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  1. EOSDownUnder

    ABS 1K0614517BE TO 1K0614517ED or any recommendations?

    My own VCDS just arrived. Can Henry's (the that rents out his vcds) serial be removed from my account so I can add mine please?
  2. EOSDownUnder

    ABS 1K0614517BE TO 1K0614517ED or any recommendations?

    Instead of paying him 200 bucks to use his scan I'm buying mine locally. The guys here have one in stock, should arrive by Tuesday/Wednesday. :)
  3. EOSDownUnder

    ABS 1K0614517BE TO 1K0614517ED or any recommendations?

    Quick question, if I buy the 3vin version can I upgrade to unlimited for a fee later on? Just found the guys here have on in stock :)
  4. EOSDownUnder

    ABS 1K0614517BE TO 1K0614517ED or any recommendations?

    Got ya, thanks. I had a look on a lot of them threads. And you are absolutely right, it's probably the control module (specially being a BE). I just bought a second hand module and pump. Obviously part #s are different but I believe it can be coded based on all I read. The only thing is: I don't...
  5. EOSDownUnder

    ABS 1K0614517BE TO 1K0614517ED or any recommendations?

    Hi guys, I have one of those baddies of 1K0614517BE ABS assy on my 2009 EOS. I spoke to some people here in Australia and they all said it's impossible to code another ABS but according to this thread the guys down here are wrong... So my...