Sticky Current Versions



Benevolent Dictator
Jan 29, 2014
Reaction score
VCDS Serial number
HEX-NET interface & VCDS-Mobile:
CodeBlock: V0.4658
FW: 0.257 (HN1)
FW: 1.83 (HN2)
CFB: 0.10
BL: 0.28
Dataset: DS x0000064

You can see these versions on the About page of VCDS-Mobile.

Preferred: Use the native Windows utility for updating, configuring, or registering the HEX-NET. It is included with VCDS and accessible from the Options screen (see this thread).

Alternative 1: Make sure your HEX-NET is connected to a network in Infrastructure mode and can access the internet.
Click [Options] -> [Check for updates].

Alternative 2: (Do not use with newer, blue HEX-NETs that have serial numbers starting with "HN2-")
Connect your HEX-NET to a computer and use the Java configuration utility:
Windows/Linux: HexNetConfigV2.014.jar
Mac OS: HexNetConfigV2.014

Note for people who bought their HEX-NETs way back when and haven't updated them in just about forever: The new config utilities linked above are only compatible with CodeBlock 0.42xx and higher. You can only get from a CodeBlock below 0.42xx to something current with VCDS-Mobile per this thread. If you need to configure a HEX-NET that does not yet have CodeBlock 0.42xx, please use the older version of HexNetConfig here:
Windows/Linux: HexNetConfigV1.963.jar
Mac OS: HexNetConfigV1.963

HEX-NET compatible VCDS for Windows: 23.3.1
To update: In VCDS click [Options], select the User Interface and Identification tab, and then [Check for updates],
or you can simply download and install any newer version from this page

We will endeavor to keep the data in this post current.


PS: If you can't get JAR files to run on a Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 PC, try Johann Löfflmann's Jarfix.
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Verified VCDS User
Mar 1, 2014
Reaction score
Las Vegas, Nevada
VCDS Serial number
Thank you, Uwe. I was actually thinking today about suggesting just such a thread. You beat me to it.



Active Member
Ross-Tech Employee
Jan 29, 2014
Reaction score
Important Note: The first time you install CB v0.42xx, (from v0.41xx) you must do so using the web interface (VCDS-Mobile: [Options] -> [Check for Updates]. You cannot update from CB 0.41xx to CB 0.42xx using the PC-based utility. Once you've got a CB v0.42xx in your HEX-NET, the old utility v1.9xx is deprecated and can no longer be used. You should then replace it with the current utility, and you should be able to use the new utility for all updates after that. Of course, you should also be able to do updates via the web interface if you choose.

Beta Versions:
These updates are optional. If you are unsure, you do not need to do anything, you can stay on the release channel. If you accept some risks and wish to test the latest stuff, you can switch your interface to the beta update channel via the advanced tab in VCIConfig.

CB V0.4658
* Support for new addresses

CB V0.4656
* Support for larger packets needed by certain platforms

CB V0.4654
* Support for UDS restricted session
* Changes for LED and button behavior of certain interfaces
* Fixes for rod files with long paths

CB V0.4643
* Fix for select list on certain platforms
* Fix for VIN forgotten after ASAM update check
* Fixes for comm status results on certain platforms

CB V0.4639
* Improvements for VIN handling on certain platforms
* Comms and formatting fixes for certain platforms
* Support for ROD files with very long names

CB V0.4634
* Comms improvements and fixes for several platforms
* Fixes for VIN handling with certain platforms

CB V0.4622
* Fix for comms with certain CAN gateways
* Improvements for golf8 comms

CB V0.4615
* New UDS addresses
* Additional VIN plausibility screening

CB V0.4613
* Test fix for comms on certain platforms
* Fix for comms init

CB V0.4608
* Fix for VIN retrieval

CB V0.4607
* Fix for certain KW2000 measuring values >127
* Refactored VIN handling
* Refactored handling for certain feature codes

CB V0.4555
* Fix for registration issue

CB V0.4553
* Faster broadcast timeout in certain cases
* Address fixes
* Fix for Clear all DTCS

CB V0.4551
* Fix for 03 fallback
* Fixes for packet concatenation
* OBDII fixes

CB V0.4548
* Fixes for LT3 comms
* Support for ID.4 fallback address ranges
* Fix for a timer wrap when logging
* Fix for unit being included with the value in some mv logs

CB V0.4543
* Comms improvements for ID.3 platform
* Fixes for 29bit OBDII addresses
* New addresses

CB V0.4513
* Updated chassis info
* Fixes for ASAM functions

CB V0.4508
* More CAN broadcast filtering

CB V0.4504
* Fix for data logging
* Add more models to diagnostic firewall check

CB V0.4502
* Tweaks for CAN broadcast for MQB/MLBevo
* Fix for some encrypted label redirects
* Fix for version number display

CB V0.4451
* Fix for 'Clear all DTCs'
* Fixes for freeze frame data
* Fixes for UDS init and timing with certain modules

CB V0.4444
* Support for new UDS addresses
* Improved CAN broadcast support
* Support for additional subgvl
* Fixes for live data hud

CB V0.4441
* Improvements for aiding with server load balancing
* Tweaks to 'talking to cloud' flag
* Tweaks to VCDS comms

CB V0.4438
* Support for new MUX and measuring value types

CB V0.4430
* Fix for Kline long header packets
* Fix for comms drop with certain modules that wait a long time to respond

CB V0.4427
* Fix for Kline comms with long header

CB V0.4422
* Adds new UDS addresses

CB V0.4417
* Support for new UDS loc descriptions
* Support for new dataset
* Fix to make DTC clear counting consistent
* Adds support for ROD clear option

HN2- FW V1.83
* Improvements for wifi handling
* TCP stack improvements

HN2- FW V1.71
* DoIP support for golf8 platform

H16-H18 CFB V2.17
* Fix for encryption

DS 00000064
* Improvements for gw list

DS 20000063
* New rod data (DS337)
* Support for init options in mobile (bypass DoIP, bypass CAN etc.)

DS 20000062
* New rod data (DS325)
* Improvements to in-file timestamping

DS 20000061
* New rod data (DS325)

DS 60000057
* New rod and label data

Release Changelog:

CB V0.4643

* Fix for VIN forgotten after ASAM update check
* Fixes for comms with certain platforms
* Fixes for VIN handling with certain platforms

CB V0.4631
* Fixes for feature code handling with certain interfaces
* Improvements for comms with wifi and with certain newer platforms

CB V0.4630
* Fix for certain measuring values
* Comms fixes for certain platforms
* Support for additional feature codes

CB V0.4623
* Comms improvements with certain newer platforms

CB V0.4615
* New UDS addresses
* Additional VIN plausibility screening

CB V0.4613
* Fix for comms on certain platforms
* Fix for comms init

CB V0.4608
* Fix for certain KW2000 measuring values >127
* Refactored VIN handling
* Refactored handling for certain feature codes

CB V0.4555
* Fixes for LT3 comms
* Support for ID.4 fallback address ranges
* Fixes for measuring value logging
* OBDII fixes
* Fix for Clear all DTCS

CB V0.4544
* Fix for TP1.6 1281 comms

CB V0.4543
* Comms improvements for ID.3 platform
* Fixes for 29bit OBDII addresses
* New addresses

CB V0.4529
* New UDS addresses
* Comms fixes for certain modules

CB V0.4527
* Comms fixes for certain modules
* New UDS addresses

CB V0.4526
* Comms fixes for certain modules
* New UDS addresses

CB V0.4508
* More CAN broadcast filtering to reduce USB load

CB V0.4505
Cumulative changes:
* Support for new UDS addresses
* Numerous comms improvements and fixes
* Fix for encrypted label redir

CB V0.4436
* Comms fixes for certain UDS alt addresses
* Fix for certain UDS modules missing from mobile autoscan

CB V0.4411
* Support for configurable CharInt from VCDS
* Test fix for comms with certain CAN modules

CB V0.4409
* Fix for data loading/rod redirect issues
* Fix for UDS mv drops with grouped requests + turbo mode
* Fix for Immo3 extra info parsing

CB V0.4407
* Updated UDS address list
* Fix for certain rare comms issues
* Support for release channel switching

CB V0.4401
* Speed improvements for Auto-Scan
* Fixes for CAN OBDII
* Fix for turbo mode with dual-ecu (0x31)
* Support for UDS Multifunc. Module (4B)

CB V0.4341
* VCDS support for LT3/Crafter platform
* HTTP tweaks
* Registration process updates

CB V0.4336
* Support for larger CAN packets
* Coding timing tweak for certain modules
* Fix for ROD parsing issue
* Tweaks to missing ROD logic

CB V0.4334
* Tweaks for kline timing
* Tweaks for http downloads
* Improvements for DS downloads
* Fix for registered use counting
* Fix for label redirect
* Fix VIN refresh issues

CB V0.4323
* Improved autoscan reliability w/ MLBevo modules
* Fix for some OBDII data pids
* Fix for static IP settings
* Fix for freeze at MV list generation

CB V0.4321
* Support for additional MIB2/MLBevo modules
* Fix for turbo mode with CAN modules
* Fix for rod sync timeout with web interface
* Fix for rod redirect issue

CB V0.4316
* Support for CAN Extended IDs
* Fix bug with ASAM download stuck at zero
* Fix for ROD loading

CB V0.4313
* Show file size in FW download
* Fix for coding length of certain modules
* Fix for certain UDS modules missing in autoscan
* Fix SSID encoding through web config

CB V0.4309
* Fixes several bugs with loading ASAM data that could lead to update loops
* Fixes bug with mobile updates exceeding 100%

CB V0.4305
* Fix for HTTP retry in certain cases
* Avoid DTC in B7 TDI 2.5 fuel pump

CB V0.4304
* Background support for updating/clearing labels
* Fix for VCDS comms issue when clearing faultcodes with certain modules
* VCDS VIN api

CB V0.4301
* Fix for reading DTCs from certain modules
* Don't check ASAM data in AP mode
* Changes to idle timer handling
* Heartbeat shows USB enum status
* Support for registration functions
* Fixes for some rods
* Fix for EEPROM sync

CB V0.4231
* Updated address list
* Fixes/Optimizations for networking
* Fixes for comms issues particularly with large packets

CB V0.4222
* Optimizations for ASAM download under high latency
* Improved junk CAN frames handling
* Improved latency tracking
* Updated address list

CB V0.4215
* Support for new update version 2.0+ update utility
* Fixes for certain CAN modules, particularly for service 22 ID
* TP1.6 tries to fall back to kline if it doesn't receive the sync byte
* Fixes for text measuring values (display and logging)
* Retry on no response to service 22 ID
* Fix for downloading ASAM data
* Fix for TP2.0 comms with certain ABS

CB V0.4123
* Fixes for ROD update issues
* Support for CAN broadcast
* Auto wifi prioritization
* Fix for autoscan issue with certain modules with many subsystems

CB V0.4119
* Fix for fs sync issue
* Fix for fallback led status
* Fixes for rod update
* Supports vcds read/write values
* Fix for service 22 grouped packet
* Supports USB updates

CB V0.4114
* Support for Wifi FW updates
* Fix for KW2000 packets with long format header

CB V0.4112
* Improvements to HTTP timing that should make downloads faster to start and more reliable
* Tweaks to autoscan formatting

CB V0.4111
* Tweaks for CAN timing
* Fix for manually entering group zero when not in label file
* Fix for possible memory leak when force closing a session during kline comms

CB V0.4110
* Support for MV/BS group zero

CB V0.4109
* Support for TP1.6 1281
* Reliability and performance tweaks for VCDS comms

CB V0.4108
* Fix for additional modules in the Phaeton

CB V0.4107
* Fix for comms with certain modules, particularly those in the Phaeton

CB V0.4106
* Fix for certain measuring block formatting
* Tweaks to log format to include some more info like time and VIN when available
* Tweaks for server comms
* Fixes for some UDS modules, particularly with coding
* Improvements to VCDS comms

CB V0.4105
* Fix for a bug in 0.4104 which can hang retrieving the gateway list
* Fix for certain measuring blocks where less than 4 values are present
* Tweaks for CAN timing for some slower/picky modules

CB V0.4104
* Support for dual CAN ECUs
* Support for MQB gateway list
* Tweaks for VCDS comms
* Tweak to subsystem timing that may improve some modules

CB V0.4102
* Fixes for VCDS comms
* Fixes for text measuring values
* Updates addresses
* Fix for ASAM data autoscan redirect

CB V0.41
* Fixes an issue with kline comms

CB V0.4019
* Fixes several kline comms issues
* Tweaks to VCDS comms with certain kline modules

CB V0.4018
* Fix for comms with 1281 modules
* Tweaks to 1281 timing to better tolerate slower modules
* Fix for TP1.6 CAN modules
* Fix for Gateway list for some gateways
* Fixes for VCDS comms
* Tweaks to Kline retry/timeout
* Fixes for Autoscan

CB V0.4016
* Fixes bug where autoscan could hang after first module

CB V0.4015
* Fixes a bug where a VIN from a previous vehicle could show up during an autoscan

CB V0.4014
* Compatibility fix for retrieving GVL in VCDS

CB V0.4013
* Fix for CAN status in VCDS options-test
* Compatibility fix for certain CAN modules with VCDS, particularly ones with subsystems
* Fix for certain UDS modules that could interfere with Autoscan results
* Tweaks to Autoscan formatting to more closely reflect VCDS output
* "Check for Updates" from options page now also checks for any ASAM data you may be missing

DS 30000060
* New ASAM and label data

DS 60000055
* New rod and label data
* Support for rod clear function

DS 00000050
* Improvements for web updates

DS 10000048
* New chassis and label data

DS 10000045
* New Label Files
* New ASAM data

DS 10000042
* Updated label and chassis data

DS 10000039
* Updated label and chassis data

DS 00000036
* Updated chassis file and ASAM data

DS 00000035
* New codes list
* New ASAM data

DS 00000034
* Improved VIN management

DS 00000033
* New label files
* Minor fixes to several webpages

DS 00000030
* Updated label files

DS 00000029
* Updated ASAM data

DS 00000028
* Update file for wifi FW, version 310C

DS 00000027
* Updated info for some newer cars
* Tweak to update page

DS 00000026
* Reports registration status warning after checking for updates if interface has not yet been registered with the cloud server.
* Files needed for some of the above changes

HN2 FW V1.71
* DoIP support for golf8

HN1 FW V0.257
* Fix for max data length

HN2- FW V1.64
* Updated wifi fw and routines
* Fix for DoIP init

HN1- FW V0.256
* Tweaks to event queue processing and TCP comms

FW V0.254
* Fixes to Mass Storage for Windows 10 (creators update) support
* Tweaks to wifi low power mode

FW V0.253
* Improvements to wifi scanning and wifi comms
* Filesystem improvements
* Improvements to DHCP handling
* Better kline sync processing

FW V0.244
* Tweaks to Wifi comms
* Fixes for EEPROM sync

FW V0.238
* Support for displaying signal strength
* Wifi networking fixes

FW V0.223
* Optimized EEPROM handling

FW V0.215
* Fixes for FS issues, beeps on critical FS init failure

FW 0.214
* Fixes for USB mass storage support

FW 0.210
* Fix for a USB Mass Storage issue with certain hubs

FW 0.208
* Fixes concurrency and sync issues that could cause a 404 page to be displayed

FW 0.196
* Several tweaks to kline handling
* Fix for properly clearing kline buf on close
* Tweaks to TCP timing for performance

FW 0.187
* Various tweaks and bug fixes, mostly for rare cases

FW 0.184
* Fixes some networking issues

HexNetConfig V1.963
* Fixes for rod update
* New wifi config interface

New utilities for CB V0.42xx+
Windows/Linux: HexNetConfigV2.014.jar
Mac: HexNetConfigV2.014

Legacy utilities:
Windows/Linux: HexNetConfigV1.963.jar
Mac: HexNetConfigV1.963
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Verified VCDS User
Feb 13, 2014
Reaction score
VCDS Serial number
Confirm ASAM update works as designed.
Now I better get that interface VCDS-Cloud registered :cool:
  • Like
Reactions: Uwe


Verified VCDS User
Mar 3, 2014
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VCDS Serial number
May I suggest that when you guys update this thread that you add a new post simply stating "update" or something along with editing the first post and change log. That way the date on the thread will update and users will be able to see on what date an update was released. The 3/10/14 date is not changing because you're only editing the posts so I thought I was running the latest version only to discover I actually was not.

I suppose I could always click on the thread first thing but figured this might help as well.


Benevolent Dictator
Jan 29, 2014
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VCDS Serial number
VCDS Beta 14.2.3:

* Fixes timing problem with TCP communications on some PCs/Network boards.
* Shows what sub-nets it tried to find a HEX-NET on if it fails to find one.
* Adds configurable Network timeout on Options screen when NET port is in use.
* Shows mileage in Auto-Scans on cars using UDS instrument clusters
* Shows real-ish dates in freeze-frame data even on cars that don't know the actual date.

Requires latest Codeblock V0.4016, so if you haven't updated your HEX-NET itself recently, please do so first.

Peter / Logic

VCDS Distributor
VCDS Distributor
Mar 5, 2014
Reaction score
VCDS Serial number
Updated all today to latest software / firmware /DB etc.. and HEX-NET it is working really well.. really smooth, Fast and fluid.. VCDS Mobile and CLOUD working well on my laptop.. now will set it up on my HTC phone


Active Member
Ross-Tech Employee
Jan 29, 2014
Reaction score
CB V0.4018 released, see details above


Benevolent Dictator
Jan 29, 2014
Reaction score
VCDS Serial number
VCDS Beta 14.4.0:

* Adds an option to manually enter a HEX-NET's IP address.
* Includes numerous stability improvements and bug fixes for HEX-NET interfaces
* Requires CB V0.4018 in your HEX-NET, so update that first please!



Active Member
Ross-Tech Employee
Jan 29, 2014
Reaction score
CB V0.4019 is out, fixes some kline comms issues


Benevolent Dictator
Jan 29, 2014
Reaction score
VCDS Serial number
VCDS Beta 14.4.1:

-Requires CB v4019 which has many K-line/KWP2000 fixes and some on CAN (so please update that first!)
-Fixes switched MWBs on dual ECUs over K
-Working turbo mode on dual ECUs over K
-Fixed GVL on Up! Gateway



Active Member
Ross-Tech Employee
Jan 29, 2014
Reaction score
CB V0.41 is out

inb4 two in the same day, yay :cool:


Benevolent Dictator
Jan 29, 2014
Reaction score
VCDS Serial number
VCDS Beta 14.4.2:

- Requires HN CB v0.4100 that fixes not closing sessions after some number of modules have been scanned.
- Faster turbo mode on dual-ECU over K
- Fixed missing CAN status with non-HEXNET when CAN not ready in Options->Test
- Improved HEXNET detection logic


Feb 25, 2014
Reaction score
Garrettsville, OH
VCDS Serial number
-Fixes switched MWBs on dual ECUs over K
-Working turbo mode on dual ECUs over K

- Faster turbo mode on dual-ECU over K

Love it!!!

My HEX-NET should be delivered today. If the contents of my Phaeton's engine compartment haven't yet been been evenly distributed across the floor at my dealership, I'll go over and give it a try this afternoon. They were waiting on parts from the Fatherland to begin, which are supposed to show up any time now.

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Active Member
Ross-Tech Employee
Jan 29, 2014
Reaction score
V0.4102 is now out, fixes several issues with certain modules, more details above


Benevolent Dictator
Jan 29, 2014
Reaction score
VCDS Serial number
VCDS Beta 14.5.0:

* Additional K-Line fixes
* Improved buffering of HEX-NET packets in VCDS
* Fixes slowness on UDS modules introduced a couple weeks ago
* Updated UDS addresses and fixes for telegram length while decoding
* Fix for failing output tests under UDS and possibly errors with same size telegram
* Turbo mode now works on address 11 for K-Line


Active Member
Ross-Tech Employee
Jan 29, 2014
Reaction score
CB V0.4104 and FW 0.184 are out. Improved comms and added support for certain controllers. See details above.


Benevolent Dictator
Jan 29, 2014
Reaction score
VCDS Serial number
VCDS Beta 14.5.1

* Fixes HID USB packets received out of order on some slow PCs
* Lets user know when HEXNET is busy talking to cloud server
* Improved reliability on low baudrate controllers
* Made measuring blocks reliable on CAN dual-ECU with HEXNET
* Increased buffer size for concatenated GVL packets in Wifi
* Time elapsed now displayed at the end of the autoscan (last line)
* Requires CodeBlock 4103 or higher -- so please update your HEX-NET first.
NOTE: Check for Updates twice -- the CodeBlock and FW (firmware) are separate updates.

* Also includes new USB drivers for classic USB interfaces (HEX+CAN, KII, Micro-CAN).



Active Member
Ross-Tech Employee
Jan 29, 2014
Reaction score
CB V0.4105 has been released, which should fix the issues some people have seen with the last update and certain gateways. More details above.


Benevolent Dictator
Jan 29, 2014
Reaction score
VCDS Serial number
VCDS Beta 14.5.2

* Requires codeblock 4104 -- or newer.
* Tighter 1281 interbyte timing by default on HUC; HCC was fine and is unchanged.
* Fixed unable to clear UDS fault codes on ECM/TCM
* Fixed ghost long adp channels
* Fixed crash with autoscan/debug 1024/hexnet
* Display debug level if any at end of autoscan
* Enforce HN FW version (184 required) in [Options] -> [Test]