Too many stickies! So now we have a nice index of great info.
Rules for posting here in the How-To's and Tips section:
[03-ABS Brakes]
[08-Auto HVAC]
[26-Auto Roof]
[34-Level Control]
[42-Door Elect, Driver] or [52-Door Elect, Pass.]
[44-Steering Assist]
[46-Comfort System]
[4F-Centr. Electr. II]
[5F-Information Electr.]
G85 Steering Angle Sensor
VCDS, general information
Electrical, general information
More stuff you should know
Documented projects (you're awesome!)
Case Studies
Rules for posting here in the How-To's and Tips section:
- This isn't the section for questions. If you are asking "how do I...", please post it in the correct area of car repair, tweaks or retrofits.
- If you are going to reply to a post here, it should be to expand upon the related topic.
- Please review rule #1.
- If you did a work on your car and what to share what you learned, it goes in this section.
- Please review rule #1.
- Asking for something to be clarified or additional information on a topic is acceptable.
- Please review rule #1.
- People who post projects here (Rule #4) are awesome!
- Please review rule #1.
- Do not place a fork into the toaster.
- Audi Volkswagen - 2.0L Chain Drive - P0016 Cam/Crank correlation check
- G247 "High Thrust Sensor" - There is a difference!
- How to properly view/setup a 1.8T cam chain with adjuster before installing a bellt!
- Setting Readiness - UDS controllers
- Why I measure crankcase blow by gases and vacuum.... & so should you! Air leaks!
- Coil Pack & Associated Wiring Upgrades
- Fuel Rail Pressure Test with VCDS
- TFSI - Oil leak - Not a VCDS related question? or is it?
- Volkswagen/Audi "Standardized" Measuring Block Groups for Gasoline Engines
- Case Study: 15202 - Actuator Module for Turbocharger 1 P00AF 00 [109] - Stuck
- Why I measure crankcase blow by gases and vacuum.... & so should you! Air leaks!
- Evaporation (EVAP) Leak Detection Pump (LDP) Test
- Case Study: Cam Adjustment Actuator - Elec. Malf. or Open Circuit
- 2013 - 2015 Audi 4.0TFSI AVS actuator locations
- Case Study: P11A7 00 - Audi Valve Lift System - E888 engines
- Particulate Filter DPF Historie Statistics
- AdBlue Level Reset Procedure
- Clean Diesel Readiness Status
- Volkswagen TDI Diesel Engines Overview
- 3.0L_TDI CATA | CNRB - Testing SCR Injector and SCR Adaptation resetting
- 1.6 TDI CR Injector quantity adaptation, IDE06141
- PD and CR Injectors -- Normal Compensation Rates for Reference Comparison
[03-ABS Brakes]
- Unofficial MK60EC1 Label File for Coding
- BOSCH ESP9.0i Long Coding (26byte / 6C0 907 379 / PQ26)
- MK7 G85 relearn
- MK100 ABS Coding info
[08-Auto HVAC]
- Tis’ the HVAC Season
- mk4 Fan Control Module (J293) chart and A/C tips
- Heater doesn't work on older Passat or A4
[26-Auto Roof]
- A3 Cabrio channel maps with top closed and open
- A4 / S4 Cabriolet Top Operation thread
- A5 / S5 Cabrio Top operation thread
- Case Study: A5 / S5 Audi Cabriolet top issue B11A0
- Eos - Convertible top info
- Eos Top Operation via Basic Settings (DO NOT DO THIS)
- Audi TT Mk2 (8J) Roadster
- 01986 - Convertible Top Frame Position Sensor (G356) - Audi A4 (8H)
[34-Level Control]
- Level Control Bleeding/Charging
- UDS - Re-adapt Adaptive Suspension to default position
- Air ride suspension leak testing, may have a new method here....
[42-Door Elect, Driver] or [52-Door Elect, Pass.]
[44-Steering Assist]
[46-Comfort System]
[4F-Centr. Electr. II]
[5F-Information Electr.]
- 03276 - Please Check Software Version Management (non-UDS)
- B201A - Check Software Version Management
G85 Steering Angle Sensor
VCDS, general information
- Auto-Scan
- Learn how to use VCDS (video)
- UDS Vs non-UDS
- Advanced Measuring Values
- CodingLog and AdpLog, little safety nets for you.
- Coding "virgin" control modules... W
- Modify the MyAutoScan.TXT file for fun and profit
- VCScope to play back log files
- What is Jack talking about? 0x01-08-000
- Long Coding Helper for Short Coding Decrypting
- Coding Subsystem (Slave) control modules with VCDS
- MQB platform - Security Codes (SA) - work in progress
- For the Small Workshop or Multiple Laptop Users - Junctions and Hardlinks
- UDS Health Check
- Example of diagnosing a broken wire using a wire tracer / tone tool.
Electrical, general information
- How to read wiring diagrams - the videos (final version)
- Where do I get a Wiring Diagram?
- DIY Electrical Testing - A few things to do to help yourself while waiting for help!
- Testing - Open Circuits, Short to Ground or Positive, etc....
- Why You Need to Load Test Circuits
- The Best Way to Perform a Parasitic Draw Test
- Something for everyone...
- Not all fuse failures are the same.
- Popping fuses as soon as you put them in?
- How to make a poor man's breakout box
- Simple tool for VW connectors
- How to charge a dead battery on a Bentley GT, when the rear lid will not open
More stuff you should know
- Common Acronyms
- The anatomy of the fault code
- VW Component Identifiers (What the letter and numbers mean in automotive components)
- VAG Options (Data) Sticker, PR Codes
- Can I go with used parts? Maybe....
- CAN BUS FUN and helpful data you should have a baseline understanding of.....!
- Warranty Keys Facts - TD1, etc
- Every Engine Sensor Explained (Video)
Documented projects (you're awesome!)
- 2006 Audi A3 - BPY 200,000 mile service
- How to easily source and fix the ESCL on VAG Grab bag of tricks!
- Repair Door Locking Units
Case Studies
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