2018 Audi A3 e-tron maps

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Jan 29, 2014
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Sector 7G
VCDS Serial number
;SW:5Q0-915-182-D   HW:5Q0-915-182-C ---  Hybrid Battery
;Component:BECM          H05 0921, Coding:00000000
;VCDS Version: Beta 17.11.0 (x64)  Data version: 20171026 DS285.1
;VCID: 342B9F9B9F4FBE8A127-8060

IDE00010-Serial number,V6130090 ,20
IDE00011-Vehicle Identification Number (VIN),----------------- ,17
IDE05417-Serial number of H-V / hybrid battery,288 SYEDVQ0ABJ  ,15
IDE05963-ASSY part number, ,12
IDE11985-Expected OBD requirements,US OBD ,1

Elapsed Time: 00:01

;SW:5Q0-915-182-D   HW:5Q0-915-182-C ---  Hybrid Battery
;Component:BECM          H05 0921, Coding:00000000
;VCDS Version: Beta 17.11.0 (x64)  Data version: 20171026 DS285.1
;VCID: 342B9F9B9F4FBE8A127-8060

IDE00010,Serial number,V6130090, 
IDE00019,Voltage terminal 30,13.05, V
IDE00020,Terminal 15 status,On, 
IDE00030,Status of actuator test,not active, 
IDE00056-ENG36045,History data 1-HVBHDM_1_4,00 00 00 00, 
IDE00056-ENG125711,History data 1-HVBHDM01_1,6, 
IDE00056-ENG125712,History data 1-HVBHDM01_2,8, 
IDE00056-ENG125713,History data 1-HVBHDM01_3,48, 
IDE00057-ENG36046,History data 2-HVBHDM_2_4,00 00 00 00, 
IDE00057-ENG125714,History data 2-HVBHDM02_1,8, 
IDE00057-ENG125715,History data 2-HVBHDM02_2,8, 
IDE00057-ENG125716,History data 2-HVBHDM02_3,64, 
IDE00058-ENG36047,History data 3-HVBHDM_3_4,00 00 00 00, 
IDE00058-ENG125717,History data 3-HVBHDM03_1,8, 
IDE00058-ENG125718,History data 3-HVBHDM03_2,8, 
IDE00058-ENG125719,History data 3-HVBHDM03_3,64, 
IDE00059-ENG36048,History data 4-HVBHDM_4_4,00 00 00 00, 
IDE00059-ENG125720,History data 4-HVBHDM04_1,8, 
IDE00059-ENG125721,History data 4-HVBHDM04_2,8, 
IDE00059-ENG125722,History data 4-HVBHDM04_3,64, 
IDE00060-ENG36049,History data 5-HVBHDM_5_2,00 00 00 00, 
IDE00060-ENG125723,History data 5-HVBHDM05_3,6, 
IDE00061-ENG36050,History data 6-HVBHDM_6_4,00 00 02 6F, 
IDE00061-ENG125724,History data 6-HVBHDM06_1,10, 
IDE00061-ENG125725,History data 6-HVBHDM06_2,2, 
IDE00061-ENG125726,History data 6-HVBHDM06_3,20, 
IDE00062-ENG36051,History data 7-HVBHDM_7_4,00 00, 
IDE00062-ENG125727,History data 7-HVBHDM07_1,6, 
IDE00062-ENG125728,History data 7-HVBHDM07_2,6, 
IDE00062-ENG125729,History data 7-HVBHDM07_3,21, 
IDE00063-ENG36052,History data 8-HVBHDM_8_4,00 00, 
IDE00063-ENG125730,History data 8-HVBHDM08_1,6, 
IDE00063-ENG125731,History data 8-HVBHDM08_2,6, 
IDE00063-ENG125732,History data 8-HVBHDM08_3,21, 
IDE00064-ENG36053,History data 9-HVBHDM_9_2,00 00 19 14, 
IDE00064-ENG128710,History data 9-HVBHDM09_1,96, 
IDE00065-ENG36054,History data 10-HVBHDM_10_2,00 00 01 02, 
IDE00065-ENG128711,History data 10-HVBHDM10_1,10, 
IDE00066-ENG36055,History data 11-HVBHDM_11_4,00 00, 
IDE00066-ENG125733,History data 11-HVBHDM11_1,8, 
IDE00066-ENG125734,History data 11-HVBHDM11_2,2, 
IDE00066-ENG125735,History data 11-HVBHDM11_3,16, 
IDE00067-ENG36056,History data 12-HVBHDM_12_4,00 00, 
IDE00067-ENG125736,History data 12-HVBHDM12_1,08, 
IDE00067-ENG125737,History data 12-HVBHDM12_2,02, 
IDE00067-ENG125738,History data 12-HVBHDM12_3,10, 
IDE00068-ENG36044,History data 13-HVBHDM_13_2,00 00 00 28, 
IDE00068-ENG128712,History data 13-HVBHDM13_1,8, 
IDE00069-ENG36057,History data 14-HVBHDM_14_3,7D, 
IDE00069-ENG125739,History data 14-HVBHDM14_1,07 53, 
IDE00069-ENG125740,History data 14-HVBHDM14_2,96, 
IDE00070-ENG36058,History data 15-HVBHDM_15_4,7D, 
IDE00070-ENG125741,History data 15-HVBHDM15_1,8, 
IDE00070-ENG125742,History data 15-HVBHDM15_2,40, 
IDE00070-ENG125743,History data 15-HVBHDM15_3,320, 
IDE00071,History data 16,00 96, 
IDE00071-ENG125744,History data 16-HVBHDM16_1,2C, 
IDE00071-ENG125745,History data 16-HVBHDM16_2,00 02, 
IDE00071-ENG125746,History data 16-HVBHDM16_3,58, 
IDE00071-ENG125747,History data 16-HVBHDM16_4,FF FF, 
IDE00071-ENG125748,History data 16-HVBHDM16_5,96, 
IDE00097,OBD - requirements for which this vehicle is designed,OBD and OBD II, 
IDE00322,Status of basic setting,was not yet started, 
IDE00323,Security Access: Number of invalid keys,0, 
IDE00637,Intermediate circuit voltage,356.3, V
IDE00773,Terminal 15 status via CAN,Measured value not available, 
IDE00961-MAS05695,Malfunction Indicator Lamp-Start request,not active, 
IDE01021,Current of H-V / hybrid battery,1.80, A
IDE01028-MAS01422,Air temperature of H-V / hybrid battery-Intake,19, °C
IDE01028-MAS01423,Air temperature of H-V / hybrid battery-Exhaust,19, °C
IDE01803-ENG36059,History data 17-HVBHDM_17_2,00 6A, 
IDE01803-ENG125750,History data 17-HVBHDM17_1,6, 
IDE01804-ENG36060,History data 18-HVBHDM_18_2,00 00 3A 06, 
IDE01804-ENG125751,History data 18-HVBHDM18_1,8, 
IDE01805-ENG36061,History data 19-HVBHDM_19_2,00 03 C5 A3, 
IDE01805-ENG125752,History data 19-HVBHDM19_1,7, 
IDE01806-ENG36062,History data 20-HVBHDM_20_2,00 25 FC 09, 
IDE01806-ENG125753,History data 20-HVBHDM20_1,7, 
IDE01838,Battery temperature,20, °C
IDE01839,Battery charge condition,50, %
IDE03410-MAS05695,Yellow warning lamp-Start request,not active, 
IDE03411-MAS05695,Red warning lamp-Start request,not active, 
IDE05416,H-V battery insulation measurement test voltage,500, V
IDE05417,Serial number of H-V / hybrid battery,288 SYEDVQ0ABJ , 
IDE05963,ASSY part number,, 
IDE06302-MAS01422,Temperature of evaporator-Intake,19, °C
IDE06302-MAS01423,Temperature of evaporator-Exhaust,19, °C
IDE06346,H-V battery voltage,355.7, V
IDE06404,Pilot line,not active, 
IDE06422-ENG100120,IUMPR_1-Milage,70, km
IDE06673,Initialization status,not active, 
IDE06805,Status of voltage freedom,High voltage power off not recognized, 
IDE06948,High-volt. battery mode: spec. value,Extern. charging: AC voltage, 
IDE06973,Power reduction status,not active, 
IDE07044-MAS01420,Predictive limit for charge current-Limit for charge current,26, A
IDE07045-MAS01420,Dynamic limit for charge current-Limit for charge current,125, A
IDE07227-IDE01024,Voltage in H-V system-Voltage of hybrid battery after protection,356.3, V
IDE07227-MAS05684,Voltage in H-V system-Voltage at power electronics,355.7, V
IDE07227-MAS05685,Voltage in H-V system-Voltage at high-voltage charging device,351.0, V
IDE08217-MAS01234,maximum voltage for battery cells-Index 1,56, 
IDE08217-MAS02985,maximum voltage for battery cells-Value,3.709, V
IDE08218-MAS01234,minimum voltage for battery cells-Index 1,41, 
IDE08218-MAS02985,minimum voltage for battery cells-Value,3.703, V
IDE08230-MAS01421,Dynamic limit for discharge current-Limit for discharge current,301, A
IDE08231-MAS01421,Predictive limit for discharge current-Limit for discharge current,115, A
IDE08817,Charge state: cell 01,50, %
IDE08818,Charge state: cell 02,50, %
IDE08819,Charge state: cell 03,50, %
IDE08820,Charge state: cell 04,50, %
IDE08821,Charge state: cell 05,50, %
IDE08822,Charge state: cell 06,50, %
IDE08823,Charge state: cell 07,50, %
IDE08824,Charge state: cell 08,50, %
IDE08825,Charge state: cell 09,50, %
IDE08826,Charge state: cell 10,50, %
IDE08827,Charge state: cell 11,50, %
IDE08828,Charge state: cell 12,50, %
IDE08829,Charge state: cell 13,50, %
IDE08830,Charge state: cell 14,50, %
IDE08831,Charge state: cell 15,50, %
IDE08832,Charge state: cell 16,50, %
IDE08833,Charge state: cell 17,50, %
IDE08834,Charge state: cell 18,50, %
IDE08835,Charge state: cell 19,50, %
IDE08836,Charge state: cell 20,50, %
IDE08837,Charge state: cell 21,50, %
IDE08838,Charge state: cell 22,50, %
IDE08839,Charge state: cell 23,50, %
IDE08840,Charge state: cell 24,50, %
IDE08841,Charge state: cell 25,50, %
IDE08842,Charge state: cell 26,50, %
IDE08843,Charge state: cell 27,50, %
IDE08844,Charge state: cell 28,50, %
IDE08845,Charge state: cell 29,50, %
IDE08846,Charge state: cell 30,50, %
IDE08847,Charge state: cell 31,50, %
IDE08848,Charge state: cell 32,50, %
IDE08849,Charge state: cell 33,50, %
IDE08850,Charge state: cell 34,50, %
IDE08851,Charge state: cell 35,50, %
IDE08852,Charge state: cell 36,50, %
IDE08853,Charge state: cell 37,50, %
IDE08854,Charge state: cell 38,50, %
IDE08855,Charge state: cell 39,50, %
IDE08856,Charge state: cell 40,50, %
IDE08857,Charge state: cell 41,50, %
IDE08858,Charge state: cell 42,50, %
IDE08859,Charge state: cell 43,50, %
IDE08860,Charge state: cell 44,50, %
IDE08861,Charge state: cell 45,50, %
IDE08862,Charge state: cell 46,50, %
IDE08863,Charge state: cell 47,51, %
IDE08864,Charge state: cell 48,50, %
IDE08865,Charge state: cell 49,50, %
IDE08866,Charge state: cell 50,50, %
IDE08867,Charge state: cell 51,50, %
IDE08868,Charge state: cell 52,50, %
IDE08869,Charge state: cell 53,50, %
IDE08870,Charge state: cell 54,50, %
IDE08871,Charge state: cell 55,50, %
IDE08872,Charge state: cell 56,50, %
IDE08873,Charge state: cell 57,50, %
IDE08874,Charge state: cell 58,51, %
IDE08875,Charge state: cell 59,50, %
IDE08876,Charge state: cell 60,50, %
IDE08879,Charge state: cell 61,50, %
IDE08880,Charge state: cell 62,50, %
IDE08881,Charge state: cell 63,50, %
IDE08882,Charge state: cell 64,50, %
IDE08883,Charge state: cell 65,50, %
IDE08884,Charge state: cell 66,50, %
IDE08885,Charge state: cell 67,50, %
IDE08886,Charge state: cell 68,50, %
IDE08887,Charge state: cell 69,50, %
IDE08888,Charge state: cell 70,50, %
IDE08889,Charge state: cell 71,51, %
IDE08890,Charge state: cell 72,50, %
IDE08891,Charge state: cell 73,50, %
IDE08892,Charge state: cell 74,50, %
IDE08893,Charge state: cell 75,50, %
IDE08894,Charge state: cell 76,50, %
IDE08895,Charge state: cell 77,50, %
IDE08896,Charge state: cell 78,50, %
IDE08897,Charge state: cell 79,50, %
IDE08898,Charge state: cell 80,50, %
IDE08899,Charge state: cell 81,50, %
IDE08900,Charge state: cell 82,50, %
IDE08901,Charge state: cell 83,50, %
IDE08902,Charge state: cell 84,50, %
IDE08903,Charge state: cell 85,50, %
IDE08904,Charge state: cell 86,50, %
IDE08905,Charge state: cell 87,50, %
IDE08906,Charge state: cell 88,50, %
IDE08907,Charge state: cell 89,50, %
IDE08908,Charge state: cell 90,50, %
IDE08909,Charge state: cell 91,50, %
IDE08910,Charge state: cell 92,50, %
IDE08911,Charge state: cell 93,50, %
IDE08912,Charge state: cell 94,50, %
IDE08913,Charge state: cell 95,50, %
IDE08914,Charge state: cell 96,50, %
IDE10320-MAS01146,Workshop code and date of last reset of crash shutdown-Workshop code,00 00 00 00 00 00, 
IDE10320-MAS01230,Workshop code and date of last reset of crash shutdown-Date,00 00 00, 
IDE80253,Voltage terminal 30C,12.75, V
MAS00194-ENG128689,--no display---CMC_SEL_out,01, 
MAS00464-MAS00106,Standard - ambient data 1-Year,2000, yr
MAS00464-MAS00107,Standard - ambient data 1-Month,1, mon
MAS00464-MAS00108,Standard - ambient data 1-Day,8, d
MAS00464-MAS00109,Standard - ambient data 1-Hours,1, H
MAS00464-MAS00110,Standard - ambient data 1-Minutes,0, min
MAS00464-MAS00111,Standard - ambient data 1-Seconds,9, s
MAS00464-MAS00468,Standard - ambient data 1-Unlearning counter,255, 
MAS00464-MAS00711,Standard - ambient data 1-Odometer reading,78, km
MAS01302,Protection of posit. terminal of high voltage / hybrid battery,closed, 
MAS01303,Protection of neg. terminal of high voltage / hybrid battery,closed, 
MAS02199-MAS01966,Lowest measured temperature-Temperature sensor,36, 
MAS02199-MAS02985,Lowest measured temperature-Value,18, °C
MAS02200-MAS01966,Highest measured temperature-Temperature sensor,72, 
MAS02200-MAS02985,Highest measured temperature-Value,21, °C
MAS04266,Temperature sensor 1,20, °C
MAS04267,Temperature sensor 2,21, °C
MAS04268,Temperature sensor 3,19, °C
MAS04269,Temperature sensor 4,19, °C
MAS04270,Temperature sensor 5,18, °C
MAS04271,Temperature sensor 6,20, °C
MAS04272,Temperature sensor 7,20, °C
MAS04273,Temperature sensor 8,21, °C
MAS04291,Positive voltage of high volt battery after protection,356.1, V
MAS04292,Negative Voltage of high volt battery after protection,0.3, V
MAS04293-MAS01632,Entire HV system positive terminal insulation resistance-Status,valid, 
MAS04293,Entire HV system positive terminal insulation resistance,3640, kOhm
MAS04294-MAS01632,HV battery positive terminal insulation resistance-Status,invalid, 
MAS04294,HV battery positive terminal insulation resistance,10000, kOhm
MAS04295-MAS01632,Entire HV system minus terminal insulation resistance-Status,valid, 
MAS04295,Entire HV system minus terminal insulation resistance,4670, kOhm
MAS04296-MAS01632,HV battery minus terminal insulation resistance-Status,invalid, 
MAS04296,HV battery minus terminal insulation resistance,10000, kOhm
MAS04649,Cell 1,3.706, V
MAS04650,Cell 2,3.705, V
MAS04651,Cell 3,3.705, V
MAS04652,Cell 4,3.705, V
MAS04653,Cell 5,3.705, V
MAS04654,Cell 6,3.706, V
MAS04655,Cell 7,3.705, V
MAS04656,Cell 8,3.706, V
MAS04657,Cell 9,3.706, V
MAS04658,Cell 10,3.706, V
MAS04659,Cell 11,3.706, V
MAS04660,Cell 12,3.705, V
MAS04661,Cell 13,3.705, V
MAS04662,Cell 14,3.705, V
MAS04663,Cell 15,3.704, V
MAS04664,Cell 16,3.706, V
MAS04665,Cell 17,3.706, V
MAS04666,Cell 18,3.706, V
MAS04667,Cell 19,3.706, V
MAS04668,Cell 20,3.706, V
MAS04669,Cell 21,3.706, V
MAS04670,Cell 22,3.706, V
MAS04671,Cell 23,3.707, V
MAS04672,Cell 24,3.706, V
MAS04673,Cell 25,3.705, V
MAS04674,Cell 26,3.706, V
MAS04675,Cell 27,3.706, V
MAS04676,Cell 28,3.706, V
MAS04677,Cell 29,3.705, V
MAS04678,Cell 30,3.705, V
MAS04679,Cell 31,3.705, V
MAS04680,Cell 32,3.708, V
MAS04681,Cell 33,3.707, V
MAS04682,Cell 34,3.707, V
MAS04683,Cell 35,3.708, V
MAS04684,Cell 36,3.707, V
MAS04685,Cell 37,3.704, V
MAS04686,Cell 38,3.705, V
MAS04687,Cell 39,3.705, V
MAS04688,Cell 41,3.705, V
MAS04689,Cell 42,3.704, V
MAS04690,Cell 43,3.705, V
MAS04691,Cell 44,3.707, V
MAS04692,Cell 45,3.707, V
MAS04693,Cell 46,3.707, V
MAS04694,Cell 47,3.707, V
MAS04695,Cell 48,3.707, V
MAS04696,Cell 49,3.707, V
MAS04697,Cell 50,3.707, V
MAS04698,Cell 51,3.707, V
MAS04699,Cell 52,3.707, V
MAS04700,Cell 53,3.707, V
MAS04701,Cell 54,3.706, V
MAS04702,Cell 55,3.707, V
MAS04703,Cell 56,3.708, V
MAS04704,Cell 57,3.709, V
MAS04705,Cell 58,3.708, V
MAS04706,Cell 59,3.709, V
MAS04707,Cell 60,3.708, V
MAS04708,Cell 61,3.707, V
MAS04709,Cell 62,3.706, V
MAS04710,Cell 63,3.707, V
MAS04711,Cell 64,3.707, V
MAS04712,Cell 65,3.707, V
MAS04713,Cell 66,3.707, V
MAS04714,Cell 67,3.707, V
MAS04715,Cell 68,3.708, V
MAS04716,Cell 69,3.709, V
MAS04717,Cell 70,3.709, V
MAS04718,Cell 71,3.708, V
MAS04719,Cell 72,3.709, V
MAS04720,Cell 40,3.704, V
MAS04721-MAS01234,Minimum charge level-Index 1,11, 
MAS04721-MAS02985,Minimum charge level-Value,50, %
MAS04722-MAS01234,Maximum charge level-Index 1,57, 
MAS04722-MAS02985,Maximum charge level-Value,51, %
MAS06567-ENG36313,Frequency Counter-Counter SOC 0 to 10,0, 
MAS06567-ENG36314,Frequency Counter-Counter SOC 10 to 20,0, 
MAS06567-ENG36315,Frequency Counter-Counter SOC 20 to 30,0, 
MAS06567-ENG36316,Frequency Counter-Counter SOC 30 to 40,0, 
MAS06567-ENG36317,Frequency Counter-Counter SOC 40 to 50,0, 
MAS06567-ENG36318,Frequency Counter-Counter SOC 50 to 60,0, 
MAS06567-ENG36319,Frequency Counter-Counter SOC 60 to 70,0, 
MAS06567-ENG36320,Frequency Counter-Counter SOC 70 to 80,0, 
MAS06567-ENG36321,Frequency Counter-Counter SOC 80 to 90,0, 
MAS06567-ENG36322,Frequency Counter-Counter SOC 90 to 100,0, 
MAS06567-ENG36323,Frequency Counter-Main counter,0, 
MAS06761,Sum of voltage of all battery cells,355.776, V
MAS07735,Cell 73,3.705, V
MAS07736,Cell 74,3.705, V
MAS07737,Cell 75,3.705, V
MAS07738,Cell 76,3.704, V
MAS07739,Cell 77,3.705, V
MAS07740,Cell 78,3.704, V
MAS07741,Cell 79,3.705, V
MAS07742,Cell 80,3.706, V
MAS07743,Cell 81,3.707, V
MAS07744,Cell 82,3.707, V
MAS07745,Cell 83,3.707, V
MAS07746,Cell 84,3.706, V
MAS07747,Cell 85,3.705, V
MAS07748,Cell 86,3.706, V
MAS07749,Cell 87,3.706, V
MAS07750,Cell 88,3.705, V
MAS07751,Cell 89,3.705, V
MAS07752,Cell 90,3.706, V
MAS07753,Cell 91,3.705, V
MAS07754,Cell 92,3.707, V
MAS07755,Cell 93,3.707, V
MAS07756,Cell 94,3.707, V
MAS07757,Cell 95,3.708, V
MAS07758,Cell 96,3.706, V
MAS07792,Expanded battery limits,not active, 
MAS07798,Status pre-loader,Open, 
MAS07799,Pump for HV battery coolant: status,no error, 
MAS07804,Pump for HV battery coolant: specified power value,0.0, %
MAS07805,Pump for HV battery coolant: RPM list value,655340, /min
MAS07807-MAS07808,Valve 1 coolant HV battery: activation-Valve 1 coolant HV battery: spec. value,closed, 
MAS07807-MAS07809,Valve 1 coolant HV battery: activation-Valve 1 coolant HV battery: act. value,not defined, 
MAS07813,HV battery: cool. level requirement,no cooling request, 
MAS07815,Cooling status BMS,OFF, 
MAS07826,Reqmnt. emergency discharge HV interm. circ. condenser,not active, 
MAS07827,Mode HV battery actual value,Extern. charging: AC voltage, 
MAS12552,Coolant valve voltage,0.014, V
MAS12567,Activation signal for high voltage contactor,00, 
MAS12568,Feedback signal for high voltage contactor,01, 

Elapsed Time: 00:32

Here's a map of the same module with battery depleted, showing 0 miles.

;SW:5Q0-915-182-D   HW:5Q0-915-182-C ---  Hybrid Battery
;Component:BECM          H05 0921, Coding:00000000
;VCDS Version: Beta 17.11.0 (x64)  Data version: 20171026 DS285.1
;VCID: 342B9F9B9F4FBE8A127-8060

IDE00010,Serial number,V6130090, 
IDE00019,Voltage terminal 30,13.05, V
IDE00020,Terminal 15 status,On, 
IDE00030,Status of actuator test,not active, 
IDE00056-ENG36045,History data 1-HVBHDM_1_4,00 00 00 00, 
IDE00056-ENG125711,History data 1-HVBHDM01_1,6, 
IDE00056-ENG125712,History data 1-HVBHDM01_2,8, 
IDE00056-ENG125713,History data 1-HVBHDM01_3,48, 
IDE00057-ENG36046,History data 2-HVBHDM_2_4,00 00 00 00, 
IDE00057-ENG125714,History data 2-HVBHDM02_1,8, 
IDE00057-ENG125715,History data 2-HVBHDM02_2,8, 
IDE00057-ENG125716,History data 2-HVBHDM02_3,64, 
IDE00058-ENG36047,History data 3-HVBHDM_3_4,00 00 00 00, 
IDE00058-ENG125717,History data 3-HVBHDM03_1,8, 
IDE00058-ENG125718,History data 3-HVBHDM03_2,8, 
IDE00058-ENG125719,History data 3-HVBHDM03_3,64, 
IDE00059-ENG36048,History data 4-HVBHDM_4_4,00 00 00 00, 
IDE00059-ENG125720,History data 4-HVBHDM04_1,8, 
IDE00059-ENG125721,History data 4-HVBHDM04_2,8, 
IDE00059-ENG125722,History data 4-HVBHDM04_3,64, 
IDE00060-ENG36049,History data 5-HVBHDM_5_2,00 00 00 00, 
IDE00060-ENG125723,History data 5-HVBHDM05_3,6, 
IDE00061-ENG36050,History data 6-HVBHDM_6_4,00 00 03 CE, 
IDE00061-ENG125724,History data 6-HVBHDM06_1,10, 
IDE00061-ENG125725,History data 6-HVBHDM06_2,2, 
IDE00061-ENG125726,History data 6-HVBHDM06_3,20, 
IDE00062-ENG36051,History data 7-HVBHDM_7_4,00 00, 
IDE00062-ENG125727,History data 7-HVBHDM07_1,6, 
IDE00062-ENG125728,History data 7-HVBHDM07_2,6, 
IDE00062-ENG125729,History data 7-HVBHDM07_3,21, 
IDE00063-ENG36052,History data 8-HVBHDM_8_4,00 00, 
IDE00063-ENG125730,History data 8-HVBHDM08_1,6, 
IDE00063-ENG125731,History data 8-HVBHDM08_2,6, 
IDE00063-ENG125732,History data 8-HVBHDM08_3,21, 
IDE00064-ENG36053,History data 9-HVBHDM_9_2,00 00 26 70, 
IDE00064-ENG128710,History data 9-HVBHDM09_1,96, 
IDE00065-ENG36054,History data 10-HVBHDM_10_2,00 00 01 38, 
IDE00065-ENG128711,History data 10-HVBHDM10_1,10, 
IDE00066-ENG36055,History data 11-HVBHDM_11_4,00 00, 
IDE00066-ENG125733,History data 11-HVBHDM11_1,8, 
IDE00066-ENG125734,History data 11-HVBHDM11_2,2, 
IDE00066-ENG125735,History data 11-HVBHDM11_3,16, 
IDE00067-ENG36056,History data 12-HVBHDM_12_4,00 00, 
IDE00067-ENG125736,History data 12-HVBHDM12_1,08, 
IDE00067-ENG125737,History data 12-HVBHDM12_2,02, 
IDE00067-ENG125738,History data 12-HVBHDM12_3,10, 
IDE00068-ENG36044,History data 13-HVBHDM_13_2,00 00 00 33, 
IDE00068-ENG128712,History data 13-HVBHDM13_1,8, 
IDE00069-ENG36057,History data 14-HVBHDM_14_3,7D, 
IDE00069-ENG125739,History data 14-HVBHDM14_1,07 53, 
IDE00069-ENG125740,History data 14-HVBHDM14_2,96, 
IDE00070-ENG36058,History data 15-HVBHDM_15_4,7D, 
IDE00070-ENG125741,History data 15-HVBHDM15_1,8, 
IDE00070-ENG125742,History data 15-HVBHDM15_2,40, 
IDE00070-ENG125743,History data 15-HVBHDM15_3,320, 
IDE00071,History data 16,00 95, 
IDE00071-ENG125744,History data 16-HVBHDM16_1,2C, 
IDE00071-ENG125745,History data 16-HVBHDM16_2,00 00, 
IDE00071-ENG125746,History data 16-HVBHDM16_3,36, 
IDE00071-ENG125747,History data 16-HVBHDM16_4,FF FF, 
IDE00071-ENG125748,History data 16-HVBHDM16_5,96, 
IDE00097,OBD - requirements for which this vehicle is designed,OBD and OBD II, 
IDE00322,Status of basic setting,was not yet started, 
IDE00323,Security Access: Number of invalid keys,0, 
IDE00637,Intermediate circuit voltage,345.3, V
IDE00773,Terminal 15 status via CAN,Measured value not available, 
IDE00961-MAS05695,Malfunction Indicator Lamp-Start request,not active, 
IDE01021,Current of H-V / hybrid battery,-0.90, A
IDE01028-MAS01422,Air temperature of H-V / hybrid battery-Intake,17, °C
IDE01028-MAS01423,Air temperature of H-V / hybrid battery-Exhaust,18, °C
IDE01803-ENG36059,History data 17-HVBHDM_17_2,00 92, 
IDE01803-ENG125750,History data 17-HVBHDM17_1,6, 
IDE01804-ENG36060,History data 18-HVBHDM_18_2,00 00 5D 45, 
IDE01804-ENG125751,History data 18-HVBHDM18_1,8, 
IDE01805-ENG36061,History data 19-HVBHDM_19_2,00 04 2D EA, 
IDE01805-ENG125752,History data 19-HVBHDM19_1,7, 
IDE01806-ENG36062,History data 20-HVBHDM_20_2,00 2B E5 06, 
IDE01806-ENG125753,History data 20-HVBHDM20_1,7, 
IDE01838,Battery temperature,23, °C
IDE01839,Battery charge condition,26, %
IDE03410-MAS05695,Yellow warning lamp-Start request,not active, 
IDE03411-MAS05695,Red warning lamp-Start request,not active, 
IDE05416,H-V battery insulation measurement test voltage,500, V
IDE05417,Serial number of H-V / hybrid battery,288 SYEDVQ0ABJ , 
IDE05963,ASSY part number,, 
IDE06302-MAS01422,Temperature of evaporator-Intake,17, °C
IDE06302-MAS01423,Temperature of evaporator-Exhaust,18, °C
IDE06346,H-V battery voltage,344.2, V
IDE06404,Pilot line,not active, 
IDE06422-ENG100120,IUMPR_1-Milage,140, km
IDE06673,Initialization status,not active, 
IDE06805,Status of voltage freedom,High voltage power off not recognized, 
IDE06948,High-volt. battery mode: spec. value,Driving mode, 
IDE06973,Power reduction status,not active, 
IDE07044-MAS01420,Predictive limit for charge current-Limit for charge current,29, A
IDE07045-MAS01420,Dynamic limit for charge current-Limit for charge current,127, A
IDE07227-IDE01024,Voltage in H-V system-Voltage of hybrid battery after protection,345.3, V
IDE07227-MAS05684,Voltage in H-V system-Voltage at power electronics,343.7, V
IDE07227-MAS05685,Voltage in H-V system-Voltage at high-voltage charging device,339.0, V
IDE08217-MAS01234,maximum voltage for battery cells-Index 1,8, 
IDE08217-MAS02985,maximum voltage for battery cells-Value,3.585, V
IDE08218-MAS01234,minimum voltage for battery cells-Index 1,36, 
IDE08218-MAS02985,minimum voltage for battery cells-Value,3.578, V
IDE08230-MAS01421,Dynamic limit for discharge current-Limit for discharge current,256, A
IDE08231-MAS01421,Predictive limit for discharge current-Limit for discharge current,114, A
IDE08817,Charge state: cell 01,22, %
IDE08818,Charge state: cell 02,22, %
IDE08819,Charge state: cell 03,22, %
IDE08820,Charge state: cell 04,22, %
IDE08821,Charge state: cell 05,22, %
IDE08822,Charge state: cell 06,22, %
IDE08823,Charge state: cell 07,22, %
IDE08824,Charge state: cell 08,22, %
IDE08825,Charge state: cell 09,22, %
IDE08826,Charge state: cell 10,22, %
IDE08827,Charge state: cell 11,22, %
IDE08828,Charge state: cell 12,22, %
IDE08829,Charge state: cell 13,22, %
IDE08830,Charge state: cell 14,22, %
IDE08831,Charge state: cell 15,22, %
IDE08832,Charge state: cell 16,22, %
IDE08833,Charge state: cell 17,22, %
IDE08834,Charge state: cell 18,22, %
IDE08835,Charge state: cell 19,22, %
IDE08836,Charge state: cell 20,22, %
IDE08837,Charge state: cell 21,22, %
IDE08838,Charge state: cell 22,22, %
IDE08839,Charge state: cell 23,22, %
IDE08840,Charge state: cell 24,22, %
IDE08841,Charge state: cell 25,22, %
IDE08842,Charge state: cell 26,22, %
IDE08843,Charge state: cell 27,22, %
IDE08844,Charge state: cell 28,22, %
IDE08845,Charge state: cell 29,22, %
IDE08846,Charge state: cell 30,22, %
IDE08847,Charge state: cell 31,22, %
IDE08848,Charge state: cell 32,22, %
IDE08849,Charge state: cell 33,22, %
IDE08850,Charge state: cell 34,22, %
IDE08851,Charge state: cell 35,22, %
IDE08852,Charge state: cell 36,22, %
IDE08853,Charge state: cell 37,22, %
IDE08854,Charge state: cell 38,22, %
IDE08855,Charge state: cell 39,22, %
IDE08856,Charge state: cell 40,22, %
IDE08857,Charge state: cell 41,22, %
IDE08858,Charge state: cell 42,22, %
IDE08859,Charge state: cell 43,22, %
IDE08860,Charge state: cell 44,22, %
IDE08861,Charge state: cell 45,22, %
IDE08862,Charge state: cell 46,22, %
IDE08863,Charge state: cell 47,22, %
IDE08864,Charge state: cell 48,22, %
IDE08865,Charge state: cell 49,22, %
IDE08866,Charge state: cell 50,22, %
IDE08867,Charge state: cell 51,22, %
IDE08868,Charge state: cell 52,22, %
IDE08869,Charge state: cell 53,22, %
IDE08870,Charge state: cell 54,22, %
IDE08871,Charge state: cell 55,22, %
IDE08872,Charge state: cell 56,22, %
IDE08873,Charge state: cell 57,22, %
IDE08874,Charge state: cell 58,22, %
IDE08875,Charge state: cell 59,22, %
IDE08876,Charge state: cell 60,22, %
IDE08879,Charge state: cell 61,22, %
IDE08880,Charge state: cell 62,22, %
IDE08881,Charge state: cell 63,22, %
IDE08882,Charge state: cell 64,22, %
IDE08883,Charge state: cell 65,22, %
IDE08884,Charge state: cell 66,22, %
IDE08885,Charge state: cell 67,22, %
IDE08886,Charge state: cell 68,22, %
IDE08887,Charge state: cell 69,22, %
IDE08888,Charge state: cell 70,22, %
IDE08889,Charge state: cell 71,22, %
IDE08890,Charge state: cell 72,22, %
IDE08891,Charge state: cell 73,22, %
IDE08892,Charge state: cell 74,22, %
IDE08893,Charge state: cell 75,22, %
IDE08894,Charge state: cell 76,22, %
IDE08895,Charge state: cell 77,22, %
IDE08896,Charge state: cell 78,22, %
IDE08897,Charge state: cell 79,22, %
IDE08898,Charge state: cell 80,22, %
IDE08899,Charge state: cell 81,22, %
IDE08900,Charge state: cell 82,22, %
IDE08901,Charge state: cell 83,22, %
IDE08902,Charge state: cell 84,22, %
IDE08903,Charge state: cell 85,22, %
IDE08904,Charge state: cell 86,22, %
IDE08905,Charge state: cell 87,22, %
IDE08906,Charge state: cell 88,22, %
IDE08907,Charge state: cell 89,22, %
IDE08908,Charge state: cell 90,22, %
IDE08909,Charge state: cell 91,22, %
IDE08910,Charge state: cell 92,22, %
IDE08911,Charge state: cell 93,22, %
IDE08912,Charge state: cell 94,22, %
IDE08913,Charge state: cell 95,22, %
IDE08914,Charge state: cell 96,22, %
IDE10320-MAS01146,Workshop code and date of last reset of crash shutdown-Workshop code,00 00 00 00 00 00, 
IDE10320-MAS01230,Workshop code and date of last reset of crash shutdown-Date,00 00 00, 
IDE80253,Voltage terminal 30C,12.75, V
MAS00194-ENG128689,--no display---CMC_SEL_out,01, 
MAS00464-MAS00106,Standard - ambient data 1-Year,2000, yr
MAS00464-MAS00107,Standard - ambient data 1-Month,1, mon
MAS00464-MAS00108,Standard - ambient data 1-Day,11, d
MAS00464-MAS00109,Standard - ambient data 1-Hours,1, H
MAS00464-MAS00110,Standard - ambient data 1-Minutes,0, min
MAS00464-MAS00111,Standard - ambient data 1-Seconds,57, s
MAS00464-MAS00468,Standard - ambient data 1-Unlearning counter,255, 
MAS00464-MAS00711,Standard - ambient data 1-Odometer reading,146, km
MAS01302,Protection of posit. terminal of high voltage / hybrid battery,closed, 
MAS01303,Protection of neg. terminal of high voltage / hybrid battery,closed, 
MAS02199-MAS01966,Lowest measured temperature-Temperature sensor,36, 
MAS02199-MAS02985,Lowest measured temperature-Value,21, °C
MAS02200-MAS01966,Highest measured temperature-Temperature sensor,72, 
MAS02200-MAS02985,Highest measured temperature-Value,24, °C
MAS04266,Temperature sensor 1,23, °C
MAS04267,Temperature sensor 2,24, °C
MAS04268,Temperature sensor 3,22, °C
MAS04269,Temperature sensor 4,22, °C
MAS04270,Temperature sensor 5,21, °C
MAS04271,Temperature sensor 6,23, °C
MAS04272,Temperature sensor 7,23, °C
MAS04273,Temperature sensor 8,23, °C
MAS04291,Positive voltage of high volt battery after protection,344.2, V
MAS04292,Negative Voltage of high volt battery after protection,0.0, V
MAS04293-MAS01632,Entire HV system positive terminal insulation resistance-Status,Measurement running: please wait, 
MAS04293,Entire HV system positive terminal insulation resistance,3630, kOhm
MAS04294-MAS01632,HV battery positive terminal insulation resistance-Status,invalid, 
MAS04294,HV battery positive terminal insulation resistance,10000, kOhm
MAS04295-MAS01632,Entire HV system minus terminal insulation resistance-Status,Measurement running: please wait, 
MAS04295,Entire HV system minus terminal insulation resistance,4650, kOhm
MAS04296-MAS01632,HV battery minus terminal insulation resistance-Status,invalid, 
MAS04296,HV battery minus terminal insulation resistance,10000, kOhm
MAS04649,Cell 1,3.581, V
MAS04650,Cell 2,3.580, V
MAS04651,Cell 3,3.580, V
MAS04652,Cell 4,3.581, V
MAS04653,Cell 5,3.581, V
MAS04654,Cell 6,3.581, V
MAS04655,Cell 7,3.583, V
MAS04656,Cell 8,3.583, V
MAS04657,Cell 9,3.585, V
MAS04658,Cell 10,3.584, V
MAS04659,Cell 11,3.583, V
MAS04660,Cell 12,3.583, V
MAS04661,Cell 13,3.579, V
MAS04662,Cell 14,3.581, V
MAS04663,Cell 15,3.581, V
MAS04664,Cell 16,3.580, V
MAS04665,Cell 17,3.582, V
MAS04666,Cell 18,3.580, V
MAS04667,Cell 19,3.580, V
MAS04668,Cell 20,3.583, V
MAS04669,Cell 21,3.583, V
MAS04670,Cell 22,3.581, V
MAS04671,Cell 23,3.583, V
MAS04672,Cell 24,3.582, V
MAS04673,Cell 25,3.581, V
MAS04674,Cell 26,3.581, V
MAS04675,Cell 27,3.581, V
MAS04676,Cell 28,3.581, V
MAS04677,Cell 29,3.580, V
MAS04678,Cell 30,3.580, V
MAS04679,Cell 31,3.581, V
MAS04680,Cell 32,3.584, V
MAS04681,Cell 33,3.583, V
MAS04682,Cell 34,3.584, V
MAS04683,Cell 35,3.583, V
MAS04684,Cell 36,3.583, V
MAS04685,Cell 37,3.578, V
MAS04686,Cell 38,3.579, V
MAS04687,Cell 39,3.580, V
MAS04688,Cell 41,3.580, V
MAS04689,Cell 42,3.578, V
MAS04690,Cell 43,3.580, V
MAS04691,Cell 44,3.583, V
MAS04692,Cell 45,3.583, V
MAS04693,Cell 46,3.583, V
MAS04694,Cell 47,3.581, V
MAS04695,Cell 48,3.582, V
MAS04696,Cell 49,3.580, V
MAS04697,Cell 50,3.581, V
MAS04698,Cell 51,3.582, V
MAS04699,Cell 52,3.582, V
MAS04700,Cell 53,3.581, V
MAS04701,Cell 54,3.583, V
MAS04702,Cell 55,3.580, V
MAS04703,Cell 56,3.585, V
MAS04704,Cell 57,3.584, V
MAS04705,Cell 58,3.581, V
MAS04706,Cell 59,3.583, V
MAS04707,Cell 60,3.581, V
MAS04708,Cell 61,3.580, V
MAS04709,Cell 62,3.582, V
MAS04710,Cell 63,3.580, V
MAS04711,Cell 64,3.581, V
MAS04712,Cell 65,3.581, V
MAS04713,Cell 66,3.580, V
MAS04714,Cell 67,3.582, V
MAS04715,Cell 68,3.583, V
MAS04716,Cell 69,3.583, V
MAS04717,Cell 70,3.582, V
MAS04718,Cell 71,3.581, V
MAS04719,Cell 72,3.581, V
MAS04720,Cell 40,3.579, V
MAS04721-MAS01234,Minimum charge level-Index 1,46, 
MAS04721-MAS02985,Minimum charge level-Value,22, %
MAS04722-MAS01234,Maximum charge level-Index 1,11, 
MAS04722-MAS02985,Maximum charge level-Value,23, %
MAS06567-ENG36313,Frequency Counter-Counter SOC 0 to 10,0, 
MAS06567-ENG36314,Frequency Counter-Counter SOC 10 to 20,0, 
MAS06567-ENG36315,Frequency Counter-Counter SOC 20 to 30,0, 
MAS06567-ENG36316,Frequency Counter-Counter SOC 30 to 40,0, 
MAS06567-ENG36317,Frequency Counter-Counter SOC 40 to 50,0, 
MAS06567-ENG36318,Frequency Counter-Counter SOC 50 to 60,0, 
MAS06567-ENG36319,Frequency Counter-Counter SOC 60 to 70,0, 
MAS06567-ENG36320,Frequency Counter-Counter SOC 70 to 80,0, 
MAS06567-ENG36321,Frequency Counter-Counter SOC 80 to 90,0, 
MAS06567-ENG36322,Frequency Counter-Counter SOC 90 to 100,0, 
MAS06567-ENG36323,Frequency Counter-Main counter,0, 
MAS06761,Sum of voltage of all battery cells,343.776, V
MAS07735,Cell 73,3.580, V
MAS07736,Cell 74,3.580, V
MAS07737,Cell 75,3.580, V
MAS07738,Cell 76,3.579, V
MAS07739,Cell 77,3.579, V
MAS07740,Cell 78,3.580, V
MAS07741,Cell 79,3.580, V
MAS07742,Cell 80,3.583, V
MAS07743,Cell 81,3.584, V
MAS07744,Cell 82,3.583, V
MAS07745,Cell 83,3.583, V
MAS07746,Cell 84,3.582, V
MAS07747,Cell 85,3.580, V
MAS07748,Cell 86,3.581, V
MAS07749,Cell 87,3.581, V
MAS07750,Cell 88,3.581, V
MAS07751,Cell 89,3.580, V
MAS07752,Cell 90,3.580, V
MAS07753,Cell 91,3.581, V
MAS07754,Cell 92,3.582, V
MAS07755,Cell 93,3.582, V
MAS07756,Cell 94,3.582, V
MAS07757,Cell 95,3.582, V
MAS07758,Cell 96,3.581, V
MAS07792,Expanded battery limits,not active, 
MAS07798,Status pre-loader,Open, 
MAS07799,Pump for HV battery coolant: status,no error, 
MAS07804,Pump for HV battery coolant: specified power value,0.0, %
MAS07805,Pump for HV battery coolant: RPM list value,655340, /min
MAS07807-MAS07808,Valve 1 coolant HV battery: activation-Valve 1 coolant HV battery: spec. value,closed, 
MAS07807-MAS07809,Valve 1 coolant HV battery: activation-Valve 1 coolant HV battery: act. value,not defined, 
MAS07813,HV battery: cool. level requirement,no cooling request, 
MAS07815,Cooling status BMS,OFF, 
MAS07826,Reqmnt. emergency discharge HV interm. circ. condenser,not active, 
MAS07827,Mode HV battery actual value,Driving mode, 
MAS12552,Coolant valve voltage,0.014, V
MAS12567,Activation signal for high voltage contactor,00, 
MAS12568,Feedback signal for high voltage contactor,01, 

Elapsed Time: 00:32
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Reactions: Uwe


Benevolent Dictator
Jan 29, 2014
Reaction score
VCDS Serial number
OK, so now we know they're only taking the cells down to to ~3.58 volts. A 50% SOC was ~3.70V. The next question is: How high a voltage are they charging them to? Can you make another map at some point when the car claims the battery is "full", please?

Oh, and FWIW, we seem to be missing something. We have individual voltages for cells 1-40 and 73-96. What happened to 41-72? We have SOC's for them but not actual voltages?

If I've done my arithmetic correctly, each "cell" has ~25 Ah capacity. That's no 18650 -- and I could vape it for a long time! :cool:

Well, it could be 8 to 10 18650s in parallel. But I think VAG is more into custom prismatic cells. Is there an SSP that discusses your battery?



Staff member
Jan 29, 2014
Reaction score
Sector 7G
VCDS Serial number
Yep, I plan to do another map once it shows fully charged. I tried to do a 33 map with the running but I missed my window and it was back in EV mode.

Battery pack. The voltage of the 8.8 kWh battery pack ranges between 280 and 390 volts, depending upon level of charge. The battery comprises 96 prismatic cells—currently from Sanyo—arranged into eight modules of twelve cells each. Including the battery management controller and the battery junction box for the connections, the battery system weighs 125 kilograms (275.6 lb).

Last edited:


Staff member
Jan 29, 2014
Reaction score
Sector 7G
VCDS Serial number
Here's a map of the same module with battery depleted, showing 0 miles.

;SW:5Q0-915-182-D   HW:5Q0-915-182-C ---  Hybrid Battery
;Component:BECM          H05 0921, Coding:00000000
;VCDS Version: Beta 17.11.0 (x64)  Data version: 20171026 DS285.1
;VCID: 342B9F9B9F4FBE8A127-8060

IDE00010,Serial number,V6130090, 
IDE00019,Voltage terminal 30,13.05, V
IDE00020,Terminal 15 status,On, 
IDE00030,Status of actuator test,not active, 
IDE00056-ENG36045,History data 1-HVBHDM_1_4,00 00 00 00, 
IDE00056-ENG125711,History data 1-HVBHDM01_1,6, 
IDE00056-ENG125712,History data 1-HVBHDM01_2,8, 
IDE00056-ENG125713,History data 1-HVBHDM01_3,48, 
IDE00057-ENG36046,History data 2-HVBHDM_2_4,00 00 00 00, 
IDE00057-ENG125714,History data 2-HVBHDM02_1,8, 
IDE00057-ENG125715,History data 2-HVBHDM02_2,8, 
IDE00057-ENG125716,History data 2-HVBHDM02_3,64, 
IDE00058-ENG36047,History data 3-HVBHDM_3_4,00 00 00 00, 
IDE00058-ENG125717,History data 3-HVBHDM03_1,8, 
IDE00058-ENG125718,History data 3-HVBHDM03_2,8, 
IDE00058-ENG125719,History data 3-HVBHDM03_3,64, 
IDE00059-ENG36048,History data 4-HVBHDM_4_4,00 00 00 00, 
IDE00059-ENG125720,History data 4-HVBHDM04_1,8, 
IDE00059-ENG125721,History data 4-HVBHDM04_2,8, 
IDE00059-ENG125722,History data 4-HVBHDM04_3,64, 
IDE00060-ENG36049,History data 5-HVBHDM_5_2,00 00 00 00, 
IDE00060-ENG125723,History data 5-HVBHDM05_3,6, 
IDE00061-ENG36050,History data 6-HVBHDM_6_4,00 00 03 CE, 
IDE00061-ENG125724,History data 6-HVBHDM06_1,10, 
IDE00061-ENG125725,History data 6-HVBHDM06_2,2, 
IDE00061-ENG125726,History data 6-HVBHDM06_3,20, 
IDE00062-ENG36051,History data 7-HVBHDM_7_4,00 00, 
IDE00062-ENG125727,History data 7-HVBHDM07_1,6, 
IDE00062-ENG125728,History data 7-HVBHDM07_2,6, 
IDE00062-ENG125729,History data 7-HVBHDM07_3,21, 
IDE00063-ENG36052,History data 8-HVBHDM_8_4,00 00, 
IDE00063-ENG125730,History data 8-HVBHDM08_1,6, 
IDE00063-ENG125731,History data 8-HVBHDM08_2,6, 
IDE00063-ENG125732,History data 8-HVBHDM08_3,21, 
IDE00064-ENG36053,History data 9-HVBHDM_9_2,00 00 26 70, 
IDE00064-ENG128710,History data 9-HVBHDM09_1,96, 
IDE00065-ENG36054,History data 10-HVBHDM_10_2,00 00 01 38, 
IDE00065-ENG128711,History data 10-HVBHDM10_1,10, 
IDE00066-ENG36055,History data 11-HVBHDM_11_4,00 00, 
IDE00066-ENG125733,History data 11-HVBHDM11_1,8, 
IDE00066-ENG125734,History data 11-HVBHDM11_2,2, 
IDE00066-ENG125735,History data 11-HVBHDM11_3,16, 
IDE00067-ENG36056,History data 12-HVBHDM_12_4,00 00, 
IDE00067-ENG125736,History data 12-HVBHDM12_1,08, 
IDE00067-ENG125737,History data 12-HVBHDM12_2,02, 
IDE00067-ENG125738,History data 12-HVBHDM12_3,10, 
IDE00068-ENG36044,History data 13-HVBHDM_13_2,00 00 00 33, 
IDE00068-ENG128712,History data 13-HVBHDM13_1,8, 
IDE00069-ENG36057,History data 14-HVBHDM_14_3,7D, 
IDE00069-ENG125739,History data 14-HVBHDM14_1,07 53, 
IDE00069-ENG125740,History data 14-HVBHDM14_2,96, 
IDE00070-ENG36058,History data 15-HVBHDM_15_4,7D, 
IDE00070-ENG125741,History data 15-HVBHDM15_1,8, 
IDE00070-ENG125742,History data 15-HVBHDM15_2,40, 
IDE00070-ENG125743,History data 15-HVBHDM15_3,320, 
IDE00071,History data 16,00 95, 
IDE00071-ENG125744,History data 16-HVBHDM16_1,2C, 
IDE00071-ENG125745,History data 16-HVBHDM16_2,00 00, 
IDE00071-ENG125746,History data 16-HVBHDM16_3,36, 
IDE00071-ENG125747,History data 16-HVBHDM16_4,FF FF, 
IDE00071-ENG125748,History data 16-HVBHDM16_5,96, 
IDE00097,OBD - requirements for which this vehicle is designed,OBD and OBD II, 
IDE00322,Status of basic setting,was not yet started, 
IDE00323,Security Access: Number of invalid keys,0, 
IDE00637,Intermediate circuit voltage,345.3, V
IDE00773,Terminal 15 status via CAN,Measured value not available, 
IDE00961-MAS05695,Malfunction Indicator Lamp-Start request,not active, 
IDE01021,Current of H-V / hybrid battery,-0.90, A
IDE01028-MAS01422,Air temperature of H-V / hybrid battery-Intake,17, °C
IDE01028-MAS01423,Air temperature of H-V / hybrid battery-Exhaust,18, °C
IDE01803-ENG36059,History data 17-HVBHDM_17_2,00 92, 
IDE01803-ENG125750,History data 17-HVBHDM17_1,6, 
IDE01804-ENG36060,History data 18-HVBHDM_18_2,00 00 5D 45, 
IDE01804-ENG125751,History data 18-HVBHDM18_1,8, 
IDE01805-ENG36061,History data 19-HVBHDM_19_2,00 04 2D EA, 
IDE01805-ENG125752,History data 19-HVBHDM19_1,7, 
IDE01806-ENG36062,History data 20-HVBHDM_20_2,00 2B E5 06, 
IDE01806-ENG125753,History data 20-HVBHDM20_1,7, 
IDE01838,Battery temperature,23, °C
IDE01839,Battery charge condition,26, %
IDE03410-MAS05695,Yellow warning lamp-Start request,not active, 
IDE03411-MAS05695,Red warning lamp-Start request,not active, 
IDE05416,H-V battery insulation measurement test voltage,500, V
IDE05417,Serial number of H-V / hybrid battery,288 SYEDVQ0ABJ , 
IDE05963,ASSY part number,, 
IDE06302-MAS01422,Temperature of evaporator-Intake,17, °C
IDE06302-MAS01423,Temperature of evaporator-Exhaust,18, °C
IDE06346,H-V battery voltage,344.2, V
IDE06404,Pilot line,not active, 
IDE06422-ENG100120,IUMPR_1-Milage,140, km
IDE06673,Initialization status,not active, 
IDE06805,Status of voltage freedom,High voltage power off not recognized, 
IDE06948,High-volt. battery mode: spec. value,Driving mode, 
IDE06973,Power reduction status,not active, 
IDE07044-MAS01420,Predictive limit for charge current-Limit for charge current,29, A
IDE07045-MAS01420,Dynamic limit for charge current-Limit for charge current,127, A
IDE07227-IDE01024,Voltage in H-V system-Voltage of hybrid battery after protection,345.3, V
IDE07227-MAS05684,Voltage in H-V system-Voltage at power electronics,343.7, V
IDE07227-MAS05685,Voltage in H-V system-Voltage at high-voltage charging device,339.0, V
IDE08217-MAS01234,maximum voltage for battery cells-Index 1,8, 
IDE08217-MAS02985,maximum voltage for battery cells-Value,3.585, V
IDE08218-MAS01234,minimum voltage for battery cells-Index 1,36, 
IDE08218-MAS02985,minimum voltage for battery cells-Value,3.578, V
IDE08230-MAS01421,Dynamic limit for discharge current-Limit for discharge current,256, A
IDE08231-MAS01421,Predictive limit for discharge current-Limit for discharge current,114, A
IDE08817,Charge state: cell 01,22, %
IDE08818,Charge state: cell 02,22, %
IDE08819,Charge state: cell 03,22, %
IDE08820,Charge state: cell 04,22, %
IDE08821,Charge state: cell 05,22, %
IDE08822,Charge state: cell 06,22, %
IDE08823,Charge state: cell 07,22, %
IDE08824,Charge state: cell 08,22, %
IDE08825,Charge state: cell 09,22, %
IDE08826,Charge state: cell 10,22, %
IDE08827,Charge state: cell 11,22, %
IDE08828,Charge state: cell 12,22, %
IDE08829,Charge state: cell 13,22, %
IDE08830,Charge state: cell 14,22, %
IDE08831,Charge state: cell 15,22, %
IDE08832,Charge state: cell 16,22, %
IDE08833,Charge state: cell 17,22, %
IDE08834,Charge state: cell 18,22, %
IDE08835,Charge state: cell 19,22, %
IDE08836,Charge state: cell 20,22, %
IDE08837,Charge state: cell 21,22, %
IDE08838,Charge state: cell 22,22, %
IDE08839,Charge state: cell 23,22, %
IDE08840,Charge state: cell 24,22, %
IDE08841,Charge state: cell 25,22, %
IDE08842,Charge state: cell 26,22, %
IDE08843,Charge state: cell 27,22, %
IDE08844,Charge state: cell 28,22, %
IDE08845,Charge state: cell 29,22, %
IDE08846,Charge state: cell 30,22, %
IDE08847,Charge state: cell 31,22, %
IDE08848,Charge state: cell 32,22, %
IDE08849,Charge state: cell 33,22, %
IDE08850,Charge state: cell 34,22, %
IDE08851,Charge state: cell 35,22, %
IDE08852,Charge state: cell 36,22, %
IDE08853,Charge state: cell 37,22, %
IDE08854,Charge state: cell 38,22, %
IDE08855,Charge state: cell 39,22, %
IDE08856,Charge state: cell 40,22, %
IDE08857,Charge state: cell 41,22, %
IDE08858,Charge state: cell 42,22, %
IDE08859,Charge state: cell 43,22, %
IDE08860,Charge state: cell 44,22, %
IDE08861,Charge state: cell 45,22, %
IDE08862,Charge state: cell 46,22, %
IDE08863,Charge state: cell 47,22, %
IDE08864,Charge state: cell 48,22, %
IDE08865,Charge state: cell 49,22, %
IDE08866,Charge state: cell 50,22, %
IDE08867,Charge state: cell 51,22, %
IDE08868,Charge state: cell 52,22, %
IDE08869,Charge state: cell 53,22, %
IDE08870,Charge state: cell 54,22, %
IDE08871,Charge state: cell 55,22, %
IDE08872,Charge state: cell 56,22, %
IDE08873,Charge state: cell 57,22, %
IDE08874,Charge state: cell 58,22, %
IDE08875,Charge state: cell 59,22, %
IDE08876,Charge state: cell 60,22, %
IDE08879,Charge state: cell 61,22, %
IDE08880,Charge state: cell 62,22, %
IDE08881,Charge state: cell 63,22, %
IDE08882,Charge state: cell 64,22, %
IDE08883,Charge state: cell 65,22, %
IDE08884,Charge state: cell 66,22, %
IDE08885,Charge state: cell 67,22, %
IDE08886,Charge state: cell 68,22, %
IDE08887,Charge state: cell 69,22, %
IDE08888,Charge state: cell 70,22, %
IDE08889,Charge state: cell 71,22, %
IDE08890,Charge state: cell 72,22, %
IDE08891,Charge state: cell 73,22, %
IDE08892,Charge state: cell 74,22, %
IDE08893,Charge state: cell 75,22, %
IDE08894,Charge state: cell 76,22, %
IDE08895,Charge state: cell 77,22, %
IDE08896,Charge state: cell 78,22, %
IDE08897,Charge state: cell 79,22, %
IDE08898,Charge state: cell 80,22, %
IDE08899,Charge state: cell 81,22, %
IDE08900,Charge state: cell 82,22, %
IDE08901,Charge state: cell 83,22, %
IDE08902,Charge state: cell 84,22, %
IDE08903,Charge state: cell 85,22, %
IDE08904,Charge state: cell 86,22, %
IDE08905,Charge state: cell 87,22, %
IDE08906,Charge state: cell 88,22, %
IDE08907,Charge state: cell 89,22, %
IDE08908,Charge state: cell 90,22, %
IDE08909,Charge state: cell 91,22, %
IDE08910,Charge state: cell 92,22, %
IDE08911,Charge state: cell 93,22, %
IDE08912,Charge state: cell 94,22, %
IDE08913,Charge state: cell 95,22, %
IDE08914,Charge state: cell 96,22, %
IDE10320-MAS01146,Workshop code and date of last reset of crash shutdown-Workshop code,00 00 00 00 00 00, 
IDE10320-MAS01230,Workshop code and date of last reset of crash shutdown-Date,00 00 00, 
IDE80253,Voltage terminal 30C,12.75, V
MAS00194-ENG128689,--no display---CMC_SEL_out,01, 
MAS00464-MAS00106,Standard - ambient data 1-Year,2000, yr
MAS00464-MAS00107,Standard - ambient data 1-Month,1, mon
MAS00464-MAS00108,Standard - ambient data 1-Day,11, d
MAS00464-MAS00109,Standard - ambient data 1-Hours,1, H
MAS00464-MAS00110,Standard - ambient data 1-Minutes,0, min
MAS00464-MAS00111,Standard - ambient data 1-Seconds,57, s
MAS00464-MAS00468,Standard - ambient data 1-Unlearning counter,255, 
MAS00464-MAS00711,Standard - ambient data 1-Odometer reading,146, km
MAS01302,Protection of posit. terminal of high voltage / hybrid battery,closed, 
MAS01303,Protection of neg. terminal of high voltage / hybrid battery,closed, 
MAS02199-MAS01966,Lowest measured temperature-Temperature sensor,36, 
MAS02199-MAS02985,Lowest measured temperature-Value,21, °C
MAS02200-MAS01966,Highest measured temperature-Temperature sensor,72, 
MAS02200-MAS02985,Highest measured temperature-Value,24, °C
MAS04266,Temperature sensor 1,23, °C
MAS04267,Temperature sensor 2,24, °C
MAS04268,Temperature sensor 3,22, °C
MAS04269,Temperature sensor 4,22, °C
MAS04270,Temperature sensor 5,21, °C
MAS04271,Temperature sensor 6,23, °C
MAS04272,Temperature sensor 7,23, °C
MAS04273,Temperature sensor 8,23, °C
MAS04291,Positive voltage of high volt battery after protection,344.2, V
MAS04292,Negative Voltage of high volt battery after protection,0.0, V
MAS04293-MAS01632,Entire HV system positive terminal insulation resistance-Status,Measurement running: please wait, 
MAS04293,Entire HV system positive terminal insulation resistance,3630, kOhm
MAS04294-MAS01632,HV battery positive terminal insulation resistance-Status,invalid, 
MAS04294,HV battery positive terminal insulation resistance,10000, kOhm
MAS04295-MAS01632,Entire HV system minus terminal insulation resistance-Status,Measurement running: please wait, 
MAS04295,Entire HV system minus terminal insulation resistance,4650, kOhm
MAS04296-MAS01632,HV battery minus terminal insulation resistance-Status,invalid, 
MAS04296,HV battery minus terminal insulation resistance,10000, kOhm
MAS04649,Cell 1,3.581, V
MAS04650,Cell 2,3.580, V
MAS04651,Cell 3,3.580, V
MAS04652,Cell 4,3.581, V
MAS04653,Cell 5,3.581, V
MAS04654,Cell 6,3.581, V
MAS04655,Cell 7,3.583, V
MAS04656,Cell 8,3.583, V
MAS04657,Cell 9,3.585, V
MAS04658,Cell 10,3.584, V
MAS04659,Cell 11,3.583, V
MAS04660,Cell 12,3.583, V
MAS04661,Cell 13,3.579, V
MAS04662,Cell 14,3.581, V
MAS04663,Cell 15,3.581, V
MAS04664,Cell 16,3.580, V
MAS04665,Cell 17,3.582, V
MAS04666,Cell 18,3.580, V
MAS04667,Cell 19,3.580, V
MAS04668,Cell 20,3.583, V
MAS04669,Cell 21,3.583, V
MAS04670,Cell 22,3.581, V
MAS04671,Cell 23,3.583, V
MAS04672,Cell 24,3.582, V
MAS04673,Cell 25,3.581, V
MAS04674,Cell 26,3.581, V
MAS04675,Cell 27,3.581, V
MAS04676,Cell 28,3.581, V
MAS04677,Cell 29,3.580, V
MAS04678,Cell 30,3.580, V
MAS04679,Cell 31,3.581, V
MAS04680,Cell 32,3.584, V
MAS04681,Cell 33,3.583, V
MAS04682,Cell 34,3.584, V
MAS04683,Cell 35,3.583, V
MAS04684,Cell 36,3.583, V
MAS04685,Cell 37,3.578, V
MAS04686,Cell 38,3.579, V
MAS04687,Cell 39,3.580, V
MAS04688,Cell 41,3.580, V
MAS04689,Cell 42,3.578, V
MAS04690,Cell 43,3.580, V
MAS04691,Cell 44,3.583, V
MAS04692,Cell 45,3.583, V
MAS04693,Cell 46,3.583, V
MAS04694,Cell 47,3.581, V
MAS04695,Cell 48,3.582, V
MAS04696,Cell 49,3.580, V
MAS04697,Cell 50,3.581, V
MAS04698,Cell 51,3.582, V
MAS04699,Cell 52,3.582, V
MAS04700,Cell 53,3.581, V
MAS04701,Cell 54,3.583, V
MAS04702,Cell 55,3.580, V
MAS04703,Cell 56,3.585, V
MAS04704,Cell 57,3.584, V
MAS04705,Cell 58,3.581, V
MAS04706,Cell 59,3.583, V
MAS04707,Cell 60,3.581, V
MAS04708,Cell 61,3.580, V
MAS04709,Cell 62,3.582, V
MAS04710,Cell 63,3.580, V
MAS04711,Cell 64,3.581, V
MAS04712,Cell 65,3.581, V
MAS04713,Cell 66,3.580, V
MAS04714,Cell 67,3.582, V
MAS04715,Cell 68,3.583, V
MAS04716,Cell 69,3.583, V
MAS04717,Cell 70,3.582, V
MAS04718,Cell 71,3.581, V
MAS04719,Cell 72,3.581, V
MAS04720,Cell 40,3.579, V
MAS04721-MAS01234,Minimum charge level-Index 1,46, 
MAS04721-MAS02985,Minimum charge level-Value,22, %
MAS04722-MAS01234,Maximum charge level-Index 1,11, 
MAS04722-MAS02985,Maximum charge level-Value,23, %
MAS06567-ENG36313,Frequency Counter-Counter SOC 0 to 10,0, 
MAS06567-ENG36314,Frequency Counter-Counter SOC 10 to 20,0, 
MAS06567-ENG36315,Frequency Counter-Counter SOC 20 to 30,0, 
MAS06567-ENG36316,Frequency Counter-Counter SOC 30 to 40,0, 
MAS06567-ENG36317,Frequency Counter-Counter SOC 40 to 50,0, 
MAS06567-ENG36318,Frequency Counter-Counter SOC 50 to 60,0, 
MAS06567-ENG36319,Frequency Counter-Counter SOC 60 to 70,0, 
MAS06567-ENG36320,Frequency Counter-Counter SOC 70 to 80,0, 
MAS06567-ENG36321,Frequency Counter-Counter SOC 80 to 90,0, 
MAS06567-ENG36322,Frequency Counter-Counter SOC 90 to 100,0, 
MAS06567-ENG36323,Frequency Counter-Main counter,0, 
MAS06761,Sum of voltage of all battery cells,343.776, V
MAS07735,Cell 73,3.580, V
MAS07736,Cell 74,3.580, V
MAS07737,Cell 75,3.580, V
MAS07738,Cell 76,3.579, V
MAS07739,Cell 77,3.579, V
MAS07740,Cell 78,3.580, V
MAS07741,Cell 79,3.580, V
MAS07742,Cell 80,3.583, V
MAS07743,Cell 81,3.584, V
MAS07744,Cell 82,3.583, V
MAS07745,Cell 83,3.583, V
MAS07746,Cell 84,3.582, V
MAS07747,Cell 85,3.580, V
MAS07748,Cell 86,3.581, V
MAS07749,Cell 87,3.581, V
MAS07750,Cell 88,3.581, V
MAS07751,Cell 89,3.580, V
MAS07752,Cell 90,3.580, V
MAS07753,Cell 91,3.581, V
MAS07754,Cell 92,3.582, V
MAS07755,Cell 93,3.582, V
MAS07756,Cell 94,3.582, V
MAS07757,Cell 95,3.582, V
MAS07758,Cell 96,3.581, V
MAS07792,Expanded battery limits,not active, 
MAS07798,Status pre-loader,Open, 
MAS07799,Pump for HV battery coolant: status,no error, 
MAS07804,Pump for HV battery coolant: specified power value,0.0, %
MAS07805,Pump for HV battery coolant: RPM list value,655340, /min
MAS07807-MAS07808,Valve 1 coolant HV battery: activation-Valve 1 coolant HV battery: spec. value,closed, 
MAS07807-MAS07809,Valve 1 coolant HV battery: activation-Valve 1 coolant HV battery: act. value,not defined, 
MAS07813,HV battery: cool. level requirement,no cooling request, 
MAS07815,Cooling status BMS,OFF, 
MAS07826,Reqmnt. emergency discharge HV interm. circ. condenser,not active, 
MAS07827,Mode HV battery actual value,Driving mode, 
MAS12552,Coolant valve voltage,0.014, V
MAS12567,Activation signal for high voltage contactor,00, 
MAS12568,Feedback signal for high voltage contactor,01, 

Elapsed Time: 00:32

And here it is fully charged the next morning with an indicated range of 24 miles:

;SW:5Q0-915-182-D   HW:5Q0-915-182-C ---  Hybrid Battery
;Component:BECM          H05 0921, Coding:00000000
;VCDS Version: Beta 17.11.0 (x64)  Data version: 20171026 DS285.1
;VCID: 342B9F9B9F4FBE8A127-8060

IDE00010,Serial number,V6130090, 
IDE00019,Voltage terminal 30,13.05, V
IDE00020,Terminal 15 status,On, 
IDE00030,Status of actuator test,not active, 
IDE00056-ENG36045,History data 1-HVBHDM_1_4,00 00 00 00, 
IDE00056-ENG125711,History data 1-HVBHDM01_1,6, 
IDE00056-ENG125712,History data 1-HVBHDM01_2,8, 
IDE00056-ENG125713,History data 1-HVBHDM01_3,48, 
IDE00057-ENG36046,History data 2-HVBHDM_2_4,00 00 00 00, 
IDE00057-ENG125714,History data 2-HVBHDM02_1,8, 
IDE00057-ENG125715,History data 2-HVBHDM02_2,8, 
IDE00057-ENG125716,History data 2-HVBHDM02_3,64, 
IDE00058-ENG36047,History data 3-HVBHDM_3_4,00 00 00 00, 
IDE00058-ENG125717,History data 3-HVBHDM03_1,8, 
IDE00058-ENG125718,History data 3-HVBHDM03_2,8, 
IDE00058-ENG125719,History data 3-HVBHDM03_3,64, 
IDE00059-ENG36048,History data 4-HVBHDM_4_4,00 00 00 00, 
IDE00059-ENG125720,History data 4-HVBHDM04_1,8, 
IDE00059-ENG125721,History data 4-HVBHDM04_2,8, 
IDE00059-ENG125722,History data 4-HVBHDM04_3,64, 
IDE00060-ENG36049,History data 5-HVBHDM_5_2,00 00 00 00, 
IDE00060-ENG125723,History data 5-HVBHDM05_3,6, 
IDE00061-ENG36050,History data 6-HVBHDM_6_4,00 00 03 CE, 
IDE00061-ENG125724,History data 6-HVBHDM06_1,10, 
IDE00061-ENG125725,History data 6-HVBHDM06_2,2, 
IDE00061-ENG125726,History data 6-HVBHDM06_3,20, 
IDE00062-ENG36051,History data 7-HVBHDM_7_4,00 00, 
IDE00062-ENG125727,History data 7-HVBHDM07_1,6, 
IDE00062-ENG125728,History data 7-HVBHDM07_2,6, 
IDE00062-ENG125729,History data 7-HVBHDM07_3,21, 
IDE00063-ENG36052,History data 8-HVBHDM_8_4,00 00, 
IDE00063-ENG125730,History data 8-HVBHDM08_1,6, 
IDE00063-ENG125731,History data 8-HVBHDM08_2,6, 
IDE00063-ENG125732,History data 8-HVBHDM08_3,21, 
IDE00064-ENG36053,History data 9-HVBHDM_9_2,00 00 26 70, 
IDE00064-ENG128710,History data 9-HVBHDM09_1,96, 
IDE00065-ENG36054,History data 10-HVBHDM_10_2,00 00 01 3C, 
IDE00065-ENG128711,History data 10-HVBHDM10_1,10, 
IDE00066-ENG36055,History data 11-HVBHDM_11_4,00 00, 
IDE00066-ENG125733,History data 11-HVBHDM11_1,8, 
IDE00066-ENG125734,History data 11-HVBHDM11_2,2, 
IDE00066-ENG125735,History data 11-HVBHDM11_3,16, 
IDE00067-ENG36056,History data 12-HVBHDM_12_4,00 00, 
IDE00067-ENG125736,History data 12-HVBHDM12_1,08, 
IDE00067-ENG125737,History data 12-HVBHDM12_2,02, 
IDE00067-ENG125738,History data 12-HVBHDM12_3,10, 
IDE00068-ENG36044,History data 13-HVBHDM_13_2,00 00 00 34, 
IDE00068-ENG128712,History data 13-HVBHDM13_1,8, 
IDE00069-ENG36057,History data 14-HVBHDM_14_3,7D, 
IDE00069-ENG125739,History data 14-HVBHDM14_1,07 53, 
IDE00069-ENG125740,History data 14-HVBHDM14_2,96, 
IDE00070-ENG36058,History data 15-HVBHDM_15_4,7D, 
IDE00070-ENG125741,History data 15-HVBHDM15_1,8, 
IDE00070-ENG125742,History data 15-HVBHDM15_2,40, 
IDE00070-ENG125743,History data 15-HVBHDM15_3,320, 
IDE00071,History data 16,00 B4, 
IDE00071-ENG125744,History data 16-HVBHDM16_1,2A, 
IDE00071-ENG125745,History data 16-HVBHDM16_2,00 00, 
IDE00071-ENG125746,History data 16-HVBHDM16_3,B4, 
IDE00071-ENG125747,History data 16-HVBHDM16_4,FF FF, 
IDE00071-ENG125748,History data 16-HVBHDM16_5,96, 
IDE00097,OBD - requirements for which this vehicle is designed,OBD and OBD II, 
IDE00322,Status of basic setting,was not yet started, 
IDE00323,Security Access: Number of invalid keys,0, 
IDE00637,Intermediate circuit voltage,385.1, V
IDE00773,Terminal 15 status via CAN,Measured value not available, 
IDE00961-MAS05695,Malfunction Indicator Lamp-Start request,not active, 
IDE01021,Current of H-V / hybrid battery,-0.00, A
IDE01028-MAS01422,Air temperature of H-V / hybrid battery-Intake,11, °C
IDE01028-MAS01423,Air temperature of H-V / hybrid battery-Exhaust,11, °C
IDE01803-ENG36059,History data 17-HVBHDM_17_2,00 94, 
IDE01803-ENG125750,History data 17-HVBHDM17_1,6, 
IDE01804-ENG36060,History data 18-HVBHDM_18_2,00 00 5D 45, 
IDE01804-ENG125751,History data 18-HVBHDM18_1,8, 
IDE01805-ENG36061,History data 19-HVBHDM_19_2,00 04 40 0D, 
IDE01805-ENG125752,History data 19-HVBHDM19_1,7, 
IDE01806-ENG36062,History data 20-HVBHDM_20_2,00 2D 29 DD, 
IDE01806-ENG125753,History data 20-HVBHDM20_1,7, 
IDE01838,Battery temperature,13, °C
IDE01839,Battery charge condition,90, %
IDE03410-MAS05695,Yellow warning lamp-Start request,not active, 
IDE03411-MAS05695,Red warning lamp-Start request,not active, 
IDE05416,H-V battery insulation measurement test voltage,500, V
IDE05417,Serial number of H-V / hybrid battery,288 SYEDVQ0ABJ , 
IDE05963,ASSY part number,, 
IDE06302-MAS01422,Temperature of evaporator-Intake,11, °C
IDE06302-MAS01423,Temperature of evaporator-Exhaust,11, °C
IDE06346,H-V battery voltage,383.5, V
IDE06404,Pilot line,not active, 
IDE06422-ENG100120,IUMPR_1-Milage,140, km
IDE06673,Initialization status,not active, 
IDE06805,Status of voltage freedom,High voltage power off not recognized, 
IDE06948,High-volt. battery mode: spec. value,Extern. charging: AC voltage, 
IDE06973,Power reduction status,not active, 
IDE07044-MAS01420,Predictive limit for charge current-Limit for charge current,7, A
IDE07045-MAS01420,Dynamic limit for charge current-Limit for charge current,25, A
IDE07227-IDE01024,Voltage in H-V system-Voltage of hybrid battery after protection,385.1, V
IDE07227-MAS05684,Voltage in H-V system-Voltage at power electronics,383.2, V
IDE07227-MAS05685,Voltage in H-V system-Voltage at high-voltage charging device,378.0, V
IDE08217-MAS01234,maximum voltage for battery cells-Index 1,70, 
IDE08217-MAS02985,maximum voltage for battery cells-Value,4.000, V
IDE08218-MAS01234,minimum voltage for battery cells-Index 1,2, 
IDE08218-MAS02985,minimum voltage for battery cells-Value,3.989, V
IDE08230-MAS01421,Dynamic limit for discharge current-Limit for discharge current,330, A
IDE08231-MAS01421,Predictive limit for discharge current-Limit for discharge current,115, A
IDE08817,Charge state: cell 01,89, %
IDE08818,Charge state: cell 02,90, %
IDE08819,Charge state: cell 03,89, %
IDE08820,Charge state: cell 04,89, %
IDE08821,Charge state: cell 05,89, %
IDE08822,Charge state: cell 06,89, %
IDE08823,Charge state: cell 07,89, %
IDE08824,Charge state: cell 08,90, %
IDE08825,Charge state: cell 09,90, %
IDE08826,Charge state: cell 10,90, %
IDE08827,Charge state: cell 11,90, %
IDE08828,Charge state: cell 12,90, %
IDE08829,Charge state: cell 13,90, %
IDE08830,Charge state: cell 14,89, %
IDE08831,Charge state: cell 15,89, %
IDE08832,Charge state: cell 16,89, %
IDE08833,Charge state: cell 17,89, %
IDE08834,Charge state: cell 18,89, %
IDE08835,Charge state: cell 19,90, %
IDE08836,Charge state: cell 20,90, %
IDE08837,Charge state: cell 21,90, %
IDE08838,Charge state: cell 22,90, %
IDE08839,Charge state: cell 23,90, %
IDE08840,Charge state: cell 24,90, %
IDE08841,Charge state: cell 25,90, %
IDE08842,Charge state: cell 26,90, %
IDE08843,Charge state: cell 27,90, %
IDE08844,Charge state: cell 28,90, %
IDE08845,Charge state: cell 29,90, %
IDE08846,Charge state: cell 30,90, %
IDE08847,Charge state: cell 31,90, %
IDE08848,Charge state: cell 32,90, %
IDE08849,Charge state: cell 33,90, %
IDE08850,Charge state: cell 34,90, %
IDE08851,Charge state: cell 35,90, %
IDE08852,Charge state: cell 36,90, %
IDE08853,Charge state: cell 37,89, %
IDE08854,Charge state: cell 38,89, %
IDE08855,Charge state: cell 39,89, %
IDE08856,Charge state: cell 40,89, %
IDE08857,Charge state: cell 41,89, %
IDE08858,Charge state: cell 42,89, %
IDE08859,Charge state: cell 43,89, %
IDE08860,Charge state: cell 44,90, %
IDE08861,Charge state: cell 45,90, %
IDE08862,Charge state: cell 46,90, %
IDE08863,Charge state: cell 47,90, %
IDE08864,Charge state: cell 48,90, %
IDE08865,Charge state: cell 49,90, %
IDE08866,Charge state: cell 50,90, %
IDE08867,Charge state: cell 51,90, %
IDE08868,Charge state: cell 52,90, %
IDE08869,Charge state: cell 53,90, %
IDE08870,Charge state: cell 54,90, %
IDE08871,Charge state: cell 55,90, %
IDE08872,Charge state: cell 56,90, %
IDE08873,Charge state: cell 57,90, %
IDE08874,Charge state: cell 58,90, %
IDE08875,Charge state: cell 59,90, %
IDE08876,Charge state: cell 60,90, %
IDE08879,Charge state: cell 61,90, %
IDE08880,Charge state: cell 62,90, %
IDE08881,Charge state: cell 63,90, %
IDE08882,Charge state: cell 64,90, %
IDE08883,Charge state: cell 65,90, %
IDE08884,Charge state: cell 66,90, %
IDE08885,Charge state: cell 67,90, %
IDE08886,Charge state: cell 68,90, %
IDE08887,Charge state: cell 69,90, %
IDE08888,Charge state: cell 70,90, %
IDE08889,Charge state: cell 71,90, %
IDE08890,Charge state: cell 72,90, %
IDE08891,Charge state: cell 73,90, %
IDE08892,Charge state: cell 74,90, %
IDE08893,Charge state: cell 75,90, %
IDE08894,Charge state: cell 76,89, %
IDE08895,Charge state: cell 77,89, %
IDE08896,Charge state: cell 78,90, %
IDE08897,Charge state: cell 79,89, %
IDE08898,Charge state: cell 80,90, %
IDE08899,Charge state: cell 81,90, %
IDE08900,Charge state: cell 82,90, %
IDE08901,Charge state: cell 83,90, %
IDE08902,Charge state: cell 84,90, %
IDE08903,Charge state: cell 85,90, %
IDE08904,Charge state: cell 86,90, %
IDE08905,Charge state: cell 87,90, %
IDE08906,Charge state: cell 88,90, %
IDE08907,Charge state: cell 89,90, %
IDE08908,Charge state: cell 90,90, %
IDE08909,Charge state: cell 91,90, %
IDE08910,Charge state: cell 92,90, %
IDE08911,Charge state: cell 93,90, %
IDE08912,Charge state: cell 94,90, %
IDE08913,Charge state: cell 95,90, %
IDE08914,Charge state: cell 96,90, %
IDE10320-MAS01146,Workshop code and date of last reset of crash shutdown-Workshop code,00 00 00 00 00 00, 
IDE10320-MAS01230,Workshop code and date of last reset of crash shutdown-Date,00 00 00, 
IDE80253,Voltage terminal 30C,12.75, V
MAS00194-ENG128689,--no display---CMC_SEL_out,01, 
MAS00464-MAS00106,Standard - ambient data 1-Year,2000, yr
MAS00464-MAS00107,Standard - ambient data 1-Month,1, mon
MAS00464-MAS00108,Standard - ambient data 1-Day,12, d
MAS00464-MAS00109,Standard - ambient data 1-Hours,1, H
MAS00464-MAS00110,Standard - ambient data 1-Minutes,1, min
MAS00464-MAS00111,Standard - ambient data 1-Seconds,37, s
MAS00464-MAS00468,Standard - ambient data 1-Unlearning counter,255, 
MAS00464-MAS00711,Standard - ambient data 1-Odometer reading,146, km
MAS01302,Protection of posit. terminal of high voltage / hybrid battery,closed, 
MAS01303,Protection of neg. terminal of high voltage / hybrid battery,closed, 
MAS02199-MAS01966,Lowest measured temperature-Temperature sensor,36, 
MAS02199-MAS02985,Lowest measured temperature-Value,13, °C
MAS02200-MAS01966,Highest measured temperature-Temperature sensor,72, 
MAS02200-MAS02985,Highest measured temperature-Value,14, °C
MAS04266,Temperature sensor 1,14, °C
MAS04267,Temperature sensor 2,14, °C
MAS04268,Temperature sensor 3,13, °C
MAS04269,Temperature sensor 4,13, °C
MAS04270,Temperature sensor 5,13, °C
MAS04271,Temperature sensor 6,13, °C
MAS04272,Temperature sensor 7,14, °C
MAS04273,Temperature sensor 8,14, °C
MAS04291,Positive voltage of high volt battery after protection,383.9, V
MAS04292,Negative Voltage of high volt battery after protection,0.3, V
MAS04293-MAS01632,Entire HV system positive terminal insulation resistance-Status,valid, 
MAS04293,Entire HV system positive terminal insulation resistance,3640, kOhm
MAS04294-MAS01632,HV battery positive terminal insulation resistance-Status,invalid, 
MAS04294,HV battery positive terminal insulation resistance,10000, kOhm
MAS04295-MAS01632,Entire HV system minus terminal insulation resistance-Status,valid, 
MAS04295,Entire HV system minus terminal insulation resistance,4650, kOhm
MAS04296-MAS01632,HV battery minus terminal insulation resistance-Status,invalid, 
MAS04296,HV battery minus terminal insulation resistance,10000, kOhm
MAS04649,Cell 1,3.990, V
MAS04650,Cell 2,3.992, V
MAS04651,Cell 3,3.989, V
MAS04652,Cell 4,3.991, V
MAS04653,Cell 5,3.991, V
MAS04654,Cell 6,3.991, V
MAS04655,Cell 7,3.991, V
MAS04656,Cell 8,3.996, V
MAS04657,Cell 9,3.996, V
MAS04658,Cell 10,3.996, V
MAS04659,Cell 11,3.996, V
MAS04660,Cell 12,3.995, V
MAS04661,Cell 13,3.995, V
MAS04662,Cell 14,3.990, V
MAS04663,Cell 15,3.991, V
MAS04664,Cell 16,3.992, V
MAS04665,Cell 17,3.989, V
MAS04666,Cell 18,3.991, V
MAS04667,Cell 19,3.994, V
MAS04668,Cell 20,3.996, V
MAS04669,Cell 21,3.997, V
MAS04670,Cell 22,3.997, V
MAS04671,Cell 23,3.998, V
MAS04672,Cell 24,3.995, V
MAS04673,Cell 25,3.992, V
MAS04674,Cell 26,3.993, V
MAS04675,Cell 27,3.993, V
MAS04676,Cell 28,3.993, V
MAS04677,Cell 29,3.992, V
MAS04678,Cell 30,3.992, V
MAS04679,Cell 31,3.992, V
MAS04680,Cell 32,3.997, V
MAS04681,Cell 33,3.997, V
MAS04682,Cell 34,3.997, V
MAS04683,Cell 35,3.998, V
MAS04684,Cell 36,3.996, V
MAS04685,Cell 37,3.990, V
MAS04686,Cell 38,3.991, V
MAS04687,Cell 39,3.990, V
MAS04688,Cell 41,3.991, V
MAS04689,Cell 42,3.989, V
MAS04690,Cell 43,3.990, V
MAS04691,Cell 44,3.997, V
MAS04692,Cell 45,3.997, V
MAS04693,Cell 46,3.997, V
MAS04694,Cell 47,3.999, V
MAS04695,Cell 48,3.996, V
MAS04696,Cell 49,3.994, V
MAS04697,Cell 50,3.994, V
MAS04698,Cell 51,3.994, V
MAS04699,Cell 52,3.994, V
MAS04700,Cell 53,3.993, V
MAS04701,Cell 54,3.992, V
MAS04702,Cell 55,3.995, V
MAS04703,Cell 56,3.997, V
MAS04704,Cell 57,3.999, V
MAS04705,Cell 58,3.999, V
MAS04706,Cell 59,3.998, V
MAS04707,Cell 60,3.996, V
MAS04708,Cell 61,3.995, V
MAS04709,Cell 62,3.993, V
MAS04710,Cell 63,3.995, V
MAS04711,Cell 64,3.994, V
MAS04712,Cell 65,3.995, V
MAS04713,Cell 66,3.993, V
MAS04714,Cell 67,3.994, V
MAS04715,Cell 68,3.997, V
MAS04716,Cell 69,3.997, V
MAS04717,Cell 70,3.998, V
MAS04718,Cell 71,4.000, V
MAS04719,Cell 72,3.997, V
MAS04720,Cell 40,3.990, V
MAS04721-MAS01234,Minimum charge level-Index 1,41, 
MAS04721-MAS02985,Minimum charge level-Value,89, %
MAS04722-MAS01234,Maximum charge level-Index 1,70, 
MAS04722-MAS02985,Maximum charge level-Value,90, %
MAS06567-ENG36313,Frequency Counter-Counter SOC 0 to 10,0, 
MAS06567-ENG36314,Frequency Counter-Counter SOC 10 to 20,0, 
MAS06567-ENG36315,Frequency Counter-Counter SOC 20 to 30,0, 
MAS06567-ENG36316,Frequency Counter-Counter SOC 30 to 40,0, 
MAS06567-ENG36317,Frequency Counter-Counter SOC 40 to 50,0, 
MAS06567-ENG36318,Frequency Counter-Counter SOC 50 to 60,0, 
MAS06567-ENG36319,Frequency Counter-Counter SOC 60 to 70,0, 
MAS06567-ENG36320,Frequency Counter-Counter SOC 70 to 80,0, 
MAS06567-ENG36321,Frequency Counter-Counter SOC 80 to 90,0, 
MAS06567-ENG36322,Frequency Counter-Counter SOC 90 to 100,0, 
MAS06567-ENG36323,Frequency Counter-Main counter,0, 
MAS06761,Sum of voltage of all battery cells,383.424, V
MAS07735,Cell 73,3.991, V
MAS07736,Cell 74,3.992, V
MAS07737,Cell 75,3.991, V
MAS07738,Cell 76,3.992, V
MAS07739,Cell 77,3.991, V
MAS07740,Cell 78,3.992, V
MAS07741,Cell 79,3.993, V
MAS07742,Cell 80,3.995, V
MAS07743,Cell 81,3.998, V
MAS07744,Cell 82,3.996, V
MAS07745,Cell 83,3.997, V
MAS07746,Cell 84,3.996, V
MAS07747,Cell 85,3.992, V
MAS07748,Cell 86,3.991, V
MAS07749,Cell 87,3.992, V
MAS07750,Cell 88,3.992, V
MAS07751,Cell 89,3.993, V
MAS07752,Cell 90,3.993, V
MAS07753,Cell 91,3.993, V
MAS07754,Cell 92,3.998, V
MAS07755,Cell 93,3.997, V
MAS07756,Cell 94,3.998, V
MAS07757,Cell 95,3.998, V
MAS07758,Cell 96,3.997, V
MAS07792,Expanded battery limits,not active, 
MAS07798,Status pre-loader,Open, 
MAS07799,Pump for HV battery coolant: status,no error, 
MAS07804,Pump for HV battery coolant: specified power value,22.5, %
MAS07805,Pump for HV battery coolant: RPM list value,655340, /min
MAS07807-MAS07808,Valve 1 coolant HV battery: activation-Valve 1 coolant HV battery: spec. value,closed, 
MAS07807-MAS07809,Valve 1 coolant HV battery: activation-Valve 1 coolant HV battery: act. value,not defined, 
MAS07813,HV battery: cool. level requirement,no cooling request, 
MAS07815,Cooling status BMS,Unknown,
MAS07826,Reqmnt. emergency discharge HV interm. circ. condenser,not active, 
MAS07827,Mode HV battery actual value,Extern. charging: AC voltage, 
MAS12552,Coolant valve voltage,0.014, V
MAS12567,Activation signal for high voltage contactor,00, 
MAS12568,Feedback signal for high voltage contactor,01, 

Elapsed Time: 00:32

So it looks like 0 miles EV range indicates 24% battery, 344V and each cell between 3.578-3.585V.
....It looks like "full" 24 miles EV indicates 90% battery, 384V and each cell between 3.989-4.000V.
Last edited:


Staff member
Jan 29, 2014
Reaction score
Sector 7G
VCDS Serial number
I logged some stuff in 51 on my morning commute (incidentally, following behind a Tesla Model S 60D). I'll add some graphs but here's the raw data for now:

Tuesday,12,December,2017,08:02:10:29905-VCID:29157EEF488DF362B11-807C,VCDS Version: Beta 17.11.0 (x64),Data version: 20171026 DS285.1
5G0 907 080 E,ADVMB,LE Gen 3.3H15 1032,

Marker,TIME,Loc. IDE00619,TIME,Loc. IDE05421,TIME,Loc. IDE09097,TIME,Loc. IDE09098,TIME,Loc. ENG107604,TIME,Loc. ENG109097,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,STAMP,RPM of electric machine,STAMP,Torque: current value,STAMP,Electric motor: electric rotor frequency,STAMP,Electric motor: electric power,STAMP,Mechanical_angular_speed,STAMP,Stator_frequency,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,, /min,, Nm,, Hz,, W,, rad/s,, Hz,,,,,,,,,,,,,



Last edited:


Benevolent Dictator
Jan 29, 2014
Reaction score
VCDS Serial number
And here it is fully charged the next morning with an indicated range of 24 miles:
So it looks like 0 miles EV range indicates 24% battery, 344V and each cell between 3.578-3.585V.
....It looks like "full" 24 miles EV indicates 90% battery, 384V and each cell between 3.989-4.000V.
As I suspected, they don't push those cells hard at all.

I kinda wonder of the controller will expand the voltage envelope as the batteries age, in order to keep the electric-only range the same.

IOW, I'm gonna want a fresh set of maps from this module in ~40 months. :D


Active Member
Staff member
Ross-Tech Employee
Jan 29, 2014
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Lansdale, PA, USA
VCDS Serial number
Oh, and FWIW, we seem to be missing something. We have individual voltages for cells 1-40 and 73-96. What happened to 41-72? We have SOC's for them but not actual voltages?
They all seem to be there, just in a non-intuitive order since whoever assigned the MAS texts at VAG was shortsighted with the number of possible cells :)


Benevolent Dictator
Jan 29, 2014
Reaction score
VCDS Serial number
They all seem to be there, just in a non-intuitive order since whoever assigned the MAS texts at VAG was shortsighted with the number of possible cells :)
Sorry, I must need new glasses or something. :facepalm:


Verified VCDS User
Apr 17, 2014
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US 2014 GTI Drivers Edition/DSG
VCDS Serial number
So it looks like 0 miles EV range indicates 24% battery, 344V and each cell between 3.578-3.585V.
....It looks like "full" 24 miles EV indicates 90% battery, 384V and each cell between 3.989-4.000V.

Yea it seems like most all of the EV manufacturers are very conservative with cell charge, typically keeping a not insignificant upper and lower reserve of 10-20%

It may not work at all on your audi, but there is an android volt app for a BT obd dongle you can use to monitor the various PID's to get a lot of stats they don't put on the dash.


and if you are not already aware of a good generic obd app I recommend torque pro @ https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.prowl.torque

Another useful app for finding places to charge @ https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.xatori.Plugshare


Active Member
Staff member
Ross-Tech Employee
Jan 29, 2014
Reaction score
Lansdale, PA, USA
VCDS Serial number
Those seemed to be missing
17 - AdpMap
;SW:8V0-920-894-A   HW:8V0-920-894-A ---  Instruments
;Component:FBenUSA       H16 0066, Coding:08440C516F88CF050283E8101B00000000000000
;VCDS Version: Beta 17.11.0  Data version: 20171026 DS285.1
;VCID: 3FC1C03CA62D39D2FF5-806A

IDE00001-Production mode,not active ,3
IDE00301-Distance,175 km,3
IDE00342-ESI: Resetting ESI,no warning ,1
IDE00343-Language version,US English ,1
IDE00499-Display correction of consumptions and operating range,100 %,1
IDE00500-Hour,15 H,1
IDE00501-Minute,36 min,1
IDE00502-Year,2017 yr,2
IDE00503-Month,12 mon,1
IDE00504-Day,12 d,1
IDE00510-ESI: distance driven from inspection,100 km,3
IDE00511-ESI: time from inspection,6 d,2
IDE00512-ESI: minimum value km-driving distance/inspection,14500 km,2
IDE00513-ESI: maximum value km-driving distance/inspection,14500 km,2
IDE00514-ESI: maximum value of time between inspections,730 d,2
IDE00515-ESI: oil quality,poor oil quality ,1
IDE00517-ESI: soot entry,0 km,2
IDE00518-ESI: thermal load,100 km,2
IDE00819-Day counter,32 d,2
IDE00820-Activating and deactivating all development messages,not active ,1
IDE00827-ESI: minimum value of time between inspections,365 d,2
IDE01153-SIA: maximum value of distance to service,16000 km,2
IDE01154-SIA: maximum value of time to service,365 d,2
IDE02332-Deactivate production mode,0 ,3
IDE02489-Display depiction,Version 1 ,1
IDE02818-IDE02689-Offset for tank calibration values-Complete tank calibration,-12.80 l,5
IDE02818-MAS02376-Offset for tank calibration values-Offset sensor 1,-12.80 l,5
IDE02818-MAS02377-Offset for tank calibration values-Offset sensor 2,12.70 l,5
IDE02818-MAS02378-Offset for tank calibration values-Offset sensor 3,12.70 l,5
IDE02818-MAS02379-Offset for tank calibration values-Offset sensor 4,12.70 l,5
IDE03329-Driving profiled for range remaining,8.10 l/100km,2
IDE03346-IDE00301-Units adjusted-Distance,miles ,3
IDE03346-MAS01230-Units adjusted-Date,mm_dd_yy ,3
IDE03346-MAS01456-Units adjusted-Speed,Miles per hour ,3
IDE03346-MAS02201-Units adjusted-Temperature,°F ,3
IDE03346-MAS02957-Units adjusted-Time,12h AM_PM ,3
IDE03346-MAS03032-Units adjusted-Volume,gallons (US) ,3
IDE03346-MAS03034-Units adjusted-Pressure,psi ,3
IDE03346-MAS05637-Units adjusted-Operating range consumption: CNG (compressed natural gas),kg per 100 km ,3
IDE03346-MAS05638-Units adjusted-Consumption gasoline / diesel - LPG (liquefied petroleum gas),Miles per gallon (US) ,3
IDE03346-MAS05875-Units adjusted-Average consumption: electric drive,kWh per 100 km ,3
IDE03348-MAS01456-Speed warning-Speed,0 ,2
IDE03348-MAS01561-Speed warning-Unit,Miles per hour ,2
IDE03348-Speed warning-,not active ,2
IDE03349-FIX: Max. distance until next mileage-related inspection,32100 km,3
IDE03350-FIX: Maximum time until next time-dependent inspection,730 d,2
IDE03351-FIX: Distance covered since last mileage-dependent inspection,100 km,3
IDE03352-FIX: Time since last time-dependent inspection,6 d,2
IDE03372-Source for synchronization of time,GPS ,1
IDE03568-ENG119828-Service-key settings-p_deactivate_SK_Function,On ,5
IDE03568-ENG99943-Service-key settings-p_forcewrite_qual_time,10 s,5
IDE03568-ENG119827-Service-key settings-p_main_switch_Basic,OFF ,5
IDE03568-ENG102414-Service-key settings-p_main_switch_keyless,On ,5
IDE03568-ENG102611-Service-key settings-p_write_delay_speed,20 km/h,5
IDE03568-ENG103545-Service-key settings-p_write_delay_time,40 s,5
IDE03568-ENG104099-Service-key settings-p_write_distance,20 km,5
IDE03867-Deactivate seat belt warning,No ,1
IDE04169-Display correction of consumption and operating range: gas,100 %,1
IDE05930-Service notification in days,30 d,1
IDE05971-Vehicle Positioning System Interface Control Module,not installed ,1
IDE06425-Roller test bench mode: functional,not activated ,1
IDE06588-Ignition active message: actuator,Driver door ,1
IDE06922-No-voltage display,No display ,1
IDE07160-MAS01155-Control module switch-off: switch-off time-Control module,20 min,2
IDE07160-MAS05583-Control module switch-off: switch-off time-Data bus,30 min,2
IDE07221-Cylinder shut-off,Display ,1
IDE07579-MAS05872-Driving profile for operating range consump.with electric drive-Operating range average voltage,0.00 A,8
IDE07579-MAS05875-Driving profile for operating range consump.with electric drive-Average consumption: electric drive,1 ,8
IDE07579-MAS05876-Driving profile for operating range consump.with electric drive-Average consumption: low voltage auxiliary consumer,0.00 ,8
IDE07579-MAS05877-Driving profile for operating range consump.with electric drive-Average consumption: high voltage auxiliary consumer,0.10 ,8
IDE07600-ENG114653-Drive profile for road-specif. remain.oper.range for el. drive-s_erw_rwdv_antrieb_high_class_0,1.10 ,14
IDE07600-ENG114654-Drive profile for road-specif. remain.oper.range for el. drive-s_erw_rwdv_antrieb_high_class_1,25.00 ,14
IDE07600-ENG114655-Drive profile for road-specif. remain.oper.range for el. drive-s_erw_rwdv_antrieb_high_class_2,25.00 ,14
IDE07600-ENG114656-Drive profile for road-specif. remain.oper.range for el. drive-s_erw_rwdv_antrieb_high_class_3,25.00 ,14
IDE07600-ENG114657-Drive profile for road-specif. remain.oper.range for el. drive-s_erw_rwdv_antrieb_high_class_4,25.00 ,14
IDE07600-ENG114658-Drive profile for road-specif. remain.oper.range for el. drive-s_erw_rwdv_antrieb_high_class_5,25.00 ,14
IDE07600-ENG114659-Drive profile for road-specif. remain.oper.range for el. drive-s_erw_rwdv_antrieb_high_class_6,25.00 ,14
IDE08140-Driving profiled for range remaining CNG,0.00 kg/100 km,2
IDE08247-Driving profile for range remaining LPG,0.00 l/100km,2
IDE10208-Display correct. of consump. and operating range: elec.,100 %,1
IDE10693-Initialize sensor for fuel level,No ,1
IDE10694-ENG126302-Driving profile for road-related range remaining-s_vkmrw_rwdv_high_class_0,10.10 l/100km,14
IDE10694-ENG126303-Driving profile for road-related range remaining-s_vkmrw_rwdv_high_class_1,10.00 l/100km,14
IDE10694-ENG126304-Driving profile for road-related range remaining-s_vkmrw_rwdv_high_class_2,10.00 l/100km,14
IDE10694-ENG126305-Driving profile for road-related range remaining-s_vkmrw_rwdv_high_class_3,10.00 l/100km,14
IDE10694-ENG126306-Driving profile for road-related range remaining-s_vkmrw_rwdv_high_class_4,10.00 l/100km,14
IDE10694-ENG126307-Driving profile for road-related range remaining-s_vkmrw_rwdv_high_class_5,10.00 l/100km,14
IDE10694-ENG126308-Driving profile for road-related range remaining-s_vkmrw_rwdv_high_class_6,10.00 l/100km,14
IDE11472-IDE03360-Configuration of displayable contents-Upshift display in center panel,No display ,4
IDE11472-MAS05424-Configuration of displayable contents-Natural gas quality,No display ,4
IDE11472-MAS12789-Configuration of displayable contents-Display: engine running required,No display ,4
IDE11472-MAS18773-Configuration of displayable contents-Acceleration_measurement,No display ,4
IDE11472-MAS18774-Configuration of displayable contents-Drag_indicator,No display ,4
IDE11472-MAS19086-Configuration of displayable contents-charge_symbol_colour,Standard ,4
IDE12050-Acoustic: drive position R,not active ,1
MAS03555-Lap counter,No display ,1
MAS03685-Digital speedometer,Display ,1
ENG117917-BAP_Debug_Mode_Release,not_released ,1
ENG119877-ENG98401-Configuration of Development CAN-Messages-Block 1,OFF ,21
ENG119877-ENG98402-Configuration of Development CAN-Messages-Block 10,OFF ,21
ENG119877-ENG98445-Configuration of Development CAN-Messages-Block 11,OFF ,21
ENG119877-ENG98403-Configuration of Development CAN-Messages-Block 12,OFF ,21
ENG119877-ENG98446-Configuration of Development CAN-Messages-Block 13,OFF ,21
ENG119877-ENG98447-Configuration of Development CAN-Messages-Block 14,OFF ,21
ENG119877-ENG98448-Configuration of Development CAN-Messages-Block 15,OFF ,21
ENG119877-ENG98404-Configuration of Development CAN-Messages-Block 16,OFF ,21
ENG119877-ENG98449-Configuration of Development CAN-Messages-Block 17,OFF ,21
ENG119877-ENG98450-Configuration of Development CAN-Messages-Block 18,OFF ,21
ENG119877-ENG98451-Configuration of Development CAN-Messages-Block 19,OFF ,21
ENG119877-ENG98452-Configuration of Development CAN-Messages-Block 2,OFF ,21
ENG119877-ENG98405-Configuration of Development CAN-Messages-Block 20,OFF ,21
ENG119877-ENG98453-Configuration of Development CAN-Messages-Block 21,OFF ,21
ENG119877-ENG98406-Configuration of Development CAN-Messages-Block 22,OFF ,21
ENG119877-ENG98454-Configuration of Development CAN-Messages-Block 23,OFF ,21
ENG119877-ENG98455-Configuration of Development CAN-Messages-Block 24,OFF ,21
ENG119877-ENG98456-Configuration of Development CAN-Messages-Block 25,OFF ,21
ENG119877-ENG98407-Configuration of Development CAN-Messages-Block 26,OFF ,21
ENG119877-ENG98457-Configuration of Development CAN-Messages-Block 27,OFF ,21
ENG119877-ENG98458-Configuration of Development CAN-Messages-Block 28,OFF ,21
ENG119877-ENG98459-Configuration of Development CAN-Messages-Block 29,OFF ,21
ENG119877-ENG98408-Configuration of Development CAN-Messages-Block 3,OFF ,21
ENG119877-ENG98409-Configuration of Development CAN-Messages-Block 30,OFF ,21
ENG119877-ENG125180-Configuration of Development CAN-Messages-Block 31,OFF ,21
ENG119877-ENG125181-Configuration of Development CAN-Messages-Block 32,OFF ,21
ENG119877-ENG125182-Configuration of Development CAN-Messages-Block 33,OFF ,21
ENG119877-ENG125183-Configuration of Development CAN-Messages-Block 34,OFF ,21
ENG119877-ENG125184-Configuration of Development CAN-Messages-Block 35,OFF ,21
ENG119877-ENG125185-Configuration of Development CAN-Messages-Block 36,OFF ,21
ENG119877-ENG125186-Configuration of Development CAN-Messages-Block 37,OFF ,21
ENG119877-ENG125187-Configuration of Development CAN-Messages-Block 38,OFF ,21
ENG119877-ENG125188-Configuration of Development CAN-Messages-Block 39,OFF ,21
ENG119877-ENG98410-Configuration of Development CAN-Messages-Block 4,OFF ,21
ENG119877-ENG126397-Configuration of Development CAN-Messages-Block 40,OFF ,21
ENG119877-ENG98460-Configuration of Development CAN-Messages-Block 5,OFF ,21
ENG119877-ENG98461-Configuration of Development CAN-Messages-Block 6,OFF ,21
ENG119877-ENG98462-Configuration of Development CAN-Messages-Block 7,OFF ,21
ENG119877-ENG98411-Configuration of Development CAN-Messages-Block 8,OFF ,21
ENG119877-ENG98463-Configuration of Development CAN-Messages-Block 9,50ms ,21
ENG128731-MAS01129-designvariant_activation-Version 1,not active ,2
ENG128731-MAS01130-designvariant_activation-Version 2,not active ,2
ENG128731-MAS01131-designvariant_activation-Version 3,not active ,2
ENG128731-MAS03101-designvariant_activation-Version 4,not active ,2
ENG128731-MAS03102-designvariant_activation-Version 5,not active ,2
ENG128731-MAS03103-designvariant_activation-Version 6,not active ,2
ENG128731-MAS03104-designvariant_activation-Version 7,not active ,2
ENG128731-MAS03105-designvariant_activation-Version 8,not active ,2
ENG99320-Developers_menu,not active ,1
ENG119879-ENG101574-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_bargraph_main_colour-X1,00 ,12
ENG119879-ENG99557-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_bargraph_main_colour-X2,0A ,12
ENG119879-ENG102140-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_bargraph_main_colour-X3,32 ,12
ENG119879-ENG102936-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_bargraph_main_colour-X4,64 ,12
ENG119879-ENG103548-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_bargraph_main_colour-X5,DC ,12
ENG119879-ENG113992-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_bargraph_main_colour-X6,FD ,12
ENG119879-ENG99777-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_bargraph_main_colour-Y1,02 ,12
ENG119879-ENG100480-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_bargraph_main_colour-Y2,02 ,12
ENG119879-ENG100773-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_bargraph_main_colour-Y3,06 ,12
ENG119879-ENG100631-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_bargraph_main_colour-Y4,0A ,12
ENG119879-ENG102174-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_bargraph_main_colour-Y5,50 ,12
ENG119879-ENG113993-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_bargraph_main_colour-Y6,64 ,12
ENG105831-ENG101574-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_clock_dial_day-X1,00 ,12
ENG105831-ENG99557-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_clock_dial_day-X2,0A ,12
ENG105831-ENG102140-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_clock_dial_day-X3,32 ,12
ENG105831-ENG102936-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_clock_dial_day-X4,64 ,12
ENG105831-ENG103548-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_clock_dial_day-X5,96 ,12
ENG105831-ENG113992-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_clock_dial_day-X6,FD ,12
ENG105831-ENG99777-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_clock_dial_day-Y1,02 ,12
ENG105831-ENG100480-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_clock_dial_day-Y2,02 ,12
ENG105831-ENG100773-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_clock_dial_day-Y3,0E ,12
ENG105831-ENG100631-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_clock_dial_day-Y4,1E ,12
ENG105831-ENG102174-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_clock_dial_day-Y5,32 ,12
ENG105831-ENG113993-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_clock_dial_day-Y6,64 ,12
ENG105832-ENG101574-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_clock_dial_night-X1,00 ,12
ENG105832-ENG99557-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_clock_dial_night-X2,0A ,12
ENG105832-ENG102140-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_clock_dial_night-X3,32 ,12
ENG105832-ENG102936-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_clock_dial_night-X4,64 ,12
ENG105832-ENG103548-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_clock_dial_night-X5,96 ,12
ENG105832-ENG113992-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_clock_dial_night-X6,FD ,12
ENG105832-ENG99777-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_clock_dial_night-Y1,02 ,12
ENG105832-ENG100480-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_clock_dial_night-Y2,02 ,12
ENG105832-ENG100773-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_clock_dial_night-Y3,0E ,12
ENG105832-ENG100631-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_clock_dial_night-Y4,1E ,12
ENG105832-ENG102174-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_clock_dial_night-Y5,32 ,12
ENG105832-ENG113993-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_clock_dial_night-Y6,64 ,12
ENG105834-ENG101574-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_gauge-X1,00 ,12
ENG105834-ENG99557-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_gauge-X2,14 ,12
ENG105834-ENG102140-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_gauge-X3,1E ,12
ENG105834-ENG102936-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_gauge-X4,32 ,12
ENG105834-ENG103548-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_gauge-X5,46 ,12
ENG105834-ENG113992-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_gauge-X6,64 ,12
ENG105834-ENG99777-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_gauge-Y1,00 ,12
ENG105834-ENG100480-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_gauge-Y2,14 ,12
ENG105834-ENG100773-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_gauge-Y3,1E ,12
ENG105834-ENG100631-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_gauge-Y4,32 ,12
ENG105834-ENG102174-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_gauge-Y5,46 ,12
ENG105834-ENG113993-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_gauge-Y6,64 ,12
ENG105835-ENG101574-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_indicator_lights-X1,00 ,12
ENG105835-ENG99557-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_indicator_lights-X2,0A ,12
ENG105835-ENG102140-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_indicator_lights-X3,32 ,12
ENG105835-ENG102936-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_indicator_lights-X4,64 ,12
ENG105835-ENG103548-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_indicator_lights-X5,DC ,12
ENG105835-ENG113992-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_indicator_lights-X6,FD ,12
ENG105835-ENG99777-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_indicator_lights-Y1,02 ,12
ENG105835-ENG100480-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_indicator_lights-Y2,02 ,12
ENG105835-ENG100773-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_indicator_lights-Y3,06 ,12
ENG105835-ENG100631-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_indicator_lights-Y4,0A ,12
ENG105835-ENG102174-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_indicator_lights-Y5,50 ,12
ENG105835-ENG113993-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_indicator_lights-Y6,64 ,12
ENG119878-ENG101574-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_internal_phototransistor-X1,00 00 ,20
ENG119878-ENG99557-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_internal_phototransistor-X2,00 32 ,20
ENG119878-ENG102140-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_internal_phototransistor-X3,00 64 ,20
ENG119878-ENG102936-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_internal_phototransistor-X4,00 96 ,20
ENG119878-ENG103548-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_internal_phototransistor-X5,01 F4 ,20
ENG119878-ENG99777-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_internal_phototransistor-Y1,00 00 ,20
ENG119878-ENG100480-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_internal_phototransistor-Y2,00 32 ,20
ENG119878-ENG100773-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_internal_phototransistor-Y3,00 64 ,20
ENG119878-ENG100631-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_internal_phototransistor-Y4,00 C8 ,20
ENG119878-ENG102174-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_internal_phototransistor-Y5,00 FD ,20
ENG105836-ENG101574-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_middle_display_main_field-X1,00 ,12
ENG105836-ENG99557-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_middle_display_main_field-X2,0A ,12
ENG105836-ENG102140-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_middle_display_main_field-X3,32 ,12
ENG105836-ENG102936-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_middle_display_main_field-X4,64 ,12
ENG105836-ENG103548-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_middle_display_main_field-X5,DC ,12
ENG105836-ENG113992-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_middle_display_main_field-X6,FD ,12
ENG105836-ENG99777-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_middle_display_main_field-Y1,02 ,12
ENG105836-ENG100480-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_middle_display_main_field-Y2,02 ,12
ENG105836-ENG100773-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_middle_display_main_field-Y3,06 ,12
ENG105836-ENG100631-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_middle_display_main_field-Y4,0A ,12
ENG105836-ENG102174-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_middle_display_main_field-Y5,50 ,12
ENG105836-ENG113993-dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_middle_display_main_field-Y6,64 ,12
ENG125906-ENG125912-Illumination_algorithm-Pointer_illumination_algorithim,terminal_58xs_bus ,1
ENG125906-ENG126396-Illumination_algorithm-Scale_switching_algorithm,lds ,1
ENG102605-ENG103211-outside_temperature-p_blocking_time_after_v_bigger_0,15 s,16
ENG102605-ENG100239-outside_temperature-p_ice_warning_entry_temperature,4 °C,16
ENG102605-ENG103023-outside_temperature-p_ice_warning_exit_temperature,6 °C,16
ENG102605-ENG102658-outside_temperature-p_kmt_at_delta,25 °C,16
ENG102605-ENG99866-outside_temperature-p_mileage_after_v_bigger_0,5.00 km,16
ENG102605-ENG103631-outside_temperature-P_speed_threshold,20 km/h,16
ENG102605-ENG99450-outside_temperature-p_storage_time_engine_off,180 min,16
ENG102605-ENG104179-outside_temperature-p_tendency_damping,15 s,16
ENG102605-ENG103335-outside_temperature-p_tendency_threshold,1.00 °C,16
ENG102605-ENG100500-outside_temperature-p_time_constant_pt1,40 s,16
ENG102605-ENG103256-outside_temperature-p_time_constant_slow_damping,2.00 ,16
ENG126283-parameter_hmi,41 43 56 03 05 FF 1E 03 00 01 00 FA 02 00 FF 00 00 FF FF 00 00 F3 00 00 FF 00 24 00 FF 43 14 28 00 00 5A 00 E1 00 19 FF B4 00 1E 8C AA 64 AA 00 BF 4B 68 A2 91 6D 6D 97 A2 73 9B 75 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ,100
ENG135292-phev_stat_intervall-,5.00 ,3
ENG135292-phev_stat_intervall-,100 m,3
ENG135292-phev_stat_intervall-,0 min,3
ENG119825-Picture_Upload_Download,not active ,1
ENG126281-ENG126398-SK2_Adjustment-max_number_of_writing_procedures,6 ,3
ENG126281-ENG126400-SK2_Adjustment-timeout_request_immediate,150 s,3
ENG126281-ENG126399-SK2_Adjustment-timeout_request_normal,300 s,3
ENG109442-ENG119804-time_parameter_display-hmi_t_FTuerAUF,300 ms,18
ENG109442-ENG101663-time_parameter_display-tDD15_off,0.25 ,18
ENG109442-ENG103975-time_parameter_display-tDD15_on,0.50 ,18
ENG109442-ENG100026-time_parameter_display-tDDWUP,0.00 ,18
ENG112418-ENG112412-total_range_gas-consumption_factor,1.40 ,4
ENG112418-ENG112411-total_range_gas-consumption_profile,consumption_profile_calculation ,4
ENG112418-ENG112410-total_range_gas-selection_consumption_factor,consumption_factor_CAN ,4
ENG112418-ENG99298-total_range_gas-State,active ,4

Elapsed Time: 00:37

17-MVB map
;SW:8V0-920-894-A   HW:8V0-920-894-A ---  Instruments
;Component:FBenUSA       H16 0066, Coding:08440C516F88CF050283E8101B00000000000000
;VCDS Version: Beta 17.11.0  Data version: 20171026 DS285.1
;VCID: 3FC1C03CA62D39D2FF5-806A

IDE00019,Voltage terminal 30,13.10, V
IDE00021,Engine speed,0, /min
IDE00025,Coolant temperature,21.75, °C
IDE00030,Status of actuator test,not active, 
IDE00075,Vehicle speed,0, km/h
IDE00191,Charge air pressure: actual value,0.00, %
IDE00196,Engine oil temperature,19, °C
IDE00301,Distance,175, km
IDE00310,Outside air temperature,10.50, °C
IDE00316-IDE00500,Time-Hour,15, H
IDE00316-IDE00501,Time-Minute,35, min
IDE00316-MAS00111,Time-Seconds,43, s
IDE00317-IDE00502,Date-Year,2017, yr
IDE00317-IDE00503,Date-Month,12, mon
IDE00317-IDE00504,Date-Day,12, d
IDE00322,Status of basic setting,not active, 
IDE00323,Security Access: Number of invalid keys,0, 
IDE00510,ESI: distance driven from inspection,100, km
IDE00511,ESI: time from inspection,6, d
IDE00512,ESI: minimum value km-driving distance/inspection,14500, km
IDE00513,ESI: maximum value km-driving distance/inspection,14500, km
IDE00514,ESI: maximum value of time between inspections,730, d
IDE00515,ESI: oil quality,poor oil quality, 
IDE00517,ESI: soot entry,0, km
IDE00518,ESI: thermal load,100, km
IDE00695,ESI: service exceedance in km,Not available, 
IDE00696,ESI: service exceedance in days,Not available, 
IDE00697,ESI: remaining distance,15840, km
IDE00698,ESI: remaining running time,359, d
IDE00787-IDE02689,Cause for cancellation-Complete tank calibration,not performed, 
IDE00787-IDE02690,Cause for cancellation-Wet dry tank calibration,not performed, 
IDE00819,Day counter,32, d
IDE00827,ESI: minimum value of time between inspections,365, d
IDE00845-MAS03213,Wheel circ.-Average wheel circumference for trip distance,1937, mm
IDE00845-MAS03214,Wheel circ.-Maximum wheel circumference for speed,2005, mm
IDE00935,ESI: Theoretical service interval,15000, km
IDE01076,Time since ignition off,5810, s
IDE01153,SIA: maximum value of distance to service,16000, km
IDE01154,SIA: maximum value of time to service,365, d
IDE01285,Counter of component protection malfunctions,0, 
IDE01985-ENG101043,FAZIT identification test sum-Checksum,7A 9E 4C 36, 
IDE01985-ENG99027,FAZIT identification test sum-Version,02, 
IDE02642,Outside temp.: displayed value,10.50, °C
IDE03193-MAS02352,Terminal 58 status-Display dimming terminal 58d,9F, 
IDE03193-MAS02353,Terminal 58 status-Switch dimming terminal 58s,00, 
IDE03193-MAS02916,Terminal 58 status-Dimmer: duty cycle terminal 58st,64, 
IDE03193-MAS02917,Terminal 58 status-Sensor for detecting light in the instrument panel insert,54, 
IDE03349,FIX: Max. distance until next mileage-related inspection,32100, km
IDE03350,FIX: Maximum time until next time-dependent inspection,730, d
IDE03351,FIX: Distance covered since last mileage-dependent inspection,100, km
IDE03352,FIX: Time since last time-dependent inspection,6, d
IDE03471-IDE02383,Vehicle configuration-Dynamic steering,Correct coding, 
IDE03471-IDE03640,Vehicle configuration-Dynamic AFS light,Correct coding, 
IDE03471-IDE03726,Vehicle configuration-Parallel Parking Assistance,Correct coding, 
IDE03471-IDE04525,Vehicle configuration-Wheel Dampening Electronics,Correct coding, 
IDE03471-IDE04939,Vehicle configuration-Tire pressure monitoring display,Correct coding, 
IDE03471-IDE05830,Vehicle configuration-Rear Spoiler,Correct coding, 
IDE03471-IDE07016,Vehicle configuration-Tire Pressure Monitoring,Correct coding, 
IDE03471-IDE07944,Vehicle configuration-electronic brake booster,Correct coding, 
IDE03471-MAS00809,Vehicle configuration-Electro-Mechanical Parking Brake Control Module,Correct coding, 
IDE03471-MAS00811,Vehicle configuration-Active steering control module,Correct coding, 
IDE03471-MAS00911,Vehicle configuration-All Wheel Drive (AWD),Correct coding, 
IDE03471-MAS01091,Vehicle configuration-Automated manual transmission,Correct coding, 
IDE03471-MAS01374,Vehicle configuration-Trailer,Correct coding, 
IDE03471-MAS01891,Vehicle configuration-Lane assistant,Correct coding, 
IDE03471-MAS01938,Vehicle configuration-Road sign detection,Correct coding, 
IDE03471-MAS02570,Vehicle configuration-Lock Electronics,Correct coding, 
IDE03471-MAS03385,Vehicle configuration-Lane change assistance,Correct coding, 
IDE03471-MAS04384,Vehicle configuration-Electrical steering column lock control module,Correct coding, 
IDE03471-MAS05723,Vehicle configuration-Adaptive cruise control or reducing stopping distance,Correct coding, 
IDE03471-MAS06008,Vehicle configuration-Internal noise sound actuator,Correct coding, 
IDE03471-MAS08201,Vehicle configuration-Trailer positioning assistant,Correct coding, 
IDE03471-MAS08940,Vehicle configuration-Collision warning,Correct coding, 
IDE03471-MAS09196,Vehicle configuration-Rear Axle Steering,Correct coding, 
IDE03471-ENG126401,Vehicle configuration-intelligent_park_assist,Correct coding, 
IDE03472-MAS03806,Volume after refueling-Last displayed quantity before refueling,9.40, l
IDE03472-MAS03807,Volume after refueling-Last displayed quantity after refueling,42.00, l
IDE03472-MAS03808,Volume after refueling-Last sensor final value at end of refueling,43.00, l
IDE03472-MAS03809,Volume after refueling-Last reference quantity,9.40, l
IDE03472-MAS03810,Volume after refueling-Penultimate displayed quantity before refueling,0.80, l
IDE03472-MAS03811,Volume after refueling-Penultimate displayed quantity after refueling,13.50, l
IDE03472-MAS03812,Volume after refueling-Penultimate sensor final value at end of refueling,13.50, l
IDE03472-MAS03813,Volume after refueling-Penultimate reference quantity,0.80, l
IDE03472-MAS03814,Volume after refueling-Third-last displayed volume before refueling,0.00, l
IDE03472-MAS03815,Volume after refueling-Third-last displayed volume after refueling,0.00, l
IDE03472-MAS03816,Volume after refueling-Third-last sensor final value at end of refueling,0.00, l
IDE03472-MAS03817,Volume after refueling-Third-last reference quantity,0.00, l
IDE03472-MAS03818,Volume after refueling-Fourth-last displayed volume before refueling,0.00, l
IDE03472-MAS03819,Volume after refueling-Fourth-last displayed volume after refueling,0.00, l
IDE03472-MAS03820,Volume after refueling-Fourth-last sensor final value at end of refueling,0.00, l
IDE03472-MAS03821,Volume after refueling-Fourth-last reference quantity,0.00, l
IDE03472-MAS03822,Volume after refueling-Last error status,00, 
IDE03472-MAS03823,Volume after refueling-Penultimate error status,00, 
IDE03472-MAS03824,Volume after refueling-Third-last error status,00, 
IDE03472-MAS03825,Volume after refueling-Fourth-last error status,00, 
IDE03472-MAS06153,Volume after refueling-Last distance,10, km
IDE03472-MAS06154,Volume after refueling-Penultimate distance,0, km
IDE03472-MAS06155,Volume after refueling-Third to last distance,0, km
IDE03472-MAS06156,Volume after refueling-Fourth to last distance,0, km
IDE03473-IDE00730,Fuel tank sens-Fuel level sensor 1 including soiling resistance,82, Ohm
IDE03473-IDE00731,Fuel tank sens-Fuel level sensor 2 including soiling resistance,not_available, 
IDE03473-IDE00732,Fuel tank sens-Fuel level sensor 1 soiling resistance,1, Ohm
IDE03473-IDE00733,Fuel tank sens-Fuel level sensor 2 soiling resistance,not_available, 
IDE03473-IDE03494,Fuel tank sens-Fuel level sensor 3 including soiling resistance,not_available, 
IDE03473-IDE03495,Fuel tank sens-Fuel level sensor 3 soiling resistance,not_available, 
IDE03473-IDE03496,Fuel tank sens-Fuel level sensor 4 including soiling resistance,not_available, 
IDE03473-IDE03497,Fuel tank sens-Fuel level sensor 4 soiling resistance,not_available, 
IDE03473-MAS03798,Fuel tank sens-Raw value sensor 1 resistor 1,303, 
IDE03473-MAS03799,Fuel tank sens-Raw value sensor 1 resistor 2,631, 
IDE03473-MAS03800,Fuel tank sens-Raw value sensor 2 resistor 1,not_available, 
IDE03473-MAS03801,Fuel tank sens-Raw value sensor 2 resistor 2,not_available, 
IDE03473-MAS03802,Fuel tank sens-Raw value sensor 3 resistor 1,not_available, 
IDE03473-MAS03803,Fuel tank sens-Raw value sensor 3 resistor 2,not_available, 
IDE03473-MAS03804,Fuel tank sens-Raw value sensor 4 resistor 1,not_available, 
IDE03473-MAS03805,Fuel tank sens-Raw value sensor 4 resistor 2,not_available, 
IDE03474-IDE00304,Calculated volume-Fuel level,40.60, l
IDE03474-IDE00306,Calculated volume-Fuel Level Sensor 1,81, Ohm
IDE03474-IDE00307,Calculated volume-Fuel Level Sensor 2,not_available, 
IDE03474-IDE00308,Calculated volume-Fuel Level Sensor 3,not_available, 
IDE03474-IDE00309,Calculated volume-Fuel Level Sensor 4,not_available, 
IDE03474-IDE00312,Calculated volume-Fuel level from sensor 1,40.30, l
IDE03474-IDE00313,Calculated volume-Fuel level from sensor 2,not_available, 
IDE03474-IDE00314,Calculated volume-Fuel level from sensor 3,not_available, 
IDE03474-IDE00315,Calculated volume-Fuel level from sensor 4,not_available, 
IDE03474-IDE00802,Calculated volume-Full volume,42.00, l
IDE03474-MAS03826,Calculated volume-Quality sensor 1,10, 
IDE03474-MAS03827,Calculated volume-Quality sensor 2,not installed, 
IDE03474-MAS03828,Calculated volume-Quality sensor 3,not installed, 
IDE03474-MAS03829,Calculated volume-Quality sensor 4,not installed, 
IDE03474-MAS10338,Calculated volume-Non-calibrated volume: sensor 1,40.30, l
IDE03474-MAS10339,Calculated volume-Non-calibrated volume: sensor 2,not_available, 
IDE03474-MAS10340,Calculated volume-Non-calibrated volume: sensor 3,not_available, 
IDE03474-MAS10341,Calculated volume-Non-calibrated volume: sensor 4,not_available, 
IDE03474-ENG103155,Calculated volume-accelerated_linking_x,1.00, 
IDE03474-ENG103517,Calculated volume-accelerated_linking_y,1.00, 
IDE03474-ENG102894,Calculated volume-averaged_volume,40.30, l
IDE03474-ENG99406,Calculated volume-averaged_volume_clipped,40.30, l
IDE03474-ENG101619,Calculated volume-calibrated_volume_total,40.30, l
IDE03474-ENG126318,Calculated volume-gas_based_linking,0.50, 
IDE03474-ENG99553,Calculated volume-linking,0.0000000, 
IDE03474-ENG101669,Calculated volume-prefiltered_acceleration_x,0.31, m/s
IDE03474-ENG102339,Calculated volume-prefiltered_acceleration_y,0.09, m/s
IDE03474-ENG101623,Calculated volume-reference_volume,40.30, l
IDE03474-ENG102479,Calculated volume-speed_based_linking,0.00, 
IDE03474-ENG99683,Calculated volume-version_of_application,8, 
IDE03474-ENG102081,Calculated volume-volume_based_linking,0.0010281, 
IDE03475-MAS02915,Control button in instrument cluster-Button for auto check system,not active, 
IDE03475-MAS03929,Control button in instrument cluster-Menu button,not active, 
IDE03475-MAS12387,Control button in instrument cluster-Button for daily distance driven,not active, 
IDE03477-IDE00500,GPS time-Hour,14, H
IDE03477-IDE00500,GPS time-Hour,15, H
IDE03477-IDE00501,GPS time-Minute,36, min
IDE03477-IDE00501,GPS time-Minute,53, min
IDE03477-IDE00502,GPS time-Year,2017, yr
IDE03477-IDE00503,GPS time-Month,12, mon
IDE03477-IDE00503,GPS time-Month,12, mon
IDE03477-IDE00504,GPS time-Day,12, d
IDE03477-IDE00504,GPS time-Day,12, d
IDE03477-MAS00111,GPS time-Seconds,5, s
IDE03477-MAS00111,GPS time-Seconds,36, s
IDE03477-MAS03493,GPS time-last synchronization year,2017, yr
IDE03506,Distance: high resolution,00 02 AE DB, 
IDE03880-MAS03119,MOST address-Functional block: diagnostic instance,17, 
IDE03880-MAS03425,MOST address-Physical address,04 01, 
IDE03911-MAS01390,Service -interval- display: history 1-Block 1,4F F0 00 1A, 
IDE03911-MAS01391,Service -interval- display: history 1-Block 2,0F F0 00 0C, 
IDE03911-MAS01392,Service -interval- display: history 1-Block 3,8F F0 00 0C, 
IDE03911-MAS01393,Service -interval- display: history 1-Block 4,CF F0 00 1A, 
IDE03911-MAS01394,Service -interval- display: history 1-Block 5,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03911-MAS01395,Service -interval- display: history 1-Block 6,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03911-MAS01396,Service -interval- display: history 1-Block 7,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03911-MAS01397,Service -interval- display: history 1-Block 8,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03911-MAS01398,Service -interval- display: history 1-Block 9,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03911-MAS01399,Service -interval- display: history 1-Block 10,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03911-MAS01400,Service -interval- display: history 1-Block 11,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03911-MAS01401,Service -interval- display: history 1-Block 12,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03911-MAS01402,Service -interval- display: history 1-Block 13,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03911-MAS01403,Service -interval- display: history 1-Block 14,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03911-MAS01404,Service -interval- display: history 1-Block 15,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03911-MAS01405,Service -interval- display: history 1-Block 16,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03912-MAS01390,Service -interval- display: history 2-Block 1,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03912-MAS01391,Service -interval- display: history 2-Block 2,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03912-MAS01392,Service -interval- display: history 2-Block 3,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03912-MAS01393,Service -interval- display: history 2-Block 4,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03912-MAS01394,Service -interval- display: history 2-Block 5,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03912-MAS01395,Service -interval- display: history 2-Block 6,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03912-MAS01396,Service -interval- display: history 2-Block 7,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03912-MAS01397,Service -interval- display: history 2-Block 8,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03912-MAS01398,Service -interval- display: history 2-Block 9,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03912-MAS01399,Service -interval- display: history 2-Block 10,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03912-MAS01400,Service -interval- display: history 2-Block 11,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03912-MAS01401,Service -interval- display: history 2-Block 12,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03912-MAS01402,Service -interval- display: history 2-Block 13,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03912-MAS01403,Service -interval- display: history 2-Block 14,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03912-MAS01404,Service -interval- display: history 2-Block 15,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03912-MAS01405,Service -interval- display: history 2-Block 16,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03913-MAS01390,Service -interval- display: history 3-Block 1,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03913-MAS01391,Service -interval- display: history 3-Block 2,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03913-MAS01392,Service -interval- display: history 3-Block 3,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03913-MAS01393,Service -interval- display: history 3-Block 4,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03913-MAS01394,Service -interval- display: history 3-Block 5,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03913-MAS01395,Service -interval- display: history 3-Block 6,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03913-MAS01396,Service -interval- display: history 3-Block 7,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03913-MAS01397,Service -interval- display: history 3-Block 8,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03913-MAS01398,Service -interval- display: history 3-Block 9,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03913-MAS01399,Service -interval- display: history 3-Block 10,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03913-MAS01400,Service -interval- display: history 3-Block 11,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03913-MAS01401,Service -interval- display: history 3-Block 12,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03913-MAS01402,Service -interval- display: history 3-Block 13,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03913-MAS01403,Service -interval- display: history 3-Block 14,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03913-MAS01404,Service -interval- display: history 3-Block 15,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03913-MAS01405,Service -interval- display: history 3-Block 16,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03914-MAS01390,Service -interval- display: history 4-Block 1,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03914-MAS01391,Service -interval- display: history 4-Block 2,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03914-MAS01392,Service -interval- display: history 4-Block 3,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03914-MAS01393,Service -interval- display: history 4-Block 4,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03914-MAS01394,Service -interval- display: history 4-Block 5,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03914-MAS01395,Service -interval- display: history 4-Block 6,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03914-MAS01396,Service -interval- display: history 4-Block 7,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03914-MAS01397,Service -interval- display: history 4-Block 8,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03914-MAS01398,Service -interval- display: history 4-Block 9,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03914-MAS01399,Service -interval- display: history 4-Block 10,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03914-MAS01400,Service -interval- display: history 4-Block 11,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03914-MAS01401,Service -interval- display: history 4-Block 12,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03914-MAS01402,Service -interval- display: history 4-Block 13,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03914-MAS01403,Service -interval- display: history 4-Block 14,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03914-MAS01404,Service -interval- display: history 4-Block 15,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE03914-MAS01405,Service -interval- display: history 4-Block 16,FF FF FF FF, 
IDE04649-MAS06857,Activation for housing fan-Speed,0, /min
IDE04649-ENG128738,Activation for housing fan-PWM_FAN,0, %
IDE04649-ENG128737,Activation for housing fan-source_max_PWM_requested,none, 
IDE04649-ENG98933,Activation for housing fan-Status,OFF, 
IDE04649-ENG128733,Activation for housing fan-temperature_Boost,45, °C
IDE04649-ENG128734,Activation for housing fan-temperature_chipled,57, °C
IDE04649-ENG128736,Activation for housing fan-temperature_GPU,52, °C
IDE04649-ENG128735,Activation for housing fan-temperature_KI,45, °C
IDE06425-IDE02766,Roller test bench mode: functional-Malfunction status,no error, 
IDE06425-IDE06026,Roller test bench mode: functional-Adaptation of brake pedal path sensor,not activated, 
IDE06592-MAS05002,Status: special functions-Showroom mode,OFF, 
IDE06592-MAS05003,Status: special functions-Debug functions,OFF, 
IDE06924,Performance display,4093, 
IDE07145-MAS06772,Component protection properties-Component protection generation,02, 
IDE07145-MAS06773,Component protection properties-KS Standard software main version nummer,02, 
IDE07145-MAS06774,Component protection properties-KS Standard software secondary version number,00, 
IDE07145-MAS06775,Component protection properties-KS Standard software correct number,01, 
IDE07145-MAS06776,Component protection properties-Komponent protection role,WFS Master, 
IDE07145-MAS06781,Component protection properties-Secure Hardware Extension,used, 
IDE07145-MAS06782,Component protection properties-Master ECU Key,administered by component protection, 
IDE07145-MAS06785,Component protection properties-GFA key,used, 
IDE07145-MAS06786,Component protection properties-SSW RND Generation,Not Used, 
IDE07145-MAS06787,Component protection properties-Indiv Key Generation,used, 
IDE07145-MAS06788,Component protection properties-SHE Secure Boot,Not Used, 
IDE07145-MAS06789,Component protection properties-KSB Config Status 2,00, 
IDE07145-MAS07187,Component protection properties-KS Data version,01, 
IDE07159-MAS01155,Control module switch-off: counter-Control module,0, min
IDE07159-MAS05583,Control module switch-off: counter-Data bus,0, min
IDE07578-MAS00138,Operating range consumption with electric drive-1,0.00, 
IDE07578-MAS00139,Operating range consumption with electric drive-2,65533, 
IDE07578-ENG04221,Operating range consumption with electric drive-ERW_Energieinhalt,0.00, 
IDE07578-ENG114651,Operating range consumption with electric drive-s_erw_rw_batterie,65533, km
IDE07578-ENG114652,Operating range consumption with electric drive-s_erw_rw_batterie_anz,65534, km
IDE07578-ENG114648,Operating range consumption with electric drive-s_erw_rwds,0.00, A
IDE07578-ENG114640,Operating range consumption with electric drive-s_erw_rwds_high,0.00, A
IDE07578-ENG114644,Operating range consumption with electric drive-s_erw_rwds_low,10.00, A
IDE07578-ENG114637,Operating range consumption with electric drive-s_erw_rwdv_antrieb_high_unclass,0.10, kWh/100 km
IDE07578-ENG114641,Operating range consumption with electric drive-s_erw_rwdv_antrieb_low_unclass,25.00, 
IDE07578-ENG114645,Operating range consumption with electric drive-s_erw_rwdv_antrieb_unclass,1.90, 
IDE07578-ENG114638,Operating range consumption with electric drive-s_erw_rwdv_dcdc_high_unclass,0.00, kWh/100 km
IDE07578-ENG114642,Operating range consumption with electric drive-s_erw_rwdv_dcdc_low_unclass,0.20, 
IDE07578-ENG114646,Operating range consumption with electric drive-s_erw_rwdv_dcdc_unclass,0.00, 
IDE07578-ENG114639,Operating range consumption with electric drive-s_erw_rwdv_tme_high_unclass,0.10, 
IDE07578-ENG114643,Operating range consumption with electric drive-s_erw_rwdv_tme_low_unclass,0.50, 
IDE07578-ENG114647,Operating range consumption with electric drive-s_erw_rwdv_tme_unclass,0.10, 
IDE07578-ENG114649,Operating range consumption with electric drive-s_erw_rwdv_unclass,2.10, 
IDE07646-ENG114675,Consumption for road-specif. range with electric drive-s_erw_endsteigung,0.00, %
IDE07646-ENG114667,Consumption for road-specif. range with electric drive-s_erw_rwdv_antrieb_class_0,1.10, kWh/100 km
IDE07646-ENG114668,Consumption for road-specif. range with electric drive-s_erw_rwdv_antrieb_class_1,25.00, kWh/100 km
IDE07646-ENG114669,Consumption for road-specif. range with electric drive-s_erw_rwdv_antrieb_class_2,25.00, kWh/100 km
IDE07646-ENG114670,Consumption for road-specif. range with electric drive-s_erw_rwdv_antrieb_class_3,25.00, kWh/100 km
IDE07646-ENG114671,Consumption for road-specif. range with electric drive-s_erw_rwdv_antrieb_class_4,25.00, kWh/100 km
IDE07646-ENG114672,Consumption for road-specif. range with electric drive-s_erw_rwdv_antrieb_class_5,25.00, kWh/100 km
IDE07646-ENG114673,Consumption for road-specif. range with electric drive-s_erw_rwdv_antrieb_class_6,25.00, kWh/100 km
IDE07646-ENG114653,Consumption for road-specif. range with electric drive-s_erw_rwdv_antrieb_high_class_0,1.10, kWh/100 km
IDE07646-ENG114654,Consumption for road-specif. range with electric drive-s_erw_rwdv_antrieb_high_class_1,25.00, kWh/100 km
IDE07646-ENG114655,Consumption for road-specif. range with electric drive-s_erw_rwdv_antrieb_high_class_2,25.00, kWh/100 km
IDE07646-ENG114656,Consumption for road-specif. range with electric drive-s_erw_rwdv_antrieb_high_class_3,25.00, kWh/100 km
IDE07646-ENG114657,Consumption for road-specif. range with electric drive-s_erw_rwdv_antrieb_high_class_4,25.00, kWh/100 km
IDE07646-ENG114658,Consumption for road-specif. range with electric drive-s_erw_rwdv_antrieb_high_class_5,25.00, kWh/100 km
IDE07646-ENG114659,Consumption for road-specif. range with electric drive-s_erw_rwdv_antrieb_high_class_6,25.00, kWh/100 km
IDE07646-ENG04222,Consumption for road-specif. range with electric drive-s_erw_rwdv_antrieb_low_class,25.00, kWh/100 km
IDE07646-ENG114674,Consumption for road-specif. range with electric drive-s_erw_str_klasse,0, 
IDE08235-ENG118223,Status of immobilizer participant-ELV_State,F8, 
IDE08235-ENG118222,Status of immobilizer participant-GSG_State,F8, 
IDE08235-ENG118217,Status of immobilizer participant-Immobilizer_State,00, 
IDE08235-ENG118216,Status of immobilizer participant-key_state,1C, 
IDE08235-ENG118218,Status of immobilizer participant-MSG_1_State,F8, 
IDE08235-ENG118219,Status of immobilizer participant-MSG_2_State,00, 
IDE08235-ENG118220,Status of immobilizer participant-MSG_3_State,00, 
IDE08235-ENG118221,Status of immobilizer participant-MSG_4_State,F8, 
IDE08236-ENG118224,Status locking periods immobilizer-blocking_time,00 00 00 00 00 00, 
IDE08239,Transponder ID Key 1,09 D7 BF D6, 
IDE08240,Transponder ID Key 2,09 D7 57 61, 
IDE08252-ENG101043,Test sum of adapted transponder-Checksum,C3 A1 24 B2, 
IDE08252-ENG99027,Test sum of adapted transponder-Version,01, 
IDE08343,Immobilizer Challenge,B6 CA F7 67, 
IDE08701-MAS07266,ESI: Status-Oil change: unit of dist. travelled,miles, 
IDE08701-MAS07267,ESI: Status-Oil change: dist. travelled,5000, 
IDE08701-MAS07268,ESI: Status-Oil change: stat. of dist. travelled,Service in, 
IDE08701-MAS07269,ESI: Status-Oil change: stat. of time,Service in, 
IDE08701-MAS07270,ESI: Status-Inspection: stat. of dist. travelled,Service in, 
IDE08701-MAS07271,ESI: Status-Inspection: unit of dist. travelled,miles, 
IDE08701-MAS07272,ESI: Status-Inspection: dist. travelled,19900, 
IDE08701-MAS07273,ESI: Status-Inspection: time,724, 
IDE08701-MAS07274,ESI: Status-Oil change warning,no warning, 
IDE08701-MAS07277,ESI: Status-Inspections warning,no warning, 
IDE08701-MAS07305,ESI: Status-Oil change: time,370, 
IDE08701-MAS07308,ESI: Status-Inspection: status time,Service in, 
IDE08701-MAS10768,ESI: Status-Daily mileage,100, 
MAS00077-ENG99298,Immobilizer-State,02 01 03 5B 02 00 00 00 03 00, 
MAS03121,Ring break diagnostic line status,Supply voltage, 
ENG126262-ENG114675,Consumption_for_distance_on_map-s_erw_endsteigung,0.00, %
ENG126262-ENG128739,Consumption_for_distance_on_map-s_vkmrw_rwdv_antrieb_low_class,11.70, l/100km
ENG126262-ENG126309,Consumption_for_distance_on_map-s_vkmrw_rwdv_class_0,10.10, l/100km
ENG126262-ENG126310,Consumption_for_distance_on_map-s_vkmrw_rwdv_class_1,10.00, l/100km
ENG126262-ENG126311,Consumption_for_distance_on_map-s_vkmrw_rwdv_class_2,10.00, l/100km
ENG126262-ENG126312,Consumption_for_distance_on_map-s_vkmrw_rwdv_class_3,10.00, l/100km
ENG126262-ENG126313,Consumption_for_distance_on_map-s_vkmrw_rwdv_class_4,10.00, l/100km
ENG126262-ENG126314,Consumption_for_distance_on_map-s_vkmrw_rwdv_class_5,10.00, l/100km
ENG126262-ENG126315,Consumption_for_distance_on_map-s_vkmrw_rwdv_class_6,10.00, l/100km
ENG126262-ENG126302,Consumption_for_distance_on_map-s_vkmrw_rwdv_high_class_0,10.10, l/100km
ENG126262-ENG126303,Consumption_for_distance_on_map-s_vkmrw_rwdv_high_class_1,10.00, l/100km
ENG126262-ENG126304,Consumption_for_distance_on_map-s_vkmrw_rwdv_high_class_2,10.00, l/100km
ENG126262-ENG126305,Consumption_for_distance_on_map-s_vkmrw_rwdv_high_class_3,10.00, l/100km
ENG126262-ENG126306,Consumption_for_distance_on_map-s_vkmrw_rwdv_high_class_4,10.00, l/100km
ENG126262-ENG126307,Consumption_for_distance_on_map-s_vkmrw_rwdv_high_class_5,10.00, l/100km
ENG126262-ENG126308,Consumption_for_distance_on_map-s_vkmrw_rwdv_high_class_6,10.00, l/100km
ENG105830-ENG104002,dmmng_chan_instr_clust/dmmng_char_curve_gauge/fnger-dimming_characteristic_curve_bar_graph_and_ACC,92, %
ENG105830-ENG119807,dmmng_chan_instr_clust/dmmng_char_curve_gauge/fnger-dimming_characteristic_curve_clock_dial,52, %
ENG105830-ENG101889,dmmng_chan_instr_clust/dmmng_char_curve_gauge/fnger-dimming_characteristic_curve_gauge/finger/hand,42, %
ENG105830-ENG100477,dmmng_chan_instr_clust/dmmng_char_curve_gauge/fnger-dimming_characteristic_curve_indicator_lights,42, %
ENG105830-ENG103803,dmmng_chan_instr_clust/dmmng_char_curve_gauge/fnger-dimming_characteristic_curve_middle_display_main_field,42, %
ENG106303-ENG99140,ESI_active_warning-advance_warning_fixed_days,not active, 
ENG106303-ENG100265,ESI_active_warning-advance_warning_fixed_km,not active, 
ENG106303-ENG101600,ESI_active_warning-advance_warning_WIV_days,not active, 
ENG106303-ENG102887,ESI_active_warning-advance_warning_WIV_km,not active, 
ENG106303-ENG99971,ESI_active_warning-in_calculation,not active, 
ENG106303-ENG101015,ESI_active_warning-no_calculation_available,not active, 
ENG106303-ENG101477,ESI_active_warning-service_warning_fixed_days,not active, 
ENG106303-ENG101550,ESI_active_warning-service_warning_fixed_km,not active, 
ENG106303-ENG101709,ESI_active_warning-service_warning_WIV_days,not active, 
ENG106303-ENG102993,ESI_active_warning-service_warning_WIV_km,not active, 
ENG119883,ESI_mileage_per_day,100, km
ENG107920-ENG98868,onboard_computer-Range,462, km
ENG107920-ENG119788,onboard_computer-range_average_consumption,8.10, l/100km
ENG107920-ENG126296,onboard_computer-range_average_consumption_cng,0.00, kg/100 km
ENG107920-ENG126292,onboard_computer-range_average_consumption_cng_high,0.00, kg/100 km
ENG107920-ENG126294,onboard_computer-range_average_consumption_cng_low,0.00, kg/100 km
ENG107920-ENG119789,onboard_computer-range_average_consumption_high,8.10, l/100km
ENG107920-ENG119790,onboard_computer-range_average_consumption_low,11.70, l/100km
ENG107920-ENG126297,onboard_computer-range_average_consumption_lpg,0.00, kg/100 km
ENG107920-ENG126293,onboard_computer-range_average_consumption_lpg_high,0.00, kg/100 km
ENG107920-ENG126295,onboard_computer-range_average_consumption_lpg_low,0.00, kg/100 km
ENG107920-ENG126298,onboard_computer-range_cng,65534, km
ENG107920-ENG126300,onboard_computer-range_cng_display_value,65534, km
ENG107920-ENG119791,onboard_computer-range_display_value,462, km
ENG107920-ENG126299,onboard_computer-range_lpg,65534, km
ENG107920-ENG126301,onboard_computer-range_lpg_display_value,65534, km
ENG107953-ENG100938,outside_temp_algorithm_group-coolant_temperature_outdated_bit,not active, 
ENG107953-ENG99778,outside_temp_algorithm_group-downward_tendency,not active, 
ENG107953-ENG99788,outside_temp_algorithm_group-engine_running_detection_MSG,not active, 
ENG107953-ENG102352,outside_temp_algorithm_group-ice_warning_symbol,not active, 
ENG107953-ENG99258,outside_temp_algorithm_group-outside_temperature_filtered_error_state_bit,not active, 
ENG107953-ENG102589,outside_temp_algorithm_group-outside_temperature_old,not active, 
ENG107953-ENG102387,outside_temp_algorithm_group-outside_temperature_raw_score_error_state_bit,not active, 
ENG119885-ENG103300,Service_Key_current_data-Service_Data,7B 4A 00 23 C1 80 11 0C 0C 0D 2B 32 A8 00 00 00 63 30 67 11 C7 30 D4 12 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 FF FF 00 00 40 18, 
ENG126267-ENG126385,SK2_pointer_and_label-SK2_label,FF FF FF FF, 
ENG126268-ENG126391,SK2_state-limitation_normal_request,not active, 
ENG126268-ENG126386,SK2_state-SK2_function,not active, 
ENG126268-ENG126389,SK2_state-state_immediate_request,not active, 
ENG126268-ENG126388,SK2_state-state_normal_request,not active, 
ENG126268-ENG126390,SK2_state-state_waiting_for_retry,not active, 
ENG109340-ENG104056,tank_validation-s_vali_abs_active,not active, 
ENG109340-ENG102652,tank_validation-s_vali_abs_display_0,not active, 
ENG109340-ENG102994,tank_validation-s_vali_abs_distance/mileage,not active, 
ENG109340-ENG101149,tank_validation-s_vali_abs_rough,not active, 
ENG109340-ENG101740,tank_validation-s_vali_active,not active, 
ENG109340-ENG101355,tank_validation-s_vali_consumption_deq,3276.80, l
ENG109340-ENG100596,tank_validation-s_vali_consumption_deq_abs,3276.80, l
ENG109340-ENG102770,tank_validation-s_vali_display_0,not active, 
ENG109340-ENG99133,tank_validation-s_vali_needle_vol_ref,not active, 
ENG109340-ENG99562,tank_validation-s_vali_rough,not active, 
ENG109340-ENG100160,tank_validation-s_vali_status,2, l
ENG109340-ENG103691,tank_validation-s_vali_vol_delta_gef,3277.20, l
ENG109340-ENG100615,tank_validation-s_vali_vol_delta_roh,3277.00, l
ENG109340-ENG99506,tank_validation-s_vali_vol_g1_vg,3317.20, l
ENG109340-ENG103928,tank_validation-s_vali_vol_g2_vg,3276.80, l
ENG109340-ENG101476,tank_validation-s_vali_vol_g3_vg,3276.80, l
ENG109340-ENG101237,tank_validation-s_vali_vol_g4_vg,3276.80, l
ENG109340-ENG101103,tank_validation-s_vali_vol_ref_gew,3317.00, l
ENG109340-ENG100543,tank_validation-s_vali_vol_ref_vg,3316.90, l
ENG109340-ENG100079,tank_validation-s_vali_vol_total_vg,3317.20, l

Elapsed Time: 01:00


Active Member
Staff member
Ross-Tech Employee
Jan 29, 2014
Reaction score
Lansdale, PA, USA
VCDS Serial number
I enabled sport display/lap counter/oil temp via coding and ADP and did a soft reset, DTCs ensued :)
VCDS -- Windows Based VAG/VAS Emulator Running on Windows 7 x64
VCDS Version:  HEX-NET CB: 0.4409.4
Data version: 20171026 DS285.1

VIN: WAUSPBFF8JA063478   License Plate: 

Chassis Type: FF-AU37 (3Q0)
Scan: 01 02 03 05 08 09 10 13 15 16 17 19 23 29 2B 39 3C 42 44 47
          4B 51 52 5F 6C 75 8C A5 BB BC C0 C6 CF D6 D7

VIN: WAUSPBFF8JA063478   Mileage: 175km-108miles

01-Engine -- Status: Malfunction 0010
02-Auto Trans -- Status: Malfunction 0010
03-ABS Brakes -- Status: Malfunction 0010
05-Acc/Start Auth. -- Status: OK 0000
08-Auto HVAC -- Status: Malfunction 0010
09-Cent. Elect. -- Status: Malfunction 0010
10-Park/Steer Assist -- Status: OK 0000
13-Auto Dist. Reg -- Status: Malfunction 0010
15-Airbags -- Status: Malfunction 0010
16-Steering wheel -- Status: OK 0000
17-Instruments -- Status: OK 0000
19-CAN Gateway -- Status: OK 0000
23-Brake Booster -- Status: Malfunction 0010
29-Left Light -- Status: OK 0000
2B-Steer. Col. Lock -- Status: OK 0000
39-Right Light -- Status: OK 0000
3C-Lane Change -- Status: Malfunction 0010
42-Door Elect, Driver -- Status: OK 0000
44-Steering Assist -- Status: Malfunction 0010
47-Sound System -- Status: OK 0000
4B-Multifunc. Module -- Status: OK 0000
51-Electric Drive -- Status: OK 0000
52-Door Elect, Pass. -- Status: OK 0000
5F-Information Electr. -- Status: Malfunction 0010
6C-Back-up Cam. -- Status: OK 0000
75-Telematics -- Status: OK 0000
8C-Hybrid Battery -- Status: OK 0000
A5-Frt Sens. Drv. Assist -- Status: Malfunction 0010
BB-Door Rear Drv -- Status: OK 0000
BC-Door Rear Pass -- Status: OK 0000
C0-Act. for Ext. Noise -- Status: OK 0000
C6-Batt. Chrg. -- Status: OK 0000
CF-Lane Chge Asst 2 -- Status: OK 0000
D6-Light Ctrl Left 2 -- Status: OK 0000
D7-Light Ctrl Right 2 -- Status: OK 0000
Address 01: Engine (J623-CXUA)       Labels: None
   Part No SW: 04E 906 023 BL    HW: 04E 907 309 F
   Component: 1.4 TFSI hy   H22 5190  
   Revision: X3H22---    
   Coding: 021D0012636401083000
   Shop #: WSC 06314 790 00021
   ASAM Dataset: EV_ECM14TFS01104E906023BL 008008
   ROD: EV_ECM14TFS01104E906023BL.rod
   VCID: 6B99446C82D5757203D-803E

2 Faults Found:
20360 - Power Supply Terminal 15 
          P3325 00 [167] - Implausible
          MIL ON - Not Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 00000001
                    Fault Priority: 2
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Mileage: 175 km
                    Date: 2017.12.12
                    Time: 15:47:40

                    Engine speed: 0.00 /min
                    Normed load value: 0.0 %
                    Vehicle speed: 0 km/h
                    Coolant temperature: 22 °C
                    Intake air temperature: 21 °C
                    Ambient air pressure: 980 mbar
                    Voltage terminal 30: 13.340 V
                    Unlearning counter according OBD: 40
                    Outside air temperature: 10 °C
                    Absolute intake pressure: 98 kPa abs
                    Engine torque: 0.0 Nm
                    Fuel: tank fill level: 40.6 l
                    E-machine torque actual value: 0.0 Nm
                    Operating mode control expanded electrical driving: Correct result
                    Operating mode control expanded electrical driving-Test_Program_B TRUE UBYTE: 1
                    High-volt. battery: charge state: abs. value: 55.34 %

4715 - No Communication with Instrument Cluster 
          U0155 00 [038] - -
          [Lost Communication WithInstrument Panel Cluster (IPC) Control Module]
          Intermittent - Not Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 00000001
                    Fault Priority: 2
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Mileage: 175 km
                    Date: 2017.12.12
                    Time: 15:47:40

                    Engine speed: 0.00 /min
                    Normed load value: 0.0 %
                    Vehicle speed: 0 km/h
                    Coolant temperature: 22 °C
                    Intake air temperature: 21 °C
                    Ambient air pressure: 980 mbar
                    Voltage terminal 30: 13.340 V
                    Unlearning counter according OBD: 40

Readiness: 1110 1101

Address 02: Auto Trans (J743)       Labels:. 0BH-927-711.clb
   Part No SW: 0DD 300 046 G    HW: 0DD 927 770 C
   Component: GSG DQ400E    H32 1601  
   Revision: 00032056    Serial number: TFK01710300270
   Coding: 0014
   Shop #: WSC 00099 780 00200
   ASAM Dataset: EV_TCMDQ400021 001001
   ROD: EV_TCMDQ400021.rod
   VCID: 2C1B8770475BB24A4A7-8078

1 Fault Found:
10683 - No Communication with Instrument Cluster 
          U0155 00 [046] - -
          Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 00000001
                    Fault Priority: 0
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Mileage: 175 km
                    Date: 2017.12.12
                    Time: 15:47:40

                    Engine speed: 6.25 /min
                    Engine torque: -100 Nm
                    Vehicle speed: 72 km/h
                    Control Module temperature: 56 °C
                    CURRENT pressure: -9.5 bar
                    Clutch: primary stat: Driving
                    selected gear: GANG_5
                    Driving position: N
                    Accelerator position: 0.0 %
                    DTC memory status: 17920

Address 03: ABS Brakes (J104)       Labels:. 5Q0-907-379-OMG-V1.clb
   Part No SW: 5Q0 614 517 BL    HW: 5Q0 614 517 AH
   Component: ESC           H62 0855  
   Revision: 00000000    Serial number: 63067000000687
   Coding: 12FF40923826226F897B0A07A1CB2948021C44915085947218A1505482A802
   Shop #: WSC 06314 790 00021
   ASAM Dataset: EV_Brake1UDSContiMK100OMG 003019
   ROD: EV_Brake1UDSContiMK100OMG_003_AU37.rod
   VCID: 7CBB7730F7BBE2CA9A7-8028

1 Fault Found:
8236 - Databus 
          U1121 00 [046] - Missing Message
          [FCAN: Kombi_01 messagei is not received]
          Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 00000001
                    Fault Priority: 4
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Mileage: 175 km
                    Date: 2017.12.12
                    Time: 15:47:40

Address 05: Acc/Start Auth. (J518)       Labels:| 5Q0-959-435.clb
   Part No SW: 5Q0 959 435 C    HW: 5Q0 959 435 
   Component: VWKESSYMQB    021 0803  
   Revision: 00021000    Serial number: 0459644688
   Coding: 030C0C
   Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000
   ASAM Dataset: EV_KessyHellaMQBAB 002020
   ROD: EV_KessyHellaMQBAB_002.rod
   VCID: 3C3BB730B73B22CADA7-8068

No fault code found.

Address 08: Auto HVAC (E87)       Labels:| 8V0-820-043.clb
   Part No SW: 8V0 820 043 S    HW: 8V0 820 043 S
   Component: AC Automat    H03 0620  
   Revision: 20002000    Serial number: 00000001381293
   Coding: 0300001001001000080000000000140001000000
   Shop #: WSC 06314 790 00021
   ASAM Dataset: EV_AirCondiFrontNARAU37X 001020
   ROD: EV_AirCondiFrontNARAU37X.rod
   VCID: 42C7C9C8D5DF543A90B-8016

   Refrigerant Pressure And Temperature Sender: 
   Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 4M0 959 603 C    HW: 4M0 959 603 C
   Component: G395 pT-Sens1  H11 0009 

   Control module for auxiliary air heater: 
   Subsystem 2 - Part No SW: 3Q0 963 231 E    HW: 3Q0 963 231 E
   Component: J848 HV-PTC  200 0204 
   Serial number: -00104.4U.6C20340044

   Relative humidity sensor in fresh air intake duct: 
   Subsystem 3 - Part No SW: 4H0 907 658 A    HW: 4H0 907 658 A
   Component: AQ_Hum_Sensor  H02 0007 
   Serial number: 6CD015D800PAG0MUFU02

   Air Conditioning Compressor Sub: 
   Subsystem 4 - Part No SW: 5QE 816 803 C    HW: 5QE 816 803 C
   Component: J842 eKK  H02 0006 
   Serial number: IABB00000K0000000426

1 Fault Found:
459011 - Databus 
          U1121 00 [046] - Missing Message
          [Steuergerät im Schalttafeleinsatz - kein Signal/Kommunikation]
          Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 00000001
                    Fault Priority: 6
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Mileage: 175 km
                    Date: 2017.12.12
                    Time: 15:47:40

                    Unlearning counter according OBD-OBD Parameter: 40

Address 09: Cent. Elect. (J519)       Labels: None
   Part No SW: 5Q0 937 085 BN    HW: 5Q0 937 085 BF
   Component: BCM MQBAB MNA H36 0253  
   Serial number: 01001730300664
   Coding: 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
   Shop #: WSC 06314 790 00021
   ASAM Dataset: EV_BCMMQB 018001
   ROD: EV_BCMBOSCH_018.rod
   VCID: 064F15D8B977A81AFC3-8052

   Control Unit For Wiper Motor: 
   Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 8V1 955 119 A    HW: 8V1 955 119   Labels: 5QX-955-119-V1.CLB
   Component: WWS370 171010  043 0580 
   Serial number:         171018215533
   Coding: 0A47F7

   Rain Light Recognition Sensor: 
   Subsystem 2 - Part No SW: 81A 955 547 A    HW: 81A 955 547 
   Component: G397_RLFS  H06 0002 
   Serial number: 21039790X81A955547A0
   Coding: 00006C

   Light switch: 
   Subsystem 3 - Part No SW: 8V0 941 531 AR    HW: 8V0 941 531 AR
   Component: E1 - LDS MQB  H06 0032 
   Serial number: 29 06 2017  00001475

   Alarm horn: 
   Subsystem 4 - Part No SW: 5Q0 951 605 A    HW: 5Q0 951 605 A
   Component: Sirene, DWA  005 0314 
   Serial number: 00000000000000002774

   Sun Roof: 
   Subsystem 5 - Part No SW: 8V3 959 591 A    HW: 8V3 959 591 A
   Component: J245 PS73.404  H04 0005 
   Serial number: 0000FST001URT7M00000
   Coding: 101F00

1 Fault Found:
558869 - Databus 
          U1121 00 [008] - Missing Message
          [Kombi_01 Datenbus fehlende Botschaft]
          Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 00000001
                    Fault Priority: 6
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Reset counter: 54
                    Mileage: 175 km
                    Date: 2017.12.12
                    Time: 15:47:40

Address 10: Park/Steer Assist (J446)       Labels:| 5Q0-919-294.clb
   Part No SW: 5QA 919 294 B    HW: 5QA 919 294 
   Component: PDC 8 KanalH07 0044  
   Serial number: 000308418617300
   Coding: 0470155811
   Shop #: WSC 06314 790 00021
   ASAM Dataset: EV_EPHVA18AU3700000 009035
   ROD: EV_EPHVA18AU3700000_009_AU37.rod
   VCID: 4BD9E4ECE295957263D-801E

No fault code found.

Address 13: Auto Dist. Reg (J428)       Labels:| 3Q0-907-572.clb
   Part No SW: 5Q0 907 572 G    HW: 5Q0 907 572 G
   Component: ACC BOSCH MQB H10 0571  
   Coding: D50087C119FFC428949C8055000026
   Shop #: WSC 06314 790 00021
   ASAM Dataset: EV_ACCBOSCHVW416 001005
   ROD: EV_ACCBOSCHVW416_001_VW37.rod
   VCID: 3B39B42CB23525F2D3D-806E

1 Fault Found:
1080 - Databus 
          U1121 00 [008] - Missing Message
          Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 00000001
                    Fault Priority: 6
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Reset counter: 54
                    Mileage: 175 km
                    Date: 2017.12.12
                    Time: 15:47:40

                    Control Module temperature: 31 °C
                    Voltage terminal 15: 13.0 V
                    Velocity_vehicle_reference: 0.00 m/s
                    Longitudinal_acceleration_vehicle_reference: 0.00 m/s²
                    Status_ACC_System: ACC_StandBy

Address 15: Airbags (J234)       Labels:| 5Q0-959-655.clb
   Part No SW: 5Q0 959 655 J    HW: 5Q0 959 655 J
   Component: AirbagVW20    010 0830  
   Serial number: 003GCR09AB57
   Coding: 9DFCFCC0002000009000001AC24800000065
   Shop #: WSC 06314 790 00021
   ASAM Dataset: EV_AirbaVW20SMEVW37X 002144
   ROD: EV_AirbaVW20SMEVW37X_VW37.rod
   VCID: 47D1D8DCFEFD7112475-8012

   Belt Pretensioner left: 
   Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 5G0 980 945 B    HW: 5G0 980 945 B
   Component: BeltPretRevFL  H37 0350 
   Serial number: 34230167A25101751432
   Coding: 333135

   Belt Pretensioner right: 
   Subsystem 2 - Part No SW: 5G0 980 946 B    HW: 5G0 980 946 B
   Component: BeltPretRevFR  H37 0350 
   Serial number: 34230168A02111750605
   Coding: 333135

   Occupant Detection: 
   Subsystem 3 - Part No SW: 5C6 959 339 B    HW: 5C6 959 339 B
   Component: BF-Gewichtss.  H10 0046 
   Serial number: 694000000000001NM31Q
   Coding: 303334

   Side Sensor Driver Front: 
   Subsystem 4 - Part No SW: -----------    HW: 480 000 211 17
   Component: SideSensor_Df  001 0887 
   Serial number: 357000000006768C692S
   Coding: 2D2D2D

   Side Sensor Passenger Front: 
   Subsystem 5 - Part No SW: -----------    HW: 480 000 211 17
   Component: SideSensor_Pf  001 0887 
   Serial number: 35800000000C63AC692X
   Coding: 2D2D2D

   Side Sensor Driver Rear: 
   Subsystem 6 - Part No SW: -----------    HW: 480 400 611 17
   Component: SideSensor_Dr  000 6149 
   Serial number: 3510001C127FACA2E66L
   Coding: 2D2D2D

   Side Sensor Passenger Rear: 
   Subsystem 7 - Part No SW: -----------    HW: 480 400 611 17
   Component: SideSensor_Pr  000 6149 
   Serial number: 3520001AD275C8A14478
   Coding: 2D2D2D

   Front Sensor Driver: 
   Subsystem 8 - Part No SW: -----------    HW: 480 402 709 17
   Component: FrontSensor_D  001 6149 
   Serial number: 3550002A1252D87021D-
   Coding: 2D2D2D

   Front Sensor Passenger: 
   Subsystem 9 - Part No SW: -----------    HW: 480 402 709 17
   Component: FrontSensor_P  001 6149 
   Serial number: 3560002A1252D872003Q
   Coding: 2D2D2D

1 Fault Found:
1051904 - Databus 
          U1121 00 [008] - Missing Message
          [NWD: 0x30B Kombi_01Timeout]
          Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 00000001
                    Fault Priority: 6
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Reset counter: 54
                    Mileage: 175 km
                    Date: 2017.12.12
                    Time: 15:47:40

Address 16: Steering wheel (J527)       Labels:| 5Q0-953-549.clb
   Part No SW: 8V0 953 521 KF    HW: 5Q0 953 549 E
   Component: Lenks. Modul  003 0140  
   Revision: --------    Serial number: 01111704221174
   Coding: 6C18
   Shop #: WSC 06314 790 00021
   ASAM Dataset: EV_SMLSKLOMQB 020002
   ROD: EV_SMLSKLOMQB_020_AU37.rod
   VCID: 08531BE0B363BE6A8EF-805C

No fault code found.

Address 17: Instruments (J285)       Labels:| 5G0-920-XXX-17.clb-SRI2
   Part No SW: 8V0 920 894 A    HW: 8V0 920 894 A
   Component: FBenUSA       H16 0066  
   Coding: 084C0C516F88CF050283FE101B00000000000000
   Shop #: WSC 06314 790 00021
   ASAM Dataset: EV_DashBoardFPKAU37X 001027
   ROD: EV_DashBoardFPKAU37X.rod
   VCID: 3FC1C03CA62D39D2FF5-806A

No fault code found.

Address 19: CAN Gateway (J533)       Labels:| 3Q0-907-530-V1.clb
   Part No SW: 3Q0 907 530 M    HW: 3Q0 907 530 D
   Component: GW MQB EV     618 6322  
   Serial number: 25101710801069
   Coding: 0201001726F200005B00101E581000000001010100010000000300000000
   Shop #: WSC 06314 790 00021
   ASAM Dataset: EV_GatewNF 013023
   ROD: EV_GatewNF_VW48.rod
   VCID: 3935AE24B80917E2C11-806C

   Multi Function Steering Wheel Control Module: 
   Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 8W0 951 523 F    HW: 8W0 951 523 F
   Component: J453 MFL  H04 0002 
   Serial number: 20171026205450 21683

   Battery Monitoring Control Module: 
   Subsystem 2 - Part No SW: 5QE 915 181 A    HW: 5QE 915 181 A
   Component: J367-BDMHella  H10 9070 
   Serial number: 0264015604          

No fault code found.

Address 23: Brake Booster (J539)       Labels:* None
   Part No SW: 5QE 909 059 G    HW: 5QE 909 059 B
   Component: EBKV          H14 0211  
   Serial number:   085460013127
   Coding: 03720100331A00030002050500
   Shop #: WSC 06314 790 00021
   ASAM Dataset: EV_BrakeBoostBoschMQBOMG 004003
   ROD: EV_BrakeBoostBoschMQBOMG_004.rod
   VCID: 52E7F98805BFC4BA20B-8006

   Brake Assistance Sub: 
   Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 5QE 909 057 D    HW: 5QE 909 057 A
   Component: VX70BrakeAssi  H04 0155 
   Serial number: 05802861311017064918

1 Fault Found:
209664 - No Communication with Instrument Cluster 
          U0155 00 [046] - -
          Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 00000001
                    Fault Priority: 6
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Mileage: 175 km
                    Date: 2017.12.12
                    Time: 15:47:40

Address 29: Left Light (J1018)       Labels: 8S0-907-397.clb
   Part No SW: 8S0 907 397 D    HW: 8S0 907 397 D
   Component: LCM_MQB       H06 0017  
   Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000
   ASAM Dataset: EV_LCMLeftCONTIAU426 001009
   ROD: EV_LCMLeftCONTIAU426_VW41.rod
   VCID: 42C7C9C8D5DF543A90B-8016

No fault code found.

Address 2B: Steer. Col. Lock (J764)       Labels:| 5Q0-905-861.clb
   Part No SW: 5Q0 905 861 A    HW: 5Q0 905 861 A
   Component: ELV-MQBA      H01 0120  
   Revision: 00000000    Serial number: 17000317723003
   Coding: 5D00000000000000
   Shop #: WSC 06314 790 00021
   ASAM Dataset: EV_ELVMarquMQB 004111
   ROD: EV_ELVMarquMQB.rod
   VCID: 342B9F109F6BEA8A127-8060

No fault code found.

Address 39: Right Light (J1023)       Labels: 8S0-907-397.clb
   Part No SW: 8S0 907 397 D    HW: 8S0 907 397 D
   Component: LCM_MQB       H06 0017  
   Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000
   ASAM Dataset: EV_LCMRightCONTIAU426 001009
   ROD: EV_LCMLeftCONTIAU426_VW41.rod
   VCID: 42C7C9C8D5DF543A90B-8016

No fault code found.

Address 3C: Lane Change (J769)       Labels:| 3Q0-907-566.clb
   Part No SW: 3Q0 907 566 F    HW: 3Q0 907 566 
   Component: MRR1Rear      H21 0610  
   Revision: --------    
   Coding: 04C002
   Shop #: WSC 06314 790 00021
   ASAM Dataset: EV_RearRadarS1BoschVW48X 001007
   ROD: EV_RearRadarS1BoschVW48X.rod
   VCID: 3B39B42CB23525F2D3D-806E

1 Fault Found:
1183837 - Databus 
          U1121 00 [008] - Missing Message
          [databus message missing - Kombi]
          Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 00000001
                    Fault Priority: 6
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Reset counter: 54
                    Mileage: 175 km
                    Date: 2017.12.12
                    Time: 15:47:40

                    Control Module temperature: 39 °C
                    Voltage terminal 30: Measured value not available
                    Vehicle speed: 0.00 km/h
                    Terminal 15 status: Measured value not available
                    Voltage terminal 15: 12.90 V

Address 42: Door Elect, Driver (J386)       Labels:| 5QX-959-X93-42.clb
   Part No SW: 5Q0 959 593 E    HW: 5Q0 959 593 B
   Component: TSG FS        020 0041  
   Serial number: 191017EJJ05486
   Coding: 005D1F205C00048000000003
   Shop #: WSC 06314 790 00021
   ASAM Dataset: EV_DCUDriveSideEWMAXKLO 006003
   VCID: 43C9CCCCCAC55D329BD-8016

No fault code found.

Address 44: Steering Assist (J500)       Labels:| 5Q0-909-144.clb
   Part No SW: 5Q0 909 144 T    HW: 5Q0 909 144 R
   Component: EPS_MQB_ZFLS  128 1072  
   Coding: D106
   Shop #: WSC 06314 790 00021
   ASAM Dataset: EV_SteerAssisMQB 013144
   ROD: EV_SteerAssisMQB_013.rod
   VCID: 45CDD2D4C4F16302B59-8010

1 Fault Found:
22016 - Databus 
          U1121 00 [008] - Missing Message
          [KFC_KOMBI_01 Botschaft - CAN-Timeout]
          Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 00000001
                    Fault Priority: 6
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Reset counter: 54
                    Mileage: 175 km
                    Date: 2017.12.12
                    Time: 15:47:40

                    Motor status: 00
                    System status: Waiting for start request
                    Supply voltage: 13.00 V
                    Temperature: 20.0 °C
                    KFC: 56
                    KFA: 00 00
                    Environmental conditions: 25
                    uAdSensI_U1V2Filtered_gdu16: 1.20 V
                    uAdSensI_U5VFiltered_xdu16: 0.00000 V
                    uioUdNotFilt_xdu16: 13.22 V
                    uAdSensI_SwitchedKl30_xdu16: 13.21 V
                    NoInitCause_AsicSens: [0x00] ASC_CTRL_SAS_NO_ERR
                    NoInitCause_RackPos_Rohwert: 00 00
                    RP_VALCNTSAV: not activated
                    RP_DIAGJOB: not activated
                    RP_RPS: not activated
                    RP_KMN_RACKPOS_SET: not activated
                    RP_STARTUP: not activated
                    RP_L2PLAUSI: not activated
                    RP_INDEXPLAUSI: not activated
                    RP_WHLSPDPLAUSI: not activated
                    RP_RUKUCNTR: not activated
                    RP_UNDERVOLT: not activated
                    RP_CNTERR: not activated

Address 47: Sound System (J525)       Labels:| 81A-035-466.clb
   Part No SW: 81A 035 466 B    HW: 81A 035 466 
   Component: MIB2_amp_P_A3 H10 0440  
   Revision: 00000001    Serial number: AUZ8ZAH5F00ZPQ-
   Coding: 0173030000AAAA2AAA0000010000
   Shop #: WSC 06314 790 00021
   ASAM Dataset: EV_AMPMst16C9Gen2ALPI 001002
   ROD: EV_AMPMst16C9Gen2ALPI.rod
   VCID: 240B6F502F8B7A0A827-8070

No fault code found.

Address 4B: Multifunc. Module (J745)       Labels:* None
   Part No SW: 3Q0 907 338     HW: 3Q0 907 338 
   Component: FCM MQB Low   002 0286  
   Serial number: 31101710800195
   Coding: 000000050100142A00112300040000000000000000000000000000000000
   Shop #: WSC 06314 790 00021
   ASAM Dataset: EV_MultiModulContiVW48X 001010
   ROD: EV_MultiModulContiVW48X.rod
   VCID: 72A75908A5FFA4BAC0B-8026

No fault code found.

Address 51: Electric Drive (J841)       Labels: None
   Part No SW: 5G0 907 080 E    HW: 5G0 907 080 E
   Component: LE Gen 3.3H15 1032  
   Revision: 00H15000    
   Coding: 40020000000000000000
   Shop #: WSC 06314 790 00021
   ASAM Dataset: EV_DMCM08530115G0907080E 001008
   ROD: EV_DMCM08530115G0907080E.rod
   VCID: 29157E6448A9A762B11-807C

No fault code found.

Address 52: Door Elect, Pass. (J387)       Labels:| 5QX-959-X92-52.clb
   Part No SW: 5Q0 959 592 E    HW: 5Q0 959 592 B
   Component: TSG BFS       020 0041  
   Serial number: 221017EJL19794
   Coding: 005D17205E00048000000003
   Shop #: WSC 06314 790 00021
   ASAM Dataset: EV_DCUPasseSideEWMAXKLO 006003
   VCID: 42C7C9C8D5DF543A90B-8016

No fault code found.

Address 5F: Information Electr. (J794)       Labels:* None
   Part No SW: 8V1 035 880 B    HW: 8V1 035 880 
   Component: MU-P-LNS-US   054 1110  
   Serial number: A702J0H2504957
   Coding: 017393020000000011220002041A00102F0029E5017001047E
   Shop #: WSC 06314 790 00021
   ASAM Dataset: EV_MUHig6C3Gen2HBAS 001115
   ROD: EV_MUHig6C3Gen2HBAS_AU37.rod
   VCID: 3935AE24B80917E2C11-806C

   Data medium: 
   Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: V03 959 801 GH    HW: -----------
   Component: NAR 2017/2018  --- 0060 
   Serial number: --------------------

   Display unit 1 for multimedia system: 
   Subsystem 2 - Part No SW: 8V0 919 604 C    HW: 8V0 919 604 C
   Component: DU High  H49 0014 
   Serial number: AUZ8Z9H1Y071HF      

   Multimedia Operating Unit: 
   Subsystem 3 - Part No SW: 8V0 919 614 BK    HW: 8V0 919 614 BK
   Component: ControlUnit_H  H85 0855 
   Serial number: ALJAL113101700050389

   Compact Disc Database: 
   Subsystem 4 - Part No SW: V03 959 800 EG    HW: -----------
   Component: Gracenote2  --- 3012 
   Serial number: --------------------

1 Fault Found:
6669 - Optical Data Bus for Digital Sound System 
          U10CC 00 [009] - Intermittent Disruption
          [Optical data bus: sporadic open circuit in sound]
          Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 00000001
                    Fault Priority: 7
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Reset counter: 14
                    Mileage: 175 km
                    Date: 2017.12.12
                    Time: 15:47:55

                    Voltage terminal 30: 13.3 V
                    Temperature of MOST transceiver-max.value: -50 °C
                    Temperature of MOST transceiver-min.value: -1 °C
                    Temperature of MOST transceiver-Current: 47 °C

Address 6C: Back-up Cam. (J772)       Labels:| 5Q0-980-556.clb
   Part No SW: 5Q0 980 556 B    HW: 5Q0 980 556 B
   Component: RVC Compact   H12 0231  
   Coding: 0273100102002001400040
   Shop #: WSC 06314 790 00021
   ASAM Dataset: EV_CamSysRVRVCPANAMQBAB 006009
   VCID: 3935AE24B80917E2C11-806C

No fault code found.

Address 75: Telematics (J949)       Labels:| 5QE-035-285.clb
   Part No SW: 5QE 035 285 A    HW: 5QE 035 285 A
   Component: OCULowMQBUS   009 0570  
   Coding: 017393011082BA0100F800000000
   Shop #: WSC 06314 790 00021
   ASAM Dataset: EV_OCULowMQB 001006
   ROD: EV_OCULowMQB.rod
   VCID: 43C9CCCCCAC55D329BD-8016

No fault code found.

Address 8C: Hybrid Battery (J840)       Labels: None
   Part No SW: 5Q0 915 182 D    HW: 5Q0 915 182 C
   Component: BECM          H05 0921  
   Serial number: V6130090
   Coding: 00000000
   Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000
   ASAM Dataset: EV_BECM09620115Q0915182 006041
   ROD: EV_BECM09620115Q0915182.rod
   VCID: 342B9F109F6BEA8A127-8060

   Battery Junction Box: 
   Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 5Q0 915 250 E    HW: 5Q0 915 250 E
   Component: BJB  H28 0240 
   Coding: 000000

   Cell Module Controller 1: 
   Subsystem 2 - Part No SW: 5QE 915 591 K    HW: 5QE 915 591 K
   Component: 6D1  H14 0481 
   Serial number: V013C1762330573     
   Coding: 000000

   Cell Module Controller 2: 
   Subsystem 3 - Part No SW: 5QE 915 591 K    HW: 5QE 915 591 K
   Component: 6D2  H14 0481 
   Serial number: V013C1762330568     
   Coding: 000000

   Cell Module Controller 3: 
   Subsystem 4 - Part No SW: 5QE 915 591 K    HW: 5QE 915 591 K
   Component: 6D3  H14 0481 
   Serial number: V013C1762330572     
   Coding: 000000

   Cell Module Controller 4: 
   Subsystem 5 - Part No SW: 5QE 915 591 K    HW: 5QE 915 591 K
   Component: 6D4  H14 0481 
   Serial number: V013C1762330571     
   Coding: 000000

   Cell Module Controller 5: 
   Subsystem 6 - Part No SW: 5QE 915 591 K    HW: 5QE 915 591 K
   Component: 6D5  H14 0481 
   Serial number: V013C1772630045     
   Coding: 000000

   Cell Module Controller 6: 
   Subsystem 7 - Part No SW: 5QE 915 591 K    HW: 5QE 915 591 K
   Component: 6D6  H14 0481 
   Serial number: V013C1772630046     
   Coding: 000000

   Cell Module Controller 7: 
   Subsystem 8 - Part No SW: 5QE 915 591 K    HW: 5QE 915 591 K
   Component: 6D7  H14 0481 
   Serial number: V013C1762330586     
   Coding: 000000

   Cell Module Controller 8: 
   Subsystem 9 - Part No SW: 5QE 915 591 K    HW: 5QE 915 591 K
   Component: 6D8  H14 0481 
   Serial number: V013C1762330585     
   Coding: 000000

No fault code found.

Address A5: Frt Sens. Drv. Assist (R242)       Labels:| 3Q0-980-65X-A5.clb
   Part No SW: 3Q0 980 654 H    HW: 3Q0 980 654 A
   Component: MQB_B_MFK     H07 0272  
   Serial number: 27101711P11306
   Coding: 040307030000020101222346814E490080000E200120
   Shop #: WSC 06314 790 00021
   ASAM Dataset: EV_MFKBoschMQBB 001001
   ROD: EV_MFKBoschMQBB_VW36.rod
   VCID: 3C3BB730B73B22CADA7-8068

1 Fault Found:
1122612 - Databus 
          U1121 00 [008] - Missing Message
          Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 00000001
                    Fault Priority: 6
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Reset counter: 54
                    Mileage: 175 km
                    Date: 2017.12.12
                    Time: 15:47:40

                    Control Module temperature: 36 °C
                    Outside air temperature: 11.0 °C
                    Vehicle speed: 0.00 km/h
                    System run time: 2285.5 s
                    Voltage terminal 15: 13.1 V
                    mid: 01 CF
                    Status of camera: operational
                    Engine_Running_Info: 0
                    Software_Info_4: 2
                    Software_Info_3: 7
                    Software_Info_2: 2
                    Software_Info_1: 0

Address BB: Door Rear Drv
Cannot be reached

Address BC: Door Rear Pass (J389)       Labels:* None
   Part No SW: 5Q0 959 395 E    HW: 5Q0 959 395 B
   Component: TSG HBFS      020 0041  
   Serial number: 091017EJ913755
   Coding: 000C17204000048000000002
   Shop #: WSC 06314 790 00021
   ASAM Dataset: EV_DCURearPasseMINKLO 006003
   ROD: EV_DCURearPasseMAXCONT.rod
   VCID: 43C9CCCCCAC55D329BD-8016

No fault code found.

Address C0: Act. for Ext. Noise (----)       Labels:| 5QE-035-335.clb
   Part No SW: 5QE 035 335 L    HW: 5QE 035 335 B
   Component: E_SOUND_SG    H09 0212  
   Serial number: EN172301820000
   Coding: 04
   Shop #: WSC 06314 790 00021
   ASAM Dataset: EV_ENoiseS1NNVW3707 006013
   ROD: EV_ENoiseS1NNVW3707_006.rod
   VCID: 4AD7E1E8EDEF8C7A58B-801E

No fault code found.

Address C6: Batt. Chrg. (J1050)       Labels:* None
   Part No SW: 5QE 915 682 AG    HW: 5QE 915 682 AG
   Component: OBC KOSTAL    H40 4013  
   Revision: --------    Serial number: 0108170H10001Y
   Coding: 105168023000
   Shop #: WSC 06314 790 00021
   ASAM Dataset: EV_OBCSinglPhaseKLOMQB12P 001001
   ROD: EV_OBCSinglPhaseKLOMQB12P.rod
   VCID: 12673988C53F04BA60B-8046

No fault code found.

Address CF: Lane Chge Asst 2 (J770)       Labels:. 3Q0-907-566.clb
   Part No SW: 3Q0 907 590 F    HW: 3Q0 907 590 
   Component: MRR1Rear      H21 0610  
   Revision: --------    
   Coding: 04C002
   Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000
   ASAM Dataset: EV_RearRadarS2BoschVW48X 001007
   ROD: EV_RearRadarS2BoschVW48X.rod
   VCID: 3833AB2083030EEA3EF-806C

No fault code found.

Address D6: Light Ctrl Left 2 (A31)       Labels: 7PP-941-572.clb
   Part No SW: 7PP 941 572 AC    HW: 7PP 941 572 A
   Component: LED1L         H09 0008  
   Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000
   ASAM Dataset: EV_LEDModLeftMELCOAU736 001004
   ROD: EV_LEDModLeftMELCOAU736_VW37.rod
   VCID: 1771489CEEDD2192175-8042

No fault code found.

Address D7: Light Ctrl Right 2 (A27)       Labels: 7PP-941-572.clb
   Part No SW: 7PP 941 572 AC    HW: 7PP 941 572 A
   Component: LED1R         H09 0008  
   Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000
   ASAM Dataset: EV_LEDModRightMELCOAU736 001004
   ROD: EV_LEDModLeftMELCOAU736_VW37.rod
   VCID: 1771489CEEDD2192175-8042

No fault code found.

End----(Elapsed Time: 02:16, VBatt start/end: 11.9V/11.9V. VIgn 0.1V)------

VCDS -- Windows Based VAG/VAS Emulator Running on Windows 7 x64
VCDS Version:
Data version: 20171026 DS285.1

VIN: WAUSPBFF8JA063478   License Plate: 

Chassis Type  FF-AU37 (3Q0)
Scan: 01 02 03 05 08 09 10 13 15 16 17 19 23 2B 3C 42 44 47 4B 51
          52 5F 6C 75 8C A5 BB BC C0 C6 CF

VIN: WAUSPBFF8JA063478   Mileage: 175km-108miles

01-Engine -- Status: Malfunction 0010
02-Auto Trans -- Status: Malfunction 0010
03-ABS Brakes -- Status: Malfunction 0010
05-Acc/Start Auth. -- Status: OK 0000
08-Auto HVAC -- Status: Malfunction 0010
09-Cent. Elect. -- Status: Malfunction 0010
10-Park/Steer Assist -- Status: OK 0000
13-Auto Dist. Reg -- Status: Malfunction 0010
15-Airbags -- Status: Malfunction 0010
16-Steering wheel -- Status: OK 0000
17-Instruments -- Status: OK 0000
19-CAN Gateway -- Status: OK 0000
23-Brake Booster -- Status: Malfunction 0010
2B-Steer. Col. Lock -- Status: OK 0000
3C-Lane Change -- Status: Malfunction 0010
42-Door Elect, Driver -- Status: OK 0000
44-Steering Assist -- Status: Malfunction 0010
47-Sound System -- Status: OK 0000
4B-Multifunc. Module -- Status: INTERFACE NOT COMPATIBLE 
51-Electric Drive -- Status: OK 0000
52-Door Elect, Pass. -- Status: OK 0000
5F-Information Electr. -- Status: Malfunction 0010
6C-Back-up Cam. -- Status: OK 0000
75-Telematics -- Status: OK 0000
8C-Hybrid Battery -- Status: OK 0000
A5-Frt Sens. Drv. Assist -- Status: Malfunction 0010
BB-Door Rear Drv -- Status: OK 0000
BC-Door Rear Pass -- Status: OK 0000
C0-Act. for Ext. Noise -- Status: OK 0000
C6-Batt. Chrg. -- Status: OK 0000
CF-Lane Chge Asst 2 -- Status: INTERFACE NOT COMPATIBLE 
Address 01: Engine (J623-CXUA)       Labels: None
   Part No SW: 04E 906 023 BL    HW: 04E 907 309 F
   Component: 1.4 TFSI hy   H22 5190  
   Revision: X3H22---    
   Coding: 021D0012636401083000
   Shop #: WSC 06314 790 00021
   ASAM Dataset: EV_ECM14TFS01104E906023BL 008008
   ROD: EV_ECM14TFS01104E906023BL.rod
   VCID: 6BDFDFAB82A0157203D-803E

2 Faults Found:
20360 - Power Supply Terminal 15 
          P3325 00 [167] - Implausible
          MIL ON - Not Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 00000001
                    Fault Priority: 2
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Mileage: 175 km
                    Date: 2017.12.12
                    Time: 15:47:40

                    Engine speed: 0.00 /min
                    Normed load value: 0.0 %
                    Vehicle speed: 0 km/h
                    Coolant temperature: 22 °C
                    Intake air temperature: 21 °C
                    Ambient air pressure: 980 mbar
                    Voltage terminal 30: 13.340 V
                    Unlearning counter according OBD: 40
                    Outside air temperature: 10 °C
                    Absolute intake pressure: 98 kPa abs
                    Engine torque: 0.0 Nm
                    Fuel: tank fill level: 40.6 l
                    E-machine torque actual value: 0.0 Nm
                    Operating mode control expanded electrical driving: Correct result
                    Operating mode control expanded electrical driving-Test_Program_B TRUE UBYTE: 1
                    High-volt. battery: charge state: abs. value: 55.34 %

4715 - No Communication with Instrument Cluster 
          U0155 00 [038] - -
          [New feature! Extended UDS fault detail is only supported by current gen. interfaces]
          Intermittent - Not Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 00000001
                    Fault Priority: 2
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Mileage: 175 km
                    Date: 2017.12.12
                    Time: 15:47:40

                    Engine speed: 0.00 /min
                    Normed load value: 0.0 %
                    Vehicle speed: 0 km/h
                    Coolant temperature: 22 °C
                    Intake air temperature: 21 °C
                    Ambient air pressure: 980 mbar
                    Voltage terminal 30: 13.340 V
                    Unlearning counter according OBD: 40

Readiness: 1110 1101

Address 02: Auto Trans (J743)       Labels:. 0BH-927-711.clb
   Part No SW: 0DD 300 046 G    HW: 0DD 927 770 C
   Component: GSG DQ400E    H32 1601  
   Revision: 00032056    Serial number: TFK01710300270
   Coding: 0014
   Shop #: WSC 00099 780 00200
   ASAM Dataset: EV_TCMDQ400021 001001
   ROD: EV_TCMDQ400021.rod
   VCID: 2C5D1CB7472ED24A4A7-8078

1 Fault Found:
10683 - No Communication with Instrument Cluster 
          U0155 00 [046] - -
          Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 00000001
                    Fault Priority: 0
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Mileage: 175 km
                    Date: 2017.12.12
                    Time: 15:47:40

                    Engine speed: 6.25 /min
                    Engine torque: -100 Nm
                    Vehicle speed: 72 km/h
                    Control Module temperature: 56 °C
                    CURRENT pressure: -9.5 bar
                    Clutch: primary stat: Driving
                    selected gear: GANG_5
                    Driving position: N
                    Accelerator position: 0.0 %
                    DTC memory status: 17920

Address 03: ABS Brakes (J104)       Labels:. 5Q0-907-379-OMG-V1.clb
   Part No SW: 5Q0 614 517 BL    HW: 5Q0 614 517 AH
   Component: ESC           H62 0855  
   Revision: 00000000    Serial number: 63067000000687
   Coding: 12FF40923826226F897B0A07A1CB2948021C44915085947218A1505482A802
   Shop #: WSC 06314 790 00021
   ASAM Dataset: EV_Brake1UDSContiMK100OMG 003019
   ROD: EV_Brake1UDSContiMK100OMG_003_AU37.rod
   VCID: 7CFDECF7F7CE82CA9A7-8028

1 Fault Found:
8236 - Databus 
          U1121 00 [046] - Missing Message
          [New feature! Extended UDS fault detail is only supported by current gen. interfaces]
          Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 00000001
                    Fault Priority: 4
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Mileage: 175 km
                    Date: 2017.12.12
                    Time: 15:47:40

Address 05: Acc/Start Auth. (J518)       Labels:| 5Q0-959-435.clb
   Part No SW: 5Q0 959 435 C    HW: 5Q0 959 435 
   Component: VWKESSYMQB    021 0803  
   Revision: 00021000    Serial number: 0459644688
   Coding: 030C0C
   Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000
   ASAM Dataset: EV_KessyHellaMQBAB 002020
   ROD: EV_KessyHellaMQBAB_002.rod
   VCID: 3C7D2CF7B74E42CADA7-8068

No fault code found.

Address 08: Auto HVAC (E87)       Labels:| 8V0-820-043.clb
   Part No SW: 8V0 820 043 S    HW: 8V0 820 043 S
   Component: AC Automat    H03 0620  
   Revision: 20002000    Serial number: 00000001381293
   Coding: 0300001001001000080000000000140001000000
   Shop #: WSC 06314 790 00021
   ASAM Dataset: EV_AirCondiFrontNARAU37X 001020
   ROD: EV_AirCondiFrontNARAU37X.rod
   VCID: 4281520FD5AA343A90B-8016

1 Fault Found:
459011 - Databus 
          U1121 00 [046] - Missing Message
          [New feature! Extended UDS fault detail is only supported by current gen. interfaces]
          Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 00000001
                    Fault Priority: 6
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Mileage: 175 km
                    Date: 2017.12.12
                    Time: 15:47:40

                    Unlearning counter according OBD-OBD Parameter: 40

Address 09: Cent. Elect. (J519)       Labels: None
   Part No SW: 5Q0 937 085 BN    HW: 5Q0 937 085 BF
   Component: BCM MQBAB MNA H36 0253  
   Serial number: 01001730300664
   Coding: 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
   Shop #: WSC 06314 790 00021
   ASAM Dataset: EV_BCMMQB 018001
   ROD: EV_BCMBOSCH_018.rod
   VCID: 06098E1FB902C81AFC3-8052

   Control Unit For Wiper Motor: 
   Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 8V1 955 119 A    HW: 8V1 955 119   Labels: 5QX-955-119-V1.CLB
   Component: WWS370 171010  043 0580 
   Serial number:         171018215533
   Coding: 0A47F7

   Rain Light Recognition Sensor: 
   Subsystem 2 - Part No SW: 81A 955 547 A    HW: 81A 955 547 
   Component: G397_RLFS  H06 0002 
   Serial number: 21039790X81A955547A0
   Coding: 00006C

   Light switch: 
   Subsystem 3 - Part No SW: 8V0 941 531 AR    HW: 8V0 941 531 AR
   Component: E1 - LDS MQB  H06 0032 
   Serial number: 29 06 2017  00001475

   Alarm horn: 
   Subsystem 4 - Part No SW: 5Q0 951 605 A    HW: 5Q0 951 605 A
   Component: Sirene, DWA  005 0314 
   Serial number: 00000000000000002774

   Sun Roof: 
   Subsystem 5 - Part No SW: 8V3 959 591 A    HW: 8V3 959 591 A
   Component: J245 PS73.404  H04 0005 
   Serial number: 0000FST001URT7M00000
   Coding: 101F00

1 Fault Found:
558869 - Databus 
          U1121 00 [008] - Missing Message
          [New feature! Extended UDS fault detail is only supported by current gen. interfaces]
          Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 00000001
                    Fault Priority: 6
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Reset counter: 54
                    Mileage: 175 km
                    Date: 2017.12.12
                    Time: 15:47:40

Address 10: Park/Steer Assist (J446)       Labels:| 5Q0-919-294.clb
   Part No SW: 5QA 919 294 B    HW: 5QA 919 294 
   Component: PDC 8 KanalH07 0044  
   Serial number: 000308418617300
   Coding: 0470155811
   Shop #: WSC 06314 790 00021
   ASAM Dataset: EV_EPHVA18AU3700000 009035
   ROD: EV_EPHVA18AU3700000_009_AU37.rod
   VCID: 4B9F7F2BE2E0F57263D-801E

No fault code found.

Address 13: Auto Dist. Reg (J428)       Labels:| 3Q0-907-572.clb
   Part No SW: 5Q0 907 572 G    HW: 5Q0 907 572 G
   Component: ACC BOSCH MQB H10 0571  
   Coding: D50087C119FFC428949C8055000026
   Shop #: WSC 06314 790 00021
   ASAM Dataset: EV_ACCBOSCHVW416 001005
   ROD: EV_ACCBOSCHVW416_001_VW37.rod
   VCID: 3B7F2FEBB24045F2D3D-806E

1 Fault Found:
1080 - Databus 
          U1121 00 [008] - Missing Message
          [New feature! Extended UDS fault detail is only supported by current gen. interfaces]
          Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 00000001
                    Fault Priority: 6
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Reset counter: 54
                    Mileage: 175 km
                    Date: 2017.12.12
                    Time: 15:47:40

                    Control Module temperature: 31 °C
                    Voltage terminal 15: 13.0 V
                    Velocity_vehicle_reference: 0.00 m/s
                    Longitudinal_acceleration_vehicle_reference: 0.00 m/s²
                    Status_ACC_System: ACC_StandBy

Address 15: Airbags (J234)       Labels:| 5Q0-959-655.clb
   Part No SW: 5Q0 959 655 J    HW: 5Q0 959 655 J
   Component: AirbagVW20    010 0830  
   Serial number: 003GCR09AB57
   Coding: 9DFCFCC0002000009000001AC24800000065
   Shop #: WSC 06314 790 00021
   ASAM Dataset: EV_AirbaVW20SMEVW37X 002144
   ROD: EV_AirbaVW20SMEVW37X_VW37.rod
   VCID: 4797431BFE881112475-8012

   Belt Pretensioner left: 
   Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 5G0 980 945 B    HW: 5G0 980 945 B
   Component: BeltPretRevFL  H37 0350 
   Serial number: 34230167A25101751432
   Coding: 333135

   Belt Pretensioner right: 
   Subsystem 2 - Part No SW: 5G0 980 946 B    HW: 5G0 980 946 B
   Component: BeltPretRevFR  H37 0350 
   Serial number: 34230168A02111750605
   Coding: 333135

   Occupant Detection: 
   Subsystem 3 - Part No SW: 5C6 959 339 B    HW: 5C6 959 339 B
   Component: BF-Gewichtss.  H10 0046 
   Serial number: 694000000000001NM31Q
   Coding: 303334

   Side Sensor Driver Front: 
   Subsystem 4 - Part No SW: -----------    HW: 480 000 211 17
   Component: SideSensor_Df  001 0887 
   Serial number: 357000000006768C692S
   Coding: 2D2D2D

   Side Sensor Passenger Front: 
   Subsystem 5 - Part No SW: -----------    HW: 480 000 211 17
   Component: SideSensor_Pf  001 0887 
   Serial number: 35800000000C63AC692X
   Coding: 2D2D2D

   Side Sensor Driver Rear: 
   Subsystem 6 - Part No SW: -----------    HW: 480 400 611 17
   Component: SideSensor_Dr  000 6149 
   Serial number: 3510001C127FACA2E66L
   Coding: 2D2D2D

   Side Sensor Passenger Rear: 
   Subsystem 7 - Part No SW: -----------    HW: 480 400 611 17
   Component: SideSensor_Pr  000 6149 
   Serial number: 3520001AD275C8A14478
   Coding: 2D2D2D

   Front Sensor Driver: 
   Subsystem 8 - Part No SW: -----------    HW: 480 402 709 17
   Component: FrontSensor_D  001 6149 
   Serial number: 3550002A1252D87021D-
   Coding: 2D2D2D

   Front Sensor Passenger: 
   Subsystem 9 - Part No SW: -----------    HW: 480 402 709 17
   Component: FrontSensor_P  001 6149 
   Serial number: 3560002A1252D872003Q
   Coding: 2D2D2D

1 Fault Found:
1051904 - Databus 
          U1121 00 [008] - Missing Message
          [New feature! Extended UDS fault detail is only supported by current gen. interfaces]
          Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 00000001
                    Fault Priority: 6
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Reset counter: 54
                    Mileage: 175 km
                    Date: 2017.12.12
                    Time: 15:47:40

Address 16: Steering wheel (J527)       Labels:| 5Q0-953-549.clb
   Part No SW: 8V0 953 521 KF    HW: 5Q0 953 549 E
   Component: Lenks. Modul  003 0140  
   Revision: --------    Serial number: 01111704221174
   Coding: 6C18
   Shop #: WSC 06314 790 00021
   ASAM Dataset: EV_SMLSKLOMQB 020002
   ROD: EV_SMLSKLOMQB_020_AU37.rod
   VCID: 08158027B316DE6A8EF-805C

No fault code found.

Address 17: Instruments (J285)       Labels:| 5G0-920-XXX-17.clb-SRI2
   Part No SW: 8V0 920 894 A    HW: 8V0 920 894 A
   Component: FBenUSA       H16 0066  
   Coding: 084C0C516F88CF050283FE101B00000000000000
   Shop #: WSC 06314 790 00021
   ASAM Dataset: EV_DashBoardFPKAU37X 001027
   ROD: EV_DashBoardFPKAU37X.rod
   VCID: 3F875BFBA65859D2FF5-806A

No fault code found.

Address 19: CAN Gateway (J533)       Labels:| 3Q0-907-530-V1.clb
   Part No SW: 3Q0 907 530 M    HW: 3Q0 907 530 D
   Component: GW MQB EV     618 6322  
   Serial number: 25101710801069
   Coding: 0201001726F200005B00101E581000000001010100010000000300000000
   Shop #: WSC 06314 790 00021
   ASAM Dataset: EV_GatewNF 013023
   ROD: EV_GatewNF_VW48.rod
   VCID: 397335E3B87C77E2C11-806C

   Multi Function Steering Wheel Control Module: 
   Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 8W0 951 523 F    HW: 8W0 951 523 F
   Component: J453 MFL  H04 0002 
   Serial number: 20171026205450 21683

   Battery Monitoring Control Module: 
   Subsystem 2 - Part No SW: 5QE 915 181 A    HW: 5QE 915 181 A
   Component: J367-BDMHella  H10 9070 
   Serial number: 0264015604          

No fault code found.

Address 23: Brake Booster (J539)       Labels:* None
   Part No SW: 5QE 909 059 G    HW: 5QE 909 059 B
   Component: EBKV          H14 0211  
   Serial number:   085460013127
   Coding: 03720100331A00030002050500
   Shop #: WSC 06314 790 00021
   ASAM Dataset: EV_BrakeBoostBoschMQBOMG 004003
   ROD: EV_BrakeBoostBoschMQBOMG_004.rod
   VCID: 52A1624F05CAA4BA20B-8006

   Brake Assistance Sub: 
   Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 5QE 909 057 D    HW: 5QE 909 057 A
   Component: VX70BrakeAssi  H04 0155 
   Serial number: 05802861311017064918

1 Fault Found:
209664 - No Communication with Instrument Cluster 
          U0155 00 [044] - -
          [New feature! Extended UDS fault detail is only supported by current gen. interfaces]
          Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 00000001
                    Fault Priority: 6
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Mileage: 175 km
                    Date: 2017.12.12
                    Time: 15:47:40

Address 2B: Steer. Col. Lock (J764)       Labels:| 5Q0-905-861.clb
   Part No SW: 5Q0 905 861 A    HW: 5Q0 905 861 A
   Component: ELV-MQBA      H01 0120  
   Revision: 00000000    Serial number: 17000317723003
   Coding: 5D00000000000000
   Shop #: WSC 06314 790 00021
   ASAM Dataset: EV_ELVMarquMQB 004111
   ROD: EV_ELVMarquMQB.rod
   VCID: 346D04D79F1E8A8A127-8060

No fault code found.

Address 3C: Lane Change (J769)       Labels:| 3Q0-907-566.clb
   Part No SW: 3Q0 907 566 F    HW: 3Q0 907 566 
   Component: MRR1Rear      H21 0610  
   Revision: --------    
   Coding: 04C002
   Shop #: WSC 06314 790 00021
   ASAM Dataset: EV_RearRadarS1BoschVW48X 001007
   ROD: EV_RearRadarS1BoschVW48X.rod
   VCID: 3B7F2FEBB24045F2D3D-806E

1 Fault Found:
1183837 - Databus 
          U1121 00 [008] - Missing Message
          [New feature! Extended UDS fault detail is only supported by current gen. interfaces]
          Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 00000001
                    Fault Priority: 6
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Reset counter: 54
                    Mileage: 175 km
                    Date: 2017.12.12
                    Time: 15:47:40

                    Control Module temperature: 39 °C
                    Voltage terminal 30: Measured value not available
                    Vehicle speed: 0.00 km/h
                    Terminal 15 status: Measured value not available
                    Voltage terminal 15: 12.90 V

Address 42: Door Elect, Driver (J386)       Labels:| 5QX-959-X93-42.clb
   Part No SW: 5Q0 959 593 E    HW: 5Q0 959 593 B
   Component: TSG FS        020 0041  
   Serial number: 191017EJJ05486
   Coding: 005D1F205C00048000000003
   Shop #: WSC 06314 790 00021
   ASAM Dataset: EV_DCUDriveSideEWMAXKLO 006003
   VCID: 438F570BCAB03D329BD-8016

No fault code found.

Address 44: Steering Assist (J500)       Labels:| 5Q0-909-144.clb
   Part No SW: 5Q0 909 144 T    HW: 5Q0 909 144 R
   Component: EPS_MQB_ZFLS  128 1072  
   Coding: D106
   Shop #: WSC 06314 790 00021
   ASAM Dataset: EV_SteerAssisMQB 013144
   ROD: EV_SteerAssisMQB_013.rod
   VCID: 458B4913C4840302B59-8010

1 Fault Found:
22016 - Databus 
          U1121 00 [008] - Missing Message
          [New feature! Extended UDS fault detail is only supported by current gen. interfaces]
          Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 00000001
                    Fault Priority: 6
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Reset counter: 54
                    Mileage: 175 km
                    Date: 2017.12.12
                    Time: 15:47:40

                    Motor status: 00
                    System status: Waiting for start request
                    Supply voltage: 13.00 V
                    Temperature: 20.0 °C
                    KFC: 56
                    KFA: 00 00
                    Environmental conditions: 25
                    uAdSensI_U1V2Filtered_gdu16: 1.20 V
                    uAdSensI_U5VFiltered_xdu16: 0.00000 V
                    uioUdNotFilt_xdu16: 13.22 V
                    uAdSensI_SwitchedKl30_xdu16: 13.21 V
                    NoInitCause_AsicSens: [0x00] ASC_CTRL_SAS_NO_ERR
                    NoInitCause_RackPos_Rohwert: 00 00
                    RP_VALCNTSAV: not activated
                    RP_DIAGJOB: not activated
                    RP_RPS: not activated
                    RP_KMN_RACKPOS_SET: not activated
                    RP_STARTUP: not activated
                    RP_L2PLAUSI: not activated
                    RP_INDEXPLAUSI: not activated
                    RP_WHLSPDPLAUSI: not activated
                    RP_RUKUCNTR: not activated
                    RP_UNDERVOLT: not activated
                    RP_CNTERR: not activated

Address 47: Sound System (J525)       Labels:| 81A-035-466.clb
   Part No SW: 81A 035 466 B    HW: 81A 035 466 
   Component: MIB2_amp_P_A3 H10 0440  
   Revision: 00000001    Serial number: AUZ8ZAH5F00ZPQ-
   Coding: 0173030000AAAA2AAA0000010000
   Shop #: WSC 06314 790 00021
   ASAM Dataset: EV_AMPMst16C9Gen2ALPI 001002
   ROD: EV_AMPMst16C9Gen2ALPI.rod
   VCID: 244DF4972FFE1A0A827-8070

No fault code found.

Address 4B: Multifunc. Module
Interface not compatible.
Please upgrade to a current Ross-Tech interface.

Address 51: Electric Drive (J841)       Labels: None
   Part No SW: 5G0 907 080 E    HW: 5G0 907 080 E
   Component: LE Gen 3.3H15 1032  
   Revision: 00H15000    
   Coding: 40020000000000000000
   Shop #: WSC 06314 790 00021
   ASAM Dataset: EV_DMCM08530115G0907080E 001008
   ROD: EV_DMCM08530115G0907080E.rod
   VCID: 2953E5A348DCC762B11-807C

No fault code found.

Address 52: Door Elect, Pass. (J387)       Labels:| 5QX-959-X92-52.clb
   Part No SW: 5Q0 959 592 E    HW: 5Q0 959 592 B
   Component: TSG BFS       020 0041  
   Serial number: 221017EJL19794
   Coding: 005D17205E00048000000003
   Shop #: WSC 06314 790 00021
   ASAM Dataset: EV_DCUPasseSideEWMAXKLO 006003
   VCID: 4281520FD5AA343A90B-8016

No fault code found.

Address 5F: Information Electr. (J794)       Labels:* None
   Part No SW: 8V1 035 880 B    HW: 8V1 035 880 
   Component: MU-P-LNS-US   054 1110  
   Serial number: A702J0H2504957
   Coding: 017393020000000011220002041A00102F0029E5017001047E
   Shop #: WSC 06314 790 00021
   ASAM Dataset: EV_MUHig6C3Gen2HBAS 001115
   ROD: EV_MUHig6C3Gen2HBAS_AU37.rod
   VCID: 397335E3B87C77E2C11-806C

   Data medium: 
   Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: V03 959 801 GH    HW: -----------
   Component: NAR 2017/2018  --- 0060 
   Serial number: --------------------

   Display unit 1 for multimedia system: 
   Subsystem 2 - Part No SW: 8V0 919 604 C    HW: 8V0 919 604 C
   Component: DU High  H49 0014 
   Serial number: AUZ8Z9H1Y071HF      

   Multimedia Operating Unit: 
   Subsystem 3 - Part No SW: 8V0 919 614 BK    HW: 8V0 919 614 BK
   Component: ControlUnit_H  H85 0855 
   Serial number: ALJAL113101700050389

   Compact Disc Database: 
   Subsystem 4 - Part No SW: V03 959 800 EG    HW: -----------
   Component: Gracenote2  --- 3012 
   Serial number: --------------------

1 Fault Found:
6669 - Optical Data Bus for Digital Sound System 
          U10CC 00 [009] - Intermittent Disruption
          [New feature! Extended UDS fault detail is only supported by current gen. interfaces]
          Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 00000001
                    Fault Priority: 7
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Reset counter: 14
                    Mileage: 175 km
                    Date: 2017.12.12
                    Time: 15:47:55

                    Voltage terminal 30: 13.3 V
                    Temperature of MOST transceiver-max.value: -50 °C
                    Temperature of MOST transceiver-min.value: -1 °C
                    Temperature of MOST transceiver-Current: 47 °C

Address 6C: Back-up Cam. (J772)       Labels:| 5Q0-980-556.clb
   Part No SW: 5Q0 980 556 B    HW: 5Q0 980 556 B
   Component: RVC Compact   H12 0231  
   Coding: 0273100102002001400040
   Shop #: WSC 06314 790 00021
   ASAM Dataset: EV_CamSysRVRVCPANAMQBAB 006009
   VCID: 397335E3B87C77E2C11-806C

No fault code found.

Address 75: Telematics (J949)       Labels:| 5QE-035-285.clb
   Part No SW: 5QE 035 285 A    HW: 5QE 035 285 A
   Component: OCULowMQBUS   009 0570  
   Coding: 017393011082BA0100F800000000
   Shop #: WSC 06314 790 00021
   ASAM Dataset: EV_OCULowMQB 001006
   ROD: EV_OCULowMQB.rod
   VCID: 438F570BCAB03D329BD-8016

No fault code found.

Address 8C: Hybrid Battery (J840)       Labels: None
   Part No SW: 5Q0 915 182 D    HW: 5Q0 915 182 C
   Component: BECM          H05 0921  
   Serial number: V6130090
   Coding: 00000000
   Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000
   ASAM Dataset: EV_BECM09620115Q0915182 006041
   ROD: EV_BECM09620115Q0915182.rod
   VCID: 346D04D79F1E8A8A127-8060

   Battery Junction Box: 
   Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 5Q0 915 250 E    HW: 5Q0 915 250 E
   Component: BJB  H28 0240 
   Coding: 000000

   Cell Module Controller 1: 
   Subsystem 2 - Part No SW: 5QE 915 591 K    HW: 5QE 915 591 K
   Component: 6D1  H14 0481 
   Serial number: V013C1762330573     
   Coding: 000000

   Cell Module Controller 2: 
   Subsystem 3 - Part No SW: 5QE 915 591 K    HW: 5QE 915 591 K
   Component: 6D2  H14 0481 
   Serial number: V013C1762330568     
   Coding: 000000

   Cell Module Controller 3: 
   Subsystem 4 - Part No SW: 5QE 915 591 K    HW: 5QE 915 591 K
   Component: 6D3  H14 0481 
   Serial number: V013C1762330572     
   Coding: 000000

   Cell Module Controller 4: 
   Subsystem 5 - Part No SW: 5QE 915 591 K    HW: 5QE 915 591 K
   Component: 6D4  H14 0481 
   Serial number: V013C1762330571     
   Coding: 000000

   Cell Module Controller 5: 
   Subsystem 6 - Part No SW: 5QE 915 591 K    HW: 5QE 915 591 K
   Component: 6D5  H14 0481 
   Serial number: V013C1772630045     
   Coding: 000000

   Cell Module Controller 6: 
   Subsystem 7 - Part No SW: 5QE 915 591 K    HW: 5QE 915 591 K
   Component: 6D6  H14 0481 
   Serial number: V013C1772630046     
   Coding: 000000

   Cell Module Controller 7: 
   Subsystem 8 - Part No SW: 5QE 915 591 K    HW: 5QE 915 591 K
   Component: 6D7  H14 0481 
   Serial number: V013C1762330586     
   Coding: 000000

   Cell Module Controller 8: 
   Subsystem 9 - Part No SW: 5QE 915 591 K    HW: 5QE 915 591 K
   Component: 6D8  H14 0481 
   Serial number: V013C1762330585     
   Coding: 000000

No fault code found.

Address A5: Frt Sens. Drv. Assist (R242)       Labels:| 3Q0-980-65X-A5.clb
   Part No SW: 3Q0 980 654 H    HW: 3Q0 980 654 A
   Component: MQB_B_MFK     H07 0272  
   Serial number: 27101711P11306
   Coding: 040307030000020101222346814E490080000E200120
   Shop #: WSC 06314 790 00021
   ASAM Dataset: EV_MFKBoschMQBB 001001
   ROD: EV_MFKBoschMQBB_VW36.rod
   VCID: 3C7D2CF7B74E42CADA7-8068

1 Fault Found:
1122612 - Databus 
          U1121 00 [008] - Missing Message
          [New feature! Extended UDS fault detail is only supported by current gen. interfaces]
          Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 00000001
                    Fault Priority: 6
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Reset counter: 54
                    Mileage: 175 km
                    Date: 2017.12.12
                    Time: 15:47:40

                    Control Module temperature: 36 °C
                    Outside air temperature: 11.0 °C
                    Vehicle speed: 0.00 km/h
                    System run time: 2285.5 s
                    Voltage terminal 15: 13.1 V
                    mid: 01 CF
                    Status of camera: operational
                    Engine_Running_Info: 0
                    Software_Info_4: 2
                    Software_Info_3: 7
                    Software_Info_2: 2
                    Software_Info_1: 0

Address BB: Door Rear Drv (J388)       Labels:* None
   Part No SW: 5Q0 959 395 E    HW: 5Q0 959 395 B
   Component: TSG HFS       020 0041  
   Serial number: 091017EJ913756
   Coding: 000C17204000048000000002
   Shop #: WSC 06314 790 00021
   ASAM Dataset: EV_DCURearDriveMINKLO 006003
   ROD: EV_DCURearDriveMAXCONT.rod
   VCID: 438F570BCAB03D329BD-8016

No fault code found.

Address BC: Door Rear Pass (J389)       Labels:* None
   Part No SW: 5Q0 959 395 E    HW: 5Q0 959 395 B
   Component: TSG HBFS      020 0041  
   Serial number: 091017EJ913755
   Coding: 000C17204000048000000002
   Shop #: WSC 06314 790 00021
   ASAM Dataset: EV_DCURearPasseMINKLO 006003
   ROD: EV_DCURearPasseMAXCONT.rod
   VCID: 438F570BCAB03D329BD-8016

No fault code found.

Address C0: Act. for Ext. Noise (----)       Labels:| 5QE-035-335.clb
   Part No SW: 5QE 035 335 L    HW: 5QE 035 335 B
   Component: E_SOUND_SG    H09 0212  
   Serial number: EN172301820000
   Coding: 04
   Shop #: WSC 06314 790 00021
   ASAM Dataset: EV_ENoiseS1NNVW3707 006013
   ROD: EV_ENoiseS1NNVW3707_006.rod
   VCID: 4A917A2FED9AEC7A58B-801E

No fault code found.

Address C6: Batt. Chrg. (J1050)       Labels:* None
   Part No SW: 5QE 915 682 AG    HW: 5QE 915 682 AG
   Component: OBC KOSTAL    H40 4013  
   Revision: --------    Serial number: 0108170H10001Y
   Coding: 105168023000
   Shop #: WSC 06314 790 00021
   ASAM Dataset: EV_OBCSinglPhaseKLOMQB12P 001001
   ROD: EV_OBCSinglPhaseKLOMQB12P.rod
   VCID: 1221A24FC54A64BA60B-8046

No fault code found.

Address CF: Lane Chge Asst 2
Interface not compatible.
Please upgrade to a current Ross-Tech interface.

End-------------------------(Elapsed Time: 06:13)--------------------------

On the plus side:



Not sure if the g-meter is gonna come to life or stay still like in Shaun's A4.


Active Member
Staff member
Ross-Tech Employee
Jan 29, 2014
Reaction score
Lansdale, PA, USA
VCDS Serial number
subsequent HUC scan found the 08 slaves
Address 08: Auto HVAC (E87)       Labels:| 8V0-820-043.clb
   Part No SW: 8V0 820 043 S    HW: 8V0 820 043 S
   Component: AC Automat    H03 0620  
   Revision: 20002000    Serial number: 00000001381293
   Coding: 0300001001001000080000000000140001000000
   Shop #: WSC 06314 790 00021
   ASAM Dataset: EV_AirCondiFrontNARAU37X 001020
   ROD: EV_AirCondiFrontNARAU37X.rod
   VCID: 4281520FD5AA343A90B-8016

   Refrigerant Pressure And Temperature Sender: 
   Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 4M0 959 603 C    HW: 4M0 959 603 C
   Component: G395 pT-Sens1  H11 0009 

   Control module for auxiliary air heater: 
   Subsystem 2 - Part No SW: 3Q0 963 231 E    HW: 3Q0 963 231 E
   Component: J848 HV-PTC  200 0204 
   Serial number: -00104.4U.6C20340044

   Relative humidity sensor in fresh air intake duct: 
   Subsystem 3 - Part No SW: 4H0 907 658 A    HW: 4H0 907 658 A
   Component: AQ_Hum_Sensor  H02 0007 
   Serial number: 6CD015D800PAG0MUFU02

   Air Conditioning Compressor Sub: 
   Subsystem 4 - Part No SW: 5QE 816 803 C    HW: 5QE 816 803 C
   Component: J842 eKK  H02 0006 
   Serial number: IABB00000K0000000426

1 Fault Found:
459011 - Databus 
          U1121 00 [046] - Missing Message
          [New feature! Extended UDS fault detail is only supported by current gen. interfaces]
          Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 00000001
                    Fault Priority: 6
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Mileage: 175 km
                    Date: 2017.12.12
                    Time: 15:47:40

                    Unlearning counter according OBD-OBD Parameter: 40



Staff member
Jan 29, 2014
Reaction score
Sector 7G
VCDS Serial number
;SW:5Q0-937-085-BN   HW:5Q0-937-085-BF ---  Cent. Elect.
;Component:BCM MQBAB MNA H36 0253, Coding:000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
;VCDS Version: Beta 17.11.0 (x64)  Data version: 20171026 DS285.1
;VCID: 064F1553B953FC1AFC3-8052

IDE00030,Status of actuator test,not active, 
IDE00075,Vehicle speed,0.00, km/h
IDE00322,Status of basic setting,was not yet started, 
IDE00323,Security Access: Number of invalid keys,0, 
IDE00356-IDE00355,Cruise Control System (CCS): switch position-Cruise Control System (CCS): status,not coded/not installed, 
IDE00356-MAS00125,Cruise Control System (CCS): switch position-Cruise control system,not coded/not installed, 
IDE00356-MAS00128,Cruise Control System (CCS): switch position-Distance Regulation,not coded/not installed, 
IDE00356-MAS00320,Cruise Control System (CCS): switch position-Main switch,not coded/not installed, 
IDE00356-MAS00323,Cruise Control System (CCS): switch position-Decelerate tap,not coded/not installed, 
IDE00356-MAS00325,Cruise Control System (CCS): switch position-Setting,not coded/not installed, 
IDE00356-MAS00326,Cruise Control System (CCS): switch position-Activation,not coded/not installed, 
IDE00356-MAS02321,Cruise Control System (CCS): switch position-Cancel,not_defined, 
IDE00356-MAS02343,Cruise Control System (CCS): switch position-Station coding,not coded/not installed, 
IDE00356-MAS03758,Cruise Control System (CCS): switch position-Not Used,not coded/not installed, 
IDE00356-MAS05138,Cruise Control System (CCS): switch position-Control unit,not coded/not installed, 
IDE00374-MAS05377,Electric auxiliary heater: relay activation-Low heat output relay,not coded/not installed, 
IDE00374-MAS05378,Electric auxiliary heater: relay activation-High heat output relay,not coded/not installed, 
IDE00844-MAS07314,Switch for engine hood-Status engine hood contact,closed, 
IDE00844-ENG122175,Switch for engine hood-Bonnet_Magnetic_Lock,Measured value not available, 
IDE00973,Outside air temperature,4.50, °C
IDE01066-IDE02092,Convertible top status-Tailgate condition,not coded/not installed, 
IDE01066,Convertible top status,not coded/not installed, 
IDE01285,Counter of component protection malfunctions,0, 
IDE01464-IDE04741,Rear window defogger-Rear window defogger button,not activated, 
IDE01464-IDE04744,Rear window defogger-Rear window defogger indicator lamp,OFF, 
IDE01464-MAS01580,Rear window defogger-Activation,not active, 
IDE01537-IDE04742,Windshield defogger-Windshield defogger button,not coded/not installed, 
IDE01537-IDE04743,Windshield defogger-Windshield defogger indicator lamp,not coded/not installed, 
IDE01537-MAS01580,Windshield defogger-Activation,not coded/not installed, 
IDE01943-MAS01737,Turn signal-Diagnosis,normal, 
IDE01943-MAS02248,Turn signal-Signal state,not active, 
IDE01943-MAS03873,Turn signal-Duty cycle,0.0, %
IDE01943-MAS04351,Turn signal-Connector terminal number,60, 
IDE01943-MAS04352,Turn signal-Connector number,Plug A, 
IDE02092-IDE02093,Tailgate condition-Status of rear lid lock,not coded/not installed, 
IDE02092-IDE02133,Tailgate condition-Activation using rear lid unlocking button,OFF, 
IDE02092-MAS01872,Tailgate condition-Rear lid remote release button,not activated, 
IDE02092-MAS02405,Tailgate condition-Pre-engagement contact for rotary latch,closed, 
IDE02092-MAS02447,Tailgate condition-Release,Enabled, 
IDE02092-MAS06265,Tailgate condition-Release button in rear lid handle,not activated, 
IDE02092-MAS06430,Tailgate condition-Main notch contact of rotary latch,closed, 
IDE02486,Data logger triggering,not active, 
IDE02488-MAS01632,DWA Interior monitoring-Status,not coded/not installed, 
IDE02488-MAS04508,DWA Interior monitoring-Alarm detected,not coded/not installed, 
IDE02515-MAS01737,Low beam-Diagnosis,normal, 
IDE02515-MAS02248,Low beam-Signal state,not active, 
IDE02515-MAS03873,Low beam-Duty cycle,0.0, %
IDE02515-MAS04351,Low beam-Connector terminal number,5, 
IDE02515-MAS04352,Low beam-Connector number,Plug C, 
IDE02588-IDE00020,Terminal signals and start release-Terminal 15 status,active, 
IDE02588-IDE00773,Terminal signals and start release-Terminal 15 status via CAN,active, 
IDE02588-IDE01351,Terminal signals and start release-Terminal 75 status,On, 
IDE02588-IDE01715,Terminal signals and start release-Status terminal S,active, 
IDE02588-IDE01716,Terminal signals and start release-Terminal 50 status,OFF, 
IDE02588-IDE06027,Terminal signals and start release-Terminal S status via CAN,active, 
IDE02588-MAS12787,Terminal signals and start release-Terminal 15 ignition switch signal 1,active, 
IDE02588-MAS12788,Terminal signals and start release-Terminal 15 ignition switch signal 2,active, 
IDE02614-MAS02788,Reversing light switch-CAN,not active, 
IDE02614-MAS05360,Reversing light switch-Discreet wire,not coded/not installed, 
IDE02711,Rear Window Wiper,not active, 
IDE02743-MAS01737,High Beam-Diagnosis,normal, 
IDE02743-MAS02248,High Beam-Signal state,not active, 
IDE02743-MAS03873,High Beam-Duty cycle,0.0, %
IDE02743-MAS04351,High Beam-Connector terminal number,72, 
IDE02743-MAS04352,High Beam-Connector number,Plug A, 
IDE02744-MAS01632,Steering wheel heater-Status,not coded/not installed, 
IDE02744-MAS02311,Steering wheel heater-Steering wheel heating button,not coded/not installed, 
IDE02744-MAS04136,Steering wheel heater-Current,0.00, A
IDE02744-MAS09758,Steering wheel heater-Temperature sensor,-35, °C
IDE02857-IDE03111,Activation current-Interior light,16, mA
IDE02857-IDE05533,Activation current-Spray nozzle heater,422, mA
IDE02857-IDE06012,Activation current-Search lights,0, mA
IDE02857-MAS01554,Activation current-Left heated seat,0, mA
IDE02857-MAS01556,Activation current-Right heated seat,0, mA
IDE02857-MAS05942,Activation current-Windshield and rear window washer pump,0, mA
IDE02857-ENG128454,Activation current-Cockpittaster_1,no error, 
IDE02857-ENG128455,Activation current-Cockpittaster_2,no error, 
IDE02857-ENG128456,Activation current-Cockpittaster_3,no error, 
IDE02857-ENG128457,Activation current-Cockpittaster_4,no error, 
IDE02857-ENG128458,Activation current-DWA_Einfachhorn,0, mV
IDE02857-ENG126436,Activation current-signal_horn,65533, mV
IDE02957-MAS01737,Ambient lighting-Diagnosis,normal, 
IDE02957-MAS02248,Ambient lighting-Signal state,not active, 
IDE02957-MAS03873,Ambient lighting-Duty cycle,0.00, %
IDE02957-MAS04351,Ambient lighting-Connector terminal number,61, 
IDE02957-MAS04352,Ambient lighting-Connector number,Plug C, 
IDE02957-MAS06670,Ambient lighting-Channel,Chan. A, 
IDE03111-MAS01737,Interior light-Diagnosis,not coded/not installed, 
IDE03111-MAS02248,Interior light-Signal state,not active, 
IDE03111-MAS03873,Interior light-Duty cycle,0.00, %
IDE03111-MAS04351,Interior light-Connector terminal number,0, 
IDE03111-MAS04352,Interior light-Connector number,Plug A, 
IDE03195-IDE03854,High values for automatic vertical headlight aim-Left front level control system sensor: height value current,0.0, 
IDE03195-IDE04144,High values for automatic vertical headlight aim-Left rear level control system sensor: height value current,0.0, 
IDE03195-IDE07143,High values for automatic vertical headlight aim-Vehicle level sensor: supply voltage,16.8, V
IDE03195-MAS13964,High values for automatic vertical headlight aim-Spec. value: activation vehicle level sensor,127.5, 
IDE03195-MAS13965,High values for automatic vertical headlight aim-Vehicle level sensor: control voltage,13.2, V
IDE03310-MAS01737,Brake light-Diagnosis,normal, 
IDE03310-MAS02248,Brake light-Signal state,not active, 
IDE03310-MAS03873,Brake light-Duty cycle,0.0, %
IDE03310-MAS04351,Brake light-Connector terminal number,60, 
IDE03310-MAS04352,Brake light-Connector number,Plug A, 
IDE03388-IDE01217,Left front heated seat: status-Left heated seat stage,OFF, 
IDE03388-MAS02201,Left front heated seat: status-Temperature,9.50, °C
IDE03389-IDE01218,Right front heated seat: status-Right heated seat stage,OFF, 
IDE03389-MAS02201,Right front heated seat: status-Temperature,9.50, °C
IDE03504-IDE02022,Personalized settings-Comfort opening,not_defined, 
IDE03504-IDE03679,Personalized settings-Adaptive light functions,not active, 
IDE03504-IDE04036,Personalized settings-High beam assistant: status,active, 
IDE03504-MAS01597,Personalized settings-Sunroof,active, 
IDE03504-MAS04322,Personalized settings-Masked continuous high beam,not active, 
IDE03504-MAS06456,Personalized settings-Autolock,active, 
IDE03504-MAS06457,Personalized settings-autounlock,active, 
IDE03504-MAS06911,Personalized settings-Status Coming Home,active, 
IDE03504-MAS06912,Personalized settings-Status Leaving Home,active, 
IDE03504-MAS07014,Personalized settings-Tourist light,not active, 
IDE03504-MAS07967,Personalized settings-profile,1, 
IDE03504-MAS07971,Personalized settings-Electrical rear lid,not active, 
IDE03504-MAS07972,Personalized settings-Manual door unlock,all, 
IDE03504-MAS07973,Personalized settings-Rain closure,not active, 
IDE03504-MAS07978,Personalized settings-Mirror adjustment,INDIVIDUAL, 
IDE03504-MAS07980,Personalized settings-Mirror lowering,active, 
IDE03504-MAS07981,Personalized settings-Automatic mirror fold-in,not active, 
IDE03504-MAS07982,Personalized settings-Activation sound: theft warning system,active, 
IDE03504-MAS07983,Personalized settings-Virtual pedal,not active, 
IDE03504-MAS07984,Personalized settings-Automatic rear window wiper,active, 
IDE03504-MAS07985,Personalized settings-Coming Home set point,20, s
IDE03504-MAS07986,Personalized settings-Leaving Home set point,60, s
IDE03504-MAS07987,Personalized settings-Light intensity,normal, 
IDE03504-MAS07990,Personalized settings-Comfort flasher,active, 
IDE03504-MAS07991,Personalized settings-Comfort flasher set point,3, 
IDE03504-MAS07992,Personalized settings-Sliding beam range,active, 
IDE03504-MAS07993,Personalized settings-Rain light,active, 
IDE03504-ENG29901,Personalized settings-Touristenlicht Einstellwert,not active, 
IDE03638-MAS01737,static AFS light-Diagnosis,normal, 
IDE03638-MAS02248,static AFS light-Signal state,not active, 
IDE03638-MAS03873,static AFS light-Duty cycle,0.0, %
IDE03638-MAS04351,static AFS light-Connector terminal number,6, 
IDE03638-MAS04352,static AFS light-Connector number,Plug B, 
IDE04213,Central locking button,not coded/not installed, 
IDE04213-IDE07357,Central locking button-Indicator light for central locking,not coded/not installed, 
IDE04254-MAS06517,Play protection for central locking-Rear spoiler counter,not active, 
IDE04347-IDE00104,Expanded environmental conditions-DTC,08 0E 00, 
IDE04347-IDE07836,Expanded environmental conditions-Log data,00 00 00 01 00 10 00 0C 63 00 00 03 63 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 03 00 05 F7 94 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 01 00 00 02 00 20 00 00 22 00 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 17 00 01 00 00 01 00 4F 64 07 0D 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 81 04 4F 00 00 10 00 04 4C 07 87 00 20 00 00 40 C1 40 32 E9 0F 00 00 00 1C 05 68 00 3B 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 01 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 8F 03 01 01 00 00 00, 
IDE04925-MAS01737,Daytime running lights-Diagnosis,not coded/not installed, 
IDE04925-MAS02248,Daytime running lights-Signal state,not active, 
IDE04925-MAS03873,Daytime running lights-Duty cycle,0.0, %
IDE04925-MAS04351,Daytime running lights-Connector terminal number,0, 
IDE04925-MAS04352,Daytime running lights-Connector number,Plug A, 
IDE05042-IDE05043,Emergency flasher button-Emergency flasher indicator lamp,On, 
IDE05042-MAS02158,Emergency flasher button-Actuation condition,Not operated, 
IDE05042-MAS03873,Emergency flasher button-Duty cycle,32.00, %
IDE05045-IDE05183,Front windshield wiper module-Malfunction left,no error, 
IDE05045-IDE05184,Front windshield wiper module-Malfunction right,no error, 
IDE05045-MAS01632,Front windshield wiper module-Status,not active, 
IDE05045-MAS02282,Front windshield wiper module-Position,park position, 
IDE05045-MAS03638,Front windshield wiper module-Wipe speed,0, /min
IDE05045-MAS05057,Front windshield wiper module-Number of wiper cycles,0, 
IDE05045-MAS05878,Front windshield wiper module-Stage,not coded/not installed, 
IDE05323-MAS01737,Fog light-Diagnosis,not coded/not installed, 
IDE05323-MAS02248,Fog light-Signal state,not active, 
IDE05323-MAS03873,Fog light-Duty cycle,0.0, %
IDE05323-MAS04351,Fog light-Connector terminal number,0, 
IDE05323-MAS04352,Fog light-Connector number,Plug A, 
IDE05434-MAS01737,Rear entry light-Diagnosis,not coded/not installed, 
IDE05434-MAS02248,Rear entry light-Signal state,not active, 
IDE05434-MAS03873,Rear entry light-Duty cycle,0.00, %
IDE05434-MAS04150,Rear entry light-Side,not_defined, 
IDE05434-MAS04351,Rear entry light-Connector terminal number,0, 
IDE05434-MAS04352,Rear entry light-Connector number,Plug A, 
IDE05533,Spray nozzle heater,active, 
IDE05719-IDE05534,Window washer system-Headlamp washer system,not coded/not installed, 
IDE05719-MAS02339,Window washer system-Windshield washer system,not active, 
IDE05719-MAS02341,Window washer system-Rear window washer system,not active, 
IDE05720-IDE02589,Front driver side door status-Rotary latch status,closed, 
IDE05720-IDE04213,Front driver side door status-Central locking button,Not operated, 
IDE05720-IDE04214,Front driver side door status-Key switch in door lock,Not operated, 
IDE05720-MAS06256,Front driver side door status-Status door lock,Signal from door lock: released, 
IDE05722-IDE02589,Door status: driver side rear-Rotary latch status,closed, 
IDE05722-IDE04213,Door status: driver side rear-Central locking button,Not operated, 
IDE05722-MAS06256,Door status: driver side rear-Status door lock,Signal from door lock: released, 
IDE05727-IDE02589,Front passenger side door status-Rotary latch status,closed, 
IDE05727-IDE04213,Front passenger side door status-Central locking button,Not operated, 
IDE05727-IDE04214,Front passenger side door status-Key switch in door lock,Not operated, 
IDE05727-MAS06256,Front passenger side door status-Status door lock,Signal from door lock: released, 
IDE05729-IDE02589,Door status: frt. pass. side rear-Rotary latch status,closed, 
IDE05729-IDE04213,Door status: frt. pass. side rear-Central locking button,Not operated, 
IDE05729-MAS06256,Door status: frt. pass. side rear-Status door lock,Signal from door lock: released, 
IDE05730-MAS01737,Luggage compartment light-Diagnosis,not coded/not installed, 
IDE05730-MAS02248,Luggage compartment light-Signal state,not active, 
IDE05730-MAS03873,Luggage compartment light-Duty cycle,0.00, %
IDE05730-MAS04351,Luggage compartment light-Connector terminal number,0, 
IDE05730-MAS04352,Luggage compartment light-Connector number,Plug A, 
IDE05739-MAS01737,Footwell light-Diagnosis,normal, 
IDE05739-MAS02248,Footwell light-Signal state,not active, 
IDE05739-MAS03873,Footwell light-Duty cycle,0.0, %
IDE05739-MAS04351,Footwell light-Connector terminal number,72, 
IDE05739-MAS04352,Footwell light-Connector number,Plug C, 
IDE05742-IDE02515,Light switch position-Low beam,not activated, 
IDE05742-IDE05323,Light switch position-Fog light,not activated, 
IDE05742-IDE07956,Light switch position-redundant signal line,OFF, 
IDE05742-MAS00063,Light switch position-OFF,operated, 
IDE05742-MAS02462,Light switch position-Automatic high beam assist,not activated, 
IDE05742-MAS03835,Light switch position-Parking light,not activated, 
IDE05742-MAS03836,Light switch position-Rear fog light,not activated, 
IDE05822-MAS01632,DWA Vehicle inclination sensor-Status,not coded/not installed, 
IDE05822-MAS04508,DWA Vehicle inclination sensor-Alarm detected,not coded/not installed, 
IDE05825-MAS02594,DWA Interior monitoring/vehicle inclination sensor button-Indicator light in switch,not coded/not installed, 
IDE05825-MAS04247,DWA Interior monitoring/vehicle inclination sensor button-Button,not coded/not installed, 
IDE05826-MAS01632,DWA Sirens / alarm horn for anti-theft warning system-Status,not active, 
IDE05826-MAS04508,DWA Sirens / alarm horn for anti-theft warning system-Alarm detected,No, 
IDE05826-MAS04509,DWA Sirens / alarm horn for anti-theft warning system-Alarm activated,No, 
IDE05827,Alarm horn for anti-theft warning system,not coded/not installed, 
IDE05828-MAS06608,DWA History data for alarm triggering-Cause for last alarm activation,Alarm trigger by DWA Master, 
IDE05828-MAS06609,DWA History data for alarm triggering-Cause for second-to-last alarm activation,Alarm trigger by DWA Master, 
IDE05828-MAS06610,DWA History data for alarm triggering-Cause for third-to-last alarm activation,No alarm, 
IDE05828-MAS06611,DWA History data for alarm triggering-Cause for fourth-to-last alarm activation,No alarm, 
IDE05828-MAS06613,DWA History data for alarm triggering-Number of alarm activations,2, 
IDE05829-ENG28562,Rear spoiler history data-Spoiler_Activation_Trigger,NoEntry, 
IDE05829-ENG28563,Rear spoiler history data-Spoiler_Activation_Trigger_Date,335544320, 
IDE05829-ENG28565,Rear spoiler history data-Spoiler_Activation_Trigger_Milage,0, km
IDE05829-ENG28564,Rear spoiler history data-Spoiler_Activation_Trigger_Time,0, 
IDE05830-MAS02282,Rear Spoiler-Position,not coded/not installed, 
IDE05830-ENG115793,Rear Spoiler-Spoiler_Button,not coded/not installed, 
IDE05830-ENG115792,Rear Spoiler-Spoiler_Cycle_Protection,not coded/not installed, 
IDE05830-ENG115794,Rear Spoiler-Spoiler_Indication_Light,not coded/not installed, 
IDE05830-ENG115791,Rear Spoiler-Spoiler_Position,not coded/not installed, 
IDE05833-MAS00106,Anti-theft warning system: history data-Year,2000, 
IDE05833-MAS00107,Anti-theft warning system: history data-Month,0, 
IDE05833-MAS00108,Anti-theft warning system: history data-Day,0, 
IDE05833-MAS00109,Anti-theft warning system: history data-Hours,0, 
IDE05833-MAS00110,Anti-theft warning system: history data-Minutes,0, 
IDE05833-MAS00111,Anti-theft warning system: history data-Seconds,0, 
IDE05833-MAS00711,Anti-theft warning system: history data-Odometer reading,0, km
IDE05833-MAS04478,Anti-theft warning system: history data-Cause for alarm activation,No alarm, 
IDE05834-IDE01718,Driver info-Crash signal,not active, 
IDE05834-MAS00211,Driver info-Insufficient brake fluid,not active, 
IDE05834-MAS00212,Driver info-Insufficient washer fluid,not active, 
IDE05834-MAS00213,Driver info-Insufficient coolant,not active, 
IDE05834-MAS00214,Driver info-Brake pad wear,not active, 
IDE05836-MAS03637,Rain recognition sensor-Rain quantity,not coded/not installed, 
IDE05836-MAS03638,Rain recognition sensor-Wipe speed,0, 
IDE05836-MAS04806,Rain recognition sensor-Splash,not active, 
IDE05836-MAS04807,Rain recognition sensor-park position,active, 
IDE05837,Activation for signal horn,not active, 
IDE05838-MAS01794,Light recognition sensor-Freeway,OFF, 
IDE05838-MAS02248,Light recognition sensor-Signal state,active, 
IDE05838-MAS02475,Light recognition sensor-Brightness infrared,0, lx
IDE05838-MAS02851,Light recognition sensor-Brightness,12, lx
IDE05838-MAS04808,Light recognition sensor-Rain,OFF, 
IDE05838-MAS04809,Light recognition sensor-Darkness,On, 
IDE05838-MAS04810,Light recognition sensor-Request for light activation,On, 
IDE05839-MAS01737,Parking light-Diagnosis,normal, 
IDE05839-MAS02248,Parking light-Signal state,active, 
IDE05839-MAS03873,Parking light-Duty cycle,100.0, %
IDE05839-MAS04351,Parking light-Connector terminal number,2, 
IDE05839-MAS04352,Parking light-Connector number,Plug B, 
IDE05841-MAS06441,Central locking history data-Control-section / cause,Outside door handle sens.: frt. left, 
IDE05841-MAS07519,Central locking history data-Command,Unlocking of entire vehicle, 
IDE05841-MAS07942,Central locking history data-Additional information,KESSY ID sensor 1, 
IDE05841-ENG29969,Central locking history data-command_direction_locking,No_locking, 
IDE05841-ENG29970,Central locking history data-command_direction_unlocking,Door unlock, 
IDE05842-MAS00218,Comfort function history data-Driver door,not active, 
IDE05842-MAS00219,Comfort function history data-Front Passenger Door,not active, 
IDE05842-MAS00220,Comfort function history data-Left rear door,not active, 
IDE05842-MAS00221,Comfort function history data-Right rear door,not active, 
IDE05842-MAS06441,Comfort function history data-Control-section / cause,lock zylinder drver door, 
IDE05842-MAS07560,Comfort function history data-Top,not active, 
IDE05842-MAS07561,Comfort function history data-Sun roof/tilt roof,not active, 
IDE05842-MAS07941,Comfort function history data-Operating command,Open, 
IDE06012-MAS01737,Search lights-Diagnosis,not coded/not installed, 
IDE06012-MAS02248,Search lights-Signal state,not active, 
IDE06012-MAS03873,Search lights-Duty cycle,0.0, %
IDE06012-MAS04351,Search lights-Connector terminal number,0, 
IDE06012-MAS04352,Search lights-Connector number,Plug A, 
IDE06012-MAS15156,Search lights-terminal,not_defined, 
IDE06091-IDE01440,Humidity sensor: internal-Windshield temperature,-20.3, °C
IDE06091-MAS04629,Humidity sensor: internal-Sensor temperature,5.5, °C
IDE06091-MAS04630,Humidity sensor: internal-Relative humidity,46.5, %
IDE06091-MAS04647,Humidity sensor: internal-Dew point,-30.9, °C
IDE06096-IDE03111,Interior lighting-Interior light,0, %
IDE06096-IDE05724,Interior lighting-Terminal 58xt dimmer,92.5, %
IDE06096-IDE05725,Interior lighting-Terminal 58xs dimmer,0.0, %
IDE06096-IDE05726,Interior lighting-Terminal 58xd dimmer,95.0, %
IDE06096-MAS01634,Interior lighting-Supply voltage,100.0, %
IDE06096-MAS04528,Interior lighting-Instrument panel and switch illumination dimmer switch,0, %
IDE06324-IDE04217,Tank cap lock-Fuel filler door release button,not activated, 
IDE06324-MAS01580,Tank cap lock-Activation,not active, 
IDE06324-MAS06251,Tank cap lock-Contact switch,Open, 
IDE06470-MAS01737,Ambience lighting-Diagnosis,not coded/not installed, 
IDE06470-MAS02248,Ambience lighting-Signal state,not active, 
IDE06470-MAS03873,Ambience lighting-Duty cycle,0.0, %
IDE06470-MAS04351,Ambience lighting-Connector terminal number,0, 
IDE06470-MAS04352,Ambience lighting-Connector number,Plug A, 
IDE06507-MAS13127,Button in center console-Status of button 1,not activated, 
IDE06507-MAS13128,Button in center console-Indicator lamp button 1,On, 
IDE06507-MAS13130,Button in center console-Status of button 2,not coded/not installed, 
IDE06507-MAS13131,Button in center console-Indicator lamp button 2,not coded/not installed, 
IDE06507-MAS13133,Button in center console-Status of button 3,not activated, 
IDE06507-MAS13134,Button in center console-Indicator lamp button 3,OFF, 
IDE06507-MAS13136,Button in center console-Indicator lamp button 4,not coded/not installed, 
IDE06507-MAS13137,Button in center console-Status of button 4,not coded/not installed, 
IDE06592-MAS05002,Status: special functions-Showroom mode,OFF, 
IDE06592-MAS05003,Status: special functions-Debug functions,OFF, 
IDE06644-IDE06864,Vehicle positioning system-Daytime running lights,not coded/not installed, 
IDE06644-MAS01288,Vehicle positioning system-Signal horn,not coded/not installed, 
IDE06644-MAS03834,Vehicle positioning system-Emergency signal flashing,not coded/not installed, 
IDE06644-MAS03835,Vehicle positioning system-Parking light,not coded/not installed, 
IDE06695-IDE01459,Energy management: last critical state-Energy management heat output control status,0, 
IDE06695-MAS00107,Energy management: last critical state-Month,0, 
IDE06695-MAS00108,Energy management: last critical state-Day,0, 
IDE06695-MAS06555,Energy management: last critical state-Maximum switch-off priority while driving,0, 
IDE06695-MAS06570,Energy management: last critical state-Number of critical operation cycles,0, 
IDE06695-ENG28924,Energy management: last critical state-Anz_erreichte_Max_Freigaben,0, 
IDE06695-ENG28921,Energy management: last critical state-Anz_krit_Betriebszyklen,0, 
IDE06695-ENG28922,Energy management: last critical state-Bedingung_Tab_NQ,0, 
IDE06695-ENG28920,Energy management: last critical state-min_prio_Tab_K,0, 
IDE06695-ENG28919,Energy management: last critical state-min_prio_Tab_M,0, 
IDE06695-ENG28923,Energy management: last critical state-min_prio_Tab_NQ,0, 
IDE06695-ENG99063,Energy management: last critical state-Year,2000, 
IDE06864-MAS01737,Daytime running lights-Diagnosis,not coded/not installed, 
IDE06864-MAS02248,Daytime running lights-Signal state,not active, 
IDE06864-MAS03873,Daytime running lights-Duty cycle,0.0, %
IDE06864-MAS04351,Daytime running lights-Connector terminal number,0, 
IDE06864-MAS04352,Daytime running lights-Connector number,Plug A, 
IDE07145-MAS06772,Component protection properties-Component protection generation,02, 
IDE07145-MAS06773,Component protection properties-KS Standard software main version nummer,02, 
IDE07145-MAS06774,Component protection properties-KS Standard software secondary version number,00, 
IDE07145-MAS06775,Component protection properties-KS Standard software correct number,01, 
IDE07145-MAS06776,Component protection properties-Komponent protection role,KS Slave, 
IDE07145-MAS06781,Component protection properties-Secure Hardware Extension,Not Used, 
IDE07145-MAS06782,Component protection properties-Master ECU Key,not administered by component protection, 
IDE07145-MAS06785,Component protection properties-GFA key,used, 
IDE07145-MAS06786,Component protection properties-SSW RND Generation,Not Used, 
IDE07145-MAS06787,Component protection properties-Indiv Key Generation,Not Used, 
IDE07145-MAS06788,Component protection properties-SHE Secure Boot,Not Used, 
IDE07145-MAS07187,Component protection properties-KS Data version,01, 
IDE07145-MAS09609,Component protection properties-Status IKA start key,not active, 
IDE07145-MAS09610,Component protection properties-Status GFA Key,valid, 
IDE07145-MAS09611,Component protection properties-Status Master ECU Key,stored, 
IDE07187-MAS06538,Level control system sensor-Left Front Level Control System Sensor: PWM signal,655.35, %
IDE07187-MAS06539,Level control system sensor-Left Rear Level Control System Sensor: PWM signal,42.80, %
IDE07187-MAS06540,Level control system sensor-Left front level control system sensor: frequency,6553.5, Hz
IDE07187-MAS06541,Level control system sensor-Left Rear Left Control System Sensor: frequency,801.9, Hz
IDE07187-MAS06542,Level control system sensor-Vehicle level sensor: supply voltage,5.000, V
IDE07344-IDE00542,Sunroof shade-Excessive temperature protection,not active, 
IDE07344-IDE03114,Sunroof shade-Comfort function,not active, 
IDE07344-MAS01979,Sunroof shade-Adapting,Not adapted, 
IDE07344-MAS02282,Sunroof shade-Position,126, %
IDE07344-MAS02447,Sunroof shade-Release,active, 
IDE07344-MAS03656,Sunroof shade-Reverse,not active, 
IDE07344-MAS05563,Sunroof shade-Norming,not normed, 
IDE07345-MAS07997,Sunroof front closed position switch-Rotary switch activation,not activated, 
IDE07345,Sunroof front closed position switch,not activated, 
IDE07345-ENG122183,Sunroof front closed position switch-rotary_switch_position,closed, 
IDE07346,Sunroof shade switches,not activated, 
IDE08125-MAS01458,Left cabin heater-Operating condition,not coded/not installed, 
IDE08125-MAS06651,Left cabin heater-PTC heater element: current consumption,not coded/not installed, 
IDE08125-MAS06652,Left cabin heater-Blower motor: speed,not coded/not installed, 
IDE08125-MAS06653,Left cabin heater-Indicator light for head area heater,not coded/not installed, 
IDE08126-MAS01458,Right cabin heater-Operating condition,not coded/not installed, 
IDE08126-MAS06651,Right cabin heater-PTC heater element: current consumption,not coded/not installed, 
IDE08126-MAS06652,Right cabin heater-Blower motor: speed,not coded/not installed, 
IDE08126-MAS06653,Right cabin heater-Indicator light for head area heater,not coded/not installed, 
IDE08177-MAS06456,Central locking-Autolock,not active, 
IDE08177-MAS06740,Central locking-Release button in rear lid handle locked,not active, 
IDE08177-MAS09894,Central locking-Status exterior skin,closed, 
IDE08177-MAS09896,Central locking-Act. condition: Status central locking internal locked,not active, 
IDE08177-MAS09897,Central locking-Act. condition: Status central locking external locked,not active, 
IDE08177-MAS09898,Central locking-Act. condition: Status central locking safe,not active, 
IDE08177-MAS09900,Central locking-Spec. condition: Status central lock,Signal from door lock: released, 
IDE08177-ENG09185,Central locking-Load_compartment_closing,not coded/not installed, 
IDE08211-MAS00106,History data control module reset-Year,2017, 
IDE08211-MAS00107,History data control module reset-Month,11, 
IDE08211-MAS00108,History data control module reset-Day,9, 
IDE08211-MAS00109,History data control module reset-Hours,0, 
IDE08211-MAS00110,History data control module reset-Minutes,0, 
IDE08211-MAS03129,History data control module reset-Reset counter,7, 
IDE08211-MAS06734,History data control module reset-last cause of reset,Analysis 1, 
IDE08343,Immobilizer Challenge,66 F0 F5 DC, 
IDE08949-MAS07867,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 0,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07868,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 1,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07869,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 2,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07870,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 3,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07871,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 4,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07872,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 5,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07873,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 6,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07874,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 7,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07875,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 8,1136, mA
IDE08949-MAS07876,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 9,1248, mA
IDE08949-MAS07877,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 10,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07878,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 11,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07879,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 12,32, mA
IDE08949-MAS07880,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 13,32, mA
IDE08949-MAS07881,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 14,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07882,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 15,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07883,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 16,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07884,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 17,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07885,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 18,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07886,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 19,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07887,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 20,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07888,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 21,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07889,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 22,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07890,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 23,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07891,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 24,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07892,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 25,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07893,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 26,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07894,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 27,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07895,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 28,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07896,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 29,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07897,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 30,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07898,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 31,13, mA
IDE08949-MAS07899,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 32,20, mA
IDE08949-MAS07900,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 33,20, mA
IDE08949-MAS07901,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 34,16, mA
IDE09065-MAS07964,Status: remote start-Engine run time after remote start,0, s
IDE09065-MAS16464,Status: remote start-Number of RemoteStarts carried out,2, 
IDE09850-MAS07146,Garage Door Opener Operating Unit-Button 1,not coded/not installed, 
IDE09850-MAS07147,Garage Door Opener Operating Unit-Button 2,not coded/not installed, 
IDE09850-MAS07148,Garage Door Opener Operating Unit-Button 3,not coded/not installed, 
IDE11134-IDE01943,Light sequence HU test result-Turn signal,not installed / not active, 
IDE11134-IDE02515,Light sequence HU test result-Low beam,not installed / not active, 
IDE11134-IDE02614,Light sequence HU test result-Reversing light switch,not installed / not active, 
IDE11134-IDE02743,Light sequence HU test result-High Beam,not installed / not active, 
IDE11134-IDE03310,Light sequence HU test result-Brake light,not installed / not active, 
IDE11134-IDE03638,Light sequence HU test result-static AFS light,not installed / not active, 
IDE11134-IDE05323,Light sequence HU test result-Fog light,not installed / not active, 
IDE11134-IDE05839,Light sequence HU test result-Parking light,not installed / not active, 
IDE11134-IDE06470,Light sequence HU test result-Ambience lighting,not installed / not active, 
IDE11134-IDE06864,Light sequence HU test result-Daytime running lights,not installed / not active, 
IDE11134-MAS02354,Light sequence HU test result-Headlamp flasher,not installed / not active, 
IDE11134-MAS03835,Light sequence HU test result-Parking light,not installed / not active, 
IDE11134-MAS03836,Light sequence HU test result-Rear fog light,not installed / not active, 
IDE11134-MAS11025,Light sequence HU test result-Status,no restriction, 
IDE11350-MAS12597,Sunlight photo sensor-Sun intensity left,327670, W/m²
IDE11350-MAS12598,Sunlight photo sensor-Sun intensity right,327670, W/m²
IDE11668-MAS06256,Driver side rear sliding door: central locking signals-Status door lock,not coded/not installed, 
IDE11668-MAS06431,Driver side rear sliding door: central locking signals-Door contact switch,not coded/not installed, 
IDE11668-MAS06433,Driver side rear sliding door: central locking signals-Door lock: safe status,not coded/not installed, 
IDE11669-MAS06256,Passenger side rear sliding door: central locking signals-Status door lock,not coded/not installed, 
IDE11669-MAS06431,Passenger side rear sliding door: central locking signals-Door contact switch,not coded/not installed, 
IDE11669-MAS06433,Passenger side rear sliding door: central locking signals-Door lock: safe status,not coded/not installed, 
IDE11670-MAS06256,Rear wing door: central locking signals-Status door lock,not coded/not installed, 
IDE11670-MAS06431,Rear wing door: central locking signals-Door contact switch,not coded/not installed, 
IDE11670-MAS06433,Rear wing door: central locking signals-Door lock: safe status,not coded/not installed, 
IDE11727-IDE04806,Function of the central console button-Driving profile selection button,LED not installed, 
IDE11727-MAS13125,Function of the central console button-Function of button 1,Start-stop, 
IDE11727-MAS13129,Function of the central console button-Function of button 2,not coded/not installed, 
IDE11727-MAS13132,Function of the central console button-Function of button 3,Driving program, 
IDE11727-MAS13135,Function of the central console button-Function of button 4,not coded/not installed, 
IDE11943-MAS01737,Signature light-Diagnosis,not coded/not installed, 
IDE11943-MAS02248,Signature light-Signal state,not active, 
IDE11943-MAS03873,Signature light-Duty cycle,0.0, %
IDE11943-MAS04351,Signature light-Connector terminal number,0, 
IDE11943-MAS04352,Signature light-Connector number,Plug A, 
IDE11999-IDE03853,High values of headlight range adjustment: basic setting-Left front level control system sensor: height value adapted,-100.0, 
IDE11999-IDE04143,High values of headlight range adjustment: basic setting-Left rear level control system sensor: height value adapted,-100.0, 
IDE12060,Headlight range adjustment counter,00 00 00 00, 
IDE12212,Cause control module incorrectly coded,Not Present, 
IDE12940-IDE01268,Lever functions of the steering column electronics-Windshield wiper,not coded/not installed, 
IDE12940-IDE02335,Lever functions of the steering column electronics-Signal light switch position,not coded/not installed, 
IDE12940-IDE02711,Lever functions of the steering column electronics-Rear Window Wiper,not coded/not installed, 
IDE12940-MAS00232,Lever functions of the steering column electronics-MFI button UP,not_defined, 
IDE12940-MAS00233,Lever functions of the steering column electronics-MFI button DOWN,not_defined, 
IDE12940-MAS00234,Lever functions of the steering column electronics-MFI button RESET / OK,not_defined, 
IDE12940-MAS00242,Lever functions of the steering column electronics-Driver assistance systems button,not coded/not installed, 
IDE12940-MAS00243,Lever functions of the steering column electronics-Buttons for driver assistance systems: status,not coded/not installed, 
IDE12940-MAS01288,Lever functions of the steering column electronics-Signal horn,not coded/not installed, 
IDE12940-MAS02338,Lever functions of the steering column electronics-Windshield wiper: intermittent stage,not coded/not installed, 
IDE12940-MAS02339,Lever functions of the steering column electronics-Windshield washer system,not coded/not installed, 
IDE12940-MAS02341,Lever functions of the steering column electronics-Rear window washer system,not coded/not installed, 
IDE12940,Lever functions of the steering column electronics,not coded/not installed, 
IDE80251-MAS06439,Head area heater-Crash status,not coded/not installed, 
IDE80251-MAS06646,Head area heater-Head area heater left: specified level,not coded/not installed, 
IDE80251-MAS06647,Head area heater-Head area heater right: specified level,not coded/not installed, 
IDE80251-MAS06648,Head area heater-Continuation at terminal 15 on,not coded/not installed, 
IDE80251-MAS06649,Head area heater-Left front seat occupation status,not coded/not installed, 
IDE80251-MAS06650,Head area heater-Right front occupation status,not coded/not installed, 
MAS00043-IDE00019,Supply voltage: Terminal 30-Voltage terminal 30,13.15, V
MAS00043-IDE05835,Supply voltage: Terminal 30-Supply voltage for central locking,13.15, V
MAS00043-IDE05967,Supply voltage: Terminal 30-Voltage terminal 30 left,13.20, V
MAS00043-IDE05968,Supply voltage: Terminal 30-Voltage terminal 30 right,13.15, V
MAS00043-IDE08734,Supply voltage: Terminal 30-Supply voltage for anti-theft alarm system,5.00, V
MAS00043-IDE08735,Supply voltage: Terminal 30-Supply voltage for seat heater,13.15, V
MAS00043-MAS00362,Supply voltage: Terminal 30-Battery voltage,5.00, V
MAS00043-MAS07472,Supply voltage: Terminal 30-Battery voltage BEM,13.20, V
MAS00043-MAS07473,Supply voltage: Terminal 30-Test voltage rear window defogger,0.06, V
MAS00043-MAS07474,Supply voltage: Terminal 30-Test voltage windshield defogger,0.00, V
MAS00179-MAS04422,Brake Light Switch-Brake light signal via CAN,OFF, 
MAS00179-MAS07313,Brake Light Switch-Brake light signal via HW,OFF, 
MAS00464-MAS00106,Standard - ambient data 1-Year,2000, 
MAS00464-MAS00107,Standard - ambient data 1-Month,1, 
MAS00464-MAS00108,Standard - ambient data 1-Day,8, 
MAS00464-MAS00109,Standard - ambient data 1-Hours,1, 
MAS00464-MAS00110,Standard - ambient data 1-Minutes,0, 
MAS00464-MAS00111,Standard - ambient data 1-Seconds,42, 
MAS00464-MAS00468,Standard - ambient data 1-Unlearning counter,6, 
MAS00464-MAS00711,Standard - ambient data 1-Odometer reading,78, km
MAS00829-MAS00244,Access and start authorization-Awakening wire,operated, 
MAS00829-MAS01763,Access and start authorization-Signal Strength,-46, 
MAS00829-MAS07866,Access and start authorization-Duration: last awakening wire actua.,0, ms
MAS01281-MAS01737,Back-up light-Diagnosis,normal, 
MAS01281-MAS02248,Back-up light-Signal state,not active, 
MAS01281-MAS03873,Back-up light-Duty cycle,0.0, %
MAS01281-MAS04351,Back-up light-Connector terminal number,11, 
MAS01281-MAS04352,Back-up light-Connector number,Plug C, 
MAS01431-IDE01442,Vehicle key with remote control-Pressing a button,not activated, 
MAS01431-IDE01839,Vehicle key with remote control-Battery charge condition,Not available, 
MAS01431-MAS00077,Vehicle key with remote control-Immobilizer,OK, 
MAS01431-MAS01551,Vehicle key with remote control-Key number,255, 
MAS01431-MAS05048,Vehicle key with remote control-Number of transmitters adapted,2, 
MAS01431-MAS06362,Vehicle key with remote control-Code in detection area,Not available, 
MAS01490-IDE02744,Energy management-Steering wheel heater,Enabled, 
MAS01490-IDE04216,Energy management-Mirror heater,Enabled, 
MAS01490-IDE80251,Energy management-Head area heater,Enabling stage 3, 
MAS01490-MAS01535,Energy management-Rear window defogger,Enabled, 
MAS01490-MAS01563,Energy management-Auxiliary Air Heater,Enabling stage 3, 
MAS01490-MAS01564,Energy management-Windshield defogger,Enabled, 
MAS01490-MAS01632,Energy management-Status,not active, 
MAS01490-MAS02390,Energy management-Shutoff,31, 
MAS01490-MAS05795,Energy management-Rear seat heater,Enabled, 
MAS01490-MAS05796,Energy management-Emergency shut-down,0, 
MAS01490-MAS05887,Energy management-Battery cut out relay 2,not enabled, 
MAS01490-MAS06551,Energy management-Seat ventilation,Enabled, 
MAS01490-MAS06552,Energy management-Seat heater front,Enabling stage 3, 
MAS01490-MAS06553,Energy management-Display consumer switch-off,not active, 
MAS01490-MAS06554,Energy management-Switch-off priority while driving,0, 
MAS01490-MAS06555,Energy management-Maximum switch-off priority while driving,5, 
MAS01490-MAS06556,Energy management-Switch-off with voltage drops,0, 
MAS01490-MAS06557,Energy management-Switch-off priority with vehicle crash,0, 
MAS01490-MAS06558,Energy management-Current negative charge balance,0, %
MAS01490-MAS06559,Energy management-Switch-off priority with engine off,0, 
MAS01490-MAS06560,Energy management-Short distance drive,0, 
MAS01597-IDE00542,Sunroof-Excessive temperature protection,not active, 
MAS01597-IDE03114,Sunroof-Comfort function,not active, 
MAS01597-MAS02282,Sunroof-Position,0, %
MAS01597-MAS03656,Sunroof-Reverse,not active, 
MAS01597-MAS05737,Sunroof-Position,Tilt out posi., 
MAS03835-MAS01737,Parking light-Diagnosis,normal, 
MAS03835-MAS02248,Parking light-Signal state,active, 
MAS03835-MAS03873,Parking light-Duty cycle,100.0, %
MAS03835-MAS04351,Parking light-Connector terminal number,39, 
MAS03835-MAS04352,Parking light-Connector number,Plug B, 
MAS03836-MAS01737,Rear fog light-Diagnosis,normal, 
MAS03836-MAS02248,Rear fog light-Signal state,not active, 
MAS03836-MAS03873,Rear fog light-Duty cycle,0.0, %
MAS03836-MAS04351,Rear fog light-Connector terminal number,60, 
MAS03836-MAS04352,Rear fog light-Connector number,Plug A, 
MAS07959-IDE00787,Remote start history data-Cause for cancellation,Vehicle movement recognized, 
MAS07959-MAS00107,Remote start history data-Month,0, 
MAS07959-MAS00108,Remote start history data-Day,0, 
MAS07959-MAS00109,Remote start history data-Hours,0, 
MAS07959-MAS00110,Remote start history data-Minutes,0, 
MAS07959-MAS07960,Remote start history data-Stop or cancel cause,Remote start function active, 
MAS08228-MAS01632,Light sensor-Status,not coded/not installed, 
MAS08228-MAS02851,Light sensor-Brightness,22860, lx
MAS08228-MAS04121,Light sensor-Voltage,25.4, V
MAS13141,Test voltage,0, V
ENG116910,Control unit internal measured value (supplier),00 00 00 01 1A 00 1A 00 64 00 00 0B 51 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 03 00 09 50 B6 00 00 0C 13 00 00 07 15 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 01 00 00 02 00 20 00 00 0A 00 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 07 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 05 00 01 00 00 00 00 4F 64 07 0E 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 81 14 4F 00 00 10 00 04 4C 07 87 00 20 00 00 40 C1 40 32 E9 0F 00 00 00 25 72 6D 00 3B 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 09 01 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 8F 03 00 00 00 00 00, 
ENG117285-ENG124947,Cycle_Protection_Counter-last_wake_up,Pin C14 Kessy Weckleitung, 
ENG116908-ENG115779,Ecu_Intern_Meas._Values_2-Betriebsstunden_Abblendlicht_an,0, H
ENG116908-ENG115778,Ecu_Intern_Meas._Values_2-Hours_of_operation,0, H
ENG116908-ENG115776,Ecu_Intern_Meas._Values_2-Number of_the_wisp_cycles_front_window_wiper,0, 
ENG116908-ENG115777,Ecu_Intern_Meas._Values_2-Number of_the_wisp_cycles_rear_window_wiper,0, 
ENG116909-ENG107391,LIN activity-LIN 1,active, 
ENG116909-ENG107392,LIN activity-LIN 2,active, 
ENG116909-ENG114948,LIN activity-LIN 3,active, 
ENG116909-ENG114949,LIN activity-LIN 4,not coded/not installed, 
ENG116909-ENG114950,LIN activity-LIN 5,not coded/not installed, 
ENG116909-ENG114951,LIN activity-LIN 6,not coded/not installed, 
ENG116793,Monitor 1,00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00, 
ENG116802,Monitor 10,00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00, 
ENG116794,Monitor 2,00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00, 
ENG116795,Monitor 3,00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00, 
ENG116796,Monitor 4,00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00, 
ENG116797,Monitor 5,00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00, 
ENG116798,Monitor 6,00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00, 
ENG116799,Monitor 7,00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00, 
ENG116800,Monitor 8,00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00, 
ENG116801,Monitor 9,00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00, 
ENG128380,Parametermonitor_0,84 14 64 64 AA 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 50 32 32 00 50 50 50 50 3E 3E 62 62 00 00 64 3C 01 21 21 0A 04 00 00 1E 0A 1E 1E 03 07 00 00 06 06 28 00 3C 03 1E 22 00 04 19 05 00 01 01 28 00 02 00 02 FA 64 05 C8 1E 00 00 00 00 00 26 1D 5A 96 02 05 0A 6E 96 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A 1E 3C 42 0F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 64 0A 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1E 3C 19 E1 32 0A 0A 00 00 00 00 00 A0 00 00 00 A0 00 00 00 A0 02 0C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00, 
ENG116806,Parametermonitor_1,00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 64 64 64 64 64 64 00 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 7E 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 7E 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 7E 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 7E 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 7E 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 7E 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 7E 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 7E 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00, 
ENG116807,Parametermonitor_2,0F 05 0A 00 16 00 00 14 28 05 00 14 32 5A 32 0A 1E 12 00 4B 0A 01 1E 5A 0F 3C 3C 05 0A 01 0A 78 00 FA 01 1C 00 0F 00 05 0A 14 03 02 00 19 64 00 64 1E 32 18 18 7D 28 05 28 28 7D 3C 3C 7D 7D 0A 19 3C 7D 2B 00 00 02 00 00 01 28 0A 28 19 0A 23 04 C8 FA 17 16 88 00 1E 05 00 01 C8 32 C8 14 00 5A 03 00 03 03 00 00 04 01 05 32 32 32 64 03 00 00 00 00 00 22 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0F 14 50 78 32 3C 02 58 00 00 0A 6E 05 64 28 00 0A 06 19 0A 0A 28 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 14 14 14 00 32 00 00 00 00 28 64 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00, 
ENG116808-ENG115827,Parametermonitor_3-parameter_monitor_3_climatic,C8 02 32 00 5A FF 80 05 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 FF 02 32 5A 00 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 0A 28 0F 1E 06 1E 0A 0B 0B 01 64 64 03 0A 05 01 0A 46 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00, 
ENG116808-ENG115828,Parametermonitor_3-parameter_monitor_3_wiper,0A 00 00 19 19 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1E 50 46 00 58 8B FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A 0A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00, 
ENG116809,Parametermonitor_4,04 04 14 04 03 B4 00 0A 05 05 0A 4B 00 32 0A 00 00 1E 00 05 14 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 02 02 01 0A 28 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 04 0C 78 04 04 0C 01 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2A 3E 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 05 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A FF 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 03 0A 00 00 00 00 00 04 0A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 32 28 00 00 00 00 00 05 05 3C 04 01 01 01 01 96 01 01 C8 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3C 14 37 28 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00, 
ENG116810,Parametermonitor_5,0A 00 0C 08 09 0A 05 0A 0A 14 08 0A 03 00 0A 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 04 00 00 1E 0A 05 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 46 00 03 09 01 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A 0F 0F 00 00 60 06 16 06 19 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00, 
ENG116811,Parametermonitor_6,00 46 32 FA 3C 00 1E 32 05 04 3C 00 08 05 01 00 01 00 00 00 05 0A 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00, 
ENG116911,Parametermonitor_7,00 0A 00 0A 00 0A FF FF 00 0A 00 0A FF FF FF FF 0F A0 00 32 00 32 00 32 00 32 00 32 00 0A 00 0A 00 32 FF FE 00 0A 00 32 00 32 00 00 00 0A 00 0A 00 00 FF FF 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A 00 0A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00, 
ENG116812,Parametermonitor_FF,00 00 05 51 32 00 0A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00, 
ENG126653-MAS01551,Personalized_Account_Key_History-Key number,0, 
ENG126652-MAS03692,Personalized_key__Setting-Key 1,0, 
ENG126652-MAS03693,Personalized_key__Setting-Key 2,0, 
ENG126652-MAS03694,Personalized_key__Setting-Key 3,0, 
ENG126652-MAS03695,Personalized_key__Setting-Key 4,0, 
ENG126652-MAS03696,Personalized_key__Setting-Key 5,0, 
ENG126652-MAS03697,Personalized_key__Setting-Key 6,0, 
ENG126652-MAS03698,Personalized_key__Setting-Key 7,0, 
ENG116792-ENG115817,Power up history-Funktionsanforderung,19, 
ENG130589-MAS16304,Remotestart_Monitor-Number of driver takeovers from RemoteStart,0, 
ENG130589-MAS16305,Remotestart_Monitor-Number of duplicate activations,0, 
ENG130589-MAS16306,Remotestart_Monitor-Number of incorrect takeovers,0, 
ENG130589-MAS16307,Remotestart_Monitor-Average running time: group 1,0, 
ENG130589-MAS16308,Remotestart_Monitor-Average running time: group 2,0, 
ENG130589-MAS16309,Remotestart_Monitor-Average running time: group 3,0, 
ENG130589-MAS16333,Remotestart_Monitor-Number of RemoteStarts,0, 
ENG130589-MAS16334,Remotestart_Monitor-RemoteStart cancellations counter,0, 
ENG116790-MAS00711,Supply voltage history-Odometer reading,11, km
ENG116790-ENG115814,Supply voltage history-highest voltage ever measured,15.0, V
ENG116790-ENG115815,Supply voltage history-hoechste im letzten Fahrzyklus gemessen Batteriespannung,13.1, V
ENG116790-ENG115816,Supply voltage history-voltage measurement: intern,13.1, V
ENG116791,Temperatures,4.50, °C
ENG116907-IDE00020,Zusaetzliche Umgebungsdaten-Terminal 15 status,On, 
ENG116907-IDE01716,Zusaetzliche Umgebungsdaten-Terminal 50 status,OFF, 
ENG116907-IDE02515,Zusaetzliche Umgebungsdaten-Low beam,not activated, 
ENG116907-IDE07956,Zusaetzliche Umgebungsdaten-redundant signal line,infinite, 
ENG116907-MAS01957,Zusaetzliche Umgebungsdaten-Outside air temperature,4.5, °C
ENG116907-MAS02462,Zusaetzliche Umgebungsdaten-Automatic high beam assist,not activated, 
ENG116907-MAS02788,Zusaetzliche Umgebungsdaten-CAN,On, 
ENG116907-MAS03835,Zusaetzliche Umgebungsdaten-Parking light,not activated, 
ENG116907-MAS04121,Zusaetzliche Umgebungsdaten-Voltage,13.1, V
ENG116907-MAS06466,Zusaetzliche Umgebungsdaten-Parking light left,not activated, 
ENG116907-MAS06467,Zusaetzliche Umgebungsdaten-Parking light right,not activated, 
ENG116907-ENG124952,Zusaetzliche Umgebungsdaten-last_wakeup,Pin C14 Kessy Weckleitung, 
ENG116907-ENG09169,Zusaetzliche Umgebungsdaten-LDS 0-Stellung,operated, 
ENG116907-ENG115838,Zusaetzliche Umgebungsdaten-Status Bremslichtschalter (CAN),OFF, 
ENG116907-ENG115837,Zusaetzliche Umgebungsdaten-Status Bremslichtschalter (HW),OFF, 

Elapsed Time: 00:52

Neat! This morning while charging with the doors locked, my car alarm triggered. Turns out it was due to "IDE05833-MAS04478,Anti-theft warning system: history data-Cause for alarm activation,OBD_alarm, ", I had an Ultragauge plugged in there that apparently woke up when the Vbatt changed while the big battery was charging:

;SW:5Q0-937-085-BN   HW:5Q0-937-085-BF ---  Cent. Elect.
;Component:BCM MQBAB MNA H36 0253, Coding:000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
;VCDS Version: Beta 17.11.0 (x64)  Data version: 20171026 DS285.1
;VCID: 064F1553B953FC1AFC3-8052

IDE00030,Status of actuator test,not active, 
IDE00075,Vehicle speed,0.00, km/h
IDE00322,Status of basic setting,was not yet started, 
IDE00323,Security Access: Number of invalid keys,0, 
IDE00356-IDE00355,Cruise Control System (CCS): switch position-Cruise Control System (CCS): status,not coded/not installed, 
IDE00356-MAS00125,Cruise Control System (CCS): switch position-Cruise control system,not coded/not installed, 
IDE00356-MAS00128,Cruise Control System (CCS): switch position-Distance Regulation,not coded/not installed, 
IDE00356-MAS00320,Cruise Control System (CCS): switch position-Main switch,not coded/not installed, 
IDE00356-MAS00323,Cruise Control System (CCS): switch position-Decelerate tap,not coded/not installed, 
IDE00356-MAS00325,Cruise Control System (CCS): switch position-Setting,not coded/not installed, 
IDE00356-MAS00326,Cruise Control System (CCS): switch position-Activation,not coded/not installed, 
IDE00356-MAS02321,Cruise Control System (CCS): switch position-Cancel,not_defined, 
IDE00356-MAS02343,Cruise Control System (CCS): switch position-Station coding,not coded/not installed, 
IDE00356-MAS03758,Cruise Control System (CCS): switch position-Not Used,not coded/not installed, 
IDE00356-MAS05138,Cruise Control System (CCS): switch position-Control unit,not coded/not installed, 
IDE00374-MAS05377,Electric auxiliary heater: relay activation-Low heat output relay,not coded/not installed, 
IDE00374-MAS05378,Electric auxiliary heater: relay activation-High heat output relay,not coded/not installed, 
IDE00844-MAS07314,Switch for engine hood-Status engine hood contact,closed, 
IDE00844-ENG122175,Switch for engine hood-Bonnet_Magnetic_Lock,Measured value not available, 
IDE00973,Outside air temperature,0.50, °C
IDE01066-IDE02092,Convertible top status-Tailgate condition,not coded/not installed, 
IDE01066,Convertible top status,not coded/not installed, 
IDE01285,Counter of component protection malfunctions,0, 
IDE01464-IDE04741,Rear window defogger-Rear window defogger button,not activated, 
IDE01464-IDE04744,Rear window defogger-Rear window defogger indicator lamp,OFF, 
IDE01464-MAS01580,Rear window defogger-Activation,not active, 
IDE01537-IDE04742,Windshield defogger-Windshield defogger button,not coded/not installed, 
IDE01537-IDE04743,Windshield defogger-Windshield defogger indicator lamp,not coded/not installed, 
IDE01537-MAS01580,Windshield defogger-Activation,not coded/not installed, 
IDE01943-MAS01737,Turn signal-Diagnosis,normal, 
IDE01943-MAS02248,Turn signal-Signal state,not active, 
IDE01943-MAS03873,Turn signal-Duty cycle,0.0, %
IDE01943-MAS04351,Turn signal-Connector terminal number,60, 
IDE01943-MAS04352,Turn signal-Connector number,Plug A, 
IDE02092-IDE02093,Tailgate condition-Status of rear lid lock,not coded/not installed, 
IDE02092-IDE02133,Tailgate condition-Activation using rear lid unlocking button,OFF, 
IDE02092-MAS01872,Tailgate condition-Rear lid remote release button,not activated, 
IDE02092-MAS02405,Tailgate condition-Pre-engagement contact for rotary latch,closed, 
IDE02092-MAS02447,Tailgate condition-Release,Enabled, 
IDE02092-MAS06265,Tailgate condition-Release button in rear lid handle,not activated, 
IDE02092-MAS06430,Tailgate condition-Main notch contact of rotary latch,closed, 
IDE02486,Data logger triggering,not active, 
IDE02488-MAS01632,DWA Interior monitoring-Status,not coded/not installed, 
IDE02488-MAS04508,DWA Interior monitoring-Alarm detected,not coded/not installed, 
IDE02515-MAS01737,Low beam-Diagnosis,normal, 
IDE02515-MAS02248,Low beam-Signal state,not active, 
IDE02515-MAS03873,Low beam-Duty cycle,0.0, %
IDE02515-MAS04351,Low beam-Connector terminal number,5, 
IDE02515-MAS04352,Low beam-Connector number,Plug C, 
IDE02588-IDE00020,Terminal signals and start release-Terminal 15 status,active, 
IDE02588-IDE00773,Terminal signals and start release-Terminal 15 status via CAN,active, 
IDE02588-IDE01351,Terminal signals and start release-Terminal 75 status,On, 
IDE02588-IDE01715,Terminal signals and start release-Status terminal S,active, 
IDE02588-IDE01716,Terminal signals and start release-Terminal 50 status,OFF, 
IDE02588-IDE06027,Terminal signals and start release-Terminal S status via CAN,active, 
IDE02588-MAS12787,Terminal signals and start release-Terminal 15 ignition switch signal 1,active, 
IDE02588-MAS12788,Terminal signals and start release-Terminal 15 ignition switch signal 2,active, 
IDE02614-MAS02788,Reversing light switch-CAN,not active, 
IDE02614-MAS05360,Reversing light switch-Discreet wire,not coded/not installed, 
IDE02711,Rear Window Wiper,not active, 
IDE02743-MAS01737,High Beam-Diagnosis,normal, 
IDE02743-MAS02248,High Beam-Signal state,not active, 
IDE02743-MAS03873,High Beam-Duty cycle,0.0, %
IDE02743-MAS04351,High Beam-Connector terminal number,72, 
IDE02743-MAS04352,High Beam-Connector number,Plug A, 
IDE02744-MAS01632,Steering wheel heater-Status,not coded/not installed, 
IDE02744-MAS02311,Steering wheel heater-Steering wheel heating button,not coded/not installed, 
IDE02744-MAS04136,Steering wheel heater-Current,0.00, A
IDE02744-MAS09758,Steering wheel heater-Temperature sensor,-35, °C
IDE02857-IDE03111,Activation current-Interior light,16, mA
IDE02857-IDE05533,Activation current-Spray nozzle heater,472, mA
IDE02857-IDE06012,Activation current-Search lights,0, mA
IDE02857-MAS01554,Activation current-Left heated seat,0, mA
IDE02857-MAS01556,Activation current-Right heated seat,0, mA
IDE02857-MAS05942,Activation current-Windshield and rear window washer pump,0, mA
IDE02857-ENG128454,Activation current-Cockpittaster_1,no error, 
IDE02857-ENG128455,Activation current-Cockpittaster_2,no error, 
IDE02857-ENG128456,Activation current-Cockpittaster_3,no error, 
IDE02857-ENG128457,Activation current-Cockpittaster_4,no error, 
IDE02857-ENG128458,Activation current-DWA_Einfachhorn,0, mV
IDE02857-ENG126436,Activation current-signal_horn,65533, mV
IDE02957-MAS01737,Ambient lighting-Diagnosis,normal, 
IDE02957-MAS02248,Ambient lighting-Signal state,not active, 
IDE02957-MAS03873,Ambient lighting-Duty cycle,0.00, %
IDE02957-MAS04351,Ambient lighting-Connector terminal number,61, 
IDE02957-MAS04352,Ambient lighting-Connector number,Plug C, 
IDE02957-MAS06670,Ambient lighting-Channel,Chan. A, 
IDE03111-MAS01737,Interior light-Diagnosis,not coded/not installed, 
IDE03111-MAS02248,Interior light-Signal state,not active, 
IDE03111-MAS03873,Interior light-Duty cycle,0.00, %
IDE03111-MAS04351,Interior light-Connector terminal number,0, 
IDE03111-MAS04352,Interior light-Connector number,Plug A, 
IDE03195-IDE03854,High values for automatic vertical headlight aim-Left front level control system sensor: height value current,0.0, 
IDE03195-IDE04144,High values for automatic vertical headlight aim-Left rear level control system sensor: height value current,0.0, 
IDE03195-IDE07143,High values for automatic vertical headlight aim-Vehicle level sensor: supply voltage,16.8, V
IDE03195-MAS13964,High values for automatic vertical headlight aim-Spec. value: activation vehicle level sensor,127.5, 
IDE03195-MAS13965,High values for automatic vertical headlight aim-Vehicle level sensor: control voltage,13.1, V
IDE03310-MAS01737,Brake light-Diagnosis,normal, 
IDE03310-MAS02248,Brake light-Signal state,not active, 
IDE03310-MAS03873,Brake light-Duty cycle,0.0, %
IDE03310-MAS04351,Brake light-Connector terminal number,60, 
IDE03310-MAS04352,Brake light-Connector number,Plug A, 
IDE03388-IDE01217,Left front heated seat: status-Left heated seat stage,OFF, 
IDE03388-MAS02201,Left front heated seat: status-Temperature,4.00, °C
IDE03389-IDE01218,Right front heated seat: status-Right heated seat stage,OFF, 
IDE03389-MAS02201,Right front heated seat: status-Temperature,4.00, °C
IDE03504-IDE02022,Personalized settings-Comfort opening,not_defined, 
IDE03504-IDE03679,Personalized settings-Adaptive light functions,not active, 
IDE03504-IDE04036,Personalized settings-High beam assistant: status,active, 
IDE03504-MAS01597,Personalized settings-Sunroof,active, 
IDE03504-MAS04322,Personalized settings-Masked continuous high beam,not active, 
IDE03504-MAS06456,Personalized settings-Autolock,active, 
IDE03504-MAS06457,Personalized settings-autounlock,active, 
IDE03504-MAS06911,Personalized settings-Status Coming Home,active, 
IDE03504-MAS06912,Personalized settings-Status Leaving Home,active, 
IDE03504-MAS07014,Personalized settings-Tourist light,not active, 
IDE03504-MAS07967,Personalized settings-profile,1, 
IDE03504-MAS07971,Personalized settings-Electrical rear lid,not active, 
IDE03504-MAS07972,Personalized settings-Manual door unlock,all, 
IDE03504-MAS07973,Personalized settings-Rain closure,not active, 
IDE03504-MAS07978,Personalized settings-Mirror adjustment,INDIVIDUAL, 
IDE03504-MAS07980,Personalized settings-Mirror lowering,active, 
IDE03504-MAS07981,Personalized settings-Automatic mirror fold-in,not active, 
IDE03504-MAS07982,Personalized settings-Activation sound: theft warning system,not active, 
IDE03504-MAS07983,Personalized settings-Virtual pedal,not active, 
IDE03504-MAS07984,Personalized settings-Automatic rear window wiper,active, 
IDE03504-MAS07985,Personalized settings-Coming Home set point,20, s
IDE03504-MAS07986,Personalized settings-Leaving Home set point,60, s
IDE03504-MAS07987,Personalized settings-Light intensity,normal, 
IDE03504-MAS07990,Personalized settings-Comfort flasher,active, 
IDE03504-MAS07991,Personalized settings-Comfort flasher set point,3, 
IDE03504-MAS07992,Personalized settings-Sliding beam range,active, 
IDE03504-MAS07993,Personalized settings-Rain light,active, 
IDE03504-ENG29901,Personalized settings-Touristenlicht Einstellwert,not active, 
IDE03638-MAS01737,static AFS light-Diagnosis,normal, 
IDE03638-MAS02248,static AFS light-Signal state,not active, 
IDE03638-MAS03873,static AFS light-Duty cycle,0.0, %
IDE03638-MAS04351,static AFS light-Connector terminal number,6, 
IDE03638-MAS04352,static AFS light-Connector number,Plug B, 
IDE04213,Central locking button,not coded/not installed, 
IDE04213-IDE07357,Central locking button-Indicator light for central locking,not coded/not installed, 
IDE04254-MAS06517,Play protection for central locking-Rear spoiler counter,not active, 
IDE04347-IDE00104,Expanded environmental conditions-DTC,08 87 15, 
IDE04347-IDE07836,Expanded environmental conditions-Log data,00 00 00 01 00 1A 00 1A 64 00 00 0B 51 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 03 00 03 FB F2 00 00 0C 13 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 01 00 00 02 00 20 00 00 10 06 0B 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 0C 00 01 00 00 01 00 4E 64 07 0E 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 81 14 4F 00 00 10 00 04 4C 07 87 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2A 98 F1 00 3B 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 8F 03 00 00 00 00 00, 
IDE04925-MAS01737,Daytime running lights-Diagnosis,not coded/not installed, 
IDE04925-MAS02248,Daytime running lights-Signal state,not active, 
IDE04925-MAS03873,Daytime running lights-Duty cycle,0.0, %
IDE04925-MAS04351,Daytime running lights-Connector terminal number,0, 
IDE04925-MAS04352,Daytime running lights-Connector number,Plug A, 
IDE05042-IDE05043,Emergency flasher button-Emergency flasher indicator lamp,On, 
IDE05042-MAS02158,Emergency flasher button-Actuation condition,Not operated, 
IDE05042-MAS03873,Emergency flasher button-Duty cycle,34.50, %
IDE05045-IDE05183,Front windshield wiper module-Malfunction left,no error, 
IDE05045-IDE05184,Front windshield wiper module-Malfunction right,no error, 
IDE05045-MAS01632,Front windshield wiper module-Status,not active, 
IDE05045-MAS02282,Front windshield wiper module-Position,park position, 
IDE05045-MAS03638,Front windshield wiper module-Wipe speed,0, /min
IDE05045-MAS05057,Front windshield wiper module-Number of wiper cycles,0, 
IDE05045-MAS05878,Front windshield wiper module-Stage,not coded/not installed, 
IDE05323-MAS01737,Fog light-Diagnosis,not coded/not installed, 
IDE05323-MAS02248,Fog light-Signal state,not active, 
IDE05323-MAS03873,Fog light-Duty cycle,0.0, %
IDE05323-MAS04351,Fog light-Connector terminal number,0, 
IDE05323-MAS04352,Fog light-Connector number,Plug A, 
IDE05434-MAS01737,Rear entry light-Diagnosis,not coded/not installed, 
IDE05434-MAS02248,Rear entry light-Signal state,not active, 
IDE05434-MAS03873,Rear entry light-Duty cycle,0.00, %
IDE05434-MAS04150,Rear entry light-Side,not_defined, 
IDE05434-MAS04351,Rear entry light-Connector terminal number,0, 
IDE05434-MAS04352,Rear entry light-Connector number,Plug A, 
IDE05533,Spray nozzle heater,active, 
IDE05719-IDE05534,Window washer system-Headlamp washer system,not coded/not installed, 
IDE05719-MAS02339,Window washer system-Windshield washer system,not active, 
IDE05719-MAS02341,Window washer system-Rear window washer system,not active, 
IDE05720-IDE02589,Front driver side door status-Rotary latch status,closed, 
IDE05720-IDE04213,Front driver side door status-Central locking button,Not operated, 
IDE05720-IDE04214,Front driver side door status-Key switch in door lock,Not operated, 
IDE05720-MAS06256,Front driver side door status-Status door lock,Signal from door lock: released, 
IDE05722-IDE02589,Door status: driver side rear-Rotary latch status,closed, 
IDE05722-IDE04213,Door status: driver side rear-Central locking button,Not operated, 
IDE05722-MAS06256,Door status: driver side rear-Status door lock,Signal from door lock: released, 
IDE05727-IDE02589,Front passenger side door status-Rotary latch status,closed, 
IDE05727-IDE04213,Front passenger side door status-Central locking button,Not operated, 
IDE05727-IDE04214,Front passenger side door status-Key switch in door lock,Not operated, 
IDE05727-MAS06256,Front passenger side door status-Status door lock,Signal from door lock: released, 
IDE05729-IDE02589,Door status: frt. pass. side rear-Rotary latch status,closed, 
IDE05729-IDE04213,Door status: frt. pass. side rear-Central locking button,Not operated, 
IDE05729-MAS06256,Door status: frt. pass. side rear-Status door lock,Signal from door lock: released, 
IDE05730-MAS01737,Luggage compartment light-Diagnosis,not coded/not installed, 
IDE05730-MAS02248,Luggage compartment light-Signal state,not active, 
IDE05730-MAS03873,Luggage compartment light-Duty cycle,0.00, %
IDE05730-MAS04351,Luggage compartment light-Connector terminal number,0, 
IDE05730-MAS04352,Luggage compartment light-Connector number,Plug A, 
IDE05739-MAS01737,Footwell light-Diagnosis,normal, 
IDE05739-MAS02248,Footwell light-Signal state,not active, 
IDE05739-MAS03873,Footwell light-Duty cycle,0.0, %
IDE05739-MAS04351,Footwell light-Connector terminal number,72, 
IDE05739-MAS04352,Footwell light-Connector number,Plug C, 
IDE05742-IDE02515,Light switch position-Low beam,not activated, 
IDE05742-IDE05323,Light switch position-Fog light,not activated, 
IDE05742-IDE07956,Light switch position-redundant signal line,OFF, 
IDE05742-MAS00063,Light switch position-OFF,operated, 
IDE05742-MAS02462,Light switch position-Automatic high beam assist,not activated, 
IDE05742-MAS03835,Light switch position-Parking light,not activated, 
IDE05742-MAS03836,Light switch position-Rear fog light,not activated, 
IDE05822-MAS01632,DWA Vehicle inclination sensor-Status,not coded/not installed, 
IDE05822-MAS04508,DWA Vehicle inclination sensor-Alarm detected,not coded/not installed, 
IDE05825-MAS02594,DWA Interior monitoring/vehicle inclination sensor button-Indicator light in switch,not coded/not installed, 
IDE05825-MAS04247,DWA Interior monitoring/vehicle inclination sensor button-Button,not coded/not installed, 
IDE05826-MAS01632,DWA Sirens / alarm horn for anti-theft warning system-Status,not active, 
IDE05826-MAS04508,DWA Sirens / alarm horn for anti-theft warning system-Alarm detected,No, 
IDE05826-MAS04509,DWA Sirens / alarm horn for anti-theft warning system-Alarm activated,No, 
IDE05827,Alarm horn for anti-theft warning system,not coded/not installed, 
IDE05828-MAS06608,DWA History data for alarm triggering-Cause for last alarm activation,Alarm trigger by DWA Master, 
IDE05828-MAS06609,DWA History data for alarm triggering-Cause for second-to-last alarm activation,Alarm trigger by DWA Master, 
IDE05828-MAS06610,DWA History data for alarm triggering-Cause for third-to-last alarm activation,Alarm trigger by DWA Master, 
IDE05828-MAS06611,DWA History data for alarm triggering-Cause for fourth-to-last alarm activation,Alarm trigger by DWA Master, 
IDE05828-MAS06613,DWA History data for alarm triggering-Number of alarm activations,61, 
IDE05829-ENG28562,Rear spoiler history data-Spoiler_Activation_Trigger,NoEntry, 
IDE05829-ENG28563,Rear spoiler history data-Spoiler_Activation_Trigger_Date,335544320, 
IDE05829-ENG28565,Rear spoiler history data-Spoiler_Activation_Trigger_Milage,0, km
IDE05829-ENG28564,Rear spoiler history data-Spoiler_Activation_Trigger_Time,0, 
IDE05830-MAS02282,Rear Spoiler-Position,not coded/not installed, 
IDE05830-ENG115793,Rear Spoiler-Spoiler_Button,not coded/not installed, 
IDE05830-ENG115792,Rear Spoiler-Spoiler_Cycle_Protection,not coded/not installed, 
IDE05830-ENG115794,Rear Spoiler-Spoiler_Indication_Light,not coded/not installed, 
IDE05830-ENG115791,Rear Spoiler-Spoiler_Position,not coded/not installed, 
IDE05833-MAS00106,Anti-theft warning system: history data-Year,2017, 
IDE05833-MAS00107,Anti-theft warning system: history data-Month,12, 
IDE05833-MAS00108,Anti-theft warning system: history data-Day,14, 
IDE05833-MAS00109,Anti-theft warning system: history data-Hours,8, 
IDE05833-MAS00110,Anti-theft warning system: history data-Minutes,58, 
IDE05833-MAS00111,Anti-theft warning system: history data-Seconds,7, 
IDE05833-MAS00711,Anti-theft warning system: history data-Odometer reading,203, km
IDE05833-MAS04478,Anti-theft warning system: history data-Cause for alarm activation,OBD_alarm, 
IDE05834-IDE01718,Driver info-Crash signal,not active, 
IDE05834-MAS00211,Driver info-Insufficient brake fluid,not active, 
IDE05834-MAS00212,Driver info-Insufficient washer fluid,not active, 
IDE05834-MAS00213,Driver info-Insufficient coolant,not active, 
IDE05834-MAS00214,Driver info-Brake pad wear,not active, 
IDE05836-MAS03637,Rain recognition sensor-Rain quantity,0, 
IDE05836-MAS03638,Rain recognition sensor-Wipe speed,0, 
IDE05836-MAS04806,Rain recognition sensor-Splash,not active, 
IDE05836-MAS04807,Rain recognition sensor-park position,active, 
IDE05837,Activation for signal horn,not active, 
IDE05838-MAS01794,Light recognition sensor-Freeway,OFF, 
IDE05838-MAS02248,Light recognition sensor-Signal state,active, 
IDE05838-MAS02475,Light recognition sensor-Brightness infrared,4000, lx
IDE05838-MAS02851,Light recognition sensor-Brightness,1722, lx
IDE05838-MAS04808,Light recognition sensor-Rain,OFF, 
IDE05838-MAS04809,Light recognition sensor-Darkness,OFF, 
IDE05838-MAS04810,Light recognition sensor-Request for light activation,OFF, 
IDE05839-MAS01737,Parking light-Diagnosis,normal, 
IDE05839-MAS02248,Parking light-Signal state,active, 
IDE05839-MAS03873,Parking light-Duty cycle,100.0, %
IDE05839-MAS04351,Parking light-Connector terminal number,2, 
IDE05839-MAS04352,Parking light-Connector number,Plug B, 
IDE05841-MAS06441,Central locking history data-Control-section / cause,Remote control, 
IDE05841-MAS07519,Central locking history data-Command,Unlocking of entire vehicle, 
IDE05841-MAS07942,Central locking history data-Additional information,Rem. ctrl. no. 1, 
IDE05841-ENG29969,Central locking history data-command_direction_locking,No_locking, 
IDE05841-ENG29970,Central locking history data-command_direction_unlocking,Door unlock, 
IDE05842-MAS00218,Comfort function history data-Driver door,not active, 
IDE05842-MAS00219,Comfort function history data-Front Passenger Door,active, 
IDE05842-MAS00220,Comfort function history data-Left rear door,not active, 
IDE05842-MAS00221,Comfort function history data-Right rear door,active, 
IDE05842-MAS06441,Comfort function history data-Control-section / cause,radio remote control number_1, 
IDE05842-MAS07560,Comfort function history data-Top,not active, 
IDE05842-MAS07561,Comfort function history data-Sun roof/tilt roof,active, 
IDE05842-MAS07941,Comfort function history data-Operating command,Open, 
IDE06012-MAS01737,Search lights-Diagnosis,not coded/not installed, 
IDE06012-MAS02248,Search lights-Signal state,not active, 
IDE06012-MAS03873,Search lights-Duty cycle,0.0, %
IDE06012-MAS04351,Search lights-Connector terminal number,0, 
IDE06012-MAS04352,Search lights-Connector number,Plug A, 
IDE06012-MAS15156,Search lights-terminal,not_defined, 
IDE06091-IDE01440,Humidity sensor: internal-Windshield temperature,-23.2, °C
IDE06091-MAS04629,Humidity sensor: internal-Sensor temperature,2.5, °C
IDE06091-MAS04630,Humidity sensor: internal-Relative humidity,57.0, %
IDE06091-MAS04647,Humidity sensor: internal-Dew point,-30.8, °C
IDE06096-IDE03111,Interior lighting-Interior light,0, %
IDE06096-IDE05724,Interior lighting-Terminal 58xt dimmer,100.0, %
IDE06096-IDE05725,Interior lighting-Terminal 58xs dimmer,0.0, %
IDE06096-IDE05726,Interior lighting-Terminal 58xd dimmer,96.0, %
IDE06096-MAS01634,Interior lighting-Supply voltage,100.0, %
IDE06096-MAS04528,Interior lighting-Instrument panel and switch illumination dimmer switch,0, %
IDE06324-IDE04217,Tank cap lock-Fuel filler door release button,not activated, 
IDE06324-MAS01580,Tank cap lock-Activation,not active, 
IDE06324-MAS06251,Tank cap lock-Contact switch,Open, 
IDE06470-MAS01737,Ambience lighting-Diagnosis,not coded/not installed, 
IDE06470-MAS02248,Ambience lighting-Signal state,not active, 
IDE06470-MAS03873,Ambience lighting-Duty cycle,0.0, %
IDE06470-MAS04351,Ambience lighting-Connector terminal number,0, 
IDE06470-MAS04352,Ambience lighting-Connector number,Plug A, 
IDE06507-MAS13127,Button in center console-Status of button 1,not activated, 
IDE06507-MAS13128,Button in center console-Indicator lamp button 1,On, 
IDE06507-MAS13130,Button in center console-Status of button 2,not coded/not installed, 
IDE06507-MAS13131,Button in center console-Indicator lamp button 2,not coded/not installed, 
IDE06507-MAS13133,Button in center console-Status of button 3,not activated, 
IDE06507-MAS13134,Button in center console-Indicator lamp button 3,OFF, 
IDE06507-MAS13136,Button in center console-Indicator lamp button 4,not coded/not installed, 
IDE06507-MAS13137,Button in center console-Status of button 4,not coded/not installed, 
IDE06592-MAS05002,Status: special functions-Showroom mode,OFF, 
IDE06592-MAS05003,Status: special functions-Debug functions,OFF, 
IDE06644-IDE06864,Vehicle positioning system-Daytime running lights,not coded/not installed, 
IDE06644-MAS01288,Vehicle positioning system-Signal horn,not coded/not installed, 
IDE06644-MAS03834,Vehicle positioning system-Emergency signal flashing,not coded/not installed, 
IDE06644-MAS03835,Vehicle positioning system-Parking light,not coded/not installed, 
IDE06695-IDE01459,Energy management: last critical state-Energy management heat output control status,0, 
IDE06695-MAS00107,Energy management: last critical state-Month,0, 
IDE06695-MAS00108,Energy management: last critical state-Day,0, 
IDE06695-MAS06555,Energy management: last critical state-Maximum switch-off priority while driving,0, 
IDE06695-MAS06570,Energy management: last critical state-Number of critical operation cycles,0, 
IDE06695-ENG28924,Energy management: last critical state-Anz_erreichte_Max_Freigaben,0, 
IDE06695-ENG28921,Energy management: last critical state-Anz_krit_Betriebszyklen,0, 
IDE06695-ENG28922,Energy management: last critical state-Bedingung_Tab_NQ,0, 
IDE06695-ENG28920,Energy management: last critical state-min_prio_Tab_K,0, 
IDE06695-ENG28919,Energy management: last critical state-min_prio_Tab_M,0, 
IDE06695-ENG28923,Energy management: last critical state-min_prio_Tab_NQ,0, 
IDE06695-ENG99063,Energy management: last critical state-Year,2000, 
IDE06864-MAS01737,Daytime running lights-Diagnosis,not coded/not installed, 
IDE06864-MAS02248,Daytime running lights-Signal state,not active, 
IDE06864-MAS03873,Daytime running lights-Duty cycle,0.0, %
IDE06864-MAS04351,Daytime running lights-Connector terminal number,0, 
IDE06864-MAS04352,Daytime running lights-Connector number,Plug A, 
IDE07145-MAS06772,Component protection properties-Component protection generation,02, 
IDE07145-MAS06773,Component protection properties-KS Standard software main version nummer,02, 
IDE07145-MAS06774,Component protection properties-KS Standard software secondary version number,00, 
IDE07145-MAS06775,Component protection properties-KS Standard software correct number,01, 
IDE07145-MAS06776,Component protection properties-Komponent protection role,KS Slave, 
IDE07145-MAS06781,Component protection properties-Secure Hardware Extension,Not Used, 
IDE07145-MAS06782,Component protection properties-Master ECU Key,not administered by component protection, 
IDE07145-MAS06785,Component protection properties-GFA key,used, 
IDE07145-MAS06786,Component protection properties-SSW RND Generation,Not Used, 
IDE07145-MAS06787,Component protection properties-Indiv Key Generation,Not Used, 
IDE07145-MAS06788,Component protection properties-SHE Secure Boot,Not Used, 
IDE07145-MAS07187,Component protection properties-KS Data version,01, 
IDE07145-MAS09609,Component protection properties-Status IKA start key,not active, 
IDE07145-MAS09610,Component protection properties-Status GFA Key,valid, 
IDE07145-MAS09611,Component protection properties-Status Master ECU Key,stored, 
IDE07187-MAS06538,Level control system sensor-Left Front Level Control System Sensor: PWM signal,655.35, %
IDE07187-MAS06539,Level control system sensor-Left Rear Level Control System Sensor: PWM signal,46.40, %
IDE07187-MAS06540,Level control system sensor-Left front level control system sensor: frequency,6553.5, Hz
IDE07187-MAS06541,Level control system sensor-Left Rear Left Control System Sensor: frequency,803.8, Hz
IDE07187-MAS06542,Level control system sensor-Vehicle level sensor: supply voltage,5.000, V
IDE07344-IDE00542,Sunroof shade-Excessive temperature protection,not active, 
IDE07344-IDE03114,Sunroof shade-Comfort function,not active, 
IDE07344-MAS01979,Sunroof shade-Adapting,Not adapted, 
IDE07344-MAS02282,Sunroof shade-Position,126, %
IDE07344-MAS02447,Sunroof shade-Release,active, 
IDE07344-MAS03656,Sunroof shade-Reverse,not active, 
IDE07344-MAS05563,Sunroof shade-Norming,not normed, 
IDE07345-MAS07997,Sunroof front closed position switch-Rotary switch activation,not activated, 
IDE07345,Sunroof front closed position switch,not activated, 
IDE07345-ENG122183,Sunroof front closed position switch-rotary_switch_position,closed, 
IDE07346,Sunroof shade switches,not activated, 
IDE08125-MAS01458,Left cabin heater-Operating condition,not coded/not installed, 
IDE08125-MAS06651,Left cabin heater-PTC heater element: current consumption,not coded/not installed, 
IDE08125-MAS06652,Left cabin heater-Blower motor: speed,not coded/not installed, 
IDE08125-MAS06653,Left cabin heater-Indicator light for head area heater,not coded/not installed, 
IDE08126-MAS01458,Right cabin heater-Operating condition,not coded/not installed, 
IDE08126-MAS06651,Right cabin heater-PTC heater element: current consumption,not coded/not installed, 
IDE08126-MAS06652,Right cabin heater-Blower motor: speed,not coded/not installed, 
IDE08126-MAS06653,Right cabin heater-Indicator light for head area heater,not coded/not installed, 
IDE08177-MAS06456,Central locking-Autolock,not active, 
IDE08177-MAS06740,Central locking-Release button in rear lid handle locked,not active, 
IDE08177-MAS09894,Central locking-Status exterior skin,closed, 
IDE08177-MAS09896,Central locking-Act. condition: Status central locking internal locked,not active, 
IDE08177-MAS09897,Central locking-Act. condition: Status central locking external locked,not active, 
IDE08177-MAS09898,Central locking-Act. condition: Status central locking safe,not active, 
IDE08177-MAS09900,Central locking-Spec. condition: Status central lock,Signal from door lock: released, 
IDE08177-ENG09185,Central locking-Load_compartment_closing,not coded/not installed, 
IDE08211-MAS00106,History data control module reset-Year,2017, 
IDE08211-MAS00107,History data control module reset-Month,11, 
IDE08211-MAS00108,History data control module reset-Day,9, 
IDE08211-MAS00109,History data control module reset-Hours,0, 
IDE08211-MAS00110,History data control module reset-Minutes,0, 
IDE08211-MAS03129,History data control module reset-Reset counter,7, 
IDE08211-MAS06734,History data control module reset-last cause of reset,Analysis 1, 
IDE08343,Immobilizer Challenge,2E 9D 87 41, 
IDE08949-MAS07867,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 0,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07868,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 1,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07869,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 2,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07870,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 3,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07871,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 4,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07872,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 5,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07873,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 6,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07874,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 7,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07875,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 8,1120, mA
IDE08949-MAS07876,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 9,1232, mA
IDE08949-MAS07877,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 10,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07878,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 11,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07879,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 12,32, mA
IDE08949-MAS07880,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 13,32, mA
IDE08949-MAS07881,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 14,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07882,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 15,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07883,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 16,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07884,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 17,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07885,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 18,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07886,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 19,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07887,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 20,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07888,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 21,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07889,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 22,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07890,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 23,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07891,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 24,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07892,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 25,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07893,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 26,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07894,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 27,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07895,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 28,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07896,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 29,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07897,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 30,0, mA
IDE08949-MAS07898,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 31,22, mA
IDE08949-MAS07899,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 32,21, mA
IDE08949-MAS07900,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 33,21, mA
IDE08949-MAS07901,Operating current: light driver-Conn. pin 34,16, mA
IDE09065-MAS07964,Status: remote start-Engine run time after remote start,0, s
IDE09065-MAS16464,Status: remote start-Number of RemoteStarts carried out,2, 
IDE09850-MAS07146,Garage Door Opener Operating Unit-Button 1,not coded/not installed, 
IDE09850-MAS07147,Garage Door Opener Operating Unit-Button 2,not coded/not installed, 
IDE09850-MAS07148,Garage Door Opener Operating Unit-Button 3,not coded/not installed, 
IDE11134-IDE01943,Light sequence HU test result-Turn signal,not installed / not active, 
IDE11134-IDE02515,Light sequence HU test result-Low beam,not installed / not active, 
IDE11134-IDE02614,Light sequence HU test result-Reversing light switch,not installed / not active, 
IDE11134-IDE02743,Light sequence HU test result-High Beam,not installed / not active, 
IDE11134-IDE03310,Light sequence HU test result-Brake light,not installed / not active, 
IDE11134-IDE03638,Light sequence HU test result-static AFS light,not installed / not active, 
IDE11134-IDE05323,Light sequence HU test result-Fog light,not installed / not active, 
IDE11134-IDE05839,Light sequence HU test result-Parking light,not installed / not active, 
IDE11134-IDE06470,Light sequence HU test result-Ambience lighting,not installed / not active, 
IDE11134-IDE06864,Light sequence HU test result-Daytime running lights,not installed / not active, 
IDE11134-MAS02354,Light sequence HU test result-Headlamp flasher,not installed / not active, 
IDE11134-MAS03835,Light sequence HU test result-Parking light,not installed / not active, 
IDE11134-MAS03836,Light sequence HU test result-Rear fog light,not installed / not active, 
IDE11134-MAS11025,Light sequence HU test result-Status,no restriction, 
IDE11350-MAS12597,Sunlight photo sensor-Sun intensity left,327670, W/m²
IDE11350-MAS12598,Sunlight photo sensor-Sun intensity right,327670, W/m²
IDE11668-MAS06256,Driver side rear sliding door: central locking signals-Status door lock,not coded/not installed, 
IDE11668-MAS06431,Driver side rear sliding door: central locking signals-Door contact switch,not coded/not installed, 
IDE11668-MAS06433,Driver side rear sliding door: central locking signals-Door lock: safe status,not coded/not installed, 
IDE11669-MAS06256,Passenger side rear sliding door: central locking signals-Status door lock,not coded/not installed, 
IDE11669-MAS06431,Passenger side rear sliding door: central locking signals-Door contact switch,not coded/not installed, 
IDE11669-MAS06433,Passenger side rear sliding door: central locking signals-Door lock: safe status,not coded/not installed, 
IDE11670-MAS06256,Rear wing door: central locking signals-Status door lock,not coded/not installed, 
IDE11670-MAS06431,Rear wing door: central locking signals-Door contact switch,not coded/not installed, 
IDE11670-MAS06433,Rear wing door: central locking signals-Door lock: safe status,not coded/not installed, 
IDE11727-IDE04806,Function of the central console button-Driving profile selection button,LED not installed, 
IDE11727-MAS13125,Function of the central console button-Function of button 1,Start-stop, 
IDE11727-MAS13129,Function of the central console button-Function of button 2,not coded/not installed, 
IDE11727-MAS13132,Function of the central console button-Function of button 3,Driving program, 
IDE11727-MAS13135,Function of the central console button-Function of button 4,not coded/not installed, 
IDE11943-MAS01737,Signature light-Diagnosis,not coded/not installed, 
IDE11943-MAS02248,Signature light-Signal state,not active, 
IDE11943-MAS03873,Signature light-Duty cycle,0.0, %
IDE11943-MAS04351,Signature light-Connector terminal number,0, 
IDE11943-MAS04352,Signature light-Connector number,Plug A, 
IDE11999-IDE03853,High values of headlight range adjustment: basic setting-Left front level control system sensor: height value adapted,-100.0, 
IDE11999-IDE04143,High values of headlight range adjustment: basic setting-Left rear level control system sensor: height value adapted,-100.0, 
IDE12060,Headlight range adjustment counter,00 00 00 00, 
IDE12212,Cause control module incorrectly coded,Not Present, 
IDE12940-IDE01268,Lever functions of the steering column electronics-Windshield wiper,not coded/not installed, 
IDE12940-IDE02335,Lever functions of the steering column electronics-Signal light switch position,not coded/not installed, 
IDE12940-IDE02711,Lever functions of the steering column electronics-Rear Window Wiper,not coded/not installed, 
IDE12940-MAS00232,Lever functions of the steering column electronics-MFI button UP,not_defined, 
IDE12940-MAS00233,Lever functions of the steering column electronics-MFI button DOWN,not_defined, 
IDE12940-MAS00234,Lever functions of the steering column electronics-MFI button RESET / OK,not_defined, 
IDE12940-MAS00242,Lever functions of the steering column electronics-Driver assistance systems button,not coded/not installed, 
IDE12940-MAS00243,Lever functions of the steering column electronics-Buttons for driver assistance systems: status,not coded/not installed, 
IDE12940-MAS01288,Lever functions of the steering column electronics-Signal horn,not coded/not installed, 
IDE12940-MAS02338,Lever functions of the steering column electronics-Windshield wiper: intermittent stage,not coded/not installed, 
IDE12940-MAS02339,Lever functions of the steering column electronics-Windshield washer system,not coded/not installed, 
IDE12940-MAS02341,Lever functions of the steering column electronics-Rear window washer system,not coded/not installed, 
IDE12940,Lever functions of the steering column electronics,not coded/not installed, 
IDE80251-MAS06439,Head area heater-Crash status,not coded/not installed, 
IDE80251-MAS06646,Head area heater-Head area heater left: specified level,not coded/not installed, 
IDE80251-MAS06647,Head area heater-Head area heater right: specified level,not coded/not installed, 
IDE80251-MAS06648,Head area heater-Continuation at terminal 15 on,not coded/not installed, 
IDE80251-MAS06649,Head area heater-Left front seat occupation status,not coded/not installed, 
IDE80251-MAS06650,Head area heater-Right front occupation status,not coded/not installed, 
MAS00043-IDE00019,Supply voltage: Terminal 30-Voltage terminal 30,13.15, V
MAS00043-IDE05835,Supply voltage: Terminal 30-Supply voltage for central locking,13.15, V
MAS00043-IDE05967,Supply voltage: Terminal 30-Voltage terminal 30 left,13.15, V
MAS00043-IDE05968,Supply voltage: Terminal 30-Voltage terminal 30 right,13.15, V
MAS00043-IDE08734,Supply voltage: Terminal 30-Supply voltage for anti-theft alarm system,5.00, V
MAS00043-IDE08735,Supply voltage: Terminal 30-Supply voltage for seat heater,13.15, V
MAS00043-MAS00362,Supply voltage: Terminal 30-Battery voltage,5.00, V
MAS00043-MAS07472,Supply voltage: Terminal 30-Battery voltage BEM,13.20, V
MAS00043-MAS07473,Supply voltage: Terminal 30-Test voltage rear window defogger,0.06, V
MAS00043-MAS07474,Supply voltage: Terminal 30-Test voltage windshield defogger,0.00, V
MAS00179-MAS04422,Brake Light Switch-Brake light signal via CAN,OFF, 
MAS00179-MAS07313,Brake Light Switch-Brake light signal via HW,OFF, 
MAS00464-MAS00106,Standard - ambient data 1-Year,2000, 
MAS00464-MAS00107,Standard - ambient data 1-Month,1, 
MAS00464-MAS00108,Standard - ambient data 1-Day,14, 
MAS00464-MAS00109,Standard - ambient data 1-Hours,1, 
MAS00464-MAS00110,Standard - ambient data 1-Minutes,2, 
MAS00464-MAS00111,Standard - ambient data 1-Seconds,56, 
MAS00464-MAS00468,Standard - ambient data 1-Unlearning counter,18, 
MAS00464-MAS00711,Standard - ambient data 1-Odometer reading,203, km
MAS00829-MAS00244,Access and start authorization-Awakening wire,operated, 
MAS00829-MAS01763,Access and start authorization-Signal Strength,-69, 
MAS00829-MAS07866,Access and start authorization-Duration: last awakening wire actua.,0, ms
MAS01281-MAS01737,Back-up light-Diagnosis,normal, 
MAS01281-MAS02248,Back-up light-Signal state,not active, 
MAS01281-MAS03873,Back-up light-Duty cycle,0.0, %
MAS01281-MAS04351,Back-up light-Connector terminal number,11, 
MAS01281-MAS04352,Back-up light-Connector number,Plug C, 
MAS01431-IDE01442,Vehicle key with remote control-Pressing a button,not activated, 
MAS01431-IDE01839,Vehicle key with remote control-Battery charge condition,Not available, 
MAS01431-MAS00077,Vehicle key with remote control-Immobilizer,OK, 
MAS01431-MAS01551,Vehicle key with remote control-Key number,255, 
MAS01431-MAS05048,Vehicle key with remote control-Number of transmitters adapted,2, 
MAS01431-MAS06362,Vehicle key with remote control-Code in detection area,Not available, 
MAS01490-IDE02744,Energy management-Steering wheel heater,Enabled, 
MAS01490-IDE04216,Energy management-Mirror heater,Enabled, 
MAS01490-IDE80251,Energy management-Head area heater,Enabling stage 3, 
MAS01490-MAS01535,Energy management-Rear window defogger,Enabled, 
MAS01490-MAS01563,Energy management-Auxiliary Air Heater,Enabling stage 3, 
MAS01490-MAS01564,Energy management-Windshield defogger,Enabled, 
MAS01490-MAS01632,Energy management-Status,not active, 
MAS01490-MAS02390,Energy management-Shutoff,46, 
MAS01490-MAS05795,Energy management-Rear seat heater,Enabled, 
MAS01490-MAS05796,Energy management-Emergency shut-down,0, 
MAS01490-MAS05887,Energy management-Battery cut out relay 2,not enabled, 
MAS01490-MAS06551,Energy management-Seat ventilation,Enabled, 
MAS01490-MAS06552,Energy management-Seat heater front,Enabling stage 3, 
MAS01490-MAS06553,Energy management-Display consumer switch-off,not active, 
MAS01490-MAS06554,Energy management-Switch-off priority while driving,0, 
MAS01490-MAS06555,Energy management-Maximum switch-off priority while driving,5, 
MAS01490-MAS06556,Energy management-Switch-off with voltage drops,0, 
MAS01490-MAS06557,Energy management-Switch-off priority with vehicle crash,0, 
MAS01490-MAS06558,Energy management-Current negative charge balance,0, %
MAS01490-MAS06559,Energy management-Switch-off priority with engine off,0, 
MAS01490-MAS06560,Energy management-Short distance drive,0, 
MAS01597-IDE00542,Sunroof-Excessive temperature protection,not active, 
MAS01597-IDE03114,Sunroof-Comfort function,not active, 
MAS01597-MAS02282,Sunroof-Position,0, %
MAS01597-MAS03656,Sunroof-Reverse,not active, 
MAS01597-MAS05737,Sunroof-Position,Tilt out posi., 
MAS03835-MAS01737,Parking light-Diagnosis,normal, 
MAS03835-MAS02248,Parking light-Signal state,active, 
MAS03835-MAS03873,Parking light-Duty cycle,100.0, %
MAS03835-MAS04351,Parking light-Connector terminal number,39, 
MAS03835-MAS04352,Parking light-Connector number,Plug B, 
MAS03836-MAS01737,Rear fog light-Diagnosis,normal, 
MAS03836-MAS02248,Rear fog light-Signal state,not active, 
MAS03836-MAS03873,Rear fog light-Duty cycle,0.0, %
MAS03836-MAS04351,Rear fog light-Connector terminal number,60, 
MAS03836-MAS04352,Rear fog light-Connector number,Plug A, 
MAS07959-IDE00787,Remote start history data-Cause for cancellation,Vehicle movement recognized, 
MAS07959-MAS00107,Remote start history data-Month,0, 
MAS07959-MAS00108,Remote start history data-Day,0, 
MAS07959-MAS00109,Remote start history data-Hours,0, 
MAS07959-MAS00110,Remote start history data-Minutes,0, 
MAS07959-MAS07960,Remote start history data-Stop or cancel cause,Remote start function active, 
MAS08228-MAS01632,Light sensor-Status,not coded/not installed, 
MAS08228-MAS02851,Light sensor-Brightness,22860, lx
MAS08228-MAS04121,Light sensor-Voltage,25.4, V
MAS13141,Test voltage,0, V
ENG116910,Control unit internal measured value (supplier),00 00 00 01 0D 00 1A 00 64 00 00 0B 51 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 03 00 04 C0 7A 00 00 0C 13 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 01 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 C6 00 01 00 00 00 00 4F 64 07 0E 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 81 14 4F 00 00 10 00 04 4C 07 87 00 00 00 00 40 C1 40 32 E9 0F 00 00 00 2C E6 B1 00 3B 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 09 00 03 01 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 8F 03 00 00 00 00 00, 
ENG117285-ENG124947,Cycle_Protection_Counter-last_wake_up,gueltiges Funktelegramm, 
ENG116908-ENG115779,Ecu_Intern_Meas._Values_2-Betriebsstunden_Abblendlicht_an,0, H
ENG116908-ENG115778,Ecu_Intern_Meas._Values_2-Hours_of_operation,0, H
ENG116908-ENG115776,Ecu_Intern_Meas._Values_2-Number of_the_wisp_cycles_front_window_wiper,0, 
ENG116908-ENG115777,Ecu_Intern_Meas._Values_2-Number of_the_wisp_cycles_rear_window_wiper,0, 
ENG116909-ENG107391,LIN activity-LIN 1,active, 
ENG116909-ENG107392,LIN activity-LIN 2,active, 
ENG116909-ENG114948,LIN activity-LIN 3,active, 
ENG116909-ENG114949,LIN activity-LIN 4,not coded/not installed, 
ENG116909-ENG114950,LIN activity-LIN 5,not coded/not installed, 
ENG116909-ENG114951,LIN activity-LIN 6,not coded/not installed, 
ENG116793,Monitor 1,00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00, 
ENG116802,Monitor 10,00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00, 
ENG116794,Monitor 2,00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00, 
ENG116795,Monitor 3,00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00, 
ENG116796,Monitor 4,00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00, 
ENG116797,Monitor 5,00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00, 
ENG116798,Monitor 6,00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00, 
ENG116799,Monitor 7,00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00, 
ENG116800,Monitor 8,00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00, 
ENG116801,Monitor 9,00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00, 
ENG128380,Parametermonitor_0,84 14 64 64 AA 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 50 32 32 00 50 50 50 50 3E 3E 62 62 00 00 64 3C 01 21 21 0A 04 00 00 1E 0A 1E 1E 03 07 00 00 06 06 28 00 3C 03 1E 22 00 04 19 05 00 01 01 28 00 02 00 02 FA 64 05 C8 1E 00 00 00 00 00 26 1D 5A 96 02 05 0A 6E 96 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A 1E 3C 42 0F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 64 0A 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1E 3C 19 E1 32 0A 0A 00 00 00 00 00 A0 00 00 00 A0 00 00 00 A0 02 0C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00, 
ENG116806,Parametermonitor_1,00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 64 64 64 64 64 64 00 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 7E 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 7E 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 7E 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 7E 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 7E 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 7E 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 7E 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 7E 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00, 
ENG116807,Parametermonitor_2,0F 05 0A 00 16 00 00 14 28 05 00 14 32 5A 32 0A 1E 12 00 4B 0A 01 1E 5A 0F 3C 3C 05 0A 01 0A 78 00 FA 01 1C 00 0F 00 05 0A 14 03 02 00 19 64 00 64 1E 32 18 18 7D 28 05 28 28 7D 3C 3C 7D 7D 0A 19 3C 7D 2B 00 00 02 00 00 01 28 0A 28 19 0A 23 04 C8 FA 17 16 88 00 1E 05 00 01 C8 32 C8 14 00 5A 03 00 03 03 00 00 04 01 05 32 32 32 64 03 00 00 00 00 00 22 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0F 14 50 78 32 3C 02 58 00 00 0A 6E 05 64 28 00 0A 06 19 0A 0A 28 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 14 14 14 00 32 00 00 00 00 28 64 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00, 
ENG116808-ENG115827,Parametermonitor_3-parameter_monitor_3_climatic,C8 02 32 00 5A FF 80 05 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 FF 02 32 5A 00 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 0A 28 0F 1E 06 1E 0A 0B 0B 01 64 64 03 0A 05 01 0A 46 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00, 
ENG116808-ENG115828,Parametermonitor_3-parameter_monitor_3_wiper,0A 00 00 19 19 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1E 50 46 00 58 8B FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A 0A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00, 
ENG116809,Parametermonitor_4,04 04 14 04 03 B4 00 0A 05 05 0A 4B 00 32 0A 00 00 1E 00 05 14 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 02 02 01 0A 28 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 04 0C 78 04 04 0C 01 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2A 3E 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 05 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A FF 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 03 0A 00 00 00 00 00 04 0A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 32 28 00 00 00 00 00 05 05 3C 04 01 01 01 01 96 01 01 C8 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3C 14 37 28 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00, 
ENG116810,Parametermonitor_5,0A 00 0C 08 09 0A 05 0A 0A 14 08 0A 03 00 0A 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 04 00 00 1E 0A 05 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 46 00 03 09 01 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A 0F 0F 00 00 60 06 16 06 19 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00, 
ENG116811,Parametermonitor_6,00 46 32 FA 3C 00 1E 32 05 04 3C 00 08 05 01 00 01 00 00 00 05 0A 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00, 
ENG116911,Parametermonitor_7,00 0A 00 0A 00 0A FF FF 00 0A 00 0A FF FF FF FF 0F A0 00 32 00 32 00 32 00 32 00 32 00 0A 00 0A 00 32 FF FE 00 0A 00 32 00 32 00 00 00 0A 00 0A 00 00 FF FF 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A 00 0A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00, 
ENG116812,Parametermonitor_FF,00 00 05 51 32 00 0A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00, 
ENG126653-MAS01551,Personalized_Account_Key_History-Key number,0, 
ENG126652-MAS03692,Personalized_key__Setting-Key 1,0, 
ENG126652-MAS03693,Personalized_key__Setting-Key 2,0, 
ENG126652-MAS03694,Personalized_key__Setting-Key 3,0, 
ENG126652-MAS03695,Personalized_key__Setting-Key 4,0, 
ENG126652-MAS03696,Personalized_key__Setting-Key 5,0, 
ENG126652-MAS03697,Personalized_key__Setting-Key 6,0, 
ENG126652-MAS03698,Personalized_key__Setting-Key 7,0, 
ENG116792-ENG115817,Power up history-Funktionsanforderung,10, 
ENG130589-MAS16304,Remotestart_Monitor-Number of driver takeovers from RemoteStart,0, 
ENG130589-MAS16305,Remotestart_Monitor-Number of duplicate activations,0, 
ENG130589-MAS16306,Remotestart_Monitor-Number of incorrect takeovers,0, 
ENG130589-MAS16307,Remotestart_Monitor-Average running time: group 1,0, 
ENG130589-MAS16308,Remotestart_Monitor-Average running time: group 2,0, 
ENG130589-MAS16309,Remotestart_Monitor-Average running time: group 3,0, 
ENG130589-MAS16333,Remotestart_Monitor-Number of RemoteStarts,0, 
ENG130589-MAS16334,Remotestart_Monitor-RemoteStart cancellations counter,0, 
ENG116790-MAS00711,Supply voltage history-Odometer reading,11, km
ENG116790-ENG115814,Supply voltage history-highest voltage ever measured,15.0, V
ENG116790-ENG115815,Supply voltage history-hoechste im letzten Fahrzyklus gemessen Batteriespannung,13.1, V
ENG116790-ENG115816,Supply voltage history-voltage measurement: intern,13.1, V
ENG116791,Temperatures,0.50, °C
ENG116907-IDE00020,Zusaetzliche Umgebungsdaten-Terminal 15 status,On, 
ENG116907-IDE01716,Zusaetzliche Umgebungsdaten-Terminal 50 status,OFF, 
ENG116907-IDE02515,Zusaetzliche Umgebungsdaten-Low beam,not activated, 
ENG116907-IDE07956,Zusaetzliche Umgebungsdaten-redundant signal line,infinite, 
ENG116907-MAS01957,Zusaetzliche Umgebungsdaten-Outside air temperature,0.5, °C
ENG116907-MAS02462,Zusaetzliche Umgebungsdaten-Automatic high beam assist,not activated, 
ENG116907-MAS02788,Zusaetzliche Umgebungsdaten-CAN,On, 
ENG116907-MAS03835,Zusaetzliche Umgebungsdaten-Parking light,not activated, 
ENG116907-MAS04121,Zusaetzliche Umgebungsdaten-Voltage,13.1, V
ENG116907-MAS06466,Zusaetzliche Umgebungsdaten-Parking light left,not activated, 
ENG116907-MAS06467,Zusaetzliche Umgebungsdaten-Parking light right,not activated, 
ENG116907-ENG124952,Zusaetzliche Umgebungsdaten-last_wakeup,gueltiges Funktelegramm, 
ENG116907-ENG09169,Zusaetzliche Umgebungsdaten-LDS 0-Stellung,operated, 
ENG116907-ENG115838,Zusaetzliche Umgebungsdaten-Status Bremslichtschalter (CAN),OFF, 
ENG116907-ENG115837,Zusaetzliche Umgebungsdaten-Status Bremslichtschalter (HW),OFF, 

Elapsed Time: 00:52

I'm doing some tests now using a HEX-NET in low power mode to see if it gets triggered. Apparently this is a problem with other cars/devices.
Last edited:


Staff member
Jan 29, 2014
Reaction score
Sector 7G
VCDS Serial number
09 map after SA 31347

;SW:5Q0-937-085-BN   HW:5Q0-937-085-BF ---  Cent. Elect. --- SA: 31347
;Component:BCM MQBAB MNA H36 0253, Coding:000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
;VCDS Version: Beta 17.12.0 (x64)  Data version: 20171213 DS285.1
;VCID: 064046C0B9FB7E1AF5F-8052

IDE00001-ENG99061-Production mode-Access control,not active ,3
IDE00001-ENG115730-Production mode-Aussenbeleuchtung,not active ,3
IDE00001-ENG112304-Production mode-Heckwischer,not active ,3
IDE00001-ENG98647-Production mode-Interior lighting,not active ,3
IDE00001-ENG115729-Production mode-Scheinwerferreinigung,not active ,3
IDE00001-ENG115731-Production mode-Virtuel_pedal,not active ,3
IDE00002-Transport mode,active ,1
IDE00820-Activating and deactivating all development messages,not active ,1
IDE01550-Service position,133.197670 °,2
IDE02152-Characteristics in production mode,2000 ms,4
IDE02269-MAS04382-Acknowledgement signals-Optical feedback during locking,Decelerate ,10
IDE02269-ENG116666-Acknowledgement signals-Akustische Rueckmeldung entriegeln,not active ,10
IDE02269-ENG116669-Acknowledgement signals-Akustische Rueckmeldung global,active ,10
IDE02269-ENG116670-Acknowledgement signals-Akustische Rueckmeldung Signalhorn,not active ,10
IDE02269-ENG116667-Acknowledgement signals-Akustische Rueckmeldung verriegeln,active ,10
IDE02269-ENG122187-Acknowledgement signals-Dauer der Akustischen Rueckmeldung vom Einfachhorn,normal ,10
IDE02269-ENG122188-Acknowledgement signals-Menuesteuerung akustische Rueckmeldung,active ,10
IDE02269-ENG122995-Acknowledgement signals-Optische Rueckmeldung 3.Bremsleuchte,not active ,10
IDE02269-ENG116668-Acknowledgement signals-Optische Rueckmeldung Komfortschliessen,not active ,10
IDE02269-ENG133344-Acknowledgement signals-Quittierton bei zweitem ZV-AUF-Befehl,not active ,10
IDE02269-ENG133345-Acknowledgement signals-Quittierton bei zweitem ZV-ZU-Befehl,not active ,10
IDE02269-ENG142248-Acknowledgement signals-ZV-Blinken_Abschluss_Dunkelzeit,300 ms,10
IDE02269-ENG142247-Acknowledgement signals-ZV-Blinken_Dunkelzeit,300 ms,10
IDE02269-ENG142246-Acknowledgement signals-ZV-Blinken_Hellzeit,300 ms,10
IDE02332-Deactivate production mode,0 ,3
IDE02711-ENG116690-Rear Window Wiper-Automatisches Heckwischen,not active ,8
IDE02711-ENG133397-Rear Window Wiper-Einzelansteuerung Heckintervallwischen,not active ,8
IDE02711-ENG133395-Rear Window Wiper-Einzelansteuerung Heckintervallwischen Zeitintervall 1,8 s,8
IDE02711-ENG133396-Rear Window Wiper-Einzelansteuerung Heckintervallwischen Zeitintervall 2,16 s,8
IDE02711-ENG112304-Rear Window Wiper-Heckwischer,logikgesteuert ,8
IDE02711-ENG114947-Rear Window Wiper-Heckwischer Weiterlauf,not active ,8
IDE02711-ENG114946-Rear Window Wiper-Komfortwischen Heck,active ,8
IDE02711-ENG116695-Rear Window Wiper-Komofortwischen Heck Intervallpausenzeit Stufe 1,3 s,8
IDE02711-ENG116696-Rear Window Wiper-Komofortwischen Heck Intervallpausenzeit Stufe 2,1 s,8
IDE02711-ENG116694-Rear Window Wiper-Komofortwischen Heck Intervallpausenzeit Stufe Automatik,5 s,8
IDE02711-ENG116693-Rear Window Wiper-Komofortwischen Heck Intervallpausenzeit Stufe Intervall,5 s,8
IDE02711-ENG116689-Rear Window Wiper-Menuesteuerung Komfortwischen HW,not active ,8
IDE02711-ENG154784-Rear Window Wiper-Spannungsanforderung_konfig_Wischer,Keine_Spannungsanforderung ,8
IDE02711-ENG116691-Rear Window Wiper-Traenenwischen Heck,not active ,8
IDE02711-ENG154831-Rear Window Wiper-Zeit_wasch_min_heck,1000 ms,8
IDE03638-IDE04231-static AFS light-Steering wheel angle: offset,-0.3 °,16
IDE03638-ENG116677-static AFS light-Abdimmgeschwindigkeit,50.0 %/s,16
IDE03638-ENG116673-static AFS light-bei Rueckwaertsfahrt,OFF ,16
IDE03638-ENG116675-static AFS light-Lower speed threshold,0.0 km/h,16
IDE03638-ENG116682-static AFS light-Maximaltemperatur,100.0 °C,16
IDE03638-ENG116679-static AFS light-obere Grenztemperatur,95.0 °C,16
IDE03638-ENG116681-static AFS light-Oberer Lenkradwinkel,90 °,16
IDE03638-ENG116680-static AFS light-untere Grenztemperatur,80.0 °C,16
IDE03638-ENG116678-static AFS light-Unterer Lenkradwinkel,30 °,16
IDE03638-ENG116676-static AFS light-Upper speed threshold,32.0 km/h,16
IDE03638-ENG116674-static AFS light-Vorschrift,OFF ,16
IDE03638-ENG115830-static AFS light-Zeitwert Einschaltzeit Abbiegelicht,15 min,16
IDE03787-Activate left/right hand drive switch-over,No_Menue ,1
IDE04927-IDE01446-Window heater-Running time of heated front window,600 s,11
IDE04927-ENG126847-Window heater-Abschalttemperatur fuer Frontscheibenheizung,35.0 °C,11
IDE04927-ENG126846-Window heater-Abschalttemperatur fuer Heckscheibenheizung,35.0 °C,11
IDE04927-ENG142251-Window heater-Frontscheibenheizung _maximale_Dauer,0 s,11
IDE04927-ENG142035-Window heater-Frontscheibenheizung_LED_direkt,not installed ,11
IDE04927-ENG142018-Window heater-Frontscheibenheizungsansteuerung direkt von externem Algorithmus,not installed ,11
IDE04927-ENG126845-Window heater-FSH Automatik,not active ,11
IDE04927-ENG115736-Window heater-Heckscheibenheizung Zeitwert,600 s,11
IDE04927-ENG141955-Window heater-heizbare Heckscheibe,installed ,11
IDE04927-ENG142021-Window heater-Heizbare_Frontscheibe,not installed ,11
IDE04927-ENG116620-Window heater-Temperaturabhaengige Einschaltzeit FSH,not active ,11
IDE04927-ENG116619-Window heater-Temperaturabhaengige Einschaltzeit HSH,active ,11
IDE04927-ENG141962-Window heater-Waschduesenheizung,installed ,11
IDE04927-ENG154810-Window heater-window heating front activation time pause,240 s,11
IDE04928-MAS01577-Anti-theft device-Parking heater,not installed ,8
IDE04928-ENG115867-Anti-theft device-Akustischer Alarm Signalhorn,not active ,8
IDE04928-ENG115864-Anti-theft device-Alarmsignal,frequency modulated ,8
IDE04928-ENG141960-Anti-theft device-Anti-theft alarm system,active ,8
IDE04928-ENG154588-Anti-theft device-Deaktivierung DWA-Sensoren via Doppelklick,not_active ,8
IDE04928-ENG154589-Anti-theft device-Deaktivierung_DWA_Sensoren_HMI,not_active ,8
IDE04928-ENG115865-Anti-theft device-DWA Alarmverzoegerung,driver door contact thatcham ,8
IDE04928-ENG115812-Anti-theft device-DWA Camper Modus,not active ,8
IDE04928-ENG142007-Anti-theft device-DWA_Einfachhorn_oder_Sounder,Sounder_verbaut ,8
IDE04928-ENG141961-Anti-theft device-Heckscheibenbruchsensor,installed ,8
IDE04928-ENG142006-Anti-theft device-IRUE_NGS_Deaktivierungstaster_direkt_am BCM_verdrahtet,No ,8
IDE04928-ENG142249-Anti-theft device-OBD Alarm,activ ,8
IDE04928-ENG154722-Anti-theft device-RHF_Panikalarm,not_active ,8
IDE04928-ENG142009-Anti-theft device-Schliesszylinder in_Richtung Oeffnen_aktiv (Thatcham inaktiv),Yes ,8
IDE04928-ENG142010-Anti-theft device-Sensor_fuer_Innenraumueberwachung,No ,8
IDE04928-ENG115866-Anti-theft device-Sirenen Alarmzahl,1 Alarm ,8
IDE04928-ENG142008-Anti-theft device-tilt_sensor,No ,8
IDE04928-ENG126842-Anti-theft device-Ueberwachung Innenentriegelungshebel,not active ,8
IDE04928-ENG115868-Anti-theft device-Verzoegerung Panikalarm,keine verzoegerung ,8
IDE05144-Read parameter address,00 00 00 ,3
IDE05145-Light configuration,00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2E 00 00 04 2E 00 64 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 24 00 00 61 49 00 7F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 24 00 00 62 4A 00 7F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 36 00 1A 0B 00 7F 1E 00 7F 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 40 00 1B 0C 00 7F 1E 00 7F 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 44 00 4B 46 00 7F 08 0A 7F 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 3A 00 49 46 00 7F 08 09 7F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 36 00 5D 28 1E 7F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 40 00 5E 28 1E 7F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ,224
IDE06089-ENG141976-Seat heater level current consumption allocation-Sitzheitzung_CAN,Heizmatten am BCM ,30
IDE06089-ENG116683-Seat heater level current consumption allocation-Sitzheizung Filterkonstante fuer Waermefluss,1 s,30
IDE06089-ENG116684-Seat heater level current consumption allocation-Sitzheizung Regeltemperaturkorrektur bei Waermefluss,0.00 °C,30
IDE06089-ENG115738-Seat heater level current consumption allocation-Sitzheizung Stufe 1 obere Schaltschwelle,28.00 °C,30
IDE06089-ENG115737-Seat heater level current consumption allocation-Sitzheizung Stufe 1 untere Schaltschwelle,27.50 °C,30
IDE06089-ENG115740-Seat heater level current consumption allocation-Sitzheizung Stufe 2 obere Schaltschwelle,28.00 °C,30
IDE06089-ENG115739-Seat heater level current consumption allocation-Sitzheizung Stufe 2 untere Schaltschwelle,27.50 °C,30
IDE06089-ENG115742-Seat heater level current consumption allocation-Sitzheizung Stufe 3 obere Schaltschwelle,41.00 °C,30
IDE06089-ENG115741-Seat heater level current consumption allocation-Sitzheizung Stufe 3 untere Schaltschwelle,40.50 °C,30
IDE06089-ENG115744-Seat heater level current consumption allocation-Sitzheizung Stufe 4 obere Schaltschwelle,41.00 °C,30
IDE06089-ENG115743-Seat heater level current consumption allocation-Sitzheizung Stufe 4 untere Schaltschwelle,40.50 °C,30
IDE06089-ENG115746-Seat heater level current consumption allocation-Sitzheizung Stufe 5 obere Schaltschwelle,63.00 °C,30
IDE06089-ENG115745-Seat heater level current consumption allocation-Sitzheizung Stufe 5 untere Schaltschwelle,62.50 °C,30
IDE06089-ENG115748-Seat heater level current consumption allocation-Sitzheizung Stufe 6 obere Schaltschwelle,63.00 °C,30
IDE06089-ENG115747-Seat heater level current consumption allocation-Sitzheizung Stufe 6 untere Schaltschwelle,62.50 °C,30
IDE06089-ENG154774-Seat heater level current consumption allocation-Sitzheizung.Aufheizphase HI,Sollspannungsanforderung 14.7 ,30
IDE06089-ENG154775-Seat heater level current consumption allocation-Sitzheizung.Regelbetrieb LO,Keine_Spannungsanforderung ,30
IDE06089-ENG141977-Seat heater level current consumption allocation-Sitzheizungsfreigabe,not installed ,30
IDE06089-ENG154785-Seat heater level current consumption allocation-Spannungsoffset SIH_75,15.7 V,30
IDE06425-Roller test bench mode: functional,not active ,1
IDE06507-MAS13125-Button in center console-Function of button 1,Start-stop ,8
IDE06507-MAS13129-Button in center console-Function of button 2,not coded/not installed ,8
IDE06507-MAS13132-Button in center console-Function of button 3,Driving program ,8
IDE06507-MAS13135-Button in center console-Function of button 4,not coded/not installed ,8
IDE06507-ENG140243-Button in center console-Zusatzcodierung Fahrprofiltaster hat keine LED,LED not installed ,8
IDE07007-ENG142253-A/C heater function via remote control-Abbruch_d_Warnblinker_moeglich,active ,8
IDE07007-ENG142252-A/C heater function via remote control-Abbruch_Hupen_RSt,not active ,8
IDE07007-ENG142255-A/C heater function via remote control-Aktivierung_Drehzahlanzeige,active ,8
IDE07007-ENG142254-A/C heater function via remote control-Kombi_Fahrerhinweis_m_Akustik,active ,8
IDE07007-ENG128461-A/C heater function via remote control-Kombi_Fahrerhinweis_m_Uebernahme_RSt,active ,8
IDE07007-ENG115720-A/C heater function via remote control-Remotestart,not installed ,8
IDE07007-ENG128460-A/C heater function via remote control-Rueckmeldung_bei_Aktivierung,active ,8
IDE07356-Position during interval mode,21.197781 °,2
IDE07470-ENG116719-After-run for park light-Bedingungen zur Beendigung des Standlichtnachlaufs,abschalten nach der Nachlaufzeit ,6
IDE07470-ENG116720-After-run for park light-Standlicht-Nachlaufzeit,30 min,6
IDE07470-ENG126843-After-run for park light-ZV verriegeln bei Klemme 15 Ein,not active ,6
IDE08786-ENG115723-Assistance light functions-Assistenzfahrlicht bei Regen,active ,9
IDE08786-ENG141956-Assistance light functions-Humidity sensor,installed ,9
IDE08786-ENG115724-Assistance light functions-Lichtsensorempfindlichkeit,normal ,9
IDE08786-ENG126628-Assistance light functions-LS_Error_Ausgabe,active ,9
IDE08786-ENG142228-Assistance light functions-Maskierung_Regenfunktion,not active ,9
IDE08786-ENG141985-Assistance light functions-Regen_Lichtsensor,LIN_REGEN_LICHT_SENSOR ,9
IDE08786-ENG124476-Assistance light functions-Sunlight Sensor,not installed ,9
IDE09731-ENG154511-Int. light: 2nd generation-Ambiente_Fahrprofil_Individual,2 ,19
IDE09731-ENG154512-Int. light: 2nd generation-Ambiente_Farbliste_HMI_mit_Farbtransformation,not active ,19
IDE09731-ENG154513-Int. light: 2nd generation-Ambiente_Farbwahl_FPA_waehlbare_Kopplung,not active ,19
IDE09731-ENG154514-Int. light: 2nd generation-Ambiente_Farbwahl_FPA_waehlbare_Kopplung_Status_hmi_default,not active ,19
IDE09731-ENG125014-Int. light: 2nd generation-Aufloesung Dimmzeit,0.00 s,19
IDE09731-ENG125024-Int. light: 2nd generation-BAP Farbwert Farbe 1,0 ,19
IDE09731-ENG125025-Int. light: 2nd generation-BAP Farbwert Farbe 2,0 ,19
IDE09731-ENG125026-Int. light: 2nd generation-BAP Farbwert Farbe 3,0 ,19
IDE09731-ENG125018-Int. light: 2nd generation-Cockpitbeleuchtung mehrfarbig,not active ,19
IDE09731-ENG125021-Int. light: 2nd generation-Dachbeleuchtung mehrfarbig,not active ,19
IDE09731-ENG125028-Int. light: 2nd generation-Defaultwert Ambienteprofil Dach,0 %,19
IDE09731-ENG125029-Int. light: 2nd generation-Defaultwert Ambienteprofil Farbe,0 ,19
IDE09731-ENG115822-Int. light: 2nd generation-Defaultwert Ambienteprofil Fussraum,0 %,19
IDE09731-ENG125027-Int. light: 2nd generation-Defaultwert Ambienteprofil Mittelkonsole,0 %,19
IDE09731-ENG116685-Int. light: 2nd generation-Defaultwert Ambienteprofil Tuer,0 %,19
IDE09731-ENG115823-Int. light: 2nd generation-Defaultwert Ambienteprofil Vorn,0 %,19
IDE09731-ENG125641-Int. light: 2nd generation-Farbausgabe Cockpitbeleuchtung nicht berechnen,active ,19
IDE09731-ENG125644-Int. light: 2nd generation-Farbausgabe Dachbeleuchtung nicht berechnen,active ,19
IDE09731-ENG125640-Int. light: 2nd generation-Farbausgabe Instrumententafelbeleuchtung nicht berechnen,active ,19
IDE09731-ENG125642-Int. light: 2nd generation-Farbausgabe Lautsprecherbeleuchtung nicht berechnen,active ,19
IDE09731-ENG125643-Int. light: 2nd generation-Farbausgabe Mittelkonsolenbeleuchtung nicht berechnen,active ,19
IDE09731-ENG125645-Int. light: 2nd generation-Farbausgabe Panoramaschiebedachbeleuchtung nicht berechnen,active ,19
IDE09731-ENG125639-Int. light: 2nd generation-Farbausgabe Tuertafelbeleuchtung nicht berechnen,active ,19
IDE09731-ENG125634-Int. light: 2nd generation-Helligkeit Cockpitbeleuchtung nicht berechnen,not active ,19
IDE09731-ENG125637-Int. light: 2nd generation-Helligkeit Dachbeleuchtung nicht berechnen,active ,19
IDE09731-ENG125633-Int. light: 2nd generation-Helligkeit Instrumententafelbeleuchtung nicht berechnen,active ,19
IDE09731-ENG125635-Int. light: 2nd generation-Helligkeit Lautsprecherbeleuchtung nicht berechnen,not active ,19
IDE09731-ENG125636-Int. light: 2nd generation-Helligkeit Mittelkonsolenbeleuchtung nicht berechnen,active ,19
IDE09731-ENG125638-Int. light: 2nd generation-Helligkeit Panoramaschiebedachbeleuchtung nicht berechnen,active ,19
IDE09731-ENG142233-Int. light: 2nd generation-Helligkeit_Tuertafelbeleuchtung_nicht_berechnen,active ,19
IDE09731-ENG116596-Int. light: 2nd generation-Innenlicht bei offenem Heckdeckel einschalten,not active ,19
IDE09731-ENG125017-Int. light: 2nd generation-Instrumententafelbeleuchtung mehrfarbig,not active ,19
IDE09731-ENG98648-Int. light: 2nd generation-Interior light,Keine_Spannungsanforderung ,19
IDE09731-ENG116597-Int. light: 2nd generation-KL30G ohne PWM,active ,19
IDE09731-ENG125019-Int. light: 2nd generation-Lautsprecherbeleuchtung mehrfarbig,not active ,19
IDE09731-ENG142031-Int. light: 2nd generation-LIN-Dachkonsole mit Flaechenlicht,not installed ,19
IDE09731-ENG125020-Int. light: 2nd generation-Mittelkonsolenbeleuchtung mehrfarbig,not active ,19
IDE09731-ENG125023-Int. light: 2nd generation-Panoramaschiebedachbeleuchtung bei geoeffnetem Rollo deaktivieren,not active ,19
IDE09731-ENG125022-Int. light: 2nd generation-Panoramaschiebedachbeleuchtung mehrfarbig,not active ,19
IDE09731-ENG116687-Int. light: 2nd generation-Tuerinnengriff mit Tuertafel,not installed ,19
IDE09731-ENG116686-Int. light: 2nd generation-Tuerinnengriffbeleuchtung mit I-Tafel,not installed ,19
IDE09731-ENG125016-Int. light: 2nd generation-Tuertafelbeleuchtung mehrfarbig,not active ,19
IDE09731-ENG142184-Int. light: 2nd generation-Weckfaehigkeit_klemme_30G,not installed ,19
IDE09731-ENG125015-Int. light: 2nd generation-weicher Farbwechsel,not active ,19
IDE09732-ENG154509-Interior light: light configuration-Ambience_light_colorlist_default,0 ,5
IDE09732-ENG133384-Interior light: light configuration-Ambient_Farbliste_HMI,not active ,5
IDE09732-ENG115870-Interior light: light configuration-Ambiente_Applikationsleisten_in_Instrumententafel,not installed ,5
IDE09732-ENG115871-Interior light: light configuration-Ambiente_Applikationsleisten_in_Tuertafel,not installed ,5
IDE09732-ENG115872-Interior light: light configuration-Ambiente_Lautsprecher,installed ,5
IDE09732-ENG126836-Interior light: light configuration-Ambientemenue mit alle Zonen,active ,5
IDE09732-ENG126835-Interior light: light configuration-Ambientemenue mit globalem aus,not active ,5
IDE09732-ENG125646-Interior light: light configuration-Cockpitbeleuchtung,installed ,5
IDE09732-ENG125648-Interior light: light configuration-Dachbeleuchtung,not installed ,5
IDE09732-ENG125651-Interior light: light configuration-Farbwahl ueber Fahrprofil,not installed ,5
IDE09732-ENG125650-Interior light: light configuration-Farbwahl ueber HMI,not installed ,5
IDE09732-ENG114629-Interior light: light configuration-Foot well lighting,installed ,5
IDE09732-ENG133385-Interior light: light configuration-Frei_Farbwahl_ueber_HMI,not active ,5
IDE09732-ENG126834-Interior light: light configuration-LIN-Dachkonsole lokal aktivierbar,not active ,5
IDE09732-ENG125647-Interior light: light configuration-Mittelkonsolenbeleuchtung,not installed ,5
IDE09732-ENG125649-Interior light: light configuration-Panoramaschiebedachbeleuchtung,not installed ,5
IDE09761-ENG126617-Seat fan charac. curve-Level_1_Lehne,30 %,17
IDE09761-ENG126616-Seat fan charac. curve-Level_1_Sitz,25 %,17
IDE09761-ENG126619-Seat fan charac. curve-Level_2_Lehne,30 %,17
IDE09761-ENG126618-Seat fan charac. curve-Level_2_Sitz,25 %,17
IDE09761-ENG126621-Seat fan charac. curve-Level_3_Lehne,58 %,17
IDE09761-ENG126620-Seat fan charac. curve-Level_3_Sitz,53 %,17
IDE09761-ENG126623-Seat fan charac. curve-Level_4_Lehne,58 %,17
IDE09761-ENG126622-Seat fan charac. curve-Level_4_Sitz,53 %,17
IDE09761-ENG126625-Seat fan charac. curve-Level_5_Lehne,85 %,17
IDE09761-ENG126624-Seat fan charac. curve-Level_5_Sitz,80 %,17
IDE09761-ENG126627-Seat fan charac. curve-Level_6_Lehne,85 %,17
IDE09761-ENG126626-Seat fan charac. curve-Level_6_Sitz,80 %,17
IDE09761-ENG142024-Seat fan charac. curve-Sitzlueftung,not installed ,17
IDE09761-ENG142183-Seat fan charac. curve-Sitzlueftung_reduzierbar,not installed ,17
IDE09761-ENG142025-Seat fan charac. curve-Sitzpneumatik,not installed ,17
IDE10298-Alternating park position 1,18.197784 °,2
IDE10299-Alternating park position 2,21.197781 °,2
IDE11477-ENG128587-Interior lighting: parameter-p_adaption_kundenwunsch_cockpit,1.00 ,256
IDE11477-ENG128619-Interior lighting: parameter-p_adaption_kundenwunsch_dach,1.00 ,256
IDE11477-ENG128539-Interior lighting: parameter-p_adaption_kundenwunsch_fussraum,1.00 ,256
IDE11477-ENG128571-Interior lighting: parameter-p_adaption_kundenwunsch_itafel,1.00 ,256
IDE11477-ENG128555-Interior lighting: parameter-p_adaption_kundenwunsch_lautsprecher,1.00 ,256
IDE11477-ENG128603-Interior lighting: parameter-p_adaption_kundenwunsch_miko,1.00 ,256
IDE11477-ENG128635-Interior lighting: parameter-p_adaption_kundenwunsch_psd,1.00 ,256
IDE11477-ENG128523-Interior lighting: parameter-p_adaption_kundenwunsch_tuer,1.00 ,256
IDE11477-ENG128659-Interior lighting: parameter-p_ambientelicht_verbauinformation_HMI,00000000  ,256
IDE11477-ENG128660-Interior lighting: parameter-p_ambientelicht_verbauinformation_HMI_2,00000000  ,256
IDE11477-ENG128661-Interior lighting: parameter-p_ambientelicht_verbauinformation_HMI_3,00000000  ,256
IDE11477-ENG128662-Interior lighting: parameter-p_ambientelicht_verbauinformation_HMI_4,0 ,256
IDE11477-ENG128655-Interior lighting: parameter-p_ambienteumfang_mehrfarbig_HMI,00000000  ,256
IDE11477-ENG128656-Interior lighting: parameter-p_ambienteumfang_mehrfarbig_HMI_2,00000000  ,256
IDE11477-ENG128657-Interior lighting: parameter-p_ambienteumfang_mehrfarbig_HMI_3,00000000  ,256
IDE11477-ENG128658-Interior lighting: parameter-p_ambienteumfang_mehrfarbig_HMI_4,00000000  ,256
IDE11477-ENG128652-Interior lighting: parameter-p_dimmfaktor_farbwechsel_ab,1 ,256
IDE11477-ENG128651-Interior lighting: parameter-p_dimmfaktor_farbwechsel_auf,1 ,256
IDE11477-ENG128654-Interior lighting: parameter-p_farbauswahl_HMI,00000000  ,256
IDE11477-ENG128653-Interior lighting: parameter-p_farbwechsel_delay,0 ,256
IDE11477-ENG128596-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_andereTuer_auf_zuendung_aus_cockpit,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128628-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_andereTuer_auf_zuendung_aus_dach,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128548-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_andereTuer_auf_zuendung_aus_fussraum,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128516-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_andereTuer_auf_zuendung_aus_innenlicht,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128580-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_andereTuer_auf_zuendung_aus_itafel,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128564-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_andereTuer_auf_zuendung_aus_lautsprecher,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128612-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_andereTuer_auf_zuendung_aus_miko,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128644-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_andereTuer_auf_zuendung_aus_psd,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128532-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_andereTuer_auf_zuendung_aus_tueren,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128593-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_andereTuer_auf_zuendung_ein_cockpit,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128625-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_andereTuer_auf_zuendung_ein_dach,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128545-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_andereTuer_auf_zuendung_ein_fussraum,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128513-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_andereTuer_auf_zuendung_ein_innenlicht,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128577-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_andereTuer_auf_zuendung_ein_itafel,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128561-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_andereTuer_auf_zuendung_ein_lautsprecher,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128609-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_andereTuer_auf_zuendung_ein_miko,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128641-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_andereTuer_auf_zuendung_ein_psd,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128529-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_andereTuer_auf_zuendung_ein_tueren,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128595-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_dieseTuer_auf_zuendung_aus_cockpit,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128627-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_dieseTuer_auf_zuendung_aus_dach,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128547-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_dieseTuer_auf_zuendung_aus_fussraum,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128515-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_dieseTuer_auf_zuendung_aus_innenlicht,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128579-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_dieseTuer_auf_zuendung_aus_itafel,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128563-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_dieseTuer_auf_zuendung_aus_lautsprecher,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128611-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_dieseTuer_auf_zuendung_aus_miko,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128643-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_dieseTuer_auf_zuendung_aus_psd,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128531-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_dieseTuer_auf_zuendung_aus_tueren,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128592-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_dieseTuer_auf_zuendung_ein_cockpit,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128624-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_dieseTuer_auf_zuendung_ein_dach,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128544-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_dieseTuer_auf_zuendung_ein_fussraum,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128512-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_dieseTuer_auf_zuendung_ein_innenlicht,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128576-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_dieseTuer_auf_zuendung_ein_itafel,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128560-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_dieseTuer_auf_zuendung_ein_lautsprecher,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128608-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_dieseTuer_auf_zuendung_ein_miko,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128640-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_dieseTuer_auf_zuendung_ein_psd,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128528-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_dieseTuer_auf_zuendung_ein_tueren,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128597-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_einausstieg_cockpit,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128629-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_einausstieg_dach,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128549-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_einausstieg_fussraum,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128517-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_einausstieg_innenlicht,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128581-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_einausstieg_itafel,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128565-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_einausstieg_lautsprecher,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128613-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_einausstieg_miko,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128645-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_einausstieg_psd,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128533-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_einausstieg_tueren,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128588-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_entriegelt_cockpit,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128620-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_entriegelt_dach,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128540-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_entriegelt_fussraum,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128508-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_entriegelt_innenlicht,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128572-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_entriegelt_itafel,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128556-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_entriegelt_lautsprecher,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128604-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_entriegelt_miko,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128636-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_entriegelt_psd,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128524-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_entriegelt_tueren,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128602-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Fzg_geschlossen_schluessel_ab_cockpit,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128634-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Fzg_geschlossen_schluessel_ab_dach,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128554-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Fzg_geschlossen_schluessel_ab_fussraum,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128522-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Fzg_geschlossen_schluessel_ab_innenlicht,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128586-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Fzg_geschlossen_schluessel_ab_itafel,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128570-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Fzg_geschlossen_schluessel_ab_lautsprecher,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128618-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Fzg_geschlossen_schluessel_ab_miko,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128650-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Fzg_geschlossen_schluessel_ab_psd,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128538-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Fzg_geschlossen_schluessel_ab_tueren,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128598-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Fzg_geschlossen_zuendung_aus_cockpit,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128630-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Fzg_geschlossen_zuendung_aus_dach,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128550-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Fzg_geschlossen_zuendung_aus_fussraum,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128518-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Fzg_geschlossen_zuendung_aus_innenlicht,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128582-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Fzg_geschlossen_zuendung_aus_itafel,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128566-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Fzg_geschlossen_zuendung_aus_lautsprecher,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128614-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Fzg_geschlossen_zuendung_aus_miko,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128646-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Fzg_geschlossen_zuendung_aus_psd,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128534-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Fzg_geschlossen_zuendung_aus_tueren,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128594-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Fzg_geschlossen_zuendung_ein_cockpit,126 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128626-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Fzg_geschlossen_zuendung_ein_dach,126 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128546-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Fzg_geschlossen_zuendung_ein_fussraum,126 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128514-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Fzg_geschlossen_zuendung_ein_innenlicht,0 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128578-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Fzg_geschlossen_zuendung_ein_itafel,126 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128562-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Fzg_geschlossen_zuendung_ein_lautsprecher,126 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128610-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Fzg_geschlossen_zuendung_ein_miko,126 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128642-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Fzg_geschlossen_zuendung_ein_psd,126 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128530-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Fzg_geschlossen_zuendung_ein_tueren,126 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128591-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_HD_auf_zuendung_aus_cockpit,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128623-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_HD_auf_zuendung_aus_dach,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128543-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_HD_auf_zuendung_aus_fussraum,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128511-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_HD_auf_zuendung_aus_innenlicht,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128575-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_HD_auf_zuendung_aus_itafel,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128559-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_HD_auf_zuendung_aus_lautsprecher,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128607-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_HD_auf_zuendung_aus_miko,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128639-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_HD_auf_zuendung_aus_psd,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128527-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_HD_auf_zuendung_aus_tueren,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128590-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_HD_auf_zuendung_ein_cockpit,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128622-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_HD_auf_zuendung_ein_dach,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128542-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_HD_auf_zuendung_ein_fussraum,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128510-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_HD_auf_zuendung_ein_innenlicht,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128574-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_HD_auf_zuendung_ein_itafel,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128558-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_HD_auf_zuendung_ein_lautsprecher,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128606-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_HD_auf_zuendung_ein_miko,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128638-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_HD_auf_zuendung_ein_psd,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128526-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_HD_auf_zuendung_ein_tueren,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128589-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_max_cockpit,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128621-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_max_dach,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128541-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_max_fussraum,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128509-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_max_innenlicht,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128573-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_max_itafel,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128557-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_max_lautsprecher,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128605-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_max_miko,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128637-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_max_psd,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128525-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_max_tueren,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128599-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Tueren_geschlossen_HD_auf_zuendung_aus_cockpit,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128631-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Tueren_geschlossen_HD_auf_zuendung_aus_dach,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128551-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Tueren_geschlossen_HD_auf_zuendung_aus_fussraum,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128519-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Tueren_geschlossen_HD_auf_zuendung_aus_innenlicht,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128583-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Tueren_geschlossen_HD_auf_zuendung_aus_itafel,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128567-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Tueren_geschlossen_HD_auf_zuendung_aus_lautsprecher,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128615-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Tueren_geschlossen_HD_auf_zuendung_aus_miko,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128647-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Tueren_geschlossen_HD_auf_zuendung_aus_psd,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128535-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Tueren_geschlossen_HD_auf_zuendung_aus_tueren,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128600-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Tueren_geschlossen_HD_zu_zuendung_aus_cockpit,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128632-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Tueren_geschlossen_HD_zu_zuendung_aus_dach,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128552-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Tueren_geschlossen_HD_zu_zuendung_aus_fussraum,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128520-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Tueren_geschlossen_HD_zu_zuendung_aus_innenlicht,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128584-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Tueren_geschlossen_HD_zu_zuendung_aus_itafel,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128568-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Tueren_geschlossen_HD_zu_zuendung_aus_lautsprecher,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128616-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Tueren_geschlossen_HD_zu_zuendung_aus_miko,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128648-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Tueren_geschlossen_HD_zu_zuendung_aus_psd,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128536-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Tueren_geschlossen_HD_zu_zuendung_aus_tueren,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128601-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Tueren_geschlossen_schluessel_ab_cockpit,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128633-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Tueren_geschlossen_schluessel_ab_dach,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128553-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Tueren_geschlossen_schluessel_ab_fussraum,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128521-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Tueren_geschlossen_schluessel_ab_innenlicht,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128585-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Tueren_geschlossen_schluessel_ab_itafel,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128569-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Tueren_geschlossen_schluessel_ab_lautsprecher,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128617-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Tueren_geschlossen_schluessel_ab_miko,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128649-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Tueren_geschlossen_schluessel_ab_psd,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG128537-Interior lighting: parameter-p_helligkeit_Tueren_geschlossen_schluessel_ab_tueren,100 %,256
IDE11477-ENG137165-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_HMI_verzoegerung_helligkeitswerte,200 ms,256
IDE11477-ENG128488-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_ausstieg_cockpit,0.0 s,256
IDE11477-ENG128502-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_ausstieg_dach,0.0 s,256
IDE11477-ENG128481-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_ausstieg_fussraum,0.0 s,256
IDE11477-ENG128467-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_ausstieg_innenlicht,0.0 s,256
IDE11477-ENG128495-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_ausstieg_miko,0.0 s,256
IDE11477-ENG128474-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_ausstieg_tueren,0.0 s,256
IDE11477-ENG128487-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_einstieg_cockpit,0.0 s,256
IDE11477-ENG128501-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_einstieg_dach,0.0 s,256
IDE11477-ENG128480-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_einstieg_fussraum,0.0 s,256
IDE11477-ENG128466-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_einstieg_innenlicht,0.0 s,256
IDE11477-ENG128494-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_einstieg_miko,0.0 s,256
IDE11477-ENG128473-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_einstieg_tueren,0.0 s,256
IDE11477-ENG128490-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_entriegelt_cockpit,0.0 s,256
IDE11477-ENG128504-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_entriegelt_dach,0.0 s,256
IDE11477-ENG128483-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_entriegelt_fussraum,0.0 s,256
IDE11477-ENG128469-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_entriegelt_innenlicht,0.0 s,256
IDE11477-ENG128497-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_entriegelt_miko,0.0 s,256
IDE11477-ENG128476-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_entriegelt_tueren,0.0 s,256
IDE11477-ENG128489-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_oeffnen_cockpit,0.0 s,256
IDE11477-ENG128503-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_oeffnen_dach,0.0 s,256
IDE11477-ENG128482-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_oeffnen_fussraum,0.0 s,256
IDE11477-ENG128468-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_oeffnen_innenlicht,0.0 s,256
IDE11477-ENG128496-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_oeffnen_miko,0.0 s,256
IDE11477-ENG128475-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_oeffnen_tueren,0.0 s,256
IDE11477-ENG128491-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_schliessen_cockpit,0.0 s,256
IDE11477-ENG128505-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_schliessen_dach,0.0 s,256
IDE11477-ENG128484-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_schliessen_fussraum,0.0 s,256
IDE11477-ENG128470-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_schliessen_innenlicht,0.0 s,256
IDE11477-ENG128498-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_schliessen_miko,0.0 s,256
IDE11477-ENG128477-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_schliessen_tueren,0.0 s,256
IDE11477-ENG128492-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_schluessel_ab_cockpit,0.0 s,256
IDE11477-ENG128506-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_schluessel_ab_dach,0.0 s,256
IDE11477-ENG128485-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_schluessel_ab_fussraum,0.0 s,256
IDE11477-ENG128471-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_schluessel_ab_innenlicht,0.0 s,256
IDE11477-ENG128499-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_schluessel_ab_miko,0.0 s,256
IDE11477-ENG128478-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_schluessel_ab_tueren,0.0 s,256
IDE11477-ENG128493-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_verriegelt_cockpit,0.0 s,256
IDE11477-ENG128507-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_verriegelt_dach,0.0 s,256
IDE11477-ENG128486-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_verriegelt_fussraum,0.0 s,256
IDE11477-ENG128472-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_verriegelt_innenlicht,0.0 s,256
IDE11477-ENG128500-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_verriegelt_miko,0.0 s,256
IDE11477-ENG128479-Interior lighting: parameter-p_t_verzoegerung_verriegelt_tueren,0.0 s,256
IDE11477-ENG128663-Interior lighting: parameter-p_verzoegerung_berechnen,0 ,256
IDE11714-ENG126827-Ambient light color list-Blauwert Farbe 1,0 ,30
IDE11714-ENG133432-Ambient light color list-Blauwert Farbe 10,0 ,30
IDE11714-ENG126830-Ambient light color list-Blauwert Farbe 2,0 ,30
IDE11714-ENG126833-Ambient light color list-Blauwert Farbe 3,0 ,30
IDE11714-ENG133414-Ambient light color list-Blauwert Farbe 4,0 ,30
IDE11714-ENG133417-Ambient light color list-Blauwert Farbe 5,0 ,30
IDE11714-ENG133420-Ambient light color list-Blauwert Farbe 6,0 ,30
IDE11714-ENG133423-Ambient light color list-Blauwert Farbe 7,0 ,30
IDE11714-ENG133426-Ambient light color list-Blauwert Farbe 8,0 ,30
IDE11714-ENG133429-Ambient light color list-Blauwert Farbe 9,0 ,30
IDE11714-ENG126826-Ambient light color list-Gruenwert Farbe 1,0 ,30
IDE11714-ENG133431-Ambient light color list-Gruenwert Farbe 10,0 ,30
IDE11714-ENG126829-Ambient light color list-Gruenwert Farbe 2,0 ,30
IDE11714-ENG126832-Ambient light color list-Gruenwert Farbe 3,0 ,30
IDE11714-ENG133413-Ambient light color list-Gruenwert Farbe 4,0 ,30
IDE11714-ENG133416-Ambient light color list-Gruenwert Farbe 5,0 ,30
IDE11714-ENG133419-Ambient light color list-Gruenwert Farbe 6,0 ,30
IDE11714-ENG133422-Ambient light color list-Gruenwert Farbe 7,0 ,30
IDE11714-ENG133425-Ambient light color list-Gruenwert Farbe 8,0 ,30
IDE11714-ENG133428-Ambient light color list-Gruenwert Farbe 9,0 ,30
IDE11714-ENG126825-Ambient light color list-Rotwert Farbe 1,0 ,30
IDE11714-ENG133430-Ambient light color list-Rotwert Farbe 10,0 ,30
IDE11714-ENG126828-Ambient light color list-Rotwert Farbe 2,0 ,30
IDE11714-ENG126831-Ambient light color list-Rotwert Farbe 3,0 ,30
IDE11714-ENG133412-Ambient light color list-Rotwert Farbe 4,0 ,30
IDE11714-ENG133415-Ambient light color list-Rotwert Farbe 5,0 ,30
IDE11714-ENG133418-Ambient light color list-Rotwert Farbe 6,0 ,30
IDE11714-ENG133421-Ambient light color list-Rotwert Farbe 7,0 ,30
IDE11714-ENG133424-Ambient light color list-Rotwert Farbe 8,0 ,30
IDE11714-ENG133427-Ambient light color list-Rotwert Farbe 9,0 ,30
IDE11944-ENG142014-Keyless access and start authorization-Elektische_Lenkradverriegelung,installed ,3
IDE11944-ENG141948-Keyless access and start authorization-Kessy,installed ,3
IDE11944-ENG116653-Keyless access and start authorization-Kessy Komfort oeffnen,not active ,3
IDE11944-ENG116654-Keyless access and start authorization-Kessy Komfort schliessen,active ,3
IDE11944-ENG116655-Keyless access and start authorization-Kessy Komfortbedienung Reichweitenbegrenzung,active ,3
IDE11944-ENG116626-Keyless access and start authorization-Oeffnung Heckdeckel bei Wiederentriegelung,active ,3
IDE12412-ENG154526-LIN Ambient light color list-Blauwert_Farbe_1_lin,0 ,30
IDE12412-ENG154527-LIN Ambient light color list-Blauwert_Farbe_10_lin,0 ,30
IDE12412-ENG154537-LIN Ambient light color list-Blauwert_Farbe_2_lin,0 ,30
IDE12412-ENG154557-LIN Ambient light color list-Blauwert_Farbe_3_lin,0 ,30
IDE12412-ENG154560-LIN Ambient light color list-Blauwert_Farbe_4_lin,0 ,30
IDE12412-ENG154561-LIN Ambient light color list-Blauwert_Farbe_5_lin,0 ,30
IDE12412-ENG154562-LIN Ambient light color list-Blauwert_Farbe_6_lin,0 ,30
IDE12412-ENG154563-LIN Ambient light color list-Blauwert_Farbe_7_lin,0 ,30
IDE12412-ENG154564-LIN Ambient light color list-Blauwert_Farbe_8_lin,0 ,30
IDE12412-ENG154565-LIN Ambient light color list-Blauwert_Farbe_9_lin,0 ,30
IDE12412-ENG154645-LIN Ambient light color list-Gruenwert_Farbe_1_lin,0 ,30
IDE12412-ENG154646-LIN Ambient light color list-Gruenwert_Farbe_10_lin,0 ,30
IDE12412-ENG154656-LIN Ambient light color list-Gruenwert_Farbe_2_lin,0 ,30
IDE12412-ENG154676-LIN Ambient light color list-Gruenwert_Farbe_3_lin,0 ,30
IDE12412-ENG154679-LIN Ambient light color list-Gruenwert_Farbe_4_lin,0 ,30
IDE12412-ENG154680-LIN Ambient light color list-Gruenwert_Farbe_5_lin,0 ,30
IDE12412-ENG154681-LIN Ambient light color list-Gruenwert_Farbe_6_lin,0 ,30
IDE12412-ENG154682-LIN Ambient light color list-Gruenwert_Farbe_7_lin,0 ,30
IDE12412-ENG154683-LIN Ambient light color list-Gruenwert_Farbe_8_lin,0 ,30
IDE12412-ENG154684-LIN Ambient light color list-Gruenwert_Farbe_9_lin,0 ,30
IDE12412-ENG154733-LIN Ambient light color list-Rotwert_Farbe_1_lin,0 ,30
IDE12412-ENG154734-LIN Ambient light color list-Rotwert_Farbe_10_lin,0 ,30
IDE12412-ENG154744-LIN Ambient light color list-Rotwert_Farbe_2_lin,0 ,30
IDE12412-ENG154764-LIN Ambient light color list-Rotwert_Farbe_3_lin,0 ,30
IDE12412-ENG154767-LIN Ambient light color list-Rotwert_Farbe_4_lin,0 ,30
IDE12412-ENG154768-LIN Ambient light color list-Rotwert_Farbe_5_lin,0 ,30
IDE12412-ENG154769-LIN Ambient light color list-Rotwert_Farbe_6_lin,0 ,30
IDE12412-ENG154770-LIN Ambient light color list-Rotwert_Farbe_7_lin,0 ,30
IDE12412-ENG154771-LIN Ambient light color list-Rotwert_Farbe_8_lin,0 ,30
IDE12412-ENG154772-LIN Ambient light color list-Rotwert_Farbe_9_lin,0 ,30
MAS01490-ENG142027-Energy management-Energiemanagement Abschaltung,active ,5
MAS01490-ENG116830-Energy management-Energy_Management_Adaptation,Energy management active ,5
MAS01490-ENG142256-Energy management-Hochvoltfahrzeug,not installed ,5
MAS01490-ENG141950-Energy management-Hybrid vehicle,No ,5
MAS01490-ENG133400-Energy management-Praediktives_Energiemanagement,not active ,5
MAS01490-ENG141978-Energy management-Recuperation,active ,5
MAS01490-ENG142037-Energy management-Zweitbatterie,not installed ,5
MAS05055-lower turn position,26.197776 °,2
MAS05056-upper turn position,166.197637 °,2
MAS08228-ENG133434-Light sensor-Daemmerungsgrenze: Hysterese_obergrenze,1200 lx,24
MAS08228-ENG133435-Light sensor-Daemmerungsgrenze_Hysterese_untergrenze,2200 lx,24
MAS08228-ENG133444-Light sensor-ECE_Lichteinschaltschwelle,1000 lx,24
MAS08228-ENG133433-Light sensor-Einschaltgrenze_CHO_LHO,600 lx,24
MAS08228-ENG133437-Light sensor-Helligkeitsgrenze_Licht__einschalten,1200 lx,24
MAS08228-ENG133438-Light sensor-Helligkeitsgrenze_Licht_ausschalten,2200 lx,24
MAS08228-ENG133445-Light sensor-Helligkeitsgrenze_Licht_ausschalten_red,00 50 ,24
MAS08228-ENG133436-Light sensor-Helligkeitsgrenze_sehr_hell,4000 lx,24
MAS08228-ENG142230-Light sensor-HMI_Exterior_light_on_highway,not active ,24
MAS08228-ENG142231-Light sensor-HMI_Exterior_light_on_rain,not active ,24
MAS08228-ENG142232-Light sensor-HMI_exterior_light_sensitivity,frueh ,24
MAS08228-ENG142229-Light sensor-HMI_Wiper_Comfort_Rain_Sensor_OFF,not active ,24
MAS08228-ENG126628-Light sensor-LS_Error_Ausgabe,not active ,24
MAS08228-ENG133442-Light sensor-Maximale_Ausgangsspannung,4500 mV,24
MAS08228-ENG133440-Light sensor-Maximale_Beleuchtungsstaerke,6000 lx,24
MAS08228-ENG133441-Light sensor-Minimale_Ausgangsspannung,2000 mV,24
MAS08228-ENG133439-Light sensor-Minimale_Beleuchtungsstaerke,0 lx,24
MAS08228-ENG133443-Light sensor-Tunnel_einschalt_verzoegerung,02 ,24
ENG153709-ENG154696-Aktivierung_Entwicklungsdiagnose-log_dtc_status,not active ,9
ENG153709-ENG154697-Aktivierung_Entwicklungsdiagnose-log-dtc_DFCC,00 00 00 ,9
ENG153709-ENG154714-Aktivierung_Entwicklungsdiagnose-Reaktion_LOG-DTC,First_dtc ,9
ENG141683-ENG116672-Allwetterlicht_Spoiler-Spoiler Einfahrunterdrueckung nach manuellem Ausfahren,not active ,4
ENG141683-ENG116671-Allwetterlicht_Spoiler-Spoiler Komfortsenken des Spoiler ueber Schliesszylinder FT,not active ,4
ENG141683-ENG141975-Allwetterlicht_Spoiler-tt_spoiler,not installed ,4
ENG153710-ENG154516-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert Farbe 11,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154517-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert Farbe 12,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154518-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert Farbe 13,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154519-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert Farbe 14,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154520-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert Farbe 15,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154521-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert Farbe 16,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154522-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert Farbe 17,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154523-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert Farbe 18,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154524-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert Farbe 19,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154525-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert Farbe 20,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154539-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert_Farbe_21,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154541-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert_Farbe_22,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154543-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert_Farbe_23,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154545-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert_Farbe_24,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154547-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert_Farbe_25,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154549-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert_Farbe_26,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154551-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert_Farbe_27,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154553-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert_Farbe_28,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154555-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert_Farbe_29,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154558-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Blauwert_Farbe_30,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154635-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert Farbe 11,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154636-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert Farbe 12,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154637-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert Farbe 13,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154638-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert Farbe 14,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154639-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert Farbe 15,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154640-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert Farbe 16,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154641-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert Farbe 17,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154642-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert Farbe 18,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154643-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert Farbe 19,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154644-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert Farbe 20,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154658-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_21,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154660-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_22,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154662-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_23,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154664-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_24,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154666-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_25,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154668-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_26,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154670-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_27,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154672-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_28,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154674-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_29,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154677-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_30,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154723-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert Farbe 11,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154724-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert Farbe 12,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154725-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert Farbe 13,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154726-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert Farbe 14,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154727-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert Farbe 15,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154728-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert Farbe 16,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154729-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert Farbe 17,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154730-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert Farbe 18,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154731-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert Farbe 19,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154732-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert Farbe 20,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154746-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert_Farbe_21,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154748-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert_Farbe_22,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154750-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert_Farbe_23,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154752-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert_Farbe_24,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154754-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert_Farbe_25,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154756-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert_Farbe_26,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154758-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert_Farbe_27,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154760-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert_Farbe_28,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154762-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert_Farbe_29,0 ,60
ENG153710-ENG154765-Ambience_lightning_color_list_2-Rotwert_Farbe_30,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154528-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_11_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154529-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_12_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154530-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_13_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154531-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_14_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154532-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_15_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154533-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_16_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154534-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_17_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154535-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_18_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154536-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_19_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154538-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_20_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154540-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_21_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154542-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_22_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154544-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_23_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154546-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_24_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154548-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_25_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154550-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_26_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154552-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_27_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154554-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_28_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154556-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_29_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154559-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Blauwert_Farbe_30_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154647-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_11_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154648-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_12_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154649-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_13_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154650-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_14_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154651-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_15_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154652-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_16_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154653-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_17_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154654-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_18_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154655-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_19_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154657-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_20_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154659-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_21_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154661-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_22_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154663-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_23_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154665-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_24_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154667-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_25_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154669-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_26_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154671-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_27_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154673-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_28_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154675-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_29_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154678-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Gruenwert_Farbe_30_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154735-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_11_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154736-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_12_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154737-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_13_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154738-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_14_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154739-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_15_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154740-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_16_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154741-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_17_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154742-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_18_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154743-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_19_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154745-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_20_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154747-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_21_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154749-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_22_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154751-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_23_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154753-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_24_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154755-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_25_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154757-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_26_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154759-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_27_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154761-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_28_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154763-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_29_lin,0 ,60
ENG153711-ENG154766-Ambience_lightning_color_list_lin_2-Rotwert_Farbe_30_lin,0 ,60
ENG126649-ENG126874-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_korrekturfaktor_gruppe_1,0.00 ,30
ENG126649-ENG126901-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_korrekturfaktor_gruppe_10,0.00 ,30
ENG126649-ENG126904-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_korrekturfaktor_gruppe_11,0.00 ,30
ENG126649-ENG126907-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_korrekturfaktor_gruppe_12,0.00 ,30
ENG126649-ENG126910-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_korrekturfaktor_gruppe_13,0.00 ,30
ENG126649-ENG126913-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_korrekturfaktor_gruppe_14,0.00 ,30
ENG126649-ENG126916-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_korrekturfaktor_gruppe_15,0.00 ,30
ENG126649-ENG126877-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_korrekturfaktor_gruppe_2,0.00 ,30
ENG126649-ENG126880-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_korrekturfaktor_gruppe_3,0.00 ,30
ENG126649-ENG126883-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_korrekturfaktor_gruppe_4,0.00 ,30
ENG126649-ENG126886-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_korrekturfaktor_gruppe_5,0.00 ,30
ENG126649-ENG126889-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_korrekturfaktor_gruppe_6,0.00 ,30
ENG126649-ENG126892-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_korrekturfaktor_gruppe_7,0.00 ,30
ENG126649-ENG126895-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_korrekturfaktor_gruppe_8,0.00 ,30
ENG126649-ENG126898-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_korrekturfaktor_gruppe_9,0.00 ,30
ENG126649-ENG126873-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_lichtfunktion_gruppe_1,NOT-DEFINED ,30
ENG126649-ENG126900-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_lichtfunktion_gruppe_10,NOT-DEFINED ,30
ENG126649-ENG126903-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_lichtfunktion_gruppe_11,NOT-DEFINED ,30
ENG126649-ENG126906-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_lichtfunktion_gruppe_12,NOT-DEFINED ,30
ENG126649-ENG126909-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_lichtfunktion_gruppe_13,NOT-DEFINED ,30
ENG126649-ENG126912-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_lichtfunktion_gruppe_14,NOT-DEFINED ,30
ENG126649-ENG126915-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_lichtfunktion_gruppe_15,NOT-DEFINED ,30
ENG126649-ENG126876-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_lichtfunktion_gruppe_2,NOT-DEFINED ,30
ENG126649-ENG126879-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_lichtfunktion_gruppe_3,NOT-DEFINED ,30
ENG126649-ENG126882-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_lichtfunktion_gruppe_4,NOT-DEFINED ,30
ENG126649-ENG126885-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_lichtfunktion_gruppe_5,NOT-DEFINED ,30
ENG126649-ENG126888-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_lichtfunktion_gruppe_6,NOT-DEFINED ,30
ENG126649-ENG126891-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_lichtfunktion_gruppe_7,NOT-DEFINED ,30
ENG126649-ENG126894-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_lichtfunktion_gruppe_8,NOT-DEFINED ,30
ENG126649-ENG126897-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_lichtfunktion_gruppe_9,NOT-DEFINED ,30
ENG126649-ENG126872-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_verbauinfo_gruppe_1,not installed ,30
ENG126649-ENG126899-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_verbauinfo_gruppe_10,not installed ,30
ENG126649-ENG126902-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_verbauinfo_gruppe_11,not installed ,30
ENG126649-ENG126905-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_verbauinfo_gruppe_12,not installed ,30
ENG126649-ENG126908-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_verbauinfo_gruppe_13,not installed ,30
ENG126649-ENG126911-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_verbauinfo_gruppe_14,not installed ,30
ENG126649-ENG126914-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_verbauinfo_gruppe_15,not installed ,30
ENG126649-ENG126875-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_verbauinfo_gruppe_2,not installed ,30
ENG126649-ENG126878-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_verbauinfo_gruppe_3,not installed ,30
ENG126649-ENG126881-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_verbauinfo_gruppe_4,not installed ,30
ENG126649-ENG126884-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_verbauinfo_gruppe_5,not installed ,30
ENG126649-ENG126887-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_verbauinfo_gruppe_6,not installed ,30
ENG126649-ENG126890-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_verbauinfo_gruppe_7,not installed ,30
ENG126649-ENG126893-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_verbauinfo_gruppe_8,not installed ,30
ENG126649-ENG126896-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_groups-pa_verbauinfo_gruppe_9,not installed ,30
ENG128379-ENG128424-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_einzeladresse_slave_:12,0 ,60
ENG128379-ENG128391-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_einzeladresse_slave_1,0 ,60
ENG128379-ENG128418-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_einzeladresse_slave_10,0 ,60
ENG128379-ENG128421-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_einzeladresse_slave_11,0 ,60
ENG128379-ENG128427-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_einzeladresse_slave_13,0 ,60
ENG128379-ENG128430-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_einzeladresse_slave_14,0 ,60
ENG128379-ENG128433-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_einzeladresse_slave_15,0 ,60
ENG128379-ENG128436-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_einzeladresse_slave_16,0 ,60
ENG128379-ENG128439-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_einzeladresse_slave_17,0 ,60
ENG128379-ENG128442-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_einzeladresse_slave_18,0 ,60
ENG128379-ENG128445-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_einzeladresse_slave_19,0 ,60
ENG128379-ENG128394-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_einzeladresse_slave_2,0 ,60
ENG128379-ENG128448-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_einzeladresse_slave_20,0 ,60
ENG128379-ENG128397-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_einzeladresse_slave_3,0 ,60
ENG128379-ENG128400-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_einzeladresse_slave_4,0 ,60
ENG128379-ENG128403-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_einzeladresse_slave_5,0 ,60
ENG128379-ENG128406-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_einzeladresse_slave_6,0 ,60
ENG128379-ENG128409-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_einzeladresse_slave_7,0 ,60
ENG128379-ENG128412-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_einzeladresse_slave_8,0 ,60
ENG128379-ENG128415-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_einzeladresse_slave_9,0 ,60
ENG128379-ENG128393-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_fehlerort_slave_1,00 ,60
ENG128379-ENG128420-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_fehlerort_slave_10,0 ,60
ENG128379-ENG128423-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_fehlerort_slave_11,0 ,60
ENG128379-ENG128426-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_fehlerort_slave_12,0 ,60
ENG128379-ENG128429-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_fehlerort_slave_13,0 ,60
ENG128379-ENG128432-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_fehlerort_slave_14,0 ,60
ENG128379-ENG128435-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_fehlerort_slave_15,0 ,60
ENG128379-ENG128438-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_fehlerort_slave_16,0 ,60
ENG128379-ENG128441-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_fehlerort_slave_17,0 ,60
ENG128379-ENG128444-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_fehlerort_slave_18,0 ,60
ENG128379-ENG128447-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_fehlerort_slave_19,0 ,60
ENG128379-ENG128396-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_fehlerort_slave_2,0 ,60
ENG128379-ENG128450-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_fehlerort_slave_20,0 ,60
ENG128379-ENG128399-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_fehlerort_slave_3,0 ,60
ENG128379-ENG128402-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_fehlerort_slave_4,0 ,60
ENG128379-ENG128405-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_fehlerort_slave_5,0 ,60
ENG128379-ENG128408-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_fehlerort_slave_6,0 ,60
ENG128379-ENG128411-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_fehlerort_slave_7,0 ,60
ENG128379-ENG128417-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_fehlerort_slave_9,0 ,60
ENG128379-ENG128414-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_fehlerort_slave8,0 ,60
ENG128379-ENG128392-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_verbauinfo_slave_1,not installed ,60
ENG128379-ENG128419-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_verbauinfo_slave_10,not installed ,60
ENG128379-ENG128422-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_verbauinfo_slave_11,not installed ,60
ENG128379-ENG128425-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_verbauinfo_slave_12,not installed ,60
ENG128379-ENG128428-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_verbauinfo_slave_13,not installed ,60
ENG128379-ENG128431-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_verbauinfo_slave_14,not installed ,60
ENG128379-ENG128434-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_verbauinfo_slave_15,not installed ,60
ENG128379-ENG128437-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_verbauinfo_slave_16,not installed ,60
ENG128379-ENG128440-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_verbauinfo_slave_17,not installed ,60
ENG128379-ENG128443-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_verbauinfo_slave_18,not installed ,60
ENG128379-ENG128446-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_verbauinfo_slave_19,not installed ,60
ENG128379-ENG128395-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_verbauinfo_slave_2,not installed ,60
ENG128379-ENG128449-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_verbauinfo_slave_20,not installed ,60
ENG128379-ENG128398-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_verbauinfo_slave_3,not installed ,60
ENG128379-ENG128401-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_verbauinfo_slave_4,not installed ,60
ENG128379-ENG128404-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_verbauinfo_slave_5,not installed ,60
ENG128379-ENG128407-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_verbauinfo_slave_6,not installed ,60
ENG128379-ENG128410-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_verbauinfo_slave_7,not installed ,60
ENG128379-ENG128416-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_verbauinfo_slave_9,not installed ,60
ENG128379-ENG128413-ambient_lighting_lin_slaves_modules-pa_verbauinfo_slave8,not installed ,60
ENG153712-ENG154510-Ambientelicht Zuordnung der Farbe zum Fahrprofil-Ambiente,Sollspannungsanforderung 13.5 ,23
ENG153712-ENG154602-Ambientelicht Zuordnung der Farbe zum Fahrprofil-Fahrprofil_0,1 ,23
ENG153712-ENG154603-Ambientelicht Zuordnung der Farbe zum Fahrprofil-Fahrprofil_1,1 ,23
ENG153712-ENG154604-Ambientelicht Zuordnung der Farbe zum Fahrprofil-Fahrprofil_10,1 ,23
ENG153712-ENG154605-Ambientelicht Zuordnung der Farbe zum Fahrprofil-Fahrprofil_11,1 ,23
ENG153712-ENG154606-Ambientelicht Zuordnung der Farbe zum Fahrprofil-Fahrprofil_12,1 ,23
ENG153712-ENG154607-Ambientelicht Zuordnung der Farbe zum Fahrprofil-Fahrprofil_13,1 ,23
ENG153712-ENG154608-Ambientelicht Zuordnung der Farbe zum Fahrprofil-Fahrprofil_14,1 ,23
ENG153712-ENG154609-Ambientelicht Zuordnung der Farbe zum Fahrprofil-Fahrprofil_15,1 ,23
ENG153712-ENG154610-Ambientelicht Zuordnung der Farbe zum Fahrprofil-Fahrprofil_2,1 ,23
ENG153712-ENG154611-Ambientelicht Zuordnung der Farbe zum Fahrprofil-Fahrprofil_3,1 ,23
ENG153712-ENG154612-Ambientelicht Zuordnung der Farbe zum Fahrprofil-Fahrprofil_4,1 ,23
ENG153712-ENG154613-Ambientelicht Zuordnung der Farbe zum Fahrprofil-Fahrprofil_5,1 ,23
ENG153712-ENG154614-Ambientelicht Zuordnung der Farbe zum Fahrprofil-Fahrprofil_6,1 ,23
ENG153712-ENG154615-Ambientelicht Zuordnung der Farbe zum Fahrprofil-Fahrprofil_7,1 ,23
ENG153712-ENG154616-Ambientelicht Zuordnung der Farbe zum Fahrprofil-Fahrprofil_8,1 ,23
ENG153712-ENG154617-Ambientelicht Zuordnung der Farbe zum Fahrprofil-Fahrprofil_9,1 ,23
ENG141649-ENG122212-Außenlicht_Blinker-ABBA_Blinken,active ,10
ENG141649-ENG133379-Außenlicht_Blinker-Abbruch Komfortblinken,active ,10
ENG141649-ENG116590-Außenlicht_Blinker-Blinkkontrolleuchte fuer Anhaenger,separte ,10
ENG141649-ENG121966-Außenlicht_Blinker-Crash flashing,not active ,10
ENG141649-ENG122207-Außenlicht_Blinker-DWA_Alarm_Blinken,active ,10
ENG141649-ENG122206-Außenlicht_Blinker-DWA_Schaerfungsquittung,active ,10
ENG141649-ENG142194-Außenlicht_Blinker-dynamisch_blinken_10,not active ,10
ENG141649-ENG142195-Außenlicht_Blinker-Dynamische_Blink_Delay,50 ms,10
ENG141649-ENG126819-Außenlicht_Blinker-Emergency_alert_blinken,not active ,10
ENG141649-ENG154601-Außenlicht_Blinker-Fahrerassistenz_Blinkenfunktionen,Warnblinke_zulaessig ,10
ENG141649-ENG115774-Außenlicht_Blinker-Komfortblinken,active ,10
ENG141649-ENG116587-Außenlicht_Blinker-Komfortblinken Blinkzyklen,3 ,10
ENG141649-ENG122208-Außenlicht_Blinker-Multi_kollisions_Blinken,not active ,10
ENG141649-ENG122209-Außenlicht_Blinker-Notwarn_blinken_NBA_Phase_2,not active ,10
ENG141649-ENG121967-Außenlicht_Blinker-Panic flashing,active ,10
ENG141649-ENG154711-Außenlicht_Blinker-PreCrash_RECAS,PreCrash_passiv ,10
ENG141649-ENG122211-Außenlicht_Blinker-Richtungs_blinken_links,active ,10
ENG141649-ENG122210-Außenlicht_Blinker-Richtungs_blinken_rechts,active ,10
ENG141649-ENG122201-Außenlicht_Blinker-Schluessel_Anlern_Blinken,active ,10
ENG141649-ENG121968-Außenlicht_Blinker-Taxi alarm flashing,active ,10
ENG141649-ENG126629-Außenlicht_Blinker-Telematikblinken1_STS_Blinken Telematikblinken2_OCU_Blinken,active ,10
ENG141649-ENG122202-Außenlicht_Blinker-UGDO_ Anlern_Blinken,active ,10
ENG141649-ENG142029-Außenlicht_Blinker-Warnblinken_durch_Fahrerassistenz,not active ,10
ENG141649-ENG122214-Außenlicht_Blinker-Warnblinken_Zuendung_AUS,active ,10
ENG141649-ENG122213-Außenlicht_Blinker-Warnblinken_Zuendung_EIN,active ,10
ENG141649-ENG122204-Außenlicht_Blinker-ZV_Blinken_auf,active ,10
ENG141649-ENG122203-Außenlicht_Blinker-ZV_Blinken_zu,active ,10
ENG141647-ENG141986-Außenlicht_Front-Abblendlicht_Leuchtentyp,H7 ,9
ENG141647-ENG116705-Außenlicht_Front-Allwetterlicht Ausschaltgrenze,350 km/h,9
ENG141647-ENG116704-Außenlicht_Front-Allwetterlicht Einschaltgrenze,350 km/h,9
ENG141647-ENG115833-Außenlicht_Front-Fahrlicht bei Tag,Daytime running lights ,9
ENG141647-ENG142193-Außenlicht_Front-Geschwindigkeitsabhaengiges TFL,4 km/h,9
ENG141647-ENG115861-Außenlicht_Front-Lichthupe bei Zuendung aus moeglich,not active ,9
ENG141647-ENG115832-Außenlicht_Front-Scheinwerferferreinigungsansteuerung und Abblendlichtanzeige bei Dauerfahrlicht,active ,9
ENG141647-ENG142191-Außenlicht_Front-Signaturlicht HMI-default Anzeige im Kombiinstrument,active ,9
ENG141647-ENG142190-Außenlicht_Front-Signaturlicht_verbaut,installed ,9
ENG141647-ENG116592-Außenlicht_Front-Standlicht aktiviert zusaetzlich Tagfahrlicht,not active ,9
ENG141647-ENG116594-Außenlicht_Front-Tagfahrlicht Aktivierung durch BAP oder Bedienfolge moeglich,active ,9
ENG141647-ENG122184-Außenlicht_Front-Tagfahrlicht Dauerfahrlicht bei Handbremse abschalten,not active ,9
ENG141647-ENG115734-Außenlicht_Front-Tagfahrlicht nur in Schalterstellung AUTO,not active ,9
ENG141647-ENG116593-Außenlicht_Front-Tagfahrlicht-Dauerfahrlicht aktiviert zusaetzlich Standlicht,not active ,9
ENG141647-ENG115733-Außenlicht_Front-Tagfahrlichtkontrollleuchte,not active ,9
ENG141647-ENG142192-Außenlicht_Front-TFL_Abschaltung_ueber_Geschwindigkeit,active ,9
ENG141647-ENG116591-Außenlicht_Front-Werkseinstellung fuer Tagfahrlicht Freischaltung BAP / Bedienfolge,active ,9
ENG141647-ENG115860-Außenlicht_Front-Zahl der aktiven Scheinwerfer auf 2 limitieren,in Betrieb lassen ,9
ENG141648-ENG141987-Aussenlicht_Heck-Bremslicht_ist_auch_Blinklicht,No ,5
ENG141648-ENG115782-Aussenlicht_Heck-Nebelschlusslicht Warngeschwindigkeit,60 km/h,5
ENG141648-ENG116636-Aussenlicht_Heck-Notbremsanzeige NBA,not active ,5
ENG141648-ENG115831-Aussenlicht_Heck-Schlusslicht mit Bremslichtfunktion,active ,5
ENG141648-ENG142004-Aussenlicht_Heck-Umgreifende_Heckklappe,not installed ,5
ENG141656-ENG142020-Außenlicht_uebergreifend-All-weather lights,installed ,18
ENG141656-ENG133381-Außenlicht_uebergreifend-Bedingungen zur Parklichtbegrenzung,abschaltbar über Energiemanagement ,18
ENG141656-ENG133380-Außenlicht_uebergreifend-Bedingungen zur Standlichtbegrenzung,abschaltbar über Energiemanagement ,18
ENG141656-ENG142188-Außenlicht_uebergreifend-bewusstes Standlicht,bewusste Aktivierung Fahrer Dauerhaft ,18
ENG141656-ENG115656-Außenlicht_uebergreifend-Coming Home Leuchten,Low beam ,18
ENG141656-ENG116601-Außenlicht_uebergreifend-Coming Home Verbaustatus,automatic ,18
ENG141656-ENG116604-Außenlicht_uebergreifend-Coming-home Einschaltereignis,Driver door ,18
ENG141656-ENG130581-Außenlicht_uebergreifend-Fahrlicht_Hinweis_mehrfach,not active ,18
ENG141656-ENG126818-Außenlicht_uebergreifend-Fahrlichtwarnung_Hinweis_Konfig,Hinweis_in_LDS-Stellung_Null_und_SL ,18
ENG141656-ENG137034-Außenlicht_uebergreifend-Faktor fuer Verfuegbarkeitstimer,Faktor fuer x1 Stunden ,18
ENG141656-ENG154619-Außenlicht_uebergreifend-Fernlicht_LH,Keine_Spannungsanforderung ,18
ENG141656-ENG154177-Außenlicht_uebergreifend-Fog light,Keine_Spannungsanforderung ,18
ENG141656-ENG116608-Außenlicht_uebergreifend-Helligkeitsschwelle Forward-Messung,6400 lx,18
ENG141656-ENG116605-Außenlicht_uebergreifend-Helligkeitsschwelle Infrarot-Messung,12 lx,18
ENG141656-ENG142189-Außenlicht_uebergreifend-HVLM_Ladezustandsanzeige,No ,18
ENG141656-ENG115858-Außenlicht_uebergreifend-Kontrollleuchte fuer Begrenzungslicht,separate ,18
ENG141656-ENG142185-Außenlicht_uebergreifend-LCM_blinker,false ,18
ENG141656-ENG141992-Außenlicht_uebergreifend-LDS_mit_AFL,Yes ,18
ENG141656-ENG141991-Außenlicht_uebergreifend-LDS_mit_Nebel_Schlusslicht,Yes ,18
ENG141656-ENG141990-Außenlicht_uebergreifend-LDS_mit_Nebellicht,Yes ,18
ENG141656-ENG141993-Außenlicht_uebergreifend-LDS_mit_Standlichtstellung,Yes ,18
ENG141656-ENG115657-Außenlicht_uebergreifend-Leaving-Home Verbausstatus,Enabled ,18
ENG141656-ENG141989-Außenlicht_uebergreifend-Lichtdrehschalter (LDS),LIN ,18
ENG141656-ENG115862-Außenlicht_uebergreifend-Lichtwarnungsverhalten,klemmenabhaengig ,18
ENG141656-ENG142034-Außenlicht_uebergreifend-Light_Control_Module,installed ,18
ENG141656-ENG98354-Außenlicht_uebergreifend-Low beam,Keine_Spannungsanforderung ,18
ENG141656-ENG115863-Außenlicht_uebergreifend-Menueeinstellung CHO LHO,Menuesteuerung aktivieren ,18
ENG141656-ENG116603-Außenlicht_uebergreifend-Menueeinstellung Cominghome,20 seconds ,18
ENG141656-ENG116607-Außenlicht_uebergreifend-Menueeinstellung Leaving-home Zeit per BAP,60 seconds ,18
ENG141656-ENG116602-Außenlicht_uebergreifend-Menuesteuerung Coming Home Werkseinstellung,active ,18
ENG141656-ENG116606-Außenlicht_uebergreifend-Menuesteuerung Leaving-home Freischaltung per BAP,active ,18
ENG141656-ENG115859-Außenlicht_uebergreifend-Parklicht ueber LSS aktiviert,not active ,18
ENG141656-ENG126816-Außenlicht_uebergreifend-Standlicht aus,active ,18
ENG141656-ENG115829-Außenlicht_uebergreifend-Standlichtreduzierung mit beidseitigem Parklicht,active ,18
ENG141656-ENG133383-Außenlicht_uebergreifend-Standlicht-Verfügbarkeit,8 s,18
ENG141656-ENG154174-Außenlicht_uebergreifend-Turn signal,Keine_Spannungsanforderung ,18
ENG141656-ENG126817-Außenlicht_uebergreifend-Umfeldleuchte als Manoevrierleuchte,not active ,18
ENG126647-ENG98399-debug_light_function-Activation,0 ,11
ENG126647-ENG101417-debug_light_function-Adresse,0 ,11
ENG126647-ENG126820-debug_light_function-Bitmask,0 ,11
ENG126647-ENG126821-debug_light_function-Divisor,0 ,11
ENG126647-ENG98827-debug_light_function-Offset,0 ,11
ENG126647-ENG126822-debug_light_function-Polaritaet,0 ,11
ENG141675-ENG115658-Dimmunt_KL_58xs_PWM-x0,0.0 %,6
ENG141675-ENG101574-Dimmunt_KL_58xs_PWM-X1,50.0 %,6
ENG141675-ENG99557-Dimmunt_KL_58xs_PWM-X2,100.0 %,6
ENG141675-ENG115659-Dimmunt_KL_58xs_PWM-y0,0.0 %,6
ENG141675-ENG99777-Dimmunt_KL_58xs_PWM-Y1,50.0 %,6
ENG141675-ENG100480-Dimmunt_KL_58xs_PWM-Y2,100.0 %,6
ENG122934-erase_error_table,55 00 00 ,3
ENG122933-error_mask,0 bit,2
ENG141650-MAS13782-Fernlicht_assistent-Will Beam assistant: responsivity adjustable via BAP,present ,6
ENG141650-ENG141973-Fernlicht_assistent-Erweiterte_Fernlichtsteuerung,AFS: FLA: Fernlicht ueber AFS ,6
ENG141650-ENG116639-Fernlicht_assistent-Fernlichtassistent Reset,active ,6
ENG141650-ENG116637-Fernlicht_assistent-Menuesteuerung Fernlichtassistent,present ,6
ENG141650-ENG116641-Fernlicht_assistent-Menuesteuerung Fernlichtassistent Werkseinstellung,present ,6
ENG141685-Front_wash_function,10 ,2
ENG141682-ENG115835-Front_wiper-Adaptives Nachwischen bei SRA,active ,6
ENG141682-ENG142250-Front_wiper-Anfahrzeit_servicestellung,500 ms,6
ENG141682-ENG115836-Front_wiper-Frontwischer Notlaufprogramm,active ,6
ENG141682-ENG116614-Front_wiper-Frontwischer Referenzlauf,not active ,6
ENG141682-ENG154620-Front_wiper-Frontwischer Spannungsanforderung_konfig,Keine_Spannungsanforderung ,6
ENG141682-ENG133394-Front_wiper-Frontwischer_Abtauposition,not active ,6
ENG141682-ENG141966-Front_wiper-Frontwischertyp,LIN ,6
ENG141682-ENG116617-Front_wiper-Geschwindigkeitsabhaengige Wischstufenrueckschaltung,active ,6
ENG141682-ENG116615-Front_wiper-Menuesteuerung Frontwischer,not active ,6
ENG141682-ENG154706-Front_wiper-Mindestwaschzeit_Frontwischer,2000 ms,6
ENG141682-ENG115771-Front_wiper-Regensensor aktivieren,Deactivating ,6
ENG141682-ENG154790-Front_wiper-Timer_DWP_SRA_delay,300 ms,6
ENG141682-ENG116616-Front_wiper-Tippwischen mit erhoehter Wischfrequenz,active ,6
ENG141682-ENG116618-Front_wiper-Traenenwischen Front Status,active ,6
ENG141682-ENG115770-Front_wiper-Variable Regensensoraktivierung,not active ,6
ENG141682-ENG126844-Front_wiper-Washer_Tipwiping_Variant,not active ,6
ENG141682-ENG116613-Front_wiper-Wischer abparken bei Oeffnen der Motorhaube,not active ,6
ENG141682-ENG116612-Front_wiper-Wischer stop bei KL15 aus,not active ,6
ENG141682-ENG122185-Front_wiper-Wischer Stopp bei Oeffnen der Motorhaube,active ,6
ENG99457-ENG117394-Head area heater-blower_speed,0 ,2
ENG99457-ENG98971-Head area heater-Temperature,-3 ,2
ENG141645-MAS00211-HW_Verbau-Insufficient brake fluid,installed ,8
ENG141645-MAS00212-HW_Verbau-Insufficient washer fluid,installed ,8
ENG141645-MAS00213-HW_Verbau-Insufficient coolant,installed ,8
ENG141645-MAS00214-HW_Verbau-Brake pad wear,installed ,8
ENG141645-ENG142026-HW_Verbau-Druckklappe,installed ,8
ENG141645-ENG141963-HW_Verbau-Elektrische Laderaumabdeckung aktiv,not active ,8
ENG141645-ENG142012-HW_Verbau-Elektrische_Laderaumabdeckung,not installed ,8
ENG141645-ENG141952-HW_Verbau-Exterior temp. sensor,installed ,8
ENG141645-ENG142005-HW_Verbau-Kontaktschalter_fuer_Motorhaube,installed ,8
ENG141645-ENG142186-HW_Verbau-Ladesteckerverriegelung,installed ,8
ENG141645-ENG142036-HW_Verbau-PTC Zuheizer,not installed ,8
ENG141645-ENG115809-HW_Verbau-Signalhorn ohne KL15,not active ,8
ENG141645-ENG142003-HW_Verbau-Status_Tankdeckelverriegelung,active ,8
ENG141660-ENG115658-Kennlinie_sLWR_Soll-x0,-0.00 %,30
ENG141660-ENG101574-Kennlinie_sLWR_Soll-X1,-0.10 %,30
ENG141660-ENG99557-Kennlinie_sLWR_Soll-X2,-0.60 %,30
ENG141660-ENG102140-Kennlinie_sLWR_Soll-X3,-1.10 %,30
ENG141660-ENG102936-Kennlinie_sLWR_Soll-X4,-1.60 %,30
ENG141660-ENG103548-Kennlinie_sLWR_Soll-X5,-2.10 %,30
ENG141660-ENG113992-Kennlinie_sLWR_Soll-X6,-2.60 %,30
ENG141660-ENG115661-Kennlinie_sLWR_Soll-x7,-3.10 ,30
ENG141660-ENG115662-Kennlinie_sLWR_Soll-x8,-3.60 %,30
ENG141660-ENG115663-Kennlinie_sLWR_Soll-x9,-4.10 %,30
ENG141660-ENG115659-Kennlinie_sLWR_Soll-y0,100.0 %,30
ENG141660-ENG99777-Kennlinie_sLWR_Soll-Y1,89.5 %,30
ENG141660-ENG100480-Kennlinie_sLWR_Soll-Y2,83.0 %,30
ENG141660-ENG100773-Kennlinie_sLWR_Soll-Y3,75.5 %,30
ENG141660-ENG100631-Kennlinie_sLWR_Soll-Y4,68.0 %,30
ENG141660-ENG102174-Kennlinie_sLWR_Soll-Y5,61.0 %,30
ENG141660-ENG113993-Kennlinie_sLWR_Soll-Y6,56.5 %,30
ENG141660-ENG115665-Kennlinie_sLWR_Soll-y7,47.0 %,30
ENG141660-ENG115666-Kennlinie_sLWR_Soll-y8,40.0 %,30
ENG141660-ENG115667-Kennlinie_sLWR_Soll-y9,33.0 %,30
ENG116936-ENG115883-Leuchte 0 BLK VL B36-Dimming Direction CD 0,maximize ,16
ENG116936-ENG115887-Leuchte 0 BLK VL B36-Dimming Direction EF 0,maximize ,16
ENG116936-ENG115891-Leuchte 0 BLK VL B36-Dimming Direction GH 0,maximize ,16
ENG116936-ENG115878-Leuchte 0 BLK VL B36-Dimmwert AB 0,0 ,16
ENG116936-ENG115882-Leuchte 0 BLK VL B36-Dimmwert CD 0,0 ,16
ENG116936-ENG115886-Leuchte 0 BLK VL B36-Dimmwert EF 0,0 ,16
ENG116936-ENG115890-Leuchte 0 BLK VL B36-Dimmwert GH 0,0 ,16
ENG116936-ENG115875-Leuchte 0 BLK VL B36-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 0,00 ,16
ENG116936-ENG116547-Leuchte 0 BLK VL B36-Lampendefektbit Position 0,00 ,16
ENG116936-ENG115873-Leuchte 0 BLK VL B36-Lasttyp 0,not active ,16
ENG116936-ENG115879-Leuchte 0 BLK VL B36-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 0,Always ,16
ENG116936-ENG115876-Leuchte 0 BLK VL B36-Lichtfunktion A 0,not active ,16
ENG116936-ENG115877-Leuchte 0 BLK VL B36-Lichtfunktion B 0,not active ,16
ENG116936-ENG115880-Leuchte 0 BLK VL B36-Lichtfunktion C 0,not active ,16
ENG116936-ENG115881-Leuchte 0 BLK VL B36-Lichtfunktion D 0,not active ,16
ENG116936-ENG115884-Leuchte 0 BLK VL B36-Lichtfunktion E 0,not active ,16
ENG116936-ENG115885-Leuchte 0 BLK VL B36-Lichtfunktion F 0,not active ,16
ENG116936-ENG115888-Leuchte 0 BLK VL B36-Lichtfunktion G 0,not active ,16
ENG116936-ENG115889-Leuchte 0 BLK VL B36-Lichtfunktion H 0,not active ,16
ENG141657-ENG116167-Leuchte 35 LED Warnblinktaster C48-Dimming Direction CD 15,maximize ,16
ENG141657-ENG116171-Leuchte 35 LED Warnblinktaster C48-Dimming Direction EF 15,maximize ,16
ENG141657-ENG116175-Leuchte 35 LED Warnblinktaster C48-Dimming Direction GH 15,maximize ,16
ENG141657-ENG116162-Leuchte 35 LED Warnblinktaster C48-Dimmwert AB 15,100 ,16
ENG141657-ENG116166-Leuchte 35 LED Warnblinktaster C48-Dimmwert CD 15,0 ,16
ENG141657-ENG116170-Leuchte 35 LED Warnblinktaster C48-Dimmwert EF 15,0 ,16
ENG141657-ENG116174-Leuchte 35 LED Warnblinktaster C48-Dimmwert GH 15,0 ,16
ENG141657-ENG116159-Leuchte 35 LED Warnblinktaster C48-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 15,63 ,16
ENG141657-ENG116566-Leuchte 35 LED Warnblinktaster C48-Lampendefektbitposition 15,00 ,16
ENG141657-ENG116157-Leuchte 35 LED Warnblinktaster C48-Lasttyp 15,41 - LED Kleinleistung ,16
ENG141657-ENG116163-Leuchte 35 LED Warnblinktaster C48-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 15,Always ,16
ENG141657-ENG116161-Leuchte 35 LED Warnblinktaster C48-Lichtfunktion B 15,not active ,16
ENG141657-ENG116164-Leuchte 35 LED Warnblinktaster C48-Lichtfunktion C 15,not active ,16
ENG141657-ENG116165-Leuchte 35 LED Warnblinktaster C48-Lichtfunktion D 15,not active ,16
ENG141657-ENG116168-Leuchte 35 LED Warnblinktaster C48-Lichtfunktion E 15,not active ,16
ENG141657-ENG116169-Leuchte 35 LED Warnblinktaster C48-Lichtfunktion F 15,not active ,16
ENG141657-ENG116172-Leuchte 35 LED Warnblinktaster C48-Lichtfunktion G 15,not active ,16
ENG141657-ENG116173-Leuchte 35 LED Warnblinktaster C48-Lichtfunktion H 15,not active ,16
ENG116946-ENG116072-Leuchte10SHUTTER LB23-Dimming Direction CD 10,maximize ,16
ENG116946-ENG116076-Leuchte10SHUTTER LB23-Dimming Direction EF 10,maximize ,16
ENG116946-ENG116080-Leuchte10SHUTTER LB23-Dimming Direction GH 10,maximize ,16
ENG116946-ENG116067-Leuchte10SHUTTER LB23-Dimmwert AB 10,0 ,16
ENG116946-ENG116071-Leuchte10SHUTTER LB23-Dimmwert CD 10,0 ,16
ENG116946-ENG116075-Leuchte10SHUTTER LB23-Dimmwert EF 10,0 ,16
ENG116946-ENG116079-Leuchte10SHUTTER LB23-Dimmwert GH 10,0 ,16
ENG116946-ENG116064-Leuchte10SHUTTER LB23-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 10,00 ,16
ENG116946-ENG116560-Leuchte10SHUTTER LB23-Lampendefektbitposition 10,00 ,16
ENG116946-ENG116062-Leuchte10SHUTTER LB23-Lasttyp 10,not active ,16
ENG116946-ENG116068-Leuchte10SHUTTER LB23-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 10,Always ,16
ENG116946-ENG116065-Leuchte10SHUTTER LB23-Lichtfunktion A 10,not active ,16
ENG116946-ENG116066-Leuchte10SHUTTER LB23-Lichtfunktion B 10,not active ,16
ENG116946-ENG116069-Leuchte10SHUTTER LB23-Lichtfunktion C 10,not active ,16
ENG116946-ENG116070-Leuchte10SHUTTER LB23-Lichtfunktion D 10,not active ,16
ENG116946-ENG116073-Leuchte10SHUTTER LB23-Lichtfunktion E 10,not active ,16
ENG116946-ENG116074-Leuchte10SHUTTER LB23-Lichtfunktion F 10,not active ,16
ENG116946-ENG116077-Leuchte10SHUTTER LB23-Lichtfunktion G 10,not active ,16
ENG116946-ENG116078-Leuchte10SHUTTER LB23-Lichtfunktion H 10,not active ,16
ENG116947-ENG116091-Leuchte11SHUTTER RB22-Dimming Direction CD 11,maximize ,16
ENG116947-ENG116095-Leuchte11SHUTTER RB22-Dimming Direction EF 11,maximize ,16
ENG116947-ENG116099-Leuchte11SHUTTER RB22-Dimming Direction GH 11,maximize ,16
ENG116947-ENG116086-Leuchte11SHUTTER RB22-Dimmwert AB 11,0 ,16
ENG116947-ENG116090-Leuchte11SHUTTER RB22-Dimmwert CD 11,0 ,16
ENG116947-ENG116094-Leuchte11SHUTTER RB22-Dimmwert EF 11,0 ,16
ENG116947-ENG116098-Leuchte11SHUTTER RB22-Dimmwert GH 11,0 ,16
ENG116947-ENG116083-Leuchte11SHUTTER RB22-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 11,00 ,16
ENG116947-ENG116561-Leuchte11SHUTTER RB22-Lampendefektbitposition 11,00 ,16
ENG116947-ENG116081-Leuchte11SHUTTER RB22-Lasttyp 11,not active ,16
ENG116947-ENG116087-Leuchte11SHUTTER RB22-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 11,Always ,16
ENG116947-ENG116084-Leuchte11SHUTTER RB22-Lichtfunktion A 11,not active ,16
ENG116947-ENG116085-Leuchte11SHUTTER RB22-Lichtfunktion B 11,not active ,16
ENG116947-ENG116088-Leuchte11SHUTTER RB22-Lichtfunktion C 11,not active ,16
ENG116947-ENG116089-Leuchte11SHUTTER RB22-Lichtfunktion D 11,not active ,16
ENG116947-ENG116092-Leuchte11SHUTTER RB22-Lichtfunktion E 11,not active ,16
ENG116947-ENG116093-Leuchte11SHUTTER RB22-Lichtfunktion F 11,not active ,16
ENG116947-ENG116096-Leuchte11SHUTTER RB22-Lichtfunktion G 11,not active ,16
ENG116947-ENG116097-Leuchte11SHUTTER RB22-Lichtfunktion H 11,not active ,16
ENG116948-ENG116110-Leuchte12NL LB45-Dimming Direction CD 12,maximize ,16
ENG116948-ENG116114-Leuchte12NL LB45-Dimming Direction EF 12,maximize ,16
ENG116948-ENG116118-Leuchte12NL LB45-Dimming Direction GH 12,maximize ,16
ENG116948-ENG116105-Leuchte12NL LB45-Dimmwert AB 12,127 ,16
ENG116948-ENG116109-Leuchte12NL LB45-Dimmwert CD 12,0 ,16
ENG116948-ENG116113-Leuchte12NL LB45-Dimmwert EF 12,0 ,16
ENG116948-ENG116117-Leuchte12NL LB45-Dimmwert GH 12,0 ,16
ENG116948-ENG116102-Leuchte12NL LB45-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 12,5D ,16
ENG116948-ENG116562-Leuchte12NL LB45-Lampendefektbitposition 12,36 ,16
ENG116948-ENG116100-Leuchte12NL LB45-Lasttyp 12,6 - LED Lichtmodul ,16
ENG116948-ENG116106-Leuchte12NL LB45-Lichtanste