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  1. J

    Sherline 5400 mill

    Inspired by Jerry Kieffer's comments in another forum, I purchased a Sherline 5400 instead of a dedicated bushing tool. The first modification is an LED task light. Using some old clock brass, I milled a plate and attached a 12V LED grid to help my old eyes see the work. An old wall transformer...
  2. J

    Sticky Current Versions

    It's been broken for a while now, haven't had time to run a scan lately. My vehicle is in the minority so there's no reason to push the issue as far as I'm concerned. Understand completely - I used to oversee technical excellence for a multi-billion dollar division. Hoping my experience might...
  3. J

    Sticky Current Versions

    That's what I'm hoping for :D Divergence bad, function good. In the interim I can trust my HUC, which stays in the vehicle. Edit: I don't mean to disparage the development or Alpha teams, but wasting cycles on tertiary methods aren't wise - I've seen it far too many times.
  4. J

    Sticky Current Versions

    Allegedly they are, and got updated in the last major fixpack when we had to check for updates 6 or 7 times. [Remind you of Windoze XP with 47 reboots on patch Tuesdays?] Then..... there are more that the HN didn't know about but the utility did. It's forking update methodologies and is a bad...
  5. J

    Sticky Current Versions

    Well I for one am glad that R-T is protecting their IP and jumping way ahead of the pack with the HN. What would be cool is if the WhyFi assisted setup could be done from the apps if all that java garbage [garbage = java sucks donkey sphincter in all ways] was embedded on the HN. Then again I...
  6. J

    Sticky Current Versions

    I concur Jason. At some point I'd like to be able to just leave the HEX-NET in the vehicle instead of bringing it back to my desk after every trip :D I realize it's still Beta, but.... poke poke.... poke poke...
  7. J

    Sticky Current Versions

    Not certain - I'm a developer and we do things differently. And don't name our code after candy :p And aren't shackled to carriers and vendors 'approving' and fiddling with the code only to be available through their channels :p :p But I digress... this is a discussion of the HN, not telephones.
  8. J

    Sticky Current Versions

    Well... I view the utility as training wheels for the folks who aren't as adept at configuring things as guys like Jason and I and likely others. I never use it except for capturing screenshots to help here in the forum and downloaded out of curiosity when the Mac version was posted. The idea...
  9. J

    Sticky Current Versions

    I mean whatever it does other than configuring WhyFi.... "Hey here's an awesome wireless tool! Now go plug it into a computer to update it..." :eek:
  10. J

    Sticky Current Versions

    10 characters
  11. J

    Sticky Current Versions

    Will the WhyFI utility update functionality for ROD files be folded into the web interface at some point ?
  12. J

    9 volt battery safety

    Many of us just changed our smoke detector batteries when daylight saving time ended. Please use caution with disposing of them. This year I'm giving every household in my family a roll of electrical tape for Christmas...
  13. J


    If you do any kind of fine work or just don't have the eyesight you did 20 years ago, run don't walk to get one of these. Best $50 I've spent in eons and it works over glasses ! Just got done soldering a bunch of upgrades into my MicroSet timer and wowza. The 14" version is perfect at 1.75X for...
  14. J

    Sticky Current Versions

    It is possible there is an old version as this was the machine I was confused about earlier in this thread. The update notification popped up out of the blue this afternoon. More than likely just an anomaly on my goofball VM. Speaking of which I have got to clean it up because I used the wrong...
  15. J

    Sticky Current Versions

    Did VCDS 14.10.0 just get refreshed ? My machine asked to update it and I could swear I already did. Also see some HN FW updates....
  16. J


    I'm greeted by this every morning, and have two of them in my office. It's good advice we can all use no matter what we do.
  17. J

    What books are you reading ?

    Last week I read Anthem - Ayn Rand The Art of War - Sun Tzu My Life in France - Julia Child Longitude - Dava Sobel Just finished Self-Reliance - Ralph Waldo Emerson Starting Walden: Life in the Woods - Henry David Thoreau Next The Steve Jobs Way - Elliot and Simon As Always, Julia - Julia...
  18. J

    Viva Ross-Vegas !

    How's AAPEX going folks ? Anybody put a nickel in a slot machine and win me a million dollars yet ? For those who didn't receive said nickels, please subtract it from my winnings :p
  19. J

    Sticky Current Versions

    Apologies - I should have clarified what I did. The HN is usually connected via USB to a Mac, but seeing your exchange with Shaun I attached to the to W8.1 VM on the same machine. Idea was that the Windoze version might complete the update.... Edit: And who wouldn't want to poke around behind...
  20. J

    Sticky Current Versions

    With. Did the same on a Mac... I think it was stuck in an unusual state since power cycling it stopped the behaviour.