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  1. P

    Audi A4 pre-dieselgate software version list

    The purpose and principles of the forum were clear from the start. As a Ross-Tech product owner (unverified unfortunately, so obviously impostor), I never felt the urge to go online with it. I mainly use it for small tasks like scanning/deleting error codes in case of a malfunction or resetting...
  2. P

    Audi A4 pre-dieselgate software version list

    Okay… What competition you mean? If it helps, I work in corporate finance and have a passion for German cars. I’ve recently relocated to the UK for six months, so I don’t have my car or VCDS here. -> “No VCDS available at the moment”. Not really a supporter of VCDS “copies” (obd11) :) I was...
  3. P

    Audi A4 pre-dieselgate software version list

    No VCDS available at the moment. Is this information enough?
  4. P

    Audi A4 pre-dieselgate software version list

    Yeah thanks, I am aware of that, I did it previousy with my A3 few years back. I already contacted two tuners with this regard and waiting for feedback.
  5. P

    Audi A4 pre-dieselgate software version list

    Removed mine already, but it was the same as attached.
  6. P

    Audi A4 pre-dieselgate software version list

    I bought the car used. Many people complained on, that Audi did the update in many instances without asking. There was also a sticker on the B pillar of my car proving, that the update was executed. Maybe check 23CY again
  7. P

    Audi A4 pre-dieselgate software version list

    Hey guys, I own and Audi A4 40TDI quattro 190CV from 2019 (b9 facelift, but not b9.5), DETA engine. ECU data now: Software version: 9970 Hardware number: 04L907309L Hardware version: H37 The Car was affected by "Feldmaßnahme 23CY", so the ECU got a diesel-gate fix update. My plan is to...
  8. P

    What versions are pre-dieselgate for this ECU?

    I have an Audi A3 1.6 tdi cayc from 2010. When I got the car 4 years ago it had the ECU software version 9977 on it. I went to a car tuning workshop and they downgraded to 6919. The difference was amazing! Less fuel consumption, smoother sound/idle, slightly better performance.