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  1. headliner

    Yellow, red , LIGHTS all over the place

    vag must have taken tradition and decided to hang Xmas light on dashboard once a while as a tradition Merry merry Christmas all users!
  2. headliner

    ABS module - lets get it over maybe ?

    ta da , I got module digi learned. I would like to thank you guys for help! Especially for Mr Peter
  3. headliner

    2008 A6 battery regulation module freaks out

    hello did you change a battery ? did you do little digi talch , by programming battery ? seems like your car can be from snow belt, how are grounds?
  4. headliner

    Airbag igniter which is it?

    Awesome that you have it out of your head ! :thumbs:
  5. headliner

    Resolved 16518 - Oxygen sensor B1 S1 no activity Audi TT

    it might be situation where : -OK -Ok -OK -Ok not work,:) sensor at B1S1 flactuates UP and DOwn~ 600,800+ , 600,800- , normal quiet fast regulating Lambda mixture B1S2 sensor should stay steady at ~600,800 + to check long trim and "caterpillar" work if 4 wires set up , 2 are heater...
  6. headliner

    Airbag igniter which is it? can you see that connecting metal on 2 pins on the right ?
  7. headliner

    Airbag igniter which is it?
  8. headliner

    Airbag igniter which is it?

    too many dynamics. -wires traced - OK -connector inspected ? - ( ) -igniter used ?
  9. headliner

    Airbag igniter which is it?

    got it
  10. headliner

    Airbag igniter which is it?

    I tried to do that and no work for me, do I need to be logged into IMGUR ? let me see my YT
  11. headliner

    Airbag igniter which is it?

    ok q76767 , here is your dinner ! it is very sensitive device ROCKETS , if wires checked , your igniter airbag is no good. what year is it ?
  12. headliner

    Airbag igniter which is it?

    check if 16 &17 are not connecter together -conti nui ti -italian vesrion
  13. headliner

    Airbag igniter which is it?

    very nice! “one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind” CHECK igniter connector if no visual MELT , you need new rocket motor with igniter ps how to put media? imaages , videos , links NEED HELP
  14. headliner

    ABS module - lets get it over maybe ?

  15. headliner

    ABS module - lets get it over maybe ?

    I think, during my desperado attempt to get it out of my head I did that kind of mathematics. I did some home working yesterday with that Long coding data, it was hardcore.
  16. headliner

    Resolved 16518 - Oxygen sensor B1 S1 no activity Audi TT

    at this kind of scenario: I suggest my daily electrical special, in head scratching sauce W I R E TRACING tada if all good and no work it must be either -"all good" or wire :thumbs: ECU ------------------- OX connector - continuity test, with little excersise and head bumps
  17. headliner

    Airbag igniter which is it?

    hello please read instructions, training with airbags prior work. disconected connectors , be ware that Multimeter in some cases CAN DEPLOY AIRBAG!!! do not measure harness or bag connected to airbags, C(controller)16 - I(igniter)4 = ? continuity , and then same wire either side to ground...
  18. headliner

    Airbag igniter which is it?

    some modules have all wires yellow. without diagram is blind walking, get diagram , alldata sells that info for 20bucks, get a good magnifier, to find pin numbers on connectors and run the test. it has nothing to do with electricity it just tool use, diagram will show you which pin , what wire...
  19. headliner

    Airbag igniter which is it?

    check harness connector, and rocket connector. low resistance and high resistance might be little confusing. low resistance means that connection is easier than expected for example something giving additional flow for current. there used to be safety mechanism grounding- or closing loop to...
  20. headliner

    Airbag igniter which is it?

    FRONT AIRBAG IGNITER 2! did you do visual inspection to connection on FRONT AIRBAG IGNITER #2 , if yes you need new Rocket with bag