What turned out to be bad ground on a 1992 Passat VR6 in Germany was the thing that motivated me to build my own ISO-9141 <-> RS232 interface in the fall 1999. That car started, but ran like dog poop after I did some "work" on it:Grounds are so overrated.

Eventually diagnostics pointed us in the general direction of the problem; logging every bit of data in the ECU (early 90s VR6 ECUs only had about 8 MVBs) showed terminal 30 voltage was fluctuating by 2-3 volts when the engine was running. The owner swapped in a different ECU. Same! OK, I didn't trash the ECU when I was in there. Has to be either a bad +12V supply, or a bad ground. Turned out to be the main grround for the entire Motronic system on the front of the engine block; loose and corroded. Once the car's owner cleaned and tightened that ground, the engine ran great.