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      what2be replied to the thread Nox sensor 1 or A.
      If you listen to the video you can hear it crank and then stumble as it tries to run and then dies. I believe I tried it three times in...
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      what2be replied to the thread Nox sensor 1 or A.
      Disconnected Nox sensor A. cleared DTC's, heres a video of me trying to start it. https://1drv.ms/v/s!Apx_WUw5m-YYtdgVlBbsowwbyvS9DA...
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      what2be replied to the thread Nox sensor 1 or A.
      starts for a second sometimes 2 seconds and then dies. Sometimes will crank over and not start at all. Should I check the adaptation...
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      what2be replied to the thread Nox sensor 1 or A.
      First log is scan after clearing DTC's. and yes, the def dtc and the nox a dtc do come back, they are permanent codes. Second one is...
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      what2be replied to the thread Nox sensor 1 or A.
      I could have been more clear in my post, #20 was just showing how the CVN had changed, since replacing the ECU the glow plug error is gone.
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      what2be replied to the thread Nox sensor 1 or A.
      The GP error is gone with the new ECU as I stated in my previous post
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      what2be replied to the thread Nox sensor 1 or A.
      So is it reasonable to think that if the ECU part number is different but the Bosch website shows it as compatible to use as a...
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      what2be replied to the thread Nox sensor 1 or A.
      OK good to know so don't put a lot of weight into the CVN as a sign of software corruption that number dynamically changes (if I read...
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      what2be replied to the thread Nox sensor 1 or A.
      I will be back to the car after xmas and will post the latest scan but after clearing the codes the majority of the DTC's go away and...
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      what2be replied to the thread Nox sensor 1 or A.
      I think your timeline is off or your confused. The car ran fine, had some minor errors, but the 2 big one's were the Glow plug...
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      what2be replied to the thread Nox sensor 1 or A.
      Ok, heres the latest and the backstory is... 2012 Audi Q7, car was running fine, but had a ABS error , pressure sensor bad. Replaced ABS...
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      what2be replied to the thread Nox sensor 1 or A.
      Your correct, but your statement is like saying a catalytic converter wont keep a engine from running. Of course it wont, its only job...
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      what2be reacted to Uwe's post in the thread Nox sensor 1 or A with Like Like.
      That manner of designating sensors derived from the OBD-II standards that are now almost 30 years old. Granted it was originally for...
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      what2be replied to the thread Nox sensor 1 or A.
      no message, replaced ecu as the original one got corrupted and would run the engine fans constantly as soon as the battery was connected...
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      what2be replied to the thread Nox sensor 1 or A.
      Well I would start from the front , so upstream of the cat, Honestly, would it kill audi to label the fault code "upstream nox sensor"...
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