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  1. C

    FSM Volt Values?

    Incidentally, I got the answer to my original post from a Russian. Original inquiry: "Would someone please tell me which FSM to look at, and where in the FSM, that I can find the volt values for various wires?" I emailed him asking for the FSM that provides the pin-out values for every connector...
  2. C

    FSM Volt Values?

    Hey Sheldon, I've been in many an auto forum over the years. In nearly all instances that the main contributors 'get into it' w/me over political and MORAL issues, they act like 'combatants', just like you have shown yourself to be. The last forum, I got permanently banned from, but not b/c I...
  3. C

    FSM Volt Values?

    LOL @ Sheldon. I'm such a danger that I fixed all 6 problems that the first stealership failed to fix, AFTER charging the guy over 1000 bux. The 2nd stealership wanted over 2000 bux to fix it. So these people walked down the street and asked me to take a look at it. Yikes! BIG MISTAKE on their...
  4. C

    FSM Volt Values?

    I thought it was like any hall-effect sensor. You can use the AC voltage on a DVM to read the signal.
  5. C

    FSM Volt Values?

    Hey davisev5225, looks like you're 'beating the drum' for the evil corporations who've destroyed the entire world. I'm on the opposite side of the spectrum. I 'beat the drum' for those of us who work for a living instead of leeching off those of us who do all the work.
  6. C

    FSM Volt Values?

    Hmm...well, according to people on other forums, there is a law requires disclosure.
  7. C

    FSM Volt Values?

    Ya know, I totally forgot about that! I needed to do the AC instead of DC function on the DVM. Shows you how often I do these tests. Magnet film! I'll have to get some.
  8. C

    FSM Volt Values?

    Sheldon, I don't have the time for it. I can't justify it either, since it's not my 'living'. Besides that, it's more for 'non-mechanical' people, and I'm a 'mechanical' person. That's the curse of computers. They have removed the 'mechanic' from mechanical. It's all about CONTROL OF THE MEANS...
  9. C

    FSM Volt Values?

    Uwe, European law far as I know. I hear that Ford and Honda are really bad about giving up their secrets in Europe.
  10. C

    FSM Volt Values?

    Yes, Factory Service Manual Thanks for the erwin link. I refuse to pay those c*cks*ckers for info that should be provided for free (by law). I downloaded some pdf's that have all the relevant info in them (from Russia!). But I can't find the pdf for DIAGNOSTICS/TROUBLESHOOTING. I have Wiring...
  11. C

    FSM Volt Values?

    Hi All, Working on a 2011 Jetta SE 2.5L sedan w/manual transmission. Would someone please tell me which FSM to look at, and where in the FSM, that I can find the volt values for various wires? I'm working on the ABS electrical system. Thanks...
  12. C

    Requirements for output test not met

    Here's an update on this vehicle. It had that infamous P0106 code. This is what I had to do to fix it: 1. Update the Aux Air Pump hose/sensor & replaced the solenoid valve. 2. Clean the throttle body 3. Replace the PCV valve (Dorman part). 4. Add a 'catch can' to the PCV hose. I did that by...
  13. C

    Requirements for output test not met

    Investment = true...IF you do it for a living. I do it for my friends and neighbors now. Can't work like a sled-dog anymore, so not in it for a living.
  14. C

    Requirements for output test not met

    Yeah, well, you got the good one. I got the Rotkee b/c I needed 8 channels and could afford it. From all my research, it seemed easy to use until I tried using it! I have 3 different 2 channel scopes, but if you can't get 3 leads, then you can't check cam/crank timing. 8 grand is quite pricey...
  15. C

    Requirements for output test not met

    Which Pico? Floating ground? How much did you spend on it?
  16. C

    Requirements for output test not met

    Thanks for the affirmation. I do not specialize in anything. Whatever comes my way, I fix it, and I fix it RIGHT. I used to be a VW man...back in the 70's thru 80's. But when I saw VW 'OEM' over-the-counter at the stealership parts coming from sh*t sources, that was my cue to 'bail' on VW. But...
  17. C

    Requirements for output test not met

    @Uwe & @Dr Sheldon, Thanks for that verification. Maybe I should have more clearly stated what I meant: Maybe I should have said that the diagnostic software couldn't access the bi-directional controls b/c the STUPID VW control module was somehow broken in a way that was impossible to connect...
  18. C

    Requirements for output test not met

    Uwe, Thanks for the question. I see you saw in my screen-cap that it was "engine, output tests". I have no idea how many ways one can get to that set of tests. I don't recall which buttons I pressed to get there. Thing is, I was merely attempting to access bi-directional controls to see if I...
  19. C

    Requirements for output test not met
  20. C

    Requirements for output test not met

    Hey Guys, What does this mean? "Requirements for output test not met" (How do I paste a screen cap into this message?)