Full scan attached below. Address 5F / 1543 error, is the point of interest.
I've had this '1543' error in my VCDS scans ever since buying the car 2 years ago.
I never managed to find out what was causing the '1543' error, any idea where to start looking to clear it? If that's even possible? I've checked out the Byte_Coding ERRORs on the Long Coding screen, and the settings displayed are in agreement with the features my Golf R has installed. So ... confused.
Thanks in advance!
p.s: not sure if it's related but:
– the USB port below the infotainment has never worked / provided power despite the internal cable and plug appearing to be OK
– the Performance Monitor screen (boost gauges etc.) all work totally fine apart from the Coolant / Oil temp gauge, which has *never* displayed any values, just '---'. The Oil Temp on the dash display *does* work, assuming they're linked in some way.
I've had this '1543' error in my VCDS scans ever since buying the car 2 years ago.
I never managed to find out what was causing the '1543' error, any idea where to start looking to clear it? If that's even possible? I've checked out the Byte_Coding ERRORs on the Long Coding screen, and the settings displayed are in agreement with the features my Golf R has installed. So ... confused.
Thanks in advance!
p.s: not sure if it's related but:
– the USB port below the infotainment has never worked / provided power despite the internal cable and plug appearing to be OK
– the Performance Monitor screen (boost gauges etc.) all work totally fine apart from the Coolant / Oil temp gauge, which has *never* displayed any values, just '---'. The Oil Temp on the dash display *does* work, assuming they're linked in some way.
VCDS -- Windows Based VAG/VAS Emulator Running on Windows 10 x64(Parallels)
VCDS Version (x64) HEX-NET CB: 0.4437.4
Data version: 20180927 DS296.0
VIN: WVWZZZAUZEW308972 License Plate:
Mileage: 39211km-24364mi Repair Order:
Chassis Type: AU-VW37 (5Q0)
Scan: 01 02 03 05 08 09 10 14 15 16 17 19 22 2B 42 44 52 55 5F A9
VIN: WVWZZZAUZEW308972 Mileage: 39211km-24364miles
01-Engine -- Status: Malfunction 0010
02-Auto Trans -- Status: OK 0000
03-ABS Brakes -- Status: OK 0000
05-Acc/Start Auth. -- Status: OK 0000
08-Auto HVAC -- Status: OK 0000
09-Cent. Elect. -- Status: OK 0000
10-Park/Steer Assist -- Status: OK 0000
14-Susp. Elect. -- Status: OK 0000
15-Airbags -- Status: OK 0000
16-Steering wheel -- Status: OK 0000
17-Instruments -- Status: OK 0000
19-CAN Gateway -- Status: OK 0000
22-AWD -- Status: OK 0000
2B-Steer. Col. Lock -- Status: OK 0000
42-Door Elect, Driver -- Status: OK 0000
44-Steering Assist -- Status: OK 0000
52-Door Elect, Pass. -- Status: OK 0000
55-Headlight Range -- Status: OK 0000
5F-Information Electr. -- Status: Malfunction 0010
A9-Struct. Borne Sound -- Status: OK 0000
Address 01: Engine (J623-CJXC) Labels:. 06K-907-425-V1.clb
Part No SW: 5G0 906 259 B HW: 06K 907 425 B
Component: 2.0l R4 TFSI H13 0002
Revision: --H13---
Coding: 091D00322406010B3004
Shop #: WSC 01357 011 00200
ASAM Dataset: EV_ECM20TFS0205G0906259B 001003
ROD: EV_ECM20TFS0205G0906259B.rod
VCID: 2D12C2E07C6482224E-8079
1 Fault Found:
21392 - Control Module for Exhaust Flap
P14AB 00 [096] - Mechanical Malfunction
Intermittent - Not Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00000001
Fault Priority: 2
Fault Frequency: 1
Mileage: 39198 km
Date: 2019.03.02
Time: 18:14:18
Engine speed: 0.00 /min
Normed load value: 0.0 %
Vehicle speed: 255 km/h
Coolant temperature: 98 °C
Intake air temperature: 59 °C
Ambient air pressure: 1000 mbar
Voltage terminal 30: 12.597 V
Unlearning counter according OBD: 40
Engine: operating status: ES
T_AST_SAE: 1323 s
MAP_MES_SAE: 100 kPa
Lambda probe voltage: bank 1: probe 1 (broadband probe): 1.968 V
FAC_TPS_1_SAE: 16.406250 %
FUP_H_SAE: 8120.0 kPa
Readiness: 0010 0001
Address 02: Auto Trans (J743) Labels: 0D9-927-770.clb
Part No SW: 0D9 300 011 R HW: 02E 927 770 AQ
Component: DQ250-6A MQB H52 4319
Revision: 05852204 Serial number: TFK01401280197
Coding: 0014
Shop #: WSC 01357 011 00200
ASAM Dataset: EV_TCMDQ250021 001001
ROD: EV_TCMDQ250021.rod
VCID: 240427C42FAE436A91-8071
1 Fault Found:
10763 - Starter Enable from Selector Lever Sensor System
P1734 00 [002] - -
Intermittent - Not Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
Address 03: ABS Brakes (J104) Labels: 5Q0-907-379-IPB-V1.clb
Part No SW: 5Q0 907 379 AA HW: 5Q0 907 379 G
Component: ESC H31 0457
Revision: 00000000 Serial number: 6035400000090D
Coding: 01FA93A1542029740380070741C56980C92A94C0E08296F7004200B8C208
Shop #: WSC 01357 011 00200
ASAM Dataset: EV_Brake1UDSContiMK100IPB 033001
ROD: EV_Brake1UDSContiMK100IPB_033_VW37.rod
VCID: 7BB63CB8F290DC9280-802F
No fault code found.
Address 05: Acc/Start Auth. (J518) Labels:| 5Q0-959-435.clb
Part No SW: 5Q0 959 435 A HW: 5Q0 959 435
Component: VWKESSYMQB 021 0604
Revision: 00021000 Serial number: 0326667815
Coding: 030C0C
Shop #: WSC 01357 011 00200
ASAM Dataset: EV_KessyHellaMQBAB 002011
ROD: EV_KessyHellaMQBAB_002.rod
No fault code found.
Address 08: Auto HVAC (J255) Labels:| 5G0-907-044.clb
Part No SW: 5G0 907 044 AA HW: 5G0 907 044 AA
Component: Climatronic H02 0805
Revision: 00001K06
Coding: 00120014200100011005000000101000
Shop #: WSC 01357 011 00200
ASAM Dataset: EV_ACClimaBHBVW37X 003018
ROD: EV_ACClimaBHBVW37X_003_VW37.rod
VCID: 66807DCC9912717A4F-8033
Fresh Air Blower Front:
Refrigerant Pressure And Temperature Sender:
Air quality sensor:
No fault code found.
Address 09: Cent. Elect. (J519) Labels:| 5Q0-937-08X-HV1.clb
Part No SW: 5Q0 937 084 AE HW: 5Q0 937 084 AE
Component: BCM MQBAB H H16 0124
Serial number: 00011404202066
Coding: 03111A46C24122F30BA44080B10C07281800000000000000000000000000
Shop #: WSC 01357 011 00200
ASAM Dataset: EV_BCMCONTI 012001
VCID: 7BB63CB8F290DC9280-802F
Control Unit For Wiper Motor:
Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 5G2 955 119 A HW: 5G2 955 119 A Labels: 5QX-955-119-V1.CLB
Component: WWS 140210 042 0551
Serial number: 140212194131
Coding: 0E4DDD
Rain Light Recognition Sensor:
Subsystem 2 - Part No SW: 5Q0 955 547 HW: 5Q0 955 547 Labels: 5Q0-955-547.CLB
Component: RLFS 024 0042
Serial number: Y14M02D15H05M34S24S6
Coding: 00A8DD
Sensor For Anti Theft Alarm System:
Subsystem 3 - Part No SW: 5Q0 951 172 HW: 5Q0 951 172
Component: Sensor, DWA 005 0315
Serial number: 000000000ZY1401626GV
Alarm horn:
Subsystem 4 - Part No SW: 5Q0 951 605 HW: 5Q0 951 605
Component: Sirene, DWA 004 0311
Serial number: 00000000000058712165
Sun Roof:
Subsystem 5 - Part No SW: 8V3 959 591 HW: 8V3 959 591
Component: J245 PS73.013 H02 0007
Serial number: WOO26952525
Coding: 181801
No fault code found.
Address 10: Park/Steer Assist (J791) Labels:| 5Q0-919-294.clb
Part No SW: 5Q0 919 294 F HW: 5Q0 919 294 A
Component: PARKHILFE 8K H03 0142
Revision: -------- Serial number: 39331404400467
Coding: 0031051011
Shop #: WSC 01357 011 00200
ASAM Dataset: EV_EPHVA18AU3700000 002024
ROD: EV_EPHVA18AU3700000_002_VW37.rod
VCID: 3E30F5ACA10209BAE7-806B
No fault code found.
Address 14: Susp. Elect. (J250) Labels: 5Q0-907-376.clb
Part No SW: 5Q0 907 376 HW: 5Q0 907 376
Component: DAEMPFUNGS-SG H15 0115
Serial number: 03021441350064
VCID: 76A02D8CC9B281FAFF-8023
No fault code found.
Address 15: Airbags (J234) Labels:| 5Q0-959-655.clb
Part No SW: 5Q0 959 655 D HW: 5Q0 959 655 D
Component: AirbagVW20 014 0385
Serial number: 003F6R04P251
Coding: 98CCC000000000005C0000CF00C800000065
Shop #: WSC 01357 011 00200
ASAM Dataset: EV_AirbaVW20SMEVW37X 002130
ROD: EV_AirbaVW20SMEVW37X.rod
VCID: 41CA8E50D0FC76429A-8015
Side Sensor Driver Front:
Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: ----------- HW: 480 003 101 14
Component: SideSensor_Df 001 0887
Serial number: 3576700000012C74DE0
Coding: 2D2D2D
Side Sensor Passenger Front:
Subsystem 2 - Part No SW: ----------- HW: 480 000 702 14
Component: SideSensor_Pf 001 0887
Serial number: 358670000000C6F89E07
Coding: 2D2D2D
Side Sensor Driver Rear:
Subsystem 3 - Part No SW: ----------- HW: 480 401 302 14
Component: SideSensor_Dr 001 6149
Serial number: 35165029D11D1520D1E9
Coding: 2D2D2D
Side Sensor Passenger Rear:
Subsystem 4 - Part No SW: ----------- HW: 480 401 302 14
Component: SideSensor_Pr 001 6149
Serial number: 35265029911D1525D185
Coding: 2D2D2D
Front Sensor Driver:
Subsystem 5 - Part No SW: ----------- HW: 480 400 602 14
Component: FrontSensor_D 001 6149
Serial number: 3556502BD13013F1F025
Coding: 2D2D2D
No fault code found.
Address 16: Steering wheel (J527) Labels:| 5Q0-953-549.clb
Part No SW: 5Q0 953 507 EA HW: 5Q0 953 549 C
Component: Lenks. Modul 002 0110
Revision: -------- Serial number: 10021404220770
Coding: 0410
Shop #: WSC 01357 011 00200
ASAM Dataset: EV_SMLSKLOMQB 017001
VCID: 79BA26B0F8ACEE8292-802D
No fault code found.
Address 17: Instruments (J285) Labels:| 5G0-920-XXX-17.clb-SRI3
Part No SW: 5G6 920 870 E HW: 5G6 920 870 E
Component: KOMBI 322 2210
Coding: 27AD0818BB80000E02082A00040000
Shop #: WSC 01357 011 00200
ASAM Dataset: EV_DashBoardVDDMQBAB 008031
ROD: EV_DashBoardVDDMQBAB_008_VW37.rod
VCID: 312ADE90605CE6C26A-8065
No fault code found.
Address 19: CAN Gateway (J533) Labels:| 5Q0-907-530-V1.clb
Part No SW: 5Q0 907 530 Q HW: 5Q0 907 530 F
Component: GW MQB High 125 1164
Revision: -------- Serial number: 0001496662
Coding: 030100042B085900EF00026A9C0F00010001000000000000000000000000
Shop #: WSC 01357 011 00200
ASAM Dataset: EV_GatewLear 010015
ROD: EV_GatewLear_010.rod
VCID: 3FCE88A8A60800B2EC-806B
Multi Function Steering Wheel Control Module:
Subsystem 2 - Part No SW: 5G0 959 442 L HW: 5G0 959 442 L Labels: 3C8-959-537.CLB
Component: E221__MFL-DC1 H06 0101
Serial number: 27130001009760043432
Coding: 25FFFF
Battery Monitoring Control Module:
Subsystem 3 - Part No SW: 5Q0 915 181 E HW: 5Q0 915 181 E
Component: J367-BDMHella H03 8043
Serial number: 9655742503
No fault code found.
Address 22: AWD (J492) Labels:* 0CQ-907-554.clb
Part No SW: 0CQ 907 554 D HW: 0CQ 907 554 D
Component: Haldex4Motion H52 7076
Serial number: HA1-00020.01.14
Coding: 0001
Shop #: WSC 01357 011 00200
ASAM Dataset: EV_AllWheelContrHA1VW37X 002001
ROD: EV_AllWheelContrHA1VW37X.rod
VCID: 46C09D4CF9D2517AAF-8013
No fault code found.
Address 2B: Steer. Col. Lock (J764) Labels:* 5Q0-905-861.clb
Part No SW: 5Q0 905 861 A HW: 5Q0 905 861 A
Component: ELV-MQBA H01 0120
Revision: 00000000 Serial number: 14000035193005
Coding: DD00000000000000
Shop #: WSC 01357 011 00200
ASAM Dataset: EV_ELVMarquMQB 004111
VCID: 3424D7849F4ED3EA01-8061
No fault code found.
Address 42: Door Elect, Driver (J386) Labels:| 5QX-959-X93-42.clb
Part No SW: 5Q0 959 593 B HW: 5Q0 959 593 B
Component: TSG FS 020 0025
Serial number: 08021403110745
Coding: 003F1220D001040000001000
Shop #: WSC 01357 011 00200
ASAM Dataset: EV_DCUDriveSideEWMAXKLO 006003
VCID: 40CC8B54DBF67F4A95-8015
Drivers Door Rear Control Module:
Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 5Q0 959 812 A HW: 5Q0 959 812 A Labels: 5QX-959-81X-V1.CLB
Component: FOND_FHSG_DRV 005 0005
Serial number: 00000000000001860787
Coding: 1D0000
No fault code found.
Address 44: Steering Assist (J500) Labels:| 5Q0-909-144.clb
Part No SW: 3Q0 909 144 F HW: 3Q0 909 144 F
Component: EPS_MQB_ZFLS 503 5043
Coding: 8103
Shop #: WSC 01357 011 00200
ASAM Dataset: EV_SteerAssisMQB 010031
ROD: EV_SteerAssisMQB_010.rod
VCID: 3522EA809434CAE236-8061
No fault code found.
Address 52: Door Elect, Pass. (J387) Labels:| 5QX-959-X92-52.clb
Part No SW: 5Q0 959 592 B HW: 5Q0 959 592 B
Component: TSG BFS 020 0025
Serial number: 26011403111441
Coding: 003F1020DE01040000801000
Shop #: WSC 01357 011 00200
ASAM Dataset: EV_DCUPasseSideEWMAXKLO 006003
VCID: 3FCE88A8A60800B2EC-806B
Passengers Rear Door Control Module:
Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 5Q0 959 811 A HW: 5Q0 959 811 A Labels: 5QX-959-81X-V1.CLB
Component: FOND_FHSG_PSG 005 0005
Serial number: 00000000000001876220
Coding: 050000
No fault code found.
Address 55: Headlight Range (J745) Labels:| 7P6-907-357.clb
Part No SW: 7P6 907 357 A HW: 7P6 907 357 A
Component: AFS-ECU H07 0080
Revision: -------- Serial number: --------------
Coding: 02A602000B000200
Shop #: WSC 01357 011 00200
ASAM Dataset: EV_HeadlRegulVWAFSMQB 001120
ROD: EV_HeadlRegulVWAFSMQB.rod
VCID: 3D32F2A0AC0412A2FE-8069
Left Headlamp Power Output Stage:
Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 3D0 941 329 HW: 3D0 941 329 Labels: 3D0-941-329.CLB
Component: LeiMo links H05 0012
Coding: 2E0000
Right Headlamp Power Output Stage:
Subsystem 2 - Part No SW: 3D0 941 329 HW: 3D0 941 329 Labels: 3D0-941-329.CLB
Component: LeiMo rechts H05 0012
Coding: 2E0000
No fault code found.
Address 5F: Information Electr. (J794) Labels:| 5G0-035-MIB-STD2.clb
Part No SW: 3Q0 035 877 A HW: 3Q0 035 877 A
Component: MU-S--ROA H24 0245
Serial number: VWZAZ2R0315928
Coding: 02730000FF00000051150001001028001F0207D40120010002
Shop #: WSC 00046 000 00000
ASAM Dataset: EV_MUStd4CTSAT 001022
VCID: 3326D4989A40D4D218-8067
Operating And Display Unit 1:
Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 5GD 919 605 A HW: 5GD 919 605 A
Component: ABT_Std-2 H52 1028
Serial number: VWZ8Z9RFB003RW
2 Faults Found:
1543 - Control Module Incorrectly Coded
U1014 00 [009] - -
Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00000001
Fault Priority: 4
Fault Frequency: 1
Reset counter: 95
Mileage: 39169 km
Date: 2019.03.02
Time: 11:36:12
Voltage terminal 30: 14.5 V
Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_0_condition: OK
Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_1_condition: OK
Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_10_condition: ERROR
Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_11_condition: ERROR
Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_12_condition: ERROR
Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_13_condition: ERROR
Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_14_condition: ERROR
Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_15_condition: ERROR
Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_16_condition: ERROR
Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_17_condition: ERROR
Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_18_condition: ERROR
Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_19_condition: ERROR
Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_2_condition: OK
Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_20_condition: ERROR
Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_21_condition: ERROR
Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_22_condition: ERROR
Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_23_condition: ERROR
Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_24_condition: ERROR
Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_25_condition: ERROR
Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_26_condition: ERROR
Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_27_condition: ERROR
Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_3_condition: OK
Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_4_condition: OK
Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_5_condition: OK
Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_6_condition: OK
Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_7_condition: OK
Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_8_condition: OK
Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_9_condition: OK
1637 - Interface for External Media
U11B8 00 [009] - No Communications
[USB - communication error]
Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00000001
Fault Priority: 4
Fault Frequency: 1
Reset counter: 95
Mileage: 39169 km
Date: 2019.03.02
Time: 11:36:13
Voltage terminal 30: 14.5 V
Interface for external media: status-Status: Open circuit
Address A9: Struct. Borne Sound (J869) Labels: 4H0-907-159.clb
Part No SW: 5G0 907 159 B HW: 4H0 907 159 A
Component: SAS-GEN 2 H07 0006
Serial number: 140117200127
ASAM Dataset: EV_SoundActuaGen2AU64X 003010
ROD: EV_SoundActuaGen2AU64X.rod
VCID: 2D12C2E07C6482224E-8079
No fault code found.
End----(Elapsed Time: 01:25, VBatt start/end: 12.0V/12.0V. VIgn 12.0V)-----
Last edited: