I don't know where all this is going to end up!! Over the pond here in the UK our "do-gooders", that'll be the white collar workers (government) with NO experience at all are saying that all petrol and diesel vehicles are being banned from sale in 2030!! If I'm correct with this date and it officially goes ahead then the manufacturers will most certainly tool down and tool up for full electric vehicles. Now although vehicles will always be around in our working life time, I'm thinking parts supplies will dwindle out and then vehicles will become none repairable. Yes I've already seen this with some cheaper end vehicles where a dealer had stopped supply clutch hydraulic pipes. Now your HV electrical vehicles being pushed into the market are already starting to fail in a very dangerous way. One recent electrical vehicle I looked at had serious water ingress into the boot area which made its way onto the high voltage batteries, thus total short circuit, but luckily no fire problems. Another vehicle I'd researched and repaired last month was a Ford whereby the KVM and IPC were advising a keyless entry fault. The customer advised the engine would intermittently start and sometimes cut out, and on one particular experience she had the ESCLM activated the steering lock while she was driving and she panicked when the steering could not be turned. My investigations, tests and research to this Ford concluded that the main central processor that decides when to pass information onto other electrical control units was badly designed such that when that processor itself was the failing item, that no backup was in place to ensure the vehicle would fail safely. Reporting this back to Ford took some time before they replied, and reading what they wrote back basically was saying, "We're not interested". When flyby wire brakes and steering hit the market properly in everyday cars and the main processor fails like in this ford, then the passengers are dead, end of. Vehicles are not designed properly, they are basically expensive junk that is totally dangerous when electrical systems fail.