Audi Q5 2018 - Disable all pre-sense

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Verified VCDS User
Aug 26, 2014
Reaction score
York, UK
VCDS Serial number
Several times pre-sense has hit the brakes when on a country road with no obstacles, quite frightening! Dealer can find no issue and no DTC codes set.

In the MMI pre-sense can be turned off but will always revert to on once the ignition is cycled...

So trying to work out how to code it off in the MLBevo platform, any ideas?

Scan below:
VCDS -- Windows Based VAG/VAS Emulator Running on Windows 10 x86
VCDS Version:  HEX-NET CB: 0.4411.4
Data version: 20180212 DS287.0

VIN: WAUZZZFY0J2040516   License Plate: 

Chassis Type: FY-AU49 (8W5)
Scan: 01 02 03 08 09 15 16"]01 02 03 08 09 15 16 17 19 22 29 17 19 22 29 2B 39 42 44 46 52 39 42 44 46 52 5F 6D 81
          A5 BB BC

VIN: WAUZZZFY0J2040516   Mileage: 4773km-2965miles

01-Engine -- Status: OK 0000
02-Auto Trans -- Status: OK 0000
03-ABS Brakes -- Status: OK 0000
08-Auto HVAC -- Status: OK 0000
09-Cent. Elect. -- Status: OK 0000
15-Airbags -- Status: OK 0000
16-Steering wheel -- Status: OK 0000
17-Instruments -- Status: OK 0000
19-CAN Gateway -- Status: OK 0000
22-AWD -- Status: OK 0000
29-Left Light -- Status: OK 0000
2B-Steer. Col. Lock -- Status: OK 0000
39-Right Light -- Status: OK 0000
42-Door Elect, Driver -- Status: OK 0000
44-Steering Assist -- Status: OK 0000
46-Central Conv. -- Status: OK 0000
52-Door Elect, Pass. -- Status: OK 0000
5F-Information Electr. -- Status: OK 0000
6D-Trunk Elect. -- Status: OK 0000
81-Gear Shift -- Status: OK 0000
A5-Frt Sens. Drv. Assist -- Status: OK 0000
BB-Door Rear Drv -- Status: OK 0000
BC-Door Rear Pass -- Status: OK 0000
Address 01: Engine (J623-DAXB)       Labels: None
   Part No SW: 80A 906 259     HW: 06L 907 425 C
   Component: 2.0l R4 TFSI  H15 0004  
   Revision: --H15---    
   Coding: 2A6500322526052B74080000000000000000000000000000
   Shop #: WSC 02391 785 00200
   ASAM Dataset: EV_ECM20TFS02080A906259 001006
   ROD: EV_ECM20TFS02080A906259.rod
   VCID: E89CF26A132ACE0430-80BC

No fault code found.
Readiness: 1010 0001

Address 02: Auto Trans (J217)       Labels:* None
   Part No SW: 80A 927 155 AG    HW: 0CJ 927 156 
   Component: 0CJ 20TFSIRdW H04 0001  
   Revision: --H04---    Serial number: 0000000959
   Coding: 000001
   Shop #: WSC 02391 785 00200
   ASAM Dataset: EV_TCMDL382021 002027
   ROD: EV_TCMDL382021_AU48.rod
   VCID: EE90847231CE10347A-80BA

   Manual Transmission Fluid Pump: 
   Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 0CK 927 152 AA    HW: 0CK 321 281 K
   Component: V553 MTFP  0C4 0572 
   Serial number: 75117081170144001429

No fault code found.

Address 03: ABS Brakes (J104)       Labels: None
   Part No SW: 80A 907 379 B    HW: 80A 907 379 
   Component: ESP9 Plus     H11 0766  
   Coding: 14AA40BE28A60A9691A3589220835292E4A59228021450891A044A4927A549
   Shop #: WSC 02391 785 00200
   ASAM Dataset: EV_ESP9BOSCHCMP 002013
   VCID: AE104472F14E50343A-80FA

No fault code found.

Address 08: Auto HVAC (E87)       Labels:* None
   Part No SW: 80A 820 043 K    HW: 80A 820 043 K
   Component: Klima Zone 3  H55 0210  
   Coding: 640800095544440D02000100080000000000000000000000000000000000
   Shop #: WSC 02391 785 00200
   ASAM Dataset: EV_AirCondiBHTCAU491 001013
   ROD: EV_AirCondiBHTCAU491.rod
   VCID: A502BB5EA4B8136CCB-80F0

   Fresh Air Blower Front: 
   Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 4M2 820 021 A    HW: 4M2 820 021 A
   Component: J126 FLuftV  H08 0003 
   Serial number: 00000000000001606191

   Relative humidity sensor in fresh air intake duct: 
   Subsystem 2 - Part No SW: 4H0 907 658 A    HW: 4H0 907 658 A
   Component: AQ_Hum_Sensor  H01 0006 
   Serial number: B4E11EA880PAG0MUFU02

   Rear Climatronic Operating And Display Unit: 
   Subsystem 3 - Part No SW: 80A 919 158     HW: 80A 919 158 
   Component: E265 Kli Fond  H40 0080 

No fault code found.

Address 09: Cent. Elect. (J519)       Labels:* None
   Part No SW: 8W0 907 063 CG    HW: 8W0 907 063 BG
   Component: BCM1 MLBevo   H13 0267  
   Coding: C2501B42C11A00CD051587149FAE80B9110B3108000000000000000020001A0100410022025601
   Shop #: WSC 02391 785 00200
   ASAM Dataset: EV_BCM1BOSCHAU736 018006
   ROD: EV_BCM1BOSCHAU736_018_AU49.rod
   VCID: 8248C0C2155604548E-80D6

   Control Unit For Wiper Motor: 
   Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 80C 955 119     HW: 80C 955 119 
   Component: 426 RL 170417  040 0570 
   Serial number: 00000001704112102443
   Coding: 5FC7F7

   Rain Light Recognition Sensor: 
   Subsystem 2 - Part No SW: 81A 955 555 A    HW: 81A 955 555 
   Component: G397_RLFSS  H06 0002 
   Serial number: 20484089X81A955555A0
   Coding: 02006E

   Light switch: 
   Subsystem 3 - Part No SW: 4M0 941 531 AA    HW: 4M0 941 531 AA
   Component: E1 - LDS  H06 0008 
   Serial number: 01 08 2017  72130198

   Automatic Day Night Interior Mirror: 
   Subsystem 4 - Part No SW: 8W0 857 511     HW: 8W0 857 511 
   Component: Y7_Innenspieg  H09 0002 
   Serial number: GX1CE117071723510453
   Coding: 210000

   Interior Light Module: 
   Subsystem 5 - Part No SW: 80A 947 135 G    HW: 80A 947 135 
   Component: Dachmodul Q5  H31 0310 
   Serial number: Q00019537           
   Coding: 0D0104

   Convenience And Driver Assist Operating Unit: 
   Subsystem 6 - Part No SW: 8W0 925 301 BD    HW: 8W0 925 301 BD
   Component: SL-B9/Q5NF  H17 0010 
   Serial number: 2617000148709002    
   Coding: 000000

No fault code found.

Address 15: Airbags (J234)       Labels:| 80A-959-655.clb
   Part No SW: 80A 959 655 N    HW: 80A 959 655 N
   Component: AirbagVW30    031 0513  
   Serial number: 003WBM01U2P/
   Coding: AACCF0C00C800000585400FFF08C40000065
   Shop #: WSC 02391 785 00200
   ASAM Dataset: EV_AirbaVW31SMEAU65x 001006
   ROD: EV_AirbaVW31SMEAU65x_AU49.rod
   VCID: BE307432212EA0B4AA-80EA

   Side Sensor Driver Front: 
   Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: -----------    HW: 480 000 906 17
   Component: SideSensor_Df  001 0887 
   Serial number: 35700000000F88CCB421
   Coding: 2D2D2D

   Side Sensor Passenger Front: 
   Subsystem 2 - Part No SW: -----------    HW: 480 000 906 17
   Component: SideSensor_Pf  001 0887 
   Serial number: 358000000009CB40A42P
   Coding: 2D2D2D

   Side Sensor Driver Rear: 
   Subsystem 3 - Part No SW: -----------    HW: 480 031 705 17
   Component: SideSensor_Dr  002 0149 
   Serial number: 351000C2444090410F5Q
   Coding: 2D2D2D

   Side Sensor Passenger Rear: 
   Subsystem 4 - Part No SW: -----------    HW: 480 031 505 17
   Component: SideSensor_Pr  002 0149 
   Serial number: 352000C2480A4C70B947
   Coding: 2D2D2D

   Front Sensor Driver: 
   Subsystem 5 - Part No SW: -----------    HW: 480 031 406 17
   Component: FrontSensor_D  002 0149 
   Serial number: 355000C24ED355D10F9N
   Coding: 2D2D2D

   Front Sensor Passenger: 
   Subsystem 6 - Part No SW: -----------    HW: 480 031 406 17
   Component: FrontSensor_P  002 0149 
   Serial number: 356000C24ED350A08FAO
   Coding: 2D2D2D

   Pedestrian Protection Center: 
   Subsystem 7 - Part No SW: -----------    HW: 480 031 606 17
   Component: PedP_Sensor_C  002 0149 
   Serial number: 230000C24ED89220F91A
   Coding: 2D2D2D

   Pedestrian Protection Driver 2: 
   Subsystem 8 - Part No SW: -----------    HW: 480 000 806 17
   Component: PedPSensor_D2  001 0887 
   Serial number: I0M0000000076195C2A6
   Coding: 2D2D2D

   Pedestrian Protection Passenger 2: 
   Subsystem 9 - Part No SW: -----------    HW: 480 000 806 17
   Component: PedPSensor_P2  001 0887 
   Serial number: I0N00000000E3195C2AB
   Coding: 2D2D2D

   Central Sensor XY: 
   Subsystem 10 - Part No SW: -----------    HW: 480 022 504 17
   Component: CentrSensorXY  000 0108 
   Serial number: I0O00019924FDE445788

No fault code found.

Address 16: Steering wheel (J527)       Labels: None
   Part No SW: 80A 907 129 AC    HW: 80A 907 129 AC
   Component: Lenks.Modul   H02 0003  
   ASAM Dataset: EV_SMLSKLOAU736 007012
   VCID: E99AF76E0820F70C2F-80BC

No fault code found.

Address 17: Instruments (J285)       Labels:* None-SRI2
   Part No SW: 80A 920 970 A    HW: 80A 920 970 A
   Component: MMQ5T18BENUK  H04 0512  
   Revision: 0512v0.2    Serial number: 0B359103XW7T
   Coding: 25AD8ED4A88006000103E9601000000000000000
   Shop #: WSC 02391 785 00200
   ASAM Dataset: EV_DashBoardAU736 001022
   ROD: EV_DashBoardAU736_AU49.rod
   VCID: A502BB5EA4B8136CCB-80F0

No fault code found.

Address 19: CAN Gateway (J533)       Labels:* None
   Part No SW: 8W5 907 468 E    HW: 8W5 907 468 E
   Component: Gateway       H42 0116  
   Revision: 6A010002    Serial number: 0286A758517523
   Coding: 03010001000086402907000000590032483A0007100000000175078E10000000
   Shop #: WSC 02391 785 00200
   ASAM Dataset: EV_CGateCONTIAU491 003092
   ROD: EV_CGateCONTIAU491.rod
   VCID: CBD62DE6629C051C3D-809E

   Multi Function Steering Wheel Control Module: 
   Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 80A 951 523 D    HW: 80A 951 523 D
   Component: J453 MFL  H06 0002 
   Serial number: 20170705141939 00489

   Battery Monitoring Control Module: 
   Subsystem 2 - Part No SW: 8S0 915 181 C    HW: 8S0 915 181 C
   Component: J367-BDMHella  H10 9070 
   Serial number: 3768775200          

No fault code found.

Address 22: AWD (J492)       Labels:* None
   Part No SW: 80A 927 755     HW: 0CJ 927 749 
   Component: Q5_DL3_N_SD4  H18 0004  
   Serial number: 1716533205
   Coding: 11070000
   Shop #: WSC 02391 785 00200
   ASAM Dataset: EV_AWDCQUOD31 001048
   VCID: EC948E7A07D2E22454-80B8

No fault code found.

Address 29: Left Light (J1018)       Labels: None
   Part No SW: 80A 907 397 A    HW: 80A 907 397 A
   Component: LCM_MLBevo    H06 0017  
   Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000
   ASAM Dataset: EV_LCMLeftCONTIAU426 001009
   ROD: EV_LCMLeftCONTIAU426_VW41.rod
   VCID: AD12437EFC482B2C03-80F8

No fault code found.

Address 2B: Steer. Col. Lock (J764)       Labels:| 5Q0-905-861.clb
   Part No SW: 3Q0 905 861 A    HW: 3Q0 905 861 A
   Component: ELV-MLBevo    H05 0032  
   Serial number: 17000123880005
   Coding: 8800000000000000
   Shop #: WSC 02391 785 00200
   ASAM Dataset: EV_ELVMarquMQBB 001007
   ROD: EV_ELVMarquMQBB.rod
   VCID: B2285002E57674D45E-80E6

No fault code found.

Address 39: Right Light (J1023)       Labels: None
   Part No SW: 80A 907 397 A    HW: 80A 907 397 A
   Component: LCM_MLBevo    H06 0017  
   Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000
   ASAM Dataset: EV_LCMRightCONTIAU426 001009
   ROD: EV_LCMLeftCONTIAU426_VW41.rod
   VCID: AD12437EFC482B2C03-80F8

No fault code found.

Address 42: Door Elect, Driver (J386)       Labels:* None
   Part No SW: 8W1 959 593     HW: 8W1 959 593 
   Component: TSG FS001 0737  
   Serial number: CLSM1QFA00G35
   Coding: 001F8A004001040000001082
   Shop #: WSC 02391 785 00200
   ASAM Dataset: EV_DCU2DriveSideMAXHKLO 001010
   ROD: EV_DCU2DriveSideMAXHCONT.rod
   VCID: 885CD2EA336A2E04D0-80DC

No fault code found.

Address 44: Steering Assist (J500)       Labels:* None
   Part No SW: 4M0 909 144 H    HW: 4M0 909 144 B
   Component: EPS_MLBEVO1BS H22 0005  
   Serial number: 0000957138
   Coding: 90002001000100
   Shop #: WSC 02391 785 00200
   ASAM Dataset: EV_EPSVWBSAU736 009023
   ROD: EV_EPSVWBSAU736_009.rod
   VCID: B424561A1F627AE44C-80E0

No fault code found.

Address 46: Central Conv. (J393)       Labels:* None
   Part No SW: 8W0 907 064 DM    HW: 8W0 907 064 DM
   Component: BCM2 MLBevo   019 0366  
   Coding: 013500006FB100406301A0000600980233020010804304502F00000000040030001F0000000000
   Shop #: WSC 02391 785 00200
   ASAM Dataset: EV_BCM2HellaAU736 013013
   ROD: EV_BCM2HellaAU736_013_AU49.rod
   VCID: 8A58E8E22D665C14C6-80DE

   Sensor For Anti Theft Alarm System: 
   Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 5Q0 951 177     HW: 5Q0 951 172 
   Component: Sensor, DWA  005 0316 
   Serial number: 000000000ZY17163273E

   Alarm horn: 
   Subsystem 2 - Part No SW: 5Q0 951 605 A    HW: 5Q0 951 605 A
   Component: Sirene, DWA  005 0314 
   Serial number: 00000000000069810967

No fault code found.

Address 52: Door Elect, Pass. (J387)       Labels:* None
   Part No SW: 8W1 959 592     HW: 8W1 959 592 
   Component: TSG BFS001 0737  
   Serial number: CLSM1QFD006YN
   Coding: 001F8A004001040000001080
   Shop #: WSC 02391 785 00200
   ASAM Dataset: EV_DCU2PasseSideMAXHKLO 001010
   ROD: EV_DCU2PasseSideMAXHCONT.rod
   VCID: 875ED1D63E74217CD9-80D2

No fault code found.

Address 5F: Information Electr. (J794)       Labels:* None
   Part No SW: 8W0 035 192 C    HW: 8W0 035 192 A
   Component: MU-HS-LND-EU  050 0211  
   Serial number:               
   Coding: 01240601FF0A000053111101000A00102F0019E601F00100CE
   Shop #: WSC 02391 785 00200
   ASAM Dataset: EV_MUHigScl6C3DELP 001011
   ROD: EV_MUHigScl6C3DELP_AU49.rod
   VCID: B6206C12091E68F472-80E2

   Data medium: 
   Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 8W0 919 866 R    HW: -----------
   Component: ECE 2017/2018  --- 0027 
   Serial number: --------------------

   Display unit 1 for multimedia system: 
   Subsystem 2 - Part No SW: 80A 919 604     HW: 80A 919 604 
   Component: AU426_DU_STD  H42 0008 
   Serial number: AUZ8Z9HBM00SKG      

   Multimedia Operating Unit: 
   Subsystem 3 - Part No SW: 80A 919 614 A    HW: 80A 919 614 A
   Component: ControlUnit_B  H20 0200 
   Serial number: AMXAM118071700010296

No fault code found.

Address 6D: Trunk Elect. (J605)       Labels:| 5Q0-959-107.clb
   Part No SW: 8W8 959 107 B    HW: 8W8 959 107 
   Component: HDSG-Modul    H13 0161  
   Revision: --------    Serial number: ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ
   Coding: 0710
   Shop #: WSC 02391 785 00200
   ASAM Dataset: EV_DeckLidCONTIAU736 001014
   ROD: EV_DeckLidCONTIAU736_AU49.rod
   VCID: C8DC12EA73EAEE0410-809C

No fault code found.

Address 81: Gear Shift (J587)       Labels: None
   Part No SW: 80C 713 041 L    HW: 80C 713 041 L
   Component: GSM-LL        H09 0073  
   Revision: 0L0D5012    Serial number: 20170711000785
   ASAM Dataset: EV_GSMWaehlZFAU736 001016
   ROD: EV_GSMWaehlZFAU736_AU49.rod
   VCID: A71EB156DEB4017CF9-80F2

No fault code found.

Address A5: Frt Sens. Drv. Assist (R242)       Labels:* None
   Part No SW: 80A 907 217 A    HW: 80A 907 217 A
   Component: BVS           H15 0050  
   Coding: 0404020600000401024023A0A50000FE00F0C010C000
   Shop #: WSC 02391 785 00200
   ASAM Dataset: EV_BVSMLBevKOSTAAU736 002026
   VCID: A404A65AAF82EA64DC-80F0

No fault code found.

Address BB: Door Rear Drv (J388)       Labels:* None
   Part No SW: 8W1 959 595     HW: 8W1 959 595 
   Component: TSG HFS001 0737  
   Serial number: CLSM1QGH00MD5
   Coding: 000F88000001040000001080
   Shop #: WSC 02391 785 00200
   ASAM Dataset: EV_DCU2RearDriveMAXHKLO 001010
   ROD: EV_DCU2RearDriveMAXHCONT.rod
   VCID: 8A58E8E22D665C14C6-80DE

No fault code found.

Address BC: Door Rear Pass (J389)       Labels:* None
   Part No SW: 8W1 959 595     HW: 8W1 959 595 
   Component: TSG HBFS001 0737  
   Serial number: CLSM1QGH00PBS
   Coding: 000F88000001040000001080
   Shop #: WSC 02391 785 00200
   ASAM Dataset: EV_DCU2RearPasseMAXHKLO 001010
   ROD: EV_DCU2RearPasseMAXHCONT.rod
   VCID: 8A58E8E22D665C14C6-80DE

No fault code found.

End----------(Elapsed Time: 01:35, VBatt start/end: 13.3V/13.3V)-----------
Last edited by a moderator:


Verified VCDS User
Dec 28, 2016
Reaction score
VCDS Serial number
Admaps of A5 and 5F would be helpful :) On my MQB car I can change the behaviour of the pre-sense to have it default to on at every ignition cycle or remember the last setting instead.


Verified VCDS User
Aug 26, 2014
Reaction score
York, UK
VCDS Serial number
Managed to get adpmaps and block maps for module 5F, 09, 46 and A5 for reference, these are posted below....
Last edited:
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Reactions: Uwe


Verified VCDS User
Aug 26, 2014
Reaction score
York, UK
VCDS Serial number

;SW:8W0-035-192-C   HW:8W0-035-192-A ---  Information Electr.				;Component:MU-HS-LND-EU  050 0211	 Coding:01240601FF0A000053111101000A00102F0019E601F00100CE			
;EV_MUHigScl6C3DELP	1011	EV_MUHigScl6C3DELP_AU49.rod		
;Wednesday	21	March	2018	08:07:40:22933
;VCDS Version: Release 18.2.0  Data version: 20180212 DS287.0				
;VCID: B6206C12091E68F472-80E2				
IDE00001-Production mode	00 00 00 	3		
IDE00346-Summertime-automatic	automatic 	1		
IDE00759-Base volume of speech output	50%	1		
IDE00769-Number 1 for Info call	00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 	23		
IDE00770-Number 1 for roadside assistance	00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 	23		
IDE00820-ENG117828-Activating and deactivating all development messages-Infotainment_CAN_Messages	OFF 	1		
IDE00820-ENG117829-Activating and deactivating all development messages-MIB_CAN_Messages	OFF 	1		
IDE00845-Wheel circ.	0 mm	2		
IDE01996-MAS00076-Installation list: specified installations-Instrument cluster control module	Yes 	3		
IDE01996-MAS00839-Installation list: specified installations-TV Tuner	No 	3		
IDE01996-MAS00844-Installation list: specified installations-Radio	No 	3		
IDE01996-MAS00847-Installation list: specified installations-Digital Sound System Control Module	No 	3		
IDE01996-MAS00849-Installation list: specified installations-Information electronics control module 1	Yes 	3		
IDE01996-MAS00850-Installation list: specified installations-Information electronics control module 2	No 	3		
IDE01996-MAS04300-Installation list: specified installations-DVD changer	No 	3		
IDE01996-MAS14306-Installation list: specified installations-Windshield projection head up display control module	No 	3		
IDE01996-SFT271943-Installation list: specified installations-Multimedia Operating Unit	No 	3		
IDE01996-ENG154341-Installation list: specified installations-Reserved_8	No 	3		
IDE01996-ENG152491-Installation list: specified installations-Smart Control Carrier 1	No 	3		
IDE01996-ENG152490-Installation list: specified installations-Smart Control Carrier 2	No 	3		
IDE01996-ENG152488-Installation list: specified installations-Smart Display Carrier 1	No 	3		
IDE01996-ENG152492-Installation list: specified installations-Smart Display Carrier 2	No 	3		
IDE01996-ENG152493-Installation list: specified installations-Wireless Charger 1	No 	3		
IDE01996-ENG152489-Installation list: specified installations-Wireless Charger 2	No 	3		
IDE02121-CD eject button	Enabled 	1		
IDE02122-Developer mode	not activated 	1		
IDE02125-ENG126192-Voice operation for telephone-apple_device	not installed 	1		
IDE02125-ENG126193-Voice operation for telephone-other_devices	not installed 	1		
IDE02330-Number 2 for Info call	00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 	23		
IDE02331-Number 2 for roadside assistance	00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 	23		
IDE02332-Deactivate production mode	0	3		
IDE02476-MAS03001-Electrical test of loudspeakers-Mode	automatic 	49		
IDE02476-ENG117360-Electrical test of loudspeakers-Parameter_AC-Diagnostics_Channel_1_Test_Frequency	19000 Hz	49		
IDE02476-ENG117361-Electrical test of loudspeakers-Parameter_AC-Diagnostics_Channel_1_Test_Volume	37	49		
IDE02476-ENG117378-Electrical test of loudspeakers-Parameter_AC-Diagnostics_Channel_10_Test_Frequency	19000 Hz	49		
IDE02476-ENG117379-Electrical test of loudspeakers-Parameter_AC-Diagnostics_Channel_10_Test_Volume	85	49		
IDE02476-ENG117380-Electrical test of loudspeakers-Parameter_AC-Diagnostics_Channel_11_Test_Frequency	19000 Hz	49		
IDE02476-ENG117381-Electrical test of loudspeakers-Parameter_AC-Diagnostics_Channel_11_Test_Volume	85	49		
IDE02476-ENG117382-Electrical test of loudspeakers-Parameter_AC-Diagnostics_Channel_12_Test_Frequency	19000 Hz	49		
IDE02476-ENG117383-Electrical test of loudspeakers-Parameter_AC-Diagnostics_Channel_12_Test_Volume	85	49		
IDE02476-ENG117384-Electrical test of loudspeakers-Parameter_AC-Diagnostics_Channel_13_Test_Frequency	19000 Hz	49		
IDE02476-ENG117385-Electrical test of loudspeakers-Parameter_AC-Diagnostics_Channel_13_Test_Volume	85	49		
IDE02476-ENG117386-Electrical test of loudspeakers-Parameter_AC-Diagnostics_Channel_14_Test_Frequency	19000 Hz	49		
IDE02476-ENG117387-Electrical test of loudspeakers-Parameter_AC-Diagnostics_Channel_14_Test_Volume	85	49		
IDE02476-ENG117388-Electrical test of loudspeakers-Parameter_AC-Diagnostics_Channel_15_Test_Frequency	19000 Hz	49		
IDE02476-ENG117389-Electrical test of loudspeakers-Parameter_AC-Diagnostics_Channel_15_Test_Volume	85	49		
IDE02476-ENG117390-Electrical test of loudspeakers-Parameter_AC-Diagnostics_Channel_16_Test_Frequency	19000 Hz	49		
IDE02476-ENG117391-Electrical test of loudspeakers-Parameter_AC-Diagnostics_Channel_16_Test_Volume	85	49		
IDE02476-ENG117362-Electrical test of loudspeakers-Parameter_AC-Diagnostics_Channel_2_Test_Frequency	19000 Hz	49		
IDE02476-ENG117363-Electrical test of loudspeakers-Parameter_AC-Diagnostics_Channel_2_Test_Volume	30	49		
IDE02476-ENG117364-Electrical test of loudspeakers-Parameter_AC-Diagnostics_Channel_3_Test_Frequency	19000 Hz	49		
IDE02476-ENG117365-Electrical test of loudspeakers-Parameter_AC-Diagnostics_Channel_3_Test_Volume	30	49		
IDE02476-ENG117366-Electrical test of loudspeakers-Parameter_AC-Diagnostics_Channel_4_Test_Frequency	19000 Hz	49		
IDE02476-ENG117367-Electrical test of loudspeakers-Parameter_AC-Diagnostics_Channel_4_Test_Volume	37	49		
IDE02476-ENG117368-Electrical test of loudspeakers-Parameter_AC-Diagnostics_Channel_5_Test_Frequency	19000 Hz	49		
IDE02476-ENG117369-Electrical test of loudspeakers-Parameter_AC-Diagnostics_Channel_5_Test_Volume	85	49		
IDE02476-ENG117370-Electrical test of loudspeakers-Parameter_AC-Diagnostics_Channel_6_Test_Frequency	19000 Hz	49		
IDE02476-ENG117371-Electrical test of loudspeakers-Parameter_AC-Diagnostics_Channel_6_Test_Volume	85	49		
IDE02476-ENG117372-Electrical test of loudspeakers-Parameter_AC-Diagnostics_Channel_7_Test_Frequency	19000 Hz	49		
IDE02476-ENG117373-Electrical test of loudspeakers-Parameter_AC-Diagnostics_Channel_7_Test_Volume	85	49		
IDE02476-ENG117374-Electrical test of loudspeakers-Parameter_AC-Diagnostics_Channel_8_Test_Frequency	19000 Hz	49		
IDE02476-ENG117375-Electrical test of loudspeakers-Parameter_AC-Diagnostics_Channel_8_Test_Volume	85	49		
IDE02476-ENG117376-Electrical test of loudspeakers-Parameter_AC-Diagnostics_Channel_9_Test_Frequency	19000 Hz	49		
IDE02476-ENG117377-Electrical test of loudspeakers-Parameter_AC-Diagnostics_Channel_9_Test_Volume	85	49		
IDE02502-Confirmation of installation change	D8 CF 	2		
IDE02607-Wheel pulse	0	2		
IDE02699-Number 1 for roadside assistance	00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 	23		
IDE02701-Number 1 (roaming) for roadside assistance	00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 	23		
IDE03238-ENG117830-Parameter for connection transfer (UMTS)-1E_EcLo	0	8		
IDE03238-ENG117831-Parameter for connection transfer (UMTS)-1E_RSCP	15	8		
IDE03238-ENG117832-Parameter for connection transfer (UMTS)-1F_EcLo	0	8		
IDE03238-ENG117833-Parameter for connection transfer (UMTS)-1F_RSCP	15	8		
IDE03238-ENG122277-Parameter for connection transfer (UMTS)-2D_EcLo	0	8		
IDE03238-ENG122278-Parameter for connection transfer (UMTS)-2D_RSCP	11	8		
IDE03238-ENG122275-Parameter for connection transfer (UMTS)-3A_EcLo	0	8		
IDE03238-ENG122276-Parameter for connection transfer (UMTS)-3A_RSCP	8	8		
IDE03471-ENG117847-Vehicle configuration-advanced_range_display	OFF 	30		
IDE03471-ENG142146-Vehicle configuration-allow_message_editing	On 	30		
IDE03471-ENG130249-Vehicle configuration-Apple_DIO	On 	30		
IDE03471-ENG152525-Vehicle configuration-Baidu_Car_Life	OFF 	30		
IDE03471-ENG152559-Vehicle configuration-Baidu_Car_Life_ios	OFF 	30		
IDE03471-ENG152560-Vehicle configuration-block_hmi_function_p_epb	blocked 	30		
IDE03471-ENG142151-Vehicle configuration-conditioning_variant	0	30		
IDE03471-ENG125043-Vehicle configuration-Dtmf_without_active_call	On 	30		
IDE03471-ENG142145-Vehicle configuration-esim_data_only_sms_support	OFF 	30		
IDE03471-ENG130248-Vehicle configuration-Google_GAL	On 	30		
IDE03471-ENG117850-Vehicle configuration-gracenote_local_coverarts	OFF 	30		
IDE03471-ENG117851-Vehicle configuration-gracenote_local_other	OFF 	30		
IDE03471-ENG117848-Vehicle configuration-gracenote_online_coverarts	OFF 	30		
IDE03471-ENG117849-Vehicle configuration-gracenote_online_other	OFF 	30		
IDE03471-ENG152533-Vehicle configuration-Hybrid_Radio_additional_online_data	not activated 	30		
IDE03471-ENG152534-Vehicle configuration-Hybrid_Radio_Range_Extender	Deactivated 	30		
IDE03471-ENG125049-Vehicle configuration-Joker_button_1	Not Present 	30		
IDE03471-ENG125050-Vehicle configuration-Joker_button_2	Not Present 	30		
IDE03471-ENG127492-Vehicle configuration-LGI	On 	30		
IDE03471-ENG130246-Vehicle configuration-LTE_modul	activated 	30		
IDE03471-ENG142142-Vehicle configuration-map_email_support	On 	30		
IDE03471-ENG142143-Vehicle configuration-map_instant_messaging_support	OFF 	30		
IDE03471-ENG142141-Vehicle configuration-map_sms_support	On 	30		
IDE03471-ENG142152-Vehicle configuration-Map_Style	0	30		
IDE03471-ENG152537-Vehicle configuration-media_control	not activated 	30		
IDE03471-ENG138662-Vehicle configuration-Mirror_link	OFF 	30		
IDE03471-ENG142148-Vehicle configuration-MirrorLink_Country_Code	MIB_EU 	30		
IDE03471-ENG142150-Vehicle configuration-MirrorLink_RGB_Preference	RGB565 	30		
IDE03471-ENG117843-Vehicle configuration-my_audi	On 	30		
IDE03471-ENG117845-Vehicle configuration-online_dictation	On 	30		
IDE03471-ENG127495-Vehicle configuration-online_media	On 	30		
IDE03471-ENG117840-Vehicle configuration-online_navigation	On 	30		
IDE03471-ENG117837-Vehicle configuration-online_POI	On 	30		
IDE03471-ENG117838-Vehicle configuration-online_POI_voice	On 	30		
IDE03471-ENG117839-Vehicle configuration-online_portal_browser_services	On 	30		
IDE03471-ENG152553-Vehicle configuration-online_radio	Deactivated 	30		
IDE03471-ENG117841-Vehicle configuration-online_street_view	On 	30		
IDE03471-ENG125048-Vehicle configuration-OPS_display_in_dash_board_display_unit	OFF 	30		
IDE03471-ENG167521-Vehicle configuration-perso_v_threshold	0	30		
IDE03471-ENG167522-Vehicle configuration-perso_v_threshold_hysteresis	0	30		
IDE03471-ENG152554-Vehicle configuration-Phone_HMI_Privacy	0	30		
IDE03471-ENG125046-Vehicle configuration-Phone_module_operation_mode	only data service act. 	30		
IDE03471-ENG117844-Vehicle configuration-picture_navi	OFF 	30		
IDE03471-ENG167523-Vehicle configuration-Pilot_Parking	not activated 	30		
IDE03471-ENG167525-Vehicle configuration-Popup_if_GPS_services_in_use	not activated 	30		
IDE03471-ENG152555-Vehicle configuration-Privacy_WithPINRequest	0	30		
IDE03471-ENG127496-Vehicle configuration-ProbeCar_lgi	On 	30		
IDE03471-ENG137646-Vehicle configuration-ProbeCar_vzo	On 	30		
IDE03471-ENG125047-Vehicle configuration-PSD_Protocol_Version	PSD_1.5 	30		
IDE03471-ENG117846-Vehicle configuration-remote_HMI	On 	30		
IDE03471-ENG138661-Vehicle configuration-RSE_software_component	Deactivated 	30		
IDE03471-ENG126143-Vehicle configuration-RVC_video_input	FBAS 	30		
IDE03471-ENG152556-Vehicle configuration-scon_telephony	not activated 	30		
IDE03471-ENG142081-Vehicle configuration-sd_slot_deactivation	no restriction 	30		
IDE03471-ENG138660-Vehicle configuration-SDS_Region_Flag	REGION_EU 	30		
IDE03471-ENG152557-Vehicle configuration-show_volte_hmi_switch	not activated 	30		
IDE03471-ENG125045-Vehicle configuration-Sim_card_mode_switch	Not Present 	30		
IDE03471-ENG142144-Vehicle configuration-sim_data_only_sms_support	On 	30		
IDE03471-ENG138663-Vehicle configuration-Smartphone_interface_for_rhmi	activated 	30		
IDE03471-ENG126993-Vehicle configuration-Station_Logo_DB_Mode	1	30		
IDE03471-ENG125044-Vehicle configuration-Support_for_response_and_hold	OFF 	30		
IDE03471-ENG125042-Vehicle configuration-Support_of_threeway_calling	OFF 	30		
IDE03471-ENG130247-Vehicle configuration-Support_second_phone	OFF 	30		
IDE03471-ENG167531-Vehicle configuration-Tencent_myCar_canceling_share_location	OFF 	30		
IDE03471-ENG126994-Vehicle configuration-TPEG_availability	OFF 	30		
IDE03471-ENG152571-Vehicle configuration-unblock_functions_while_piloted_driving	blocked 	30		
IDE03471-ENG137647-Vehicle configuration-UOTA	On 	30		
IDE03471-ENG167532-Vehicle configuration-UOTA_2	OFF 	30		
IDE03471-ENG117852-Vehicle configuration-UPnP	On 	30		
IDE03471-ENG142149-Vehicle configuration-vehicle_leaving_sound	not activated 	30		
IDE03471-ENG142147-Vehicle configuration-vehicle_readiness_sound	not activated 	30		
IDE03471-ENG152558-Vehicle configuration-voice_over_lte	not activated 	30		
IDE03471-ENG117836-Vehicle configuration-VZAPro	OFF 	30		
IDE03471-ENG127494-Vehicle configuration-VZO	On 	30		
IDE03471-ENG137648-Vehicle configuration-WiFi_Client_HMI	OFF 	30		
IDE03471-ENG117842-Vehicle configuration-WIFI_Hotspot	On 	30		
IDE03471-ENG152572-Vehicle configuration-wlan_5ghz_switch	not activated 	30		
IDE03580-Country code for mobile network	0	2		
IDE03902-Automatic ring break diagnostic	No automatic start 	1		
IDE04292-Roadside assistance mode	Corresponding setting in MMI 	1		
IDE04294-Number attempted dialing attempts for roadside assistance	3	1		
IDE04295-Bluetooth: Preferred connection profile for phone book data	PBAP 	1		
IDE04298-MAS01779-Vehicle dimensions-Length	0 mm	6		
IDE04298-MAS01780-Vehicle dimensions-Width	0 mm	6		
IDE04298-MAS02230-Vehicle dimensions-Height	0 mm	6		
IDE04331-Selection of release codes for a SWaP function	FF FF FF FF 	4		
IDE04521-Sporadic ring break detection	Visual 	1		
IDE04522-Awakening ability on optical databus	OFF 	1		
IDE04549-Telephone data services	On 	1		
IDE04550-Bluetooth: Sniff mode	OFF 	1		
IDE05111-Fee-based traffic information (TMC)	32793	2		
IDE05113-Infotainment Recorder	activated 	1		
IDE06697-Audio management mute function	Muting of audio sources 	1		
IDE08814-IDE04033-Navigation receiver GNSS configuration-Compass	OFF 	1		
IDE08814-MAS01570-Navigation receiver GNSS configuration-Default	On 	1		
IDE08814-MAS02614-Navigation receiver GNSS configuration-GPS	OFF 	1		
IDE08814-MAS07828-Navigation receiver GNSS configuration-Galileo	OFF 	1		
IDE08814-MAS07829-Navigation receiver GNSS configuration-Glonass	OFF 	1		
IDE08814-ENG142047-Navigation receiver GNSS configuration-external_gps_1	OFF 	1		
IDE08814-ENG142048-Navigation receiver GNSS configuration-external_gps_2	OFF 	1		
IDE09382-ENG125051-Parameter 2 for connection transfer (UMTS)-Scan Tune Level 2G	0	16		
IDE09382-ENG125052-Parameter 2 for connection transfer (UMTS)-Scan Tune Level 3G	0	16		
IDE10082-MAS09813-Telephone functions configuration-Entering Access Point Name	On 	1		
IDE10082-MAS09814-Telephone functions configuration-Call Center Function	On 	1		
IDE10082-MAS13846-Telephone functions configuration-Internet access via WiFi	Available 	1		
IDE10082-MAS13847-Telephone functions configuration-Call center function on MIB: roadside assistance call	On 	1		
IDE10082-MAS13848-Telephone functions configuration-Call center function on MIB: POI call	On 	1		
IDE10082-MAS16726-Telephone functions configuration-Call center function on MIB: POI call regions	OFF 	1		
IDE10221-MAS00839-Audio Management Input Gain Generation 2-TV Tuner	0	40		
IDE10221-MAS00846-Audio Management Input Gain Generation 2-Satellite radio	17	40		
IDE10221-MAS01984-Audio Management Input Gain Generation 2-Radio (FM)	5	40		
IDE10221-MAS01985-Audio Management Input Gain Generation 2-Radio (AM)	5	40		
IDE10221-MAS01986-Audio Management Input Gain Generation 2-Digital radio (DAB)	5	40		
IDE10221-ENG125854-Audio Management Input Gain Generation 2-Exbox_DMB	0	40		
IDE10221-ENG117430-Audio Management Input Gain Generation 2-HFP	0	40		
IDE10221-ENG125846-Audio Management Input Gain Generation 2-Media_Airplay	0	40		
IDE10221-ENG125837-Audio Management Input Gain Generation 2-Media_AUX_Adapter	0	40		
IDE10221-ENG125836-Audio Management Input Gain Generation 2-Media_AUXIN	6	40		
IDE10221-ENG125843-Audio Management Input Gain Generation 2-Media_Bluray	0	40		
IDE10221-ENG125841-Audio Management Input Gain Generation 2-Media_BTDevice	0	40		
IDE10221-ENG125838-Audio Management Input Gain Generation 2-Media_CDA	0	40		
IDE10221-ENG125848-Audio Management Input Gain Generation 2-Media_Cloud	0	40		
IDE10221-ENG125839-Audio Management Input Gain Generation 2-Media_DVD	0	40		
IDE10221-ENG125844-Audio Management Input Gain Generation 2-Media_HDMI	0	40		
IDE10221-ENG125840-Audio Management Input Gain Generation 2-Media_MFP	0	40		
IDE10221-ENG125847-Audio Management Input Gain Generation 2-Media_UPNP	0	40		
IDE10221-ENG125855-Audio Management Input Gain Generation 2-Mirrorlink	0	40		
IDE10221-ENG125859-Audio Management Input Gain Generation 2-Phone_Ringer_MFP	0	40		
IDE10221-ENG125860-Audio Management Input Gain Generation 2-Phone_Ringer_OB	0	40		
IDE10221-ENG125858-Audio Management Input Gain Generation 2-Phone_Voice	0	40		
IDE10221-ENG125842-Audio Management Input Gain Generation 2-TA_Tuner_FM	5	40		
IDE10221-ENG125850-Audio Management Input Gain Generation 2-Tone_Beep	0	40		
IDE10221-ENG125853-Audio Management Input Gain Generation 2-Tone_Messaging	0	40		
IDE10221-ENG125852-Audio Management Input Gain Generation 2-Tone_Touchscreen	0	40		
IDE10221-ENG125851-Audio Management Input Gain Generation 2-Tone_Warning	0	40		
IDE10221-ENG125856-Audio Management Input Gain Generation 2-TTS_Nav	0	40		
IDE10221-ENG125857-Audio Management Input Gain Generation 2-TTS_SDS	0	40		
IDE10221-ENG125845-Audio Management Input Gain Generation 2-Tuner_Online	0	40		
IDE10221-ENG125849-Audio Management Input Gain Generation 2-Tuner_Personal	0	40		
IDE10221-ENG125835-Audio Management Input Gain Generation 2-Tuner_TI	5	40		
IDE10221-ENG125861-Audio Management Input Gain Generation 2-TV_AV_IN	0	40		
IDE10480-MAS10741-Interface for external media: activation-Connection 1	activated 	4		
IDE10480-MAS10742-Interface for external media: activation-Connection 2	activated 	4		
IDE10480-MAS10743-Interface for external media: activation-Connection 3	not activated 	4		
IDE10480-MAS10744-Interface for external media: activation-Connection 4	not activated 	4		
IDE10668-Internal SIM card: use	automatic 	1		
IDE11105-Brand-specific display of connect application 	19		
IDE11638-Bluetooth Audio Codec	FF 	1		
IDE12266-Follow on time for telephone	activated 	1		
MAS00951-Bluetooth	On 	1		
MAS01968-Fan	normal 	1		
MAS02809-MAS02870-Check tone frequency-High note frequency range	4000 Hz	6		
MAS02809-MAS02871-Check tone frequency-Medium note frequency range	1000 Hz	6		
MAS02809-MAS02872-Check tone frequency-Low note frequency range	100 Hz	6		
MAS03690-Telephone	Data & language service active 	1		
MAS03782-WLAN	On 	1		
ENG126140-ENG117811-Audio_Management_Audio_Delay_Lines_Gen2-Amplifier_Delay_On_Off	On 	12		
ENG126140-ENG117813-Audio_Management_Audio_Delay_Lines_Gen2-Amplifier_Delay_Time	150.00 ms	12		
ENG126140-ENG126188-Audio_Management_Audio_Delay_Lines_Gen2-Headphone_Delay_On_Off	OFF 	12		
ENG126140-ENG126189-Audio_Management_Audio_Delay_Lines_Gen2-Headphone_Delay_Time	0.00 ms	12		
ENG126140-ENG126190-Audio_Management_Audio_Delay_Lines_Gen2-Headphone_wireless_Delay_On_Off	OFF 	12		
ENG126140-ENG126191-Audio_Management_Audio_Delay_Lines_Gen2-Headphone_wireless_Delay_Time	0.00 ms	12		
ENG126140-ENG117810-Audio_Management_Audio_Delay_Lines_Gen2-Main_Unit_Delay_On_Off	On 	12		
ENG126140-ENG117812-Audio_Management_Audio_Delay_Lines_Gen2-Main_Unit_Delay_Time	150.00 ms	12		
ENG117920-Audio_Managment_Soundset_Menu	OFF 	1		
ENG117917-BAP_Debug_Mode_Release	not_released 	1		
ENG122227-ENG125811-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_auxiliary_climatization	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG125814-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_auxiliary_climatization_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG126995-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_auxiliary_climatization_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG125812-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_auxiliary_climatization_over_threshold_high	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG125813-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_auxiliary_climatization_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG152538-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_auxiliary_ventilation	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG152539-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_auxiliary_ventilation_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG152540-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_auxiliary_ventilation_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG152541-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_auxiliary_ventilation_over_threshold_high	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG152542-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_auxiliary_ventilation_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG152543-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_crossroad_assistent	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG152544-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_crossroad_assistent_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG152545-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_crossroad_assistent_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG152546-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_crossroad_assistent_over_threshold_high	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG152547-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_crossroad_assistent_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117486-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_ACC	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117490-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_ACC_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117487-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_ACC_operation_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117488-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_ACC_over_threshold_high	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117489-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_ACC_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117646-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_adaptive_key	activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117650-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_adaptive_key_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117647-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_adaptive_key_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117648-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_adaptive_key_over_threshold_high	activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117649-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_adaptive_key_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG126152-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_Adblue	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG126155-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_Adblue_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG127002-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_Adblue_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG126153-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_Adblue_over_threshold_high	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG126154-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_Adblue_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117591-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_air_damper	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117595-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_air_damper_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117592-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_air_damper_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117593-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_air_damper_over_threshold_high	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117594-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_air_damper_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117491-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_ambient_illumination	activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117495-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_ambient_illumination_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117492-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_ambient_illumination_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117493-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_ambient_illumination_over_threshold_high	activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117494-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_ambient_illumination_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG122296-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_angle_of_slope	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG122300-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_angle_of_slope_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG122297-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_angle_of_slope_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG122298-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_angle_of_slope_over_threshold_high	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG122299-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_angle_of_slope_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117641-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_attention_identification	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117645-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_attention_identification_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117642-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_attention_identification_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117643-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_attention_identification_over_threshold_high	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117644-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_attention_identification_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117531-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_auxiliary_heating	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117535-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_auxiliary_heating_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117532-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_auxiliary_heating_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117533-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_auxiliary_heating_over_threshold_high	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117534-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_auxiliary_heating_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117501-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_awv	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117505-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_awv_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117502-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_awv_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117503-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_awv_over_threshold_high	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117504-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_awv_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG122301-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_battery_management	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG122305-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_battery_management_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG122302-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_battery_management_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG122303-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_battery_management_over_threshold_high	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG122304-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_battery_management_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117666-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_BCmE	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117670-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_BCmE_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117667-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_BCmE_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117668-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_BCmE_over_threshold_high	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117669-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_BCmE_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117536-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_board_computer	activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117540-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_board_computer_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117537-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_board_computer_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117538-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_board_computer_over_threshold_high	activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117539-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_board_computer_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117671-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_Brake_Function	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117675-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_Brake_Function_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117672-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_Brake_Function_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117673-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_Brake_Function_over_threshold_high	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117674-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_Brake_Function_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117651-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_car_mirror	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117655-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_car_mirror_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117652-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_car_mirror_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117653-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_car_mirror_over_threshold_high	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117654-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_car_mirror_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117561-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_central_locking	activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117565-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_central_locking_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117562-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_central_locking_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117563-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_central_locking_over_threshold_high	activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117564-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_central_locking_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117601-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_central_unit_master	activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117605-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_central_unit_master_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117602-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_central_unit_master_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117603-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_central_unit_master_over_threshold_high	activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117604-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_central_unit_master_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117571-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_charisma	activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117575-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_charisma_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117572-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_charisma_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117573-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_charisma_over_threshold_high	activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117574-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_charisma_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117526-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_clima_configuration	activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117530-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_clima_configuration_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117527-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_clima_configuration_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117528-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_clima_configuration_over_threshold_high	activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117529-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_clima_configuration_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117586-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_clock	activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117590-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_clock_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117587-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_clock_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117588-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_clock_over_threshold_high	activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117589-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_clock_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117566-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_compass	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117570-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_compass_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117567-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_compass_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117568-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_compass_over_threshold_high	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117569-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_compass_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG125823-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_Curve_Assist	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG125826-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_Curve_Assist_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG126998-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_Curve_Assist_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG125824-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_Curve_Assist_over_threshold_high	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG125825-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_Curve_Assist_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG142087-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_Display_Configuration	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG142091-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_Display_Configuration_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG142088-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_Display_Configuration_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG142089-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_Display_Configuration_over_threshold_high	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG142090-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_Display_Configuration_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117656-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_driving_school	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117660-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_driving_school_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117657-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_driving_school_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117658-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_driving_school_over_threshold_high	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117659-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_driving_school_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG125034-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_Ecall	activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG125038-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_Ecall_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG126999-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_eCall_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG125036-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_Ecall_over_threshold_high	activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG125037-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_Ecall_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG126160-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_Efficiency_Assist	activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG126163-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_Efficiency_Assist_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG127004-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_Efficiency_Assist_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG126161-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_Efficiency_Assist_over_threshold_high	activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG126162-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_Efficiency_Assist_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG126144-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_ENI	activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG126147-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_ENI_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG127000-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_ENI_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG126145-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_ENI_over_threshold_high	activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG126146-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_ENI_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117516-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_exterior_illumination	activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117520-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_exterior_illumination_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117517-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_exterior_illumination_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117518-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_exterior_illumination_over_threshold_high	activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117519-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_exterior_illumination_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117596-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_headup_display	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117600-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_headup_display_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117597-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_headup_display_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117598-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_headup_display_over_threshold_high	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117599-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_headup_display_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117606-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_hybrid	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117610-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_hybrid_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117607-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_hybrid_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117608-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_hybrid_over_threshold_high	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117609-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_hybrid_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG125805-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_lane_assistant	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG125809-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_lane_assistant_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG125806-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_lane_assistant_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG125807-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_lane_assistant_over_threshold_high	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG125808-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_lane_assistant_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117506-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_Lane_Departure_Warning	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117510-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_Lane_Departure_Warning_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117507-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_Lane_Departure_Warning_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117508-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_Lane_Departure_Warning_over_threshold_high	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117509-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_Lane_Departure_Warning_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117631-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_MFL_jocker	activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117635-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_MFL_jocker_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117632-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_MFL_jocker_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117633-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_MFL_jocker_over_threshold_high	activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117634-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_MFL_jocker_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117616-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_night_vision	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117620-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_night_vision_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117617-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_night_vision_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117618-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_night_vision_over_threshold_high	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117619-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_night_vision_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117576-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_oil_level	activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117580-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_oil_level_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117577-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_oil_level_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117578-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_oil_level_over_threshold_high	activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117579-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_oil_level_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117496-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_pdc	activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117500-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_pdc_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117497-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_pdc_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117498-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_pdc_over_threshold_high	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117499-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_pdc_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG125815-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_Pedestrian_Assist	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG125818-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_Pedestrian_Assist_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG126996-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_Pedestrian_Assist_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG125816-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_Pedestrian_Assist_over_threshold_high	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG125817-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_Pedestrian_Assist_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117541-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_rdk	activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117545-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_rdk_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117542-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_rdk_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117543-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_rdk_over_threshold_high	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117544-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_rdk_standstill	activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG122306-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_RearSeatEntertainment	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG122310-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_RearSeatEntertainment_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG122307-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_RearSeatEntertainment_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG122308-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_RearSeatEntertainment_over_threshold_high	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG122309-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_RearSeatEntertainment_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117626-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_reversible_belt_pre_load	activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117630-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_reversible_belt_pre_load_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117627-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_reversible_belt_pre_load_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117628-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_reversible_belt_pre_load_over_threshold_high	activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117629-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_reversible_belt_pre_load_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117636-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_road_sign_identification	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117640-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_road_sign_identification_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117637-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_road_sign_identification_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117638-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_road_sign_identification_over_threshold_high	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117639-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_road_sign_identification_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117556-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_seat_configuration	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117560-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_seat_configuration_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117557-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_seat_configuration_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117558-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_seat_configuration_over_threshold_high	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117559-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_seat_configuration_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG125819-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_Seat_Pneumatic	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG125822-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_Seat_Pneumatic_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG126997-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_Seat_Pneumatic_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG125820-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_Seat_Pneumatic_over_threshold_high	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG125821-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_Seat_Pneumatic_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117551-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_sia	activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117555-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_sia_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117552-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_sia_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117553-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_sia_over_threshold_high	activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117554-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_sia_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117621-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_side_view	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117625-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_side_view_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117622-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_side_view_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117623-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_side_view_over_threshold_high	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117624-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_side_view_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG122311-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_special_functions	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG122314-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_special_functions_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG125810-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_special_functions_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG122312-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_special_functions_over_threshold_high	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG122313-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_special_functions_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG142082-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_Spoiler	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG142086-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_Spoiler_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG142083-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_Spoiler_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG142084-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_Spoiler_over_threshold_high	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG142085-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_Spoiler_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG126148-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_SportHMI	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG126151-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_SportHMI_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG127001-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_SportHMI_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG126149-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_SportHMI_over_threshold_high	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG126150-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_SportHMI_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117676-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_Start_Stop_reasons	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117680-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_Start_Stop_reasons_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117677-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_Start_Stop_reasons_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117678-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_Start_Stop_reasons_over_threshold_high	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117679-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_Start_Stop_reasons_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG122315-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_trailer_assistant	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG122319-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_trailer_assistant_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG122316-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_trailer_assistant_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG122317-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_trailer_assistant_over_threshold_high	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG122318-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_trailer_assistant_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG122320-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_TV_tuner	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG122324-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_TV_tuner_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG122321-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_TV_tuner_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG122322-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_TV_tuner_over_threshold_high	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG122323-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_TV_tuner_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117611-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_ugdo	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117615-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_ugdo_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117612-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_ugdo_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117613-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_ugdo_over_threshold_high	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117614-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_ugdo_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG122291-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_user_eco_rating	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG122295-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_user_eco_rating_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG122292-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_user_eco_rating_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG122293-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_user_eco_rating_over_threshold_high	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG122294-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_user_eco_rating_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117581-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_vin	activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117585-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_vin_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117582-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_vin_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117583-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_vin_over_threshold_high	activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117584-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_vin_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117661-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_weariness_recognition	activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117665-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_weariness_recognition_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117662-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_weariness_recognition_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117663-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_weariness_recognition_over_threshold_high	activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117664-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_weariness_recognition_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117521-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_windows	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117525-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_windows_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117522-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_windows_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117523-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_windows_over_threshold_high	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117524-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_windows_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117546-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_wiper	activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117550-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_wiper_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117547-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_wiper_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117548-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_wiper_over_threshold_high	activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG117549-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_wiper_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG142092-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_soundcontrol	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG142096-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_soundcontrol_after_disclaimer	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG142093-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_soundcontrol_clamp_15_off	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG142094-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_soundcontrol_over_threshold_high	not activated 	60		
ENG122227-ENG142095-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_soundcontrol_standstill	not activated 	60		
ENG122229-ENG117700-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-ACC_0x05	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117701-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-ACC_0x05_msg_bus	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117702-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-air_suspension_0x06	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117703-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-air_suspension_0x06_msg_bus	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117764-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-Amplifier_0x2D	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117765-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-Amplifier_0x2D_msg_bus	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG122334-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-Angle_Of_Slope_0x24	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG122335-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-Angle_Of_Slope_0x24_msg_bus	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117696-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-auxilary_heating_0x03	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117697-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-auxilary_heating_0x03_msg_bus	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117744-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-AWV_0x1B	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117745-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-AWV_0x1B_msg_bus	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG122336-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-Battery_Management_0x25	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG122337-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-Battery_Management_0x25_msg_bus	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117758-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-BCmE_0x23	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117759-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-BCmE_0x23_msg_bus	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117760-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-Brake_0x26	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117761-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-Brake_0x26_msg_bus	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117717-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-central_locking_0x0D	activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117716-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-central_locking_0x0D_msg_bus	Terminal 15 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117736-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-charisma_0x17	activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117737-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-charisma_0x17_msg_bus	Terminal 15 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117734-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-clima_slave_2_0x16	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117735-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-clima_slave_2_0x16_msg_bus	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117692-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-climatic_master_0x01	activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117693-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-climatic_master_0x01_msg_bus	Terminal 15 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117694-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-climatic_slave_0x02	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117695-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-climatic_slave_0x02_msg_bus	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117724-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-clock_0x11	activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117725-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-clock_0x11_msg_bus	Databus Infotainment 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117732-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-compass_0x15	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117733-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-compass_0x15_msg_bus	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117722-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-driver_seat_0x10	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117723-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-driver_seat_0x10_msg_bus	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG125039-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-Ecall_0x33	activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG125828-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-eCall_0x33_msg_bus	Databus Infotainment 	64		
ENG122229-ENG127500-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-efficiency_assis_msg_bus_0x3C	Terminal 15 	64		
ENG122229-ENG127499-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-efficiency_assist_0x3C	activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG125829-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-ENI_0x37	activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG125830-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-ENI_0x37_msg_bus	Databus Infotainment 	64		
ENG122229-ENG152531-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-ExBoxM2_0x38	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG152532-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-ExBoxM2_0x38_msg_bus	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117708-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-exterieur_light_0x09	activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117709-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-exterieur_light_0x09_msg_bus	Terminal 15 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117698-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-headup_displ_0x04	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117699-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-headup_displ_0x04_msg_bus	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117746-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-Hybrid_0x1D	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117747-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-Hybrid_0x1D_msg_bus	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117706-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-interieur_light_0x08	activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117707-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-interieur_light_0x08_msg_bus	Terminal 15 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117740-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-LDW_HCA_0x19	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117741-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-LDW_HCA_0x19_msg_bus	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117720-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-MFA_0x0F	activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117721-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-MFA_0x0F_msg_bus	Terminal 15 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117767-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-MFL_Jocker_0x34	activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117766-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-MFL_Jocker_msg_bus_0x34	Databus Infotainment 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117719-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-mirror_0x0E	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117718-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-mirror_0x0E_msg_bus	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117738-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-Night_Vision_0x18	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117739-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-Night_Vision_0x18_msg_bus	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117710-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-parking_assist_0x0A	activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117711-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-parking_assist_0x0A_msg_bus	Terminal 15 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117752-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-Passenger_Seat_0x20	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117753-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-Passenger_Seat_0x20_msg_bus	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG125831-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-Pedestrian_Assist_0x3A	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG125832-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-Pedestrian_Assist_msg_bus_0x3A	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG122333-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-Range_Data_0x39	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG125827-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-Range_Data_msg_bus_0x39	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG122327-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-RearSeatEntertainment_0x2E	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG122328-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-RearSeatEntertainment_0x2E_msg_bus	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117750-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-Reversible_Seat_Belt_Tightener_0x1F	activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117751-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-Reversible_Seat_Belt_Tightener_0x1F_msg_bus	Terminal 15 	64		
ENG122229-ENG125833-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-Seat_Pneumatic_0x3B	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG125834-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-Seat_Pneumatic_msg_bus_0x3B	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG139200-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-Seatmemory_codriver_rear_0x3F	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG139201-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-Seatmemory_codriver_rear_msg_bus_0x3F	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG139198-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-Seatmemory_driver_rear_0x3E	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG139199-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-Seatmemory_driver_rear_msg_bus_0x3E	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117726-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-service_interval_display_0x12	activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117727-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-service_interval_display_0x12_msg_bus	Terminal 15 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117748-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-SideView_0x1E	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117749-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-SideView_0x1E_msg_bus	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG122329-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-Special_Functions_0x35	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG122330-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-Special_Functions_msg_bus_0x35	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117762-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-Start_Stop_reasons_0x27	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117763-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-Start_Stop_reasons_0x27_msg_bus	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117742-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-SWA_0x1A	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117743-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-SWA_0x1A_msg_bus	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117704-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-tire_pressure_system_0x07	activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117705-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-tire_pressure_system_0x07_msg_bus	Terminal 15 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117754-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-traffic_sign_recognition_0x21	activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117755-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-traffic_sign_recognition_0x21_msg_bus	Terminal 15 	64		
ENG122229-ENG122331-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-Trailer_Assistant_0x36	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG122332-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-Trailer_Assistant_msg_bus_0x36	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG122325-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-TV_tuner_0x2C	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG122326-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-TV_tuner_0x2C_msg_bus	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117730-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-UGDO_0x14	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117731-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-UGDO_0x14_msg_bus	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117728-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-unit_master_0x13	activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117729-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-unit_master_0x13_msg_bus	Terminal 15 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117712-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-VPS_0x0B	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117713-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-VPS_0x0B_msg_bus	not activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117756-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-weariness_rcognition_0x22	activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117757-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-weariness_rcognition_0x22_msg_bus	Terminal 15 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117714-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-wiper_comfort_0x0C	activated 	64		
ENG122229-ENG117715-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-wiper_comfort_0x0C_msg_bus	Terminal 15 	64		
ENG122228-ENG127498-Car_Function_List_CAN_Gen2-Adaptive_key	Available 	8		
ENG122228-ENG117690-Car_Function_List_CAN_Gen2-Adaptive_key_msg_bus	Terminal 15 	8		
ENG122228-ENG117688-Car_Function_List_CAN_Gen2-Driving_school	Not available 	8		
ENG122228-ENG117689-Car_Function_List_CAN_Gen2-Driving_school_msg_bus	Not available 	8		
ENG122228-ENG107608-Car_Function_List_CAN_Gen2-MFL	Available 	8		
ENG122228-ENG117681-Car_Function_List_CAN_Gen2-MFL_msg_bus	Databus Infotainment 	8		
ENG122228-ENG117683-Car_Function_List_CAN_Gen2-Oil_level	Available 	8		
ENG122228-ENG117684-Car_Function_List_CAN_Gen2-Oil_level_msg_bus	Terminal 15 	8		
ENG122228-ENG117685-Car_Function_List_CAN_Gen2-PDC_audio_lowering	Available 	8		
ENG122228-ENG117686-Car_Function_List_CAN_Gen2-PDC_audio_lowering_msg_bus	Terminal 15 	8		
ENG122228-ENG98891-Car_Function_List_CAN_Gen2-Reserved	Not available 	8		
ENG122228-ENG101416-Car_Function_List_CAN_Gen2-Reserved_1	Not available 	8		
ENG122228-ENG99458-Car_Function_List_CAN_Gen2-Reserved_2	Not available 	8		
ENG122228-ENG99668-Car_Function_List_CAN_Gen2-Reserved_3	Not available 	8		
ENG122228-ENG99892-Car_Function_List_CAN_Gen2-VIN	Available 	8		
ENG122228-ENG117687-Car_Function_List_CAN_Gen2-VIN_msg_bus	Terminal 15 	8		
ENG122230-ENG142097-Dashboard_Display_Configuration-ability_switch_nav_maps	OFF 	10		
ENG122230-ENG122343-Dashboard_Display_Configuration-call_picture	On 	10		
ENG122230-ENG122341-Dashboard_Display_Configuration-coverart	OFF 	10		
ENG122230-ENG122340-Dashboard_Display_Configuration-crossroad_detail_map_compression_mode	H264 	10		
ENG122230-ENG122344-Dashboard_Display_Configuration-crossroad_detail_map_resolution	resolution_1 	10		
ENG122230-ENG127006-Dashboard_Display_Configuration-crossroad_detail_map_transmission_mode	MOST_streaming 	10		
ENG122230-ENG142153-Dashboard_Display_Configuration-dynamic_icon	0	10		
ENG122230-ENG127501-Dashboard_Display_Configuration-fastlist_most	OFF 	10		
ENG122230-ENG122338-Dashboard_Display_Configuration-navigation_map_compression_mode	RLE 	10		
ENG122230-ENG122339-Dashboard_Display_Configuration-navigation_map_resolution	resolution_1 	10		
ENG122230-ENG127005-Dashboard_Display_Configuration-navigation_map_transmission_mode	OFF 	10		
ENG122230-ENG122342-Dashboard_Display_Configuration-stationart	OFF 	10		
ENG117913-ENG101574-Dimming_Ambient_Illumination_Information_Control_Unit-X1	0	6		
ENG117913-ENG99557-Dimming_Ambient_Illumination_Information_Control_Unit-X2	50	6		
ENG117913-ENG102140-Dimming_Ambient_Illumination_Information_Control_Unit-X3	100	6		
ENG117913-ENG99777-Dimming_Ambient_Illumination_Information_Control_Unit-Y1	0	6		
ENG117913-ENG100480-Dimming_Ambient_Illumination_Information_Control_Unit-Y2	50	6		
ENG117913-ENG100773-Dimming_Ambient_Illumination_Information_Control_Unit-Y3	100	6		
ENG117916-ENG101574-Dimming_Illumination_for_Display_Unit-X1	0	12		
ENG117916-ENG99557-Dimming_Illumination_for_Display_Unit-X2	20	12		
ENG117916-ENG102140-Dimming_Illumination_for_Display_Unit-X3	50	12		
ENG117916-ENG102936-Dimming_Illumination_for_Display_Unit-X4	100	12		
ENG117916-ENG103548-Dimming_Illumination_for_Display_Unit-X5	150	12		
ENG117916-ENG113992-Dimming_Illumination_for_Display_Unit-X6	253	12		
ENG117916-ENG99777-Dimming_Illumination_for_Display_Unit-Y1	1%	12		
ENG117916-ENG100480-Dimming_Illumination_for_Display_Unit-Y2	2%	12		
ENG117916-ENG100773-Dimming_Illumination_for_Display_Unit-Y3	5%	12		
ENG117916-ENG100631-Dimming_Illumination_for_Display_Unit-Y4	12%	12		
ENG117916-ENG102174-Dimming_Illumination_for_Display_Unit-Y5	27%	12		
ENG117916-ENG113993-Dimming_Illumination_for_Display_Unit-Y6	100%	12		
ENG141636-ENG142049-Key_code_monitoring-monitoring_keycode_0x00_0x07	FF 	32		
ENG141636-ENG142050-Key_code_monitoring-monitoring_keycode_0x08_0x0F	FF 	32		
ENG141636-ENG142051-Key_code_monitoring-monitoring_keycode_0x10_0x17	FF 	32		
ENG141636-ENG142052-Key_code_monitoring-monitoring_keycode_0x18_0x1F	FF 	32		
ENG141636-ENG142053-Key_code_monitoring-monitoring_keycode_0x20_0x27	FF 	32		
ENG141636-ENG142054-Key_code_monitoring-monitoring_keycode_0x28_0x2F	FF 	32		
ENG141636-ENG142055-Key_code_monitoring-monitoring_keycode_0x30_0x37	FF 	32		
ENG141636-ENG142056-Key_code_monitoring-monitoring_keycode_0x38_0x3F	FF 	32		
ENG141636-ENG142057-Key_code_monitoring-monitoring_keycode_0x40_0x47	FF 	32		
ENG141636-ENG142058-Key_code_monitoring-monitoring_keycode_0x48_0x4F	FF 	32		
ENG141636-ENG142059-Key_code_monitoring-monitoring_keycode_0x50_0x57	FF 	32		
ENG141636-ENG142060-Key_code_monitoring-monitoring_keycode_0x58_0x5F	FF 	32		
ENG141636-ENG142061-Key_code_monitoring-monitoring_keycode_0x60_0x67	FF 	32		
ENG141636-ENG142062-Key_code_monitoring-monitoring_keycode_0x68_0x6F	FF 	32		
ENG141636-ENG142063-Key_code_monitoring-monitoring_keycode_0x70_0x77	FF 	32		
ENG141636-ENG142064-Key_code_monitoring-monitoring_keycode_0x78_0x7F	FF 	32		
ENG141636-ENG142065-Key_code_monitoring-monitoring_keycode_0x80_0x87	FF 	32		
ENG141636-ENG142066-Key_code_monitoring-monitoring_keycode_0x88_0x8F	FF 	32		
ENG141636-ENG142067-Key_code_monitoring-monitoring_keycode_0x90_0x97	FF 	32		
ENG141636-ENG142068-Key_code_monitoring-monitoring_keycode_0x98_0x9F	FF 	32		
ENG141636-ENG142069-Key_code_monitoring-monitoring_keycode_0xA0_0xA7	FF 	32		
ENG141636-ENG142070-Key_code_monitoring-monitoring_keycode_0xA8_0xAF	FF 	32		
ENG141636-ENG142071-Key_code_monitoring-monitoring_keycode_0xB0_0xB7	FF 	32		
ENG141636-ENG142072-Key_code_monitoring-monitoring_keycode_0xB8_0xBF	FF 	32		
ENG141636-ENG142073-Key_code_monitoring-monitoring_keycode_0xC0_0xC7	FF 	32		
ENG141636-ENG142074-Key_code_monitoring-monitoring_keycode_0xC8_0xCF	FF 	32		
ENG141636-ENG142075-Key_code_monitoring-monitoring_keycode_0xD0_0xD7	FF 	32		
ENG141636-ENG142076-Key_code_monitoring-monitoring_keycode_0xD8_0xDF	FF 	32		
ENG141636-ENG142077-Key_code_monitoring-monitoring_keycode_0xE0_0xE7	FF 	32		
ENG141636-ENG142078-Key_code_monitoring-monitoring_keycode_0xE8_0xEF	FF 	32		
ENG141636-ENG142079-Key_code_monitoring-monitoring_keycode_0xF0_0xF7	FF 	32		
ENG141636-ENG142080-Key_code_monitoring-monitoring_keycode_0xF8_0xFF	FF 	32		
ENG117809-p_damping_Display	5 ms	1		
ENG117808-p_HMI_Display	10%	1		
ENG122219-ENG122287-Radio_Level_Quality_Offsets-Set_AM_Quality_Level_Offset	0	2		
ENG122219-ENG122288-Radio_Level_Quality_Offsets-Set_FM_Quality_Level_Offset	0	2		
ENG117905-ENG99753-Testmode_Video_speed_cutoff-PIN	0	3		
ENG117905-ENG109008-Testmode_Video_speed_cutoff-speed_limit	0 km/h	3		
Elapsed Time: 00:42


Verified VCDS User
Aug 26, 2014
Reaction score
York, UK
VCDS Serial number

;SW:8W0-907-063-CG   HW:8W0-907-063-BG ---  Cent. Elect.                
;Component:BCM1 MLBevo   H13 0267     Coding:C2501B42C17B00CD051587149FAE80B9110B3108000000000000000020001A0100410022025601            
;EV_BCM1BOSCHAU736    18006    EV_BCM1BOSCHAU736_018_AU49.rod        
;Wednesday    21    March    2018    08:11:21:22933
;VCDS Version: Release 18.2.0  Data version: 20180212 DS287.0                
;VCID: 8248C0C2155604548E-80D6                
IDE00001-MAS10842-Production mode-Deactivate exterior lighting    not active     3        
IDE00001-MAS10843-Production mode-Deactivate interior lighting    not active     3        
IDE00001-MAS10844-Production mode-Deactivate rear windshield wiper    not active     3        
IDE00001-MAS10847-Production mode-Deactivate windshield wipers    not active     3        
IDE00001-MAS10848-Production mode-Deactivate left-/right hand driving switch-over    not active     3        
IDE00001-MAS10849-Production mode-Switch parking assist to mute    not active     3        
IDE00001-MAS10850-Production mode-Deactivate massage function    not active     3        
IDE00001-MAS10871-Production mode-Deactivate AC compressor    not active     3        
IDE00001-MAS13264-Production mode-Activate headlamp cleaning system directly    not active     3        
IDE01165-Park assist activation tone    On     1        
IDE01169-Audio reduction request    On     1        
IDE01170-Visual display for park assist    OPS display     1        
IDE01550-Service position    168.49    2        
IDE01996-SFT00009-Installation list: specified installations-Central Electrics    installed     1        
IDE01996-SFT00041-Installation list: specified installations-Light Control Left    installed     1        
IDE01996-SFT00057-Installation list: specified installations-Light Control Right    installed     1        
IDE01996-SFT00214-Installation list: specified installations-Light Control Left 2    not installed     1        
IDE01996-SFT00215-Installation list: specified installations-Light Control Right 2    not installed     1        
IDE02332-Deactivate production mode    0    3        
IDE03641-Presentation run dynamic AFS light    not active     1        
IDE03642-Presentation mode    not active     1        
IDE03679-Adaptive light functions    active     1        
IDE03782-Switch-off speed for parking assist    5    1        
IDE03787-Activate left/right hand drive switch-over    not active     1        
IDE04159-Deactivation of start-stop function    not active     1        
IDE05274-Acoustic warning for rear lid assistant    not active     1        
IDE07356-Position during interval mode    38.49    2        
IDE10296-upper turn position    168.49    2        
IDE10297-lower turn position    38.49    2        
IDE10298-Alternating park position 1    30    2        
IDE10299-Alternating park position 2    32    2        
IDE10307-Presentation mode of multicolor ambient and contour lighting    not active     1        
IDE10321-MAS01364-Seat heater: micro adjust.-Stage 1    0 ¡C    3        
IDE10321-MAS01365-Seat heater: micro adjust.-Stage 2    0 ¡C    3        
IDE10321-MAS01366-Seat heater: micro adjust.-Stage 3    0 ¡C    3        
IDE10322-MAS01364-Seat ventilation: micro adjust.-Stage 1    0%    3        
IDE10322-MAS01365-Seat ventilation: micro adjust.-Stage 2    0%    3        
IDE10322-MAS01366-Seat ventilation: micro adjust.-Stage 3    0%    3        
IDE10729-Runtime measurement    on task level     1        
IDE11055-Headlight cleaning system: activation time in production mode    2.56e+006 ms    2        
IDE11954-Automatic activation of parking distance control    active     1        
IDE12224-MAS14154-Rear parking aid warning buzzer with open convertible top-Volume at Level 1    4    2        
IDE12224-MAS14155-Rear parking aid warning buzzer with open convertible top-Increment between the volume levels    4    2        
IDE12225-MAS14154-Front parking aid warning buzzer with open convertible top-Volume at Level 1    4    2        
IDE12225-MAS14155-Front parking aid warning buzzer with open convertible top-Increment between the volume levels    4    2        
MAS01426-Speaker volume for rear park assist    Stage 4     1        
MAS01427-Speaker frequency for rear park assist    Stage 6     1        
MAS01428-Speaker volume for front park assist    Stage 4     1        
MAS01429-Speaker frequency for front park assist    Stage 4     1        
MAS12129-Customer-oriented off-road trip    not activated     1        
MAS12843-Maneuvering brake function    activated     1        
ENG133836-Fehlermaske 2    00 00 00 00     4        
ENG117283-Frontwaschfunktion    10    2        
ENG133832-sLWR_counter_left    0    4        
ENG133833-sLWR_counter_right    0    4        
Elapsed Time: 00:58


Verified VCDS User
Aug 26, 2014
Reaction score
York, UK
VCDS Serial number

;SW:8W0-907-064-DM   HW:8W0-907-064-DM ---  Central Conv.				
;Component:BCM2 MLBevo   019 0366	 Coding:013500006FB100406301A0000600980233020010804304502F00000000040030001F0000000000			
;EV_BCM2HellaAU736	13013	EV_BCM2HellaAU736_013_AU49.rod		
;Wednesday	21	March	2018	08:15:41:22933
;VCDS Version: Release 18.2.0  Data version: 20180212 DS287.0				
;VCID: 8A58E8E22D665C14C6-80DE				
IDE00001-MAS10843-Production mode-Deactivate interior lighting	not active 	3		
IDE00001-MAS10851-Production mode-Deactivate engine start	not active 	3		
IDE00001-MAS10853-Production mode-Deactivate sensor-controlled rear lid opening	not active 	3		
IDE00001-MAS10854-Production mode-Deactivate central locking: function lock	not active 	3		
IDE00001-MAS10855-Production mode-Deactivate ignition switch-off when vehicle has been left	not active 	3		
IDE00001-MAS12009-Production mode-Deactivate lighting	not active 	3		
IDE00001-MAS12010-Production mode-Deactivate automatic unlocking	not active 	3		
IDE00820-Activating and deactivating all development messages	0	1		
IDE01464-MAS01167-Rear window defogger-Actuation time	600 s	2		
IDE01464-MAS01186-Rear window defogger-Shut-off temperature	35.0 øC	2		
IDE02332-Deactivate production mode	0	3		
IDE02488-DWA Interior monitoring	100%	1		
IDE04923-MAS08465-Turn signal control-Freeway flashing: flashing cycles	3	4		
IDE04923-MAS08466-Turn signal control-Confirmation flashing unlocking central locking:flashing cycles	2	4		
IDE04923-MAS08467-Turn signal control-Confirmation flashing locking central locking: flashing cycles	1	4		
IDE04923-MAS10114-Turn signal control-Turn signal with relocking	On 	4		
IDE04923-MAS10115-Turn signal control-Anti-theft blinkers by inter. door handle activ.	On 	4		
IDE04923-MAS13291-Turn signal control-Motorway flashing cancel by counter tap	On 	4		
IDE05822-DWA Vehicle inclination sensor	100%	1		
IDE05823-DWA Interior monitoring parameter set	01 0A 08 00 43 53 0A C6 01 14 0A 33 81 33 0C 00 00 00 01 DE D6 06 00 0F 1E 00 85 0E 39 F7 63 23 45 42 57 9B 25 44 3F 3A 69 58 85 2F 09 A3 02 7A 06 56 00 0F 17 00 89 10 2F F7 68 0F A3 42 87 9B 05 34 3A 3A 69 25 03 0A 09 A3 03 44 46 2A 00 0F 1C 00 88 0E 2F E7 69 1E 65 42 77 9B 05 24 3F 3A 69 47 03 0A 09 A3 04 23 15 4A 16 0A 16 1F 89 0B 28 51 32 0C 61 31 5A 94 05 24 8F FD 57 45 02 14 05 A2 05 32 07 03 17 0C 11 1A 86 0A 24 33 67 23 65 42 57 9B 25 24 0C FA 0A 35 85 2F 09 A3 21 03 00 02 02 02 02 02 02 B1 20 F2 28 6F 	172		
IDE06425-Roller test bench mode: functional	not activated 	1		
IDE07160-MAS01155-Control module switch-off: switch-off time-Control module	20 min	2		
IDE07160-MAS05583-Control module switch-off: switch-off time-Data bus	30 min	2		
IDE07279-Anti-theft warning system: monitoring diagnostics connection	On 	1		
IDE07392-Terminal 15	Default 	1		
IDE08221-MAS02444-Personalization settings key 1-Central locking	global opening 	3		
IDE08221-MAS06456-Personalization settings key 1-Autolock	On 	3		
IDE08221-MAS06457-Personalization settings key 1-autounlock	On 	3		
IDE08221-MAS06696-Personalization settings key 1-Comfort opening sunroof	OFF 	3		
IDE08221-MAS06697-Personalization settings key 1-Acoustic acknowledge signal	On 	3		
IDE08221-MAS06698-Personalization settings key 1-Freeway flashing	On 	3		
IDE08221-MAS06740-Personalization settings key 1-Release button in rear lid handle locked	OFF 	3		
IDE08221-MAS06756-Personalization settings key 1-Window shade automatic	OFF 	3		
IDE08221-MAS06880-Personalization settings key 1-Mirror fold-in (Audi)	OFF 	3		
IDE08221-MAS10221-Personalization settings key 1-Rear lid unlocking through rear lid opening sensors	OFF 	3		
IDE08221-MAS10228-Personalization settings key 1-Comfort opening window: driver side	OFF 	3		
IDE08221-MAS10229-Personalization settings key 1-Comfort opening window: frt. pass. side	OFF 	3		
IDE08221-MAS10230-Personalization settings key 1-Comfort opening rear window: driver side	OFF 	3		
IDE08221-MAS10231-Personalization settings key 1-Comfort opening rear window: frt. pass. side	OFF 	3		
IDE08222-MAS02444-Personalization settings key 2-Central locking	Individual door opening 	3		
IDE08222-MAS06456-Personalization settings key 2-Autolock	On 	3		
IDE08222-MAS06457-Personalization settings key 2-autounlock	On 	3		
IDE08222-MAS06696-Personalization settings key 2-Comfort opening sunroof	OFF 	3		
IDE08222-MAS06697-Personalization settings key 2-Acoustic acknowledge signal	On 	3		
IDE08222-MAS06698-Personalization settings key 2-Freeway flashing	On 	3		
IDE08222-MAS06740-Personalization settings key 2-Release button in rear lid handle locked	OFF 	3		
IDE08222-MAS06756-Personalization settings key 2-Window shade automatic	OFF 	3		
IDE08222-MAS06880-Personalization settings key 2-Mirror fold-in (Audi)	OFF 	3		
IDE08222-MAS10221-Personalization settings key 2-Rear lid unlocking through rear lid opening sensors	OFF 	3		
IDE08222-MAS10228-Personalization settings key 2-Comfort opening window: driver side	OFF 	3		
IDE08222-MAS10229-Personalization settings key 2-Comfort opening window: frt. pass. side	OFF 	3		
IDE08222-MAS10230-Personalization settings key 2-Comfort opening rear window: driver side	OFF 	3		
IDE08222-MAS10231-Personalization settings key 2-Comfort opening rear window: frt. pass. side	OFF 	3		
IDE08223-MAS02444-Personalization settings key 3-Central locking	Individual door opening 	3		
IDE08223-MAS06456-Personalization settings key 3-Autolock	On 	3		
IDE08223-MAS06457-Personalization settings key 3-autounlock	On 	3		
IDE08223-MAS06696-Personalization settings key 3-Comfort opening sunroof	OFF 	3		
IDE08223-MAS06697-Personalization settings key 3-Acoustic acknowledge signal	On 	3		
IDE08223-MAS06698-Personalization settings key 3-Freeway flashing	On 	3		
IDE08223-MAS06740-Personalization settings key 3-Release button in rear lid handle locked	OFF 	3		
IDE08223-MAS06756-Personalization settings key 3-Window shade automatic	OFF 	3		
IDE08223-MAS06880-Personalization settings key 3-Mirror fold-in (Audi)	OFF 	3		
IDE08223-MAS10221-Personalization settings key 3-Rear lid unlocking through rear lid opening sensors	OFF 	3		
IDE08223-MAS10228-Personalization settings key 3-Comfort opening window: driver side	OFF 	3		
IDE08223-MAS10229-Personalization settings key 3-Comfort opening window: frt. pass. side	OFF 	3		
IDE08223-MAS10230-Personalization settings key 3-Comfort opening rear window: driver side	OFF 	3		
IDE08223-MAS10231-Personalization settings key 3-Comfort opening rear window: frt. pass. side	OFF 	3		
IDE08224-MAS02444-Personalization settings key 4-Central locking	Individual door opening 	3		
IDE08224-MAS06456-Personalization settings key 4-Autolock	On 	3		
IDE08224-MAS06457-Personalization settings key 4-autounlock	On 	3		
IDE08224-MAS06696-Personalization settings key 4-Comfort opening sunroof	OFF 	3		
IDE08224-MAS06697-Personalization settings key 4-Acoustic acknowledge signal	On 	3		
IDE08224-MAS06698-Personalization settings key 4-Freeway flashing	On 	3		
IDE08224-MAS06740-Personalization settings key 4-Release button in rear lid handle locked	OFF 	3		
IDE08224-MAS06756-Personalization settings key 4-Window shade automatic	OFF 	3		
IDE08224-MAS06880-Personalization settings key 4-Mirror fold-in (Audi)	OFF 	3		
IDE08224-MAS10221-Personalization settings key 4-Rear lid unlocking through rear lid opening sensors	OFF 	3		
IDE08224-MAS10228-Personalization settings key 4-Comfort opening window: driver side	OFF 	3		
IDE08224-MAS10229-Personalization settings key 4-Comfort opening window: frt. pass. side	OFF 	3		
IDE08224-MAS10230-Personalization settings key 4-Comfort opening rear window: driver side	OFF 	3		
IDE08224-MAS10231-Personalization settings key 4-Comfort opening rear window: frt. pass. side	OFF 	3		
IDE08225-MAS02444-Personalization settings vehicle-Central locking	Individual door opening 	3		
IDE08225-MAS06456-Personalization settings vehicle-Autolock	On 	3		
IDE08225-MAS06457-Personalization settings vehicle-autounlock	On 	3		
IDE08225-MAS06696-Personalization settings vehicle-Comfort opening sunroof	OFF 	3		
IDE08225-MAS06697-Personalization settings vehicle-Acoustic acknowledge signal	On 	3		
IDE08225-MAS06698-Personalization settings vehicle-Freeway flashing	On 	3		
IDE08225-MAS06740-Personalization settings vehicle-Release button in rear lid handle locked	OFF 	3		
IDE08225-MAS06756-Personalization settings vehicle-Window shade automatic	OFF 	3		
IDE08225-MAS06880-Personalization settings vehicle-Mirror fold-in (Audi)	OFF 	3		
IDE08225-MAS10221-Personalization settings vehicle-Rear lid unlocking through rear lid opening sensors	OFF 	3		
IDE08225-MAS10228-Personalization settings vehicle-Comfort opening window: driver side	OFF 	3		
IDE08225-MAS10229-Personalization settings vehicle-Comfort opening window: frt. pass. side	OFF 	3		
IDE08225-MAS10230-Personalization settings vehicle-Comfort opening rear window: driver side	OFF 	3		
IDE08225-MAS10231-Personalization settings vehicle-Comfort opening rear window: frt. pass. side	OFF 	3		
IDE08225-MAS16238-Personalization settings vehicle-Keyless access authorization	On 	3		
IDE08226-Use of personalization settings	Key 	1		
IDE08398-Delay time alarm triggering	0 s	1		
IDE08399-Delay time crash unlocking	5.0 s	1		
IDE08400-Time for opening rear lid with remote control	3000 ms	1		
IDE10086-IDE02262-Personal settings of key 1: Part 2-synchronous mirror adjustment	OFF 	1		
IDE10086-IDE03946-Personal settings of key 1: Part 2-Mirror dimming	OFF 	1		
IDE10086-MAS05213-Personal settings of key 1: Part 2-Mirror heater	OFF 	1		
IDE10086-MAS06870-Personal settings of key 1: Part 2-Mirror lowering in reverse travel	OFF 	1		
IDE10086-MAS06881-Personal settings of key 1: Part 2-Mirror fold-in (VW)	OFF 	1		
IDE10087-IDE02262-Personal settings of key 2: Part 2-synchronous mirror adjustment	OFF 	1		
IDE10087-IDE03946-Personal settings of key 2: Part 2-Mirror dimming	OFF 	1		
IDE10087-MAS05213-Personal settings of key 2: Part 2-Mirror heater	OFF 	1		
IDE10087-MAS06870-Personal settings of key 2: Part 2-Mirror lowering in reverse travel	OFF 	1		
IDE10087-MAS06881-Personal settings of key 2: Part 2-Mirror fold-in (VW)	OFF 	1		
IDE10088-IDE02262-Personal settings of key 3: Part 2-synchronous mirror adjustment	OFF 	1		
IDE10088-IDE03946-Personal settings of key 3: Part 2-Mirror dimming	OFF 	1		
IDE10088-MAS05213-Personal settings of key 3: Part 2-Mirror heater	OFF 	1		
IDE10088-MAS06870-Personal settings of key 3: Part 2-Mirror lowering in reverse travel	OFF 	1		
IDE10088-MAS06881-Personal settings of key 3: Part 2-Mirror fold-in (VW)	OFF 	1		
IDE10089-IDE02262-Personal settings of key 4: Part 2-synchronous mirror adjustment	OFF 	1		
IDE10089-IDE03946-Personal settings of key 4: Part 2-Mirror dimming	OFF 	1		
IDE10089-MAS05213-Personal settings of key 4: Part 2-Mirror heater	OFF 	1		
IDE10089-MAS06870-Personal settings of key 4: Part 2-Mirror lowering in reverse travel	OFF 	1		
IDE10089-MAS06881-Personal settings of key 4: Part 2-Mirror fold-in (VW)	OFF 	1		
IDE10090-IDE02262-Personal settings of vehicle: Part 2-synchronous mirror adjustment	OFF 	1		
IDE10090-IDE03946-Personal settings of vehicle: Part 2-Mirror dimming	OFF 	1		
IDE10090-MAS05213-Personal settings of vehicle: Part 2-Mirror heater	OFF 	1		
IDE10090-MAS06870-Personal settings of vehicle: Part 2-Mirror lowering in reverse travel	OFF 	1		
IDE10090-MAS06881-Personal settings of vehicle: Part 2-Mirror fold-in (VW)	OFF 	1		
IDE10283-Key identification: transponder ID	FF FF FF FF 	4		
IDE10318-Sunshade activation	cannot be activated 	1		
IDE10347-Trip distance challenge	00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 	8		
IDE10836-Enable code for vehicle positioning system	18477	2		
IDE10858-Number of simultaneously adapting key	0	1		
IDE10913-MAS10979-Setting the key data-Start page	00 00 	3		
IDE10913-MAS10980-Setting the key data-No. of pages	0	3		
IDE10913-MAS11635-Setting the key data-Data security	encrypted 	3		
IDE11476-Ignition lock: variant	Audi 	1		
IDE11487-Trunk emergency release	OFF 	1		
IDE11700-Parameter group 1	FF FF FF E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 0F 32 14 0A 05 80 0F 00 19 50 46 46 00 0A 0A 02 14 3C 01 00 14 00 02 05 00 0A 19 AF 05 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 86 DF 	255		
IDE11701-Parameter group 2	FF FF FF FF F0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1E 01 1E 0A 00 0A 03 00 00 00 1E 0A 3C 3C 01 04 00 01 03 00 00 00 01 50 96 01 01 02 FF 00 FF 00 00 5A 14 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1A E6 	255		
IDE11702-Parameter group 3	FF FF C0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A 0C 14 16 14 16 02 00 0A 14 16 14 1E 14 28 3C 00 0A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 A8 BE 	255		
IDE11703-Parameter group 4	E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF 83 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1E 31 	255		
IDE11705-Parameter group 6	FF FF C0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 F5 96 02 0A 64 02 01 00 96 06 96 06 96 06 96 06 14 00 0F 14 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2B 44 	255		
IDE11706-Parameter group 7	FF FF FF FF FF F0 00 00 00 00 02 0A 32 3C 18 14 05 0A 1E 01 02 2D 14 14 0A 00 00 06 05 0F 14 00 5A 02 19 14 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 01 00 32 0A 05 1E 06 14 01 01 14 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C3 92 	255		
IDE11707-Parameter group 8	FF FF FF FE 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 1E 00 05 32 00 00 01 07 00 07 00 00 02 01 01 04 00 14 1E 0A 02 0A 02 1E 64 1E 0A 3C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C0 0B 	255		
IDE11708-Parameter group 9	80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 19 DF 	255		
IDE11709-Parameter group 10	FF E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A 00 0A 00 1C 00 3C 00 32 0A 05 05 32 05 0A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 92 E4 	255		
IDE11798-Speed-dependent activation of the back window heater	activated 	1		
IDE11935-MAS13456-Personalization-Automatic key assignment	activated 	1		
IDE11935-MAS13457-Personalization-Status of personalization	activated 	1		
IDE12303-MAS14243-Separation monitoring radio key to rear lid-Minimum opening angle of the rear lid for activation	3%	6		
IDE12303-MAS14244-Separation monitoring radio key to rear lid-Minimum opening angle of the rear lid to reverse	224%	6		
IDE12303-MAS14245-Separation monitoring radio key to rear lid-Lock vehicle after closing	OFF 	6		
IDE12303-MAS14246-Separation monitoring radio key to rear lid-Monitoring time for rear lid restart	0%	6		
IDE12303-MAS14247-Separation monitoring radio key to rear lid-Monitoring time for rear lid closing	0%	6		
IDE12465-Rear lid opener control module: response in trailer mode	not activated 	2		
IDE12481-MAS06700-Horn and flasher via smartphone app-Speed threshold	0 km/h	5		
IDE12481-MAS14561-Horn and flasher via smartphone app-Division factor of horn frequency	0	5		
IDE12481-MAS14562-Horn and flasher via smartphone app-Maximum execution duration	45 s	5		
IDE12548-MAS14750-NFC communication: settings-Command category for single-sided NFC authentication	0	27		
IDE12548-MAS14751-NFC communication: settings-Command for one-sided NFC authentication	2D 	27		
IDE12548-MAS14752-NFC communication: settings-Parameter 1 for one-sided NFC authentication	0	27		
IDE12548-MAS14753-NFC communication: settings-Parameter 2 for one-sided NFC authentication	0	27		
IDE12548-MAS14754-NFC communication: settings-Command category for two-sided NFC authentication	0	27		
IDE12548-MAS14755-NFC communication: settings-Command for two-sided NFC authentication	0	27		
IDE12548-MAS14756-NFC communication: settings-Parameter 1 for two-sided NFC authentication	0	27		
IDE12548-MAS14757-NFC communication: settings-Parameter 2 for two-sided NFC authentication	00 00 00 	27		
IDE12548-MAS14758-NFC communication: settings-Time point for NFC advance authentication	Driver's door closed 	27		
IDE12548-MAS14761-NFC communication: settings-Block NFC device in the interior	not activated 	27		
IDE12548-MAS14762-NFC communication: settings-NFC event search	activated 	27		
IDE12548-MAS15378-NFC communication: settings-Command category to trigger an event	0	27		
IDE12548-MAS15379-NFC communication: settings-Command to trigger an event	0A 	27		
IDE12548-MAS15380-NFC communication: settings-Parameter 1 to trigger an event	0	27		
IDE12548-MAS15381-NFC communication: settings-Parameter 2 to trigger an event	0A 	27		
IDE12548-MAS15382-NFC communication: settings-Command category for vehicle data	0	27		
IDE12548-MAS15383-NFC communication: settings-Command for vehicle data	1C 	27		
IDE12548-MAS15384-NFC communication: settings-Parameter 1 for vehicle data	0	27		
IDE12548-MAS15385-NFC communication: settings-Parameter 2 for vehicle data	3C 	27		
IDE12548-MAS15386-NFC communication: settings-Command category for event data	0	27		
IDE12548-MAS15387-NFC communication: settings-Command for event data	32	27		
IDE12548-MAS15388-NFC communication: settings-Parameter 1 for event data	0A 	27		
IDE12548-MAS15389-NFC communication: settings-Parameter 2 for event data	5	27		
IDE12548-MAS16723-NFC communication: settings-Expected length of triggering event	32	27		
IDE12548-MAS16724-NFC communication: settings-Expected length of vehicle data	5	27		
IDE12548-MAS16725-NFC communication: settings-Expected length of event data	0A 	27		
IDE12792-MAS02444-Personalization of user account 1-Central locking	Individual door opening 	3		
IDE12792-MAS06456-Personalization of user account 1-Autolock	On 	3		
IDE12792-MAS06457-Personalization of user account 1-autounlock	On 	3		
IDE12792-MAS06696-Personalization of user account 1-Comfort opening sunroof	OFF 	3		
IDE12792-MAS06697-Personalization of user account 1-Acoustic acknowledge signal	On 	3		
IDE12792-MAS06698-Personalization of user account 1-Freeway flashing	On 	3		
IDE12792-MAS06740-Personalization of user account 1-Release button in rear lid handle locked	OFF 	3		
IDE12792-MAS06756-Personalization of user account 1-Window shade automatic	OFF 	3		
IDE12792-MAS06880-Personalization of user account 1-Mirror fold-in (Audi)	OFF 	3		
IDE12792-MAS10221-Personalization of user account 1-Rear lid unlocking through rear lid opening sensors	OFF 	3		
IDE12792-MAS10228-Personalization of user account 1-Comfort opening window: driver side	OFF 	3		
IDE12792-MAS10229-Personalization of user account 1-Comfort opening window: frt. pass. side	OFF 	3		
IDE12792-MAS10230-Personalization of user account 1-Comfort opening rear window: driver side	OFF 	3		
IDE12792-MAS10231-Personalization of user account 1-Comfort opening rear window: frt. pass. side	OFF 	3		
IDE12793-IDE02262-Personalization of user account 1: part 2-synchronous mirror adjustment	OFF 	1		
IDE12793-IDE03946-Personalization of user account 1: part 2-Mirror dimming	OFF 	1		
IDE12793-MAS05213-Personalization of user account 1: part 2-Mirror heater	OFF 	1		
IDE12793-MAS06870-Personalization of user account 1: part 2-Mirror lowering in reverse travel	OFF 	1		
IDE12793-MAS06881-Personalization of user account 1: part 2-Mirror fold-in (VW)	OFF 	1		
IDE12794-MAS02444-Personalization of user account 2-Central locking	Individual door opening 	3		
IDE12794-MAS06456-Personalization of user account 2-Autolock	On 	3		
IDE12794-MAS06457-Personalization of user account 2-autounlock	On 	3		
IDE12794-MAS06696-Personalization of user account 2-Comfort opening sunroof	OFF 	3		
IDE12794-MAS06697-Personalization of user account 2-Acoustic acknowledge signal	On 	3		
IDE12794-MAS06698-Personalization of user account 2-Freeway flashing	On 	3		
IDE12794-MAS06740-Personalization of user account 2-Release button in rear lid handle locked	OFF 	3		
IDE12794-MAS06756-Personalization of user account 2-Window shade automatic	OFF 	3		
IDE12794-MAS06880-Personalization of user account 2-Mirror fold-in (Audi)	OFF 	3		
IDE12794-MAS10221-Personalization of user account 2-Rear lid unlocking through rear lid opening sensors	OFF 	3		
IDE12794-MAS10228-Personalization of user account 2-Comfort opening window: driver side	OFF 	3		
IDE12794-MAS10229-Personalization of user account 2-Comfort opening window: frt. pass. side	OFF 	3		
IDE12794-MAS10230-Personalization of user account 2-Comfort opening rear window: driver side	OFF 	3		
IDE12794-MAS10231-Personalization of user account 2-Comfort opening rear window: frt. pass. side	OFF 	3		
IDE12795-IDE02262-Personalization of user account 2: part 2-synchronous mirror adjustment	OFF 	1		
IDE12795-IDE03946-Personalization of user account 2: part 2-Mirror dimming	OFF 	1		
IDE12795-MAS05213-Personalization of user account 2: part 2-Mirror heater	OFF 	1		
IDE12795-MAS06870-Personalization of user account 2: part 2-Mirror lowering in reverse travel	OFF 	1		
IDE12795-MAS06881-Personalization of user account 2: part 2-Mirror fold-in (VW)	OFF 	1		
IDE12796-MAS02444-Personalization of user account 3-Central locking	Individual door opening 	3		
IDE12796-MAS06456-Personalization of user account 3-Autolock	On 	3		
IDE12796-MAS06457-Personalization of user account 3-autounlock	On 	3		
IDE12796-MAS06696-Personalization of user account 3-Comfort opening sunroof	OFF 	3		
IDE12796-MAS06697-Personalization of user account 3-Acoustic acknowledge signal	On 	3		
IDE12796-MAS06698-Personalization of user account 3-Freeway flashing	On 	3		
IDE12796-MAS06740-Personalization of user account 3-Release button in rear lid handle locked	OFF 	3		
IDE12796-MAS06756-Personalization of user account 3-Window shade automatic	OFF 	3		
IDE12796-MAS06880-Personalization of user account 3-Mirror fold-in (Audi)	OFF 	3		
IDE12796-MAS10221-Personalization of user account 3-Rear lid unlocking through rear lid opening sensors	OFF 	3		
IDE12796-MAS10228-Personalization of user account 3-Comfort opening window: driver side	OFF 	3		
IDE12796-MAS10229-Personalization of user account 3-Comfort opening window: frt. pass. side	OFF 	3		
IDE12796-MAS10230-Personalization of user account 3-Comfort opening rear window: driver side	OFF 	3		
IDE12796-MAS10231-Personalization of user account 3-Comfort opening rear window: frt. pass. side	OFF 	3		
IDE12797-IDE02262-Personalization of user account 3: part 2-synchronous mirror adjustment	OFF 	1		
IDE12797-IDE03946-Personalization of user account 3: part 2-Mirror dimming	OFF 	1		
IDE12797-MAS05213-Personalization of user account 3: part 2-Mirror heater	OFF 	1		
IDE12797-MAS06870-Personalization of user account 3: part 2-Mirror lowering in reverse travel	OFF 	1		
IDE12797-MAS06881-Personalization of user account 3: part 2-Mirror fold-in (VW)	OFF 	1		
IDE12798-MAS02444-Personalization of user account 4-Central locking	Individual door opening 	3		
IDE12798-MAS06456-Personalization of user account 4-Autolock	On 	3		
IDE12798-MAS06457-Personalization of user account 4-autounlock	On 	3		
IDE12798-MAS06696-Personalization of user account 4-Comfort opening sunroof	OFF 	3		
IDE12798-MAS06697-Personalization of user account 4-Acoustic acknowledge signal	On 	3		
IDE12798-MAS06698-Personalization of user account 4-Freeway flashing	On 	3		
IDE12798-MAS06740-Personalization of user account 4-Release button in rear lid handle locked	OFF 	3		
IDE12798-MAS06756-Personalization of user account 4-Window shade automatic	OFF 	3		
IDE12798-MAS06880-Personalization of user account 4-Mirror fold-in (Audi)	OFF 	3		
IDE12798-MAS10221-Personalization of user account 4-Rear lid unlocking through rear lid opening sensors	OFF 	3		
IDE12798-MAS10228-Personalization of user account 4-Comfort opening window: driver side	OFF 	3		
IDE12798-MAS10229-Personalization of user account 4-Comfort opening window: frt. pass. side	OFF 	3		
IDE12798-MAS10230-Personalization of user account 4-Comfort opening rear window: driver side	OFF 	3		
IDE12798-MAS10231-Personalization of user account 4-Comfort opening rear window: frt. pass. side	OFF 	3		
IDE12799-IDE02262-Personalization of user account 4: part 2-synchronous mirror adjustment	OFF 	1		
IDE12799-IDE03946-Personalization of user account 4: part 2-Mirror dimming	OFF 	1		
IDE12799-MAS05213-Personalization of user account 4: part 2-Mirror heater	OFF 	1		
IDE12799-MAS06870-Personalization of user account 4: part 2-Mirror lowering in reverse travel	OFF 	1		
IDE12799-MAS06881-Personalization of user account 4: part 2-Mirror fold-in (VW)	OFF 	1		
IDE12800-MAS02444-Personalization of user account 5-Central locking	Individual door opening 	3		
IDE12800-MAS06456-Personalization of user account 5-Autolock	On 	3		
IDE12800-MAS06457-Personalization of user account 5-autounlock	On 	3		
IDE12800-MAS06696-Personalization of user account 5-Comfort opening sunroof	OFF 	3		
IDE12800-MAS06697-Personalization of user account 5-Acoustic acknowledge signal	On 	3		
IDE12800-MAS06698-Personalization of user account 5-Freeway flashing	On 	3		
IDE12800-MAS06740-Personalization of user account 5-Release button in rear lid handle locked	OFF 	3		
IDE12800-MAS06756-Personalization of user account 5-Window shade automatic	OFF 	3		
IDE12800-MAS06880-Personalization of user account 5-Mirror fold-in (Audi)	OFF 	3		
IDE12800-MAS10221-Personalization of user account 5-Rear lid unlocking through rear lid opening sensors	OFF 	3		
IDE12800-MAS10228-Personalization of user account 5-Comfort opening window: driver side	OFF 	3		
IDE12800-MAS10229-Personalization of user account 5-Comfort opening window: frt. pass. side	OFF 	3		
IDE12800-MAS10230-Personalization of user account 5-Comfort opening rear window: driver side	OFF 	3		
IDE12800-MAS10231-Personalization of user account 5-Comfort opening rear window: frt. pass. side	OFF 	3		
IDE12801-IDE02262-Personalization of user account 5: part 2-synchronous mirror adjustment	OFF 	1		
IDE12801-IDE03946-Personalization of user account 5: part 2-Mirror dimming	OFF 	1		
IDE12801-MAS05213-Personalization of user account 5: part 2-Mirror heater	OFF 	1		
IDE12801-MAS06870-Personalization of user account 5: part 2-Mirror lowering in reverse travel	OFF 	1		
IDE12801-MAS06881-Personalization of user account 5: part 2-Mirror fold-in (VW)	OFF 	1		
IDE12802-MAS02444-Personalization of user account 6-Central locking	Individual door opening 	3		
IDE12802-MAS06456-Personalization of user account 6-Autolock	On 	3		
IDE12802-MAS06457-Personalization of user account 6-autounlock	On 	3		
IDE12802-MAS06696-Personalization of user account 6-Comfort opening sunroof	OFF 	3		
IDE12802-MAS06697-Personalization of user account 6-Acoustic acknowledge signal	On 	3		
IDE12802-MAS06698-Personalization of user account 6-Freeway flashing	On 	3		
IDE12802-MAS06740-Personalization of user account 6-Release button in rear lid handle locked	OFF 	3		
IDE12802-MAS06756-Personalization of user account 6-Window shade automatic	OFF 	3		
IDE12802-MAS06880-Personalization of user account 6-Mirror fold-in (Audi)	OFF 	3		
IDE12802-MAS10221-Personalization of user account 6-Rear lid unlocking through rear lid opening sensors	OFF 	3		
IDE12802-MAS10228-Personalization of user account 6-Comfort opening window: driver side	OFF 	3		
IDE12802-MAS10229-Personalization of user account 6-Comfort opening window: frt. pass. side	OFF 	3		
IDE12802-MAS10230-Personalization of user account 6-Comfort opening rear window: driver side	OFF 	3		
IDE12802-MAS10231-Personalization of user account 6-Comfort opening rear window: frt. pass. side	OFF 	3		
IDE12803-IDE02262-Personalization of user account 6: part 2-synchronous mirror adjustment	OFF 	1		
IDE12803-IDE03946-Personalization of user account 6: part 2-Mirror dimming	OFF 	1		
IDE12803-MAS05213-Personalization of user account 6: part 2-Mirror heater	OFF 	1		
IDE12803-MAS06870-Personalization of user account 6: part 2-Mirror lowering in reverse travel	OFF 	1		
IDE12803-MAS06881-Personalization of user account 6: part 2-Mirror fold-in (VW)	OFF 	1		
IDE12804-MAS02444-Personalization of user account 7-Central locking	Individual door opening 	3		
IDE12804-MAS06456-Personalization of user account 7-Autolock	On 	3		
IDE12804-MAS06457-Personalization of user account 7-autounlock	On 	3		
IDE12804-MAS06696-Personalization of user account 7-Comfort opening sunroof	OFF 	3		
IDE12804-MAS06697-Personalization of user account 7-Acoustic acknowledge signal	On 	3		
IDE12804-MAS06698-Personalization of user account 7-Freeway flashing	On 	3		
IDE12804-MAS06740-Personalization of user account 7-Release button in rear lid handle locked	OFF 	3		
IDE12804-MAS06756-Personalization of user account 7-Window shade automatic	OFF 	3		
IDE12804-MAS06880-Personalization of user account 7-Mirror fold-in (Audi)	OFF 	3		
IDE12804-MAS10221-Personalization of user account 7-Rear lid unlocking through rear lid opening sensors	OFF 	3		
IDE12804-MAS10228-Personalization of user account 7-Comfort opening window: driver side	OFF 	3		
IDE12804-MAS10229-Personalization of user account 7-Comfort opening window: frt. pass. side	OFF 	3		
IDE12804-MAS10230-Personalization of user account 7-Comfort opening rear window: driver side	OFF 	3		
IDE12804-MAS10231-Personalization of user account 7-Comfort opening rear window: frt. pass. side	OFF 	3		
IDE12805-IDE02262-Personalization of user account 7: part 2-synchronous mirror adjustment	OFF 	1		
IDE12805-IDE03946-Personalization of user account 7: part 2-Mirror dimming	OFF 	1		
IDE12805-MAS05213-Personalization of user account 7: part 2-Mirror heater	OFF 	1		
IDE12805-MAS06870-Personalization of user account 7: part 2-Mirror lowering in reverse travel	OFF 	1		
IDE12805-MAS06881-Personalization of user account 7: part 2-Mirror fold-in (VW)	OFF 	1		
IDE12808-Personalization of user account 1: name	00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 	66		
IDE12809-Personalization of user account 2: name	00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 	66		
IDE12810-Personalization of user account 3: name	00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 	66		
IDE12811-Personalization of user account 4: name	00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 	66		
IDE12812-Personalization of user account 5: name	00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 	66		
IDE12813-Personalization of user account 6: name	00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 	66		
IDE12814-Personalization of user account 7: name	47 61 73 74 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 	66		
IDE12815-MAS15187-User accounts for the NFC devices-User account of NFC device 1	0	8		
IDE12815-MAS15188-User accounts for the NFC devices-User account of NFC device 2	0	8		
IDE12815-MAS15189-User accounts for the NFC devices-User account of NFC device 3	0	8		
IDE12815-MAS15190-User accounts for the NFC devices-User account of NFC device 4	0	8		
IDE12815-MAS15191-User accounts for the NFC devices-User account of NFC device 5	0	8		
IDE12815-MAS15192-User accounts for the NFC devices-User account of NFC device 6	0	8		
IDE12815-MAS15193-User accounts for the NFC devices-User account of NFC device 7	0	8		
IDE12815-MAS15194-User accounts for the NFC devices-User account of NFC device 8	0	8		
IDE12815-MAS15195-User accounts for the NFC devices-User account of NFC device 9	0	8		
IDE12815-MAS15196-User accounts for the NFC devices-User account of NFC device 10	0	8		
IDE12815-MAS15197-User accounts for the NFC devices-User account of NFC device 11	0	8		
IDE12815-MAS15198-User accounts for the NFC devices-User account of NFC device 12	0	8		
IDE12815-MAS15199-User accounts for the NFC devices-User account of NFC device 13	0	8		
IDE12815-MAS15200-User accounts for the NFC devices-User account of NFC device 14	0	8		
IDE12815-MAS15201-User accounts for the NFC devices-User account of NFC device 15	0	8		
IDE12815-MAS15202-User accounts for the NFC devices-User account of NFC device 16	0	8		
IDE12938-MAS15390-NFC communication 2: settings-Command category for SELECT	0	22		
IDE12938-MAS15391-NFC communication 2: settings-Command for SELECT	0	22		
IDE12938-MAS15392-NFC communication 2: settings-Parameter 1 for SELECT	0	22		
IDE12938-MAS15393-NFC communication 2: settings-Parameter 2 for SELECT	0	22		
IDE12938-MAS15394-NFC communication 2: settings-Utility data length for SELECT	0	22		
IDE12938-MAS15395-NFC communication 2: settings-Application ID for SELECT	00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 	22		
IDE12938-MAS15396-NFC communication 2: settings-Expected length for SELECT	0	22		
IDE13253-MAS16009-Convertible top convenience operation-Convenience closure with radio key	On 	2		
IDE13253-MAS16010-Convertible top convenience operation-Convenience opening with lock cylinder	On 	2		
IDE13253-MAS16011-Convertible top convenience operation-Convenience closing with exterior door handle touch sensor	On 	2		
IDE13253-MAS16012-Convertible top convenience operation-Convenience opening with radio key	On 	2		
IDE13253-MAS16013-Convertible top convenience operation-Convenient opening with lock cylinder	On 	2		
IDE13254-MAS16014-Convenience opening: control points-Convenience opening of the window regulator with radio key	On 	2		
IDE13254-MAS16015-Convenience opening: control points-Convenience opening of the window regulator with lock cylinder	On 	2		
IDE13254-MAS16016-Convenience opening: control points-Convenience opening of the window regulator with window regulator button	On 	2		
IDE13254-MAS16017-Convenience opening: control points-Convenience opening of the roof shade with the radio key	On 	2		
IDE13254-MAS16018-Convenience opening: control points-Convenience opening of the roof shade with lock cylinder	On 	2		
IDE13254-MAS16019-Convenience opening: control points-Convenience opening of the roof shade with window regulator button	On 	2		
IDE13254-MAS16020-Convenience opening: control points-Comfort opening only for driver door	OFF 	2		
IDE13254-MAS16029-Convenience opening: control points-Convenience opening of the sunroof with radio key	On 	2		
IDE13254-MAS16030-Convenience opening: control points-Convenience opening of the sunroof with lock cylinder	On 	2		
IDE13254-MAS16031-Convenience opening: control points-Convenience opening of the sun roof with window regulator button	On 	2		
IDE13254-MAS16032-Convenience opening: control points-Convenience opening of rear sun roof with radio key	On 	2		
IDE13254-MAS16033-Convenience opening: control points-Convenience opening of rear sun roof with lock cylinder	On 	2		
IDE13254-MAS16034-Convenience opening: control points-Comfort opening of the rear sunroof with window regulator button	On 	2		
IDE13255-MAS16021-Convenience closing: control points-Convenience closure of the window regulator with radio key	On 	2		
IDE13255-MAS16022-Convenience closing: control points-Convenience closure of the window regulator with lock cylinder	On 	2		
IDE13255-MAS16023-Convenience closing: control points-Convenience closure of the window regulator with window regulator button	On 	2		
IDE13255-MAS16024-Convenience closing: control points-Convenience closure of window regulator with outside door handle sensor	On 	2		
IDE13255-MAS16025-Convenience closing: control points-Convenience closing of the roof shade with the radio key	On 	2		
IDE13255-MAS16026-Convenience closing: control points-Convenience closure of the roof shade with lock cylinder	On 	2		
IDE13255-MAS16027-Convenience closing: control points-Convenience closure of the roof shade with window regulator button	On 	2		
IDE13255-MAS16028-Convenience closing: control points-Convenience closure of roof shade with outside door handle	On 	2		
IDE13255-MAS16035-Convenience closing: control points-Convenience closure of sun roof with radio key	On 	2		
IDE13255-MAS16036-Convenience closing: control points-Convenience closing of the sunroof with lock cylinder	On 	2		
IDE13255-MAS16037-Convenience closing: control points-Convenience closure of the sun roof with window regulator button	On 	2		
IDE13255-MAS16038-Convenience closing: control points-Convenience closure of sunroof with outside door handle sensor	On 	2		
IDE13255-MAS16039-Convenience closing: control points-Convenience closure of rear sun roof with radio key	On 	2		
IDE13255-MAS16040-Convenience closing: control points-Convenience closure of rear sun roof with lock cylinder	On 	2		
IDE13255-MAS16041-Convenience closing: control points-Convenience closure of the rear sun roof with window regulator button	On 	2		
IDE13255-MAS16042-Convenience closing: control points-Convenience closure of rear sunroof with outside door handle sensor	On 	2		
ENG146368-ENG146489-central_locking_system-autolock_rear	On 	2		
ENG146368-ENG146488-central_locking_system-beep_at_opening	OFF 	2		
ENG146368-ENG146490-central_locking_system-global_unlocking_via_kessy_double_puls	OFF 	2		
ENG146368-ENG146491-central_locking_system-unlocking_rear_via_vip_at_s_contact_active	OFF 	2		
ENG146414-ffb_kessy_active_for_piloted_parking	not activated 	1		
ENG146373-headlamp_range_adjustment	OFF 	1		
ENG146406-ENG146575-Heated_front_window_lin_relais-Off_delay	0.50 s	14		
ENG146406-ENG146574-Heated_front_window_lin_relais-On_delay	0.50 s	14		
ENG146406-ENG146571-Heated_front_window_lin_relais-Threshold_driver_side_off	150 W	14		
ENG146406-ENG146570-Heated_front_window_lin_relais-Threshold_driver_side_on	300 W	14		
ENG146406-ENG146573-Heated_front_window_lin_relais-Threshold_passenger_side_off	350 W	14		
ENG146406-ENG146572-Heated_front_window_lin_relais-Threshold_passenger_side_on	500 W	14		
ENG146406-ENG146576-Heated_front_window_lin_relais-Two_Relais_installed	1	14		
ENG146400-ENG146554-Heated_rear_window_with_extension-Default_activation_time	10 min	16		
ENG146400-ENG155020-Heated_rear_window_with_extension-Delay_time_deactivate_heated_rear_window	25.5	16		
ENG146400-ENG146546-Heated_rear_window_with_extension-Interval_1	5 min	16		
ENG146400-ENG146547-Heated_rear_window_with_extension-Interval_2	7 min	16		
ENG146400-ENG146548-Heated_rear_window_with_extension-Interval_3	12 min	16		
ENG146400-ENG146549-Heated_rear_window_with_extension-Interval_4	20 min	16		
ENG146400-ENG146550-Heated_rear_window_with_extension-Renewal_interval_1	0 min	16		
ENG146400-ENG146551-Heated_rear_window_with_extension-Renewal_interval_2	3 min	16		
ENG146400-ENG146552-Heated_rear_window_with_extension-Renewal_interval_3	3 min	16		
ENG146400-ENG146553-Heated_rear_window_with_extension-Renewal_interval_4	5 min	16		
ENG146400-ENG146555-Heated_rear_window_with_extension-Speed_theshold	50	16		
ENG146400-ENG145114-Heated_rear_window_with_extension-Temperature_1	132	16		
ENG146400-ENG145115-Heated_rear_window_with_extension-Temperature_2	124	16		
ENG146400-ENG146545-Heated_rear_window_with_extension-Temperature_3	116	16		
ENG146374-hella_debug_switch	00 00 	2		
ENG146372-ENG146515-horn_settings-number_of_acoustic_acknowlagement_signals_zv_close	2	2		
ENG146372-ENG146514-horn_settings-number_of_acoustic_acknowlagement_signals_zv_open	0	2		
ENG153896-ENG146539-Mobile_Key-idle_time_state_S1	32	4		
ENG153896-ENG155141-Mobile_Key-idle_time_state_S2	0	4		
ENG153896-ENG155142-Mobile_Key-idle_time_vtan_state_S1	116	4		
ENG153896-ENG155143-Mobile_Key-idle_time_vtan_state_S2	5	4		
ENG146397-ENG146535-mq_ewi_activation-ewi_mode	On 	4		
ENG146397-ENG146534-mq_ewi_activation-ewi_trace	On 	4		
ENG146397-ENG146536-mq_ewi_activation-ewi_trace_messages	FF FF FF 	4		
ENG146405-ENG146480-Personalisation_ew-Delay_Time	0.40 s	8		
ENG146405-ENG146558-Personalisation_ew-FSG_Setup2_Bit1	0	8		
ENG146405-ENG146559-Personalisation_ew-FSG_Setup2_Bit2	0	8		
ENG146405-ENG146560-Personalisation_ew-FSG_Setup2_Bit3	1	8		
ENG146405-ENG146561-Personalisation_ew-FSG_Setup2_Bit4	0	8		
ENG146405-ENG146562-Personalisation_ew-FSG_Setup2_Bit5	0	8		
ENG146405-ENG146563-Personalisation_ew-FSG_Setup2_Bit6	1	8		
ENG146405-ENG146564-Personalisation_ew-FSG_Setup2_Bit7	1	8		
ENG146405-ENG146569-Personalisation_ew-Minimum_display_duration	1	8		
ENG146405-ENG146566-Personalisation_ew-Number_of_accounts	7	8		
ENG146405-ENG146577-Personalisation_ew-Prioritization_device	0	8		
ENG146405-ENG146567-Personalisation_ew-Time_slot_driver_door_opening	0.30 s	8		
ENG146405-ENG146565-Personalisation_ew-Time_slot_key_identification	5	8		
ENG146405-ENG146568-Personalisation_ew-Timeout_drive_active	60	8		
ENG146375-ENG146520-pwm_levels_hl_1-pwm_high_1	200	3		
ENG146375-ENG146521-pwm_levels_hl_1-pwm_high_2	255	3		
ENG146375-ENG146519-pwm_levels_hl_1-pwm_low	255	3		
ENG146384-ENG146520-pwm_levels_hl_10-pwm_high_1	200	3		
ENG146384-ENG146521-pwm_levels_hl_10-pwm_high_2	255	3		
ENG146384-ENG146519-pwm_levels_hl_10-pwm_low	255	3		
ENG146385-ENG146520-pwm_levels_hl_11-pwm_high_1	255	3		
ENG146385-ENG146521-pwm_levels_hl_11-pwm_high_2	255	3		
ENG146385-ENG146519-pwm_levels_hl_11-pwm_low	200	3		
ENG146386-ENG146520-pwm_levels_hl_12-pwm_high_1	200	3		
ENG146386-ENG146521-pwm_levels_hl_12-pwm_high_2	255	3		
ENG146386-ENG146519-pwm_levels_hl_12-pwm_low	255	3		
ENG146387-ENG146520-pwm_levels_hl_13-pwm_high_1	200	3		
ENG146387-ENG146521-pwm_levels_hl_13-pwm_high_2	255	3		
ENG146387-ENG146519-pwm_levels_hl_13-pwm_low	255	3		
ENG146388-ENG146520-pwm_levels_hl_14-pwm_high_1	200	3		
ENG146388-ENG146521-pwm_levels_hl_14-pwm_high_2	255	3		
ENG146388-ENG146519-pwm_levels_hl_14-pwm_low	100	3		
ENG146389-ENG146520-pwm_levels_hl_15-pwm_high_1	200	3		
ENG146389-ENG146521-pwm_levels_hl_15-pwm_high_2	255	3		
ENG146389-ENG146519-pwm_levels_hl_15-pwm_low	255	3		
ENG146390-ENG146520-pwm_levels_hl_16-pwm_high_1	255	3		
ENG146390-ENG146521-pwm_levels_hl_16-pwm_high_2	200	3		
ENG146390-ENG146519-pwm_levels_hl_16-pwm_low	255	3		
ENG146391-ENG146520-pwm_levels_hl_17-pwm_high_1	200	3		
ENG146391-ENG146521-pwm_levels_hl_17-pwm_high_2	255	3		
ENG146391-ENG146519-pwm_levels_hl_17-pwm_low	255	3		
ENG146392-ENG146520-pwm_levels_hl_18-pwm_high_1	255	3		
ENG146392-ENG146521-pwm_levels_hl_18-pwm_high_2	255	3		
ENG146392-ENG146519-pwm_levels_hl_18-pwm_low	255	3		
ENG146393-ENG146520-pwm_levels_hl_19-pwm_high_1	255	3		
ENG146393-ENG146521-pwm_levels_hl_19-pwm_high_2	255	3		
ENG146393-ENG146519-pwm_levels_hl_19-pwm_low	255	3		
ENG146376-ENG146520-pwm_levels_hl_2-pwm_high_1	200	3		
ENG146376-ENG146521-pwm_levels_hl_2-pwm_high_2	255	3		
ENG146376-ENG146519-pwm_levels_hl_2-pwm_low	255	3		
ENG146394-ENG146520-pwm_levels_hl_20-pwm_high_1	255	3		
ENG146394-ENG146521-pwm_levels_hl_20-pwm_high_2	255	3		
ENG146394-ENG146519-pwm_levels_hl_20-pwm_low	255	3		
ENG146395-ENG146520-pwm_levels_hl_21-pwm_high_1	255	3		
ENG146395-ENG146521-pwm_levels_hl_21-pwm_high_2	255	3		
ENG146395-ENG146519-pwm_levels_hl_21-pwm_low	255	3		
ENG146377-ENG146520-pwm_levels_hl_3-pwm_high_1	200	3		
ENG146377-ENG146521-pwm_levels_hl_3-pwm_high_2	255	3		
ENG146377-ENG146519-pwm_levels_hl_3-pwm_low	255	3		
ENG146378-ENG146520-pwm_levels_hl_4-pwm_high_1	200	3		
ENG146378-ENG146521-pwm_levels_hl_4-pwm_high_2	255	3		
ENG146378-ENG146519-pwm_levels_hl_4-pwm_low	100	3		
ENG146379-ENG146520-pwm_levels_hl_5-pwm_high_1	200	3		
ENG146379-ENG146521-pwm_levels_hl_5-pwm_high_2	255	3		
ENG146379-ENG146519-pwm_levels_hl_5-pwm_low	255	3		
ENG146380-ENG146520-pwm_levels_hl_6-pwm_high_1	255	3		
ENG146380-ENG146521-pwm_levels_hl_6-pwm_high_2	255	3		
ENG146380-ENG146519-pwm_levels_hl_6-pwm_low	200	3		
ENG146381-ENG146520-pwm_levels_hl_7-pwm_high_1	200	3		
ENG146381-ENG146521-pwm_levels_hl_7-pwm_high_2	255	3		
ENG146381-ENG146519-pwm_levels_hl_7-pwm_low	255	3		
ENG146382-ENG146520-pwm_levels_hl_8-pwm_high_1	255	3		
ENG146382-ENG146521-pwm_levels_hl_8-pwm_high_2	200	3		
ENG146382-ENG146519-pwm_levels_hl_8-pwm_low	255	3		
ENG146383-ENG146520-pwm_levels_hl_9-pwm_high_1	200	3		
ENG146383-ENG146521-pwm_levels_hl_9-pwm_high_2	255	3		
ENG146383-ENG146519-pwm_levels_hl_9-pwm_low	255	3		
ENG146399-ENG146543-remote_functions-idle_time_bap_remote_beep	500	8		
ENG146399-ENG146544-remote_functions-idle_time_state_S0	1	8		
ENG146399-ENG146539-remote_functions-idle_time_state_S1	60	8		
ENG146399-ENG146540-remote_functions-idle_time_state_S3	2000	8		
ENG146399-ENG146537-remote_functions-Rear_lid_handle_release_button_activation_time	15	8		
ENG146399-ENG146538-remote_functions-Rear_lid_handle_release_button_active	active 	8		
ENG146399-ENG146541-remote_functions-remote_beep_activation_time_high	100	8		
ENG146399-ENG146542-remote_functions-remote_beep_activation_time_low	900	8		
ENG146403-ENG114991-RF_adjustment-channel_1	4F 	3		
ENG146403-ENG114992-RF_adjustment-channel_2	52	3		
ENG146403-ENG114993-RF_adjustment-channel_3	4E 	3		
ENG146402-ENG114991-RF_calibration-channel_1	FF FF FF 	9		
ENG146402-ENG114992-RF_calibration-channel_2	FF FF FF 	9		
ENG146402-ENG114993-RF_calibration-channel_3	FF FF FF 	9		
ENG129054-ENG144985-SERVICE_KEY-debounce_kilometer	255 km	9		
ENG129054-ENG144693-SERVICE_KEY-Distance	20 km	9		
ENG129054-ENG144983-SERVICE_KEY-hazard_warning_switch_delay_time	10 s	9		
ENG129054-ENG144980-SERVICE_KEY-retry_request_obdc	3	9		
ENG129054-ENG144979-SERVICE_KEY-timeout_request_obdc	30 s	9		
ENG129054-ENG146532-SERVICE_KEY-write_cycles_per_key_and_day	255	9		
ENG129054-ENG144984-SERVICE_KEY-write_data_delay_time	40 s	9		
ENG129054-ENG144982-SERVICE_KEY-write_delay_speed	20 km/h	9		
ENG129054-ENG144981-SERVICE_KEY-write_delay_time	20 s	9		
ENG146371-ENG146510-sounder_settings-beeptime	60_ms 	2		
ENG146371-ENG146511-sounder_settings-beeptime_closing_central_locking	double_beep 	2		
ENG146371-ENG146513-sounder_settings-beeptime_opening_central_locking	no_beep 	2		
ENG146371-ENG146512-sounder_settings-sounder_sound	frequency_modulated 	2		
ENG146364-ENG146516-Terminal_Control-deactivation_time_kl15	30 min	3		
ENG146364-ENG146517-Terminal_Control-delay_time_leave_concept	200 ms	3		
ENG146398-wiping_indicator	10111	1		
Elapsed Time: 02:53


Verified VCDS User
Aug 26, 2014
Reaction score
York, UK
VCDS Serial number

;SW:80A-907-217-A   HW:80A-907-217-A ---  Frt Sens. Drv. Assist				;Component:BVS           H15 0050	 Coding:0404020600000401024023A0A50000FE00F0C010C020			
;Wednesday	21	March	2018	08:06:09:22933
;VCDS Version: Release 18.2.0  Data version: 20180212 DS287.0				
;VCID: A404A65AAF82EA64DC-80F0				
IDE02066-Windshield heat. direct. stabilize. assist. activation duration	2 min	1		
IDE02332-Deactivate production mode	0	3		
IDE06425-Roller test bench mode: functional	not activated 	1		
IDE07358-Distance to calibration field	1500.00 mm	2		
IDE08447-Driving axis angle	-1 '	1		
IDE09375-IDE05717-Axle offset-Front axle transverse position	5.00 mm	4		
IDE09375-IDE05718-Axle offset-Rear axle transverse position	-1.00 mm	4		
IDE09376-IDE02001-Body height wheel house edge-Body height left front wheel house edge	842.75 mm	8		
IDE09376-IDE02002-Body height wheel house edge-Body height right front wheel house edge	841.25 mm	8		
IDE09376-IDE02003-Body height wheel house edge-Body height left rear wheel house edge	851.50 mm	8		
IDE09376-IDE02004-Body height wheel house edge-Body height right rear wheel house edge	848.25 mm	8		
IDE09391-MAS08824-Calibration target position-Target 1: calibration mark 1: x-coordinate	3000.00 mm	24		
IDE09391-MAS08825-Calibration target position-Target 1: calibration mark 1: y-coordinate	1233.00 mm	24		
IDE09391-MAS08826-Calibration target position-Target 1: calibration mark 1: z-coordinate	1820.00 mm	24		
IDE09391-MAS08827-Calibration target position-Target 1: calibration mark 2: x-coordinate	3000.00 mm	24		
IDE09391-MAS08828-Calibration target position-Target 1: calibration mark 2: y-coordinate	1117.00 mm	24		
IDE09391-MAS08829-Calibration target position-Target 1: calibration mark 2: z-coordinate	1820.00 mm	24		
IDE09391-MAS08830-Calibration target position-Target 1: calibration mark 3: x-coordinate	3000.00 mm	24		
IDE09391-MAS08831-Calibration target position-Target 1: calibration mark 3: y-coordinate	-1117.00 mm	24		
IDE09391-MAS08832-Calibration target position-Target 1: calibration mark 3: z-coordinate	1820.00 mm	24		
IDE09391-MAS08833-Calibration target position-Target 1: calibration mark 4: x-coordinate	3000.00 mm	24		
IDE09391-MAS08834-Calibration target position-Target 1: calibration mark 4: y-coordinate	-1233.00 mm	24		
IDE09391-MAS08835-Calibration target position-Target 1: calibration mark 4: z-coordinate	1820.00 mm	24		
MAS05331-IDE03355-Calibration result-Static calibration: yaw angle	-0.42 ø	6		
MAS05331-IDE03356-Calibration result-Static calibration: pitch angle	3.80 ø	6		
MAS05331-IDE03357-Calibration result-Static calibration: roll angle	-0.61 ø	6		
MAS05331-IDE03358-Calibration result-Static calibration: camera height	1520 mm	6		
Elapsed Time: 00:14


Verified VCDS User
Aug 26, 2014
Reaction score
York, UK
VCDS Serial number

;SW:8W0-035-192-C   HW:8W0-035-192-A ---  Information Electr.				;Component:MU-HS-LND-EU  050 0211	 Coding:01240601FF0A000053111101000A00102F0019E601F00100CE			
;EV_MUHigScl6C3DELP	1011	EV_MUHigScl6C3DELP_AU49.rod		
;Wednesday	21	March	2018	08:06:50:22933
;VCDS Version: Release 18.2.0  Data version: 20180212 DS287.0				
;VCID: B6206C12091E68F472-80E2				
Group	Description	Actual		
IDE00019	Voltage terminal 30	15.1	 V	
IDE00020	Terminal 15 status	On	 	
IDE00021	Engine speed	855	 /min	
IDE00075	Vehicle speed	0	 km/h	
IDE00323	Security Access: Number of invalid keys	0	 	
IDE00655-MAS01424	Temperature of processor circuit board-max.value	56	 øC	
IDE00655-MAS01425	Temperature of processor circuit board-min.value	0	 øC	
IDE00655-MAS02238	Temperature of processor circuit board-Current	14	 øC	
IDE00668-MAS03231	Microphone current consumption-Microphone 1	6.1	 mA	
IDE00668-MAS03232	Microphone current consumption-Microphone 2	4.8	 mA	
IDE00767	No. of unscheduled ECU resets	0	 counts	
IDE00916-IDE02127	Speaker status-Left front speaker	Condition not met	 	
IDE00916-IDE02128	Speaker status-Right front speaker	Condition not met	 	
IDE00916-IDE02129	Speaker status-Left rear speaker	Condition not met	 	
IDE00916-IDE02130	Speaker status-Right rear speaker	Condition not met	 	
IDE00916-MAS01198	Speaker status-Center speaker	Condition not met	 	
IDE00916-MAS01201	Speaker status-Subwoofer speaker	Condition not met	 	
IDE00916-ENG117413	Speaker status-loudspeaker_channel_10	Measured value not available	 	
IDE00916-ENG117414	Speaker status-loudspeaker_channel_11	Measured value not available	 	
IDE00916-ENG117415	Speaker status-loudspeaker_channel_12	Measured value not available	 	
IDE00916-ENG117416	Speaker status-loudspeaker_channel_13	Measured value not available	 	
IDE00916-ENG117417	Speaker status-loudspeaker_channel_14	Measured value not available	 	
IDE00916-ENG117418	Speaker status-loudspeaker_channel_15	Measured value not available	 	
IDE00916-ENG117419	Speaker status-loudspeaker_channel_16	Measured value not available	 	
IDE00916-ENG117410	Speaker status-loudspeaker_channel_7	Measured value not available	 	
IDE00916-ENG117411	Speaker status-loudspeaker_channel_8	Measured value not available	 	
IDE00916-ENG117412	Speaker status-loudspeaker_channel_9	Measured value not available	 	
IDE01285-ENG101364	Counter of component protection malfunctions-Theft Protection Error Counter	00 00	 	
IDE01351	Terminal 75 status	OFF	 	
IDE01442-MAS06123	Pressing a button-Eject button	not activated	 	
IDE01700-MAS01763	Status of tuner for digital radio (DAB)-Signal Strength	49	 dBæV	
IDE01700-MAS01765	Status of tuner for digital radio (DAB)-Audio Signal	Available	 	
IDE01700-MAS02572	Status of tuner for digital radio (DAB)-Mute	not activated	 	
IDE01700-MAS02949	Status of tuner for digital radio (DAB)-Frequency	225648	 kHz	
IDE01700-MAS03786	Status of tuner for digital radio (DAB)-Audio Codec	MPEG_Audio_Layer_2	 	
IDE01700-ENG117350	Status of tuner for digital radio (DAB)-Audio_Mode	2	 	
IDE01700-ENG117354	Status of tuner for digital radio (DAB)-Audio_Quality	98	 	
IDE01700-ENG117330	Status of tuner for digital radio (DAB)-availability_traffic_data_TMC	Not available	 	
IDE01700-ENG117329	Status of tuner for digital radio (DAB)-availability_traffic_data_TP	Not available	 	
IDE01700-ENG117348	Status of tuner for digital radio (DAB)-Bit_Rate	128	 kbps	
IDE01700-ENG117346	Status of tuner for digital radio (DAB)-Charset	0	 	
IDE01700-ENG117327	Status of tuner for digital radio (DAB)-DAB_Bit_Error_Rate_FIC	0.0068	 	
IDE01700-ENG117326	Status of tuner for digital radio (DAB)-DAB_Bit_Error_Rate_MSC	0.0059	 	
IDE01700-ENG117328	Status of tuner for digital radio (DAB)-DAB_Bit_Error_Rate_NET	0.000059	 	
IDE01700-ENG117340	Status of tuner for digital radio (DAB)-Data_Service_Identifier	00 00 00 00	 	
IDE01700-ENG117341	Status of tuner for digital radio (DAB)-Data_Service_Label		 	
IDE01700-ENG117345	Status of tuner for digital radio (DAB)-Data_Service_Label_Mask	00 00	 	
IDE01700-ENG117331	Status of tuner for digital radio (DAB)-Ensemble_ID	00 00 CE 15	 	
IDE01700-ENG117332	Status of tuner for digital radio (DAB)-Ensemble_Label	BBC National DAB	 	
IDE01700-ENG117333	Status of tuner for digital radio (DAB)-Ensemble_Label_Mask	F0 07	 	
IDE01700-ENG117334	Status of tuner for digital radio (DAB)-Extended_Country_Code	E1	 	
IDE01700-ENG117342	Status of tuner for digital radio (DAB)-Label_Masks	00 00	 	
IDE01700-ENG117335	Status of tuner for digital radio (DAB)-Program_Service_Identifier	00 00 C2 22	 	
IDE01700-ENG117351	Status of tuner for digital radio (DAB)-Protection_Level	3_unequal_protection_level	 	
IDE01700-ENG117349	Status of tuner for digital radio (DAB)-Sample_Rate	48	 kHz	
IDE01700-ENG117336	Status of tuner for digital radio (DAB)-Service_Component_Identifier	0	 	
IDE01700-ENG117338	Status of tuner for digital radio (DAB)-Service_Label	BBC Radio 2     	 	
IDE01700-ENG117343	Status of tuner for digital radio (DAB)-Service_Label_Mask	F8 20	 	
IDE01700-ENG117325	Status of tuner for digital radio (DAB)-signal_quality	91	 	
IDE01700-ENG117337	Status of tuner for digital radio (DAB)-Sub_Channel_Identifier	2	 	
IDE01700-ENG117339	Status of tuner for digital radio (DAB)-Sub_Service_Label		 	
IDE01700-ENG117344	Status of tuner for digital radio (DAB)-Sub_Service_Label_Mask	00 00	 	
IDE01700-ENG117353	Status of tuner for digital radio (DAB)-SYNC/OFDM_Lock	activated	 	
IDE01700-ENG117352	Status of tuner for digital radio (DAB)-Transmission_Mode	1	 	
IDE01712-MAS01779	GPS Position-Length	"001ø07'57.81""W"	 	
IDE01712-MAS01780	GPS Position-Width	"053ø57'07.83""N"	 	
IDE01713-MAS01632	Status GPS reception-Status	GPS data is being received: position completely determined	 	
IDE01713-MAS01785	Status GPS reception-Number of visible satellites	14	 	
IDE01713-MAS01786	Status GPS reception-Number of tracked satellites	11	 	
IDE01715	Status terminal S	On	 	
IDE01716	Terminal 50 status	OFF	 	
IDE01767-MAS00940	Status of telephone-Antenna diagnostic	Not available	 	
IDE01767-MAS00941	Status of telephone-Telephone baseplate diagnostic	not connected	 	
IDE01767-MAS00955	Status of telephone-Handset in handset holder (cradle)	not selected	 	
IDE01767-MAS01806	Status of telephone-Handset holder (cradle)	not connected	 	
IDE01768-MAS01808	Status of antenna 1 for radio-Antenna current	66	 mA	
IDE01768-MAS03938	Status of antenna 1 for radio-Connection between radio and antenna amplifier	Electrical OK	 	
IDE01768-MAS03939	Status of antenna 1 for radio-Connection between antenna amplifier and antenna	Electrical OK	 	
IDE01768-MAS03991	Status of antenna 1 for radio-Reception level antenna 1	49	 dBæV	
IDE01769-MAS01808	Status of antenna 2 for radio-Antenna current	46	 mA	
IDE01769-MAS03938	Status of antenna 2 for radio-Connection between radio and antenna amplifier	Electrical OK	 	
IDE01769-MAS03939	Status of antenna 2 for radio-Connection between antenna amplifier and antenna	Electrical OK	 	
IDE01769-MAS04344	Status of antenna 2 for radio-Reception level antenna 2	45	 dBæV	
IDE01770-MAS01632	Status of GPS antenna-Status	Electrical OK	 	
IDE01770-MAS01808	Status of GPS antenna-Antenna current	23	 mA	
IDE01771-MAS01808	Status of digital radio antenna 1-Antenna current	56	 mA	
IDE01771-MAS03938	Status of digital radio antenna 1-Connection between radio and antenna amplifier	Electrical OK	 	
IDE01771-MAS03939	Status of digital radio antenna 1-Connection between antenna amplifier and antenna	Electrical OK	 	
IDE01771-ENG117327	Status of digital radio antenna 1-DAB_Bit_Error_Rate_FIC	0.007099	 	
IDE01771-ENG117326	Status of digital radio antenna 1-DAB_Bit_Error_Rate_MSC	0.0055	 	
IDE01868-MAS00839	Ring break diagnostic result-TV Tuner	Not available	 	
IDE01868-MAS00840	Ring break diagnostic result-Media Player: Position 1	Not available	 	
IDE01868-MAS00844	Ring break diagnostic result-Radio	Not available	 	
IDE01868-MAS00847	Ring break diagnostic result-Digital Sound System Control Module	Not available	 	
IDE01868-MAS00849	Ring break diagnostic result-Information electronics control module 1	System OK	 	
IDE01868-MAS00850	Ring break diagnostic result-Information electronics control module 2	Not available	 	
IDE01868-MAS02840	Ring break diagnostic result-Instrument cluster display	Not available	 	
IDE01868-MAS14306	Ring break diagnostic result-Windshield projection head up display control module	Not available	 	
IDE01868-ENG117473	Ring break diagnostic result-MOST_Component_10	Not available	 	
IDE01868-ENG117474	Ring break diagnostic result-MOST_Component_11	Not available	 	
IDE01868-ENG117475	Ring break diagnostic result-MOST_Component_12	Not available	 	
IDE01868-ENG117476	Ring break diagnostic result-MOST_Component_13	Not available	 	
IDE01868-ENG117477	Ring break diagnostic result-MOST_Component_14	Not available	 	
IDE01868-ENG117478	Ring break diagnostic result-MOST_Component_15	Not available	 	
IDE01868-ENG117479	Ring break diagnostic result-MOST_Component_16	Not available	 	
IDE01868-ENG117480	Ring break diagnostic result-MOST_Component_17	Not available	 	
IDE01868-ENG117481	Ring break diagnostic result-MOST_Component_18	Not available	 	
IDE01868-ENG117482	Ring break diagnostic result-MOST_Component_19	Not available	 	
IDE01868-ENG117483	Ring break diagnostic result-MOST_Component_20	Not available	 	
IDE01868-ENG117472	Ring break diagnostic result-MOST_Component_9	Not available	 	
IDE01992-ENG16230	Installation list: current installations-ECU present Bit 0	not installed	 	
IDE01992-ENG20557	Installation list: current installations-ECU present Bit 0 Main_Unit	installed	 	
IDE01992-ENG45410	Installation list: current installations-ECU present Bit 1	not installed	 	
IDE01992-ENG20556	Installation list: current installations-ECU present Bit 1 reserved	not installed	 	
IDE01992-ENG20933	Installation list: current installations-ECU present Bit 10 SmartControlCarrier2	not installed	 	
IDE01992-ENG20932	Installation list: current installations-ECU present Bit 11 WirelessCharger1	not installed	 	
IDE01992-ENG20931	Installation list: current installations-ECU present Bit 12 WirelessCharger2	not installed	 	
IDE01992-ENG20930	Installation list: current installations-ECU present Bit 13 Multimedia Operating Unit	not installed	 	
IDE01992-ENG20929	Installation list: current installations-ECU present Bit 14 Head-up Display	not installed	 	
IDE01992-ENG20950	Installation list: current installations-ECU present Bit 15	not installed	 	
IDE01992-ENG45396	Installation list: current installations-ECU present Bit 2	not installed	 	
IDE01992-ENG20555	Installation list: current installations-ECU present Bit 2 Sound_System	not installed	 	
IDE01992-ENG45402	Installation list: current installations-ECU present Bit 3	not installed	 	
IDE01992-ENG20554	Installation list: current installations-ECU present Bit 3 TV_Tuner	not installed	 	
IDE01992-ENG45430	Installation list: current installations-ECU present Bit 4	not installed	 	
IDE01992-ENG20553	Installation list: current installations-ECU present Bit 4 DVD_Changer	not installed	 	
IDE01992-ENG45377	Installation list: current installations-ECU present Bit 5	not installed	 	
IDE01992-ENG20552	Installation list: current installations-ECU present Bit 5 RearSeatEntertainment	not installed	 	
IDE01992-ENG21674	Installation list: current installations-ECU present Bit 6	not installed	 	
IDE01992-ENG20919	Installation list: current installations-ECU present Bit 6 MOST Kombi-Display	installed	 	
IDE01992-ENG16217	Installation list: current installations-ECU present Bit 7	not installed	 	
IDE01992-ENG20918	Installation list: current installations-ECU present Bit 7 SmartDisplayCarrier1	not installed	 	
IDE01992-ENG20935	Installation list: current installations-ECU present Bit 8 SmartDisplayCarrier2	not installed	 	
IDE01992-ENG20934	Installation list: current installations-ECU present Bit 9 SmartControlCarrier1	not installed	 	
IDE01995-ENG16990	Control module protocol information-Ethernet	No	 	
IDE01995-ENG16987	Control module protocol information-ISO-TP	Yes	 	
IDE01995-ENG16989	Control module protocol information-K Line	No	 	
IDE01995-ENG16988	Control module protocol information-TP 1.6	No	 	
IDE01995-ENG16991	Control module protocol information-TP 2.0	No	 	
IDE02067-IDE00690	Antenna for telephone status-Connection to antenna	Electrical OK	 	
IDE02067-MAS01808	Antenna for telephone status-Antenna current	255	 mA	
IDE02067-MAS03991	Antenna for telephone status-Reception level antenna 1	48.4	 %	
IDE02326-ENG117459	GPS signal strength-ID_GPS_satellite_no_1	5	 	
IDE02326-ENG117461	GPS signal strength-ID_GPS_satellite_no_2	30	 	
IDE02326-ENG117463	GPS signal strength-ID_GPS_satellite_no_3	7	 	
IDE02326-ENG117465	GPS signal strength-ID_GPS_satellite_no_4	13	 	
IDE02326-ENG117460	GPS signal strength-S/N_GPS_satellite_no_1	52	 dBæV	
IDE02326-ENG117462	GPS signal strength-S/N_GPS_satellite_no_2	52	 dBæV	
IDE02326-ENG117464	GPS signal strength-S/N_GPS_satellite_no_3	51	 dBæV	
IDE02326-ENG117466	GPS signal strength-S/N_GPS_satellite_no_4	46	 dBæV	
IDE02384-ENG16210	Status of event memory-ECU Dtc Bit 0	OK	 	
IDE02384-ENG20563	Status of event memory-ECU Dtc Bit 0 Main_Unit	OK	 	
IDE02384-ENG45352	Status of event memory-ECU Dtc Bit 1	OK	 	
IDE02384-ENG20562	Status of event memory-ECU Dtc Bit 1 reserved	OK	 	
IDE02384-ENG20924	Status of event memory-ECU Dtc Bit 10 SmartControlCarrier2	OK	 	
IDE02384-ENG20923	Status of event memory-ECU Dtc Bit 11 WirelessCharger1	OK	 	
IDE02384-ENG20922	Status of event memory-ECU Dtc Bit 12 WirelessCharger2	OK	 	
IDE02384-ENG20921	Status of event memory-ECU Dtc Bit 13 Multimedia Operating Unit	OK	 	
IDE02384-ENG20920	Status of event memory-ECU Dtc Bit 14 Head-up Display	OK	 	
IDE02384-ENG20949	Status of event memory-ECU Dtc Bit 15	OK	 	
IDE02384-ENG45386	Status of event memory-ECU Dtc Bit 2	OK	 	
IDE02384-ENG20561	Status of event memory-ECU Dtc Bit 2 Sound_System	OK	 	
IDE02384-ENG45404	Status of event memory-ECU Dtc Bit 3	OK	 	
IDE02384-ENG20560	Status of event memory-ECU Dtc Bit 3 TV_Tuner	OK	 	
IDE02384-ENG45387	Status of event memory-ECU Dtc Bit 4	OK	 	
IDE02384-ENG20559	Status of event memory-ECU Dtc Bit 4 DVD_Changer	OK	 	
IDE02384-ENG45440	Status of event memory-ECU Dtc Bit 5	OK	 	
IDE02384-ENG20558	Status of event memory-ECU Dtc Bit 5 Rear_Seat_Entertainment	OK	 	
IDE02384-ENG21671	Status of event memory-ECU Dtc Bit 6	OK	 	
IDE02384-ENG20945	Status of event memory-ECU Dtc Bit 6 MOST Kombi-Display	OK	 	
IDE02384-ENG16227	Status of event memory-ECU Dtc Bit 7	OK	 	
IDE02384-ENG20944	Status of event memory-ECU Dtc Bit 7 SmartDisplayCarrier1	OK	 	
IDE02384-ENG20926	Status of event memory-ECU Dtc Bit 8 SmartDisplayCarrier2	OK	 	
IDE02384-ENG20925	Status of event memory-ECU Dtc Bit 9 SmartControlCarrier1	OK	 	
IDE02486	Data logger triggering	not active	 	
IDE02505-MAS01763	Status of tuner 2 for digital radio (DAB)-Signal Strength	0	 dBæV	
IDE02505-MAS01765	Status of tuner 2 for digital radio (DAB)-Audio Signal	Not available	 	
IDE02505-MAS02572	Status of tuner 2 for digital radio (DAB)-Mute	activated	 	
IDE02505-MAS02949	Status of tuner 2 for digital radio (DAB)-Frequency	174928	 kHz	
IDE02505-MAS03786	Status of tuner 2 for digital radio (DAB)-Audio Codec	Not available	 	
IDE02505-ENG117350	Status of tuner 2 for digital radio (DAB)-Audio_Mode	FF	 	
IDE02505-ENG117354	Status of tuner 2 for digital radio (DAB)-Audio_Quality	0	 	
IDE02505-ENG117330	Status of tuner 2 for digital radio (DAB)-availability_traffic_data_TMC	Not available	 	
IDE02505-ENG117329	Status of tuner 2 for digital radio (DAB)-availability_traffic_data_TP	Not available	 	
IDE02505-ENG117348	Status of tuner 2 for digital radio (DAB)-Bit_Rate	0	 kbps	
IDE02505-ENG117346	Status of tuner 2 for digital radio (DAB)-Charset	0	 	
IDE02505-ENG117327	Status of tuner 2 for digital radio (DAB)-DAB_Bit_Error_Rate_FIC	0	 	
IDE02505-ENG117326	Status of tuner 2 for digital radio (DAB)-DAB_Bit_Error_Rate_MSC	0.14	 	
IDE02505-ENG117328	Status of tuner 2 for digital radio (DAB)-DAB_Bit_Error_Rate_NET	0.0014	 	
IDE02505-ENG117340	Status of tuner 2 for digital radio (DAB)-Data_Service_Identifier	00 00 00 00	 	
IDE02505-ENG117341	Status of tuner 2 for digital radio (DAB)-Data_Service_Label		 	
IDE02505-ENG117345	Status of tuner 2 for digital radio (DAB)-Data_Service_Label_Mask	00 00	 	
IDE02505-ENG117331	Status of tuner 2 for digital radio (DAB)-Ensemble_ID	00 00 FF FF	 	
IDE02505-ENG117332	Status of tuner 2 for digital radio (DAB)-Ensemble_Label	                	 	
IDE02505-ENG117333	Status of tuner 2 for digital radio (DAB)-Ensemble_Label_Mask	00 00	 	
IDE02505-ENG117334	Status of tuner 2 for digital radio (DAB)-Extended_Country_Code	0	 	
IDE02505-ENG117342	Status of tuner 2 for digital radio (DAB)-Label_Masks	00 00	 	
IDE02505-ENG117335	Status of tuner 2 for digital radio (DAB)-Program_Service_Identifier	FF FF FF FF	 	
IDE02505-ENG117351	Status of tuner 2 for digital radio (DAB)-Protection_Level	Not available	 	
IDE02505-ENG117349	Status of tuner 2 for digital radio (DAB)-Sample_Rate	0	 kHz	
IDE02505-ENG117336	Status of tuner 2 for digital radio (DAB)-Service_Component_Identifier	FF	 	
IDE02505-ENG117338	Status of tuner 2 for digital radio (DAB)-Service_Label	                	 	
IDE02505-ENG117343	Status of tuner 2 for digital radio (DAB)-Service_Label_Mask	00 00	 	
IDE02505-ENG117325	Status of tuner 2 for digital radio (DAB)-signal_quality	90	 	
IDE02505-ENG117337	Status of tuner 2 for digital radio (DAB)-Sub_Channel_Identifier	3F	 	
IDE02505-ENG117339	Status of tuner 2 for digital radio (DAB)-Sub_Service_Label	                	 	
IDE02505-ENG117344	Status of tuner 2 for digital radio (DAB)-Sub_Service_Label_Mask	00 00	 	
IDE02505-ENG117353	Status of tuner 2 for digital radio (DAB)-SYNC/OFDM_Lock	activated	 	
IDE02505-ENG117352	Status of tuner 2 for digital radio (DAB)-Transmission_Mode	0	 	
IDE02508-MAS00951	Bluetooth: Visibility-Bluetooth	On	 	
IDE02508-MAS03001	Bluetooth: Visibility-Mode	Bluetooth available	 	
IDE03150-ENG16256	Readiness for bus sleep mode-Sleep Bit 0	Sleep mode	 	
IDE03150-ENG20569	Readiness for bus sleep mode-Sleep Bit 0 Main_Unit	End busstat	 	
IDE03150-ENG45492	Readiness for bus sleep mode-Sleep Bit 1	Sleep mode	 	
IDE03150-ENG20568	Readiness for bus sleep mode-Sleep Bit 1 reserved	Sleep mode	 	
IDE03150-ENG20941	Readiness for bus sleep mode-Sleep Bit 10 SmartControlCarrier2	Sleep mode	 	
IDE03150-ENG20940	Readiness for bus sleep mode-Sleep Bit 11 WirelessCharger1	Sleep mode	 	
IDE03150-ENG20939	Readiness for bus sleep mode-Sleep Bit 12 WirelessCharger2	Sleep mode	 	
IDE03150-ENG20938	Readiness for bus sleep mode-Sleep Bit 13 Bedienteil vorne	Sleep mode	 	
IDE03150-ENG20937	Readiness for bus sleep mode-Sleep Bit 14 Head-up Display	Sleep mode	 	
IDE03150-ENG20936	Readiness for bus sleep mode-Sleep Bit 15	Sleep mode	 	
IDE03150-ENG45491	Readiness for bus sleep mode-Sleep Bit 2	Sleep mode	 	
IDE03150-ENG20567	Readiness for bus sleep mode-Sleep Bit 2 Sound_System	Sleep mode	 	
IDE03150-ENG45490	Readiness for bus sleep mode-Sleep Bit 3	Sleep mode	 	
IDE03150-ENG20566	Readiness for bus sleep mode-Sleep Bit 3 TV_Tuner	Sleep mode	 	
IDE03150-ENG45489	Readiness for bus sleep mode-Sleep Bit 4	Sleep mode	 	
IDE03150-ENG20565	Readiness for bus sleep mode-Sleep Bit 4 DVD_Changer	Sleep mode	 	
IDE03150-ENG45488	Readiness for bus sleep mode-Sleep Bit 5	Sleep mode	 	
IDE03150-ENG20564	Readiness for bus sleep mode-Sleep Bit 5 RearSeatEntertainment	Sleep mode	 	
IDE03150-ENG21675	Readiness for bus sleep mode-Sleep Bit 6	Sleep mode	 	
IDE03150-ENG20928	Readiness for bus sleep mode-Sleep Bit 6 MOST Kombi-Display	End busstat	 	
IDE03150-ENG16255	Readiness for bus sleep mode-Sleep Bit 7	Sleep mode	 	
IDE03150-ENG20927	Readiness for bus sleep mode-Sleep Bit 7 SmartDisplayCarrier1	Sleep mode	 	
IDE03150-ENG20943	Readiness for bus sleep mode-Sleep Bit 8 SmartDisplayCarrier2	Sleep mode	 	
IDE03150-ENG20942	Readiness for bus sleep mode-Sleep Bit 9 SmartControlCarrier1	Sleep mode	 	
IDE03477-MAS00106	GPS time-Year	2018	 	
IDE03477-MAS00107	GPS time-Month	3	 	
IDE03477-MAS00108	GPS time-Day	21	 	
IDE03477-MAS00109	GPS time-Hours	8	 	
IDE03477-MAS00110	GPS time-Minutes	7	 	
IDE03477-MAS00111	GPS time-Seconds	14	 	
IDE03477-MAS01632	GPS time-Status	valid	 	
IDE03610-MAS02573	Voice operation: last detected command-Reception quality	255	 %	
IDE03610-MAS03874	Voice operation: last detected command-last detected command	16776960	 	
IDE03610-MAS03875	Voice operation: last detected command-Reliability	255	 %	
IDE03880-MAS03119	MOST address-Functional block: diagnostic instance	5F	 	
IDE03880-MAS03425	MOST address-Physical address	04 00	 	
IDE04312-MAS00109	System run time-Hours	0	 H	
IDE04312-MAS00110	System run time-Minutes	6	 min	
IDE04317-MAS00108	Total system run time-Day	5	 d	
IDE04317-MAS00109	Total system run time-Hours	23	 H	
IDE04317-MAS00110	Total system run time-Minutes	2	 min	
IDE04329-IDE04332	Status of all SWaP functions-Release code for a SWaP function	Available	 	
IDE04329-IDE05814	Status of all SWaP functions-Individualization characteristic	valid	 	
IDE04329-IDE06260	Status of all SWaP functions-ID number	00 03 00 00	 	
IDE04329-MAS01340	Status of all SWaP functions-Functions	Available	 	
IDE04329-MAS01903	Status of all SWaP functions-Configuration	OK	 	
IDE04329-MAS02934	Status of all SWaP functions-Prerequisites met	Condition met	 	
IDE04329-MAS05616	Status of all SWaP functions-Cancellation	No	 	
IDE04329-MAS05617	Status of all SWaP functions-Authentication	valid	 	
IDE04332	Release code for a SWaP function	Not available	 	
IDE04334-MAS02643	Public key for SWaP function-Key	9A 49 9B 04 8B AE BF AC 83 3F DE 81 BA 80 30 93 05 B6 6F ED 54 59 C3 8F 60 F6 10 A9 AA 5A 19 10 05 17 05 8F EA 49 D3 75 E3 F9 E1 54 4E 17 EE C9 C3 C1 DD 7D 30 16 DE B1 55 45 FD 9E 18 00 51 22 D6 A1 33 10 95 C0 DD CF 43 A1 C2 FE C0 BC AA 1C FE 48 49 25 89 9E DD 71 B0 D4 08 CF 16 BF 10 E2 E1 BC 70 A3 52 F2 E6 54 0B 60 05 5A A7 52 EC 4A 83 65 F7 68 19 66 F4 D5 46 C7 38 B1 6B 5A 1F 13 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03	 	
IDE04343-ENG20542	Bus identification-Bus Identifier	Busmaster	 	
IDE04541-MAS03621	Status of active media source at output 1-Video codec	--------------------	 	
IDE04541-MAS03622	Status of active media source at output 1-Horizontal video resolution	65535	 	
IDE04541-MAS03623	Status of active media source at output 1-Vertical video resolution	65535	 	
IDE04541-MAS03778	Status of active media source at output 1-Active media source	Not available	 	
IDE04541-MAS03783	Status of active media source at output 1-Video Bitrate	65535	 kbps	
IDE04541-MAS03784	Status of active media source at output 1-Audio Bitrate	Not available	 	
IDE04541-MAS03785	Status of active media source at output 1-Digital rights management (DRM)	Not available	 	
IDE04541-MAS03786	Status of active media source at output 1-Audio Codec	--------------------	 	
IDE04541-MAS03787	Status of active media source at output 1-Image format	--------------------	 	
IDE04541-MAS03788	Status of active media source at output 1-Horizontal image resolution	65535	 	
IDE04541-MAS03789	Status of active media source at output 1-Vertical image resolution	65535	 	
IDE04541-MAS03793	Status of active media source at output 1-Color depth	65535	 bit	
IDE04542-MAS03621	Status of active media source at output 2-Video codec	--------------------	 	
IDE04542-MAS03622	Status of active media source at output 2-Horizontal video resolution	65535	 	
IDE04542-MAS03623	Status of active media source at output 2-Vertical video resolution	65535	 	
IDE04542-MAS03778	Status of active media source at output 2-Active media source	Not available	 	
IDE04542-MAS03783	Status of active media source at output 2-Video Bitrate	65535	 kbps	
IDE04542-MAS03784	Status of active media source at output 2-Audio Bitrate	Not available	 	
IDE04542-MAS03785	Status of active media source at output 2-Digital rights management (DRM)	Not available	 	
IDE04542-MAS03786	Status of active media source at output 2-Audio Codec	--------------------	 	
IDE04542-MAS03787	Status of active media source at output 2-Image format	--------------------	 	
IDE04542-MAS03788	Status of active media source at output 2-Horizontal image resolution	65535	 	
IDE04542-MAS03789	Status of active media source at output 2-Vertical image resolution	65535	 	
IDE04542-MAS03793	Status of active media source at output 2-Color depth	65535	 bit	
IDE04544	Media type in optical drive	Not available	 	
IDE04545-IDE01588	Vehicle state-Driving direction	Measured value not available	 	
IDE04545-IDE01714	Vehicle state-Status reverse gear	not selected	 	
IDE04545-IDE01766	Vehicle state-Distance impulses	0	 	
IDE04545-IDE03684	Vehicle state-Vehicle stopped	Yes	 	
IDE04546-IDE00301	Navigation calibration-Distance	0	 mm	
IDE04546-MAS03647	Navigation calibration-Calibration condition	complete	 	
IDE04547	Traffic information	OFF	 	
IDE04605-MAS01779	Navigation: Corrected position-Length	001ø07'57	"7""W "	 
IDE04605-MAS01780	Navigation: Corrected position-Width	053ø57'07	"7""N "	 
IDE04640	Over-temperature protection for amplifier	no restriction	 	
IDE04641	Speed-dependent volume adjustment	0.3	 dB	
IDE04649-MAS01968	Activation for housing fan-Fan	OFF	 	
IDE04649-MAS06857	Activation for housing fan-Speed	0	 /min	
IDE04749-ENG117444	Mute-am_fm_tuner	No	 	
IDE04749-ENG117443	Mute-audiomanager	No	 	
IDE04749-ENG117447	Mute-component_protection	No	 	
IDE04749-ENG117445	Mute-dab_sdars_tuner	No	 	
IDE04749-ENG117446	Mute-drm_hd_tuner	No	 	
IDE04749-ENG113342	Mute-Hardware	No	 	
IDE04750-MAS03876	SIM cards-active SIM card	internal SIM-card	 	
IDE04750-MAS03877	SIM cards-SIM ID	8.94231E+14	 	
IDE04750-MAS03878	SIM cards-SIM IMSI	2.34337E+14	 	
IDE04750-MAS13882	SIM cards-SIM card in main unit: status	Not available	 	
IDE04750-MAS13883	SIM cards-SIM card in handset1 for telephone: status	Not available	 	
IDE04750-MAS13884	SIM cards-SIM card in handset 2 for telephone: status	Not available	 	
IDE04750-MAS13885	SIM cards-SIM card in mobile telephone: status	Not available	 	
IDE04767-MAS01240	Update software via medium-Programming status	not active	 	
IDE04767-MAS02111	Update software via medium-Data consistency	valid	 	
IDE04767-MAS02112	Update software via medium-Programmability	no request	 	
IDE04768	Bluetooth device address	D4 CA 6E EE 06 84	 	
IDE05040-MAS01632	Video input status-Status	Not available	 	
IDE05040-MAS04390	Video input status-Active source	Not available	 	
IDE05430	Telephone serial number	3.58853E+14	 	
IDE05432-IDE07365	Mechanics of display unit 1 for multimedia system-Limit switch for display open	not activated	 	
IDE05432-IDE07366	Mechanics of display unit 1 for multimedia system-Limit switch for display close	not activated	 	
IDE05432-MAS01458	Mechanics of display unit 1 for multimedia system-Operating condition	not defined	 	
IDE05536-MAS01632	GPS almanac-Status	valid	 	
IDE05595-MAS00106	Last time GPS without satellite reception-Year	2127	 	
IDE05595-MAS00107	Last time GPS without satellite reception-Month	15	 	
IDE05595-MAS00108	Last time GPS without satellite reception-Day	0	 	
IDE05595-MAS00109	Last time GPS without satellite reception-Hours	31	 	
IDE05595-MAS00110	Last time GPS without satellite reception-Minutes	63	 	
IDE05595-MAS00111	Last time GPS without satellite reception-Seconds	63	 	
IDE05596-MAS00106	Last time GPS position outside map-Year	2127	 	
IDE05596-MAS00107	Last time GPS position outside map-Month	15	 	
IDE05596-MAS00108	Last time GPS position outside map-Day	0	 	
IDE05596-MAS00109	Last time GPS position outside map-Hours	31	 	
IDE05596-MAS00110	Last time GPS position outside map-Minutes	63	 	
IDE05596-MAS00111	Last time GPS position outside map-Seconds	63	 	
IDE05597-IDE03615	Bluetooth: Paired device 1-Version	"T6aJulie's iPhone""Apple Inc.""	iPhone8"	1Version 11.2.6 (Buil˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜	 
IDE05597-IDE04768	Bluetooth: Paired device 1-Bluetooth device address	BC 54 36 18 00 61	 	
IDE05597-MAS01483	Bluetooth: Paired device 1-Softwareversion	"T6aJulie's iPhone""Apple Inc.""	iPhone8"	1Version 11.2.6 (Buil˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜	 
IDE05597-MAS02159	Bluetooth: Paired device 1-Remote SIM Access Profile (rSAP)	BC 54	 	
IDE05597-MAS02160	Bluetooth: Paired device 1-Hands free profile (HFP)	BC 54	 	
IDE05597-MAS03159	Bluetooth: Paired device 1-Manufacturer	"T6aJulie's iPhone""Apple Inc.""	iPhone8"	1Version 11.2.6 (Buil˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜	 
IDE05597-MAS04326	Bluetooth: Paired device 1-Device name	Julie's iPhone		
Apple Inc.				
iPhone8	1			
Version 11.2.6 (Buil				
IDE05597-ENG117431	Bluetooth: Paired device 1-A2DP	BC 54	 	
IDE05597-ENG117440	Bluetooth: Paired device 1-ACTIVESYNCML	BC 54	 	
IDE05597-ENG105233	Bluetooth: Paired device 1-AT	BC 54	 	
IDE05597-ENG117432	Bluetooth: Paired device 1-AVRCP	BC 54	 	
IDE05597-ENG117434	Bluetooth: Paired device 1-DUN	BC 54	 	
IDE05597-ENG106692	Bluetooth: Paired device 1-FTP	BC 54	 	
IDE05597-ENG117435	Bluetooth: Paired device 1-HIDP	BC 54	 	
IDE05597-ENG117429	Bluetooth: Paired device 1-HSP	BC 54	 	
IDE05597-ENG117437	Bluetooth: Paired device 1-IRMC	BC 54	 	
IDE05597-ENG101499	Bluetooth: Paired device 1-map	BC 54	 	
IDE05597-ENG117436	Bluetooth: Paired device 1-OBEX	BC 54	 	
IDE05597-ENG117439	Bluetooth: Paired device 1-OPP	BC 54	 	
IDE05597-ENG117433	Bluetooth: Paired device 1-PAN	BC 54	 	
IDE05597-ENG108174	Bluetooth: Paired device 1-PBAP	BC 54	 	
IDE05597-ENG117427	Bluetooth: Paired device 1-SDAP	BC 54	 	
IDE05597-ENG117428	Bluetooth: Paired device 1-SPP	BC 54	 	
IDE05597-ENG117438	Bluetooth: Paired device 1-SYNCML	BC 54	 	
IDE05598-IDE03615	Bluetooth: Paired device 2-Version	"�‰Òh	Geoff's iPhone""Apple Inc.""	iPhone8"	2Version 11.2.6 (Buil˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜	 
IDE05598-IDE04768	Bluetooth: Paired device 2-Bluetooth device address	70 81 EB CA 68 09	 	
IDE05598-MAS01483	Bluetooth: Paired device 2-Softwareversion	"�‰Òh	Geoff's iPhone""Apple Inc.""	iPhone8"	2Version 11.2.6 (Buil˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜	 
IDE05598-MAS02159	Bluetooth: Paired device 2-Remote SIM Access Profile (rSAP)	70 81	 	
IDE05598-MAS02160	Bluetooth: Paired device 2-Hands free profile (HFP)	70 81	 	
IDE05598-MAS03159	Bluetooth: Paired device 2-Manufacturer	"�‰Òh	Geoff's iPhone""Apple Inc.""	iPhone8"	2Version 11.2.6 (Buil˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜	 
IDE05598-MAS04326	Bluetooth: Paired device 2-Device name	Geoff's iPhone		
Apple Inc.				
iPhone8	2			
Version 11.2.6 (Buil				
IDE05598-ENG117431	Bluetooth: Paired device 2-A2DP	70 81	 	
IDE05598-ENG117440	Bluetooth: Paired device 2-ACTIVESYNCML	70 81	 	
IDE05598-ENG105233	Bluetooth: Paired device 2-AT	70 81	 	
IDE05598-ENG117432	Bluetooth: Paired device 2-AVRCP	70 81	 	
IDE05598-ENG117434	Bluetooth: Paired device 2-DUN	70 81	 	
IDE05598-ENG106692	Bluetooth: Paired device 2-FTP	70 81	 	
IDE05598-ENG117435	Bluetooth: Paired device 2-HIDP	70 81	 	
IDE05598-ENG117429	Bluetooth: Paired device 2-HSP	70 81	 	
IDE05598-ENG117437	Bluetooth: Paired device 2-IRMC	70 81	 	
IDE05598-ENG101499	Bluetooth: Paired device 2-map	70 81	 	
IDE05598-ENG117436	Bluetooth: Paired device 2-OBEX	70 81	 	
IDE05598-ENG117439	Bluetooth: Paired device 2-OPP	70 81	 	
IDE05598-ENG117433	Bluetooth: Paired device 2-PAN	70 81	 	
IDE05598-ENG108174	Bluetooth: Paired device 2-PBAP	70 81	 	
IDE05598-ENG117427	Bluetooth: Paired device 2-SDAP	70 81	 	
IDE05598-ENG117428	Bluetooth: Paired device 2-SPP	70 81	 	
IDE05598-ENG117438	Bluetooth: Paired device 2-SYNCML	70 81	 	
IDE05599-IDE03615	Bluetooth: Paired device 3-Version	--		
IDE05599-IDE04768	Bluetooth: Paired device 3-Bluetooth device address	00 00 00 00 00 00	 	
IDE05599-MAS01483	Bluetooth: Paired device 3-Softwareversion	--		
IDE05599-MAS02159	Bluetooth: Paired device 3-Remote SIM Access Profile (rSAP)	00 00	 	
IDE05599-MAS02160	Bluetooth: Paired device 3-Hands free profile (HFP)	00 00	 	
IDE05599-MAS03159	Bluetooth: Paired device 3-Manufacturer	--		
IDE05599-MAS04326	Bluetooth: Paired device 3-Device name	--		
IDE05599-ENG117431	Bluetooth: Paired device 3-A2DP	00 00	 	
IDE05599-ENG117440	Bluetooth: Paired device 3-ACTIVESYNCML	00 00	 	
IDE05599-ENG105233	Bluetooth: Paired device 3-AT	00 00	 	
IDE05599-ENG117432	Bluetooth: Paired device 3-AVRCP	00 00	 	
IDE05599-ENG117434	Bluetooth: Paired device 3-DUN	00 00	 	
IDE05599-ENG106692	Bluetooth: Paired device 3-FTP	00 00	 	
IDE05599-ENG117435	Bluetooth: Paired device 3-HIDP	00 00	 	
IDE05599-ENG117429	Bluetooth: Paired device 3-HSP	00 00	 	
IDE05599-ENG117437	Bluetooth: Paired device 3-IRMC	00 00	 	
IDE05599-ENG101499	Bluetooth: Paired device 3-map	00 00	 	
IDE05599-ENG117436	Bluetooth: Paired device 3-OBEX	00 00	 	
IDE05599-ENG117439	Bluetooth: Paired device 3-OPP	00 00	 	
IDE05599-ENG117433	Bluetooth: Paired device 3-PAN	00 00	 	
IDE05599-ENG108174	Bluetooth: Paired device 3-PBAP	00 00	 	
IDE05599-ENG117427	Bluetooth: Paired device 3-SDAP	00 00	 	
IDE05599-ENG117428	Bluetooth: Paired device 3-SPP	00 00	 	
IDE05599-ENG117438	Bluetooth: Paired device 3-SYNCML	00 00	 	
IDE05600-IDE03615	Bluetooth: Paired device 4-Version	--		
IDE05600-IDE04768	Bluetooth: Paired device 4-Bluetooth device address	00 00 00 00 00 00	 	
IDE05600-MAS01483	Bluetooth: Paired device 4-Softwareversion	--		
IDE05600-MAS02159	Bluetooth: Paired device 4-Remote SIM Access Profile (rSAP)	00 00	 	
IDE05600-MAS02160	Bluetooth: Paired device 4-Hands free profile (HFP)	00 00	 	
IDE05600-MAS03159	Bluetooth: Paired device 4-Manufacturer	--		
IDE05600-MAS04326	Bluetooth: Paired device 4-Device name	--		
IDE05600-ENG117431	Bluetooth: Paired device 4-A2DP	00 00	 	
IDE05600-ENG117440	Bluetooth: Paired device 4-ACTIVESYNCML	00 00	 	
IDE05600-ENG105233	Bluetooth: Paired device 4-AT	00 00	 	
IDE05600-ENG117432	Bluetooth: Paired device 4-AVRCP	00 00	 	
IDE05600-ENG117434	Bluetooth: Paired device 4-DUN	00 00	 	
IDE05600-ENG106692	Bluetooth: Paired device 4-FTP	00 00	 	
IDE05600-ENG117435	Bluetooth: Paired device 4-HIDP	00 00	 	
IDE05600-ENG117429	Bluetooth: Paired device 4-HSP	00 00	 	
IDE05600-ENG117437	Bluetooth: Paired device 4-IRMC	00 00	 	
IDE05600-ENG101499	Bluetooth: Paired device 4-map	00 00	 	
IDE05600-ENG117436	Bluetooth: Paired device 4-OBEX	00 00	 	
IDE05600-ENG117439	Bluetooth: Paired device 4-OPP	00 00	 	
IDE05600-ENG117433	Bluetooth: Paired device 4-PAN	00 00	 	
IDE05600-ENG108174	Bluetooth: Paired device 4-PBAP	00 00	 	
IDE05600-ENG117427	Bluetooth: Paired device 4-SDAP	00 00	 	
IDE05600-ENG117428	Bluetooth: Paired device 4-SPP	00 00	 	
IDE05600-ENG117438	Bluetooth: Paired device 4-SYNCML	00 00	 	
IDE05601-IDE03615	Bluetooth: Paired device 5-Version	--		
IDE05601-IDE04768	Bluetooth: Paired device 5-Bluetooth device address	00 00 00 00 00 00	 	
IDE05601-MAS01483	Bluetooth: Paired device 5-Softwareversion	--		
IDE05601-MAS02159	Bluetooth: Paired device 5-Remote SIM Access Profile (rSAP)	00 00	 	
IDE05601-MAS02160	Bluetooth: Paired device 5-Hands free profile (HFP)	00 00	 	
IDE05601-MAS03159	Bluetooth: Paired device 5-Manufacturer	--		
IDE05601-MAS04326	Bluetooth: Paired device 5-Device name	--		
IDE05601-ENG117431	Bluetooth: Paired device 5-A2DP	00 00	 	
IDE05601-ENG117440	Bluetooth: Paired device 5-ACTIVESYNCML	00 00	 	
IDE05601-ENG105233	Bluetooth: Paired device 5-AT	00 00	 	
IDE05601-ENG117432	Bluetooth: Paired device 5-AVRCP	00 00	 	
IDE05601-ENG117434	Bluetooth: Paired device 5-DUN	00 00	 	
IDE05601-ENG106692	Bluetooth: Paired device 5-FTP	00 00	 	
IDE05601-ENG117435	Bluetooth: Paired device 5-HIDP	00 00	 	
IDE05601-ENG117429	Bluetooth: Paired device 5-HSP	00 00	 	
IDE05601-ENG117437	Bluetooth: Paired device 5-IRMC	00 00	 	
IDE05601-ENG101499	Bluetooth: Paired device 5-map	00 00	 	
IDE05601-ENG117436	Bluetooth: Paired device 5-OBEX	00 00	 	
IDE05601-ENG117439	Bluetooth: Paired device 5-OPP	00 00	 	
IDE05601-ENG117433	Bluetooth: Paired device 5-PAN	00 00	 	
IDE05601-ENG108174	Bluetooth: Paired device 5-PBAP	00 00	 	
IDE05601-ENG117427	Bluetooth: Paired device 5-SDAP	00 00	 	
IDE05601-ENG117428	Bluetooth: Paired device 5-SPP	00 00	 	
IDE05601-ENG117438	Bluetooth: Paired device 5-SYNCML	00 00	 	
IDE05602-MAS01763	Bluetooth: connected device 1-Signal Strength	Not available	 	
IDE05602-MAS04326	Bluetooth: connected device 1-Device name	65280	 	
IDE05603-MAS01763	Bluetooth: connected device 2-Signal Strength	Not available	 	
IDE05603-MAS04326	Bluetooth: connected device 2-Device name	65280	 	
IDE05604-MAS01763	Bluetooth: connected device 3-Signal Strength	Not available	 	
IDE05604-MAS04326	Bluetooth: connected device 3-Device name	65280	 	
IDE05605-MAS01763	Bluetooth: connected device 4-Signal Strength	Not available	 	
IDE05605-MAS04326	Bluetooth: connected device 4-Device name	65280	 	
IDE05606-MAS01763	Bluetooth: connected device 5-Signal Strength	Not available	 	
IDE05606-MAS04326	Bluetooth: connected device 5-Device name	65280	 	
IDE05700-MAS01456	USB connection-Speed	high_speed	 	
IDE05700-MAS01632	USB connection-Status	Not available	 	
IDE05700-MAS03159	USB connection-Manufacturer	05 AC	 	
IDE05700-MAS04393	USB connection-USB device class	6	 	
IDE05700-MAS04394	USB connection-Connection status	connected	 	
IDE05700-MAS04436	USB connection-USB device sub-class	1	 	
IDE05700-ENG111957	USB connection-usb_product_id	12 AA	 	
IDE05700-ENG111955	USB connection-usb_protocol	1	 	
IDE05704-MAS02646	Digital Transmission Content Protection (DTCP) key-Key type	License key (DTLA)	 	
IDE05705-MAS01159	Digital Transmission Content Protection (DTCP) device cert-Version number	0	 	
IDE05705-MAS01779	Digital Transmission Content Protection (DTCP) device cert-Length	0	 	
IDE05705-MAS06742	Digital Transmission Content Protection (DTCP) device cert-Certificate type	0	 	
IDE05713-MAS01632	Network diagnosis-Status	Enabled	 	
IDE05725	Terminal 58xs dimmer	0	 %	
IDE05726	Terminal 58xd dimmer	56.09	 %	
IDE05814	Individualization characteristic	37 B9 A5 81 09	 	
IDE06028-MAS02317	Control head button operation-Button code 1	FF	 	
IDE06028-MAS02318	Control head button operation-Button code 2	FF	 	
IDE06028-MAS04151	Control head button operation-Joystick	0	 	
IDE06028-MAS04413	Control head button operation-Push-and rotary knob for selection	0	 	
IDE06028-MAS04414	Control head button operation-Volume control	0	 	
IDE06425	Roller test bench mode: functional	not activated	 	
IDE06516-MAS01424	Temperature: optical drive-max.value	47	 øC	
IDE06516-MAS01425	Temperature: optical drive-min.value	-3	 øC	
IDE06516-MAS02238	Temperature: optical drive-Current	4	 øC	
IDE06519-MAS01424	Temperature of MOST transceiver-max.value	56	 øC	
IDE06519-MAS01425	Temperature of MOST transceiver-min.value	0	 øC	
IDE06519-MAS02238	Temperature of MOST transceiver-Current	14	 øC	
IDE06521-MAS01424	Temperature of MMX PC boards-max.value	64	 øC	
IDE06521-MAS01425	Temperature of MMX PC boards-min.value	0	 øC	
IDE06521-MAS02238	Temperature of MMX PC boards-Current	21	 øC	
IDE06522-MAS01424	Temperature of phone unit-max.value	50	 øC	
IDE06522-MAS01425	Temperature of phone unit-min.value	-2	 øC	
IDE06522-MAS02238	Temperature of phone unit-Current	8	 øC	
IDE07174	Connection for extern. audio sources (USB): overcurrent detect.	OK	 	
IDE07364	GPS receiver status	GPS data available	 	
IDE07589-IDE07590	Update programming: status-Currently processed module	0	 	
IDE07589-IDE07591	Update programming: status-Number of modules to be programmed	0	 	
IDE07589-MAS01632	Update programming: status-Status	not active	 	
IDE07589-MAS10948	Update programming: status-control	Diagnosis	 	
IDE07938	Cause of system start	Data bus	 	
IDE07939	Last cause of system start	Data bus	 	
IDE08530-MAS00106	Connection status online basic services-Year	2018	 yr	
IDE08530-MAS00107	Connection status online basic services-Month	3	 mon	
IDE08530-MAS00108	Connection status online basic services-Day	21	 d	
IDE08530-MAS00109	Connection status online basic services-Hours	8	 H	
IDE08530-MAS00110	Connection status online basic services-Minutes	2	 min	
IDE08530-MAS07131	Connection status online basic services-ID steps	0	 	
IDE08530-MAS07132	Connection status online basic services-Code status	40	 	
IDE08530-ENG20907	Connection status online basic services-Server_HTTP_Status_Code_Textual	Backend request running	 	
IDE08531-MAS00106	Connection status online license services-Year	2018	 yr	
IDE08531-MAS00107	Connection status online license services-Month	3	 mon	
IDE08531-MAS00108	Connection status online license services-Day	21	 d	
IDE08531-MAS00109	Connection status online license services-Hours	8	 H	
IDE08531-MAS00110	Connection status online license services-Minutes	2	 min	
IDE08531-MAS07132	Connection status online license services-Code status	8200	 	
IDE08531-MAS07134	Connection status online license services-ID services	86	 	
IDE08531-MAS07135	Connection status online license services-Activation status	Not available	 	
IDE08531-MAS07136	Connection status online license services-Exp. year	0	 yr	
IDE08531-MAS07137	Connection status online license services-Exp. month	0	 mon	
IDE08531-MAS07138	Connection status online license services-Exp. day	0	 d	
IDE08531-ENG20907	Connection status online license services-Server_HTTP_Status_Code_Textual	not defined	 	
IDE09293-IDE00690	Status of antenna 2 for phone-Connection to antenna	Electrical OK	 	
IDE09293-MAS01808	Status of antenna 2 for phone-Antenna current	255	 mA	
IDE09293-MAS03991	Status of antenna 2 for phone-Reception level antenna 1	48.4	 %	
IDE10200-MAS01482	Identification of volume control-Hardwareversion	H21	 	
IDE10200-MAS01483	Identification of volume control-Softwareversion	108	 	
IDE10200-MAS09952	Identification of volume control-Part Number	80C919616  	 	
IDE10478-MAS01632	Interface for external media: status-Status	OK	 	
IDE10600-MAS01159	Status of the navigation database-Version number	00 1A	 	
IDE10600-MAS01632	Status of the navigation database-Status	valid	 	
IDE10600-MAS10892	Status of the navigation database-Country Code	00 08	 	
IDE10600-MAS10893	Status of the navigation database-Region Code	F0	 	
IDE10669-MAS11003	Internal SIM card: identification-ICCID	8942306000035702329-	 	
IDE10669-MAS11004	Internal SIM card: identification-UICCID	090000018924241003051700123F3B--	 	
IDE10843-MAS01482	Function module: identification-Hardwareversion	9	 	
IDE10843-MAS04326	Function module: identification-Device name	AP_ZR_HIGH1	 	
IDE10843-MAS11354	Function module: identification-Bootloader version	57	 	
IDE10843-MAS11355	Function module: identification-Application version	0	 	
IDE10843-MAS11356	Function module: identification-Module Name	IPL	 	
IDE10857-MAS02476	Touchless loading of mobile phone: status-install	Not available	 	
IDE10857-MAS11500	Touchless loading of mobile phone: status-Foreign object	No	 	
IDE10857-MAS11501	Touchless loading of mobile phone: status-charge	No	 	
MAS00464-MAS00106	Standard - ambient data 1-Year	2000	 	
MAS00464-MAS00107	Standard - ambient data 1-Month	1	 	
MAS00464-MAS00108	Standard - ambient data 1-Day	21	 	
MAS00464-MAS00109	Standard - ambient data 1-Hours	14	 	
MAS00464-MAS00110	Standard - ambient data 1-Minutes	2	 	
MAS00464-MAS00111	Standard - ambient data 1-Seconds	34	 	
MAS00464-MAS00468	Standard - ambient data 1-Unlearning counter	106	 	
MAS00464-MAS00711	Standard - ambient data 1-Odometer reading	4773	 km	
MAS00481-ENG117777	BAP-BAP_Function_ID	FF	 	
MAS00778-IDE03619	Multimedia display unit 1-System status	On	 	
MAS00778-IDE05228	Multimedia display unit 1-Operating hour counter	116	 H	
MAS00778-MAS00110	Multimedia display unit 1-Minutes	27	 min	
MAS00778-MAS00362	Multimedia display unit 1-Battery voltage	15.1	 V	
MAS00778-MAS02200	Multimedia display unit 1-Highest measured temperature	54	 øC	
MAS00778-MAS02201	Multimedia display unit 1-Temperature	9	 øC	
MAS00778-MAS03691	Multimedia display unit 1-Dimming	24	 %	
MAS00837-MAS01632	Telephone Transceiver-Status	Not blocked	 	
MAS00951-IDE04058	Bluetooth-Bluetooth: devices found	0	 	
MAS00951-MAS04324	Bluetooth-Bluetooth: connected devices	0	 	
MAS00951-MAS04325	Bluetooth-Bluetooth: Paired devices	2	 	
MAS01760-MAS01765	Radio Tuner 1-Audio Signal	Analog	 	
MAS01760-MAS02949	Radio Tuner 1-Frequency	89.3	 MHz	
MAS01760-MAS03991	Radio Tuner 1-Reception level antenna 1	48	 dBæV	
MAS01760-MAS04344	Radio Tuner 1-Reception level antenna 2	45	 dBæV	
MAS01760-MAS04345	Radio Tuner 1-Frequency (AM)	65535	 kHz	
MAS01760-ENG117356	Radio Tuner 1-iboc_audio_signal	Not available	 	
MAS01760-ENG117358	Radio Tuner 1-iboc_count	0	 	
MAS01760-ENG117355	Radio Tuner 1-iboc_error_rate	255	 	
MAS01760-ENG117357	Radio Tuner 1-iboc_service	no tuned IBOC Audio Service	 	
MAS01761-MAS01763	Radio Tuner 2-Signal Strength	45	 dBæV	
MAS01991-IDE00010	Card reader-Serial number	3B 40 0C D9	 	
MAS01991-IDE01001	Card reader-Application	AP	 	
MAS01991-MAS01632	Card reader-Status	connected	 	
MAS01991-MAS03159	Card reader-Manufacturer	9	 	
MAS01991-MAS03375	Card reader-Major version	0	 	
MAS01991-MAS03376	Card reader-Minor version	2	 	
MAS01991-MAS03959	Card reader-Write-protection	activated	 	
MAS01991-MAS04388	Card reader-Card type	MIBST	 	
MAS01991-MAS13476	Card reader-Manufacturing date: month	4	 mon	
MAS01991-MAS13477	Card reader-Manufacturing date: year	2017	 yr	
MAS03121	Ring break diagnostic line status	Supply voltage	 	
MAS03780-IDE00010	Card reader 2-Serial number	B6 30 86 A9	 	
MAS03780-IDE01001	Card reader 2-Application	BE	 	
MAS03780-MAS01632	Card reader 2-Status	connected	 	
MAS03780-MAS03159	Card reader 2-Manufacturer	28	 	
MAS03780-MAS03375	Card reader 2-Major version	1	 	
MAS03780-MAS03376	Card reader 2-Minor version	0	 	
MAS03780-MAS03959	Card reader 2-Write-protection	not activated	 	
MAS03780-MAS04388	Card reader 2-Card type	     	 	
MAS03780-MAS13476	Card reader 2-Manufacturing date: month	4	 mon	
MAS03780-MAS13477	Card reader 2-Manufacturing date: year	2013	 yr	
MAS03782-ENG117422	WLAN-IP_Address                        	 	
MAS03782-ENG117423	WLAN-IP_Subnetmask                        	 	
MAS03782-ENG117421	WLAN-MAC_Address	D4 CA 6E EE 06 86	 	
MAS04324-MAS04326	Bluetooth: connected devices-Device name	0	 	
MAS04324-MAS04327	Bluetooth: connected devices-Bluetooth connection profile	SDAP	 	
MAS04325-MAS04326	Bluetooth: Paired devices-Device name	0	 	
MAS04325-MAS04327	Bluetooth: Paired devices-Bluetooth connection profile	SDAP	 	
ENG117872-ENG117778	Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_0_condition	OK	 	
ENG117872-ENG117779	Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_1_condition	OK	 	
ENG117872-ENG117788	Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_10_condition	OK	 	
ENG117872-ENG117789	Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_11_condition	OK	 	
ENG117872-ENG117790	Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_12_condition	OK	 	
ENG117872-ENG117791	Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_13_condition	OK	 	
ENG117872-ENG117792	Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_14_condition	OK	 	
ENG117872-ENG117793	Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_15_condition	OK	 	
ENG117872-ENG117794	Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_16_condition	OK	 	
ENG117872-ENG117795	Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_17_condition	OK	 	
ENG117872-ENG117796	Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_18_condition	OK	 	
ENG117872-ENG117797	Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_19_condition	OK	 	
ENG117872-ENG117780	Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_2_condition	OK	 	
ENG117872-ENG117798	Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_20_condition	OK	 	
ENG117872-ENG117799	Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_21_condition	OK	 	
ENG117872-ENG117800	Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_22_condition	OK	 	
ENG117872-ENG117801	Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_23_condition	OK	 	
ENG117872-ENG117802	Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_24_condition	OK	 	
ENG117872-ENG117803	Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_25_condition	dont care	 	
ENG117872-ENG117804	Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_26_condition	dont care	 	
ENG117872-ENG117805	Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_27_condition	dont care	 	
ENG117872-ENG117781	Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_3_condition	OK	 	
ENG117872-ENG117782	Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_4_condition	OK	 	
ENG117872-ENG117783	Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_5_condition	OK	 	
ENG117872-ENG117784	Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_6_condition	OK	 	
ENG117872-ENG117785	Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_7_condition	OK	 	
ENG117872-ENG117786	Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_8_condition	OK	 	
ENG117872-ENG117787	Byte_Coding_Condition-byte_9_condition	OK	 	
ENG117866-ENG117457	DAB_FM_linking-dab_mute_status	No	 	
ENG117866-ENG117456	DAB_FM_linking-DAB_quality	93	 %	
ENG117866-ENG117455	DAB_FM_linking-fm_quality	99	 %	
ENG117866-ENG117458	DAB_FM_linking-service_linking_status	no_link	 	
ENG117867-ENG117773	GPS_Count_Satellite_Phase_Lock_Counter-satellites	8	 	
ENG117868-ENG117773	GPS_Satellite_Code_Lock_Counter-satellites	11	 	
ENG117857-MAS00109	Last_System_Operating_Time-Hours	0	 H	
ENG117857-MAS00110	Last_System_Operating_Time-Minutes	12	 min	
ENG117856-MAS00106	Last_System_Operating_Time/Mins.-Year	0	 yr	
ENG117856-MAS00107	Last_System_Operating_Time/Mins.-Month	0	 mon	
ENG117856-MAS00108	Last_System_Operating_Time/Mins.-Day	0	 d	
ENG117856-MAS00109	Last_System_Operating_Time/Mins.-Hours	18	 H	
ENG117856-MAS00110	Last_System_Operating_Time/Mins.-Minutes	43	 min	
ENG117856-MAS00111	Last_System_Operating_Time/Mins.-Seconds	9	 s	
ENG117869-ENG117441	Nav._Calculated_Direction-driving direction corrected	61	 ø	
ENG117869-ENG98933	Nav._Calculated_Direction-Status	OK	 	
ENG117855-ENG117392	System_Character_Recognition-touchpanel_information		 	
Elapsed Time: 00:49


Verified VCDS User
Aug 26, 2014
Reaction score
York, UK
VCDS Serial number

;SW:8W0-907-063-CG   HW:8W0-907-063-BG ---  Cent. Elect.				;Component:BCM1 MLBevo   H13 0267	 Coding:C2501B42C17B00CD051587149FAE80B9110B3108000000000000000020001A0100410022025601			
;EV_BCM1BOSCHAU736	18006	EV_BCM1BOSCHAU736_018_AU49.rod		
;Wednesday	21	March	2018	08:09:07:22933
;VCDS Version: Release 18.2.0  Data version: 20180212 DS287.0				
;VCID: 8248C0C2155604548E-80D6				
Group	Description	Actual		
IDE00030	Status of actuator test	not active	 	
IDE00075	Vehicle speed	0	 km/h	
IDE00322	Status of basic setting	not active	 	
IDE00323	Security Access: Number of invalid keys	0	 	
IDE00957	Resulting distance of front sensors	infinite	 	
IDE00958	Resulting distance of rear sensors	infinite	 	
IDE00974	Outside air temperature internally calculated	3	 øC	
IDE01122-MAS00988	Parking aid input signal-Reverse gear	No	 	
IDE01122-MAS01374	Parking aid input signal-Trailer	not installed	 	
IDE01123	Distance of left rear park assist sensor	infinite	 	
IDE01124	Distance of left rear center park assist sensors	infinite	 	
IDE01125	Distance of right rear center park assist sensors	infinite	 	
IDE01126	Distance of right rear park assist sensor	infinite	 	
IDE01127	Distance sensor for left front park assist	infinite	 	
IDE01128	Distance sensor for left front center park assist	infinite	 	
IDE01129	Distance sensor for right front center park assist	infinite	 	
IDE01130	Distance of right front park assist sensors	infinite	 	
IDE01131-MAS01632	Oscillating time of left rear park assist sensors-Status	0	 ms	
IDE01132-MAS01632	Oscillating time of left rear center park assist sensors-Status	0	 ms	
IDE01133-MAS01632	Oscillating time of right rear center park assist sensors-Status	0	 ms	
IDE01134-MAS01632	Oscillating time of right rear park assist sensors-Status	0	 ms	
IDE01135-MAS01632	Decay time for left front park assist sensor-Status	0	 ms	
IDE01136-MAS01632	Decay time for left front center park assist sensor-Status	0	 ms	
IDE01137-MAS01632	Decay time for right front center park assist sensors-Status	0	 ms	
IDE01138-MAS01632	Decay time for right front park assist sensors-Status	0	 ms	
IDE01162-MAS01426	Factory setting for park assist volume/frequencies-Speaker volume for rear park assist	Stage 4	 	
IDE01162-MAS01427	Factory setting for park assist volume/frequencies-Speaker frequency for rear park assist	Stage 6	 	
IDE01162-MAS01428	Factory setting for park assist volume/frequencies-Speaker volume for front park assist	Stage 4	 	
IDE01162-MAS01429	Factory setting for park assist volume/frequencies-Speaker frequency for front park assist	Stage 4	 	
IDE01163	Sound output for park assist in selector lever position P	OFF	 	
IDE01164-MAS06614	Park assist button-Version	Local data bus: operating unit 1	 	
IDE01164-MAS07693	Park assist button-Button Status	Not operated	 	
IDE01164-MAS07694	Park assist button-Button status on CAN	Not operated	 	
IDE01164-MAS07699	Park assist button-Status indicator light on CAN	OFF	 	
IDE01164-MAS08062	Park assist button-Indicator light activation	OFF	 	
IDE01166	Supply voltage for park assist sensor	14.4	 V	
IDE01171-IDE01167	Convertible factory setting offset for volume level 1-Convertible offset for volume level 1	not installed	 	
IDE01172-IDE01168	Factory setting for increment for convertible volume levels-Increment for convertible volume levels	not installed	 	
IDE01173	Audio reduction factory setting	Yes	 	
IDE01174	Factory setting: visual display for park assist	OPS display	 	
IDE01236-MAS01580	Coolant recirculation pump-Activation	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE01236-MAS01634	Coolant recirculation pump-Supply voltage	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE01236-MAS06707	Coolant recirculation pump-Operating mode	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE01236-MAS07836	Coolant recirculation pump-Eng. delay. cool. shutdown	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE01236-MAS07837	Coolant recirculation pump-Last reason for local activity	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE01236-MAS07839	Coolant recirculation pump-Status feedback	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE01236-MAS12621	Coolant recirculation pump-Current draw (effective value)	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE01266-MAS01580	Coolant shut-off valve-Activation	OFF	 	
IDE01266-MAS07806	Coolant shut-off valve-Spec. cond.	Open	 	
IDE01266-MAS12621	Coolant shut-off valve-Current draw (effective value)	0	 mA	
IDE01268-MAS01464	Windshield wiper-Emergency running mode	not active	 	
IDE01268-MAS01632	Windshield wiper-Status	not active	 	
IDE01268-MAS02832	Windshield wiper-Malfunction status	not faulty	 	
IDE01268-MAS03006	Windshield wiper-Overload	not active	 	
IDE01268-MAS03638	Windshield wiper-Wipe speed	No wiping	 	
IDE01268-MAS06732	Windshield wiper-Status local activity	not active	 	
IDE01268-MAS06897	Windshield wiper-Wipe cycle counter	161	 	
IDE01268-MAS07055	Windshield wiper-Response error	not active	 	
IDE01268-MAS07998	Windshield wiper-park position	active	 	
IDE01268-MAS09379	Windshield wiper-Service position	not active	 	
IDE01268-MAS09595	Windshield wiper-Production mode	not active	 	
IDE01268-MAS09596	Windshield wiper-Debug Data	On	 	
IDE01268-MAS09597	Windshield wiper-Turn posn.	not active	 	
IDE01268-MAS09626	Windshield wiper-Status error validity	valid	 	
IDE01268-MAS09627	Windshield wiper-Error status: wiper 2	not faulty	 	
IDE01268-MAS09628	Windshield wiper-Overload: wiper 2	not active	 	
IDE01268-MAS09629	Windshield wiper-Status error validity: wiper 2	invalid	 	
IDE01285	Counter of component protection malfunctions	00 00	 	
IDE01411-IDE11215	Personalization 1 for park assist-Automatic Activation	activated	 	
IDE01411-IDE11217	Personalization 1 for park assist-Show parking space	not activated	 	
IDE01411-MAS01426	Personalization 1 for park assist-Speaker volume for rear park assist	Stage 4	 	
IDE01411-MAS01427	Personalization 1 for park assist-Speaker frequency for rear park assist	Stage 6	 	
IDE01411-MAS01428	Personalization 1 for park assist-Speaker volume for front park assist	Stage 4	 	
IDE01411-MAS01429	Personalization 1 for park assist-Speaker frequency for front park assist	Stage 4	 	
IDE01411-MAS06193	Personalization 1 for park assist-Profile 1	active	 	
IDE01411-MAS12596	Personalization 1 for park assist-Park brake assistant	not activated	 	
IDE01412-IDE11215	Personalization 2 for park assist-Automatic Activation	activated	 	
IDE01412-IDE11217	Personalization 2 for park assist-Show parking space	not activated	 	
IDE01412-MAS01426	Personalization 2 for park assist-Speaker volume for rear park assist	Stage 4	 	
IDE01412-MAS01427	Personalization 2 for park assist-Speaker frequency for rear park assist	Stage 6	 	
IDE01412-MAS01428	Personalization 2 for park assist-Speaker volume for front park assist	Stage 4	 	
IDE01412-MAS01429	Personalization 2 for park assist-Speaker frequency for front park assist	Stage 4	 	
IDE01412-MAS06194	Personalization 2 for park assist-Profile 2	not active	 	
IDE01412-MAS12596	Personalization 2 for park assist-Park brake assistant	not activated	 	
IDE01413-IDE11215	Personalization 3 for park assist-Automatic Activation	activated	 	
IDE01413-IDE11217	Personalization 3 for park assist-Show parking space	not activated	 	
IDE01413-MAS01426	Personalization 3 for park assist-Speaker volume for rear park assist	Stage 4	 	
IDE01413-MAS01427	Personalization 3 for park assist-Speaker frequency for rear park assist	Stage 6	 	
IDE01413-MAS01428	Personalization 3 for park assist-Speaker volume for front park assist	Stage 4	 	
IDE01413-MAS01429	Personalization 3 for park assist-Speaker frequency for front park assist	Stage 4	 	
IDE01413-MAS06195	Personalization 3 for park assist-Profile 3	not active	 	
IDE01413-MAS12596	Personalization 3 for park assist-Park brake assistant	not activated	 	
IDE01414-IDE11215	Personalization 4 for park assist-Automatic Activation	activated	 	
IDE01414-IDE11217	Personalization 4 for park assist-Show parking space	not activated	 	
IDE01414-MAS01426	Personalization 4 for park assist-Speaker volume for rear park assist	Stage 4	 	
IDE01414-MAS01427	Personalization 4 for park assist-Speaker frequency for rear park assist	Stage 6	 	
IDE01414-MAS01428	Personalization 4 for park assist-Speaker volume for front park assist	Stage 4	 	
IDE01414-MAS01429	Personalization 4 for park assist-Speaker frequency for front park assist	Stage 4	 	
IDE01414-MAS06196	Personalization 4 for park assist-Profile 4	not active	 	
IDE01414-MAS12596	Personalization 4 for park assist-Park brake assistant	not activated	 	
IDE01540-MAS06913	Left front heated seat-Backrest heating: activation	0	 %	
IDE01540-MAS06914	Left front heated seat-Seat cushion heating: activation	0	 %	
IDE01540-MAS07048	Left front heated seat-Target temperature backrest	OFF	 	
IDE01540-MAS07049	Left front heated seat-Target temperature seat cushion	OFF	 	
IDE01540-MAS07050	Left front heated seat-Actual temperature backrest	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE01540-MAS07051	Left front heated seat-Actual temperature seat cushion	-0.2	 øC	
IDE01540-MAS07052	Left front heated seat-Setting	OFF	 	
IDE01540-MAS07071	Left front heated seat-Temperature sensor for seat cushion: resistance value	26.67	 kOhm	
IDE01540-MAS07072	Left front heated seat-Temperature sensor for backrest: resistance value	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE01540-MAS07921	Left front heated seat-Balance setting	Neutral	 	
IDE01540-MAS07929	Left front heated seat-Power quota setting by energy management	0	 %	
IDE01540-MAS07945	Left front heated seat-Spec temp: backrest with active overheating function	OFF	 	
IDE01540-MAS07946	Left front heated seat-Spec temp: seat cushion with active overheating function	OFF	 	
IDE01540-MAS07947	Left front heated seat-Backrest heater: status	not active	 	
IDE01540-MAS07950	Left front heated seat-Seat cushion heater: status	not active	 	
IDE01540-MAS07951	Left front heated seat-Automatic down-shift	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE01540-MAS07968	Left front heated seat-Temp sensor offset in chassis ground	-0.03	 V	
IDE01540-MAS12630	Left front heated seat-Backrest heater: current draw (effective value)	0	 A	
IDE01540-MAS12631	Left front heated seat-Seat cushion: current draw (effective value)	0	 A	
IDE01541-MAS06913	Right front heated seat-Backrest heating: activation	0	 %	
IDE01541-MAS06914	Right front heated seat-Seat cushion heating: activation	0	 %	
IDE01541-MAS07048	Right front heated seat-Target temperature backrest	OFF	 	
IDE01541-MAS07049	Right front heated seat-Target temperature seat cushion	OFF	 	
IDE01541-MAS07050	Right front heated seat-Actual temperature backrest	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE01541-MAS07051	Right front heated seat-Actual temperature seat cushion	-1	 øC	
IDE01541-MAS07052	Right front heated seat-Setting	OFF	 	
IDE01541-MAS07071	Right front heated seat-Temperature sensor for seat cushion: resistance value	27.66	 kOhm	
IDE01541-MAS07072	Right front heated seat-Temperature sensor for backrest: resistance value	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE01541-MAS07921	Right front heated seat-Balance setting	Neutral	 	
IDE01541-MAS07929	Right front heated seat-Power quota setting by energy management	0	 %	
IDE01541-MAS07945	Right front heated seat-Spec temp: backrest with active overheating function	OFF	 	
IDE01541-MAS07946	Right front heated seat-Spec temp: seat cushion with active overheating function	OFF	 	
IDE01541-MAS07947	Right front heated seat-Backrest heater: status	not active	 	
IDE01541-MAS07950	Right front heated seat-Seat cushion heater: status	not active	 	
IDE01541-MAS07951	Right front heated seat-Automatic down-shift	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE01541-MAS07968	Right front heated seat-Temp sensor offset in chassis ground	-0.01	 V	
IDE01541-MAS12630	Right front heated seat-Backrest heater: current draw (effective value)	0	 A	
IDE01541-MAS12631	Right front heated seat-Seat cushion: current draw (effective value)	0	 A	
IDE01544-MAS05377	Auxiliary Air Heater-Low heat output relay	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE01544-MAS05378	Auxiliary Air Heater-High heat output relay	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE01544-MAS07914	Auxiliary Air Heater-Heating stage: spec value	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE01544-MAS12633	Auxiliary Air Heater-Relay for small heater output: current draw (effective value)	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE01544-MAS12634	Auxiliary Air Heater-Relay for large heater output: current draw (effective value)	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE01588	Driving direction	forwards	 	
IDE01632	System condition of park assist	not active	 	
IDE01633	Cause of park assist switching off	No shut-off requirement	 	
IDE01946	ESP intervention	OFF	 	
IDE01965-MAS06614	Parallel parking assistance button-Version	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE01965-MAS07693	Parallel parking assistance button-Button Status	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE01965-MAS07694	Parallel parking assistance button-Button status on CAN	Initialization/not installed	 	
IDE01965-MAS07699	Parallel parking assistance button-Status indicator light on CAN	OFF	 	
IDE01965-MAS08062	Parallel parking assistance button-Indicator light activation	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE01985-MAS06854	FAZIT identification test sum-Version	81	 	
IDE01985-MAS06855	FAZIT identification test sum-Test sum	8B 33 E1 95	 	
IDE01992-SFT00009	Installation list: current installations-Central Electrics	can be reached	 	
IDE01992-SFT00041	Installation list: current installations-Light Control Left	can be reached	 	
IDE01992-SFT00057	Installation list: current installations-Light Control Right	can be reached	 	
IDE01992-SFT00214	Installation list: current installations-Light Control Left 2	cannot be reached	 	
IDE01992-SFT00215	Installation list: current installations-Light Control Right 2	cannot be reached	 	
IDE01993-SFT00009	Control module reference number-Central Electrics	Central Electrics	 	
IDE01993-SFT00041	Control module reference number-Light Control Left	Light Control Left	 	
IDE01993-SFT00057	Control module reference number-Light Control Right	Light Control Right	 	
IDE01993-SFT00214	Control module reference number-Light Control Left 2	Light Control Left 2	 	
IDE01993-SFT00215	Control module reference number-Light Control Right 2	Light Control Right 2	 	
IDE01995-SFT00009	Control module protocol information-Central Electrics	ISO-TP	 	
IDE01995-SFT00041	Control module protocol information-Light Control Left	ISO-TP	 	
IDE01995-SFT00057	Control module protocol information-Light Control Right	ISO-TP	 	
IDE01995-SFT00214	Control module protocol information-Light Control Left 2	ISO-TP	 	
IDE01995-SFT00215	Control module protocol information-Light Control Right 2	ISO-TP	 	
IDE02384-SFT00009	Status of event memory-Central Electrics	OK	 	
IDE02384-SFT00041	Status of event memory-Light Control Left	OK	 	
IDE02384-SFT00057	Status of event memory-Light Control Right	OK	 	
IDE02384-SFT00214	Status of event memory-Light Control Left 2	OK	 	
IDE02384-SFT00215	Status of event memory-Light Control Right 2	OK	 	
IDE02455-MAS06911	"Light function ""Coming/Leaving Home""-Status Coming Home"	not active	 	
IDE02455-MAS06912	"Light function ""Coming/Leaving Home""-Status Leaving Home"	not active	 	
IDE02486	Data logger triggering	not active	 	
IDE02711-MAS09598	Rear Window Wiper-Request on CAN	OFF	 	
IDE02711-MAS09599	Rear Window Wiper-Error status via CAN	No error: no wiper activation	 	
IDE03008-IDE03726	Stop process prevented-Parallel Parking Assistance	passive	 	
IDE03008-MAS00825	Stop process prevented-Parking Aid Control Module	passive	 	
IDE03010-IDE03726	Number of prevented stop processes-Parallel Parking Assistance	0	 	
IDE03010-MAS00825	Number of prevented stop processes-Parking Aid Control Module	0	 	
IDE03011-IDE03726	Number of requested start processes-Parallel Parking Assistance	0	 	
IDE03011-MAS08785	Number of requested start processes-Parking aid	0	 	
IDE03111-MAS06885	Interior light-Terminal 30 for interior illumination	79	 %	
IDE03111-MAS06886	Interior light-Interior light delay (dimmer)	0	 %	
IDE03111-MAS06986	Interior light-Footwell illumination rear	0	 %	
IDE03111-MAS06987	Interior light-Footwell illumination front	0	 %	
IDE03111-MAS09295	Interior light-ambient light.chan. 1	0	 %	
IDE03111-MAS09297	Interior light-Ambient illumination power supply	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE03111-MAS12622	Interior light-Terminal 30 for interior lighting: current draw (effect. value)	6	 mA	
IDE03111-MAS12623	Interior light-Foot well illumination: rear: current draw (effective value)	0	 mA	
IDE03111-MAS12624	Interior light-Foot well illumination: front: current draw (effective value)	0	 mA	
IDE03111-MAS12625	Interior light-Ambient illumination channel 1: current draw (effective value)	0	 mA	
IDE03111-MAS12626	Interior light-Supply for ambient illumination: current draw (effective value)	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE03111-MAS12627	Interior light-Trunk illumination: front: current draw (effective value)	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE03150-SFT00009	Readiness for bus sleep mode-Central Electrics	active	 	
IDE03150-SFT00041	Readiness for bus sleep mode-Light Control Left	Sleep mode	 	
IDE03150-SFT00057	Readiness for bus sleep mode-Light Control Right	Sleep mode	 	
IDE03150-SFT00214	Readiness for bus sleep mode-Light Control Left 2	active	 	
IDE03150-SFT00215	Readiness for bus sleep mode-Light Control Right 2	active	 	
IDE03197-IDE08190	Rain/Light Recognition Sensor-Request exterior illumination	OFF	 	
IDE03197-MAS02475	Rain/Light Recognition Sensor-Brightness infrared	2000	 lx	
IDE03197-MAS03637	Rain/Light Recognition Sensor-Rain quantity	Initializing	 	
IDE03197-MAS04806	Rain/Light Recognition Sensor-Splash	not active	 	
IDE03197-MAS06899	Rain/Light Recognition Sensor-Request glass close	not active	 	
IDE03197-MAS06900	Rain/Light Recognition Sensor-Status glass	closed	 	
IDE03197-MAS06998	Rain/Light Recognition Sensor-Request exterior illumination: inverse	On	 	
IDE03197-MAS06999	Rain/Light Recognition Sensor-Bright/dark information	Bright	 	
IDE03197-MAS07055	Rain/Light Recognition Sensor-Response error	not active	 	
IDE03197-MAS09630	Rain/Light Recognition Sensor-Qualification status of exterior lighting requirement	valid	 	
IDE03197-MAS09631	Rain/Light Recognition Sensor-Highway light requirement	OFF	 	
IDE03197-MAS09632	Rain/Light Recognition Sensor-Rain light requirement	OFF	 	
IDE03197-MAS09633	Rain/Light Recognition Sensor-Wiper speed requirement	No wiping	 	
IDE03197-MAS09634	Rain/Light Recognition Sensor-Adaptation error	not active	 	
IDE03197-MAS09635	Rain/Light Recognition Sensor-Error status rain sensors	not faulty	 	
IDE03197-MAS09636	Rain/Light Recognition Sensor-Error status light sensors	not faulty	 	
IDE03197-MAS10232	Rain/Light Recognition Sensor-Brightness ahead	954	 lx	
IDE03197-MAS10233	Rain/Light Recognition Sensor-Brightness ahead: boost	up to 6428 Lux	 	
IDE03212	Start-stop conditions	Stop release	 	
IDE03214	Engine stop using start-stop function	not active	 	
IDE03215	Engine start using start-stop function	not active	 	
IDE03602	Left front level control system sensor	Measured value not available	 	
IDE03604	Left rear level control system sensor	57.6	 %	
IDE03620	Front jounce travel	Measured value not available	 	
IDE03621	Rear jounce travel	-14	 mm	
IDE03622	Left headlight beam adjusting motor: status	no error	 	
IDE03623	Right headlight beam adjusting motor: status	no error	 	
IDE03628	Adjusting motor for variable left front lighting: status	Measured value not available	 	
IDE03629	Adjusting motor for variable right front lighting: status	Measured value not available	 	
IDE03630	Left headlight beam adjusting motor: specified value	-23	 mm	
IDE03631	Right headlight beam adjusting motor: specified value	-23	 mm	
IDE03632	Left-/right hand driving switch-over	Measured value not available	 	
IDE03638-IDE03717	static AFS light-Dim static left AFS light	Measured value not available	 	
IDE03638-IDE03718	static AFS light-Dim static right AFS light	Measured value not available	 	
IDE03662-MAS06614	ASR/ESP button-Version	Local data bus: operating unit 1	 	
IDE03662-MAS07693	ASR/ESP button-Button Status	Not operated	 	
IDE03662-MAS07694	ASR/ESP button-Button status on CAN	Not operated	 	
IDE03662-MAS07699	ASR/ESP button-Status indicator light on CAN	OFF	 	
IDE03662-MAS08062	ASR/ESP button-Indicator light activation	OFF	 	
IDE03663-MAS06614	#NAME?	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE03663-MAS07693	#NAME?	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE03663-MAS07694	#NAME?	Initialization/not installed	 	
IDE03663-MAS07699	#NAME?	OFF	 	
IDE03663-MAS08062	#NAME?	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE03669	Light distribution status	Measured value not available	 	
IDE03679-MAS09575	Adaptive light functions-High beam request	OFF	 	
IDE03679-MAS10260	Adaptive light functions-Request for automatic high beam	OFF	 	
IDE03679-MAS10261	Adaptive light functions-Automatic high beam availability	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE03679-MAS10264	Adaptive light functions-High beam: status	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE03679-MAS10265	Adaptive light functions-Left high beam: error status	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE03679-MAS10266	Adaptive light functions-Right high beam: error status	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE03679-MAS10268	Adaptive light functions-Matrix automatic high beam availability	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE03679-MAS10271	Adaptive light functions-Matrix high beam: status	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE03679-MAS10272	Adaptive light functions-Left Matrix high beam: error status	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE03679-MAS10273	Adaptive light functions-Right Matrix high beam: error status	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE03679-MAS10274	Adaptive light functions-Sensor status: auto. high beam	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE03679-MAS10275	Adaptive light functions-Matrix auto. high beam: sensor status	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE03680-MAS00043	Supply voltages-Supply voltage: Terminal 30	15.13	 V	
IDE03680-MAS06254	Supply voltages-Supply voltage Terminal 30 - 2	15.09	 V	
IDE03680-MAS06255	Supply voltages-Supply voltage Terminal 30 - 3	15.06	 V	
IDE03680-MAS06490	Supply voltages-Terminal 15 load	15.15	 V	
IDE03680-MAS06838	Supply voltages-Supply voltage: terminal 30 left	15.09	 V	
IDE03680-MAS06839	Supply voltages-Supply voltage terminal 30 right	15.12	 V	
IDE03680-MAS06840	Supply voltages-Supply voltage Terminal 30 - 4	15.1	 V	
IDE03680-MAS06841	Supply voltages-Supply voltage Terminal 30 - 5	15.1	 V	
IDE03680-MAS06842	Supply voltages-Supply voltage Terminal 30 - 6	15.11	 V	
IDE03727	Variable left front lighting specified position	Measured value not available	 	
IDE03728	Variable right front lighting specified position	Measured value not available	 	
IDE03784	Temporary function limitation due to environmental influences	No	 	
IDE03788	Status of basic headlamp setting	no request	 	
IDE03850	Left front level ctrl sys sensor: adaptation value (zero pos)	Measured value not available	 	
IDE03866	Left rear level ctrl sys sensor: adaptation value (zero pos)	60.8	 %	
IDE04343-SFT00009	Bus identification-Central Electrics	Busmaster	 	
IDE04343-SFT00041	Bus identification-Light Control Left	AFS/From light data bus	 	
IDE04343-SFT00057	Bus identification-Light Control Right	AFS/From light data bus	 	
IDE04343-SFT00214	Bus identification-Light Control Left 2	AFS/From light data bus	 	
IDE04343-SFT00215	Bus identification-Light Control Right 2	AFS/From light data bus	 	
IDE04806-MAS06614	Driving profile selection button-Version	Local data bus: operating unit 1	 	
IDE04806-MAS07693	Driving profile selection button-Button Status	Not operated	 	
IDE04806-MAS07694	Driving profile selection button-Button status on CAN	Not operated	 	
IDE04923-MAS08125	Turn signal control-Left front turn signal bulb: status	OFF	 	
IDE04923-MAS08127	Turn signal control-Right front turn signal bulb: status	OFF	 	
IDE04923-MAS08131	Turn signal control-Left turn signal lights: clock	OFF	 	
IDE04923-MAS08132	Turn signal control-Right turn signal lights: clock	OFF	 	
IDE05042-MAS06614	Emergency flasher button-Version	Discreet wire	 	
IDE05042-MAS07693	Emergency flasher button-Button Status	Not operated	 	
IDE05042-MAS07694	Emergency flasher button-Button status on CAN	Not operated	 	
IDE05042-MAS08062	Emergency flasher button-Indicator light activation	OFF	 	
IDE05071-MAS06614	Lane change assistance button-Version	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE05071-MAS07693	Lane change assistance button-Button Status	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE05071-MAS07694	Lane change assistance button-Button status on CAN	Initialization/not installed	 	
IDE05071-MAS08062	Lane change assistance button-Indicator light activation	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE05534-MAS01580	Headlamp washer system-Activation	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE05534-MAS12621	Headlamp washer system-Current draw (effective value)	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE05738-ENG124653	Subssystem diagnosis classes-DC0_systems	Yes	 	
IDE05738-ENG124652	Subssystem diagnosis classes-DC1_systems	Yes	 	
IDE05738-ENG124651	Subssystem diagnosis classes-DC2/DC2F_systems	Yes	 	
IDE05738-ENG124650	Subssystem diagnosis classes-DC3_systems	Yes	 	
IDE06091-IDE01440	Humidity sensor: internal-Windshield temperature	3.2	 øC	
IDE06091-MAS04629	Humidity sensor: internal-Sensor temperature	3	 øC	
IDE06091-MAS04630	Humidity sensor: internal-Relative humidity	127	 %	
IDE06091-MAS04647	Humidity sensor: internal-Dew point	-3	 øC	
IDE06091-MAS07055	Humidity sensor: internal-Response error	not active	 	
IDE06307-MAS00106	Stop prevention history data-Year	2000	 	
IDE06307-MAS00107	Stop prevention history data-Month	0	 	
IDE06307-MAS00108	Stop prevention history data-Day	0	 	
IDE06307-MAS00109	Stop prevention history data-Hours	0	 	
IDE06307-MAS00110	Stop prevention history data-Minutes	3	 	
IDE06307-MAS00111	Stop prevention history data-Seconds	63	 	
IDE06307	Stop prevention history data	not active	 	
IDE06307	Stop prevention history data	not active	 	
IDE06308-MAS00106	Start request history data-Year	2000	 	
IDE06308-MAS00107	Start request history data-Month	0	 	
IDE06308-MAS00108	Start request history data-Day	0	 	
IDE06308-MAS00109	Start request history data-Hours	0	 	
IDE06308-MAS00110	Start request history data-Minutes	3	 	
IDE06308-MAS00111	Start request history data-Seconds	63	 	
IDE06308	Start request history data	not active	 	
IDE06308	Start request history data	not active	 	
IDE06592-MAS05002	Status: special functions-Showroom mode	OFF	 	
IDE06592-MAS05003	Status: special functions-Debug functions	OFF	 	
IDE06644-MAS06993	Vehicle positioning system-Request signal horn	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE06644-MAS09570	Vehicle positioning system-Parking light request	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE06644-MAS09571	Vehicle positioning system-Low beam request	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE06752-MAS06614	Hill descent control button-Version	Local data bus: operating unit 1	 	
IDE06752-MAS07693	Hill descent control button-Button Status	Not operated	 	
IDE06752-MAS07694	Hill descent control button-Button status on CAN	Not operated	 	
IDE06752-MAS07699	Hill descent control button-Status indicator light on CAN	OFF	 	
IDE06752-MAS08062	Hill descent control button-Indicator light activation	OFF	 	
IDE07145-MAS06772	Component protection properties-Component protection generation	2	 	
IDE07145-MAS06773	Component protection properties-KS Standard software main version nummer	1	 	
IDE07145-MAS06774	Component protection properties-KS Standard software secondary version number	8	 	
IDE07145-MAS06775	Component protection properties-KS Standard software correct number	0	 	
IDE07145-MAS06776	Component protection properties-Komponent protection role	KS Slave	 	
IDE07145-MAS06781	Component protection properties-Secure Hardware Extension	used	 	
IDE07145-MAS06782	Component protection properties-Master ECU Key	administered by component protection	 	
IDE07145-MAS06785	Component protection properties-GFA key	Not Used	 	
IDE07145-MAS06786	Component protection properties-SSW RND Generation	Not Used	 	
IDE07145-MAS06787	Component protection properties-Indiv Key Generation	Not Used	 	
IDE07145-MAS06788	Component protection properties-SHE Secure Boot	Not Used	 	
IDE07145-MAS07187	Component protection properties-KS Data version	1	 	
IDE07145-MAS09609	Component protection properties-Status IKA start key	not active	 	
IDE07145-MAS09610	Component protection properties-Status GFA Key	valid	 	
IDE07145-MAS09611	Component protection properties-Status Master ECU Key	stored	 	
IDE07991-MAS01580	A/C clutch-Activation	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE07991-MAS07919	A/C clutch-Min current consumption: spec value	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE07991-MAS12621	A/C clutch-Current draw (effective value)	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE07991-MAS12776	A/C clutch-Spec.val. min.cur. draw prior to rec.op.circ./short circ. to B+	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE07991-MAS12778	A/C clutch-Act.val. min.curr. draw prior to recogn open circ/sh circ to B+	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08125-MAS01458	Left cabin heater-Operating condition	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08125-MAS02832	Left cabin heater-Malfunction status	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08125-MAS06652	Left cabin heater-Blower motor: speed	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08125-MAS06653	Left cabin heater-Indicator light for head area heater	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08125-MAS07055	Left cabin heater-Response error	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08125-MAS09644	Left cabin heater-Vent temperature	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08125-MAS12677	Left cabin heater-PTC heater element: current draw (effective value)	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08126-MAS01458	Right cabin heater-Operating condition	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08126-MAS02832	Right cabin heater-Malfunction status	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08126-MAS06652	Right cabin heater-Blower motor: speed	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08126-MAS06653	Right cabin heater-Indicator light for head area heater	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08126-MAS07055	Right cabin heater-Response error	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08126-MAS09644	Right cabin heater-Vent temperature	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08126-MAS12677	Right cabin heater-PTC heater element: current draw (effective value)	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08196-IDE01351	Terminal control-Terminal 75 status	On	 	
IDE08196-MAS06982	Terminal control-Terminal 15 status signal	On	 	
IDE08196-MAS07720	Terminal control-Terminal 15 via CAN	On	 	
IDE08196-MAS08123	Terminal control-Term 75: qualification	OFF	 	
IDE08343	Immobilizer Challenge	F6 B0 6E B7	 	
IDE08364-MAS01447	Left seat backrest fan 1: activation-Act.val.	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08364-MAS01448	Left seat backrest fan 1: activation-Specified value	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08365-MAS01447	Left seat backrest fan 2: activation-Act.val.	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08365-MAS01448	Left seat backrest fan 2: activation-Specified value	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08366-MAS01447	Left seat seat cushion fan 1: activation-Act.val.	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08366-MAS01448	Left seat seat cushion fan 1: activation-Specified value	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08367-MAS01447	Left seat seat cushion fan 2: activation-Act.val.	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08367-MAS01448	Left seat seat cushion fan 2: activation-Specified value	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08368-MAS01447	Right seat backrest fan 1: activation-Act.val.	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08368-MAS01448	Right seat backrest fan 1: activation-Specified value	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08369-MAS01447	Right seat backrest fan 2: activation-Act.val.	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08369-MAS01448	Right seat backrest fan 2: activation-Specified value	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08370-MAS01447	Right seat cushion fan 1: activation-Act.val.	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08370-MAS01448	Right seat cushion fan 1: activation-Specified value	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08371-MAS01447	Right seat cushion fan 2: activation-Act.val.	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08371-MAS01448	Right seat cushion fan 2: activation-Specified value	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08376-MAS01580	Right daytime running lamp and parking lamp bulb-Activation	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08376-MAS01737	Right daytime running lamp and parking lamp bulb-Diagnosis	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08376-MAS12621	Right daytime running lamp and parking lamp bulb-Current draw (effective value)	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08377-MAS01580	Left daytime running lamp and parking lamp bulb-Activation	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08377-MAS01737	Left daytime running lamp and parking lamp bulb-Diagnosis	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08377-MAS12621	Left daytime running lamp and parking lamp bulb-Current draw (effective value)	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08378-MAS01580	Right front turn signal bulb-Activation	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08378-MAS01737	Right front turn signal bulb-Diagnosis	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08378-MAS12621	Right front turn signal bulb-Current draw (effective value)	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08379-MAS01580	Left front turn signal bulb-Activation	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08379-MAS01737	Left front turn signal bulb-Diagnosis	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08379-MAS12621	Left front turn signal bulb-Current draw (effective value)	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08380-MAS01580	Right side marker lamp bulb-Activation	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08380-MAS01737	Right side marker lamp bulb-Diagnosis	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08380-MAS12621	Right side marker lamp bulb-Current draw (effective value)	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08381-MAS01580	Left side marker lamp bulb-Activation	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08381-MAS01737	Left side marker lamp bulb-Diagnosis	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08381-MAS12621	Left side marker lamp bulb-Current draw (effective value)	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08382-MAS01580	Right front side marker lamp bulb-Activation	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08382-MAS01737	Right front side marker lamp bulb-Diagnosis	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08382-MAS12621	Right front side marker lamp bulb-Current draw (effective value)	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08383-MAS01580	Left front side marker lamp bulb-Activation	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08383-MAS01737	Left front side marker lamp bulb-Diagnosis	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08383-MAS12621	Left front side marker lamp bulb-Current draw (effective value)	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08384-MAS01580	Right daytime running lamp bulb-Activation	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08384-MAS01737	Right daytime running lamp bulb-Diagnosis	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08384-MAS12621	Right daytime running lamp bulb-Current draw (effective value)	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08385-MAS01580	Left daytime running lamp bulb-Activation	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08385-MAS01737	Left daytime running lamp bulb-Diagnosis	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08385-MAS12621	Left daytime running lamp bulb-Current draw (effective value)	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08386-MAS01580	Right low beam headlamp bulb-Activation	0	 %	
IDE08386-MAS01737	Right low beam headlamp bulb-Diagnosis	no error	 	
IDE08386-MAS12621	Right low beam headlamp bulb-Current draw (effective value)	0	 mA	
IDE08387-MAS01580	Left low beam headlamp bulb-Activation	0	 %	
IDE08387-MAS01737	Left low beam headlamp bulb-Diagnosis	no error	 	
IDE08387-MAS12621	Left low beam headlamp bulb-Current draw (effective value)	0	 mA	
IDE08388-MAS01580	Right high beam headlamp bulb-Activation	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08388-MAS01737	Right high beam headlamp bulb-Diagnosis	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08388-MAS12621	Right high beam headlamp bulb-Current draw (effective value)	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08389-MAS01580	Left high beam headlamp bulb-Activation	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08389-MAS01737	Left high beam headlamp bulb-Diagnosis	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08389-MAS12621	Left high beam headlamp bulb-Current draw (effective value)	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08390-MAS01580	Right fog light bulb-Activation	0	 %	
IDE08390-MAS01737	Right fog light bulb-Diagnosis	no error	 	
IDE08390-MAS12621	Right fog light bulb-Current draw (effective value)	0	 mA	
IDE08391-MAS01580	Left fog light bulb-Activation	0	 %	
IDE08391-MAS01737	Left fog light bulb-Diagnosis	no error	 	
IDE08391-MAS12621	Left fog light bulb-Current draw (effective value)	0	 mA	
IDE08392-MAS01580	Right LED module daytime running lamp and parking lamp: supply-Activation	Not available	 	
IDE08392-MAS01737	Right LED module daytime running lamp and parking lamp: supply-Diagnosis	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08392-MAS12621	Right LED module daytime running lamp and parking lamp: supply-Current draw (effective value)	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08393-MAS01580	Left LED module daytime running lamp and parking lamp: supply-Activation	Not available	 	
IDE08393-MAS01737	Left LED module daytime running lamp and parking lamp: supply-Diagnosis	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08393-MAS12621	Left LED module daytime running lamp and parking lamp: supply-Current draw (effective value)	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08394-MAS01580	Right LED module daytime running lamp and park.lamp: activation-Activation	Not available	 	
IDE08394-MAS01737	Right LED module daytime running lamp and park.lamp: activation-Diagnosis	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08394-MAS12621	Right LED module daytime running lamp and park.lamp: activation-Current draw (effective value)	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08395-MAS01580	Left LED module daytime running lamp and park.lamp: activation-Activation	Not available	 	
IDE08395-MAS01737	Left LED module daytime running lamp and park.lamp: activation-Diagnosis	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08395-MAS12621	Left LED module daytime running lamp and park.lamp: activation-Current draw (effective value)	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08396-MAS01580	Headlights right: supply-Activation	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08396-MAS01737	Headlights right: supply-Diagnosis	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08396-MAS12621	Headlights right: supply-Current draw (effective value)	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08397-MAS01580	Headlights left: supply-Activation	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08397-MAS01737	Headlights left: supply-Diagnosis	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08397-MAS12621	Headlights left: supply-Current draw (effective value)	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08402-IDE05742	Light switch-Light switch position	AUTO	 	
IDE08402-IDE07956	Light switch-redundant signal line	Medium	 	
IDE08402-MAS03866	Light switch-Head-up display button	Not operated	 	
IDE08402-MAS03868	Light switch-Position of eye box	0	 	
IDE08402-MAS06887	Light switch-Light switch position on CAN	AUTO	 	
IDE08402-MAS06888	Light switch-Fog light button	Not operated	 	
IDE08402-MAS06889	Light switch-Rear fog light button	Not operated	 	
IDE08402-MAS06890	Light switch-Night vision system button	Not operated	 	
IDE08402-MAS06891	Light switch-Control for Eyebox position	no operation	 	
IDE08404-IDE01351	Local data bus 1: information-Terminal 75 status	On	 	
IDE08404-MAS00370	Local data bus 1: information-Vehicle speed	0	 km/h	
IDE08404-MAS03679	Local data bus 1: information-Terminal 15 status	On	 	
IDE08404-MAS06495	Local data bus 1: information-Engine hood contact switch	closed	 	
IDE08405-MAS05030	Outside air temperature sensor-Resistance	2.88	 kOhm	
IDE08405-MAS08858	Outside air temperature sensor-Outside air temperature on CAN	3.5	 øC	
IDE08408-MAS12845	Hood contact-Switch 1	closed	 	
IDE08408-MAS12846	Hood contact-Switch 2	closed	 	
IDE08434-MAS01580	Right turn signal light bulb-Activation	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08434-MAS01737	Right turn signal light bulb-Diagnosis	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08434-MAS12621	Right turn signal light bulb-Current draw (effective value)	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08435-MAS01580	Left turn signal light bulb-Activation	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08435-MAS01737	Left turn signal light bulb-Diagnosis	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08435-MAS12621	Left turn signal light bulb-Current draw (effective value)	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08441-MAS06992	Control module for steering col electronics: requirements-Request wiping	OFF	 	
IDE08441-MAS06993	Control module for steering col electronics: requirements-Request signal horn	OFF	 	
IDE08441-MAS09575	Control module for steering col electronics: requirements-High beam request	OFF	 	
IDE08441-MAS09576	Control module for steering col electronics: requirements-Wash request	OFF	 	
IDE08441-MAS09577	Control module for steering col electronics: requirements-Rear interval wash request	OFF	 	
IDE08441-MAS09586	Control module for steering col electronics: requirements-Headlight flasher request	OFF	 	
IDE08441-MAS09587	Control module for steering col electronics: requirements-Headlight washer request	OFF	 	
IDE08441-MAS09600	Control module for steering col electronics: requirements-Request to flashing left	not active	 	
IDE08441-MAS09601	Control module for steering col electronics: requirements-Request to flashing right	not active	 	
IDE08442-MAS01580	Wiper storage and spray nozzle heater-Activation	On	 	
IDE08442-MAS07000	Wiper storage and spray nozzle heater-Switch-on current	580	 mA	
IDE08442-MAS12621	Wiper storage and spray nozzle heater-Current draw (effective value)	174	 mA	
IDE08500-MAS07921	Left front seat ventilation setting-Balance setting	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08500-MAS07928	Left front seat ventilation setting-Ventilation stage	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08500-MAS07929	Left front seat ventilation setting-Power quota setting by energy management	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08501-MAS07921	Right front seat ventilation setting-Balance setting	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08501-MAS07928	Right front seat ventilation setting-Ventilation stage	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08501-MAS07929	Right front seat ventilation setting-Power quota setting by energy management	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08502-MAS01580	A/C compressor regulator valve-Activation	0	 %	
IDE08502-MAS09777	A/C compressor regulator valve-Specified current	0	 mA	
IDE08502-MAS09780	A/C compressor regulator valve-Supply Highside	OFF	 	
IDE08502-MAS12632	A/C compressor regulator valve-Current draw (mean value)	0	 mA	
IDE08516-MAS02922	LED headlights: light distribution requirement-City light	Measured value not available	 	
IDE08516-MAS02923	LED headlights: light distribution requirement-Highway light	Measured value not available	 	
IDE08516-MAS02946	LED headlights: light distribution requirement-static AFS light	Measured value not available	 	
IDE08516-MAS07013	LED headlights: light distribution requirement-All-weather lights	Measured value not available	 	
IDE08516-MAS07014	LED headlights: light distribution requirement-Tourist light	Measured value not available	 	
IDE08516-MAS07015	LED headlights: light distribution requirement-Running light	Measured value not available	 	
IDE08516-MAS07234	LED headlights: light distribution requirement-Eco mode 1	Measured value not available	 	
IDE08516-MAS07235	LED headlights: light distribution requirement-Eco mode 2	Measured value not available	 	
IDE08795-MAS06614	Button for rear window shade-Version	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08795-MAS07693	Button for rear window shade-Button Status	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08795-MAS07694	Button for rear window shade-Button status on CAN	Initialization/not installed	 	
IDE08948-MAS01632	Electrically Adjustable Steering Column-Status	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08948-MAS06732	Electrically Adjustable Steering Column-Status local activity	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08948-MAS09493	Electrically Adjustable Steering Column-Position: vertical	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08948-MAS09494	Electrically Adjustable Steering Column-Position: axial	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08948-MAS09495	Electrically Adjustable Steering Column-Button for steering column adjust.: direction of operation up	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08948-MAS09496	Electrically Adjustable Steering Column-Button for steering column adjust.: direction of operation down	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08948-MAS09497	Electrically Adjustable Steering Column-Button for steering column adjust.: direction of operation out	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08948-MAS09498	Electrically Adjustable Steering Column-Button for steering column adjust.: direction of operation in	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08948-MAS09501	Electrically Adjustable Steering Column-Entry assistance button	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08948-MAS12678	Electrically Adjustable Steering Column-Motor for vertical adjustment: current draw (effective value)	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08948-MAS12679	Electrically Adjustable Steering Column-Motor for axial adjustment: current draw (effective value)	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08957-MAS01632	Supply for power outlets-Status	On	 	
IDE08957-MAS04445	Supply for power outlets-Relay output voltage	15.08	 V	
IDE08957-MAS07309	Supply for power outlets-Maximum current draw	50	 A	
IDE08957-MAS08025	Supply for power outlets-Output to input voltage ratio with relay switched off	44.47	 %	
IDE08957-MAS12621	Supply for power outlets-Current draw (effective value)	2	 mA	
IDE08960-MAS08026	Status: control heads for driving and comfort functions-Control head for driving and comfort functions	ready for operation	 	
IDE08960-MAS08027	Status: control heads for driving and comfort functions-Control head 2 for driving and comfort functions	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08961-MAS01554	Installation info: seat heater-Left heated seat	Separate activation of backrest and seat cushion	 	
IDE08961-MAS01556	Installation info: seat heater-Right heated seat	Separate activation of backrest and seat cushion	 	
IDE08962-IDE08356	Installation info: seat ventilation-Left seat backrest fan 1	not installed	 	
IDE08962-IDE08357	Installation info: seat ventilation-Left seat backrest fan 2	not installed	 	
IDE08962-IDE08358	Installation info: seat ventilation-Left seat cushion fan 1	not installed	 	
IDE08962-IDE08359	Installation info: seat ventilation-Left seat cushion fan 2	not installed	 	
IDE08962-IDE08360	Installation info: seat ventilation-Right seat backrest fan 1	not installed	 	
IDE08962-IDE08361	Installation info: seat ventilation-Right seat backrest fan 2	not installed	 	
IDE08962-IDE08362	Installation info: seat ventilation-Right seat cushion fan 1	not installed	 	
IDE08962-IDE08363	Installation info: seat ventilation-Right seat cushion fan 2	not installed	 	
IDE08978-MAS01580	Windshield washer pump-Activation	OFF	 	
IDE08978-MAS09022	Windshield washer pump-PWM value	0	 %	
IDE08978-MAS12621	Windshield washer pump-Current draw (effective value)	0	 mA	
IDE08979-MAS06614	Valet parking lock button-Version	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08979-MAS07693	Valet parking lock button-Button Status	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08979-MAS07694	Valet parking lock button-Button status on CAN	Not operated	 	
IDE08979-MAS08062	Valet parking lock button-Indicator light activation	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08980-MAS06614	Button for rear spoiler adjustment-Version	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08980-MAS07693	Button for rear spoiler adjustment-Button Status	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08980-MAS07694	Button for rear spoiler adjustment-Button status on CAN	Initialization/not installed	 	
IDE08980-MAS07699	Button for rear spoiler adjustment-Status indicator light on CAN	OFF	 	
IDE08980-MAS08062	Button for rear spoiler adjustment-Indicator light activation	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08981-MAS06614	Front display open/close button-Version	Local data bus: operating unit 1	 	
IDE08981-MAS07693	Front display open/close button-Button Status	Not operated	 	
IDE08981-MAS07694	Front display open/close button-Button status on CAN	Not operated	 	
IDE08982-MAS06614	Button for start/stop operation/electrical driving-Version	Local data bus: operating unit 1	 	
IDE08982-MAS07693	Button for start/stop operation/electrical driving-Button Status	Not operated	 	
IDE08982-MAS07694	Button for start/stop operation/electrical driving-Button status on CAN	Not operated	 	
IDE08982-MAS08062	Button for start/stop operation/electrical driving-Indicator light activation	OFF	 	
IDE08983-MAS06614	Driving profile selection button 2-Version	Local data bus: operating unit 1	 	
IDE08983-MAS07693	Driving profile selection button 2-Button Status	Not operated	 	
IDE08983-MAS07694	Driving profile selection button 2-Button status on CAN	Not operated	 	
IDE08998-MAS06901	Driver info-Washer fluid level	OK	 	
IDE08998-MAS08063	Driver info-Coolant level from sensor for low coolant display	OK	 	
IDE08998-MAS08064	Driver info-Coolant level from sensor 2 for low coolant display	OK	 	
IDE08998-MAS08065	Driver info-Brake fluid level	OK	 	
IDE08998-MAS08122	Driver info-Brake lining	OK	 	
IDE08999-MAS08124	Control modules for light activation: turn sig ctrl-Left front turn signal bulb: request	OFF	 	
IDE08999-MAS08125	Control modules for light activation: turn sig ctrl-Left front turn signal bulb: status	OFF	 	
IDE08999-MAS08126	Control modules for light activation: turn sig ctrl-Right front turn signal bulb: request	OFF	 	
IDE08999-MAS08127	Control modules for light activation: turn sig ctrl-Right front turn signal bulb: status	OFF	 	
IDE08999-MAS08128	Control modules for light activation: turn sig ctrl-Left flashing function	not active	 	
IDE08999-MAS08129	Control modules for light activation: turn sig ctrl-Right flashing function	not active	 	
IDE08999-MAS08133	Control modules for light activation: turn sig ctrl-Flashing mode	normal	 	
IDE09000-MAS01580	Control module for light activation: left: supply-Activation	100	 %	
IDE09000-MAS01737	Control module for light activation: left: supply-Diagnosis	no error	 	
IDE09000-MAS12621	Control module for light activation: left: supply-Current draw (effective value)	843	 mA	
IDE09001-MAS01580	Control module for light activation: right: supply-Activation	100	 %	
IDE09001-MAS01737	Control module for light activation: right: supply-Diagnosis	no error	 	
IDE09001-MAS12621	Control module for light activation: right: supply-Current draw (effective value)	841	 mA	
IDE09234-MAS01580	Subfloor lighting-Activation	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE09234-MAS12621	Subfloor lighting-Current draw (effective value)	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE09850-MAS07146	Garage Door Opener Operating Unit-Button 1	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE09850-MAS07147	Garage Door Opener Operating Unit-Button 2	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE09850-MAS07148	Garage Door Opener Operating Unit-Button 3	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE09887-MAS01580	Right daytime running lamp bulb 2-Activation	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE09887-MAS01737	Right daytime running lamp bulb 2-Diagnosis	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE09887-MAS12621	Right daytime running lamp bulb 2-Current draw (effective value)	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE09888-MAS01580	Left daytime running lamp bulb 2-Activation	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE09888-MAS01737	Left daytime running lamp bulb 2-Diagnosis	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE09888-MAS12621	Left daytime running lamp bulb 2-Current draw (effective value)	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE09920-MAS06614	Special Purpose Vehicle Control Module-Version	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE09920-MAS06992	Special Purpose Vehicle Control Module-Request wiping	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE09920-MAS06993	Special Purpose Vehicle Control Module-Request signal horn	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE09920-MAS09569	Special Purpose Vehicle Control Module-Remote control status	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE09920-MAS09570	Special Purpose Vehicle Control Module-Parking light request	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE09920-MAS09571	Special Purpose Vehicle Control Module-Low beam request	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE09920-MAS09572	Special Purpose Vehicle Control Module-Intermittent high beam request	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE09920-MAS09573	Special Purpose Vehicle Control Module-Footwell illumination request	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE09920-MAS09574	Special Purpose Vehicle Control Module-Interior illumination request	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE09920-MAS09575	Special Purpose Vehicle Control Module-High beam request	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE09920-MAS09576	Special Purpose Vehicle Control Module-Wash request	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE09920-MAS09577	Special Purpose Vehicle Control Module-Rear interval wash request	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE09920-MAS09586	Special Purpose Vehicle Control Module-Headlight flasher request	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE09920-MAS09588	Special Purpose Vehicle Control Module-Emerg. sig. flasher request	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE09920-MAS09589	Special Purpose Vehicle Control Module-Daytime running light deactivation req.	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE09920-MAS09590	Special Purpose Vehicle Control Module-Suppression of interior illumination request	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE09921-MAS01632	Automatic high beam assist control module-Status	not active	 	
IDE09921-MAS02832	Automatic high beam assist control module-Malfunction status	not faulty	 	
IDE09921-MAS09580	Automatic high beam assist control module-Sensor status	OK	 	
IDE09921-MAS09581	Automatic high beam assist control module-PWM specs.	100	 %	
IDE09921-MAS09582	Automatic high beam assist control module-Status on combi	not active	 	
IDE09921-MAS09583	Automatic high beam assist control module-error status on combi	not faulty	 	
IDE09921-MAS09584	Automatic high beam assist control module-Sensor status on combi	OK	 	
IDE09921-MAS09585	Automatic high beam assist control module-Turn up headlights request	not active	 	
IDE09922-MAS01448	Static headlight range adjustment-Specified value	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE09922-MAS09527	Static headlight range adjustment-Activation voltage: act. value	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE09922-MAS10074	Static headlight range adjustment-Supply voltage: actual value	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE09922-MAS10075	Static headlight range adjustment-Activation voltage/supply voltage ratio	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE09922-MAS12621	Static headlight range adjustment-Current draw (effective value)	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE09933	Multifunction steerg. wheel: request signal horn	OFF	 	
IDE09934-MAS09591	Shift lever / selector lever position-Signal transm. ctrl. mod.	Selector lever in position P	 	
IDE09934-MAS09592	Shift lever / selector lever position-Signal engine ctrl. mod.	Unknown		
IDE09936-MAS01580	Right daytime running lamp and parking lamp bulb 2-Activation	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE09936-MAS01737	Right daytime running lamp and parking lamp bulb 2-Diagnosis	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE09936-MAS12621	Right daytime running lamp and parking lamp bulb 2-Current draw (effective value)	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE09937-MAS01580	Left daytime running lamp and parking lamp bulb 2-Activation	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE09937-MAS01737	Left daytime running lamp and parking lamp bulb 2-Diagnosis	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE09937-MAS12621	Left daytime running lamp and parking lamp bulb 2-Current draw (effective value)	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE09938-MAS01580	Right front turn signal bulb 2-Activation	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE09938-MAS01737	Right front turn signal bulb 2-Diagnosis	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE09938-MAS12621	Right front turn signal bulb 2-Current draw (effective value)	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE09939-MAS01580	Left front turn signal bulb 2-Activation	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE09939-MAS01737	Left front turn signal bulb 2-Diagnosis	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE09939-MAS12621	Left front turn signal bulb 2-Current draw (effective value)	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE09940-MAS01580	Right side marker bulb 2-Activation	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE09940-MAS01737	Right side marker bulb 2-Diagnosis	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE09940-MAS12621	Right side marker bulb 2-Current draw (effective value)	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE09941-MAS01580	Left side marker bulb 2-Activation	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE09941-MAS01737	Left side marker bulb 2-Diagnosis	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE09941-MAS12621	Left side marker bulb 2-Current draw (effective value)	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE09955-MAS07693	Dimming interior rearview mirror-Button Status	Not operated	 	
IDE09955-MAS09651	Dimming interior rearview mirror-Error status sensor front	not faulty	 	
IDE09955-MAS09652	Dimming interior rearview mirror-Error status sensor rear	not faulty	 	
IDE09955-MAS10386	Dimming interior rearview mirror-Dim. value spec.: exterior mirror	0	 V	
IDE09958-MAS01580	Right low beam headlamp reflector motor-Activation	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE09958-MAS01737	Right low beam headlamp reflector motor-Diagnosis	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE09958-MAS12621	Right low beam headlamp reflector motor-Current draw (effective value)	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE09959-MAS01580	Left low beam headlamp reflector motor-Activation	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE09959-MAS01737	Left low beam headlamp reflector motor-Diagnosis	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE09959-MAS12621	Left low beam headlamp reflector motor-Current draw (effective value)	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10085-MAS09757	Switch and display illumination-Terminal 58xs on CAN	0	 %	
IDE10085-MAS09815	Switch and display illumination-Terminal 58xd on CAN	123	 	
IDE10085-MAS09816	Switch and display illumination-Phototransistor wert	26	 	
IDE10085-MAS09817	Switch and display illumination-Terminal 58xs	0	 %	
IDE10085-MAS09819	Switch and display illumination-T. 58xs: Diagnosis	no error	 	
IDE10085-MAS09820	Switch and display illumination-Terminal 58xt	55	 %	
IDE10085-MAS09822	Switch and display illumination-T. 58xt: Diagnosis	no error	 	
IDE10085-MAS09823	Switch and display illumination-Driver's request (light switch)	51	 %	
IDE10085-MAS09824	Switch and display illumination-Driver's request (Kombi)	0	 %	
IDE10085-MAS09825	Switch and display illumination-Driver's request (MMI)	0	 %	
IDE10085-MAS09826	Switch and display illumination-Driver's request on CAN	51	 %	
IDE10085-MAS09827	Switch and display illumination-Terminal 58xt on CAN	55	 %	
IDE10085-MAS12628	Switch and display illumination-Terminal 58xs: current draw (effective value)	0	 mA	
IDE10085-MAS12629	Switch and display illumination-Terminal 58xt: current draw (effective value)	56	 mA	
IDE10219-MAS01580	High/low tone horn-Activation	OFF	 	
IDE10219-MAS12621	High/low tone horn-Current draw (effective value)	0	 mA	
IDE10260-MAS01448	Static headlight range adjustment: spec./counter-Specified value	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10260-MAS10076	Static headlight range adjustment: spec./counter-Step index	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10260-MAS11358	Static headlight range adjustment: spec./counter-Number of adjustments left motor	0	 	
IDE10260-MAS11359	Static headlight range adjustment: spec./counter-Number of adjustments right motor	0	 	
IDE10327-MAS01632	Cupholder with heating and cooling element-Status	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10327-MAS01968	Cupholder with heating and cooling element-Fan	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10327-MAS02819	Cupholder with heating and cooling element-CURRENT temperature	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10327-MAS02832	Cupholder with heating and cooling element-Malfunction status	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10327-MAS10303	Cupholder with heating and cooling element-Heating function indicator lamp	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10327-MAS10304	Cupholder with heating and cooling element-Cooling function indicator lamp	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10327-MAS10305	Cupholder with heating and cooling element-Light for residual heat display	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10327-MAS10333	Cupholder with heating and cooling element-Heat function button	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10327-MAS10334	Cupholder with heating and cooling element-Cooling function button	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10327-MAS10336	Cupholder with heating and cooling element-Peltier element	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10327-MAS10337	Cupholder with heating and cooling element-Peltier element: PWM value	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10338	Ctrl. motor for left headlight range adjust.: act. value	-22.5	 mm	
IDE10339	Ctrl. motor for right headlight range adjust.: act. value	-22.5	 mm	
IDE10340-IDE00104	Roof electronics control module-DTC	0	 	
IDE10340-MAS01634	Roof electronics control module-Supply voltage	14.7	 V	
IDE10340-MAS02832	Roof electronics control module-Malfunction status	not faulty	 	
IDE10340-MAS05946	Roof electronics control module-Actual temp.	4	 øC	
IDE10340-MAS09113	Roof electronics control module-Maximum temperature	110	 øC	
IDE10343-MAS01795	Roof electronics control module: dim. value-Front interior light	0	 %	
IDE10343-MAS10432	Roof electronics control module: dim. value-Uplight: front	255	 %	
IDE10343-MAS10433	Roof electronics control module: dim. value-Search rings	255	 %	
IDE10343-MAS10434	Roof electronics control module: dim. value-indicator lights	15	 %	
IDE10344-MAS10485	Roof electr.ctrl module: read. light/ceiling contour lights-Left front reading lamp: dim. value	0	 %	
IDE10344-MAS10486	Roof electr.ctrl module: read. light/ceiling contour lights-Left front reading lamp: diagnosis	Unknown		
IDE10344-MAS10487	Roof electr.ctrl module: read. light/ceiling contour lights-Right front reading lamp: dim. value	0	 %	
IDE10344-MAS10488	Roof electr.ctrl module: read. light/ceiling contour lights-Right front reading lamp: diagnosis	Unknown		
IDE10344-MAS10489	Roof electr.ctrl module: read. light/ceiling contour lights-Left rear reading lamp: dim. value	0	 %	
IDE10344-MAS10490	Roof electr.ctrl module: read. light/ceiling contour lights-Left rear reading lamp: diagnosis	Unknown		
IDE10344-MAS10491	Roof electr.ctrl module: read. light/ceiling contour lights-Right rear reading lamp: dim. value	0	 %	
IDE10344-MAS10492	Roof electr.ctrl module: read. light/ceiling contour lights-Right rear reading lamp: diagnosis	Unknown		
IDE10344-MAS10493	Roof electr.ctrl module: read. light/ceiling contour lights-Left read. lamp: 3rd seat row: dim. value	0	 %	
IDE10344-MAS10494	Roof electr.ctrl module: read. light/ceiling contour lights-Left read. lamp: 3rd seat row: diagnosis	Unknown		
IDE10344-MAS10495	Roof electr.ctrl module: read. light/ceiling contour lights-Right read. lamp: 3rd seat row: dim. value	0	 %	
IDE10344-MAS10496	Roof electr.ctrl module: read. light/ceiling contour lights-Right read. lamp: 3rd seat row: diagnosis	Unknown		
IDE10344-MAS10497	Roof electr.ctrl module: read. light/ceiling contour lights-Ceiling contour lights: dim. value	255	 %	
IDE10344-MAS10498	Roof electr.ctrl module: read. light/ceiling contour lights-Ceiling contour lights: diagnosis	Short circuit to ground	 	
IDE10345-MAS10416	Roof electronics control module: button-Front interior light button	Not operated	 	
IDE10345-MAS10417	Roof electronics control module: button-Door contact switching button	Not operated	 	
IDE10345-MAS10418	Roof electronics control module: button-Front button for rear reading light	Not operated	 	
IDE10345-MAS10419	Roof electronics control module: button-Front reading lamp button: left	Not operated	 	
IDE10345-MAS10420	Roof electronics control module: button-Front reading lamp button: right	Not operated	 	
IDE10345-MAS10421	Roof electronics control module: button-Left rear reading lamp switch	Not operated	 	
IDE10345-MAS10422	Roof electronics control module: button-Right rear reading lamp button	Not operated	 	
IDE10345-MAS10423	Roof electronics control module: button-Left reading light button: 3rd seat row	Not operated	 	
IDE10345-MAS10424	Roof electronics control module: button-Right reading light button: 3rd seat row	Not operated	 	
IDE10345-MAS10425	Roof electronics control module: button-Emergency call button	Not operated	 	
IDE10345-MAS10426	Roof electronics control module: button-Roadside Assistance Button	Not operated	 	
IDE10346-MAS10427	Roof electronics control module: indicator lights-Indicator lamp for interior light: front	OFF	 	
IDE10346-MAS10428	Roof electronics control module: indicator lights-Indicator light for door contact switching	On	 	
IDE10346-MAS10429	Roof electronics control module: indicator lights-Indicator lamp for front reading light	OFF	 	
IDE10346-MAS10430	Roof electronics control module: indicator lights-Indicator light for emerg. call	On	 	
IDE10346-MAS10431	Roof electronics control module: indicator lights-Indicator light for roadside assist.	OFF	 	
IDE10360-MAS01442	A/C compressor speed sensor-Compressor speed	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10360-MAS10225	A/C compressor speed sensor-Signal level	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10360-MAS10455	A/C compressor speed sensor-Deviation of compressor speed from specified RPM	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10361-MAS06905	Driver information sensor-Washer fluid level sensor	3.59	 kOhm	
IDE10361-MAS06906	Driver information sensor-Sensor for inadequate coolant level display	1.29	 kOhm	
IDE10361-MAS07003	Driver information sensor-Sensor 2 for inadequate coolant level display	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10482-MAS01632	Release for external systems-Status	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10482-MAS07929	Release for external systems-Power quota setting by energy management	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10482-MAS10746	Release for external systems-Installation info.: external system	no system	 	
IDE10645	Status of optical display park assist	OFF	 	
IDE10808-MAS06614	Directional stabilization assistance button-Version	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10808-MAS07693	Directional stabilization assistance button-Button Status	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10808-MAS07694	Directional stabilization assistance button-Button status on CAN	Initialization/not installed	 	
IDE10808-MAS08062	Directional stabilization assistance button-Indicator light activation	OFF	 	
IDE10810-MAS06614	Button for side view camera-Version	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10810-MAS07693	Button for side view camera-Button Status	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10810-MAS07694	Button for side view camera-Button status on CAN	Initialization/not installed	 	
IDE11273-MAS10360	Control unit 2 for driv.and convenience funct.: special funct.-Lift button for vehicle leveling	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE11273-MAS10361	Control unit 2 for driv.and convenience funct.: special funct.-Lower button for vehicle leveling	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE11273-MAS12379	Control unit 2 for driv.and convenience funct.: special funct.-Drive program rotary switch: actual mode	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE11273-MAS12380	Control unit 2 for driv.and convenience funct.: special funct.-Drive program rotary switch: mode setting	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE11273-MAS12499	Control unit 2 for driv.and convenience funct.: special funct.-Indicator light for load level	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE11273-MAS12500	Control unit 2 for driv.and convenience funct.: special funct.-Indicator light for low level	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE11273-MAS12501	Control unit 2 for driv.and convenience funct.: special funct.-Indicator light for high level	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE11273-MAS12502	Control unit 2 for driv.and convenience funct.: special funct.-Indicator light for special off-road level	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE11274-MAS08932	Operating controls for sunroof/tilt roof and roof blind-Sunroof shade button	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE11274-MAS12383	Operating controls for sunroof/tilt roof and roof blind-Button for sunroof/tilt roof	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE11274-MAS12515	Operating controls for sunroof/tilt roof and roof blind-Button for sunroof/tilt roof: rear	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE11274-MAS12516	Operating controls for sunroof/tilt roof and roof blind-Button sunroof shade button: rear	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE11301-MAS12561	Number of events: headlight theft monitoring-Theft: left headlight suspected due to cold monitoring	0	 	
IDE11301-MAS12562	Number of events: headlight theft monitoring-Theft: right headlight suspected due to cold monitoring	0	 	
IDE11301-MAS12563	Number of events: headlight theft monitoring-Theft: left headlight confirmed due to heat monitoring	0	 	
IDE11301-MAS12564	Number of events: headlight theft monitoring-Theft: right headlight confirmed due to heat monitoring	0	 	
IDE11350-MAS12597	Sunlight photo sensor-Sun intensity left	10	 W/mý	
IDE11350-MAS12598	Sunlight photo sensor-Sun intensity right	25	 W/mý	
IDE11979	Parking distance control secure condition: cause	00 00	 	
IDE12156	Parking aid: system status master module	00000000 00000000 00000000 11111111 	 	
IDE12318-MAS01580	Left signature light bulb: supply-Activation	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE12318-MAS01737	Left signature light bulb: supply-Diagnosis	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE12318-MAS12621	Left signature light bulb: supply-Current draw (effective value)	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE12319-MAS01580	Right signature light bulb: supply-Activation	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE12319-MAS01737	Right signature light bulb: supply-Diagnosis	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE12319-MAS12621	Right signature light bulb: supply-Current draw (effective value)	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE12342-MAS06614	Button engine sound generation-Version	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE12342-MAS07693	Button engine sound generation-Button Status	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE12342-MAS07694	Button engine sound generation-Button status on CAN	Initialization/not installed	 	
IDE12342-MAS07699	Button engine sound generation-Status indicator light on CAN	ERROR	 	
IDE12342-MAS08062	Button engine sound generation-Indicator light activation	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE12826-MAS07693	Engine noise selection button-Button Status	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE12826-MAS07694	Engine noise selection button-Button status on CAN	Not operated	 	
IDE12882-MAS06614	Rear window shade button 2-Version	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE12882-MAS07693	Rear window shade button 2-Button Status	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE12882-MAS07694	Rear window shade button 2-Button status on CAN	Initialization/not installed	 	
IDE80251-MAS06439	Head area heater-Crash status	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE80251-MAS06646	Head area heater-Head area heater left: specified level	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE80251-MAS06647	Head area heater-Head area heater right: specified level	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE80251-MAS06648	Head area heater-Continuation at terminal 15 on	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE80251-MAS06649	Head area heater-Left front seat occupation status	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE80251-MAS06997	Head area heater-Outside temperature: filtered	Temp. sensor not installed	 	
IDE80251-MAS09637	Head area heater-Head area heater left: release	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE80251-MAS09638	Head area heater-Head area heater right: release	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE80251-MAS09639	Head area heater-Head area heater left: output DTM	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE80251-MAS09640	Head area heater-Head area heater right: output DTM	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE80251-MAS09641	Head area heater-Interior temperature	Temp. sensor not installed	 	
IDE80251-MAS09642	Head area heater-Adaptation vent temperature	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE80251-MAS09643	Head area heater-Adaptation fan speed	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE80251-MAS09646	Head area heater-Occupation status not available	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE80251-MAS09778	Head area heater-Convert. top open and locked	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE80251-MAS09779	Head area heater-Convert. top closed and locked	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG08010-ENG101382	actual_abort_reason_APS_PLA-System_state	00 00	 	
ENG08009-ENG101382	APS_PLA_error_message-System_state	00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF	 	
ENG02609	average_Voltage_terminals	15	 V	
ENG26644-ENG30703	Data_Definitions-Data_Definition_BAP_Climate_Master	˜˜˜˜˜˜	 	
ENG26644-ENG30704	Data_Definitions-Data_Definition_BAP_Climate_Zone_1_2	˜˜˜˜˜˜	 	
ENG26644-ENG30705	Data_Definitions-Data_Definition_BAP_Climate_Zone_3_4	˜˜˜˜˜˜	 	
ENG26644-ENG30706	Data_Definitions-Data_Definition_BAP_Clock	˜˜˜˜˜˜	 	
ENG26644-ENG30707	Data_Definitions-Data_Definition_BAP_ExteriorLight	˜˜˜˜˜˜	 	
ENG26644-ENG30708	Data_Definitions-Data_Definition_BAP_InteriorLight	˜˜˜˜˜˜	 	
ENG26644-ENG30709	Data_Definitions-Data_Definition_BAP_Parkheater	˜˜˜˜˜˜	 	
ENG26644-ENG30710	Data_Definitions-Data_Definition_BAP_PDC	˜˜˜˜˜˜	 	
ENG26644-ENG30711	Data_Definitions-Data_Definition_BAP_SeatPneumatic	˜˜˜˜˜˜	 	
ENG26644-ENG30712	Data_Definitions-Data_Definition_BAP_TrailorAssist	˜˜˜˜˜˜	 	
ENG26644-ENG30713	Data_Definitions-Data_Definition_BAP_Wiper	˜˜˜˜˜˜	 	
ENG26644-ENG30714	Data_Definitions-Data_Definition_CAN_Frontlight	˜˜˜˜˜˜	 	
ENG26644-ENG30715	Data_Definitions-Data_Definition_CAN_Komfort	˜˜˜˜˜˜	 	
ENG26644-ENG30716	Data_Definitions-Data_Definition_LIN_1	˜˜˜˜˜˜	 	
ENG26644-ENG30717	Data_Definitions-Data_Definition_LIN_10	˜˜˜˜˜˜	 	
ENG26644-ENG30718	Data_Definitions-Data_Definition_LIN_11	˜˜˜˜˜˜	 	
ENG26644-ENG30719	Data_Definitions-Data_Definition_LIN_12	˜˜˜˜˜˜	 	
ENG26644-ENG30720	Data_Definitions-Data_Definition_LIN_2	˜˜˜˜˜˜	 	
ENG26644-ENG30721	Data_Definitions-Data_Definition_LIN_3	˜˜˜˜˜˜	 	
ENG26644-ENG30722	Data_Definitions-Data_Definition_LIN_4	˜˜˜˜˜˜	 	
ENG26644-ENG30723	Data_Definitions-Data_Definition_LIN_5	˜˜˜˜˜˜	 	
ENG26644-ENG30724	Data_Definitions-Data_Definition_LIN_6	˜˜˜˜˜˜	 	
ENG26644-ENG30725	Data_Definitions-Data_Definition_LIN_7	˜˜˜˜˜˜	 	
ENG26644-ENG30726	Data_Definitions-Data_Definition_LIN_8	˜˜˜˜˜˜	 	
ENG26644-ENG30727	Data_Definitions-Data_Definition_LIN_9	˜˜˜˜˜˜	 	
ENG02611-ENG02852	EVLS-block_counter_axial_in	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG02611-ENG02851	EVLS-block_counter_axial_out	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG02611-ENG02850	EVLS-block_counter_vertically_down	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG02611-ENG02849	EVLS-block_counter_vertically_up	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG02611-ENG02847	EVLS-drivers_door_open	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG02611-ENG02856	EVLS-Electrically_adjustable_steering_column_BCM1_down	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG02611-ENG02858	EVLS-Electrically_adjustable_steering_column_BCM1_in	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG02611-ENG02857	EVLS-Electrically_adjustable_steering_column_BCM1_out	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG02611-ENG02855	EVLS-Electrically_adjustable_steering_column_BCM1_up	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG02611-ENG02845	EVLS-Electrically_adjustable_steering_column_error	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG02611-ENG02853	EVLS-Electrically_adjustable_steering_column_response_error	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG02611-ENG02848	EVLS-Electrically_adjustable_steering_column_state	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG02611-ENG02844	EVLS-Electrically_adjustable_steering_column_state_HV	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG02611-ENG02843	EVLS-Electrically_adjustable_steering_column_state_LV	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG02611-ENG02842	EVLS-FS_MMB_global_stop_mode	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG02611-ENG02838	EVLS-FS_MMB_storage_mode	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG02611-ENG02841	EVLS-FS_MMB_store_mode	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG02611-ENG02840	EVLS-FS_MMB_tap_mode	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG02611-ENG02839	EVLS-FS_MMB_tip_mode	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG02611-ENG02846	EVLS-LSV_EE_switch	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG02611-ENG02854	EVLS-motor_start_stopp_restart	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG101323	Headlight leveling control state	static	 	
ENG02610	interior_temperature	0.5	 øC	
ENG107366	Left headlight leveling motor position	56.8	 %	
ENG116804-ENG121679	Light sensor parameter-BRGC6	0	 	
ENG116804-ENG121663	Light sensor parameter-darkstart_mode	not active	 	
ENG116804-ENG121664	Light sensor parameter-night_mode	not active	 	
ENG116804-ENG121667	Light sensor parameter-night_sensitivity	not active	 	
ENG116804-ENG121666	Light sensor parameter-rain_mode	not active	 	
ENG116804-ENG121671	Light sensor parameter-rb_Amb_Night_Threshold_g	94	 	
ENG116804-ENG03606	Light sensor parameter-rb_E2_Sensor_Error_1_g	0	 	
ENG116804-ENG03607	Light sensor parameter-rb_E2_Sensor_Error_2_g	0	 	
ENG116804-ENG03608	Light sensor parameter-rb_E2_Sensor_Error_3_g	0	 	
ENG116804-ENG03609	Light sensor parameter-rb_E2_Sensor_Error_4_g	0	 	
ENG116804-ENG121672	Light sensor parameter-rb_FW_Night_Threshold_g	94	 	
ENG116804-ENG121670	Light sensor parameter-rb_IR_Day_Threshold_g	31	 	
ENG116804-ENG121673	Light sensor parameter-rb_IR_Night_Threshold_g	47	 	
ENG116804-ENG121676	Light sensor parameter-rb_LIN_BIT_ERROR_COUNTER_g	0	 	
ENG116804-ENG121678	Light sensor parameter-rb_LIN_BIT_NORESPONSE_COUNTER_g	0	 	
ENG116804-ENG03603	Light sensor parameter-rb_LIN_CHECKSUM_ERROR_COUNTER_g	0	 	
ENG116804-ENG03605	Light sensor parameter-rb_LIN_FRAME_ERROR_COUNTER_g	0	 	
ENG116804-ENG03604	Light sensor parameter-rb_LIN_OVER_T_FRAME_MAX_COUNTER_g	0	 	
ENG116804-ENG03602	Light sensor parameter-rb_LIN_OVER_T_HEADER_MAX_COUNTER_g	0	 	
ENG116804-ENG121668	Light sensor parameter-rw_Amb_Day_Threshold_g	65	 	
ENG116804-ENG121662	Light sensor parameter-rw_Amb_light16bit_g	195	 bit	
ENG116804-ENG121674	Light sensor parameter-rw_dayCounter_mg	0	 	
ENG116804-ENG121669	Light sensor parameter-rw_FW_Day_Threshold_g	63	 	
ENG116804-ENG121660	Light sensor parameter-rw_FW_light16bit_g	169	 bit	
ENG116804-ENG121661	Light sensor parameter-rw_IR_light16bit_g	49	 bit	
ENG116804-ENG121675	Light sensor parameter-rw_nightCounter_mg	0	 	
ENG116804-ENG121665	Light sensor parameter-tunnel_mode	not active	 	
ENG02672-ENG121648	Rain_sensor_parameters-rb_CloseTypeStandby_g	0	 	
ENG02672-ENG121657	Rain_sensor_parameters-rb_Errorflags_g	0	 	
ENG02672-ENG121651	Rain_sensor_parameters-rb_HumTemp_ErrorCode_g	0	 	
ENG02672-ENG121653	Rain_sensor_parameters-rb_NoCommunicationCounter	0	 	
ENG02672-ENG121641	Rain_sensor_parameters-rb_PotiStageFromBox_g	0	 	
ENG02672-ENG121642	Rain_sensor_parameters-rb_PWM_Voltage_g	43	 	
ENG02672-ENG121652	Rain_sensor_parameters-rb_StaticNoCommunicationCounter	0	 	
ENG02672-ENG121654	Rain_sensor_parameters-rb_SupplyVoltage_mg	190	 	
ENG02672-ENG03611	Rain_sensor_parameters-rb_WDG_Fast_Task_Counter_Max_g	141	 	
ENG02672-ENG03610	Rain_sensor_parameters-rb_WDG_Fast_Task_Counter_Min_g	139	 	
ENG02672-ENG121640	Rain_sensor_parameters-rub_Empf_Faktor	0	 	
ENG02672-ENG121639	Rain_sensor_parameters-rub_Int_Speicher	0	 	
ENG02672-ENG121645	Rain_sensor_parameters-rub_LengthCounter	5	 	
ENG02672-ENG121643	Rain_sensor_parameters-rub_Nachwisch_Count	0	 	
ENG02672-ENG121638	Rain_sensor_parameters-rub_Ovr_Speicher	0	 	
ENG02672-ENG121646	Rain_sensor_parameters-rub_PulseCounter	1	 	
ENG02672-ENG121647	Rain_sensor_parameters-rub_SignalIntegral_g	0	 	
ENG02672-ENG121644	Rain_sensor_parameters-ruw_StX_Speicher	0	 	
ENG02672-ENG121650	Rain_sensor_parameters-rw_HumiTicks_g	36388	 	
ENG02672-ENG121649	Rain_sensor_parameters-rw_TempTicks_g	439	 	
ENG108469	Right headlight leveling motor position	56.8	 %	
ENG116803-ENG115714	RLS_Incidence_Counter-counter_asic	0	 	
ENG116803-ENG115715	RLS_Incidence_Counter-counter_cpu	0	 	
ENG116803-ENG115718	RLS_Incidence_Counter-counter_dew	0	 	
ENG116803-ENG115719	RLS_Incidence_Counter-counter_dew_com	0	 	
ENG116803-ENG115717	RLS_Incidence_Counter-counter_hum	0	 	
ENG116803-ENG115709	RLS_Incidence_Counter-counter_light	0	 	
ENG116803-ENG115711	RLS_Incidence_Counter-counter_memory	0	 	
ENG116803-ENG115710	RLS_Incidence_Counter-counter_program_sequence	0	 	
ENG116803-ENG115708	RLS_Incidence_Counter-counter_rain	0	 	
ENG116803-ENG115716	RLS_Incidence_Counter-counter_temp	0	 	
ENG116803-ENG115712	RLS_Incidence_Counter-counter_voltage_supply	0	 	
ENG116803-ENG115713	RLS_Incidence_Counter-counter_wdg	0	 	
ENG116789-ENG115644	RLS_Rain_Sensor_Off_Justage-Achsenabschnitt	19	 	
ENG116789-ENG115643	RLS_Rain_Sensor_Off_Justage-Intervallpause	0	 	
ENG116789-ENG98937	RLS_Rain_Sensor_Off_Justage-Slope	0	 	
ENG03700-ENG109174	sw_version_integration_afs-SW_VERSION	I266	 	
ENG03701-ENG109174	sw_version_integration_aps-SW_VERSION	3031	 	
ENG03702-ENG109174	sw_version_integration_wpca-SW_VERSION	511	 	
ENG02665-ENG03561	UPIT-Counter_UPIT_shortcut_ground_front	0	 	
ENG02665-ENG03562	UPIT-Counter_UPIT_shortcut_ground_rear	0	 	
ENG02665-ENG03560	UPIT-UPIT_system_state	00000000 00000000 	 	
ENG02665-ENG03559	UPIT-UPIT_version	00000000 00100011 	 	
Elapsed Time: 02:13


Verified VCDS User
Aug 26, 2014
Reaction score
York, UK
VCDS Serial number

;SW:8W0-907-064-DM   HW:8W0-907-064-DM ---  Central Conv.				;Component:BCM2 MLBevo   019 0366	 Coding:013500006FB100406301A0000600980233020010804304502F00000000040030001F0000000000			
;EV_BCM2HellaAU736	13013	EV_BCM2HellaAU736_013_AU49.rod		
;Wednesday	21	March	2018	08:12:56:22933
;VCDS Version: Release 18.2.0  Data version: 20180212 DS287.0				
;VCID: 8A58E8E22D665C14C6-80DE				
Group	Description	Actual		
IDE00027-MAS04423	Status of brake signals-Automatic braking signal via CAN	not active	 	
IDE00027-MAS04424	Status of brake signals-Driver brakes signal via CAN	not active	 	
IDE00027-MAS06469	Status of brake signals-Brake light signal	not active	 	
IDE00027-MAS06470	Status of brake signals-Brake light signal via CAN	not active	 	
IDE00027-MAS06471	Status of brake signals-Request emergency brake display	OFF	 	
IDE00027-MAS15241	Status of brake signals-Brake light signal from brake booster control module	Not available	 	
IDE00030	Status of actuator test	not active	 	
IDE00096-MAS00364	Selector lever position-Shift lever / selector lever position	Selector lever in position P	 	
IDE00096-MAS06480	Selector lever position-Transmission park selector switch	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE00306-MAS02227	Fuel Level Sensor 1-Quality	10	 	
IDE00306-MAS06614	Fuel Level Sensor 1-Version	Three-wire sensor	 	
IDE00306-MAS06615	Fuel Level Sensor 1-Soiling resistance	-32767	 	
IDE00306-MAS06621	Fuel Level Sensor 1-Raw value 1	01 2C	 	
IDE00306-MAS06622	Fuel Level Sensor 1-Raw value 2	02 3D	 	
IDE00306-MAS06623	Fuel Level Sensor 1-Sensor including soiling resistance	83	 	
IDE00306-MAS06624	Fuel Level Sensor 1-Sensor without soiling resistance	82	 	
IDE00306-MAS06643	Fuel Level Sensor 1-Resistance 1: measurable value	85	 	
IDE00306-MAS06644	Fuel Level Sensor 1-Resistance 2: measurable value	260	 	
IDE00307-MAS02227	Fuel Level Sensor 2-Quality	10	 	
IDE00307-MAS06614	Fuel Level Sensor 2-Version	Three-wire sensor	 	
IDE00307-MAS06615	Fuel Level Sensor 2-Soiling resistance	-32767	 	
IDE00307-MAS06621	Fuel Level Sensor 2-Raw value 1	02 51	 	
IDE00307-MAS06622	Fuel Level Sensor 2-Raw value 2	00 F4	 	
IDE00307-MAS06623	Fuel Level Sensor 2-Sensor including soiling resistance	279	 	
IDE00307-MAS06624	Fuel Level Sensor 2-Sensor without soiling resistance	278	 	
IDE00307-MAS06643	Fuel Level Sensor 2-Resistance 1: measurable value	282	 	
IDE00307-MAS06644	Fuel Level Sensor 2-Resistance 2: measurable value	64	 	
IDE00308-MAS02227	Fuel Level Sensor 3-Quality	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE00308-MAS06614	Fuel Level Sensor 3-Version	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE00308-MAS06615	Fuel Level Sensor 3-Soiling resistance	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE00308-MAS06621	Fuel Level Sensor 3-Raw value 1	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE00308-MAS06622	Fuel Level Sensor 3-Raw value 2	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE00308-MAS06623	Fuel Level Sensor 3-Sensor including soiling resistance	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE00308-MAS06624	Fuel Level Sensor 3-Sensor without soiling resistance	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE00308-MAS06643	Fuel Level Sensor 3-Resistance 1: measurable value	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE00308-MAS06644	Fuel Level Sensor 3-Resistance 2: measurable value	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE00309-MAS02227	Fuel Level Sensor 4-Quality	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE00309-MAS06614	Fuel Level Sensor 4-Version	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE00309-MAS06615	Fuel Level Sensor 4-Soiling resistance	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE00309-MAS06621	Fuel Level Sensor 4-Raw value 1	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE00309-MAS06622	Fuel Level Sensor 4-Raw value 2	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE00309-MAS06623	Fuel Level Sensor 4-Sensor including soiling resistance	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE00309-MAS06624	Fuel Level Sensor 4-Sensor without soiling resistance	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE00309-MAS06643	Fuel Level Sensor 4-Resistance 1: measurable value	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE00309-MAS06644	Fuel Level Sensor 4-Resistance 2: measurable value	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE00322	Status of basic setting	was not yet started	 	
IDE00323	Security Access: Number of invalid keys	0	 	
IDE00767-MAS01478	No. of unscheduled ECU resets-Insuff. voltage	0	 	
IDE00767-MAS03945	No. of unscheduled ECU resets-Watchdog Reset	0	 	
IDE01285	Counter of component protection malfunctions	00 00	 	
IDE01464-IDE04741	Rear window defogger-Rear window defogger button	Not operated	 	
IDE01464-IDE04744	Rear window defogger-Rear window defogger indicator lamp	OFF	 	
IDE01464-MAS01580	Rear window defogger-Activation	OFF	 	
IDE01464-MAS06528	Rear window defogger-Release status	No enabling	 	
IDE01464-MAS06996	Rear window defogger-Validity of filtered outside temperature	valid	 	
IDE01464-MAS06997	Rear window defogger-Outside temperature: filtered	3	 øC	
IDE01464-MAS09460	Rear window defogger-Release status: convert. top ctrl. mod.	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE01464-MAS13453	Rear window defogger-Load requirement of 12 V energy management	no request	 	
IDE01537-MAS01581	Windshield defogger-Power consumption	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE01537-MAS01737	Windshield defogger-Diagnosis	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE01537-MAS04737	Windshield defogger-Indicator lamp	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE01537-MAS05030	Windshield defogger-Resistance	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE01537-MAS05851	Windshield defogger-Current power consumption	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE01537-MAS06535	Windshield defogger-Resistance: lower limit value	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE01537-MAS06536	Windshield defogger-Resistance: upper limit value	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE01537-MAS06537	Windshield defogger-Power consumption: target value	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE01537-MAS06726	Windshield defogger-Hardware / software version	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE01537-MAS06732	Windshield defogger-Status local activity	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE02092-IDE02093	Tailgate condition-Status of rear lid lock	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE02092-IDE02133	Tailgate condition-Activation using rear lid unlocking button	OFF	 	
IDE02092-MAS01872	Tailgate condition-Rear lid remote release button	not activated	 	
IDE02092-MAS02405	Tailgate condition-Pre-engagement contact for rotary latch	Open	 	
IDE02092-MAS06265	Tailgate condition-Release button in rear lid handle	not activated	 	
IDE02092-MAS06430	Tailgate condition-Main notch contact of rotary latch	Open	 	
IDE02092-MAS09072	Tailgate condition-Locking mechanism button in the rear lid	not activated	 	
IDE02488-MAS01632	DWA Interior monitoring-Status	not active	 	
IDE02488-MAS04508	DWA Interior monitoring-Alarm detected	No	 	
IDE02711-MAS01580	Rear Window Wiper-Activation	not active	 	
IDE02711-MAS07731	Rear Window Wiper-No. of wisher cycles	656	 	
IDE02711-MAS07732	Rear Window Wiper-Number of recognized blockings	0	 	
IDE02711-MAS07733	Rear Window Wiper-Requirements rear window wiper	OFF	 	
IDE02711-MAS07939	Rear Window Wiper-Rear window wiper motor diagnostic	no error	 	
IDE02711-MAS07940	Rear Window Wiper-Contact switch for rear window wiper end shelf	Open	 	
IDE02711-MAS07965	Rear Window Wiper-Contact switch for rear window wiper end shelf diagnostic	no error	 	
IDE03008-MAS09566	Stop process prevented-Key not in vehicle	not active	 	
IDE03010-MAS09566	Number of prevented stop processes-Key not in vehicle	0	 	
IDE03527-MAS12075	CAN signals-Keyless entry and start authorization: driver info	0	 	
IDE03659-MAS03834	Roller test bench mode-Emergency signal flashing	not active	 	
IDE03659-MAS06320	Roller test bench mode-Status rolling mode	not active	 	
IDE03680-MAS00043	Supply voltages-Supply voltage: Terminal 30	15.191	 V	
IDE03680-MAS06254	Supply voltages-Supply voltage Terminal 30 - 2	15.218	 V	
IDE03680-MAS06255	Supply voltages-Supply voltage Terminal 30 - 3	15.082	 V	
IDE04254-MAS00215	Play protection for central locking-Tank flap	not active	 	
IDE04254-MAS00222	Play protection for central locking-Rear lid	not active	 	
IDE04254-MAS02444	Play protection for central locking-Central locking	not active	 	
IDE05738-ENG124653	Subssystem diagnosis classes-DC0_systems	Yes	 	
IDE05738-ENG124652	Subssystem diagnosis classes-DC1_systems	Yes	 	
IDE05738-ENG124651	Subssystem diagnosis classes-DC2/DC2F_systems	Yes	 	
IDE05738-ENG124650	Subssystem diagnosis classes-DC3_systems	No	 	
IDE05822-MAS01632	DWA Vehicle inclination sensor-Status	not active	 	
IDE05822-MAS04508	DWA Vehicle inclination sensor-Alarm detected	No	 	
IDE05824-MAS04583	DWA Vehicle inclination sensor: angle-Reference angle: X-axis	1.3	 ø	
IDE05824-MAS04584	DWA Vehicle inclination sensor: angle-Reference angle: Y-axis	9.8	 ø	
IDE05824-MAS04585	DWA Vehicle inclination sensor: angle-Reference angle: Z-axis	Implausible	 	
IDE05824-MAS04586	DWA Vehicle inclination sensor: angle-Angle difference: X-axis	0	 ø	
IDE05824-MAS04587	DWA Vehicle inclination sensor: angle-Angle difference: Y-axis	0	 ø	
IDE05824-MAS04588	DWA Vehicle inclination sensor: angle-Angle difference: Z-axis	Implausible	 	
IDE05825-MAS02594	DWA Interior monitoring/vehicle inclination sensor button-Indicator light in switch	OFF	 	
IDE05825-MAS04247	DWA Interior monitoring/vehicle inclination sensor button-Button	Not operated	 	
IDE05826-MAS01632	DWA Sirens / alarm horn for anti-theft warning system-Status	not active	 	
IDE05826-MAS04508	DWA Sirens / alarm horn for anti-theft warning system-Alarm detected	No	 	
IDE05826-MAS04509	DWA Sirens / alarm horn for anti-theft warning system-Alarm activated	No	 	
IDE05827	Alarm horn for anti-theft warning system	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE05828-MAS00976	DWA History data for alarm triggering-Counter	3	 	
IDE05828-MAS02545	DWA History data for alarm triggering-Last	No communication	 	
IDE05828-MAS02546	DWA History data for alarm triggering-Second to last	No communication	 	
IDE05828-MAS02547	DWA History data for alarm triggering-Third to last	No communication	 	
IDE05828-MAS02548	DWA History data for alarm triggering-Fourth to last	No alarm	 	
IDE05832	DWA Number of alarms triggered in anti-theft warn.system sensor	0	 	
IDE06307-MAS00106	Stop prevention history data-Year	2031	 	
IDE06307-MAS00107	Stop prevention history data-Month	3	 	
IDE06307-MAS00108	Stop prevention history data-Day	31	 	
IDE06307-MAS00109	Stop prevention history data-Hours	15	 	
IDE06307-MAS00110	Stop prevention history data-Minutes	3	 	
IDE06307-MAS00111	Stop prevention history data-Seconds	63	 	
IDE06307	Stop prevention history data	Key not in vehicle	 	
IDE06324-IDE04217	Tank cap lock-Fuel filler door release button	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE06324-MAS01580	Tank cap lock-Activation	not active	 	
IDE06324-MAS06251	Tank cap lock-Contact switch	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE06324-MAS10861	Tank cap lock-Fuel tank cap unlocked via ECM	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE06425-IDE02766	Roller test bench mode: functional-Malfunction status	no error	 	
IDE06425-MAS06026	Roller test bench mode: functional-Activation stages	not activated	 	
IDE06592-MAS05002	Status: special functions-Showroom mode	OFF	 	
IDE06592-MAS05003	Status: special functions-Debug functions	OFF	 	
IDE06644-MAS00145	Vehicle positioning system-Starter lock	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE06644-MAS04968	Vehicle positioning system-Vehicle positioning alarm	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE06926-MAS00106	History memory: reset counter-Year	2036	 	
IDE06926-MAS00107	History memory: reset counter-Month	2	 	
IDE06926-MAS00108	History memory: reset counter-Day	22	 	
IDE06926-MAS00109	History memory: reset counter-Hours	6	 	
IDE06926-MAS00110	History memory: reset counter-Minutes	1	 	
IDE06926-MAS00111	History memory: reset counter-Seconds	0	 	
IDE06926	History memory: reset counter	Insuff. voltage	 	
IDE07145-MAS06772	Component protection properties-Component protection generation	2	 	
IDE07145-MAS06773	Component protection properties-KS Standard software main version nummer	1	 	
IDE07145-MAS06774	Component protection properties-KS Standard software secondary version number	8	 	
IDE07145-MAS06775	Component protection properties-KS Standard software correct number	0	 	
IDE07145-MAS06776	Component protection properties-Komponent protection role	WFS Master	 	
IDE07145-MAS06781	Component protection properties-Secure Hardware Extension	used	 	
IDE07145-MAS06782	Component protection properties-Master ECU Key	not administered by component protection	 	
IDE07145-MAS06785	Component protection properties-GFA key	used	 	
IDE07145-MAS06786	Component protection properties-SSW RND Generation	Not Used	 	
IDE07145-MAS06787	Component protection properties-Indiv Key Generation	Not Used	 	
IDE07145-MAS06788	Component protection properties-SHE Secure Boot	Not Used	 	
IDE07145-MAS07187	Component protection properties-KS Data version	1	 	
IDE07145-MAS09609	Component protection properties-Status IKA start key	not active	 	
IDE07145-MAS09610	Component protection properties-Status GFA Key	valid	 	
IDE07145-MAS09611	Component protection properties-Status Master ECU Key	stored	 	
IDE07159-MAS01155	Control module switch-off: counter-Control module	0	 	
IDE07159-MAS05583	Control module switch-off: counter-Data bus	0	 	
IDE07187-MAS06538	Level control system sensor-Left Front Level Control System Sensor: PWM signal	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE07187-MAS06539	Level control system sensor-Left Rear Level Control System Sensor: PWM signal	57.81	 %	
IDE07187-MAS06540	Level control system sensor-Left front level control system sensor: frequency	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE07187-MAS06541	Level control system sensor-Left Rear Left Control System Sensor: frequency	805.1	 Hz	
IDE07187-MAS06542	Level control system sensor-Vehicle level sensor: supply voltage	4.965	 V	
IDE07293-IDE00500	History data of panic alarm-Hour	not known	 	
IDE07293-IDE00501	History data of panic alarm-Minute	not known	 	
IDE07293-MAS00107	History data of panic alarm-Month	not known	 	
IDE07293-MAS00108	History data of panic alarm-Day	not known	 	
IDE07293-MAS04478	History data of panic alarm-Cause for alarm activation	No alarm	 	
IDE08162-MAS06256	TSG driver side: signals for central locking-Status door lock	unlocked	 	
IDE08162-MAS06266	TSG driver side: signals for central locking-Open contact switch in locking cylinder	Not operated	 	
IDE08162-MAS06431	TSG driver side: signals for central locking-Door contact switch	closed	 	
IDE08162-MAS06432	TSG driver side: signals for central locking-Button for interior lock	Not operated	 	
IDE08162-MAS06433	TSG driver side: signals for central locking-Door lock: safe status	Door lock: not safe	 	
IDE08163-MAS06256	TSG frt.pass.side: signals for central locking-Status door lock	unlocked	 	
IDE08163-MAS06266	TSG frt.pass.side: signals for central locking-Open contact switch in locking cylinder	Not operated	 	
IDE08163-MAS06431	TSG frt.pass.side: signals for central locking-Door contact switch	closed	 	
IDE08163-MAS06432	TSG frt.pass.side: signals for central locking-Button for interior lock	Not operated	 	
IDE08163-MAS06433	TSG frt.pass.side: signals for central locking-Door lock: safe status	Door lock: not safe	 	
IDE08164-MAS06256	TSG driver side rear: signals for central locking-Status door lock	unlocked	 	
IDE08164-MAS06431	TSG driver side rear: signals for central locking-Door contact switch	closed	 	
IDE08164-MAS06432	TSG driver side rear: signals for central locking-Button for interior lock	Not operated	 	
IDE08164-MAS06433	TSG driver side rear: signals for central locking-Door lock: safe status	Door lock: not safe	 	
IDE08165-MAS06256	TSG frt.pass. side rear: signals for central locking-Status door lock	unlocked	 	
IDE08165-MAS06431	TSG frt.pass. side rear: signals for central locking-Door contact switch	closed	 	
IDE08165-MAS06432	TSG frt.pass. side rear: signals for central locking-Button for interior lock	Not operated	 	
IDE08165-MAS06433	TSG frt.pass. side rear: signals for central locking-Door lock: safe status	Door lock: not safe	 	
IDE08176	History data doors	11100001	 	
IDE08177-MAS06456	Central locking-Autolock	not active	 	
IDE08177-MAS06740	Central locking-Release button in rear lid handle locked	not active	 	
IDE08177-MAS09894	Central locking-Status exterior skin	closed	 	
IDE08177-MAS09895	Central locking-Act. condition: Status central locking locked	active	 	
IDE08177-MAS09896	Central locking-Act. condition: Status central locking internal locked	not active	 	
IDE08177-MAS09897	Central locking-Act. condition: Status central locking external locked	not active	 	
IDE08177-MAS09898	Central locking-Act. condition: Status central locking safe	not active	 	
IDE08177-MAS09899	Central locking-Act. condition: Status central locking individual door unlocked	not active	 	
IDE08177-MAS09900	Central locking-Spec. condition: Status central lock	Signal from door lock: released	 	
IDE08177-MAS16237	Central locking-Outside door handles	Initializing	 	
IDE08178-MAS06437	Valet parking service-Valet parking lock button	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08178-MAS06438	Valet parking service-Valet parking indicator lamp	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08180-IDE00500	History data central locking: last event-Hour	18	 	
IDE08180-IDE00501	History data central locking: last event-Minute	55	 	
IDE08180-MAS00106	History data central locking: last event-Year	not known	 	
IDE08180-MAS00107	History data central locking: last event-Month	3	 	
IDE08180-MAS00108	History data central locking: last event-Day	20	 	
IDE08180-MAS00111	History data central locking: last event-Seconds	15	 	
IDE08180-MAS01551	History data central locking: last event-Key number	1	 	
IDE08180-MAS06441	History data central locking: last event-Control-section / cause	Remote control	 	
IDE08181-IDE00500	History data central locking: second-to-last event-Hour	18	 	
IDE08181-IDE00501	History data central locking: second-to-last event-Minute	54	 	
IDE08181-MAS00106	History data central locking: second-to-last event-Year	not known	 	
IDE08181-MAS00107	History data central locking: second-to-last event-Month	3	 	
IDE08181-MAS00108	History data central locking: second-to-last event-Day	20	 	
IDE08181-MAS00111	History data central locking: second-to-last event-Seconds	45	 	
IDE08181-MAS01551	History data central locking: second-to-last event-Key number	1	 	
IDE08181-MAS06441	History data central locking: second-to-last event-Control-section / cause	Remote control	 	
IDE08182-IDE00500	History data central locking: third-to-last event-Hour	18	 	
IDE08182-IDE00501	History data central locking: third-to-last event-Minute	49	 	
IDE08182-MAS00106	History data central locking: third-to-last event-Year	not known	 	
IDE08182-MAS00107	History data central locking: third-to-last event-Month	3	 	
IDE08182-MAS00108	History data central locking: third-to-last event-Day	20	 	
IDE08182-MAS00111	History data central locking: third-to-last event-Seconds	30	 	
IDE08182-MAS01551	History data central locking: third-to-last event-Key number	1	 	
IDE08182-MAS06441	History data central locking: third-to-last event-Control-section / cause	Remote control	 	
IDE08183-IDE00500	History data central locking: fourth-to-last event-Hour	17	 	
IDE08183-IDE00501	History data central locking: fourth-to-last event-Minute	43	 	
IDE08183-MAS00106	History data central locking: fourth-to-last event-Year	not known	 	
IDE08183-MAS00107	History data central locking: fourth-to-last event-Month	3	 	
IDE08183-MAS00108	History data central locking: fourth-to-last event-Day	20	 	
IDE08183-MAS00111	History data central locking: fourth-to-last event-Seconds	0	 	
IDE08183-MAS01551	History data central locking: fourth-to-last event-Key number	1	 	
IDE08183-MAS06441	History data central locking: fourth-to-last event-Control-section / cause	Remote control	 	
IDE08184-IDE00500	History data central locking: fifth-to-last event-Hour	17	 	
IDE08184-IDE00501	History data central locking: fifth-to-last event-Minute	42	 	
IDE08184-MAS00106	History data central locking: fifth-to-last event-Year	not known	 	
IDE08184-MAS00107	History data central locking: fifth-to-last event-Month	3	 	
IDE08184-MAS00108	History data central locking: fifth-to-last event-Day	20	 	
IDE08184-MAS00111	History data central locking: fifth-to-last event-Seconds	45	 	
IDE08184-MAS01551	History data central locking: fifth-to-last event-Key number	1	 	
IDE08184-MAS06441	History data central locking: fifth-to-last event-Control-section / cause	Remote control	 	
IDE08187-MAS02362	Request direction flashing-Flashing: right	not active	 	
IDE08187-MAS02363	Request direction flashing-Flashing: left	not active	 	
IDE08189-MAS04309	Malfunction status flasher-Turn signal front left	no error	 	
IDE08189-MAS04310	Malfunction status flasher-Turn signal front right	no error	 	
IDE08189-MAS04311	Malfunction status flasher-Left rear turn signal	no error	 	
IDE08189-MAS04312	Malfunction status flasher-Turn signal rear right	no error	 	
IDE08190-MAS01281	Request exterior illumination-Back-up light	OFF	 	
IDE08190-MAS03836	Request exterior illumination-Rear fog light	OFF	 	
IDE08190-MAS06466	Request exterior illumination-Parking light left	OFF	 	
IDE08190-MAS06467	Request exterior illumination-Parking light right	OFF	 	
IDE08190-MAS06468	Request exterior illumination-Tail light	On	 	
IDE08194-MAS06982	Signals vehicle electrical system control module-Terminal 15 status signal	On	 	
IDE08194-MAS07716	Signals vehicle electrical system control module-Last status: terminal 15	On	 	
IDE08195-MAS06483	Access/Start Authorization Button-Access/start authorization button: contact 1	Not operated	 	
IDE08195-MAS06484	Access/Start Authorization Button-Access/start authorization button: contact 2	Not operated	 	
IDE08195-MAS06485	Access/Start Authorization Button-Access/start authorization button: contact 3	Not operated	 	
IDE08195-MAS06486	Access/Start Authorization Button-Access/start authorization button: contact 4	Not operated	 	
IDE08196-IDE12848	Terminal control-Remote start relay or preconditioning	not active	 	
IDE08196-MAS06982	Terminal control-Terminal 15 status signal	active	 	
IDE08196-MAS07383	Terminal control-Terminal 15 on CAN	active	 	
IDE08196-MAS07386	Terminal control-Terminal 50 on CAN	not active	 	
IDE08196-MAS07715	Terminal control-Activation: terminal 15	active	 	
IDE08196-MAS07716	Terminal control-Last status: terminal 15	active	 	
IDE08196-MAS07719	Terminal control-Terminal 50 status	not active	 	
IDE08197-IDE02666	Alarm horn for anti-theft warning system-Convertible top status	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08197-MAS06495	Alarm horn for anti-theft warning system-Engine hood contact switch	closed	 	
IDE08197-MAS06507	Alarm horn for anti-theft warning system-Trailer disconnected	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08197-MAS07350	Alarm horn for anti-theft warning system-Left headlight	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08197-MAS07351	Alarm horn for anti-theft warning system-Right headlight	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08197-MAS11121	Alarm horn for anti-theft warning system-Glass breakage sensor or glove box	not interrupted / closed	 	
IDE08199-IDE00500	History data anti-theft protection: last event-Hour	not known	 	
IDE08199-IDE00501	History data anti-theft protection: last event-Minute	not known	 	
IDE08199-MAS00106	History data anti-theft protection: last event-Year	not known	 	
IDE08199-MAS00107	History data anti-theft protection: last event-Month	not known	 	
IDE08199-MAS00108	History data anti-theft protection: last event-Day	not known	 	
IDE08199-MAS04478	History data anti-theft protection: last event-Cause for alarm activation	Alarm horn	 	
IDE08200-IDE00500	History data anti-theft protection: second-to-last event-Hour	not known	 	
IDE08200-IDE00501	History data anti-theft protection: second-to-last event-Minute	not known	 	
IDE08200-MAS00106	History data anti-theft protection: second-to-last event-Year	not known	 	
IDE08200-MAS00107	History data anti-theft protection: second-to-last event-Month	not known	 	
IDE08200-MAS00108	History data anti-theft protection: second-to-last event-Day	not known	 	
IDE08200-MAS04478	History data anti-theft protection: second-to-last event-Cause for alarm activation	Alarm horn	 	
IDE08201-IDE00500	History data anti-theft protection: third-to-last event-Hour	not known	 	
IDE08201-IDE00501	History data anti-theft protection: third-to-last event-Minute	not known	 	
IDE08201-MAS00106	History data anti-theft protection: third-to-last event-Year	not known	 	
IDE08201-MAS00107	History data anti-theft protection: third-to-last event-Month	not known	 	
IDE08201-MAS00108	History data anti-theft protection: third-to-last event-Day	not known	 	
IDE08201-MAS04478	History data anti-theft protection: third-to-last event-Cause for alarm activation	No alarm	 	
IDE08202-IDE00500	History data anti-theft protection: fourth-to-last event-Hour	not known	 	
IDE08202-IDE00501	History data anti-theft protection: fourth-to-last event-Minute	not known	 	
IDE08202-MAS00106	History data anti-theft protection: fourth-to-last event-Year	not known	 	
IDE08202-MAS00107	History data anti-theft protection: fourth-to-last event-Month	not known	 	
IDE08202-MAS00108	History data anti-theft protection: fourth-to-last event-Day	not known	 	
IDE08202-MAS04478	History data anti-theft protection: fourth-to-last event-Cause for alarm activation	No alarm	 	
IDE08203-MAS05851	Sunshade-Current power consumption	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08203-MAS06258	Sunshade-Left child safety	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08203-MAS06259	Sunshade-Right child safety	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08203-MAS06513	Sunshade-Driver side rear window shade button	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08203-MAS06514	Sunshade-assenger side rear window shade button	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08203-MAS06515	Sunshade-Button for rear window shade	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08203-MAS06516	Sunshade-Rear window shade status	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08203-MAS06517	Sunshade-Rear spoiler counter	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08204-MAS06520	Rear lid -closed- sensor-Rear lid -closed- sensor 1	Open	 	
IDE08204-MAS06521	Rear lid -closed- sensor-Rear lid -closed- sensor 2	closed	 	
IDE08204-MAS06522	Rear lid -closed- sensor-Rear lid: Status	closed	 	
IDE08206-MAS06714	Local data bus: bus level malfunction-Local data bus: malfunction status	no error	 	
IDE08206-MAS06715	Local data bus: bus level malfunction-Local data bus 2: malfunction status	no error	 	
IDE08206-MAS06716	Local data bus: bus level malfunction-Local data bus 3: malfunction status	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08206-MAS06717	Local data bus: bus level malfunction-Local data bus 4: malfunction status	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08206-MAS06718	Local data bus: bus level malfunction-Local data bus 5: malfunction status	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08206-MAS06719	Local data bus: bus level malfunction-Local data bus 6: malfunction status	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08206-MAS06720	Local data bus: bus level malfunction-Local data bus: malfunction counter	0	 	
IDE08206-MAS06721	Local data bus: bus level malfunction-Local data bus 2: malfunction counter	0	 	
IDE08206-MAS06722	Local data bus: bus level malfunction-Local data bus 3: malfunction counter	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08206-MAS06723	Local data bus: bus level malfunction-Local data bus 4: malfunction counter	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08206-MAS06724	Local data bus: bus level malfunction-Local data bus 5: malfunction counter	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08206-MAS06725	Local data bus: bus level malfunction-Local data bus 6: malfunction counter	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08208-MAS06528	Control module for rear lid opening-Release status	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08208-MAS06529	Control module for rear lid opening-Trailer recognition	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08208-MAS06532	Control module for rear lid opening-Foot gestic recognition	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE08235-MAS00084	Status of immobilizer participant-Terminal 15 on	Yes	 	
IDE08235-MAS06800	Status of immobilizer participant-Status MSG 1	F8	 	
IDE08235-MAS06801	Status of immobilizer participant-Status MSG 2	0	 	
IDE08235-MAS06802	Status of immobilizer participant-Status MSG 3	0	 	
IDE08235-MAS06803	Status of immobilizer participant-Status MSG 4	0	 	
IDE08235-MAS06804	Status of immobilizer participant-Status GSG	F8	 	
IDE08235-MAS06805	Status of immobilizer participant-Status ELV	F8	 	
IDE08235-MAS06806	Status of immobilizer participant-Status OCU	0	 	
IDE08235-MAS06807	Status of immobilizer participant-Status VTS	0	 	
IDE08235-MAS10135	Status of immobilizer participant-Terminal 15 on via login	No	 	
IDE08235-MAS10136	Status of immobilizer participant-Key in position terminal 15	No	 	
IDE08235-MAS10137	Status of immobilizer participant-Key in position S	No	 	
IDE08235-MAS10138	Status of immobilizer participant-Key locked	No	 	
IDE08235-MAS10139	Status of immobilizer participant-Key adapted	No	 	
IDE08235-MAS10140	Status of immobilizer participant-Key authorized	No	 	
IDE08235-MAS10141	Status of immobilizer participant-Immobilizer status bit 0	0	 	
IDE08235-MAS10142	Status of immobilizer participant-Immobilizer status bit 1	0	 	
IDE08235-MAS10143	Status of immobilizer participant-Debug mode	not active	 	
IDE08235-MAS10144	Status of immobilizer participant-Immobilizer status bit 3	0	 	
IDE08235-MAS10145	Status of immobilizer participant-Immobilizer status bit 4	0	 	
IDE08235-MAS10146	Status of immobilizer participant-Immobilizer status bit 5	0	 	
IDE08235-MAS10147	Status of immobilizer participant-Immobilizer status bit 6	0	 	
IDE08235-MAS10148	Status of immobilizer participant-Immobilizer status bit 7	0	 	
IDE08236-MAS06808	Status locking periods immobilizer-Lock time download	0	 min	
IDE08236-MAS06809	Status locking periods immobilizer-Reset lock time passwords	0	 min	
IDE08236-MAS06810	Status locking periods immobilizer-Lock time login terminal 15 on	0	 min	
IDE08236-MAS06811	Status locking periods immobilizer-Lock time login learn keys	0	 min	
IDE08236-MAS06812	Status locking periods immobilizer-Lock time login leave learn keys	0	 min	
IDE08236-MAS06813	Status locking periods immobilizer-Lock time login special functions	0	 min	
IDE08237-MAS06814	Status Secure Hardware Extension-SHE counter	00 00 01 01	 	
IDE08237-MAS06815	Status Secure Hardware Extension-SHE key number	6	 	
IDE08238	Transponder ID current Key	00 00 00 00	 	
IDE08239	Transponder ID Key 1	20 1F AB DF	 	
IDE08240	Transponder ID Key 2	20 1F AB 77	 	
IDE08251-MAS06847	Configuration immobilizer-Snapshot	02 01 00 00 00 00 00 00	 	
IDE08251-MAS06848	Configuration immobilizer-Power class 2	0	 	
IDE08251-MAS06849	Configuration immobilizer-Supported power classes	0	 	
IDE08251-MAS06850	Configuration immobilizer-Supported power class 2	0	 	
IDE08251-MAS06851	Configuration immobilizer-Supported power class 3	0	 	
IDE08251-MAS06852	Configuration immobilizer-Supported power class 4	0	 	
IDE08251-MAS06853	Configuration immobilizer-Supported power class 5	0	 	
IDE08252-MAS06854	Test sum of adapted transponder-Version	81	 	
IDE08252-MAS06855	Test sum of adapted transponder-Test sum	28 D6 91 30	 	
IDE08343	Immobilizer Challenge	C5 56 E2 5A	 	
IDE08479	Signal type	no flashing function active	 	
IDE08631	Radio receiver field strength (RSSI)	137	 	
IDE09133-MAS01580	Output 1 for exterior lighting-Activation	5.36012E+12	 %	
IDE09133-MAS05851	Output 1 for exterior lighting-Current power consumption	0	 mA	
IDE09133-MAS08347	Output 1 for exterior lighting-Assigned event code	B12CF00	 	
IDE09133-MAS08349	Output 1 for exterior lighting-Type of connected lamp	Bulb	 	
IDE09134-MAS01580	Output 2 for exterior lighting-Activation	0	 %	
IDE09134-MAS05851	Output 2 for exterior lighting-Current power consumption	0	 mA	
IDE09134-MAS08347	Output 2 for exterior lighting-Assigned event code	B12CB00	 	
IDE09134-MAS08349	Output 2 for exterior lighting-Type of connected lamp	Bulb	 	
IDE09135-MAS01580	Output 3 for exterior lighting-Activation	0	 %	
IDE09135-MAS05851	Output 3 for exterior lighting-Current power consumption	0	 mA	
IDE09135-MAS08347	Output 3 for exterior lighting-Assigned event code	B12C200	 	
IDE09135-MAS08349	Output 3 for exterior lighting-Type of connected lamp	LED	 	
IDE09136-MAS01580	Output 4 for exterior lighting-Activation	0	 %	
IDE09136-MAS05851	Output 4 for exterior lighting-Current power consumption	0	 mA	
IDE09136-MAS08347	Output 4 for exterior lighting-Assigned event code	B133A00	 	
IDE09136-MAS08349	Output 4 for exterior lighting-Type of connected lamp	Bulb	 	
IDE09137-MAS01580	Output 5 for exterior lighting-Activation	0	 %	
IDE09137-MAS05851	Output 5 for exterior lighting-Current power consumption	0	 mA	
IDE09137-MAS08347	Output 5 for exterior lighting-Assigned event code	B11EB00	 	
IDE09137-MAS08349	Output 5 for exterior lighting-Type of connected lamp	LED	 	
IDE09138-MAS01580	Output 6 for exterior lighting-Activation	100	 %	
IDE09138-MAS05851	Output 6 for exterior lighting-Current power consumption	420	 mA	
IDE09138-MAS08347	Output 6 for exterior lighting-Assigned event code	B12BF00	 	
IDE09138-MAS08349	Output 6 for exterior lighting-Type of connected lamp	LED	 	
IDE09139-MAS01580	Output 7 for exterior lighting-Activation	100	 %	
IDE09139-MAS05851	Output 7 for exterior lighting-Current power consumption	133	 mA	
IDE09139-MAS08347	Output 7 for exterior lighting-Assigned event code	B12CA00	 	
IDE09139-MAS08349	Output 7 for exterior lighting-Type of connected lamp	LED	 	
IDE09140-MAS01580	Output 8 for exterior lighting-Activation	0	 %	
IDE09140-MAS05851	Output 8 for exterior lighting-Current power consumption	0	 mA	
IDE09140-MAS08347	Output 8 for exterior lighting-Assigned event code	B12C700	 	
IDE09140-MAS08349	Output 8 for exterior lighting-Type of connected lamp	Bulb	 	
IDE09141-MAS01580	Output 9 for exterior lighting-Activation	0	 %	
IDE09141-MAS05851	Output 9 for exterior lighting-Current power consumption	0	 mA	
IDE09141-MAS08347	Output 9 for exterior lighting-Assigned event code	B12CC00	 	
IDE09141-MAS08349	Output 9 for exterior lighting-Type of connected lamp	Bulb	 	
IDE09142-MAS01580	Output 10 for exterior lighting-Activation	0	 %	
IDE09142-MAS05851	Output 10 for exterior lighting-Current power consumption	0	 mA	
IDE09142-MAS08347	Output 10 for exterior lighting-Assigned event code	B12C300	 	
IDE09142-MAS08349	Output 10 for exterior lighting-Type of connected lamp	LED	 	
IDE09143-MAS01580	Output 11 for exterior lighting-Activation	100	 %	
IDE09143-MAS05851	Output 11 for exterior lighting-Current power consumption	279	 mA	
IDE09143-MAS08347	Output 11 for exterior lighting-Assigned event code	B12BE00	 	
IDE09143-MAS08349	Output 11 for exterior lighting-Type of connected lamp	LED	 	
IDE09144-MAS01580	Output 12 for exterior lighting-Activation	0	 %	
IDE09144-MAS05851	Output 12 for exterior lighting-Current power consumption	0	 mA	
IDE09144-MAS08347	Output 12 for exterior lighting-Assigned event code	B12CE00	 	
IDE09144-MAS08349	Output 12 for exterior lighting-Type of connected lamp	Bulb	 	
IDE09145-MAS01580	Output 13 for exterior lighting-Activation	0	 %	
IDE09145-MAS05851	Output 13 for exterior lighting-Current power consumption	0	 mA	
IDE09145-MAS08347	Output 13 for exterior lighting-Assigned event code	B121500	 	
IDE09145-MAS08349	Output 13 for exterior lighting-Type of connected lamp	LED	 	
IDE09146-MAS01580	Output 14 for exterior lighting-Activation	0	 %	
IDE09146-MAS05851	Output 14 for exterior lighting-Current power consumption	0	 mA	
IDE09146-MAS08347	Output 14 for exterior lighting-Assigned event code	B133C00	 	
IDE09146-MAS08349	Output 14 for exterior lighting-Type of connected lamp	Bulb	 	
IDE09147-MAS01580	Output 15 for exterior lighting-Activation	0	 %	
IDE09147-MAS05851	Output 15 for exterior lighting-Current power consumption	0	 mA	
IDE09147-MAS08347	Output 15 for exterior lighting-Assigned event code	B11E900	 	
IDE09147-MAS08349	Output 15 for exterior lighting-Type of connected lamp	LED	 	
IDE09148-MAS01580	Output 16 for exterior lighting-Activation	0	 %	
IDE09148-MAS05851	Output 16 for exterior lighting-Current power consumption	0	 mA	
IDE09148-MAS08347	Output 16 for exterior lighting-Assigned event code	B12C800	 	
IDE09148-MAS08349	Output 16 for exterior lighting-Type of connected lamp	Bulb	 	
IDE09149-MAS01580	Output 17 for exterior lighting-Activation	0	 %	
IDE09149-MAS05851	Output 17 for exterior lighting-Current power consumption	0	 mA	
IDE09149-MAS08347	Output 17 for exterior lighting-Assigned event code	B12C600	 	
IDE09149-MAS08349	Output 17 for exterior lighting-Type of connected lamp	LED	 	
IDE09150-MAS01580	Output 18 for exterior lighting-Activation	Output not used	 	
IDE09150-MAS05851	Output 18 for exterior lighting-Current power consumption	Output not used	 	
IDE09150-MAS08347	Output 18 for exterior lighting-Assigned event code	Output not used	 	
IDE09150-MAS08349	Output 18 for exterior lighting-Type of connected lamp	Output not used	 	
IDE09151-MAS01580	Output 19 for exterior lighting-Activation	Output not used	 	
IDE09151-MAS05851	Output 19 for exterior lighting-Current power consumption	Output not used	 	
IDE09151-MAS08347	Output 19 for exterior lighting-Assigned event code	Output not used	 	
IDE09151-MAS08349	Output 19 for exterior lighting-Type of connected lamp	Output not used	 	
IDE09153-MAS01580	Output 20 for exterior lighting-Activation	Output not used	 	
IDE09153-MAS05851	Output 20 for exterior lighting-Current power consumption	Output not used	 	
IDE09153-MAS08347	Output 20 for exterior lighting-Assigned event code	Output not used	 	
IDE09153-MAS08349	Output 20 for exterior lighting-Type of connected lamp	Output not used	 	
IDE09157-MAS01580	Output 21 for exterior lighting-Activation	Output not used	 	
IDE09157-MAS05851	Output 21 for exterior lighting-Current power consumption	Output not used	 	
IDE09157-MAS08347	Output 21 for exterior lighting-Assigned event code	Output not used	 	
IDE09157-MAS08349	Output 21 for exterior lighting-Type of connected lamp	Output not used	 	
IDE09218-MAS06793	Key information-Number of adapted keys	2	 	
IDE09218-MAS07008	Key information-Number of keys to be adapted	2	 	
IDE09218-MAS08428	Key information-Number of the active key	1	 	
IDE09220-MAS01551	Information of last change code error-Key number	255	 	
IDE09220-MAS08433	Information of last change code error-Last OK counter status control module	FF FF FF FF	 	
IDE09220-MAS08434	Information of last change code error-Last OK counter status control module: redundant	FF FF FF FF	 	
IDE09220-MAS08435	Information of last change code error-Last OK counter status key	FF FF FF FF	 	
IDE09220-MAS08436	Information of last change code error-Counter status control module at error event	FF FF FF FF	 	
IDE09220-MAS08437	Information of last change code error-Counter status control module at error event: redundant	FF FF FF FF	 	
IDE09220-MAS08438	Information of last change code error-Counter status key at error event	FF FF FF FF	 	
IDE09220-MAS08460	Information of last change code error-Time between last OK recognition and error event	6553.5	 s	
IDE09221-MAS03692	Change code counter status-Key 1	00 00 AE D1	 	
IDE09221-MAS03693	Change code counter status-Key 2	00 00 11 8C	 	
IDE09221-MAS03694	Change code counter status-Key 3	Not adapted	 	
IDE09221-MAS03695	Change code counter status-Key 4	Not adapted	 	
IDE09221-MAS03696	Change code counter status-Key 5	Not adapted	 	
IDE09221-MAS03697	Change code counter status-Key 6	Not adapted	 	
IDE09221-MAS03698	Change code counter status-Key 7	Not adapted	 	
IDE09221-MAS03699	Change code counter status-Key 8	Not adapted	 	
IDE09250-MAS08462	Key search in vehicle interior-Authenticated key in search area	1	 	
IDE09250-MAS08463	Key search in vehicle interior-Authenticated key	1	 	
IDE09250-MAS08464	Key search in vehicle interior-Recognized key	1	 	
IDE09252-MAS08462	Key search in trunk-Authenticated key in search area	0	 	
IDE09252-MAS08463	Key search in trunk-Authenticated key	1	 	
IDE09252-MAS08464	Key search in trunk-Recognized key	1	 	
IDE09401-IDE00500	History data central locking: sixth-to-last event-Hour	16	 	
IDE09401-IDE00501	History data central locking: sixth-to-last event-Minute	9	 	
IDE09401-MAS00106	History data central locking: sixth-to-last event-Year	not known	 	
IDE09401-MAS00107	History data central locking: sixth-to-last event-Month	3	 	
IDE09401-MAS00108	History data central locking: sixth-to-last event-Day	20	 	
IDE09401-MAS00111	History data central locking: sixth-to-last event-Seconds	30	 	
IDE09401-MAS01551	History data central locking: sixth-to-last event-Key number	1	 	
IDE09401-MAS06441	History data central locking: sixth-to-last event-Control-section / cause	Remote control	 	
IDE09402-IDE00500	History data central locking: seventh-to-last event-Hour	16	 	
IDE09402-IDE00501	History data central locking: seventh-to-last event-Minute	7	 	
IDE09402-MAS00106	History data central locking: seventh-to-last event-Year	not known	 	
IDE09402-MAS00107	History data central locking: seventh-to-last event-Month	3	 	
IDE09402-MAS00108	History data central locking: seventh-to-last event-Day	20	 	
IDE09402-MAS00111	History data central locking: seventh-to-last event-Seconds	15	 	
IDE09402-MAS01551	History data central locking: seventh-to-last event-Key number	1	 	
IDE09402-MAS06441	History data central locking: seventh-to-last event-Control-section / cause	Remote control	 	
IDE09403-IDE00500	History data central locking: eighth-to-last event-Hour	15	 	
IDE09403-IDE00501	History data central locking: eighth-to-last event-Minute	42	 	
IDE09403-MAS00106	History data central locking: eighth-to-last event-Year	not known	 	
IDE09403-MAS00107	History data central locking: eighth-to-last event-Month	3	 	
IDE09403-MAS00108	History data central locking: eighth-to-last event-Day	20	 	
IDE09403-MAS00111	History data central locking: eighth-to-last event-Seconds	0	 	
IDE09403-MAS01551	History data central locking: eighth-to-last event-Key number	1	 	
IDE09403-MAS06441	History data central locking: eighth-to-last event-Control-section / cause	Remote control	 	
IDE09404-IDE00500	History data central locking: ninth-to-last event-Hour	31	 	
IDE09404-IDE00501	History data central locking: ninth-to-last event-Minute	63	 	
IDE09404-MAS00106	History data central locking: ninth-to-last event-Year	not known	 	
IDE09404-MAS00107	History data central locking: ninth-to-last event-Month	15	 	
IDE09404-MAS00108	History data central locking: ninth-to-last event-Day	31	 	
IDE09404-MAS00111	History data central locking: ninth-to-last event-Seconds	45	 	
IDE09404-MAS01551	History data central locking: ninth-to-last event-Key number	1	 	
IDE09404-MAS06441	History data central locking: ninth-to-last event-Control-section / cause	Remote control	 	
IDE09405-IDE00500	History data central locking: tenth-to-last event-Hour	14	 	
IDE09405-IDE00501	History data central locking: tenth-to-last event-Minute	23	 	
IDE09405-MAS00106	History data central locking: tenth-to-last event-Year	not known	 	
IDE09405-MAS00107	History data central locking: tenth-to-last event-Month	3	 	
IDE09405-MAS00108	History data central locking: tenth-to-last event-Day	20	 	
IDE09405-MAS00111	History data central locking: tenth-to-last event-Seconds	30	 	
IDE09405-MAS01551	History data central locking: tenth-to-last event-Key number	1	 	
IDE09405-MAS06441	History data central locking: tenth-to-last event-Control-section / cause	Autolock	 	
IDE09406-IDE00500	History data central locking: eleventh-to-last event-Hour	14	 	
IDE09406-IDE00501	History data central locking: eleventh-to-last event-Minute	23	 	
IDE09406-MAS00106	History data central locking: eleventh-to-last event-Year	not known	 	
IDE09406-MAS00107	History data central locking: eleventh-to-last event-Month	3	 	
IDE09406-MAS00108	History data central locking: eleventh-to-last event-Day	20	 	
IDE09406-MAS00111	History data central locking: eleventh-to-last event-Seconds	30	 	
IDE09406-MAS01551	History data central locking: eleventh-to-last event-Key number	1	 	
IDE09406-MAS06441	History data central locking: eleventh-to-last event-Control-section / cause	no data present	 	
IDE09407-IDE00500	History data central locking: twelfth-to-last event-Hour	14	 	
IDE09407-IDE00501	History data central locking: twelfth-to-last event-Minute	12	 	
IDE09407-MAS00106	History data central locking: twelfth-to-last event-Year	not known	 	
IDE09407-MAS00107	History data central locking: twelfth-to-last event-Month	3	 	
IDE09407-MAS00108	History data central locking: twelfth-to-last event-Day	20	 	
IDE09407-MAS00111	History data central locking: twelfth-to-last event-Seconds	15	 	
IDE09407-MAS01551	History data central locking: twelfth-to-last event-Key number	1	 	
IDE09407-MAS06441	History data central locking: twelfth-to-last event-Control-section / cause	Autolock	 	
IDE09408-IDE00500	History data central locking: thirteenth-to-last event-Hour	14	 	
IDE09408-IDE00501	History data central locking: thirteenth-to-last event-Minute	12	 	
IDE09408-MAS00106	History data central locking: thirteenth-to-last event-Year	not known	 	
IDE09408-MAS00107	History data central locking: thirteenth-to-last event-Month	3	 	
IDE09408-MAS00108	History data central locking: thirteenth-to-last event-Day	20	 	
IDE09408-MAS00111	History data central locking: thirteenth-to-last event-Seconds	15	 	
IDE09408-MAS01551	History data central locking: thirteenth-to-last event-Key number	1	 	
IDE09408-MAS06441	History data central locking: thirteenth-to-last event-Control-section / cause	no data present	 	
IDE09409-IDE00500	History data central locking: fourteenth-to-last event-Hour	13	 	
IDE09409-IDE00501	History data central locking: fourteenth-to-last event-Minute	8	 	
IDE09409-MAS00106	History data central locking: fourteenth-to-last event-Year	not known	 	
IDE09409-MAS00107	History data central locking: fourteenth-to-last event-Month	3	 	
IDE09409-MAS00108	History data central locking: fourteenth-to-last event-Day	20	 	
IDE09409-MAS00111	History data central locking: fourteenth-to-last event-Seconds	0	 	
IDE09409-MAS01551	History data central locking: fourteenth-to-last event-Key number	1	 	
IDE09409-MAS06441	History data central locking: fourteenth-to-last event-Control-section / cause	Remote control	 	
IDE09410-IDE00500	History data central locking: fifteenth-to-last event-Hour	13	 	
IDE09410-IDE00501	History data central locking: fifteenth-to-last event-Minute	7	 	
IDE09410-MAS00106	History data central locking: fifteenth-to-last event-Year	not known	 	
IDE09410-MAS00107	History data central locking: fifteenth-to-last event-Month	3	 	
IDE09410-MAS00108	History data central locking: fifteenth-to-last event-Day	20	 	
IDE09410-MAS00111	History data central locking: fifteenth-to-last event-Seconds	30	 	
IDE09410-MAS01551	History data central locking: fifteenth-to-last event-Key number	1	 	
IDE09410-MAS06441	History data central locking: fifteenth-to-last event-Control-section / cause	Remote control	 	
IDE09411-IDE00500	History data central locking: sixteenth-to-last event-Hour	13	 	
IDE09411-IDE00501	History data central locking: sixteenth-to-last event-Minute	7	 	
IDE09411-MAS00106	History data central locking: sixteenth-to-last event-Year	not known	 	
IDE09411-MAS00107	History data central locking: sixteenth-to-last event-Month	3	 	
IDE09411-MAS00108	History data central locking: sixteenth-to-last event-Day	20	 	
IDE09411-MAS00111	History data central locking: sixteenth-to-last event-Seconds	15	 	
IDE09411-MAS01551	History data central locking: sixteenth-to-last event-Key number	1	 	
IDE09411-MAS06441	History data central locking: sixteenth-to-last event-Control-section / cause	Remote control	 	
IDE09412-IDE00500	History data central locking: seventeenth-to-last event-Hour	12	 	
IDE09412-IDE00501	History data central locking: seventeenth-to-last event-Minute	36	 	
IDE09412-MAS00106	History data central locking: seventeenth-to-last event-Year	not known	 	
IDE09412-MAS00107	History data central locking: seventeenth-to-last event-Month	3	 	
IDE09412-MAS00108	History data central locking: seventeenth-to-last event-Day	20	 	
IDE09412-MAS00111	History data central locking: seventeenth-to-last event-Seconds	30	 	
IDE09412-MAS01551	History data central locking: seventeenth-to-last event-Key number	1	 	
IDE09412-MAS06441	History data central locking: seventeenth-to-last event-Control-section / cause	Autolock	 	
IDE09413-IDE00500	History data central locking: eighteenth-to-last event-Hour	12	 	
IDE09413-IDE00501	History data central locking: eighteenth-to-last event-Minute	36	 	
IDE09413-MAS00106	History data central locking: eighteenth-to-last event-Year	not known	 	
IDE09413-MAS00107	History data central locking: eighteenth-to-last event-Month	3	 	
IDE09413-MAS00108	History data central locking: eighteenth-to-last event-Day	20	 	
IDE09413-MAS00111	History data central locking: eighteenth-to-last event-Seconds	0	 	
IDE09413-MAS01551	History data central locking: eighteenth-to-last event-Key number	1	 	
IDE09413-MAS06441	History data central locking: eighteenth-to-last event-Control-section / cause	no data present	 	
IDE09414-IDE00500	History data central locking: nineteenth-to-last event-Hour	19	 	
IDE09414-IDE00501	History data central locking: nineteenth-to-last event-Minute	29	 	
IDE09414-MAS00106	History data central locking: nineteenth-to-last event-Year	not known	 	
IDE09414-MAS00107	History data central locking: nineteenth-to-last event-Month	3	 	
IDE09414-MAS00108	History data central locking: nineteenth-to-last event-Day	19	 	
IDE09414-MAS00111	History data central locking: nineteenth-to-last event-Seconds	0	 	
IDE09414-MAS01551	History data central locking: nineteenth-to-last event-Key number	1	 	
IDE09414-MAS06441	History data central locking: nineteenth-to-last event-Control-section / cause	Remote control	 	
IDE09415-IDE00500	History data central locking: twentieth-to-last event-Hour	19	 	
IDE09415-IDE00501	History data central locking: twentieth-to-last event-Minute	28	 	
IDE09415-MAS00106	History data central locking: twentieth-to-last event-Year	not known	 	
IDE09415-MAS00107	History data central locking: twentieth-to-last event-Month	3	 	
IDE09415-MAS00108	History data central locking: twentieth-to-last event-Day	19	 	
IDE09415-MAS00111	History data central locking: twentieth-to-last event-Seconds	45	 	
IDE09415-MAS01551	History data central locking: twentieth-to-last event-Key number	1	 	
IDE09415-MAS06441	History data central locking: twentieth-to-last event-Control-section / cause	Remote control	 	
IDE09416	Control line for dynamic turn signal	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE09917-MAS03692	Last change code counter status-Key 1	00 00 AE AD	 	
IDE09917-MAS03693	Last change code counter status-Key 2	00 00 11 68	 	
IDE09917-MAS03694	Last change code counter status-Key 3	Not adapted	 	
IDE09917-MAS03695	Last change code counter status-Key 4	Not adapted	 	
IDE09917-MAS03696	Last change code counter status-Key 5	Not adapted	 	
IDE09917-MAS03697	Last change code counter status-Key 6	Not adapted	 	
IDE09917-MAS03698	Last change code counter status-Key 7	Not adapted	 	
IDE09917-MAS03699	Last change code counter status-Key 8	Not adapted	 	
IDE10096-MAS01551	Radio remote control: last radio shot-Key number	1	 	
IDE10096-MAS06879	Radio remote control: last radio shot-Checksum	OK	 	
IDE10096-MAS08411	Radio remote control: last radio shot-Button for vehicle locking	Not operated	 	
IDE10096-MAS08412	Radio remote control: last radio shot-Button for vehicle unlocking	operated	 	
IDE10096-MAS08413	Radio remote control: last radio shot-Button for luggage compartment unlocking	Not operated	 	
IDE10096-MAS08414	Radio remote control: last radio shot-Panic button	Not operated	 	
IDE10096-MAS08415	Radio remote control: last radio shot-Battery condition	used	 	
IDE10096-MAS08419	Radio remote control: last radio shot-Key condition	OK	 	
IDE10096-MAS08421	Radio remote control: last radio shot-Transponder ID: Byte 1	AB	 	
IDE10096-MAS08422	Radio remote control: last radio shot-Cryptography	OK	 	
IDE10096-MAS08423	Radio remote control: last radio shot-Rolling code information	Detection area 1	 	
IDE10096-MAS08427	Radio remote control: last radio shot-Time since last radio shot	255	 s	
IDE10096-MAS13216	Radio remote control: last radio shot-Front windshield remote unlocking button	Not operated	 	
IDE10096-MAS13230	Radio remote control: last radio shot-Freely assignable button	Not operated	 	
IDE10097-IDE01442	Comfort closing convert. top/rear lid-Pressing a button	no key actuated	 	
IDE10097-MAS06528	Comfort closing convert. top/rear lid-Release status	not enabled	 	
IDE10097-MAS08432	Comfort closing convert. top/rear lid-Requirement	No	 	
IDE10097-MAS09907	Comfort closing convert. top/rear lid-Key search	not active	 	
IDE10097-MAS09908	Comfort closing convert. top/rear lid-Key within reach	No	 	
IDE10097-MAS09909	Comfort closing convert. top/rear lid-Number of key searches	0	 	
IDE10097-MAS09910	Comfort closing convert. top/rear lid-Number of key responses	0	 	
IDE10098-MAS09911	Zone and area information key 1 - 4-Key 1: Zone information	7	 	
IDE10098-MAS09912	Zone and area information key 1 - 4-Key 1: Area information	Not Present	 	
IDE10098-MAS09913	Zone and area information key 1 - 4-Key 2: Zone information	7	 	
IDE10098-MAS09914	Zone and area information key 1 - 4-Key 2: Area information	Not Present	 	
IDE10098-MAS09915	Zone and area information key 1 - 4-Key 3: Zone information	15	 	
IDE10098-MAS09916	Zone and area information key 1 - 4-Key 3: Area information	Not adapted	 	
IDE10098-MAS09917	Zone and area information key 1 - 4-Key 4: Zone information	15	 	
IDE10098-MAS09918	Zone and area information key 1 - 4-Key 4: Area information	Not adapted	 	
IDE10099-MAS09919	Zone and area information key 5 - 8-Key 5: Zone information	15	 	
IDE10099-MAS09920	Zone and area information key 5 - 8-Key 5: Area information	Not adapted	 	
IDE10099-MAS09921	Zone and area information key 5 - 8-Key 6: Zone information	15	 	
IDE10099-MAS09922	Zone and area information key 5 - 8-Key 6: Area information	Not adapted	 	
IDE10099-MAS09923	Zone and area information key 5 - 8-Key 7: Zone information	15	 	
IDE10099-MAS09924	Zone and area information key 5 - 8-Key 7: Area information	Not adapted	 	
IDE10099-MAS09925	Zone and area information key 5 - 8-Key 8: Zone information	15	 	
IDE10099-MAS09926	Zone and area information key 5 - 8-Key 8: Area information	Not adapted	 	
IDE10100-MAS09931	Individual activation of antennae for access and start system-Access/start system antenna 1 in vehicle interior	216	 	
IDE10100-MAS09932	Individual activation of antennae for access and start system-Access/start system antenna in luggage compartment	120	 	
IDE10100-MAS09933	Individual activation of antennae for access and start system-Left Access/Start Authorization Antenna	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10100-MAS09934	Individual activation of antennae for access and start system-Right Access/Start Authorization Antenna	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10100-MAS09935	Individual activation of antennae for access and start system-Access/start system antenna 2 in vehicle interior	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10159-MAS09936	Outside door handle sens.: frt. left-Unlocking sensor: proximity detected	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10159-MAS09937	Outside door handle sens.: frt. left-Locking sensor: proximity detected	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10159-MAS09938	Outside door handle sens.: frt. left-Unlocking sensor: activation detected	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10159-MAS09939	Outside door handle sens.: frt. left-Locking sensor: activation detected	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10159-MAS09951	Outside door handle sens.: frt. left-Receiving wakeup signal	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10160-MAS09936	Outside door handle sens.: frt. right-Unlocking sensor: proximity detected	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10160-MAS09937	Outside door handle sens.: frt. right-Locking sensor: proximity detected	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10160-MAS09938	Outside door handle sens.: frt. right-Unlocking sensor: activation detected	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10160-MAS09939	Outside door handle sens.: frt. right-Locking sensor: activation detected	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10160-MAS09951	Outside door handle sens.: frt. right-Receiving wakeup signal	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10161-MAS09936	Outside door handle sens.: left rear-Unlocking sensor: proximity detected	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10161-MAS09937	Outside door handle sens.: left rear-Locking sensor: proximity detected	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10161-MAS09938	Outside door handle sens.: left rear-Unlocking sensor: activation detected	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10161-MAS09939	Outside door handle sens.: left rear-Locking sensor: activation detected	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10161-MAS09951	Outside door handle sens.: left rear-Receiving wakeup signal	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10162-MAS09936	Outside door handle sens.: right rear-Unlocking sensor: proximity detected	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10162-MAS09937	Outside door handle sens.: right rear-Locking sensor: proximity detected	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10162-MAS09938	Outside door handle sens.: right rear-Unlocking sensor: activation detected	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10162-MAS09939	Outside door handle sens.: right rear-Locking sensor: activation detected	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10162-MAS09951	Outside door handle sens.: right rear-Receiving wakeup signal	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10190-MAS02040	Left front outside door handle sens.: status-Play protection	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10190-MAS06517	Left front outside door handle sens.: status-Rear spoiler counter	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10190-MAS08440	Left front outside door handle sens.: status-Activity	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10191-MAS02040	Right front outside door handle sens.: status-Play protection	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10191-MAS06517	Right front outside door handle sens.: status-Rear spoiler counter	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10191-MAS08440	Right front outside door handle sens.: status-Activity	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10192-MAS02040	Left rear outside door handle sens.: status-Play protection	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10192-MAS06517	Left rear outside door handle sens.: status-Rear spoiler counter	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10192-MAS08440	Left rear outside door handle sens.: status-Activity	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10193-MAS02040	Right rear outside door handle sens.: status-Play protection	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10193-MAS06517	Right rear outside door handle sens.: status-Rear spoiler counter	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10193-MAS08440	Right rear outside door handle sens.: status-Activity	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE10262-MAS08462	Key search in vehicle interior (scan)-Authenticated key in search area	1	 	
IDE10262-MAS08463	Key search in vehicle interior (scan)-Authenticated key	1	 	
IDE10262-MAS08464	Key search in vehicle interior (scan)-Recognized key	1	 	
IDE10263-MAS03692	Transponder IDs found during last key search-Key 1	FF FF FF FF	 	
IDE10263-MAS03693	Transponder IDs found during last key search-Key 2	FF FF FF FF	 	
IDE10263-MAS03694	Transponder IDs found during last key search-Key 3	FF FF FF FF	 	
IDE10263-MAS03695	Transponder IDs found during last key search-Key 4	FF FF FF FF	 	
IDE10263-MAS03696	Transponder IDs found during last key search-Key 5	FF FF FF FF	 	
IDE10263-MAS03697	Transponder IDs found during last key search-Key 6	FF FF FF FF	 	
IDE10263-MAS03698	Transponder IDs found during last key search-Key 7	FF FF FF FF	 	
IDE10263-MAS03699	Transponder IDs found during last key search-Key 8	FF FF FF FF	 	
IDE10263-MAS10077	Transponder IDs found during last key search-Number of repeated searches	0	 	
IDE10263-MAS10078	Transponder IDs found during last key search-Number of keys found	0	 	
IDE10284-MAS03692	"Number of ""Key battery dead"" recognitions-Key 1"	0	 	
IDE10284-MAS03693	"Number of ""Key battery dead"" recognitions-Key 2"	0	 	
IDE10284-MAS03694	"Number of ""Key battery dead"" recognitions-Key 3"	Not adapted	 	
IDE10284-MAS03695	"Number of ""Key battery dead"" recognitions-Key 4"	Not adapted	 	
IDE10284-MAS03696	"Number of ""Key battery dead"" recognitions-Key 5"	Not adapted	 	
IDE10284-MAS03697	"Number of ""Key battery dead"" recognitions-Key 6"	Not adapted	 	
IDE10284-MAS03698	"Number of ""Key battery dead"" recognitions-Key 7"	Not adapted	 	
IDE10284-MAS03699	"Number of ""Key battery dead"" recognitions-Key 8"	Not adapted	 	
IDE10285-MAS02447	Release of rear lid exterior button-Release	Enabled	 	
IDE10306-MAS10178	Rear window heater test: measures voltage differences-Pulse 1	0	 V	
IDE10306-MAS10179	Rear window heater test: measures voltage differences-Pulse 2	0	 V	
IDE10306-MAS10180	Rear window heater test: measures voltage differences-Pulse 3	0	 V	
IDE10306-MAS10181	Rear window heater test: measures voltage differences-Pulse 4	0	 V	
IDE10306-MAS10182	Rear window heater test: measures voltage differences-Pulse 5	0	 V	
IDE10306-MAS10183	Rear window heater test: measures voltage differences-Pulse 6	0	 V	
IDE10306-MAS10184	Rear window heater test: measures voltage differences-Pulse 7	0	 V	
IDE10306-MAS10185	Rear window heater test: measures voltage differences-Pulse 8	0	 V	
IDE10306-MAS10186	Rear window heater test: measures voltage differences-Pulse 9	0	 V	
IDE10306-MAS10187	Rear window heater test: measures voltage differences-Pulse 10	0	 V	
IDE10306-MAS10188	Rear window heater test: measures voltage differences-Pulse 11	0	 V	
IDE10306-MAS10189	Rear window heater test: measures voltage differences-Pulse 12	0	 V	
IDE10306-MAS10190	Rear window heater test: measures voltage differences-Pulse 13	0	 V	
IDE10306-MAS10191	Rear window heater test: measures voltage differences-Pulse 14	0	 V	
IDE10306-MAS10192	Rear window heater test: measures voltage differences-Pulse 15	0	 V	
IDE10306-MAS10193	Rear window heater test: measures voltage differences-Mean value	0	 V	
IDE10348	Trip distance data	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	 	
IDE10681	Blocked keys	2	 	
IDE10682-MAS00106	Historical data blocked keys-Year	2000	 	
IDE10682-MAS00107	Historical data blocked keys-Month	1	 	
IDE10682-MAS00108	Historical data blocked keys-Day	28	 	
IDE10682-MAS00109	Historical data blocked keys-Hours	11	 	
IDE10682-MAS00110	Historical data blocked keys-Minutes	3	 	
IDE10682-MAS00111	Historical data blocked keys-Seconds	10	 	
IDE10682-MAS01551	Historical data blocked keys-Key number	2	 	
IDE10682-MAS11095	Historical data blocked keys-cause:	1	 	
IDE10683-IDE00500	Historical data unsuccessful automatic cut-off terminal 15-Hour	14	 	
IDE10683-IDE00501	Historical data unsuccessful automatic cut-off terminal 15-Minute	39	 	
IDE10683-MAS00107	Historical data unsuccessful automatic cut-off terminal 15-Month	3	 	
IDE10683-MAS00108	Historical data unsuccessful automatic cut-off terminal 15-Day	8	 	
IDE10683-MAS08075	Historical data unsuccessful automatic cut-off terminal 15-Reason for shut-off attempt	Timeout	 	
IDE10683-MAS08080	Historical data unsuccessful automatic cut-off terminal 15-Failure reason	255	 	
IDE10683-MAS08081	Historical data unsuccessful automatic cut-off terminal 15-Reason for timer stop	1111011	 	
IDE10684-IDE00500	Historical data unsuccessful switch-on attempt term 15-Hour	17	 	
IDE10684-IDE00501	Historical data unsuccessful switch-on attempt term 15-Minute	35	 	
IDE10684-MAS00107	Historical data unsuccessful switch-on attempt term 15-Month	3	 	
IDE10684-MAS00108	Historical data unsuccessful switch-on attempt term 15-Day	20	 	
IDE10684-MAS08080	Historical data unsuccessful switch-on attempt term 15-Failure reason	1	 	
IDE10685-IDE00500	Historical data automatic cut-off terminal 15-Hour	10	 	
IDE10685-IDE00501	Historical data automatic cut-off terminal 15-Minute	44	 	
IDE10685-IDE04105	Historical data automatic cut-off terminal 15-Environmental conditions	00000000 00000000 	 	
IDE10685-MAS00107	Historical data automatic cut-off terminal 15-Month	3	 	
IDE10685-MAS00108	Historical data automatic cut-off terminal 15-Day	7	 	
IDE10685-MAS08082	Historical data automatic cut-off terminal 15-Reason for shut-off	Locking the vehicle	 	
IDE10685-MAS08087	Historical data automatic cut-off terminal 15-Shut-off due to locking of vehicle: control section	Remote control	 	
IDE10685-MAS08091	Historical data automatic cut-off terminal 15-State before shut-off	1111	 	
IDE10686-IDE00500	Historical data switch-on source terminal 15-Hour	8	 	
IDE10686-IDE00501	Historical data switch-on source terminal 15-Minute	1	 	
IDE10686-MAS00107	Historical data switch-on source terminal 15-Month	3	 	
IDE10686-MAS00108	Historical data switch-on source terminal 15-Day	21	 	
IDE10686-MAS11095	Historical data switch-on source terminal 15-cause:	Actuation of button for access and start authorization	 	
IDE10696-IDE00500 switch-off terminal 15 by means of actuat. button-Hour	18	 	
IDE10696-IDE00501 switch-off terminal 15 by means of actuat. button-Minute	54	 	
IDE10696-IDE04105 switch-off terminal 15 by means of actuat. button-Environmental conditions	00000000 00000000 	 	
IDE10696-MAS00107 switch-off terminal 15 by means of actuat. button-Month	3	 	
IDE10696-MAS00108 switch-off terminal 15 by means of actuat. button-Day	20	 	
IDE10696-MAS08082 switch-off terminal 15 by means of actuat. button-Reason for shut-off	Normal shut-off	 	
IDE10696-MAS08091 switch-off terminal 15 by means of actuat. button-State before shut-off	1001111	 	
IDE10750	Anti-theft warn. interior monitoring: version of parameter set	20 F2	 	
IDE11484	Rear spoiler: position	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE11487-MAS12819	Trunk emergency release-Button for trunk emergency unlocking system	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE11487-MAS12820	Trunk emergency release-Luggage compartment emergency release button	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE11487-MAS12821	Trunk emergency release-Button for unlocking hood	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE11487-MAS12822	Trunk emergency release-Hood release motor	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE11487-MAS12823	Trunk emergency release-Enabling trunk emergency unlocking	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE11487-MAS12824	Trunk emergency release-Enabling trunk emerg. unlocking: reversed	Unknown		
IDE11487-MAS12825	Trunk emergency release-Error display in instrument panel cluster	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE11778-MAS09936	Engine hood unlocking mechanism sensor-Unlocking sensor: proximity detected	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE11778-MAS09937	Engine hood unlocking mechanism sensor-Locking sensor: proximity detected	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE11778-MAS09938	Engine hood unlocking mechanism sensor-Unlocking sensor: activation detected	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE11778-MAS09939	Engine hood unlocking mechanism sensor-Locking sensor: activation detected	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE11778-MAS09951	Engine hood unlocking mechanism sensor-Receiving wakeup signal	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE11779-MAS02040	Engine hood unlocking mechanism sensor: status-Play protection	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE11779-MAS06517	Engine hood unlocking mechanism sensor: status-Rear spoiler counter	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE11779-MAS08440	Engine hood unlocking mechanism sensor: status-Activity	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE11780-MAS09936	Rear hood unlocking mechanism sensor-Unlocking sensor: proximity detected	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE11780-MAS09937	Rear hood unlocking mechanism sensor-Locking sensor: proximity detected	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE11780-MAS09938	Rear hood unlocking mechanism sensor-Unlocking sensor: activation detected	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE11780-MAS09939	Rear hood unlocking mechanism sensor-Locking sensor: activation detected	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE11780-MAS09951	Rear hood unlocking mechanism sensor-Receiving wakeup signal	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE11781-MAS02040	Rear hood unlocking mechanism sensor: status-Play protection	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE11781-MAS06517	Rear hood unlocking mechanism sensor: status-Rear spoiler counter	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE11781-MAS08440	Rear hood unlocking mechanism sensor: status-Activity	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE11938-IDE02021	Piloted parking and vehicle stopping function-Comfort closing	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE11938-MAS00829	Piloted parking and vehicle stopping function-Access and start authorization	no request	 	
IDE11938-MAS02362	Piloted parking and vehicle stopping function-Flashing: right	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE11938-MAS02363	Piloted parking and vehicle stopping function-Flashing: left	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE11938-MAS02444	Piloted parking and vehicle stopping function-Central locking	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE11938-MAS09388	Piloted parking and vehicle stopping function-Engine running	no request	 	
IDE11938-MAS09907	Piloted parking and vehicle stopping function-Key search	no request	 	
IDE11938-MAS13254	Piloted parking and vehicle stopping function-Active parking function	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE11938-MAS13454	Piloted parking and vehicle stopping function-Comfort closing: convertible top	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE11938-MAS13462	Piloted parking and vehicle stopping function-Hazard lights of emergency assistant	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE11938-MAS13469	Piloted parking and vehicle stopping function-Vehicle stopping function	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE11938-MAS14248	Piloted parking and vehicle stopping function-Unlocking by vehicle halt function	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE11938-MAS14250	Piloted parking and vehicle stopping function-Radio key LED	no request	 	
IDE11938-MAS14251	Piloted parking and vehicle stopping function-Driver information	no request	 	
IDE11938-MAS14253	Piloted parking and vehicle stopping function-Confirmation flashing	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE11980-MAS01156	Windshield defroster relay-Communication status	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE11980-MAS01478	Windshield defroster relay-Insuff. voltage	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE11980-MAS01479	Windshield defroster relay-Excess voltage	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE11980-MAS01580	Windshield defroster relay-Activation	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE11980-MAS08432	Windshield defroster relay-Requirement	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE11980-MAS13674	Windshield defroster relay-Windshield defogger button	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE11980-MAS13675	Windshield defroster relay-Windshield defogger indicator lamp	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE11980-MAS13676	Windshield defroster relay-Power quota	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE11980-MAS13720	Windshield defroster relay-Error qualification	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE11980-MAS13724	Windshield defroster relay-Status of self-monitoring	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE11984-MAS10178	Result of checking relay for heated windshield-Pulse 1	0	 V	
IDE11984-MAS10179	Result of checking relay for heated windshield-Pulse 2	0	 V	
IDE11984-MAS10180	Result of checking relay for heated windshield-Pulse 3	0	 V	
IDE11984-MAS10181	Result of checking relay for heated windshield-Pulse 4	0	 V	
IDE11984-MAS10182	Result of checking relay for heated windshield-Pulse 5	0	 V	
IDE11984-MAS10183	Result of checking relay for heated windshield-Pulse 6	0	 V	
IDE11984-MAS10184	Result of checking relay for heated windshield-Pulse 7	0	 V	
IDE11984-MAS10185	Result of checking relay for heated windshield-Pulse 8	0	 V	
IDE11984-MAS10186	Result of checking relay for heated windshield-Pulse 9	0	 V	
IDE11984-MAS10187	Result of checking relay for heated windshield-Pulse 10	0	 V	
IDE11984-MAS10188	Result of checking relay for heated windshield-Pulse 11	0	 V	
IDE11984-MAS10189	Result of checking relay for heated windshield-Pulse 12	0	 V	
IDE11984-MAS10190	Result of checking relay for heated windshield-Pulse 13	0	 V	
IDE11984-MAS10191	Result of checking relay for heated windshield-Pulse 14	0	 V	
IDE11984-MAS10192	Result of checking relay for heated windshield-Pulse 15	0	 V	
IDE11984-MAS10193	Result of checking relay for heated windshield-Mean value	0	 V	
IDE11996-MAS13729	Sunshade 2-Button for rear sunshade in operat. and numb. for A/C sys:rear	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE12262-MAS14182	Virtual radio key: status-Master key coded	Yes	 	
IDE12262-MAS14183	Virtual radio key: status-Virtual radio key active	Yes	 	
IDE12262-MAS14184	Virtual radio key: status-Number of secure elements in the ticket table	0	 	
IDE12263	Virtual radio key: vehicle ID	C3 70 04 24 01 61 0A DF FE 6C 07 1A A8 36 EE 8D	 	
IDE12264-MAS14185	Virtual radio key: ticket table-Ticket 1	01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00	 	
IDE12264-MAS14186	Virtual radio key: ticket table-Ticket 2	02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00	 	
IDE12264-MAS14187	Virtual radio key: ticket table-Ticket 3	03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00	 	
IDE12264-MAS14188	Virtual radio key: ticket table-Ticket 4	04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00	 	
IDE12264-MAS14189	Virtual radio key: ticket table-Ticket 5	05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00	 	
IDE12264-MAS14190	Virtual radio key: ticket table-Ticket 6	06 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00	 	
IDE12264-MAS14191	Virtual radio key: ticket table-Ticket 7	07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00	 	
IDE12264-MAS14192	Virtual radio key: ticket table-Ticket 8	08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00	 	
IDE12264-MAS14193	Virtual radio key: ticket table-Ticket 9	09 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00	 	
IDE12264-MAS14194	Virtual radio key: ticket table-Ticket 10	0A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00	 	
IDE12264-MAS14195	Virtual radio key: ticket table-Ticket 11	0B 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00	 	
IDE12264-MAS14196	Virtual radio key: ticket table-Ticket 12	0C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00	 	
IDE12264-MAS14197	Virtual radio key: ticket table-Ticket 13	0D 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00	 	
IDE12264-MAS14198	Virtual radio key: ticket table-Ticket 14	0E 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00	 	
IDE12264-MAS14199	Virtual radio key: ticket table-Ticket 15	0F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00	 	
IDE12264-MAS14200	Virtual radio key: ticket table-Ticket 16	10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00	 	
IDE12265-MAS06854	Virtual radio key: check sum-Version	C1	 	
IDE12265-MAS06879	Virtual radio key: check sum-Checksum	31 EF DC 90	 	
IDE12304-IDE00500	Separation monitoring radio key to rear lid: history-Hour	22	 	
IDE12304-IDE00501	Separation monitoring radio key to rear lid: history-Minute	37	 	
IDE12304-MAS00111	Separation monitoring radio key to rear lid: history-Seconds	58	 	
IDE12304-MAS14238	Separation monitoring radio key to rear lid: history-Key found in Zone 1	0	 	
IDE12304-MAS14239	Separation monitoring radio key to rear lid: history-Key found in Zone 2	0	 	
IDE12304-MAS14240	Separation monitoring radio key to rear lid: history-Key found in Zone 3	0	 	
IDE12304-MAS14241	Separation monitoring radio key to rear lid: history-Key found in Zone 4	0	 	
IDE12304-MAS15180	Separation monitoring radio key to rear lid: history-Part function carried out	101	 	
IDE12304-MAS15181	Separation monitoring radio key to rear lid: history-Cause of cancellation	100	 	
IDE12466-IDE00500	Unlocking central locking system history data-Hour	not known	 	
IDE12466-IDE00501	Unlocking central locking system history data-Minute	not known	 	
IDE12466-MAS00106	Unlocking central locking system history data-Year	not known	 	
IDE12466-MAS00107	Unlocking central locking system history data-Month	not known	 	
IDE12466-MAS00108	Unlocking central locking system history data-Day	not known	 	
IDE12466-MAS00111	Unlocking central locking system history data-Seconds	not known	 	
IDE12466-MAS01551	Unlocking central locking system history data-Key number	1	 	
IDE12466-MAS06441	Unlocking central locking system history data-Control-section / cause	Unlocking button of the radio key	 	
IDE12549-IDE00500	History data NFC authentication-Hour	not known	 	
IDE12549-IDE00501	History data NFC authentication-Minute	12	 	
IDE12549-MAS00106	History data NFC authentication-Year	not known	 	
IDE12549-MAS00107	History data NFC authentication-Month	not known	 	
IDE12549-MAS00108	History data NFC authentication-Day	not known	 	
IDE12549-MAS00111	History data NFC authentication-Seconds	1	 	
IDE12549-MAS14763	History data NFC authentication-Authentication type	3	 	
IDE12549-MAS14764	History data NFC authentication-Authentication event	1	 	
IDE12549-MAS14765	History data NFC authentication-Key number of NFC device	255	 	
IDE12549-MAS14766	History data NFC authentication-Authentication location	15	 	
IDE12834-MAS07359	Relay for preconditioning-via discreet wire	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE12834-MAS07360	Relay for preconditioning-via data bus	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE12834-MAS15268	Relay for preconditioning-Requirement from Climatronic control module	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE13345-MAS16268	Current Secure Element-Secure Element	00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00	 	
IDE13345-MAS16269	Current Secure Element-Secure Element is contained in ticket table	No	 	
IDE13345-MAS16270	Current Secure Element-Secure element is authenticated	No	 	
IDE13403-IDE08980	Rear spoiler control module: input signals-Button for rear spoiler adjustment	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE13403-IDE13404	Rear spoiler control module: input signals-Locking by keyless access authorization: driver door	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE13403-MAS00370	Rear spoiler control module: input signals-Vehicle speed	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE13403-MAS01443	Rear spoiler control module: input signals-Request by Engine Control Module	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE13403-MAS01468	Rear spoiler control module: input signals-Terminal 15	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE13403-MAS06253	Rear spoiler control module: input signals-Static current measuring mode	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE13403-MAS06429	Rear spoiler control module: input signals-Transport protection	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE13403-MAS16413	Rear spoiler control module: input signals-Unlock driver lock cylinder contact switch	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE13403-MAS16414	Rear spoiler control module: input signals-Lock driver lock cylinder contact switch	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE13405-IDE08980	Rear spoiler control module: output signals-Button for rear spoiler adjustment	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE13405-MAS01478	Rear spoiler control module: output signals-Insuff. voltage	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE13405-MAS01479	Rear spoiler control module: output signals-Excess voltage	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE13405-MAS02040	Rear spoiler control module: output signals-Play protection	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE13405-MAS02590	Rear spoiler control module: output signals-Red warning light	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE13405-MAS02591	Rear spoiler control module: output signals-Yellow warning light	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE13405-MAS04737	Rear spoiler control module: output signals-Indicator lamp	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE13405-MAS16466	Rear spoiler control module: output signals-Rear spoiler positioning button: status	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE13405-MAS16467	Rear spoiler control module: output signals-Stop position retracted	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE13405-MAS16470	Rear spoiler control module: output signals-Stop position extended	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE13405-MAS16471	Rear spoiler control module: output signals-Rear spoiler positioning: status	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE13405-MAS16472	Rear spoiler control module: output signals-Rear spoiler positioning motor: status	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE13405-MAS16473	Rear spoiler control module: output signals-Rear spoiler: malfunction status	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE13405-MAS16474	Rear spoiler control module: output signals-Manual operation blocked	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE13405-MAS16475	Rear spoiler control module: output signals-BAP signals	not coded/not installed	 	
IDE80001-MAS01483	Analysis 1-Softwareversion	    N1000023000000342407000000240021	 	
IDE80001-MAS06973	Analysis 1-Target hardware version BCM2	    N1000023000000342407000000240021	 	
IDE80001-MAS06974	Analysis 1-HF building block: hardware version	    N1000023000000342407000000240021	 	
IDE80001-MAS06975	Analysis 1-HF building block: firmware version	    N1000023000000342407000000240021	 	
IDE80001-MAS06976	Analysis 1-LF building block: hardware version	    N1000023000000342407000000240021	 	
IDE80001-MAS06977	Analysis 1-LF building block: firmware version	    N1000023000000342407000000240021	 	
IDE80001-MAS06978	Analysis 1-LF building block: version configuration data	    N1000023000000342407000000240021	 	
IDE80001-MAS06979	Analysis 1-Version CDD_LF	    N1000023000000342407000000240021	 	
IDE80001-MAS06980	Analysis 1-Version CDD_RF	    N1000023000000342407000000240021	 	
MAS00077-MAS02345	Immobilizer-Current condition	Adapted	 	
MAS00077-MAS06790	Immobilizer-Identity counter	1	 	
MAS00077-MAS06791	Immobilizer-Mark detection	3	 	
MAS00077-MAS06792	Immobilizer-P class	0E	 	
MAS00077-MAS06793	Immobilizer-Number of adapted keys	2	 	
MAS00077-MAS06794	Immobilizer-Number of keys to be adapted via service download	0	 	
MAS00077-MAS06795	Immobilizer-Number of keys to be adapted adapt service keys	0	 	
MAS00077-MAS06796	Immobilizer-Remaining time to switch on terminal 15	0	 min	
MAS00077-MAS10131	Immobilizer-Status Download 3	invalid	 	
MAS00077-MAS10132	Immobilizer-Configuration Kessy coded	Yes	 	
MAS00077-MAS10133	Immobilizer-Configuration E vehicle	No	 	
MAS00077-MAS10134	Immobilizer-Configuration SHE	Yes	 	
MAS00077-MAS14181	Immobilizer-Configuration of virtual radio key ready	Yes	 	
ENG98397-ENG13709	Airbag-seat_belt_lock_driver_side	2	 	
ENG12918	antenna_freeze_frame	00010001 00000010 00000000 01011100 	 	
ENG12884-ENG13852	Breaking_light_operating_mode-Intern_operating_mode	Driving_mode	 	
ENG12884-ENG13853	Breaking_light_operating_mode-Transition_operating_mode	4	 	
ENG12916	can_lin_communication_freeze_frame	00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 	 	
ENG12857-MAS06439	central_locking_crash_status-Crash status	not active	 	
ENG12857-MAS06440	central_locking_crash_status-Precrash status	not active	 	
ENG12860-MAS00314	clutch_pedal_status-Clutch Pedal Switch	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG12860-MAS00363	clutch_pedal_status-Clutch pedal position	Not available	 	
ENG12860-MAS06475	clutch_pedal_status-Clutch Pedal Switch for Engine Start	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG12886-IDE01442	Comfort_close_convertible_top_and_trunk_lid-Pressing a button	no key actuated	 	
ENG12886-ENG13854	Comfort_close_convertible_top_and_trunk_lid-Key_search	No	 	
ENG12886-ENG13855	Comfort_close_convertible_top_and_trunk_lid-Key_within_reach	No	 	
ENG12886-ENG13857	Comfort_close_convertible_top_and_trunk_lid-Number_of_key_responses	0	 	
ENG12886-ENG13856	Comfort_close_convertible_top_and_trunk_lid-Number_of_key_searches	0	 	
ENG12905-ENG14003	communication_state_fbs-latest_job_number	11	 	
ENG12905-ENG14002	communication_state_fbs-latest_job_request_confirmation	0	 	
ENG12905-ENG14001	communication_state_fbs-latest_job_request_job_number	11	 	
ENG12905-ENG14004	communication_state_fbs-latest_job_result	1	 	
ENG12905-ENG14007	communication_state_fbs-latest_key_info_authentication	1	 	
ENG12905-ENG14005	communication_state_fbs-latest_key_info_job_number	4E	 	
ENG12905-ENG14006	communication_state_fbs-latest_key_info_key_line	0	 	
ENG12905-ENG14008	communication_state_fbs-latest_key_info_position	0	 	
ENG12847-MAS04188	cutoff_levels-Transport mode	not active	 	
ENG12847-MAS06253	cutoff_levels-Static current measuring mode	not active	 	
ENG12847-MAS06428	cutoff_levels-Static current shutdown level	Deactivation stage 0	 	
ENG12847-MAS06429	cutoff_levels-Transport protection	not active	 	
ENG12904-ENG13995	debug_fbs-debug_1	00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 	 	
ENG12904-ENG13996	debug_fbs-debug_2	00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 	 	
ENG12904-ENG13997	debug_fbs-debug_3	11111111 11111111 11110100 10010010 	 	
ENG12904-ENG13998	debug_fbs-debug_4	11111111 11111111 11111001 00100111 	 	
ENG12904-ENG13999	debug_fbs-debug_5	11111111 11111111 11110110 11011011 	 	
ENG12904-ENG14000	debug_fbs-debug_6	00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 	 	
ENG12917	defect_fusi_voltage_error_freeze_frame	00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 	 	
ENG12903-ENG98504	diagnose_01_message-Day	21	 	
ENG12903-ENG98653	diagnose_01_message-Hour	8	 	
ENG12903-ENG98667	diagnose_01_message-Kilometers	4773	 	
ENG12903-ENG98739	diagnose_01_message-Minute	14	 	
ENG12903-ENG98748	diagnose_01_message-Month	3	 	
ENG12903-ENG102365	diagnose_01_message-Second	38	 	
ENG12903-ENG99063	diagnose_01_message-Year	2018	 	
ENG12881-MAS11095	Diagnosis_data_sbc-cause:	0	 	
ENG12861-ENG13706	elv_01-elv_clamp_enabling	No enabling	 	
ENG12861-ENG13707	elv_01-elv_interruption_request_clamp_enabling	no_interruption	 	
ENG12861-ENG13704	elv_01-elv_locked	Not_Locked	 	
ENG12861-ENG13705	elv_01-elv_unlocked	unlocked	 	
ENG12843-MAS00371	Engine_status-Engine speed	851	 /min	
ENG12843-MAS04447	Engine_status-Engine running status	Engine running	 	
ENG12843-MAS06149	Engine_status-Terminal 75	active	 	
ENG12843-MAS06150	Engine_status-Terminal 50	not active	 	
ENG12843-MAS06712	Engine_status-Status drive readiness hybrid	Not ready	 	
ENG12843-ENG13701	Engine_status-restart_lock	active	 	
ENG12843-ENG13702	Engine_status-start_from_msg	2	 	
ENG12843-ENG13700	Engine_status-start_stop_driver_command	Stopp_prohibition	 	
ENG12843-ENG13699	Engine_status-start_stop_engine_stop	not active	 	
ENG12843-ENG114851	Engine_status-Start_Stop_Restart	not active	 	
ENG12843-ENG121476	Engine_status-Start_Stop_status	system_active_not_enabled_by_start_stop_coordinator	 	
ENG122522-ENG99298	EPB_01-State	1	 	
ENG12890-ENG13891	Error_counter_keyless-lf_antenna_error	0	 	
ENG12890-ENG13893	Error_counter_keyless-Retries	0	 	
ENG12890-ENG13892	Error_counter_keyless-unsuccessfully_entry_exit_activities	0	 	
ENG12888-ENG13882	Error_counter_lf_hf_communication-Checksum_error_hf	2	 	
ENG12888-ENG13884	Error_counter_lf_hf_communication-cryptology_error	8	 	
ENG12888-ENG13883	Error_counter_lf_hf_communication-Data_error_hf	111	 	
ENG12919	exterior_handle_sensor_freeze_frame	00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 	 	
ENG12882-ENG13849	External_light_defect_reasons-Break_light	0	 	
ENG12882-ENG13851	External_light_defect_reasons-Other_reasons	00000000 00000000 	 	
ENG12882-ENG13659	External_light_defect_reasons-Tail_light	0	 	
ENG12882-ENG13850	External_light_defect_reasons-Turn_signal_light	00000000 00000000 	 	
ENG12920	fuel_sender_freeze_frame	00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 	 	
ENG12911-ENG14036	general_additional_freeze_frame-Ambient_temperature_not_filtered	4	 øC	
ENG12911-ENG14040	general_additional_freeze_frame-coprocessor_spi_status	1	 	
ENG12911-ENG14039	general_additional_freeze_frame-dataflash_status	0	 	
ENG12911-ENG02610	general_additional_freeze_frame-interior_temperature	2.5	 øC	
ENG12911-ENG13636	general_additional_freeze_frame-Operating_Status	00000001 00000000 	 	
ENG12911-ENG104256	general_additional_freeze_frame-production_mode	not active	 	
ENG12911-ENG14038	general_additional_freeze_frame-reset_cause	0	 	
ENG12911-ENG108452	general_additional_freeze_frame-Reset_counter	65536	 	
ENG12911-ENG13694	general_additional_freeze_frame-Stall_current_cutoff_level	Deactivation stage 0	 	
ENG12911-ENG13635	general_additional_freeze_frame-Stall_Current_Measuring_Mode	not active	 	
ENG12911-ENG14037	general_additional_freeze_frame-subnetwork_status	00000000 00000000 	 	
ENG12911-ENG14035	general_additional_freeze_frame-terminal_control_intern_status	1B 02 0A 90 02 E0	 	
ENG12911-ENG111086	general_additional_freeze_frame-Transport_Mode	not active	 	
ENG12911-ENG99010	general_additional_freeze_frame-Vehicle speed	0	 km/h	
ENG12859	hazard_warning_switch	Not operated	 	
ENG12858	hdsg_opening_acknowledge	not active	 	
ENG12910-ENG127696	HF_LF_Counters-Counter_1	0	 	
ENG12910-ENG14012	HF_LF_Counters-Counter_10	0	 	
ENG12910-ENG14013	HF_LF_Counters-Counter_11	0	 	
ENG12910-ENG14014	HF_LF_Counters-Counter_12	0	 	
ENG12910-ENG14015	HF_LF_Counters-Counter_13	0	 	
ENG12910-ENG14016	HF_LF_Counters-Counter_14	0	 	
ENG12910-ENG14017	HF_LF_Counters-Counter_15	0	 	
ENG12910-ENG14018	HF_LF_Counters-Counter_16	0	 	
ENG12910-ENG14019	HF_LF_Counters-Counter_17	0	 	
ENG12910-ENG14020	HF_LF_Counters-Counter_18	0	 	
ENG12910-ENG14021	HF_LF_Counters-Counter_19	0	 	
ENG12910-ENG127697	HF_LF_Counters-Counter_2	0	 	
ENG12910-ENG14022	HF_LF_Counters-Counter_20	0	 	
ENG12910-ENG14023	HF_LF_Counters-Counter_21	0	 	
ENG12910-ENG14024	HF_LF_Counters-Counter_22	0	 	
ENG12910-ENG14025	HF_LF_Counters-Counter_23	0	 	
ENG12910-ENG14026	HF_LF_Counters-Counter_24	0	 	
ENG12910-ENG14027	HF_LF_Counters-Counter_25	0	 	
ENG12910-ENG14028	HF_LF_Counters-Counter_26	0	 	
ENG12910-ENG14029	HF_LF_Counters-Counter_27	0	 	
ENG12910-ENG14030	HF_LF_Counters-Counter_28	0	 	
ENG12910-ENG14031	HF_LF_Counters-Counter_29	0	 	
ENG12910-ENG127700	HF_LF_Counters-Counter_3	0	 	
ENG12910-ENG14032	HF_LF_Counters-Counter_30	0	 	
ENG12910-ENG14033	HF_LF_Counters-Counter_31	0	 	
ENG12910-ENG14034	HF_LF_Counters-Counter_32	0	 	
ENG12910-ENG127699	HF_LF_Counters-Counter_4	0	 	
ENG12910-ENG127698	HF_LF_Counters-Counter_5	0	 	
ENG12910-ENG127701	HF_LF_Counters-Counter_6	0	 	
ENG12910-ENG14009	HF_LF_Counters-Counter_7	0	 	
ENG12910-ENG14010	HF_LF_Counters-Counter_8	0	 	
ENG12910-ENG14011	HF_LF_Counters-Counter_9	0	 	
ENG12883-ENG98842	ignition_switch_pag-Position	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG12921	Immobilizer_freeze_frame_1	00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 	 	
ENG12930	Immobilizer_freeze_frame_10	00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 	 	
ENG12931	Immobilizer_freeze_frame_11	00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 	 	
ENG12932	Immobilizer_freeze_frame_12	00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 	 	
ENG12933	Immobilizer_freeze_frame_13	00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 	 	
ENG12934	Immobilizer_freeze_frame_14	00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 	 	
ENG13201	Immobilizer_freeze_frame_15	00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 	 	
ENG12922	Immobilizer_freeze_frame_2	00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 	 	
ENG12923	Immobilizer_freeze_frame_3	00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 	 	
ENG12924	Immobilizer_freeze_frame_4	00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 	 	
ENG12925	Immobilizer_freeze_frame_5	00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 	 	
ENG12926	Immobilizer_freeze_frame_6	00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 	 	
ENG12927	Immobilizer_freeze_frame_7	00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 	 	
ENG12928	Immobilizer_freeze_frame_8	00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 	 	
ENG12929	Immobilizer_freeze_frame_9	00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 	 	
ENG13196-ENG14609	intelligent_tail_light_signals_LIN-BCM2_SBBR_01_byte1	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG13196-ENG14610	intelligent_tail_light_signals_LIN-BCM2_SBBR_01_byte2	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG13196-ENG14611	intelligent_tail_light_signals_LIN-BCM2_SBBR_01_byte3	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG13196-ENG14612	intelligent_tail_light_signals_LIN-BCM2_SBBR_01_byte4	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG13196-ENG14613	intelligent_tail_light_signals_LIN-BCM2_SBBR_01_byte5	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG13196-ENG14614	intelligent_tail_light_signals_LIN-BCM2_SBBR_01_byte6	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG13196-ENG14615	intelligent_tail_light_signals_LIN-BCM2_SBBR_01_byte7	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG13196-ENG14616	intelligent_tail_light_signals_LIN-BCM2_SBBR_01_byte8	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG13196-ENG14617	intelligent_tail_light_signals_LIN-SHL_li1s_01_byte1	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG13196-ENG14618	intelligent_tail_light_signals_LIN-SHL_li1s_01_byte2	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG13196-ENG14619	intelligent_tail_light_signals_LIN-SHL_li1s_01_byte3	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG13196-ENG14620	intelligent_tail_light_signals_LIN-SHL_li1s_01_byte4	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG13196-ENG14621	intelligent_tail_light_signals_LIN-SHL_li1s_01_byte5	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG13196-ENG14622	intelligent_tail_light_signals_LIN-SHL_li1s_01_byte6	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG13196-ENG14623	intelligent_tail_light_signals_LIN-SHL_li1s_01_byte7	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG13196-ENG14624	intelligent_tail_light_signals_LIN-SHL_li1s_01_byte8	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG13196-ENG14625	intelligent_tail_light_signals_LIN-SHL_li2s_01_byte1	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG13196-ENG14626	intelligent_tail_light_signals_LIN-SHL_li2s_01_byte2	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG13196-ENG14627	intelligent_tail_light_signals_LIN-SHL_li2s_01_byte3	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG13196-ENG14628	intelligent_tail_light_signals_LIN-SHL_li2s_01_byte4	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG13196-ENG14629	intelligent_tail_light_signals_LIN-SHL_li2s_01_byte5	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG13196-ENG14630	intelligent_tail_light_signals_LIN-SHL_li2s_01_byte6	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG13196-ENG14631	intelligent_tail_light_signals_LIN-SHL_li2s_01_byte7	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG13196-ENG14632	intelligent_tail_light_signals_LIN-SHL_li2s_01_byte8	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG13196-ENG14633	intelligent_tail_light_signals_LIN-SHL_re1s_01_byte1	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG13196-ENG14634	intelligent_tail_light_signals_LIN-SHL_re1s_01_byte2	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG13196-ENG14635	intelligent_tail_light_signals_LIN-SHL_re1s_01_byte3	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG13196-ENG14636	intelligent_tail_light_signals_LIN-SHL_re1s_01_byte4	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG13196-ENG14637	intelligent_tail_light_signals_LIN-SHL_re1s_01_byte5	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG13196-ENG14638	intelligent_tail_light_signals_LIN-SHL_re1s_01_byte6	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG13196-ENG14639	intelligent_tail_light_signals_LIN-SHL_re1s_01_byte7	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG13196-ENG14640	intelligent_tail_light_signals_LIN-SHL_re1s_01_byte8	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG13196-ENG14641	intelligent_tail_light_signals_LIN-SHL_re2s_01_byte1	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG13196-ENG14642	intelligent_tail_light_signals_LIN-SHL_re2s_01_byte2	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG13196-ENG14643	intelligent_tail_light_signals_LIN-SHL_re2s_01_byte3	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG13196-ENG14644	intelligent_tail_light_signals_LIN-SHL_re2s_01_byte4	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG13196-ENG14645	intelligent_tail_light_signals_LIN-SHL_re2s_01_byte5	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG13196-ENG14646	intelligent_tail_light_signals_LIN-SHL_re2s_01_byte6	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG13196-ENG14647	intelligent_tail_light_signals_LIN-SHL_re2s_01_byte7	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG13196-ENG14648	intelligent_tail_light_signals_LIN-SHL_re2s_01_byte8	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG12889-ENG13886	Intern_conditions_advanced_key-Active_advanced_key_priority	254	 	
ENG12889-ENG13885	Intern_conditions_advanced_key-Aktive_activity	5A	 	
ENG12889-ENG13889	Intern_conditions_advanced_key-IDG_line_Luki	0	 	
ENG12889-ENG13890	Intern_conditions_advanced_key-IDG_line_VLuki	1	 	
ENG12889-ENG13887	Intern_conditions_advanced_key-Next_advanced_key_Activity	5A	 	
ENG12889-ENG13888	Intern_conditions_advanced_key-Next_advanced_key_priority	254	 	
ENG26920-ENG30365	IRUE_NGS_deactivation_via_mmi-ASG_Aktivation_State	0	 	
ENG26920-ENG31533	IRUE_NGS_deactivation_via_mmi-FSG_Aktivation_State	0	 	
ENG12912	key_error_freeze_frame	10011111 11111111 11111111 11111111 	 	
ENG12909-MAS00106	Life_cycle_data_failed_keyless_search-Year	2000	 	
ENG12909-MAS00107	Life_cycle_data_failed_keyless_search-Month	1	 	
ENG12909-MAS00108	Life_cycle_data_failed_keyless_search-Day	20	 	
ENG12909-MAS00109	Life_cycle_data_failed_keyless_search-Hours	14	 	
ENG12909-MAS00110	Life_cycle_data_failed_keyless_search-Minutes	0	 	
ENG12909-MAS00111	Life_cycle_data_failed_keyless_search-Seconds	9	 	
ENG12909-ENG28817	Life_cycle_data_failed_keyless_search-Error_description	0	 	
ENG12909-ENG13626	Life_cycle_data_failed_keyless_search-Trigger	1	 	
ENG12907-MAS00106	Life_cycle_data_keyless_entry_exit_search-Year	2000	 	
ENG12907-MAS00107	Life_cycle_data_keyless_entry_exit_search-Month	0	 	
ENG12907-MAS00108	Life_cycle_data_keyless_entry_exit_search-Day	0	 	
ENG12907-MAS00109	Life_cycle_data_keyless_entry_exit_search-Hours	0	 	
ENG12907-MAS00110	Life_cycle_data_keyless_entry_exit_search-Minutes	0	 	
ENG12907-MAS00111	Life_cycle_data_keyless_entry_exit_search-Seconds	0	 	
ENG12907-ENG28815	Life_cycle_data_keyless_entry_exit_search-Operating_point	0	 	
ENG12907-ENG28814	Life_cycle_data_keyless_entry_exit_search-Search_result	0	 	
ENG12908-MAS00106	Life_cycle_data_keyless_event_search-Year	2000	 	
ENG12908-MAS00107	Life_cycle_data_keyless_event_search-Month	1	 	
ENG12908-MAS00108	Life_cycle_data_keyless_event_search-Day	21	 	
ENG12908-MAS00109	Life_cycle_data_keyless_event_search-Hours	14	 	
ENG12908-MAS00110	Life_cycle_data_keyless_event_search-Minutes	2	 	
ENG12908-MAS00111	Life_cycle_data_keyless_event_search-Seconds	15	 	
ENG12908-MAS00370	Life_cycle_data_keyless_event_search-Vehicle speed	0	 km/h	
ENG12908-ENG28816	Life_cycle_data_keyless_event_search-Search_cycle	0	 	
ENG12908-ENG28814	Life_cycle_data_keyless_event_search-Search_result	1	 	
ENG12908-ENG13626	Life_cycle_data_keyless_event_search-Trigger	9	 	
ENG12906-MAS00106	Life_cycle_data_keyless_go_search-Year	2000	 	
ENG12906-MAS00107	Life_cycle_data_keyless_go_search-Month	1	 	
ENG12906-MAS00108	Life_cycle_data_keyless_go_search-Day	21	 	
ENG12906-MAS00109	Life_cycle_data_keyless_go_search-Hours	14	 	
ENG12906-MAS00110	Life_cycle_data_keyless_go_search-Minutes	2	 	
ENG12906-MAS00111	Life_cycle_data_keyless_go_search-Seconds	10	 	
ENG12906-ENG28814	Life_cycle_data_keyless_go_search-Search_result	1000	 	
ENG12906-ENG13626	Life_cycle_data_keyless_go_search-Trigger	10010	 	
ENG12877-MAS00106	Life_cycle_data_reset_reasons_coprocessor-Year	2000	 	
ENG12877-MAS00107	Life_cycle_data_reset_reasons_coprocessor-Month	3	 	
ENG12877-MAS00108	Life_cycle_data_reset_reasons_coprocessor-Day	8	 	
ENG12877-MAS00109	Life_cycle_data_reset_reasons_coprocessor-Hours	13	 	
ENG12877-MAS00110	Life_cycle_data_reset_reasons_coprocessor-Minutes	2	 	
ENG12877-MAS00111	Life_cycle_data_reset_reasons_coprocessor-Seconds	38	 	
ENG12877-MAS11095	Life_cycle_data_reset_reasons_coprocessor-cause:	3	 	
ENG12879-MAS00106	Life_cycle_data_reset_reasons_main_processor-Year	2000	 	
ENG12879-MAS00107	Life_cycle_data_reset_reasons_main_processor-Month	3	 	
ENG12879-MAS00108	Life_cycle_data_reset_reasons_main_processor-Day	6	 	
ENG12879-MAS00109	Life_cycle_data_reset_reasons_main_processor-Hours	12	 	
ENG12879-MAS00110	Life_cycle_data_reset_reasons_main_processor-Minutes	0	 	
ENG12879-MAS00111	Life_cycle_data_reset_reasons_main_processor-Seconds	39	 	
ENG12879-MAS11095	Life_cycle_data_reset_reasons_main_processor-cause:	0	 	
ENG12914	light_freeze_frame	00000000 11001001 11001100 00110110 	 	
ENG117002-ENG13752	MFG-mfg_signals_CAN	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG12863-ENG13712	NVEM-request_kl15_deactivation	0	 	
ENG12874-ENG13836	Outputs_for_exterior_lighting-Output_1	not active	 	
ENG12874-ENG120566	Outputs_for_exterior_lighting-Output_10	not active	 	
ENG12874-ENG120567	Outputs_for_exterior_lighting-Output_11	active	 	
ENG12874-ENG120568	Outputs_for_exterior_lighting-Output_12	not active	 	
ENG12874-ENG120561	Outputs_for_exterior_lighting-Output_13	not active	 	
ENG12874-ENG120562	Outputs_for_exterior_lighting-Output_14	not active	 	
ENG12874-ENG120563	Outputs_for_exterior_lighting-Output_15	not active	 	
ENG12874-ENG120564	Outputs_for_exterior_lighting-Output_16	not active	 	
ENG12874-ENG120557	Outputs_for_exterior_lighting-Output_17	not active	 	
ENG12874-ENG120558	Outputs_for_exterior_lighting-Output_18	Output not used	 	
ENG12874-ENG120559	Outputs_for_exterior_lighting-Output_19	Output not used	 	
ENG12874-ENG13837	Outputs_for_exterior_lighting-Output_2	not active	 	
ENG12874-ENG120560	Outputs_for_exterior_lighting-Output_20	Output not used	 	
ENG12874-ENG120553	Outputs_for_exterior_lighting-Output_21	Output not used	 	
ENG12874-ENG13838	Outputs_for_exterior_lighting-Output_3	not active	 	
ENG12874-ENG13839	Outputs_for_exterior_lighting-Output_4	not active	 	
ENG12874-ENG13840	Outputs_for_exterior_lighting-Output_5	not active	 	
ENG12874-ENG13841	Outputs_for_exterior_lighting-Output_6	active	 	
ENG12874-ENG13842	Outputs_for_exterior_lighting-Output_7	active	 	
ENG12874-ENG13843	Outputs_for_exterior_lighting-Output_8	not active	 	
ENG12874-ENG13844	Outputs_for_exterior_lighting-Output_9	not active	 	
ENG12869-ENG13749	park_heating_and_air_conditioning-auxiliary_ventilation_CAN	not active	 	
ENG12869-ENG02610	park_heating_and_air_conditioning-interior_temperature	2.5	 øC	
ENG12869-ENG13748	park_heating_and_air_conditioning-park_heating_CAN	not active	 	
ENG12869-ENG13750	park_heating_and_air_conditioning-solar_fan_CAN	not active	 	
ENG126653-IDE00500	Personalized_Account_Key_History-Hour	not known	 	
ENG126653-IDE00501	Personalized_Account_Key_History-Minute	not known	 	
ENG126653-MAS00107	Personalized_Account_Key_History-Month	not known	 	
ENG126653-MAS00108	Personalized_Account_Key_History-Day	not known	 	
ENG126653-MAS00111	Personalized_Account_Key_History-Seconds	not known	 	
ENG126653-ENG29120	Personalized_Account_Key_History-Account_number	0	 	
ENG126653-ENG29858	Personalized_Account_Key_History-Device_number	0	 	
ENG12943-MAS03692	Personalized_key_setting-Key 1	0	 	
ENG12943-MAS03693	Personalized_key_setting-Key 2	0	 	
ENG12943-MAS03694	Personalized_key_setting-Key 3	0	 	
ENG12943-MAS03695	Personalized_key_setting-Key 4	0	 	
ENG12943-MAS03696	Personalized_key_setting-Key 5	0	 	
ENG12943-MAS03697	Personalized_key_setting-Key 6	0	 	
ENG12943-MAS03698	Personalized_key_setting-Key 7	0	 	
ENG12943-MAS03699	Personalized_key_setting-Key 8	0	 	
ENG126654-IDE00500	Personalized_Signals-Hour	not known	 	
ENG126654-IDE00501	Personalized_Signals-Minute	not known	 	
ENG126654-MAS00107	Personalized_Signals-Month	not known	 	
ENG126654-MAS00108	Personalized_Signals-Day	not known	 	
ENG126654-MAS00111	Personalized_Signals-Seconds	not known	 	
ENG126654-ENG29120	Personalized_Signals-Account_number	0	 	
ENG126654-ENG98351	Personalized_Signals-active	not active	 	
ENG126654-ENG29121	Personalized_Signals-Contol_mode	0	 	
ENG126654-ENG29122	Personalized_Signals-Control_parameter	0	 	
ENG126654-ENG29124	Personalized_Signals-Enabling_adjustment	Initializing	 	
ENG126654-ENG29123	Personalized_Signals-Position_of_actuation	Initializing	 	
ENG126654-ENG99298	Personalized_Signals-State	not active	 	
ENG13195-ENG14593	Personalized_smart_device_setting-Smart_device_1	0	 	
ENG13195-ENG14602	Personalized_smart_device_setting-Smart_device_10	15	 	
ENG13195-ENG14603	Personalized_smart_device_setting-Smart_device_11	15	 	
ENG13195-ENG14604	Personalized_smart_device_setting-Smart_device_12	15	 	
ENG13195-ENG14605	Personalized_smart_device_setting-Smart_device_13	15	 	
ENG13195-ENG14606	Personalized_smart_device_setting-Smart_device_14	15	 	
ENG13195-ENG14607	Personalized_smart_device_setting-Smart_device_15	15	 	
ENG13195-ENG14608	Personalized_smart_device_setting-Smart_device_16	15	 	
ENG13195-ENG14594	Personalized_smart_device_setting-Smart_device_2	0	 	
ENG13195-ENG14595	Personalized_smart_device_setting-Smart_device_3	0	 	
ENG13195-ENG14596	Personalized_smart_device_setting-Smart_device_4	0	 	
ENG13195-ENG14597	Personalized_smart_device_setting-Smart_device_5	0	 	
ENG13195-ENG14598	Personalized_smart_device_setting-Smart_device_6	0	 	
ENG13195-ENG14599	Personalized_smart_device_setting-Smart_device_7	15	 	
ENG13195-ENG14600	Personalized_smart_device_setting-Smart_device_8	15	 	
ENG13195-ENG14601	Personalized_smart_device_setting-Smart_device_9	15	 	
ENG12878-ENG108452	Reset_counter_coprocessor-Reset_counter	2	 	
ENG12880-ENG108452	Reset_counter_main_processor-Reset_counter	1	 	
ENG12897-ENG13902	service_key_counter_datagroup-datagroup_1	543	 	
ENG12897-ENG13903	service_key_counter_datagroup-datagroup_2	514	 	
ENG12897-ENG13904	service_key_counter_datagroup-datagroup_3	779	 	
ENG12897-ENG13905	service_key_counter_datagroup-datagroup_4	1640	 	
ENG12899-ENG13914	service_key_intern_conditions-conditions	11	 	
ENG12899-ENG13916	service_key_intern_conditions-mq_states	0	 	
ENG12899-ENG13918	service_key_intern_conditions-obdc_changed_datagroup	FF 00	 	
ENG12899-ENG13915	service_key_intern_conditions-obdc_interface_states	10	 	
ENG12899-ENG13917	service_key_intern_conditions-obdc_request_timeout_counter	30	 	
ENG12899-ENG13626	service_key_intern_conditions-Trigger	101	 	
ENG12901-ENG13983	service_key_key_store_counter-all_key_counter	5139	 	
ENG12901-ENG13894	service_key_key_store_counter-key1_counter	4714	 	
ENG12901-ENG13895	service_key_key_store_counter-key2_counter	421	 	
ENG12901-ENG13896	service_key_key_store_counter-key3_counter	Not adapted	 	
ENG12901-ENG13897	service_key_key_store_counter-key4_counter	Not adapted	 	
ENG12901-ENG13898	service_key_key_store_counter-key5_counter	Not adapted	 	
ENG12901-ENG13899	service_key_key_store_counter-key6_counter	Not adapted	 	
ENG12901-ENG13900	service_key_key_store_counter-key7_counter	Not adapted	 	
ENG12901-ENG13901	service_key_key_store_counter-key8_counter	Not adapted	 	
ENG12902-ENG13894	service_key_key_store_counter_per_day-key1_counter	49	 	
ENG12902-ENG13895	service_key_key_store_counter_per_day-key2_counter	33	 	
ENG12902-ENG13896	service_key_key_store_counter_per_day-key3_counter	Not adapted	 	
ENG12902-ENG13897	service_key_key_store_counter_per_day-key4_counter	Not adapted	 	
ENG12902-ENG13898	service_key_key_store_counter_per_day-key5_counter	Not adapted	 	
ENG12902-ENG13899	service_key_key_store_counter_per_day-key6_counter	Not adapted	 	
ENG12902-ENG13900	service_key_key_store_counter_per_day-key7_counter	Not adapted	 	
ENG12902-ENG13901	service_key_key_store_counter_per_day-key8_counter	Not adapted	 	
ENG12898-ENG13913	service_key_store_conditions-debounce_kilometer	255	 	
ENG12898-ENG13621	service_key_store_conditions-Distance	20	 	
ENG12898-ENG13911	service_key_store_conditions-hazard_warning_switch_delay_time	10	 	
ENG12898-ENG13908	service_key_store_conditions-retry_request_obdc	3	 	
ENG12898-ENG13906	service_key_store_conditions-service_key_coded	Yes	 	
ENG12898-ENG13907	service_key_store_conditions-timeout_request_obdc	30	 	
ENG12898-ENG13912	service_key_store_conditions-write_data_delay_time	40	 	
ENG12898-ENG13910	service_key_store_conditions-write_delay_speed	20	 	
ENG12898-ENG13909	service_key_store_conditions-write_delay_time	20	 	
ENG12900-ENG13920	service_key_store_time-key1_day	20	 	
ENG12900-ENG13919	service_key_store_time-key1_kilometer	4773	 	
ENG12900-ENG13921	service_key_store_time-key1_month	3	 	
ENG12900-ENG13922	service_key_store_time-key1_year	2018	 	
ENG12900-ENG13924	service_key_store_time-key2_day	28	 	
ENG12900-ENG13923	service_key_store_time-key2_kilometer	3523	 	
ENG12900-ENG13925	service_key_store_time-key2_month	2	 	
ENG12900-ENG13926	service_key_store_time-key2_year	2018	 	
ENG12900-ENG13928	service_key_store_time-key3_day	Not adapted	 	
ENG12900-ENG13927	service_key_store_time-key3_kilometer	Not adapted	 	
ENG12900-ENG13929	service_key_store_time-key3_month	Not adapted	 	
ENG12900-ENG13930	service_key_store_time-key3_year	Not adapted	 	
ENG12900-ENG13932	service_key_store_time-key4_day	Not adapted	 	
ENG12900-ENG13931	service_key_store_time-key4_kilometer	Not adapted	 	
ENG12900-ENG13933	service_key_store_time-key4_month	Not adapted	 	
ENG12900-ENG13934	service_key_store_time-key4_year	Not adapted	 	
ENG12900-ENG13936	service_key_store_time-key5_day	Not adapted	 	
ENG12900-ENG13935	service_key_store_time-key5_kilometer	Not adapted	 	
ENG12900-ENG13937	service_key_store_time-key5_month	Not adapted	 	
ENG12900-ENG13938	service_key_store_time-key5_year	Not adapted	 	
ENG12900-ENG13940	service_key_store_time-key6_day	Not adapted	 	
ENG12900-ENG13939	service_key_store_time-key6_kilometer	Not adapted	 	
ENG12900-ENG13941	service_key_store_time-key6_month	Not adapted	 	
ENG12900-ENG13942	service_key_store_time-key6_year	Not adapted	 	
ENG12900-ENG13944	service_key_store_time-key7_day	Not adapted	 	
ENG12900-ENG13943	service_key_store_time-key7_kilometer	Not adapted	 	
ENG12900-ENG13945	service_key_store_time-key7_month	Not adapted	 	
ENG12900-ENG13946	service_key_store_time-key7_year	Not adapted	 	
ENG12900-ENG13948	service_key_store_time-key8_day	Not adapted	 	
ENG12900-ENG13947	service_key_store_time-key8_kilometer	Not adapted	 	
ENG12900-ENG13949	service_key_store_time-key8_month	Not adapted	 	
ENG12900-ENG13950	service_key_store_time-key8_year	Not adapted	 	
ENG12885	Software_version_fbs	M310805:SW_C2.6.N100_MLB_EVO_FBS	 	
ENG12856-MAS06262	sun_blind_power_limit_status-Roof blind 1	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG12856-MAS06263	sun_blind_power_limit_status-Roof Blind 2	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG12850-MAS06262	sun_blind_standardization_status-Roof blind 1	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG12850-MAS06263	sun_blind_standardization_status-Roof Blind 2	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG12853-MAS06262	sun_blind_thermal_protection_status-Roof blind 1	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG12853-MAS06263	sun_blind_thermal_protection_status-Roof Blind 2	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG12942-ENG14150	sun_roof_position-MD1_position	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG12942-ENG14151	sun_roof_position-MD3_position	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG12942-ENG14152	sun_roof_position-Sun_roof_2_position	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG12855-MAS06260	sun_roof_power_limit_status-Sunroof 1	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG12855-MAS06261	sun_roof_power_limit_status-Sunroof 2	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG12870-ENG13754	sunroof_control_unit-sunroof_control_unit_signals_CAN	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG12849-MAS06260	sunroof_standardization_status-Sunroof 1	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG12849-MAS06261	sunroof_standardization_status-Sunroof 2	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG12852-MAS06260	sunroof_thermal_protection_status-Sunroof 1	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG12852-MAS06261	sunroof_thermal_protection_status-Sunroof 2	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG12875-ENG13846	sw_version_in_house_development-Software_version_central_locking		 	
ENG12875-ENG13845	sw_version_in_house_development-Software_version_clamp_control	0C 04 02 1B	 	
ENG12875-ENG13847	sw_version_in_house_development-Software_version_reserve_1		 	
ENG12875-ENG13848	sw_version_in_house_development-Software_version_reserve_2		 	
ENG12913	terminal_control_freeze_frame	00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 	 	
ENG12864-ENG13717	terminal_control_intern_conditions-restart_information	no_restart_detected	 	
ENG12864-ENG13716	terminal_control_intern_conditions-start_stop_information	engine_Start_and_engine_speed_detected	 	
ENG12864-ENG13714	terminal_control_intern_conditions-terminal_control_status	state_S4	 	
ENG12864-ENG13715	terminal_control_intern_conditions-terminal_control_status_terminals	11	 	
ENG12867-ENG13743	terminal_control_intern_signals-customer_request	0	 	
ENG12867-ENG13738	terminal_control_intern_signals-diagnostic_routine_kl15	0	 	
ENG12867-ENG13740	terminal_control_intern_signals-elv	11	 	
ENG12867-ENG13736	terminal_control_intern_signals-engine_brake_gearshift	11	 	
ENG12867-ENG13745	terminal_control_intern_signals-kl15_counter	655	 	
ENG12867-ENG13742	terminal_control_intern_signals-kl15_shut_off	10001	 	
ENG12867-ENG13741	terminal_control_intern_signals-leave_concept	0	 	
ENG12867-ENG13739	terminal_control_intern_signals-p_mode	0	 	
ENG12867-ENG13737	terminal_control_intern_signals-sst	0	 	
ENG12867-ENG13744	terminal_control_intern_signals-start_trials	0	 	
ENG12865-ENG13719	terminal_control_klemmen_status_01-bz	5	 	
ENG12865-ENG13718	terminal_control_klemmen_status_01-crc	164	 	
ENG12865-ENG13723	terminal_control_klemmen_status_01-kst_driver_note_1	not active	 	
ENG12865-ENG13724	terminal_control_klemmen_status_01-kst_driver_note_2	not active	 	
ENG12865-ENG13725	terminal_control_klemmen_status_01-kst_driver_note_3	not active	 	
ENG12865-ENG13726	terminal_control_klemmen_status_01-kst_driver_note_4	not active	 	
ENG12865-ENG13727	terminal_control_klemmen_status_01-kst_driver_note_5	not active	 	
ENG12865-ENG13728	terminal_control_klemmen_status_01-kst_driver_note_6	not active	 	
ENG12865-ENG13721	terminal_control_klemmen_status_01-kst_warn_p1_zst_def	no error	 	
ENG12865-ENG13722	terminal_control_klemmen_status_01-kst_warn_p2_zst_def	no error	 	
ENG12865-ENG09864	terminal_control_klemmen_status_01-remote_start	not active	 	
ENG12865-ENG13627	terminal_control_klemmen_status_01-terminal_15	active	 	
ENG12865-ENG13629	terminal_control_klemmen_status_01-terminal_50	not active	 	
ENG12865-ENG13720	terminal_control_klemmen_status_01-terminal_infotainment	active	 	
ENG12865-ENG13628	terminal_control_klemmen_status_01-terminal_S	active	 	
ENG12865-ENG13637	terminal_control_klemmen_status_01-terminal_x	not active	 	
ENG12866-ENG13719	terminal_control_klemmen_steuerung_01-bz	5	 	
ENG12866-ENG13718	terminal_control_klemmen_steuerung_01-crc	65	 	
ENG12866-ENG13731	terminal_control_klemmen_steuerung_01-kst_anf_klemmenfreigabe_elv	not_requested	 	
ENG12866-ENG13735	terminal_control_klemmen_steuerung_01-kst_aut_abschaltung_zuendung	not active	 	
ENG12866-ENG13732	terminal_control_klemmen_steuerung_01-kst_elv_trigger_entriegelung	not_requested	 	
ENG12866-ENG13729	terminal_control_klemmen_steuerung_01-kst_txt_p_gang	OFF	 	
ENG12866-ENG13730	terminal_control_klemmen_steuerung_01-kst_txt_panikabschaltung	OFF	 	
ENG12866-ENG13734	terminal_control_klemmen_steuerung_01-kst_unterdr_zuendungsmeldung	not active	 	
ENG12866-ENG13733	terminal_control_klemmen_steuerung_01-kst_zat_betaetigt	Not operated	 	
ENG12868-ENG13746	terminal_control_task_state-clamp_state_1	10100111	 	
ENG12868-ENG13747	terminal_control_task_state-clamp_state_2	10	 	
ENG100973-MAS00370	Vehicle_speed-Vehicle speed	0	 km/h	
ENG100973-MAS05849	Vehicle_speed-Vehicle speed validity from bus	valid	 	
ENG12871-ENG13756	virtual_pedal_signals_LIN-vipe_01_byte1	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG12871-ENG13757	virtual_pedal_signals_LIN-vipe_01_byte2	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG12871-ENG13758	virtual_pedal_signals_LIN-vipe_01_byte3	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG12871-ENG13759	virtual_pedal_signals_LIN-vipe_01_byte4	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG12871-ENG13760	virtual_pedal_signals_LIN-vipe_01_byte5	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG12871-ENG13761	virtual_pedal_signals_LIN-vipe_01_byte6	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG12871-ENG13762	virtual_pedal_signals_LIN-vipe_01_byte7	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG12871-ENG13763	virtual_pedal_signals_LIN-vipe_01_byte8	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG12871-ENG13764	virtual_pedal_signals_LIN-vips_01_byte1	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG12871-ENG13765	virtual_pedal_signals_LIN-vips_01_byte2	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG12871-ENG13766	virtual_pedal_signals_LIN-vips_01_byte3	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG12871-ENG13767	virtual_pedal_signals_LIN-vips_01_byte4	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG12871-ENG13768	virtual_pedal_signals_LIN-vips_01_byte5	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG12871-ENG13769	virtual_pedal_signals_LIN-vips_01_byte6	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG12871-ENG13770	virtual_pedal_signals_LIN-vips_01_byte7	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG12871-ENG13771	virtual_pedal_signals_LIN-vips_01_byte8	not coded/not installed	 	
ENG12887-ENG13880	wakepattern-Active_wakepattern	1F EC E5 DF	 	
ENG12887-ENG13881	wakepattern-Next_wakepattern	FF FF FF FF	 	
ENG12891-ENG13894	wcs_counter-key1_counter	10	 	
ENG12891-ENG13895	wcs_counter-key2_counter	0	 	
ENG12891-ENG13896	wcs_counter-key3_counter	255	 	
ENG12891-ENG13897	wcs_counter-key4_counter	255	 	
ENG12891-ENG13898	wcs_counter-key5_counter	255	 	
ENG12891-ENG13899	wcs_counter-key6_counter	255	 	
ENG12891-ENG13900	wcs_counter-key7_counter	255	 	
ENG12891-ENG13901	wcs_counter-key8_counter	255	 	
ENG12854-MAS00218	window_lift_power_limit_status-Driver door	not active	 	
ENG12854-MAS00219	window_lift_power_limit_status-Front Passenger Door	not active	 	
ENG12854-MAS02555	window_lift_power_limit_status-Rear driver side	not active	 	
ENG12854-MAS02556	window_lift_power_limit_status-Rear passenger-side	not active	 	
ENG12848-MAS00218	window_lift_standardization_status-Driver door	normed	 	
ENG12848-MAS00219	window_lift_standardization_status-Front Passenger Door	normed	 	
ENG12848-MAS02555	window_lift_standardization_status-Rear driver side	normed	 	
ENG12848-MAS02556	window_lift_standardization_status-Rear passenger-side	normed	 	
ENG12851-MAS00218	window_lift_thermal_protection_status-Driver door	not active	 	
ENG12851-MAS00219	window_lift_thermal_protection_status-Front Passenger Door	not active	 	
ENG12851-MAS02555	window_lift_thermal_protection_status-Rear driver side	not active	 	
ENG12851-MAS02556	window_lift_thermal_protection_status-Rear passenger-side	not active	 	
ENG110126-MAS00218	Window_Lifter_Position-Driver door	0	 %	
ENG110126-MAS00219	Window_Lifter_Position-Front Passenger Door	0	 %	
ENG110126-MAS02555	Window_Lifter_Position-Rear driver side	0	 %	
ENG110126-MAS02556	Window_Lifter_Position-Rear passenger-side	0	 %	
ENG12915	zv_engine_lwr_rear_wiper_freeze_frame	11110001 00111110 00010011 10011001 	 	
Elapsed Time: 02:45


Verified VCDS User
Aug 26, 2014
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York, UK
VCDS Serial number

;SW:80A-907-217-A   HW:80A-907-217-A ---  Frt Sens. Drv. Assist				;Component:BVS           H15 0050	 Coding:0404020600000401024023A0A50000FE00F0C010C020			
;Wednesday	21	March	2018	08:05:41:22933
;VCDS Version: Release 18.2.0  Data version: 20180212 DS287.0				
;VCID: A404A65AAF82EA64DC-80F0				
Group	Description	Actual		
IDE00018	Voltage terminal 15	14.8	 V	
IDE00030	Status of actuator test	not active	 	
IDE00102	Control Module temperature	1	 øC	
IDE00322	Status of basic setting	not active	 	
IDE00323	Security Access: Number of invalid keys	0	 	
IDE00326-MAS02471	Steering wheel angle-Sign	Positive	 	
IDE00326	Steering wheel angle	13.8	 ø	
IDE00767	No. of unscheduled ECU resets	0	 	
IDE00925-MAS02471	Yaw rate-Sign	Positive	 	
IDE00925	Yaw rate	0.16	 ø/s	
IDE00973	Outside air temperature	3	 øC	
IDE01933-MAS01580	Windshield heater for directional stabilization assistance-Activation	On	 	
IDE01935	Camera operating mode	Normal oper.	 	
IDE01968	Dynamic calibration: yaw angle offset	0	 ø	
IDE01969	Dynamic calibration: pitch angle offset	-0.15	 ø	
IDE01970	Dynamic calibration: roll angle offset	0	 ø	
IDE01971	Lowest recorded control module temperature	-10	 øC	
IDE01972	Highest recorded control module temperature	52	 øC	
IDE02057	Dynamic calibration: status	active	 	
IDE03222-IDE02608	Blindness detection-Windshield heater for front sensor system	No	 	
IDE03222-IDE10398	Blindness detection-Self-glare	No	 	
IDE03222-MAS02534	Blindness detection-Clear view	not recognized	 	
IDE03222-MAS03365	Blindness detection-Blind vehicle detection during darkness	No	 	
IDE03222-MAS03366	Blindness detection-Blind traffic sign detection	No	 	
IDE03222-MAS03399	Blindness detection-Blindness automatic distance control	No	 	
IDE03222-MAS09886	Blindness detection-Blind during pedestrian recognition	No	 	
IDE03222-MAS09887	Blindness detection-Blind during object recognition	No	 	
IDE03222-MAS09888	Blindness detection-Blind during lane recognition	No	 	
IDE03222-MAS10690	Blindness detection-Activation condition	activated	 	
IDE03223	Current static calibration status	End of assembly line OK	 	
IDE03224-MAS00106	Current static calibration: details-Year	2017	 	
IDE03224-MAS00107	Current static calibration: details-Month	8	 	
IDE03224-MAS00108	Current static calibration: details-Day	10	 	
IDE03224-MAS00109	Current static calibration: details-Hours	5	 	
IDE03224-MAS00110	Current static calibration: details-Minutes	41	 	
IDE03224-MAS00111	Current static calibration: details-Seconds	1	 	
IDE03224-MAS00711	Current static calibration: details-Odometer reading	0	 km	
IDE03224-MAS01632	Current static calibration: details-Status	No calibration relevant malfunction	 	
IDE03224-MAS02489	Current static calibration: details-Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)	WAUZZZFY0J2040516	 	
IDE03224-MAS02541	Current static calibration: details-Rear projection fault	0	 	
IDE03224-MAS02542	Current static calibration: details-Calibration marks	0	 	
IDE03224-MAS03010	Current static calibration: details-Focal length	1528	 	
IDE03224-MAS03075	Current static calibration: details-Calibration point X coordinates on imaging sensor	644	 	
IDE03224-MAS03076	Current static calibration: details-Calibration point Y coordinates on imaging sensor	480	 	
IDE03224	Current static calibration: details	0	 	
IDE03224	Current static calibration: details	0	 	
IDE03224	Current static calibration: details	0	 	
IDE03224	Current static calibration: details	0	 	
IDE03225-MAS02545	Last static calibrations: details-Last	No calibration relevant malfunction	 	
IDE03225-MAS02546	Last static calibrations: details-Second to last	Calibration not yet performed	 	
IDE03225-MAS02547	Last static calibrations: details-Third to last	Calibration not yet performed	 	
IDE03225-MAS02548	Last static calibrations: details-Fourth to last	Calibration not yet performed	 	
IDE03354-MAS01632	Dynamic calibration: details-Status	No calibration relevant malfunction	 	
IDE03354-MAS05634	Dynamic calibration: details-Progress	0	 %	
IDE04036	High beam assistant: status	active	 	
IDE04037	High beam recommendation	OFF	 	
IDE04123	High beam: reason for shut-off	16	 	
IDE04125	Visibility	Not Used	 	
IDE04312-MAS00084	System run time-Terminal 15 on	533.8	 	
IDE04805-IDE02955	Driving profile selection-System status	Not available	 	
IDE04805-IDE06419	Driving profile selection-Driving profile switchover	no request	 	
IDE04805-MAS01447	Driving profile selection-Act.val.	0	 	
IDE04805-MAS01448	Driving profile selection-Specified value	2	 	
IDE04805-MAS05058	Driving profile selection-Compatibility	not calculated	 	
IDE06425-MAS06026	Roller test bench mode: functional-Activation stages	not activated	 	
IDE07214	Dynamic calibration: camera height offset	0	 mm	
IDE07543	Vehicle speed	0	 km/h	
IDE08447	Driving axis angle	NO VALUE AVAILABLE	 	
IDE08515-MAS01849	Matrix light: dimming-Left	Initializing	 	
IDE08515-MAS01850	Matrix light: dimming-Right	Initializing	 	
IDE08706-MAS06932	Actual angle of ref. segments-Horizontal angle reference segment left	NO VALUE AVAILABLE	 	
IDE08706-MAS06933	Actual angle of ref. segments-Horizontal angle reference segment right	NO VALUE AVAILABLE	 	
IDE08706-MAS06934	Actual angle of ref. segments-Vertical angle reference segment left	NO VALUE AVAILABLE	 	
IDE08706-MAS06935	Actual angle of ref. segments-Vertical angle reference segment right	NO VALUE AVAILABLE	 	
IDE08713-MAS06936	Matrix light: calculated offset values-Horizontal offset: light left	NO VALUE AVAILABLE	 	
IDE08713-MAS06937	Matrix light: calculated offset values-Horizontal offset: light right	NO VALUE AVAILABLE	 	
IDE08713-MAS06938	Matrix light: calculated offset values-Vertical offset: light left	NO VALUE AVAILABLE	 	
IDE08713-MAS06939	Matrix light: calculated offset values-Vertical offset: light right	NO VALUE AVAILABLE	 	
IDE08714-MAS06929	Axle offsets-Axle offset front	NO VALUE AVAILABLE	 	
IDE08714-MAS06930	Axle offsets-Axle offset rear	NO VALUE AVAILABLE	 	
IDE08715	Func. status matrix high beam	not active	 	
IDE09390-MAS08938	Object collision warning: function-Setting pre sense pre-warning in MMI	Late	 	
IDE09390-MAS08939	Object collision warning: function-Setting pre sense system in MMI	On	 	
IDE09390-MAS08941	Object collision warning: function-Collision warning: availability	Available	 	
IDE09390-MAS08942	Object collision warning: function-Pre-warning: quantity	1	 	
IDE09390-MAS08943	Object collision warning: function-Pre-filling: quantity	1	 	
IDE09390-MAS08944	Object collision warning: function-Warning jolt: quantity	1	 	
IDE09390-MAS08945	Object collision warning: function-Pre-filling: operating time	1	 s	
IDE09424	Number of recognized lane markings	0	 	
IDE09433-MAS01632	Perception module for light assistant-Status	passive	 	
IDE09433-MAS08885	Perception module for light assistant-Object 1 removal	1022	 m	
IDE09433-MAS08886	Perception module for light assistant-Object 2 removal	1022	 m	
IDE09433-MAS08887	Perception module for light assistant-Object 1 horizontal position	25.6	 ø	
IDE09433-MAS08888	Perception module for light assistant-Object 2 horizontal position	25.6	 ø	
IDE09433-MAS08889	Perception module for light assistant-Object 1 vertical position	35.1	 ø	
IDE09433-MAS08890	Perception module for light assistant-Object 2 vertical position	35.1	 ø	
IDE09433-MAS08891	Perception module for light assistant-Object 1 horizontal expansion	51.1	 ø	
IDE09433-MAS08892	Perception module for light assistant-Object 2 horizontal expansion	51.1	 ø	
IDE09433-MAS08893	Perception module for light assistant-Object 1 ID	Initializing	 	
IDE09433-MAS08894	Perception module for light assistant-Object 2 ID	Initializing	 	
IDE09433-MAS08895	Perception module for light assistant-Object 1 replacement value	Initializing	 	
IDE09433-MAS08896	Perception module for light assistant-Object 2 replacement value	Yes	 	
IDE09433-MAS08897	Perception module for light assistant-Object 1 horizontal quality left	6.3	 ø	
IDE09433-MAS08898	Perception module for light assistant-Object 2 horizontal quality left	6.3	 ø	
IDE09433-MAS08899	Perception module for light assistant-Object 1 horizontal quality right	6.3	 ø	
IDE09433-MAS08900	Perception module for light assistant-Object 2 horizontal quality right	6.3	 ø	
IDE09433-MAS08901	Perception module for light assistant-Object 1 vertical quality	6.3	 ø	
IDE09433-MAS08902	Perception module for light assistant-Object 2 vertical quality	6.3	 ø	
IDE09433-MAS08903	Perception module for light assistant-Object 1 Object type	No object	 	
IDE09433-MAS08904	Perception module for light assistant-Object 2 Object type	No object	 	
IDE09433-MAS08905	Perception module for light assistant-Object 1 Object quality	<= 50%	 	
IDE09433-MAS08906	Perception module for light assistant-Object 2 Object quality	<= 50%	 	
IDE09433-MAS08907	Perception module for light assistant-Cause for passive switching	Ambient brightness too high	 	
IDE09433-ENG06695	Perception module for light assistant-Object_1_distance_Textual	numerical value: no text	 	
IDE09433-ENG06697	Perception module for light assistant-Object_1_horizontal_angle_Textual	numerical value: no text	 	
IDE09433-ENG06701	Perception module for light assistant-Object_1_horizontal_expansion_Textual	numerical value: no text	 	
IDE09433-ENG06703	Perception module for light assistant-Object_1_horizontal_quality_left_Textual	Initializing	 	
IDE09433-ENG06705	Perception module for light assistant-Object_1_horizontal_quality_right_Textual	Initializing	 	
IDE09433-ENG06699	Perception module for light assistant-Object_1_vertical_angle_Textual	Unknown		
IDE09433-ENG06707	Perception module for light assistant-Object_1_vertical_quality_Textual	Initializing	 	
IDE09433-ENG06696	Perception module for light assistant-Object_2_distance_Textual	numerical value: no text	 	
IDE09433-ENG06698	Perception module for light assistant-Object_2_horizontal_angle_Textual	numerical value: no text	 	
IDE09433-ENG06702	Perception module for light assistant-Object_2_horizontal_expansion_Textual	numerical value: no text	 	
IDE09433-ENG06704	Perception module for light assistant-Object_2_horizontal_quality_left_Textual	Initializing	 	
IDE09433-ENG06706	Perception module for light assistant-Object_2_horizontal_quality_right_Textual	Initializing	 	
IDE09433-ENG06700	Perception module for light assistant-Object_2_vertical_angle_Textual	Unknown		
IDE09433-ENG06708	Perception module for light assistant-Object_2_vertical_quality_Textual	Initializing	 	
IDE09436	Recognized street illumination	no streetlight	 	
IDE09438	Drive sequence	Left hand driv.	 	
IDE10091-MAS08941	Driver warning if risk of collision with pedestrian-Collision warning: availability	Available	 	
IDE10091-MAS11652	Driver warning if risk of collision with pedestrian-Pedestrian detection adjustment pre-warning in central computer	Late	 	
IDE10091-MAS11653	Driver warning if risk of collision with pedestrian-Pedestrian detection adjustment acute warning in central comp.	On	 	
MAS00464-MAS00106	Standard - ambient data 1-Year	2026	 	
MAS00464-MAS00107	Standard - ambient data 1-Month	0	 	
MAS00464-MAS00108	Standard - ambient data 1-Day	9	 	
MAS00464-MAS00109	Standard - ambient data 1-Hours	1	 	
MAS00464-MAS00110	Standard - ambient data 1-Minutes	2	 	
MAS00464-MAS00111	Standard - ambient data 1-Seconds	0	 	
MAS00464-MAS00468	Standard - ambient data 1-Unlearning counter	106	 	
MAS00464-MAS00711	Standard - ambient data 1-Odometer reading	4773	 km	
ENG118139-ENG04086	function_state-Activation_AEB_ped	OFF	 	
ENG118139-ENG04087	function_state-Activation_AEB_veh	OFF	 	
ENG118139-ENG04088	function_state-Activation_DTEB_ped	OFF	 	
ENG118139-ENG04089	function_state-Activation_DTEB_veh	OFF	 	
ENG118139-ENG04090	function_state-Activation_ped_at_night	OFF	 	
ENG118139-ENG04084	function_state-Activation_prefill_ped	OFF	 	
ENG118139-ENG04085	function_state-Activation_prefill_veh	OFF	 	
Elapsed Time: 00:28


Verified VCDS User
Aug 26, 2014
Reaction score
York, UK
VCDS Serial number
Have solved this, simply needs this coding:



Verified VCDS User
Mar 24, 2019
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What are AEB, FCWO and FCWP?


Verified VCDS User
Dec 16, 2014
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Westbury, UK
VCDS Serial number
What are AEB, FCWO and FCWP?
See how AEB is bold green? Just hover your mouse over it and an explanation will appear!

FCWO and FCWP will need to be added to the acronyms this site understands - when someone can say what they mean ;)


Verified VCDS User
Dec 3, 2016
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FCWP is definitely Forward Collision Warning Pedestrian.

I just randomly guess the FCWO might be Forward Collision Warning Other.


Verified VCDS User
Dec 28, 2016
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VCDS Serial number
I would think the O standing for Object (as in: stationairy objects) to be more logical, although I can’t really explain why.
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