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  1. Eric

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  2. Eric

    Would VCDS support this?

    Excellent job documenting the issue. I have fixed it for any group that displays F4-type data: Tuesday,10,December,2024,20:14:53:26031-VCID:57EC51A7361B3E427E1-4B1E,VCDS Version: Beta 24.11.1,Data version: 20240429 DS361.2 038 906 012 FD,,1.9l R4 EDC G700SG 4102, ,Group A:,'190,,,,,,,,,,Group...
  3. Eric

    Not being able to show the measurement data

    I should mention, due to the complicated/intricate game of timers used between measuring values and basic settings, the measured values only start displaying once you actually start the basic settings. Maybe that's your issue?
  4. Eric

    Not being able to show the measurement data

    Ha, I would totally have said that's the case, but I decided to verify: HEX-USB+CAN has no trouble displaying the "Show Measuring Data" and showing the data with a HUC on my test bench transmission (no auto trans vehicle in this household :p )
  5. Eric

    '14 Audi A6 TDI - OEM Battery - EOL?

    Maybe he doesn't drive the A6 much in the winter. I'm currently pre-rotating my riding mower by the rotating fan/intake because the 7 year old battery can't quite start it from cold otherwise. Plan is to either get a new battery or electric tractor next spring ;) , after the current one sits...
  6. Eric

    ... it was funny to me....

  7. Eric

    How to measure timing chain stretch on B8.5 Audi S4 3.0T - User Guide?

    Wow, I had no idea this was a thing. If/when I decarb mine, I will definitely be (re-)adding those. I had no idea they went cost-cutting on the B8.5 at the expense of startup oil pressure :facepalm:
  8. Eric

    MK3 TTRS Mag ride recalibration inquiry

    "Brutal" to copy and paste? Are you gen Z?
  9. Eric

    No communication Lupo 3L, 2002

    It would still line up perfectly with the China-dongle having embiggened your OBD2 pin 7 ;)
  10. Eric

    Where to find latest available VW Engine (ECU) softare?

    9834 appears to be the latest for that part number:
  11. Eric

    No communication Lupo 3L, 2002

    Did you use the "China-dongle" on the second Lupo? Some of those have out-of-spec OBD2 pins that will enlarge the pins in the OBD2 connector and cause issues for the next scan tool that follows pin-size specifications.
  12. Eric

    2012 Audi Q7 ECU CVN changed?

    Could be the engine is returning CVNs for things attached to it, in addition to its own flash. Could be the serial of a NOx sensor for instance, which if not communicating would default to 00000000. Note that the three separate CVN messages in generic OBD2 are coming from the same address (but...
  13. Eric

    Resolved Function not supported by gateway

    Pictures please! :popcorn:
  14. Eric

    POLO 6R: Error scanning "CAN Gateway" - missing ASAM data

    Your gateway comes back with a string of zeroes (in hex) when asked for its ASAM identification. Something is either corrupt or needs a dataset flashed. If you're not OCD and there's no functional concern with the vehicle, I'd let it be; otherwise you could try installing a used one from ebay...
  15. Eric

    eGolf Error - Electrical system Stop

    So you haven't autoscanned in 6 1/2 years!? I was mostly curious if the 8C/P060C was there before, because that's a pretty serious one.
  16. Eric

    eGolf Error - Electrical system Stop

    Do you have an autoscan prior to the basic settings?
  17. Eric

    Passat / Golf GTE Plug-in Hybrid total usage of ICE

    In addition to the autoscan, MVB maps of address 0x33 (or just copy/paste OBD2 mode 9) may have information on the ICE runtime.
  18. Eric

    VCDS compatibility with recent cars

    It's actually the opposite. C002 and C003 are addresses that *can* be in mk8 cars, but aren't listed in the normal installation list. So VCDS will scan for them but won't report them as missing if they're not present. They're typically MEB onboard software "stuff".
  19. Eric

    Group 35 Fuel Pump Activation

    You don't have an electric pump.