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  1. EuroMasterTek

    2012 AUDI A7 3.0S. GATEWAY OR BCM??

    We got on Monday this 2012 A7 totally dead, no dashboard, no start, no crank, nothing, like battery is disconnected, first thing was check for Batt Volt, it was good, 12.4V, connected maintainer, scanned, only a couple modules were detected, only Gateway has comms with CVDS, codes for BCM...
  2. EuroMasterTek

    P0455 - 009 - Large Leak Detected - MIL ON (2008 A4 3.2)

    If you already figure it out, check the N80 valve on top right of the engine, blow inside, should hold, the minimum pressure scape means its failing, You need to smoke test the system, close the exhaust valve on the leak detection pump and must create pressure, if you find the leak, repair as...
  3. EuroMasterTek

    Weird issues on Audi Q5

    I was having same issue, hard steering, code 02838 - Solenoid Valve for Servotronic (N119), 012 - Electrical Fault in Circuit - Intermittent, first and foremost with these models, check for any fluid leaks, I've found a small oil leak on top of the harness going to the mechatronics right below...
  4. EuroMasterTek

    2020 Q3 - crash repaired wont start

    What was the outcome? Did you clear the Component Protection with the test plan?
  5. EuroMasterTek

    U1123 P050A Crank no start

    Hi guys, fighting with this weird case, crank no start, charger is connected, verified timing is ok, compressions 100-110psi all, spark is present, fuel pressure, low-5bars, high 80bars, still no fire up. any ideas?? Thank you for your support!!! Here's the full scan...
  6. EuroMasterTek

    2013 AUDI A8 3.0T Gear Selector Malfunction code P17C3 ????

    Hello everyone, I'm working on a 2013 AUDI A8 3.0T found this code and there's no information at all about code P17C3 - Gear Selector Malfunction. Any insights will be appreciated!! Thursday,16,July,2020,10:16:34:27081 VCDS -- Windows Based VAG/VAS Emulator Running on Windows 7 x64 VCDS...