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    • Foxy
      Foxy replied to the thread Sticky How to get Verified.
      Laptop just arrived Finished reg just waiting for email back I notice Foxy username comes out already in form lol. Got as well...
    • Foxy
      Foxy replied to the thread Sticky How to get Verified.
      Thank you Just shoping for 2nd hand laptop then will register it
    • Foxy
      Foxy replied to the thread Sticky How to get Verified.
      Just seen i put wrong vcds number in lol (HN2-xxxx48) too much confusing all this With cloud account it’s that linked to normal account...
    • Foxy
      Foxy replied to the thread Sticky How to get Verified.
      Hi Uwe Just was trying to register my hex-net and unlucky as don't have pc….its any possibility to do without pc? Im on mac etc. if...
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