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    • M
      minim reacted to Shaun's post in the thread ASAM update failing with Like Like.
      If you switch to the beta channel you will need to repeat this update again, you just downloaded the release channel rods. But go ahead...
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      minim replied to the thread ASAM update failing.
      I did the update after I switched to beta and now everything works. Using the interface is also way faster than It was before :) tyvm!
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      minim replied to the thread ... it was funny to me.....
      haha no worries about beeing offended :)
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      minim replied to the thread ASAM update failing.
      Seems I was just confused with the names of all the tools.. I updated trough VCIConfig yesterday but I did access it from vagcom tool ^^...
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      minim replied to the thread ... it was funny to me.....
      Is something deleted or am I just stupid not getting the joke? :P
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      minim replied to the thread ASAM update failing.
      I did try this after reading some other threads but it didn't change anything. Will follow the advice above with doing it from VCIConfig...
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      minim replied to the thread ASAM update failing.
      I tried both on my home network and in the car far away from houses/wifi signals with the same result. Wifi coverage seems to be good...
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      I have my interface connected to my phones AP so it has internet. Trying to update the ASAM it starts off showing 20min remaining then...
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