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  1. C

    Can VCDS fix my car?

    i've seen idea what's going on he that, even 61 in the supposed good code is strange ....should be 00 from factory! but i'm betting that the kessy has something to the it the problem :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  2. C

    Pirate section

    Other diagnostic/programing tools manufacturers have stoped the chinese cloning tool market...only selling outdated crapp that dosent wook The new and important funcions are blocked by online verificacion or calculacion! Ross-tech is the only company I know still allowing this crap...were the...
  3. C

    Can VCDS fix my car?

    VCDS can easily fix byte 18 even if the byte 18 is coded 00! VCP is the same regarding coding of byte 18 and bcm eeprom dump tool is a can off worms if you don't have previus dump saved!
  4. C

    MK60EC1 ABS Coding Required and advice. Golf 1.4 TSI BMY

    How did you managed to pay in the carprog online if can use the online calculator for free and get the same coding, and im not even a registered user:confused::confused: And you should use Boki Ar coding, it matches it your original coding.
  5. C

    MK60EC1 ABS Coding Required and advice. Golf 1.4 TSI BMY

    Coding needs to be adjusted to the new Vin
  6. C

    MK60EC1 ABS Coding Required and advice. Golf 1.4 TSI BMY

    Yes...Also need to buy the keys! Vin is only in the ECU,Cluster and ABS pump...
  7. C

    MK60EC1 ABS Coding Required and advice. Golf 1.4 TSI BMY

    just simulated in a cluster on the bench whats apaning it yours! this is whats missing in yours... same cluster from the photo in the previous post no Advance ID and no Vin
  8. C

    MK60EC1 ABS Coding Required and advice. Golf 1.4 TSI BMY

    yes it's possible, the problem is you don't have the original eeprom file an by the looks of it neither the locksmith!
  9. C

    MK60EC1 ABS Coding Required and advice. Golf 1.4 TSI BMY

    The cluster dosent have serial number and vin...that's i the conding is not accepted! This is a proper cluster Advance ID
  10. C

    Steering wheel module Golf V 2008

    O modulo nao tem Vin! Compra o VCDS de um distribuidor autorizado, de seguida posta um auto-scan que ajuda na instalação ira aparecer! The module does not have Vin! Buy the VCDS from an authorized distributor, then post a auto-scan that help with the installation will appear!
  11. C

    MK60EC1 ABS Coding Required and advice. Golf 1.4 TSI BMY

    I can solve it but the problem is the distance :rolleyes:
  12. C

    Another lost abs (MK60EC1) coding thread..

    Your going to need a lot more than Odis and eeprom bench tools to solve that mess!
  13. C

    MK60EC1 ABS Coding Required and advice. Golf 1.4 TSI BMY

    Before the locksmith did you have the immobilizer light in the cluster? You can't adapt new cluster only it the pin and VCDS
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    MK60EC1 ABS Coding Required and advice. Golf 1.4 TSI BMY

    the locksmiths you hired has the original file...He dumped the eeprom in order to modify the file then write it back in service mod in order to code the keys! So...ask him to give you the file and contact a experiente locksmite to solve the problem,because coding key in a Golf MK5 is a 10 minute...
  15. C

    MK60EC1 ABS Coding Required and advice. Golf 1.4 TSI BMY

    Is in service mode. You need the original eeprom file and finde your self another locksmith.
  16. C

    MK60EC1 ABS Coding Required and advice. Golf 1.4 TSI BMY

    It this case it original eeprom file. Have you any warning in the cluster related it imobilizador oy keys?
  17. C

    MK60EC1 ABS Coding Required and advice. Golf 1.4 TSI BMY

    Cluster is service mode...that's why you can't communicate it the 25 imobilizador
  18. C

    Coding issues

    Incorrect retrofits off cluster in Caddys this week must be on sale...This week is the terd one i find it the same problem. You have a touran cluster it immo off and your engine ecu also has immo off. Find some one to edit the vin in your cluster to the correct one and the incorrect coding fault...
  19. C

    New Gateway module... now no lights work

    Your car BCM goot wet and and probably your cluster to And the replacement can gateway is the right part number.