) status-Back-up lamp,OFF,
IDE02270-MAS01283,CAN input signal(s) status-Actual value of windshield heater,OFF,
IDE02271-IDE00972,CAN output signal(s) status-Idle speed increase,not active,
IDE02271-MAS00130,CAN output signal(s) status-Compressor on,OFF,
IDE02486,Data logger triggering,not active,
IDE02492,Start/Stop Function: coding information,Start-stop function in control module active,
IDE03008-MAS01517,Stop process prevented-Defrost active,not active,
IDE03008-MAS01564,Stop process prevented-Front windshield heater,not active,
IDE03008-MAS02802,Stop process prevented-Interior temperature difference to specifications,not active,
IDE03008-MAS02803,Stop process prevented-Blowout temperature difference to specifications,not active,
IDE03008-MAS02804,Stop process prevented-Manual fan speed increase,not active,
IDE03008-MAS04353,Stop process prevented-Fogging hazard (humidity sensor),not active,
IDE03008-MAS04354,Stop process prevented-Interior comfort humidity too high (humidity sensor),not active,
IDE03008-MAS05009,Stop process prevented-A/C request: auxil. heat mode,not active,
IDE03008-MAS05047,Stop process prevented-Maximum cooling and heating set,not active,
IDE03008-MAS06551,Stop process prevented-Seat ventilation,not active,
IDE03008-MAS09538,Stop process prevented-max A/C,not active,
IDE03009-MAS01517,Start process requested-Defrost active,not active,
IDE03009-MAS01564,Start process requested-Front windshield heater,not active,
IDE03009-MAS02802,Start process requested-Interior temperature difference to specifications,not active,
IDE03009-MAS02803,Start process requested-Blowout temperature difference to specifications,not active,
IDE03009-MAS02804,Start process requested-Manual fan speed increase,not active,
IDE03009-MAS04353,Start process requested-Fogging hazard (humidity sensor),not active,
IDE03009-MAS04354,Start process requested-Interior comfort humidity too high (humidity sensor),not active,
IDE03009-MAS05009,Start process requested-A/C request: auxil. heat mode,not active,
IDE03009-MAS05047,Start process requested-Maximum cooling and heating set,not active,
IDE03009-MAS06551,Start process requested-Seat ventilation,not active,
IDE03009-MAS09538,Start process requested-max A/C,not active,
IDE03010-MAS00478,Number of prevented stop processes-Reserved,0,
IDE03010-MAS01517,Number of prevented stop processes-Defrost active,0,
IDE03010-MAS01564,Number of prevented stop processes-Front windshield heater,0,
IDE03010-MAS02802,Number of prevented stop processes-Interior temperature difference to specifications,0,
IDE03010-MAS02803,Number of prevented stop processes-Blowout temperature difference to specifications,0,
IDE03010-MAS02804,Number of prevented stop processes-Manual fan speed increase,0,
IDE03010-MAS04353,Number of prevented stop processes-Fogging hazard (humidity sensor),0,
IDE03010-MAS04354,Number of prevented stop processes-Interior comfort humidity too high (humidity sensor),0,
IDE03010-MAS05009,Number of prevented stop processes-A/C request: auxil. heat mode,0,
IDE03010-MAS05047,Number of prevented stop processes-Maximum cooling and heating set,0,
IDE03010-MAS06551,Number of prevented stop processes-Seat ventilation,0,
IDE03010-MAS09538,Number of prevented stop processes-max A/C,842,
IDE03011-MAS00478,Number of requested start processes-Reserved,0,
IDE03011-MAS01517,Number of requested start processes-Defrost active,0,
IDE03011-MAS01564,Number of requested start processes-Front windshield heater,0,
IDE03011-MAS02802,Number of requested start processes-Interior temperature difference to specifications,0,
IDE03011-MAS02803,Number of requested start processes-Blowout temperature difference to specifications,0,
IDE03011-MAS02804,Number of requested start processes-Manual fan speed increase,0,
IDE03011-MAS04353,Number of requested start processes-Fogging hazard (humidity sensor),0,
IDE03011-MAS04354,Number of requested start processes-Interior comfort humidity too high (humidity sensor),0,
IDE03011-MAS05009,Number of requested start processes-A/C request: auxil. heat mode,0,
IDE03011-MAS05047,Number of requested start processes-Maximum cooling and heating set,0,
IDE03011-MAS06551,Number of requested start processes-Seat ventilation,0,
IDE03011-MAS09538,Number of requested start processes-max A/C,6,
IDE03127-MAS00106,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Year,2021,
IDE03127-MAS00107,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Month,3,
IDE03127-MAS00108,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Day,9,
IDE03127-MAS00109,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Hours,16,
IDE03127-MAS00110,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Minutes,32,
IDE03127-MAS00111,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Seconds,12,
IDE03127,Prevented stop processes (ring memory),max A/C,
IDE03128-MAS00106,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Year,2019,
IDE03128-MAS00107,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Month,6,
IDE03128-MAS00108,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Day,16,
IDE03128-MAS00109,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Hours,17,
IDE03128-MAS00110,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Minutes,31,
IDE03128-MAS00111,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Seconds,21,
IDE03128,Requested start processes (ring memory),max A/C,
IDE03212,Start/stop conditions,Stop release,
IDE03213,Start/stop enable,No release by coordinator,
IDE03214,Engine stop using start-stop function,not active,
IDE03215,Engine start using start-stop function,not active,
IDE03488,Driving time remaining for basic setting of compressor run in,0, s
IDE04312-IDE04095,System run time-Engine running time,255, s
IDE04312-MAS00084,System run time-Terminal 15 on,255, s
IDE04797,Center push-and-rotary knob counter,62,
IDE05725,Dimmer terminal 58xs,0, %
IDE05726,Dimmer terminal 58xd,228,
IDE06201,Blower reduction,No switch-off: no reduction,
IDE07159-MAS01155,Control module switch-off: counter-Control module,0,
IDE07159-MAS05583,Control module switch-off: counter-Data bus,0,
IDE07991-MAS04446,A/C clutch-Relay activation status,not active,
IDE12141-MAS00106,History memory: parking heater-Year,2127,
IDE12141-MAS00107,History memory: parking heater-Month,15,
IDE12141-MAS00108,History memory: parking heater-Day,31,
IDE12141-MAS00109,History memory: parking heater-Hours,31,
IDE12141-MAS00110,History memory: parking heater-Minutes,63,
IDE12141-MAS00111,History memory: parking heater-Seconds,63,
IDE12141-MAS02526,History memory: parking heater-Activation,Measuring value not available,
IDE12141-MAS04390,History memory: parking heater-Active source,Measuring value not available,
IDE12499-IDE08704,A/C compressor initial running in: start prevention-Load management,not active,
IDE12499-MAS01250,A/C compressor initial running in: start prevention-Malfunction on fresh air blower,not active,
IDE12499-MAS01493,A/C compressor initial running in: start prevention-Engine running,Yes,
IDE12499-MAS10030,A/C compressor initial running in: start prevention-Adapt. of run-in time: compressor initial operation: written,Yes,
IDE12499-MAS14625,A/C compressor initial running in: start prevention-High-voltage vehicle electrical system,active,
IDE12499-MAS14626,A/C compressor initial running in: start prevention-High-voltage current limitations,not active,
IDE12499-MAS14891,A/C compressor initial running in: start prevention-Flaps not calibrated,not active,
IDE12500-MAS01250,A/C compressor initial running in: interruption conditions-Malfunction on fresh air blower,not active,
IDE12500-MAS01254,A/C compressor initial running in: interruption conditions-AC button off,not active,
IDE12500-MAS01256,A/C compressor initial running in: interruption conditions-Outside air temperature too low,not active,
IDE12500-MAS01261,A/C compressor initial running in: interruption conditions-Evaporator temperature ice-up danger,not active,
IDE12500-MAS01263,A/C compressor initial running in: interruption conditions-Compressor activation: malfunction in activation path,not active,
IDE12500-MAS01264,A/C compressor initial running in: interruption conditions-Malfunction at refrigerant pressure sensor,not active,
IDE12500-MAS01265,A/C compressor initial running in: interruption conditions-Speed shut-off,not active,
IDE12500-MAS01504,A/C compressor initial running in: interruption conditions-Supply voltage too high,not active,
IDE12500-MAS01508,A/C compressor initial running in: interruption conditions-High pressure event,not active,
IDE12500-MAS01509,A/C compressor initial running in: interruption conditions-Low pressure event,not active,
IDE12500-MAS14892,A/C compressor initial running in: interruption conditions-Pressure test not successful,not active,
IDE12500-MAS14893,A/C compressor initial running in: interruption conditions-Fault on the evaporator temperature sensor,not active,
MAS00464-MAS00106,Standard - ambient data 1-Year,2021,
MAS00464-MAS00107,Standard - ambient data 1-Month,3,
MAS00464-MAS00108,Standard - ambient data 1-Day,10,
MAS00464-MAS00109,Standard - ambient data 1-Hours,12,
MAS00464-MAS00110,Standard - ambient data 1-Minutes,37,
MAS00464-MAS00111,Standard - ambient data 1-Seconds,36,
MAS00464-MAS00468,Standard - ambient data 1-Unlearning counter,215,
MAS00464-MAS00711,Standard - ambient data 1-Odometer reading,30675, km
Elapsed Time: 00:08
;SW:5Q0-937-087-BA HW:5Q0-937-087-BA --- Cent. Elect.
;Component:BCM PQ37BOSCH 036 0265, Coding:000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
;VCDS Version: Release 21.3.0 (x64) Data version: 20210226 DS325.0
;VCID: 7BA0FE26736E1283DA1-802E
IDE00030,Status of actuator test,not active,
IDE00075,Vehicle speed,0.00, km/h
IDE00322,Status of basic setting,was not yet started,
IDE00323,Security Access: Number of invalid keys,0,
IDE00356-IDE00355,Cruise Control System (CCS): switch position-Cruise Control System (CCS): status,No communication,
IDE00356-MAS00125,Cruise Control System (CCS): switch position-Cruise control system,No communication,
IDE00356-MAS00128,Cruise Control System (CCS): switch position-Distance Regulation,No communication,
IDE00356-MAS00320,Cruise Control System (CCS): switch position-Main switch,No communication,
IDE00356-MAS00323,Cruise Control System (CCS): switch position-Tap delay,No communication,
IDE00356-MAS00325,Cruise Control System (CCS): switch position-Set,No communication,
IDE00356-MAS00326,Cruise Control System (CCS): switch position-Resume,No communication,
IDE00356-MAS02321,Cruise Control System (CCS): switch position-Cancel,NOT-DEFINED,
IDE00356-MAS02343,Cruise Control System (CCS): switch position-Station coding,No communication,
IDE00356-MAS03758,Cruise Control System (CCS): switch position-Not assigned,No communication,
IDE00356-MAS05138,Cruise Control System (CCS): switch position-Operating part,No communication,
IDE00374-MAS05377,Electric auxiliary heater: relay activation-Low heat output relay,not coded/not installed,
IDE00374-MAS05378,Electric auxiliary heater: relay activation-High heat output relay,not coded/not installed,
IDE00844-MAS07314,Switch for engine hood-Status engine hood contact,closed,
IDE00844-ENG122175,Switch for engine hood-Bonnet_Magnetic_Lock,not coded/not installed,
IDE00973,Outside temperature,18.00, °C
IDE01066-IDE02092,Convertible top status-Tailgate condition,not coded/not installed,
IDE01066,Convertible top status,not coded/not installed,
IDE01285,Counter of component protection malfunctions,0,
IDE01464-IDE04741,Rear window defogger-Rear window defogger button,Not operated,
IDE01464-IDE04744,Rear window defogger-Rear window defogger indicator lamp,OFF,
IDE01464-MAS01580,Rear window defogger-Activation,not active,
IDE01537-IDE04742,Front windshield heater-Windshield defogger button,not coded/not installed,
IDE01537-IDE04743,Front windshield heater-Windshield defogger indicator lamp,not coded/not installed,
IDE01537-MAS01580,Front windshield heater-Activation,not coded/not installed,
IDE01943-MAS01737,Turn signal lamp-Diagnosis,normal,
IDE01943-MAS02248,Turn signal lamp-Signal state,not active,
IDE01943-MAS03873,Turn signal lamp-Duty cycle,0.0, %
IDE01943-MAS04351,Turn signal lamp-Connector terminal number,10,
IDE01943-MAS04352,Turn signal lamp-Connector number,Plug C,
IDE02092-IDE02093,Tailgate condition-Status of rear lid lock,not coded/not installed,
IDE02092-IDE02133,Tailgate condition-Activation using rear lid unlocking button,OFF,
IDE02092-MAS01872,Tailgate condition-Rear lid remote control lock switch,not coded/not installed,
IDE02092-MAS02405,Tailgate condition-Pre-engagement contact for rotary latch,to,
IDE02092-MAS02447,Tailgate condition-Release,Enabled,
IDE02092-MAS06265,Tailgate condition-Release button in rear lid handle,Not operated,
IDE02092-MAS06430,Tailgate condition-Main notch contact of rotary latch,to,
IDE02486,Data logger triggering,not active,
IDE02488-MAS01632,Anti-theft system interior monitoring-Status,not coded/not installed,
IDE02488-MAS04508,Anti-theft system interior monitoring-Alarm detected,not coded/not installed,
IDE02515-MAS01737,Low beam-Diagnosis,normal,
IDE02515-MAS02248,Low beam-Signal state,not active,
IDE02515-MAS03873,Low beam-Duty cycle,0.0, %
IDE02515-MAS04351,Low beam-Connector terminal number,5,
IDE02515-MAS04352,Low beam-Connector number,Plug C,
IDE02588-IDE00020,Terminal signals and start release-Terminal 15 status,active,
IDE02588-IDE00773,Terminal signals and start release-Terminal 15 status via CAN,active,
IDE02588-IDE01351,Terminal signals and start release-Terminal 75 status,On,
IDE02588-IDE01715,Terminal signals and start release-Status terminal S,active,
IDE02588-IDE01716,Terminal signals and start release-Terminal 50 status,OFF,
IDE02588-IDE06027,Terminal signals and start release-Terminal S status via CAN,active,
IDE02588-MAS12787,Terminal signals and start release-Terminal 15 ignition switch signal 1,active,
IDE02588-MAS12788,Terminal signals and start release-Terminal 15 ignition switch signal 2,active,
IDE02614-MAS02788,Reversing light switch-CAN,not active,
IDE02614-MAS05360,Reversing light switch-Discreet wire,not active,
IDE02711,Rear wiper,not active,
IDE02743-MAS01737,High Beam-Diagnosis,not coded/not installed,
IDE02743-MAS02248,High Beam-Signal state,Measuring value not available,
IDE02743-MAS03873,High Beam-Duty cycle,0.0, %
IDE02743-MAS04351,High Beam-Connector terminal number,0,
IDE02743-MAS04352,High Beam-Connector number,not coded/not installed,
IDE02744-MAS01632,Steering wheel heating-Status,switched off,
IDE02744-MAS02311,Steering wheel heating-Steering wheel heating button,Not operated,
IDE02744-MAS09758,Steering wheel heating-Temperature sensor,255,
IDE02857-IDE03111,Activation current-Interior lighting,0, mA
IDE02857-IDE05533,Activation current-Heater for nozzles,0, mA
IDE02857-IDE06012,Activation current-Background lighting,6850, mA
IDE02857-MAS01554,Activation current-Left heated seat,0, mA
IDE02857-MAS01556,Activation current-Right heated seat,0, mA
IDE02857-MAS05942,Activation current-Windshield and rear window washer pump,0, mA
IDE02857-ENG128454,Activation current-Cockpittaster_1,0, mA
IDE02857-ENG128455,Activation current-Cockpittaster_2,65532, mA
IDE02857-ENG128456,Activation current-Cockpittaster_3,20, mA
IDE02857-ENG128457,Activation current-Cockpittaster_4,65532, mA
IDE02857-ENG128458,Activation current-DWA_Einfachhorn,65532, mV
IDE02857-ENG126436,Activation current-signal_horn,65533, mV
IDE02957-MAS01737,Ambient lighting-Diagnosis,not coded/not installed,
IDE02957-MAS02248,Ambient lighting-Signal state,NOT-DEFINED,
IDE02957-MAS03873,Ambient lighting-Duty cycle,0.00, %
IDE02957-MAS04351,Ambient lighting-Connector terminal number,0,
IDE02957-MAS04352,Ambient lighting-Connector number,not coded/not installed,
IDE02957-MAS06670,Ambient lighting-Channel,Not available,
IDE03111-MAS01737,Interior lighting-Diagnosis,normal,
IDE03111-MAS02248,Interior lighting-Signal state,active,
IDE03111-MAS03873,Interior lighting-Duty cycle,88.50, %
IDE03111-MAS04351,Interior lighting-Connector terminal number,12,
IDE03111-MAS04352,Interior lighting-Connector number,Plug C,
IDE03195-IDE03854,High values for automatic vertical headlight aim-Left front level control system sensor: height value current,0.0,
IDE03195-IDE04144,High values for automatic vertical headlight aim-Left rear level control system sensor: height value current,0.0,
IDE03195-IDE07143,High values for automatic vertical headlight aim-Vehicle level sensor: supply voltage,0.0, V
IDE03195-MAS13964,High values for automatic vertical headlight aim-Spec. value: activation vehicle level sensor,0.0,
IDE03195-MAS13965,High values for automatic vertical headlight aim-Vehicle level sensor: control voltage,0.0, V
IDE03310-MAS01737,Brake lamp-Diagnosis,normal,
IDE03310-MAS02248,Brake lamp-Signal state,not active,
IDE03310-MAS03873,Brake lamp-Duty cycle,0.0, %
IDE03310-MAS04351,Brake lamp-Connector terminal number,71,
IDE03310-MAS04352,Brake lamp-Connector number,Connector A,
IDE03388-IDE01217,Left front heated seat: status-Left heated seat stage,OFF,
IDE03388-MAS02201,Left front heated seat: status-Temperature,17.50, °C
IDE03389-IDE01218,Right front heated seat: status-Right heated seat stage,OFF,
IDE03389-MAS02201,Right front heated seat: status-Temperature,18.00, °C
IDE03504-IDE02022,Personalized settings-Comfort opening,All windows,
IDE03504-IDE03679,Personalized settings-Adaptive light functions,active,
IDE03504-IDE04036,Personalized settings-High beam assistant: status,active,
IDE03504-MAS01597,Personalized settings-Sunroof,active,
IDE03504-MAS04322,Personalized settings-Masked continuous high beam,active,
IDE03504-MAS06456,Personalized settings-Auto lock,active,
IDE03504-MAS06457,Personalized settings-Auto unlock,not active,
IDE03504-MAS06911,Personalized settings-Status Coming Home,active,
IDE03504-MAS06912,Personalized settings-Status Leaving Home,active,
IDE03504-MAS07014,Personalized settings-Tourist light,not active,
IDE03504-MAS07967,Personalized settings-profile,1,
IDE03504-MAS07971,Personalized settings-Electrical rear lid,not active,
IDE03504-MAS07972,Personalized settings-Manual door unlock,all,
IDE03504-MAS07973,Personalized settings-Rain closure,not active,
IDE03504-MAS07978,Personalized settings-Mirror adjustment,INDIVIDUAL,
IDE03504-MAS07980,Personalized settings-Mirror lowering,active,
IDE03504-MAS07981,Personalized settings-Automatic mirror fold-in,active,
IDE03504-MAS07982,Personalized settings-Activation sound: theft warning system,active,
IDE03504-MAS07983,Personalized settings-Virtual pedal,not active,
IDE03504-MAS07984,Personalized settings-Automatic rear window wiper,active,
IDE03504-MAS07985,Personalized settings-Coming Home set point,15, s
IDE03504-MAS07986,Personalized settings-Leaving Home set point,15, s
IDE03504-MAS07987,Personalized settings-Light intensity,sensitive,
IDE03504-MAS07990,Personalized settings-Comfort flasher,active,
IDE03504-MAS07991,Personalized settings-Comfort flasher set point,5,
IDE03504-MAS07992,Personalized settings-Sliding beam range,active,
IDE03504-MAS07993,Personalized settings-Rain light,active,
IDE03504-ENG29901,Personalized settings-Touristenlicht Einstellwert,not active,
IDE03638-MAS01737,Stationary cornering lamp-Diagnosis,not coded/not installed,
IDE03638-MAS02248,Stationary cornering lamp-Signal state,Measuring value not available,
IDE03638-MAS03873,Stationary cornering lamp-Duty cycle,0.0, %
IDE03638-MAS04351,Stationary cornering lamp-Connector terminal number,0,
IDE03638-MAS04352,Stationary cornering lamp-Connector number,not coded/not installed,
IDE04213,Central locking button,not coded/not installed,
IDE04213-IDE07357,Central locking button-Indicator lamp for central locking,not coded/not installed,
IDE04254-MAS06517,Play protection for central locking-Rear spoiler counter,not active,
IDE04347-IDE00104,Expanded freeze frame conditions-DTC,00 00 00,
IDE04347-IDE07836,Expanded freeze frame conditions-Log data,00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00,
IDE04925-MAS01737,Daytime running lights-Diagnosis,not coded/not installed,
IDE04925-MAS02248,Daytime running lights-Signal state,Measuring value not available,
IDE04925-MAS03873,Daytime running lights-Duty cycle,0.0, %
IDE04925-MAS04351,Daytime running lights-Connector terminal number,0,
IDE04925-MAS04352,Daytime running lights-Connector number,not coded/not installed,
IDE05042-IDE05043,Emergency flasher button-Emergency flasher indicator lamp,On,
IDE05042-MAS02158,Emergency flasher button-Actuation condition,Not operated,
IDE05042-MAS03873,Emergency flasher button-Duty cycle,100.00, %
IDE05045-IDE05183,Front wiper module-Malfunction left,No malfunction,
IDE05045-IDE05184,Front wiper module-Malfunction right,No malfunction,
IDE05045-MAS01632,Front wiper module-Status,not active,
IDE05045-MAS02282,Front wiper module-Position,park position,
IDE05045-MAS03638,Front wiper module-Wipe speed,0, /min
IDE05045-MAS05057,Front wiper module-Number of wiper cycles,22700,
IDE05045-MAS05878,Front wiper module-Stage,not coded/not installed,
IDE05323-MAS01737,Fog lamp-Diagnosis,normal,
IDE05323-MAS02248,Fog lamp-Signal state,not active,
IDE05323-MAS03873,Fog lamp-Duty cycle,0.0, %
IDE05323-MAS04351,Fog lamp-Connector terminal number,45,
IDE05323-MAS04352,Fog lamp-Connector number,Connector B,
IDE05434-MAS01737,Rear entry light-Diagnosis,not coded/not installed,
IDE05434-MAS02248,Rear entry light-Signal state,Measuring value not available,
IDE05434-MAS03873,Rear entry light-Duty cycle,0.00, %
IDE05434-MAS04150,Rear entry light-Side,NOT-DEFINED,
IDE05434-MAS04351,Rear entry light-Connector terminal number,0,
IDE05434-MAS04352,Rear entry light-Connector number,not coded/not installed,
IDE05533,Heater for nozzles,not active,
IDE05719-IDE05534,Window washer system-Headlamp washer system,not coded/not installed,
IDE05719-MAS02339,Window washer system-Windshield washer system,not active,
IDE05719-MAS02341,Window washer system-Rear window washer system,not active,
IDE05720-IDE02589,Front driver side door status-Rotary latch status,Open,
IDE05720-IDE04213,Front driver side door status-Central locking button,Not operated,
IDE05720-IDE04214,Front driver side door status-Key switch in door lock,Not operated,
IDE05720-MAS06256,Front driver side door status-Status door lock,Signal from door lock: released,
IDE05722-IDE02589,Door status: driver side rear-Rotary latch status,closed,
IDE05722-IDE04213,Door status: driver side rear-Central locking button,not coded/not installed,
IDE05722-MAS06256,Door status: driver side rear-Status door lock,Signal from door lock: released,
IDE05727-IDE02589,Front passenger side door status-Rotary latch status,closed,
IDE05727-IDE04213,Front passenger side door status-Central locking button,Not operated,
IDE05727-IDE04214,Front passenger side door status-Key switch in door lock,Not operated,
IDE05727-MAS06256,Front passenger side door status-Status door lock,Signal from door lock: released,
IDE05729-IDE02589,Door status: frt. pass. side rear-Rotary latch status,closed,
IDE05729-IDE04213,Door status: frt. pass. side rear-Central locking button,not coded/not installed,
IDE05729-MAS06256,Door status: frt. pass. side rear-Status door lock,Signal from door lock: released,
IDE05730-MAS01737,Luggage compartment light-Diagnosis,not coded/not installed,
IDE05730-MAS02248,Luggage compartment light-Signal state,Measuring value not available,
IDE05730-MAS03873,Luggage compartment light-Duty cycle,0.00, %
IDE05730-MAS04351,Luggage compartment light-Connector terminal number,0,
IDE05730-MAS04352,Luggage compartment light-Connector number,not coded/not installed,
IDE05739-MAS01737,Footwell lamp-Diagnosis,normal,
IDE05739-MAS02248,Footwell lamp-Signal state,active,
IDE05739-MAS03873,Footwell lamp-Duty cycle,54.0, %
IDE05739-MAS04351,Footwell lamp-Connector terminal number,72,
IDE05739-MAS04352,Footwell lamp-Connector number,Plug C,
IDE05742-IDE02515,Light switch position-Low beam,Not operated,
IDE05742-IDE05323,Light switch position-Fog lamp,Not operated,
IDE05742-IDE07956,Light switch position-redundant signal line,OFF,
IDE05742-MAS00063,Light switch position-OFF,Not operated,
IDE05742-MAS02462,Light switch position-Automatic high beam assist,operated,
IDE05742-MAS03835,Light switch position-Position lamps,Not operated,
IDE05742-MAS03836,Light switch position-Rear fog lamp,not coded/not installed,
IDE05822-MAS01632,Anti-theft alarm system vehicle inclination sensor-Status,not coded/not installed,
IDE05822-MAS04508,Anti-theft alarm system vehicle inclination sensor-Alarm detected,not coded/not installed,
IDE05825-MAS02594,DWA Interior monitoring/vehicle inclination sensor button-Indicator light in switch,not coded/not installed,
IDE05825-MAS04247,DWA Interior monitoring/vehicle inclination sensor button-Button,not coded/not installed,
IDE05826-MAS01632,DWA Sirens / alarm horn for anti-theft warning system-Status,not coded/not installed,
IDE05826-MAS04508,DWA Sirens / alarm horn for anti-theft warning system-Alarm detected,No,
IDE05826-MAS04509,DWA Sirens / alarm horn for anti-theft warning system-Alarm activated,No,
IDE05827,Horn for anti-theft warning system,not coded/not installed,
IDE05829-ENG28562,Rear spoiler history data-Spoiler_Activation_Trigger,NoEntry,
IDE05829-ENG28563,Rear spoiler history data-Spoiler_Activation_Trigger_Date,0,
IDE05829-ENG28565,Rear spoiler history data-Spoiler_Activation_Trigger_Milage,0, km
IDE05829-ENG28564,Rear spoiler history data-Spoiler_Activation_Trigger_Time,0,
IDE05830-MAS02282,Rear Spoiler-Position,not coded/not installed,
IDE05830-ENG115793,Rear Spoiler-Spoiler_Button,not coded/not installed,
IDE05830-ENG115792,Rear Spoiler-Spoiler_Cycle_Protection,not coded/not installed,
IDE05830-ENG115794,Rear Spoiler-Spoiler_Indication_Light,not coded/not installed,
IDE05830-ENG115791,Rear Spoiler-Spoiler_Position,not coded/not installed,
IDE05833-MAS00106,Anti-theft warning system: history data-Year,2020,
IDE05833-MAS00107,Anti-theft warning system: history data-Month,7,
IDE05833-MAS00108,Anti-theft warning system: history data-Day,11,
IDE05833-MAS00109,Anti-theft warning system: history data-Hours,3,
IDE05833-MAS00110,Anti-theft warning system: history data-Minutes,59,
IDE05833-MAS00111,Anti-theft warning system: history data-Seconds,14,
IDE05833-MAS00711,Anti-theft warning system: history data-Odometer reading,21725, km
IDE05833-MAS04478,Anti-theft warning system: history data-Cause for alarm activation,unauthorised ignition,
IDE05834-IDE01718,Driver info-Crash signal,not active,
IDE05834-MAS00211,Driver info-Insufficient brake fluid,not active,
IDE05834-MAS00212,Driver info-Insufficient washer fluid,not active,
IDE05834-MAS00213,Driver info-Insufficient coolant,not active,
IDE05834-MAS00214,Driver info-Brake pad wear,not coded/not installed,
IDE05836-MAS03637,Rain recognition sensor-Rain quantity,0,
IDE05836-MAS03638,Rain recognition sensor-Wipe speed,0,
IDE05836-MAS04806,Rain recognition sensor-Splash,not active,
IDE05836-MAS04807,Rain recognition sensor-park position,active,
IDE05837,Activation for horn,not active,
IDE05838-MAS01794,Light recognition sensor-Freeway,OFF,
IDE05838-MAS02248,Light recognition sensor-Signal state,active,
IDE05838-MAS02475,Light recognition sensor-Brightness infrared,15600, lx
IDE05838-MAS02851,Light recognition sensor-Brightness,6126, lx
IDE05838-MAS04808,Light recognition sensor-Rain,OFF,
IDE05838-MAS04809,Light recognition sensor-Darkness,OFF,
IDE05838-MAS04810,Light recognition sensor-Request for light activation,OFF,
IDE05839-MAS01737,Parking lamps-Diagnosis,normal,
IDE05839-MAS02248,Parking lamps-Signal state,active,
IDE05839-MAS03873,Parking lamps-Duty cycle,100.0, %
IDE05839-MAS04351,Parking lamps-Connector terminal number,39,
IDE05839-MAS04352,Parking lamps-Connector number,Connector B,
IDE05841-MAS06441,Central locking history data-Control-section / cause,Auto unlock,
IDE05841-MAS07519,Central locking history data-Command,Unlocking of entire vehicle,
IDE05841-MAS07942,Central locking history data-Additional information,Measuring value not available,
IDE05841-ENG29969,Central locking history data-command_direction_locking,No_locking,
IDE05841-ENG29970,Central locking history data-command_direction_unlocking,Door unlock,
IDE05842-MAS00218,Comfort function history data-Driver door,active,
IDE05842-MAS00219,Comfort function history data-Front Passenger Door,active,
IDE05842-MAS00220,Comfort function history data-Left rear door,active,
IDE05842-MAS00221,Comfort function history data-Right rear door,active,
IDE05842-MAS06441,Comfort function history data-Control-section / cause,radio remote control number_1,
IDE05842-MAS07560,Comfort function history data-convertible top,not active,
IDE05842-MAS07561,Comfort function history data-Sun roof/tilt roof,active,
IDE05842-MAS07941,Comfort function history data-Operating command,Close,
IDE06012-MAS01737,Background lighting-Diagnosis,normal,
IDE06012-MAS02248,Background lighting-Signal state,not active,
IDE06012-MAS03873,Background lighting-Duty cycle,0.0, %
IDE06012-MAS04351,Background lighting-Connector terminal number,62,
IDE06012-MAS04352,Background lighting-Connector number,Plug C,
IDE06012-MAS15156,Background lighting-terminal,Variant A,
IDE06091-IDE01440,Humidity sensor: interior-Front windshield temperature,-38.1, °C
IDE06091-MAS04629,Humidity sensor: interior-Sensor temperature,87.5, °C
IDE06091-MAS04630,Humidity sensor: interior-Relative humidity,127.0, %
IDE06091-MAS04647,Humidity sensor: interior-Dew point,-38.1, °C
IDE06096-IDE03111,Interior lights-Interior lighting,100, %
IDE06096-IDE05724,Interior lights-Dimmer terminal 58xt,100.0, %
IDE06096-IDE05725,Interior lights-Dimmer terminal 58xs,0.0, %
IDE06096-IDE05726,Interior lights-Dimmer terminal 58xd,100.0, %
IDE06096-MAS01634,Interior lights-Supply voltage,88.5, %
IDE06096-MAS04528,Interior lights-Instrument panel and switch illumination dimmer switch,100, %
IDE06324-IDE04217,Tank cap lock-Fuel filler door release button,not coded/not installed,
IDE06324-MAS01580,Tank cap lock-Activation,not active,
IDE06324-MAS06251,Tank cap lock-Contact switch,not coded/not installed,
IDE06470-MAS01737,Periphery lighting-Diagnosis,not coded/not installed,
IDE06470-MAS02248,Periphery lighting-Signal state,Measuring value not available,
IDE06470-MAS03873,Periphery lighting-Duty cycle,0.0, %
IDE06470-MAS04351,Periphery lighting-Connector terminal number,0,
IDE06470-MAS04352,Periphery lighting-Connector number,not coded/not installed,
IDE06507-MAS13127,Button in center console-Status of button 1,Not operated,
IDE06507-MAS13128,Button in center console-Indicator lamp button 1,OFF,
IDE06507-MAS13130,Button in center console-Status of button 2,not coded/not installed,
IDE06507-MAS13131,Button in center console-Indicator lamp button 2,not coded/not installed,
IDE06507-MAS13133,Button in center console-Status of button 3,Not operated,
IDE06507-MAS13134,Button in center console-Indicator lamp button 3,On,
IDE06507-MAS13136,Button in center console-Indicator lamp button 4,not coded/not installed,
IDE06507-MAS13137,Button in center console-Status of button 4,not coded/not installed,
IDE06592-MAS05002,Status: special functions-Showroom mode,OFF,
IDE06592-MAS05003,Status: special functions-Debug functions,OFF,
IDE06644-IDE06864,Vehicle positioning system-Daytime running lamps,not coded/not installed,
IDE06644-MAS01288,Vehicle positioning system-Horn,not coded/not installed,
IDE06644-MAS03834,Vehicle positioning system-Emergency signal flashing,not coded/not installed,
IDE06644-MAS03835,Vehicle positioning system-Position lamps,not coded/not installed,
IDE06649-MAS05016,Wireless transmitter-Receiver status,not installed,
IDE06649-MAS05048,Wireless transmitter-Number of transmitters adapted,0,
IDE06649-ENG116085,Wireless transmitter-Kom.Schlüssel eFFB Handsender 1,00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00,
IDE06649-ENG116115,Wireless transmitter-Kom.Schlüssel eFFB Handsender 2,00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00,
IDE06695-IDE01459,Energy management: last critical state-Energy management heat output control status,0,
IDE06695-MAS00107,Energy management: last critical state-Month,0,
IDE06695-MAS00108,Energy management: last critical state-Day,0,
IDE06695-MAS06555,Energy management: last critical state-Maximum switch-off priority while driving,0,
IDE06695-MAS06570,Energy management: last critical state-Number of critical operation cycles,0,
IDE06695-ENG28924,Energy management: last critical state-Anz_erreichte_Max_Freigaben,0,
IDE06695-ENG28921,Energy management: last critical state-Anz_krit_Betriebszyklen,0,
IDE06695-ENG28922,Energy management: last critical state-Bedingung_Tab_NQ,0,
IDE06695-ENG28920,Energy management: last critical state-min_prio_Tab_K,0,
IDE06695-ENG28919,Energy management: last critical state-min_prio_Tab_M,0,
IDE06695-ENG28923,Energy management: last critical state-min_prio_Tab_NQ,0,
IDE06695-ENG99063,Energy management: last critical state-Year,2000,
IDE06864-MAS01737,Daytime running lamps-Diagnosis,not coded/not installed,
IDE06864-MAS02248,Daytime running lamps-Signal state,Measuring value not available,
IDE06864-MAS03873,Daytime running lamps-Duty cycle,0.0, %
IDE06864-MAS04351,Daytime running lamps-Connector terminal number,0,
IDE06864-MAS04352,Daytime running lamps-Connector number,not coded/not installed,
IDE07145-MAS06772,Component protection properties-Component protection generation,02,
IDE07145-MAS06773,Component protection properties-KS Standard software main version nummer,02,
IDE07145-MAS06774,Component protection properties-KS Standard software secondary version number,04,
IDE07145-MAS06775,Component protection properties-KS Standard software correct number,00,
IDE07145-MAS06776,Component protection properties-Komponent protection role,KS Slave,
IDE07145-MAS06781,Component protection properties-Secure Hardware Extension,Not Used,
IDE07145-MAS06782,Component protection properties-Master ECU Key,not administered by component protection,
IDE07145-MAS06785,Component protection properties-GFA key,used,
IDE07145-MAS06786,Component protection properties-SSW RND Generation,Not Used,
IDE07145-MAS06787,Component protection properties-Indiv Key Generation,Not Used,
IDE07145-MAS06788,Component protection properties-SHE Secure Boot,Not Used,
IDE07145-MAS07187,Component protection properties-KS Data version,01,
IDE07145-MAS09609,Component protection properties-Status IKA start key,not active,
IDE07145-MAS09610,Component protection properties-Status GFA Key,valid,
IDE07145-MAS09611,Component protection properties-Status Master ECU Key,stored,
IDE07187-MAS06538,Level control system sensor-Left Front Level Control System Sensor: PWM signal,655.35, %
IDE07187-MAS06539,Level control system sensor-Left Rear Level Control System Sensor: PWM signal,655.35, %
IDE07187-MAS06540,Level control system sensor-Left front level control system sensor: frequency,6553.5, Hz
IDE07187-MAS06541,Level control system sensor-Left Rear Left Control System Sensor: frequency,6553.5, Hz
IDE07187-MAS06542,Level control system sensor-Vehicle level sensor: supply voltage,65.535, V
IDE07344-IDE00542,Sunroof shade-Excessive temperature protection,not active,
IDE07344-IDE03114,Sunroof shade-Comfort function,not active,
IDE07344-MAS01979,Sunroof shade-Adapting,Not adapted,
IDE07344-MAS02282,Sunroof shade-Position,0, %
IDE07344-MAS02447,Sunroof shade-Release,not active,
IDE07344-MAS03656,Sunroof shade-Reverse,not active,
IDE07344-MAS05563,Sunroof shade-Norming,not normed,
IDE07345-MAS07997,Sunroof front closed position switch-Rotary switch activation,Not operated,
IDE07345,Sunroof front closed position switch,Not operated,
IDE07345-ENG122183,Sunroof front closed position switch-rotary_switch_position,to,
IDE07346,Sunroof shade switches,Not operated,
IDE08125-MAS01458,Left head area heater-Operating condition,not coded/not installed,
IDE08125-MAS06651,Left head area heater-PTC heater element: current consumption,not coded/not installed,
IDE08125-MAS06652,Left head area heater-Blower motor: speed,not coded/not installed,
IDE08125-MAS06653,Left head area heater-Indicator light for head area heater,not coded/not installed,
IDE08126-MAS01458,Right head area heater-Operating condition,not coded/not installed,
IDE08126-MAS06651,Right head area heater-PTC heater element: current consumption,not coded/not installed,
IDE08126-MAS06652,Right head area heater-Blower motor: speed,not coded/not installed,
IDE08126-MAS06653,Right head area heater-Indicator light for head area heater,not coded/not installed,
IDE08177-MAS06456,Central locking system-Auto lock,not active,
IDE08177-MAS06740,Central locking system-Release button in rear lid handle locked,not active,
IDE08177-MAS09894,Central locking system-Status exterior skin,closed,
IDE08177-MAS09896,Central locking system-Act. condition: Status central locking internal locked,not active,
IDE08177-MAS09897,Central locking system-Act. condition: Status central locking external locked,not active,
IDE08177-MAS09898,Central locking system-Act. condition: Status central locking safe,not active,
IDE08177-MAS09900,Central locking system-Spec. condition: Status central lock,Signal from door lock: released,
IDE08177-ENG09185,Central locking system-Load_compartment_closing,not coded/not installed,
IDE08211-MAS00106,History data control module reset-Year,2020,
IDE08211-MAS00107,History data control module reset-Month,11,
IDE08211-MAS00108,History data control module reset-Day,19,
IDE08211-MAS00109,History data control module reset-Hours,0,
IDE08211-MAS00110,History data control module reset-Minutes,0,
IDE08211-MAS03129,History data control module reset-Reset counter,27,
IDE08211-MAS06734,History data control module reset-last cause of reset,Analysis 1,
IDE08343,Immobilizer Challenge,3E 59 14 7D,
IDE08949-MAS07867,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 0,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07868,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 1,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07869,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 2,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07870,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 3,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07871,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 4,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07872,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 5,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07873,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 6,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07874,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 7,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07875,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 8,1310, mA
IDE08949-MAS07876,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 9,1330, mA
IDE08949-MAS07877,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 10,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07878,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 11,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07879,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 12,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07880,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 13,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07881,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 14,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07882,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 15,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07883,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 16,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07884,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 17,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07885,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 18,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07886,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 19,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07887,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 20,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07888,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 21,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07889,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 22,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07890,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 23,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07891,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 24,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07892,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 25,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07893,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 26,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07894,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 27,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07895,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 28,20, mA
IDE08949-MAS07896,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 29,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07897,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 30,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07898,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 31,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07899,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 32,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07900,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 33,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07901,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 34,0, mA
IDE09065-MAS07964,Status: remote start-Engine run time after remote start,0, s
IDE09065-MAS16464,Status: remote start-Number of RemoteStarts carried out,0,
IDE09850-MAS07146,Garage door opener control head-Button 1,not coded/not installed,
IDE09850-MAS07147,Garage door opener control head-Button 2,not coded/not installed,
IDE09850-MAS07148,Garage door opener control head-Button 3,not coded/not installed,
IDE11134-IDE01943,Light sequence HU test result-Turn signal lamp,Installed: not active,
IDE11134-IDE02515,Light sequence HU test result-Low beam,Installed: not active,
IDE11134-IDE02614,Light sequence HU test result-Reversing light switch,Installed: not active,
IDE11134-IDE02743,Light sequence HU test result-High Beam,Installed: not active,
IDE11134-IDE03310,Light sequence HU test result-Brake lamp,Installed: not active,
IDE11134-IDE03638,Light sequence HU test result-Stationary cornering lamp,Installed: not active,
IDE11134-IDE05323,Light sequence HU test result-Fog lamp,Installed: not active,
IDE11134-IDE05839,Light sequence HU test result-Parking lamps,not installed / not active,
IDE11134-IDE06470,Light sequence HU test result-Periphery lighting,not installed / not active,
IDE11134-IDE06864,Light sequence HU test result-Daytime running lamps,Installed: not active,
IDE11134-MAS02354,Light sequence HU test result-Headlamp flasher,Installed: not active,
IDE11134-MAS03835,Light sequence HU test result-Position lamps,Installed: not active,
IDE11134-MAS03836,Light sequence HU test result-Rear fog lamp,not installed / not active,
IDE11134-MAS11025,Light sequence HU test result-Status,no restriction,
IDE11350-MAS12597,Sunlight photo sensor-Sun intensity left,327670, W/m²
IDE11350-MAS12598,Sunlight photo sensor-Sun intensity right,327670, W/m²
IDE11668-MAS06256,Driver side rear sliding door: central locking signals-Status door lock,not coded/not installed,
IDE11668-MAS06431,Driver side rear sliding door: central locking signals-Door contact switch,not coded/not installed,
IDE11668-MAS06433,Driver side rear sliding door: central locking signals-Door lock: safe status,not coded/not installed,
IDE11669-MAS06256,Passenger side rear sliding door: central locking signals-Status door lock,not coded/not installed,
IDE11669-MAS06431,Passenger side rear sliding door: central locking signals-Door contact switch,not coded/not installed,
IDE11669-MAS06433,Passenger side rear sliding door: central locking signals-Door lock: safe status,not coded/not installed,
IDE11670-MAS06256,Rear wing door: central locking signals-Status door lock,not coded/not installed,
IDE11670-MAS06431,Rear wing door: central locking signals-Door contact switch,not coded/not installed,
IDE11670-MAS06433,Rear wing door: central locking signals-Door lock: safe status,not coded/not installed,
IDE11727-IDE04806,Function of the central console button-Driving profile selection button,LED installed,
IDE11727-MAS13125,Function of the central console button-Function of button 1,Start-stop,
IDE11727-MAS13129,Function of the central console button-Function of button 2,not coded/not installed,
IDE11727-MAS13132,Function of the central console button-Function of button 3,Driving program,
IDE11727-MAS13135,Function of the central console button-Function of button 4,not coded/not installed,
IDE11943-MAS01737,Signature lamp-Diagnosis,not coded/not installed,
IDE11943-MAS02248,Signature lamp-Signal state,Measuring value not available,
IDE11943-MAS03873,Signature lamp-Duty cycle,0.0, %
IDE11943-MAS04351,Signature lamp-Connector terminal number,0,
IDE11943-MAS04352,Signature lamp-Connector number,not coded/not installed,
IDE11999-IDE03853,High values of headlight range adjustment: basic setting-Left front level control system sensor: height value adapted,-100.0,
IDE11999-IDE04143,High values of headlight range adjustment: basic setting-Left rear level control system sensor: height value adapted,-100.0,
IDE12060,Headlight range adjustment counter,00 00 00 00,
IDE12212,Cause control module incorrectly coded,not installed,
IDE12940-IDE01268,Lever functions of the steering column electronics-Windshield wiper,Intermittent operation,
IDE12940-IDE02335,Lever functions of the steering column electronics-Signal light switch position,Not operated,
IDE12940-IDE02711,Lever functions of the steering column electronics-Rear wiper,Not operated,
IDE12940-MAS00232,Lever functions of the steering column electronics-MFI button UP,Not operated,
IDE12940-MAS00233,Lever functions of the steering column electronics-MFI button DOWN,Not operated,
IDE12940-MAS00234,Lever functions of the steering column electronics-MFI button RESET / OK,Not operated,
IDE12940-MAS00242,Lever functions of the steering column electronics-Driver assistance systems button,Not operated,
IDE12940-MAS00243,Lever functions of the steering column electronics-Buttons for driver assistance systems: status,No malfunction detected,
IDE12940-MAS01288,Lever functions of the steering column electronics-Horn,Not operated,
IDE12940-MAS02338,Lever functions of the steering column electronics-Windshield wiper: intermittent stage,Stage 4,
IDE12940-MAS02339,Lever functions of the steering column electronics-Windshield washer system,Not operated,
IDE12940-MAS02341,Lever functions of the steering column electronics-Rear window washer system,Not operated,
IDE12940,Lever functions of the steering column electronics,Not operated,
IDE14095-MAS17564,Wiper park position heater-Relay actuation,not coded/not installed,
IDE14110-MAS17842,Digital Key-NFC control section,not coded/not installed,
IDE14110-MAS17843,Digital Key-Bluetooth control section,not coded/not installed,
IDE14172-MAS03692,Remote key movement information-Key 1,not inoperative,
IDE14172-MAS03693,Remote key movement information-Key 2,not inoperative,
IDE14172-MAS03694,Remote key movement information-Key 3,not inoperative,
IDE14172-MAS03695,Remote key movement information-Key 4,not inoperative,
IDE80251-MAS06439,Head area heater-Crash status,not coded/not installed,
IDE80251-MAS06646,Head area heater-Head area heater left: specified level,not coded/not installed,
IDE80251-MAS06647,Head area heater-Head area heater right: specified level,not coded/not installed,
IDE80251-MAS06648,Head area heater-Continuation at terminal 15 on,not coded/not installed,
IDE80251-MAS06649,Head area heater-Left front seat occupation status,not coded/not installed,
IDE80251-MAS06650,Head area heater-Right front occupation status,not coded/not installed,
MAS00043-IDE00019,Terminal 30 power supply-Voltage terminal 30,14.45, V
MAS00043-IDE05835,Terminal 30 power supply-Supply voltage for central locking,14.45, V
MAS00043-IDE05967,Terminal 30 power supply-Voltage terminal 30 left,14.45, V
MAS00043-IDE05968,Terminal 30 power supply-Voltage terminal 30 right,14.45, V
MAS00043-IDE08734,Terminal 30 power supply-Supply voltage for anti-theft alarm system,5.00, V
MAS00043-IDE08735,Terminal 30 power supply-Supply voltage for seat heater,14.40, V
MAS00043-MAS00362,Terminal 30 power supply-Battery voltage,6.00, V
MAS00043-MAS07472,Terminal 30 power supply-Battery voltage BEM,14.50, V
MAS00043-MAS07473,Terminal 30 power supply-Test voltage rear window defogger,0.00, V
MAS00043-MAS07474,Terminal 30 power supply-Test voltage windshield defogger,0.00, V
MAS00179-MAS04422,Brake lamp switch-Brake light signal via CAN,OFF,
MAS00179-MAS07313,Brake lamp switch-Brake light signal via HW,OFF,
MAS00464-MAS00106,Standard - ambient data 1-Year,2021,
MAS00464-MAS00107,Standard - ambient data 1-Month,3,
MAS00464-MAS00108,Standard - ambient data 1-Day,10,
MAS00464-MAS00109,Standard - ambient data 1-Hours,12,
MAS00464-MAS00110,Standard - ambient data 1-Minutes,38,
MAS00464-MAS00111,Standard - ambient data 1-Seconds,20,
MAS00464-MAS00468,Standard - ambient data 1-Unlearning counter,215,
MAS00464-MAS00711,Standard - ambient data 1-Odometer reading,30675, km
MAS00829-MAS00244,Access/start authorization-Prompt wire,Not operated,
MAS00829-MAS01763,Access/start authorization-Signal Strength,-55,
MAS00829-MAS07866,Access/start authorization-Duration: last awakening wire actua.,0, ms
MAS01281-MAS01737,Back-up lamp-Diagnosis,normal,
MAS01281-MAS02248,Back-up lamp-Signal state,not active,
MAS01281-MAS03873,Back-up lamp-Duty cycle,0.0, %
MAS01281-MAS04351,Back-up lamp-Connector terminal number,64,
MAS01281-MAS04352,Back-up lamp-Connector number,Connector A,
MAS01431-IDE01442,Vehicle key with remote control-Pressing a button,Not operated,
MAS01431-IDE01839,Vehicle key with remote control-Battery charge level,Not available,
MAS01431-MAS00077,Vehicle key with remote control-Immobilizer,OK,
MAS01431-MAS01551,Vehicle key with remote control-Key number,255,
MAS01431-MAS05048,Vehicle key with remote control-Number of transmitters adapted,2,
MAS01431-MAS06362,Vehicle key with remote control-Code in catch area,Not available,
MAS01490-IDE02744,Energy management-Steering wheel heating,Enabled,
MAS01490-IDE04216,Energy management-Mirror heater,Enabled,
MAS01490-IDE80251,Energy management-Head area heater,not coded/not installed,
MAS01490-MAS01535,Energy management-Rear window defogger,Enabled,
MAS01490-MAS01563,Energy management-Auxiliary Air Heater,not coded/not installed,
MAS01490-MAS01564,Energy management-Front windshield heater,not coded/not installed,
MAS01490-MAS01632,Energy management-Status,not active,
MAS01490-MAS02390,Energy management-Shutoff,1126,
MAS01490-MAS05795,Energy management-Rear seat heater,Enabled,
MAS01490-MAS05796,Energy management-Emergency shut-down,0,
MAS01490-MAS05887,Energy management-Battery cut out relay 2,not enabled,
MAS01490-MAS06551,Energy management-Seat ventilation,not coded/not installed,
MAS01490-MAS06552,Energy management-Front seat heating,Enabling stage 3,
MAS01490-MAS06553,Energy management-Display consumer switch-off,not active,
MAS01490-MAS06554,Energy management-Switch-off priority while driving,0,
MAS01490-MAS06555,Energy management-Maximum switch-off priority while driving,0,
MAS01490-MAS06556,Energy management-Switch-off with voltage drops,0,
MAS01490-MAS06557,Energy management-Switch-off priority with vehicle crash,0,
MAS01490-MAS06558,Energy management-Current negative charge balance,0, %
MAS01490-MAS06559,Energy management-Switch-off priority with engine off,0,
MAS01490-MAS06560,Energy management-Short distance driving,0,
MAS01597-IDE00542,Sunroof-Excessive temperature protection,not active,
MAS01597-IDE03114,Sunroof-Comfort function,not active,
MAS01597-MAS02282,Sunroof-Position,0, %
MAS01597-MAS03656,Sunroof-Reverse,not active,
MAS01597-MAS05737,Sunroof-Position,Tilt out posi.,
MAS03835-MAS01737,Position lamps-Diagnosis,normal,
MAS03835-MAS02248,Position lamps-Signal state,active,
MAS03835-MAS03873,Position lamps-Duty cycle,100.0, %
MAS03835-MAS04351,Position lamps-Connector terminal number,39,
MAS03835-MAS04352,Position lamps-Connector number,Connector B,
MAS03836-MAS01737,Rear fog lamp-Diagnosis,not coded/not installed,
MAS03836-MAS02248,Rear fog lamp-Signal state,Measuring value not available,
MAS03836-MAS03873,Rear fog lamp-Duty cycle,0.0, %
MAS03836-MAS04351,Rear fog lamp-Connector terminal number,0,
MAS03836-MAS04352,Rear fog lamp-Connector number,not coded/not installed,
MAS07959-IDE00787,Remote start history data-Cause for cancellation,no reason for cancellation,
MAS07959-MAS00107,Remote start history data-Month,15,
MAS07959-MAS00108,Remote start history data-Day,31,
MAS07959-MAS00109,Remote start history data-Hours,31,
MAS07959-MAS00110,Remote start history data-Minutes,63,
MAS07959-MAS07960,Remote start history data-Stop or cancel cause,No reason for prevention,
MAS08228-MAS01632,Light sensor-Status,not coded/not installed,
MAS08228-MAS02851,Light sensor-Brightness,22860, lx
MAS08228-MAS04121,Light sensor-Voltage,25.4, V
MAS13141,Test voltage,0, V
MAS18843-MAS00106,SE references from last used digital key devices-Year,2000,
MAS18843-MAS00107,SE references from last used digital key devices-Month,0,
MAS18843-MAS00108,SE references from last used digital key devices-Day,0,
MAS18843-MAS00109,SE references from last used digital key devices-Hours,0,
MAS18843-MAS00110,SE references from last used digital key devices-Minutes,0,
MAS18843-MAS00711,SE references from last used digital key devices-Odometer reading,1048574, km
MAS18843-ENG118445,SE references from last used digital key devices-Secure_element_reference,00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00,
MAS18843-ENG118320,SE references from last used digital key devices-Secure_element_reference_state,Remote start function active,
ENG116910,Control unit internal measured value (supplier),31 37 30 33 30 30 30 31 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00,
ENG117285-ENG124947,Cycle_Protection_Counter-last_wake_up,keine Stoerschutzursache,
ENG116908-ENG115779,Ecu_Intern_Meas._Values_2-Betriebsstunden_Abblendlicht_an,0, H
ENG116908-ENG115778,Ecu_Intern_Meas._Values_2-Hours_of_operation,0, H
ENG116908-ENG115776,Ecu_Intern_Meas._Values_2-Number of_the_wisp_cycles_front_window_wiper,0,
ENG116908-ENG115777,Ecu_Intern_Meas._Values_2-Number of_the_wisp_cycles_rear_window_wiper,0,
ENG117286-ENG116724,Kopfraumheizung_Entwicklung-KRH_l_Error,not coded/not installed,
ENG117286-ENG116725,Kopfraumheizung_Entwicklung-KRH_l_Error_Gueltigkeit,not coded/not installed,
ENG117286-ENG116723,Kopfraumheizung_Entwicklung-KRH_l_Luefter_Error,not coded/not installed,
ENG117286-ENG116727,Kopfraumheizung_Entwicklung-KRH_l_PTC_Error,not coded/not installed,
ENG117286-ENG116726,Kopfraumheizung_Entwicklung-KRH_l_ResponseError,not coded/not installed,
ENG117286-ENG116730,Kopfraumheizung_Entwicklung-KRH_r_Error,not coded/not installed,
ENG117286-ENG116731,Kopfraumheizung_Entwicklung-KRH_r_Error_Gueltigkeit,not coded/not installed,
ENG117286-ENG116728,Kopfraumheizung_Entwicklung-KRH_r_Luefter_Error,not coded/not installed,
ENG117286-ENG116729,Kopfraumheizung_Entwicklung-KRH_r_PTC_Error,not coded/not installed,
ENG117286-ENG116732,Kopfraumheizung_Entwicklung-KRH_r_ResponseError,not coded/not installed,
ENG116008-IDE10662,light_swich_module-Light switch (button module),not coded/not installed,
ENG116008-MAS17838,light_swich_module-Exterior lighting: global shutoff,not coded/not installed,
ENG116909-ENG107391,LIN activity-LIN 1,active,
ENG116909-ENG107392,LIN activity-LIN 2,not coded/not installed,
ENG116909-ENG114948,LIN activity-LIN 3,active,
ENG116909-ENG114949,LIN activity-LIN 4,not coded/not installed,
ENG116909-ENG114950,LIN activity-LIN 5,not coded/not installed,
ENG116909-ENG114951,LIN activity-LIN 6,active,
ENG116793,Monitor 1,00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00,
ENG116802,Monitor 10,00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00,
ENG116794,Monitor 2,00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00,
ENG116795,Monitor 3,00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00,
ENG116796,Monitor 4,00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00,
ENG116797,Monitor 5,00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00,
ENG116798,Monitor 6,00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00,
ENG116799,Monitor 7,00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00,
ENG116800,Monitor 8,00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00,
ENG116801,Monitor 9,00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00,
ENG128380,Parametermonitor_0,82 14 64 64 A0 78 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 50 32 32 00 50 50 50 50 3E 3E 62 62 00 00 64 3C 01 21 21 0A 04 00 00 1E 0A 1E 1E 03 07 00 00 06 06 28 00 3C 03 1E 22 00 04 19 05 00 01 01 28 00 02 00 02 1E 64 05 B4 1E 32 00 00 00 00 26 1D 5A 96 02 05 0A 6E 96 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A 1E 3C 42 0F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 64 0A 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1E 5A 19 E1 32 01 0A 00 00 00 00 00 A0 00 00 00 A0 00 00 00 A0 06 0C 0A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00,
ENG116806,Parametermonitor_1,00 00 00 00 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 14 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 64 64 64 64 64 64 00 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 3C 00 60 7E 7F 60 60 7E 60 60 60 7F 60 60 60 60 14 00 46 7E 7F 46 46 7E 46 46 46 7F 46 46 46 46 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 7E 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 7E 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 7E 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 7E 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 7E 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 7E 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00,
ENG130145,Parametermonitor_10,00 5A 00 F0 05 05 05 2D 0F 32 32 0A 01 2C 14 01 03 0A 0A 05 01 02 05 01 09 00 9E 02 BC 5F 4B 41 06 9A 86 00 32 00 01 00 01 02 08 04 05 05 05 06 03 09 0A 07 07 FF FF FF 01 02 02 03 03 04 05 05 05 FF 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 FF 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 FF 02 01 03 03 04 06 07 05 FF FF 01 02 03 03 03 04 05 06 07 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 28 12 10 0E 0C 0A 06 04 00 00 19 16 15 18 16 1D 15 16 14 14 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00,
ENG116807,Parametermonitor_2,0F 05 0A 00 16 00 00 14 28 14 00 14 32 5A 32 0A 1E 12 00 4B 0A 01 1E 5A 0F 3C 3C 05 0A 01 0A 78 00 FA 01 1C 00 0F 00 05 0A 14 03 02 00 19 64 00 64 1E 32 18 18 7D 28 05 28 28 7D 3C 3C 7D 7D 0A 19 3C 7D 2B 00 00 02 00 00 01 28 0A 28 19 0A 23 04 C8 FA 17 16 88 00 1E 05 00 01 C8 32 C8 14 00 5A 03 00 03 03 00 00 04 01 05 32 32 32 64 03 00 00 00 00 00 22 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0F 14 50 78 32 3C 02 58 00 00 0A 6E 05 64 28 00 0A 06 05 02 0A 28 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 14 14 14 00 32 00 00 00 00 28 64 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 28 14 14 C8 32 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00,
ENG116808-ENG115827,Parametermonitor_3-parameter_monitor_3_climatic,FF 02 32 00 3C FF 80 05 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 FF 02 32 3C 00 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 FF 02 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 0A 28 0F 1E 06 32 0A 34 0B 01 64 64 03 0A 05 01 0A 46 00 32 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00,
ENG116808-ENG115828,Parametermonitor_3-parameter_monitor_3_wiper,0A 00 00 19 19 00 03 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1E 50 46 00 58 8B FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A 0A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00,
ENG116809,Parametermonitor_4,04 04 14 1E 03 B4 00 0A 05 05 0A 4B 4B 32 0A 03 00 1E 32 05 14 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 02 02 01 0A 28 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 04 0C 78 04 04 0C 01 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2A 3E 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 05 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A FF 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 03 0A 00 00 00 00 00 04 0A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 32 28 00 00 00 00 00 05 05 3C 04 01 01 01 01 96 01 01 C8 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FE FD FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3C 14 37 28 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00,
ENG116810,Parametermonitor_5,0A 00 0C 08 09 0A 05 0A 0A 14 08 0A 03 00 0A 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 04 00 00 1E 0A 05 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 46 00 03 09 01 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A 0F 0F 00 00 60 06 16 06 19 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00,
ENG116811,Parametermonitor_6,00 46 32 FA 3C 00 1E 32 05 04 3C 00 08 05 01 00 01 00 00 00 05 0A 50 0F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00,
ENG116911,Parametermonitor_7,00 0A 00 0A 00 0A FF FF 00 0A 00 0A FF FF FF FF 0F A0 00 32 00 32 00 32 00 32 00 32 00 0A 00 0A 00 32 FF FE 00 0A 00 32 00 32 00 00 00 0A 00 0A 00 00 FF FF 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00,
ENG116812,Parametermonitor_FF,00 00 05 30 30 00 0A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00,
ENG126653-MAS01551,Personalized_Account_Key_History-Key number,1,
ENG126652-MAS03692,Personalized_key__Setting-Key 1,2,
ENG126652-MAS03693,Personalized_key__Setting-Key 2,2,
ENG126652-MAS03694,Personalized_key__Setting-Key 3,1,
ENG126652-MAS03695,Personalized_key__Setting-Key 4,1,
ENG126652-MAS03696,Personalized_key__Setting-Key 5,1,
ENG126652-MAS03697,Personalized_key__Setting-Key 6,1,
ENG126652-MAS03698,Personalized_key__Setting-Key 7,1,
ENG116792-ENG115817,Power up history-Funktionsanforderung,9,
ENG130589-MAS16304,Remotestart_Monitor-Number of driver takeovers from RemoteStart,0,
ENG130589-MAS16305,Remotestart_Monitor-Number of duplicate activations,0,
ENG130589-MAS16306,Remotestart_Monitor-Number of incorrect takeovers,0,
ENG130589-MAS16307,Remotestart_Monitor-Average running time: group 1,0,
ENG130589-MAS16308,Remotestart_Monitor-Average running time: group 2,0,
ENG130589-MAS16309,Remotestart_Monitor-Average running time: group 3,0,
ENG130589-MAS16333,Remotestart_Monitor-Number of RemoteStarts,0,
ENG130589-MAS16334,Remotestart_Monitor-RemoteStart cancellations counter,0,
ENG116790-MAS00711,Supply voltage history-Odometer reading,12682, km
ENG116790-ENG115814,Supply voltage history-highest voltage ever measured,22.2, V
ENG116790-ENG115815,Supply voltage history-hoechste im letzten Fahrzyklus gemessen Batteriespannung,14.7, V
ENG116790-ENG115816,Supply voltage history-voltage measurement: intern,14.4, V
ENG116791,Temperatures,19.00, °C
ENG127111-ENG127149,Valeo_Entwickler_MWB-Batterie_Spannung_KL_15,0.0, V
ENG127111-ENG127148,Valeo_Entwickler_MWB-Batterie_Spannung_KL_30,0.0, V
ENG127111-ENG127156,Valeo_Entwickler_MWB-GRA leitung,0,
ENG127111-ENG30013,Valeo_Entwickler_MWB-Historienspeicher im Fehlerfall,00 00 00 01 8F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00,
ENG127111-ENG30027,Valeo_Entwickler_MWB-Lenkrad Heizung,0,
ENG116907-IDE00020,Zusaetzliche Umgebungsdaten-Terminal 15 status,On,
ENG116907-IDE01716,Zusaetzliche Umgebungsdaten-Terminal 50 status,OFF,
ENG116907-IDE02515,Zusaetzliche Umgebungsdaten-Low beam,Not operated,
ENG116907-IDE04639,Zusaetzliche Umgebungsdaten-Last wake-up cause,no cause for fault protection,
ENG116907-IDE07956,Zusaetzliche Umgebungsdaten-redundant signal line,infinite,
ENG116907-MAS01957,Zusaetzliche Umgebungsdaten-Outside temperature,19.0, °C
ENG116907-MAS02462,Zusaetzliche Umgebungsdaten-Automatic high beam assist,operated,
ENG116907-MAS02788,Zusaetzliche Umgebungsdaten-CAN,On,
ENG116907-MAS03835,Zusaetzliche Umgebungsdaten-Position lamps,Not operated,
ENG116907-MAS04121,Zusaetzliche Umgebungsdaten-Voltage,14.4, V
ENG116907-MAS06466,Zusaetzliche Umgebungsdaten-Parking light left,Not operated,
ENG116907-MAS06467,Zusaetzliche Umgebungsdaten-Parking light right,Not operated,
ENG116907-MAS14232,Zusaetzliche Umgebungsdaten-Light switch: zero setting,Not operated,
ENG116907-MAS19766,Zusaetzliche Umgebungsdaten-Status of brake lamp switch: discrete,OFF,
ENG116907-MAS19768,Zusaetzliche Umgebungsdaten-Brake lamp switch via CAN: status,OFF,
Elapsed Time: 00:43
;SW:5Q0-907-572-P HW:3QF-907-572-A --- Auto Dist. Reg
;Component:ACC BOSCH MQB H11 0682, Coding:B514E70141FFCF28949D812560400600000000000000000004
;VCDS Version: Release 21.3.0 (x64) Data version: 20210226 DS325.0
;VCID: 44D245DA4E10AD7BEBB-8010
IDE00002,Transport mode,OFF,
IDE00018,Voltage terminal 15,14.4, V
IDE00030,Status of actuator test,not active,
IDE00102,Control Module temperature,53, °C
IDE00322,Status of basic setting,was not yet started,
IDE00323,Security Access: Number of invalid keys,0,
IDE01285,Counter of component protection malfunctions,00 00,
IDE01788,Heated lens control signal,0.00, %
IDE01794,ACC operating lever signal,00000000 10101000 ,
IDE01985-MAS06854,FAZIT identification test sum-Version,81,
IDE01985-MAS06855,FAZIT identification test sum-Test sum,B1 64 6F 9A,
IDE03008-MAS12557,Stop process prevented-Vehicle ahead starts driving: ACC active: automatic drive-off disabled,not active,
IDE03008-MAS12559,Stop process prevented-Vehicle ahead starts driving: ACC passive,not active,
IDE03008-MAS12560,Stop process prevented-Vehicle ahead starts driving: ACC off,not active,
IDE03008-MAS16236,Stop process prevented-Vehicle ahead approaching: ECC not coded,not active,
IDE03010-MAS12557,Number of prevented stop processes-Vehicle ahead starts driving: ACC active: automatic drive-off disabled,0,
IDE03010-MAS12559,Number of prevented stop processes-Vehicle ahead starts driving: ACC passive,34,
IDE03010-MAS12560,Number of prevented stop processes-Vehicle ahead starts driving: ACC off,0,
IDE03010-MAS16236,Number of prevented stop processes-Vehicle ahead approaching: ECC not coded,0,
IDE03011-MAS12557,Number of requested start processes-Vehicle ahead starts driving: ACC active: automatic drive-off disabled,0,
IDE03011-MAS12558,Number of requested start processes-Vehicle ahead starts driving: ACC active: automatic drive-off possible,0,
IDE03011-MAS12559,Number of requested start processes-Vehicle ahead starts driving: ACC passive,0,
IDE03011-MAS12560,Number of requested start processes-Vehicle ahead starts driving: ACC off,0,
IDE03011-MAS16236,Number of requested start processes-Vehicle ahead approaching: ECC not coded,0,
IDE03203,Alignment instructions,Set mirror in posit 1 and start measurement,
IDE04329-IDE04332,Status of all SWaP functions-Release code for a SWaP function,available.,
IDE04329-IDE05814,Status of all SWaP functions-Individualization characteristic,valid,
IDE04329-IDE06260,Status of all SWaP functions-ID number,10 00 90 06,
IDE04329-MAS01340,Status of all SWaP functions-Functions,available.,
IDE04329-MAS01903,Status of all SWaP functions-Configuration,OK,
IDE04329-MAS02934,Status of all SWaP functions-Preconditions met,Condition met,
IDE04329-MAS05616,Status of all SWaP functions-Cancellation,No,
IDE04329-MAS05617,Status of all SWaP functions-Authentication,Condition met,
IDE04332-ENG117770,Release code for a SWaP function-fsc,Not available,
IDE04334-MAS02643,Public key for SWaP function-Key,9C 47 73 EC 8D BB B8 44 EF 39 01 FA 72 F4 90 B2 B2 6B 0E 1A A4 C0 67 30 2D 5C 50 55 22 E5 E6 A3 A0 B5 8F D8 FA 99 69 08 18 DA 71 B7 A9 74 62 53 8E 26 C0 BA A4 18 76 27 B6 A2 A9 F5 1B D1 D3 40 3D A0 4B 88 D7 31 05 95 1A 05 7F 84 8E 83 13 BF 84 1A 22 B2 C0 D7 CE 51 EA B1 9C 61 4B BF 96 EF 4F 55 5A 29 7F 99 1B 1B DE 08 E0 97 3E 9F F2 10 E3 F9 66 8A 45 8E 9F FF 22 F1 14 EB F5 E0 BA 37 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03,
IDE04805-IDE02955,Driving profile selection-System status,Not available,
IDE04805-MAS01447,Driving profile selection-Act.val.,0,
IDE04805-MAS01448,Driving profile selection-Target value,0,
IDE05814,Individualization characteristic,A9 37 63 14 75,
IDE06307-MAS00106,Stop prevention history data-Year,2021,
IDE06307-MAS00107,Stop prevention history data-Month,3,
IDE06307-MAS00108,Stop prevention history data-Day,4,
IDE06307-MAS00109,Stop prevention history data-Hours,10,
IDE06307-MAS00110,Stop prevention history data-Minutes,35,
IDE06307-MAS00111,Stop prevention history data-Seconds,3,
IDE06307-MAS16236,Stop prevention history data-Vehicle ahead approaching: ECC not coded,not active,
IDE06307,Stop prevention history data,not active,
IDE06307,Stop prevention history data,not active,
IDE06307,Stop prevention history data,not active,
IDE06308-MAS00106,Start request history data-Year,2000,
IDE06308-MAS00107,Start request history data-Month,0,
IDE06308-MAS00108,Start request history data-Day,0,
IDE06308-MAS00109,Start request history data-Hours,0,
IDE06308-MAS00110,Start request history data-Minutes,0,
IDE06308-MAS00111,Start request history data-Seconds,0,
IDE06308-MAS16236,Start request history data-Vehicle ahead approaching: ECC not coded,not active,
IDE06308,Start request history data,not active,
IDE06308,Start request history data,not active,
IDE06308,Start request history data,not active,
IDE06308,Start request history data,not active,
IDE06425-IDE02766,Dynamometer mode: functional-Malfunction status,No malfunction,
IDE06425-MAS06026,Dynamometer mode: functional-Activation stages,not activated,
IDE07145-MAS06772,Component protection properties-Component protection generation,02,
IDE07145-MAS06773,Component protection properties-KS Standard software main version nummer,02,
IDE07145-MAS06774,Component protection properties-KS Standard software secondary version number,00,
IDE07145-MAS06775,Component protection properties-KS Standard software correct number,01,
IDE07145-MAS06776,Component protection properties-Komponent protection role,KS Slave,
IDE07145-MAS06781,Component protection properties-Secure Hardware Extension,Not Used,
IDE07145-MAS06782,Component protection properties-Master ECU Key,not administered by component protection,
IDE07145-MAS06785,Component protection properties-GFA key,used,
IDE07145-MAS06786,Component protection properties-SSW RND Generation,Not Used,
IDE07145-MAS06787,Component protection properties-Indiv Key Generation,used,
IDE07145-MAS06788,Component protection properties-SHE Secure Boot,Not Used,
IDE07145-MAS06789,Component protection properties-KSB Config Status 2,00,
IDE07145-MAS07187,Component protection properties-KS Data version,01,
IDE08768,Mirror deviation: horizontal,24.464, °
IDE08769,Mirror deviation: vertical,-24.464, °
IDE08770-MAS01466,Adjustment of screw top left-Direction of rotation,none,
IDE08770-MAS02559,Adjustment of screw top left-Rotations,0.00,
IDE08771-MAS01466,Adjustment of screw top right-Direction of rotation,none,
IDE08771-MAS02559,Adjustment of screw top right-Rotations,0.00,
IDE08772-MAS01466,Adjustment of screw bottom left-Direction of rotation,none,
IDE08772-MAS02559,Adjustment of screw bottom left-Rotations,0.00,
IDE08773-MAS01466,Adjustment of screw bottom right-Direction of rotation,none,
IDE08773-MAS02559,Adjustment of screw bottom right-Rotations,0.00,
IDE08936,Misalignment angle: horiz,0.034, °
IDE08937,Misalignment angle: horiz: fast algorithm,0.115, °
IDE09380-IDE01784,Performed adjustment-Misalignment angle,0.00, °
IDE09380-MAS00106,Performed adjustment-Year,19,
IDE09380-MAS00107,Performed adjustment-Month,03,
IDE09380-MAS00108,Performed adjustment-Day,12,
IDE09380-MAS05610,Performed adjustment-Calibration,static,
IDE09380-MAS08804,Performed adjustment-Horizontal offset angle,-0.20, °
IDE09380-MAS08805,Performed adjustment-Vertical offset angle,2.30, °
IDE09906,Vertical deadjustment,0.955, °
IDE11924-MAS13427,Correction angle-Horizontal correction angle: dynamic,0.000, °
IDE11924-MAS13428,Correction angle-Vertical correction angle: dynamic,0.000, °
IDE11924-MAS13429,Correction angle-Horizontal correction angle: currently,0.110, °
IDE11924-MAS13430,Correction angle-Vertical correction angle: currently,0.960, °
IDE11924-MAS13887,Correction angle-Horizontal correction angle static,-0.200, °
IDE11924-MAS13888,Correction angle-Vertical correction angle static,2.300, °
ENG107409,Longitudinal_acceleration_vehicle_reference,0.00, m/s²
ENG107928,Operating_time_ACC,4297, min
ENG00919,Operating_time_ACC_active_driving_programm_auto,184, min
ENG00918,Operating_time_ACC_active_driving_programm_comfort,0, min
ENG00917,Operating_time_ACC_active_driving_programm_dynamic,4113, min
ENG00920,Operating_time_ACC_active_driving_programm_efficiency,0, min
ENG00921,Operating_time_ACC_active_timegap_1,4252, min
ENG00922,Operating_time_ACC_active_timegap_2,9, min
ENG00923,Operating_time_ACC_active_timegap_3,36, min
ENG00924,Operating_time_ACC_active_timegap_4,0, min
ENG00925,Operating_time_ACC_active_timegap_5,0, min
ENG00929,Operating_time_ACC_active_v-delta_0,4297, min
ENG00932,Operating_time_ACC_active_v-delta_large,0, min
ENG00931,Operating_time_ACC_active_v-delta_medium,0, min
ENG00930,Operating_time_ACC_active_v-delta_small,0, min
ENG00933,Operating_time_STA_active,0, min
ENG00934,Operating_time_STA_off_activation_possible,0, min
ENG08760,Sw_version_supplier,1037604546;PF_R28.9.0_VW.MQB_371_JETTA.0682_I1.0;0;Compiled by bor7htv on Wed Nov 29 18:39:27 2017$!,
ENG109878,Velocity_vehicle_reference,0.00, m/s
Elapsed Time: 00:14
;SW:5Q0-907-376-B HW:5Q0-907-376-A --- Susp. Elect.
;Component:DAEMPFUNGS-SG H17 0121, Coding:
;VCDS Version: Release 21.3.0 (x64) Data version: 20210226 DS325.0
;VCID: 382A212A02D8F99B773-806C
IDE00019,Voltage terminal 30,14.50, V
IDE00030,Status of actuator test,not active,
IDE00075,Vehicle speed,0.00, km/h
IDE00322,Status of basic setting,not active,
IDE00323,Security Access: Number of invalid keys,0,
IDE03051,Voltage supply for right sensor for level control system,4.98, V
IDE03052,Voltage supply for left sensor for level control system,4.96, V
IDE03607,Front left chassis acceleration sensor,0.00, m/s²
IDE03608,Front right chassis accelerator,0.07, m/s²
IDE03609,Rear body acceleration sensor,0.13, m/s²
IDE03611-MAS01447,Left front dampening adjustment valve-Act.val.,0.01, A
IDE03611-MAS01448,Left front dampening adjustment valve-Target value,0.00, A
IDE03612-MAS01447,Right front dampening adjustment valve-Act.val.,0.01, A
IDE03612-MAS01448,Right front dampening adjustment valve-Target value,0.00, A
IDE03613-MAS01447,Left rear dampening adjustment valve-Act.val.,0.01, A
IDE03613-MAS01448,Left rear dampening adjustment valve-Target value,0.00, A
IDE03614-MAS01447,Right rear dampening adjustment valve-Act.val.,0.01, A
IDE03614-MAS01448,Right rear dampening adjustment valve-Target value,0.00, A
IDE03849,Left front level control system sensor: raw value,13.78, %
IDE03857,Right front level control system sensor: raw value,84.32, %
IDE03865,Left rear level control system sensor: raw value,29.06, %
IDE04147,Right rear level control system sensor: raw value,Not installed due to specific system,
IDE04195,Left front level ctrl sys sensor: adaptation value (deflected),67.35, %
IDE04196,Left front level ctrl sys sensor: limit 1 (deflected),51.66, %
IDE04197,Left front level ctrl sys sensor: limit 2 (deflected),75.66, %
IDE04198,Right front level ctrl sys sensor: adaptation value (deflected),29.92, %
IDE04199,Right front level ctrl sys sensor: limit 1 (deflected),21.95, %
IDE04200,Right front level ctrl sys sensor: limit 2 (deflected),45.95, %
IDE04201,Left rear level ctrl sys sensor: adaptation value (deflected),64.76, %
IDE04202,Left rear level ctrl sys sensor: limit 1 (deflected),56.62, %
IDE04203,Left rear level ctrl sys sensor: limit 2 (deflected),80.62, %
IDE04204,Right rear level ctrl sys sensor: adaptation value (deflected),Not installed due to specific system,
IDE04348,Right rear level control system sensor: limit 1 (deflected),Not installed due to specific system,
IDE04349,Right rear level control system sensor: limit 2 (deflected),Not installed due to specific system,
IDE04455,Adapted VIN,3VW6T7AU5KM017532,
IDE04805-IDE02955,Driving profile selection-System status,available.,
IDE04805-IDE06419,Driving profile selection-Driving profile switchover,will be performed.,
IDE04805-MAS01447,Driving profile selection-Act.val.,3,
IDE04805-MAS01448,Driving profile selection-Target value,3,
IDE04805-MAS05058,Driving profile selection-Compatibility,Yes,
IDE04893-MAS01853,Adapting with deflected wheels-Left front,not possible,
IDE04893-MAS01854,Adapting with deflected wheels-Right front,not possible,
IDE04893-MAS01855,Adapting with deflected wheels-Left rear,not possible,
IDE04893-MAS01856,Adapting with deflected wheels-Right rear,possible,
IDE06673,Initialization status,initialized,
IDE80001,Analysis 1,not active,
IDE80002,Analysis 2,not active,
IDE80004,Analysis 4,1,
IDE80006,Analysis 6,not active,
IDE80007,Analysis 7,0,
IDE80008,Analysis 8,5.00, V
IDE80009,Analysis 9,2.51, V
IDE80010,Analysis 10,6.00, V
IDE80011,Analysis 11,28, °C
IDE80012,Analysis 12,28, °C
IDE80013-MAS03401,Analysis 13-Parameter 1,97,
IDE80013-MAS03402,Analysis 13-Parameter 2,97,
IDE80014-MAS03401,Analysis 14-Parameter 1,152716,
IDE80014-MAS03402,Analysis 14-Parameter 2,100039,
IDE80015,Analysis 15,25,
IDE80016,Analysis 16,15,
IDE80017,Analysis 17,Yes,
IDE80018,Analysis 18,00 03,
IDE80019,Analysis 19,00 02,
IDE80020,Analysis 20,00 03 00 03 00 08,
IDE80021,Analysis 21,not activated,
IDE80022,Analysis 22,2,
IDE80022,Analysis 22,2,
IDE80022,Analysis 22,0,
IDE80022,Analysis 22,0,
IDE80022,Analysis 22,2,
IDE80022,Analysis 22,2,
IDE80023,Analysis 23,00 00,
IDE80023,Analysis 23,00 00,
IDE80023,Analysis 23,00 00,
IDE80024,Analysis 24,00 02,
IDE80024,Analysis 24,00 02,
IDE80024,Analysis 24,00 02,
IDE80025,Analysis 25,8.90, V
IDE80026,Analysis 26,00 00 00 00,
IDE80027,Analysis 27,3,
MAS03088,Internal damper mode,1,
Elapsed Time: 00:05
;SW:5Q0-959-655-J HW:5Q0-959-655-J --- Airbags
;Component:AirbagVW20 010 0830, Coding:8CCCFC00000000005000001AC24800000065
;VCDS Version: Release 21.3.0 (x64) Data version: 20210226 DS325.0
;VCID: 47C852D67F2686630E9-8012
IDE00323,Security Access: Number of invalid keys,0,
IDE00821,Seat belt switch 2nd row driver's side,not installed,
IDE00822,Safety belt switch 2nd row frt.passenger side,not installed,
IDE00823,Seat belt switch 2nd row center,not installed,
IDE00824,Seat belt switch 3rd row driver's side,not installed,
IDE00825,Passenger side 3rd row seat belt switch,not installed,
IDE00919,Driver side airbag igniter ohm value,2.9, Ohm
IDE00956,Occupation status: frt.passenger seat,Adult,
IDE01100,Passenger side airbag igniter ohm value,2.2, Ohm
IDE01101,Passenger side airbag igniter 2 ohm value,2.2, Ohm
IDE01102,Driver thorax airbag igniter ohm value,2.5, Ohm
IDE01103,Passenger side side airbag igniter ohm value,2.5, Ohm
IDE01104,driver side rear airbag igniter ohm value,no measured value present,
IDE01105,Ft. pass.side rear airbag igniter ohm value,no measured value present,
IDE01106,Driver side head curtain airbag igniter ohm value,2.4, Ohm
IDE01107,Frt.pass. side head curtain airbag igniter ohm value,2.4, Ohm
IDE01108,Driver side knee airbag igniter ohm value,no measured value present,
IDE01109,Frt.pass. side knee airbag igniter ohm value,no measured value present,
IDE01110,Driver side belt tensioner igniter ohm value,2.4, Ohm
IDE01111,Frt.pass. side belt tensioner igniter ohm value,2.3, Ohm
IDE01112,Driver side belt tensioner igniter 2 ohm value,2.2, Ohm
IDE01113,Frt.pass. side belt tensioner igniter 2 ohm value,2.3, Ohm
IDE01114,Driver side belt force limiter igniter ohm value,2.4, Ohm
IDE01115,side belt force limiter igniter ohm value,2.3, Ohm
IDE01116,driver side rear belt tensioner igniter ohm value,no measured value present,
IDE01117,Passenger side rear belt tensioner igniter ohm value,no measured value present,
IDE01119,Battery open circuit igniter ohm value,no measured value present,
IDE01193,Driver belt tensioner ohm value,Too Small,
IDE01194,Frt.pass. belt tensioner ohm value,Too Small,
IDE01195,Front passenger side seat occupancy detection: Ohm value,no measured value present,
IDE01197,Key switch contact 1 ohm value,too large,
IDE01198,Key switch contact 2 ohm value,too large,
IDE01200,Driver seat position sensor current value,6.1, mA
IDE01201,Frt.pass. seat position sensor current value,6.1, mA
IDE01205,Safety belt switch 2nd row driver side ohm value,no measured value present,
IDE01206,Safety belt switch 2nd row frt.pass. side ohm value,no measured value present,
IDE01207,Safety belt switch center 2nd row ohm value,no measured value present,
IDE01208,Seat belt switch 3rd row driver side ohm value,no measured value present,
IDE01209,Seat belt switch 3rd row frt.pass. side ohm value,no measured value present,
IDE01271,Number of rollover bar deployments,0,
IDE01285,Counter of component protection malfunctions,0,
IDE01555,Number of frontal crashes,0,
IDE01556,Number of side crashes driver side,0,
IDE01557,Number of side crashes frt.pass. side,0,
IDE01558,Number of rear crashes,0,
IDE01559,Number of rollover crashes,0,
IDE02246,Number of activations of pedestrian protection,0,
IDE02486,Data logger triggering,not active,
IDE02852,Battery Interrupt Igniter High-Voltage Battery,not installed,
IDE02853,Igniter for batt. interrupt: high volt. batt. ohm value,no measured value present,
IDE03870,Seat occupied recognition malfunction status,0,
IDE03870,Seat occupied recognition malfunction status,0,
IDE03870,Seat occupied recognition malfunction status,0,
IDE03870,Seat occupied recognition malfunction status,00,
IDE06959,Seat occupant detection: diagnosis signal,29.0, %
IDE06960,Seat occupant detection: msmt. signal,12.5, %
IDE06961,Seat occupant detection: ref. signal,1.0, %
MAS00001,Driver airbag igniter,correct,
MAS00003,Front passenger airbag igniter,correct,
MAS00004,Front passenger airbag igniter 2,correct,
MAS00005,Driver thorax airbag igniter,correct,
MAS00006,Front passenger side airbag igniter,correct,
MAS00007,Driver side rear thorax airbag igniter,cannot be measured currently,
MAS00008,Passenger side rear thorax airbag igniter,cannot be measured currently,
MAS00009,Driver head curtain airbag igniter,correct,
MAS00010,Front passenger head curtain airbag igniter,correct,
MAS00011,Driver knee airbag igniter,cannot be measured currently,
MAS00012,Front passenger knee airbag igniter,cannot be measured currently,
MAS00013,Driver side seat belt tension igniter,correct,
MAS00014,Front passenger side seat belt tension igniter,correct,
MAS00015,Driver's Safety Belt Tensioner Igniter 2,correct,
MAS00016,Front passenger seat belt tensioner igniter 2,correct,
MAS00017,Driver's Belt Force Limiter,correct,
MAS00018,Front passenger side belt force limiter igniter,correct,
MAS00019,Driver side rear safety belt tension igniter,cannot be measured currently,
MAS00020,Passenger side rear seat belt tensioner igniter,cannot be measured currently,
MAS00022,Battery Interrupt Igniter,cannot be measured currently,
MAS00025,Driver seat belt switch,not connected,
MAS00026,Front passenger side safety belt switch,not connected,
MAS00030,Seat occupied recognition,assigned,
MAS00031,Airbag deactivation status,On,
MAS00032,Key switch terminal 1,not installed,
MAS00033,Key switch terminal 2,not installed,
MAS00035,Seat position sensor: driver side,Rear,
MAS00036,Seat position sensor: front passenger side,Rear,
MAS00037,Calibration status,0,
MAS00044,Terminal 15 power supply,14.4, V
MAS01634,Supply voltage,correct,
Elapsed Time: 00:11
;SW:5G1-920-791-B HW:5G1-920-791-B --- Instruments
;Component:KOMBI 403 4191, Coding:07BD111AFD88CF8502897F2B50000402A0000000
;VCDS Version: Release 21.3.0 (x64) Data version: 20210226 DS325.0
;VCID: 2B000E66C38E42030A1-807E
IDE00019,Voltage terminal 30,14.5, V
IDE00021,Engine RPM,819.00, /min
IDE00025,Coolant temperature,90.00, °C
IDE00075,Vehicle speed,0, km/h
IDE00196,Engine oil temperature,93, °C
IDE00301,Mileage,30675, km
IDE00310,Outside temperature,17.5, °C
IDE00316-IDE00500,Time-Hour,12, H
IDE00316-IDE00501,Time-Minute,31, min
IDE00316-MAS00111,Time-Seconds,17, s
IDE00317-IDE00502,Date-Year,2021, yr
IDE00317-IDE00503,Date-Month,3, Months
IDE00317-IDE00504,Date-Day,10, d
IDE00323,Security Access: Number of invalid keys,0,
IDE00510,ESI: distance driven from inspection,14033, km
IDE00511,ESI: time from inspection,314, d
IDE00512,ESI: minimum value km-driving distance/inspection,15000, km
IDE00513,ESI: maximum value km-driving distance/inspection,30000, km
IDE00514,ESI: maximum value of time between inspections,730, d
IDE00515,ESI: oil quality,poor oil quality,
IDE00517,ESI: soot entry,0, km
IDE00518,ESI: thermal load,33000, km
IDE00520,Photo transistor,171,
IDE00695,ESI: service exceedance in km,0, km
IDE00696,ESI: service exceedance in days,0, d
IDE00697,ESI: remaining distance,970, km
IDE00698,ESI: remaining running time,51, d
IDE00787-IDE02689,Cause for cancellation-Complete tank calibration,not performed,
IDE00787-IDE02690,Cause for cancellation-Wet dry tank calibration,not performed,
IDE00819,Day counter,311, d
IDE00827,ESI: minimum value of time between inspections,365, d
IDE00843,Starting impulse recognized,No,
IDE00845-MAS03213,Wheel circumference-Average wheel circumference for trip distance,1958, mm
IDE00845-MAS03214,Wheel circumference-Maximum wheel circumference for speed,1958, mm
IDE00935,ESI: Theoretical service interval,21200, km
IDE01076,Time since ignition off,573, s
IDE01153,SIA: maximum value of distance to service,15000, km
IDE01154,SIA: maximum value of time to service,365, d
IDE01285,Counter of component protection malfunctions,0,
IDE01985-MAS06854,FAZIT identification test sum-Version,02,
IDE01985-MAS06855,FAZIT identification test sum-Test sum,70 2C 43 E1,
IDE02307,Parking brake status,Not operated,
IDE02486,Data logger triggering,not active,
IDE02642,Outside temp.: displayed value,13.0, °C
IDE03193-MAS02352,Terminal 58 status-Display dimming terminal 58d,F2,
IDE03193-MAS02353,Terminal 58 status-Switch dimming terminal 58s,00,
IDE03193-MAS02916,Terminal 58 status-Dimmer: duty cycle terminal 58st,64,
IDE03193-MAS02917,Terminal 58 status-Sensor for detecting light in the instrument panel insert,1593,
IDE03349,FIX:Max. distance driven until next mileage-related inspection,30000, km
IDE03350,FIX: Maximum time until next time-dependent inspection,1095, d
IDE03351,FIX: Distance covered since last mileage-dependent inspection,14000, km
IDE03352,FIX: Time since last time-dependent inspection,314, d
IDE03471-IDE03640,Vehicle configuration-Dynamic AFS light,Correct coding,
IDE03471-IDE03726,Vehicle configuration-Parallel Parking Assistance,Correct coding,
IDE03471-IDE04525,Vehicle configuration-Wheel Damping Electronics,Correct coding,
IDE03471-IDE04939,Vehicle configuration-Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS),Correct coding,
IDE03471-IDE07016,Vehicle configuration-Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS),Correct coding,
IDE03471-MAS00809,Vehicle configuration-Electro-Mechanical Parking Brake Control Module,Correct coding,
IDE03471-MAS00811,Vehicle configuration-Active steering control module,Correct coding,
IDE03471-MAS00911,Vehicle configuration-All Wheel Drive (AWD),Correct coding,
IDE03471-MAS01091,Vehicle configuration-Automated manual transmission,Correct coding,
IDE03471-MAS01891,Vehicle configuration-Lane assist,Correct coding,
IDE03471-MAS01938,Vehicle configuration-Traffic sign detection,Correct coding,
IDE03471-MAS02570,Vehicle configuration-Differential lock electronics,Correct coding,
IDE03471-MAS03385,Vehicle configuration-Lane change assistance,Correct coding,
IDE03471-MAS04384,Vehicle configuration-Electrical steering column lock control module,Correct coding,
IDE03471-MAS05723,Vehicle configuration-Adaptive cruise control or reducing stopping distance,Correct coding,
IDE03471-MAS08201,Vehicle configuration-Trailer maneuvering assistant,Correct coding,
IDE03472-MAS03806,Volume after refueling-Last displayed quantity before refueling,2.9, l
IDE03472-MAS03807,Volume after refueling-Last displayed quantity after refueling,48.5, l
IDE03472-MAS03808,Volume after refueling-Last sensor final value at end of refueling,51.7, l
IDE03472-MAS03809,Volume after refueling-Last reference quantity,4.1, l
IDE03472-MAS03810,Volume after refueling-Penultimate displayed quantity before refueling,1.9, l
IDE03472-MAS03811,Volume after refueling-Penultimate displayed quantity after refueling,48.5, l
IDE03472-MAS03812,Volume after refueling-Penultimate sensor final value at end of refueling,51.7, l
IDE03472-MAS03813,Volume after refueling-Penultimate reference quantity,2.7, l
IDE03472-MAS03814,Volume after refueling-Third-last displayed volume before refueling,1.7, l
IDE03472-MAS03815,Volume after refueling-Third-last displayed volume after refueling,16.1, l
IDE03472-MAS03816,Volume after refueling-Third-last sensor final value at end of refueling,16.6, l
IDE03472-MAS03817,Volume after refueling-Third-last reference quantity,2.2, l
IDE03472-MAS03818,Volume after refueling-Fourth-last displayed volume before refueling,8.0, l
IDE03472-MAS03819,Volume after refueling-Fourth-last displayed volume after refueling,27.8, l
IDE03472-MAS03820,Volume after refueling-Fourth-last sensor final value at end of refueling,27.8, l
IDE03472-MAS03821,Volume after refueling-Fourth-last reference quantity,7.8, l
IDE03472-MAS03822,Volume after refueling-Last error status,0,
IDE03472-MAS03823,Volume after refueling-Penultimate error status,0,
IDE03472-MAS03824,Volume after refueling-Third-last error status,0,
IDE03472-MAS03825,Volume after refueling-Fourth-last error status,0,
IDE03472-MAS06153,Volume after refueling-Last distance,30300,
IDE03472-MAS06154,Volume after refueling-Penultimate distance,29900,
IDE03472-MAS06155,Volume after refueling-Third to last distance,29800,
IDE03472-MAS06156,Volume after refueling-Fourth to last distance,29600,
IDE03473-IDE00730,tank sensor-Fuel level sensor 1 including soiling resistance,233, Ohm
IDE03473-IDE00731,tank sensor-Fuel level sensor 2 including soiling resistance,65535, Ohm
IDE03473-IDE00732,tank sensor-Fuel level sensor 1 soiling resistance,1, Ohm
IDE03473-IDE00733,tank sensor-Fuel level sensor 2 soiling resistance,-32768, Ohm
IDE03473-IDE03494,tank sensor-Fuel level sensor 3 including soiling resistance,65535, Ohm
IDE03473-IDE03495,tank sensor-Fuel level sensor 3 soiling resistance,-32768, Ohm
IDE03473-IDE03496,tank sensor-Fuel level sensor 4 including soiling resistance,65535, Ohm
IDE03473-IDE03497,tank sensor-Fuel level sensor 4 soiling resistance,-32768, Ohm
IDE03473-MAS03798,tank sensor-Raw value sensor 1 resistor 1,2205,
IDE03473-MAS03799,tank sensor-Raw value sensor 1 resistor 2,1446,
IDE03473-MAS03800,tank sensor-Raw value sensor 2 resistor 1,65535,
IDE03473-MAS03801,tank sensor-Raw value sensor 2 resistor 2,65535,
IDE03473-MAS03802,tank sensor-Raw value sensor 3 resistor 1,65535,
IDE03473-MAS03803,tank sensor-Raw value sensor 3 resistor 2,65535,
IDE03473-MAS03804,tank sensor-Raw value sensor 4 resistor 1,65535,
IDE03473-MAS03805,tank sensor-Raw value sensor 4 resistor 2,65535,
IDE03474-IDE00304,Calculated volume-Fuel level,10.0, l
IDE03474-IDE00306,Calculated volume-Fuel Level Sensor 1,231, Ohm
IDE03474-IDE00307,Calculated volume-Fuel Level Sensor 2,65535, Ohm
IDE03474-IDE00308,Calculated volume-Fuel Level Sensor 3,65535, Ohm
IDE03474-IDE00309,Calculated volume-Fuel Level Sensor 4,65535, Ohm
IDE03474-IDE00312,Calculated volume-Fuel level from sensor 1,10.7, l
IDE03474-IDE00313,Calculated volume-Fuel level from sensor 2,0.0, l
IDE03474-IDE00314,Calculated volume-Fuel level from sensor 3,0.0, l
IDE03474-IDE00315,Calculated volume-Fuel level from sensor 4,0.0, l
IDE03474-MAS03826,Calculated volume-Quality sensor 1,10,
IDE03474-MAS03827,Calculated volume-Quality sensor 2,not installed,
IDE03474-MAS03828,Calculated volume-Quality sensor 3,not installed,
IDE03474-MAS03829,Calculated volume-Quality sensor 4,not installed,
IDE03474-MAS10338,Calculated volume-Non-calibrated volume: sensor 1,10.7, l
IDE03474-MAS10339,Calculated volume-Non-calibrated volume: sensor 2,-32768.0, l
IDE03474-MAS10340,Calculated volume-Non-calibrated volume: sensor 3,-32768.0, l
IDE03474-MAS10341,Calculated volume-Non-calibrated volume: sensor 4,-32768.0, l
IDE03474-ENG103155,Calculated volume-accelerated_linking_x,1.0000000, m/s
IDE03474-ENG103517,Calculated volume-accelerated_linking_y,1.0000000, m/s
IDE03474-ENG102894,Calculated volume-averaged_volume,10.7, l
IDE03474-ENG99406,Calculated volume-averaged_volume_clipped,10.7, l
IDE03474-ENG101619,Calculated volume-calibrated_volume_total,10.7, l
IDE03474-ENG99553,Calculated volume-linking,0.0000000,
IDE03474-ENG101669,Calculated volume-prefiltered_acceleration_x,0.00000, m/s
IDE03474-ENG102339,Calculated volume-prefiltered_acceleration_y,-0.03,
IDE03474-ENG101623,Calculated volume-reference_volume,11.4, l
IDE03474-ENG102479,Calculated volume-speed_based_linking,0.0000000, m/s
IDE03474-ENG99683,Calculated volume-version_of_application,112,
IDE03474-ENG102081,Calculated volume-volume_based_linking,0.0011110,
IDE03475-MAS00216,Control button in instrument cluster-External button for daily distance driven,not active,
IDE03475-MAS02915,Control button in instrument cluster-Button for auto check system,not active,
IDE03475-MAS03929,Control button in instrument cluster-Menu button,not active,
IDE03477-IDE00500,GPS time-Hour,11, H
IDE03477-IDE00500,GPS time-Hour,12, H
IDE03477-IDE00501,GPS time-Minute,22, min
IDE03477-IDE00501,GPS time-Minute,31, min
IDE03477-IDE00502,GPS time-Year,2021, yr
IDE03477-IDE00503,GPS time-Month,3, Months
IDE03477-IDE00503,GPS time-Month,3, Months
IDE03477-IDE00504,GPS time-Day,10, d
IDE03477-IDE00504,GPS time-Day,10, d
IDE03477-MAS00111,GPS time-Seconds,31, s
IDE03477-MAS00111,GPS time-Seconds,22, s
IDE03477-MAS03493,GPS time-last synchronization year,2021, yr
IDE03506,Distance: high resolution,01 D4 12 81,
IDE03880-MAS03119,MOST address-Functional block: diagnostic instance,17,
IDE03880-MAS03425,MOST address-Physical address,04 02,
IDE03911-MAS01390,Service -interval- display: history 1-Block 1,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03911-MAS01391,Service -interval- display: history 1-Block 2,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03911-MAS01392,Service -interval- display: history 1-Block 3,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03911-MAS01393,Service -interval- display: history 1-Block 4,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03911-MAS01394,Service -interval- display: history 1-Block 5,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03911-MAS01395,Service -interval- display: history 1-Block 6,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03911-MAS01396,Service -interval- display: history 1-Block 7,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03911-MAS01397,Service -interval- display: history 1-Block 8,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03911-MAS01398,Service -interval- display: history 1-Block 9,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03911-MAS01399,Service -interval- display: history 1-Block 10,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03911-MAS01400,Service -interval- display: history 1-Block 11,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03911-MAS01401,Service -interval- display: history 1-Block 12,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03911-MAS01402,Service -interval- display: history 1-Block 13,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03911-MAS01403,Service -interval- display: history 1-Block 14,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03911-MAS01404,Service -interval- display: history 1-Block 15,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03911-MAS01405,Service -interval- display: history 1-Block 16,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03912-MAS01390,Service -interval- display: history 2-Block 1,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03912-MAS01391,Service -interval- display: history 2-Block 2,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03912-MAS01392,Service -interval- display: history 2-Block 3,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03912-MAS01393,Service -interval- display: history 2-Block 4,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03912-MAS01394,Service -interval- display: history 2-Block 5,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03912-MAS01395,Service -interval- display: history 2-Block 6,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03912-MAS01396,Service -interval- display: history 2-Block 7,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03912-MAS01397,Service -interval- display: history 2-Block 8,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03912-MAS01398,Service -interval- display: history 2-Block 9,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03912-MAS01399,Service -interval- display: history 2-Block 10,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03912-MAS01400,Service -interval- display: history 2-Block 11,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03912-MAS01401,Service -interval- display: history 2-Block 12,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03912-MAS01402,Service -interval- display: history 2-Block 13,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03912-MAS01403,Service -interval- display: history 2-Block 14,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03912-MAS01404,Service -interval- display: history 2-Block 15,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03912-MAS01405,Service -interval- display: history 2-Block 16,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03913-MAS01390,Service -interval- display: history 3-Block 1,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03913-MAS01391,Service -interval- display: history 3-Block 2,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03913-MAS01392,Service -interval- display: history 3-Block 3,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03913-MAS01393,Service -interval- display: history 3-Block 4,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03913-MAS01394,Service -interval- display: history 3-Block 5,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03913-MAS01395,Service -interval- display: history 3-Block 6,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03913-MAS01396,Service -interval- display: history 3-Block 7,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03913-MAS01397,Service -interval- display: history 3-Block 8,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03913-MAS01398,Service -interval- display: history 3-Block 9,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03913-MAS01399,Service -interval- display: history 3-Block 10,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03913-MAS01400,Service -interval- display: history 3-Block 11,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03913-MAS01401,Service -interval- display: history 3-Block 12,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03913-MAS01402,Service -interval- display: history 3-Block 13,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03913-MAS01403,Service -interval- display: history 3-Block 14,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03913-MAS01404,Service -interval- display: history 3-Block 15,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03913-MAS01405,Service -interval- display: history 3-Block 16,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03914-MAS01390,Service -interval- display: history 4-Block 1,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03914-MAS01391,Service -interval- display: history 4-Block 2,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03914-MAS01392,Service -interval- display: history 4-Block 3,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03914-MAS01393,Service -interval- display: history 4-Block 4,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03914-MAS01394,Service -interval- display: history 4-Block 5,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03914-MAS01395,Service -interval- display: history 4-Block 6,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03914-MAS01396,Service -interval- display: history 4-Block 7,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03914-MAS01397,Service -interval- display: history 4-Block 8,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03914-MAS01398,Service -interval- display: history 4-Block 9,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03914-MAS01399,Service -interval- display: history 4-Block 10,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03914-MAS01400,Service -interval- display: history 4-Block 11,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03914-MAS01401,Service -interval- display: history 4-Block 12,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03914-MAS01402,Service -interval- display: history 4-Block 13,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03914-MAS01403,Service -interval- display: history 4-Block 14,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03914-MAS01404,Service -interval- display: history 4-Block 15,FF FF FF FF,
IDE03914-MAS01405,Service -interval- display: history 4-Block 16,FF FF FF FF,
IDE05931,FIX: Reset value for next mileage-dependent inspection,30000, km
IDE05932,FIX: Reset value for next time-dependent inspections,1095, d
IDE09552-IDE07944,Vehicle configuration 2-electronic brake booster,Correct coding,
IDE09552-MAS06008,Vehicle configuration 2-Internal noise sound actuator,Correct coding,
IDE09552-MAS08940,Vehicle configuration 2-Collision warning,Correct coding,
MAS03121,Ring break diagnostic line status,Supply voltage,
ENG124477-MAS06855,Adapted_transponders_checksum-Test sum,00 94 2D 44,
ENG105830-ENG104002,dmmng_chan_instr_clust/dmmng_char_curve_gauge/fnger-dimming_characteristic_curve_bar_graph_and_ACC,0, %
ENG105830-ENG119807,dmmng_chan_instr_clust/dmmng_char_curve_gauge/fnger-dimming_characteristic_curve_clock_dial,0, %
ENG105830-ENG101889,dmmng_chan_instr_clust/dmmng_char_curve_gauge/fnger-dimming_characteristic_curve_gauge/finger/hand,0, %
ENG105830-ENG100477,dmmng_chan_instr_clust/dmmng_char_curve_gauge/fnger-dimming_characteristic_curve_indicator_lights,70, %
ENG105830-ENG103803,dmmng_chan_instr_clust/dmmng_char_curve_gauge/fnger-dimming_characteristic_curve_middle_display_main_field,89, %
ENG106303-ENG99140,ESI_active_warning-advance_warning_fixed_days,not active,
ENG106303-ENG100265,ESI_active_warning-advance_warning_fixed_km,not active,
ENG106303-ENG101600,ESI_active_warning-advance_warning_WIV_days,not active,
ENG106303-ENG101015,ESI_active_warning-no_calculation_available,not active,
ENG106303-ENG101477,ESI_active_warning-service_warning_fixed_days,not active,
ENG106303-ENG101550,ESI_active_warning-service_warning_fixed_km,not active,
ENG106303-ENG101709,ESI_active_warning-service_warning_WIV_days,not active,
ENG106303-ENG102993,ESI_active_warning-service_warning_WIV_km,not active,
ENG119883,ESI_mileage_per_day,44, km
ENG106922,Immobilizer - Challenge,4A 4D 6A BC,
ENG99439,Instrument_recorder,03 04 91 00 4D 51 42 56 57 31 38 53 31 46 41 43 00 00 00 00 01 00 5D 00 1C 00 00 02 01 00 00 00 00 80 00 00 34 00 AB 00 2D 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AB 00 2D 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AB 00 2D 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AB 00 2D 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AB 00 2D 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AB 00 2D 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AB 00 2D 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AB 00 2D 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AB 00 2D 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AB 00 2D 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AB 00 2D 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AB 00 2D 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AB 00 2D 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AB 00 2D 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AB 00 2D 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AB 00 2D 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AB 00 2D 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AB 00 2D 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AB 00 2D 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 00 00 0A 11 11 0A FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 00 1C 00 5D 00 01 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 1C 00 62 00 57 02 00 00 02 00 00 00 1C 00 5D 00 01 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 00 11 01,
ENG128745,Instrument_recorder_graphic,02 04 92 00 4D 51 42 56 57 31 38 53 31 46 47 43 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 04 06 00 00 00 CD 00 00 00 24 00 00 02 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 E2 00 00 00 28 00 00 05 BD 00 00 C3 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 2D 00 00 00 00 00 00 C1 03 00 00 00 01 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 2D 00 00 00 00 00 00 C2 03 80 00 00 01 00 00 02 32 00 00 00 4A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 32 00 00 00 4A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 32 00 00 00 4A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 32 00 00 00 4A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 32 00 00 00 4A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 32 00 00 00 4A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 32 00 00 00 4A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 32 00 00 00 4A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 32 00 00 00 4A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 32 00 00 00 4A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 32 00 00 00 4A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 32 00 00 00 4A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 32 00 00 00 4A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 32 00 00 00 4A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 32 00 00 00 4A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 32 00 00 00 4A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF,
ENG107920-ENG119788,onboard_computer-range_average_consumption,8.9, l/100km
ENG107920-ENG119789,onboard_computer-range_average_consumption_high,8.8, l/100km
ENG107920-ENG119790,onboard_computer-range_average_consumption_low,9.0, l/100km
ENG107920-ENG119791,onboard_computer-range_display_value,72, km
ENG107920-ENG112418,onboard_computer-total_range_gas,72, km
ENG107953-ENG100938,outside_temp_algorithm_group-coolant_temperature_outdated_bit,not active,
ENG107953-ENG99778,outside_temp_algorithm_group-downward_tendency,not active,
ENG107953-ENG102352,outside_temp_algorithm_group-ice_warning_symbol,not active,
ENG107953-ENG99520,outside_temp_algorithm_group-no_blockage_active,not active,
ENG107953-ENG99258,outside_temp_algorithm_group-outside_temperature_filtered_error_state_bit,not active,
ENG107953-ENG102589,outside_temp_algorithm_group-outside_temperature_old,not active,
ENG107953-ENG102387,outside_temp_algorithm_group-outside_temperature_raw_score_error_state_bit,not active,
ENG119885-ENG103300,Service_Key_current_data-Service_Data,00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00,
ENG100879-ENG118224,State Blocking Time-blocking_time,00 00 00 00 00 00,
ENG103899-ENG99298,State of Immobilizer-State,02 01 03 07 02 00 00 00 01 00,
ENG103284-ENG118223,State of Immobilizer Slaves-ELV_State,C0,
ENG103284-ENG118222,State of Immobilizer Slaves-GSG_State,F8,
ENG103284-ENG118217,State of Immobilizer Slaves-Immobilizer_State,00,
ENG103284-ENG118216,State of Immobilizer Slaves-key_state,1C,
ENG103284-ENG118218,State of Immobilizer Slaves-MSG_1_State,F8,
ENG103284-ENG118219,State of Immobilizer Slaves-MSG_2_State,00,
ENG103284-ENG118220,State of Immobilizer Slaves-MSG_3_State,00,
ENG103284-ENG118221,State of Immobilizer Slaves-MSG_4_State,00,
ENG103284-ENG20775,State of Immobilizer Slaves-OCU_state,00,
ENG103284-ENG20776,State of Immobilizer Slaves-VTS_state,00,
ENG109576,Transponder ID Key 1,0A 96 93 3E,
ENG109577,Transponder ID Key 2,0A 96 B8 EE,
Elapsed Time: 00:12
;SW:3Q0-907-530-AA HW:3Q0-907-530-C --- CAN Gateway
;Component:GW MQB High 521 5366, Coding:030100047F085900FB00006B9C0F00010001070000000000000000000000
;VCDS Version: Release 21.3.0 (x64) Data version: 20210226 DS325.0
;VCID: 6E86C772301C772B6DF-803A
IDE00019,Voltage terminal 30,14.4, V
IDE00020,Terminal 15 status,Terminal 15 on,
IDE00030,Status of actuator test,not active,
IDE00056-ENG20489,History data 1-Life Cycle Data String,2021-03-10-10:40*12.4*01*02684***
IDE00057-ENG20489,History data 2-Life Cycle Data String,2021-01-28-03:14*000*029*+0.000*0-0-0-0-0-0-0*0*01*02654**
IDE00058-ENG20489,History data 3-Life Cycle Data String,2021-02-15-03:40*1*0*072*006*0-0-0-0-0-0-0*0*0*00.0*00.0**
IDE00059-ENG20489,History data 4-Life Cycle Data String, 0000000km*01*070*JCB*1111111111*09953*03985*089.3*000.0*000.0**
IDE00060-ENG20489,History data 5-Life Cycle Data String,2021-01-04-10:38*3*+0.000*10.49*000*05*+00.0*03826*09956*029522*0-0-1-1-1-0-0*0*1*1*00.5*00.5*118.7*32*07*00*00*05**
IDE00061-ENG20489,History data 6-Life Cycle Data String,2021-03-10-11:42*030*+20*+007.7*00.50*0.00*000**
IDE00062-ENG20489,History data 7-Life Cycle Data String,2021-03-10-12:12*023*+002.8*000.1*00.1*00.1**
IDE00063-ENG20489,History data 8-Life Cycle Data String, 0029522km*1*12*00*00*26*-------------:--*01**
IDE00064-ENG20489,History data 9-Life Cycle Data String, 0000000km*000*000*000*000*00000*09.00*+00*00*01*00.00*00000*00000**
IDE00065-ENG20489,History data 10-Life Cycle Data String,2019-08-10-23:21*1*000.5*0000.5*0*000.0*0000.0*00.00*0000000**
IDE00066-ENG20489,History data 11-Life Cycle Data String,2021-01-23-15:14*000*000*000*024*0163*041*00.0*00.7*075*042*076*043*01*00279*00308*00402*01286*01641**
IDE00067-ENG20489,History data 12-Life Cycle Data String,2021-03-10-10:51*0-0-0-1-0-0-1-0**
IDE00068-ENG20489,History data 13-Life Cycle Data String,-------------:--*---------*---.-*-----**
IDE00069-ENG20489,History data 14-Life Cycle Data String,2021-03-10-12:22*3*00000*0000*0003*00.10*000004*+22*0261.5*0000.0*0000.0**
IDE00071-ENG20489,History data 16-Life Cycle Data String, 0030675km**
IDE00322,Status of basic setting,was not yet started,
IDE00323,Security Access: Number of invalid keys,0,
IDE00356-IDE00355,Cruise Control System (CCS): switch position-Cruise Control System (CCS): status,No malfunction detected,
IDE00356,Cruise Control System (CCS): switch position,OFF,
IDE00356-MAS00128,Cruise Control System (CCS): switch position-Distance Regulation,Not operated,
IDE00356-MAS00320,Cruise Control System (CCS): switch position-Main switch,Engaged ON,
IDE00356-MAS00323,Cruise Control System (CCS): switch position-Tap delay,Not operated,
IDE00356-MAS00324,Cruise Control System (CCS): switch position-Tap acceleration,Not operated,
IDE00356-MAS00325,Cruise Control System (CCS): switch position-Set,Not operated,
IDE00356-MAS00326,Cruise Control System (CCS): switch position-Resume,Not operated,
IDE00356-MAS02321,Cruise Control System (CCS): switch position-Cancel,Not operated,
IDE00356-MAS02343,Cruise Control System (CCS): switch position-Station coding,5,
IDE00356-MAS03758,Cruise Control System (CCS): switch position-Not assigned,Not operated,
IDE00356-MAS04522,Cruise Control System (CCS): switch position-Tap deceleration stage 2,Not operated,
IDE00356-MAS05138,Cruise Control System (CCS): switch position-Operating part,Cruise control switch with ACC,
IDE00356-MAS05812,Cruise Control System (CCS): switch position-Limit button,installed,
IDE00356-MAS06029,Cruise Control System (CCS): switch position-MFL message counter,4,
IDE00356-MAS06879,Cruise Control System (CCS): switch position-Checksum,136,
IDE00767-ENG123029,No. of unscheduled ECU resets-Counter_Watchdog_Resets,1,
IDE00773,Terminal 15 status via CAN,On,
IDE01285,Counter of component protection malfunctions,0,
IDE01459,Energy management heat output control status,Stage 1,
IDE01805-ENG20489,History data 19-Life Cycle Data String,-------------:--*-----*---*---*---**
IDE01807-IDE07142,History data 21-Time since terminal 15 off,0.3, H
IDE01807-MAS00106,History data 21-Year,2020,
IDE01807-MAS00107,History data 21-Month,9,
IDE01807-MAS00108,History data 21-Day,20,
IDE01807-MAS00109,History data 21-Hours,1, H
IDE01807-MAS00110,History data 21-Minutes,34, min
IDE01807-MAS14375,History data 21-Cycle counter,3260,
IDE01807-MAS14376,History data 21-ECU 1,Multifunction module on the second bus connection,
IDE01807-MAS14377,History data 21-Alert maintenance time for ECU 1,0.4, H
IDE01807-MAS14378,History data 21-Repetition counter for ECU 1,0,
IDE01807-MAS14379,History data 21-ECU 2,Electronic central electric,
IDE01807-MAS14380,History data 21-Alert maintenance time for ECU 2,0.4, H
IDE01807-MAS14381,History data 21-Repetition counter for ECU 2,0,
IDE01807-MAS14382,History data 21-ECU 3,Node_0x01 $--,
IDE01807-MAS14383,History data 21-Alert maintenance time for ECU 3,0.4, H
IDE01807-MAS14384,History data 21-Repetition counter for ECU 3,0,
IDE01807-MAS14385,History data 21-ECU 4,Node_0x-- $-- (empty entry),
IDE01807-MAS14386,History data 21-Alert maintenance time for ECU 4,0.0, H
IDE01807-MAS14387,History data 21-Repetition counter for ECU 4,0,
IDE01807-MAS14388,History data 21-ECU 5,Node_0x-- $-- (empty entry),
IDE01807-MAS14389,History data 21-Alert maintenance time for ECU 5,0.0, H
IDE01807-MAS14390,History data 21-Repetition counter for ECU 5,0,
IDE01808-MAS03173,History data 22-Powertrain data bus,0.0, H
IDE01808-MAS03174,History data 22-Comfort data bus,0.0, H
IDE01808-MAS03175,History data 22-Extended data bus,0.0, H
IDE01808-MAS03176,History data 22-Display and control head databus,0.0, H
IDE01808-MAS03177,History data 22-Infotainment data bus,0.0, H
IDE01808-MAS03178,History data 22-Suspension data bus,0.0, H
IDE01808-MAS03179,History data 22-Local data bus 2,0.0, H
IDE01808-MAS03180,History data 22-Local data bus,0.0, H
IDE01808-MAS05686,History data 22-Data bus diagnostics,0.0, H
IDE01808-MAS14373,History data 22-All BUS systems,0.0, H
IDE01809-IDE07142,History data 23-Time since terminal 15 off,0.0, H
IDE01809-MAS00106,History data 23-Year,2000,
IDE01809-MAS00107,History data 23-Month,1,
IDE01809-MAS00108,History data 23-Day,1,
IDE01809-MAS00109,History data 23-Hours,0, H
IDE01809-MAS00110,History data 23-Minutes,0, min
IDE01809-MAS14375,History data 23-Cycle counter,0,
IDE01809-MAS14395,History data 23-Bus with maximum number of post alarms,Unknown,
IDE01809-MAS14396,History data 23-Post alerts in current cycle,0,
IDE01809-MAS14397,History data 23-Rousing ECU 1,Node_0x-- $-- (empty entry),
IDE01809-MAS14398,History data 23-Number of post alerts for control module 1,0,
IDE01809-MAS14399,History data 23-CarWakeUp bit 1,0,
IDE01809-MAS14400,History data 23-Rousing ECU 2,Node_0x-- $-- (empty entry),
IDE01809-MAS14401,History data 23-Number of post alerts for control module 2,0,
IDE01809-MAS14402,History data 23-CarWakeUp bit 2,0,
IDE01809-MAS14403,History data 23-Rousing ECU 3,Node_0x-- $-- (empty entry),
IDE01809-MAS14404,History data 23-Number of post alerts for control module 3,0,
IDE01809-MAS14405,History data 23-CarWakeUp bit 3,0,
IDE01809-MAS14406,History data 23-Rousing ECU 4,Node_0x-- $-- (empty entry),
IDE01809-MAS14407,History data 23-Number of post alerts for control module 4,0,
IDE01809-MAS14408,History data 23-CarWakeUp bit 4,0,
IDE01809-MAS14409,History data 23-Rousing ECU 5,Node_0x-- $-- (empty entry),
IDE01809-MAS14410,History data 23-Number of post alerts for control module 5,0,
IDE01809-MAS14411,History data 23-CarWakeUp bit 5,0,
IDE01810-IDE07142,History data 24-Time since terminal 15 off,0.3, H
IDE01810-MAS00106,History data 24-Year,2021,
IDE01810-MAS00107,History data 24-Month,2,
IDE01810-MAS00108,History data 24-Day,28,
IDE01810-MAS00109,History data 24-Hours,17, H
IDE01810-MAS00110,History data 24-Minutes,21, min
IDE01810-MAS14375,History data 24-Cycle counter,3805,
IDE01810-MAS14399,History data 24-CarWakeUp bit 1,0,
IDE01810-MAS14402,History data 24-CarWakeUp bit 2,0,
IDE01810-MAS14405,History data 24-CarWakeUp bit 3,0,
IDE01810-MAS14408,History data 24-CarWakeUp bit 4,0,
IDE01810-MAS14411,History data 24-CarWakeUp bit 5,0,
IDE01810-MAS14412,History data 24-Bus with maximum number of alerts,Comfort data bus,
IDE01810-MAS14413,History data 24-Alert events in current cycle,70,
IDE01810-MAS14414,History data 24-ID of the alerting message 1,1B 00 00 09,
IDE01810-MAS14415,History data 24-Counter of the alerting message 1,7,
IDE01810-MAS14416,History data 24-Bus of the alerting message 1,Extended data bus,
IDE01810-MAS14417,History data 24-ID of the alerting message 2,17 F0 00 09,
IDE01810-MAS14418,History data 24-Counter of the alerting message 2,4,
IDE01810-MAS14419,History data 24-Bus of the alerting message 2,Extended data bus,
IDE01810-MAS14420,History data 24-ID of the alerting message 3,17 33 46 00,
IDE01810-MAS14421,History data 24-Counter of the alerting message 3,1,
IDE01810-MAS14422,History data 24-Bus of the alerting message 3,Comfort data bus,
IDE01810-MAS14423,History data 24-ID of the alerting message 4,00 00 03 B5,
IDE01810-MAS14424,History data 24-Counter of the alerting message 4,1,
IDE01810-MAS14425,History data 24-Bus of the alerting message 4,Comfort data bus,
IDE01810-MAS14426,History data 24-ID of the alerting message 5,00 00 05 F4,
IDE01810-MAS14427,History data 24-Counter of the alerting message 5,1,
IDE01810-MAS14428,History data 24-Bus of the alerting message 5,Comfort data bus,
IDE01812-MAS01468,History data 26-Terminal 15,3840,
IDE01812-MAS03173,History data 26-Powertrain data bus,12,
IDE01812-MAS03174,History data 26-Comfort data bus,15040,
IDE01812-MAS03175,History data 26-Extended data bus,13873,
IDE01812-MAS03177,History data 26-Infotainment data bus,0,
IDE01812-MAS03178,History data 26-Suspension data bus,13,
IDE01812-MAS03180,History data 26-Local data bus,204,
IDE01812-MAS05686,History data 26-Data bus diagnostics,0,
IDE01812-MAS14374,History data 26-Totals,29142,
IDE01813-MAS03173,History data 27-Powertrain data bus,3281,
IDE01813-MAS03174,History data 27-Comfort data bus,18665,
IDE01813-MAS03175,History data 27-Extended data bus,4134,
IDE01813-MAS03177,History data 27-Infotainment data bus,310,
IDE01813-MAS03178,History data 27-Suspension data bus,1285,
IDE01813-MAS14374,History data 27-Totals,27675,
IDE01814-MAS03173,History data 28-Powertrain data bus,0,
IDE01814-MAS03174,History data 28-Comfort data bus,34544,
IDE01814-MAS03175,History data 28-Extended data bus,0,
IDE01814-MAS03177,History data 28-Infotainment data bus,0,
IDE01814-MAS03178,History data 28-Suspension data bus,0,
IDE01814-MAS14374,History data 28-Totals,34570,
IDE01816-IDE07142,History data 30-Time since terminal 15 off,22.3, H
IDE01816-MAS00106,History data 30-Year,2020,
IDE01816-MAS00107,History data 30-Month,5,
IDE01816-MAS00108,History data 30-Day,13,
IDE01816-MAS00109,History data 30-Hours,15, H
IDE01816-MAS00110,History data 30-Minutes,56, min
IDE01816-MAS14375,History data 30-Cycle counter,2263,
IDE01816-ENG20570,History data 30-Bus_1,Data bus diagnostics,
IDE01816-ENG20572,History data 30-Bus_2,Unknown,
IDE01816-ENG20574,History data 30-Bus_3,Unknown,
IDE01816-ENG20576,History data 30-Bus_4,Unknown,
IDE01816-ENG20578,History data 30-Bus_5,Unknown,
IDE01816-ENG20571,History data 30-Bus_Active_Time_1,22.3, H
IDE01816-ENG20573,History data 30-Bus_Active_Time_2,0.0, H
IDE01816-ENG20575,History data 30-Bus_Active_Time_3,0.0, H
IDE01816-ENG20577,History data 30-Bus_Active_Time_4,0.0, H
IDE01816-ENG20579,History data 30-Bus_Active_Time_5,0.0, H
IDE01817-IDE07142,History data 31-Time since terminal 15 off,0.3, H
IDE01817-MAS00106,History data 31-Year,2020,
IDE01817-MAS00107,History data 31-Month,9,
IDE01817-MAS00108,History data 31-Day,20,
IDE01817-MAS00109,History data 31-Hours,1, H
IDE01817-MAS00110,History data 31-Minutes,34, min
IDE01817-MAS14375,History data 31-Cycle counter,3260,
IDE01817-MAS14376,History data 31-ECU 1,Multifunction module on the second bus connection,
IDE01817-MAS14377,History data 31-Alert maintenance time for ECU 1,0.4, H
IDE01817-MAS14378,History data 31-Repetition counter for ECU 1,0,
IDE01817-MAS14379,History data 31-ECU 2,Electronic central electric,
IDE01817-MAS14380,History data 31-Alert maintenance time for ECU 2,0.4, H
IDE01817-MAS14381,History data 31-Repetition counter for ECU 2,0,
IDE01817-MAS14382,History data 31-ECU 3,Node_0x01 $--,
IDE01817-MAS14383,History data 31-Alert maintenance time for ECU 3,0.4, H
IDE01817-MAS14384,History data 31-Repetition counter for ECU 3,0,
IDE01817-MAS14385,History data 31-ECU 4,Node_0x-- $-- (empty entry),
IDE01817-MAS14386,History data 31-Alert maintenance time for ECU 4,0.0, H
IDE01817-MAS14387,History data 31-Repetition counter for ECU 4,0,
IDE01817-MAS14388,History data 31-ECU 5,Node_0x-- $-- (empty entry),
IDE01817-MAS14389,History data 31-Alert maintenance time for ECU 5,0.0, H
IDE01817-MAS14390,History data 31-Repetition counter for ECU 5,0,
IDE01818-IDE07142,History data 32-Time since terminal 15 off,0.0, H
IDE01818-MAS00106,History data 32-Year,2000,
IDE01818-MAS00107,History data 32-Month,1,
IDE01818-MAS00108,History data 32-Day,1,
IDE01818-MAS00109,History data 32-Hours,0, H
IDE01818-MAS00110,History data 32-Minutes,0, min
IDE01818-MAS14375,History data 32-Cycle counter,0,
IDE01818-MAS14391,History data 32-Alerting ECU,Node_0x-- $-- (empty entry),
IDE01818-MAS14392,History data 32-CarWakeUp Bit,0,
IDE01819-IDE07142,History data 33-Time since terminal 15 off,0.3, H
IDE01819-MAS00106,History data 33-Year,2021,
IDE01819-MAS00107,History data 33-Month,2,
IDE01819-MAS00108,History data 33-Day,28,
IDE01819-MAS00109,History data 33-Hours,17, H
IDE01819-MAS00110,History data 33-Minutes,21, min
IDE01819-MAS14375,History data 33-Cycle counter,3805,
IDE01819-MAS14393,History data 33-ID of the alerting message,17 33 46 00,
IDE01819-MAS14394,History data 33-Bus of the alerting message,Comfort data bus,
IDE01820-IDE07142,History data 34-Time since terminal 15 off,0.0, H
IDE01820-MAS00106,History data 34-Year,2021,
IDE01820-MAS00107,History data 34-Month,3,
IDE01820-MAS00108,History data 34-Day,10,
IDE01820-MAS00109,History data 34-Hours,12, H
IDE01820-MAS00110,History data 34-Minutes,22, min
IDE01820-MAS14375,History data 34-Cycle counter,3841,
IDE01820-MAS14393,History data 34-ID of the alerting message,1B 00 00 32,
IDE01823-IDE07142,History data 37-Time since terminal 15 off,0.0, H
IDE01823-MAS00106,History data 37-Year,2011,
IDE01823-MAS00107,History data 37-Month,1,
IDE01823-MAS00108,History data 37-Day,1,
IDE01823-MAS00109,History data 37-Hours,0, H
IDE01823-MAS00110,History data 37-Minutes,2, min
IDE01823-MAS01632,History data 37-Status,activated,
IDE01823-MAS14375,History data 37-Cycle counter,3842,
IDE01823-MAS14429,History data 37-Time in current cycle,0.1, H
IDE01827,Specified generator voltage,14.7, V
IDE01828,Generator DF Signal,32.275, %
IDE01829,Generator exciter current,2.125, A
IDE01830-MAS01632,Generator Status-Status,Thermal OK,
IDE01830-MAS02970,Generator Status-Status 2:,Mechanical OK,
IDE01830-MAS02971,Generator Status-Status 3:,electrically OK,
IDE01831-MAS03159,Generator variant-Manufacturer,Robert Bosch GmbH,
IDE01831-MAS06310,Generator variant-Generator identifier,110A - 150A MOSFET,
IDE01832-MAS06311,Generator regulator variant-ASIC manufacturer,0,
IDE01832-MAS06312,Generator regulator variant-ASIC variant,4,
IDE01834,Battery voltage,14.509, V
IDE01836,Battery current,4.421, A
IDE01837,Temperature of battery sensor,41, °C
IDE01838,Battery temperature,22, °C
IDE01839,Battery charge level,60, %
IDE01841,Battery internal resistance,5.6, mOhm
IDE01842,Usable battery charge,28, Ah
IDE01843,Battery voltage at rest,12.2, V
IDE01844,Increase idle speed request,no request,
IDE01845,Reduce internal fan request,no request,
IDE01846,Static current shut-off stage,Deactivation stage 0,
IDE01847,Auxiliary heater activation restriction request,Permitted,
IDE01847-MAS06319,Auxiliary heater activation restriction request-Allowed parking heater runtime,60, min
IDE01848,Energy balance of last driving cycle,2.8, Ah
IDE01849,Previous journey duration,0.1, H
IDE01852,Static current measurement: result,Initialization,
IDE01853,Static current measurement: status,Cancel,
IDE01854,Energy reclamation request,not active,
IDE01855,Generator current,32.1, A
IDE01948,Battery internal resistance not normed,5.6, mOhm
IDE01985-ENG101043,FAZIT identification test sum-Checksum,F3 16 AF 27,
IDE01985-ENG99027,FAZIT identification test sum-Version,129,
IDE02578-ENG06041,Play protection status-fiddle_proofing_1,not active,
IDE02578-ENG06043,Play protection status-fiddle_proofing_2,not active,
IDE02578-ENG06044,Play protection status-fiddle_proofing_3,not active,
IDE02578-ENG06045,Play protection status-fiddle_proofing_4,not active,
IDE02578-ENG06046,Play protection status-fiddle_proofing_5,not active,
IDE02578-ENG06047,Play protection status-fiddle_proofing_6,not active,
IDE02578-ENG06048,Play protection status-fiddle_proofing_7,not active,
IDE02578-ENG06049,Play protection status-fiddle_proofing_8,not active,
IDE02578-ENG06042,Play protection status-function_calls_counter_1,0,
IDE02578-ENG06050,Play protection status-function_calls_counter_2,0,
IDE02578-ENG06051,Play protection status-function_calls_counter_3,0,
IDE02578-ENG06052,Play protection status-function_calls_counter_4,0,
IDE02578-ENG06053,Play protection status-function_calls_counter_5,0,
IDE02578-ENG06054,Play protection status-function_calls_counter_6,0,
IDE02578-ENG06055,Play protection status-function_calls_counter_7,0,
IDE02578-ENG06056,Play protection status-function_calls_counter_8,0,
IDE03008-IDE01838,Stop process prevented-Battery temperature,not active,
IDE03008-IDE01844,Stop process prevented-Increase idle speed request,not active,
IDE03008-MAS02193,Stop process prevented-Outside temperature,not active,
IDE03008-MAS04054,Stop process prevented-Consumer/component current too high,not active,
IDE03008-MAS04055,Stop process prevented-Withdrawable battery charge too low,not active,
IDE03008-MAS04056,Stop process prevented-Battery state of charge too low,active,
IDE03008-MAS04062,Stop process prevented-Possible standing time too short,active,
IDE03008-MAS06001,Stop process prevented-Energy management special veto,not active,
IDE03008-MAS06002,Stop process prevented-DC/DC converter Veto,not active,
IDE03008-MAS19121,Stop process prevented-Successful restart done through freight quota,not active,
IDE03009-MAS01478,Start process requested-insufficient voltage,not active,
IDE03009-MAS02885,Start process requested-Restart because of outside temperature,not active,
IDE03009-MAS04054,Start process requested-Consumer/component current too high,not active,
IDE03009-MAS04055,Start process requested-Withdrawable battery charge too low,not active,
IDE03009-MAS04056,Start process requested-Battery state of charge too low,not active,
IDE03009-MAS04058,Start process requested-Standing time timed out,not active,
IDE03009-MAS06003,Start process requested-Charge contingency,not active,
IDE03009-MAS06004,Start process requested-Special start request,not active,
IDE03010-IDE01838,Number of prevented stop processes-Battery temperature,59,
IDE03010-IDE01844,Number of prevented stop processes-Increase idle speed request,0,
IDE03010-MAS02193,Number of prevented stop processes-Outside temperature,0,
IDE03010-MAS04054,Number of prevented stop processes-Consumer/component current too high,0,
IDE03010-MAS04055,Number of prevented stop processes-Withdrawable battery charge too low,51,
IDE03010-MAS04056,Number of prevented stop processes-Battery state of charge too low,1040,
IDE03010-MAS04062,Number of prevented stop processes-Possible standing time too short,5601,
IDE03010-MAS05998,Number of prevented stop processes-Frequency counter DC/DC converter Veto,0,
IDE03010-MAS06350,Number of prevented stop processes-Frequency counter: energy management special veto,9,
IDE03011-MAS01478,Number of requested start processes-insufficient voltage,0,
IDE03011-MAS02885,Number of requested start processes-Restart because of outside temperature,0,
IDE03011-MAS04054,Number of requested start processes-Consumer/component current too high,0,
IDE03011-MAS04055,Number of requested start processes-Withdrawable battery charge too low,0,
IDE03011-MAS04056,Number of requested start processes-Battery state of charge too low,0,
IDE03011-MAS04058,Number of requested start processes-Standing time timed out,0,
IDE03011-MAS05999,Number of requested start processes-Frequency counter charging contingent,1,
IDE03011-MAS06000,Number of requested start processes-Frequency counter special start requirements,0,
IDE03127-MAS00106,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Year,2021,
IDE03127-MAS00106,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Year,2021,
IDE03127-MAS00106,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Year,2021,
IDE03127-MAS00106,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Year,2021,
IDE03127-MAS00106,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Year,2021,
IDE03127-MAS00107,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Month,3,
IDE03127-MAS00107,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Month,3,
IDE03127-MAS00107,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Month,3,
IDE03127-MAS00107,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Month,3,
IDE03127-MAS00107,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Month,3,
IDE03127-MAS00108,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Day,10,
IDE03127-MAS00108,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Day,10,
IDE03127-MAS00108,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Day,10,
IDE03127-MAS00108,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Day,10,
IDE03127-MAS00108,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Day,10,
IDE03127-MAS00109,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Hours,10,
IDE03127-MAS00109,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Hours,10,
IDE03127-MAS00109,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Hours,10,
IDE03127-MAS00109,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Hours,10,
IDE03127-MAS00109,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Hours,10,
IDE03127-MAS00110,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Minutes,51,
IDE03127-MAS00110,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Minutes,51,
IDE03127-MAS00110,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Minutes,48,
IDE03127-MAS00110,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Minutes,51,
IDE03127-MAS00110,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Minutes,51,
IDE03127-MAS00111,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Seconds,4,
IDE03127-MAS00111,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Seconds,43,
IDE03127-MAS00111,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Seconds,45,
IDE03127-MAS00111,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Seconds,45,
IDE03127-MAS00111,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Seconds,4,
IDE03127-ENG118156,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Start_/_Stop_prohibition_n,Battery state of charge too low,
IDE03127-ENG118158,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Start_/_Stop_prohibition_n-1,Possible standing time too short,
IDE03127-ENG118160,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Start_/_Stop_prohibition_n-2,Battery state of charge too low,
IDE03127-ENG118162,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Start_/_Stop_prohibition_n-3,Possible standing time too short,
IDE03127-ENG118164,Prevented stop processes (ring memory)-Start_/_Stop_prohibition_n-4,Battery state of charge too low,
IDE03128-MAS00106,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Year,2127,
IDE03128-MAS00106,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Year,2127,
IDE03128-MAS00106,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Year,2019,
IDE03128-MAS00106,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Year,2127,
IDE03128-MAS00106,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Year,2127,
IDE03128-MAS00107,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Month,15,
IDE03128-MAS00107,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Month,15,
IDE03128-MAS00107,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Month,15,
IDE03128-MAS00107,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Month,6,
IDE03128-MAS00107,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Month,15,
IDE03128-MAS00108,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Day,16,
IDE03128-MAS00108,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Day,31,
IDE03128-MAS00108,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Day,31,
IDE03128-MAS00108,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Day,31,
IDE03128-MAS00108,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Day,31,
IDE03128-MAS00109,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Hours,31,
IDE03128-MAS00109,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Hours,31,
IDE03128-MAS00109,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Hours,31,
IDE03128-MAS00109,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Hours,16,
IDE03128-MAS00109,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Hours,31,
IDE03128-MAS00110,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Minutes,63,
IDE03128-MAS00110,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Minutes,63,
IDE03128-MAS00110,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Minutes,63,
IDE03128-MAS00110,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Minutes,63,
IDE03128-MAS00110,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Minutes,52,
IDE03128-MAS00111,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Seconds,63,
IDE03128-MAS00111,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Seconds,63,
IDE03128-MAS00111,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Seconds,63,
IDE03128-MAS00111,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Seconds,52,
IDE03128-MAS00111,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Seconds,63,
IDE03128-ENG118166,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Restart_n,no measured value present,
IDE03128-ENG118168,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Restart_n-1,no measured value present,
IDE03128-ENG118170,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Restart_n-2,no measured value present,
IDE03128-ENG118172,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Restart_n-3,no measured value present,
IDE03128-ENG118174,Requested start processes (ring memory)-Restart_n-4,Charge contingency,
IDE03212,Start/stop conditions,Stop prohibition: no start request,
IDE03213,Start/stop enable,No release by coordinator,
IDE03214,Engine stop using start-stop function,not active,
IDE03215,Engine start using start-stop function,not active,
IDE03256-MAS06105,Battery adaptation-Rated battery capacity,70, Ah
IDE03256-MAS06106,Battery adaptation-Battery technology,EFB+,
IDE03256-MAS06107,Battery adaptation-Battery manufacturer,JCB,
IDE03256-MAS06108,Battery adaptation-Battery Serial Number,1111111111,
IDE03588-MAS05683,System malfunctions for active participants start/stop-Battery fault,0,
IDE03588-MAS06321,System malfunctions for active participants start/stop-System malfunction generator,0,
IDE03588-MAS06322,System malfunctions for active participants start/stop-System malfunction due to battery throughput,0,
IDE03588-MAS06323,System malfunctions for active participants start/stop-Start/stop coordinator implausible,0,
IDE03588-MAS06324,System malfunctions for active participants start/stop-DCDC converter system malfunction,0,
IDE03588-MAS06326,System malfunctions for active participants start/stop-Communication malfunction battery data module,0,
IDE03588-MAS06327,System malfunctions for active participants start/stop-Battery data module defective,0,
IDE04186,Battery terminal recognition,connected,
IDE04329-IDE04332,Status of all SWaP functions-Release code for a SWaP function,Not available,
IDE04329-IDE05814,Status of all SWaP functions-Individualization characteristic,invalid,
IDE04329-IDE06260,Status of all SWaP functions-ID number,10 00 03 00,
IDE04329-MAS01340,Status of all SWaP functions-Functions,present,
IDE04329-MAS01903,Status of all SWaP functions-Configuration,OK,
IDE04329-MAS02934,Status of all SWaP functions-Preconditions met,Condition not met,
IDE04329-MAS05616,Status of all SWaP functions-Cancellation,Yes,
IDE04329-MAS05617,Status of all SWaP functions-Authentication,invalid,
IDE04332,Release code for a SWaP function,2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D,
IDE04334,Public key for SWaP function,99 19 70 20 DD A9 1D 14 0A BB A4 90 B5 ED 09 97 32 66 86 77 B6 FC 36 C9 0F 44 99 7F 58 BF 1C 99 82 8C DD 35 B4 F5 BB 76 4F 28 2E 4A 4B AA 98 44 D5 65 19 9D 70 BD 6E 67 C7 B2 D6 C9 37 77 57 DD CE 12 D4 A1 15 32 59 88 5E 5C 05 4B C4 B9 D5 8F 18 83 0E BA 93 C1 43 56 0F A4 B6 B9 3C 79 66 8F D7 5B 33 70 34 84 1E 8E D7 AE CD B8 E6 0E 29 FC D5 60 B3 F6 EC FD E2 D3 2B 1A 7D 78 41 88 78 F9 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03,
IDE04806-ENG06028,Driving profile selection button-Driving_Profile_Selection_Button_1,Not operated,
IDE04806-ENG06029,Driving profile selection button-Driving_Profile_Selection_Button_2,Not operated,
IDE04806-ENG06030,Driving profile selection button-Driving_Profile_Selection_Button_3,Not operated,
IDE04806-ENG06031,Driving profile selection button-Driving_Profile_Selection_Button_4,Not operated,
IDE04806-ENG06032,Driving profile selection button-Driving_Profile_Selection_Button_5,Not operated,
IDE04806-ENG06033,Driving profile selection button-Driving_Profile_Selection_Button_6,Not operated,
IDE04806-ENG06034,Driving profile selection button-Driving_Profile_Selection_Button_7,Not operated,
IDE04806-ENG06035,Driving profile selection button-Driving_Profile_Selection_Button_8,Not operated,
IDE05583-IDE02766,Break recommendation-Malfunction status,not installed,
IDE05583-MAS03095,Break recommendation-Function status,not installed,
IDE05583-MAS04622,Break recommendation-Break recommend. message,No message,
IDE05583-MAS13162,Break recommendation-Icon deactivated,No,
IDE05740-MAS05376,Driving profile selection: system status-Coordinator status,active,
IDE05740-ENG05007,Driving profile selection: system status-profile_state_1,engaged,
IDE05740-ENG05008,Driving profile selection: system status-profile_state_2,engaged,
IDE05740-ENG05009,Driving profile selection: system status-profile_state_3,not engaged,
IDE05740-ENG05010,Driving profile selection: system status-profile_state_4,not engaged,
IDE05740-ENG05011,Driving profile selection: system status-profile_state_5,not engaged,
IDE05740-ENG05012,Driving profile selection: system status-profile_state_6,not engaged,
IDE05740-ENG05013,Driving profile selection: system status-profile_state_7,not engaged,
IDE05740-ENG05014,Driving profile selection: system status-profile_state_8,not engaged,
IDE05814,Individualization characteristic,6C C3 5B F3 AD,
IDE06007-IDE00105,Driving profile history data 1-Malfunction type,no entry,
IDE06007-IDE04805,Driving profile history data 1-Driving profile selection,0,
IDE06007-IDE07643,Driving profile history data 1-Faulty function,no entry,
IDE06007-MAS00106,Driving profile history data 1-Year,2000,
IDE06007-MAS00107,Driving profile history data 1-Month,0,
IDE06007-MAS00108,Driving profile history data 1-Day,0,
IDE06007-MAS00109,Driving profile history data 1-Hours,0,
IDE06007-MAS00110,Driving profile history data 1-Minutes,0,
IDE06007-MAS00111,Driving profile history data 1-Seconds,0,
IDE06007-MAS00711,Driving profile history data 1-Odometer reading,0, km
IDE06007-MAS03095,Driving profile history data 1-Function status,Initialization,
IDE06008-IDE00105,Driving profile history data 2-Malfunction type,no entry,
IDE06008-IDE04805,Driving profile history data 2-Driving profile selection,0,
IDE06008-IDE07643,Driving profile history data 2-Faulty function,no entry,
IDE06008-MAS00106,Driving profile history data 2-Year,2000,
IDE06008-MAS00107,Driving profile history data 2-Month,0,
IDE06008-MAS00108,Driving profile history data 2-Day,0,
IDE06008-MAS00109,Driving profile history data 2-Hours,0,
IDE06008-MAS00110,Driving profile history data 2-Minutes,0,
IDE06008-MAS00111,Driving profile history data 2-Seconds,0,
IDE06008-MAS00711,Driving profile history data 2-Odometer reading,0, km
IDE06008-MAS03095,Driving profile history data 2-Function status,Initialization,
IDE06009-IDE00105,Driving profile history data 3-Malfunction type,no entry,
IDE06009-IDE04805,Driving profile history data 3-Driving profile selection,0,
IDE06009-IDE07643,Driving profile history data 3-Faulty function,Transmission Control Module (TCM),
IDE06009-MAS00106,Driving profile history data 3-Year,2000,
IDE06009-MAS00107,Driving profile history data 3-Month,0,
IDE06009-MAS00108,Driving profile history data 3-Day,0,
IDE06009-MAS00109,Driving profile history data 3-Hours,0,
IDE06009-MAS00110,Driving profile history data 3-Minutes,0,
IDE06009-MAS00111,Driving profile history data 3-Seconds,0,
IDE06009-MAS00711,Driving profile history data 3-Odometer reading,0, km
IDE06009-MAS03095,Driving profile history data 3-Function status,Initialization,
IDE06010-IDE00105,Driving profile history data 4-Malfunction type,Wrong switch-over,
IDE06010-IDE04805,Driving profile history data 4-Driving profile selection,7,
IDE06010-IDE07643,Driving profile history data 4-Faulty function,Engine Control Module,
IDE06010-MAS00106,Driving profile history data 4-Year,2019,
IDE06010-MAS00107,Driving profile history data 4-Month,5,
IDE06010-MAS00108,Driving profile history data 4-Day,25,
IDE06010-MAS00109,Driving profile history data 4-Hours,16,
IDE06010-MAS00110,Driving profile history data 4-Minutes,52,
IDE06010-MAS00111,Driving profile history data 4-Seconds,9,
IDE06010-MAS00711,Driving profile history data 4-Odometer reading,266, km
IDE06010-MAS03095,Driving profile history data 4-Function status,asynchronous,
IDE06011-ENG04999,Selected driving profile-driving_profile_1,INDIVIDUAL,
IDE06011-ENG05000,Selected driving profile-driving_profile_2,no function,
IDE06011-ENG05001,Selected driving profile-driving_profile_3,no function,
IDE06011-ENG05002,Selected driving profile-driving_profile_4,no function,
IDE06011-ENG05003,Selected driving profile-driving_profile_5,no function,
IDE06011-ENG05004,Selected driving profile-driving_profile_6,no function,
IDE06011-ENG05005,Selected driving profile-driving_profile_7,no function,
IDE06011-ENG05006,Selected driving profile-driving_profile_8,no function,
IDE06165-MAS06193,Driving profile selection statistics-Profile 1,5406,
IDE06165-MAS06194,Driving profile selection statistics-Profile 2,307,
IDE06165-MAS06195,Driving profile selection statistics-Profile 3,17085,
IDE06165-MAS06196,Driving profile selection statistics-Profile 4,0,
IDE06165-MAS06197,Driving profile selection statistics-Profile 5,1405,
IDE06165-MAS06198,Driving profile selection statistics-Profile 6,0,
IDE06165-MAS06199,Driving profile selection statistics-Profile 7,15609,
IDE06165-MAS06200,Driving profile selection statistics-Profile 8,0,
IDE06165-MAS08875,Driving profile selection statistics-Profile 9,0,
IDE06165-MAS08876,Driving profile selection statistics-Profile 10,0,
IDE06165-MAS08877,Driving profile selection statistics-Profile 11,0,
IDE06165-MAS08878,Driving profile selection statistics-Profile 12,0,
IDE06230-MAS00106,Break recommend.: last message-Year,2000,
IDE06230-MAS00107,Break recommend.: last message-Month,0,
IDE06230-MAS00108,Break recommend.: last message-Day,0,
IDE06230-MAS00109,Break recommend.: last message-Hours,0,
IDE06230-MAS00110,Break recommend.: last message-Minutes,0,
IDE06230-MAS00111,Break recommend.: last message-Seconds,0,
IDE06230-MAS03095,Break recommend.: last message-Function status,Initialization,
IDE06230-MAS04622,Break recommend.: last message-Break recommend. message,No message,
IDE06592-MAS05002,Status: special functions-Showroom mode,OFF,
IDE06592-MAS05003,Status: special functions-Debug functions,OFF,
IDE06592-MAS18012,Status: special functions-Vehicle locking and unlocking via mobile online service,lock,
IDE06592-MAS18013,Status: special functions-Deactivation of extended start authentication,OFF,
IDE07145-MAS06772,Component protection properties-Component protection generation,02,
IDE07145-MAS06773,Component protection properties-KS Standard software main version nummer,02,
IDE07145-MAS06774,Component protection properties-KS Standard software secondary version number,05,
IDE07145-MAS06775,Component protection properties-KS Standard software correct number,03,
IDE07145-MAS06776,Component protection properties-Komponent protection role,KS Master,
IDE07145-MAS06781,Component protection properties-Secure Hardware Extension,used,
IDE07145-MAS06782,Component protection properties-Master ECU Key,administered by component protection,
IDE07145-MAS06785,Component protection properties-GFA key,used,
IDE07145-MAS06786,Component protection properties-SSW RND Generation,Not Used,
IDE07145-MAS06787,Component protection properties-Indiv Key Generation,used,
IDE07145-MAS06788,Component protection properties-SHE Secure Boot,Not Used,
IDE07145-MAS06789,Component protection properties-KSB Config Status 2,80,
IDE07145-MAS07187,Component protection properties-KS Data version,01,
IDE07145-MAS09609,Component protection properties-Status IKA start key,not active,
IDE07145-MAS09610,Component protection properties-Status GFA Key,valid,
IDE07145-MAS09611,Component protection properties-Status Master ECU Key,not stored,
IDE07145-MAS18014,Component protection properties-Supported SHE download versions,Up to download version 6,
IDE07184-MAS06023,MFL button for freely assignable function-Parameter actuation of Joker FPA button,Not operated,
IDE07184-MAS06024,MFL button for freely assignable function-Parameter programming of Joker FPA button,not active,
IDE07424-IDE04447,Status: driving profile selection for engine-Function status,not engaged,
IDE07424-IDE06260,Status: driving profile selection for engine-ID number,76,
IDE07424-MAS01156,Status: driving profile selection for engine-Communication status,OK,
IDE07424-MAS01447,Status: driving profile selection for engine-Act.val.,2,
IDE07425-IDE04447,Status: driving profile selection for start-stop function-Function status,not engaged,
IDE07425-IDE06260,Status: driving profile selection for start-stop function-ID number,44,
IDE07425-MAS01156,Status: driving profile selection for start-stop function-Communication status,OK,
IDE07425-MAS01447,Status: driving profile selection for start-stop function-Act.val.,0,
IDE07426-IDE04447,Status: driving profile selection for transmission-Function status,not engaged,
IDE07426-IDE06260,Status: driving profile selection for transmission-ID number,36,
IDE07426-MAS01156,Status: driving profile selection for transmission-Communication status,OK,
IDE07426-MAS01447,Status: driving profile selection for transmission-Act.val.,2,
IDE07473-MAS06303,Generator limitation-Status overvoltage limitation,not active,
IDE07473-MAS06304,Generator limitation-Status overvoltage diagnosis,not active,
IDE07473-MAS06305,Generator limitation-Status of diagnosis for energy balance,not active,
IDE07473-MAS06306,Generator limitation-Status generator release by engine,Request by Engine Control Module,
IDE07473-MAS06307,Generator limitation-Status of battery charging function,not active,
IDE07473-MAS06308,Generator limitation-Power steering support active,not active,
IDE07473-MAS06309,Generator limitation-Coolant fan activation request by BEM,not active,
IDE07474-MAS06313,Adapting for energy management-Adaptation static current management,not active,
IDE07474-MAS06314,Adapting for energy management-Battery coding active,not active,
IDE07616,Battery degradation for start/stop mode,Phase 1,
IDE07619-IDE07621,Start/stop starting voltage prediction-Permitted engine stop time,outside permissible range,
IDE07619-IDE07622,Start/stop starting voltage prediction-Power consumption during idle phase,25, A
IDE07623-MAS06328,Open-circuit voltage gateway-Battery voltage last wakeup,14.5, V
IDE07623-MAS06329,Open-circuit voltage gateway-Batter voltage penultimate wakeup,15.0, V
IDE07623-MAS06330,Open-circuit voltage gateway-Open-circuit voltage valid,invalid,
IDE07628-IDE07629,Status power receptacle-Function release power receptacle,locked,
IDE07628-IDE07630,Status power receptacle-Pre-warning power receptacle,not active,
IDE07628-MAS01581,Status power receptacle-Power consumption,0, W
IDE07628-MAS06331,Status power receptacle-Enabling self-contained operation,locked,
IDE07628-MAS06332,Status power receptacle-Status function readiness,locked,
IDE07628-MAS06333,Status power receptacle-Status function,OFF,
IDE07628-MAS06334,Status power receptacle-Status overtemperature,in correct range,
IDE07637,Current charge contingent for feedback,10080.0, As
IDE07638-MAS06339,Status condition determin. ready for idle-Sleep readiness BEM,ended,
IDE07638-MAS06340,Status condition determin. ready for idle-Busstat readiness BEM,Run busstat,
IDE07638-MAS06341,Status condition determin. ready for idle-After-run for power receptacle,not active,
IDE07640-MAS06344,Analysis of start voltage behavior-Minimum voltage at last engine start,8.20,
IDE07640-MAS06345,Analysis of start voltage behavior-Minimum voltage at last engine start recognized,not detected,
IDE07640-MAS06346,Analysis of start voltage behavior-Voltage drop through engine start recognized,not detected,
IDE07640-MAS06347,Analysis of start voltage behavior-Current voltage drop last start,3.75, V
IDE07640-MAS06348,Analysis of start voltage behavior-Normed voltage drop,3.60, V
IDE07640-MAS11064,Analysis of start voltage behavior-Current last engine start,728, A
IDE07640-MAS11065,Analysis of start voltage behavior-Current delta last engine start,720, A
IDE07681-MAS06086,Battery total charging throughput-Total re-charge,3925.8, Ah
IDE07681-MAS06087,Battery total charging throughput-Entire energy throughput,3959.0, Ah
IDE07873-MAS06193,Driving mode selection activated profiles-Profile 1,Comfort,
IDE07873-MAS06194,Driving mode selection activated profiles-Profile 2,AUTO,
IDE07873-MAS06195,Driving mode selection activated profiles-Profile 3,Dynamic,
IDE07873-MAS06196,Driving mode selection activated profiles-Profile 4,Not Used,
IDE07873-MAS06197,Driving mode selection activated profiles-Profile 5,Not Used,
IDE07873-MAS06198,Driving mode selection activated profiles-Profile 6,Not Used,
IDE07873-MAS06199,Driving mode selection activated profiles-Profile 7,Not Used,
IDE07873-MAS06200,Driving mode selection activated profiles-Profile 8,Not Used,
IDE07873-MAS08875,Driving mode selection activated profiles-Profile 9,Not Used,
IDE07873-MAS08876,Driving mode selection activated profiles-Profile 10,Not Used,
IDE07873-MAS08877,Driving mode selection activated profiles-Profile 11,Not Used,
IDE07873-MAS08878,Driving mode selection activated profiles-Profile 12,Not Used,
IDE07907,Bus communication,active,
IDE08343,Immobilizer Challenge,4E A9 B4 7E,
IDE08346-MAS06117,Generator Analysis-Specified voltage,14.7, V
IDE08346-MAS06864,Generator Analysis-Generator actual voltage,14.6, V
IDE08346-MAS06865,Generator Analysis-Voltage difference generator battery,0.1, V
IDE08346-MAS06866,Generator Analysis-Generator speed,1972, /min
IDE08346-MAS06867,Generator Analysis-Generator chip temperature,72, °C
IDE08347,adapted battery capacity,116, Ah
IDE08680-MAS03173,Allocation data bus identifier-Powertrain data bus,11,
IDE08680-MAS03174,Allocation data bus identifier-Comfort data bus,12,
IDE08680-MAS03175,Allocation data bus identifier-Extended data bus,15,
IDE08680-MAS03177,Allocation data bus identifier-Infotainment data bus,13,
IDE08680-MAS03178,Allocation data bus identifier-Suspension data bus,14,
IDE08680-MAS03179,Allocation data bus identifier-Local data bus 2,52,
IDE08680-MAS03180,Allocation data bus identifier-Local data bus,51,
IDE08680-MAS05686,Allocation data bus identifier-Data bus diagnostics,10,
IDE08680-MAS05972,Allocation data bus identifier-Local data bus 3,53,
IDE08681-MAS03173,Data bus defect error-Powertrain data bus,OK,
IDE08681-MAS03174,Data bus defect error-Comfort data bus,OK,
IDE08681-MAS03175,Data bus defect error-Extended data bus,OK,
IDE08681-MAS03177,Data bus defect error-Infotainment data bus,OK,
IDE08681-MAS03178,Data bus defect error-Suspension data bus,OK,
IDE08681-MAS03179,Data bus defect error-Local data bus 2,OK,
IDE08681-MAS03180,Data bus defect error-Local data bus,OK,
IDE08681-MAS05686,Data bus defect error-Data bus diagnostics,OK,
IDE08681-MAS05972,Data bus defect error-Local data bus 3,not installed,
IDE08682-MAS03173,Data bus single wire err.-Powertrain data bus,OK,
IDE08682-MAS03174,Data bus single wire err.-Comfort data bus,OK,
IDE08682-MAS03175,Data bus single wire err.-Extended data bus,OK,
IDE08682-MAS03177,Data bus single wire err.-Infotainment data bus,OK,
IDE08682-MAS03178,Data bus single wire err.-Suspension data bus,OK,
IDE08682-MAS03179,Data bus single wire err.-Local data bus 2,Not coded,
IDE08682-MAS03180,Data bus single wire err.-Local data bus,Not coded,
IDE08682-MAS05686,Data bus single wire err.-Data bus diagnostics,Not coded,
IDE08682-MAS05972,Data bus single wire err.-Local data bus 3,not installed,
IDE08683-MAS03173,Data bus TimeOut error-Powertrain data bus,OK,
IDE08683-MAS03174,Data bus TimeOut error-Comfort data bus,OK,
IDE08683-MAS03175,Data bus TimeOut error-Extended data bus,OK,
IDE08683-MAS03177,Data bus TimeOut error-Infotainment data bus,OK,
IDE08683-MAS03178,Data bus TimeOut error-Suspension data bus,OK,
IDE08683-MAS03179,Data bus TimeOut error-Local data bus 2,Not coded,
IDE08683-MAS03180,Data bus TimeOut error-Local data bus,Not coded,
IDE08683-MAS05686,Data bus TimeOut error-Data bus diagnostics,Not coded,
IDE08683-MAS05972,Data bus TimeOut error-Local data bus 3,not installed,
IDE08684-SFT09757,Allocation LIN system number-Generator,00 1D,
IDE08684-SFT09777,Allocation LIN system number-Multifunction steering wheel control module,00 31,
IDE08684-SFT09783,Allocation LIN system number-Battery Monitoring Control Module,00 37,
IDE08684-SFT09833,Allocation LIN system number-Inverter for electrical outlet,00 69,
IDE08684-SFT09842,Allocation LIN system number-Analog clock,00 72,
IDE08684-SFT10031,Allocation LIN system number-Control head driving profile,01 2F,
IDE08684-SFT10046,Allocation LIN system number-Steering Wheel Touch Recognition Control Module,01 3E,
IDE08685-SFT09757,Status LIN user-Generator,active,
IDE08685-SFT09777,Status LIN user-Multifunction steering wheel control module,active,
IDE08685-SFT09783,Status LIN user-Battery Monitoring Control Module,active,
IDE08685-SFT09833,Status LIN user-Inverter for electrical outlet,not active,
IDE08685-SFT09842,Status LIN user-Analog clock,not active,
IDE08685-SFT10031,Status LIN user-Control head driving profile,not active,
IDE08685-SFT10046,Status LIN user-Steering Wheel Touch Recognition Control Module,not active,
IDE08794-MAS06106,Battery cell analysis-Battery technology,Unknown,
IDE08794-MAS07703,Battery cell analysis-Cell voltage,0.0000, V
IDE08794-MAS07704,Battery cell analysis-Cell temp.,-40, °C
IDE08794-MAS07705,Battery cell analysis-Cell limit voltage (binary coded),0,
IDE08794-MAS07706,Battery cell analysis-Can be analyzed,Initialization,
IDE08794-MAS07707,Battery cell analysis-Health condition acc. to calendar,126, %
IDE08794-MAS07708,Battery cell analysis-Cut-off element,closed,
IDE09561,Static current last LIN sleep phase,-2.095, A
IDE09562,Range extension counter: stage 2,0,
IDE10674-MAS11055,Extended battery diagnosis-Pulse interior resistance,2.2, mOhm
IDE10674-MAS11056,Extended battery diagnosis-Counter battery warning,0,
IDE10674-MAS11059,Extended battery diagnosis-Power state LV battery singular operation,OK,
IDE10674-MAS11060,Extended battery diagnosis-Status Handshake HVK,OK,
IDE10739-IDE04447,Status: driving profile selection for oper. mode selection-Function status,not engaged,
IDE10739-IDE06260,Status: driving profile selection for oper. mode selection-ID number,7,
IDE10739-MAS01156,Status: driving profile selection for oper. mode selection-Communication status,OK,
IDE10739-MAS01447,Status: driving profile selection for oper. mode selection-Act.val.,0,
IDE11573,Energy management in heating power allocation,1000, W
IDE11673-MAS02246,Battery Management 2: prohibition on turning-on 48V-Timeout,not active,
IDE11673-MAS03123,Battery Management 2: prohibition on turning-on 48V-Reduced performance,not active,
IDE11673-MAS09519,Battery Management 2: prohibition on turning-on 48V-Message error,not active,
IDE11673-MAS09541,Battery Management 2: prohibition on turning-on 48V-Act. mode init. error,not active,
IDE11673-MAS09542,Battery Management 2: prohibition on turning-on 48V-Error status init. error,not active,
IDE11673-MAS09543,Battery Management 2: prohibition on turning-on 48V-Operating mode error,not active,
IDE11673-MAS09544,Battery Management 2: prohibition on turning-on 48V-No component function,not active,
IDE11673-MAS09545,Battery Management 2: prohibition on turning-on 48V-Sequence error,not active,
IDE11674-MAS02246,Voltage transformer: prohibition on turning-on 48V-Timeout,not active,
IDE11674-MAS09519,Voltage transformer: prohibition on turning-on 48V-Message error,not active,
IDE11674-MAS09541,Voltage transformer: prohibition on turning-on 48V-Act. mode init. error,not active,
IDE11674-MAS09542,Voltage transformer: prohibition on turning-on 48V-Error status init. error,not active,
IDE11674-MAS09543,Voltage transformer: prohibition on turning-on 48V-Operating mode error,not active,
IDE11674-MAS09544,Voltage transformer: prohibition on turning-on 48V-No component function,not active,
IDE11674-MAS09545,Voltage transformer: prohibition on turning-on 48V-Sequence error,not active,
IDE11676-MAS00799,Airbag: prohibition on turning-on 48V-Airbag control module,not active,
IDE11676-MAS02246,Airbag: prohibition on turning-on 48V-Timeout,not active,
IDE11676-MAS09519,Airbag: prohibition on turning-on 48V-Message error,not active,
IDE11676-MAS09521,Airbag: prohibition on turning-on 48V-Light accident detected,not active,
IDE11676-MAS09521,Airbag: prohibition on turning-on 48V-Light accident detected,not active,
IDE11676-MAS09522,Airbag: prohibition on turning-on 48V-Severe accident detected,not active,
IDE11676-MAS09522,Airbag: prohibition on turning-on 48V-Severe accident detected,not active,
IDE11678-MAS02246,Engine electronics: prohibition on turning-on 48V-Timeout,not active,
IDE11678-MAS09519,Engine electronics: prohibition on turning-on 48V-Message error,not active,
IDE11678-MAS09541,Engine electronics: prohibition on turning-on 48V-Act. mode init. error,not active,
IDE11678-MAS09545,Engine electronics: prohibition on turning-on 48V-Sequence error,not active,
IDE11678-MAS09547,Engine electronics: prohibition on turning-on 48V-Error status drive motor: init. error,not active,
IDE11678-MAS09548,Engine electronics: prohibition on turning-on 48V-Error status drive: init. error,not active,
IDE11678-MAS09549,Engine electronics: prohibition on turning-on 48V-Drive condition: init. error,not active,
IDE11678-MAS09554,Engine electronics: prohibition on turning-on 48V-no component function drive,not active,
IDE11678-MAS13413,Engine electronics: prohibition on turning-on 48V-No component function of starter generator,not active,
IDE11678-MAS13415,Engine electronics: prohibition on turning-on 48V-48 V shut-down due to operating strategy,not active,
IDE11679-MAS02246,Electrical compressor: prohibition on turning-on 48V-Timeout,not active,
IDE11679-MAS09519,Electrical compressor: prohibition on turning-on 48V-Message error,not active,
IDE11679-MAS09541,Electrical compressor: prohibition on turning-on 48V-Act. mode init. error,not active,
IDE11679-MAS09542,Electrical compressor: prohibition on turning-on 48V-Error status init. error,not active,
IDE11679-MAS09544,Electrical compressor: prohibition on turning-on 48V-No component function,not active,
IDE11679-MAS09545,Electrical compressor: prohibition on turning-on 48V-Sequence error,not active,
IDE11679-MAS13455,Electrical compressor: prohibition on turning-on 48V-48 V voltage measurement error,not active,
IDE11681-MAS03182,Monitoring line disconnection: prohibition on turning-on 48V-Branch 1,not active,
IDE11681-MAS03183,Monitoring line disconnection: prohibition on turning-on 48V-Branch 2,not active,
IDE11684-MAS02832,Battery management 2: status for 48V power-Malfunction status,Initialization,
IDE11684-MAS03001,Battery management 2: status for 48V power-Mode,Initialization,
IDE11685-MAS02832,Voltage converter: status for 48V power-Malfunction status,Initialization,
IDE11685-MAS03001,Voltage converter: status for 48V power-Mode,Initialization,
IDE11911-MAS00799,48V activation restriction-Airbag control module,not active,
IDE11911-MAS09516,48V activation restriction-Engine Electronics,not active,
IDE11911-MAS10933,48V activation restriction-Roll stabilization,not active,
IDE11911-MAS13411,48V activation restriction-48 V activation restriction due to open circuit,not active,
IDE11911-MAS13412,48V activation restriction-48 V activation restriction due to deactivation,not active,
IDE11911-SFT00033,48V activation restriction-Battery management 2,not active,
IDE11911-SFT00196,48V activation restriction-Voltage converter,not active,
IDE11911-SFT09769,48V activation restriction-Auxiliary Air Heater Control Module/PTC,not active,
IDE11911-SFT09997,48V activation restriction-Electrical compressor,not active,
IDE12084,Component protection participant status,00 14 19 00 00 00 0E 13 00 00 00 57 13 00 00 00 15 11 00 00 00 6F 11 00 00 00 6D 20 00 00 00 73 11 00 00 00 4E 20 00 00 00 8A 20 00 00 00 2C 20 00 00 00 4F 20 00 00 00 7B 20 00 00,
IDE12133-MAS01896,Freewheel - energy-Free run,25, A
IDE12133-MAS14352,Freewheel - energy-Auxiliary store current,0, A
IDE12133-MAS14353,Freewheel - energy-Loading release for additional memory,Maximum charge DC/DC converter,
IDE12133-MAS14357,Freewheel - energy-Generator start mode,First start,
IDE12133-MAS14362,Freewheel - energy-Voltage limit boost mode,6.0, V
IDE12134-MAS14344,Freewheel - condition-Status of coasting release,Release,
IDE12134-MAS14348,Freewheel - condition-Status of freewheel engine off release,Release,
IDE12134-MAS14349,Freewheel - condition-Freewheel engine off block,328,
IDE12134-MAS14350,Freewheel - condition-Store request,no request,
IDE12134-MAS14351,Freewheel - condition-Freewheel engine off restart,0,
IDE12135-MAS14363,Belt driven starter generator 12V-Specified voltage: lower limit,10.60, V
IDE12135-MAS14364,Belt driven starter generator 12V-Specified voltage limit,10.65, V
IDE12135-MAS14365,Belt driven starter generator 12V-Recommended specified voltage,17.8, V
IDE12135-MAS14366,Belt driven starter generator 12V-Maximum ramp time,0, s
IDE12135-MAS14367,Belt driven starter generator 12V-Minimum voltage for start,7.0, V
IDE12135-MAS14368,Belt driven starter generator 12V-Specified voltage of the belt driven starter generator,9.0, V
IDE12135-MAS14369,Belt driven starter generator 12V-Actual mode belt driven starter generator,Unknown (14),
IDE12609-MAS02832,Steering wheel touch recognition: status-Malfunction status,No malfunction detected,
IDE12609-MAS14836,Steering wheel touch recognition: status-Touch intensity sensor 1,254,
IDE12609-MAS14837,Steering wheel touch recognition: status-Touch intensity sensor 2,254,
IDE12609-MAS14838,Steering wheel touch recognition: status-Touch intensity sensor 3,254,
IDE12609-MAS14839,Steering wheel touch recognition: status-Touch status,Initialization,
IDE13754-IDE04447,Diagnosis filter: status-Function status,Function is not active,
IDE13754-MAS16866,Diagnosis filter: status-Odometer,0, km
IDE13754-MAS16867,Diagnosis filter: status-Reason for deactivation,Not deactivated,
IDE13754-MAS16875,Diagnosis filter: status-Filter status,Filter is not active,
IDE13755-IDE00056,Diagnosis filter: history data-History data 1,0000000*0000-01-01-00-00-00*0**,
IDE13755-IDE00057,Diagnosis filter: history data-History data 2,0000000*0000-01-01-00-00-00*0**,
IDE13755-IDE00058,Diagnosis filter: history data-History data 3,0000000*0000-01-01-00-00-00*0**,
IDE13755-IDE00059,Diagnosis filter: history data-History data 4,0000000*0000-01-01-00-00-00*0**,
IDE13755-IDE00060,Diagnosis filter: history data-History data 5,0000000*0000-01-01-00-00-00*0**,
IDE14424,Historical data info status,00000110 ,
MAS00464-MAS00106,Standard - ambient data 1-Year,2021,
MAS00464-MAS00107,Standard - ambient data 1-Month,3,
MAS00464-MAS00108,Standard - ambient data 1-Day,10,
MAS00464-MAS00109,Standard - ambient data 1-Hours,12,
MAS00464-MAS00110,Standard - ambient data 1-Minutes,32,
MAS00464-MAS00111,Standard - ambient data 1-Seconds,49,
MAS00464-MAS00468,Standard - ambient data 1-Unlearning counter,215,
MAS00464-MAS00711,Standard - ambient data 1-Odometer reading,30675, km
MAS00769-IDE02717,Multifunction steering wheel control module-Tiptronic upshift,Not operated,
MAS00769-IDE02718,Multifunction steering wheel control module-Tiptronic downshift,Not operated,
MAS00769-IDE07668,Multifunction steering wheel control module-MFL Variant code,9,
MAS00769-MAS01065,Multifunction steering wheel control module-Brand,VW,
MAS00769-MAS01288,Multifunction steering wheel control module-Horn,Not operated,
MAS00769-MAS02317,Multifunction steering wheel control module-Button code 1,Not operated,
MAS00769-MAS02318,Multifunction steering wheel control module-Button code 2,Not operated,
MAS00769-MAS02319,Multifunction steering wheel control module-Event code 1,No result,
MAS00769-MAS02320,Multifunction steering wheel control module-Event code 2,No result,
MAS00769-MAS06029,Multifunction steering wheel control module-MFL message counter,1,
MAS00769-MAS06030,Multifunction steering wheel control module-MFL Toggle Bit,0,
MAS00769-MAS06034,Multifunction steering wheel control module-MFL Local active,not active,
MAS00769-MAS06035,Multifunction steering wheel control module-MFL M button,Not operated,
MAS04447-IDE06339,Engine running status-Hybrid readiness: status,not active,
MAS04447-MAS01493,Engine running status-Engine running,Engine running,
MAS04447-MAS03023,Engine running status-Driving mode,Driving mode,
MAS04447-MAS06320,Engine running status-Status rolling mode,not active,
SFT09757-ENG114913,Generator-asic_manufacturer,30 30,
SFT09757-ENG119379,Generator-asic_variant,30 34,
SFT09757-ENG40398,Generator-Manufacturer,30 30,
SFT09757-ENG99001,Generator-Variant,30 64,
ENG118784-ENG124497,Driv._Prof._Sel._Coord._Retry_State-Retry_State_Actuator_Exterior_Noise,not active,
ENG118784-ENG118736,Driv._Prof._Sel._Coord._Retry_State-Retry_State_Adaptive_Cruise_Control,not active,
ENG118784-ENG06039,Driv._Prof._Sel._Coord._Retry_State-Retry_State_AGK,not active,
ENG118784-ENG124493,Driv._Prof._Sel._Coord._Retry_State-Retry_State_Air_Condition,not active,
ENG118784-ENG118739,Driv._Prof._Sel._Coord._Retry_State-Retry_State_Ambient_Illumination,not active,
ENG118784-ENG124501,Driv._Prof._Sel._Coord._Retry_State-Retry_State_area_view,not active,
ENG118784-ENG124495,Driv._Prof._Sel._Coord._Retry_State-Retry_State_Belt_Pretensioner,not active,
ENG118784-ENG124499,Driv._Prof._Sel._Coord._Retry_State-Retry_State_brake_control_system,not active,
ENG118784-ENG124503,Driv._Prof._Sel._Coord._Retry_State-Retry_State_central_differential,not active,
ENG118784-ENG118734,Driv._Prof._Sel._Coord._Retry_State-Retry_State_Damper_Control,not active,
ENG118784-ENG06040,Driv._Prof._Sel._Coord._Retry_State-Retry_State_EDS,not active,
ENG118784-ENG126254,Driv._Prof._Sel._Coord._Retry_State-Retry_State_Electronic_Brake_Booster,not active,
ENG118784-ENG118730,Driv._Prof._Sel._Coord._Retry_State-Retry_State_Engine_Control,not active,
ENG118784-ENG20970,Driv._Prof._Sel._Coord._Retry_State-Retry_State_FMA,not active,
ENG118784-ENG124498,Driv._Prof._Sel._Coord._Retry_State-Retry_State_front_axle_differential_lock,not active,
ENG118784-ENG124500,Driv._Prof._Sel._Coord._Retry_State-Retry_State_hill_descent_control,not active,
ENG118784-ENG06038,Driv._Prof._Sel._Coord._Retry_State-Retry_State_Hill_Distence_Control,not active,
ENG118784-ENG126252,Driv._Prof._Sel._Coord._Retry_State-Retry_State_Operation_Mode,not active,
ENG118784-ENG124496,Driv._Prof._Sel._Coord._Retry_State-Retry_State_Overrunning_Clutch,not active,
ENG118784-ENG06036,Driv._Prof._Sel._Coord._Retry_State-Retry_State_Park_Distence_Control,not active,
ENG118784-ENG126251,Driv._Prof._Sel._Coord._Retry_State-Retry_State_range_Calculation,not active,
ENG118784-ENG124502,Driv._Prof._Sel._Coord._Retry_State-Retry_State_rear_spoiler,not active,
ENG118784-ENG126253,Driv._Prof._Sel._Coord._Retry_State-Retry_State_Seat_Sidebolster_Adjustment,not active,
ENG118784-ENG118737,Driv._Prof._Sel._Coord._Retry_State-Retry_State_Sound_Actuator,not active,
ENG118784-ENG124492,Driv._Prof._Sel._Coord._Retry_State-Retry_State_Start_/_Stop,not active,
ENG118784-ENG118733,Driv._Prof._Sel._Coord._Retry_State-Retry_State_Steering_Support,not active,
ENG118784-ENG118732,Driv._Prof._Sel._Coord._Retry_State-Retry_State_Transmission_Control,not active,
ENG118786-ENG06059,Driv._Prof._Sel._Dr._Op.-Driving_Profile_Selection_New_Driverwish_Modus,not detected,
ENG118786-ENG118748,Driv._Prof._Sel._Dr._Op.-Driving_Profile_Selection_New_Driverwish_Profile,not detected,
ENG06004-ENG118763,EM_battery_analog_monitoring-actual_difference_voltage,0.000, V
ENG06004-ENG118760,EM_battery_analog_monitoring-battery_analog_voltage,0.0, V
ENG06004-ENG118761,EM_battery_analog_monitoring-battery_voltage_filtered,13.5, V
ENG06004-ENG118762,EM_battery_analog_monitoring-voltage_difference,0.00, V
ENG106123,EM_blAlternator On,On,
ENG106124,EM_blAlternator Valid,Yes,
ENG106140,EM_Current_Control_Recu,not active,
ENG20108,EM_electrical_system_current,26.439, A
ENG118437,EM_IAlternatorReserve,106.2, A
ENG118434,EM_LoadResponse Time,3, s
ENG106154,EM_PAltMechanical,650, W
ENG106155-ENG118436,EM_prcSoh-SOH_P,70, %
ENG106155-ENG118435,EM_prcSoh-SOH_Q,56, %
ENG118782-ENG118462,Gateway app. software identification-software_version_BCmE,1005,
ENG118782-ENG118457,Gateway app. software identification-software_version_eASS,2015,
ENG118782-ENG06026,Gateway app. software identification-software_version_ehr,----,
ENG118782-ENG118454,Gateway app. software identification-software_version_em,2407,
ENG118782-ENG118453,Gateway app. software identification-software_version_fpa,9070,
ENG118782-ENG118455,Gateway app. software identification-software_version_history_data,0700,
ENG118782-ENG125888,Gateway app. software identification-software_version_hv-em,----,
ENG118782-ENG118456,Gateway app. software identification-software_version_ks,----,
ENG118782-ENG118458,Gateway app. software identification-software_version_mfl,0200,
ENG118782-ENG118463,Gateway app. software identification-software_version_mke,3148,
ENG118782-ENG32644,Gateway app. software identification-software_version_mv-em,0300,
ENG118782-ENG32645,Gateway app. software identification-software_version_rtm,----,
ENG118782-ENG122591,Gateway app. software identification-software_version_rwb,----,
ENG118782-ENG118459,Gateway app. software identification-software_version_service_key_1a,0100,
ENG118782-ENG118460,Gateway app. software identification-software_version_SWaP,0630,
ENG118782-ENG118461,Gateway app. software identification-software_version_wakeup_monitor,0100,
ENG118782-ENG118452,Gateway app. software identification-version_routing_gateway,7200,
ENG20113-ENG09375,MV-EM_48V_electrical_system_components-48V_Ptc_installed,not installed,
ENG20113-ENG09374,MV-EM_48V_electrical_system_components-48V_Rsg_installed,not installed,
ENG20113-ENG09370,MV-EM_48V_electrical_system_components-DcDc_installed,not installed,
ENG20113-ENG09372,MV-EM_48V_electrical_system_components-eAbc_installed,not installed,
ENG20113-ENG09373,MV-EM_48V_electrical_system_components-eAv_installed,not installed,
ENG20113-ENG09371,MV-EM_48V_electrical_system_components-eAws_installed,not installed,
ENG20113-ENG09369,MV-EM_48V_electrical_system_components-LiIon_battery_installed,not installed,
ENG20113-ENG09368,MV-EM_48V_electrical_system_components-sCap_installed,not installed,
ENG20114-MAS01867,MV-EM_48V_electrical_system_diagnosis_typ_1-Measurement,not OK.,
ENG20114-ENG09348,MV-EM_48V_electrical_system_diagnosis_typ_1-48V_electrical_system_diagnosis_request,not requested,
ENG20114-ENG09349,MV-EM_48V_electrical_system_diagnosis_typ_1-Bms_48V_actual_current,0, A
ENG20115-MAS01867,MV-EM_48V_electrical_system_diagnosis_typ_2-Measurement,not OK.,
ENG20115-ENG09351,MV-EM_48V_electrical_system_diagnosis_typ_2-48V_electrical_system_active,not active,
ENG20115-ENG09344,MV-EM_48V_electrical_system_diagnosis_typ_2-Bms_48V_actual_voltage,0.00, V
ENG20115-ENG09356,MV-EM_48V_electrical_system_diagnosis_typ_2-eAbc_back_48V_actual_voltage,0.00, V
ENG20115-ENG09355,MV-EM_48V_electrical_system_diagnosis_typ_2-eAbc_front_48V_actual_voltage,0.00, V
ENG20115-ENG09357,MV-EM_48V_electrical_system_diagnosis_typ_2-eAv_48V_actual_voltage,0.00, V
ENG20115-ENG09354,MV-EM_48V_electrical_system_diagnosis_typ_2-eAws_back_48V_actual_voltage,0.00, V
ENG20115-ENG09353,MV-EM_48V_electrical_system_diagnosis_typ_2-eAws_front_48V_actual_voltage,0.00, V
ENG20116-MAS01867,MV-EM_48V_overvoltage_check-Measurement,not OK.,
ENG20116-ENG09344,MV-EM_48V_overvoltage_check-Bms_48V_actual_voltage,0.00, V
ENG20116-ENG09345,MV-EM_48V_overvoltage_check-Bms_48V_Soc,0.00, %
ENG20117-MAS11874,MV-EM_48V_Zero_potential_status-Overall status,Initialization,
ENG20118-ENG09366,MV-EM_coldstart_requirement_engine-requirement_12V_start,not active,
ENG20118-ENG09367,MV-EM_coldstart_requirement_engine-requirement_48V_start,not active,
ENG20119,MV-EM_dc_current_Mv,-204.0, A
ENG20120,MV-EM_dc_power_desired,-6325, W
ENG20121,MV-EM_DC_voltage_desired,0.00, V
ENG20122,MV-EM_dc_voltage_Mv,0.00, V
ENG20123-ENG09198,MV-EM_Derating_voltage-Derating_group_A,0.00, V
ENG20123-ENG09199,MV-EM_Derating_voltage-Derating_group_B,0.00, V
ENG20123-ENG09200,MV-EM_Derating_voltage-Derating_group_C,0.00, V
ENG20123-ENG09337,MV-EM_Derating_voltage-Derating_Umax_feedback,0.00, V
ENG20124,MV-EM_EMG_level_of_capacity,0.025, %
ENG20125,MV-EM_Mv_current,-511, A
ENG20126-ENG09342,MV-EM_recommendation_Dcdc-Dcdc_boost_mode,not active,
ENG20126-ENG09343,MV-EM_recommendation_Dcdc-Dcdc_buck_mode,not active,
ENG20127-ENG09338,MV-EM_release-12V_coldstart_release,No enabling,
ENG20127-ENG09339,MV-EM_release-12V_warmstart_release,No enabling,
ENG20127-ENG09340,MV-EM_release-48V_coldstart_release,No enabling,
ENG20127-ENG09341,MV-EM_release-start_stopp_support_release,No enabling,
ENG20128,MV-EM_RSG_maximal_current,0, A
ENG20129,MV-EM_RSG_maximal_voltage,0.00, V
Elapsed Time: 00:47
;SW:8V0-907-399-D HW:8V0-907-399-D --- Left Light
;Component:LCM_MLBevoH08 0014, Coding:
;VCDS Version: Release 21.3.0 (x64) Data version: 20210226 DS325.0
;VCID: 47C852D67F2686630E9-8012
IDE00030,Status of actuator test,not active,
IDE00323,Security Access: Number of invalid keys,0,
IDE00767-MAS01478,No. of unscheduled ECU resets-insufficient voltage,0,
IDE00767-MAS03945,No. of unscheduled ECU resets-Watchdog Reset,0,
IDE00773,Terminal 15 status via CAN,On,
IDE03680-MAS01468,Supply voltages-Terminal 15,14.20, V
IDE03680-MAS09376,Supply voltages-Supply via vehicle elec. sys. ctrl. unit,14.10, V
IDE06876-MAS01482,Signature light lamp faulty-Hardware version,Not available,
IDE06876-MAS01483,Signature light lamp faulty-Software version,Not available,
IDE06876-MAS12381,Signature light lamp faulty-Software subversion,0F,
IDE06876-ENG14244,Signature light lamp faulty-Software_sub_version_Textual,Not available,
IDE06926-IDE02068,History memory: reset counter-Time stamp,F0 30 31 38 4C,
IDE06926-MAS09176,History memory: reset counter-Reset reason,Unknown (0),
IDE08742-MAS01155,Operating time-Control module,692.77, H
IDE08742-MAS03835,Operating time-Position lamps,275.09, H
IDE08742-MAS09325,Operating time-Daytime running lamps,346.91, H
IDE08742-MAS09330,Operating time-Reflector for low beam,0.00, H
IDE08742-MAS09332,Operating time-Turn signal lamps,25.39, H
IDE08742-MAS09333,Operating time-Side marker lamps,0.00, H
IDE08742-MAS09334,Operating time-Parking lamps,0.00, H
IDE09492-MAS01155,Temperatures-Control module,72.00, °C
IDE09492-MAS09339,Temperatures-extern. temperature sensor 1,74.00, °C
IDE09492-MAS09340,Temperatures-extern. temperature sensor 2,not installed,
IDE09768-MAS04121,LED channel 1-Voltage,29.58, V
IDE09768-MAS04136,LED channel 1-Current,260, mA
IDE09768-MAS09022,LED channel 1-PWM value,100.00, %
IDE09768-MAS09327,LED channel 1-LED brightness class,3,
IDE09768-MAS09328,LED channel 1-Primary function,Turn signal lamps,
IDE09768-MAS09329,LED channel 1-Secondary function,no function,
IDE09769-MAS04121,LED channel 2-Voltage,29.58, V
IDE09769-MAS04136,LED channel 2-Current,260, mA
IDE09769-MAS09022,LED channel 2-PWM value,100.00, %
IDE09769-MAS09327,LED channel 2-LED brightness class,1,
IDE09769-MAS09328,LED channel 2-Primary function,Turn signal lamps,
IDE09769-MAS09329,LED channel 2-Secondary function,no function,
IDE09770-MAS04136,High side channel 1-Current,0, mA
IDE09770-MAS09022,High side channel 1-PWM value,0.00, %
IDE09770-MAS09326,High side channel 1-Function,no function,
IDE09771-MAS04136,High side channel 2-Current,0, mA
IDE09771-MAS09022,High side channel 2-PWM value,0.00, %
IDE09771-MAS09326,High side channel 2-Function,Turn signal lamps,
IDE09772-MAS04136,High side channel 3-Current,70, mA
IDE09772-MAS09022,High side channel 3-PWM value,100.00, %
IDE09772-MAS09326,High side channel 3-Function,Position lamps,
IDE09774-MAS03835,Number of activations-Position lamps,7569,
IDE09774-MAS09325,Number of activations-Daytime running lamps,11045,
IDE09774-MAS09330,Number of activations-Reflector for low beam,0,
IDE09774-MAS09332,Number of activations-Turn signal lamps,273696,
IDE09774-MAS09333,Number of activations-Side marker lamps,0,
IDE09774-MAS09334,Number of activations-Parking lamps,0,
IDE09775-MAS09336,High temperature operating times for control unit-between 95°C and 105°C,4.34, H
IDE09775-MAS09337,High temperature operating times for control unit-between 105°C and 115°C,0.44, H
IDE09775-MAS09338,High temperature operating times for control unit-over 115°C,0.00, H
IDE09795-MAS09342,Operating times for motor of headlight range adjustment-between 0% and 30%,82.91, %
IDE09795-MAS09343,Operating times for motor of headlight range adjustment-between 30% and 60%,16.61, %
IDE09795-MAS09344,Operating times for motor of headlight range adjustment-above 60%,0.09, %
IDE09828-MAS00890,Head lamp variant-via CAN,E0 76,
IDE09828-MAS01155,Head lamp variant-Control module,E0 76,
IDE09916-MAS09563,Data set names-Number of data set names,01,
IDE09916-MAS09564,Data set names-Data set ID,28928,
IDE09916-MAS09565,Data set names-Data set name,VMAV28iXK001,
IDE10175,Capturing statistic data: status,active,
IDE10301-MAS01155,Number of excess temp. protection activations-Control module,0,
IDE10301-MAS03835,Number of excess temp. protection activations-Position lamps,0,
IDE10301-MAS09325,Number of excess temp. protection activations-Daytime running lamps,1,
IDE10301-MAS09332,Number of excess temp. protection activations-Turn signal lamps,0,
IDE11123-MAS04136,High side channel 4-Current,10040, mA
IDE11123-MAS09022,High side channel 4-PWM value,0.00, %
IDE11123-MAS09326,High side channel 4-Function,no function,
IDE11124-MAS12195,Headlamp Range Control Motor-Reference run status,will be performed.,
IDE11124-MAS12196,Headlamp Range Control Motor-Fault position,not approached,
IDE11124-MAS12199,Headlamp Range Control Motor-Adjustment speed,normal,
IDE11124-MAS12206,Headlamp Range Control Motor-Motor position (percent of max. adjustment stroke),72.80, %
IDE11124-MAS12207,Headlamp Range Control Motor-Low beam inclination,67.00, mm
IDE11125-MAS12195,Adaptive Cornering Lamp Motor-Reference run status,will be performed.,
IDE11125-MAS12196,Adaptive Cornering Lamp Motor-Fault position,not approached,
IDE11125-MAS12199,Adaptive Cornering Lamp Motor-Adjustment speed,normal,
IDE11125-MAS12206,Adaptive Cornering Lamp Motor-Motor position (percent of max. adjustment stroke),36.80, %
IDE11125-MAS12209,Adaptive Cornering Lamp Motor-Swivel angle,-0.03, °
IDE11276-MAS01482,Power output stage for headlamp aux. functions-Hardware version,Not available,
IDE11276-MAS01483,Power output stage for headlamp aux. functions-Software version,Not available,
IDE11276-MAS12381,Power output stage for headlamp aux. functions-Software subversion,0F,
IDE11276-ENG14244,Power output stage for headlamp aux. functions-Software_sub_version_Textual,Not available,
IDE11347-MAS12195,Variable headlamp positioning motor-Reference run status,not performed,
IDE11347-MAS12196,Variable headlamp positioning motor-Fault position,not approached,
IDE11347-MAS12199,Variable headlamp positioning motor-Adjustment speed,normal,
IDE11347-MAS12212,Variable headlamp positioning motor-Calibrated light index setting,Unknown,
Elapsed Time: 00:03
;SW:2Q0-905-861-A HW:2Q0-905-861-A --- Steer. Col. Lock
;Component:ELV-MQBB H08 0021, Coding:0800000000000000
;VCDS Version: Release 21.3.0 (x64) Data version: 20210226 DS325.0
;VCID: 313C1C0EE1A228D330D-8064
IDE00019,Voltage terminal 30,14.4,
IDE00021,Engine RPM,821.00, /min
IDE00021-MAS00058,Engine RPM-Implausible,No,
IDE00021-MAS00103,Engine RPM-invalid,No,
IDE00021-MAS02239,Engine RPM-outdated,No,
IDE00021-MAS02246,Engine RPM-Timeout,No,
IDE00075,Vehicle speed,0.00, km/h
IDE00075-MAS00058,Vehicle speed-Implausible,No,
IDE00075-MAS00103,Vehicle speed-invalid,No,
IDE00075-MAS02246,Vehicle speed-Timeout,No,
IDE00096-MAS02239,Selector lever position-outdated,No,
IDE00096-MAS02246,Selector lever position-Timeout,No,
IDE00096,Selector lever position,OK,
IDE00660-MAS02246,Drive readiness-Timeout,No,
IDE00660,Drive readiness,not active,
IDE01766-MAS03714,Distance impulses-Left front wheel,1,
IDE01766-MAS03715,Distance impulses-Right front wheel,1,
IDE01766-MAS03716,Distance impulses-Left rear wheel,26,
IDE01766-MAS03717,Distance impulses-Right rear wheel,30,
IDE01766-MAS11907,Distance impulses-Left front wheel signal state timeout,No,
IDE01766-MAS11908,Distance impulses-Right front wheel signal state timeout,No,
IDE01766-MAS11909,Distance impulses-Left rear wheel signal state timeout,No,
IDE01766-MAS11910,Distance impulses-Right rear wheel signal state timeout,No,
IDE01766-MAS11911,Distance impulses-Left front wheel invalid signal state,No,
IDE01766-MAS11912,Distance impulses-Right front wheel invalid signal state,No,
IDE01766-MAS11913,Distance impulses-Left rear wheel invalid signal state,No,
IDE01766-MAS11914,Distance impulses-Right rear wheel invalid signal state,No,
IDE02486,Data logger triggering,not active,
IDE02569-MAS02242,Terminal S: line status-Electronic central electric actual value,On,
IDE02569-MAS02246,Terminal S: line status-Timeout,No,
IDE02570-MAS02242,Terminal 15: line status-Electronic central electric actual value,On,
IDE02570-MAS02246,Terminal 15: line status-Timeout,No,
IDE02573,End switch for steering column: unlocked: status,operated,
IDE02574,End switch for steering column: locked: status,Not operated,
IDE02575,Unlocking motor: activation status,not activated,
IDE02576,Locking motor: activation status,not activated,
IDE02577,Steering column twisting: status,not twisted,
IDE02579-MAS02246,Park selector lever position-Timeout,No,
IDE02579,Park selector lever position,locked,
IDE02580,Number of unlocks,3177,
IDE02588,Terminal signals and start release,not enabled,
IDE02589-MAS02246,Rotary latch status-Timeout,No,
IDE02589,Rotary latch status,to,
IDE02590-MAS02246,External vehicle locking: SPECIFIED condition-Timeout,No,
IDE02590-MAS02257,External vehicle locking: SPECIFIED condition-SPECIFIED condition of fuse per remote/key,Vehicle not secured,
IDE02590,External vehicle locking: SPECIFIED condition,unlocked,
IDE02759-MAS02345,Steering column lock current condition/learn mode-Current condition,Immobilizer download obtained,
IDE02759-MAS02349,Steering column lock current condition/learn mode-Learn mode,Adapted,
IDE03527-IDE03411,CAN signals-Red warning lamp,not active,
IDE03527-MAS04444,CAN signals-Wake-up,not active,
IDE03527-MAS05099,CAN signals-Driver information: steering column lock defective,not active,
IDE03527-MAS05100,CAN signals-Driver information: steering column lock: workshop,not active,
IDE03527-MAS05101,CAN signals-Driver information: move steering,not active,
IDE06746-IDE00020,Locking requirements-Terminal 15 status,Condition not met,
IDE06746-IDE00021,Locking requirements-Engine RPM,Condition not met,
IDE06746-IDE00075,Locking requirements-Vehicle speed,Condition met,
IDE06746-IDE00660,Locking requirements-Drive readiness,Condition met,
IDE06746-IDE01715,Locking requirements-Status terminal S,Condition not met,
IDE06746-IDE01766,Locking requirements-Distance impulses,Condition met,
IDE06746-IDE02052,Locking requirements-Malfunction message in instrument panel,Condition met,
IDE06746-IDE02579,Locking requirements-Park selector lever position,Condition met,
IDE06746-MAS02349,Locking requirements-Learn mode,Not adapted,
IDE06746-MAS08251,Locking requirements-Communication status signal ESP_21,Condition met,
IDE06746-MAS08252,Locking requirements-Communication status signal Klemmenstatus_01,Condition not met,
IDE06746-MAS08441,Locking requirements-Test of locking requirements,not active,
IDE06746-MAS08791,Locking requirements-Cyclical Reception Signal ESP_21,Condition met,
IDE06746-MAS08792,Locking requirements-Cyclical Reception Signal ESP_10,Condition met,
IDE06746-MAS08794,Locking requirements-Cyclical Reception Signal Terminal Status_01,Condition met,
IDE06746-MAS11697,Locking requirements-Communication status signal ESP_10,Condition met,
IDE09059-MAS02246,Request terminal release-Timeout,No,
IDE09059,Request terminal release,No,
IDE09064,Status: unlock trigger,No,
IDE09065-MAS02246,Status: remote start-Timeout,No,
IDE09065,Status: remote start,not active,
IDE09066-MAS02246,ID sensor exiting vehicle-Timeout,No,
IDE09066,ID sensor exiting vehicle,No,
MAS00464-MAS00106,Standard - ambient data 1-Year,2021,
MAS00464-MAS00107,Standard - ambient data 1-Month,3,
MAS00464-MAS00108,Standard - ambient data 1-Day,10,
MAS00464-MAS00109,Standard - ambient data 1-Hours,12,
MAS00464-MAS00110,Standard - ambient data 1-Minutes,41,
MAS00464-MAS00111,Standard - ambient data 1-Seconds,20,
MAS00464-MAS00468,Standard - ambient data 1-Unlearning counter,215,
MAS00464-MAS00711,Standard - ambient data 1-Odometer reading,30675, km
ENG111213-ENG128873,Activated_Fault_Reactions-Locking disabled,No,
ENG128821-ENG111184,Errorcounter lifetime-AD-Converter corrupt,0,
ENG128821-ENG128856,Errorcounter lifetime-AD-Converter corrupt unlocking cycle,No,
ENG128821-ENG128851,Errorcounter lifetime-Areacheck highside,0,
ENG128821-ENG128852,Errorcounter lifetime-Areacheck highside unlocking cycle,No,
ENG128821-ENG128853,Errorcounter lifetime-Areacheck lowside,0,
ENG128821-ENG128854,Errorcounter lifetime-Areacheck lowside unlocking cycle,No,
ENG128821-ENG111176,Errorcounter lifetime-CoCo RAM-Check,0,
ENG128821-ENG128846,Errorcounter lifetime-CoCo RAM-Check unlocking cycle,No,
ENG128821-ENG111177,Errorcounter lifetime-CoCo ROM-Check,0,
ENG128821-ENG128847,Errorcounter lifetime-CoCo ROM-Check unlocking cycle,No,
ENG128821-ENG111194,Errorcounter lifetime-CPU-Test CoCo,0,
ENG128821-ENG128848,Errorcounter lifetime-CPU-Test CoCo unlocking cycle,No,
ENG128821-ENG111192,Errorcounter lifetime-CPU-Test HaCo,0,
ENG128821-ENG128844,Errorcounter lifetime-CPU-Test HaCo unlocking cycle,No,
ENG128821-ENG111187,Errorcounter lifetime-Enable CoCo incorrect active locking,0,
ENG128821-ENG128858,Errorcounter lifetime-Enable CoCo incorrect active locking unlocking cycle,No,
ENG128821-ENG111181,Errorcounter lifetime-Endposition switches implausible,0,
ENG128821-ENG128855,Errorcounter lifetime-Endposition switches implausible unlocking cycle,No,
ENG128821-ENG128872,Errorcounter lifetime-Endposition_Button_Unlocked_Change_To_Not_Activated_While_Driving,0,
ENG128821-ENG128870,Errorcounter lifetime-Endposition_Locked_Not_Reached,0,
ENG128821-ENG128871,Errorcounter lifetime-Endposition_Locked_Not_Reached unlocking cycle,No,
ENG128821-ENG31613,Errorcounter lifetime-HaCo CAN-Cell-Check,0,
ENG128821-ENG31614,Errorcounter lifetime-HaCo CAN-Cell-Check unlocking cycle,No,
ENG128821-ENG111185,Errorcounter lifetime-HaCo CoCo communication disturbed,0,
ENG128821-ENG128857,Errorcounter lifetime-HaCo CoCo communication disturbed unlocking cycle,No,
ENG128821-ENG111175,Errorcounter lifetime-HaCo EEPROM-Check,0,
ENG128821-ENG128845,Errorcounter lifetime-HaCo EEPROM-Check unlocking cycle,No,
ENG128821-ENG111173,Errorcounter lifetime-HaCo RAM-Check,0,
ENG128821-ENG128842,Errorcounter lifetime-HaCo RAM-Check unlocking cycle,No,
ENG128821-ENG111174,Errorcounter lifetime-HaCo ROM-Check,0,
ENG128821-ENG128843,Errorcounter lifetime-HaCo ROM-Check unlocking cycle,No,
ENG128821-ENG128868,Errorcounter lifetime-Invalid eeprom data immobilizer,0,
ENG128821-ENG128869,Errorcounter lifetime-Invalid eeprom data immobilizer unlocking cycle,No,
ENG128821-ENG111189,Errorcounter lifetime-No CoCo enable locking,0,
ENG128821-ENG128859,Errorcounter lifetime-No CoCo enable locking unlocking cycle,No,
ENG128821-ENG111195,Errorcounter lifetime-Program sequence CoCo,0,
ENG128821-ENG128863,Errorcounter lifetime-Program sequence CoCo unlocking cycle,No,
ENG128821-ENG111193,Errorcounter lifetime-Program sequence HaCo,0,
ENG128821-ENG128862,Errorcounter lifetime-Program sequence HaCo unlocking cycle,No,
ENG128821-ENG111190,Errorcounter lifetime-Reset HaCo CoCo failed,0,
ENG128821-ENG128860,Errorcounter lifetime-Reset HaCo CoCo failed unlocking cycle,No,
ENG128821-ENG111191,Errorcounter lifetime-Reset SBC HaCo failed,0,
ENG128821-ENG128861,Errorcounter lifetime-Reset SBC HaCo failed unlocking cycle,No,
ENG128821-ENG119956,Errorcounter lifetime-Return address,00 00 00 00,
ENG128821-ENG128866,Errorcounter lifetime-SDA-Error CoCo,0,
ENG128821-ENG128867,Errorcounter lifetime-SDA-Error CoCo unlocking cycle,No,
ENG128821-ENG128864,Errorcounter lifetime-SDA-Error HaCo,0,
ENG128821-ENG128865,Errorcounter lifetime-SDA-Error HaCo unlocking cycle,No,
ENG128821-ENG111179,Errorcounter lifetime-Shortcut motor driver highside,0,
ENG128821-ENG128849,Errorcounter lifetime-Shortcut motor driver highside unlocking cycle,No,
ENG128821-ENG111180,Errorcounter lifetime-Shortcut motor driver lowside,0,
ENG128821-ENG128850,Errorcounter lifetime-Shortcut motor driver lowside unlocking cycle,No,
ENG128822-ENG128824,functional_check-functional_check_steering_column_supplier,Not confirmed,
ENG128822-ENG124678,functional_check-Functional_Check_VW_EOL,Not confirmed,
Elapsed Time: 00:04
;SW:0CQ-907-554-P HW:0CQ-907-554-P --- Differential Locks
;Component:Quersperre H55 8043, Coding:0001
;VCDS Version: Release 21.3.0 (x64) Data version: 20210226 DS325.0
;VCID: 52FE7382846433CB697-8006
IDE00019,Voltage terminal 30,14.4, V
IDE00030,Status of actuator test,not active,
IDE00102,Control Module temperature,37, °C
IDE00322,Status of basic setting,was not yet started,
IDE00323,Security Access: Number of invalid keys,0,
IDE00920,Front left wheel speed,0.0, km/h
IDE00921,Wheel speed: right front,0.0, km/h
IDE00922,Left rear wheel speed,0.0, km/h
IDE00923,Right rear wheel speed,0.0, km/h
IDE01617,Clutch temperature,37.30, °C
IDE02271-IDE02384,CAN output signal(s) status-Status of event memory,not active,
IDE02271-MAS01464,CAN output signal(s) status-Emergency running mode,not active,
IDE02271-MAS01480,CAN output signal(s) status-excessive temperature,not active,
IDE02404,Checksum calculation,C9 DD AD 86,
IDE02486,Data logger triggering,not active,
IDE04502-MAS04730,Haldex clutch: status-Degree of blockage,0.00, %
IDE04805-IDE02955,Driving profile selection-System status,available.,
IDE04805-IDE06419,Driving profile selection-Driving profile switchover,will be performed.,
IDE04805-MAS01447,Driving profile selection-Act.val.,3,
IDE04805-MAS01448,Driving profile selection-Target value,3,
IDE04805-MAS05058,Driving profile selection-Compatibility,No,
IDE05609,Cooling fin temperature,39.90, °C
IDE05610,Duration of overtemperature,0, min
IDE05707,Haldex clutch pump: current,1.040, A
IDE05708,Haldex clutch pump: PWM signal,12, %
IDE05710,Haldex clutch pump: voltage,1.7, V
IDE80003-ENG119372,Analysis 3-Exeedance_Intergral_1_traction_slip_controller,0,
IDE80003-ENG119373,Analysis 3-Exeedance_Intergral_2_extreme_slip_event,0,
IDE80003-ENG119374,Analysis 3-Undercut_Integral_3_differential_lock_too_far_closed,0,
IDE80004-ENG119372,Analysis 4-Exeedance_Intergral_1_traction_slip_controller,0,
IDE80004-ENG119373,Analysis 4-Exeedance_Intergral_2_extreme_slip_event,0,
IDE80004-ENG119374,Analysis 4-Undercut_Integral_3_differential_lock_too_far_closed,0,
MAS00464-MAS00106,Standard - ambient data 1-Year,2021,
MAS00464-MAS00107,Standard - ambient data 1-Month,3,
MAS00464-MAS00108,Standard - ambient data 1-Day,10,
MAS00464-MAS00109,Standard - ambient data 1-Hours,12,
MAS00464-MAS00110,Standard - ambient data 1-Minutes,41,
MAS00464-MAS00111,Standard - ambient data 1-Seconds,28,
MAS00464-MAS00468,Standard - ambient data 1-Unlearning counter,215,
MAS00464-MAS00711,Standard - ambient data 1-Odometer reading,30675, km
MAS03129,Reset counter,254,
MAS06745,Difference front axle speed,0.0, km/h
ENG119375,Upper Limit of Temperature Duration,0, min
Elapsed Time: 00:03
;SW:8V0-907-399-D HW:8V0-907-399-D --- Right Light
;Component:LCM_MLBevoH08 0014, Coding:
;VCDS Version: Release 21.3.0 (x64) Data version: 20210226 DS325.0
;VCID: 47C852D67F2686630E9-8012
IDE00030,Status of actuator test,not active,
IDE00323,Security Access: Number of invalid keys,0,
IDE00767-MAS01478,No. of unscheduled ECU resets-insufficient voltage,0,
IDE00767-MAS03945,No. of unscheduled ECU resets-Watchdog Reset,0,
IDE00773,Terminal 15 status via CAN,On,
IDE03680-MAS01468,Supply voltages-Terminal 15,14.30, V
IDE03680-MAS09376,Supply voltages-Supply via vehicle elec. sys. ctrl. unit,14.10, V
IDE06876-MAS01482,Signature light lamp faulty-Hardware version,Not available,
IDE06876-MAS01483,Signature light lamp faulty-Software version,Not available,
IDE06876-MAS12381,Signature light lamp faulty-Software subversion,0F,
IDE06876-ENG14244,Signature light lamp faulty-Software_sub_version_Textual,Not available,
IDE06926-IDE02068,History memory: reset counter-Time stamp,F0 30 32 33 4C,
IDE06926-MAS09176,History memory: reset counter-Reset reason,Unknown (0),
IDE08742-MAS01155,Operating time-Control module,692.78, H
IDE08742-MAS03835,Operating time-Position lamps,281.23, H
IDE08742-MAS09325,Operating time-Daytime running lamps,361.58, H
IDE08742-MAS09330,Operating time-Reflector for low beam,0.00, H
IDE08742-MAS09332,Operating time-Turn signal lamps,15.43, H
IDE08742-MAS09333,Operating time-Side marker lamps,0.00, H
IDE08742-MAS09334,Operating time-Parking lamps,0.00, H
IDE09492-MAS01155,Temperatures-Control module,83.00, °C
IDE09492-MAS09339,Temperatures-extern. temperature sensor 1,80.00, °C
IDE09492-MAS09340,Temperatures-extern. temperature sensor 2,not installed,
IDE09768-MAS04121,LED channel 1-Voltage,29.58, V
IDE09768-MAS04136,LED channel 1-Current,260, mA
IDE09768-MAS09022,LED channel 1-PWM value,100.00, %
IDE09768-MAS09327,LED channel 1-LED brightness class,4,
IDE09768-MAS09328,LED channel 1-Primary function,Turn signal lamps,
IDE09768-MAS09329,LED channel 1-Secondary function,no function,
IDE09769-MAS04121,LED channel 2-Voltage,29.31, V
IDE09769-MAS04136,LED channel 2-Current,260, mA
IDE09769-MAS09022,LED channel 2-PWM value,100.00, %
IDE09769-MAS09327,LED channel 2-LED brightness class,1,
IDE09769-MAS09328,LED channel 2-Primary function,Turn signal lamps,
IDE09769-MAS09329,LED channel 2-Secondary function,no function,
IDE09770-MAS04136,High side channel 1-Current,0, mA
IDE09770-MAS09022,High side channel 1-PWM value,0.00, %
IDE09770-MAS09326,High side channel 1-Function,no function,
IDE09771-MAS04136,High side channel 2-Current,0, mA
IDE09771-MAS09022,High side channel 2-PWM value,0.00, %
IDE09771-MAS09326,High side channel 2-Function,Turn signal lamps,
IDE09772-MAS04136,High side channel 3-Current,70, mA
IDE09772-MAS09022,High side channel 3-PWM value,100.00, %
IDE09772-MAS09326,High side channel 3-Function,Position lamps,
IDE09774-MAS03835,Number of activations-Position lamps,7576,
IDE09774-MAS09325,Number of activations-Daytime running lamps,11380,
IDE09774-MAS09330,Number of activations-Reflector for low beam,0,
IDE09774-MAS09332,Number of activations-Turn signal lamps,180156,
IDE09774-MAS09333,Number of activations-Side marker lamps,0,
IDE09774-MAS09334,Number of activations-Parking lamps,0,
IDE09775-MAS09336,High temperature operating times for control unit-between 95°C and 105°C,10.97, H
IDE09775-MAS09337,High temperature operating times for control unit-between 105°C and 115°C,0.89, H
IDE09775-MAS09338,High temperature operating times for control unit-over 115°C,0.00, H
IDE09795-MAS09342,Operating times for motor of headlight range adjustment-between 0% and 30%,84.08, %
IDE09795-MAS09343,Operating times for motor of headlight range adjustment-between 30% and 60%,15.48, %
IDE09795-MAS09344,Operating times for motor of headlight range adjustment-above 60%,0.04, %
IDE09828-MAS00890,Head lamp variant-via CAN,E0 76,
IDE09828-MAS01155,Head lamp variant-Control module,E0 76,
IDE09916-MAS09563,Data set names-Number of data set names,01,
IDE09916-MAS09564,Data set names-Data set ID,28928,
IDE09916-MAS09565,Data set names-Data set name,VMAV28iXK001,
IDE10175,Capturing statistic data: status,active,
IDE10301-MAS01155,Number of excess temp. protection activations-Control module,0,
IDE10301-MAS03835,Number of excess temp. protection activations-Position lamps,0,
IDE10301-MAS09325,Number of excess temp. protection activations-Daytime running lamps,1,
IDE10301-MAS09332,Number of excess temp. protection activations-Turn signal lamps,0,
IDE11123-MAS04136,High side channel 4-Current,10040, mA
IDE11123-MAS09022,High side channel 4-PWM value,0.00, %
IDE11123-MAS09326,High side channel 4-Function,no function,
IDE11124-MAS12195,Headlamp Range Control Motor-Reference run status,will be performed.,
IDE11124-MAS12196,Headlamp Range Control Motor-Fault position,not approached,
IDE11124-MAS12199,Headlamp Range Control Motor-Adjustment speed,normal,
IDE11124-MAS12206,Headlamp Range Control Motor-Motor position (percent of max. adjustment stroke),72.80, %
IDE11124-MAS12207,Headlamp Range Control Motor-Low beam inclination,67.00, mm
IDE11125-MAS12195,Adaptive Cornering Lamp Motor-Reference run status,will be performed.,
IDE11125-MAS12196,Adaptive Cornering Lamp Motor-Fault position,not approached,
IDE11125-MAS12199,Adaptive Cornering Lamp Motor-Adjustment speed,normal,
IDE11125-MAS12206,Adaptive Cornering Lamp Motor-Motor position (percent of max. adjustment stroke),63.20, %
IDE11125-MAS12209,Adaptive Cornering Lamp Motor-Swivel angle,0.03, °
IDE11276-MAS01482,Power output stage for headlamp aux. functions-Hardware version,Not available,
IDE11276-MAS01483,Power output stage for headlamp aux. functions-Software version,Not available,
IDE11276-MAS12381,Power output stage for headlamp aux. functions-Software subversion,0F,
IDE11276-ENG14244,Power output stage for headlamp aux. functions-Software_sub_version_Textual,Not available,
IDE11347-MAS12195,Variable headlamp positioning motor-Reference run status,not performed,
IDE11347-MAS12196,Variable headlamp positioning motor-Fault position,not approached,
IDE11347-MAS12199,Variable headlamp positioning motor-Adjustment speed,normal,
IDE11347-MAS12212,Variable headlamp positioning motor-Calibrated light index setting,Unknown,
Elapsed Time: 00:03
;SW:5Q0-907-686-C HW:5Q0-907-686-C --- Lane Change
;Component:HRE_Master H12 0081, Coding:01011103
;VCDS Version: Release 21.3.0 (x64) Data version: 20210226 DS325.0
;VCID: 3D24303E2DFADCB3A45-8068
IDE00018,Voltage terminal 15,14.40, V
IDE00030,Status of actuator test,not active,
IDE00075,Vehicle speed,0.00, km/h
IDE00102,Control Module temperature,44.0, °C
IDE00322,Status of basic setting,was not yet started,
IDE00323,Security Access: Number of invalid keys,0,
IDE00925,Yaw rate,0.00, °/s
IDE01441,Back-up lamp,OFF,
IDE01766-MAS01853,Distance impulses-Left front,1,
IDE01766-MAS01854,Distance impulses-Right front,1,
IDE01766-MAS01855,Distance impulses-Left rear,26,
IDE01766-MAS01856,Distance impulses-Right rear,30,
IDE02049,Trailer detected,not defined,
IDE02057-MAS10063,Dynamic calibration: status-Auto. calibration: percent. progress Master,10490.00, km
IDE02057-MAS10064,Dynamic calibration: status-Auto. calibration: percent. progress Slave,100, %
IDE02057-MAS10065,Dynamic calibration: status-Distance of object 4,100, %
IDE02057,Dynamic calibration: status,is running,
IDE02219-MAS02471,Steering wheel angle: sign-Sign,Negative,
IDE02219,Steering wheel angle: sign,0.00,
IDE02486,Data logger triggering,not active,
IDE03619,System condition,On,
IDE05064,lane change assist. 2: supply voltage,14.38, V
IDE05065,lane change assist. 2: temperature,43.0, °C
IDE05067-MAS08213,Functional status of lane change assist.-Blind spot detection,passive,
IDE05067-MAS10332,Functional status of lane change assist.-Parking assistant,On,
IDE05070,Curve radius,14976, m
IDE05072,Status of lane change assist. indicator lamp,active,
IDE05077-IDE02389,Rain/light recognition sensor via data bus-Ambient brightness,0,
IDE05077,Rain/light recognition sensor via data bus,not defined,
IDE05078-MAS04108,Distance of object 1-Distance in X-direction,-120.00, m
IDE05078-MAS04109,Distance of object 1-Distance in Y-direction,0.00, m
IDE05079-MAS02469,Relative speed of object 1-Speed in x-direction,0.00, m/s
IDE05080-MAS04108,Distance of object 2-Distance in X-direction,-120.00, m
IDE05080-MAS04109,Distance of object 2-Distance in Y-direction,0.00, m
IDE05081-MAS02469,Relative speed of object 2-Speed in x-direction,0.00, m/s
IDE05082-MAS04108,Distance of object 3-Distance in X-direction,-120.00, m
IDE05082-MAS04109,Distance of object 3-Distance in Y-direction,0.00, m
IDE05083-MAS02469,Relative speed of object 3-Speed in x-direction,0.00, m/s
IDE05084,Closest object left lane,No object recognized,
IDE05085,Closest object right lane,No object recognized,
IDE05086,Closest object lane used,No object recognized,
IDE05087,Dynamic angle offset lane change assist. 1,-1.35, °
IDE05088,Dynamic angle offset lane change assist. 2,-0.07, °
IDE05090,Measured receiving power lane change assist. 1,0, %
IDE05091,Measured receiving power lane change assist. 2,0, %
IDE05092,Measured angle lane change assist. 1,20.32, °
IDE05093,Measured angle lane change assist. 2,20.32, °
IDE05094,Static angle offset lane change assist. 1,0.00, °
IDE05095,Static angle offset lane change assist. 2,0.00, °
IDE05100,Spray counter,0,
IDE10101,Dimming value of left warning light,0, %
IDE10102,Right warning light flashing cycle,OFF,
IDE10103,Left warning light flashing cycle,OFF,
IDE10104,Left warning light status,OFF,
IDE10105,Dimming value of right warning light,0, %
IDE10106,Right warning light status,OFF,
IDE10107,Dimming value of left warning light: warning algorithm,0, %
IDE10108,Status of left warning light: warning algorithm,0,
IDE10109,Dimming value of right warning light: warning algorithm,0, %
IDE10110,Status of right warning light: warning algorithm,0,
IDE10235-IDE10233,Status night design-Night design,not activated,
IDE10235-IDE10234,Status night design-Day design,activated,
IDE10235,Status night design,OFF,
IDE10236-MAS01487,Lane keeping warning system-LED,yellow,
IDE10236-MAS10041,Lane keeping warning system-Distance to lane,1.25, m
IDE10236-MAS10042,Lane keeping warning system-Time to lane crossing,3.1, s
IDE10236-MAS10043,Lane keeping warning system-Vehicle side,Left,
MAS05108-MAS10050,ESP-Delay regulation,Feedback: delay regulation is available,
MAS05108-MAS10059,ESP-Blind spot warning: message,consistent,
MAS05108-MAS10669,ESP-Delay regulation: brake jolt,Not available,
MAS08785-IDE02679,Parking aid-Tone sensor,Not available,
MAS08785-IDE03619,Parking aid-System condition,System off,
MAS10065-MAS04108,Distance of object 4-Distance in X-direction,-120.00, m
MAS10065-MAS04109,Distance of object 4-Distance in Y-direction,0.00, m
MAS10066-MAS04108,Distance of object 5-Distance in X-direction,-120.00, m
MAS10066-MAS04109,Distance of object 5-Distance in Y-direction,0.00, m
MAS10067-MAS02469,Relative speed of object 4-Speed in x-direction,0.00, m/s
MAS10068-MAS02469,Relative speed of object 5-Speed in x-direction,0.00, m/s
Elapsed Time: 00:08
;SW:5Q4-959-593-M HW:5Q4-959-593-F --- Door Elect, Driver
;Component:TSG FS 006 0247, Coding:003F13205000040000000000
;VCDS Version: Release 21.3.0 (x64) Data version: 20210226 DS325.0
;VCID: 4FF87AF697565E23469-801A
IDE00030,Status of actuator test,not active,
IDE00310,Outside temperature,19.00, °C
IDE00322,Status of basic setting,was not yet started,
IDE00323,Security Access: Number of invalid keys,0,
IDE01992-MAS12276,Installation list: current installations-Front door control module,can be reached,
IDE01992-MAS12277,Installation list: current installations-Rear door control module,can be reached,
IDE01993-MAS12276,Control module reference number-Front door control module,Driver door control module,
IDE01993-MAS12277,Control module reference number-Rear door control module,Rear Driver Side Door Control Module,
IDE02260-IDE00773,Supply voltage for door control module: rear: left-Terminal 15 status via CAN,active,
IDE02260-IDE01715,Supply voltage for door control module: rear: left-Status terminal S,active,
IDE02260-IDE05835,Supply voltage for door control module: rear: left-Supply voltage for central locking,14.00, V
IDE02262,synchronous mirror adjustment,not active,
IDE02267-IDE00773,Supply voltage for door control module: front: driver side-Terminal 15 status via CAN,active,
IDE02267-IDE01715,Supply voltage for door control module: front: driver side-Status terminal S,active,
IDE02267-IDE05835,Supply voltage for door control module: front: driver side-Supply voltage for central locking,14.50, V
IDE02384-MAS12276,Status of event memory-Front door control module,No malfunctions in DTC memory,
IDE02384-MAS12277,Status of event memory-Rear door control module,No malfunctions in DTC memory,
IDE02668,Central window regulator switch,not installed,
IDE03150-MAS12276,Readiness for bus sleep mode-Front door control module,active,
IDE03150-MAS12277,Readiness for bus sleep mode-Rear door control module,active,
IDE04215-MAS02428,Mirror adjustment switch-Switch positions,Neutral,
IDE04216-MAS01458,Mirror heater-Operating condition,active,
IDE04216-MAS02965,Mirror heater-Performance percentage,100, %
IDE04216-MAS04247,Mirror heater-Button,operated,
IDE04217,Fuel filler door release button,not installed,
IDE04218,Turn signal in exterior rear-view mirror,not active,
IDE04219-IDE02266,Window regulator control unit: driver side-Passenger side rear power window button,Not operated,
IDE04219-IDE04220,Window regulator control unit: driver side-Driver power window button,Not operated,
IDE04219-IDE06621,Window regulator control unit: driver side-Driver side rear power window button,Not operated,
IDE04219-IDE06872,Window regulator control unit: driver side-Front passenger power window button,Not operated,
IDE04220,Driver power window button,Not operated,
IDE04343-MAS03180,Bus identification-Local data bus,assigned,
IDE04343-MAS12276,Bus identification-Front door control module,Bus master,
IDE04411,Child safety button,Not operated,
IDE04539-MAS01634,Mirror memory-Supply voltage,not active,
IDE04539-MAS02228,Mirror memory-X coordinate,Not available,
IDE04539-MAS02229,Mirror memory-Y coordinate,Not available,
IDE04539-MAS02476,Mirror memory-installed,not installed,
IDE04540,Mirror adjustment (X/Y direction),Position center,
IDE04580,Dimming of inside door handle lighting,100, %
IDE04581,Dimming for interior ambient lighting,0, %
IDE04586,Mirror fold-in activation,not active,
IDE05071-MAS02594,Lane change assistance button-Indicator light in switch,not installed,
IDE05071-MAS07693,Lane change assistance button-Button Status,not installed,
IDE05720-IDE02589,Front driver side door status-Rotary latch status,closed,
IDE05720-IDE04213,Front driver side door status-Central locking button,Not operated,
IDE05720-IDE04214,Front driver side door status-Key switch in door lock,Not operated,
IDE05720-MAS06256,Front driver side door status-Status door lock,Signal from door lock: released,
IDE05725,Dimmer terminal 58xs,0, %
IDE05726,Dimmer terminal 58xd,84, %
IDE05825-MAS02594,DWA Interior monitoring/vehicle inclination sensor button-Indicator light in switch,not coded/not installed,
IDE05825-MAS04247,DWA Interior monitoring/vehicle inclination sensor button-Button,not coded/not installed,
IDE06206-MAS01453,Front window regulator status: driver side-Blocking detection,not active,
IDE06206-MAS02039,Front window regulator status: driver side-Force limitation,not active,
IDE06206-MAS02097,Front window regulator status: driver side-Window position,0.00, %
IDE06206-MAS02098,Front window regulator status: driver side-Window regulator standardized,Yes,
IDE06206-MAS03548,Front window regulator status: driver side-Motor current,0, A
IDE06206-MAS04642,Front window regulator status: driver side-Before upper stop,active,
IDE06206-MAS05370,Front window regulator status: driver side-Direction of movement,Position top,
IDE06208-MAS01453,Rear window regulator status: driver side-Blocking detection,active,
IDE06208-MAS02039,Rear window regulator status: driver side-Force limitation,not active,
IDE06208-MAS02097,Rear window regulator status: driver side-Window position,0.00, %
IDE06208-MAS02098,Rear window regulator status: driver side-Window regulator standardized,Yes,
IDE06208-MAS03548,Rear window regulator status: driver side-Motor current,Not available,
IDE06208-MAS04642,Rear window regulator status: driver side-Before upper stop,active,
IDE06208-MAS05370,Rear window regulator status: driver side-Direction of movement,Position top,
IDE06469,Ambient illumination for speaker,Not available,
IDE06614-IDE06842,Memory seat adjustment control head-Status - Button 1,not installed,
IDE06614-IDE06843,Memory seat adjustment control head-Status - Button 2,not installed,
IDE06614-IDE06844,Memory seat adjustment control head-Status - Button 3,not installed,
IDE06614-IDE06845,Memory seat adjustment control head-Status - Button 4,not installed,
IDE06621,Driver side rear power window button,Not operated,
IDE06931-MAS01159,Ident. of rear window regulator programming: driver side-Version number,4620,
IDE06933,Front window regulator relay: driver side,Open,
IDE06935,Rear window regulator relay: driver side,Open,
IDE06937-MAS02545,Front window regulator reversing position: driver side-Last,17.00, %
IDE06937-MAS02546,Front window regulator reversing position: driver side-Second to last,17.50, %
IDE06937-MAS02547,Front window regulator reversing position: driver side-Third to last,65.50, %
IDE06937-MAS02548,Front window regulator reversing position: driver side-Fourth to last,53.00, %
IDE06937-MAS05380,Front window regulator reversing position: driver side-fifth to last,43.50, %
IDE06939-MAS02545,Rear window regulator reversing position: driver side-Last,27.00, %
IDE06939-MAS02546,Rear window regulator reversing position: driver side-Second to last,14.00, %
IDE06939-MAS02547,Rear window regulator reversing position: driver side-Third to last,127.50, %
IDE06939-MAS02548,Rear window regulator reversing position: driver side-Fourth to last,127.50, %
IDE06939-MAS05380,Rear window regulator reversing position: driver side-fifth to last,127.50, %
IDE06940,Rear window regulator child lock: driver side,not active,
IDE07222,Window regulator child lock: driver side,Not available,
IDE07405-IDE03114,Enable driver front window regulator relay-Comfort function,No,
IDE07405-MAS02447,Enable driver front window regulator relay-Release,Yes,
IDE07407-IDE03114,Enable driver-side rear window regulator-Comfort function,No,
IDE07407-MAS02447,Enable driver-side rear window regulator-Release,Yes,
IDE07409-MAS01632,Excessive temper. disconnect: front window regulator: driv.side-Status,not active,
IDE07409-MAS02955,Excessive temper. disconnect: front window regulator: driv.side-Engine temperature,23, °C
IDE07411-MAS01632,Excess.temp.disconnect: rear window regulator: driver side-Status,not active,
IDE07411-MAS02955,Excess.temp.disconnect: rear window regulator: driver side-Engine temperature,40, °C
IDE07413,Comfort function for front window regulator: driver side,not active,
IDE07415,Comfort function for rear window regulator: driver side,not active,
IDE07543,Vehicle speed,0.00, km/h
IDE08061,Child safety lock button 2,not installed,
IDE08697-MAS07302,Number of driving cycles without opening door-Max. number of driving cycles without opening door,0,
IDE08697-MAS07303,Number of driving cycles without opening door-Actual number of driving cycles without opening door,0,
IDE09335,Mirror fold-in: current consumption,0.00, A
IDE09798,Play protection: mirror fold-in,not active,
IDE10158,Window lift: switch-over from front to rear,not installed,
IDE10164-MAS01632,Automatically dimming exterior mirrors-Status,not installed,
IDE10164-MAS03691,Automatically dimming exterior mirrors-Dimming,255, %
IDE13865-MAS02099,Exterior door handle actuator-Switch for inside door handle,not installed,
IDE13865-MAS02100,Exterior door handle actuator-Switch for outside door handle,not installed,
IDE13865-MAS09598,Exterior door handle actuator-Request on CAN,Not available,
IDE13865-MAS11741,Exterior door handle actuator-CAN Status,Initialization,
IDE13865-MAS17088,Exterior door handle actuator-Contact: exterior door handle retracted,not installed,
IDE13865-MAS17089,Exterior door handle actuator-Contact: exterior door handle extended,not installed,
IDE13865-MAS17090,Exterior door handle actuator-Actuator activation status,not installed,
MAS01872,Rear lid remote control lock switch,not installed,
MAS02099,Switch for inside door handle,not installed,
MAS02100,Switch for outside door handle,not installed,
MAS02101,Child safety lock,not active,
MAS06010,Ambient light,0, %
ENG117315-ENG32834,Window_Regulator_Driver_Side_Rear_VW_Workshop_System_Name-System_short_sign,J926 ,
Elapsed Time: 00:09
;SW:5QN-909-144-A HW:5QN-909-144-A --- Steering Assist
;Component:EPS_MQB_ZFLS 507 5081, Coding:951F0100
;VCDS Version: Release 21.3.0 (x64) Data version: 20210226 DS325.0
;VCID: 50FA798A8A6841DB5F3-8004
IDE00018,Voltage terminal 15,14.50, V
IDE00019,Voltage terminal 30,14.46, V
IDE00020,Terminal 15 status,Terminal 15 on,
IDE00021,Engine RPM,817, /min
IDE00075,Vehicle speed,0.00, km/h
IDE00102,Control Module temperature,36.0, °C
IDE00322,Status of basic setting,was not yet started,
IDE00323,Security Access: Number of invalid keys,0,
IDE00550-IDE03737,Identification of parameterization-Index characteristic curve,1A,
IDE00550-MAS01078,Identification of parameterization-Vehicle model,A0,
IDE00550-MAS05566,Identification of parameterization-Version of system parameters,71,
IDE00550-MAS05567,Identification of parameterization-Version of characteristic curves,18,
IDE00550-MAS05568,Identification of parameterization-Version of memory map,A1,
IDE02006-IDE02955,Lane assist-System status,operational,
IDE02006-IDE04227,Lane assist-Directional stab. asst w/ pwr steering asst: steering status,0.000, Nm
IDE02006-MAS03095,Lane assist-Function status,activated,
IDE02006-MAS03368,Lane assist-Steering wheel vibration,not active,
IDE02202,End stage temperature,27.0, °C
IDE02216-IDE05795,Steering angle sensor: basic setting-End basic setting,Not permitted,
IDE02216-IDE06673,Steering angle sensor: basic setting-Initialization status,initialized,
IDE02216-MAS01632,Steering angle sensor: basic setting-Status,calibrated,
IDE02216-MAS03161,Steering angle sensor: basic setting-Start,Not permitted,
IDE02486,Data logger triggering,not active,
IDE02955,System status,Driving mode,
IDE03682-IDE04457,motor position sensor-Electric motor speed,0, /min
IDE03682-MAS02961,motor position sensor-Engine angle,257.5, °
IDE03682-MAS03083,motor position sensor-Cosine signal,0.966, V
IDE03682-MAS03211,motor position sensor-Sine signal,2.521, V
IDE03682-MAS05053,motor position sensor-Reference value,Condition met,
IDE03725-IDE03734,Steering Assistance-Support power,-100, %
IDE03725-MAS03001,Steering Assistance-Mode,automatic,
IDE03725-MAS03095,Steering Assistance-Function status,activated,
IDE03726-IDE02955,Parallel Parking Assistance-System status,not active,
IDE03726-IDE05159,Parallel Parking Assistance-Steering angle: target value,4095.9, °
IDE03726-IDE05160,Parallel Parking Assistance-Steering angle: target-actual deviation,-4094.1, °
IDE03726-MAS03095,Parallel Parking Assistance-Function status,not activated,
IDE03735,Steering torque,-0.147, Nm
IDE03735-MAS01632,Steering torque-Status,OK,
IDE03736,Steering torque 2,-0.147, Nm
IDE03736-MAS01632,Steering torque 2-Status,OK,
IDE04118-IDE05157,Straight line running correction-Long term learning condition,Condition not met,
IDE04118-IDE05158,Straight line running correction-Short term learning condition,Condition not met,
IDE04118-MAS02998,Straight line running correction-Angle value offset,-1.1, °
IDE04118-MAS03095,Straight line running correction-Function status,activated,
IDE04118-MAS03528,Straight line running correction-Long term adaptation value,-1.1, °
IDE04118-MAS03529,Straight line running correction-Short term adaptation value,0.0, °
IDE04119-MAS03738,Active default-Restoring force: setpoint,0, N
IDE04183,Steering assistance: target engine torque,-0.012, Nm
IDE04184,Steering assistance: engine output,100.000, %
IDE04185,Terminal 30 voltage filtered,14.38, V
IDE04186,Battery terminal recognition,connected,
IDE04187,Steering torque: raw value 1,87.109, %
IDE04187-MAS01632,Steering torque: raw value 1-Status,OK,
IDE04188,Steering torque: raw value 2,-20.605, %
IDE04188-MAS01632,Steering torque: raw value 2-Status,OK,
IDE04189,Steering torque: raw value 3,87.109, %
IDE04189-MAS01632,Steering torque: raw value 3-Status,OK,
IDE04190,Steering torque: raw value 4,-20.605, %
IDE04190-MAS01632,Steering torque: raw value 4-Status,OK,
IDE04191-MAS03084,Steering assistance: PWM signal for motor-Phase 1,2.38, %
IDE04191-MAS03085,Steering assistance: PWM signal for motor-Phase 2,2.38, %
IDE04191-MAS03086,Steering assistance: PWM signal for motor-Phase 3,2.41, %
IDE04192-MAS03084,Steering assistance: motor current-Phase 1,-0.4, A
IDE04192-MAS03085,Steering assistance: motor current-Phase 2,0.4, A
IDE04192-MAS03086,Steering assistance: motor current-Phase 3,0.0, A
IDE04194,Steering assistance: electromotor power,-0.89, W
IDE04448-IDE00924,Steering angle sensor: angle-Steering angle,-1.6, °
IDE04448-MAS01632,Steering angle sensor: angle-Status,valid,
IDE04454-MAS01632,Steering angle sensor: angle speed-Status,valid,
IDE04454-MAS02984,Steering angle sensor: angle speed-Steering angle speed,-0.5, °
IDE04458-MAS02996,Steering angle sensor: mechanical steering stroke-Steering stroke measured,160.87, mm
IDE04458-MAS03731,Steering angle sensor: mechanical steering stroke-Mechanical center position determined,Yes,
IDE04459,Steering angle sensor: offset index mark mechanical middle,0.23, mm
IDE04460,Steering angle sensor: offset straight line running,3.2, °
IDE04510-MAS03732,Steering angle sensor: slope detection index-Steering angle speed negative dropping slope on curve,detected,
IDE04510-MAS03733,Steering angle sensor: slope detection index-Steering angle speed negative rising slope on curve,not detected,
IDE04510-MAS03734,Steering angle sensor: slope detection index-Steering angle speed positive dropping slope on curve,not detected,
IDE04510-MAS03735,Steering angle sensor: slope detection index-Steering angle speed positive rising slope on curve,detected,
IDE04510-MAS03736,Steering angle sensor: slope detection index-Index mark,1,
IDE04511,Steering angle sensor external via CAN: angle,Measuring value not available,
IDE04512,Steering angle sensor external via CAN: angular velocity,Measuring value not available,
IDE04513,Steering angle sensor external via CAN: status,not active,
IDE04514,Steering angle sensor external via CAN: basic setting,Calibration not possible,
IDE04765-IDE02955,Counter steer support-System status,operational,
IDE04765-MAS03095,Counter steer support-Function status,activated,
IDE04765-MAS03739,Counter steer support-Steering torque request: brake electronics,0.000, Nm
IDE04766-IDE04116,Replacement values-Vehicle speed replacement value,No,
IDE04766-MAS00371,Replacement values-Engine RPM,No,
IDE04787,Hybrid status,not active,
IDE04805-IDE02955,Driving profile selection-System status,operational,
IDE04805-IDE06419,Driving profile selection-Driving profile switchover,no request,
IDE04805-MAS01447,Driving profile selection-Act.val.,3,
IDE04805-MAS01448,Driving profile selection-Target value,3,
IDE04805-MAS05058,Driving profile selection-Compatibility,Yes,
IDE05155,Power steering current consumption,-0.06, A
IDE05162-IDE03723,Software end stop-End stops for steering,Adapted,
IDE05162-MAS01849,Software end stop-Left,80.66, mm
IDE05162-MAS01850,Software end stop-Right,-80.20, mm
IDE05162-MAS03095,Software end stop-Function status,active,
IDE05713-IDE01864,Network diagnosis-Status of current bus communication,active,
IDE05713-MAS00102,Network diagnosis-valid,Yes,
IDE05713-MAS02447,Network diagnosis-Release,Yes,
IDE05993-ENG120753,Steering wheel angle load-0_to_50_degrees,201839,
IDE05993-ENG120755,Steering wheel angle load-100_to_150_degrees,0,
IDE05993-ENG120751,Steering wheel angle load--100_to_-50_degrees,0,
IDE05993-ENG120750,Steering wheel angle load--150_to_-100_degrees,0,
IDE05993-ENG120756,Steering wheel angle load-150_to_200_degrees,0,
IDE05993-ENG120749,Steering wheel angle load--200_to_-150_degrees,0,
IDE05993-ENG120757,Steering wheel angle load-200_to_250_degrees,0,
IDE05993-ENG120748,Steering wheel angle load--250_to_-200_degrees,0,
IDE05993-ENG120758,Steering wheel angle load-250_to_300_degrees,0,
IDE05993-ENG120747,Steering wheel angle load--300_to_-250_degrees,0,
IDE05993-ENG120759,Steering wheel angle load-300_to_350_degrees,0,
IDE05993-ENG120746,Steering wheel angle load--350_to_-300_degrees,0,
IDE05993-ENG120760,Steering wheel angle load-350_to_400_degrees,0,
IDE05993-ENG120745,Steering wheel angle load--400_to_-350_degrees,0,
IDE05993-ENG120761,Steering wheel angle load-400_to_450_degrees,0,
IDE05993-ENG120744,Steering wheel angle load--450_to_-400_degrees,0,
IDE05993-ENG120762,Steering wheel angle load-450_to_500_degrees,0,
IDE05993-ENG120752,Steering wheel angle load--50_to_0_degrees,201143,
IDE05993-ENG120754,Steering wheel angle load-50_to_100_degrees,0,
IDE05993-ENG120743,Steering wheel angle load--500_to_-450_degrees,0,
IDE05993-ENG120763,Steering wheel angle load-500_to_550_degrees,0,
IDE05993-ENG120742,Steering wheel angle load--550_to_500_degrees,0,
IDE05993-ENG120764,Steering wheel angle load-above_550_degrees,0,
IDE05993-ENG120741,Steering wheel angle load-below_-550_degrees,0,
IDE05994-ENG120729,Engine specified torque load-0_to_1_kilo_newton,0,
IDE05994-ENG120728,Engine specified torque load--1_to_0_kilo_newton,0,
IDE05994-ENG120730,Engine specified torque load-1_to_2_kilo_newton,0,
IDE05994-ENG08146,Engine specified torque load-10_to_11_kilo_newton,0,
IDE05994-ENG120719,Engine specified torque load--10_to_-9_kilo_newton,0,
IDE05994-ENG08147,Engine specified torque load--11_to_-10_kilo_newton,0,
IDE05994-ENG120727,Engine specified torque load--2_to_-1_kilo_newton,0,
IDE05994-ENG120731,Engine specified torque load-2_to_3_kilo_newton,0,
IDE05994-ENG120726,Engine specified torque load--3_to_-2_kilo_newton,0,
IDE05994-ENG120732,Engine specified torque load-3_to_4_kilo_newton,0,
IDE05994-ENG120725,Engine specified torque load--4_to_-3_kilo_newton,0,
IDE05994-ENG120733,Engine specified torque load-4_to_5_kilo_newton,0,
IDE05994-ENG120724,Engine specified torque load--5_to_-4_kilo_newton,0,
IDE05994-ENG120734,Engine specified torque load-5_to_6_kilo_newton,0,
IDE05994-ENG120723,Engine specified torque load--6_to_-5_kilo_newton,0,
IDE05994-ENG120735,Engine specified torque load-6_to_7_kilo_newton,0,
IDE05994-ENG120722,Engine specified torque load--7_to_-6_kilo_newton,0,
IDE05994-ENG120736,Engine specified torque load-7_to_8_kilo_newton,0,
IDE05994-ENG120721,Engine specified torque load--8_to_-7_kilo_newton,0,
IDE05994-ENG120737,Engine specified torque load-8_to_9_kilo_newton,0,
IDE05994-ENG120738,Engine specified torque load-9_to_10_kilo_newton,0,
IDE05994-ENG120720,Engine specified torque load--9_to_-8_kilo_newton,0,
IDE05994-ENG30242,Engine specified torque load-above_11_kilo_newton,14824,
IDE05994-ENG30407,Engine specified torque load-below_-11_kilo_newton,14824,
IDE05995-ENG120703,ECU temperature load-0_to_10_degrees_celsius,0,
IDE05995-ENG120702,ECU temperature load--10_to_0_degrees_celsius,2560832,
IDE05995-ENG120704,ECU temperature load-10_to_20_degrees_celsius,0,
IDE05995-ENG120713,ECU temperature load-100_to_110_degrees_celsius,0,
IDE05995-ENG120714,ECU temperature load-110_to_120_degrees_celsius,0,
IDE05995-ENG120701,ECU temperature load--20_to_-10_degrees_celsius,0,
IDE05995-ENG120705,ECU temperature load-20_to_30_degrees_celsius,0,
IDE05995-ENG120700,ECU temperature load--30_to_-20_degrees_celsius,0,
IDE05995-ENG120706,ECU temperature load-30_to_40_degrees_celsius,0,
IDE05995-ENG120699,ECU temperature load--40_to_-30_degrees_celsius,0,
IDE05995-ENG120707,ECU temperature load-40_to_50_degrees_celsius,0,
IDE05995-ENG120708,ECU temperature load-50_to_60_degrees_celsius,0,
IDE05995-ENG120709,ECU temperature load-60_to_70_degrees_celsius,0,
IDE05995-ENG120710,ECU temperature load-70_to_80_degrees_celsius,0,
IDE05995-ENG120711,ECU temperature load-80_to_90_degrees_celsius,0,
IDE05995-ENG120712,ECU temperature load-90_to_100_degrees_celsius,0,
IDE05995-ENG120715,ECU temperature load-above_120_degrees_celsius,0,
IDE05995-ENG120698,ECU temperature load-below_-40_degrees_celsius,0,
IDE05996-ENG120766,Steering wheel angle speed load-360_to_600_degrees_per_second,546,
IDE05996-ENG120765,Steering wheel angle speed load-50_to_360_degrees_per_second,433,
IDE05996-ENG120767,Steering wheel angle speed load-600_to_800_degrees_per_second,447,
IDE05996-ENG120768,Steering wheel angle speed load-above_800_degrees_per_second,37609,
IDE06678-IDE03458,Pull compensation-Steering torque offset,0.000, Nm
IDE06678-MAS03000,Pull compensation-Adaptation value,0.120, Nm
IDE06678-MAS03095,Pull compensation-Function status,activated,
IDE07399,Engine type,2,
IDE07400-MAS03084,Phase disconnect: status-Phase 1,closed,
IDE07400-MAS03085,Phase disconnect: status-Phase 2,closed,
IDE07400-MAS03086,Phase disconnect: status-Phase 3,closed,
IDE07542-MAS00370,Prerequisites: basic setting-Vehicle speed,Condition met,
IDE07542-MAS01468,Prerequisites: basic setting-Terminal 15,Condition met,
IDE07542-MAS01634,Prerequisites: basic setting-Supply voltage,Condition met,
IDE07542-MAS01746,Prerequisites: basic setting-Control active,Condition met,
IDE07542-MAS02980,Prerequisites: basic setting-Manual steering torque,Condition met,
MAS00464-MAS00106,Standard - ambient data 1-Year,2021,
MAS00464-MAS00107,Standard - ambient data 1-Month,3,
MAS00464-MAS00108,Standard - ambient data 1-Day,10,
MAS00464-MAS00109,Standard - ambient data 1-Hours,12,
MAS00464-MAS00110,Standard - ambient data 1-Minutes,42,
MAS00464-MAS00111,Standard - ambient data 1-Seconds,20,
MAS00464-MAS00468,Standard - ambient data 1-Unlearning counter,215,
MAS00464-MAS00711,Standard - ambient data 1-Odometer reading,30675, km
MAS00976-IDE80003,Counter-Analysis 3,2987303232,
MAS00976-IDE80004,Counter-Analysis 4,544994,
MAS01172-MAS01156,Development messages-Communication status,active,
MAS01172-MAS03095,Development messages-Function status,not active,
MAS02126-MAS01632,Steering angle sensor: status-Status,active,
MAS02126-MAS02247,Steering angle sensor: status-CAN message,valid,
ENG120769-MAS00973,identification_add-on_parts_steering_assistance-Construction version,Series,
ENG37819-ENG37964,Strain_detection-Calculated_worm_gear_temperature,37.0, °C
ENG37819-ENG38105,Strain_detection-Mileage_counter,0, km
ENG37819-ENG38117,Strain_detection-OBD_FStatus_ATemp,kein Fehler/Init/nicht verbaut,
ENG37819-ENG102605,Strain_detection-outside_temperature,19.5, °C
ENG37819-ENG37918,Strain_detection-revolutions_per_minute_electric_motor,0, /min
ENG37819-ENG26208,Strain_detection-Steering_angle,-1.6, °
ENG37819-ENG37919,Strain_detection-steering_moment,-0.147, Nm
ENG37819-ENG37920,Strain_detection-Steering_Support_Engine_Commanded_Torque,-0.016, Nm
ENG37819-ENG38151,Strain_detection-Strain_detection_per_cent,0.0000040933, %
Elapsed Time: 00:07
;SW:5Q0-035-456-A HW:5Q0-035-456-A --- Sound System
;Component:MIB2_lite_amp H40 0200, Coding:1200000000AAAAAA000000000000
;VCDS Version: Release 21.3.0 (x64) Data version: 20210226 DS325.0
;VCID: 2E060772F09C372B2DF-807A
IDE00019,Voltage terminal 30,14.4, V
IDE00020,Terminal 15 status,On,
IDE00021,Engine RPM,817.00, /min
IDE00075,Vehicle speed,0.00, km/h
IDE00323,Security Access: Number of invalid keys,0,
IDE00767,No. of unscheduled ECU resets,1, counts
IDE01285-ENG101364,Counter of component protection malfunctions-Theft Protection Error Counter,00 00,
IDE01351,Terminal 75 status,On,
IDE01715,Status terminal S,On,
IDE01716,Terminal 50 status,OFF,
IDE02070-IDE02060,Wake-up cause-Eject optical medium\ (CD/DVD Eject),No,
IDE02070-IDE04544,Wake-up cause-Media type in optical drive,No,
IDE02070-MAS03177,Wake-up cause-Infotainment data bus,No,
IDE02070-MAS03180,Wake-up cause-Local data bus,No,
IDE02070-MAS03690,Wake-up cause-Telephone,No,
IDE02070-MAS03782,Wake-up cause-WLAN,No,
IDE02070-MAS03833,Wake-up cause-Optical data bus,Yes,
IDE02486,Data logger triggering,not active,
IDE03880-MAS03119,MOST address-Functional block: diagnostic instance,47,
IDE03880-MAS03425,MOST address-Physical address,04 01,
IDE04312-MAS00109,System run time-Hours,1, H
IDE04312-MAS00110,System run time-Minutes,20, min
IDE04317-MAS00108,Total system run time-Day,28, d
IDE04317-MAS00109,Total system run time-Hours,21, H
IDE04317-MAS00110,Total system run time-Minutes,14, min
IDE04639-IDE02060,Last wake-up cause-Eject optical medium\ (CD/DVD Eject),No,
IDE04639-IDE04544,Last wake-up cause-Media type in optical drive,No,
IDE04639-MAS03177,Last wake-up cause-Infotainment data bus,No,
IDE04639-MAS03180,Last wake-up cause-Local data bus,No,
IDE04639-MAS03690,Last wake-up cause-Telephone,No,
IDE04639-MAS03782,Last wake-up cause-WLAN,No,
IDE04639-MAS03833,Last wake-up cause-Optical data bus,Yes,
IDE04640,Over-temperature protection for amplifier,no restriction,
IDE04641,Speed-dependent volume adjustment,0.7, dB
IDE04649-MAS01968,Activation for housing fan-Fan,Stage 1,
IDE04649-MAS06857,Activation for housing fan-Speed,6476, /min
IDE05704-MAS02646,Key for digital transmission protection (DTCP)-Key type,License key (DTLA),
IDE05705-MAS01159,Digital Transmission Content Protection (DTCP) device cert-Version number,2,
IDE05705-MAS01779,Digital Transmission Content Protection (DTCP) device cert-Length,60,
IDE05705-MAS06742,Digital Transmission Content Protection (DTCP) device cert-Certificate type,0,
IDE05713-MAS01632,Network diagnosis-Status,Enabled,
IDE06055,Invalid authentication (DTCP),00,
IDE06519-MAS01424,Temperature of MOST transceiver-max.value,86, °C
IDE06519-MAS01425,Temperature of MOST transceiver-min.value,-21, °C
IDE06519-MAS02238,Temperature of MOST transceiver-Up-to-date,42, °C
IDE10545-MAS01190,Speaker status-Left front treble speaker,Condition not met,
IDE10545-MAS01193,Speaker status-Right front treble speaker,Condition not met,
IDE10545-MAS01194,Speaker status-Left rear bass speaker,Condition not met,
IDE10545-MAS01195,Speaker status-Left rear treble speaker,Condition not met,
IDE10545-MAS01196,Speaker status-Right rear bass speaker,Condition not met,
IDE10545-MAS01197,Speaker status-Right rear treble speaker,Condition not met,
IDE10545-MAS04506,Speaker status-Double subwoofer speaker 1,Condition not met,
IDE10545-MAS04507,Speaker status-Double subwoofer speaker 2,Condition not met,
IDE10545-MAS12334,Speaker status-Double bass speaker 1: left front,Condition not met,
IDE10545-MAS12335,Speaker status-Double bass speaker 1: right front,Condition not met,
IDE10545-MAS12336,Speaker status-Double bass speaker 2: left front,Condition not met,
IDE10545-MAS12337,Speaker status-Double bass speaker 2: right front,Condition not met,
IDE10545,Speaker status,Measuring value not available,
IDE10545,Speaker status,Measuring value not available,
IDE10545,Speaker status,Measuring value not available,
IDE10545,Speaker status,Measuring value not available,
IDE10545,Speaker status,Measuring value not available,
IDE10545,Speaker status,Measuring value not available,
IDE10545,Speaker status,Measuring value not available,
IDE10545,Speaker status,Measuring value not available,
IDE10545,Speaker status,Measuring value not available,
IDE10545,Speaker status,Measuring value not available,
IDE10545,Speaker status,Measuring value not available,
IDE10545,Speaker status,Measuring value not available,
IDE10657-MAS01424,Temperature switching power supply-max.value,205, °C
IDE10657-MAS01425,Temperature switching power supply-min.value,205, °C
IDE10657-MAS02238,Temperature switching power supply-Up-to-date,205, °C
IDE10659-MAS01424,Temperature switching power supply 2-max.value,79, °C
IDE10659-MAS01425,Temperature switching power supply 2-min.value,-15, °C
IDE10659-MAS02238,Temperature switching power supply 2-Up-to-date,42, °C
MAS00464-MAS00106,Standard - ambient data 1-Year,2021,
MAS00464-MAS00107,Standard - ambient data 1-Month,3,
MAS00464-MAS00108,Standard - ambient data 1-Day,10,
MAS00464-MAS00109,Standard - ambient data 1-Hours,12,
MAS00464-MAS00110,Standard - ambient data 1-Minutes,42,
MAS00464-MAS00111,Standard - ambient data 1-Seconds,32,
MAS00464-MAS00468,Standard - ambient data 1-Unlearning counter,215,
MAS00464-MAS00711,Standard - ambient data 1-Odometer reading,30675, km
MAS03121,Ring break diagnostic line status,Supply voltage,
ENG117872-ENG117778,Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_0_condition,dont care,
ENG117872-ENG117779,Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_1_condition,dont care,
ENG117872-ENG117791,Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_13_condition,dont care,
ENG117872-ENG117792,Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_14_condition,dont care,
ENG117872-ENG117793,Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_15_condition,dont care,
ENG117872-ENG117794,Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_16_condition,dont care,
ENG117872-ENG117795,Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_17_condition,dont care,
ENG117872-ENG117796,Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_18_condition,dont care,
ENG117872-ENG117797,Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_19_condition,dont care,
ENG117872-ENG117780,Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_2_condition,dont care,
ENG117872-ENG117798,Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_20_condition,dont care,
ENG117872-ENG117799,Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_21_condition,dont care,
ENG117872-ENG117800,Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_22_condition,dont care,
ENG117872-ENG117801,Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_23_condition,dont care,
ENG117872-ENG117802,Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_24_condition,dont care,
ENG117872-ENG117803,Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_25_condition,dont care,
ENG117872-ENG117804,Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_26_condition,dont care,
ENG117872-ENG117805,Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_27_condition,dont care,
ENG117872-ENG117781,Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_3_condition,dont care,
ENG117872-ENG117782,Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_4_condition,dont care,
ENG117872-ENG117783,Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_5_condition,dont care,
ENG117872-ENG117784,Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_6_condition,dont care,
ENG117872-ENG117785,Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_7_condition,dont care,
ENG117857-MAS00109,Last_System_Operating_Time-Hours,0, H
ENG117857-MAS00110,Last_System_Operating_Time-Minutes,11, min
ENG117856-MAS00106,Last_System_Operating_Time/Mins.-Year,21, yr
ENG117856-MAS00107,Last_System_Operating_Time/Mins.-Month,3, Months
ENG117856-MAS00108,Last_System_Operating_Time/Mins.-Day,10, d
ENG117856-MAS00109,Last_System_Operating_Time/Mins.-Hours,11, H
ENG117856-MAS00110,Last_System_Operating_Time/Mins.-Minutes,22, min
ENG117856-MAS00111,Last_System_Operating_Time/Mins.-Seconds,25, s
Elapsed Time: 00:07
;SW:3Q0-907-338-C HW:3Q0-907-338-C --- Multifunc. Module
;Component:FCM MQB Low 002 0345, Coding:000000050900214A07110F00030000000000000000000000000000000000
;VCDS Version: Release 21.3.0 (x64) Data version: 20210226 DS325.0
;VCID: 3534281E15CA04F36C5-8060
IDE00019,Voltage terminal 30,14.4, V
IDE00030,Status of actuator test,not active,
IDE00075,Vehicle speed,0.0, km/h
IDE00322,Status of basic setting,not active,
IDE00323,Security Access: Number of invalid keys,0,
IDE00326,Steering wheel angle,-1.60, °
IDE00767-MAS03945,No. of unscheduled ECU resets-Watchdog Reset,1,
IDE00773,Terminal 15 status via CAN,On,
IDE01714,Status reverse gear,OFF,
IDE01717-ENG30211,Processor load-Software_component_AFS_MXB,10, %
IDE01717-ENG30223,Processor load-Total_system_FCM,24, %
IDE01943,Turn signal lamp,Not operated,
IDE01946,ESP intervention,not active,
IDE02389,Ambient brightness,6126, lx
IDE02515,Low beam,OFF,
IDE02743,High Beam,OFF,
IDE03214,Engine stop using start-stop function,OFF,
IDE03215,Engine start using start-stop function,OFF,
IDE03602,Left front level control system sensor,13.60, %
IDE03604,Left rear level control system sensor,28.80, %
IDE03616,Motor status,On,
IDE03620,Front jounce travel,-69.2, mm
IDE03621,Rear jounce travel,-51.7, mm
IDE03622,Left headlight beam adjusting motor: status,No malfunction,
IDE03623,Right headlight beam adjusting motor: status,No malfunction,
IDE03624,Left dynamic AFS light motor: specified value,0.000000, °
IDE03625,Right dynamic AFS light motor: specified value,0.000000, °
IDE03626,Left dynamic AFS light motor: status,No malfunction,
IDE03627,Right dynamic AFS light motor: status,No malfunction,
IDE03628,Adjusting motor for variable left front lighting: status,No malfunction,
IDE03629,Adjusting motor for variable right front lighting: status,No malfunction,
IDE03630,Left headlight beam adjusting motor: specified value,68.0, mm
IDE03631,Right headlight beam adjusting motor: specified value,68.0, mm
IDE03632,Left-/right hand driving switch-over,OFF,
IDE03638-IDE03717,Stationary cornering lamp-Dim static left AFS light,0.0, %
IDE03638-IDE03718,Stationary cornering lamp-Dim static right AFS light,0.0, %
IDE03640,Dynamic AFS light,On,
IDE03669,Status of light distribution,not activated,
IDE03727,Variable left front lighting specified position,204.70, %
IDE03728,Variable right front lighting specified position,204.70, %
IDE03788,Status of basic headlamp setting,no request,
IDE03850,Left front level ctrl sys sensor: adapt. value (zero pos),30.40, %
IDE03866,Left rear level ctrl sys sensor: adaptation value (zero pos),41.20, %
IDE04805-IDE02955,Driving profile selection-System status,Not available,
IDE04805-IDE06419,Driving profile selection-Driving profile switchover,no request,
IDE04805-MAS01447,Driving profile selection-Act.val.,0,
IDE04805-MAS01448,Driving profile selection-Target value,3,
IDE04805-MAS05058,Driving profile selection-Compatibility,No,
IDE08447,Driving axis angle,-120.0, '
IDE08516-IDE02743,LED headlights: light distribution requirement-High Beam,not requested,
IDE08516-IDE06864,LED headlights: light distribution requirement-Daytime running lamps,not requested,
IDE08516-MAS02922,LED headlights: light distribution requirement-City light,not requested,
IDE08516-MAS02923,LED headlights: light distribution requirement-Highway light,not requested,
IDE08516-MAS02931,LED headlights: light distribution requirement-Rural highway light,not requested,
IDE08516-MAS02946,LED headlights: light distribution requirement-static AFS light,not requested,
IDE08516-MAS07013,LED headlights: light distribution requirement-All-weather light,not requested,
IDE08516-MAS07014,LED headlights: light distribution requirement-Tourist light,not requested,
IDE08516-MAS07015,LED headlights: light distribution requirement-Running light,not requested,
IDE08516-MAS07234,LED headlights: light distribution requirement-Eco mode 1,both sides,
IDE08516-MAS07235,LED headlights: light distribution requirement-Eco mode 2,not requested,
IDE08706-MAS17323,Actual angle of ref. segments-Horizontal angle reference segment left: in angular minutes,-500.0, '
IDE08706-MAS17324,Actual angle of ref. segments-Horizontal angle reference segment left: in degrees,-10.00, °
IDE08706-MAS17325,Actual angle of ref. segments-Horizontal angle reference segment left: as a percentage,-15.00, %
IDE08706-MAS17326,Actual angle of ref. segments-Horizontal angle reference segment right: in angular minutes,-500.0, '
IDE08706-MAS17327,Actual angle of ref. segments-Horizontal angle reference segment right: in degrees,-10.00, °
IDE08706-MAS17328,Actual angle of ref. segments-Horizontal angle reference segment right: as a percentage,-15.00, %
IDE08706-MAS17329,Actual angle of ref. segments-Vertical angle reference segment left: in angular minutes,-120.0, '
IDE08706-MAS17330,Actual angle of ref. segments-Vertical angle reference segment left: in degrees,-10.00, °
IDE08706-MAS17331,Actual angle of ref. segments-Vertical angle reference segment left: as a percentage,-15.00, %
IDE08706-MAS17332,Actual angle of ref. segments-Vertical angle reference segment right: in angular minutes,-120.0, '
IDE08706-MAS17333,Actual angle of ref. segments-Vertical angle reference segment right: in degrees,-10.00, °
IDE08706-MAS17334,Actual angle of ref. segments-Vertical angle reference segment right: as a percentage,-15.00, %
IDE08713-MAS17335,Matrix light: calculated offset values-Horizontal offset: left headlight in angular minutes,-300.0, '
IDE08713-MAS17336,Matrix light: calculated offset values-Horizontal offset: left headlight in degrees,-5.00, °
IDE08713-MAS17337,Matrix light: calculated offset values-Horizontal: left headlight as a percentage,-9.00, %
IDE08713-MAS17338,Matrix light: calculated offset values-Horizontal offset: right headlight in angular minutes,-300.0, '
IDE08713-MAS17339,Matrix light: calculated offset values-Horizontal offset: right headlight in degrees,-5.00, °
IDE08713-MAS17340,Matrix light: calculated offset values-Horizontal offset: right headlight as a percentage,-9.00, %
IDE08713-MAS17341,Matrix light: calculated offset values-Vertical offset: left headlight in angular minutes,-300.0, '
IDE08713-MAS17342,Matrix light: calculated offset values-Vertical offset: left headlight in degrees,-5.00, °
IDE08713-MAS17343,Matrix light: calculated offset values-Vertical offset: left headlight as a percentage,-9.00, %
IDE08713-MAS17344,Matrix light: calculated offset values-Vertical offset: right headlight in angular minutes,-300.0, '
IDE08713-MAS17345,Matrix light: calculated offset values-Vertical offset: right headlight in degrees,-5.00, °
IDE08713-MAS17346,Matrix light: calculated offset values-Vertical offset: right headlight as a percentage,-9.00, %
IDE08714-MAS06929,Axle offsets-Axle offset front,-400.0, mm
IDE08714-MAS06930,Axle offsets-Axle offset rear,-400.0, mm
IDE08715,Func. status matrix high beam,not active,
MAS16427-MAS17003,Online data acquisition configuration-Locking time for change of condition,1.0, s
MAS16427-MAS19090,Online data acquisition configuration-Configuration version,FF FF FF FE,
MAS16428-MAS00106,Online data acquisition and analysis-Year,2000,
MAS16428-MAS00107,Online data acquisition and analysis-Month,0,
MAS16428-MAS00108,Online data acquisition and analysis-Day,0,
MAS16428-MAS00109,Online data acquisition and analysis-Hours,0,
MAS16428-MAS00110,Online data acquisition and analysis-Minutes,0,
MAS16428-MAS00111,Online data acquisition and analysis-Seconds,0,
MAS16428-MAS16995,Online data acquisition and analysis-Downloads data set number,0,
MAS16428-MAS19089,Online data acquisition and analysis-Emergency Call Module recognition and communication unit or navigation,Navigation,
MAS16431-MAS16982,Online data acquisition warning overview-Type of 1st WARNING,24,
MAS16431-MAS16983,Online data acquisition warning overview-Type of 2nd WARNING,27,
MAS16431-MAS16984,Online data acquisition warning overview-Type of 3rd WARNING,31,
MAS16431-MAS16985,Online data acquisition warning overview-Type of fourth WARNING,15,
MAS16431-MAS16986,Online data acquisition warning overview-Type of fifth WARNING,0,
MAS16431-MAS16987,Online data acquisition warning overview-Type of sixth WARNING,0,
MAS16431-MAS16988,Online data acquisition warning overview-Type of seventh WARNING,0,
MAS16432-MAS00106,Online data acquisition: warning 1-Year,2000,
MAS16432-MAS00106,Online data acquisition: warning 1-Year,2021,
MAS16432-MAS00107,Online data acquisition: warning 1-Month,0,
MAS16432-MAS00107,Online data acquisition: warning 1-Month,3,
MAS16432-MAS00108,Online data acquisition: warning 1-Day,11,
MAS16432-MAS00108,Online data acquisition: warning 1-Day,0,
MAS16432-MAS00109,Online data acquisition: warning 1-Hours,0,
MAS16432-MAS00109,Online data acquisition: warning 1-Hours,3,
MAS16432-MAS00110,Online data acquisition: warning 1-Minutes,0,
MAS16432-MAS00110,Online data acquisition: warning 1-Minutes,22,
MAS16432-MAS00111,Online data acquisition: warning 1-Seconds,19,
MAS16432-MAS00111,Online data acquisition: warning 1-Seconds,0,
MAS16432-MAS16989,Online data acquisition: warning 1-Index of the warning,2,
MAS16432-MAS16990,Online data acquisition: warning 1-Number of warnings,194,
MAS16433-MAS00106,Online data acquisition: warning 2-Year,2021,
MAS16433-MAS00106,Online data acquisition: warning 2-Year,2000,
MAS16433-MAS00107,Online data acquisition: warning 2-Month,3,
MAS16433-MAS00107,Online data acquisition: warning 2-Month,0,
MAS16433-MAS00108,Online data acquisition: warning 2-Day,11,
MAS16433-MAS00108,Online data acquisition: warning 2-Day,0,
MAS16433-MAS00109,Online data acquisition: warning 2-Hours,3,
MAS16433-MAS00109,Online data acquisition: warning 2-Hours,0,
MAS16433-MAS00110,Online data acquisition: warning 2-Minutes,22,
MAS16433-MAS00110,Online data acquisition: warning 2-Minutes,0,
MAS16433-MAS00111,Online data acquisition: warning 2-Seconds,19,
MAS16433-MAS00111,Online data acquisition: warning 2-Seconds,0,
MAS16433-MAS16989,Online data acquisition: warning 2-Index of the warning,2,
MAS16433-MAS16990,Online data acquisition: warning 2-Number of warnings,194,
MAS16434-MAS00106,Online data acquisition: warning 3-Year,2021,
MAS16434-MAS00106,Online data acquisition: warning 3-Year,2000,
MAS16434-MAS00107,Online data acquisition: warning 3-Month,3,
MAS16434-MAS00107,Online data acquisition: warning 3-Month,0,
MAS16434-MAS00108,Online data acquisition: warning 3-Day,0,
MAS16434-MAS00108,Online data acquisition: warning 3-Day,11,
MAS16434-MAS00109,Online data acquisition: warning 3-Hours,0,
MAS16434-MAS00109,Online data acquisition: warning 3-Hours,3,
MAS16434-MAS00110,Online data acquisition: warning 3-Minutes,0,
MAS16434-MAS00110,Online data acquisition: warning 3-Minutes,22,
MAS16434-MAS00111,Online data acquisition: warning 3-Seconds,19,
MAS16434-MAS00111,Online data acquisition: warning 3-Seconds,0,
MAS16434-MAS16989,Online data acquisition: warning 3-Index of the warning,2,
MAS16434-MAS16990,Online data acquisition: warning 3-Number of warnings,194,
MAS16435-MAS00106,Online data acquisition: warning 4-Year,2021,
MAS16435-MAS00106,Online data acquisition: warning 4-Year,2021,
MAS16435-MAS00107,Online data acquisition: warning 4-Month,3,
MAS16435-MAS00107,Online data acquisition: warning 4-Month,3,
MAS16435-MAS00108,Online data acquisition: warning 4-Day,11,
MAS16435-MAS00108,Online data acquisition: warning 4-Day,11,
MAS16435-MAS00109,Online data acquisition: warning 4-Hours,3,
MAS16435-MAS00109,Online data acquisition: warning 4-Hours,3,
MAS16435-MAS00110,Online data acquisition: warning 4-Minutes,22,
MAS16435-MAS00110,Online data acquisition: warning 4-Minutes,22,
MAS16435-MAS00111,Online data acquisition: warning 4-Seconds,19,
MAS16435-MAS00111,Online data acquisition: warning 4-Seconds,19,
MAS16435-MAS16989,Online data acquisition: warning 4-Index of the warning,3,
MAS16435-MAS16990,Online data acquisition: warning 4-Number of warnings,63,
MAS16436-MAS00106,Online data acquisition: warning 5-Year,2000,
MAS16436-MAS00106,Online data acquisition: warning 5-Year,2000,
MAS16436-MAS00107,Online data acquisition: warning 5-Month,0,
MAS16436-MAS00107,Online data acquisition: warning 5-Month,0,
MAS16436-MAS00108,Online data acquisition: warning 5-Day,0,
MAS16436-MAS00108,Online data acquisition: warning 5-Day,0,
MAS16436-MAS00109,Online data acquisition: warning 5-Hours,0,
MAS16436-MAS00109,Online data acquisition: warning 5-Hours,0,
MAS16436-MAS00110,Online data acquisition: warning 5-Minutes,0,
MAS16436-MAS00110,Online data acquisition: warning 5-Minutes,0,
MAS16436-MAS00111,Online data acquisition: warning 5-Seconds,0,
MAS16436-MAS00111,Online data acquisition: warning 5-Seconds,0,
MAS16436-MAS16989,Online data acquisition: warning 5-Index of the warning,0,
MAS16436-MAS16990,Online data acquisition: warning 5-Number of warnings,0,
MAS16437-MAS00106,Online data acquisition: warning 6-Year,2000,
MAS16437-MAS00106,Online data acquisition: warning 6-Year,2000,
MAS16437-MAS00107,Online data acquisition: warning 6-Month,0,
MAS16437-MAS00107,Online data acquisition: warning 6-Month,0,
MAS16437-MAS00108,Online data acquisition: warning 6-Day,0,
MAS16437-MAS00108,Online data acquisition: warning 6-Day,0,
MAS16437-MAS00109,Online data acquisition: warning 6-Hours,0,
MAS16437-MAS00109,Online data acquisition: warning 6-Hours,0,
MAS16437-MAS00110,Online data acquisition: warning 6-Minutes,0,
MAS16437-MAS00110,Online data acquisition: warning 6-Minutes,0,
MAS16437-MAS00111,Online data acquisition: warning 6-Seconds,0,
MAS16437-MAS00111,Online data acquisition: warning 6-Seconds,0,
MAS16437-MAS16989,Online data acquisition: warning 6-Index of the warning,0,
MAS16437-MAS16990,Online data acquisition: warning 6-Number of warnings,0,
MAS16438-MAS00106,Online data acquisition: warning 7-Year,2000,
MAS16438-MAS00106,Online data acquisition: warning 7-Year,2000,
MAS16438-MAS00107,Online data acquisition: warning 7-Month,0,
MAS16438-MAS00107,Online data acquisition: warning 7-Month,0,
MAS16438-MAS00108,Online data acquisition: warning 7-Day,0,
MAS16438-MAS00108,Online data acquisition: warning 7-Day,0,
MAS16438-MAS00109,Online data acquisition: warning 7-Hours,0,
MAS16438-MAS00109,Online data acquisition: warning 7-Hours,0,
MAS16438-MAS00110,Online data acquisition: warning 7-Minutes,0,
MAS16438-MAS00110,Online data acquisition: warning 7-Minutes,0,
MAS16438-MAS00111,Online data acquisition: warning 7-Seconds,0,
MAS16438-MAS00111,Online data acquisition: warning 7-Seconds,0,
MAS16438-MAS16989,Online data acquisition: warning 7-Index of the warning,0,
MAS16438-MAS16990,Online data acquisition: warning 7-Number of warnings,0,
ENG101323,Headlight leveling control state,static,
ENG107365,Left dynamic cornering light value,-0.031250, °
ENG124613,Predictive_Route_Data_Intown_Flag,Not available,
ENG124610,Predictive_Route_Data_Number_Of_Lanes,Not available,
ENG124612,Predictive_Route_Data_Placename_Sign,Not available,
ENG124611,Predictive_Route_Data_Speed_Limit,Not available,
ENG124609,Predictive_Route_Data_Street_Class,Not available,
ENG108468,Right dynamic cornering light value,0.031250, °
Elapsed Time: 00:09
;SW:5Q4-959-592-M HW:5Q4-959-592-F --- Door Elect, Pass.
;Component:TSG BFS 006 0247, Coding:003F17205C00040000000000
;VCDS Version: Release 21.3.0 (x64) Data version: 20210226 DS325.0
;VCID: 4EC667F2905C572B4DF-801A
IDE00030,Status of actuator test,not active,
IDE00310,Outside temperature,19.00, °C
IDE00322,Status of basic setting,was not yet started,
IDE00323,Security Access: Number of invalid keys,0,
IDE01992-MAS12276,Installation list: current installations-Front door control module,can be reached,
IDE01992-MAS12277,Installation list: current installations-Rear door control module,can be reached,
IDE01993-MAS12276,Control module reference number-Front door control module,Front passenger door control module,
IDE01993-MAS12277,Control module reference number-Rear door control module,Rear Passenger Door Control Module,
IDE02261-IDE00773,Supply voltage for door control module: rear: frt.pass. side-Terminal 15 status via CAN,active,
IDE02261-IDE01715,Supply voltage for door control module: rear: frt.pass. side-Status terminal S,active,
IDE02261-IDE05835,Supply voltage for door control module: rear: frt.pass. side-Supply voltage for central locking,14.00, V
IDE02266,Passenger side rear power window button,Not operated,
IDE02268-IDE00773,Supply voltage for door control module: front: frt.pass. side-Terminal 15 status via CAN,active,
IDE02268-IDE01715,Supply voltage for door control module: front: frt.pass. side-Status terminal S,active,
IDE02268-IDE05835,Supply voltage for door control module: front: frt.pass. side-Supply voltage for central locking,14.50, V
IDE02384-MAS12276,Status of event memory-Front door control module,No malfunctions in DTC memory,
IDE02384-MAS12277,Status of event memory-Rear door control module,No malfunctions in DTC memory,
IDE03150-MAS12276,Readiness for bus sleep mode-Front door control module,active,
IDE03150-MAS12277,Readiness for bus sleep mode-Rear door control module,active,
IDE04216-MAS01458,Mirror heater-Operating condition,active,
IDE04216-MAS02965,Mirror heater-Performance percentage,1, %
IDE04216-MAS04247,Mirror heater-Button,not installed,
IDE04218,Turn signal in exterior rear-view mirror,not active,
IDE04343-MAS03180,Bus identification-Local data bus,assigned,
IDE04343-MAS12276,Bus identification-Front door control module,Bus master,
IDE04539-MAS01634,Mirror memory-Supply voltage,not active,
IDE04539-MAS02228,Mirror memory-X coordinate,Not available,
IDE04539-MAS02229,Mirror memory-Y coordinate,Not available,
IDE04539-MAS02476,Mirror memory-installed,not installed,
IDE04540,Mirror adjustment (X/Y direction),not installed,
IDE04580,Dimming of inside door handle lighting,100, %
IDE04581,Dimming for interior ambient lighting,0, %
IDE04586,Mirror fold-in activation,not active,
IDE05725,Dimmer terminal 58xs,0, %
IDE05726,Dimmer terminal 58xd,84, %
IDE05727-IDE02589,Front passenger side door status-Rotary latch status,closed,
IDE05727-IDE04213,Front passenger side door status-Central locking button,Not operated,
IDE05727-IDE04214,Front passenger side door status-Key switch in door lock,not installed,
IDE05727-MAS06256,Front passenger side door status-Status door lock,Signal from door lock: released,
IDE06207-MAS01453,Front window regulator status: frt.pass. side-Blocking detection,not active,
IDE06207-MAS02039,Front window regulator status: frt.pass. side-Force limitation,not active,
IDE06207-MAS02097,Front window regulator status: frt.pass. side-Window position,0.00, %
IDE06207-MAS02098,Front window regulator status: frt.pass. side-Window regulator standardized,Yes,
IDE06207-MAS03548,Front window regulator status: frt.pass. side-Motor current,0, A
IDE06207-MAS04642,Front window regulator status: frt.pass. side-Before upper stop,active,
IDE06207-MAS05370,Front window regulator status: frt.pass. side-Direction of movement,Position top,
IDE06209-MAS01453,Rear window regulator status: frt.pass. side-Blocking detection,active,
IDE06209-MAS02039,Rear window regulator status: frt.pass. side-Force limitation,not active,
IDE06209-MAS02097,Rear window regulator status: frt.pass. side-Window position,0.00, %
IDE06209-MAS02098,Rear window regulator status: frt.pass. side-Window regulator standardized,Yes,
IDE06209-MAS03548,Rear window regulator status: frt.pass. side-Motor current,Not available,
IDE06209-MAS04642,Rear window regulator status: frt.pass. side-Before upper stop,active,
IDE06209-MAS05370,Rear window regulator status: frt.pass. side-Direction of movement,Position top,
IDE06469,Ambient illumination for speaker,Not available,
IDE06614-IDE06842,Memory seat adjustment control head-Status - Button 1,not installed,
IDE06614-IDE06843,Memory seat adjustment control head-Status - Button 2,not installed,
IDE06614-IDE06844,Memory seat adjustment control head-Status - Button 3,not installed,
IDE06614-IDE06845,Memory seat adjustment control head-Status - Button 4,not installed,
IDE06872,Front passenger power window button,Not operated,
IDE06932-MAS01159,Ident. of rear window regulator programming: frt.pass. side-Version number,4620,
IDE06934,Front window regulator relay: frt.pass. side,Open,
IDE06936,Rear window regulator relay: frt.pass. side,Open,
IDE06938-MAS02545,Front window regulator reversing position: frt. pass. side-Last,20.00, %
IDE06938-MAS02546,Front window regulator reversing position: frt. pass. side-Second to last,19.50, %
IDE06938-MAS02547,Front window regulator reversing position: frt. pass. side-Third to last,20.00, %
IDE06938-MAS02548,Front window regulator reversing position: frt. pass. side-Fourth to last,19.50, %
IDE06938-MAS05380,Front window regulator reversing position: frt. pass. side-fifth to last,20.00, %
IDE06941,Rear window regulator child lock: frt.pass. side,not active,
IDE07223,Window regulator child lock: frt.pass. side,Not available,
IDE07406-IDE03114,Enable front passenger window regulator relay-Comfort function,No,
IDE07406-MAS02447,Enable front passenger window regulator relay-Release,Yes,
IDE07408-IDE03114,Enable frt.pass.-side rear window regulator-Comfort function,No,
IDE07408-MAS02447,Enable frt.pass.-side rear window regulator-Release,Yes,
IDE07410-MAS01632,Excess.temp. disconnect: front window regulator: frt.pass. side-Status,not active,
IDE07410-MAS02955,Excess.temp. disconnect: front window regulator: frt.pass. side-Engine temperature,23, °C
IDE07412-MAS01632,Excess.temp.disconnect for rear window regulator: frt.pass.side-Status,not active,
IDE07412-MAS02955,Excess.temp.disconnect for rear window regulator: frt.pass.side-Engine temperature,40, °C
IDE07414,Comfort function for front window regulator: frt.pass. side,not active,
IDE07416,Comfort function for rear window regulator: frt.pass. side,not active,
IDE07417-MAS02545,Rear window regulator reversing position: frt.pass. side-Last,17.00, %
IDE07417-MAS02546,Rear window regulator reversing position: frt.pass. side-Second to last,17.00, %
IDE07417-MAS02547,Rear window regulator reversing position: frt.pass. side-Third to last,17.00, %
IDE07417-MAS02548,Rear window regulator reversing position: frt.pass. side-Fourth to last,18.50, %
IDE07417-MAS05380,Rear window regulator reversing position: frt.pass. side-fifth to last,28.00, %
IDE07543,Vehicle speed,0.00, km/h
IDE09335,Mirror fold-in: current consumption,0.00, A
IDE09798,Play protection: mirror fold-in,not active,
IDE10164-MAS01632,Automatically dimming exterior mirrors-Status,not installed,
IDE10164-MAS03691,Automatically dimming exterior mirrors-Dimming,255, %
IDE13865-MAS02099,Exterior door handle actuator-Switch for inside door handle,not installed,
IDE13865-MAS02100,Exterior door handle actuator-Switch for outside door handle,not installed,
IDE13865-MAS09598,Exterior door handle actuator-Request on CAN,Not available,
IDE13865-MAS11741,Exterior door handle actuator-CAN Status,Initialization,
IDE13865-MAS17088,Exterior door handle actuator-Contact: exterior door handle retracted,not installed,
IDE13865-MAS17089,Exterior door handle actuator-Contact: exterior door handle extended,not installed,
IDE13865-MAS17090,Exterior door handle actuator-Actuator activation status,not installed,
MAS02099,Switch for inside door handle,not installed,
MAS02100,Switch for outside door handle,not installed,
MAS06010,Ambient light,0, %
ENG117316-ENG32834,Window_Regulator_Passenger_Side_Rear_VW_Workshop_System_Name-System_short_sign,J927 ,
Elapsed Time: 00:08
;SW:3Q0-035-876-B HW:3Q0-035-876-B --- Information Electr.
;Component:MU-S-NS-US 851 0867, Coding:027310020000000051220002001808009F0503F401200005C6
;VCDS Version: Release 21.3.0 (x64) Data version: 20210226 DS325.0
;VCID: 333016061BBE1AC3421-8066
IDE00019,Voltage terminal 30,14.5, V
IDE00020,Terminal 15 status,On,
IDE00021,Engine RPM,817.00, /min
IDE00075,Vehicle speed,0.00, km/h
IDE00323,Security Access: Number of invalid keys,0,
IDE00668-MAS03231,Microphone voltage consumption-Microphone 1,5.90, mA
IDE00668-MAS03232,Microphone voltage consumption-Microphone 2,25.50, mA
IDE00767,No. of unscheduled ECU resets,0, counts
IDE00916-IDE02127,Speaker status-Left front speaker,Measuring value not available,
IDE00916-IDE02128,Speaker status-Right front speaker,Measuring value not available,
IDE00916-IDE02129,Speaker status-Left rear speaker,Measuring value not available,
IDE00916-IDE02130,Speaker status-Right rear speaker,Measuring value not available,
IDE00916-ENG117413,Speaker status-loudspeaker_channel_10,Measuring value not available,
IDE00916-ENG117414,Speaker status-loudspeaker_channel_11,Measuring value not available,
IDE00916-ENG117415,Speaker status-loudspeaker_channel_12,Measuring value not available,
IDE00916-ENG117416,Speaker status-loudspeaker_channel_13,Measuring value not available,
IDE00916-ENG117417,Speaker status-loudspeaker_channel_14,Measuring value not available,
IDE00916-ENG117418,Speaker status-loudspeaker_channel_15,Measuring value not available,
IDE00916-ENG117419,Speaker status-loudspeaker_channel_16,Measuring value not available,
IDE00916-ENG117408,Speaker status-loudspeaker_channel_5,Measuring value not available,
IDE00916-ENG117409,Speaker status-loudspeaker_channel_6,Measuring value not available,
IDE00916-ENG117410,Speaker status-loudspeaker_channel_7,Measuring value not available,
IDE00916-ENG117411,Speaker status-loudspeaker_channel_8,Measuring value not available,
IDE00916-ENG117412,Speaker status-loudspeaker_channel_9,Measuring value not available,
IDE01285-ENG101364,Counter of component protection malfunctions-Theft Protection Error Counter,00 00,
IDE01351,Terminal 75 status,OFF,
IDE01442-MAS06123,Pressing a button-Eject button,Not operated,
IDE01698-MAS07206,Status audio signal outputs-Audio signal output channel 1,Measuring value not available,
IDE01698-MAS07207,Status audio signal outputs-Audio signal output channel 2,Measuring value not available,
IDE01698-MAS07208,Status audio signal outputs-Audio signal output channel 3,Measuring value not available,
IDE01698-MAS07209,Status audio signal outputs-Audio signal output channel 4,Measuring value not available,
IDE01712-MAS01779,GPS Position-Length,data removed
IDE01712-MAS01780,GPS Position-Width,data removed
IDE01713-MAS01632,Status GPS reception-Status,GPS data is being received: position completely determined,
IDE01713-MAS01785,Status GPS reception-Number of visible satellites,16,
IDE01713-MAS01786,Status GPS reception-Number of tracked satellites,14,
IDE01715,Status terminal S,On,
IDE01716,Terminal 50 status,OFF,
IDE01767-MAS00940,Status of telephone-Antenna diagnostic,Not available,
IDE01767-MAS00941,Status of telephone-Telephone baseplate diagnostic,not connected,
IDE01767-MAS00955,Status of telephone-Handset in handset holder (cradle),not selected,
IDE01767-MAS01806,Status of telephone-Handset holder (cradle),not connected,
IDE01768-MAS01808,Status of antenna 1 for radio-Antenna current,64, mA
IDE01768-MAS03938,Status of antenna 1 for radio-Connection between radio and antenna amplifier,electrically OK,
IDE01768-MAS03939,Status of antenna 1 for radio-Connection between antenna amplifier and antenna,electrically OK,
IDE01768-MAS03991,Status of antenna 1 for radio-Reception level antenna 1,56, dBµV
IDE01769-MAS01808,Status of antenna 2 for radio-Antenna current,51, mA
IDE01769-MAS03938,Status of antenna 2 for radio-Connection between radio and antenna amplifier,electrically OK,
IDE01769-MAS03939,Status of antenna 2 for radio-Connection between antenna amplifier and antenna,electrically OK,
IDE01769-MAS04344,Status of antenna 2 for radio-Reception level antenna 2,53, dBµV
IDE01770-MAS01632,Status of GPS antenna-Status,electrically OK,
IDE01770-MAS01808,Status of GPS antenna-Antenna current,25, mA
IDE01868-MAS00839,Ring break diagnostic result-TV Tuner,Not available,
IDE01868-MAS00840,Ring break diagnostic result-Media Player: Position 1,Not available,
IDE01868-MAS00844,Ring break diagnostic result-Radio,Not available,
IDE01868-MAS00847,Ring break diagnostic result-Digital Sound System Control Module,Not available,
IDE01868-MAS00849,Ring break diagnostic result-Information electronics control module 1,System OK,
IDE01868-MAS00850,Ring break diagnostic result-Information electronics control module 2,Not available,
IDE01868-MAS02840,Ring break diagnostic result-Instrument cluster display,Not available,
IDE01868-MAS14306,Ring break diagnostic result-Windshield projection head up display control module,Not available,
IDE01868-ENG117473,Ring break diagnostic result-MOST_Component_10,Not available,
IDE01868-ENG117474,Ring break diagnostic result-MOST_Component_11,Not available,
IDE01868-ENG117475,Ring break diagnostic result-MOST_Component_12,Not available,
IDE01868-ENG117476,Ring break diagnostic result-MOST_Component_13,Not available,
IDE01868-ENG117477,Ring break diagnostic result-MOST_Component_14,Not available,
IDE01868-ENG117478,Ring break diagnostic result-MOST_Component_15,Not available,
IDE01868-ENG117479,Ring break diagnostic result-MOST_Component_16,Not available,
IDE01868-ENG117480,Ring break diagnostic result-MOST_Component_17,Not available,
IDE01868-ENG117481,Ring break diagnostic result-MOST_Component_18,Not available,
IDE01868-ENG117482,Ring break diagnostic result-MOST_Component_19,Not available,
IDE01868-ENG117483,Ring break diagnostic result-MOST_Component_20,Not available,
IDE01868-ENG117472,Ring break diagnostic result-MOST_Component_9,Not available,
IDE01992-ENG16230,Installation list: current installations-ECU present Bit 0,not installed,
IDE01992-ENG20557,Installation list: current installations-ECU present Bit 0 Main_Unit,installed,
IDE01992-ENG45410,Installation list: current installations-ECU present Bit 1,not installed,
IDE01992-ENG20556,Installation list: current installations-ECU present Bit 1 reserved,not installed,
IDE01992-ENG20933,Installation list: current installations-ECU present Bit 10 SmartControlCarrier2,not installed,
IDE01992-ENG20932,Installation list: current installations-ECU present Bit 11 WirelessCharger1,not installed,
IDE01992-ENG20931,Installation list: current installations-ECU present Bit 12 WirelessCharger2,not installed,
IDE01992-ENG20930,Installation list: current installations-ECU present Bit 13 Multimedia Operating Unit,not installed,
IDE01992-ENG20929,Installation list: current installations-ECU present Bit 14 Head-up Display,not installed,
IDE01992-ENG20950,Installation list: current installations-ECU present Bit 15,not installed,
IDE01992-ENG45396,Installation list: current installations-ECU present Bit 2,not installed,
IDE01992-ENG20555,Installation list: current installations-ECU present Bit 2 Sound_System,installed,
IDE01992-ENG45402,Installation list: current installations-ECU present Bit 3,not installed,
IDE01992-ENG20554,Installation list: current installations-ECU present Bit 3 TV_Tuner,not installed,
IDE01992-ENG45430,Installation list: current installations-ECU present Bit 4,not installed,
IDE01992-ENG20553,Installation list: current installations-ECU present Bit 4 DVD_Changer,not installed,
IDE01992-ENG45377,Installation list: current installations-ECU present Bit 5,not installed,
IDE01992-ENG20552,Installation list: current installations-ECU present Bit 5 RearSeatEntertainment,not installed,
IDE01992-ENG21674,Installation list: current installations-ECU present Bit 6,not installed,
IDE01992-ENG20919,Installation list: current installations-ECU present Bit 6 MOST Kombi-Display,installed,
IDE01992-ENG16217,Installation list: current installations-ECU present Bit 7,not installed,
IDE01992-ENG20918,Installation list: current installations-ECU present Bit 7 SmartDisplayCarrier1,not installed,
IDE01992-ENG20935,Installation list: current installations-ECU present Bit 8 SmartDisplayCarrier2,not installed,
IDE01992-ENG20934,Installation list: current installations-ECU present Bit 9 SmartControlCarrier1,not installed,
IDE01995-ENG16990,Control module protocol information-Ethernet,No,
IDE01995-ENG16987,Control module protocol information-ISO-TP,Yes,
IDE01995-ENG16989,Control module protocol information-K Line,No,
IDE01995-ENG16988,Control module protocol information-TP 1.6,No,
IDE01995-ENG16991,Control module protocol information-TP 2.0,No,
IDE02070-IDE02060,Wake-up cause-Eject optical medium\ (CD/DVD Eject),No,
IDE02070-IDE04544,Wake-up cause-Media type in optical drive,No,
IDE02070-MAS03177,Wake-up cause-Infotainment data bus,Yes,
IDE02070-MAS03180,Wake-up cause-Local data bus,No,
IDE02070-MAS03690,Wake-up cause-Telephone,No,
IDE02070-MAS03782,Wake-up cause-WLAN,No,
IDE02070-MAS03833,Wake-up cause-Optical data bus,No,
IDE02326-ENG117459,GPS signal strength-ID_GPS_satellite_no_1,14,
IDE02326-ENG117461,GPS signal strength-ID_GPS_satellite_no_2,17,
IDE02326-ENG117463,GPS signal strength-ID_GPS_satellite_no_3,28,
IDE02326-ENG117465,GPS signal strength-ID_GPS_satellite_no_4,30,
IDE02326-ENG117460,GPS signal strength-S/N_GPS_satellite_no_1,47, dBµV
IDE02326-ENG117462,GPS signal strength-S/N_GPS_satellite_no_2,47, dBµV
IDE02326-ENG117464,GPS signal strength-S/N_GPS_satellite_no_3,47, dBµV
IDE02326-ENG117466,GPS signal strength-S/N_GPS_satellite_no_4,47, dBµV
IDE02384-ENG16210,Status of event memory-ECU Dtc Bit 0,OK,
IDE02384-ENG20563,Status of event memory-ECU Dtc Bit 0 Main_Unit,Malfunction,
IDE02384-ENG45352,Status of event memory-ECU Dtc Bit 1,OK,
IDE02384-ENG20562,Status of event memory-ECU Dtc Bit 1 reserved,OK,
IDE02384-ENG20924,Status of event memory-ECU Dtc Bit 10 SmartControlCarrier2,OK,
IDE02384-ENG20923,Status of event memory-ECU Dtc Bit 11 WirelessCharger1,OK,
IDE02384-ENG20922,Status of event memory-ECU Dtc Bit 12 WirelessCharger2,OK,
IDE02384-ENG20921,Status of event memory-ECU Dtc Bit 13 Multimedia Operating Unit,OK,
IDE02384-ENG20920,Status of event memory-ECU Dtc Bit 14 Head-up Display,OK,
IDE02384-ENG20949,Status of event memory-ECU Dtc Bit 15,OK,
IDE02384-ENG45386,Status of event memory-ECU Dtc Bit 2,OK,
IDE02384-ENG20561,Status of event memory-ECU Dtc Bit 2 Sound_System,OK,
IDE02384-ENG45404,Status of event memory-ECU Dtc Bit 3,OK,
IDE02384-ENG20560,Status of event memory-ECU Dtc Bit 3 TV_Tuner,OK,
IDE02384-ENG45387,Status of event memory-ECU Dtc Bit 4,OK,
IDE02384-ENG20559,Status of event memory-ECU Dtc Bit 4 DVD_Changer,OK,
IDE02384-ENG45440,Status of event memory-ECU Dtc Bit 5,OK,
IDE02384-ENG20558,Status of event memory-ECU Dtc Bit 5 Rear_Seat_Entertainment,OK,
IDE02384-ENG21671,Status of event memory-ECU Dtc Bit 6,OK,
IDE02384-ENG20945,Status of event memory-ECU Dtc Bit 6 MOST Kombi-Display,Malfunction,
IDE02384-ENG16227,Status of event memory-ECU Dtc Bit 7,OK,
IDE02384-ENG20944,Status of event memory-ECU Dtc Bit 7 SmartDisplayCarrier1,OK,
IDE02384-ENG20926,Status of event memory-ECU Dtc Bit 8 SmartDisplayCarrier2,OK,
IDE02384-ENG20925,Status of event memory-ECU Dtc Bit 9 SmartControlCarrier1,OK,
IDE02486,Data logger triggering,not active,
IDE02508-MAS00951,Bluetooth: Visibility-Bluetooth,On,
IDE02508-MAS03001,Bluetooth: Visibility-Mode,Bluetooth available,
IDE02766,Malfunction status,FF FB,
IDE03150-ENG16256,Readiness for bus sleep mode-Sleep Bit 0,Bus sleep mode,
IDE03150-ENG20569,Readiness for bus sleep mode-Sleep Bit 0 Main_Unit,End busstat,
IDE03150-ENG45492,Readiness for bus sleep mode-Sleep Bit 1,Bus sleep mode,
IDE03150-ENG20568,Readiness for bus sleep mode-Sleep Bit 1 reserved,Bus sleep mode,
IDE03150-ENG20941,Readiness for bus sleep mode-Sleep Bit 10 SmartControlCarrier2,Bus sleep mode,
IDE03150-ENG20940,Readiness for bus sleep mode-Sleep Bit 11 WirelessCharger1,Bus sleep mode,
IDE03150-ENG20939,Readiness for bus sleep mode-Sleep Bit 12 WirelessCharger2,Bus sleep mode,
IDE03150-ENG20938,Readiness for bus sleep mode-Sleep Bit 13 Bedienteil vorne,Bus sleep mode,
IDE03150-ENG20937,Readiness for bus sleep mode-Sleep Bit 14 Head-up Display,Bus sleep mode,
IDE03150-ENG20936,Readiness for bus sleep mode-Sleep Bit 15,Bus sleep mode,
IDE03150-ENG45491,Readiness for bus sleep mode-Sleep Bit 2,Bus sleep mode,
IDE03150-ENG20567,Readiness for bus sleep mode-Sleep Bit 2 Sound_System,End busstat,
IDE03150-ENG45490,Readiness for bus sleep mode-Sleep Bit 3,Bus sleep mode,
IDE03150-ENG20566,Readiness for bus sleep mode-Sleep Bit 3 TV_Tuner,Bus sleep mode,
IDE03150-ENG45489,Readiness for bus sleep mode-Sleep Bit 4,Bus sleep mode,
IDE03150-ENG20565,Readiness for bus sleep mode-Sleep Bit 4 DVD_Changer,Bus sleep mode,
IDE03150-ENG45488,Readiness for bus sleep mode-Sleep Bit 5,Bus sleep mode,
IDE03150-ENG20564,Readiness for bus sleep mode-Sleep Bit 5 RearSeatEntertainment,Bus sleep mode,
IDE03150-ENG21675,Readiness for bus sleep mode-Sleep Bit 6,Bus sleep mode,
IDE03150-ENG20928,Readiness for bus sleep mode-Sleep Bit 6 MOST Kombi-Display,End busstat,
IDE03150-ENG16255,Readiness for bus sleep mode-Sleep Bit 7,Bus sleep mode,
IDE03150-ENG20927,Readiness for bus sleep mode-Sleep Bit 7 SmartDisplayCarrier1,Bus sleep mode,
IDE03150-ENG20943,Readiness for bus sleep mode-Sleep Bit 8 SmartDisplayCarrier2,Bus sleep mode,
IDE03150-ENG20942,Readiness for bus sleep mode-Sleep Bit 9 SmartControlCarrier1,Bus sleep mode,
IDE03151-ENG20551,TP CAN identifier-ECU TP-CAN-Identifier-Request Bit 0,1907,
IDE03151-ENG20550,TP CAN identifier-ECU TP-CAN-Identifier-Response Bit 0,2013,
IDE03477-MAS00106,GPS time-Year,2021,
IDE03477-MAS00107,GPS time-Month,3,
IDE03477-MAS00108,GPS time-Day,10,
IDE03477-MAS00109,GPS time-Hours,19,
IDE03477-MAS00110,GPS time-Minutes,43,
IDE03477-MAS00111,GPS time-Seconds,27,
IDE03477-MAS01632,GPS time-Status,valid,
IDE03610-MAS02573,Voice operation: last detected command-Reception quality,255, %
IDE03610-MAS03874,Voice operation: last detected command-last detected command,0,
IDE03610-MAS03875,Voice operation: last detected command-Reliability,255, %
IDE03880-MAS03119,MOST address-Functional block: diagnostic instance,5F,
IDE03880-MAS03425,MOST address-Physical address,04 00,
IDE04312-MAS00109,System run time-Hours,1, H
IDE04312-MAS00110,System run time-Minutes,21, min
IDE04317-MAS00108,Total system run time-Day,75, d
IDE04317-MAS00109,Total system run time-Hours,2, H
IDE04317-MAS00110,Total system run time-Minutes,31, min
IDE04329-IDE04332,Status of all SWaP functions-Release code for a SWaP function,available.,
IDE04329-IDE05814,Status of all SWaP functions-Individualization characteristic,valid,
IDE04329-IDE06260,Status of all SWaP functions-ID number,00 03 00 00,
IDE04329-MAS01340,Status of all SWaP functions-Functions,available.,
IDE04329-MAS01903,Status of all SWaP functions-Configuration,OK,
IDE04329-MAS02934,Status of all SWaP functions-Preconditions met,Condition met,
IDE04329-MAS05616,Status of all SWaP functions-Cancellation,No,
IDE04329-MAS05617,Status of all SWaP functions-Authentication,valid,
IDE04332,Release code for a SWaP function,Not available,
IDE04334-MAS02643,Public key for SWaP function-Key,C2 93 92 9A 21 E4 DC EB 18 D7 5C 0E 67 EF 75 08 4A CA 81 A8 8A A1 CD 26 08 6F 9F 96 D8 F8 FA 57 23 75 F8 CC AC 03 B4 32 29 83 5E E1 8C CD 2B D4 35 44 5F C3 B1 B5 E4 E7 66 80 2B 94 D4 EA 91 A0 D0 58 AD 49 5A 16 DA 8D 0F 9C 65 A1 83 35 8B 85 CC 77 97 7A DE 07 49 4C A7 F9 AB 60 20 54 F1 F2 8B 52 39 6F 6C 41 24 BF 24 89 4D E5 3F AA 8B 5B 5C 19 D2 F4 80 50 F8 3C 6B 82 87 B2 35 B9 4D 43 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03,
IDE04343-ENG20542,Bus identification-Bus Identifier,Busmaster,
IDE04344-ENG20451,Control module assignment-ECU ID,5F,
IDE04344-ENG20480,Control module assignment-ECU Name,Information electronics 1,
IDE04541-MAS03621,Status of active media source at output 1-Video codec,--------------------,
IDE04541-MAS03622,Status of active media source at output 1-Horizontal video resolution,65535,
IDE04541-MAS03623,Status of active media source at output 1-Vertical video resolution,65535,
IDE04541-MAS03778,Status of active media source at output 1-Active media source,Not available,
IDE04541-MAS03783,Status of active media source at output 1-Video Bitrate,65535, kbps
IDE04541-MAS03784,Status of active media source at output 1-Audio Bitrate,Not available,
IDE04541-MAS03785,Status of active media source at output 1-Digital rights management (DRM),Not available,
IDE04541-MAS03786,Status of active media source at output 1-Audio Codec,--------------------,
IDE04541-MAS03787,Status of active media source at output 1-Image format,--------------------,
IDE04541-MAS03788,Status of active media source at output 1-Horizontal image resolution,65535,
IDE04541-MAS03789,Status of active media source at output 1-Vertical image resolution,65535,
IDE04541-MAS03793,Status of active media source at output 1-Color depth,65535, bit
IDE04544,Media type in optical drive,Not available,
IDE04545-IDE01588,Vehicle status-Driving direction,Measuring value not available,
IDE04545-IDE01714,Vehicle status-Status reverse gear,not selected,
IDE04545-IDE01766,Vehicle status-Distance impulses,0,
IDE04545-IDE03684,Vehicle status-Vehicle stopped,Yes,
IDE04546-IDE00301,Calibration of navigation-Mileage,0.460, mm
IDE04546-MAS03647,Calibration of navigation-Calibration condition,complete,
IDE04547,Traffic information,OFF,
IDE04605-MAS01779,Navigation: Corrected position-Length,104°38'36.53"W,
IDE04605-MAS01780,Navigation: Corrected position-Width,038°18'41.54"N,
IDE04607-IDE03661,Angle of turn sensor for navigation-Rotation rate,1.8, °/s
IDE04607-ENG117452,Angle of turn sensor for navigation-gyro_sensor_x_acceleration,20.08, m/s²
IDE04607-ENG117453,Angle of turn sensor for navigation-gyro_sensor_y_acceleration,20.08, m/s²
IDE04607-ENG117454,Angle of turn sensor for navigation-gyro_sensor_z_acceleration,20.08, m/s²
IDE04639-IDE02060,Last wake-up cause-Eject optical medium\ (CD/DVD Eject),No,
IDE04639-IDE04544,Last wake-up cause-Media type in optical drive,No,
IDE04639-MAS03177,Last wake-up cause-Infotainment data bus,Yes,
IDE04639-MAS03180,Last wake-up cause-Local data bus,No,
IDE04639-MAS03690,Last wake-up cause-Telephone,No,
IDE04639-MAS03782,Last wake-up cause-WLAN,No,
IDE04639-MAS03833,Last wake-up cause-Optical data bus,No,
IDE04640,Over-temperature protection for amplifier,no restriction,
IDE04641,Speed-dependent volume adjustment,0.0, dB
IDE04649-MAS01968,Activation for housing fan-Fan,Stage 2,
IDE04649-MAS06857,Activation for housing fan-Speed,5880, /min
IDE04748,Counter for microphone over control,0,
IDE04767-MAS01240,Update software via medium-Programming status,not active,
IDE04767-MAS02111,Update software via medium-Data consistency,valid,
IDE04767-MAS02112,Update software via medium-Programmability,no request,
IDE04768,Bluetooth: device address,30 C3 D9 C6 1D D6,
IDE05040-MAS01632,Video input status-Status,Not available,
IDE05040-MAS04390,Video input status-Active source,Not available,
IDE05536-MAS01632,GPS almanac-Status,valid,
IDE05595-MAS00106,Last time GPS without satellite reception-Year,2021,
IDE05595-MAS00107,Last time GPS without satellite reception-Month,3,
IDE05595-MAS00108,Last time GPS without satellite reception-Day,10,
IDE05595-MAS00109,Last time GPS without satellite reception-Hours,17,
IDE05595-MAS00110,Last time GPS without satellite reception-Minutes,53,
IDE05595-MAS00111,Last time GPS without satellite reception-Seconds,17,
IDE05596-MAS00106,Last time GPS position outside map-Year,2021,
IDE05596-MAS00107,Last time GPS position outside map-Month,2,
IDE05596-MAS00108,Last time GPS position outside map-Day,27,
IDE05596-MAS00109,Last time GPS position outside map-Hours,5,
IDE05596-MAS00110,Last time GPS position outside map-Minutes,47,
IDE05596-MAS00111,Last time GPS position outside map-Seconds,54,
IDE05597-IDE03615,Bluetooth: Paired device 1-Variant,ÃqZBTeh Falconâs iPhone
Apple Inc.
iPhone12,5Version 14.2 (Build 18B91)ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ,
IDE05597-IDE04768,Bluetooth: Paired device 1-Bluetooth: device address,F0 C3 71 5A 8B 42,
IDE05597-MAS01483,Bluetooth: Paired device 1-Software version,ÃqZBTeh Falconâs iPhone
Apple Inc.
iPhone12,5Version 14.2 (Build 18B91)ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ,
IDE05597-MAS02159,Bluetooth: Paired device 1-Remote SIM Access Profile (rSAP),F0 C3,
IDE05597-MAS02160,Bluetooth: Paired device 1-Hands free profile (HFP),F0 C3,
IDE05597-MAS03159,Bluetooth: Paired device 1-Manufacturer,ÃqZBTeh Falconâs iPhone
Apple Inc.
iPhone12,5Version 14.2 (Build 18B91)ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ,
IDE05597-MAS04326,Bluetooth: Paired device 1-Device name,Teh Falconâs iPhone
Apple Inc.
Version 14.2 (Build 18B91)
IDE05597-ENG117431,Bluetooth: Paired device 1-A2DP,F0 C3,
IDE05597-ENG117440,Bluetooth: Paired device 1-ACTIVESYNCML,F0 C3,
IDE05597-ENG105233,Bluetooth: Paired device 1-AT,F0 C3,
IDE05597-ENG117432,Bluetooth: Paired device 1-AVRCP,F0 C3,
IDE05597-ENG117434,Bluetooth: Paired device 1-DUN,F0 C3,
IDE05597-ENG106692,Bluetooth: Paired device 1-FTP,F0 C3,
IDE05597-ENG117435,Bluetooth: Paired device 1-HIDP,F0 C3,
IDE05597-ENG117429,Bluetooth: Paired device 1-HSP,F0 C3,
IDE05597-ENG117437,Bluetooth: Paired device 1-IRMC,F0 C3,
IDE05597-ENG101499,Bluetooth: Paired device 1-map,F0 C3,
IDE05597-ENG117436,Bluetooth: Paired device 1-OBEX,F0 C3,
IDE05597-ENG117439,Bluetooth: Paired device 1-OPP,F0 C3,
IDE05597-ENG117433,Bluetooth: Paired device 1-PAN,F0 C3,
IDE05597-ENG108174,Bluetooth: Paired device 1-PBAP,F0 C3,
IDE05597-ENG117427,Bluetooth: Paired device 1-SDAP,F0 C3,
IDE05597-ENG117428,Bluetooth: Paired device 1-SPP,F0 C3,
IDE05597-ENG117438,Bluetooth: Paired device 1-SYNCML,F0 C3,
IDE05598-IDE03615,Bluetooth: Paired device 2-Variant,£Z4ËAlexaâs iPhone
Apple Inc.
iPhone12,1Version 13.3.1 (Build 17D50)ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ,
IDE05598-IDE04768,Bluetooth: Paired device 2-Bluetooth: device address,F0 A3 5A 91 34 CB,
IDE05598-MAS01483,Bluetooth: Paired device 2-Software version,£Z4ËAlexaâs iPhone
Apple Inc.
iPhone12,1Version 13.3.1 (Build 17D50)ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ,
IDE05598-MAS02159,Bluetooth: Paired device 2-Remote SIM Access Profile (rSAP),F0 A3,
IDE05598-MAS02160,Bluetooth: Paired device 2-Hands free profile (HFP),F0 A3,
IDE05598-MAS03159,Bluetooth: Paired device 2-Manufacturer,£Z4ËAlexaâs iPhone
Apple Inc.
iPhone12,1Version 13.3.1 (Build 17D50)ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ,
IDE05598-MAS04326,Bluetooth: Paired device 2-Device name,Alexaâs iPhone
Apple Inc.
Version 13.3.1 (Build 17D50)
IDE05598-ENG117431,Bluetooth: Paired device 2-A2DP,F0 A3,
IDE05598-ENG117440,Bluetooth: Paired device 2-ACTIVESYNCML,F0 A3,
IDE05598-ENG105233,Bluetooth: Paired device 2-AT,F0 A3,
IDE05598-ENG117432,Bluetooth: Paired device 2-AVRCP,F0 A3,
IDE05598-ENG117434,Bluetooth: Paired device 2-DUN,F0 A3,
IDE05598-ENG106692,Bluetooth: Paired device 2-FTP,F0 A3,
IDE05598-ENG117435,Bluetooth: Paired device 2-HIDP,F0 A3,
IDE05598-ENG117429,Bluetooth: Paired device 2-HSP,F0 A3,
IDE05598-ENG117437,Bluetooth: Paired device 2-IRMC,F0 A3,
IDE05598-ENG101499,Bluetooth: Paired device 2-map,F0 A3,
IDE05598-ENG117436,Bluetooth: Paired device 2-OBEX,F0 A3,
IDE05598-ENG117439,Bluetooth: Paired device 2-OPP,F0 A3,
IDE05598-ENG117433,Bluetooth: Paired device 2-PAN,F0 A3,
IDE05598-ENG108174,Bluetooth: Paired device 2-PBAP,F0 A3,
IDE05598-ENG117427,Bluetooth: Paired device 2-SDAP,F0 A3,
IDE05598-ENG117428,Bluetooth: Paired device 2-SPP,F0 A3,
IDE05598-ENG117438,Bluetooth: Paired device 2-SYNCML,F0 A3,
IDE05599-IDE03615,Bluetooth: Paired device 3-Variant,--
IDE05599-IDE04768,Bluetooth: Paired device 3-Bluetooth: device address,00 00 00 00 00 00,
IDE05599-MAS01483,Bluetooth: Paired device 3-Software version,--
IDE05599-MAS02159,Bluetooth: Paired device 3-Remote SIM Access Profile (rSAP),00 00,
IDE05599-MAS02160,Bluetooth: Paired device 3-Hands free profile (HFP),00 00,
IDE05599-MAS03159,Bluetooth: Paired device 3-Manufacturer,--
IDE05599-MAS04326,Bluetooth: Paired device 3-Device name,--
IDE05599-ENG117431,Bluetooth: Paired device 3-A2DP,00 00,
IDE05599-ENG117440,Bluetooth: Paired device 3-ACTIVESYNCML,00 00,
IDE05599-ENG105233,Bluetooth: Paired device 3-AT,00 00,
IDE05599-ENG117432,Bluetooth: Paired device 3-AVRCP,00 00,
IDE05599-ENG117434,Bluetooth: Paired device 3-DUN,00 00,
IDE05599-ENG106692,Bluetooth: Paired device 3-FTP,00 00,
IDE05599-ENG117435,Bluetooth: Paired device 3-HIDP,00 00,
IDE05599-ENG117429,Bluetooth: Paired device 3-HSP,00 00,
IDE05599-ENG117437,Bluetooth: Paired device 3-IRMC,00 00,
IDE05599-ENG101499,Bluetooth: Paired device 3-map,00 00,
IDE05599-ENG117436,Bluetooth: Paired device 3-OBEX,00 00,
IDE05599-ENG117439,Bluetooth: Paired device 3-OPP,00 00,
IDE05599-ENG117433,Bluetooth: Paired device 3-PAN,00 00,
IDE05599-ENG108174,Bluetooth: Paired device 3-PBAP,00 00,
IDE05599-ENG117427,Bluetooth: Paired device 3-SDAP,00 00,
IDE05599-ENG117428,Bluetooth: Paired device 3-SPP,00 00,
IDE05599-ENG117438,Bluetooth: Paired device 3-SYNCML,00 00,
IDE05600-IDE03615,Bluetooth: Paired device 4-Variant,--
IDE05600-IDE04768,Bluetooth: Paired device 4-Bluetooth: device address,00 00 00 00 00 00,
IDE05600-MAS01483,Bluetooth: Paired device 4-Software version,--
IDE05600-MAS02159,Bluetooth: Paired device 4-Remote SIM Access Profile (rSAP),00 00,
IDE05600-MAS02160,Bluetooth: Paired device 4-Hands free profile (HFP),00 00,
IDE05600-MAS03159,Bluetooth: Paired device 4-Manufacturer,--
IDE05600-MAS04326,Bluetooth: Paired device 4-Device name,--
IDE05600-ENG117431,Bluetooth: Paired device 4-A2DP,00 00,
IDE05600-ENG117440,Bluetooth: Paired device 4-ACTIVESYNCML,00 00,
IDE05600-ENG105233,Bluetooth: Paired device 4-AT,00 00,
IDE05600-ENG117432,Bluetooth: Paired device 4-AVRCP,00 00,
IDE05600-ENG117434,Bluetooth: Paired device 4-DUN,00 00,
IDE05600-ENG106692,Bluetooth: Paired device 4-FTP,00 00,
IDE05600-ENG117435,Bluetooth: Paired device 4-HIDP,00 00,
IDE05600-ENG117429,Bluetooth: Paired device 4-HSP,00 00,
IDE05600-ENG117437,Bluetooth: Paired device 4-IRMC,00 00,
IDE05600-ENG101499,Bluetooth: Paired device 4-map,00 00,
IDE05600-ENG117436,Bluetooth: Paired device 4-OBEX,00 00,
IDE05600-ENG117439,Bluetooth: Paired device 4-OPP,00 00,
IDE05600-ENG117433,Bluetooth: Paired device 4-PAN,00 00,
IDE05600-ENG108174,Bluetooth: Paired device 4-PBAP,00 00,
IDE05600-ENG117427,Bluetooth: Paired device 4-SDAP,00 00,
IDE05600-ENG117428,Bluetooth: Paired device 4-SPP,00 00,
IDE05600-ENG117438,Bluetooth: Paired device 4-SYNCML,00 00,
IDE05601-IDE03615,Bluetooth: Paired device 5-Variant,--
IDE05601-IDE04768,Bluetooth: Paired device 5-Bluetooth: device address,00 00 00 00 00 00,
IDE05601-MAS01483,Bluetooth: Paired device 5-Software version,--
IDE05601-MAS02159,Bluetooth: Paired device 5-Remote SIM Access Profile (rSAP),00 00,
IDE05601-MAS02160,Bluetooth: Paired device 5-Hands free profile (HFP),00 00,
IDE05601-MAS03159,Bluetooth: Paired device 5-Manufacturer,--
IDE05601-MAS04326,Bluetooth: Paired device 5-Device name,--
IDE05601-ENG117431,Bluetooth: Paired device 5-A2DP,00 00,
IDE05601-ENG117440,Bluetooth: Paired device 5-ACTIVESYNCML,00 00,
IDE05601-ENG105233,Bluetooth: Paired device 5-AT,00 00,
IDE05601-ENG117432,Bluetooth: Paired device 5-AVRCP,00 00,
IDE05601-ENG117434,Bluetooth: Paired device 5-DUN,00 00,
IDE05601-ENG106692,Bluetooth: Paired device 5-FTP,00 00,
IDE05601-ENG117435,Bluetooth: Paired device 5-HIDP,00 00,
IDE05601-ENG117429,Bluetooth: Paired device 5-HSP,00 00,
IDE05601-ENG117437,Bluetooth: Paired device 5-IRMC,00 00,
IDE05601-ENG101499,Bluetooth: Paired device 5-map,00 00,
IDE05601-ENG117436,Bluetooth: Paired device 5-OBEX,00 00,
IDE05601-ENG117439,Bluetooth: Paired device 5-OPP,00 00,
IDE05601-ENG117433,Bluetooth: Paired device 5-PAN,00 00,
IDE05601-ENG108174,Bluetooth: Paired device 5-PBAP,00 00,
IDE05601-ENG117427,Bluetooth: Paired device 5-SDAP,00 00,
IDE05601-ENG117428,Bluetooth: Paired device 5-SPP,00 00,
IDE05601-ENG117438,Bluetooth: Paired device 5-SYNCML,00 00,
IDE05602-MAS01763,Bluetooth: connected device 1-Signal Strength,Not available,
IDE05602-MAS04326,Bluetooth: connected device 1-Device name,0,
IDE05603-MAS01763,Bluetooth: connected device 2-Signal Strength,Not available,
IDE05603-MAS04326,Bluetooth: connected device 2-Device name,0,
IDE05604-MAS01763,Bluetooth: connected device 3-Signal Strength,Not available,
IDE05604-MAS04326,Bluetooth: connected device 3-Device name,0,
IDE05605-MAS01763,Bluetooth: connected device 4-Signal Strength,Not available,
IDE05605-MAS04326,Bluetooth: connected device 4-Device name,0,
IDE05606-MAS01763,Bluetooth: connected device 5-Signal Strength,Not available,
IDE05606-MAS04326,Bluetooth: connected device 5-Device name,0,
IDE05700-MAS01456,USB connection-Speed,full_speed,
IDE05700-MAS01632,USB connection-Status,OK,
IDE05700-MAS03159,USB connection-Manufacturer,0E 46,
IDE05700-MAS04393,USB connection-USB device class,0A,
IDE05700-MAS04394,USB connection-Connection status,connected,
IDE05700-MAS04436,USB connection-USB device sub-class,00,
IDE05700-ENG111957,USB connection-usb_product_id,53 49,
IDE05700-ENG111955,USB connection-usb_protocol,00,
IDE05713-MAS01632,Network diagnosis-Status,Enabled,
IDE05725,Dimmer terminal 58xs,0, %
IDE05726,Dimmer terminal 58xd,90.06, %
IDE05814,Individualization characteristic,08 8E BF 58 FA,
IDE06028-MAS02317,Control head button operation-Button code 1,FF,
IDE06028-MAS02318,Control head button operation-Button code 2,FF,
IDE06028-MAS04151,Control head button operation-Joystick,00,
IDE06028-MAS04413,Control head button operation-Push-and rotary knob for selection,0,
IDE06028-MAS04414,Control head button operation-Volume control,0,
IDE06425,Dynamometer mode: functional,not activated,
IDE07589-IDE07590,Update programming: status-Currently processed module,0,
IDE07589-IDE07591,Update programming: status-Number of modules to be programmed,0,
IDE07589-MAS01632,Update programming: status-Status,not active,
IDE07589-MAS10948,Update programming: status-control,Diagnosis,
IDE07938,Cause of system start,Data bus,
IDE07939,Last cause of system start,Data bus,
IDE09563-MAS09154,Proximity detection for touchscreen 1-Proximity sensor 1,No object in sector,
IDE10478-MAS01632,Interface for external media: status-Status,OK,
IDE10479-MAS01482,Interface for external media: identification-Hardware version,---,
IDE10479-MAS01483,Interface for external media: identification-Software version,----,
IDE10479-MAS04970,Interface for external media: identification-Part Number,-----------,
IDE10843-MAS01482,Function module: identification-Hardware version,1,
IDE10843-MAS04326,Function module: identification-Device name,AP_FLASH,
IDE10843-MAS11354,Function module: identification-Bootloader version,60,
IDE10843-MAS11355,Function module: identification-Application version,0,
IDE10843-MAS11356,Function module: identification-Module Name,IPL,
IDE10857-MAS02476,Touchless loading of mobile phone: status-installed,Not available,
IDE10857-MAS11500,Touchless loading of mobile phone: status-Foreign object,No,
IDE10857-MAS11501,Touchless loading of mobile phone: status-Charging,No,
IDE11034-MAS01482,Satellite radio: module information-Hardware version,01-00-01---,
IDE11034-MAS11961,Satellite radio: module information-Serial number,0UUVHARZ,
IDE11034-MAS11962,Satellite radio: module information-Pre-activation key,8E D0 08 00 30 55 55 56 48 41 52 5A 00 02 98 07 8A 38 64 68 F5 31 71 89 46 FF 18 07 A4 75 CE 09 24 24 93 7F 5A 01 00 08 00 66 03 41 00 09 00 66 00 07,
IDE11034-MAS11963,Satellite radio: module information-Firmware version,0b-26-00---,
IDE11034-MAS11964,Satellite radio: module information-Satellite Module Services Version,02-04-04---,
IDE11034-MAS11965,Satellite radio: module information-SiriusXM Interconnect Version,03-05-00---,
IDE11034-MAS11966,Satellite radio: module information-Database Version,02-04-04--A,
IDE11504-ENG127677,Satellite radio tuner: pre-activated subscription-SDARS_preactivation_coding status,Yes,
MAS00464-MAS00106,Standard - ambient data 1-Year,2021,
MAS00464-MAS00107,Standard - ambient data 1-Month,3,
MAS00464-MAS00108,Standard - ambient data 1-Day,10,
MAS00464-MAS00109,Standard - ambient data 1-Hours,12,
MAS00464-MAS00110,Standard - ambient data 1-Minutes,43,
MAS00464-MAS00111,Standard - ambient data 1-Seconds,41,
MAS00464-MAS00468,Standard - ambient data 1-Unlearning counter,215,
MAS00464-MAS00711,Standard - ambient data 1-Odometer reading,30675, km
MAS00778-IDE03619,Multimedia System 1-System condition,On,
MAS00778-IDE05228,Multimedia System 1-Operating hour counter,620, H
MAS00778-MAS00110,Multimedia System 1-Minutes,49, min
MAS00778-MAS00362,Multimedia System 1-Battery voltage,14.5, V
MAS00778-MAS02200,Multimedia System 1-Highest measured temperature,75, °C
MAS00778-MAS02201,Multimedia System 1-Temperature,58, °C
MAS00778-MAS03691,Multimedia System 1-Dimming,100, %
MAS00951-IDE04058,Bluetooth-Bluetooth: devices found,0,
MAS00951-MAS04324,Bluetooth-Bluetooth: connected devices,0,
MAS00951-MAS04325,Bluetooth-Bluetooth: Paired devices,2,
MAS01760-MAS01765,Radio Tuner 1-Audio Signal,Mute,
MAS01760-MAS02949,Radio Tuner 1-Frequency,98.1, MHz
MAS01760-MAS03991,Radio Tuner 1-Reception level antenna 1,56, dBµV
MAS01760-MAS04344,Radio Tuner 1-Reception level antenna 2,53, dBµV
MAS01760-MAS04345,Radio Tuner 1-Frequency (AM),65535, kHz
MAS01760-ENG117356,Radio Tuner 1-iboc_audio_signal,Not available,
MAS01760-ENG117358,Radio Tuner 1-iboc_count,0,
MAS01760-ENG117355,Radio Tuner 1-iboc_error_rate,255,
MAS01760-ENG117357,Radio Tuner 1-iboc_service,1,
MAS01761-MAS01763,Radio Tuner 2-Signal Strength,53, dBµV
MAS01991-IDE00010,Card reader-Serial number,19 E0 69 8F,
MAS01991-IDE01001,Card reader-Application,AP,
MAS01991-MAS01632,Card reader-Status,connected,
MAS01991-MAS03159,Card reader-Manufacturer,09,
MAS01991-MAS03375,Card reader-Major version,2,
MAS01991-MAS03376,Card reader-Minor version,0,
MAS01991-MAS03959,Card reader-Write-protection,activated,
MAS01991-MAS04388,Card reader-Card type,MIBST,
MAS01991-MAS13476,Card reader-Manufacturing date: month,9, Months
MAS01991-MAS13477,Card reader-Manufacturing date: year,2017, yr
MAS03121,Ring break diagnostic line status,Supply voltage,
MAS03780-IDE00010,Card reader 2-Serial number,FF FF FF FF,
MAS03780-IDE01001,Card reader 2-Application,--,
MAS03780-MAS01632,Card reader 2-Status,not connected,
MAS03780-MAS03159,Card reader 2-Manufacturer,FF,
MAS03780-MAS03375,Card reader 2-Major version,15,
MAS03780-MAS03376,Card reader 2-Minor version,15,
MAS03780-MAS03959,Card reader 2-Write-protection,Not available,
MAS03780-MAS04388,Card reader 2-Card type,-----,
MAS03780-MAS13476,Card reader 2-Manufacturing date: month,15, Months
MAS03780-MAS13477,Card reader 2-Manufacturing date: year,2255, yr
MAS04324-MAS04326,Bluetooth: connected devices-Device name,0,
MAS04324-MAS04327,Bluetooth: connected devices-Bluetooth connection profile,SDAP,
MAS04325-MAS04326,Bluetooth: Paired devices-Device name,23755395936182636,
MAS04325-MAS04327,Bluetooth: Paired devices-Bluetooth connection profile,SPP,
ENG117872-ENG117803,Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_25_condition,dont care,
ENG117872-ENG117804,Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_26_condition,dont care,
ENG117872-ENG117805,Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_27_condition,dont care,
ENG117857-MAS00109,Last_System_Operating_Time-Hours,0, H
ENG117857-MAS00110,Last_System_Operating_Time-Minutes,0, min
ENG117856-MAS00106,Last_System_Operating_Time/Mins.-Year,21, yr
ENG117856-MAS00107,Last_System_Operating_Time/Mins.-Month,3, Months
ENG117856-MAS00108,Last_System_Operating_Time/Mins.-Day,10, d
ENG117856-MAS00109,Last_System_Operating_Time/Mins.-Hours,11, H
ENG117856-MAS00110,Last_System_Operating_Time/Mins.-Minutes,21, min
ENG117856-MAS00111,Last_System_Operating_Time/Mins.-Seconds,8, s
ENG117869-ENG117441,Nav._Calculated_Direction-driving direction corrected,281, °
ENG127487-IDE02451,SDARS_tuner_status_2-Satellite radio antenna status,electrically OK,
ENG127487-IDE02453,SDARS_tuner_status_2-Channel selection for satellite radio,2,
ENG127487-MAS01765,SDARS_tuner_status_2-Audio Signal,available.,
ENG127487-MAS01808,SDARS_tuner_status_2-Antenna current,122, mA
ENG127487-MAS02573,SDARS_tuner_status_2-Reception quality,optimum_signal,
ENG127487-MAS13343,SDARS_tuner_status_2-Satellite radio tuner: pre-activation status,07,
ENG127487-MAS13344,SDARS_tuner_status_2-Satellite radio tuner: pre-activation value,07,
ENG117864-MAS01632,Status_Position_Touchscreen_1-Status,Not operated,
ENG117858-MAS01424,System_Temperature_Sensor_2-max.value,74, °C
ENG117858-MAS01425,System_Temperature_Sensor_2-min.value,-14, °C
ENG117858-MAS02238,System_Temperature_Sensor_2-Up-to-date,51, °C
ENG117860-MAS01424,System_Temperature_Sensor_4-max.value,65, °C
ENG117860-MAS01425,System_Temperature_Sensor_4-min.value,-20, °C
ENG117860-MAS02238,System_Temperature_Sensor_4-Up-to-date,40, °C
ENG117862-MAS01424,System_Temperature_Sensor_6-max.value,65, °C
ENG117862-MAS01425,System_Temperature_Sensor_6-min.value,-16, °C
ENG117862-MAS02238,System_Temperature_Sensor_6-Up-to-date,47, °C
Elapsed Time: 00:25
;SW:5QE-035-285-A HW:5QE-035-285-A --- Telematics
;Component:OCULowMQBUS 009 0570, Coding:02730002C2823A017F1E06000000
;VCDS Version: Release 21.3.0 (x64) Data version: 20210226 DS325.0
;VCID: 43D046C64B1EAA43D21-8016
IDE00019,Voltage terminal 30,14.0, V
IDE00020,Terminal 15 status,On,
IDE00102,Control Module temperature,49, °C
IDE00323,Security Access: Number of invalid keys,0,
IDE00608,Fuel type,Gas,
IDE00667,Microphone status,electrically OK,
IDE00668,Microphone voltage consumption,6.0, mA
IDE00672,Roadside Assistance Button,Not operated,
IDE00673,Information Service Button -E450-,Not operated,
IDE00767,No. of unscheduled ECU resets,37,
IDE01215,Dimmer terminal 58d,Measuring value not available,
IDE01625,Muting of radio/radio navigation system via control wire,Measuring value not available,
IDE01712-IDE06673,GPS Position-Initialization status,initialized,
IDE01712-MAS01779,GPS Position-Length,data removed
IDE01712-MAS01780,GPS Position-Width,data removed
IDE01712-MAS02230,GPS Position-Height,1478, m
IDE01713-MAS01632,Status GPS reception-Status,No GPS reception,
IDE01713-MAS01785,Status GPS reception-Number of visible satellites,16,
IDE01713-MAS01786,Status GPS reception-Number of tracked satellites,10,
IDE01715,Status terminal S,On,
IDE01770-MAS01632,Status of GPS antenna-Status,OK,
IDE01770-MAS01808,Status of GPS antenna-Antenna current,0, mA
IDE01971,Lowest recorded control module temperature,-18, °C
IDE01972,Highest recorded control module temperature,74, °C
IDE02486,Data logger triggering,Measuring value not available,
IDE03348-MAS01586,Speed warning-Alarm,0,
IDE03348,Speed warning,655.33, km/h
IDE03348-MAS08775,Speed warning-Calculation frequency,5, s
IDE03348-MAS08776,Speed warning-tolerance,5, m
IDE03348-MAS08777,Speed warning-Contact bounce suppression,5, s
IDE03477-MAS00106,GPS time-Year,2021,
IDE03477-MAS00107,GPS time-Month,3,
IDE03477-MAS00108,GPS time-Day,10,
IDE03477-MAS00109,GPS time-Hours,19,
IDE03477-MAS00110,GPS time-Minutes,44,
IDE03477-MAS00111,GPS time-Seconds,47,
IDE03477-MAS01632,GPS time-Status,valid,
IDE04605-IDE01712,Navigation: Corrected position-GPS Position,Not available,
IDE04605-MAS01779,Navigation: Corrected position-Length,104643472,
IDE04605-MAS01780,Navigation: Corrected position-Width,38312200,
IDE04605-ENG123297,Navigation: Corrected position-error_value,0, m
IDE04790,Call for help button,Not operated,
IDE08079-MAS01240,Timer 3 for programming of departure time-Programming status,Measuring value not available,
IDE08079-MAS01635,Timer 3 for programming of departure time-Monday,not programmed,
IDE08079-MAS01636,Timer 3 for programming of departure time-Tuesday,not programmed,
IDE08079-MAS01637,Timer 3 for programming of departure time-Wednesday,not programmed,
IDE08079-MAS01638,Timer 3 for programming of departure time-Thursday,not programmed,
IDE08079-MAS01639,Timer 3 for programming of departure time-Friday,not programmed,
IDE08079-MAS01640,Timer 3 for programming of departure time-Saturday,not programmed,
IDE08079-MAS01641,Timer 3 for programming of departure time-Sunday,not programmed,
IDE08079-MAS08963,Timer 3 for programming of departure time-Condition of timer,Measuring value not available,
IDE08079-ENG123310,Timer 3 for programming of departure time-Timer_Mode,Measuring value not available,
IDE08079-ENG123309,Timer 3 for programming of departure time-Timer_Type,Measuring value not available,
IDE08159-IDE07007,Status of online services-Air conditioning/heating function via remote control,not active,
IDE08159-IDE07975,Status of online services-Remote control for charging function of high-voltage battery,not active,
IDE08159-IDE08158,Status of online services-Roadside assistance / schedule agreement for service,not active,
IDE08159-MAS08370,Status of online services-Position monitoring (Geofencing),not active,
IDE08159-MAS08371,Status of online services-Remote control for speed warning,not active,
IDE08159-MAS08372,Status of online services-Remote control for vehicle shutdown,not active,
IDE08159-MAS08373,Status of online services-Remote control for vehicle location,active,
IDE08159-MAS08374,Status of online services-Remote control for lights and horn,not active,
IDE08159-MAS08377,Status of online services-Remote control for departure time programming,not active,
IDE08159-MAS08448,Status of online services-Manual distress call,not active,
IDE08235-MAS06798,Status of immobilizer participant-Key / terminal status,00,
IDE08235-MAS06799,Status of immobilizer participant-Immobiliser status,04,
IDE08235-MAS06800,Status of immobilizer participant-Status MSG 1,00,
IDE08235-MAS06801,Status of immobilizer participant-Status MSG 2,00,
IDE08235-MAS06802,Status of immobilizer participant-Status MSG 3,00,
IDE08235-MAS06803,Status of immobilizer participant-Status MSG 4,00,
IDE08235-MAS06804,Status of immobilizer participant-Status TCM,00,
IDE08235-MAS06805,Status of immobilizer participant-Status ESCL,00,
IDE08235-MAS06806,Status of immobilizer participant-Status OCU,00,
IDE08235-MAS06807,Status of immobilizer participant-Status VTS,00,
MAS00464-MAS00106,Standard - ambient data 1-Year,2000,
MAS00464-MAS00107,Standard - ambient data 1-Month,0,
MAS00464-MAS00108,Standard - ambient data 1-Day,0,
MAS00464-MAS00109,Standard - ambient data 1-Hours,0,
MAS00464-MAS00110,Standard - ambient data 1-Minutes,0,
MAS00464-MAS00111,Standard - ambient data 1-Seconds,0,
MAS00464-MAS00468,Standard - ambient data 1-Unlearning counter,255,
MAS00464-MAS00711,Standard - ambient data 1-Odometer reading,16777215, km
MAS01490-MAS08403,Energy management-Remaining short term energy budget,1000, mAh
MAS01490-MAS08404,Energy management-Remaining long term energy budget,3600, mAh
MAS01490-MAS08405,Energy management-Wake up cycles counter,104,
MAS04394-IDE03580,Connection status-Country recognition for mobile network,0,
MAS04394-IDE07699,Connection status-Mobile network operator,0,
MAS04394-MAS03991,Connection status-Reception level antenna 1,100.0, %
MAS04394-MAS04460,Connection status-Validity,invalid,
MAS04394-MAS08406,Connection status-Network type,GPRS,
MAS04394-MAS08407,Connection status-Data connection,not active,
MAS04394-MAS08408,Connection status-Number of hours to next event,19,
MAS04394-MAS08409,Connection status-Number of minutes to next event,24,
MAS04394-MAS08410,Connection status-Number of seconds to next event,34,
MAS04394-ENG123307,Connection status-Radio_Cell_Number,0,
MAS04394-ENG123308,Connection status-TCP_Connection_State,not active,
MAS06193-IDE06986,Profile 1-H-V battery charge current: maximum value,0, A
MAS06193-MAS04721,Profile 1-Minimum charge level,0, %
MAS06193-MAS04722,Profile 1-Maximum charge level,0, %
MAS06193-MAS08967,Profile 1-Start high voltage charging:Hour,0,
MAS06193-MAS08968,Profile 1-Start high voltage charging:Minute,0,
MAS06193-MAS08969,Profile 1-End of high voltage charging:Hour,0,
MAS06193-MAS08970,Profile 1-End of high voltage charging:Minute,0,
MAS06194-IDE06986,Profile 2-H-V battery charge current: maximum value,0, A
MAS06194-MAS04721,Profile 2-Minimum charge level,0, %
MAS06194-MAS04722,Profile 2-Maximum charge level,0, %
MAS06194-MAS08967,Profile 2-Start high voltage charging:Hour,0,
MAS06194-MAS08968,Profile 2-Start high voltage charging:Minute,0,
MAS06194-MAS08969,Profile 2-End of high voltage charging:Hour,0,
MAS06194-MAS08970,Profile 2-End of high voltage charging:Minute,0,
MAS06195-IDE06986,Profile 3-H-V battery charge current: maximum value,0, A
MAS06195-MAS04721,Profile 3-Minimum charge level,0, %
MAS06195-MAS04722,Profile 3-Maximum charge level,0, %
MAS06195-MAS08967,Profile 3-Start high voltage charging:Hour,0,
MAS06195-MAS08968,Profile 3-Start high voltage charging:Minute,0,
MAS06195-MAS08969,Profile 3-End of high voltage charging:Hour,0,
MAS06195-MAS08970,Profile 3-End of high voltage charging:Minute,0,
MAS06413,Audio signal output,electrically OK,
MAS08178-IDE02493,Crash information-Automatic door unlocking,No,
MAS08178-IDE05253,Crash information-Front crash,No,
MAS08178-IDE05254,Crash information-Side crash on driver side,No,
MAS08178-IDE05255,Crash information-Side crash on frt.pass.side,No,
MAS08178-IDE05256,Crash information-Rear crash,No,
MAS08178-IDE05257,Crash information-Rollover crash,No,
MAS08178-MAS08636,Crash information-Automatic emergency call activated:Accident sensor,No,
MAS08178-MAS08956,Crash information-Automatic emergency call activated:Fuel shut-off,No,
MAS08179,List of last telephone numbers,+18778163786 ,
MAS08180,Remote-controlled horn and lights,10, s
MAS08181-MAS01779,Area restriction configuration-Length,0, m
MAS08181-MAS01780,Area restriction configuration-Width,0, m
MAS08181-MAS08775,Area restriction configuration-Calculation frequency,65535, s
MAS08181-MAS08776,Area restriction configuration-tolerance,65535, m
MAS08181-MAS08777,Area restriction configuration-Contact bounce suppression,65535, s
MAS08181-MAS08778,Area restriction configuration-Rotation angle,65535, °
MAS08181-MAS08779,Area restriction configuration-Zone type,Not available,
MAS08181-MAS08780,Area restriction configuration-Area type,rectangle,
MAS08183-IDE02068,Event list: horn and lights (ring memory)-Time stamp,Write only channel,
MAS08183-MAS08552,Event list: horn and lights (ring memory)-Event generated,Write only channel,
MAS08184-IDE02068,Event list: emergency call(ring memory)-Time stamp,Write only channel,
MAS08184-MAS08552,Event list: emergency call(ring memory)-Event generated,Write only channel,
MAS08185-IDE02068,Event list: vehicle shut-down (ring memory)-Time stamp,Write only channel,
MAS08185-MAS08552,Event list: vehicle shut-down (ring memory)-Event generated,Write only channel,
MAS08186-IDE02068,Event list: vehicle location (ring memory)-Time stamp,Write only channel,
MAS08186-MAS08552,Event list: vehicle location (ring memory)-Event generated,Write only channel,
MAS08187-IDE02068,Event list area restriction (ring memory)-Time stamp,Write only channel,
MAS08187-MAS08552,Event list area restriction (ring memory)-Event generated,Write only channel,
MAS08188-IDE02068,Event list: Mobile Online services (ring memory)-Time stamp,Write only channel,
MAS08188-MAS08552,Event list: Mobile Online services (ring memory)-Event generated,Write only channel,
MAS08189-IDE02068,Event list: speed warning (ring memory)-Time stamp,Write only channel,
MAS08189-MAS08552,Event list: speed warning (ring memory)-Event generated,Write only channel,
MAS08190-IDE02068,Event list: distance statistics (ring memory)-Time stamp,Write only channel,
MAS08190-MAS08552,Event list: distance statistics (ring memory)-Event generated,Write only channel,
MAS08191-IDE02068,Event list: vehicle state (ring memory)-Time stamp,Write only channel,
MAS08191-MAS08552,Event list: vehicle state (ring memory)-Event generated,Write only channel,
MAS08192-IDE02068,Event list: info call (ring memory)-Time stamp,Write only channel,
MAS08192-MAS08552,Event list: info call (ring memory)-Event generated,Write only channel,
MAS08193-IDE02068,Event list: battery charge management (ring memory)-Time stamp,Write only channel,
MAS08193-MAS08552,Event list: battery charge management (ring memory)-Event generated,Write only channel,
MAS08194-IDE02068,Event list: A/C (ring memory)-Time stamp,Write only channel,
MAS08194-MAS08552,Event list: A/C (ring memory)-Event generated,Write only channel,
MAS08195-IDE02068,Event list: departure time (ring memory)-Time stamp,Write only channel,
MAS08195-MAS08552,Event list: departure time (ring memory)-Event generated,Write only channel,
MAS08196-IDE02068,Event list: vehicle status report (ring memory)-Time stamp,Write only channel,
MAS08196-MAS08552,Event list: vehicle status report (ring memory)-Event generated,Write only channel,
MAS08197-IDE02068,Event list:roadside assist and maint. schedule(ring memory)-Time stamp,Write only channel,
MAS08197-MAS08552,Event list:roadside assist and maint. schedule(ring memory)-Event generated,Write only channel,
MAS08198-IDE02068,Event lists: imported navigation destinations (bring memory)-Time stamp,Write only channel,
MAS08198-MAS08552,Event lists: imported navigation destinations (bring memory)-Event generated,Write only channel,
MAS08199-IDE02068,Event list: vehicle locking (ring memory)-Time stamp,Write only channel,
MAS08199-MAS08552,Event list: vehicle locking (ring memory)-Event generated,Write only channel,
ENG123207-IDE01588,Calculated_Position_And_Direction_Areal_Update-Driving direction,0, °
ENG123207-MAS01632,Calculated_Position_And_Direction_Areal_Update-Status,Not available,
ENG123207-MAS01632,Calculated_Position_And_Direction_Areal_Update-Status,Not available,
ENG123207-ENG123297,Calculated_Position_And_Direction_Areal_Update-error_value,0, m
ENG123212-ENG123296,GPS_Dilution_of_precision-Initiation,not initialized,
ENG117869-IDE01588,Nav._Calculated_Direction-Driving direction,237, °
ENG123203-ENG123324,Network_Statistics-DNS_Resolution_Error,No malfunction,
ENG123203-ENG124655,Network_Statistics-Duration_Of_Voice_Calls,2332033024, min
ENG123203-ENG123326,Network_Statistics-HTTP_Transmission_Error,No malfunction,
ENG123203-ENG123323,Network_Statistics-Network_Timeout_Error,No malfunction,
ENG123203-ENG123334,Network_Statistics-Round_Trip_Time,1, ms
ENG123203-ENG123327,Network_Statistics-Secure_Connection_Error,No malfunction,
ENG123203-ENG123313,Network_Statistics-Service_Data_Volume,257800, B
ENG123203-ENG123312,Network_Statistics-Total_Data_Volume,17413856, B
ENG123203-ENG123322,Network_Statistics-Transport_Protocol_Connection_Error,No malfunction,
ENG129162-ENG98933,Serial_Tracing-Status,not activated,
ENG123193-ENG123343,Vehicle_Health_Report-Day_at_week_for_report,Not available,
ENG123193-ENG123339,Vehicle_Health_Report-Distance_Based_Distance,0, km
ENG123193-ENG123338,Vehicle_Health_Report-Distance_Based_Start_Mileage,0, km
ENG123193-ENG123340,Vehicle_Health_Report-Maintenance_Based_Distance,0, km
Elapsed Time: 02:44
;SW:5G0-907-159-G HW:4H0-907-159-A --- Struct. Borne Sound
;Component:SAS-GEN 2 H07 0001, Coding:
;VCDS Version: Release 21.3.0 (x64) Data version: 20210226 DS325.0
;VCID: 323E1302E4A413CB497-8066
IDE00030,Status of actuator test,not active,
IDE00322,Status of basic setting,not active,
IDE00323,Security Access: Number of invalid keys,0,
IDE04805-IDE02955,Driving profile selection-System status,available.,
IDE04805-IDE06419,Driving profile selection-Driving profile switchover,no request,
IDE04805-MAS01447,Driving profile selection-Act.val.,3,
IDE04805-MAS01448,Driving profile selection-Target value,3,
IDE04805-MAS05058,Driving profile selection-Compatibility,Yes,
Elapsed Time: 00:00
;SW:7P5-941-572-A HW:7P5-941-572-A --- Light Ctrl Left 2
;Component:LED1L H06 0002, Coding:
;VCDS Version: Release 21.3.0 (x64) Data version: 20210226 DS325.0
;VCID: 392C242E39D2E09388D-806C
IDE00325,Diagnostic mode,Extended Session,
IDE00767-ENG14124,No. of unscheduled ECU resets-Test_Program_Watchdog_reset,0,
IDE03680-MAS01468,Supply voltages-Terminal 15,14.3, V
IDE03680-MAS09374,Supply voltages-Terminal 56b,0.6, V
IDE03680-MAS09375,Supply voltages-Terminal 56a,0.0, V
IDE03680-MAS09376,Supply voltages-Supply via vehicle elec. sys. ctrl. unit,0.0, V
IDE03680-ENG35973,Supply voltages-Supply_for_daytime_running_light,0.0, V
IDE03680-ENG35974,Supply voltages-Supply_for_logic,14.3, V
IDE06926-ENG28625,History memory: reset counter-reset_reason,Watchdog Reset,
IDE06926-ENG08623,History memory: reset counter-Timestamp,15 03 0A 0C 2F,
IDE08742-MAS02946,Operating time-static AFS light,3.33, H
IDE08742-MAS07243,Operating time-Low beam,193.42, H
IDE08742-MAS07249,Operating time-High Beam,2.17, H
IDE08742-MAS09325,Operating time-Daytime running lamps,0.00, H
IDE08742-ENG28624,Operating time-all_weather_light,0.00, H
IDE08742-ENG28616,Operating time-Control_module,595.17, H
IDE08742-ENG28502,Operating time-Motorway_light,9.43, H
IDE08742-ENG28679,Operating time-Tourist_light,0.00, H
IDE09774-MAS02946,Number of activations-static AFS light,5940,
IDE09774-MAS07243,Number of activations-Low beam,1640,
IDE09774-MAS07249,Number of activations-High Beam,446,
IDE09774-MAS09325,Number of activations-Daytime running lamps,0,
IDE09774-ENG28624,Number of activations-all_weather_light,0,
IDE09774-ENG28914,Number of activations-High_beam_excess_temperature,0,
IDE09774-ENG28912,Number of activations-High_beam_excess_temperature_protection,0,
IDE09774-ENG28913,Number of activations-Low_beam_excess_temperature,0,
IDE09774-ENG28911,Number of activations-Low_beam_excess_temperature_protection,0,
IDE09774-ENG28502,Number of activations-Motorway_light,1028,
IDE09774-ENG28679,Number of activations-Tourist_light,0,
IDE09828-ENG28616,Head lamp variant-Control_module,E0 76,
IDE09828-ENG11304,Head lamp variant-via_CAN,E0 76,
IDE10048-IDE09768,Supply information-LED channel 1,Not Used,
IDE10048-IDE09769,Supply information-LED channel 2,Terminal 15,
IDE10048-MAS01968,Supply information-Fan,Terminal 15,
IDE10048-MAS09754,Supply information-LED channel 3,Not Used,
IDE10048-MAS09754,Supply information-LED channel 3,Terminal 15,
IDE10048-MAS09755,Supply information-Matrixbeam channels,Not Used,
IDE10048-ENG30205,Supply information-Highside_channel 1,Terminal 15,
IDE10048-ENG30206,Supply information-Highside_channel 2,Not Used,
IDE10048-ENG30207,Supply information-Highside_channel 3,Terminal 15,
IDE10048-ENG30208,Supply information-Highside_channel 4,Terminal 15,
IDE10165-IDE10205,LED channel 1: Master 1-Control module version,Max,
IDE10165-MAS02201,LED channel 1: Master 1-Temperature,35, °C
IDE10165-MAS04136,LED channel 1: Master 1-Current,0, mA
IDE10165-MAS09022,LED channel 1: Master 1-PWM value,100.0, %
IDE10165-ENG35975,LED channel 1: Master 1-LED_brightness_class,1,
IDE10167-IDE10205,LED channel 1: Slave-Control module version,not defined,
IDE10167-MAS02201,LED channel 1: Slave-Temperature,-50, °C
IDE10167-MAS04136,LED channel 1: Slave-Current,0, mA
IDE10167-MAS09022,LED channel 1: Slave-PWM value,100.0, %
IDE10167-ENG35975,LED channel 1: Slave-LED_brightness_class,4,
IDE10168-IDE10205,LED channel 2: Master-Control module version,MXB 8,
IDE10168-MAS02201,LED channel 2: Master-Temperature,44, °C
IDE10168-MAS04136,LED channel 2: Master-Current,0, mA
IDE10168-MAS09022,LED channel 2: Master-PWM value,100.0, %
IDE10168-ENG35975,LED channel 2: Master-LED_brightness_class,1,
IDE10169-IDE10205,LED channel 2: Slave-Control module version,not defined,
IDE10169-MAS02201,LED channel 2: Slave-Temperature,-50, °C
IDE10169-MAS04136,LED channel 2: Slave-Current,0, mA
IDE10169-MAS09022,LED channel 2: Slave-PWM value,100.0, %
IDE10169-ENG35975,LED channel 2: Slave-LED_brightness_class,4,
IDE10170-IDE10205,LED channel 3: Master-Control module version,MXB Mid,
IDE10170-MAS02201,LED channel 3: Master-Temperature,42, °C
IDE10170-MAS04136,LED channel 3: Master-Current,0, mA
IDE10170-MAS09022,LED channel 3: Master-PWM value,100.0, %
IDE10170-ENG35975,LED channel 3: Master-LED_brightness_class,2,
IDE10171-IDE10205,LED channel 3: Slave-Control module version,MXB Mid,
IDE10171-MAS02201,LED channel 3: Slave-Temperature,35, °C
IDE10171-MAS04136,LED channel 3: Slave-Current,0, mA
IDE10171-MAS09022,LED channel 3: Slave-PWM value,100.0, %
IDE10171-ENG35975,LED channel 3: Slave-LED_brightness_class,1,
IDE10173-ENG28909,Operating times in temperature ranges-Between_105C_and_115C,0.00, H
IDE10173-ENG28915,Operating times in temperature ranges-Between_-40C_and_95C,402.67, H
IDE10173-ENG28908,Operating times in temperature ranges-Between_95C_and_105C,0.00, H
IDE10173-ENG28910,Operating times in temperature ranges-Over_115C,0.00, H
IDE10205,Control module version,Max,
IDE10206-IDE10205,Headlamp fan-Control module version,MXB 8,
IDE10282-ENG36147,LED channels: voltages-Channel_1_Master,0.00, V
IDE10282-ENG36226,LED channels: voltages-Channel_1_Slave,0.00, V
IDE10282-ENG36148,LED channels: voltages-Channel_2_Master,0.00, V
IDE10282-ENG36227,LED channels: voltages-Channel_2_Slave,0.00, V
IDE10282-ENG36149,LED channels: voltages-Channel_3_Master,0.00, V
IDE10282-ENG36228,LED channels: voltages-Channel_3_Slave,0.00, V
IDE10864-MAS11562,Control mod. temperatures-Power output module for matrix headlamp,0, °C
IDE10864-ENG35976,Control mod. temperatures-LED_headlamp_power_module,37, °C
MAS00468,Unlearning counter,215,
MAS09756-IDE10205,High-side channel-Control module version,not defined,
MAS09756-MAS02526,High-side channel-Activation,Channel not used,
MAS09756-MAS09022,High-side channel-PWM value,0.0, %
SER00010,Read data,not active,
Elapsed Time: 00:03
;SW:7P5-941-572-A HW:7P5-941-572-A --- Light Ctrl Right 2
;Component:LED1R H06 0002, Coding:
;VCDS Version: Release 21.3.0 (x64) Data version: 20210226 DS325.0
;VCID: 392C242E39D2E09388D-806C
IDE00325,Diagnostic mode,Extended Session,
IDE00767-ENG14124,No. of unscheduled ECU resets-Test_Program_Watchdog_reset,0,
IDE03680-MAS01468,Supply voltages-Terminal 15,14.3, V
IDE03680-MAS09374,Supply voltages-Terminal 56b,0.5, V
IDE03680-MAS09375,Supply voltages-Terminal 56a,0.0, V
IDE03680-MAS09376,Supply voltages-Supply via vehicle elec. sys. ctrl. unit,0.0, V
IDE03680-ENG35973,Supply voltages-Supply_for_daytime_running_light,0.0, V
IDE03680-ENG35974,Supply voltages-Supply_for_logic,14.3, V
IDE06926-ENG28625,History memory: reset counter-reset_reason,Watchdog Reset,
IDE06926-ENG08623,History memory: reset counter-Timestamp,15 03 0A 0C 2F,
IDE08742-MAS02946,Operating time-static AFS light,0.92, H
IDE08742-MAS07243,Operating time-Low beam,149.83, H
IDE08742-MAS07249,Operating time-High Beam,1.67, H
IDE08742-MAS09325,Operating time-Daytime running lamps,0.00, H
IDE08742-ENG28624,Operating time-all_weather_light,0.00, H
IDE08742-ENG28616,Operating time-Control_module,426.50, H
IDE08742-ENG28502,Operating time-Motorway_light,9.43, H
IDE08742-ENG28679,Operating time-Tourist_light,0.00, H
IDE09774-MAS02946,Number of activations-static AFS light,4352,
IDE09774-MAS07243,Number of activations-Low beam,1204,
IDE09774-MAS07249,Number of activations-High Beam,355,
IDE09774-MAS09325,Number of activations-Daytime running lamps,0,
IDE09774-ENG28624,Number of activations-all_weather_light,0,
IDE09774-ENG28914,Number of activations-High_beam_excess_temperature,0,
IDE09774-ENG28912,Number of activations-High_beam_excess_temperature_protection,0,
IDE09774-ENG28913,Number of activations-Low_beam_excess_temperature,0,
IDE09774-ENG28911,Number of activations-Low_beam_excess_temperature_protection,0,
IDE09774-ENG28502,Number of activations-Motorway_light,807,
IDE09774-ENG28679,Number of activations-Tourist_light,0,
IDE09828-ENG28616,Head lamp variant-Control_module,E0 76,
IDE09828-ENG11304,Head lamp variant-via_CAN,E0 76,
IDE10048-IDE09768,Supply information-LED channel 1,Not Used,
IDE10048-IDE09769,Supply information-LED channel 2,Terminal 15,
IDE10048-MAS01968,Supply information-Fan,Terminal 15,
IDE10048-MAS09754,Supply information-LED channel 3,Not Used,
IDE10048-MAS09754,Supply information-LED channel 3,Terminal 15,
IDE10048-MAS09755,Supply information-Matrixbeam channels,Not Used,
IDE10048-ENG30205,Supply information-Highside_channel 1,Terminal 15,
IDE10048-ENG30206,Supply information-Highside_channel 2,Not Used,
IDE10048-ENG30207,Supply information-Highside_channel 3,Terminal 15,
IDE10048-ENG30208,Supply information-Highside_channel 4,Terminal 15,
IDE10165-IDE10205,LED channel 1: Master 1-Control module version,Max,
IDE10165-MAS02201,LED channel 1: Master 1-Temperature,45, °C
IDE10165-MAS04136,LED channel 1: Master 1-Current,0, mA
IDE10165-MAS09022,LED channel 1: Master 1-PWM value,100.0, %
IDE10165-ENG35975,LED channel 1: Master 1-LED_brightness_class,1,
IDE10167-IDE10205,LED channel 1: Slave-Control module version,not defined,
IDE10167-MAS02201,LED channel 1: Slave-Temperature,-50, °C
IDE10167-MAS04136,LED channel 1: Slave-Current,0, mA
IDE10167-MAS09022,LED channel 1: Slave-PWM value,100.0, %
IDE10167-ENG35975,LED channel 1: Slave-LED_brightness_class,4,
IDE10168-IDE10205,LED channel 2: Master-Control module version,MXB 8,
IDE10168-MAS02201,LED channel 2: Master-Temperature,54, °C
IDE10168-MAS04136,LED channel 2: Master-Current,0, mA
IDE10168-MAS09022,LED channel 2: Master-PWM value,100.0, %
IDE10168-ENG35975,LED channel 2: Master-LED_brightness_class,1,
IDE10169-IDE10205,LED channel 2: Slave-Control module version,not defined,
IDE10169-MAS02201,LED channel 2: Slave-Temperature,-50, °C
IDE10169-MAS04136,LED channel 2: Slave-Current,0, mA
IDE10169-MAS09022,LED channel 2: Slave-PWM value,100.0, %
IDE10169-ENG35975,LED channel 2: Slave-LED_brightness_class,4,
IDE10170-IDE10205,LED channel 3: Master-Control module version,MXB Mid,
IDE10170-MAS02201,LED channel 3: Master-Temperature,51, °C
IDE10170-MAS04136,LED channel 3: Master-Current,0, mA
IDE10170-MAS09022,LED channel 3: Master-PWM value,100.0, %
IDE10170-ENG35975,LED channel 3: Master-LED_brightness_class,1,
IDE10171-IDE10205,LED channel 3: Slave-Control module version,MXB Mid,
IDE10171-MAS02201,LED channel 3: Slave-Temperature,45, °C
IDE10171-MAS04136,LED channel 3: Slave-Current,0, mA
IDE10171-MAS09022,LED channel 3: Slave-PWM value,100.0, %
IDE10171-ENG35975,LED channel 3: Slave-LED_brightness_class,1,
IDE10173-ENG28909,Operating times in temperature ranges-Between_105C_and_115C,0.00, H
IDE10173-ENG28915,Operating times in temperature ranges-Between_-40C_and_95C,291.17, H
IDE10173-ENG28908,Operating times in temperature ranges-Between_95C_and_105C,0.00, H
IDE10173-ENG28910,Operating times in temperature ranges-Over_115C,0.00, H
IDE10205,Control module version,Max,
IDE10206-IDE10205,Headlamp fan-Control module version,MXB 8,
IDE10282-ENG36147,LED channels: voltages-Channel_1_Master,0.00, V
IDE10282-ENG36226,LED channels: voltages-Channel_1_Slave,0.00, V
IDE10282-ENG36148,LED channels: voltages-Channel_2_Master,0.00, V
IDE10282-ENG36227,LED channels: voltages-Channel_2_Slave,0.00, V
IDE10282-ENG36149,LED channels: voltages-Channel_3_Master,0.00, V
IDE10282-ENG36228,LED channels: voltages-Channel_3_Slave,0.00, V
IDE10864-MAS11562,Control mod. temperatures-Power output module for matrix headlamp,0, °C
IDE10864-ENG35976,Control mod. temperatures-LED_headlamp_power_module,51, °C
MAS00468,Unlearning counter,215,
MAS09756-IDE10205,High-side channel-Control module version,not defined,
MAS09756-MAS02526,High-side channel-Activation,Channel not used,
MAS09756-MAS09022,High-side channel-PWM value,0.0, %
SER00010,Read data,not active,
Elapsed Time: 00:03
;VCDS Version: Release 21.3.0 (x64) Data version: 20210226 DS325.0
;VCID: 392C242E39D2E09388D-806C
03,Fuel system 1/2 status,Closed loop,,using O2 sensors,Engine off
04,Calculated load value,5.1 %,5.1 %
05,Engine coolant temperature,97 °C,97 °C
06,Short Term Trim - Bank 1,1.6 %
07,Long Term Trim - Bank 1,1.6 %
0B,Intake Manifold Absolute Pressure,26 kPa abs
0C,Engine RPM,817 /min,817 /min
0D,Vehicle speed,0 km/h,0 km/h
0E,Ignition timing advance for cyl #1,-4.0 Degrees
0F,Intake air temperature,66 °C
11,Throttle position sensor,11.8 %
12,Secondary Air Status,Atmosphere/off
13,Location of O2 sensors,B1S1 B1S2
15,Bank 1 Sensor 2 Status,0.130 V
1C,OBD Requirements Met,OBD + OBD II
1F,Time since engine start,1267 s
21,Distance travelled with MIL on,0 km
23,Fuel Rail Press (rel),8650 kPa rel
2E,Commanded Evaporative Purge,0.0 %
2F,Fuel Level Input,20.0 %
30,Warm-ups since DTC cleared,0
31,Distance since DTC cleared,0 km
33,Barometric pressure,84 kPa abs
34,Bank 1 Sensor 1 Status,0.993 Lambda,-0.016 mA
3C,B1S1 Cat. Temp.,340.5 °C
42,Control module voltage,14.335 V,14.100 V
43,Absolute Load Value,15 %
44,Commanded Equivalence Ratio,0.992 Lambda
45,Relative Throttle Position,2 %
46,Ambient Air Temp,22 °C
47,Absolute Throttle Position B,12 %
49,Accelerator Pedal Position D,15 %,15 %
4A,Accelerator Pedal Position E,15 %
4C,Commanded Throttle Actuator Control,2 %
51,Fuel type,Gasoline
56,Long term sec. O2 trim bank 1/3,0.0 %
62,Torque actual,5 %
63,Torque Reference,350 Nm
65,Auxiliary Input/Output,
70,Boost Press Ctrl A/B,BP_A act:84 kPa
Mode 9 : Calibration Identification
Type 02 - VIN : 3VW6T7AU5KM017532 (Address E8)
Type 04 - Calibration ID : 5G0259Q 2313AXAJ (Address E8)
Type 04 - Calibration ID : 0GC300020G 2403 (Address E9)
Type 06 - Calibration Verification Number : 9FC63B3C (Address E8)
Type 06 - Calibration Verification Number : FC49A8E8 (Address E9)
Type 08 - In-use performance tracking :
OBD Monitoring Conditions Encountered count : 394
Ignition cycle count : 1350
Conditions completion count / Specified conditions encountered count
Catalyst monitor bank 1 : 0 / 394
Catalyst monitor bank 2 : 0 / 0
O2 Sensor monitor bank 1 : 0 / 394
O2 Sensor monitor bank 2 : 0 / 0
EGR-VVT monitor : 743 / 394
AIR monitor : 351 / 153
EVAP monitor : 55 / 88
Type 0A - Controller Name : ECM-EngineControl (Address E8)
Type 0A - Controller Name : TCM-TransmisCtrl (Address E9)
Last edited by a moderator: