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    • Hubaro
      Hubaro reacted to Bruce's post in the thread Jetta 2.0 Mk.4 with Like Like.
      A great first post! Thank you for your efforts... If this were mine to chase, I would be concerned with the manifold/barometric...
    • Hubaro
      Hubaro reacted to Uwe's post in the thread Jetta 2.0 Mk.4 with Like Like.
      VW plays stupid games with the designations for for sensors and actuators at times. Your throttle body has two position sensors for...
    • Hubaro
      Hubaro reacted to Dr Sheldon's post in the thread Jetta 2.0 Mk.4 with Like Like.
      No point at looking at fuel trims on an engine with other faults present - Those need resolving !! As for G297 ? What I do know is...
    • Hubaro
      Hubaro replied to the thread Jetta 2.0 Mk.4.
      Hi Dr. Sheldon, Thank you for your help. I’ll start by looking into repairs for these issues and gathering fuel trim data. Do you...
    • Hubaro
      Hubaro reacted to Dr Sheldon's post in the thread Jetta 2.0 Mk.4 with Like Like.
      All that needs to be fixed first !! As Bruce has said - What are your fuel trims ?? LTFT ? STFT ? For now stop chasing the Misfires -...
    • Hubaro
      Hubaro replied to the thread Jetta 2.0 Mk.4.
      Hi Bruce and Uwe, thank you for the replies. I have Elsawin installed with the electrical diagrams for my cars. Currently, I’m...
    • Hubaro
      Hubaro posted the thread Jetta 2.0 Mk.4 in New User Forum:.
      Hi everyone! This is my first post. I have a 2004 Jetta MK4 with a 2.0L engine. I’m relatively new to car repair, so when I bought it, I...
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