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  1. gabriel.taran

    Problem with 2024 Tiguan

    Thanks, I confirm that the beta version works on Tiguan 2024 (above). If I can help with anything (scans or anything else) in developing the version I am available.
  2. gabriel.taran

    Problem with 2024 Tiguan

    the same problem, it is something to do for a minimal use (see and delete errors)? Monday,26,August,2024,21:28:09:63061 VCDS -- Windows Based VAG/VAS Emulator Running on Windows 11 x64 VCDS Version: (x64) HEX-V2 CB: 0.4643.4 Data version: 20240715 DS356.3 VIN...
  3. gabriel.taran

    MK3 Tiguan 2024

    same problem, will be any solution? soon? Tuesday,20,August,2024,20:23:53:63061 VCDS -- Windows Based VAG/VAS Emulator Running on Windows 11 x64 VCDS Version: (x64) HEX-V2 CB: 0.4643.4 Data version: 20240429 DS355.0 VIN: WVGZZZCT2RW036026 License Plate: NEW1...
  4. gabriel.taran

    Side assist led retrofit

    hello, I recent retrofit a sideassit to my Passat B7 and I found that the must difficult part and expensive vas the LED in the mirror and also no information about this on the net I first try to use different type of leds and combination of leds and the best was 4 SMD flux leds in series but...
  5. gabriel.taran

    vcds work ok but dealer cannot conect with vas/odis

    few days ago I was to vw dealer and cannot conect to the car with vas or odis but with my vcds it's ok change the gateway and no change the dealer don't want to investigate more, for vw VCDS does not exist I cannot understand why and need some adwice if is posible, I need tha dealer to use an...
  6. gabriel.taran

    Front Assist lost after retrofit premium color instrument cluster in Passat B7

    HELLO, is about my VW passat 2.0 tdi CR dsg and I decide to retrofit my passat B7 to premium instrument cluster: original:(factory date 13.07.2012) Address 17: Instruments (J285) Labels: 3C8-920-xxx-17.clb Part No SW: 3AA 920 870 J HW: 3AA 920 870 J Component: KOMBI H05 0705 Serial number...