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    • alexnoe
      alexnoe replied to the thread The oil thread.
      It tells me that I have 11k left for both oil change and service. Remaining distance to oil change and remaining distance to service are...
    • alexnoe
      alexnoe replied to the thread The oil thread.
      I went to this ADAC station because I wanted an engine power test anyway, so I had them do both: engine power test for 159€ (came out...
    • alexnoe
      alexnoe replied to the thread The oil thread.
      In my area, the ADAC offers an oil analysis at 99€. At that price, you go there, they take a sample, send it to a lab, and you will get...
    • alexnoe
      alexnoe replied to the thread The oil thread.
      Never is a strong word. The bigger problem is... ... that cars do not detect low oil quality reliably enough. For example, if you have...
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