Setting Readiness - UDS controllers

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Ross-Tech Employee
Ross-Tech Employee
Jan 29, 2014
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16.4905° S, 151.7375° W

Setting readiness with VCDS when working with a UDS Engine controller can be done with a few simple steps,
(This is a basic guide, some of the Advanced Measuring Values maybe different or not available on all controllers)

[Automatic test sequence] - Readiness Tests for UDS Engine controllers

- All Electrical consumers off
- (May need to open / close fuel cap)
- Engine coolant temperature needs to be above 80°C
- ECM should be fault free (no returning fault codes)

Select [01-Engine]
- Check and clear fault codes, even if there are none.

Start engine
- Select [Basic settings]
[Automatic test sequence]
Now choose these Advanced Measuring Values by pressing [Show Measuring Data] | (definitions)
- [Operating Instructions] - (As is says, follow instructions)
- [Currently running routine] - (Current test being performed)
- [Status of actuator test] - (Current status)
- [Test steps still to be performed] - (This should count down to 0)
- [Engine speed] - (Follow instructions, above)
- [Coolant temperature] - (Should be at least 80'C)

Press [Go] for the Basic Settings [Automatic test sequence]

Press and hold brake/accelerator pedal (The ECM should have control of the engine speed at this time) wait until the test has finished or there is an error.

Note: It maybe necessary to cycle the ignition Off and the Start the Basic Settings and then Re-start the engine to get the tests to start.

When the system has finished you should get the message "System OK" in the [Operating Instructions] field.

Last thought... It is possible on some vehicles, the Automatic test sequence may complete without faults and the Evaporative Emissions readiness bit has not been set.

Some feedback from customers would seem to indicate the vehicle needs to be driven for a while and the test completes/finishes on it's own. Running the readiness tests with the factory tool also seems to produce the same results with all the readiness bits competed, except the Evaporative Emissions, this maybe normal?

Comments are welcome if anyone has ideas about what it takes or why the Evaporative Emissions fails to complete.

Hope this helps,



Gone But Not Forgotten
Professional VCDS User
Jan 29, 2014
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Montgomery, NY, USA
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Last thought... It is possible on some vehicles, the Automatic test sequence may complete without faults and the Evaporative Emissions readiness bit has not been set.

Some feedback from customers would seem to indicate the vehicle needs to be driven for a while and the test completes/finishes on it's own. Running the readiness tests with the factory tool also seems to produce the same results with all the readiness bits competed, except the Evaporative Emissions, this maybe normal?

Comments are welcome if anyone has ideas about what it takes or why the Evaporative Emissions fails to complete.

Hope this helps,


Let's ask some questions.....

Always determine during a "Drive Cycle" ( DCY ) what test in stack you are using when setting readiness monitors and have you conflicted tests or performed them out of order?

Are you doing a force readiness test & "non moving" or "while driving" force test procedure?

Vacuum changes from atmospheric change over or in comparison to idle & some cars for who knows "why" only run an LDP test during an actual steady load in low gear and high enough sufficient vacuum to run a calibration & complete it?

Are you missing an AUX vacuum pump brake booster calibration or adaption?

Are you doing the readiness tests in 0x33 & EVAP mode test or in 0x01 & IDE mode?

When readiness tests are being performed for UDS and these aforementioned report an incomplete EVAP bit status, are you doing all three shared tests for the bit and within the same shared DCY?

In this case EVAP, LDP and PSI tank vent controller adaption, are they all completed within the DCY & did you do them successfully before a CAT or rear OXS TEST & IAT before being latent with above ambient heat?

Nice post Peter

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Feb 25, 2014
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Garrettsville, OH
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Last thought... It is possible on some vehicles, the Automatic test sequence may complete without faults and the Evaporative Emissions readiness bit has not been set.

Some feedback from customers would seem to indicate the vehicle needs to be driven for a while and the test completes/finishes on it's own. Running the readiness tests with the factory tool also seems to produce the same results with all the readiness bits competed, except the Evaporative Emissions, this maybe normal?
I can confirm this happens on both my 2018 Atlas (3.6L VR6 / CDVC) and my 2018 Golf R (2.0T / DJJA). The automated test sequence doesn't set EVAP readiness.

Comments are welcome if anyone has ideas about what it takes or why the Evaporative Emissions fails to complete.
I was bored tonight, chaperoning a gaming lock-in, and kind of got nerd-sniped trying to figure this one out. I think it's vehicles that are using new leak detection methods, other than the traditional vacuum-driven LDP, to comply with Tier 3 evaporative emissions standards.

VW Generic Scan Tool Documentation said:
2.2 Evaporative Emission System
The evaporative emission system has been designed to minimize the release of hydrocarbons from the fuel system into the atmosphere. The evaporative emission system components all work together with the ECM to prevent fuel vapor from escaping and route it to the intake manifold to be burned during normal combustion. The leak detection system checks the integrity of the evaporative emission system by pressurizing the system. There are 3 different types of evaporative emission systems used. These systems are explained below.

2.2.1 Leak Detection Pump (LDP) EVAP System
The leak detection pump (LDP) is integrated into the EVAP system and can have two functions. The LDP can:
♦ Pressurize the EVAP system and detect a drop in pressure that would indicate a leak.
♦ Function as the EVAP Canister Vent on vehicles that do not have a separate EVAP Canister Vent.
The LDP is a vacuum-driven, ECM controlled, diaphragm pump. In order to operate, the engine must be running and vacuum applied to the Vacuum Switch.

2.2.2 Tank Leak Diagnostic Module (DM - TL) EVAP System
The canister purge valve can be actively checked using the Tank Leak Diagnostic Module (DM - TL). For this purpose the electric pump is shortly activated while the combustion engine is running, to build up a minor pressure in the fuel tank and monitor the pressure decay after opening the canister purge valve. Optionally as a quick pass method, the monitoring can be carried out by passively monitoring the fuel mixture deviation when the canister purge valve is opened. If a significant fuel mixture deviation is detected, the purge valve monitor passes. The Tank Leak Diagnostic Module (DM - TL) consists of an electrically operated air pump, an orifice with a defined diameter serving as a reference leak, and a change-over valve switching the air flow between the reference leak and the tank. If neither the pump nor the changeover valve is activated, the tank is ventilated through a bypass in the module.

2.2.3 Natural Vacuum Leak Detection (NVLD) EVAP System
The system utilizes an engine-off natural vacuum evaporative system integrity check that tests for leaks with a diameter of 0.020 inch while the engine is off and the ignition is off. The natural vacuum leak detection (NVLD) evaporative system integrity check uses a pressure switch to detect evaporative system leaks. The correlation between the pressure and the temperature in a sealed
system is used to generate a vacuum in the tank when the temperature drops. If a sufficient temperature drop is detected for a minimum time period, the vacuum level in a sealed system will
exceed the threshold to close the NVLD pressure switch. Therefore, if the switch does not close under these conditions, a leak is detected. If the switch closes, the system is considered to be leakfree

For my 2018 Golf R, looking at the Generic Scan Tool DTC tables for P0456, you can see a switchover from traditional LDP to NVLD happen between model-years 2015 and 2016. This corresponds with the Early compliance period for Tier 3. So the answer to this one is easy: you can't set EVAP readiness during the automated test sequence because NVLD doesn't work with the engine running, by design. The ignition has to be off, and the vehicle has to be allowed to cool for a while, and some other prerequisites have to be met:

• Ignition off
• Fuel level < 85.10 %
• Fuel temperature drop >= 6 K
• For time > 1 h
• AAT >= 4° C
• Barometric pressure > 73.00 kPa
• Diff. barometric pressure @ stop and barometric pressure @ start < 0.65 kPa
• Time since ignition off > 90 [min] ; < 600 min

For my 2018 Atlas, I don't have previous model-years to compare to, but looking at the Generic Scan Tool DTC tables for P0456, I can see it's using the DMTL method. Documentation conflicts on whether this one should work with the engine running. The intro paragraphs say yes, the prereqs imply maybe no. It does have quite a stack of prerequisites, which I don't fully understand yet, and wants to run for a very long time. I may experiment with this later.

• Engine temperature @ engine start >= 4° C
• Difference between ECT @ start and AAT not calibrated
• propulsion off time previous dcy >= 21,600.0s
• AAT < 35; > 4° C
• Barometric pressure > 73.0 kPa
• Time since engine start in preceding DCY>= 600.0 s
• Change in battery voltage during monitoring < 1.0 V
• Engine off time >= 3.0 s
• Vehicle speed 0 km/h
EVAP purge adaptation < 5.0
• No sudden change in EVAP pump current (filling event) < 1.5 and > -0.5 mA
• Deviation of filtered EVAP pump current during reference measurement within range <= 3.0 mA
• Change in relative evap pump current during monitoring n.a.
• Within time n.a. s
• (During ECM keep alive-time after ignition off, max. time) < 800.0 s
EVAP vent valve n.a.
• Airbag not activated

Tier 3 emissions info:

Both the DMTL and NVLD methods appear to get rid of the P0445 Large Leak and P0442 Small Leak tests entirely, focusing entirely on P0456 Very Small Leak.

Interesting reading on NVLD:

Interesting reading on DMTL: https://www.autoserviceprofessional...ean-cars-real-world-diagnosis-of-dmtl-systems
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VCDS Distributor
VCDS Distributor
Feb 7, 2014
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Some input, if you are going to do testings on the Golf:

[04-Basic Setting]
IDE04102 Read out system status ctrl module for fuel tank leak diagnost.

[Adv. Meas.]
IDE01986 Contact for tank leak test
IDE00450 Operating Instructions
IDE00451 Currently running routine
IDE05622 Status of tank leak diagnosis with electrical diagnostic pump

IDE07008 Tank leak: number no leak detected
IDE07011 Tank leak: number communication errors to engine control
IDE07014 Tank leak: number very small leaks detected
IDE10922 Pump current of tank leakage diag.: corrected & filtered


Gone But Not Forgotten
Professional VCDS User
Jan 29, 2014
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Montgomery, NY, USA
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Why not just list all the IDE tests numbers related to readiness for UDS for individual testing criteria?


Feb 25, 2014
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Garrettsville, OH
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Everything you never wanted to know about NVLD, and you didn't ask:

It looks like Volkswagen is using Continental's NVLD II system (since superseded by NVLD III). This has been used by several other vendors, including BMW, Ford, and Chrysler. I can't find any Continental OEM documentation, or any good Volkswagen documentation like a SSP, but there is some good reading material to be found on BMW and Ford's implementation. Some of the timers and other constants will differ, of course, but it gives you a general sense of the logic involved. Here are some extremely legitimate links:

Ford NVLD II (pages 14-20):


I appear to have the "basic" variant described in the BMW doc, with the separate temp sensor/controller and pressure switch modules, VW J909 and G400 respectively. The G400 looks identical, and the J909 looks the same except mine has an integral mounting bracket.

Some input, if you are going to do testings on the Golf:
I spent entirely too much time playing with this last night and this morning. It looks like these are the only applicable blocks for NVLD outcomes:

IDE00588 Fuel tank fill level (a test precondition according to the Generic OBD2 docs)
IDE01986 Contact for tank leak test closed (not sure if this is the specified or actual state)
IDE07008 Tank leak: number no leak detected
IDE07011 Tank leak: number communication errors to engine control (interestingly, I have a lot of these)
IDE07014 Tank leak: number very small leaks detected
IDE07945-MAS00336   Status of intermittent monitoring-Monitoring of tank ventilation system completed successfully (assuming this is the Readiness bit)

The ECU talks to Fuel Tank Leak Detection Control Module J909 using a single-wire serial bus of some form. J909's job is to manage and diagnose the G400 Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor. Ordinarily the ECU could do that alone, but J909 is what stays awake while the car is shut down, monitoring its own temperature and the G400 switch, and gives the result to the ECU next time the car is started. After July 2018, J909 on the Golf R has a two-wire bus to the ECU, possibly CAN but unconfirmed. It might be NVLD III with a combined J909/G400? Mine is not set up this way.

There's some interesting nerd-stuff to see on the serial bus. These blocks show NVLD state-machine and command/response traffic:


Bus traffic at shutdown:

Engine at idle, log running all the way until shutdown and the session being dropped. You can see the ECU asking for electrical diagnostic of G400 every 30 seconds. I'm not sure what the rest of the commands mean. You can see a couple of unique ones issued right when I shut down the engine.

Wednesday,02,January,2019,15:38:02:21122-VCID:CDD2285C9C831C22E0-8098,VCDS Version: Release 18.9.0 (x64),Data version: 20181017 DS296.0
8V0 906 259 P,ADVMB,2.0l R4 TFSI  H13 0001,

Marker,TIME,Loc. ENG102127,TIME,Loc. ENG104238,TIME,Loc. ENG100342,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,, ,, ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Bus traffic at next startup:

Startup the next day. Went ignition on, opened a diagnostic session and started a log, and then started the engine a little over a minute later. You can see the ECU do a few different things with J909, what appears to be initialization and readback of the overnight test results. None of that happened until the engine was actually started.

Disclaimer: I had not cleared codes, I already had readiness set, my fuel level was slightly over the documented max, and my IDE07008 didn't increment, so this log might not show exactly what happens during a successful monitoring attempt.

Thursday,03,January,2019,09:38:03:21122-VCID:CDD2285C9C831C22E0-8098,VCDS Version: Release 18.9.0 (x64),Data version: 20181017 DS296.0
8V0 906 259 P,ADVMB,2.0l R4 TFSI  H13 0001,

Marker,TIME,Loc. ENG102127,TIME,Loc. ENG104238,TIME,Loc. ENG100342,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,, ,, ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

J909's temperature reading does NOT appear to get passed back to the ECU, at least not that I can find. IDE11600 Tank tightness: ambient temperature is always -48.00C. Basic Settings IDE04102 Read out system status ctrl module for fuel tank leak diagnost. always fails with "ERROR: Temperature too low" without stimulating any traffic on the serial bus. I'm guessing that temp reading and Basic Setting are meant for DMTL vehicles and not NVLD. I don't think there's anything at all to explicitly command for NVLD.

Edit: at least one of my historical 01 adpmaps has a valid IDE11600 reading, so I'm not sure what's going on here yet.

I'm curious how this crap is supposed to actually work in winter with extended ambient temps below 4C. If I lived in a state that required plug-in emissions/readiness checks, and I cleared codes in deep winter before an inspection, it seems like I could be screwed for quite a while. I'm also curious about the bus protocol but that's purely nerd stuff. For S&Gs I wrote to Continental and asked them for anything they'd be willing to provide in the way of OEM implementor's guides, design docs, logic diagrams, or details on the serial bus protocol. In order to route the request to the right people (i.e. to OEM and aftermarket support instead of consumer) I may have very slightly overstated my relationship with the forum proprietor. :D Hopefully they'll come back with some good stuff.
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Feb 25, 2014
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Garrettsville, OH
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NostraJackass predicts you will become very familiar with J909, and his buddies for function real soon, after warranty expires.

Hope that helps!
Isn't that the way of things, though? Nobody ever understands the things that Just Work. You don't really understand it until you're forced to troubleshoot it, and most of these systems are still too new to have needed repair...

BTW, I love your double N80 Scirocco. :)


Benevolent Dictator
Jan 29, 2014
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I'm curious how this crap is supposed to actually work in winter with extended ambient temps below 4C. If I lived in a state that required plug-in emissions/readiness checks, and I cleared codes in deep winter before an inspection, it seems like I could be screwed for quite a while.
Yeah, although I think heard of issues like that with older EVAP systems as as well, where they won't run the tests in the dead of winter on on very hot days.

I'm also curious about the bus protocol but that's purely nerd stuff.
I would think the single-wire is most likely LIN bus.

I may have very slightly overstated my relationship with the forum proprietor. :D
Jason Young?
Never heard of him.



Gone But Not Forgotten
Professional VCDS User
Jan 29, 2014
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Montgomery, NY, USA
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Yeah well I thought you had to test the LDP & related PSI sensor circuits if integrated & historically at temps below 60 C IAT, as a rule and the EVAP N80 test was to be above 80 C ECT?

This is why you need to know why the splits exist for bits........ remember it, it rhymes! Bit splits!

LDP/PSI/EVAP No Tri bit = Nein Trifecta............ if not in same DCY!

No qualified G400 ADP Reference by J909 = no bit completion
No qualified V144 = no bit completion
No qualified N80= no bit completion

Google search :


Jason Young?
Never heard of him.


Who's Jason Young?

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Feb 25, 2014
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Garrettsville, OH
VCDS Serial number
I would think the single-wire is most likely LIN bus.
That was my first thought, but none of the vehicle manufacturers nor Continental will say, beyond a statement from Continental about "bit serial communication with ECU". If it was LIN, one would think they could just say LIN. Maybe they make it in multiple variants. Or, maybe they cheesed up something very low-rate that can be bit-bashed with generic ECU actuator and sensor lines, so manufacturers could implement NVLD without needing an extra LIN or CAN bus driver chip. That's kind of where my mind went when I saw how long it takes to issue commands and receive responses from that log. IDK.

Jason Young?
Never heard of him.

Who's Jason Young?


I had to fill a company name in the form, and "Jason's Garage For Volkswagens That Don't Run Good And Want To Learn To Do Other Stuff Good Too" DBA "Southwest Ohio Luxobarge Rescue" didn't have quite that ring of legitimacy to it. So I designated myself official forum representative for troubleshooting of evaporative emissions systems that are currently not broken. ;)


Benevolent Dictator
Jan 29, 2014
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I really like "Southwest Ohio Luxobarge Rescue" !!! :)



VCDS Distributor
VCDS Distributor
Feb 7, 2014
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beyond a statement from Continental about "bit serial communication with ECU"
Have you checked your wiring diagram, are there 2 wires to J909 ?

It could be SENT protocol, many sensors on VW and Audi use this now.
See for example SSP 547.

8K0 906 651 C from your Golf R




Feb 25, 2014
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Garrettsville, OH
VCDS Serial number
Have you checked your wiring diagram, are there 2 wires to J909 ?
Yes. It appears to be single-wire, unless the protocol is (ab)using the ECU-supplied ground, through July 2018. From July 2018 (presumably MY 2019) it uses two wires, one of which is labeled CAN-LO, the other not labeled. Could be single-wire CAN, could be two wire with the other wire just not labeled, dunno.

It could be SENT protocol, many sensors on VW and Audi use this now.
See for example SSP 547.
Hrm... will research.

Eventually I'll look at DMTL on the Atlas too, but I can't use the factory EOL readiness procedure right now, because it has a bad catalytic converter and I have no idea when it'll be fixed. The lead time on new catcons is so long/unknown that I was able to convince them to give me our Atlas back for now, instead of sit in a loaner for the duration.


Verified VCDS User
Dec 29, 2018
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What about setting Basic Setting for natural gas car?
What are the requirements?
Basic settings for catalytic converter and the O2 sensors fails.


Benevolent Dictator
Jan 29, 2014
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VCDS Serial number
What about setting Basic Setting for natural gas car?
What are the requirements?
Basic settings for catalytic converter and the O2 sensors fails.
Your ECU does not use the UDS protocol, so the question doesn't really belong in this thread.

Moreover, there's little point in worrying about setting readiness until the engine is running correctly and isn't setting faults.

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