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    • R
      Rektafrent replied to the thread DQ200 basic settings.
      What would be my best course of action from here
    • R
      Rektafrent replied to the thread DQ200 basic settings.
      Yeah I had done the same swap previously 6 months ago and just seating my mechatronics worked fine, the basic settings runs through but...
    • R
      Rektafrent replied to the thread DQ200 basic settings.
      The gearbox was the same code as the one taken out, I did install it originally with the mechatronics that came on the box but I got...
    • R
      Rektafrent replied to the thread DQ200 basic settings.
      Sorry I am fairly new to VCDS but the mechatronics is the original out of my car and was working yesterday through all gears but as I...
    • R
      Rektafrent replied to the thread DQ200 basic settings.
      All the software ones only returned a value no strings
    • R
      Rektafrent replied to the thread DQ200 basic settings.
      Hi I cannot get into measure blocks -08 I can only get into advance meas values or advanced ID
    • R
      Rektafrent replied to the thread DQ200 basic settings.
      Gearbox casing took a hit so had to get a full new box. Worked in all gears yesterday but was slipping / shifting weird
    • R
      Rektafrent replied to the thread DQ200 basic settings.
      Removed. Data from a clone/pirate copy of VCDS is not acceptable in Ross-Tech's forum. TIME Loc. IDE02824-ENG99279 TIME Loc...
    • R
      Rektafrent replied to the thread DQ200 basic settings.
      Think that should be Correct Update since basic settings failed I have lost all drive completely
    • R
      Rektafrent replied to the thread DQ200 basic settings.
      Removed. Data from a clone/pirate copy of VCDS is not acceptable in Ross-Tech's forum.
    • R
      Rektafrent replied to the thread DQ200 basic settings.
      Would you prefer a log of the basic settings running or an auto scan of the whole car ?
    • R
      Hi am doing basic settings on my DQ200 and I am receiving 96 under status of basic setting-Basic Setting Status. I’m unsure what this...
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